THE STANDARD SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER HE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION Dully and Sunday* carrier delivery, IS cent* vreebly. Vol. XLVI.—No. 296. ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY OSTG-, APRIL 7, 1914. —EIGHTEEN PAGES. copiea on tae afreets and at neirsatanda, 0 cents* OFFICIAL PROGRAM Beautiful Sponsors for Reunion of the Gray HUERTA PUTS BAH UNDERWOOD FOR SENATE FOR SHRINERS'WEEK ON CONSUL AGENT BY WHELMING MAJORITY MADE PUBLIC TODAY OF UNITED STATES OVER MERRIMAC HOBSON All Scheduled Events Have Exequatur Granted to Geo. Incomplete Returns Indi- Been Arranged for Busiest, C. Carothers Has Been cate That the Democratic Week in Whole History of Canceled by Dictator Be- HIDING BURGLARY House Leader Has Been Atlanta. cause of Fall of Torreon. % BEHINDTHEFLAG Named for Higher Honors RECEPTION AND BALL ALLEGED THAT AMERICAN by His State. FEATURE FOR MONDAY FAVORED THE REBELS That's What Advocates of Free Canal Tolls Are Do- COMER SEEMS TO LEAD \ IN RACE FOR GOVERNOR Parade Tuesday Morning Huerta Charges That Ca- ing, Charges Senator Mc- rothers Sent Dispatches Cumber. Will Be Four and a Hall Ticket Was Very Long and Miles Long—Other Inter- During the Battle for the Washington, April 6.—Publicity for the deliberations on the Panama toll Count Slow—At 2 O'Clock esting Features. Purpose of Aiding Villa. exemption repeal was determined upon today by the senate committee on in- This Morning No Definite The official program of the Shrineis* Washington. April 6.—<The cancella- teroceanlc canals, which tomorrow Returns Had Been Receiv- meeting here next month is made pub- tion by the Huerta government of the will begin consideration of the contro- lic for the first time today. It is exequatur of American Consular Agent versy in all its aspects 1 ed—Heavy Vote Cast in subject to change, but none is antici- George C. Carothers because he sent to Senator O'Gorman, chairman of the pated. It shows the bare details of Washington dispatches saying tne committee, decided upon open sessions the State. the fixed program—the scheduled rebels had taken Torreon from the at the outset after a conference with events around which the busiest week .Huerta forces, failed to disturb state his colleagues. "Whether hearings are In Atlanta's whole history will be built. ! department officials today. The Huerta to toe held has not been decided, but Birmingham. Ada, April 7 —Indi-ea- On Monday, May 11, the reception of government still denies Torreon has this will be determined when the house tions early today were that Oscar W visiting temples and patrols will Keep fallen. repeal bill and various compromise Underwood had triumpJied over Rich- the city busy throughout the morning. Roving Commission. senate measures are taken up formally. mond P. Hobson in the contest before This is when special trains will be ar- Mr. Carothers obtained his exequatur How long the committee will deliber- democratic primaries throughout the riving every two or three minutes. At- Top row, left to right, Miss when he -was accredited to the Madero ate on the issue before making a report state for the nomination to the "United lanta will be full of visitors already, government and stationed at Torreon. to Che senate no one would predict States senate Owing to the complex- ity and length of the ballots complete however, for the first of the ShrinerS Corinne Hampton, Columbia, S. Since the outbreak of the Carranza tonight, but administration leaders let and others will have arrived the pre- C., sponsor for whole south; Miss revolution he has had a roving com- it be known that any effort to prolong returns probably will not be received ceding Saturday, with others following mission in northern Mexico and his ex- the preliminary consideration would be until tonight every hour throughout the rest of that Emory Todhunter, Lexington, equatur from the Mexico City govern- opposed even to the extreme of moving- The protracted sti uggle for the nom- day and Sunday. X'lo., sponsor for Trans-Mississip- ment has been of little value to him, all to discharge the committee from con- ination between the two distinguished At 2-30 p. m Monday, May 11, the his dealings being with the constitu- sideration of the subject. candidates terminated with a recoid- "Will Irwin sweepstakes will be contest- pi department: Miss Regina Ram- tionalists. It is the intention of the 3Vo Effort to Deln?. breakmg vote by Alabama democrats; ed at the motordrome. This will be fol- American government to keep Caroth- Inteieat in the contest for the short lowed by the Yaarab free-for-all laces DO, Marietta, Ga., sponsor for Senator O'Gorman, leading democrat- at the motordrome at S o'clock that eve- ers with General Villa and the consti- ic opponent of the repeal, and others term In the United States senate, the ning. Georgia. Middle re>jv : Miss Ellen tutionalist leaders to make prompt who join with him in the fight, still nomination of ten congressmen, a go\- Grand Reception and Ball. representations for the safety of insist, howe\er, that there will be no ern-o-r and other state and county offi- At S :30 o'clock the grand reception Harden Clay, Savannah, Ga., Americans and other foreigners and to effort to delay In committee. "When cers also brought thousands to the tihe issue reaches the floor of the sen- and ball in honor of Imperial Potentate look after their interests generally. polls. sponsor for Army of Tennessee ate various forces at work to compli- W "W. Irwm and Mrs. Irwm Should Mr. Carothers find it necessary Statement by Underwood. cate the situation make it improbable will be held in the Auditori- Both Mr Underwood and (Represent- department; Miss Adele- Snow- to go into territory controlled by the that a vote can be reached for several um-Armory. Two bands will fur- Huerta government he may now be un- ative Hobson were in the city tonight nish the music, -which will be continu- den, of Macon, Ga., sponsor for weeks. ous, dances following each other with- able to do business with its local au- Senator McCumber, republican, of watching returns from the entire state out intermission. More couples than Georgia division, Sons of Veter- thorities, but there is no prospect that North Dakota, a member of the foreiprn Shortly after midnight Mr Underwood e\ er before have danced at one time he personally will be inconvenienced relations committee, who steadfastly made the following btatement and place are expected to be on the ans. Bottom row: Miss Eloise Washburn, Montgomery, Ala., maid of honor to sponsor for south, or prevented from making observa- refused to join the party opposition to "I am thoroug-hlv satisfied -with, the floor that evening. and Mrs. J. W. Muir, Bardsville, Ky., sponsor for Kentucky. About 300 veterans from Atlanta will tions as an unofficial representative. President Wilson's policy, addressed primary election, held yesterdaj The Tuesday morning, May 12, will see the Neither John Lind nor William Bayard the senate at length today In support of the repeal bill. He flatly declared splendid majority that the returns in- great parade, with more bands in line attend the meeting of confederate veterans in 'Jacksonville, May 6, 7 and 8. Hale had any exequatur while In fed- than have played at the inauguration of that toll exemption for American ships dicate will be given me in the state I any president or the coronation of any eral territory. was a violation o^ the Hav-Pauncefote atti Ibute to the magnificent work that king. This will be the official escort, Expulsion of the Spaniards. treaty, and that It was against the my friends have done for me in my ab- four and a half miles long-, of the im- ' Official advices telling of the expul- spirit of the senate when tihe treaty sence. The result I feel is a personal perial potentate from his headquarters sion of the 600 Spaniards from Torreon was ratified. For the congress to in- vindication and a distinct approval of In the Hotel Ansley to the imperial by General Villa were expected during sist upon toll exemption for American my remaining in Washington and at- council meeting place in the Lyric the- Phantoms in Divorce Court AFFIDAVITS the day. Until the Spanish ambassa- coastwise ships, he said, was to hide ater. At 10 o'clock the imperial coun- tending to my official duties. But dor calls it to the attention of the state behind the American flag •while bur- cil will begin its sessions. At 11 the after all is said, the final conclusion NOT ALWAYS SO BAD A LOT AS PAINTED department here, there Is little likeli- glarizing the treasury for the benefit visiting ladies will be conducted on, of "a Coastwise shipping trust." must be jthat it,, is^jnore^ o^a-. victory hood of any action by the •Washington an automobile ride over the county's j 1 The Galleries Cheered. for fundamental democratic principles prettiest roads, with luncheon at Brook- j F government. The United States itself Senator McCumber's argument was than for myself." havwn in the Capital City Country club. Tell Their Side of the Story issued a warning to its own subjects one of the most extensive yet presented Hobson Doesn't Yield. At 1 o'clock that afternoon the imperial to leave those parts of Mexico where in the senate on either side of the con- Jlepresentative Hobson did not vol- Vfouncil will recess for luncheon m the thumb derisively in the direction of Reported That Large Num- military operations are being carried troversy. He talked for three and a ^asonic temple.
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