TUB JEW* SOVTHKRtf SOVT&MRti THE CONSTITUTION Vol. XITVX—No. 116. ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10, 1913.—FQURTEEN PAGES. AS LIAR AND THIEF WOODWARD WILL Aired Their Marital Woes in Court ATHLETICS SHELL PARKER PILLORIES GOVERN1SULZER INSIHCHOOLS Former Candidate for Presi- Overcrowding Is Laid to Poor IN THIRD BATTLE dency Tells Impeachment Districting by the Mayor. Court Sulzer Is Not Fit to He Charges Class Favor- Tesreau Driven From Mound Be Chief Executive." itism. in Seventh Inning After Eleven Smoking Hits Had AS APT PUPIL OF SULZER TRANSFER OF PUPILS TO Been Made Off His Spitball SARECKY IS DESCRIBED RELIEVE CONGESTION Delivery.

D£S£RT£D FOUR- Y£ARS. Judge Parker Charges Sulzer Mayor Woodward Vigorously DESERTED S£V£K EDDIE COLLINS AGAIN Criticises the School Board DIDN'T LOV£ NOR STAR ON THE OFFENSE Took Money and Swore SUPPORT for Use Made of the Bond Falsely, and Then Forced MAN6UM - Sarecky to Assume Blame. Money. c Bush, One of Mack's Young- WITNESS __, sters, Hurled Great Game.' Albany, N Y, October 9—Fifty A probe of the facilities at six thousand words of legal argument, schools in the congested district was Schang Came Thro' With scathing denunciation of Governor started by Mayor James G. Woodwarc •William Sulzer on the one side and yesterday morning, as the result of The a Circuit Smash Into Right of his accusers on the other—delivered Constitution's exposure of conditions at the Highland and Inman Park schools today by opposing counsel brought a. When he returned to the city hall a) Field Stands—Giants Were verdict in the trial of the impeached 2 30 o'clock, Mayor Woodward made executive one day nearer. the statement that he believed J50,00< Outclassed. Another day will be similarly occu- Judiciously spent by the school board pied tomorrow, at the end of which the will alleviate conditions. New York, October 9 — A new star high court will go into executive aea- He admitted tha,t the schoolroom fa- cilities at tlie Highland and Inman blazed forth in the world's series •lon, it is expected,, to determine pro- Park schools were not ideal, but would baseball firmament today when Leslie cedure In deciding the guilt or inno- Bush pitched the Philadelphia Ath- not criticise the school board for al letics to victory over the New York cence of the accused The court prob- lowing children to be crowded Into NON-SUPPORT Giants in the third game of the cham- ably will then adjourn until Tuesday. basement rooms rAND pionship struggle by a score of 8 to 2. There is some talk tonight, however, "The districting of the Forrest ave- Bush was materially aided In his of taking a -vote Saturday. nue, Boulevard, Inman Park, Highland rush to a pedestal in the baseball hall TJie procedure to be adopted will Ivy street and Faith schools is the of fame by the savage batting of his cause of the disorder," Mayor Wood- team-mates, but the major portion of Include the manner ot deciding sev- ward said "This can be remedied by HUSBAND FO«a. the glory was accorded by both fans eral constitutional questions, deter- the board by arrariging new district IN and players to the youngster who mination of which, was reserved until zones " MONTHS THRE£ YEARS startled the diamond veterans with the end of the trial These Include the Attacks Scbool Board. Ills speed and control in his debut in a impeachabillty of acts committed by Mayor Woodward otherwise vigor- world's series , the governoi before he took office and ously cilticised the school board H Some of the figures seen Thursday during the grinding of the divorce While his pitching was not as spec- the question whether the use of cam- charged that. , mill in Judge Ellis' court. tacular as that of the veterans, paign contributions given without re- The bond money voted for schoo: Mathewson and Plank, yesterday, his striction constitutes larceny purposes has been "recklessly" spent. box work was of the caliber that en- Public Vote on Verdict. I [That "politics" pSayS the strongest titles him to a niche alongside Hugh These matters. It Is likely, will be 'hand in the location of schools. Bedient, of the Boston Red Sox, and 4ecided either Saturday 01 Tuesday in That the new schools bailt out of the Preachers Not Doing Their Duty "Babe" Adams, of the Pittsburg Pi- executive session, after which the bond funds are worse, fiom a. poln rates, who performed similar feats of doors will be thrown open and the of health and sanitation, than the old twirling valor In past world's series. public admitted to hear the vote on buildings. In Prevention of Divorce, So effective was Bush's pitching the verdict Each o£ the eight arti- That the board has allowed "class that the Giants secured But five hits, cles of impeachment will be \ oted upon distinction' to stand 01 the way of a and three of these were of the scratch sepaiately, it la expected, and theie fair and fuat distribution of pupils to Declares Judge W. D. Ellis variety. Only three of the twenty- now being titty-seven members of the the Foriest avenue and the Boulevard seven putouts , credited to the Ath- couit in attendance, thirty-eight ayes schools WIFE letics were made outside the infield That because of "class distinction' and tnere wese innings on. a stretch will be the necessary two-thirds ma- the Boulevard school is almost depop- "If the ministers of Atlanta, would Borne si-vty divorces have been CRUEL when the Giants never drove the ball jority to convict In the event of con- ulated, there being room for more than pause In their denunciation of the man ground out during the four days of out of the diamond. viction a vote piobably would be tan.en lt\~ additional students, and that the Forrest avenue school is comfortably who sells a good bottle of beer when this week that have been devoted to TO HIS CHILD- Bush made his leap Into the lime- e who brought the as he took a twenty-minute recess in particularly true of the first four Ath- charges against the governoi as babed of the first ward alarming increase. The judge is no Both agreed with the mayor's con- the midst of granting some twenty drinker, he does not favor the use or letics on Connie Mack's batting list. on passion and capi ice,' and Parker clusions and charges First Four Hit. denouncing the governor as one whom decrees sale of intoxicants/ at least, he has Criticises Districting Metbods. never been known to express himself Murphy, Oldring, Collins and Baker the 'uncontradicted proofs wWch have "The Catholics are about the only GET $10,000 JOB OFF CANAL BLAST that way, but he apparentlv legards beenT spread upon this record showed Mayor Woodward's most serious between them made nine ot the twelve charge is dnected at the "districting" preachers who help me and they don't hits recorded for the Philadelphia as no longer "At to be the chief execu- methods which have been in vogue for do what they might,'* he added Continued on Page Three. club, and these nine hits scored 7 of tive of this state and for whom it a numbei of years. Noted Federal Prisoner Will He Will Press Key at White the 8 runs that made the victory so was absolutely impossible t-vei to^ re- "It s an outrage to allow such con- one-sided. The eighth run was a ter- gain th« confidence of the people ditions to exist in a civilized com- Be Given His Freedom on House and Release Current rific home run by Schang into the far "The goveinoi knew, Judge Par- munity," Mayor Woodward said "The Boulev ard and Forrest avenue school end of the right field stand. kei said. that when he signed the districts adjoin each other I have October 15—Accepts Place That Explodes Dynamite In contrast to this vigorous assault statement ot campaign contributions learned that the district line of the EATONTON BEING SWEPT on the offerings of Tesreau and Cian- placed befo-e him by his secretary, Forrest avenue school extends into the on New York Paper. Under Gamboa-Dike. dall were the five hits scattered bvuis A. faarecky, that the statement Boulev aid district. Instead of mak- through nine innjngs that marked the was untrue. ing a street the district line, the board iiA.ed the boundarj at an alleywaj BY A DESTRUCTIVE FIRE Giants' efforts with the bat. Not a ' The man who read that list and and permitted the four corners at the From the Atlanta federal prison Into Washington, October 9 —Pressing ft single National league representative examined it, continued tha attorney, crossing of Jackson and Cain to be a $10,000-a-year job on The New York key at the white house at 2 o'clock secured two hits and Shafer'p double • knew it was not true It does not exempted from the Boulevard school American, Julian Hawthoine, author, tomorrow afternoon eastefn time, Pres- was the only one good for more than help him foi the boj, Sarecky, to saj. district in order that the children liv- Flames Break Out After Mid- son of Nathaniel Hawthorne, will move ident Wilson will release an electric one base he did the best he could. His master, ing in the corner houses might be October 15, carrying in his pocket a current that will travel overland and The Athletics' latest twirling star, "V\ iyiam Suiter, knew It was a lie " permitted to attend the Forrest ave- night in the Business Sec- BARM MADE ANGRY discharge from prison signed by War- water and under sea to the Panama who will not be twenty years of age nue school. Peck Scored by Sulzer'a Attorney. "The children of the poorer classes i den Moyer, along with his other be- canal to explode a charge of dynamite until November 27. did not pitch phe- tion—Loss Will Be More I longings, according to a statement from and destroy Gamboa dike This dike Louis Marshall devoted several are forced to attend the Boulevard v nomenal ball but his delivery had en- scathing pages of his address to the schojol, while the children of parents authentic sources is the last, great physical obstruction tirely too much speed and break for testimony of .Duncan W Peck, super- who are financially able to dress tlieir Than $150,000. SCORE A little less than a year ago, less to the opening of water communication the Giants to grow familiar with it children a little better than the poor forty days given for good behavior, between the two oceans, although the intendent of public works, who swore kids on Decatur and on Lucy streets, Julian Hawthorne and Di Morton during their first introduction to the that Governor Sulzer had asked him wreckage of the dike • and two earth Brainard, Minn , hurler. aie allowed entrance in the Forrest Batonton, Ga , October 10 —Fire early Georgian Thought It Beneath ,were sent to the Atlanta penitentiary slides, one at Cucaracha and another to deny under oath that he had given avenue school This condition is one under one-year sentences from tile Bush was just wild enough to keep him a $500 contribution. Marshall de- 0-f the mooi -"trageous that I have today threatened the complete destruc- at Gold Hill, must be cut through be- the New York batters guessing and ton of the business section of Eaton- Dignity of Congress to Listen federal courts in New York, where fore the canal actually can be opened clared that he had given him a $500 ever heard of they had been tried and convicted on his quick changes of pace and deliv- contribution. Marshall declared that "Let the board of education district ton At 2 o'clock this morning three to Details of the Game. Destruction of Gamboa dike will be the schools fairly. If the parents of indictments charging them with -vio- celebrated not only at the white house ery made an added handicap to the hie story was a 'brazen coun- of the largest stoies here had been de- lating the postal laws In passing Giants when at the plate. He walked terfeit, and accused Peck of hav- children object to them going to school stroyed and the flames -were threaten- but all along the Pacific coast Origin- ing a strong motive for so testifying, with youngsters of the less for- sentence upon Hawthorne and Morton ally It had been Intended to set off four batters and hit a fifth, but each tunate let them establish a private ing a hardware store where there Washington, October 9—(Special > the judge provided that the sentences because John A Hennessey, the gov- Representative Bartlett of Georgia, Was the charge at 9 o'clock in the morn- time he faltered his nerve and the ernors special investigator, had un- school. The city cannot be expected Was a large amount of ammunition should date from the day of arrest, ing, but President Wilson granted the brilliant fielding of his team-mates eajthed irregularities of a serious to make class distinctions It isn't fair aroused to ire in the house today by November 25, 1912, and when they were and it is embarrassing to the poorer The local flre department was uii- the action of Representative Mann of request for a change to accommodate soon lifted him back to safety. nature in ieclts department He said I received by Warden Moyar that date points In the Pacific time belt that Pec (is te&timony. would enable class able to check the conflagration and the Illinois, the republican leader, in an- | was set down as the initial day of The victory of Bueh, who nails from ' If the Boulevard and Forrest ave- nouncing the baseball score by innings When the electric current started by the same town as "Chief" Bender, -was him to did in the destruction ot the falling of electric wires had interfered of the world's series game | their service Counting the terms man \\ha had bet in motion the inves- nue schools, are properly districted, Such conduct lowered the dignity of from that date and deducting time al- President Wilson traverses the land exceedingly popular with the Athle- tigation which tiireatened not only the children can be moved up from neigh- with the depaitment's efforts The | wires to GaKeston and passes beneath tic plajera and the club adherents. It oruee which he held, but his very llb- borhoods where the schools aie over- origin of the flie had not been de- the house, insisted Mr Bartlett, who lowed for good behavior the sentences eitv had no sympathy with the ebulitiona expire Wednesday 'of next week. the Gulf of Mexico bv cable to the crowded, and the condition relieved" termined of the enthusiastic fans Ho thought isthmus, the canal engineers expect the Tnis evoked a statement from Peck < ondltlons Can be Remedied. the republican leader should be held Following the rules of the national Continued on Page Eight. tonight, in which lie characterized Mar- It "vas estimated that tht loss would government to protect Its wards in spark to explode the thousand charges shall s attack upon him as a lie told Schoolroom conditions at the Inman in contempt of the rules t>f ths liouse of dynamite which have been buried for pa> reach $150.000 The house -was •vyhiling away its every manner possible, the warden or v Park school took up considerable of At 2 30 t! e hardware store was de- time waiting for a quorum to appear. I none of the prison officials or em- in the 300 feet of dike >vhich at pres- Jud0e Parker did not finish his ad- the attention of Mayor Woodward. The Just as it has done for three days Mi ent stands between Gatun LaKe and dress todaj He occupied more than chief complaint of the teachers was stroyed A panic was caused by the Bartlett was attempting to make a [ ployees will give out even the slight- the famous Culebra cat Weather Prophecy two hours thie afternoon and dealt that the room was poorly lighted, and explosion of the ammunition in the speech on the physical valuation of I st information touching the coming A fleet of dredges will attack the only with article1 s 1, 2 and 6, the railroads | freedom of Hawthorne or Morton fur- mohej ai tides of the impeachment store, but no one was injured Mr Bartlett criticised Mr Mann and slides as soon as they have cleared FAIR. chaiges, He will address the court 'ontinued on Page Three. Macon and Milledgevllle have been j ther than to admit that the term of the wreckage of the dike and although again tomorrow. the latter charged the Georgia mem- ; imprisonment will end Wednesday next Colonel Goethals in his telegra mto f wired for aid and it is reported that a ber with being "disagreeable" and con- by reason of "good time" deduction the canal commission today made no That the governor swore falsely to special train has been made up at Ma- tinued to announce the score. Georgia—Fair Friday mod probnbl7 a campaign statement there was no The only Georgia members who ro- prediction, it is believed it will be pos- Saturday; light variable wind*. con'" to send fire apparatus. Five Both Are Silent. sible to pass the lighter boats used by doubt, the attorney said in speaking of sponded to their names today were the canal diggers from ocean to ocean article 1 He also flaved the defense stores have been destroyed and the Representatives Adamson, Edwards, Both Hawthorne and Morton are de- In a few weeks Local Report. for its alleged attempt to shift the loss will exceed $200,000. Bartlett, Bell, Hughes and Hardwiek. cidedly against any publicity of their Lowest temperature 63 blame to the shoulders of Louis A Representative Howard was excused 1 All Ready for Blast. Highest temperature E4 Sarecky and teimed him a "worthless WANTED because of thel serious illness of his coming release, and with the knowl- Panama, October 9 —Preparations are Mean temperature TA character " mother, who is 79 He has gone to I edge of the prison officials are exert- completed for the destruction of the Normal temperature 65 Parker States Milter's Money Deals. Atlanta ing every means within their command Gamboa dike which separates the Kainfall in ^4 hours, inches ,. .00 He read into the record the flrst to leave the prison and get oat of I waters of Gatun lake from the CWebra .Deficiency since first of month, complete statement of Sulzer s financial PORTERHOUSE STEAK the city -without recognition by even cut All the necessary changes have inches ,\ .68 been made in the cables so that the , Deficiency since January 1, inches..{.23 transactions during the campaign It their closest friends. electric spark which President Wilson ' Contributions not reported, $40,400 GATINSSEEKSRlCE Midnight Wednesday ends the terms will transmit by pressing a key at the of Hawthorne and Morton are serving, white house at 2 o'clock tomorrow aft- Report* From Varlcras Stations. Cash paid to brokers, J40.462 50. ernoon may operate the switch con- «>£^™rlbutlons delivered to Sulzer. AT DOLLAR A POUND but it is discretionary with the warden ' STATIONS AND Temperature. | Rain y iiy,JUi/» trolling the dynamite discharge at what hour on that day he will bid The barrier has been mined from end fc>tale of 24 bra Jl? 400 depositetl by Sulzer m bank. Rooms and an official farewell to the two men. to end, but out of 1,277 charges planted WEATHER. 7 p.m. I High (Inches. Boston, October 9 —Tne American N Atlanta, clear. . 79 84 Checks indorsed by Sulzer S3 200 That parting may take place even as only about 400 will be flred at one shot. .00 Ba/hkers association closed Its thirty- early as the breakfast hour, or before, The others will be discharged later. Birmingham, clear 76 84 .00 The purpose foi which each 'contri- ninth annual convention here today. While Friday will not be an official Boston, cloudy 60 64 .04 bution was made was set forth as Further adverse criticism of the By John Corrlgan, Jr. for that matter. holiday in the canal zone every one who Brownsville, clear. 78 88 .OJ nearly as possible The statement Board for pending- congressional plan of currency Washington, October 9 —(Special )— Both Hawthorne and Morton are In can be spared from work will Journey Buffalo, clear . . 72 76 .00 showed that 53.450 of the unrep-Sted Senator Bacon was today advised by contributions had been designated for and banking reform developed tiom excellent condition physically, while to the scene The danger zone will Charleston, cloudy 72 74 .28 use in his campaign Tames J Hill, of St Paul, Minn Speak- Secretary of State Bryan that thfe-fol- neither has lost a whit of his mental be guarded by a strong cordon of Chicago, clear. 64 (.4 00 e ing as a friend of agricultural de- lowing Georgians had been designated police. Den\ei, clear. . . 4S 68 .00 •, 'Tl» evidence is all in," declared velopment, he termed the bill 'too so- to take the examination on November i capacity since coming to Atlanta A Foui teen units of dredg- 80 84 .00 Judge Parker at the outset The case 'story was recently piinted that Haw- Galveston, clear closed and there is no answer to any Scores of cialistic to suit most American, ' and 17, for appointment in the diplomatic ing- fleet were successfully passed Hatteras, p. cloudy 72 80 .00 of the material tacts which have been predicted "disturbance, monetaiy crisis coips i thorns had said he intended making through Gatun locks today on their Jacksonville, clear 80 88 .00 presented on the part of the managers. and business depresssion" from its en- Joseph F Gatlns, Jr, of Atlanta* who I his return to New York on foot, but way to the Gamboa dike and will begin Kansas City, cldy 70 82 .00 Not a word If there is any question actment I seeks to be assistant secretary of the 'Hawthorne denies he ever even con- operations as soon as the barrier is K-ioxville, clear. 76 84 .00 whatever that can be made as to any Arthur Reynolds, of Des Moines, ! American embassy at London, J. 3?en- templated a pedestrian task ol that shattered The lockage took two hours Louisville, clear. 84 .00 fact, none has appeared to present it/* People flrst vice president, was elevated to I dleton King, of Augusta, and Catesby and a half, some time being- lost Memphis, clear. 80 86 .00 In lua discussion of the first article. the presidency, and W A Lan, of i Jones, of Savannah size. I through maneuvering the vessels into Miami, p cloudy 80 86 .00 Judge Parker said he was amazed at Philadelphia, succeeded to the flrst \Vn» Friend of WeMon. position The lock mechanism worked Mobile, cleaf. 76 .00 the eloquence which Marshall can dls vice presidency without contest, the perfectly. Montgomery, clear 80 86 .00 Play in attempting to uphold so abso- name of James K Lynch, of San Fran- PARSON PLEADS GUILTY "Weston, the great wallter." said New Orleans, clear 7S 88 .00 lutely worthless a. character as Sareckv cisco, having been withdrawn It was Hawthorne, speaking of that »tory, New York, clear 68 72 .00 demonstrated himself to be while on decided to hold the next convention in ways on his face The top of his head Oklahoma, p. cldy. 76 80 .38 the witness stand He said one task Richmond, Va Atlanta and Atlantic IN WHITE SLAVE CASE "and I were great friends. I have al- Is now as brown as the well tanned Phoenix, p cloudy 76 .00 Placed on the sholilders pf Sarecky was City were also candidates ways been somewhat of a walker and skin of a tropical sailor Pittsburg, clear 70 78 .0* to persuade the ccjurt that Sulzer See Page 12 for Joseph Chapman, of Minneapolis, Bristol, Va.-Tenn , October 9^—Rev. when he started his recent Journey Hawthorne has not been a commu- San Francisco, clr 60 68 .00 honestly signed this statement, that he Full Particulars chairman of the association committee Joseph Owens, a Baptist preacher, to- into the northwest I remarked to a nicative man since he came JLO At- St. Louis, clear. 72 78 .00 had nothing to do with Its preparation, on agriculture and financial develop- day pleaded guilty in the federal court friend I'd like to be along with him."* lanta—he cannot well talk through the St. Paul, cloudy 68 70 .00 continuing: ment, prophesied a time when as a re- at Abingdon, Va, to taking a woman ( prison walls Yet that .he will go di- Salt L&Ke City, cly 36 44 .00 sult of the decrease in the production from Virginia into West Virginia, for | As many hours as the prison j rules rect from the Atlanta prison to a luc- Shreveport, clear 78 84 .00 Parker Calls Sarecky Snlier'a Pupil. of cattle, porterhouse steak would cost i immoral purposes, In violation of the allow Hawthorne has be»-n passjhg In rative position on The New York Spokane, p cloudy 46 50 .14 _.'3?ow-« ne„ *f Stlfle5 °iat he came In SI a pound and the r>rjce of moat would Mann white slave law, and was sent- outdoors. The top of his head is bald American" he -would not deny, neither Tampa, clear. . . 76 86 ,00 with this statement, showed it to the be prohibitive to the woikins man enced to one year and one day In the and when he gets under the skies and would he affirm when given an op- Toledo, clear. . . 7« 82 .00 governor and t,hat the governor looked THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION "What the bankers must do," he said, I federal prison at Morinsvllle, W. Va. portunity to na\e the question put to Washington, clear 70 76 .00 m 'is this: the- must devote themselves ! He is novf serving a term in the state In the free air he throws aside his hat him. He has a son who has long baen to making the farmer a better credit I prison for the offense He skipped and swings around tnat inclosure at connected with The New York Amsrl- C. JP. voo Continued on Page Two. risk." Iwith a fellowminister's wife. 1 a eve-mile stride, a happy »mil« al- can. Section Dlr«ue«. 1 * > " iTP^Y"1 !


stand near the Washington monument; named Cunnin*h»m bocaro* ' demented GREATEST HEN IN WORLD IN FIT OF DEMENTIA today and shot Ms wife and *i»t«r-i«* Sc®atliijr Black* und AVBItea. HE MURDERS FAMILY Jaw dead. He then mounted a IJJoywle LAYS EGGS IN OREGON NEW FEDERAL PLACES Segregation of blacks and whites in and proceeded to the school wliero he all government •vtrork is rapidly being GREAT BOULEVARD Johannesburg, pcto'ber 9.—An em- shot nla three children and committed •- Corvallis, Ore.. October !».—Upon "Hen put into .operation in all executive de- ployee of the Rad Fontaine mine suicide'. .'...-,, C-543" the Oregon Agricultural college partments of the government. here has conferred tho title of "The Following1 a visit of Sirs.. Wilson, wife greatest hen in the world." Bfte has of President Wilson, to the bureau of just laid her 2SM egg within. a year. engraving and printing, where she sa.vf. BUREAU REPORT TO ENCIRCLE CITY making what is said to be a worlds whites and blacks, men and women, r fe Income Tax Collectors to Be working 'together and dining together "(7/543". was hatched Apri a l e29, 19,12, in the same rooms, an order was issued and bogan laying at the « o.f 5% Named—Each to Draw Salary by John Skelton Williams, assistant Corn Reported at 65.3 Per month«. secretary to the freasury, calling for Proposed by Executive Com- The former record was made at the of $2,400 Per Year. separate dining rooms even where the Oregon college farm in 1,911, when a races were corhpelled to work together. Cent Normal, Compared mittee of Convention Bu- hen'laid 282 »KSH in one year. Complete separation is being put into effect as far as possible In the treas- With 65.1 Last Month and By John Corrlpran. Jr. ury department. reau —• Twenty-Eight Con- Washington, D. C., October 9.—(.Spe- i William j. Harrins, director of the cial.)—Georgia will have six additional census, is following the same plan in 82.2 Last Year. ventions During 1914. federal' officials drawing ?2,400 a year the census bur'cau, and it is in progress Gash Grocery Co, each- under the Underwood tariff bill. in other's. THE PRICE-REGULATING STORE These men will .collect an income tax Yancey Griffin, formerly of Twljrgs Although Atlanta recently lost one Attached Cuflfe that Turn from each citizen who has an income county. Ga.. has been made a victim Washington, October 9.—With the of the biggest conventions which can Best Standard Granulated of this change. He has been working I garnering of the crops of the country, exceeding $3,000 a year, or $4,000 if in the bureau of the auditor for the ; the department of agriculture today come to any city, the 1914 meeting'06 THE married. navy department. When the segrega- {continued Its preliminary estimates oil the American Bankers' association, the Colonel William H. Osborn, commis- tion order was issued, he was notified 1 the production of these crops in the large number of 28 conventions have sioner of Internal revenue has not yet that ,he could be transferred to another October report of tile crop reporting been secured for Atlanta in the year SUGAR room where only white employees were board, of its bureau of statistics. The 1914, according to figures submitted definitely decided how the award or this patronage shall be -made, but he working, but It would involve his em- report, compiled from reports of cor- at the first semi-annual meeting of the 22 Pounds for S1.OO ployment on inferior work. To con- I respondents and agents of the bureau will consult the two senators and mem- and issued at 2:15 o'clock this after- Atlanta Convention Bureau's executive 25 Pound Bag . . S1.I2& bers of the delegation. tinue his present high grade work, he noon announced preliminary estimates meeting held at the last You attach or detach nothing. Recently added to the ftttnou*' The law permits him to name the of- would be compelled to remain in a room of the production of spring wheat, oats night, the eleven members of the com- Merely turn the cuffs over. No dif- Columbia Shirt, established 1875.. 100 P«und Sack . . $4.49 ficials, with the approval of the sec- full of negroes. and barley and estimated, from condi- mittee being the guests of Manager fcrence in appearance from th« re*- In plain, pleated and. dress shirts. retary of the treasury. This means that RepresentatFye Hughes, of Georgia, ular attached stiff cuff. Doubles fabrics guaranteed fadeless; Sl.so Are» Salmon,'fancy rpd. dox. 9I.3S heard of the situation and took an ac- tion reports the prospective total yield H. M. Dutton for the evening. Ala.*»kA Kaucy 1'tuk Salmon, the congressmen will be consulted, of corn, buckwheat, potatoes, tobacco The most important business to come ccrvice and halves laundering. and up. doz '. i WSc but just how fourteen men are to have tive interest in straightening it out. and rice. a hand in naming six places has not Assistant Secretary "Williams agreed Details of the report, with compari- before Thursday night's meeting was Columbia Shirt Co., Inc., New York 2-!b. Can Maxwell House Coffee 49c been made clear. with his solution and Mr. Griffin will sons for other years (condition figures the movement to secure the establish- IleHt Creamery Jliitter, lb., HiS undoubtedly retain his same work aftef relate to Octo'ber 1. or at time of har- ment of good roads about Atlanta, with For Salt'to < l Georgia Mnrblc for Lincoln Memorial. being transferred to new quarters. vest) follows: the object in view of having the roads We announce, the price so the 1 EISEMAN BROS., Inc. of l»**r den l«-r» «*a n «d j u»t t heir Georgia marble may yet be used for Corn—t-Condition, 65.3 per cent of a about the city in good condition for 1 prlee«. the memorial to Abraham Lincoln for Brigade Post for Atlanta. normal compared with 65.1 per cent on the 50th anniversary of the Battle of And other good shops which congress has appropriated . Representative Howard had another September 1, 1913; 82.2 per cent in Oc- $2.000,000. Secretary of War Dickin- oo-nrerence with Secretary of War tober, 1912, and 80.6 per cent the ten- Atlanta, which will be held on"July 22, Cash Grocery Co, son has held up the award pending an Dickinson, today in regard to the es- year average in October. Indicated 1914. It is planned to hold a great investigation. tablishment of a brigade post at At- yield per acre 22.2 bushels, compared celebration on this date, with a tre- Senators Bacon and Hoke Smith and lanta. He will continue to press this With 28.2 bushels in 1912 and 26.5 bush- mendous gathering in attendance. Representatives Bell, Lee and Howard change, which is in the line with the els, the 1908-12 average yield. On the It is further planned to build a boule- have joined in a protest to the secre- war department's plans, until a brigade plante'd area, 106,SS-l,000 acres, it is es- vard of the very best material w'hicli tary of war against tho action of the is located at Fort McPherson. timated, from condition reports, that will completely circle, starting from Lincoln memorial commission in decid- the total yield will be 2,373,000,000 Atlanta, the grounds where the 'Battle ing upon C9lorado marble for the me- Adamsoir Back From Ivnoxvllle. bushels, compared with 3,125,000,000 morial, since it involved changing the bushels harvested last year, and 2,531,- of Atlanta, the Battle of Peachtree Representative Adamson has re- Creek and the Battle of Ezra Church specifications on which bids were turned from Knoxville, Tenn., where he 000,000 bushels harvested in 1911. asked. Spring Wheat—Indicated yield per were fought, thus making 'Atlanta one As the secretary of war must finally went as a member of the official con- acre 13.0 bushels, compared with 17.2 of the points of great historical interest gressional commission to the Knoxville in the south. "SEWELL'S" approve the plans the Georgians are exposition. bushels last year and 13.3 bushels, the SPECIALS FOK TOJDAY. hopeful of having the commission s average yield 1908-12. On the planted Permanent Roadhonse. '' Swiss Ribbed rather than remarkable action over- area, 18,663,000 acres, it is preliminarily Another movement which received We Deliver Ten Dollar Orders. turned. estimated the total final production No, 10 Pat! Snowdrift Lard 9So The Southern Marble company or will be 242,714,000,000 bushels, com- Its initial move at Thursday night's Fresh Country EKK-^------. 23%c doz. Tate, Ga., submitted a bid which was pared with 330,428,000 bushels har- meeting is one that will, if pushed Union Suits 3P«tncy White liacou 12 Mr C lb. through, establish a permanent road- For Gallon Can Rtid Velva Syrup. . . . 39c. $200,000 less than that qf the Colo- AT THE THEATERS vested last year and 190,682,000 bushels ho-use and barbecue grounds at Stone Finest Red Gnivy Hams. . . IT^c lb. rado marble concern. To make possi- harvested in 1911. Quality 92 per cent Mountain. It Is planned also to build Fancy Picnic Hnms 14s/feC lb. ble the acceptance of the Colorado bid, of a normal, compared with a ten-year one of the finest automobile boule- rentlemen Missouri Brand -Breakfast 'Ba- the commission permitted the specifi- average of 86.9 per cent. J vards in the country to this huge ' con 17 /£ c I b. cations as to the foundation for the "North of 53." All Wheat—Indicated yield per acre, monument of nature, which will enable Argo Salmon- -....: 12 ^c Can memorial to be changed, and the (At the Atlanta.) 16.2 bushels, compared with 15.9 bush- motor enthusiasts to make the trip FreHh Supply "Governor's Cup" George B. Fuller Construction company Tne most wonderful and educational set els last year, and 14.5 bushels, the av- in comfort, Coffee : 22%c lb. of New York to underwrite the bid of or moving: pictures ever shown are at the erage yield 1908-12. On the planted probably used to Bent Ueor#la Yam. Potatoes.. lUc rfk. After Honda Congress. Fancy Irish Potatoes 31c pic. the company which bid on the founda- Atlanta this week at matinee and night area, 39,601,000 acres, it is preliminar- I'Venh Tolcay Grapes 10c lb. tions. performances. These pictures bear the tltlo ily estimated the total final production In this connection a committee was Ijarge Basket Concord Grapes. . . . 19e By means of this manipulation the of "North of '53" and show Alaska ana will be 753,233,000 bushels, compared appointed to see what could be done ••• underwear that doesn't fit; Fancy Pink Meat Canta- total cost, using Colorado marble, was the frozen north with the moat notable with 730,267,000 bushels harvested last brought within, the $2,000,000 appro- spectacles ever Hluron. The pictures are sim- year, and 621,338,000 bushels harvested towards securing the National Good loupes 7 %c each, ply beyond imagination and are Instructive Roads congress for Atlanta in 1914. "Welch's Grape Juice 3«C qt. priation. The Georgia representatives in 1911. The committee is made up of the fol- Freoh Country Produce Sind Dressed make the point that It is illegal to to a degree few appreciate. Mr. Sidney Oats-^Indicated yield per acre, 29.3 Poultry, Davis delivers a talk on the scenes that lowing: Wilmer L. Moore, -president folds and bags where you want alter the specifications on •which bids is as full of facts and information as the bushels, compared with 37.4 busheloisf the cham'ber of cc-mmerce, chair- were sought, and that not even, tr.e pictures of wondor and grandeur. Those last year, and 29.7 bushels, the average man; Shelby Smith, of the county SIVVEII COMMISSION CO. secretary of war himself could agree to who want to "See America First" should yield 1!)08-12. On the planted area, commission; C. D. Knight, of the city WHOLESALE AND RETAIL such an alteration, but that it would sea these motion pictures by all odds. They 38,341,000 acres, it is preliminarily es- council; Olin Stamps, of the Wholesale it snug; shapeless and pulling require congressional action, since are finer and more instructive than the timated the total flnal production will Grocers' . association; Frederick J. 113-15 Whitehall St. congress made the appropriation. The Ramey Hunt and stir the imagination to be 1,122,139,000 bushels, compared with Branch Store, 104 Decatur St. a degree that is satisfying. Critics and Paxon, of the Retail Dealers' associa- memorial to Lincoln Is to be in the teachers aJike rave over them and urge 1,418,337,000 bushels harvested last tion; H. F. JDutton, of the Atlanta Ho- form of a Grecian temple and will all to see them. year and 922,298,000 bushels harvested tel association, and Fred Houser, sec- where you want smoothness and in 1911. Quality 89.1 per cent of a nor- retary of the Atlanta Convention bu- mal, compared with a ten-year average Keith Vaudeville. of 87.1 per cent. '. reau. Barley—Indicated yield per acre 23.9 Among the other big meetings ease; most men have taken all (At the Forsyth.) which will be gone after by the bureau There are many qualities to the bill at the bushels, compared with 92.7 busheliss the National Association of Life In- Porsyth thia week that makes the show last year, and 24.5 bushels, the average surance Presidents, which meets in an attraction. There are some features that yield 1908-12. On the planted area, New York city next December. Wilmer these for granted in underwear. are worthy of headline honors and there 7,255.000 acres, it is preliminarily es- li. Moo-re will head a delegation to are headlmers that star in the most ex- timated the total final production will the 1913 meeting in an endeavor to clusive vaudeville theaters. be 173,301,000 bushels, compared with secure the choosing of Atlanta for It is a fact that there has never been a 223,824,000 bushels harvested last year, the 1914 meeting place. It is also better sketch than "A Son of Solomon" and 169,240,000 bushels harvested in offered here in vaudevillel James Thornton, planned to send a strong committee the monologuist, tells a number of good 1911. Quality 86.4 per cent of a nor- to Old Point Comfort next week to They're not "granted" by us; stories. mal, compared wtlh a ten-year average secure the 1914 convention of the For next week the headline attraction of 87.0 per cent. National Fertilizer league, with Colonel will be Nina'Morris and company presenting Potatoes—Condition 22.1 per cent of W. L. Peel in charge of the delega- they're all unnecessary; Vassar Swiss "The Yellow Peril." a dramatic sketch that a normal, compared with 63.6 per cent tion. Is brim full of interest. The comedy feature on September 1, 1913, 85.1 per cent in The meeting Thursday night was a will be Cieorge Felix arid the Barry Girls in Octo'ber last year, and 76.4 per cent the very enthusiastic "one, 'Secretary a neat singing and dancing idea called "The ten-year average for October. Indicated Boy Next Door" and the extra feature will Houser and his associates being ribbed union'suits for men have made be Herzog's. Horses. yield per acre, 86.7 bushels, compared flooded with congratulations on the with 113.4 bushels harvested last year signal success with which they have and 96.1 bushels, the average yield per met In the short space of six months. them all unnecessary. "The Messenger Boy." acre, 1908-12. On the planted area, Those present at the meeting were as 3,685,000 acres, it is estimated from (At the Bijou.) follows: Ivan E. Allen. "Wilmer L. Judgringr from the applause and curtain condition reports, the total flnal pro- Moc're, J. Lee Barnes, Shelby Smith, calls that are to be heard nightly at the duction will be 319,000,000 bushels, J. R. A. Hoibson, Olin Stamps, Fred- Bijou, the popular playhouse Is proving one compared with 421,000,000 bushels har- erick J. Paxon, C. D. Knight, W. H. of the strongest theatrical drawing cards vested last year, and 293,000,000 bushels Leahy, H-. M. Dutton and Fred Housei*. If youM like to wear underwear in the city. "The Messenger Boy" Is one harvested in 1911. of the best offerings of the" stock company so far. Indications point to one of the biggest -week's of the season* Next week Mrs. Kate Beynon. that fits, ask your haberdasher to the company will offer "The Lights of AS A LIAR AND A THIEF Gotham," a four-act melodrama with many MES. Kate Beynon, aged 53 years, big scenic and mechanical effects, and in SULZER IS PILLORIED died.^t her residence, 134 Mills street, line with the best offerings of the company. Thursday afternoon. She is survived show you Vassar Swiss rib; compare Monday night ladies will be admitted free by one son, Henry Beynon, of Atlanta. when accompanied by an escort holding'a Funeral arrangements will be an-, paid thirty cent ticket, purchased before nounced later. eix o*clock Monday evening. Continued From Page One. it with any other. "One Day." The Benjamin Suit It over and then the1 governor said, 'Is Books for Parcel Post. (At the Lyric.) it all right?' 'Well. he said, 'it is just Washington. October 9.—Changes in "One r>ay," a play strictly of the modern as near right as I can make it with Your dealer can point out the differ- the data I have,' and then the governor j, the postal rates to admit bcroks and school, is charming large audiences this t said 'All right/ and signed it!" printed matter to the parcel post have for Business week at the Lyric, and the dramatized pro- bee duction of Eleanor Glyn's well known story "Well, your honors, 'when William " submitted by Postmaster Gen- ences; you'll see them for yourself. is well worth witnessing-. From the first Sulzer glanced over these figures and eral Burleson .to the interstate com- Suits scene to the close she is excellent and her these contributors he must have been merce commission. The commission has This is a BENJAMIN Blue Serge suit. work is very effective. Victor Sutherland very proud indeed of the talent of his , ordered an investigation, emen who is cast in the role of the Crown Prince, Is . receiving flattering- appreciation of his pupil, for he took Sarecky from the 1 This short sentence tells a long story— clever work. Others in the cast who deaerve high school and all the education that r d«« t i T^U ^ T «.-.+• T\«^T« ^ C special mention are , Jessie Hall us Lady he had in practical affairs he had ac- | b€6 1-116 JLaSl JJajS. OI BENJAMIN means qiTal.ity mid style- Alice, and Jack Lewis. The remaining" per- quired in William Sulzer's office and -i-« „••??/"« J 11 i Vassar Swiss Underwear Co. formances of "One Day" will doubtless draw necessarily under his direction. We .Pompeii, UTaHCl, all 116X1 good audiences to the Lyric. can well understand that he must in- IT Blue is popularity— deed have chuckled at the wisdom of week. Chicago Sarecky when he glanced over this list, Serge is good wear. "The folly Widow." for he did not find in that list the ,(A. t th....e. Columbia.______) _ , checks of bankers like Jacob H.. Schiff, Models are both English and conservative Two of the largest audiences of the season J nor the checks of his brewery friends. saw Miss B. Darling and Eugrene Davis in Not a single check could be discovered —pleasing men of all ages. the sprightly burlesque. "The Jolly Widow." there of a politician. Even Morgran- yesterday. The capacity of the Columbia thau with his $1,000 did not appear. IKH been taxed at every performance. The Not a single dollar was there repre- This splendid business suit is priced at popularity is due to the fact that it is novel senting any of the great interests in and unique in iniiny respects. Smoking is New York. Indeed, there -was no check permitted inside the house while the .per- I there larger than $500. just one of $500. Twenty-five Dollars •ormance is in progress, and this feature "As he glanced over that list, I»say ins appeal to theatregoers. High class he must have fhought, inasmuch as, novelty features also prove big drawing | according to Sarecky, he had not been cards. consulted before about it. what a clever I boy he is to keep out all those things; KING STEEL RANGES Carlton "Last Days of Pompeii." how glad I am that he did not insist on putting in Ryan's account or Schiff's (At the Grand.) George Kleino's Photo Drama exquisite or General Meany's. or Morganthau's. Shoe & Clothing Co. "Tho Ijif-'t Day* of Pompeii" adapted from Sulzer Knew It Was Knlsr. Bulwer Lytton'.s Celebrated novel, ajrain , "T.VAII now nf what use lemonstrates the wonderful artistic qualities |.. »»e*'' ""/T • "„„« -Whv wan it ..,.-- GIVE SATISFACTION of the foreign producers and displays a mar- | IS that testimony ' W_ny was It. p^ 36 Whitehall vclous stagS craft. The acting of principal ! sented to you? Suppose it was true, so players in unusually finished and clever. I far as the boy was concerned, that that particularly among the ivomen-. There are | was_as g-QOd US be COUld do? a host ol" players as gladiators, senators, "You "havin' ' g hear' "" d^ hi*~"m do not be- jnerchants. noblernen, ladies of society, etc., lieve it was true, 1 am sure; but sup- ami over three thousand people as specta- pose it was. The man who read that tors in the wonderful amphitheater scenes. For the past thirty years we have The entire production was made at Torino, list and examined it knew it was not Italy. Mr. Kleine's production of "The Last true. It does not help him for the Days of Pompeii" is b'ooKed for weelc of boy to say he did the best he could. October 13th at the Grand, two matinees His master, William Sulzer, knew it made a specialty of ranges. There and two night performances daily,. was a lie. %, are thousands of our King Steel See "The Last Days of MORTUARY. Pompeii," Grand, all next Ranges in use in Atlanta homes, SHOES week. Mrs. Fannie Garrett. \ hotels, restaurants and hospitals Mrs Fannie Garrett,' 62 years, died at j 6-30 o'clock Thursday morning at her The manufacturing home. No. 1095 Marietta street. She is today, and every King survived by her husband, P.. O. Garrett, and eight children. Funeral arrange- methods of the McEl- ments will be announced later. JONES Steel user is a King Boyce Parr. CASH STORES Steel advertiser. wain factories have The body of Boyce Parr, formerly of 124 Whitehall, 133 Marietta \tlanta who was drowned near Cin- JONES DELIVERS cinnati,' will reach this city Friday morning. The body will be taken to No. 10 Snowdrift Our stock is large and com- revolutionized the Pools' chapel to be prepared for burial. Lard He leaves three sisters, Masses Roberta No. 10 Silver Leaf and Eunice Parr and Mrs. Ella Tur- Lard ner, and a brother,. C. S. Parr, of faavan- plete. If you buy a range slioemaking business. nah. No. 10 Armour Shield Brand Pure I f>f\ Lard $1.29 without inspecting our line, They have also made it Lillian Ballard. 20 Pounds (fe • /\/\ ' Lillian Ballarcl, 3 years old, died at' Sugar SI.OO a private sanitarium at 3:30 Thursday 24 Ibs. Postell's we both lose. possible for McElwain morning. The 'body will be sent to An- derson, S. C., for interment. tuneral Elegant Flour.. arrangements will be announced later. 24 Ibs. Gold Medal O O^% to make better shoes Flour O%SC 24 Ibs. Famous Model 'g* ft — Let as install ytur heating stove now before the winter rash. Be Mrs. Sarah Arnold. j Mill Monogram Flour .O 9 C for less money than was Mrs. Sarah Arnold, 87 years, died at1 24 Ibs. Tawco Best o A ** ready for cold weather—our ESTATE line is the finest ever. the home of her daughter, Mrs. K D. Self-Rising Flour O*IC Oreer 94 Garnett street, at 3 o'clock possible before. Thursday: The body will be sent to Fancy Irish Crawford, Ga., at 7:30 o'clock for In- Potatoes, pk.; terment. , . I No. 1 Can Baby 1 1 _ $3.00, $3.50. $4.00 Md$4.50. Lirrra Beans. JIG «$2.50aod$3.00, UrieBoyt' AOMM $2.00 «n


WOODWARD WILL \ ELECTRICIAN DIES NEAR DEATH PROBE CONDITIONS Somebody Is to NEWTW. HEARING W:H,G(11EMAN«TAKEN WHEN ROTTEN POLE Continued From Page One. FALLS TO 'GROUND that the' breezes that entered the room Agree Members of Board, INWREHOUSEFIRE carried great waves of dust. POSTPONED FOR WEEK "I expect that this condition can be "West Point, Ga,, October 9.—(Spe-. remedied by taking the children from ci&l.).-rr-W.iniam J. "Herring, a young the higher grades and moving them to Violence Threatened Wealthy electrician employed by the Lanettfe Fire Chief Cummings narrow.ly another school until some other ar- But Differ in Placing It Dorsey Notified at Valdosta escaped death last .night during the rangement is made," he said. "I don t cotton mills, was kilted in Ijanette at progress of a serious fire at G. W, thinH the conditions there are such as That He Need Not Cofne Wilcox Planter Convicted of noon today when a pole upon which Cooley's warehouse and mattress reno- to warrant the severe criticism thai to Atlanta. Murder of Leon Melvin. he was working fell to the ground. vating factory, corner of Logan and has been offered." That the work of the board of edu- i different times that they would do Herring, who was transferring the Mayor Woodward said that the cation has been greatly hampered by anything they could to remedy condi- wires from an old pole to a new one. Broyles streets. The chief all but crowded conditions at the Edgewood tions. But •when it comes to a ques- walked under a high-charged electric the fact that Mayor Woodward, as an had Just cut-the wires on one side of and Highland schools could * be ex-ofticio member of the board, and tion of money; there is nothing done:" The hearing of a motion for a new Macon, Ga., October 9.—(Special.)— the old pole when the weight of the wire just as it fell sizzling to the remedied- in the same way, by taking "The reports of the congested con- trial for Leo M. Frank, set for Sat- \y. H. Coleman,' the wealthy Wilcox wires on the other side pulled the pole, ground. , • •• • children from the upper grades and Dr. A. H. Van Dyke also, by virtue of dition existing In the public schools rotten at the base, to the ground. his office as chairman of the city coun- urday, . has been postponed for an- county planter who was recently con- A moment before the chief _started to transferring them to another school. have been grossly exaggerated by The other week. 'Judge L. S. Roan, of the "I make the suggestion apply to the cil's school committee, an ex-officlo Constitution, and I venture to say that victed of the murder of young Leon the..„rear of the lot upon which the upper grades because I don't figure ;t circuit, received So- Melvin at Abbeville, was brought to FLOYD COUNTY SECURES warehouse was '!oc:ttcd he was warned member of the board, have not at- the lighting and ventilation of the licitor General Hugh M. Dorsey's re- good policy to make the little children tended the important sessions of the schools are much better than nine- Macon today by Sheriff I* E. Glbbs, of by patrolmen to watch out for the travel out' of the way to get to school, tenths of the offices In The Consti- quest for a postponement yesterday AGRICULTURAL AGEN7 he explained. "The older children can board held within the past few months, and notified him .that he -would grant Wllcox county, and lodged in the Bibb wire. was the general consensus j>f opinion tution building, where the reports county jail for.,, safe keeping, pending Within 20 feet of the spot where the stantl the walk until permanent im- among the' board members in intei\- were concocted," said James L. Key it without causin' g th" e solicitor to "be Rome, Ga. October 9.—r(Speclal.)— wire was dangling the chief suddenly provements can be made." vlews given out Thursday. Thursday, when interviewed by a re- present In__ court Saturday in person. •the outcome of his appeal tq the su-| Maj or Vv'oodward is in favor, at least porter for The Constitution on the Frank, who was convicted during the preme court. 'Coleman Is under life The services f>t an expert county agri- saw it part and one end strike, the he strongly intimated that he was, While one stated that The Constitu- j last days of August, after a trial of tion's reports on the congested' con- school question. sentence and as rumors ' Yof violence cultural agent have been secured for earth with a report like exploding of another school in the district "Although It'is a fact that some of! nearly a. month foto.r- the murder of Floyd county. The board of county adjoining the Faith ,school. dition were exaggerated, others are have reached the ears of Judge George dynamite. He sprang back just In time heartily In accord with and highly the schools are crowded, this situation Mary Phagan, was sentenced to hang commissioners and the United States He declared emphatically that one of today between the usual hours of 10 he thought it best to remove the pris- to miss the swaying' and sputtering his recommendations to the school commend the stand which has been can be easily handled by transferring oner. Coleman' expressed a desire to government will unite in paying hia end. taken. some of the children to other schools and 3, but on last Saturday, when the board will be the establishment of a hearing was. postponed the first time. come to the Macon jail, where his chief salary and he will establish test farms The fire IOHS of the warehouse and temporary building to' be located with- It is the unanimous opinion of those where they will find ample seating ac- counsel. Attorney John ;R. Cooper, of and- demonstration stations' through- mattress renovating factory xvill total in the triangle which iforms the boun- interviewed Thursday thai better commodations. Judge Roan Indefinitely suspended sentence. Macon, would be near. , out 'the county. He will begin hla over $3.000. dary lines' of the Faith. Inman Park •school facilities could have been af- "The fact of the matter," he con- Jim Coleman and W. H. Stevens, who services on December 1. and Grant street schools to take care foraed had the crematory not taken tinued, "is that. Jim Woodward Is The "action of the Judge In allow- were also convicted in connection with Herring had Strapped himself to the While the family living at 119 Lo- of the upper grades of the Inman all of the city's available funds. largely to blame for the whole busi- ing a postponement ' means that So- gan street was out of the house watch- the killing of young Melvin, are under pole and could not escape during the' Park school. The system of a special school tax ness. I have known Woodward for licitor Dorsey and his assistant, B. A. life sentences. There is said to be lit- fall. He landed in a ditch, the cross ing the progress of the fire unknown Harwell and Ashley Talk. will be urged by some membprs of the years, and have watched his- policies Stephens, will remain in Valdosta dur- tle feeling against them and it was not bar of the pole giving him a fatal blow- parties entered the house and rifled board, only one man thus far taking while he was a member of the councrl ing the coming week and devote them- Both Alderman Harwell and> Coun- thought necessary to remove them behind the right ear. every room, securing a large bundle a decided stand in favor of a special and durine: his terms as mayor, and I I selves to the preparation of their de- from Abbeville. . Herring was prominent in fraternal ojf wearing apparel and a samll amount cilman Ashley Corroborated Mayor bond issue as the means of remedying want to say that I have absolutely _no I fense of the attack upon the previous Sheriff Gibos stated today that dur- circles, being a Mason, a Knight ot in cash. No clue to the sneak thieves Woodward's statements; ».»»*. conditions such as exist In the High- respect for him. either as a public offi- trial. , ing the trial of the cases four eye wit- Pythias, an O3d Fellow and a Red Man. could 'be found. Alderman Harwell added that the land and Inman Park schools. cial or as a man. • investigation which will be pushed to While Judge Roan has not definitely nesses t6 the tragedy testified that all He is survived by his mother, Mrs. A. other districts of the city will reveal In' speaking along this line Thurs- Criticises Woodward's Policy. set a date for the hearing. It Is un- three of the men shot at young Melvin. J. Herring, and a young son. the fact that little discretion has been day, W. H. Terrell, member of the derstood that rt will be called next The only testimony to the contrary of- Cures Old Son*. OUnr Romediej Won't Cure board, said: "For years, while serving the city in Saturday, provided both sides are fered by tile defense was that of W. The worat ca&ce, no matter o£ how long standing, used in locating schools. He said that different official capacities, it has been the Ashby school, in his own ward, is "While the council has done Clothing ready. H Stevens, , Coleman's plantation fore- are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. not serving its purpose because of the Woodward's policy to get behind some No additional affidavits were filed man, who testified that he was the only .Porter's Antiseptic Heallns Oil. Relieves pala to help us out, there is one thing for movement, such ias building expensive one who fired. The state brought out and heals at the same time. 23c, 50c, 51.00. location. viaducts and other improvements, say- Thursday by the defense, but it is be- Councilman Ashley waxed more ve- which we are duly grateful, and that in lieved that within a few days another that young, Melvin was a witness in a hement than Mayor Woodward in his is that the council has ieilefti uus auwabso- S that the city could pay so much case against W. H. Coleman for reck- anything one each year en them. When it comes to juror, in addition to Marcus Jphen- discussion of the new schools built lutely alone, not a ning and A. H. Henslee, will be accus- less shooting on the public highway with the bond money. way or the other. havave repeateairepeatedly Question of schools, instead of con- ed of bias. and an effort was made to show that See "The Last Days of "The buildings we visited are worse asked for funds for the purpose of re- sistently following out this policy, he the killing was done to keep Melvin than the old structures," he said. pairing school buildings and making says 'No, we cannot have any more from testifying. Pompeii," Grand, all next "Some of them are a disgrace." needed improvements, but up to the schools until we have the money with Mayor Woodward expects to resume present time have, made little headway. which to pay for them.' FALL UNDER STOVE week. his inspection Friday. While I have been a member of the "The crematory, his pet aversion, He will probably call a special meet- board, the mayor and Dr. Van Dyke took all of the available money the If Cross, Feverish, Constipated, ing of the school board to take action have been present at only one meet- city had,- and there was nothing left MAY RESULT FATALLY on some of his recommendations. for schools or ar.v other purpose. Give "California Syrup„. ing." " When this latter proposition came up. FOR GIRL OF TIFTON ' DEPOT ASSURED; Favors School Tax. Woodward took the- question to the of Figs." AT THE THEATERS. "The only solution to my mind, is supreme court, and he is hugely CARNIVAL IN COLUMBUS. the imposjng of a school tax, or a tickled that he was upheld in his con- tention that the city could not borrow Tifton, Ga., October 9.—(Special.)— A laxative today saves a sick child heavy bond issue. Of the two I am in The 7-year-old daughter of Mr. and ACCEPTS GRANT money for this purpose." And this, too, tomorrow. Children simply will not favor of the former," said Walter M. Mrs. John Hancock is in a critical Rich. "The dumoinj? of a large sum after he had for years advocated the take the • time from play to empty City Celebrates Blowing Up of building of improvements and letting condition from burns received this their bowels, which become clogged ATIAHTA of money, say $2,000,000, into the city morning. The child was playing near H I Lftn I nTONIGHT a.-ao for school purposes, would probably the city pay for them as.it could. This Grant for Closing Cherry and up with waste, liver gets sluggish, Gamboa Dike. is the main reason for the present con- the cook stove, which has a loose leg, stomach sour. Friday and Saturday. - Matinee Daily bring about injudicious expenditures. and by some means the stove was "If the. school iax were adopted the dition in the schools, and you can Pine Streets for Erection of Look at the tongue, mother! If World's Greatest Motion Pictures quote me, i'f you like, as saying that turned over on her. She was scalded coated, or your child is listless, cross, ColUmbus. Ga., October 9.—(Special.) board would know each year just by boiling water and burned with hot exactly how much money to count on, Woodward's stand 'on the crematory grease besides the burns from the hot Terminal Is Accepted. feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't For more than an hour tonight Colum- and needed improvements could be question is largely responsible for it. eat heartily, full of cold or has sore NORTH OF 53 The consensus of opinion of the stove. Physicians think she has & throat or any other children's ailment, THE FROZEN NORTH ALASKA bus people held high carnival in cele- made every year. chance for recovery. bration of the blowing up tomorrow ,"I am heartily with The Constitution members of the board of education ap- give a teaspoonful of "California PRICE:. -25c and SOo pears to be that the building of the Macon, Ga., • October 9.—(Special.)— Syrup of-Figs," then don't wbrry, be- of Gamboa dyke in the Panama canal. In its stand. The conditions existing in The acceptance by the Central of Geor- Beginning a'. 8 o'clock bedlam broke most of the "Schools are positively dis- crematory is largely responsible for DUBOSE TO PREACH cause it is perfectly harmless, and in loose in all parts of the city. Whis- the crowded conditions, in that no gia railway of the legislative grant by a few hours all this constipation poi- graceful. I do not think that the re- funds were available for school pur- ON INSANITY OF SIN the city for the closing of Cherry and son, sour bile and fermenting waste tles blew, bells ringing, horns tooting, ports have been exaggerated in the Pine streets and widening the right of will gently move out of the bowels, men and boys yelling, cannon shooting, least. poses after the plant was paid for. red lights burning and thousands way along fifth street, makes the dream and you have a well, playful child "It is possible that by switching the Bondn Favored by Daley. Dr. 'H. M. DuBose, pastor of the of the people of Macon for a new union again. A thorougS "Inside cleansing" FORSVT H marching through the streets with au- children about, and making some of First Methodist church, announces the tomobiles, motoi'rycles and other ve- passenger depot sure of realization. is oftlmes all that is necessary. It them go two or three miles to their Walter R. Daley, president of the following as his subjects for next Sun- The directors, at a meeting in Savan- should be the flrst treatment given HUGK HERBERT & CO. BUY SEATS hicles tearing along the driveways, schools, that we could handle the situa- board of education, favors the issu- day, viz.: at 11 a. m., "The ,Highest nah yesterday, formally accepted the in any sickness. Ini "A Son of joloman" , presented an unusual spectacle. By tion for this year in the schools for ance of bonds to the sum of ?2,000,UOO Calling;" at 7:30 p. m., "The Insanity AHEAD. proclamation of the mayor the hour grant and today notified the. mayor and Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. JAMES -THORNTON white children, but unless something is for permanent school improvements. of Sin." council of Macon and the state railroad Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle DON'T WAIT from 8 to 9 .was given over to the done, and that at once, Atlanta will be While he states that the schools are, In the morning discourse the pastor Carl Dammann Troupe celebration and H was a distinct suc- commission of' their action. It is un- of "California Syrup of Figs," whjch Glrard & Gardner-Bordoh & UNTIL TOO made the laughing stock of the south as reported, crowded, the situation for will undertake to show the marks of derstood that no time will be lost now has full directions for babies, children Shannon and Others LATE. cess. through the conditions existing in the this year can be easily handled true spiritual religion. in starting the work on the new sta- of all ages and for grown-ups plainly public schools for negroes. through the switching of pupils from The purpose of the evening discourse tion, the Southern railway having printed on the bottle. Look carefully JOHNSON BUYS INTEREST the congested district to other schools. on "The Insanity of Sin" is to demon- agreed, under certain conditions, to en- and see that It is made by the "Cali- Woodward Not to Blame. This would, .o'f course, necessitate a strate from historic and from sub- ter a union station with the Central. It fornia Fig Syrup Company." Don't be IN M'MICHAEL AD FIRM "I am not ' prepared to say who Is two or three-mile walk of the part of jective and scientific evidence of the is stated there will be no trouble in fooled! to blame for this condition, but I do some. effects of all kind oit sin on the fiber, meeting these conditions. The grants want to state that we have repeatedly "Two million dollars," said Mr. Da- intelligence and consciousness of men by the city of Macon are made condi- The announcement has just been s and to show the corrective. LYRIC THIS WEEK made that Robert B. Johnson will in gone before council, year after year, ley, "would give to the city all addi- tionally on the understanding that the M ATINEES TUESDAY. THURSDAY AND SATURDAY the future be associated with J. C. Mc- and asked for appropriations with tional schools needed, and would put depot shall be a union one. .entered by TIM Greatest Love Story Ever Written Michael in the advertising business In which to erect new buildings, and our the older buildings in first-class con- BRACEWELL HELD UP all railroads entering the city. this city. Mr. Jtfhnson, who at one pleadings have not been heeded, if dition. The plans for the new pags»tiger sta- "ONE DAY" time was an office boy in the employ they were not entirely ignored. "It has been stated that the coun- AND POCKETS RIFLED tion have not yet bee naccepted, though MI-O-NA QUICKLY of The Constitution, has bought a half it is. known the Central has several sets Dramatized by Cecil Spooner. A sequel to the "I want to say further that Mayor cil is to blame for the present situa- interest in the firm and has been Woodward is not In the least to blame, tion. 1 do not believe that this is a from which it can choose; Famous Success "THREE WEEKS'* elected president, while Mr. McMichael As he was on his way downtown last For several months the Central has will act as secretary-treasurer. as some have said. I have talked with fact. How in the world could they give night after dinner J. R. Bracewell, of been quietly at work in an effort to The combination of Mr. Johnson and Mr. Woodward on several different oc- Us funds they did riot have? To my 256 Courtland street, was held up by a reach an agreement with property own- Mr. .McMichael in the new firm will casions about the congested condi- mind, the best solution of the prob- tall dark negro wearing a derby hat, ers below Cherry street as to the mean mueli to the growth of the en- tions of our schools, and he has at lem lies in asking council to submit •who after poking a huge revolver in amount of damages to be paid as a re- all times assured me of his heartiest the problem to the citizens of At- Brp-cewell's face, went through his terprise, .already ranked as one of the sult of closing Cherry street, thereby Do not continue to suffer with heart- Columbia Ifarlesqne Theater city's most prominent 'advertising co-operation in the advancement of lanta in a. bond election, and then we clothes. affecting property in that vicinity, now our educational projects. The mem- should be enabled to see where the The highwayman relieved Bracewell burn, dizziness, after dinner distress, 14 Central Ave., font of Wall St agencies. occupied for manufacturing purposes. Mr. Johnson's rise in the advertising bers of city council have told me at blame lies," of an Elgin watch, an expensive fob It is said that with most of the proper- headache, biliousness, pain in the bow- •world has been rapid. From his start and $1.50 in cash els or sour and gassy stomach. Get 25—F»E O F> L.E—25 Officers called to the scene took up ty owners an agreement, has been in Atlanta be worked up to 'the posi- reached though there are a few who are relief at once—buy today—a 50c box of Twenty I>rr«ty Chorus Girls. tion of advertising manager of the the trail of the negro, but up to a late x lusion between the parties, he has hour last night no arrests had been still holding out. It is believed that in Ml-o-na Tablets. All druggists sell it. ThiH week Uncle' .Remus Magazine and from there the end these differences will be ad- THE "JOI,t,Y WIBOW." went with the American Monthly AIRED MARITAL WOES steadfast!^ read the law to the jury made. This is the second robbery in They quickly and surely end indiges- and prevented the granting of the de- J that section of Courtland street within justed for the sentiment in Macon Is Mat. 3 n. m. Itisht 7:30 and 9 o'clock. Magazine, where he has been an active BEFORE JUDGE ELLIS overwhelmingly for the new union de- tion and stomach distress—or money Smoke U'ynli like. force on the advertising staff for over ed separation. - the week. The police believe both refunded. two years. During the week octttioner after pe- jobs were pulled off by the same rriah. pot and the Cherry street location. • titioner has trailed throujrh the court- Continued Front Page One. room and stories that would need the pen of an O. Henry to relate, or the imagination of an Hdgar Allen Poe to the happiness of the married people conjure up are delivered to the jury. of the community as more Important Men weep as they retrito details of than the wholesale attack on the sale family life. Others show faces as hard of beer. as the hearts they ascribe t •• their Above All Else Make the To Judge Kills is usually delegated wives and mothers-in-law. by the other judges ,t!,e task of hear- 1 Women fallow the same line of con- ing the undefended eases which are duct. With a voice as raucus as that Expressing a R-lven a regular fortnight's time four of a Plowman, shouting at his mule, times yearly. The ludge probably has a woman sat and told that her- hus- heard more of marital unhappincss band had hired her out as a farm than any other man in the state. hand. A woman in fashionable clothes Home Beautiful and Comfortable Making: Divorce Harder. smiled at the jury as she told of the "constant fusses and bickerings" be- Declaration of The subject never grows tiresome tween herself and her husband. An- to him. He is always ready to go other yv-ept as she told her tale. It's Where You Live-Where the Wife, Mother into the merits of each case, and each It might seem that the stories would I year it becomes harder and harder for assume a stereotyped form, but the one I a couple to set a divorce simply be- new thing under the sun seems to be cause the case is undefended and the the tale that the plaintiff can ralat* and Children Spend Their Lives Principles defendant makes no answer to the in a divorce suit. . charges. When there is a cause for divorce the judge cannot prevent and Hard Knocks for <'ii]vi-omes Our I 1'rom the wheels of the "divorce mill," j but if he looker! at one witness in a Divided bate, one might arrive with a goodty fane he wottlt prominent men of af- The curtain downward roll: pestering women with your flavoring ex- problems presented are most Puzzling. Char- It is a good business proposition for a fairs, physicians, etc., of this city. As mem- Then, hail the "Winter Author!" Here tracts. You ought to be at home getting ity may consist in giving a person a few business house or a corporation to make a Entered at the postofflce at Atlanta as bers of committees they personally devote He comes, to read his title clear! your house in order for the great change, moments time and a dollar, but such help Is liberal annual appropriation to the Asso- second-class mail matter. Heaven grant he stands the wear and tear. for you can't expect to live much longer, as temporary. Most persons needing assistance ciated Charities. The more this society is several hours of their time to the compli- And bless his shivering soul! I see quite plainly that you aril a man of require it for a considerable period of time Investigated, the larger these appropriations POSTAGE KATES: cated details of the organization. As none dissipated habits. and it may cover: Help of the doctor, medi- will be, and naturally then the more they United States and Mexico of these men are in the habit of buying "You are wasting your time standing here cine, payment of %ent, the securing of em- can accomplish for the good of Atlanta, IO to 13-paKf papers, la IS to 24-pnKe Watch Your Prosperity. ployment, clothing, arranging for the care J. WALLACE HOYT. Imper*, 3c{ 21 to 3U-i>a(gc papera. 3c; 3« to metaphorical gold bricks, their hard-headed with your hand full of bottles, for I could Ge-pag;e papers. So. "You've got to watch Prosperity—you've never be induced to buy flavoring extracts of children and It frequently Involves the Atlanta. Ga. and practical testimony is conclusive. sot to 'conserve it. so to speak,'" says the of an agent. I fell into the snare of the The Associated Charities is a machine Billville Banner, "for there's such a thing fowler once, and I think I have sense enough ATLANTA, GA., October 10, 1913. to profit by experience. for dispensing constructive philanthropy. as celebrating prosperity out o' town. If a "For years and years I Tiave been buying man strikes a gold mine and spends his time BASEMENT SCHOOLS CRIMINAL SUBSCRII~riO.\ RATES. In the last analysis, it is a dry dock where my flavoring extracts and spices and such t-i Mail in the Lulled States, and Mexico. human derelicts are refitted and strength- dancing and cutting up generally on a hill- things of Mr. Griggins, the grocer, and I (Payable invariably in advance.) top, pretty soon he'll have a hole In the must say they always gave me satisfaction, 1 mo 6 mo 12 mo. ened for the ocean of life. For instance, ground with n6thln' in it. Prosperity comes although I don't indorse Mr. Griggms per- SAYS WELL KNOWN SPECIALIST ,-ailv Ind Sunday . .. GOe 5323 56 00 Mr. Hoyt says that today Upon the south sonally, because of the way he treated his l»alU GOc 225 400 from hittin' haid licks, and it takes hard a side of the city alone the Charities have daughter. Said daughter eloped with a clerk Editor Constitution: Your recent edi- hurdd.%- , l » 2 00 licks to keep it A day at the picnic is all in the store, and when they returned and periment. The children do thrive. The sick- T-t-w^ekly 1-00 supervision of 300 cases. It is fair to as- right for restin-up purposes, but you don't begged the stern parent's forgiveness, said torials and Mrs. Conklingf's letter on the ly ones get well and the -well ones have bet- By Carrier. sume that the total for the city will reach want the fiddler to get all the money." stern parent kicked the husband down a school question deserves the respectful at- ter and quicker learning capacity. People In Atlanta 55 cents, pel month or 12 cents e * * * * flight of stairs and told his daughter never tention of every citizen. do not realize how much energy a child uses rer w-eek Oufsidt ol \tl n,t 6U cents per 600 cases. In a large proportion of these In studying his lesson and In doing his month or 14 cents per week. It AH Happened Yesterday. to darken his door again, and he has never The basement schools should be closed at cases the human derelicts were originally in spoken to her from that day to this. I school work, nor do men know how much air, •I R HOLL.1L>\.* < ouoUtuuon Building, such plight as to become either charges think Mr. Griggins has been inhuman in this once. with its cleansing and restorative properties, sole Advertising Manager for all territory matter, but it .must be admitted that his TJie emergency of no space ought never is needed by the active child. He should outsidUUL^IUO e*^ 14(1.1Atlanta1 I.H. . _^ upon the community or go to pieces upon flavoring- extracts are first-rate to have risen. Anything like reasonable an- have air and light from all sides if possible, The address of the Washington Bureau is the first shoal of disease or poverty the- "Last spring an agent came to the door ticipation would have prevented it, but now and there is not the least danger from No 1727 S Street. N W. Mr. John Cornfean. scraped against. just when 1 was going to make a cake for a that It is here, It can be met much more droughts If the space Is entirely opcB* Jr. stall' correspondent, in charge. supper at our church. I have always con- I have been In many school rooms In this Now, the charity of the old days would tendqd that no woman can beat me making readily than seems to be supposed. We do city shortly after the children have departed, TH)J CONSTITUTION is on ba.l<* In New not, need enclosed buildings for good schools. and In the modern ones, such as Hill street To/k city by 2 p. m. tt)9 da> »ftei issue It have pitched a dollar or a ton of coal to cakes, and my reputation was widespread. If ••an be baa at Hotallng's Newshtai.ds, Broad- each of these derelicts and forgotten them. you talked about cakes, anywhere in this Th.» best of all arrangements is a good roof and Fair street, as well as the old ones, such ly A-, and Forty-second street (Times building- community, lowland or highland, far or near, with adjustable protection from the side of as Boulevard and Ira, there has Invariably turner) Thirty-eighth direct and Broadway In time they would have been shipwreck and you'd be sure to hear of Mrs. Curfew. Of bad weather, and all sides wide open when- been the same heavy 'Odor that can be de- 8r.d Twenty-ninth street and Broadway. the community would have paid the salvage course I made special efforts whenever I was evei possible, which is most of the time. scribed only as that of the caged animal. bills. The charity of today recognizes that baking for such an event as a church supper, This with a g-ood floor In cle^n air Is the Now that we have to do something at The Constitution is not responsible for and on the occasion referred to I was deter- best school space and far better than that once, why not erect a roof with only the advance payments to out-of-town local car- it takes about as long to cure a case of mined to do my best, for some distinguished offered by Atlanta's most expensive and re- riers, dealers or asents. necessary uprights to support It, put in a poverty as it does tuberculosis. You can't people, including the bishop, were going to cent school buildings. There is no need of good floor, set up the desks and send the blast out the habits of a lifetime or change honor the supper with their attendance. heating. Even In the severe climate of 800 kids there with warm clothes and hoods and WHAT ARE THE FACTS? "Just at the last moment I found I was miles north of here, there are schools en- let them breath as they work. the adverse environment of an entire family short some flavoring extracts, and it was tirely open and unheated. The children can It is ignorance, criminal Ignorance, to It is charged, the facts being universally with the dose of one quarter. So the then that the agent came to the door. For be waimly clothed and that will be enoug-h. senc. any of them to a basement school, and charity of today takes its time, uses science, once I looked upon an 'agent as a dispensa- They will like It and be better in every way. these rooms with light and wind on only admitted— tion of providence, and I bought two or three I realize that this will contravene the one side are not much better, no matterNnow That in the Inrnan Park school conges- employs infinite patience and as a rule cures bottles of his extracts without asking a ideas of many men who say we have never .high they are. these cas.es of poverty, as it does of actual question, and then went ahead and made my done that way and the children will get cold Sincerely, tion is such that/three grades, containing in disease, and many times of vice. cakes, and they looked beautiful. if sitting out of doors. As a matter of fact, RICHARD R. DALY, M. ID. "The church supper was largely attended. this has been tried and is no longer an ex- October 9, 1313. the aggregate 171 children, are crowded into Of the 600 cases now under treatment it All the beauty and chivalry were there. In a dark and damp basement, \\here teaching is probable at least 125 will be permanently due season the cakes were passed around, and I watched people help themselves to my is done by gaslight. Toilets are in close prox- restored to productive citizenship. The masterpiece, especially the bishop, for ot whole assets of Atlanta's banks spent in course one naturally wishes to please the WELL KNOWN ATLANTA LADY imity to these children. A sewer, six feet maudlin fashion couldn't accomplish what bishop I saw him take a good big bite of distant, fouls the air they must breathe. The Hcdsers. my cake, and then expected to see an ex- the pitiful sum available to the Associated pression of bliss mantle his features, but in- RESENTS SCHOOL SITUATION That in the Highland school congestion Charities accomplishes. That takes an or- Ono g-ood excise gone forever— stead of that he suddenly stopped chewing ganization ot trained, sacrificing and vet- They settled the tariff—'tis true' as though he had an attack of jumping is such that in the first grade, containing BUT: now- there's the currency problem— toothache, and his face twitched, and tears Editor Constitution: Just a few words If the, present holdings of the city are not mere babes, 84 children arfe, crowded; in eran experts. The Associated Charities Can't move till thoy settle that, too! streamed down his face. Others beg-an act- on this school question: laige enough there are vacant lots on every abks, a few dollars' trom rich Atlanta that ing the same way, and I never was so mis- *the second grade, containing children but "Cap't settle that bill"—that's the usual If those In authority would get together side which can be bought. We do not feel it may save rich Atlanta hundreds of thou- speech. erable in my life. a year older, 72 are crowded; in the third "I took a piece of the cake myself ,and bit and at once have four open air rooms to top we have been fairly treated In this school sands, of dollars each year. To be slothful "Till wi- know just how far the new currency off a piece, and then I sent up a silent prayer shake-up, and if any one will take time to '11 leaeh'" Highland school building, our children, -who grade, with an average age of nine years, in responding to that plea is almost crimi- that I might meet that agent with a rolling have been so unexpectedly and so unwilling- inspect the old dilapidated building on M,ore- And when the last issue is settled pin some day before I died. The cake lanct avenue, where our children are now 94 children are crowded. Each day a large nal indifference to the city's welfare. Ant! trouble has silenced his drums, tasted as though it had been flavored with a ly thrust out of that school, -would soon be number of these children of tender years "Dor't rumplp our rest," they'll be sayin,' poor quality of cod liver oil, and it was noth- back in a modern up-to-date school. That forced to attend school, they will readily "Till the other Millennium comes'" ing but those extracts that did It. I have the present Highland school is located In understand, and no doubt would Join us in are taken sick from exposure to these de- IN BEHALF OF GEORGIA. Trer there'll be such long peace on this bat- been explaining ever since, and the church the right place is proven by its crowded asking for better condrtlo-ns. tpred old ball women pretend to sympathize with me, but (MRS.) LILY S. JOHNSON. plorable conditions and have to be sent Within a few dajs the newly organized Thei won't want to worry a fellow at all! when they gave a supper two weeks ago condition—and this also shows ft Is where home. Georgia State Chamber of Commerce will all' they didn't ask me to contribute a cake, another full graded school should be built. 273 Euclid avenue. begin its active campaign for membership which shows how they really feel about it. That conditions li,ere represented are and for funds. The, response in both So you make yourself scarce, mister, and illustrative of conditions ttiat prevail In respects should be instantaneous, unstinted The Professor Comes Handy. don't ever mention flavoring extracts in my The original Pleasant Valley correspond- presence again." be\eral other schools in the system. anc' representative. The organization has ent of the Kansas City Star sa>s of the new tor its purposes the promotion ot the health, schoolmaster That under such conditions hundreds of the wealth and the development of each one "Our present schoolmaster is even more The World's Mysteries lives are daily menaced, and the scholarship ot the more than two million inhabitants balfl than Prdfessor Simon J Simpleton, who A CALL FOR HELP WHAT BECAME OF HENRY B. WENTWORTH? of this state. That broad platform ought tausht last year His resemblance to the Of the entire system threatened. to insure that its appeal meet with imme- globe is startling-. In fact when little Sim- FOR WORTHY CHARITY With the exposure of these facts there diate and state-wide answer. mii- Larity, who bad not bepn paying much The civil war brought out many myster- along' Pennsylvania avenue to the capitol. A movement of this nature can no more attention to the lesson, was called on the Editor Constitution. Will you kindly al- ious disappearances, but one of the" moat After that all trace of him was lost. ' has gone up a community-wide demand for accomplish its objects without money than otlier day to trace the course of the Mis- low us space in your columns to call the at- singular of them all was that of Harvey B. The thorough investigation which fol- a carpenter can work without tools. The sissippi river, he arose awkwardly and, in tention of the public to our 140 dependent Wentworth, a New Hampshire farmer lad, lowed his unaccountable disappearance remedy. his confusion, traced the course of the large assuring of a sufficient income is the first children at the Georgia Industrial home? who went away on a furlough one day In showed that he w-as last seen on the brow On top ot this situation the cry has blue vein which runs down the back of the For fourteen years our institution has been consideration. Until that has been taken piofessor's head" July, 1862, and was never heard from there- of Capitol Hill, contemplating the western risen in several quarters, and in several care of, all other efforts may as well ' e doing a great service to our state and to so- after. Every means possible was taken to suspended. It takes money, money con- ciety in general by taking care of many chil- panorama of the city spread below him. communications printed by The Constitu- dren who would have otherwise been neg- discover his whereabouts. Naturally there About him masons and stonecutters at work tributed regularly and in amp^e proportions, Rebuked. were a great many cowards who deserted tion: to materialize the sort of publicity and en- ] Growlin' on forever. lected and developed into criminals or worse. upon an extension to the capitol were sweat- courage the sort of development the cham- In the lowgrounds you abide. The Georgia Industrial home, known by their army either through fear or dissatis- Ing under the merciless midsummer sun. That the trouble with the whole system ber purposes giving Georgia. An organiza- And the glad old earth a-rollin' many as Mumford home, is probably doing faction, but everything went to show that Below him was a labyrinth of partly-cover- is not lack of floor capacity, but misman- (ion of identical character in Texas has now To reach the rosy side! the greatest work along its peculiar line this-' was not the case with young Went- ed excavations for the sub-basement ot the than any other institution in the south, and worth, and for that reason unusual efforts agement in the distribution of children reached its sixth year and has an operating An Authority on Satan. we feel that by the splendid work accom- new extension among the schools. It is claimed that annual income of $50,000. At the outset, "I has never yit knowed Satan ter bother plished we have earned and deserve the were made to discover what had become of What could have become of him? Was It Georgia should not undertake to do busi- a man dat didn't commence wid him fust sympathy and help of all charitably disposed him. possible that while exploring these labyrin- whereas several schools are crowded be- ness with a cent Jess. We may boast aa Ez a rule Satan hez got his ban's full; it's people In a little cemetery at Suncook, N. H., thine mazes he was overcome by heat or by yond the sanitary and hygienic danger line, we will about the Xvonderfully superior ad- ez much eX he kin do ter keep track er de Next Saturday, October 11, Is wprk day stands a monument which was erected by escaping gas and so fell into some dark other schools, sometimes within ten min- vantages of this state. But it takes money big folks, an' he don't fool -wid de small fry for orphans and all the great church homes the admiring friends of the young man, abyss where he was walled up and entomb- and organization to capitalize those advan- onless dey comes pesterln' of him Of co'se, have their organized forces at work and will utes' walk of the congested schools, are tages. And that is what the Georgia he can't stan' fer dat" no doubt reap a great harvest. Some of upon which Is engraved "Mysteriously dis- ed by unwilling- masons? This has been re- only a trifle over half filled! Chamber of Commerce is setting out to do. these homes will receive as the result of appeared from the knowledge of men, at garded as a likely explanation of his disap- The Constitution calls on the board of In the era that is now opening before work day at least twenty thousand dollars. Washington. D. C., In July 1862." pearance; for all evidence pointed to the 4 Text By the Way. We rejoice with them that this is true—but Early in July of 1862 a new regiment of fact that he vanished within the capitol education, the mayor and the city council tht south and the nation, Georgia can gain "If you like trouble well enough to keep hen about our one hundred and forty chil- volunteers was mustered into the service in grounds. incalculable wealth and development, if a chair for It at your fireside," says the for an answer (to this indictment, which, if Georgia is on the job. But the state cannot dren, just as worthy as any and possibly the vicinity of Suncook, which was kno.wn Had he deserted he would have eventu- sustained, charges nothing less serious than philosopher, "that's your affair, and a merr^- more unfortunate, since we take the moat as the Nineteenth New Hampshire Volun- ally reached New Hampshire, for h« ha& a. hope to compete with other states, e\en world will wish you joy of It, but note this: destitute cases? teers. One of the most enthusiastic In Ha good home, and was fond of his parents, and CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE. Moorer in resources, unless she has the It never stays long where it isn't wanted; "We ihave no organization to aid us and ranks was young Wentworth. a private In he would no doubt have let them hear from The Constitution, in behalf of the moth- machmerv \\ith which to bring these re- the heart that sings because the song is there we ihope the public will take this fact Into Company D. The regiment was started at him. Anxiety over the fate of the promising sources before civilization. To that end, to sing makes the worries of life take the consideration and send ^ us a contribution. once tor the front. They passed through young .life thus abruptly and strangely ers of this city, the city generally, calls ana to the end of waking civic enthusiasm, road to Nc-wbere." We are doing a great work and as this work the city of Washington and camped upon the snUffed out ca'used the premature death of for an immediate and unsparing probe that edxacational spirit and .industrial initiative is supported entirely by voluntary charity Virginia side of the Aqueduct bridge. hla parents shortly after his disappearance, shall establish the truth or falsity of the in each county, the chamber is to address Hln Titles. It makes It extremely difficult. We have Wentworth, at the time, was a sturdy and the only mark to his memory is the indictment. its eltorts. He wants to read his titles clear just been through three of the hardest years chap of 20 years. He was a farmer boy of monument In the little New Hampshire What helps one man in Georgia helps To mansions now'In view; financially in the history of the home and exceptionally good habits, as well as un- churchyard. IF FRAIL LITTLE TOTS IN THE tn» whole state, and \ice versa. In the mat- Sajt he: ""When I am safe up there are in need. Our work Is state-wide, almost usually Intelligent and inquisitive. While in INMAN PARK, THE HIGHLAND AND ter ot dp^ elopment, modern processes are Wherp some folks -v, ant a crown to wear, every section of the state being represented camp on July 21 Wentworth requested a fur- by one or more children. lough to cross the bridge to see the sights OTHER SCHOOLS HAVE BEEN COM- so intertwined that the humblest and the I'll be cont?nt just anywhere— highest member ol society feels the stimu- A shady spot'll do" This is our only means of calling the of Washington. It was granted to him and BURDENS. PELLED TO FACE DEATH AND DIS- people's attention to this great work—and he departed from, his comrades and after lating and depressing influence. The or- By GfoTfe Matthew Adam* EASE BECAUSE THE BOARD OF EDU- ganization's canvass for funds and for mem- we can only hope that the cry of our needy that was never again heard from. At the Nobody Noticed It. and dependent children will be heard from nex, roll-call he was marked "not Present, CATION, COUNCIL OR ANYBODY ELSE bership should be met by e\ery Georgia "The paper was. three days late last one end of the state, to the other, and a lib- and after several more roll-calls appended business man, every clerk, doctor, lawyer, It is not for anyone to trot Idly or Easily HAS BEEN ASLEEP, THAT FACT farmer, educator and followers of other •week." says a rural editor, "but as most of eral response will be made. trv Vil^ name was "mysteriously Qisa.ppfta.red. NEEDS URGENTLY TOf BE ESTAB- the folks were out of town and three- Let every one realize that our work Is No one ever believed that WAitworth had through this World. Each must needs carry callings. Corporations, whether of railroad, fourths of the country people had gone a- worthy, dependent, and needs help. LISHED. deserted. He was not built that way, and •hls "Baggage"—his BuTden. And to him wHo industrial or commercial nature, should huntln' It didn't matter. There wasn't any J. A. HARRIS, besides every circumstance connected with gladly, willingly and enthusiastically shoul- The Constitution is unwilling to admit respond, since they prosper only as the state news to speak c-f nohow" General Manager, Georgia Industrial Home, the case pointed away from such a probabil- ders his Burden, there conies a sense of and its people prosper. Macon, Ga. that any board or that council itself has What is intended is to build a mighty itv A special court of inquiry was called, Ownership and Leadership, To all others r The Sum ot It. and after sifting every particle of evidence comes the" feeling of Servitude and Ten- been so criminally remiss as to place the engine for universal development. The or- "You Can't Lose Jim!" thev could obtain, reported that Wentworth ancy. ganization is fortunate in haiing as its di- "How long has he been in congress?" lives of little children in tjhe scale against "I dunno All I do know is that he don't I read your editorial and think it mighty d'd "disappear from mortal ken; but in view Your Worth is measured largely by what a little personal exertion and ingenuity. recting spirits such men as C J. Haden, of know any better." fine. of ihls character and .antecedents we clear you are able to carry—by the size of your Atlanta, the president, and Charles J. Mc- So let me take a text of it and write a little him from the charge of desertion and rec- Burden. But the crisis does not permit theoriz- Kinney, acting manager-secretary, both of rhyme. ommend that his military record be regard- The more you do, the more you want ing, condonation or uncertainty. whom are ideally eauipped for the task. The Unfailing Grouch. For Jim's about the slickest guy that ever ed as without stain." to do, and the greater the Results you se- "We sure thought that when prosperity skid the pike This opinion generally was based upon cure from the work of your Brain and Harfds. It calls for action, action at once! come boundln' in .an' toe saw it dancln' an' And seems to have those qualities that .coun- the fact that Wentworth had never been the greater •will be the Responsibilities that Whether the conditions charged are due Mrs. Pankhurst's lectures are limited, so cuttin' high jinks all 'round him, he'd cheer cil members like. known to complain of the life of a soldier. you will be called upon to carry. But Bur- to LACK OF ROOM or to INEXCUSABLE there isn't as much trouble in store for us up an' look c-n the brighter side, but thar For every time he slips a cog and somehow In fact, he had been too short a. time in the dens and Cares Upbuild and Strengthen, if as the pessimists predicted. h-^ sits, in sackcloth an' ashes, a-moanln* runs amuck service to tfre of it, and especially so as he you but carry them in Fortitude and insMe INDOLENCE IN THE APPORTIONMENT an' a-moanin' 'It won't last till I die! It He slips right out of trouble by some hook was treated with the greatest kind of con- of Smiles. To "Tramps" alone are Burdens OF ROOM, the remedy must be immediately ain't here till jedgment blows!'" or crook of luck. sideration, his cousin being the captain of distasteful and annoying. forthcoming if lives, health, scholarship are He seems to have' the rlg-ht of way on every the company of which he was a member. The healthiest and hardiest horse Is the Senator Vardaman is against the project city street Besides, in his company there was no one Work horse. Likewise, the Strongest Man not to pay the forfeit.j of a bridge across the Potomac. He knows Didn't Want 'Em to Ruab It. And drives his wagon trains alone and never more enthusiastic' to reach the front and to the one with the Biggest Burden on hts The duty of the major and the council, that congressmen that are wild to get away They tell this on a Missouri man, who was does retreat. see something of real war. back. , ' t.-j have been married in a neighboring town O, no you can't lose Jim—he scatters dust When he left camp he was full of youth- As you -walk Into each new day, walk the superintendent and the board of educa- won't mind swimming it. tha other day, and missed his train. He with every breeze ful enthusiasm over the prospects of seeing Into It with a steady Confidence, shrinking tion, is plain. rushed to the telegraph office and wired: He knows his colleagues true will say "Now, the sights of Washington. Everything point- not a bit as you step up to the Burden aft.'i- Jim, do as you please." Not one of these factors can afford to "E"on't have wedding until I get there—miss- ( ed to the fact that he had never left Wasft- Burden that the day may have ready for It's the real spectacular season, with ed train " For it was he who once was such a bold and Ington. Sentries were posted at every'hlgh- you Glory in the Knotty Problems, the rest content until their INDIVIDUAL gallant flirt wa> sand byway out of the city, as well as Difficult Tasks, the seemingly Impossible golden autumn authors in green hats. That he could change Atlanta's laws ana SKIRTS ARE CLEARED FROM THE A Reminiscent Birthday. fill her streets with dirt. along\Its leading thoroughfares, and no one and the things pushed on to your life desk UGLY IMPLICATION. In any event, not "The paper will be" twenty years old to- could feet "by them without 'having his pass by the Shifters. Pick tVCm all up—and And now ne puts a fence aoroBS the street recorded. The records of these guards er«ictly carry them to their destination. one can afford to rest until the known and It ought to be a willing congress—with morrow," says a Georgia exchange, "which and we squeeze through. , But remember—for him who carries Much. will be the exact age of many accounts due But Jim's all right, be has the "pull," no showed' t;ha.t the missing: youth had prenent- admitted conditions are remedied. such a fine opportunity to give an equivalent us. However, we live under a system j>f the public do. . ed his pi-as on entering the western limits cheerfully, there accumulates Baae and What are the FACTS? for toe cash. * hope -which Is still In good running order." —V. O. RANKIN. of the city, and they indicated bia proKrea* Strength. \


diet was granted, told of how he had P4RRISH RE-ELECTED married her in 1908 against the wishes THURMOND ATTACKS ot her parents and finally, at their AS MAYOR OF ADEL Barbarous Conditions Exist TESTIMONY OF GIRL solicitation, had left her. HIS MOTHER-IN-LAW •Mrs. Nash declared in her petition, which •will be heard at the next term Adel, Ga., October 9.—(Special.)—In of court, that John Joseph Nash, whom IN DIFORCE COURT a closely contested primary election In Negro Schools of Atlanta] she says she married on 'July 22 of tor town officials in Adel the follow- *_j * ** GIVES WIFE FREEDOM this year, reached the climax of ill- Declaring that his wife has forced ing candidates were elected for tho treatment when, on October 3. he beat her with a plank- Nash, who is said his two Uttle girls to smut his name insuingr year: to earn $200 a month, waa placed un- with the charge of moral perversion, Mayor, C. E. Parrlsh succeeds him- By lama Dooly. as the result of insanitary and crowd- Two Pretty Women on Stand der a $300 ne exeat bond ton his ap- as he said, his mother-in-law had once self, defeating A. A. Parrish; J. A. Sut- ed conditions, nor have I, told of Or.e smutted the name of one of her five As many as 1,000 negro children of pearance to answer the suit for ali- ton, J. C. Thomas, J. E. Willcs, E. M. conditions . which exist when, conta- Attract Attention During mony and divorce. husbands, through his child's evidence, Farm, Demonstration Work- school age are wandering around the gious diseases prevail. . C. Thurman told of his family trou- Roderers, TV". M. Tyson, councilmen, anil streets or Atlanta today because there They are reproduced thus far only Divorce Grind. bles in divorce court. R. F. Jackson, secretary and treasurer; is no room In the public schools tor to prove .that justice and humanity Thurman claims that his wife and A. D. Mullis succeeds himself as city ers, in Three Days' Session, and common decency require that with tf.em. BATSON TO LAUNCH mother-in-law sought to rid themselves marshal, defeating R. R. Hall by a As many as 5,000 negro children the improvement of conditions in Uie of him and to escape to Texas with his white schools, there must be improve- A pair of big brown eyes that seemed money while he was in jail. He lays large majority. Discuss Plans to Improve have only three hours a day school- ments In the conditions of the ne^r-t to melt at times and make the heart of HYDRO-AEROPLANE ing, because of the double grade sys- the greater part of the blame on the schools. man beat faster, attracted the attention mother-in-law. He declared chat she • Agriculture. tem, whereby one-half of the childie- The representative negro women of of scores of lawyers, jurymen and WITHIN TWO WEEKS had had five husbands, four of them Wll Relieve fitrvous Depression and I who can get seats' go to school in the the city, many of them have organized Tile vltl standard 6t:aerai giron£Uienlng to&la to promote the interests of the school, courthouse attaches in the divorce mill supposed to be living, and one dead GROVE'S TASTELBS3 chill TJNIO, arouaerj «>• morningr and the other half In the aft- A committee of, them, mothers of ohil- ("Wednesday. The owner of the eyes under mysterious circumstances. liver, drives out Malaria and builds up the »y»- Special stress was laid on the Im- That she had shot husband No. 5, and ernoon. dren, visited The Constitution office was a young woman of 2-1 -who looked Savannah, Ga., October 9.—(Special.) tem. A «ur» Appetizer and »14 to digestion. OOo. portance of crop rotation at the flrst The same teacher who teaches sixty yesterday, and broug-ht reports of con- The Batson hydro-aeroplane will be afterwards made up with him was an- —(adv.) ditions of the nesfro schools which as though she might be hardly out of other charge Thurman directed at his day's meeting of the north Georgia children In the morning until 12 o'clock her 'teens. She avoided the looks that launched from the aerodome on Dutch teaches sixty more, and teaches until they have carefullv inspected. They wife's mother. The man also said that agents of the Farmers" Co-operative are the wives of industrious negro citl- just would drift toward her from time Island, within the next two weeks. he did not believe his mother-in-law 4 in the afternoon. How can she do if? who have homes' and who are anx- to time, and while she was the prettiest This authentic statement was made had been legally divorced from all of See "The Last Days of Demonstration work, which began a In the Pittsburg school for negroes three days' session in the chamber ious to help in the crusade for the woman Jn the room, she seemed to this morning by the inventor, Cap- her spouses he alleges she has had. the other day—the school composed of public school bebettermentt . Their names avoid attention, rather than court it. Attorney Frank L,. Haralson brought Pompeiij" Grand, all next of the state senate at the capitoi yes- and addresses are; L. B. Hope, Moie- tain Matthew A. Batson. into court the indictments returned three old shack buildings—a fire broke Finally she was called to the stand It was learned from the same source terday. out in the annex. There was the usual house college; J. B. Greenwood. 221 j as a ,witness. against Thurman on the children's evir week. Tiedmont avenue; C. C. Cater. 32 North that the name of tho air and water The demonstration work is under drill, the firemen came and put out the "I knew that woman couldn't be dence, and showed that fhey had all the direction of the United States de- 'Jackson street. suing for a divorce," remarked a crusty navigator and the personnel of the been nolle prossed. The indictments Tire and all was over before the prin- It should be remembered that with looking old lawyer. "No man "would partment of agriculture and the State cipal of the school knew about it. Ho.v crew wil""l b" e elected probably at the were returned in St. Louis. Thurman can a woma'n direct the activities of this thousand or more negro children ever fall out with her," lie added. last moment. After carefully consid- .got his flrst verdict from Mrs. Nellie College of Agriculture, with State a school while the one-hall' o£ -the kept out of the schools for want of The young woman told a humiliating erine the names "Savannah " ana P. Thurman. Agent J. Phil Campbell, of Athens, in schools, that there is no negro re- story of going- into the bedroom of Mrs. building in which she i« at one in".- formatory in Atlanta, and that them "Georgia" both have practically been K&OAKS charge. There are twenty-three ment is so far removed from the otaer Adele Wheeler and finding" another man discarded, the exact name being with- •Th« Bill Flouting «nfl Enlirl- she can't know when it catches on lire'.' is no place provided for the petty of- In the room. Through her testimony held until the finishing touches have Opium Monopoly for Britain. lr,» I mi C*B B« "reduM*." agents in the northern district doing fender except the stockade wnlfh Fred Wheeler got a divorce. work in twenty-seven counties. Teacb ill JUasemfiit. been made and the vessel ready for Hong Kong. China, October 9.—The Eaiuuta FUm« and «OIE breed's criminals. On Wednesday Judge W. D. Ellis the initial plunge into the river. British .government has decided to .•lock amateur •ufipUm. IT. E. Savely, of Washington. D. C., In one of the schools, that called A» Seen by President Ware. called the case of "Nash v. Nash," and Equipped with a full wireless ser- establish-'an opium monopoly in Hongr i*U xerru** lur otl-of-towo cuAturatl*. Summer Hilt, one of the largest grades the little woman took the stand. She Send for Cntuloii asi'l I*rf<« general field agent in this .territory, Kdward T. Ware, president of the vice. Captain Batson this morning de- Korig and it is thought that with the mado an interesting talk on southern Is in the basement. It is so dark in was asking for her own divorce. clared that communication with the control of the traffic in the hands of this room that the t.eacher cannot dis- Atlanta university, has written the She gave her name as Mrs. Nettie four-year rota- following letter commending the cru- airship either on the water or in the the government its gradual suppression A. K. HAWBiES crops, for three and tinguish the children in the rear of Nash and said that in 1905 she married will be easier. The rotations tbe room, and lamps are used on dark sade of The Constitution and pointing Albert T. Nash, then about 28 years of air would be possible at all times at 14 \Vlittf bull St.. Ailnnin. Cm. tions in Georgia. out deplorable conditions jn the net?»'° the factory, and to this end a small which he suggested, of which there days. age. She -was 16 at the time. In one of the schools there are no schools: Cruelty, addiction to morphine and but powerful radio wireless plant is are quite a number, -will be pursued desks provided for the children, and Editor Constitution: I wish to alchocol, on the part of her husband, soon to be installed on the top of the See "The Last Days of in the demonstration work in Georgia. thank you most sincerely for the lead- she named as her reason for asking aerodome. The inventor does not, for rough benches are used by them. Alany ing article on the flrst page of your Plant Oats and Clover. cf 'the children bring seats for them- legal separation. a minute, however, believe that there Pompeii," Grand, all next selves and they sit thus huddled to- issue ''of October T and for your strong It was the second verdict and the will be any necessity for sending out Another feature upon which stress eother, breathing not only the air of editorial 'upon the same subject. If husband, now living In Birmingham, an "S. O S." call for assistance. week. was laid is to, push the planting of the heated room, but that of Insanitary the citizens of Atlanta fully realize sought through Sheriff C. W. Mangum what neglect of school affairs means and several other -witnesses to show oats, clovers and other winter legumes toilets near by. they will surely bestir themselves to this fall. Not only Js the planting of In one of the basement rooms occu- that he had good character and ought pied by another grade, the vermin better the existing "conditions. to have his disabilities removed. more foodstuffs urged in order to crawls from the walls, and despite "Tlie conditions in the Pittsburg^ col- "Do you think a man who would mis- prepare the farmers for the advent every effort to clean the place, it uus ored school were spoken of as 'bar- treat a good-looking wife like that barous.' The whole situation in the would make any other woman happy?" of the boll' weevil, but also in order to proved unavailing. In this school i.he public, school facilities for tho n-:tn-o/.?s enable them to be independent of other teacher >has gone valiantly ahead, asked Judge Ellis of the jury before he taking children whether or not she might be termed barbarous. Bad as turned over the case to them. GLASSES UNSATISFACTORY? markets. 1 ad seats for them, her theory being they are in the white schools, they are The jury evidently thought that he Then it waa shown by a number of that bad as the school room is, thu v/crse in the colored schools. The sim- would not. The wife waa given a SEE US ple fact that there aree ononll y about 3,i5U final decree and .allowed to remarry. After shopping— examples, cited by the demonstrators children had better be there than on system tor the street. seats in the public Kohool The husband was refused this right. Our fltting-s are DISTINCTIVE;, themselves, that the productive power nt-gro children and over 6,000 children COMFOnTAF.LK, always more In Starr street school. Virginia, ave- Gtrl Bridea Ask Freedom. of the land had been greatly increased nue, Pittsburg- and Mitchell street in school s,usgests the prevailing con- than satisfactory. Our specialty, by crop diversification, in 'jome in- ditions. This means that there are "While a Jury before Judge "W. D. OCULISTS' prescriptions, and we school, there are dcuble grades all double sessions in all of the, schools, Ellis in the superior court gave tho fill them absolutely correct. stances treoled, and that crop rotation through, w.hich means that tne ch.1l- ir. tome of thum including thu sivtu flrst verdict) to Mrs. Bertha Dlckenson waa the only means that would' save dr«-n who attend that schools are -ma- grade. One can readily imagine ths Harper, child-bride, attorneys for Mrs. the land from impoverishment. half the day in school, the other half Inefficiency of such a system for the Grace V. Nash, of 151 'West Fair ATLANTA OPTICAL CO. on the street, two-thirds of them the W. U. I'olk. H. C. Montgomery. In order to bring the work that is pupils, living for half pf the clay on street, were filing with the cler ka pe- children of men and women who work thti streets and getting only three and tition asking that another girl who No. 142 Peachtree. being done by the college in connec- out of the home all day. ont-thalf hour:, of school work a day. married at the age of 16, be freed from Refreshing—Satisfying—Invigorating Try our Kryptok Bifocals; they tion with the United States depart- In Roach street -Eohool, Summer Hill, are- uneciualed. , , the schools have the grades twice •when they ought to have at least fl.'e, the bonds of matrimony. ment as neai; to the farmer as pos- and tha terrible burden up^n the teach- Robert A. Harper, husband of tho doubled; .there are the "A" and "B" ers who have to meet one set of chil- young woman to .whom the flrst ver- sible, State Agent Campbell urged classes in the morning; the "A" and dren in a crowded room in the morn- upon the demonstrators the import- "B" classes in the afternoon. ing and another fresh set' equally System IN Bad. ance of holding "old field schools" in .The bad effects of this system of crowded in the afternoon. every community in tho counties in "At this time when The Constitii double grading are complex. For in- tlori is making, such a, powerful pi'M which they are working: 'He believes stance, the children who go to school for better school conditions I \yis!i that more can be achieved by this in the mornings, one month, go tj especially to emphasize the coudituni1- school In tlie afternoons l':»- next of the negro schools. It is instinctive direct method of instruction in im- month, this doing away with the pos- proving the productiveness of the land and perhaps inevitable that t^u; »'i t.y sibility of their working when not in should think first of the welfare of tin- and the conditions of farm life than school. An Industriously inclined bay •sjrhite children, and yet wh«.n wo <• »:i- by any other method. or gir! going to school in the mornings slder that the negroes aro dependen; can get work for the afternoons. Hut for ail they get upon a city provi-rn • To Work With TeuL-nern. after one month at it he or she must inent in which they have no ahar.-. is ' It was also urged that the demon- give up the job to go to school in the it not evident t'.iat the responsibility strators secure the co-operation of the afternoon, and either hunt a job for oi.t> upon tho city for tho welfare of thv month in the morning or idle on the negroes is. quite as great as tiie rj- school teachers in the districts in street. which they were working and to get tJDonsibility for the welfare of the Hundreds Rooming; Streets. white chilcli'en? I sincerely hope that them to interest the children in im- In South Atlanta there are fully UOO In whatever '> appropriations mav be proved methods of farming. In this children ot school age who are on th,fc made to relieve the. conditions Lo whirh connection Professor M. • I* Dug-gan, streets because they have no school to you have called attention, there may one of the state supervisors of the de- go to. be given due consideration to the partment of education, made a strong These are only some of the facts needs of the children of both racrs. talk on the co-operation of the dem- pertaining to outrageous conditions I.Lldi torially you speak in very strong onstrators With tho rural schools existing in th» negro schools in At- language., but none too strong for t. <• Dr, M. P. Jar.nigran. head of the de- U.nta. I have them • from reliable conditions which you have discu.sofl partment of animal husbandry of the sources; they can be proven. I huvo Sincerely "rours, State College of Agriculture, made a not. embellished these facts; I have not "J'jUWAR-D T. . \VARH. talk on the means of getting better related incidents that su'ggest the ex- "President Atlanta University. You will find live stock introduced, and also of the istence of immorality and depravity "October 8, 1913." best kinds suited to this location. He suggested that farmers club together to buy hl'grh-bred males of the desired breeds to cross with their stock. "I GOT OFF LIGHT," similar The greater part of the morning session was given Tip to reports from HUBBY DID MARATHON SAYS NICK CARVER, local agents as to the work done dur- ing the past year. The last two days' sessions w.lli be occupied with discus- WHO GETS 15 YEARS charadterislics sions of the work to be done, and out- lining the methods to be used in the AS WIFE CHASED Rome, Ga., October 9.—(Special.) — work during- the coming year. "I got off light, didn't I?" said young Nick Carver to his . , brother, when He Gets First Decree as the Judge Moses Wright sentenced him to in service 6 ALLEGED MOONSHINERS fifteen years in the penitentiary this Result of Her Dangerous afternoon. The jury found him guilty UNDER HEAVY BONDS of voluntary manslaughter, after brief Temper. deliberation. h T uch He killed J. M. Stewart, a farmer, while buying Rome, Ga., October 9.—^(Special.)— Determined to break up a strong gang •with a blow on the head from an oak Z Ll ? °' Ae Shoulder" The story of a man who. laid down club last month. Carver claimed he of moonshiners, revenue officers have struck to save the life of his father. "LCduy, under* his tools and fled from his wife, on been securing the mountainous por- His attorneys moved for a new trial. at this slore ^ understanding workman tions of Walker and Chattooira coun- foot ahd C'n the street car, and finally P<: ties, and as a result of their activities sought shelter in thn bedroom of his Kfttf^SSS'g'g* ffies to his neighbor, the loyalty numerous arrests have been made uncle, while the wife beat upon the TRIAL OF TOM WATSON grips and bears leaning on this week. The government men were door with a hammer and tried to use Bloch workmen and workwomen spurred to activity by the burning ot a hat pin on the policeman called to TO BE HELD OCTOBER 20 J. H. Flority's house and barn and the arrest her, was told yesterday before H S yalty is not wrecking of his sawmill on Lookout Macon. Ga., October 9.—(Special.) — £ L ,!° unwav spectacular mountain a few i.fgrhts ago. Judge W. D. Ellis In the division of United States District -Attorney AlPX i, u ering, shoulder to m St £X ert A3 a result ot their activity six men superior court, where divorces are be- Akerman has definitely assigned Oc- shoulder advance that always wins— d , ° ° P •were brought before United States ing tried this week. tober 20 as the date, for the trial of to ether men gath Commissioner John C. Printup' yester- It was Ainory Odon, the unhappy Thomas E. Watson on the charge of r>1 ered to«t--«=2• h • ^''n" uiionee prgprganization ^a ". day. They were John Gil'reath, Bud husband; Charles. Reed, his uncle; Pa- sending: obsence literature through the Gilreath, John Stoker, Jesse Ellison, trolman Wood and .two other men, who mail. Vlnce Thomas and Britt Haskey. Each gave the different parts of the doings in-Bloch Smart Clothes •was placed under a heavy bond, and attributed to Mrs. Estery It Odon, will be tried, at the Xovember term of slight. M satue, with mild gray eyes federal court. and. soft brown hair. ."Is the woman r«ally dangerous when her temper is aro'used?" asked What is Home Judge Ellis, seeking to get to the bot- omcn w 51 There MA CON FARMER, SHOT tom of the strans' story. rgisaz^ -?!^ »h ambitions anrf M^if^L ^' and there are m™ "Well, I'd hate to have her mad with Without an Appetite? BY HIS SON, IS DEAD me," a witness 'replied. ,"Do you fear her?" the judge asked Macon, Ga.,' Octo'ber 9.— (Special.) — the husband. Many a Miserable Dyspeptic Can T. Greene nKight, the Hazard district " '*! certainly did; I don't now, farmer who was shot through the though," he replied. Quickly Enjoy a Good Appe- shoulder yesterday by his 18-year-old "Why don't you fear her now?" tite Using Stuart's Dys- son, L. G. Knight, died this morning. queried the Judge. He re-gained consciousness only once "Well, she isn't he're," naively re- pepsia Tablets. from the tim.:...e. of. "" shootin_"..."g_ until his Plied Odon. and Deputy Lon Burdette death. No arrests are -•likel- - y to • -b e rapped loudly for order. There- is nothing so deplorable as a made as the mother and other mem- The Odons were married in 1909 and home where at every meal one mem- bers of the family who were eye- •parted in 1911 after the birth of two ber of the family sits In silence eating- witnesses, give evidence that th.,.„e bo„„.y, children. It was some time after the a special diet while others are partak- was justifiable. The young man is separation that the •wife, according to ing of the regular food. prostrated over his act. the evidence, met her husband down- Not only does this condition become The dead man is said to have been town where he was employed as a almost unbeara-ble to the dyspeptic, mentally deranged for several days, painter and chased him to his uncle's but it throws anything but a joyous and when he approached his son in the home. spirit over the rest of the family. house yesterday with an open knife in Patrolman Wood said that when he What a lot that "touch o' the shoulder" means to his hand, the lad emptied the contents went to arrest her she lay on the ot a shotgun into his right- shoulder flo'or and kicked and swort with many the particular dresser—we might call ourselves conveyors and lung. oaths she would never g-o with him unless he arrested her husband. Odon got his first verdict. of this fine Stein-Bloch spirit. RALLY FOR COVINGTON. We are naturally proud in having here for you, Colquitt County Citizens Boost ready to put on, these clothes which are world-known as the Judge for Congress. final word hi expert tailoring. Moultrie, Ga., October '9.—(Special.) There was a rally at the courthouse last night In wh'lch the town and coun- ty joined to boost W.; A. C&'vington for You will want to know more about these clothes 'congress. /The cotrrthouse was 'packed to its capacity. The Moultrie band fur- Tbe Child—'-Please eat some nice and these sterling characteristics that enter into the tailoring nished music and Judge Covington chicUen, papa.'' made a speech which was roundly ap- The Father—"No, Buster, daddy don't P feel like eating.'' ! of them—you will be glad to know more of this store and An Ideal Wedding g"x other citizens spoke and there The presence of dishes before him i wis'a unity of sentiment that indicated that a stomach sufferer cannot eat, i Gift for $5.00 a. large majority for Covingtc'n in this makes him sick at his stomach and he , the earnest endeavor we make to be of real service to you. . Bounty. All factions have joined in is actually doing himself an injury This is ?m eight-inch foot- his campaign. A campaign committee •when he eats at such a- .table. was appointed consisting of Mayor- A Stuart's l>yspepsla Tablet taken ed Cut Glass Fern Dish. elect George Kline, James Humphreys, after each meal will excite appetite Representative John Carlton, W. P. and in a short time one will find the WATCH OUR WINDOWS DAILY They are beautifully and Wav Mayor W. C. Vereen and R. L_ sight of food becoming less and less richly cut on perfect crystal Shipi and a large •delegation from the repugnant until after a few meals one 11:30, 3:00 and 3:45 O'clock country. will take courage enough to join with blanks—a product of .the cele- th? family in the regular fare. As soon as this is done and there THE MECHANICAL DOLL brated Clark factory, and GEN. W.A. HARRIS LEAVES follows no evil effects then by contin- sold here exclusively. 'Each uing the use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Showing and Displaying BIBB EDUCATION BOARD Tablets you will soon be restored to fern dish is fitted with a your normal, healthy ana vigorous ap- STEIN-BLOCH SMART MODELS white polished metal lining. petite. Macon, Ga., October 9.—(Special.)— One of the real pleasures of eating This Man of Mystery is Talked We are headquarters for Brigadier General Walter A. Harris to- is the joy of smelling and seeing food. day resigned as a member of the Bibb These qualities are essential to the of from Coast to Coast wedding gifts. Call aad let county board of education after a ser- normal digestion,, for they excite the us show you some of the fine vice of eight years. He gave as his flow of saliva in the mouth, and the gastric juices in' the stomach and thus values we have. reason the pressure of private business. make ready the digestive apparatus His successpr will be chosen next for the food, when it ia eaten. month. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain At that time Bridges Smith and ingredients that every system needs. Parks-Chambers-Hardwick Maief & Berkele, Inc. Judge H. A. Mathews will become ex- Weakened fluids of nature used in di- gestion are quickly restored to their Gold and Silversmiths offlcio members of the board, the for- normal proportion, and in a short time 37-39 Peachtree COMPANY Atlanta, G a. i mer succeeding Mayor John T. Moore are so evenly balanced that, the sys- . 31-33 Whitehall Street and the latter succeeding W. H. Felton. tem can manufacture its own pepsin Established 1887 Judge Mathewa had been barred from and hydrochloric acid as it should. membership -because he was a resident Go to your druggist today and buy of Houston county, but recently he has a box ol Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, ' to Macon to price,, 60 cents. .


profusion filled Uie whole reception neau Adams, of -LaGrange, and a sis- dence, on East Ninth street. Two floor with their beauty, and in the din- ter of Mr. Albert Adams, of Atlanta. hundred guests are • invited to call, ing room their colors were repeated in A brunette beauty ana a youris woman these to include the class and a tew the decoration of a. prettily appointed of pronounced charm, .she will be cor- friends of the hostess invited to meet table from which dainty confections dially welcomed among Atlanta's them. Assisting in receiving will be Try. were served. The centerpiece was a young married people. the class officers—Mrs. W. U. Catton, tall epergne %vith a spreading cluster Mrs. M. M. Grinnell, Misses Corjj. Maxwell House Blend SOCIETY of cosmos, and the compotes and cen- Bruce, La "Vancia Davidson, Henrietta TEA t'-rpiece rested on mats of hand-made Piano Recital. Welsh and Helen Greenlee. lace. On the porch the punch bowl The public Is cordially invited to at- u as set in a mound of pink, grapes tends Mr. Walter P. Stanley's first j an'd ferns. piano recital to be given In the ball- D. A. R. Restaurant. The same high standard of quality that has made I ilrs. MeCarley was a charming host- room of the Hotel Ansley this evening Circle No. 5 will have charge of "the ess ^vdttrinpr a gracefully draped blue at 8:30 o'clock. D. A. R. restaurant today. I brocade gown trimmed with pearls. Mrs. William D. Jenks is chairman, Maxwell House Blend Coffee famous. , Women's Organizations Will j Her ^uest of honor was 'Mrs. J. I*. and assisting her will be Mrs. Peter i Bc-nton, of ilonticello, wh ~> will spend Summers-Weller. Clarke. Airs. C. H. Johnson. Mrs. W. L. A*k your grocer for it winter in Atlanta. Mrs. Benton Mr. and Sirs. B. H. Summers an- Hancock, Mrs. Virgil Maddox, Mrs. B. as gowned in yellow charmeuse bro- H. Sullivan, Mrs. .1. A. LeConte, Mrs. -lb.. l-lb. ded and trimmed with jjold lace. nounce the marriage of their daugh- Air Tight Cheek-Meal Coffee Co., Investigate School System]^- ter. Flora Lou, to Mr. J. D. Weller, X. M. MeKenzie, Mrs. Herbert Wig-g-s, Canisters I Mrs. G. A. Howell, receiving withwhich took place at their residence Mrs. .T. W. Hughes, Mrs. P. .1. Ray, Nachvlll* Houston Jacksonville her daughter, was Downed in* black on Wednesday, October 8, Rev. I> O.M.rs. W. G. Chipley. Mrs. A. G. Helmer, lace. ilrs>. Mc\Vhorter Milner wore a Brirker officiating. After the cere- Miss Alice Mae Massengale. Mrr,. Charles J. Haden, president of with ev.ory phaso of the work now go- pink crepe de chine gown draped with Young ladies who will assist in. on in the schools. , mony the young- couple left for Bain- the City federation of Women's or- "Many of us are familiar with the | little Misses Mary Adair MoCarley bridfire, where they will make their serving; Missos Massengale. Ruth ganizations, has called a meeting of conditions that havi- ,u> does not si-cm to he anv de'!- J .Xlso aK-siKting in entertaining wfre Little Miss Virginia Gordon Speer, Kimball Ham Brunswick Stew Hchools and to plan a campaign for iiite plan so far worked out. In which, | ili-h. Forn-st Adair, Mrs. Hal Steed.daughter of Mr. and Mrs. bpalding Marion Hotel Roast Lamb betterment. Then- are 80 members the women can help. V>'<> are read> to I Mr«. Charles VV. Davis. Mrs. ThomasSpecr, gave a delightful party yester- Peas Potatoes New of the board, these the heads of the help in any way that we can, but \vi> | Bi-auchamp, 'Mrs, Cone Maddox, Mrs. day to celebrate 1 er sixth "birthday. Celery Cranberries Salad varlcfus women's organizations of the will need direction. We mut,t know ; McWhorter Milrif r. Mrs. Willis Tim- Ga'mes were enjoyed, and refreshments Hot Rolls and Butter city. what can be done before we begin to j monp. M • s." Georse Sh.trpe. Mrs. W is. were served from a table beautiful In Coffee and Buttermilk "There Is n" subject of more vital work to that end. 1 KoKtcr. -Mrs. Arthur Merrill. Mrs Fred pink and white. Ice Cream and Cake Value In Interest to womrn than the welfaro of "I can promise from !ht> i.TEranized j I'r> = bers", Mis. Robert Gregg and Mrs. LUNCH 35c. the children antl their schools." .said women of Atlanta substantial A\ oi-lc. i ( Icor * Stockton. Ham Peas Mrs. TladTi. "Therf is no department n-hrri a plan is acriverl upon, and I AHcrnoon Bridge Party. Hot Rolls and Butter of our w ork nhlcii has ed more hnpo that hv the time nC the imH'Hnp. Mrs. Frank .lacoway was hostess Coffee and Buttermilk service than our educational conimi t- I ha\e callod for MondH>, tli'^ie \vlil i>e Mrs. Zirkfr's Reception. at a bridge partv yesterday afleinoon Frirta> promises to he a red-letter 1 Kimball tee, of which Mrs. ,.Iohn r many readv tu sugrui-^t a r'-mcdy for Mrs AVjHuui Xirkle ontertainod :it ;i ;it the homo of her mother. Mrs. day, since several tables ha\e been chairman. rflie ih .1 member of the a f'onditioti which threatens tin- 'in- ho.iutiflil rofcptioii yesterda\ al'teiuoon Vance Hunter, on Nortl. Boulevaid. in reserved for dinner parties. wi.'man'h vIsiUnR committee of the ward march of our civic progress and at iiej- Ijome on Xot-th Boulevard in honor of Mrs. Grady listes. fcoard of education, and is familiar life." honor of Her daughter. Mrs. Clyde Fall flowers, in artistic arrange- SO-Note Player Xirklc,' Throughout Ihe home ferii3 and ment, decorated the apartments. To Miss McKee. palms were effectively grouped and in The prize Tor top score was an Mr. and Mrs Wilmer 1L. Moore will Style 9-S460 Piano the drawing room where the guests embroidered collar and cuff set; the entertain at dinner tonight at the wore received by the hostess the honor consolation was a hand-made hand- Driving club in compliment to Misa Another triumph by the W. W. Kimball Co., the world's j>uest and Miss Mamie Adell Hayes, of kerchief and the guest of honor was Jessie McKee, a beauty of the de- Dinner Dance at Club Richmond. Roses were arranged in ar- given a lace boudoir cap. butante set. In the party will be Miss largest manufacturers of Player Pianos. JJew features of con- tistic profusion. Mrs. William, Zirkle Mrs. Jacoway wore a gown of blade McKee, Misses Callie Hoke Smith, Dor- wore a ,black lace gown over emerald Spanish lace over American Beauty othy Harmon, Helen McCullough, struction in case design at a price that challenges competition. Kreen charmeuse satin, Mrs. Clyde satin, and she was assisted in enter- Messrs. Marsh Adalr, Lynn Werner, Zirlcle's frown was of white chiffon and taining- bv Mrs. R. C. Henderson, who William Manry, William McBurney, Brilliant Event Tonight hhadow liice with pearl trimmings and •was gow ned in black lace over old Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L,. McKee. This new style Player Piano is made by the world's hhe carried red roses. Mis Hayes wore blue satin. largest manufacturers of pianos—by the largest number of blue embroidered chiffon. Invited to meet Mrs. Bstes were A-Msuiig in entert.iiuins were Mrs. K. Miss Mav McMillan. Miss Sayde An- Trii slow-Allison. skilled workmen, and marketed direct through this Branch Tfip tJmiT-i rianrf* at the Piedmont It Is anticipated that 300 =ruests will \V. Foster. Mrs. W. Tj. Maddox. Mrs. S. drews, Miss Annie May Ijipiord. Miss The Birmingham News carries an cluii f'.night which marks ttfe formal be entertained at the club tonight I). JJlnkins, Mrs Helios Hill. Mrs. ,Iohii Hernice Schuessler, Miss Treble Kwlng, elaborate account of the marringe of Store, eliminating- the intermediate profits of the jobber, dealer opening of thr- fall season at the club, Among the hosts are Mr. ami Mis. Cooper. »!rs. Mark P.ilmour. ^Ivs A. I). Mrs. John Means naniol. Mrs. Charles Miss Sarah Ruth Truslow and Mr. and agent, and consequently at a material saving in price to -will bo a brilliant event. The new U H. Beck, Mr. flail Millei. Mr. r,ewis Christopher. Mrs. Albert Marbut, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Krnest Blair "Durham, Kdward Lynn Allison, which was a Gregg. Mr. and Sirs "Wilmer i>. Moore. J AV, Stubbs, Sirs. W. B Park, Miss Mrs. Homer Davis, Mrs. James Ison, dininpr room will be used and decorated Mr. and Mrs. . r;.. C Walters, heautiful event of .Wednesday morning the byer. Our unlimited facilities for manufacturing naturally with charminK effect. The ball room Mrs. Ilinman, Mr. and Mrs. .1, S. Kaln«s i Mline Park. Misses Jeannette l.o\v rides, Mrs. Colqnitt Cole. Mrs. John Star-at the bride's home in Birmingham. reduces the cost of production, which means greater Player and loggia have been done over, and T)r. .1. 1). Oshorne. Mr. nnd Mrs 11 C l,oulKe Riley and Martha McR.-ic served busk, Mrs. Joseph Holland. Mrs. Mr Allison comes of a welt-knou n the entrance hall )*! now a large and Wnrthem, Mr. Jjauren i'Vrem.in, Mr. punch iu the library. Tho decorations Thomas Coleman Hodge. Mrs. Chal- north Georgia family, and has many value for less money. This is the reason why we are able to open apartment which affords an as- and Mrs. C. B. Sciplc, Mr. Hunter F>er- hero were golden rod and goldren glow. ton McKinncv, Mrs. Charles Murphy, friends also in Louisville, Ky., his homo sembling plai-r> ifqr large aratherlngu. ry, Mr. and airs. Frank Adair.- Mr. J. The same flowers, also were used in Mrs. Irving Grest.am, Mrs. Dabney and before he went to reside in Birming- ofefr you such a remarkable Player Piano at such TcOv and the stairway has been broadened and Mrs. Carrol L..I timer, .Mr. K. 'I'. Red rose.s decorated the dining room. in the railroad world. His bride ifc the and changed in tho approach upstairs. Ijamb. Mr, and Mrs. Gpoigc Oexter, Mr. The table was covered with a cluny lace, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ther« are larger dressing rc.'oms up- .form Price. Judge and Mrs B H. Hill, doth ;iue a feature 'dishes held white and green heart- string of rose bejuls. .You* SAVE W. W. Kimball ments sinco I860: admitting; "new of the evening. shaped mints. The cakes were heart- You SAVE blood" only to perpctua.te the men, tho The next official expression by the l shaped nnd the ices were frozen in the CLOTHING CONCERN times and the deeds of the Old Guard Old Guard will be a trip OH tho 19th I a'hApes of slippers. Matinee Party WHEN - WHEN in their most vital days, and making to Crawfordvil'le, where they will Mrs. Chapman wore a gown of black Misa Klizabeth Rfiinev will enter- TO PUZZLE PUBLIC Company it one of their chief aims to quicken formally dedicate a memorial to Alex- chiffon with a touch of green and was tain at a box partj Monday at the tho revival of a universal national ander .Stephens, a monument over his assisted in entertaining by Mrs. Vernan Korsyth in compliment to Miss Clara WITH THIS FIGURE YouBUY You BUY, spirit to soften the memory of sec- unmarked grave. Hall and Mrs. Frank Mas.senr.erg. The Booth, a bride-elect. Tho guests will Atlanta < Branch tionalism, i guests included sixteen of Miss Ash- include Mrs. Kdwin McC'onnell, Miss Their life is purelv social, and to- Lord's friends of the unmarried set. 94 NORTH PRYOR ST. night's hospitality will be the climax Christine Nelson, Miss Mary Anderson, In nit.'ilern clays when man can make of their year, combining the happy Mrs. McCarley's Reception. Miss Mary Corner. wax figures so life-like that the or- H. R. CAFEF, Mgr. spirit of a reunion with that of a. gra- Mrs. P. D. McCarley gave an after- Adams-Harrington. dinary observer cannot tell them i'rotn cious hospitality to their friends. noon reception yesterday at her home To Y. W. B. C. human beings, nnd when, artists can The clubhouse is handsomely deco- in West Knd, and the occasion was a Mr.' and Mrs. W. B. Harrington make up and go through mechanical rated with that effective combination beautiful one, the house full of the whose mairiage was an uyent of social The annual occasion with the Touns movements so "rnachincry-liko" . rhat •—foliage plants and flags. Bay trees, vivid color of early autumn flowers, interest "Wednesday in 1-aGrange, spent "Women's Bible class of the Central one cannot tell whether they are ani- gruard all the doors, and palms are and the palm-deoorated poivh an in- yesterday at the Georgian Terrace on Presbyterian church Is the reception mate or Inanimate, it is hard to tell massed effectively In the ballroom and viting place to linger in the balmy In- their way to North Carolina. given by the leader, Mrs. R. D. Crusoe. what a figure on display really Is. salon. Swirls of bunting, draped flags dian summer air Mrs. Harrington was Miss Amelie Th!s will occur Friday afternoon from The Parks-Chambers-Hardwick com- and inhijcnia are a brilliant array of Pink and white cosmos 1n prodigal Adams, daughter of Mr. Kdward Pe- 5 to ff o'clock Mrs. Crusoe's resi- pany, beginning today, will have for one week in their windows o'n Pcaclif- tree street, a figure that the public will be loft to puzzle over. "Is it 'him1 or 'it?' " is the question that the manager of the store has left to the public and he promises that Dahl's whatver may be the opinion, the sight of the ifigure will be interesting. The figure will work Friday at 11:30, at Wedding Bouquet 3 and at 3:30 o'clc'ck.

STRONG PLEA IS MADE BOOKLET ! « ti FOR BROWN'S PARDON is illustrated with cuts from actual photographs of bouquets A strong plea was made before the prison commission yesterday for the made by us. Sent on request. pardon of W. O. Brown, former man- ager of the seed and fertilizer depart- ment of the Southern Cotton Oil com- "We have made the bouquets ''niilll ipany, who is now serving a. year's for nearly every large Atlan- sentence in the Chatham county chain- gang- for embezzlement. There ap- ta wedding in recent years. peared in his behalf F. P. Mclntyre and R. Jj. Colding, Savannah attorneys. The lawyers toi dthe prison commis- 'Wii sion that Brown's sentence woud ex- -1 ' l!ll|iH!'i , pire on November 19; that he had an ( opportunity to obtain lucrative em- Phones We Refer ployment, if pardoned before that date, so that his citizenship rights might be IvylOS You to restored. **•}.. Up to the time that Brown becamo and Our € involved in his accounts, he was one of the leading- young business men of Ivy 1O6 Savannah. He was charged with hav- Patrons ing appropriated about $3,000 of the company's funds. Atlanta's Leading Florist INSURANCE COMPANY HAS LICENCE REVOKED Because the General Accident Insur- ance corporation, of Perth, Scotland, iiiiuiiiiil! Illltt transferred a case brought against it mini; from the state cpurt to the United Few People Know Diamonds "'''mm States court, in violation of the code of Georgia, Insurance Commissioner W. A. Wright yesterday morning is- sued .an order revoking the company's right to do business in this state. Tho Well Enough to Be Safe In law directs the insurance commission- This is the Cook Book that makes the food which makes the whole er to take this action in surti cases. The General Accident Insurance cor- poration, -which has its American Buy ing Stones at Random family happy. 'headquarters in New York, is charged with having removed, through its at- torneys, J. Ellsworth Hall, of Macon, a suit brought against it in the Bibb superior court, to the United States The Eugene V. Haynes Compariy is accorded oourt for the southern district of leadership among southern jewelers because of an Georgia. ability to buy gems at correct prices, sell them at a -the shortening that insures digestible food Makes light foods lighter. BOARDERS HAVE NARROW fair profit and give customers full benefit of the ESCAPE FROM FLAMES most expert knowledge. TRY THIS PEE CRUST "While you think of it, drop a postal for Boarders living at 291 East Hunter With a reputation such as ours we can afford (Written especially for the Cottolene Cook Book by Mis. Lincoln) HOME HELPS, this FREE Cook Book, street had a narrow escape from death •written by five of America's greatest cook- early Thursday when the residence, only to represent stones to be exactly what they are stand one roll on end, pat 5t flat and roll to a rented by Mrs. Sarah Freeman, caught Mix 1 scant half-level teaspoon salt with 1 1-2 ing experts. It also tells, clearly, how to if ire. and ask for them not one cent more than they are cups pastry floor. Chop in, with a knife, a round a little larger than the pie plate, cover Mrs! Olive McAllister, daughter of worth. scant half-cup of chilled Cottolene. When plate and fill with pie material. Roll other use Cottolene successfully in the recipes Mrs. Freeman, was first awakened by half of paste in same 'way, making it 1-2 inch the crackling of the flames in the at- well cut together, mix in very gradually 3 you have always used. tic of the house. She roused her hus- larger than plate, make several incisions in band who, in turn, roused the sleeping When President Wilson signed the tariff bill the tablespoons milk, mixing evenly. Do not top crust; lay it loosely over pie, wet edge of members of the household. All fled knead with the bands. Sprinkle some flour lower crust and press the two together, raark^ to the street in their night clothing. duty on diamonds was doubled. This means a cor- Jasper Tumlin, a fireman of No. 10 on molding board, flour rolling pin, roll dough jng with a fork. Marking keeps crust from engine house, was severely b«>-ned responding increase in the price of diamonds. We into rectangular shape, roll up, cut in two. puffing and helps to keep in the juice. S!£i FAlRBANKIsEEEi] when he grasped a hot gas pipe In saw the coming increase and bought ahead, thus the attic of the burning^ house just as CHICAGO the ceiling ibelow him caved In. insuring our customers against a raise in price. The roof of the residence was en- tirely 'burned off, while houses near by Therefore we can positively undersell others and were scorched. save you money on every diamond. There will be no increase on our diamonds until our stocks, pur- WOODROW WILSON WILL chased ahead of time, are gone. BE INVITED TO ATLANTA ( President Woodrow Wilson will be invited to spend a day or two in At- lanta when he passes through here on Eugene V. Haynes Co. his .way to the Southern Commercial congress, at Mobile, in the latter part of this month. This decision was reached at a called 49 Whitehall Street meeting? cif the 'board of directors ot the Atlanta ChanVber of Commerce Thursday afternoon. President Wilson, according to his present -plans, Is scheduled to pass througtt Atlanta October 26. MISS CLEMENTINE MacGREGOR A joint invitation will Be extended to him by the governor, the mayor and TEACHER OF PIANO the chamber'ol commerce to stc-p over Pupil of Parsons and Shelley. Studios: Wesley Memorial Bldg., and in Atlanta at that time. Should the president be able to ar- Washington Seminary range his itinerary sO that he can PHONE: IVY, 2785-J, * stop In Atlanta elaborate plans will be made for bis entertainment.


Her first appearance. Miss Dennis will /ailed for Stealing Cotton. about seven bales had been stolen, return to Atlanta for the holidays. and a part of it has 'been traced. ••* ' Eastman, Ga., October 9.— (Special.) SOCIAL ITEMS. Mr. Clarence Tripp, Mr. Frank Brady SUDDEN DEATH JEWISH SACRED DAY Alexander Walker and his son. Will Fair at Hahira. and Mr. John O. Kirkpatrlck are in ! WAlker, and William Henry Wright, Hahira, Ga., October 9.—(Special.)— Xew York, where they went to attend . three negroes, have been -placed in ' Wtr. and lira. W. A. Upeer have re- the world's series. The Hahira fair, to be held October 29 *•• jail charged with stealing cotton from to November 1, will be the bij?g«st turned from Xew York, where they the plantation of A- F- Petway, ten have be,en for two wseks. Miss Oreta Wood, of Brenau. spent TO THOMAS L. TO PREVENT FIRES treat this section has ever' witnessed. • miles from Eastman, on the Dublin The advertising: committee. with **» the past week-end with Mrs. Alva D, Klser, in. Inman Park. ! and Southwestern division of the W. & about thirty citizens with eight larpe Mr. and Airs. Kya.it M. Patterson «•* , T. railroad. HarVey Wright and Kidd tourlngr cars, are mnkinsr fi *<•.•,.,. -,(• have returned home after a month s Prominent Lawyer Dies Thurs-'; Bulletin Issued by Insurance De- No Orthodox Jew Touches Food Yopp, two other negroes, said to -be »del. Sparks, Nashville and ValdoBt*. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Rambo returned implicated, have departed for parts un- visit to Cleveland, Buffalo. Niagara Tuesday from New York. Hahira Is makinsr prepaiaUoiiii, .u.- Falls, Rochester and Toronto, Canada. «•* day From Stroke of partment Contains Valuable From Tonight Until Dusk known. Mr. Petway said he thought about 3,000 people **« (Mr. and Mrs. T_,aelius Stallfnes and Paralysis. Suggestions to Owners. Tomorrow. Mrs. Klizabeth '. .nship Bates and little daughter, of Newnan, spent Wed- ! ave he nesday In the city. Miss Anuie Bates, who ? . ?" • »» spending some time in Washington, p. Tom Kippuf, the most 3a.cred day in C., will join Jlrs. Krne.st Woodruff tn Mrs. G. H. Wood has returned to, Thomas L. Bishop, aired 51 years, one] "With the view of lessening fir& losses her home in Tennille after a visit to of the leading- members of the leg-al in Georgria through preventable? fires. the whole of the Jewish calendar, falls N>w York in a few nas signed Mrs. Jerome Jones has returned from Thursday morning- at 8:30 o'clock at has Just issued a bulletin containing a on until tomorrow night at the same i an engagement with a southern ly- a visit to Kentucky and Nashville. his home on 427 South Boulevard, from, number of valuable suR'grestions. The time, no orthodox Jew in the world j <-f>um course, will leave !• '-[day for »»* a stroke of paralysis. bulletin was prepared by State Fire touches food of any kind, but instead; South Carolrna. where she will make Dr. and Mrs. T. A. McT^eay too-k pos- Mr. Bishop -was born in Newton coun-i Marshal "W. R. Joyner, for twenty-five goes to his synagogue during the day, j session yesterday of their apartment years chief of the Atlanta fire depart- in the Ponce de Leon. and in silent communion with his Gk>d| «* * ment. Among- the suggestions made by makes confession of his worldly sins. , Mr. and Mrs. .lames I, Well* have him ar6 this following: Yom Klppur, which closes the Jewish] moved into their home on Barksdale "Now js the proper time of the year new year, and is really a day of re- Valuable Discovery in drive, in . membrance, will be more than gener-1 • ** to inspect your residence and other buildings and remove, if found, the dan- ally observed in the city tonight and; Complexion Beautifier Afiss Annie Akert,- is- visiting: Miss tomorrow. In all of the Jewish syna- Florida Smith in Spartanburg. Kvrs of fire. Examine your chimneys igoerues the services will partake of the] »*» and HUPS and see that the mortar has deeply religious note of the occasion. < || f (Krorn The Home Maker.) Mr. Charles IT. Mehre, of Xew Or- not fallen out, defective chimneys cause Rabbis will chant sacred prayers while Bcciiu-e "f its peculiar power of ab- leans, is at the Georgian Terrace. numbers of fires. the verses to be sung at these exer- Here's a pure food movement! J sorption, al.^o because 'It ^er *•*•.<> every ** * "Never put ashes of any kind in a cises all denote the fleper emotions emolit' nt purpose, ordinary rntTfolized Mr. Cater Woolfnrd left, yesterday wooden receptacle, never let them come relative to true repentence. Make the refrigerator sweet and clean, wax is p'ThaF»s the mo*t valuable com- for Maryland and Xew York. in contact with wood. During tomorrow the synagogues p(p\ioVf }>*-uutifier r(iscovereut this IN not ueressary. ENTITLED TO PENSION, around where a spark is liable to drop avocations to devote the entire day to] ThH rui< for applying nu-r^oh/.erl wav into it at any time. h,is be*-n found vt-rv satisfactory: "Kxamine all your gas connections their devotions.' GOLD DUST \\.i.-h tht- faeo with warm 'water, dry- FINING .RESIGNS JOB and have them put in gmod condition. At sundown Saturday the fast day ing ligi.tly Before thoroughly dry, "If you are using electric lights, ex- ends and the Jewish holiday season Grease, dirt and terms vanish before it. ,ij)oint face, and neck with the wax, but WITH WATERWORKS amine all wires, and have them put in winds up. According to the Jewish It cleans everything. don't rub it in. The favorite way is to good condition. calendar, the year 567* of creation is us,- !>et't>rr- retiring, allowing it to re- "See that stove pipes do not pass being celebrated now. This solemn 5c and larger package*. rruiiri on all night and w.t.'-.'ii n 14 it, (iff through wooden partitions or come near season, which besran with Rosh Hosh- In the morning; with u.irni watei. All Rather than submit to a reprimand wr-od at any point. aiiah last Wednesday a week ago. has druggists have this wax in original for a 'slight infraction of the rules, "Chimneys wherever possible should continued through ten days, culminat- onf-ouiicf packages. William S. Vining, inspector connected he built from the: ground up and never ing in tomorrow's fast. For tho removal city gx>\ eminent, Methodist choir won the banner in last and up to the time tho compiaiut wab Tomorrow (Saturday) has been offi- We sell the Hartford Auto Fire lodged against him his record -was ty. November 17. iStil, rPinoving to At- cially designated as "Work Jay" for ''"The convenUon will hold an all-day splendid. lanta many > cai b ap:o to take up tho singing at the Cooper Street Baptist which is aValued Policy practice of law. A brilliant lawyer of the orphans of the Methodist home in church next Sunday, to which the pub- t ho h i y host Ope, and a man nf \varns. Decatur, and all Meth.Hllsts and any lic Is also Invited. BODY OF COL. TATE oli;irit;ible nalu re, .M r. Bishop had en- others who may desire to aid the char- Phone Ivy 873 300-301 ForsythBldg. deared hi in sell" to .L lar^e rircle of ity, are invitt'-d to -gK'e the proceeds f r ion (Is and admirers who will mourn To Represent Rome Women. TO BE BURIED HERE his loss. of their work for the day to the home •FRIENDLY INSISTENCE The invitation was made public Thurs- Home Ga , October 9.— (Special.)— The body of Colonel James K. Tate. day through \V. F). McCalla, secretary At thS meeting of the Woman's club of the aged < Jeorguin who died in New of the board ol trustees of the home. Home yesteniay, Mrs. John «. Key- York city Monday, will be brought to Next Sunday will also he Driven over nolds was elected as delegate to the Proved a Blessing- to This fion- Alia ntu this /rioming. The funeral convention of the state federation in to the home, having- been designated as Coulhbert October 28; Mrs. faproull se i'vices will be conducted f vom Pat- "Orphans' rally day" in the Atlanta Koucbe was chosen as her alternate xales Ljirly, and She Has terKon's chapel Sunday afternoon at U Methodist churches, and in others Among the club's many activities wab o'clock, and the interment will be in throughout this part of the state. Ap- West View. tho planning of a lecture course to C'ause to Be Thankful. propriate exercises will be held in the! be given during the coming -winter^ Colonel Tate was 65 years of age. Sunday schools, and the sermons of tho lie IK survived by one sister, Mrs. T. morning" services will dwell on the | K. "Wagner, of Atlanta; three nieces, Mrn. J,. O. Hanson, Mrs. Bernard Mason sentiment of the day. (roiizalps. Tr.xa.s~ lni rel'errlnfr to urn I Mrs. Victoria "Williams, and th fee nephews, W. F., J. T. and N. B. "Wil- her recent trouble. Mrs K. L,. Thread- liams. the n-siUi'nc-o this at tei-iumu at 3.30 OSCAR HEARD HEADS ! o'clock. Interment al Oakland. Sill, of this place, says: Cardui, the CORDELE TRADE BOARD] n* woman's tonic, is rerfamly a most DR. WHITE TO PREACH JUDGE ATKINSON KILLS Cordele, Ga., October !>.— (Special.)— j Via New Orleans wonderful medicine. I had womanly TO ATLANTA FIREMEN Following- the meeting' of business men I troubles torrilily, ami my back would THOMAS CO. WILDCAT of Cordele the ni(jht before, at whicu time $3,000 was subscribed for the Time "Pape's Diapepsin!" In •hurt so bad, at tirnf^, I rortld hardly The Atlanta fire fighters are Invited maintenance of a strong- chamber of to the Second Baptist church for a Tl.omasville. Ga. October 3.—(Spe- commerce, supporting a paid secretary stand up. cial.)—Judge Snmuel Atkinson of the Five Minutes All Stomach THE SAFEST AND BEST special service next Sunday night. It in the person of Mr. Ijouis Spencer Georg-ja supremo court, }i,ts had tho Baniel, a second gathering was held Misery Is Gone. Finally, my mother-in-law insisted h-as been arranged for Chief Cumminsrs pleasure tins week of killing a big last night at which permanent organ- on niy trying Cardui, the woman's to assemble the representatives of the Thomas county wild cat. ization was perfected. ROUTE TO CALIFORNIA department at the church and that the Judge Atkinson, who has been visit- Officers appointed are as follows: ing his daughter here. Mrs. Walter J. tonic, and, I am certainly thankful I men will sit togetho- :-i uniform. Dr. President, Oscar Heard; \ ice president, "Really does" put. bad stomachs in Hammond is very tond of hunting', but r>. Holmes; secretary. L. S. Daniel; orcler—"really does" overcome indiges- did, as it did me so much sood. and my John E. White, the pastor, wil,l preach as, of course, hi- would not incur the treasurer, W. F. Margret. Members tion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and a ^sermon especially suited to the oc- displeasures of the state prame warden of the finance committee are J. W. Can- sourness in ftve minutes—that—-Just old trouble haj never returned. casion. by trying to .shoot quail out of season. that—makes Pape's Diapepsin the larg- The ushers will consist of six young non, J. J. Williams and J. T. West- , I am new able lo do all of my hou^e Judge H. \V. Hopkins arranged to take brook, and the executive committee is |est selling stomach regulator in the One Way COLONIST Bates from Atlanta, in Effect lady representatives of the church, him cat-hunting-. Borne fine hunting composed of Judge XT. V. Whipple, <3. I world. If what you eat ferments Into •work, and even belp out doors, some, dressed in white, to seat the congrega- dogs belongring: to C. if. Chapin, of New B. Wilkes and J. R. Kelly. All ether stubborn lumps, you belch gas and September 25, to October 10. tion. The service begins at 7:45 p. m. •York, were secured and a cat was dis- committees were appointed. eructate sour, undigested food and which is more than i was able to do covered near the Archbold place on Plans are already under way for acid- head is dizzy and aches; breath the Ochloi'kiu'c ilver It was chased foul- tongue coated; your insides filled for several years before T took Car- the establishment of headquarters in for an hour before tho hunters finally the heart of the city. with bile and indigestible waste, re- VOLUNTARY PRISONER managed to get within shootin"- dis- member the moment 'Tape's Diapep- ilui. 1 QUITS POLICE STATION tnace of it and .lud^r*. Atkinson brought sin" comes in contact with the stomach I am so thankful for the benefit it down. It was one of the largest Cotton in Thomas County. all such distress vanishes. It's truly $42.20 TO CALIFORNIA Keen here, and the jud^e will have astonishing—almost marvelous, and 9 Cardui has been to me, and you may Late yesterday afternoon a young, the skin stuffed and take it home to Thoma.svTIle. Ga., October 3.— (Spe- the jov Is- its harmlessness. well-dressed man, who gave his name show to his colleaKiios on tho bench cial.)—Ten thousand, six hundred and A large fifty-cent case of Pape's Dia- Through Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars. Ask for publish- this, as it mig'ht be of inter- to the police as H. Holloman, of. Miami. as an evidence of his prowess in the twenty bales of cotton, counting roun-d pepsin will give you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction or your druggist information and literature, est to some other lady"." Fla., was released from the cells at chase. bales as half bales, were ginned in the police station where he had been Thomas county up to September 25. hands vou your money back. KOI- over 50 years Cardui has been kept at his own request for the past Up to the same date last year there It's worth its weight In gold to men O. P. BARTLETT, G. A. R. O. BEAN, T. P. A. 24 hours. GRAND JURY WITNESS were 3,282 pinned, showing more than and women who" can't get their stom- budding- UE> the strength of weak, Holloman walked into the police twice as many ginned KO far this sea- achs regulated. It' belongs in your station late Wednesday and asked that ADMITS HE WAS DRUNK son. This report Is made by S. W. home—should always 'be kept handy in D.,I* GRIFFIN, C. P. A. nervous, worn-out women, as well he be locked up until hi: "could get l>avis. cotton census enumerator- of case of a sick, sour, upset stomach cold sober." His request was complied Thomas county for the department of during the day or at night. It's the as relieving; tiie most serious symp- with. Date yesterday he said he was Brunswick, Ga., October y.—Three commerce and labor under "SV. J. Har- quickest, surest and most "harmless X2i Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. cured' and lie was released. w^ll-known youn^ Brunswick men, II. ris, director of the cierisus. stomach doctor in the world. tonis of: womanly trouble. A., H. L. and .L. I». WilloH, t'.scapea be- Such symptoms as headache, back- inK convictod on t,lie churse of selling w h i s k y y e s t e r < I ?iy in the city court, ache, pains in side, dragging down DESTROYING BUILDINGS when orie of the witnesses who had appoaretl boforo the grand jury made pains. Irregularities, nervousness, BECAUSE OF A RAT the statement that he u as infxicated \vhtin he made such statements ana sleeplessness, loss of appetite, etc., Seattle, Wash., October 9. — A two- that ht- did not know that he was so INDIGESTION? show that you need Cardui, the wom- story frame structure on the water- doing". front is to be demolished because a rat The court \vns greatly surprised when an's tonic. the acting so lift or announced that the Why physio your stomach, foun-d to be infected with bubonic c-a.ses against tl.e three men would have A fair trial will . prove to you its plague was caught therein. The order to be nolle pi osscd. lit- stated to the HEN YOU BUY-- when the cause of it is more mi'i-it. to- destroy the buildins was issued to- t'ourt that ho had been talking' with day by Dr. J. K. Crichton. commissioner the \vtjtness upon whose testimony the Try Cardui today. of, health, and adjoining buildings may indictments had 'been returned, and than likely to be In your JX'. B.—VV'ritc to: Ladies' Advisory be razed. that sa id witness Lad informed him Clothes remember Mad* that he was forced to testify before W mouth? Sam* Day Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat- the Rrand jury when he was drunk tanoosa. Tenn., for Special InHtruc- and that lie did not realize what he the fact that the real See "The Last Days of was testifying to. Under these cir- tionM, and 6-I-puse book, "Home Treat- nimst.'uiL'oy, the solicitor stated, ho had ment for Women." sent in piain wrap- j Pompeii," Grand, all next no evidence against the defendants, value of a suit or over- LOOK FIRST TO YOUR TEETH and, consequently, the cases would per, on request. j week. have to be nolle pressed. coat depends to a Nine time* OH! of fen the f rouble is there. GETS $9,000 DAMAGES great extent upon FOR HUSBAND'S DEATH DR. E. G. GRIFFIN'S Macoti, Gu... October 9.—(Special.) — the manner in GATE CITY DENTAL ROOMS Mrs. Georgia May Yatos, of Macon, has been awarded a. verdict for JU.OOO dam- 24 1-2 Whitehall St. Phon* M 1 7O8. Over Brown & Allen's ages aKatnst the Georgia, Southern and which it is made. Florida railroad by H. jury in the supe- Qold Crowns 94.OO. Bridge Work S4.OO. Fillings SOc up rior court of Houston county, at Perry, as a result of the death of her husband, \V J. Yatos, in a wreck at Bonaire,

COX FOUND GUILTY Cf Business men, bank- OF BLIND TIGERING ers, professional men— Our store will be closed Charged witff fieincr a "tiger," W. A. Cox, arrested la'te Wednesday, at 206% Peters sU'i-"-, was E-entenced to 2!) days men in every walk of In the stocUadP and bound over tc, the Write fof estimates on Tents, Tarpaulin*, Wagon Covers, Flys, prrand jury under $500 by Judge Broyles Awnings, Curtains and accessories. Located at the base of the raw Saturday on account of Thursday. I life—are patrons of materials, With the Canvas and Duck Mills "Just around'the corner," According to the arresting- officers. I we can best solve the problem of prices. Cox was preparing whisky for sale and. 1 In fact, sold a pint to a man who drove ! "Adler's Collegian H O L T D A Y up in a hack and paid 10 cents for ' ATLANTA. TENT & AWNING COMPANY the flask. A large stock of whisky and beer | Clothes." Dept G ATLANTA, GEORGIA East Point 22 were found ojj the premises. j BEAVERS GUEST AT \ Adlers's Come in TOD A Y BIG POLICE PARADE Collegian Clothes Suits and • Overcoats Finest Cattle and Hogs on Earth Can be Chief Beavers, of the Atlanta police force left the city late Thursday for $15 to $35 Raised in Brooks County, Georgia Cincinnati where, as an invited guest, he will witness the annual police pa- rade of the force of that city tomorrow. HERE'S A CHANCE and select. your Hat The chief will also be present at the annual inspection of the Cincinnati For every home bred animal slaughtered for home consumption, three force. r>ur!iig- his trip it is said lie will, Blackstock, Hale & Morgan are shipper", from other states. mafce notes on the new features of the Brooks'County lg Ideal lor raisins: these food animals. If you are experi- New Models Received Daily Cincinnati force and put some of them 50-52 Marietta Street enced, you can make a fortune Sere. Nobody wants cold storage stuff If. into effect here if they prove appli- "The .Distinctive Clothier*" you can furnish the real article. ... cable. . | Come to Qultman and look around. Kasv to convince you. 38 WHITEHALL ST. See "The Last Days of «>• write for full information' Pompeii/' Grand, all next Brook* County Industrial Club, Quitman, Georgia week. •— ' '•SFAFERI Page Eight THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, OCTOBER 1913.

Bn*h *•* entered the world's •erM* Hull of fame along wttk Babe Edited By A«a««»—•» new coiner, practically ••known, but knono tbe world over ta one day. GIANTS FAIL TO SHAKE CONNIE'S BUSH DICK JEMtSOH

Athletics' Bats Rain Hits Has Baker's Habit Howe Predicted Star Receiver 100-Mile Race Saturday In Third Game of Series;^ Tesreau Would And Big Series Detail He Easy--He Was Bush Holds Giants Safely At Local Motordrome Demaree Stands Between the Shawkey warming up for the game, Count Louis Castro has assumed the, and Brujfgerman and Renel. ,,.«.' Continued From Page One. management of the local motordrome. Realizing that Atlanta fans will oe but by the way the former was shoot- Giants and Their Third interested in the outcome of the ing them in to Ira Thomas it was not and for the, first meeting under his- world's series game Saturday, which has been "known for some time that hard to detect that Bush was the first management, which will be Saturday •will probably see Mathewson and Ben- Vie hiid great possibilities' as a pitcher choice of the Philadelphia manager. As World's Series Disaster, ; the same started Mack sent Brown afternoon, he has arranged a wonder-, der pitted against each other, in ad- but until he stood today'H test his sta-. and Lapp to the far corner of the tul card of races that should attract dition to- the excellent card of races tus wag simply that of any big league grounds to keep warmed up. The vast Says Famous Statistician. a large crc-wd. that he has planned, Mr. Castro will player. crowd gave Bi(j Jeff Tesreau an en- The feature event of the afternoon have a d'.rect wire from the Polo "Ballet Joe" Buitb. couraging cheer as he went to the will be a 100-mile team race between Groi'nds and will have the game mega- "Bullet Joe" as he has been, nick- pitching box and' threw up four ^alls four teams, a nerveitrylng test to the phoned In detail, ifurnlshlng a groat named, because, o'. nis great '-speed, to Catcher McLean. BY IRWIN M. HOWE, riders and a race that will put it admission stunt for all who attend. broke into the baseball as a. member Eddie Murphy, first up for the Ath- (OITioial Statistician American I.enerue.} right up to the "boats" the boys will In addition to the 100-mile race, of an amateur team in his home town. letics, Watched Tesreau get his Spit New York, October ».—(Special.)— ride.' . there will be three 1-mlle heats of the During the season of 1310 he played ball lubricated and then watched the The second victors' of the American The teams have been paired off as motordrome purse and a 2-mile final, In every position except catcher. His first strike shoot across the plate. The league champions over New York was 'ollows: Fliclcensteln and Swartz, as sort of warm-up affairs fc.-r the first professional engagement was with G-iants' rooters shouted when Umpire Richards and. Lewis. Luther and Glenn motorcycles. the MIssoula, Mont., team of the Union Rigier's right arm went up indicating too easy to be interesting. OldrinK-, association. Ht:re he -was spotted by the strike. Tesreau's second offering Collins, Baker and Tesreau ran true one of the Athletics' scouts and joined was a ball and the third he sent down to form. the Mackmeii in September a year was driven right at Fletcher, who threw Murphy out by an eye-lash at The Ozark hunter was figured in this ago. Tonight his admirers are pre- first. The first ball sent down to column to be a fairly easy proposition Matty's" Gray-Haired Father dicting for htm a future record like Oldrinj? was a strike, the next was a for the Big Macks, and he was decid- those achieved by Walter Johnson, foul strike, the third a ball and the Christy Mathewson and Cy "Young. fourth apparently was a good one, for edly soft. Eleven hits and seven runs Disappointment among the Giants Oldiir.g- laced it to center field for a were gleaned off the big fellow's deliv- contingent over the downfall of Tes- clear; single, to the great Joy of the ery in seven innings. Of tnese Old- Quit Court for Score Board reau was as keen as elation among Philadelphia contingent. ring, Collins and Baker made seven the , Athletic rooters because of Bush's The first pitch to Collins also was a hits and six runs. Wally Schang ac- splendid work. The '>-/,ark mammoth strike. After taking another strike counted for the other marker by driv- was looked upon, before today's game the Philadelphia second baseman hit ing one of Crandall's floaters into the Tunkliannc;-k. Pa.. October 9.—There been summoned here as a witness In 8.B the Giants' second besti rard. When to center field and't'ldring never stop- upper ^-rnndstand. was a jj'-ay-haired man watching the a court proceeding, but when his nam« Marquard and Crpoled out one of the except in (lie seventh, when a double •with Schang in tiie world's series self. It was Mathewson's father, C. B. my son would achieve such fame AS Giant twirlers in tho opening game. double steal; McLean in his anxiety to famous Baker drives In the -game by Shafer and Murray's single scored with the Giants. Mathewson, of Factoryville. He had Christy has in the baseball world." He had his moist ball delivery break- make a throw dropping- the ball at the with the Giants Thursday. the second New York run. The first ing at ail kinds of angles, but he plate. Mclnnis struck out, McLean was the result of a pass, a steal and a could not control It.s directions. The missing the third strike and throwing 1 single by McLean. Athletics' batting quartet refused to him out at first. Then the game was Wilson taking SchanE-'s hl§rh foul, and Bush is hard to catch, however, and Baker Boosts World's hit except -when the ball was over the practically -won, when Amos Strunk Bush ,liaising a fly to Doyle. the three stolen bases credited to New plate, and then th-^y laid against It shot a grounder at Fletcher, who The New Yorkers were quickly kill- York should be charged to him and not Series Batting Mark lustily. In this lay the secret of their threw over Merkle's head to the grai;id ed oft in their half of the sixth, a dou- to Schang. Cooper and Fletcher reached WILL RAY AND VARDON EDDIE COLLINS LEADS success. stand, allowing both Collins and Baker ble figurine In the retirement of the second because Sch.ing- was stopping Doyle nn«i ColllnA Star. • to score. Strunk kept on to second; side. Molnnls picked up Doyle's wide, low curves and Murray took a Six Points Thursday So vigorously did they clout the Harry ended the inning by sending a Si-rounder and touched first. Fletcher, lead that made It Impossible to get sphere that the defeat would -have be- higrh fly to Fletcher. who appeared to 'be giving Bush trou- him. Frank Baker boosted his world's se- come an utter rout but for sensational ble during the afternoon, worked the ries batting average six points, when BREAK GOLF RECORDS? The result today makes New York an HITTERS! Bnsli let Cheered. stops and throws by Doyle, Fletcher pitcher for a base on balls. Burns Kit exceedingly long shot. Demaree alone he secured two hits in four times up in Leslie Bush was given a cheer when to Bush, who threw to Barry, forcing the game against the Giants Thursday. and Herzog at critical stages of. the he ascended the hurling mound. *,ct- t-'letcher at second, and Burns was out stands between the Giants and a third On the eve of the arrival of Ray and By Dick .Tcmison. play. Captain Larry Doylo played des- world series disaster. Matty can be J. Franklin has hit safely 25 times in Vardon for their two days of exhibi- Eddie Collins boosted his battlnjr ave- perately and his stops ami plays In the tincr two strike1 s on Herzog-, Bush on the Philadelphian's quick throw. pitched three bad balls and a. Xnw The seventh inning saw the end of counted on for one more strong game, 59 trips to the plate In 14 games and tion play against local golf profession- rage during the series by smaahtnK out 'second and seventh innings were of and that is all. Hitting In their pres- has tallied 15 runs. three hits in five times at the plate in the the brand that made i I on us Wagner's i'ork fan yelled. "Take him out," both Tesreau. Murphy opened up with a als, local grolf fans are speculating as pitcher and batter, being in :i holo. drive to right field for a single, but ent for"m, it Is very likely that Shawkey to what kinds of scores they are going frame Thursday. Collins leads the hitters •name famous wherever baseball is Kush-s'ent up a straight ball and Her- will be able to hold the National to make on the local courses. in the series now with a percentage of .588. played. was forced at second on Oldringr's leaguers to less runs than will be Baker Is hitting .538. He and Collins are Kddie Collins carried off the field- zog was compelled to hit it and he smash to Fletcher, Doyle making the Pirates 5, Naps 0. It seems to be the general concensus tied for the most number of hits made dur- ing honors for the Athletics, although went out at first, Barry to Mclnnis. out. After fouling off several balls, combed from bemaree. Pittsburg-, October 9.—The Pittsburg of opinion that they will break the ing the series, each with, seven. there, were plays made by other mem- Doyle rammed a sharp hit at Bush, Collins brought the Philadelphia root- This young man, however, will al- Nationals shut out the Cleveland Amer- bogey of both courses easily. And there Here are the Individual batting averages bers of both teams tha-t would have who hatted the ball down, but could ers to their feet by a terrific smash most certainly make a good showing-, icans fi to 0 here today in the fourth are many who think that the par on for the three games: been considered little .short of remark- not field it to first in time to catch that struck the right field wall, and he and will not be In line for censure if game of the city-city series. The clubs each course will also be broken. * Players. Q. ,AB. R. H. P.C. able in an ordinary le.iprue season Uoyle am! he did not throw it. flashed around the "bases to third. Old- he falls to stop the tour that top the arc now even with two wins each. The record for the East Lake course MeCormlck 1 1 1 1 1.000 game. The very fact that but one Fletcher was hit by a pitched ball, ring scoring. Bnker brought Collins Mack batting order. Collins and Baker Adams, for Pittsburg, pitched effective- Is 69, held jointly by II. H. Barker and Snodgrass . 1 1 0 1 1.000 Ooyle moving to second. Burns have made fourteen hits thus far in Stewart Maiden. Maiden will play Mathewson ...... 1 3 1 2 .687 error -was- recorded 'for e:ich team tes- brought groans from the stands when home on a hard hit single to center ly and only once did the Clevelands ad- Collins ...... 3 13 6 7 .583 tifies to the caliber of the tieldlns in field. twenty-five times at bat, and a combi- vance a runner as far as third base. against the two Engltsh cracks with Baker .«..«.. 3 13 2 7 .538 1 he sent a sharp fly to Collins, who nation of luck and brilliant fielding has For Cleveland Kahler replaced Mitchell Willie Mann as his partner on Saturday the third' game ol tho series. Includ- doubled up Doyle trying to get back to Doyle's Double Play. at East Lake. Fletcher ...... 3 11 0 6 .465 ing continue the Fletcher and beat the shortstop's long Kaker coming down tbe path. It was This will b« an anxious nig-ht [or the fl.Q11.24; National commission's share, two days. Plank ..1 4 0 1 .250 pace s<>t by the old master.' Tuday 3G,- throw to first. Oldring then came to a pretty unassisted double play. Giants. ?5G1.SO. _Score: Doyle . .. 3 12 1 8 .250 888 fans paid to pass the I'olo grounds time with his second single, the ball New Yorg got its second and last ~ ab. r. h. po. a.e B. Murphy 3 14 1 3 .214 Shater 3 18 1 2 .154 turnstiles, exceeding ''V several nun-. .shooting out to right filed and Murphy run in the seventh on Shafer's two- T.k-bold, cft 4 Cards I, Browns 0. dred the attendance :i t the opening raced around to third base. Oldring base hit into left field and Hurray's Chapman, ss Mclnnis S 11 0 1 .091 gran'te. Every seat in the grand stand promptly Htole second. Collins, who single In the same direction, on which Jackson, rf. St. Louis, Mo., October 9.—The Nar Btrunk 3 11 1 1 .OD1 and' bleachers was occupied and seemed to have no trouble with Tes- the former scored. "Wilson struck out l.ajoie, 2I>. . . . tionals defeated the American today Burns 8 12 0 1 .083 in the opening game of the series to Bender 1 4 0 0 .000 standees gathered at every potnt^per-; reau's pitchin'g, sent a smoking- drive as Murray tried to steal. Scliang Johnston, 2b, . Marquard 1 0 0 0 .000 mitted by the fire and police regu-~ into center field and Murphy and Old- whipped the ball down to second wltn Olson, ob decide the city championship. Sallee Crandall 2 2 0 0 .000 lations. ring deposited two more runs at the lightning-like speed and got Murray, Oraney, If. . . and Weilman -were the pitchers, and Tesreau 2 2 0 0 .000 Gate RecelptM Large. plate. The crowd looked for McGraw completing a double play. Collins took Carisch, c the former gained the verdict, 1 to 0. Wlltse .. 2 2 0 0 .000 Th« gate receipts totaled $75,783.50 to take Tesreau out, but the big the throw. Merkle was given a base W. Mitchell, p. Whitted got a pass, took third on 'a Grant 1 0 1 0 .000 and the club owners saw thousands of pitcher was kept on his job. Bakar o nballs and Wlltse went in to run x-Birmingham wide' throw by Weilman and crossed Wilson 2 2 0 0 .000 eager fans with real money in their smashed a terrific drive which Doyre for Kim. Wiltse, however, was left on Kahler, p.. the plate witK' the only score on hands turned away because there was managed to get after a great effort the path, Crandall -going out, Collins DEFEAT PEACOCK xx-Lelivelt . . .. Wingo's out. not a foot of space inside the park and forced Collins at second for the to Mclnnis. xxx-Brady. . . 0000 The Box Score. third out. NATIONALS- ab. r. h. pp. a. that could be sold to them. Scores of Filled -with confidence by a five-run Wiltse -went to first base in Mer- Cullop, p 0000 'spectators, did business brazenly along kle's place when the eighth opened. By Carl Taylor. xxxx-Ryan.. . 000 Hug-g-ins, 2b . . 0 2 , Eighth avenue, selling tickets at many lead. Bush pitched fine ball in New Neither titrunk nor Barry could do Magee, If ... 0 3 YELLOW JACKETS ON Toch High scrubs defeated Peacock times their face value to prospective York's half of the second inning. anything with Crandall's pitching. Totals , .3.1 0 S 24 7 Mowrey, 3b . . 3 3 spectators who were willing to pay Shafer trickled a slow bounder to Both hit weakly to the reserve pitch- yesterday, 19-8. Oakes, cf . . . 3000 0 0 Collins and he was tossed out. Collins er, who threw them out at first. Tho game was fast and close, both x-Batted for W. Mitchell in fifth. Konetchy, Ib, . 0 13 0 0 . any price to see the battle. waved the other fielders away as he sides threatening to run the score up xx-Batted for Kahler In eighth. Whitted, rf . . The lines of fans who ultimately filed backed into short right field and Schang then stepped to the iplate and 0000 into the undeserved section of the gave the ball a misty wallop, which at all times. xxx-Ran for Lelivelt in eig-hth. O'Leary, ss . . 3 0 0' 0 0 0 EDGE EOR CHATTANOOGA caught Murray's fly. McLean ended sent it into the right field stand for a The playing of Parks, for Tech High, xxxx-Batted for Cullop in ninth. Wlngo, o . . . 3006 1 0 stands formed lines before the game the inning by sending up a high foul •was the star feature of the game. His1 and stood patiently until the gates were fly which fell into Schan.g's big mitt. home run. It was as long as any of PITTSBURG— ab. r. h. po. a. e. Sallee, p . . „ 3000 opened and the slow crawl to the seats Baker's home runs In the Polo line bucks gained his team many Carey, If 6 2 2 1 O 0 BT Hal began. When the game started every Uneventful Thirds. Grounds, and as the young catcher points.' Artnur Delaney also played Dolan, 3b 2 1 0 0 0 0 Totals . f » : . .27 1 1 27 9 0 The Jackets have 'been down to real available spot inside the area wa-s The visitors failed to count in the went to the Athletic bench Baker ran •Well. This lad Is a coming star, and McCarthy, 2b 4 0 2 2 1 0 work during- the rpast few days, realiz- packed and many hundreds tried to get third inning, , going out easily and out and warmly shook his hand. Bush. with a little more seasoning, will Wag-ner, ss 3 1 1 5 7 0 AMERICANS— ab. r. h. po. a. e. ing that the coming- game -Saturday a bird's-eye view of the play'from points quickly. Mclnnis and Strunk both gave ended the, inning by striking out. make a star of the first water. Miller,, Ib 4 0 0 10 1 0 Austin, 3b . .... 4"00020 with Chattanooga is not going: to be a overlooking the park, though they Bui-ns chances, u-hich he accepted, get- N>w York went out In order in the For Peacock, the tackling of Eth- Wilson, rf -.300100 Wares, 2b ...... 3 0 1220 walk-away by any means. were in some cases several blocks ting- both their high flies. Barry foul- eighth. Herzos sent a fly to Baker. rldge was sensational. Knox played a M. Mitchell, cf .301400 Pratt.- Ib ...... 4 0 1 12 2 0 Albert Loeb. the gritty little center, away. ed out to McLean. T6> Doyle's grounder was scooped up by good game at half, and Pew also play- Simon, c. . .' ..401410 Walker, If 4 0 0 400 will not take the trip Saturday with "With tomorrow's game in Philadel- It also was one, two, three for tho Mclnnis at first, and Fletcher fouled ed good. Adams, p .... 4 1 0 0 3 0 Williams, cf . . . .3 0 0 100 the feam, as his shc-ulder Is so -badly phia the players' division of receipts home club in the third. Merkle lifted out to Schang. The most interesting part of the Sloan, rf - . 3 00000 Injured that It would be impossible will cease, but neither they or the club a high fly to Strunk in right center The crowd started to leave the g-ame came right after play started. P. Totals 32 5 7 2T 13 0 Bisland, sa 3 022 0 for him to get In the mix-up without stockholders have cause for complaint, field. Tesreau went out on strikes and grounds as Murphy came to bat in the Jones, (Peacock), bucked the line and Score by Innings: R. Agnew, c . % . , . . 2 006 2 0 hurting himself more seriously, thus since to date 33,750 spectators have Herzog ended the inijing- by shooting ninth with the Athletics In the lead, after being seemingly downed, merged Cleveland...... 000 000 000—0Weilman, n . . . . 2000 2 1 taking a chance of toeing out for the paid .?200,ii5S.50 for the privilege of see- a drive into Collins' waiting- hands. ,S to 2. Murphy filed to Murray. Old- from the arms of players and ran Pittsburg- 200 200 lOx—5 'McAllister 00000 rest .of the season. Ing the Athletics score fourteen runs There was not much to the lourth ring ,went out on a foul fly to Her- sixty yards for Peacock's only touch- Summary—Two-base hits, M. Mitch- Jene Patten will play his first game to the Giants' nine in three games. Of inning for either side, both Bush zog. and Collins ended the Athletics' down. ell. McCarthv; three-base hit, Carey; Totals 20 0 4 27 14 1 under the Heisman banner Saturday, this sum the players have already and Tesreau pitching good ball. half of. the inning by raising a fly to hits off W. Mitchell, 5 in 4 innings; off •Batted for Weilman in ninth. when he will gp in at a quarter. Chat- S10S,S55..')9, accruing to their account Schang- went out for the second time Shafer. 1 Kahl.er, 1 in 3 innings; off Cullop, 1 In 1 tanooga football enthusiasts say that •by the strike-out route. Bush started Score by innings: K. Jene is the greatest prep star ever the owners of each club $36,118.53 and For the Giants In the ninth inning Athletic Fandom Cannot I inning; stolen bases, Wagner, Miller, turned out in the south and he will the national commission $20,065.85. the Athletics' partisans cheering when Burns filed out to Murplvy. Shafer Dolan; flrst base on balls, off W. Mitch- Nationals .010 000 000—1 1 Americans...... 000 000 000—0 have a splendid chance to display his The players' share of today's receipts he hit to left Held for a sinsl<\ Burns waited for .four bnd balls and was Witness Today's Battle 'ell 3, off Kahler 2, off Adams 3; wild wares in the oncoming struggle. was $40 912.2!', each club's share WHS made a hard run to set ufj t,o the ball, forced at second when Murray ground- pitch, Cullop; flrst base on errors, Pitts- The Tech tine-up is still somewhat fl3,6.>7.4a, and the_ national commis- and ft looked as if i.e ca'usht it, but ed to Barry, who tossed tr.-e ball to burg 2; left on base, Cleveland 9, Pitts- Summary — Sacrifice hits, Agnew; stolen bases, Huggins; double plays. In doubt, though the probable one will sion's share was $7,u76.o5. he only managed H> scoop it up after Collins for the out. Wilson ended the From Adjoining Roofs burg 8; struck out, by W. Mitchell 4, be as follows: Trawick, center; Means Tin- C^anie in Detail. it struck the ground. His stop of the game by sending a high foul to Ba- by Kahler 4, by Cullop 2, by Adams 4. Muggins to Konetchy, Wares to Pratt and Rainey, guards; Lang- and. Nance, •ball probably prevented Bush from ker. I Time, 2:04. Umpires, Dineen at plate, to Bisland: left on bases, Nationals 2, Connie Made had both Bush and going to second, and possibly to third. Americans 4; brses on balls, off Sallee tackles; Preas and Ctishman, ends; Philadelphia, October 9.—The chief 1• Kmslie on bases, Evans in right field Patten, quarter; CooTc and McDonald, The runner was left stranded at rtrst, The Ho.x Score. Kason in left field. 1, off Weilman 3: struck out, by Sat- however, -when Murphy raisod a hiyh of the bureau of building inspection to- lee. 2. by Weilman 5. Time 1:35. Um- halves! Johnson, full. fly to Hhafer and Oldrinj^- went out, FH ELAD KLPH IA - ab. r. h. po. e. day notified owners of properties sur- pires, liildebr.rmd and Brennan. Doyle to Merkle. 12. Murphy, rf . . . 5 1 22' 0 0 rounding Shibe Park that they should For New York. Doyle fouled out to Oldring, If 2 0 0 not, because of. the danger involved, Cubs 6, White Sox 5. Baker in the fourth-, but Fletcher Collins, 2b .( 0 permit persons to occupy their house- Chicago, October 9.—In a 13-inn!ng ELECTROSCOPE STILL ropped a single over .second base. B.aker, 3b 1 0 tops during the playing of the world's battle the Chicago Nationals made the Burns struck out. and in. taking the Mclnnis, Ib. 0 0 series in this city. It was estimated standing in the Chicago championship DRAWING BIG HOUSES third strike Schang sent the ball to Strunk, c£ 0 0 that 10,000 saw the game from outside series 1 and 1 this afternoon, down- Mclnnis anld Fletcher had ;i close call Harry, ss.* s o the park. Tickets were sold for seats ing' the American leaguers, 6 to 5. The Hugh Cardoza's electroscope In the (from belnk caupht napping. With Hchang, 6 2 I on house tops, $2 generally being victory of the Cuibs wa^ Grand theater is drawing big crowds Shafer up, Fletcher managed to got a Bush, p. .' 1 o charged. the courage and eoolneie of "Big Jim" dally, th9 fan flock taking very kindly g-'ood lead, and stole second. lie was Vaugiin, who refused to give' way be- to the wonderful electrical baseball Totals. 38 8 12 -11 11 1 detail. Mr. Cardoza and ihis electric left oil the miiUJle sack, as Shafer wns added. "I have high hopes of winning fore the vigorous attack of the South"-" While is tackling ,th» an easy out at flrst on Collins' throw. siders. The g-ame was a ragged one board have earned many friends lo- ; NEW YORK— ab. r. h. po. a. e. tomorrow." cally. University of Chattanoog a, in that Collins almost got a long- extra base Herzog, Sb ...... 4 0 Manager McGraw hurried to another and poor plays wer» as important fac- city, the Tech scrubs will take on A White Satin Striped Madras hit in the fifth when he hit the rig-ht Coy!e, 2b ...... 4 0 train with the Giant players without tors in It as g-o&'d ones. Though the strong G. M. A. team of o£ the Held stand, but the ball was foul. He a Cicotte was hammered hard, he might "LOYAL ROOTERS" DAY Collar that won't spread at the then went put on a hard drive 'to Mur- Fletcher, ss ...... 2 giving a hint as to which of his twirl- have lasted if some poor playing back Prep league. Burns, If ...... 4 0 ers he mig-ht assign for duty in the of him had not been bunched in tha Q. M. A. has some team this year, top on account of the Linocord ray. Baker put up a high fly, which Shafer. cf ...... 3 1 0 0 next battle. He had little to say AT ED DENT'S DETAIL and should give the scrubs all they Unbreakable Buttonholes, used Fletcher gathered in, and Mclnnis was Murray, rf ...... 3 1 about the result of today's contest. fourth round—a disastrous inning- for are looking for In the -way of foot- the third out on a fly to Murray. McLean, c ...... ,2 0 "We have to expect that in baseball," the White Sox. only in Tesreau's pitching continued to be Benz goicceedcd Cicotte In the f!fth Today will be loyal rooters 'day at ball. xCooper ...... 0 0 was his only comment. after Leach's safe drive, a pass to Elliott Dent's detail in the convention The game will be called at 3:3* good, and he was given a hand by the \Vllsoti, c ...... 2 00 200 hall of the . For the sJiarp Saturdby^ afternoon at Grant New York rooters as he walked to the Merkle, 1 1) ...... 2 0 0 BUSH'S HOME TOWN PANS Evers and Schulte's hit scored the. first players' bench-. named and after that, pitched a great remainder of the series boys will be Field, and a small admission fee -will Wiltse, Ib ...... 0 0 0 WIRE COIVGHATUiATIOJirS admitted at 25 cents. be charged. Tesreau, p...... 2 0 0 0 game until the thirteenth. , Then, w.th. GlnntH Score. Crandall, p...... 1 0 0 0 Brainard, Minn., October 9.-—One the bases full. Archer shot a drive into The National league- champions got hundred and six enthusiastic citizens left, which brought In the Winning- into the run column in their half of Totals ...... 29 - 5 27 6 1 of Brainard gathered at the telegraph run. 14 aize* 2 for 25c the fifth. Murray drew a base on r office this afternoon and signed their The Box Score. balls, the flrst in the game. He stole xRiin for McLean' in ll th. names to the following telegram to NATIONALS— ato. r. h. po. a. e. For Smle by second'cleanlv and Schang, in trying xxRan for Merkle In eight. their fellow-townsman, Leslie Bush: Le;ich, cf ...... 5 0 0 to to head him off, threw the ball Score- bv innings: R. "The undersigned extend our hearty Evers, 21) ...... 4 120 CARLTON SHOE & CLOTHINQ CO. into center field, and Murray hot- Philadelphia ...... :'.20 000 210—8 congratulations for your victory today Schult". If. 611100 -."e«- York ...... Oyo 010 T)y — 2 anrt also the work of your side partner. Zimmerman. :ib.. 622011 WINCHESTER footed to third base. The crowd cheered this first real break in the Summary: Two-base lilt. Shafor: Bender, both of Bainard. The old Saier, Ib. 4 0 0 22 0 0 Athletics' defense. Applause greeted three-base hit. Colli- s. h.iino run. town is and will be wide open in cele- Good, rf. . . . 6 I McLean as he came to bat, and there Schang; hits,' off Tesr-.';i*i i! in tj 1-3 bratiqn-—'you know how.' An invita- Briciwell. ss(. 3 rO 0 4 Rifle and Revolver Cartridges O O was a noisier' demonstration when the Innings, off Crandull 1 i;t J --."> in- tion is extended to you and.Bender to Archer, c. . . 50271 tall backstop hit a terrific drive that iiir.gs: stolen bases. C.Mliiv;. Bakei , come to Biainard as soon as released Vaughn, p. . . 50002 . Cheap Coal, Good Coal. Baker could not stop, on -which Mur- Oldring, Fletcher, M-u-.-Liy. I'oooo; ; ; when the celebration will be complet- ray scored. Cooper was sent in to run douHe plays. Collins to F.Mrrv Mush I ed." Totals ,44 6 9 39 16 3 WIN "• Clinkers, Heat, for McLean, and after Merkle sent up .to Barry to Mclnnis. Doyle • unas^'i^i- A Shioke or Satisfaction a fly to Murphy the substitute runner ed), Schang to Collins; lei't on bases, ATHLETICS RJETVTHN AMERICANS— ab. r. h. po. a. e. U. S. GOVERNMENT ACCURACY TESTS and and made a fine steal of second base. Tes- Pbi'S-delphia 4. New YorV: ;.; Urst base BENDER MAY TWIRL Weaver, ss 6 0 1 5 8 1 reau went out. Baker to Mclnnis. on on balls, off Bush 4: first b.i.s- on e-- Philadelphia, October 9.—The vic- Lord, 3b 4 ] j « ., a Residue? Ecctnomy? , 1 Chase, Ib 6 1 1 17 2 0 which play Cooper moved to third. rcrs, Philadelphia 1; hit by jii'.f.hev. ny torious Athletics arrived here shortly Bo>die, cf...... 4 2 2 1 0 ( The U. S. Government experts, after a series oi exhaustive .. Family Row ( Comfort Herzog ended the inning by chopping Bush (Fletcher); struck out, by Bush before 10 o'clock tonight on a special Fournier. rf l o. 0 o. 0 0 the ball in front of the plate. Schang 3, by Tesreau 3, by CrandaJl 1. Time. train from New York and were given Collins, rf and cf. „ 6 1 2 s fl f tests, selected Winchester Rifle Cartridges for use by the and a .. or i n;d a pouncing on it and throwing him out. 3:11. Umpires. Rigler at plate. Con- a rousing reception by a crowd of sev- Cussing? nolly on .bases, Klem in left lieM, K^an eral hundred fans when they left the Chappejl, lf....?6025ll P easure? Wilson h.ere went in to catch for ; SchaMc, c 6 o 0 5 t i picked riflemen of the World who are to compete in the New York. Strunk. the first man up n right Hold. train. Bush and Schang-, who formed Bei-ger, 2b 5 0 1 0 3 0 WHICH FOR YOU? in the sixtn, flied out to Burns. Barry the battery that aided so materially in Cicotte. p...... 2 0 1 -0 3 c International Matches of 1913. They also selected Win- We retail the Good Coal direct from singled to risM and was left there, s THROW ROCKS the Giant's defeat today, were the he- Benz, 1> 3 0 0 0 40 IOUT own mines. roes of the hour. ; chester Revolver Cartridges, finding them the best ever AT ATHLETICS' TAXIES Nearly all of the enthusiastic Ath- Totals -ifl 5 II 39 24 New York, October 9. — Both Giants letic supporters made a rush to shake Score by innings: ^ tested under like conditions. All Winchester Cartridges are PR O C T E R'S and Athletics ha'd early dinners after hands with these young players, but Nationals 000 410 000 000 1—« i Phones 1672 , today's third world's series game at Bush and Schang stepped itno a taxi- Americans . . . .000 301 010 000 0—5 made by the same modern system, and of the same high the . Polo Grounds and took evening cab and escaped. Manager Mack, Summary—Two-base hit, Archer; hits trains to Philadelphia, where the "Chief" Bender and other players also off Cicotte 6 in 4 innings (none out in grade materials as those, which won the stamp of superi- championship struggle will be renewed were forced to hustle, into their auto- fifth), off Beni-. 3 in 9 Uinings; sacri- tomorrow. mobiles to get away from the crowd. fice hits, Bodie. Archer™ sacrifice fly, ority from the U. S. Government experts. For that reason The Athletics had an exciting and The run to this city was .made in Saier; double play. Lord (unassisted); it pays to use Winchester cartridges in any make of rifle, unpleasant experience on, their -way less than two hours and a lively time left on bases. Nationals 8, Americans S; 9&BOniPHONE598 down town in automobiles from the was had by the members of the party. bases on balls, off Cicotte 3, off B"nz revolver or pistol. Ask for Winchester make, the W brand, grounds. A crowd of young hoodlums Many of the players and their wives 4, off Vaughn 2; struck out, by Cicotte spied the flrst taxicab carrying Cap- enjoyed themselves by singing songs; 2, -by Benz 2, by Vaughn 5: wild pitches and the results will repay you for your trouble. They are ARR DW tain Danny Murphy. "Chief" Bender others played cards and a few discuss- Vaughn, Benz. Time, 2:35. Umpires ILLERS and First Baseman Mclnnis as it was ed the features'of today's contest and O'Loughlin, Orth, O'Day and Sheridan. moving slowly down Seventh avenue planned for the battle with the Giants in Harley and began hurling- pebbles, tomorrow, -when it is believed Bender Mja.dc By The Makers of Winchester Guns MGOLLAR sticks and other handy objects at the again will be Mack's pitching selection. ONARCH Clnett. Pcafcody * Co.«lac. M«ker» players who narrowly escaped injury A short time before the arrival of the Pels Draft Sylvester. by the fusillade. Athletics, Manager McGraw arrived Green Bay, Wis., October 9.—Presi- Policemen hurried to the scene and with his squad of National league pen- dent "Weeks, of the Wisconsin-Illinois ESSENGERS dispersed the crowd before tiny one was nant -winners. Despite their defeat to- league, announced today the NewJ Or- harmed. No one in the cabs following day, all hands seemed not the least bit leans club had drafted Sylvester, of was molested. downcast and went direct to their the Appleton club. Connie Mack was 'his usual re- hotel, where they retired early in pre- AKECOODI ticent self at the station, answering paration for the fourth struggle tomor- questions laconicaly. He was non-com- row for supremacy in the baseball mital as to his selection of a pitcher world. No word was forthcoming from Post Sason Results. for tomorrow. ths Giants' leader as to who would be Pittsburg G. .Cleveland 0. "They all look good to me," he said. his pitching choice for • tomorrow's Cabs 6, White Sox &.- "That was a si-cat game today." he game. ...-•. • Cards 1, Browns 0. ••• iNEWSPAPER ,'SPAPERf THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA., IFRTDAlT, OCTOBER 10, 1913. Page Nine.

I Texas cows anvi heifers. 9l.'.!u<$6 Golden Grain, J5.00; F*nc*k«, **r CM*. [ Hoss: Receipts, «,toO, steaclyd ; piss and f lin-Vit„ a «^ TTttf^lu J ft . .40i^.Ivml ; mixea ** d anil butchers. Leva and Compound—Cottolsn*. *7.!0: Snow- Third Time Great Crottd [email protected];>; good heavy, ?8.25@>S.-HS. drift, cases. 6J.50; Flake Whlto »'», i The Constitution again today offers Constitution's detail has been the Candidate for Congress From sheep, 354 down. Complaints Indicate That Pick- partiality shown by the fans towards its baseball details to all who will the Athletics. "Where a few hands are 12th Declares Laurens Will Be Provisions. pockets Are Busy on the come to Alabama and Forsyth streets clapped when New York makes a hit, President and Advisers Don't Mining Stocks. (Corrected by White Provision Company.) at 1 o'clock. hundreds beat heavy applause when the Banner Cotton County. Boston, October 9.—Closing mining stocks: CorntleUl hams,, 10 to la average 1*?$, Downtown Streets. The crowd that gathered in front fft the Athletics begin to lead. Arizona commercial, 41 5-16; Calumet and Cornlield hams. 12 to 14 average.... _, i The Constitution yesterday was such Testerday's game was delivered to Believe Bankers Represent Arizona. Oree'n Cananea, 30; North Corntleld skinned hams. 10 to IS ave. .19 another as the <3ne which crowded the the anxiously waiting: fans just as fast Butte, 25%. Corntleld picnic hams. <; to S average. .13 streets on Tuesday and Wednesday. as the plays were made. W. W. Larsen. of Dublin, who Is a Public—Attacks of Bankers Cornlield breakfast bacon .26 The police lato Thursday started a During- yesterday afternoon live candidate for congress In the twelfth Cornfield sliced bacon, 1-lb. boxes, rouna-up of all suspected "dips," the Xnone of Rie enthusiasm which has Provisions. 1- to case, per case J3.7S marked the world's series games so telephone operators again struggled district, was in the city yesterday on Grocers' style bacon, \\ ide and narrow. 30 yces term for pickpockets. I>uMngr thet ''ar was found lacking: when the "play through the mass of calls announcing law business, and while here he talked Have Solidified Democrats. Chicago, October 9. —Pork , J22. Cornfield fresh pork bautjagc, link or past 48 hours several complaints have ball" signal was shouted from The the score. Hundreds ot offices, stores, interestingly of his race for congress Lard. J16.65. in bulk. In 2o-lb. btickets come to the detective bureau of per-Constitution telesrraph room, where a factories and homes throughout the and also of the splendid condition of Ribs. [email protected]. Cornfield frankfortF. 10-Ib. cartons . . it* sons having been robbed by pickpock- direct wire tapped out the plays direct city were served yesterday by The Con- the farmers of his district this year. "Washington, October 9.—A concerted CornlleUl bo"lo^n.i t>-iusagc. 25-lb. boxes .13 ets in the downtown strfets. from the pa,rU where they were iti stitution's inning-by-inning telephone "I have never seen prevalent an at- Cotton Seed Oil. Cornlield lunchon ham, 2^-lb. boxes.. .1* 31. H. Manning, of 449 Spring street, progress. service. - It -will be continued again to- mosphere of more general optimism defense by administration forces Cornfield, smoked link sausage, 25-lb. than there Is now in my section," said gainst criticisms of the currency hill New Vork. October 9.—Cotton seed oil boxes .11 reported a loss of ?135 and two checks One of the marked features of The day, as usual. \\ iia steady for near bat easier for late Cornfield smoked Unit sausage, in taken from a wallet which was i(i his Mr. Larsen. "The cotton crop is good yy bankers at the Boston convention months underselling against easier crude pickle, 50-lb. cans S6.G9 hip pocket, as he- walked down Peach- and the price is most encouraging. f the American Bankers' association markets and with tlie weakness In cotton. 'Cornfield franliforts In pickle, IB-lb. tree strreet. "Another ltf»m of good cheer is the .nci against what was aljeged to be an Closing prices were unchanged on later po- kits 1.8S J. R. Chunn. of Woodbury, Ga., lost a •weather, which has been most favor- sitions. Sales, 10300 barrels. Cornfield pure lard, tierce basis .12 V4 Jive-dollar groldpiece from u. silk ribbon MORE DELIGHTFUL AVIATOR IS SPILLED able to the gathering of crops. The Tganized effort to hinder its considera- Price crude, $6.66; sales, prime summer Country f.t.% lo pun* lard, 50-lb. tins attached to his watch on "Wednesday. work is going steadily on with the ion and passage, served to clear"'the •vollou. spot, je.95, October. $0.99; Novem- only The goldpiene was attached to the rib- farmers pushing It as rapidly as they air in Washington today and, to inspire ber SU.85; December. $6.30: Januarv. $699; Compound lard, tierce basis WEATHER SCHEDULED FROM HIS AEROPLANE ttnd the means to do so. February, $7.05. March, S7.H; Alrll. 57.21. D. S. extra i-it)*- bon by- gold wire and the wire-looked new feeling of confidence tonight May. ?7.SO: prime winter yellow. $7.1.~>®8.00. D. S. bellies, medium average as if it had been cut with nippers. "Laurens county will "oe the banner n democratic circles. prime summer white, $7.00 {118.09. Future-, V. &. rib bellies, li^ht average .... FOR THE NEXT WEEK AT BARTOW CO. FAIR county of the state again this year in A senate debute, in which the bank- ranged as follows. the production of cotton. There has Open. Close. been a good corn crop raised, too. This ers' criticisms came in for sharp an- ' >. , c.'.tn»(fu r.oo fi.90fti7.o-! Atlanta Live Stock. 'Attendance and Receipts Fair weather is still the forecast of Cartersville, Ga., October 9.—(Spe- wilt undoubtedly mean great things swer from friends of the bill found its 1 NoVember ' . . . .e.susm.a e.sr. (n i;.s" for Dublin and the surrounding terri- echo later in the day when President 1 December . . . 6.30 G.90 (0 to $5.25. I but it was too far to the east of At- which is of the bi-]>lane type, had just ning the election. Medium to good COVNS, 700 to 800 pounds, game between the Giants and the Ath- * lanta to cause more than cloudiness started to rise when one of the wings Before he went to Dublin Mr. Lar- on bankers' convention, as they bdre Linseed. S.J.7.T lo ?4.£.0. letics yesterday, the third of the' se- came in contact with the ground, being sen practiced law in Kmanuel county, on the currency bill now before the Good to choice heifers. 730 to 850 pounds. ries, was considerably larger than the tipped by a changed current caused by which Is also in the twflfth district. senate, represented the g-eneral public Dultith. Minn . October 9.—Linseed Cash. $4.00 to S3.00. Vhose areas of low and of hig-h the grand stand. Pilot Gouder, of the Sl-ll"'. .Mi;> J1.44'.f,. asked, October. Medium to good heifers, 630 to 750 pounds. third same of the Red Sox-Giants pressure which customarily sweep machine, waa thrown several feet away He is one of the best known attorneys sentiment of tht country. In the presi- world's series in 1312. downward from the northwest have in his section of the state. For a time $l!(J9V», November. Jl.40%, asked, Decem- $3.yr> to si.oo. from the aeroplane, but with the ex- he was one of the private secretaries dent's view the attacks made on the ber, $1.38»4. asked. The above represents ruling price of good, Thursday there were 36,888 paid ad- circled around and passed to the side ception of a few scratches was un- bill by the Boston conference represent- quality of beef cuttle. Inferior grades attd missions at the Polo Grounds. Last of Atlanta and the pleasant days con- hurt. The machine was damaged, but of Governor Brown. dairy types selling- lou-or. year there were 34,624. will be ready to fly Friday afternoon. The present congressman from the ed the activities of men whom h.e be- Comparative Port Receipts. Thursday the receipts were S75,- For nearly a week the average high The third day of the Bartow county twelfth, Dudley M. Hughes, will also ieved to be acting with sincerity, but FoZlcwins were net receipts at the port? Mixed to common steers. If fat, 800 to 763.50. Last year they totaled ?63,- temperature of the noon time has been fair was a record-breaker, the largest be in the race. He has served sev- who as individuals refused to yield on* Thursday. "October 9, " compared "ivlth 900. S1.25 to So.00. about 80 decrees, ;tnd at night the crowd of the exposition being admitted eral terms In congress, representing their position of control of the coun- | those on ihe corresponding .i;*y last yea-r^ Medium to common cows, if fat, 700 to Kor the three games played the re- the third district before the twelfth 300. Ss.ofl to $4.^5. thermometer' ha.-, gone down tu about to the grounds. The fair has been- a was created, and hp is generally popu- :ry's financial system. :H,06R Mixi'd common, (JOO to SOO, 52.75 to 93.50. ceipta this year show $200,658.50, while 55 degrees, making the atmosphere signal success, far exceeding the ex- (ialvestoll . . l.!ood butcher bull!-, $3.25 to $4.00. last yr,ir they showed $193,838. equlblo and as pleasant in one hour pectations of the promoters. The at- lar. The race between him and Mr. The expressions In the senate were New Orleans 6,183 For the three games played the at- Larsen will likely 'be a close and ex- more emphatic. Mobile . . :>.iio» I.'.ISO of the twenty-four as in any other. tractions have been good and the races citing one. Savannah . . 18.323 9.I1S7 Prune bogy, 160 to -00 average, $S,25 t* tendance this year show 1)3,7-12, while ''If the farmers don't get that cotton especially so. This is ono of the best "I think the Boston meeting's obvious Charleston .. 4.8C7 •1.007 $8.73. last year they showed 100,502. In this fall it will be their own fault," half-mile courses m the south and the jurpose was to work up opposition to Wilmington 1.321 r the reason of the general mixture heard three loud ones for King-. He Tomorrow, which will mark the Mrs. Mary C. Potter J ones, widow of Little Rock 1,418 reached by Charles E. Greene, of Edin- close of the fair, is expected to be the Dr. John Davies Jones, formerly of an organized propaeanrtn. against the of the oulk of receipts and the disposition. thanked his patrons }jll that found its reflection in the Bos- of buyers to want a better class ot Dee£ burgh, that there IB a distinct rela- biggest day of the exhibition. Washington. D. C., agreed to settle Totals . 15,713 cattle t3an are coming. tionship between the occurrence of $100,000 upon her daughter, MTss Mar- ton conference, und in the various state Hogs are not coming freely; none from tha Potter Jones, provided she mar- jankers' convention, which have adopt- Georgia points and Tennessee shippers re- CARL MORRIS LOSES cancer and the kind of fuel used for ried the Marquis Giuseppe Lanza ed resolutions criticising the currency Dry Goods. port hofrs scarce and for the reason of a domestic purposes was accepted as de- DR. BELK TO CONTINUE measure. TO GUNBOAT SMITH cisive by Sir William Bennett, the d'Aneta of Italy is shown in an ex- New Tork, October 9. — Flannels tor the short corn crop the supply will be short emplified eopv of Mrs. Jones' will, filed The Facts Developed. cutting trades are being opened for fall 1914 throughout the session. eminent surgeon in his presidential PROTRACTED SERVICES in the surrogate's office here. at advances of about 1 cent a yard over address today a't the meeting of the The marriage of Mi.ss Jones to the The results of the senate debate ana last year. Cotton goods and yarns held Xew Tork, October 9.—Gunboat Coal Smoke Abatement society. of the later discussions by the presi- steady. Some easing was noted in -raw silk. See "The Last Days of Dr. B. R. Belk, pastor of the Park Italian nobleman took place in Flor- Men's wear was in steady demand for quick Smith, of Ciilil'ornm, defeated Carl Sir AVillia.ni said investigation had Street Methodist church, returned last ence in December, 1904. but at the .lent with white house visitors were Morris, of Oklahoma, in the fifth shown that the incidence of can- time no mention was made of a mone- Lo develop tiie following facts: shipment. / Pompeii," Grand, all next round of a ten-round fight here to- cer was limited to those areas where nig-ht from Nashville, where he and tary agreement. The will of Mrs .Tones That no effort will be made to make night. The referee disqualified Mor- coal was the staple and fuel while it Mrs. Eelfc went to see their SOTI, S. R. further brings to light the fact that ;tt the currency bill a. party measure in the week. ris for loulIiiK. ' The California was alm6st non-existent where ordi- Belk, Jr., who was ill at Vanderbilt the time of the making of the will senate unless it becomes impossible to Liverpool Grain. heavyweight had the better of the nary peat alone w;is used. The only she and her daug-hter, the marchesa, get It through in any other way. Liverpool, October 9. — Wheat, spot stead} . match in every round except the sec- exception yet discovered to this rule um\erbity. Dr. Belk stated that his That the president believes early No. 1 (new) Manitoba, 7g 3d; No. ^ (old), son WPH much unproved and was ex- were not on cordial terms. ond. he declared was in districts where tl.e Although the marches^ Is the only action on the bill is essential, while 7s 6d; No. 3 (old). 7s 3d. Future r s e«.sy , peat was a hard black substance pected (o be out in a few days. surviving child, only the $100,000 in many democratic senators will oppose October. 7s Hd; December, 7s ;f,d, March. At Fountains & Elsewhere which crackled like coal and was quite Dr. Bolk will start again ton'.prht to any effort to unduly force the situa- 7s lV2d. fulfillment of the agreement at the Corn, spot quiet; American mixed, 6s Sd. unlike the smouldering ordinary peat. conduct the services at his church, :ion. r Ask for SAVANNAH JUSTICES which he has been holding at 7:30 time of the marriage is willed out- Futures weak: October (La Plata), 4s ll ;«d; Sir 'William urged gas as a substitute right to the daughter. She Is also to That the criticism of the bankers' December (ia Plata), 6s l!%d. INVOLVED IN SCANDAL tor coal. o'clock each evening" for some time. He receive an income of $3,000 a year, but conference at Boston has tended to so- will also address the children of the the remainder of the estate, which is lidify the democratic ranks in support Sunrf.iy school at 3.SO o'cl&'ck Saturday believed to be large, is left to the of the bill. Savannah, October 9.—(Special.1-—A afternoon. An invitation has been ex- Groceries. KIRKPATRICK NAMED tended to every child in the school to children of the nobleman and his President \Vilson told callers that "HORLIGK'S" Justice of the peace scandal -will be time Wtis most essential in the cur- attend and listen to a special address American wife. New Tork, October 9.—Flour . to attend the annual session of the week. American Prison association, opening li&f In Any Milk Trust iti the Hoosler capital Saturday nex Country Produce. and continuing through Thursday, Oc Unrecognized Wife Alleges Hus- (Corrected by Fidelity Fruit and Produc* tuber IB. The initial session of the band's Affections Have Been Company, 67 South Broad Street.) DR. GAULT association will be held Saturday with PINEAPPLES, reSanteh ...... [email protected] farmer Vice President Charles W. Fair Abaaka ...... $2.60 Successor to Dr. banks presiding. Alienated by His Father. CALIFORNIA ORANGES, fancy ...... S6.50 Governor Cox. of Ohio; Governor FANCY GRAPEFRUIT ...... 54.5005.00 Hathaway & Co., 32 In- Hatfield, of West Virginia.; Governo BKANs, ereen, drum ...... Jl.OO man Building, 22% a Hooper, of Tenrtpssee; Governor Me Wax ...... BOo Creary, of Kentucky; Governor Major Philadelphia, October 9.—Claiming ONIONS, red, bag . . . . " ...... J3.00 Broad Street. Atlanta, c'f Missouri; Governor Eberhardt, o that she was married to Charlemagne White ...... , ...... 13.00 Ga. Hours,: 9 to 1 and Minnesota, and Governor Ferris, o Tower, Jr.. tin June 7, 1911, in New CABBAGE, crate, ib ...... 2'^c to 7., Sundays: 10 BIG CROPS | HIGH PRICES Michigan, have advised the association Haven, Corm., Mrs. Oeorgeanna Tower, CJSLURY, dozen ...... 25c<900C Po'i'.ViOliH, reds, bushel, new crop ---- Jl.OO to 12. they will be present. formerly Miss Burdick, brought suit White, bushel, new crop ...... [email protected] here today against Charlemagne Tow- LEMONS^ ^ , box . ..TJ5.00 i'i.ANi, crate ...... ____ $1.00 =OF= er, former ambassador to Germany, for ; •~i>jiA\;oKS.i'fancyT crate 'stock V,V.".Vo'@76o LOAN SHARK TOLMAN alleged alienations of her husband's - 5v? "i<;?, -.i,' ; • •• -i.- *?n? affectionsj rCUCUMBERI I «*"T• DOSt . , *. . SENTENCED TO PRISON LETTUCE, drum, ?2.00® 2.50 The young woman, who Is now liv- SQUAbH, yellow . J.OO ing in this city with her mother, Mrs. White - $1.50 COTTON AND CORN New Tork, October 9.-—David H. Tol PEPPER, ti-baaket crate Sl.OO cleorge A. Burdick, declares that she man, notorious a.s a loan shark, wa, OKRA. crate, tender tl.OO 2H Will Bring to Georgia forty and fifty loan offices throughou junior at Yale when she met vhim-;m. AA Cured Forever the United States. desire that lie secure his diploma, she savs,1 prevented an earlier announce- trraio. By a true specialist Cash and Contentment STANDARD OIL MONOPOLY ment of the marriage. .^o 1 ml><> .68 TvUo possesfies the experi- Members of her family and a few Clipped .MO ence o^ years. The right intimate friends, however, were told Texas R. R. oats (new) ...... 6i kind of experience—do- NOT WANTED BY TURKEY of the secret, she says, and she lived White com ...... 1.O3 ing tha eame thing th« After a year of economy and hard work, our farmers arc reaping a harvcbt seldom with her husband at her mother's Concussed meal ...... ,.S2.«> right -way hundreds and London, October S.—The Turkls home in New Haven and subsequently Nn 2 middling ccttoa ...... 1.75 perhaps thousands of surpassed. . . =rovei nment today definitely decide in New York. She declares she visited Bran ...... 1.75 times, with unfailing, The stream of ^old their products bring will stimulate e\cry line of business in not. to accept the offer of the Standar the former ambassador here at the be- Brown shorts ...... 1.76 permanent results. Dc-u't Oil company for the acquisition of Kinning of this year and waa received Tunneus* m««i ...... 1.85 > tm thlnlt It's time to this section. petroleum monopoly In Turkey, ac most courteously until she refused to ...... «.%• 1.S3 get tho right treatment? cording to a dispatch to Tho Standai SIKH a paper that there never had been 1 will cure >ou or mak« from Constantinople. an eiigaprfmont or marriage. no charge, thus proving Last spring there -was a report in Groceries. that my present-day, scientific methods UIIH city that \oung Tower had been (Corrected *j Ogleaby Grocerr Comowur.) are Absolutely certain. I hold out no false Spanish Primate Dead. married, but this was denied by both Axle Grease —Xiitmond . 51.75; No. 1 Hie*. hopes IT I flnd your case Is incurable. If him and his father. It also was re- (6.t>5; No. 2 Mica. $4.25. >ou desire to consult a reliable, long-es- Toledo, Spain, October 9.—Cardina Chees.. — Alflerney, 18%. Gregory Maria A&ulrre Y Garcia, arch ported that he made a categorical de- Ret itack Ginger Ale —Quarts . ?9: pints. *1O; taljt'ehe'l epeclajlflt of vast experience, bishop of Toledo and Primate of I r>rUn nial to the Yale faculty. Rcu Ro-jk Sjrup, S1-5O p«r gallon. come to me and learn what ran be accom- died today. He was born at Pola d .Service of the writ was accepted to- Ciadj^stlck. 61-4c; mlied. 7^c; jhocoUt««. plished ulth skillful, scientific treatment. THE AMERI day by counsel for Charlemagne I cure Blood Potfion, VarlcobC Veins, Ulcers. Gordon. March 12, ISlia, and was create and proclaimed cardinal April 13, 190" Tower, Sr., who declined to discuss the Suit — loo-ib. bags 53; ice cream. 60c; Ideal Kidney and Bladder disease". Obt,tiucUoaa, matter. S0; Good Luck. $3.75; SuoceM. Sl.fcO; Rou«h , Examination free and Btrirtly confidential. Kider, $1.80. Hours: 0 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sunday.-!, 9 to 3. Pompeii," Grand, all nex FOR DRiyER OF AUTO Bcauii — tima. 71Sc; nary, J8. NATIONAL BANK lull— Per crate. J1.20. week. Jully— 30-1 b. palls, fl.35; toe., 12.70. An auto bearing; the state license SpagUitti — SI. 9<>. ' DR. HUGHES, SPECIALIST number 11,800, registered under the Leather — Whlto oak. 48c. Opposite Third Sat'I Bank. name of John Ij. little, Atlanta, ran Pepper — Grain. 15c; ground, 18c. 1 down and injured d negro messenger Flrjur —Slegant . 47.OO; Diamond, $6.00; Selt- IBM: North Broad St., Atlanta, G«- Is Your Town hoy employed at the Jacobs' Pharmacy, Rising. {5.85; MonoKram, IS. 50; Carnation, A Progressive Bank in the Lead- West End, last night. The negro lad was taken to Grady ing City qf the Growing South Backsliding? hospital, where his injuries, consisting of a broken arm and severe bruises, Unless it is making the right kind •were treated. The police started a search lor the Invites the accounts of Merchants, Farmers and Manufacturers, and will continue to of progress it's going backward, sure driver of the auto. STOKE EVERY OPENS CORNER lend its cu-opcialion in th The best paying investment anj ; Libby's Mammoth Asparagus, California grown, packed ~t f !eipb- steady to ]00 DIRECTORS town can make is to spend money lower; heaves, *7.10 & 9.50:. _ Texas stears at beds where cut, usually 250, per can • 8680(9800- Htoclcers, $j.2o© «.S>5: cows and BARTOW M. BLOUNT enough to make itself a good place to heifera, S3.K5iS>8.G:> ; calves, S7. 50 fell. ..o. Irish, Green Mountain Potatoes, white, mealy bakers, LEWIS H. BECK Sheei>- Receipts. 33,000; steady to lOc Pres, Beck & Gregg Hardware Co." Pres. White Hickory Wagon Mfg. Co. live in. lower- native sheep. S3. 90® 5.00; yearlings, usually 4Oc, per peck 55 00@«"oo; native 'larnbs, [email protected]. JOSEPH T. HOLLEMAN Improvements that make for the Kansas City, October t). — Hogs: Receipts, Argo Salmon, this year's catch, fresh from Columbia 1 A A DR. WILLIAM S. ELKIN 5,000. steady to Gc higher; built of sales. Elkin-Goldsrnlth Sanatorium Pres. Southern Mortgage Co. health and comfort of the people are !7 SSffllS 26- heavy. 58.OGiSi8.25; packers and river, usually 200, per can ' ~** the biggest dividend producers on butcbers, S7.90@8,3I); light, [email protected]; ROBERT F. MADDOX Gold Medal Flour, nature's best food,' 24-lb. sack, WILLIAM M. K1SER earth. P'cattSle':00<%ceipt3, 5.900, Including 800 Treas. M. C. Klsei- Co. Vice President southerns; steady to weak; prime fed steers, usually $i.oo.' Our business is to bring about cor S9 00® 9.50; dressed beet steers, [email protected]; GEO. A. NICOLSON WILLIAM L. PEEL southern steers, [email protected]; cows, President rect physical conditions for towm [email protected]; heifers, [email protected]; stockera, Pres. Maddox-Rucker Company 35*[email protected]. ' v J. G. SHERRER that need them. Sheep: Keceipts. 9,000, steady; lambs, THOS. J. PEEPLES BENJAMIN L. WILLINGHAM 56 r>0<(67.00; yearlings, ?5.QO®5.75: wethers, 36 GORDON STREET S-l'[email protected]»; ewes, 53.60®4.35. Cashier and Treasurer City.of Atlanta Pres. Piedmont Cotton Mills The J. B. McCrary Company St Louis. October 9,— Cattle: Keceipts, Bell Phones West 1300, 13»1, 1302 5 100 including 2.400 Texaiis; steady; choice Municipal Engineers, «o fine atecrt'. [email protected]; good to t-holce NOTE—SHERRER IS FATTENING HIS TURKEYS FOR THANKSGIVING steers [email protected]; dressed and butcher Third National Bank Building, steers Vs.SOWT.isS; stocKers, t5.25g7.50-, Atlanta, Ga. calve»I 56.004jitJ.50; Texas steers, 56.00&'7.75;

NEWSPAPER! Page Ten. THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, [FRIDAY, OCTOBEB 10, 19ia COTTON MARKETS. COTTON FUTURES MARKET. Country Produce. IB New York Cotton. Range la N«w New Tork, October 9.—Butter steadier; Atlanta. October 9.—Cotton steady; mld- receipts 4,700 tub»; factory, current make, Laatl 1 Pruv. ILaatl 1 Fntv. seconds 23. . ' JANUARY COTTON ! dllng, 13%. STOCKS lOpenl HlKb Low Sale) Close. | Close. lOpenlHleh t«wl Sale! Clos*. I Clos»._ SLIGHTLY FAVORS Cheese undianeed: receipts 1,100 boxes. Oct. . 13.45 Macon—Steady; middling. 13'i- 13.54 13.54 13.2B|13.30 13.30 13.61-53 Oct. .|13.40 13.41 13.31 13.32 13.30-34 Ewrs steady; r«?celpt» 11.100 cases; fresh Nov. 13.22-23 13.54-56 Nov. . 13.37 13.39 13.37 13.39 13.21-23 13.42-44 gathered dirties No. 1 22®23; No. 2 and Dec. 113.3' 113.37 11309 is.i- 13.15-17 13.37-39 Dec. 13.35 13.35 13.15 13.20 13.19-20 13.40-41 ?oorer 1S@21. Athens—Steady; middling. 14V*. Jan. . . 13.14 13.15 12.80 12(99 12.99-13 13.18-20 Jan. . .13.35 13.36 13. 1G 13.20 13.20-21 13.39-40 Ltlve poultry quiet; cbickens, we*t«rn. 34; Feb. , . 112.99-01 13.18.20 Feb. . 13.22-25 13.41-43 fowls 14015; turkeys IT. Dressed weak: Port Movement. Mch. . |i3'.22 113.22 113.05 ,1305-06 13.26-27 13.2H-29 13.47-48 fresh killed we»tera chickens 14®23; fowls Galveston—Quiet, middling. 13%: net re- THEM lib'.iv Mch. . 13.41 is'.ii is'.zs is'.ai 13.60-51 BELOW 13 CENTS April . 13.20-21 13.33 13.31-33 THE WHEAT BULLS 13.00-02 May . .13.42 13.46 1S.27 14®20; turkeys 2Jtg>22. ceipts. 21.088: sross. 21.068: sales. 336; stock, May . is'.sa is.'ia iiiss isios 13.06-07 13.2U-28 Chicago, October 9.—Butter lower; cream- 136,54i, exports to Great Britain. 20,332; c 9 June . 12.97-13 13.16-1S eries :M*6«j>2C ' - - coaatwlse. 5,101; to Mexico, 1.600. Esss unchanged; receipts 4.880 cases. Storm Scare Over and Talk of Opened at Decline, Then Ral- That Is Construction of Re- Potatoes higher; receipts IPS cars; Michi- New Orleans.—Quiet: middling. 13 9-19; Cloaed steady. gan and Wisconsin S5<3>63: Minnesota 65 net receipts. 5,133. gross, i.64.3, sales, 2.300; lied, and About Noon Prices Closed easy. Easier Southern Spot Mar- stocks, 74,972. * port by Chicago Traders. Poultry, alive, lower; springers , 14; fowls Mobile—Steady: middling. 133-16; net re- Dropped Abruptly — Some "Kansas City. October 9.—Butter, crearo- kets Caused Decline—Mar- ceipts, 5.604: fc-ro&s, S.604; nalea, 350; stocks, BONDS. STOCKS. Closed Unchanged to Shade ory. 30; firsts 2fl; seconds 27; packing 23H- 43.145: exports coastwise. 807. ^ EggR, firsts. 25; seconds 16. ' New Low Figures for Year. PT»T. Decline—Corn Higher. < Poultry, hons 1114; roosters 9; ducks 10. ket Closed Stead}-. Savannah—Quiet: middling. IS',: net re- t7. S. ref. 2s. registered . 84% springs 11 @ 111,4. ceipts, 18.323. eroHS. 18.:;23, r-ales. o,492; do. 2s. coupon . - 94->i Hleh. low. Clo»». St. Louis. October 3.—Poultry: Chickens. stocks, 141,301. exports to Ureat Britain. U. S. 3s, registered ..102!4 Amal. Coper . . 74 % 72Vi 73% 12; springers, 12'X; turkeys, 18; ducks, 12ii;, 4,779; contment, 4,."j65. New York. October 9.—The stock do. 3s, coupon ..102V4 Am. Agricultural 43V4 Chicago. October 9.—Instead of prov- geese, 10. XPW York. Oi-tobfr 0.—The cotton U. S. 4e, registered . .109 Am. Beet Sugar . . 23M, 23Vi market today "was a contradictory af- 34% 33^ 34% 33'A ing bearlhs. the government report to- Butter, creamery. 31. market broke through the Ki-cent lev-pi Charleston—.Steady: middling. 1S '/» ; net fair. Prices moved up and down in do. 4s. coupon . .Ida Am. fan .... day on wheat turned slightly in favor &sgs, 24. todriy with Januarv contracts selling Panama 3s, coupon . . 99 do. pfd ...... 95 94% 94 93% rei'fiptH. 4.S67; gross, 4,687. sales, none: abrupt swings during the forenoon, Allis-Chalmers lat Ss, bid" . .' Am. Oar und Pdry. . 43 Vi 42% 43 43 V4 of the other side. The news, however, at 12.00 or about S4.65 per bale below stocks. 75.349. althoug-h there was nothing- in the way . . 4,H 38 came too late to affect prices, which the hlsh record* of last week. Relief American Agricultural B« . . . . . 99% Am. Cotton Ol! .. . 38!8 28 >4 38 Rice. of definite news tc* account for the American Tel. and Tel. ov, 4s, bid . . SS Am. Ice Securities. . 22V4 21 » closed steady, the same as last night from Atlantic storm api>rfh*-nMonH and [ ^'iln-iington—Steady . middling. 13V*. net iflun-ctua'tlons. When th«- one Impor- Amerh-an Tobacco Ds, bid Am. Linseed 8V* to a shade lower. As to corn, the New Orleans, October 9.—Rough Honduras talk of easier houthnrn markets seem- receipts, 1.321. srosK, 4.321. &»!<•«. none; . .llj 30V4 and Japan very steady; clean Honduras tant development of the day was made Armour & Co. 4^ a . . 90 }t Am. Locomotive . . SOU 30 '30 Washington estimate showed some ed to Innpir'- general heavy offerings, '.Htockifl D78S1. exports coastwise, 200. known, which ml^ht have been ex- Atchlson gen. 4s. .. .. 93=4, Ainer. Snieltlne and grain, as expected. That grain, never- and Japan strong and active. Quote: Rough' tviilie stop orders were uncuvr-red dur- pected to find instant reflection in do. t-v. 4s (ISCO). bid .. .. . '. 11 . . 94 Refne ..... 65 64 64H 64% theless, finished 1-4' to l-25-8 net ing the progi-en1- of th*» df-Une. Cov Norfolk —Steady; middling. 1 3 "» . net r»- do. cv. 5s, 99% 99% clean Honduras, 4%'^ioU; Japan, new, 3 "Si© T CPipts. 2.361, gross. 2.Bill, !-a|Ps. 788; stocks, the level of quotations the market ..100% do. pfd higher, with oats, l-g to !-8<§>l-4 up, eriiif? and reports that trade buyers pldx-irllv ignored it. Atlantic Coast I^ine 1st 4s. bid .. . . 91 Vi Am. Sugar Refining 109 109 and .provisions C oft to 5 advance. 4: old. 3i^{£i>3%. Receipts; Rough, S.439, had absorbed a good many of the con- 17.591. exports coastwise. 1.R23. Baltimore and Ohio 4s - . 92% Am. Tel. and Tel. .124U 123% 124 123% millers. L.620. Sales, 1.116 Hacks rough Hon- For several weeks the street had do. SVas Am. Tohacco 235 224 Most of today's wheat sagged, in- duras al 3.304.90: in 2 sakcs roush Japan tracts thrown ovnr during the morning Baltlm^>rp—Norm.il. midtlling, in'-i; heard confident predictions of an exlra . . 90 % 3o><» fluenced in part by predictions that the at 2.26©3.71: 4,434 pockets clean Honduras steadied pi lets in the later trailing Brooklyn Transit .-v. 4s. .'.'.. . . Sti '? Anaconda fllln. Co. . 35 Vi 35 35 storks, I'.:i23. cash distribution on Unio-n Pacific out Central of Georgia :>H, bid ..103% Atchison ..... 94>« 9SVi 93% J* sovernment analysis of the quality of at I?4*,a Atlantic Coast Line 117 111 the bulls. There also were reports at a net luss uf 19 tu J2 points. - ceipts. none: ero^B. X07. Kales, none. SHOCKS. strength of these predictions that do. oonv. 4 ^jtf, bid . 80 B and O. . . . 93% 93% 94 93% that acreage seeded to winter wheat The market was unrip rh*'avy proa- 14.0nri. fvportt- to lr<"at Britain. 2.3SO: con- T'jiion Pacific was pushed up to 162'/i, Chicago and Alton 3^3 .. " '" ."." . 63 Beth. Steel. . , 30% 30Vi 30% 31M> had reached liberal proportions and Coffee. sure almost from the start until prices tinent. SOI), coastwise. .">07. loss than a fortnight ago. But the Chicago, B. and Quincy Joint 4s .. . 94% Brooklyn R. Tran. 87 Sli% 87 8b% that the plant, though late In some Ts'ew York. October 9.—Lower European showed <'» net loss of from 26 to 29 announcement today by the directors do. gen. 4s . . . 93% Canadian Pacinc. . 22»% 231% 232?8 sections, was in line condition. Selling cables, repohts of an easier cofat and freight points. Tho upfiung was steady at an Boston— ulPt middling. 1 .T 70. not rprelptH. that no actio-n would be taken at pres- Chicago. Mil. and .«t. P. ,-v. ~4 ij's'.' .102 Central Leather . 20% 2(1 20 20% pressure at Liverpool from Russia and situation and hoa-vier ruling of primary re- advance uf ^ points on October, in 102. ffro^s. 2..",?". -s.iles tiono Htoeks. 18.41-. Chicago, R. I. ana I'ac. R. Ft. <-ol. l! Chet, and Ohio. 57% 67 57V4 ceipts seemed responsible for today's decline ex port a to CIrc.jt Britain. 500. ent and that the board had considered Chicago, R. T. and Par. Ry. rig. 4s.. 76 Vi Canada, favorable Argentine crops and sympathy with .steady cables, but later no plan which "would have increased Great. -Wester- n 11 V4 a forecast of larg-e world shipments In the coffee innrkot. After openlnp 2 to 9 months wr-rc .T to 3" points lower and folo. and K. ref. anil ext. 4V.a, offered 82'•a points lower the market Bold about 14 to 20 Philadelphia—Steady, nn'MUnK 13.90 ivt the present yiold of the stock" had Delaware and Hudson cv. 4s .... 9: lOOVi 101% for the week, all tended to depress the net lower and cloyed irregular at a net losa after some little rrreguhu ity the mar- rp'.-i-lpt!--. none, grot-". 2SO, s.iles. none, little effect. Denver and Rio Grande ref. Sa .. .. wheat market. Prieces here, however, ket becitrne verv weak and unsettled. 7.T, of 9 to 21 points. stocks. 2.311. After a decline at the opening-, the Di&tillers 5.1 KB % .. 128% were steadied by moderately active Spot unsettled. No. 7 Rio 10H; No. 4 Weather ,idvt--es indicaterl that the market picked up and gave a mild dis- Erler prior Hen 4s, bid .'.' .. .'." ." .' 84'i Col. Fuel and Iron. . 28 28 28 buying by a leading: house and because Santos, 12%. Atlantic storm had p.issi'i.1 inlarul and Texas <"lly—Net receipts. 2.'.7«. Srro'is. play of strength during; the morning, ut, gen- Total Thur.sday at all ports, net. fi4.60".. JiuerbormiBh-Met. 4Ss 76«* German reports of unusual buying: of B$125; Samoa spots ioo rels higher; fours. Around the noon hour, the list Inter. Merc. Marine 4V'.s. bid . .. Denver and Rio foreign wheat, to be used in mixing, erally hpeakitiK. weather (otiditions (•onsolidatcd. four days, at all ports, net. dropped abruptly, reaching- lowest 60 Grande 17% 17 '/i also received dub attention. US800; sevens. ti$«o«. Futures 150. 'to 175 Beamed favorable and evidently led to Japan 4^s, bid . 87 do. l,Cd 32 32 rein higher. -^*— "'Total' since September 1. at all porls. net, prices for the long- decline. Southern Kansas City Southern rof.' Ss, bid 95 14 Corn prices bulged on account of un- Brazilian receipts. 80.000. against 69.000 a renewal tjt* the selling movement, Pacific and Rock Isla.nd, preferred, Lake Shore deb. 4s (J931) Distillers' Securities settled weather, receipts being light ivhlch v, ;is (hecked } ethcrdtiy .ifter- ai'-s Brie 28'A 28 28% 2814 last year. Jundlahy. r.3,000, against 48,000. 'V:xp"orts Thursday—to. CreaH Brit.nn, 27,- touched new low fig'ures for the year. Louisville and Nash. tin. 4w . 93-4 do. 1st pfd. . . . 44% 42V4 43% and a more active industrial demand. Futures ranged at> follows: noon by fear of eubteru belt damage. 8'Jl . to continent. a.JBr,, Mexico. l.tOO. Then prices moved up to the earlier Missouri, Kan. anrt Texas 1st 4s.. 89% 3r,% Missouri dispatches told of dampness OpenluE. Closing. Offerings became a little le.s.s active <]„. 2nd pfd. . . . 36V, 3S Total stocks at ports. 5S7.S2.'i. high level. The only effect of the do. gen, •!'£». bid S.1V, General Electric . .142% 142 142«, 142% Injuring corn In shock and of more or January 10.40 ofd. 10.285B 10.30 below 12.05 for .lnnu.i.rv, however, and Missouri Pacific Is ...... February 10.45 bid 10.30®10.31 Union Pacific announcement was to do. conv. Gn. . . Great Northern, pfd. 126 125 Va 125% 12G% less insect damage. the late rally w;ts helijerl by miire f,i- Interior Movement. check the rise. The list dropped 7 9 % Great Northern Ore Oats developed a better tone wit)) March .. .. L. .. 10.ur, hid 10.51 10.52 vor.-iblc .spot advices from .Vow Orleans, Houston-Steads . middling. 1"'»: net re- Xational Ilya. of Mexico 4 ^u S, bid r>3 31 Vs 32 31 April 10.70 bid 10.58©10.eO slifthtly. but at the close prices were New York Central Ken. 3UK. bid Ctfs ...... 32 corn, though trade was not larse. Buy- •where private wires cl.umeii that fac- ceipts. 10.181. gross. 10,111. shipments, 11.- well toward the top. S2 Illinois Central . . .109% 1084, 109 108 In p was chiefly investment demand of May 10.80 hid 10,[email protected] tors wi'i-f ,cov f-riripr their tables anrt re- 7J3. s.tles. 1.271. .stock.-. 100.213. do. dob. 4s. bid 14% 14% 15 June 10.80$>'10.90 30.75©10.77 The recent turn In the money mar- N. V.. N. H. and Hartford cv 4i;,s, bid. 71 ' InterborouKh-Met. . . 15 a conservative sort. fusing to ine«t the cieiline Houses do. pfd ...... 61 60 60^ 01 July 10.93Ji)lI.OO 10.84®10.8« Augusta--Htead> . middling. 1 :i'« "^.J^" ket was accentuated by a further ad- Norfolk and Western 1st con. 4s.. .. 93'A Packers helped provisions up grade August 10.904P10.32 with southern connect iunt, vvein ,unon£ vance in rates for ail fixed periods. do. cv. 4s, bid Inter. Harvester 105 105 the heavy i-cller.s here during the ceii>tH. :l.'.97. gross, s.'ll.l. shipments, -.190, 10.'! Inter.-Marine. pfd 14% and then sold on the advance. There September 11.01 bid [email protected] Call money was held frimly at the Northern Pacific 4s or.'4 was said to be an improved shipping October 9.97® 9.90 morning. sales. 2.221. stocks, :il.7r,3. do. 3s. bid International Paper . b'A bMi recent hig-her level. Bankers were o'f 68 International Pump call for lard. November 10.07 @ 10.09 Spot cotton qufft: mirKiling uplands n 1 the opinion that the hiRher rates might Oregon Short Line. rfdg. 4a...... 91 13.70; gulf i:!.or>; sales none. Memphis -Steady, middling U •!» ' ^ ": Pennsylvania i-v. 3ViH (1915) .. .. Kan. City South. . . 24% 23% 24 December .. .', .. 10.25 hid 10.17(3>10.18 ceitits 4 'fl gross. :>.14:>. shipments, 3.49b, bo expected to prevail for some time 97 ~i 98 9S Chicneo Quotations. ' 0. '"locks. 44.909. do. con. 4H, bid Lailede Gas and that the New Tork money mar- Heading son. 4B. bid 94% LehlKh Valley . . .ir,3% 152% 153 153 Prev. New Orleans Cotton. ' ket would present more or less oC a St. LOUIK and San Fran. fg. 4s. bid 70',i I, and N ..... 134 1S3V.1 133«i 134V, ODBH. High Low. Clone. Cloae. HI. L.OU1-)—I^UK-I. middling, in-li. net re- stiff front durinp the time of the crop- do. KPII. IH, bid Minn. St. P. and S'lt WHSAT- Hubbard Bros. & Co. Now Orleans, October 9.—The cotton mar- ceipts, none. i,rosi. 473. shipments, 4(.i, movinK period. It was pointed out that St. LouiK Southwestern cnn. 4s bid St. M 131% 132 Etecember . . .S5% S6>4 New York;. October 9.—Again tho mar- ket today again fflt the pressure of liquida- sales, none, stocks, 3.94T>. 86'f, if the situation Is nc,-t strained -condi- Seaboard Air Line adj. f>H, bid . . . 73% Jlo.. Kan. and Texan. 20 Va 20 14 20 *.0 May ...... 91 80% 9 Ha 91'/i kets, have been under the pressure of the tion from the !o,n^- sMc. although bullish Southern Pacific col. Is, hid Missouri Pacific. . . 29 l!S'A 28% 28'A CORN— bearish Ideas held In Kurope regarding the claims were that the market \wts b.-emiiin!? Cinelnnatl- N«t receipt!.. ISO. gross, 196; tions might become deranged quickly " 9l!£ pold out. Short cotton i\\as offered freely 'with low money rates. do. cv. 4h National Biscuit. . .122 12014 122 120Vi December . . .68% 60% 6SVi 68% «S% cotton crop this season. Tjiey failed to buy shipments. 2S7 sales, none; stocks. lt),967. Southern Pacific K. li. 3st ref.' 4s.. . SI ' .National Lead . . . 44% 44% 44V4 44% May . . . - .70% 71% 70% 71i.» 70% cotton in August und are now eagerly ac- at times liiifl the market broko to nexv A shipment of Koid to San B^rancisco 1 July . . . levels for the present downward tno\'iinent was arranged today and it was ex- Southern Railway 5h, bid . 103 !, Nat 1 Ky.s. o£ Mex. . -70% 70 T4 70 'A 70% 70 H cepting crop estimates which would lead Tattle Uock—Steady: middling. K'.H. net do. gpn. 4s . 74V, 2ii.l pfd ..... IS '4 13 OATS— them to believe that a ykleld of Irom 14,- under such offerings. VV'tien short C"ttori recelpf"II . I H*. gross. 1,418. shipments, 2t).<. pected that several millions -would be Union Pacific 4s K Y. Central . . . 95V» 95 Vi 96 December . . .40% 40% 600,000 to 15,500,000 bales Is aa much a. ^•as not for i'alc. the market dUpiai eel de- saks. no cks. 1 1,74'.]. forwarded t oth<- Pacific coast within . 97 U. cided signs of recoyer.v. th^ selling from do. cv. 4s .91% N. Y.. Ont. and West- May . . . . . 44Vi 44% 44% prospect today as it was In July. thf next few weeks. do. 1st anrl ref. 4s . 93 >i PORK— Heavy Helling from Europe has been the ]fqui<[atinK longs befliK haniiv more than January . Hiifficierit to meet the demand fiom the John F. Black & Co. Tlie declining tendency in certain U. S. Rubber Cs . 103H 103Vt .19.75 19.82 19.70 19.80 19.75 feature for a week past and has brought bonds was chocked, but tlie main move- U. W. Steel 2nd 5s ...... 11 00 i,.. North American 71 71 May . . . .19.92 19.92 19.75 19.90 19.85 about the liquidation which has caused the rlnR-. \Veutber « findilmjia over the bt'lt con- LARD— tinued to improve and \\cre the chief basis Vew ^ ork. October 9. — The south was 'a ment continued downward. Tf.'tal sales, Virginia-Car. Chemical Be-, hid .. Northern Pacillc 110 Vi 110% 0 decline and created, In turn, a. very bear- heavy seller of cotton today and Wall street par value. $1,300,000. United States "VVabaKh 1st and pxt. 4s 49 I'aclllc Mall 19% 19 October ...... 10.60 10.62 ish feeling In this market.- On the decline for short sales, January . . The opmiirti^ \\as steaily at 11 dechiin of also seems to have gotten over its ImlllOi Hvos ami Panama twos and threes de- "Western Maryland IK. bid 7SL. .111% ii '. 10.57 10. «2 10.55 10.60 10..17 today the American splnnera bave been Ti to S points, in spite of extremely good enthusiasm. There is much talk of a top clin<^<1 *4 on hid prices to new low \Wst inghun^e Electric cv. bid 91',2 I'eople's Gas . .124^ 124 124V4 123% May . . . . . 10.75 10.80 10.75 10.80 10.75 constant buyers as they were yesterday, cables. The ueather map \\ as l:t\'»rable clop In many sections, and a disposition to flprure^. United States two registered "Wisconsin Central Is . . . . 87 Pitts.. C., C. and St. SIDES— absorbing a large proportion oC the offer- and bears made muih ol the tail that the laisc e.sterday. the high record made on this day last Attantn. October 1.— Fnr the 21 hours j KeaJinR ..... 164V? 162% 184 Receipts In Chicago. on the- tbeori that the reactlcfm trom the \\cik. The close \va.s at a net rlei line for ending at S a. m.. 7f.th meridian time. ' Republic Iron and Estimated long advance had spent Itself. ' \\ as thro\\n the day of ?1 a bale. Money and Exchange. Steel . - . .20 19% 19% 19 V4 Today Tomorrow. nverboard. "J^he decline Hits gradually vvid- Liverpool is due to come one-half to tn o ]Ven- York. October 9. — Money on call ttiiieratur** n . do. pfd ...... 79'« 79 79'A 79V4 Wheat .. 38 cars 28 cars 13 13% Corn .. . 111 'cars 117 cars enoit until in the early afternoon prices down. lirni at 3%rtp4; ruling rate 3%; closing .- * Rock Island Co. . . 14'fc 12% ivere ^2 to 23 ,pol,nts under yesterday's . STATIONS O do. pfd ...... 21% 20 21% Oata, . . . 104 cars 109 cars close. l''o{low'iiic? this there \vas u. recovery Time loans strong-; GO days 5; 90 days ATLANTA St. Louis and San Hogs .. ..25,000 head 19,000 head Gibert & Clay. 7 'A of about half or the net loss, but touard & l£ ; sK- months rif^S^. DISTRICT. — K ^3 Fran 2nd pfd ...... NP\V York, October 9. — Tn creased hptlge H 1 < Va Primary Movement. 50 the en-1 of the day offerings \vere again Prime paper b^fff'*) per cent. 5» Seaboard Air Line ...... liberal and the market cloned easy at a de- spiling and an easier spot basin at the Sterling exchange steady at 4. SI 50 for GO do. pfd ...... Wheat—Receipts 1.342 v. 1,922,000 last south, totft'ther with a tendency to regard cline of Ki to Jl points, compared \vlth days. 4.S5GO for demand. ATLANTA, clear. . . . 1 63 .00 Sloss-Sheflield Steel year. Shipments, 946,000 v. 1.316,000 last the Utht figures of yesterday. prp.scnt e-^tirtiatos of tlie crop as tuo Jo\v, Commercial hills 4.8114. aiitl Iron . . - - ..... •*•* year. a-r-hattanuoKa. pt. cl'dy. no .00 89«, Spot quotations ivere revised and mid- resulted hi further liquidation today, under Bar silver GOjs. Columbus, clear. T; .00 Southern Pacific . . 90V4 89 89% Corn—ReceiptB. 397,000 v. 467,000 last which prites der-lined about 30 points. BO 22 21% dling loss ' another one-eight of a • cent. Gainesville, cloudy. . . . 2, 5S southern Hallway . 22!i 21% year. Shipments, 519,000 v. 201,000 last !-Uiort selling i\as at time-- encouraged dur< \VhHe- the trade huusht at thf decline, the .00 do. Pfd ...... 7S 77V-J 77 Vi TS year. market met u Uh n*» iLyrpre>-sI\ t- itemariU Oreen-vllle. S. C.. cloudy. \ Kfi .01 31'« 31 ing the day by talk of a lower spot market, Treasury Statement. Oriftln. clear . . . ". \ fiO Ten. Copper . . . 31 93: No. 2 hard. 8!>H@S6: No. 2 dling '„ off at 139-lli. salea on the spot. weather over (he belt, the ?iouth IH expected Net balance in preneral fund. $125377.436. 4' r>7 .00 (i2 61% b-Tallapo!% northern. 87@87%: No. 2 spring. 84@S4<^; 215 bales, to iirrlve, 2,08f>; Io\v ordinarv. to market freely. Total receipts yesterday. $3.133.427. .', i. .no 56 VB SSV-fi 1 7 Total payments yesterday. S3.203.S81. Tiirt on. clear .... 3 V. K. Steel .... 5GV-2 '54% velvet cha&, 83(g'S6 /4: dufum. 78®85. 10 1-lti. tiominal . ordinary. tO ^, nominal, 71; No. 2 yellow, 71®71Vi. 1 1 11~ Itj, nominal, middling I'air to f.iJr, excludes Panama canal and public deVit Va.-Caroilna Cliemi- ' Oats, No. 2.i 40 Vj; standard, 41 <&. dling. 135-lii: muldllns. 139-1B. strict I! 1-16, nominal; fatr. If. 7-10. numiiial; ral ...... 29 29 29 27% Rye. 66066%. iiiid.IIIng. ISlS-liJ, good middling, 141-1'); transactions. Heavy Rains. receipts. ."..1S3. Ktoch. 74.07^. North <"aroli>ia--VVIImlneton, 1.20; Lum- \Vabasli ...... 3% 3% Barley. 55@S2. berton. 1.00; \Veldon. 1.00. do. pfd ...... 9% 9% 9% 9% Timothy, [email protected]. Tennessee—"Brownsville. 1.50. Western Maryland . . 37% 37% 37% 37% Clover. ?9.00©12.BO. South Carolina—Charleston, 4.40: Kin^s- Western Union ...... 61% 61 St. Louis. October 9. — Cash: Wheat, No. tree. 3.BO; St. George, 1.40; 8t. Mathcws. Westingh's, Electric. C8 66% 67% 66% 2 red, 93094: No., 2 hard, 86%@93. 1st Pf d 1.20. Wheeling and Lake Corn, No. 2. 72; No. 2 white. 728872%. Oklahoma—Ardmore, 1.00; Chlckasha. Erie 4 Oats. No. 2, 41@41Vl; No. 2 white. 1.10; Marlovv, 1.30. Total sales for day. 434,700 shares. 42V.®43. Kansas City. October 9. — Cash: Wheat, Stocks recording sales of 10,000 and more No. 2 hard. 84@30V4: No. 2 red. 91092V!!. $3O,OOO,OOO Texas Rainfall. shares were. Corn. No. 2 mixed, 72% ©73; No. 2 Robinson- Fort Worth. 0.01; Clarendon. 0.14; Has- Amalgamated Copper ... -n ...... 54,100 white. 74. kell. L'.3S. Henrietta. 0.44; ParH. 0.22; American Can ...... 18,100 "Oats, No. 2 white, 42^; No. 2 mixed. 41. Quanah, ].r,4; yherman, O.SO. AlisKing-.' Canadian Pacific ...... 24,000 Kansas City, October 9. — Close: Wheat, Beeville, Bro\vnwoc- liJ .00 steady Light buying advanced prices dur- 000; wheat 86.000; corn 31,000; oats 109,000. Application has been made to' list those bonds on the New York Stock Exchange Memphis . 13 S2 62 .so Shipments: Flour 11.000; wheat 76,000; corn Bonds for Investment Vicksburg . 8C, ing tile forenoon, but later values eased o& 14 64 - .00 under New York .selling. The market hard- 22,000; oats 49.000. New O.-lr-an.s 86 6C .00 For further Information residing tlie«c bonds attention Is cnIl0 Naval Stores. railread and public ser- Oklahoma . S 1 62 .70 Savannah. Go.., October 9.—Turpentine This Company leases from the City the municipally owned underground railroad in New Foreign Finances. •weaker, half a cent lower at 39^4; Gales vice corporation bonds. York City, popularly known as "the subway," and operates under a 999-year lease the Manhat- a-Mlnlmum temperatures are for 12-hour Berlin, October 9.—Exchange on Liondon, 649; receipts S30: shipments 2,332; stock period endlns :it S a. m. this date. b-Re- 20 marks 43>A pfennigs. 25,689. Rosins firmer for low,er grades; tan (Elevated) Railway, comprising the entire elevated railroad system in the Boroughs of Man- ceived late, jiot Included In average*. x-Hlph- Paris. October 9.—Rentes. 87 francs 87»4 sales 1,919; receipts 2,217: shipments 1,029; Send tor List ol Ottering* OBt yesterday. xx-Lowe.st for ^-1 hourH ending stocks 157.071. ABC'DEFOHI S3.GO: hattan and trie Bronx, It has contracted with the City to operate 147 miles of additional subway 8 a. m. 75tli meridian time. K S4.15<; M S4.40; N $5.10; window glass ^Paris'. " October 9.—Weekly statement of 56.10: water-white $6.20. track and 21 miles of additional elevated track, either under construction or about to b'e con- the Bank of France' Gold In hand increased 2,252,000 franca. Wilmington, N. C., October 9.—Spirts tur- Harris, Forbes & Co. structed, making a grand total of 371.34 miles of track. The Company's system serves the Remarks. Silver in hand decreased 1,614,000 francs. pentine steady at 38%; receipts. 5 casks, Rain has bPen general in Oklahoma, and Notes In circulation increased 20,075,000 Rosin steady at $3.50; receipts, 30 barrels. principal commercial, financial and residential sections of New York City. scattered H!IOM ere in Texas, Arkansas, west- Tar firm at $2.20. Crude turpentine firm at ern Termeswee ant! tho eastern portion of rT>easury deposits decreased 19,000,000 •J2, $3 and $3. N. W. Harris & Co. Georgia. Heavy nuns occurred in the coast Fine Street, Corner William Upon the retirement on November 1, 1913, of the Interborough Rapid Transit Company districts of the Carolina;,. Temperatures General deposits decreased 68,100,000 45-year bonds, already called for payment, the First and Refunding Mortgage Bonds will be continue, seasonably high in all sections of Metals. NEW YORK the belt. 'rBills discounted decreased 201,876,000 secured by a first lien (subject to the City's rights under the leases) upon real estate, power C. F. von flERRMA.V.V. New York, October 9.—Copper dull: Oc- Section Director. 'Advances Increased 9.100,000. tober to January. $15.62 to $16.37; electro- houses, sub-stations, equipment and other property now owned directly by the Interborough LaTdon, October 9.—Consols for money. lytic. [email protected]; lake. $17.00; casting, 721- consols for account. 72%. Bar silver, [email protected] Company, and also by a first lien upon all the leasehold ,and other rights of the Interborough steady £>t •-'»»,d. Money. 3%. Discount, short Tin steady; spot, [email protected]; October, Liverpool Cotton. bills ~4 7-lfi4 Ms ; three months, -1%. ?40:40©40.70; November. • ?40,[email protected]. MONEY IN WHEAT Company in the existing and proposed subway and elevated lines. Antimony dull; Cookson's, $8.30. $10.00 Buys Puts or Calls on 10,000 bush- Liverpool, October 9.—Cotton spot good Lond'm. October 9.—Weekly statement ot the Bank of England: Iron quiet and unchanged. els of wheat. Np Further Risk. A move- business done; prices steady; middling fair, Total reserve decreased £1,482,000. Londoji markets closed as follows: ment of Sc from price gives you chance to Earnings S.07; good middling, 7.79, middling, 7.05; Copper dull;' spot and futures, £72 7s 4d. take $500.00; 4e $400.00; 30 $300.00, etc. low middling, 7.43, good ordinary, fj.77; Circulation decreased £404,000. Bullion decreased £1.855.493. Tin dull; spot, £185 10s; futures, £186. Year ended June 3O, 1913 ordinary. 6.43. Sales. 8,000, Including 4,700 Other securities decreased £2.677.000. Iron, Cleveland warrants. 53s. CO. American and f>00 for speculation and ex- St. Louis, October 9.—Lead, $4.40. Park Bids., Cleveland, O. Total Gross Income ------$32,985,361.01 port. Receipts, 7,000, including 0,800 Amer- Other deposits Increased £1,386,000. ican. Futures closed weak. Public deposits decreased £3,750.000. Operating Expenses, Taxes and Rentals - - - - 23,582,262.65 Opening Prev. Notes reserve decrease £1,457.000. Range. Close. Close. Government securities Increased £1,200,000. Net Income Applicable to Interest and Dividends $9,403,098.36 Oct 7.28 7.20Mi 7.23 Proportion of bank's reserve to liability, Oct.-Nov 7.16^4 7.08H- 7.11 la 52 79 per cent discount. Nov.-Dec 7.09 7.00 14 7.04 Berlin, October 9.—Weekly statement or This net income is more than sufficient to pay the interest and sinking fund on the entire Dec.-Jan 7.08 7.00 t.My, the Bank of Germany: • WE OFFER Jan.-Fell ,. . .7.08 7.00'i 7.0.-!% Cash In ha,nd Increased 21,669,000 marks. $156,000,000 of bonds expected to be issued by January 1, 1917, notwithstanding the fact that no Feb.-Mch 7.08 7.00>4 7.03V, Loans decreased 35,124,000 marks. return has as yet been received from the ultimate investment by the company and the city of ap- Mch.-April 7.08 7.0014 7.03V& Discounts decreased 269,202,000 marks. April-May 7.01 7.00 7.03 Treasury bills increased 24,871,000 marks. $25,000 High-Grade Industrial Bonds to proximately $173,000,000 in the construction and equipment of the new lines, which will add 170 May-June 7.0»>,4 6.99% 7.02 Notes In circulation decreased 203,048,000 June-July 7.03 fi.37 6.99V4 marks. percent to the miles of track now in operation in the subway and 20 percent to the elevated lines, July-Aug 7.01'i f>.94% B.97 Deposits decreased 56,938,000 marks. Aug.-Sept 6.83 G.79 6.81 Gold In hand Increased 16,283.000 marks. Net 6 to 6V2 Pelr Cent. The cumulative Sinking Fund of 1 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, is more than sufficient to retire $156,000,000 of First and Refunding Mortgage Bonds before maturity 100 Ga. Ry. and Power common. and before the expiration of the leases or franchises. A Progressive Bnik in the Leading City ol the Cruwing Soulh Before the City receives any return on its investment of about $66,000,000 in the new lines, the contracts entitle the Company to take out of net income approximately $14,769,000 per year TRUST COMPANY OF GEORGIA for the Company's own purposes. This is $5,409,000 in excess of the $9,360,000 required for 5 onfidence In per cent interest and 1 per cent sinking fund on the entire $156,000,000 of bonds. Your Bank— The agreement between the City and the Interborough Rapid Transit Company makes these bonds in effect a quasi-municipal security. and the bank's confidence in you is what makes AUDIT COMPANY OF THE SOUTH everything in banking run smoothly. C. 3. MET2. C. P, A, Pr««ld«nt. ATLANTA. D P™?05^ subway and elevated extensions and their earnings have been reported upon favorably for us by William Start your Checking Account here today— 627-628 Candier Building. Barclay Parsons and Guj; E. Tripp, both of New York City. ' For the existing subway system. Mr. Parsons was from its inception ' get to know us, and let us know you. In this the designing and constructing engineer, as Chief Engineer of the Rapid Transit Commission. Mr. Tripp, formerly of Stone & way we can be of great service to each other. Webster, is now Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company. "j1 e contracts, leases, mortgage and legal details incident thereto have been passed upon by Messrs. Sullivan & Cromwell of ALONZ0RICHARD50N&CO. New York City. The legality of the contract and the certificates of the Public Service Commission and of the bonds and mortgage has been passed upon also by Francis Lynde Stetson. Esq.. of New York City. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK CERTIFIEDPUBLICACCOUNTANT5 EftPIRCBUilUKNC AMERIvANNAT'LBANXBUOOlHO 1 ATLANTA, GA. Price 98 2 and Interest ATLANTA Capital and Surplus $1,200,000 Complete Circular on Request Officers Directors HUBBARD BROS. & CO., Cotton Merchant; WILLIAM: L. PEEL...... Freer. L:. H. BBCK R. P. MADDOX ROBT. F. MADDOX ..... V. Brest,, B. M. BL,0_UNT G. -A. NICOLSON HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK LEE, UGGINSON & CO HARRIS, FORbES & CO KISSEL, KINNICUTT & CO PBBPLBS...... Cashier "W. L. PEEL tA^P/WINOTORTriAWr-CMh. yT?;HOL^iAN T. J. PEEKLBS Memberm * A'«w Korlc' Cotton Kxcn«n««. New Orle»c» Cotton £xc B. L. WILL1NGHAM »w y rk Profluc* Exchanse: «.ocl«t» «P'«ber» l.>verpool UotUm J. F. ALEXANDER. . .Asst. Gash. W. H. KISSER elation Order* »oUcited toe the pur'chant'' and »»!« of cotton a«"i cotton WM. A. READ & CO WHITE, WELD & CO ••*4 oil tor future delivery. Special attention land liberal tarnw «tv«» tot United States, City, State and County Depositary *OMl»W»«nt* o* «&ot cotton tor «»»T«ry. Corr«»ponflenc« invited. iN£WSPAP£&r SPAPERf THE ATLAOTA, <*A,, BSUDDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1913. Page Eleven ELL IE WITH A CONSTITUTION WANT AD CHRISTMAS IS COMING, WILL YOU HAVE MONEY? ADVERTISE FOR WORK INDEX TO WANT HELP WANTED—Male. HELP WANTED—Female. FOR SALE—Miscellaneous WANTED—Miscellaneous RAILROAD SCHEDULES PROFESSIONS AND TRADES, WE PAY highest cash prices for I ADVERTISEflENTS WANTED a first-class night cook to know WANTED at once a white housekeeper for SECOND-HAND PRINTING MATERIAL Arrival and Departure ot^ Faasenper ATLANTA'S STRIDES how to make pies; best wages to the small family; age between 30 and 45 years. •FOR SALE CHEAP. anything. Pianos, household Trains, Atlanta. right man; $50 per month and board. Either "Will pay good wages—a Rood home for right The following; schedule figures are pub- Col. color wUl do. Address New York Cafe, Au- party. Write R, L. Russell, B. F. D., La- 272 California cases, cost 7Bc; sale price 20c, goods, furniture and office fix- lished only au Information and arct not Auction Sales 12 3 gusta, Ga. ^ vonla, Ga. 103 lower case news cases, full size, cost BOc; guaranteed: A-l STENOGRAPHER, who la at present sale price 15c- ' tures a specialty. Jacobs Auction •Daily except Sunday. Aatomoulles 11 9 WANTED—Mattress finishers; good "wages; 29 cabinet cases, if you take the lot, IOC ••Sunday Only. DAYTODAY 4 employed, wishes position at once; six steady work: no labor trouble; finisher apiece. Co., 51 Decatur St. Atlanta 2285, ATI.ANTA TEKMINAL STATION. Barter & Exchange 12 now range from *24 to $70 weekly. Wire years' experience. Call after 6 p. m. Mala 2690-L. Galley rack, holding ten galleys, up to three Atlanta and «fat I'olnt Railroad Co. Board & Rooms 12 4 at our expense, if you can come and when. columns, $3. Bell 1434. No. Arrive From— No. Depart To— Dates Mattress Co., Little Rock, Ark. All News of Real Estate' and Bmsioeao Opportunities .... 12 3 EXPERIENCED stenographer w,.ints posi- 10 wooden double frames, cost, $8.50; sale WANTED—Cosh paid for hardwood logs and ••West Pt.. 8:16 am Business and Mail Order WANTED—First-class wheelwright for re- tion; have some knowledge of bookkeep- price 53.75. •44 West Pt. 9.55 am 35 New Or... 6:45 am ing, salary no object. Address A 103, Con- lumber for shipment to our Atlanta, Ga.. 18 Col'mbua 10.20 am 19 Columbus. ti.45am Directory IS 1 pair work; steady employment; also 12 double Iron frames, holding 12 cases, cost yard. Can handle stock located anywhere Building. horseshoer. F. Chris Kramer, 33 West stitution. $17.50; said price 110. within a radius of 100 miles from Atlanta. 38 New Or. 10:45 am 38 Montgom'y 9:10 ara Cast-Oft Clothing; 13 3 Broad at., Savannah. Ga, WANTED—Get government jobs. Big pay. One proof press, will take a three-column Parties interested will please give full de- 4°New Or.. 2:25 P(n jy New Or.. 2.00pm. Cleaners, Prensern, Etc,... 12 3 Write tor free list of positions available. galley; sale price $10. 3.4 Montgom'y 7:05 pm 17 Columbus.. 4:05pm WANTED—Men to learn the barber trade, scription of what they can furnish. Alaculay 2« Columbus. 7:10 pm 37 New Or... 6:20 pm Dressmaking A Se«ins ... IS 3 complete course given for $30; position Franklin Institute, D«pt, 600 G. Rochester, Two stones and one stand to hold them. Lumber Co., Conasauca, Tenn. furnished. Call or write. Southern Barber M. Y. about S feet long; sale price 510. 36 Mew Or. 11:36 pm 41 West Pt... 6:45 pm W. H. Leahy, secretary of the in- Educational -11 2 College. 151 Decatur street. Atlanta. Ga. WANTED—First-class manicurist, who has One steam stereotype table; sale price $100, dustrial and statistical bureau of the For Sale—Miscellaneous ... 11 4 had barber shop experience. Elks Barber One wooden case rack, holds 30 full-size GARDNER'S pound cake for sale vt . Central of Georgia Bnllwny Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, stated Kor Sale—Uve Stock 11 7 • SALESMEN AXD SOLICITORS. Shop. 406 Franklin St.. Tampa. Fla. cases; cost $10; sale price $4. ' --Jo— . ..Arriv. * . »e 0 From*.' IUAU—— — No. Depart on Thursday that the bureau has Just This material will be sold in lots to suit. by all first-class grocers. 300 Thomasville. 6.25am .Suvannuh.... 8:00 am j For Rent—'Apartments .... 12 6 WANTED—Two or three men and women of ACTIVE, Intelligent woman over 25, perma- Pay your own freight. Address Jacksonville. 6-47 am Albany 8:00 am opened negotiations to bring- three big for Rent—House* 12 a teaching experience, good personality, nent work, expenses guaranteed, requires per pound. • Savannah... 6:25 am Macon 12:30pm manufacturing and industrial concerns gof,d talkers' who can produce business traveling; good opportunity for advance- THE CONSTITUTION, handling normal school extension work; Albany ...... 6:25am Maaon , 4:00 pm to Atlanta. Secretary Leahy says that For Rent—Miscellaneous ... 13 1 ment. Apply 1120 Canaler Bldg. Atlanta, Ga. Jacksonville. Jacksonville. 8:30 pm I For Rent—Offices 13 1 com.nlbslon; make $150 to $350 monthly GIKL 15 years old for pattern stock room; MATTRESSES RENOVATED Macon as yet he is not at libery to divulge positively. Write or call' 610 Empire Life o:2fi am Savannah ... 9:3tt pin the names of these concerns, but that For Rent—Housekeeping; experienced helper preferred. The Pic- \VE BUY and .steam clean feathers. Meadows Macon ---- 10:50 urn Valdosta ... 8:30 pm Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. torlal Review Co.. Cable Piano bldg. & Rogers Company. Phones Main 4840, Savannah 4:20 pm Jacksonville. 10;10 pm they will bring several hundred thou- J Rooms 12 5 Atlanta 1478, !». O. Box 5. ^ Macon sands of dollars to Atlanta as well as "WANTED—Three healthy -women of good 7.15p;u Thomasville. Hc45pm I For Rent—Rooms 12 •""• address and appearance, over 30. for Macon 6:25 am Albany 11:45 pm a number or new families, providing 7 SALESMAN FOR GEOR- FOR SALE \VANTED—One ten-horsepower, 220-volt, th>. bure»au can land them. ' For Rent—Stores IS pleasant work. Apply 4 N. Pryor. 60-cycle, three-phase 1800-r. p. m., alter- Spcrfctary Leahy also stated that the For Rent—Typewriters .... 13 1 GIA, TO SELL BEST WANTED—Women and girls to work In pa- nating: current motor. American Mfg. Co., Southern Hallway. Help Wanted—Male 11 2 per box factory, steady work. American 291_ Marietta st., Atlanta, Ga. .,,, 'Premier Carrier of the South." bureau is receiving on an average Box and File Co., 132 Davis St. LORLNG SPRINGS Arrival and Departure Passenger Trains, or twenty letters per day from people Help Wanted—Female 11 3 ADVERTISED LINE OF WE want to g-et In communication v/Jth Atlanta. who want to move to Atlanta, asking Help Wanted—Male and Fe- "WANTED—Position at once as nurse, care some deep well drilling companies. New- „ '£h"l following schedule figures are pub- , of invalid or elderly lady, oy refined Mentone, Ala. nan Wat«r and Light Commission. Ncwnau, lished only as Information, and ore not for information regarding the climatic, male 11 4 COFFEE. NONE BUT EX- Christian. Call Main 3442. Ga. guaranteed: • social, educational and other condi- Homes & Vehicles 11 f WANTED—A competent colored trained Address A. GIFFEN LEVY, WANTED—Serond-hand electric fixtures for No. Arrive Prom— No. Depart To— *• tions conducive to a good residence PERIENCED COFFEE nurse to attend children who go to school. 36B'ham... 13:01 am 30 Now York 12:15 am Hotels 13 4 residence; must be bargain and A-l condi- 30 New York 5 :00 am city. Hi- believes that in a short time Household Goods ...... 12 3 Ivy E156-J. tion. Ivy 7044-J. 20 Columbus. 5:20 am —the bureau is yet in its infancy— SALESMEN NEED AP- Box 909, New Orleans. 13 Jack'ville. 6 :30 am 13 Cincinnati. 5:40 am Lost & Fonnd « • • 11 2 .FIRST CLASS colored cook, at once. 1018 WANTED—For cash, waste paper, rag stoclt. 43 Wash'ton. 5:25 am the bureau will be one of the great- Century. 32 Ft. Valley. 7 :16 am « Medical 12 3 PLY. STATE SALARY, Atlantic Supply Co. Phone Main 3816. 12 Shrevonort 6:30 am 35 Blr'liam... 5:50 am, est building: factors in the growth of Wagon will cakl. 23 Jack-vine.. 6.50am SChatta..... 6:40 am ) rbe city. Money to Loan 13 3 REFERENCES, AGE AND A FEW uncalled-for Suits at a WANTED—Fair of dark wood crutches 17 Toccoa 8:10 am 12 Richmond. 8:65 am Motorcycles & Bicycles ... 11 « HELP WANTED—Male and 1 cheap: 66-inch length. Call Ivy 5432. 28 Heflln 8 :10 am 23 Kan. City. 7:00 am , Real Estate .Soles. 29 New i'ork 11 15 am 13 Brunswick. 7:45 am Music «& Dancintr 12 2 GIVE PREVIOUS EX- Female. reasonable price, from a strictly TO BUY twelve or fourteen nice derricJt SChatta... 10.35am Musical Instruments 12 2 irons, for guy derrick. Venable Bros. 29 Blr'ham. 11:30 am* T. .J. Kheppard, (ft the Robert A. Ry- OjCD^STABElSHEDTand one of the largest $15 made to measure house. Na- 7 Macon.. .. 10 45 am 38 New York 11-01 am* der Realty company, has sold for T. PERIENCE IN SELLING 27 Ft. Valley 10.45am 40 Charlotte. 12.00n'n Personal - 11 2 real estate companies in Atlanta can use olambus S. Wilkins to W. R. Brown, of Fort Pool )995. REFERENCES REQUIRED. B. P. WHITE not entirely employed wants additional Irish potatoes (White Burbank), 200-300 sale at practically Ford prices. See Hison, City Ticket Office 88 Peachtree St. For Wedding- Presents work for several hours per day. Address bushels. Send price offer for whole lot or 45 Auburn ave. <^ARDNER'S famous pound cake I HAVE just received trom one oC the 520 FORSYTH BLDG., ATLANTA. a.rt f. o. b. Flat Rock. N. C. Address largest manufacturers of solid silverware WANTED—One or two A-l stock salesmen A 104, Constitution. S. O. East. Flat Rock, N. C. FOR SALE:—By owner, 1312 OveDand road- Western and Atlantic Railroad. by all first-clabs grocers. 3OC a big assortment of solid silverware suit- for established proposition of highest PHYSICIAN, midille-aged. experienced, na ster, $350; good condition. 517 Fourth No. Arrive Prom— No. Depart T- able for \vecUZlng £ifts and would ask you class. Address, with reference and experi- bad habits; first-class references; Georgia SECOND-HAND safes, all sizes, home safes, National Bank building. 3 Nashville.. 7:10 am 94 Chicago... 8:00 am per pound. to call and see my stoclc before buying. ence. Box F 726. care Constitution. license. Contract physician-surgeon or saiil- $15 up. Hall's bank and burglar-proof 73 Rome.... 10,20am 2 Nashville,. 8:35 am safes; vault doors. C. J. Daniel. *16 Fourth 93 Nashville. 11-45 am 92 Nashville. 4:50 pm I can save you money. M. Greer, The Up- tarium work preferred. A B4, Constitution. National Bank building. WANTED. A. STT1 M A REL1BVED in 2 minute. stalra Jeweler, 2 ^ Walton at., corner WANTED — Legitimate stock WANTED—Position by young man, 20, WANTED—B-passenger Ford; must be in 1 Nashville. 7:30pm 5:15 pni -^^J -»- JLJ-.lu.xl. or money refunded U'HOM- Peachtree. keeping up machinery and repairs at small good condition. Will give warranty deed B5 Chicago.,. 7:50 pm 4 Nashville. 8:50 pm ASGN'S FAMOUS ASTHMA REMEDY, 50o HAVE your combings made up by the S. A- salesman to sell $50,000 stock plant or with engineer. Can do pipe work. STEWART & HUNT to two beautiful suburban lots. Owner. Ivy package. American Asthmatic Company. Clayton Company's method. Your switches B. Whltti/lgton. Box 36, R. F. D. No. S. PLUMBERS. 63 BAST HUNTER ST. E522. luc. A-»k your druggist. Box 638, Atlanta, in best loan proposition in Geor- do not tangle and we do not have much PRINTER FOREMAN wants position with SAFES, fllea, cabinet, new and second-hand. JTAXICABS^ waste. 3iV/i Whitehall street. Phone Main SUPPLIES—ACCESSORIES. AS bak gia, with panic proof assets; will good live newspaper or job office where Gookin Bank and Office Equipment Cora- SAVE your auto and motorcyle tires by -...... i,; jj ,°d at 6t) 1769. "We sell switches. best services will be appreciated. Steady, pany. 113-115 N. Pryor street. d ev( ood- and appeal to investors; liberal offer. no habits, union printer. Box 363. Ameri- using. Auto Puncture Cure. Seals valve gluten flour, as sold here, relieves diabetes cus, Ga,. —COAL— leaks and ail punctures up to 20-penny dlsoruer& lute Call 1022 Candler building. WILTON JELLICO COAL J4.75 PER TON spike automatically at once, preserves the TAXICABS - - « « Bakery. POSITION as shipping clerk or any kind of CASH. J. L. WOMACK COAL CO., rubber; prevents tube from sticking to cas- office work. Address J. H. S., 614 Wood- Main 2993. Atlanta 678. ing; saves 35 per cent of tire expense, 60 per LOST—Tuesday morntne: blaclc pocketbook AN opportunity for several lot salesmen of ward ave., or phone M. 3224-L. P, PTf! A SIT, MOVES brick and ability and proven rec6rd to form a prof- FOR SALE—A good assortment of lace cent tire trouble and 40 per cent of your re- Belle Isle W • v/. JT -CJ^i.£5.ri( frame buildings. 27 containing $156 In currency, 2 checks, 1 YOUNG MAN 21 and with year's experience ligion. Watch for trade-mark A. P. C. War- $41!.50, oth<»r $22. payable to James F. itable and permanent connection with the curtains, rugs, hall curtains and bed ren Place Garage, J5 Warren place. Auto lears' experience. 417 Fourth .Nat'l Bank Lynch. Finder call Main 4208, Atlanta 2627. leading subdivision company of the south, as soda dispenser and collector; will work spreads, at cost. 506 Decatur street, 2d DLdi,. Main IblO, residence Main 3980: At- operating only In high-class properties in in or out of city. Address A-91, care Con- door from Boulevard. Puncture Cure Co., Atlanta, Ga. IVY 5190. ATLANf A 1598. lanta !J55. Suitable roxvard. stitution. Atlanta. For interview tee Mr. McBlroy, HAVE, a good mahogany upright Ivers & LOST—One bunch of Keys. Finder will sales manager. L. P. Bottenfield. 1021 EXPERIENCED wholesale grocery salesman OXYGEN-ACETYLENE « MATERNITY SANITARIUM—Private, re- please return to Mr. Everett, Pfttsburg Empire building. Pond piano, about 4 years old, cost new fined, home-like, limited numbtfr ""* pa- Plate Glabs Company. 56 W. Alabama; re- desires position; would prefer working city $475; will sacrltlce if taken quick; need WELDING tients cared for. Homes, provided for in- ward. WANTED by one of the oldest manufac- trade, but would travel, beat references. money. P. O. Box 596, Atlanta, Ga,, "IT STICKS! LIKE A BULL PUP." fants. Infants for adoption. Mrs. M. T. turing: concerns in the south, city sales- Address A-92. care Constitution. But this process doesn't simply stick things SEED AND PET STQCK Mitchell, 2B Windsor st. LOST—A card case , containing papers; no man who understands thoroughly the gro- WANTED—A Job to drive a private car or National Cash Regiters together. It MELTS the metal at the value except to owner. Finder kindly re- cery trade of Atlanta, prefer one who is turn to S17 Third National Bank Bidg. work in an auto shop. "Will atart at a $35, $50, 360, $75. $100 and up. terms easy. crack or break and runs It together again. O MILLINERY CO. ,hav« familiar with the north side, must come low salary. Apply to W. C. gangster, THE NATIONAL CASH RBGISTEK CO., We weld anything made of any kind ot H. a. HASTINGS & CO, tD. j moved to 39 W. Mitch- well recommended and be a hustler. Oood Abbeville, Ga., R. 2. 60 North Broad Street. metal. Nothing too small or too large. ell :,<.. Walk a block and save a dollar. opportunity for the right man. Address Man- SEEDS, BULBS AND POUlJIRY ufacturer, care Constitution. WANTED—Position In general supply store SUPPLIES. ' Phone Main 2085. ' by well-educated and experienced young BURLAP BAGS ATLANTA WELDING CO. A YOUNG man with S years' experience in BOTH PHONES 2668. P. H. Brewster. Albert Ho-well, Jr. man; best references. Address E. T., Sharps- ANY kind, delivered anywhere. Bell Phone Ivy 5367. 74 Ivy St ATLANTA PORTRAIT CO. all lines of office work, familiar with burg, Ga., R. F. D. No. 1. NOW is the very ues^ time of the year to Hugh M. Dorsey. Arthur Heyman. modern office appliances and systems, de- 1-'. R. Loirah & Co., Atlanta. fix a lawn. Our Evergreen Lawn mixture 136 WELLS STREET, wholesale dealers, in Dorsey, Brevrster, Howell & Heyman, sires to make a change from present em- YOUNG MAN desires position as clerk, two EDGAR VERNON GARAGE is the best sqed to use lor a new lawn. portraits ana trqmes. Catalogue free. ployment. Address A 105, Constitution. years' experience in station agent's office, DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS, 76 Peachtree. STORAGE, REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES; Vor a Bermuda, lawn we advise sowing Attorheys-at-Law. can use typewriter. Address A-94, care Con- Suits and overcoats made tQ measure, $15. OPEN ALL NIGHT. .14-18 W. HARRIS. COMPOUND OXYGEN—Made dally for ca- WANTED—Party to manage branch office stitution. OPPOSITE ENTRANCE CAPITAL CITT Knglish ryo grass. Come in and consult ua turrh. deafness, diseases bf nose and Offices: 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210 for an old-established Boston house; must The only strictly union $16 shop in Atlanta; betore buying your seed. throat ami ears. This Is the season to be' Kiser Building, Atlanta, Ga. WANTED—Position as city salesman, by demand the union label. It insures sanitary CLUB. IVY 1371. be a good salesman and capable of handling shop. Pit guaranteed. WE HAVE just gotten in one of the largest cured. Special reduced rates. Dr. George Lons-Distanca Telephone 3023. 3024, other salesmen. Apply P. O. Box 1642, Bos- young; man of good address and references. importations ol! Dutch Bufus that ever Brow n. 3U'-H Austell building. ton. Salary or commission. Address A 85, Con- AUTOGENOUS WELDING and 3025, Atlanta, Ga. stitution. PATERSON LUMBER CO. MACHINE. parts of all kinds accurately re- came to Atlanta. '1'ney are trom the very HAMS jour Malp treated by the S. H. Clay- WANTED—Three first-class stock salesmen is the arm to get the best lumber at the stored and guaranteed; also cxy-decarbon- beat growers in Holland, men who make a ton Company system. Results guaranteed. to sell a first-class proposition, good lowest prices. Let us figure your lumber izing of all gas engines. A trial will con- specialty ot growing high-class bulos for 36 Mi Whitehall st. Hairdresslng, manicuring. cbmmlssion, territory already selected. Call bill. Ivy 6851. Atlanta 6251. ^^ vince. tne better claba ot trade. • Our prices are tue chiropody parlors, phone Main 1769. EDUCATIONAL at 820 Empire bldg. same as those asked for inferior stock. We METAL WELDING CO. will be glad to have you come in and look BEAUTIFUL NEW MAPS. Latest, largest ATLANTA SAFE CO. 86 Qarnett St. Phone Main 3013. FLOWER SHOP NTA~SCnOOL~O and finest ever issued. New features. WANTED-—Position as bookkeeper or as- Bargains In new and second-hand safes. them over. Wo have Just gotten out a, new Hi WHITEHALL, 4 doors frojn corner of U isy sellers. Sure money-makers. Write sistant, 7 years' experience, good reference. Real Lock Experts. Sate Artists. Main 4601. Bulb catalogue, and everyone interested Mitchell. Flowers, bulbs, trees and plants. PRACTICAL MILLINERY Address A-93, Constitution. Atlanta Electric Garage Co. should have one. They are free for tti» TEACHES full course millinery In elx quick for special proposition. Hudglns Co.. 2 MILLION express shingles for sale; men- 34-3b JAMES ST. Phone Ivy 4821-J. C. A. VJPl DTT'T T A CORSETIERES can" 6s Atlanta, Ga. YOUNG MAN with experience in hotel work asking. „______O.L J-LiJXJ 1.^ I i£\_ reached over phone. Ivy •weeks. Our rates are Jower for what wo tion best prices when you write. J. J. Min- Ethriage and J. H. Gray. Props. Storage Rive you than any other reputable bctiool. THREE first-class real estate salesmen to wishes position In or out of city. Ad- ter, Jakln. Ga. batteries rebuilt, repaired and charged. Vv'K HAVE a fine assortment of Bulb Pana 3o30. Sptrella Corset Shop, 721 Grand Bldg. dress P. O. Box 7, Clarkaton. Ga. ana Flower Pots all sixes. l^ow Is the time to Ptart, ao you finish Xor go out of town, permanent position. See FOR SALE—Anything you want or could Spark battery work a specialty. General WU MAKE switches~from combines Jl.Ocf fall ^eason. Investigate. Miaa Rainwater, Mr. Blanchard, Hotel Ansley. EXPERIENCED Jam-up young office man possibly call for. Jacobs Auction House. 51 Electric Auto repairs. Washing and polloh- H^Glfcbseiriine" f or ^planting bulbs each. 70 & Peachtree st. Mrs. Allie Gal- 40 V& Whitehall street. desires change. Address A 107, Consti- Decatur st. Bell 1434. Atlanta 228S. inff. r. 1£» cents each, j lor ^u cents. lahpr. Cd.II_ Iv>_18tiG-J. AGENTS. tution. . • WE FURNISH «'oclt& tree to our city custo- FOlf be^t home-made cakes, delivered SPANISH! SPANISH!! AN agent to sell maps. Others are making WANTED by colored man, position as a NEW iron garage, 10x20, never been used; AUTOMOBILES mersUittt want to plant bulbs in water. I WILL teach you Spanish as it is spoken 38 per day, you can do th% same; we coat $180; will sell for $126. Call Main promptly see or phone Sartorius. Main butler in private family; room on lot. 3312 or Ivy 3163-J after 7 p. m. GUAKANTEED~angine Canary Birds. $2>Vo 3407-J. 129 South Pr>or street. In Castllla, Spain, at reasonable terms. I teach you how. Crops good, prices high. Address 106 N. Boulevard. REPAINTED. will also do translation very reasonable. Now is the time to begin. Call at once. FO SAL&—A second-hand 76-horse boiler, TOPS recovered and repaired. Wheels, axles eacn. ^ OSTRICH feathers curled while you wait. Address to Professor Campoamor, No. 25 E. Huse Co., 520 Tejnple Court, Atlanta,^ Ga. FIRST-CLASS coal yard man wants position. and springs repaired. High-Brado work GOLD FISH—10, 15 and 25 cents each. ISi W. Peachtree I\ y 7828. Address A-98. Constitution. j. with stack complete;! will sell cheap. Troy at reasonable prices. Ellis street. WANTED—Young man to travel and ap- Steam Laundry, 210 Houston street. W& RETAIL more chicken £eed than any IF you WANT ~lirsVclass house cleaning SPECIAL, RATES tor Situation "Wanted *ds.; 8 JOHN M. SMITH. ( ANNIE GARTBBLL MEMORIAL CONSER- point agents to sell toilet articles. Apply HEART PINE SHINGLES for sale at |4 120-122-124 AUBURN AVE. other house in the cit>. We think that id call Ivy 30SJ. VATORY OF MUSIC, now located at 606 1301 Mi Peqehtree street. Room 7. liuefi one time, 10 cents: 3 tlmeA. 15 cent*. per 1,000. Gate City Lumber Company, pretty good prool that we lunuie the best Ponce de Leon ave. All grades of city school cash with orders always. 604 Decatur street- Both phones. uud deliver promptly. Oiv^y jus a trial order. (Continued in Next Column.) work specialised. Best advantages in all WANTED—50 colored women as agents to Carbon in Your Cylinder? branches of music. Mlsa Lucy Gartrell. dt- sell toilet goods. Apply 31 West North ave. FORM LETTERS multlBraphed; prompt RED~COMB Meat'ilaBh, the great esu pro- rectress. Phone Ivy 167-L. and neat work at reasonable pr>ces. RIDDELI, BROS. ducing feed. A^ecd it nou a«U mane th« ' MISCELLANEOUS. EAGLE MUL.TIGRAPHING CO. WILL remove it without disturbing any ad- hens lay during the moult, SJ.3S per 10B LEAKN millinery Best trade RAILWAY MAIL clerks wanted. Commence WANTED—Position as housekeeper or su- justments, and at a low price. Come and pounds, 10 pounds, 2\t cents . on earth for a woman. Pre- $75 month. Write for particulars. Frank- Bell Phone Mala 1158. 8 N. Forsyth St. see the nevt OXYGEN METHOD. 16-18 Bast WANT" AD RATES pare now for fall season Pays $60 to $100 lin Institute, Pept. 47 G.. Rochester, N. Y. pervisor. Would prefer one that would require my services in day time only, ad- e Mitchell Street. Bell Phone Main 3070. Atlanta Phone 533, a month. Ideal School of Millinery, 100 Vi WANTED—Carriage paint shop help, good 1 Insertion lOc • line Whitehall street. dress C 103, Constitution. Wedding Invitations S&JSueSl fot lAKCtt—AND—iSUBJ hands to bring up work oi» body and WANTED—By a refined lady, position as $3.00. Can't tell from steel engravings. Motor Car Service Co. MCMILLAN JtillOfa. b&iit) COMPANY, S Insertions Oc a line t gears; steady work. Montgomery Carriage Thomason Printing Company, 29ft Mari- REPAIRS, overhauling, rebuilding and re- THi. NEW HIGH. CJUALiTi SJSKD &TOKE. FRENCH Works Company. Montgomery, Ala. companion to elderly lady or to assist in painting; ball-bearing repairs a specialty; 7 Insertions 5c a line CONVERSATION and lessons taught by e housekeeping. Address Companion, Box 114, etta street, Atlanta, Ga. FIELD AND TKUCICEHS. WANTED—Names of men, 18 to 46, wishing storage. 330 to J33S Edgewood ave. Ivy 2071. 12 South Broad ritreet, Atlanta, Ga. No advertisement accepted Tor graduate Frenchman. Fd. May, 767 East Point, Ga. Edgevyood avenue^ Ivy 278-J. to be Atlanta mail carriers. $0? month. J. 1,000 ARMY TENTS, 18-oz. U. S. duck; less than two lines. Count six L. K-. this office. COMPETENT lady stenographer, ten years' slightly used. We have all sizes. Call or BANKRUPT SALE FOR SALE—200-chiclt Incubator (used once) ATLANTA ART SCHOOL, 35 Irwin street. experience; desires position, permanent or •WE are closing out bankrupt stock auto- and two 100-cliick brooders, cost 540; J10 ..dinary words to each line. FOR colored Southern Automobile School, temporary. Address A 108, Constitution. write. Tents, 296 S. Pryor St., Bell M. i643-I>. Ivy 2S25-L. Drawing and painting from day and night classes, corner Magnolia mobile accessories and supplies at greatly takoa the lot. 115 Baas street. Bell phone Discontinuance of advertising life. Mrs. Ada T. • Rails, director. and Hutsey streets. HIGH-GRADE, thoroughly educated stenog^ FOR SALE3—One three-phase, 60-cycle, 110- reduced prices for cash. Main uZVi-J. , must be in writing. It will not be TUTORING in high school and college apher desires position of trust. Miss A., volt, one-sixth horsepower motor; make u£ building 216 Peachtree. work by Harvard graduate. Phone Ivy WANTED—Fast boys. with or without P. O. Box 341. city. an offer. Business Service Co., P. O. Box MARK w. JOHNSON SEED co.. 35 south accepted by phone. This protects wheels; $7, $9, $12 a week; also boys to NORTON VULCANIZING & Pryor street, l-iuii grass and everything your Interests as well as ours. 6098-J. work after school. Miller's Minute Messen- WANTED—Position by young lady stenog- 836, Atlanta. Ga. for the garden, orchard a"d_Ilo\^er_^yai_d. _ gerg. 17 .Falrlle St., Phone S3 or Ivy 4372. rapher, five years' experience. Call Ivy WANTED—Barbers to know we carry full TIRE CO. M34_atter 6 p. m. line fixtures and supplies in stock in At- VULCANIZING and all kind of tire work. MONTVIEVV Collie Kennel beautiful pedi- HELP JWANTED—Male. EXPERIENCED, competent upholsterer for WANTED—By competent lady position as lanta. Write for catalogue. Matthews & I'honas: Ball 6926: Atlanta 1892. 64 Ivy gree puppy. Mr:,. BottunrielU. Phone Ueca- inside work. Apply fourth floor* furniture street. tur 27-J. STORES AND OFFICES. store, ChamberUn-Johnson-DuBose Company. typist and general office work. Address Lively. Atlanta. Ga. WANTED—Young man as assistant book- A 106. Constitution. B.UBUBK tires put on your baby's WE carry a complete tine of field, garden keeper and stenographer. Answer in own WANTED—Boy about 12 to 14 years old for SPECIAL BATES for Situation Wanted ids.; 3 carriage, repaired, repainted and E. H. ODOM BRO. CO. and flower &eed; aluo pet atick. J. C. Mc- handwriting, age, experience and salary pleasant out-door ivork; must be neat. Ap- lines on« time, 10 cents; 3 time*. 15 cent*, recovered. Ivy S07S. Robert .Mitchell. 228 < 4l0b <> repaired Millan, Jr., Seed CO.. 23 S. Broad st. wanted. Address X. X. X., care Constitution. ply city circulation Dept. Constitution cash wltl> ora«T8 ttlwaya. EdgewootL " " WANTED—First-class faultier. Apply with FOR SALE cheap aimbbt new roller top _ REAR 46 AU'BUKM AVS. IVY ggsa. PROFESSIONS AJVD XIIADES. references, 26 West Baker. desk a-nd chair. Apply 320 Hurt Bide. iX)BBS TIRE RE:PATR~COr _JHORSESJLNJDJ7^H1CLES_ COLORED dishwasher, colored kitchen boy. SITUATION WANTED-r-Male Ivy 8018-J. VTE REPAIR AND SELL ALL MAKES OP 101S Century building. GET OUR prices on lumber and building GET tho practical treatment of the horse BE A BARBER TIRES AND TUBES. 228 PEACHTREE and treat your own and your neighbor's MEN WANTED to learn barber trade. Easy WANTED—A butler. Apply BOB Spring and Female material. We can save you money. Patter- . STREET. PHONE IVY E646. "in-^a son Lum^ej L^Jjvy_W.51...Atlanta_oi51.___ I stock tella you all about the horse, how to work, big wages, few weeks completes by itreet. " Dick a Hound one, hou- to tell his age cor- our method. We teach you quickly, cheap- TO EMPLOYERS FORTSALE—-Lumber, brick, sash, skylights, | Autogenous Welding Co. rectly how to treat all hia diseases success* ly, thoroughly and furnish tools. Give you I HAVE a great many people coming to me other buiUiiiiB material, cheap; tearing I AUTOMOBILE »nd machine parts of ai: fully This valuable -work baa never been actual shop work, you keep half the re- HELP WANTED—Female seeking positions. If you need any kind of Bo QUICK. At 38 S. Broad St. 1 kinds -welded. 182 Courtland St. lyy 571. Klveii to the public before. Price, 50 cents, ceipts. Write for free illustrated catalogue. iif .You Caunt't Bring or STENOGRAPHER WANTED—-Kxcepftonal help from expert stenographer to laborer postpaid. W. H. Edgar, 270 Whitehall St., Moler Barber College, 38 Luckie street. At- call me at Tabernacle church and I may Atlanta. Ga. Send Your Want Ad lanta, Ga. opportunity to learn the business of life have the very person you want on my list. insurance. Applicant'must be capable ste- FOR SALE—Shetland ponies, $75, $86. J100, YES—If you have two hands, rof. Gr. O. nographer, accurate clerk and should pos- Lincoln McConnell. Ivy 8074. MOTORCYCLES-~-BICYCL]ES P Branins will teach you the ftarber trade. S126, 5200, 1250, 5500. delivered In Atlanta. Courteous operators, thoroughly sess some capacity for mathematics. In first FOR SALE—One small Hall-Herring safe; ONE 7-norae power Excelsior motorcycle Ga. Address C. O!. Phillips' Pony Farm. (It's easy.) Taught in half time of other letter state age, educational qualifications, in first-class order, and at a bargain. 5250 model, equipped with Presto!ite tank, familiar with rates, rules and cla£ colleges. •Complete' course and position In experience and salary expected at start. ^__ - - •- 414 Temple Court bldg. lamp, tandem, etc.; value, J280; will sell for Cortland. Ohio. Biticationa, wiU give you completi our chain of shops, $30. Why pay more? Address P. O. Box HIM. Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALEa Suliivan~8team^3Vlven" "i * tjr T? 1 j Heating and Plumbing Co. $140. Southern Motorcycle Company, 195 FOR SALE—One mule, price $80. A. W. information- And. if you wish? thev Thousands of our graduates running shops air compressor, with 7S horse-power Edgeivood avenue.' or making Rood wages. Atlanta Barber STOKES AND OFFICES. .V-^jmjIj-Lx 44 Kairlie St. Ivy 0&70. Farlinger, 304 N. Boulevard. \vill assist you in wordina you? WHEN you want (stenographic or multi- boiler. Latter has passed Massachusetts BARGAINS in second-hand motorcycles, all College. 10 Baat Mitchell street. inspection. Outfit new In March, 1913. Is TrT-TnxfmON" "SIGNS"signifies"besti" REGISTERED Devon cattle. Annual sale solely to accommodate you. tSaJtu reasonablediscount. ^__ dress Box A 109, care Constitution. REMOVAL NOTICE cows, heifers and young bulls. The best payments promptly *-«.er pubUe»- EXPERIENCED young man to take charge TWO bright women over 30 to travel for old r of carpet and drapery department. Davi- reliable house; new proposition. Call 916 ne~ iOO-h. p. engine and boil- FOR SALE—Gasoline engine and wood saw Tfi« Sally ^tock Sards hail^ rooveiTto 3ff herd of Devon cattle south of the Potomac. Uon or when bills are presented by aon-Nicholson Co.. Athens, Ga. Austell building. er, in good condition; win sell cheap. D. cheap. Must sell. Call Main 173S. Poteru street, near Leonard st. Take Walker This Is the milking strain of Devon which mail or solicitor and you ne J. Ray, 65 Glenn st. to West View car. Milch COWB, beet cattle makes the best combination of beet anil FOR SALE—Two handsome ferns in tuba.' and. Jerwy male. • B*ll phon* W. 1)51, At' dairy cattle in the world. For prices, write Continued la Next Column. Continued, in. Rext Column. Continued in Next Column. U* Washington «tr«»U lama ii*. , or call. 'Sycamore Farm. R. L. Holt. Prop. I

NEWSPAPER iWSPAPE f tt#Wiiir^$tFff5gQpp&^*&£#l^& W%if«3^;afpyK ^SWF»^T»r^^,'

BUSINESS AND MAIL BUSINESS AND MAIL MONEY TO LOAN BOARD AND ROO3MS WANTED—Board — Rooms For Rent—Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT-^Apartments NORTH SIDE. GREAT dem&jirQineoaii * ORDERDIRECTORY DIRECTORY places; call and list your vacancies with SOUTH SIDE:. MVFURNISHEO. LOANS $25,00 AND UP us. The Boarding and Rooming House JBu- ONE room down stairs for light housekeep- 53 WEST BAKER reau of Information. 4 _N.__ Pryor. * ing, two front rooms upstairs same; gentle- B LOCK AND GlSiSMITH. EXCELLENT table, very desirable rooms; men preferred for board, BOSCOBEL AND ^*5SISd£3LASS~KW JSi5SS5i3i£E^~- * On Furniture, Pianos steam heat. Ivy 7689-J. "WANTED—Unfurnished rooms* Bast Point ATLANTA TITLE GUARANTEE COM- FIRST-CLASS repair work on euns, pistols, car line. Phone Mr. Brewton, Co U ego NICELY furnished, connecting housekeeping PANY, ground floor Equitable building. bicycles, motorcycles, locks, keys,- cash, or Indorsed Notes. rooms, lovely location. 101 Capitol aveuae. APARTMENTS Park Hlph School. Main 2484-J. -Bell phone M«xin 54 JO. reeli-ters, umbrellas, scissors, knives, trunks, AT RATES permitted by the Uwft of tb« . DEVLIN DINING ROOM, 177 CORNER Euclid «veuu« and Hurt AKCJUTECT. Iron safes, graphophones and slot machines; i Our easy pi>ment plan allows you to pay us NO. 69 NELSON—Two furnlched rooms for' street Three and four rooms, steam keys fitted In any part of the city, expert bacfe to suit your Income. We aleo protect you IVY ST. 7 O'CLOCK DIN- rant. Main 3675-J. 69 Nelson. » W. C. MEADOR workmanship, work guaranteed. B. B. Lock from publicity and extend every courtesy to FOR RENT—Rooms heated, wall beds and wall safes. Most Gun. No. 4 ^outh Forsyth. at the viaduct. mak« thd c^r^lns ot_ a loan cat laf actor/ to you NERS. $4.00 PER WEEK. exclusive neirnborhood, on car line. 616 Empire Bld^. Phone Main 1587. ».**.-««*... NORTH SIDE. - Every apartment fronts the street. Residences, Bungalows and Apartment Atlanta phone 3J08. In every iray. Separate entrance, no congestion In Houaea WITH couple 3 large sunny rooms, closets, FOR RENT—Bouses MUI.T1&KAPHING. ADDRESSING. TABLE BOARD CLOSE IN sink In Kitchen, porch, phone, electric halla. The moat dellsrhtrul and ven- lNG. GUARANTEE LOAN CO. 85 LUCKIE ST. IVY 3150. lights, gas, hot, and cold water; references tilated apartments in the city. J30 to CUAFT gHOP. Exchanged. 132 E. North ay6- FOB RENT—Furnished 8-room residence on $3?.GO each. • _ BEST raultigraphing work in south. Prompt Room 31^8 Atlanta National Bank west Peachtree; nicely furnished, flno service. All work guaranteed. Business PEACHTREE INN ENTIHE upper floor, consisting of two con neighbor hood, parlor^ dintce room, recep- ARTISTIC' Cl'lIOT-STEBUNG. Service Company. P. O. Box S3G, Atlanta. Bldg. Bell Phone Main 440. HIGH-CLASS residential hotel, all modern necting rooms, reception haU private bath tion room, kitchen, butler's pantry and bath FITZHUGH KNOX Ivy 7011. conveniences, meala excellent, single In nifce location. Call Ivy 8084- J» 1613 CANDLEB BLDG. ATLANTA UPHOLSTERING room with meals, $7 50 and up per week, on Jlrst floor, 4 bed rooms and bath on sec- MESSENGER." SKRVICE — " — " ond floor; furnace heat and electric lights, 298 WHITEHALL MAIN 247S. without meals, $3 and up. 391 Peachtree. "SSS*. etc.. close in. Apply 301 Rhodes building ALL. kinds of furniture repaired, upholster- " West Peachtree. Ivy 7635-J. or phone Main 1549. FOR RENT—A handsome six- ed. rennished, cushions made for porca MONEY TO LOAN REPINED young couple can furnish meals furniture. Quick, Reliable room apartment, with first-class " Messengers PLENTY of 6 and 7 per cent to several persons, lovely .steam-heated. HElJ—SOUTH SIDE. FOB BENT—My home; reception hall, par- West Peachtree apartment, room, can be ENTIRE upper \floop 4 rooms and private lor, library, dining: room, kitchen and 6 - AMERICAN MBSSENGKR SERVICE rented in apartment If deblred. Phone Ivy bedrooms. Would rent them partly furnlsh- janitor service and steam heat, at household Kuod'i office fix- EgaiNG. bath. Call 297 Crew street. turoa, and in fact, everything you want, money to lend on improved 114<>. ed. For information, Phone Ivy 1038. 387 Peachtree St. Price very ret* M, E. THE WASHINGTON, 36 East North ave- FURNISHED—N OH.YH SIDE. NOBTH SIDE HOME, fully furnished, for JACOBS AUCTION CO. property, either straight or nue, under new management, offers excel- winter or loneer. Ivy 3752-J. soiiable. Call W. 93 or Ivy 469^ 01 LlECATUR ST. SPliCIAt, MACHINE DESIGNING. lent accommodations, ratefa reasonable, table BACHELOR ROOMS Near Klmball House. Bf 11 phone 1434, At- ""' West North Avenue. Main 2S29 NORTH SIDE 3~blocks from Candler build) monthly plan. Also for pur- boardera also solicited, Ivy 6501. ELEGANT ROOMS PQK BUSINESS MEN, CU3SE UNPUHMSHED. ine, windows 3 hides, giving perfect lljrh* lanta J3S">. IN, STEAM HEAT, EVERY CONVENIENCE- and ventilation, comfortable in summer and _. chase money notes. Foster BELLEVUE INN APARTMENTS 5 AND 6 01 BAST CAIN winter. 3 beautiful rooms with Kitchenette: __Mllllnery. ,M8 S. Pryor. Main 3930. fur. single or doubla rooms, uteam- MY BEAUTIFUL HOME large bath, 3 closets, steam heat, hot and. OJPF1GE ffCKNIUjKB AlfO FIXTURES. & Jiobson, 11 Edgewood Ave. heated, with or without meals. 57 XSast THE PICKWICK SIXrROOM BUNGALOW, HOT AND COLD cold water, vacuum cleaner, Janitor service, Third Ivy 1S98-L. NEW 10-story and fireproof. WATER, ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND GAS, shades, gus range and refrigerator furnish- IVY'452.' ATLANTA 19. Steam-heated rooms with connecting baths. ed free1.1w.. Besx3*3»ti i;io£^class* ooif. tenantsi.ctmm.p. jPhon^ >qm.e« *»rIvyf 428. —«.. SERVICE GUARANTEED. HORNH-CANDLER CO. IN FACT, ALJLj MODERN IMPROVE- 84 NOKTH PRYOR ST. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS Convenient shower batna on each floor. MENTS. CALL PHONE WEST 428, OB the Helena and Herbert, 240 Courtland BAjtBER SHOP. DESKS, chairs and filing cabinets, office TO 1.END on Atlanta home or business 77 Fairlie at., near Carnegie library. IVY 3590. street, corner Cain, close In, on north, ~" supplies. Phones., Ivy 1168. Atlanta, property, at lowest rate. Money advanced side, 6 rooms anou wait. Atlanta nished rooms axid furnished 3-room apart required. Apply Herbert Kaiser, 411 Atlanta phone 3Q1.1-A. O. W. GAY MFG. CO. S. W. CARSON TWO rooms with connecting bath and board ments. close In, with all convenience, screened sleeping porch, hardwood floors, MANUFACTURERS of store and office fix- for two couples in private home, one servants' rooms, north, side between Peach- National Bank building. Phone Main S76, o* tures. General contracting and repairs. 24 SOUTH BROAD STREET block from Peachtree. 81 E. North avenue. trees. Phone owner, office 80 Ivy, residence janitor on prenUses. 391 -kdgewood avenue. Ivy 1021. S1S6 Ivy. 5-ROOM APT., private veranda, sleeplns PARTIES wanting large loans on business Phone Ivy 4G30-J. PAINTS AMI> CBEbOXK. porch, furnace heat, electric lights; nortU CAI.L JF/I» Pierce when you want a good property, or money to build business TABLE board, close in. 84 W. FOR RENT—6-room house, modern con- side; easy walking, no children; $45; fav- job of brick work. Phone Ivy 7073-J. C. F. BINDER & SON hou->eb on central property, please come to veniences, reception hall and ball hall, on orable terms em lease. Ivy 961-L or Main Ill I-xiKrance street tee us. The Merchants and Manufacturers' Peachtree. Ivy 7635-J. IN INMAN PARK, two furnished rooms and most desirable street In "West End, to couple 1294. MANUFACTURERS of hlgh-Erade paints. Banking and Loan Company, 209 Grant kitchenette to couple without chlldre-- or family without small children. Phone r 1 white lead and creobote stains. "We make bide. Telephone Ivy 6341. S62 PEACHTREE, fine location, near in, qulck car service. Call Ivy 5230-L. owner. Main 3463-J. *-RM. APT. la tho Bell, corner North ~LJToS ~S>i uK±r~AN"£>""bAJiO COMPANY read1 y mixed paints to order Comer La larg-o choice room, steam heat, first-class Boulevard and Ponce de Leon avenue; CRUSHED STUNK, granite 6a.i)d. concrete I ranee arid Lowry btreetb. Bell phona Ivy WE loan other "people's money on first table board, rates reasonable. FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished rooms, FOR RENT—98 Ormond street. Seven-room also 4-rm. apt. Corinthian, 136 W. Peach- «and -U4_ Rhodes Bldff., Atlanta, Ga. 6S5.J-J Atlanta. Ga. .. all conveniences, close In. 123 Forrest house, good basement, all conveniences. tree street. Apply Charlea P. Glover Realty mortgage Atlanta real estate. Why not let CLEAN rooms and best cooked meals, walk- avenue Ivy 890. KEEP your house painted and tinted. Ub lend yours at t>, 7 and 8 per cent. See us. Ing- distance, all conveniences, home life. $20 per month. Apply 69 E. North ave- Company. ZVj Walton street. Embry Construction Company, J1S Fourth G. B. Moore & Co., lib Lobby Candler BldK. FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished connect- nue, or call Ivy 4456-1,. ONE six-room apartment, steam heated, hot Ivy 4978. Ivy 2836-L. Atlanta Carpet Cleaning Co. National Bamf Main 1456. ing rooms, also single room. 210 Spring GET our Weekly Bent Bulletin. We move and cold water, all modern conveniences. 17 VV. ALE^-A.sDER IVY 418b. NICDLY fur. rooms, with board, all con-' st Ivy 3205-J Pep month JE5. A. "W. Farllnger S04 WE clean all klndH of carpets and rutfs, also I DO ALL kinds of carpentering work, veniencea, block of postofflce. 72 Walton tenants renting {12.50 and up FREE. Sea building and repairing West 1J2-J. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE street. Ivy BtJOfc-J. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room, clos notice. John J. Woodside, the Renting N. Boulevard. cleaning feather pillows and bedb, 15 AND others upon their own names; cheap In. 25 B. Ellis st. yeara' experience. I'LUMUING AND HEATING Ct»- rates, easy payments. Confidential. Scott EXCELLENT board and rooms, with all Aeent. 12 Auburn avenue. FOR BENT—1 flat, 7 rooms, all convenl- &. Co ftoom SJO Austell building. conveniences, furnace heat. 109 W. Har- FRONT room for single gentlemen; modern FOR KENT—Houses, stores and apart- ences, all improvements. Atlanta 2378. convenience, reference reaulred. Ivy HARRIS & CO. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT ON ria st ments. Call, write or phone for our Bul- IF you want to rent apartments or bun!n«s» RUGS cleaned and bound. Furniture re*- 2742-J. Jib West Peachtree. letin. Both phones 5408. George P. Moore. property. «ee B W Grant & Co . Grant "Bid* GRESHAA1 -JACKSON CO. DESIRABLE PROPERTY. SEE L. H. FOR RKNT—One nicely furnished room, 10 Auburn avenue. paired a-nd trucked Twenty ytarb' experi- SPECIAX* attention given to overbaulinc ZURLINE, EDGAR DUNLAP INSURANCE \wlth excellent table board. 84 W. Peach- ATTRACTIVE room, near bath, with re- ence. i!ach Harris. Mgr.. .i'JS Piedmont Ave. heating and plumuing work. JS Loickle AGENCY,_202 CANDLER BLDG. tree st.Iyy7 0 3S-J. fined family, north side, reasonable. Ivy 7-ROOM cottage, 188 Capitol ave.; suitable Ivy ZStO-ii. __ __ street Ivy 53*i7. 4406. for one or two families. Large lot. Rent FARM LOANS—We place loans In any LARGIO delightful front room, connecting t30. Apply 192 Capitol avenue. ___ Atlanta Oriental Hug & Cleaning Co. amount on improved farm lands in Geor- singly loom, private bath, steam heat, beat TWO nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen, 9xl.s RUCiS cleaned, Jl.oO and up. Ivy J171. J. L,. M'NINCH gia The Southern Mortgage Company, location excellent table. ^41 W. Peachtree, bath. 353 Luckie st. Call M. 789-J. OUR weikly rent list gives full description Bell _Phone. Main 50Z7. BEST work, reasonable prices. 209 Mari- Gould building. *Ivy_1959-Ij of everything for rent. Call for one or let $20 PER MONTH S etta street Main 5i7t>- J, Atlanta 2121, COMFORTABLE, well furnished room, ad- us mall it to you. Forrest & George Adalr. class new brick store room, nne location tor __^_ ^ ^^^. AH work guaranteed. MONEY to lend on Improved real estate. C. IN exlusive home, large front room, ad- joining: bath. In private, steam-heated business; big territory. In fast developing C McQehee, Jr . 622 to 624 Empire bldg. Jolnlns bath, couple, \\ith board, also gar- apartment, north side, gentlemen only. Ivy CALL, write or phone for our rent bulletin. We section, fine business street; splendid tile .n V SA\ JEI> by buying your plumbing 4t>lS. carry a large list o( houses tor rent. Rilph MADIJOX '& W1LLIAALH material of Pickert Plumbing Company. 6 PER CENT LOANS on Atlanta property. age. 7 West Eighth St Ivy 2258-J. front of store, and well suited for a nne BRIGHT, attractive room, adjoining bath, 0 Cocbran, 74-76 Peachtree St. location for milk depot or drug store. WAHJ3 LL,i build that now \\ayoii or repair the We sell e\erj thin^ needed in, the plumbing J. R Nuttlns & Co.. 801-4 Empire Life BOARD and rooms, close in, everything & HARPER, 72S Atlanta National Bante line Prompt attention to repair work. 14 J£ building desirable. Phone At]. 1845 82 W Cain St. in private home, heat furnished, and will FOR RENT—192 Aneler avenue, large lot, Huiitei: Both phonefa 550. furnish breakfast If desired. Phone Ivy electric lights, znodern conveniences. Ap- building. Mialn 1705. and Atlanta 18SS. FOR real estate loans see "W. B. Smith, 70S ROOM AND BOARD In a refined north side B798-J. ply Owner, 182 Angler. v FOR RENT—One splendid store. 30 Capitol L1>E. Fourth National Bank building. home, furnace heat, all conveniences. Ivy FOUR upstairs fur. rooms, all for J10 per avenue, look at it. also lodge hall for DEODORANT AND 7848-J rent two nights. Phone Abbott, Main 1691. _ .. now lui_aiud at t>l) Whitehall GKUMIC1DC Destroys cbiclten mites and BELL MAIN 1680. ATLANTA 272. month, gas, water, sink in kitchen, rooms all kinds of Insectb. Jpherioline Company, front P'tree, 69 E. Alexander. , .-^FQR RENT-—Apartments FOR RENT—Storeroom, 61 E. Alabama fct. lo.^H >n yum anLeed Atlanta o-io-i. ' The Boarding & Rooming House FOR BENT—2 furnished rooms, connecting George "W. Sciple. Both, phones 203. 19 106 A .Edg-bW ood avenue. Alain 2317 At- WE can inveJt your money for you on first BdEewood avenue. i OK ii^UfetoiN^r, dyt,int£, altering, cleaning, lanta. 3U3H-A bath, private family fc to men. Reference st-e L ?,. VVilburn. JSS Jiarletta. Atlanta I'nortgrage1 , high-class, improved property. BUREAU OF INFORMATION exchanged. Ivy 7025-J. BEAUTIFUL, small, steam-heated, close In, FOR RCNT—Drug store In good business -J«3. __ „_ _^^™ It wil net you 7 and 8 per cent. north side apartment; on lease, reference section of "West End, doing good business. ADAM isdilAAF PIANOS. fiatablisheU 1S73. TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN, No. 4 North Pryor St. STEAM-HEATJ5D, furnished room; 1 or _ required. Ivy 428 Soda fount and fixtures Call 411 Peters st. Ai.1. prebbine. Membeiaiiip cords The moit beautiful designs Warranted for Second Floor _JSmpire_. WE represent boarding and rooming houses men. 40 East Harris, Apartment No. 1. $1. Cat! Main 91*7, Atlanta. t>0$S-M JD. £* Ivy 8012-J. Muyre. JS.. V» hitehd.ll btruct. ten j ea,r& Indorsed b> thousands of aat- safest Investment, loans on Atlanta of Atlanta. Information free. isiied customers and dealers. "VV. F ZVIal- real estate. We can lend your money for BEAUTIFUL room In north side refined ~^.*~*.~^J} rooin, nicely furnished, north side ulUK.vl.iAK 'rAlLumNU CUiiPASs 1, \V. colm. Southern representative, 62^ Candler jou h to i> per cent See us. Porter & Swift, family tor couple or two young men, one I private home, to gentlemen only. Phom FOR RENT—Apartments. FOR RENT—Apartments. AI iia-iver, Mgr. 'Ittiloring. cit-unine, preta- bultding, Atlanta, Ga, Ivy 4669. ia a .a dyeing, failta made to order, 146 130 *& Peachtree. of the cholcebt locations in the city, three fjujusto'0 i street. KOOFl^G. car lines, no other boarders, home artis- ONE front room, with kitchenette, for The Root "Man tically furnished, all modern conveniences, housekeeping. 42 W. Peachtree. Phone "West 1142. furnace heat, attractive bath, etc Our fami- Ivy 1S37-L iliE WHITE WAY TAILOR NEWBANKS ly conbiata of three adults. Address * Re- SHENANDOAH TERRACE A NO Ucy CIe*ininer Company, R. E Emun- J. N. LITTLE paint a and repairs all kinds mortagBpurchoae money fined Home.'' carg Constitution FOR REP.T—Nicely furnished room; all con- ud, i*iop. Alt*,i iii£, repj-iring and dye- note of centra,! property. Will sell to net venleBces Close In. 129 Spring. Ivy 2904-J. ol roomt,, sells and puts on roof felt and TWO nicely furnished rooms, all conven- 425 WASHINGTON ST. BELL PHONE 5224-J. iiio suits dry cleaned. VV orn called for paint 154 Whitehall. Main G14. purchaser 10 per cent, note only a f ew FOR RENT—Steam-heated rooms, with ana UelivviuU >fuf aed. ' 7-i "Woodward niont|i_a__tq__ru_n.^Address A-83, Constitution. iences, best home cooking- 72 Spring. Alain ', call Roo7 Atlanta £173. _____ kitchenette, adults. Ivy 3406-J. READY FOR OCCUPANCY NOVEMBER 1. IF YOUR g? 'arnett, 24^ COMFORTABLE room, \vlth board, private TWO rooms, for light housekeeping; private UiNiUN MUTUAL DRY H&mphill avenue. Ivy 7238. _ bath, steam heated. Phone Ivy b634. ,647 family, on car line. 452 Piedmont. SLATE HOOFING CO. Main BUSIN1ESSOPPORT[JNrrrES Peachtree. ^ NICELY fur, large, steam-heated front BRIGHTEST, airiest apartment house in. Atlanta, four apartments, five CLEANING CO. 1615 Repairs and new roof- room, with lavatory. 64 Forrest*avenue. [ NO dyeing and dry cleanine a ne&s, 2 4 -syru^p fount, carbonator Ice cream FOR RENT—One flrst floor furnished roam, rooms and bath, including sun parlor; also latticed side porches; two specialty, .til tv uric neatly done, called, for outfit chairs, tables, everything now used with private bath. With or without WANTED—Roommate for nice fur. room anu delivered Bell phone. Ivy 7215. 159 Au- In the store, established 6 years, doing good board. BO W. Baker street. with young man, in. walking dlst. 188 stories pressed brick veneered, front and rear entrances being absolutely burn *i\ t* nue. K Heuderaoiu Prop. CALL ON GOODRUM & TERRELL when business. Owner going into other lines. TABLE board, close In. Ill Walton st. Peachtree street. in need of anything- in the hardware line. Price, $1,800. Come see for yourselves. Ad- Atlanta phone 5326. VERY nice furnished room, suitable for private. Tiled floors in vestibule and bath rooms; also hot and cold water; 10S Kdgewood avenue. Main 2317. drebs Hamilton's, Eufaula, Ala. ROOM and board for young man or couple, young men or couple. 209 Spring. hardwood floors in living and dining rooms; gas ranges and refrigerators; EMOSY^WlCiJLAMS private home Ivy 5133. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms, CON-tRACXOR AND BUILDER. J. G. THROWER replastered all the ceilings GARDNER'S famous pound cake BRIGHT roonv first-class board. 71 "W. conveniences; close in., hot and cold wwater. steam heat, electric lights, electric call bells,"house telephone, china and JJstimattis gla.dly furnished. I buy and to new "Walker t-treet school. AU work Ivy 6039 14-A West Baker street. handle t>econd-liu.ud lumber. Patronage so- Fifteenth fct. Ivy 7099-J. clothes closets, and other extra knick-knacks. Beautiful shade in front, ele- guaranteed. Phone ma your troubles. Ivy for sale by all first-class gro- BOOMS with private bath and board at 21 COMFORTABLY furnished room, all con- licited, ofllco 110 J^tlyowooti avenue. Bell 3291-L. Main 374. veniences, close in, meals convenient. ptiono i\ y ,13-iii. cers. 3oc per pound. B. Linden St. Ivy 162. Mi«s Annie Dennis. 225 Ivy street. Ivy 7029-J vated on 7-foot terrace; janitor service. STOVE AM> IIA>'GK REPAIRING. ROOMS and board for small family or ^NICELY furnished room^> also housekeep- CONTRACTING PLASTERER ATLANTA STOVE "SuppLx FOJR SALE—The accounts ot an old estab- gentlemen. 60 Piedmont avenue. ilATHKlAi-i ca.rei.uily furnished and repair We als>o make chimney stacks. Ivy T240. ing apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Also, in adjacent annex, three rooms and bath with sleeping porch, lished brokerage business, accounts that IF YOU want good rooms and board, call 18 Simpson street. Ivy 2330-J. woric done by experts. Both phones. Main 101 I>Jorth Forsyth street. Phone us and arc now paying about $6,000 per year; will at 130 Ivy st.. near Houston. Ivy 4138-J. hot and cold water, steam heat, electric light, gas range, two entrances, 27JI, Atlanta oi>39-M. J. \V. James ic Co. ouc representative will call. sell part cafah, balance in one and two years. ONE nicely furnished room, conveniences; Office, Jlfa houth Forsyth street. WHEN IN TROUBLE CALL Address A-73, care Constitution. NEWLY fur front rooms with board, close gentlemen preferred, 282 Houston street. If YOU need a. contractor, builder ior ex- in. Atl. 2670. 106 Auburn avenue , Ivy 7844-J. janitor service. pert roof man, call "Cunningham," office SEL.& one-fourth interest in auto- J "THE STOVE DOCTOR*' matic compressed air automobile starter, SOUTH SI1SE. FOR gentlemen, private bath, steam heat. 2*o /a Petery bt or pnone Alain J37, Repair MAIN ATL. patent already secured, model built, some- Corinthian Apt. Call IvV 5928. Perfect references redirect, Apply in person, by mall, or phone to work of all kinds. Ail w ork guaranteed. 1460 61 SOUTH PRYOR 1410. 1'ricea reasonably thing" new , beat thing out. Address A 101, STRICTLY exclusive, first-class NICE, completely furnished housekeeping Constitution rooms 15 E. Cain Ivy 7356-J owner on premises. IF 1OU need a contractor, builder or expert STOVES AND RADIATORS board. No. 97 Capitol Square roof man, cull "Cunningham." Ofnce 243 # 100 SHARES Kagle Mining Co. stock at beat ONE nicely furnished room, all convenl- Peters street, or phone Main 237, Repair TO COOK AND HEAT offer Addreas_jV^87_,_ Constitution. (opposite state capitol). ences, close in. Call Ivy _4816, after 6 p. m. work of all hinds. All w ork guaranteed. BURNS 18 hours -with. 1 gallon kerosene oil; Nir~ELY furnished room for~reat; close in; Prices reasonable. no cotton \vlck screws, valvea nor pumpa, EXCELLENT table board. 93 all conveniences. Ivy 2403-J. 300 satisfied customers in Atlanta, names MEDICAL FOR RENT—Stores FOR RENT—Stores LET U S build J ou a home on easy terms. furnished If dealred Call Main 307-J. B. B. Capitol Square. Main 2957. iiise rent, anywhere in the city. United Henry. ^52 South Fr>or. corner Rawson. DR. EDMONDSON'S Tansy Pennyroyal and FURJVISHED—SOfcTH SUMO. Bids. Co., 400 aempio Court^building. Cotton Root Pillb; a sa£a and reliable GROVBK C. TULLY—Let me build your $100 REWARD OFFERED treatment tor irregularities. Trial box by TH E""ELMS~HOUSE TRAINED NURSES home. 54 JVIell avenue;. mall 50 cents. Frank Edmoiidnon & Bros,. COMFORTABLY furnished rooms, -with BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms for nurses FOR any stoVfe or range that we cannot re- Manufacturing Chemists. 11 North Broad board, table boarders accommodated, RENT—PEACHTREE WHEN in need of carpenter work, call pair or make bake Wo are expert cjxim- street Atlanta. Ga. students at special ratea. 291 Bast Hunter or will rent to young men or young ladles, J. A. Johnson. West 1H88-J, estimates on ney sweepers. Standard Stove and Supply large and light, all conveniences; suitable etreet. Atlanta phone 6657-B j for housekeeping M 2507-J. all Job v/ork: prices reasonable. Company, 141 Marietta St. Main 1389. B. L. Walking distance WE HAVE a store, loft and basement containing 13,000 square, feet. coxxoSr ~ Barber, Manager, formerly with Southern b NICELY fur. double room for 4 'persons. tires, accessories, £tc. Easy rental. Come up and get all particulars. STOVE AND RAITOE BfiPAJtBINCJ. make very close prices on library tables, Furnace heated, good baths and plenty of We sweep chimneys. oak and mahogany dressing tables, etc., EXCELLENT meals and -nicely furnished hot water. ?4 per \veek. Also room for J2.BO i "^"r"x?7y~~T3i5^^ 121 Whitehall St_ Bell Phone Main 2699. albo we havo a few ranges left, whJch were rooms, conveniences, table boarders. 147 per week. 108% S Forsyth street. nrllNJ-J _Whiteha01_ street. Cooper street. 28S »jEgAIglNG. on exhibit at the merchants' convention by EXCELLENT meals and nicely fur. rooms at KEFA1KING the Atlanta St6ve Works. Advance Bar- WELL-KEPT rooms, with good table" board, reasonable rates, all conveniences. SIS TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN retts and Imperials, solid cast, no beet walking distance, roommate, gentleman. Whitehall street. Atlanta 2786. Iron; there is nothing better in use. M. 1978. luTnTuire^ipHoTaterea 50 CENTS. M DONALD FURNITURE CO., FOR BENT—Two nicely furnished rooms. paired now before the fall rush. See me, AT Q\V INN'S SHOE SHOP, 6 Luckie street, 110 "W. Mitchell st., beyond Terminal Station. EXCELLENT board and comfortably fur- all conveniences walking distance. 58 SECOND FLOOR EMPIRE. as I call for, deliver and guarantee my opposite Piedmont hotel Both phones. Io nished rooms, modern conveniences. 2J6 Crew fctreet. work. L. "Wellon, 41 Auburn avenue. Ivy 7 E Fair bt. 3367. hurry Call Taxlcab company for auto WE PAY highest cash prices for household 3 CLEAN fur. rooms, sink In Icltchen; sep- at service. ^ goods, pianos and office furniture, cash THE WEBB HOUSE. Good rooms and ex- arate or emutte 3S Formwalt. J^URNITURIS repaired, upholstering, refin- advanced on consignment. Central Auction cellent board. 14J S. Pryor St. Atlanta ishing neatly done. Work called for and M'NEILL & HUNTKR, shoe repairing. Work 47^9. ROOMMATE for young man with private REAL ESTATE—For Sale. |REAL ESTATE—For Sale. delivered. Young K_ Carson. 473 ilArietta caJIed, for and delivered. 4 85 Edeewood Company. 12 East Mitchell street. Bell bath. 98 Washington. street. Atlanta JGb7. avenue Atlanta_lfa27. phone Main 2424 NICELY furnished rooms, \\ith board close In Atlanta C14(i-B 197 ^_ Prjor. ONB large furnished room, private fami- WANTED-—1,000 pairs old shoes for repair-^ ly. 327 Capitol a\e. jn& Murphy'a Old Stand, 847 Marietta St JACOBS AUCTION CO. will buy anything NICE, clean room, board and lodging. 124-A UNION Atlanta 6749-F Give me a trial. in the way of household goods. We pay East Fair BURDETT REALTY COMPANY 777 MARIETTA ST., ATI^A^ITA PHONE the highest cash price. Call Atlanta phona rURNISHED —WES T EIWIJ. 4127. AU kinds of stoves, water pipes and 2285, Bel' Main 143-i. 51 Decatur wtreet. THE GREER House, 92 Garnett St., for- TWO looftib. furnished" complete for light 413-14 EMPIRE BUILDING. PHONE3S 2099. ranges repaired, satifafactioa guaranteed. mcrl> located 62 Walton st. Atl. 1938. housekeeping. In private familj , all con- b B R. JANKO, TAILOR FOR BARGAINS in furniture, household ROOM and board, nice large Tooins, private veniences, private entrance from front and LADIES' and gentlemen's firbt-claas tallor- goods or office fixtures, call Atl. phone home. Mrs. Collins, 213 S. Pryor rear porch. Call West 70J-J. We Charge Less |u° b |aV*m£erlai. ing at me, 139 South Fryor street. Main 235. TVPEWR1TEKS. ONE nice front room, close in, every con.- UlVfljKIVISHED —WES T END. Call for M. P >loncrle£ or J. S Lee. "STANDABD FOLmNc: SAVE 25 per cent by buying your furniture venlence. 81 Nelson fat. The machlfce for personal from Ed Matthews & Co., 23 E. -Alabama TWO NICE unfurnished rooms and kitch- PIEDMONT AVENUE LOT. Jusb east oFPeachtree Road, beau- street EXCElJLmNT~~table board.~close inTv.~afkin~g enette, newly tinted. 62 Gordon. West 213. „.,„ For travelers the professions, stu- distance, all convenience**. 74 Nelson st. tiful elevated lot, 100x300 feet. Can sell for $3,500 with a guar- dents the homev my ladj'f, boudoir. Wt. 6 FURNITURE and rugs at lowest prices. FURNISHED OR" UNFURNISHED. Ibs Price. *»0. A li. Johnson, 40b Equit- Robison Furniture Co 27 T3 Hunter. A FEW people can get select board" and abl'e Bids. Main^SSj^ room 291 E Hunter. Atl. B667-B. FOR RENT — Furnished or unfurnished, 2 antee of water and sewer. Easy payment at 6 per cent interest. I large connecting rooms for housekeeping, Oyaters. 176-8 Auburn Ave. Hoth phones. DRESSMAIONG— WEST END. I or will rent separately to gentlemen. No XUKFOLK FISH CO. Fresh fish and oys- TWO nice rooms, either for rent or for | childien. Reference. 1B1 N. Jackson st. ters all tho time. 230 Auburn. Atlanta boarders "West 122. TWO room*, fur^or unfurnished, sing-Je or 2681. 8-ROOM HOUSE, just completed, on north side; lot 50x150; ?6,500, good terms. Phones Bell. Main 1576. Atlanta 1SS4. DRESSMAKING Cor light housekeeping, nne location, 74 L.EUKIN FISH MARKET, 255 Marietta St. Graay place. West End, with young couple. Atlanta phone 491. rresh pah dai 1 y. Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron VI ork. DRAFTING, DESIGNING JHOTELS Phpne I\y 1031. Mr. Roberts. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, north side, just completed; lot 50x150; $5,250, good FURNACE, stoves a.nd gutter work prompt- _ LATEST MODELS FOR RENT—Two rooms, furnished or un- ly done and guaranteed. Dixon & Thomas, HOTEL PASADENA furnished , all modern conveniences aC6 terms. ANDERSON BROS. & RICH 324 Edge-wood avenue. Atlanta phoae 3345. Ivy 213 bpring 50 HOUSTON STREET. Houston street. Apply 16t> N. Jackson. l)MliKEJL,l,AS—WHOLESALE AND EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants plain UNDER new management, nice, large, clean. Ivy t)(»15. ______TWO VACANT lots, north side, $2,250 each. Easy terms. 70 BDGUWOOD AVE. BOTH PHONES. and fancy sewing, reasonable rates Call airy rooms, 1 block from Candler t'UlicUng. bEYTHERS—All kinds ot domestic feath- 4-tlanta 5bOO A, or 111 Washington street Reasonable rates. Dally, weekly and mon*h- ' FOR KENT—-Nice large rooms, furnished THE ABOVE property is all priced under market for quiet sale. era, live gee&e feathers a specialty, write TR1 ' Taylor"" >lacle" v I or unfurnished, hot and cold water: elec- WANTED—Dresamaklng and sewing at pii- I . Only nice patronage solicited. Ivy ' trie lights. 68 W. Bailer at. Atlanta 3706. ' t * phone for bamplea and prices. E. S. Detachable handles. \a-te ? homes, $1.21 per day, all work All prices. No charge for repairs. Phone strictly guaranteed. Dressmaker, 374 East ONE beautiful room for rent; also one large Main 374S. Taylor Umbrella Company, 11€}& unttr street .oorns 50c and unfurnished room. Atl. phone 5719-B. Whitehall 127 Cooper. inniora HOTEL GEORGIANand up. New GEORGIA HOME & FARM CO. and clean placo. 2J^i w. Mitchell street. FOUR large unfurnished or furnished LojU, Jl^ln 40J7, Atlanta 322. v/^iitOnej _UIQC_K__block iroiruro_m jJi_eTerminai 4«ija**_*l oi.atjiunStation. ^____ I'nrsytiv hireet Work guaranteed 5 VIA < T ACB CLEANERS—PRESSERS, ETC rooms, clean and airy. 29 Walker; hot 1-i AKK i i.-. Kl L,U^ SS n 5^. IVY"HOTEL, 98 IVY ST. and coTtl \yater. * CANDLEB BLDGK GKOOEBIJBS. Repairing and Recovering a Specialty. JONES, THE TAILOR AMERICAN pla.n, J1.J5 up, weekly ratea; FU~R"NISHED room for rent and one un- SUITS made to order. We do steam dyeing and meat tickets. S4.BO. furnishecl room. Atlanta 6719-B. 127 Little Gem Grocery, . ^5J95SL-E^3SS5S5: rench (Vy cleaning Work called fur and de- Cooper st. . butter aiid chickens,, Httle price tor erefl ^.>-i Edgcwood ave Iw 3471 large amount. Phone Main 614. Koucrtson t'attein Works HILBURN HOTEL, TWO unfurnished and one furnished room, 140 EDGBWOOD AVE IVY 6026. WANTED—Your pros and cleaning. 10 AND 12 WALTON STREET. reasonable, close in. 84 W. Peachtree. Ivy ___ HATTEKg. Simmons Dry Clean _ Co.. 156 Irwln. FOR GKNTLJ5AIEN only, center of city 7C35-J. MANUFACTURERS of patterns, models, Prices reasoiiable. Ivy 2&41. ne.ir new posto£flce. Rates, BOc. 7Bo patented articles, also cabinet work. Work and $1. LIGHT housekeeping- rooms In private WHY NOT OWN YOUR HOME? "HAT RENOVATORS promptly done and guaranteed. Atlanta Dry Cleaning Co Iv> 7355 44 E home: modern conveniences. Details. Call IP YOU HAVEiV?500 to $1,000, we will FURNISH THE LOT, and L \pics' and gents' hatb cleaned and re- Wood and Iron Novelty Works, 8S6 Marietta Alexander Pry denning dyeing and New Management. Rates Reasonable. inaped. Late btyloi,, best \vork. Mall or- St. W. B. Williams .Mgr, Main 1894-J. Cool Rooms. also BUILD THE HOUJ5E. and arrange for EASY monthly deraslven prompt attention. Acme Hatters. FOR KENT—One or two furnished rooma payments ^llke rent. Our lots -are on *.Q Cast llurvterstreet. HOTEL PEACHTREE. to young men. 278 S. Pryor. Atlanta Phone 1437. 83% Peachtrea St. FOUR furnished or unfurnished rooms' HORSE SHOEING ~AXD WAGON hot and cold water. 29 Walker st. ' ; DEE WRY STREET ~™____R££AiRj:N«. SC'AND ioc WALL PAPER OWNERS OLIVER TH£. best oJ them stop at the Bal Hotel, on the north side, just beyond St. Charles, running Into Highland 167 WHITEHALL, our lOc wall paper equal 42 to 62 Decatcr street, center of city; avenue. Two car lines 10-mlnute service; school In sight; cherted CUAIMINGS SHOEING CO. to the betjt J5c Icind. Let us show you. TYPEWRITERS 25C. and up a day. J1.50 and up per week. street; water, gas, sewer, tile walks, electricity, phones, etc. For Atlanta 5c and lOc \Vall Paper Co , nothlns SEND address our office for valuable In- Atlanta phone . water, price $8.60. 133 Fowler street. At- conter degrees Phone Ivy «986. Send for Fhone Bell Main 2<506. aee ua. lanta 573G-F. £!L catalog-. JO East Baker street. E3 ~~ Springer's JTOIt KENT-—Two " furnished rooms for ^Mr 5Mi^ housekeeping: all conveniences, walking _rs and blue prints, models made CLASSES will open Septemoer 1 Jor vocal and rtHtmee. 56 W. Baker street. A BARGAIN 1 p ecl u les manu£ | STORAGE & WAREHOUSE 6S N J' ,, i If- , i , i -tured. Carrier Mis'. instrumental music it JW2 Spring street. Mra. large upstairs rcfoms and kltche- 1,0. 181'~ Edge\vood Ave. Theresa Grant-Hoftman. CATHCART~STOlSAGB' & TRANSFER CO. The Cafeteria » - Porsytu st. _ _, X. . Neap Foreyth Theater nette^ unfurnished; suitable for light *' We move, store, pack and ship household For Something Really Good to Eat | housekeeping. Private family. 96 Walker at. DANCIN& ecboo], Isteet £teps; private Inatmc. goods exclusively, (i and 8 Madison avenue. 300 FEET overlopking golf links in.Ansley park. Half block from Main 1466-3310. Atlanta. 1422 , FOR RENT—3 housekeeping rooms. 413 Uo.is. Phone Ivy (1067-J. 43 W. Peachtn* Courtland st. Ivy 6084-J. EXPERT watch repairing satisfaction •r Atlanta NOTICE TO BUSINESS MEN the golf club. Nice elevation. Will also consider a trade on ! uaranteedlu^^S^ 6 ^ DINNER 25c; excellent table. The Pon- THREE! or four housekeeping rooms, pri- I trj e - Walton it . just oK Peach- CAST-OFF clanna. 22 and 24 East Bills St. vate family, reasonable; close In. Ivy 4280. _ DROP a card, we'll brlnjf cash Cor shoes THREE nicely fur. rooms for gentlemen or this property for city real Estate. ' / light housekeeping. 19 East Baker. J1_1^»^c^oth|j>jg^1._Tha__VeBti

OKFIC.K* MA. £XWJU M**Ji • FOB offices and stores in the SUvey building, located at Five Points, MR. INVESTOR W. A. FOSTER & RAYMOND ROBSON Edgewood, Peacbtree and Decatur FARMS Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 EDGEWOOD AVE. Atlanta Phone 1861. streets, see us. G. R. MOORE & CO., FOR RENT FOR SALE 116 LOBBY CANDLER BUTUHNG. You Should Know About the Possibilities of WEST END, 6-room DunBalow, double 8 H. H., 52 Gordon • 542.50 floors, beam ceiling, pretty mantels anil ATL.JPHONE 2483. IVY 4978. 81 Acres $1,750 8 R. H., MUrrayhill 25.00 fixtures, leaded glass library case and china FOR~REXT— CANDLER t R. H., 222 Ira 20.00 closet, best plumbing', side drive, alley, serv- KIRKWOOD f R. H., 103 Capitol (flat) . 33.10 ant's room' special price of* $4,150, reduced BUILDING STORES AND OnA.&W.P.R.R. t R. H., 207 Crew at 30.00 from $5,000; terms 5300 cash, balance $30 ? R. H., 58" Currier 42.50 per month. Seo Mr. Bradshaw or Mr. Mar- OFFICES 7 R. H.. tin. SO.MI-: attractive -torn* In C-indler building, Before you bu\ a building lot. For either HERE is a splendid farm located within a mile of 1102 Feachtoe at .. ,. 60 00 VACANT LOT In West End, oast front; one- randier Ann«-v and Commfrce Hall, avail- 1 7 R. H. 468 jCapito! . .. .. 30 00 halt block of car line. Only $1,050. See able now and Januar> 1 A Ho Home very de- Hogansville, fronting the main highway and the 7 R. H. 61 Whitehall terrace . 22 60 Mr. White. Can ler 7. R. H sirable office ^p.« e -\>;* «• . ,? iI,;'r- Atlanta and West Point Railroad. Splendid 4-room , 206 S. Forsyth St., . 27.SO 38 BROOKS ST.—A. new bungalow .which is A^rit, 2.'J canclki building. See Mr. Wllk- Homeseekers or Investors 6 R. H. 8 Severn 55 00 only one-half n block frtim 2 car lines: in^on. _ ceiled house and 2-room house, two barns. Anxious 6 R. H 2S2 Central 27.50 has all conveniences, and «"an be bot eht on FOH~itCNT—Kront. office and Htock room, exceptionally easy terms. Price 93,500. Se» ••tillable for punting or rruLtiuf o clock. Ivy 6841. KIRKWOOD is Atlanta's MOST ATTRACTIVE suburb! 6 R. H., 41 Gordon . ... 30.00 J v* Itn hot and cold 'water, bat'ji, electric uf FICKS In the Moure building at JS'o. 10 Au- 6 R. H., 250 E3 Georgia avs .. 25 00 lights, on very large, shady '<•£ of about horn a\e. s>. heat, passenger elevator, 6 R. H., 46 East Thirteenth .. 10,10 I 3's acres. This will mako a be'.utlful home llgh'3 mil janitor serilce. $1250 to JJ8. On« KIRKWOOD is Atlanta's FASTEST GROWING suburb! 46 Acres $1,844 for someone that desirea such a place. W« fii-mrjjpd office, prim $17 no 6 R H.. 369 Cherokee ...... 30.00 can sell on reasonable terms or can ex- 6 R. H., 17 Luclle 30 00 change for a Went Knd home on car lln«. KIRKWOOD is Atlanta's MOST HEALTHFUL suburb ! 6 R. H., 116 B. Bills 25.00 See Air. Martin or Mr. Bradshaw. FORJRENT—TYPEWRITERS On G. S. & F. R. R., Near Ashburn 6 R. H.. 411 Greenwood 25.00 IN SOUTH KIRKWOOD wo have a new, KIRKWOOD has ARTESIAN WELL WATER. 6 R. H.. 153 Spring 37.60 modern 6-room cottage, on shady lot, lOOx TYPEWRITERS RENTED 6 R. H.. Faith avenue 18.50 200. water, electric lights and sewer con- HERE is a fine, smooth, brown pebble farm practically 6 R. H., 4 MONTHS FOR J5 AND UP. Ill LaFrance , 22.SO nections. Tile ualks. Same owner gave Rebuilt Typewriters J23 to $75. KIRKWOOD has THE BEST OF SCHOOLS. all stumped. Now growing bale of cotton per acre. 6 R. H.. 147 McDonough 20.00 $4,500 for this place recently, but will sacri- AMERICAN' WHITING MACHINE CO. 6 R. H., 435 Spring 40 <>0 fice for $4.250. Seo Mr. Radford. •«& North Pryor St. Phone Main 2526. 6 H. H., 82 JE. Baker 25 00 KIRKWOOD has a perfect sewer system. Xone better in South Georgia. $184.40 cash, balance 6 R. H., 133 Park ave 30.00 ! ST. CHARLES AVE. elevated lot with gooit AIOS»T complete line of rental machines la J shade. Best faection of the street. L.ot the south, all machines first-class condi- i, 2, 3, 4, 5 years, at 6 per cent interest. FOSTER & ROBSA.ON. 50x230 back to street. Better see this one. tion, liernington, .Monarehs cAnd Smith KIRKWOOD is only 15 to 20 minutes ride from the center of 11 BtlBewood Avenue. I $3 000, Terms Seo Mr. Eve. Premier. Rental rates from 51 t>7 to $5 per month per machine, riemingtpn Type- Atlanta. writer Company 200 Acres $8,000 REAL ESTATE—For Sale. REAL ESTATE—For Sale. 3ti NORTH BROAD STREET. KIRKWOOD has put in more street improvements this year than _ -Miscellaneous^ any other suburb of Atlanta. Turner Co., Brown Pebble Farm FOR RENT— Three-story brick hotel, 30 rooms, centrally located in good little rail- KIRKWOOD will vote in a few days on a bond issue to pave road town and Junction point, hotel com- SURROUNDED by three graded roads. 150 acres pletely furnished and water Included in rent; streets. YOUR LAST CHANCE l%htfd br electricity, reasonable rent to under cultivation, with fine crops now. One 4-room rl^ht party with hotel experience. Address Bridgeport Realty and Traction Company, When this is d6ne PROPERTY VALUES WILL JUMP. house. This is a choice farm. $800 cash, balance TODAY Bridgeport, Ala. i, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years, 6 per .cent interest. SO IF YOU WANT A BEAUTIFUL HOME SITE OR A WANTED— Real Estate PROFITABLE INVESTMENT BUY IN KIRKWOOD NOWT! OCTOBER 10 FRIDAY OCTOBER 10 100 Acres $4,000 TO SECURE YOUR LOTS IN WK NEED SOME FARMS FOR OUR CUS- Desirable building lots are already getting scarce, but I have TOMKRS WRITK UK FUI,L. INFORMA- TION AXD GIVE I "4 V-OUH FAHM FOB a few which I can sell on terms. SAI.K JUST SO IT IS IN t;BOR<5I^ Fine Brown Pebble Farm ALTOLOMA FISCHER property G. " Kardy HIVs J^uckie sUeet H. C, BAILEY SPECIAL TRAIN 817 i-.MPIRL BLDG. PHONE MAIN 711. 3:25 P. M. SUNDAY 3:25 P. M. ANNOUNCEMENT OLD UNION STATION—OPP. KIMBALL HOUSE NEW YORKER MUST SELL 32 ACRES fronting on both bides. I BEG to announce to my FRIENDS-—THE PUBLIC— FREE AUTOMOBILE TRIPS DAILY of prominent north hide road; HOMES ON EASY TERMS and my FORMER PATRONS that I hare contracted CALL OR PHONE MY OFFICE NOW can be .subdivided at no expense. with Dr. C. W. Gould and Jno. G. Pasco for the sale of their \\ ill be in the city but a few days ANSLEY PARK property, which joins the new suburb of ALTOLOMA, on and rmibt s

a.le for $3,500, $100 cash. $25 per month for the balance. This is a $4,500 Lot 100x150, oat.t tront, fine eleva>ion, small weekly or monthly payments which have character- home anil It is the only house that can be bought for our price and terms in thlb see- ience , large sleeping porch. Price, $7,250. Easy terms. , ized my former sales. Watch Sunday Constitution for the tion of the city. Be tiuick if you want lj~ hix rooms and bath, in bang-up order. GRANT PARK COTTAGI>— Near the Augusta avenue entrance to Grant Park we have Has bearing Iruit trees, new and HIGHLAND AVENUE opening, which will take place Sunday afternoon. Special a strictly modern G-roorn cottagre that we offer for $2,600; $290 cash, $20 per month modern. Without a doubt the best train will leave old Union Station, over the Georgia for the balance, with no loan. No use to pay rent when you can live in a house like value around Atlanta. Terms, $250 THE owner is leaving. House has eight rooms and all conveniences. this at our *>rice and terms. Railroad, at 3:25 p. m. DREWRY STREET BUNGALOWS—We have Just completed two very attractive bun- cash, balance easy. Big value.. Box Beautiful lot. Price, $6,000. Easy terms. galowb with G rooms, hall and sleeping porches, on Drewry street. These are furnace < A-6<5, Constitution. heated, quarter tawed oak floors in three rooms, birch doors, eio.se knoba, walls tinted MORELAND AVENUE with the very b^st vervetone washable tint. We offer these for a Quick sale for $5,250. FOR Sj>.L.E—At a >a.<.iitjif two pieces, of J75Q cash, balance_jto__bui_t_the_ purchaser. ____ propertj situated at ur*i} sville. Term , by A BUNGALOW, 6 rooms, furnace heat and every modern conven- CORNER LOT—We offer the corner of Park avenue aad Berne street, both side and depot. One trtu t of 3V4 acreb, *ind. one front facing: the park, for ?2,000. This lot will carry two nice stores and a bungalo\v. lur&e lot with 1-1-room hous>e. Price 54,500. ience. Beautiful, large lot. Price, $5,000. Easy terms. W. P. COLE It f*5 worth $300 per front foot At our price you buy it at a great sacrifice to the C. H. Klrbj. MS u.lk at. Jacksonville, Fla. 1408 CANDLER BLDG.' PHONES: IVY 432; ATL. 953. owner. See us at once, as it will not stay on the market a.t the abovo price. 11 AND >... L'reuo -tltet Druid Hills sec- See tion t> i onm*, h.Ul j,ml feleepins porch, furnace i-ti >3 Jill $7jO ca&h, balance inomhlv__ _ l^oi ter^i. S\\ift 130i-_ Fe ichtrec. W. L. & JOHN O. DuPREE FOR SALE Mr HabUajjtt tiist to setl >our proper* $2,500 — On St. Charles avenue we have a pre tt£ shaded lot 50x236. Terms. _ t> Ptaehtree anil James 115 McKen^la EMPIRE BLDG. REAL ESTATE. BELL PHONE M. 3457. $3,«50 — On Arnold street, near North Boul evard, we have a ti-room bun eralo w ^ne a^rT y bill,} U> li<>l new. It is on a level lot and faces east. The price has been reduou a home on ea^y terms lot is on a nice elevation and large. Can make terms,. like r. nt anj u hfre m Ihe city United ing about 9 per cent income while it enhances in value. sidewalk 100 feet back from building line. Size 50x150. Location Bldj; Co 100 Yi;inple_eourt _bulU»ns- 1*OH f*\l,l. -Sueil 1 lth -.tiet't liome, all 1m- Can arrange terms. beyond the springs, and in same vicinity of the $80 to $100 per front pio\tm*uts ^aia^c etc. Bai&ain Ounel W* T. NEWMAN & COMPANY &_•> 3 _> Broad it foot property. Very easy terms. This is a bargain and you will REAL, ESTATE. BEL!,, PHONE M. 4311. 304 4TH NAT. BAMC BLDG . realize it after the other fellow gets it. 1J? h-f' s'Hli'i'*5 ovvner_ _I_i>_j"_8.i^L . J. R. NUTTING & CO. IT If is real citato • ou want to bujTor^sell" WEST END, 7-room house on elevated beautiful corner lot. No it \\ill ; a> vou 'o bee me. A. Graves. 2 Ka'-t Hunter 801-4 EMPIRE LIFE BLDG. BOTH PHONES. loan. $3,750 AN IDEAL DECATUR HOME LJisf your property with us for quick and THIS PLiACE measures up to what you want for Comfort. About IV- acres of «o>'"sfil-tor> results. FUcher & Cook. Mala CLOSE IN on north side, and in easy walking distance, almost 3SHO land, located on South Candler street, on which it fronts 100 feet, and run- new 8-room house. Only $4,700. ning back to another street and car line. It is ji st the size place for anyone . BIH,DIM.-—OIT OK CITV. doing business In Atlanta and wanting: the plea lure of the most delightful ON ..ornei lot Ifc.^iso in good town near IN 500 feet of the most choice part of Peachtree street, and on one suburb. It Is only two blocks from Agnes Scott. 1TThe house is an S-room cot- Atlanta, ua main roa.l have b stores. EDGEWOOD AVENUE BARGAIN of the cross streets near Juniper street, a perfectly level, elevated tage with reception hall, parlor, sitting room anJ I dining room all connecting b.i.n« large hotel turnish.-d. ballroom, all i up. All interior woodwork white enamel. Froi p veranda, also veranda on Jiutldins-, brkk K i» xvatei --tuer electric ted 1 11 NEAR NEW COCA-COIiA Bottltngr Company $35,000 building we have a small and well shaded vacant lot for $1,850. This is the place to build two sidea, 2-room servants' house. House wasLbuil. t for home... . The lot is \$M ,f*" - " Pa-Sins good per ctent. l,eautifully shaded with plenty of good fruit treetlin bearing I--ot fronts east \\111 --ell ot CMU.IIIM foi Atlanta real buy which will registet- a. certain profit. your bungalow or two-family apartment. Size 50x140. This lot is 4 e-tate !• me up ,i tumtj tor a hustler. ana lies perfectly. Pric e ! $8,500, one-half cash. No exchange. Any agent liasy terms Mainpl ^3ss 25x125, extending- to Ezzard street, with cottage facing: Hazard, renting- for having Customer see me. enough to pay taxes, etc. worth $3,000, but the owner wants to sell. M.BIUB.VS. Price $120 foot. Cash $750, balance easy. YOU CAN BUY Ponce de Leon avenue lot for $60 per foot. Side I'OK SALl:—7-room duelling house on Greennferr ruid rlontj of fruit and GREENWOOD AVENUE HOME street property out this way is selling for this price. No hole WILLIAM S. ANSLEY good w^ter Act ciuick O\\ner lenvlne cltv •217 ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Call Atlanta .3s.,_ or _7fa _Centiy.l pjace _ $5,000 FOR 6-ROOM bung-alow, with tile bath and all modern convenie'nces. in the ground. You will want on this avenue some day. ^^rt1" ^A*J^~-~6"r°mn cottage, ele\ated lot" This ip an excellent home. jO-v-OO a>i improiemenf, half block car FIVE-ROOM bungalow in one block of . Place is Unp north ~-ide, term-, lvy_67C4. brand-new, and for $4,250 it should please you. Easy terms. Hi owner a. into ct.tuiBS~un~ Boulevard HOME OR INVESTMENT , Lllree lot r ht OTIS & HOLLIDAY This close around those places which have been selling from tni iar ^Jp^'oo - 's at elec- $6,1500 to $10,000. IS PEACHTRBE ST. PHONE MAIN 1T5. ON NORTH SIDE, well located, a good eight-room resi- uurg•» aipte \V. M. SCOTT & CO. THREE 6-ROOM houses in good condition, rent for $24 per month. Price $100 CASH AND $20 PER MONTH {1,900 cash. 7 ACRCS en Brovvnville rojuli 5^~rooirriic)iTsft SOUTH SIDE COTTAGE _ and nice lot of trult. 100 feet fronta&rp in Haceville school district. Price S3.000 rernvi ON ,THE ABOVE TERMS we offer you a new 6-room bungalow, »ea«onable Brotherton &. Caltahan R»«* FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE AND RECEPTION HALL, on the cor- R. C. WOODBERY & COMPANY »>„.«. T>.,, phone East Point I;G. ' with sewer, water, electric lights, porcelain bath, hot and cold faALJS—Small farm of nearly 6*~acfes" ner of Broyles and Orleans streets, within one block of the REAL ESTATE 317 EMPIRE BLDG. PHONE MAIN 72. 1 mile of Decatur; s,miill house, larse water, tile walks, and lot 70x250. Within 100 yards of the car line _arn, farm wired In. Fletcher Pearson 4'2 new Hill Street School and St. Paul Church. Price $2,100; cash, Atl. Natl. Bj(.nk Bids. with a car schedule 7 1-2 minutes, 22 minutes to the center of the city. i JF "X)Ot3 C5iive a farm to sell. Hst'Tt with $1,000; assume loan of $1,000. Rents for $240 per year. us,t as \vtj are having callu every day for , larnis. Johnson & Younjr. J15 Peters — Atlanta. Qa. J. R. J. H. USE THE CONSTflTUTION'S , » COBB CO. FARMS for sale, bargains" HARPER REALTY COMPANY Send for price list. J. c. Stokely, Real Ea- tate Agent, ACTvorth. Ga. SMITH & EWING 717 Third National Bank BIdg. WANT ADS FOR RESULTS Pourtli N»fl Bank Atlnnu. IVY 1512. 130 PEACHTREE. ATL. 2803. Bell Phone Ivy 4286 Atlanta Phone 673. \ ' * ..vl -»,.'^-J.,t(.t-u_, Page Fourteen. THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10,

NorfolJf. vice president, Btist»v Jarecki. been through the nn»«» numerous agents who w»rtc among the Burroughs Heads Fertilizer Men of Cincinnati, secretary, W. G. Sadler, sections of the north and west In the jarmers working UR excursions and , Norfolk, Va, October 0 —The Na- height of the growing season this year with the help of the railroads, carry* LODGE NOTICE tional Fertilizers' association. In ses- of Nash\ille. treasurer, C. H. Demp- deorgia Must Advertise and the finest crops of corti, sorghum them by train loads to Canada and to sion at Old Point Comfort, elected the wolf, Jr, of Tork, Pa ; secretary of and oats, showing the highest quality the country west of the Mississippi, fallowing officers the educational bureau, John D- Toll, and the largest yield have been right some of the western provinces of A regular communication Prpsldent, Chai les r* Burroughs, of of Philadelphia here in our own state of Georgia, and Canada are populated mainly by of Piedmont lodsre No. *47. Wealth of Her Acres we have gotten tw<> crops aainst their American farmers. There are abc/ut F & A. M., will T>'« held In one where two crops have been five hundred thousand American Masonic Tempi* thl» (Fri- planted farmers In Canada day) evening1, October 10, • S. Postoffice in Center Aisle. We Mm* Show Taem. , * bad -a Party of twelve western 1913, at 7130 o'clock. The By r. 31. Pattom. a constantly hot sun and fit to grow Now what we want to do Is to show farmers down In Ocllla, Irwin county, _ degree of Fellow Craft will Having Just returned from an ex- only niggers, cotton,oranges, etc these thousands of people living In last August and when I showed them be conferred All Masons duly quail- tended trip In the middle west in the It IB not so odd that other sections these overcrowded agricultural sec- sameples of oats and the stubble y various people They The confession was made to Chief FUNERAL DIRECTORS 25c to 50c Stamped Goods, 19c Cotton Is their fetish and blinds them think it Is hot because it is natural Crenshaw m his office at the police Another of those popular stamped goods sales. To keep a to everything else for a man living in the north to think station Monday night. Information BARCLAY & BRANDON CO. thet south hot As a matter of fact our given the local department by Thom- clean, fresh stock of stamped goods, we frequently dispose of our Some Thlnira We Can Do. summers are cooler than theirs It is as caused a detective to be sent to New BTJNERAL Directors, are now located odds and ends at one little price. Prudent women are quick to It is a fact that the average of the lust as natural as it is for them \ to Orleans, where Thomas said that he In their new borne, 246 Ivy street. s>hare For tomorrow we have. good lands of Georgia will produce think that every southern girl has big nlahtt0 meet Coley and E1mlre Tuesday corner Baker. Auto ambulance. three standard crops every fourteen black eyes and black tresses, and that — 50c art linen white centerpieces, 22 and 24 inches. ^ months on the same land Lands in we get out under the magnolias every ."Thomas says that all he received — 25c white linene, 36 inch centerpieces, 18x54 inch Irwln county, for instance, this year night and claw a guitar and warble of the amount taken from the train NOTICE TO THE PUBUC. scarfs. (1913) have produced slx.ty bushels of southern love songs (most of which, during the hold-up was $20," said Chief The public la hereby notified th»t i. H. corn to the acre reaped In May, eighty Crenshaw Thursday night. "He de- Fain has no further connection i?tth th« — to that he went back to the Mobile and of every character In connection with «ald 25c to 50c Stamped Goods, lOc half bales of cotton to the acre Colo- get together, and by newspaper and Ohio crossing near where the Ala- stable company. This October 7, 1918. nel H J Quincey, of Ocilla, got these other advertisements, distribution of bama Great Southern train was held R. W. CXMBRON. Pillow Tops — If complete, these would sell for 25c to 50c. We results, but the land was handled care- literature, etc, show the country that up and changed clothes During the have only the tops Variously in burlap, denim, cream and natural fully and properly cultivated There robbery the three young bandits wore STYLE ^is=^—^=^'^ CENTS we can raise two crops to their one: black mufflers over their faces and linen. Stamped and tinted. are millions of acres of land in Geor- that we can match them on all, and powdered their hair with talcum pow- Royal Society Package Goods —Discontinue d patterns, formerly Special Shirts gia, that will do just as well. best them on some, in the yield per der. He then went to Montgomery 25c , 35c and 40c Include telephone and shaving pads, laundry Standard Crops. acre of all the crops that go to make and came to Mobile last Thursday REDMAN IROQUOIS Land In Georgia will produce a fine up the agricultural backbone of the night. ,a; libtb, work bags and fancy bags Complete with threads to work, yield of wheat, corn, oats, red or white country, that Is to say, corn, wheat, *Tie threads in many instances worth more than lOc. LABEL $1.50 LABEL $2.50 clover timothy, alfalfa, all the finer oats, hay and stock of various kinds Mam Floor — Center Aisle qualities of hay and other crops too Thousands of those young farmeru •EARL QT WILSON numerous to mention, not to mention and families are moving all the time MAKERS OP TROY'S BEST PRODUCT the crops peculiar to the south, such to Canada and the far west Compa- M. RICH & BROS. as sugar cane, cotton, etc. I have nies exploiting these sections employ NORTH SIDE LOTS $25OO Just a few feet off Ponce de Leon avenue, where values are between $90 and $100 per foot, we offer two THREE RHODES-WOOD SPECIALS lots. 44x163 feet each. living pel son, young or old, enjoys—and de- day from now until next spring a heater will man, married or single, needs a chlftorobe serves—a comfortable bed The outfit which be needed In every home In Atlanta. Our The one we are featuring today Is the great- These lots are elevated and are situated in a beautiful Buck's and Eagles are the ones -which will est value ever offered Come in and see It EVERY we aie offering here is a genuine combination EVERY give heat, add attractiveness and make eco- EVERY Give us your address and we will deliver you grove, having attractive homes on either side. Price ot beauty, service and comfort Buy It now nomical fuel bills one right now i $2,500 each; terms. AcJair Complete Bed $!?• For Rent—Desirable Ponce De Leon Avenne Residence T[pu will find at No. 605 Ponce de Leon avenue, 'between Fonoe de Leon Place Consisting of Bed, Spring, Mat- Special Bed Offer ana ±>onlventure. a very desirable 8-rootn residence. We cannot say too much for the convenient and desirable arrangement of this home,.steam heat, laundry tub, electric tress and two Pillows, on the t 1 C IO S h n a C y<> U 1O kln f r h me tW cami'ot be bl at . Bentl7 6 per n\ 0n!n - " "" ° * ° * «"* *— ° - » very easy terms of Bronze Bed. Cotton Mattress, JOHN J. WOODSIDE HEAL ESTATE—'RENTING—STORAGE. 90c Cash, $1 a We«k Steel Spring, 2 Pillows, all for Phones Bell, Ivy 671. Atlanta 6*8. la "REAL ESTATE ROW."

Our Bronze Bed Complete Outfit WEYMAIM &. CONNORS THE Full, large, heavy, just as shown—finished in -white or gold LEND ON REAL ESTATE, IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED, AT bronze—continuous 2-inch post with heavy connecting rods. BED LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES, QUICK ACTION. NO RED TAPE. • INTEREST OF BORROWERS SAFEGUARDED. THE Made full size of sanitized cotton, covered with good ticking. MATTRESS EQUITABLE BUILDING ESTABLISHED 1890 THE All steel coil wire—supports evenly distributed so as to pre- vent sagging. SPRING a THE Five pounds in weight—a good striped tick, filled with soft, PILLOWS sanitized, odorless feathers. Talks to Business Men 90c Cash, $1.00 a Week GET YOUR MESSAGE ACROSS One hundred and fifty designs in Brass You need every advantage that type, printing BRASS Beds in Polish finish. Satin finish, Velvet and good pap'er can give to make your advertising 90 finish, Roman Gold finish. Biggest, hand- literature effective. But above all, you need to 90c Cash BEDS somest line in Atlanta. select a printer who "knows how" to get the best $1.00 a Week results for you. We give you the kind of service Complete that gives you all the advantages that makes your advertising literature attractive — that gets your FIFTY message across. For we "know how." STYLES CHIFFOROBES Eagle Our Special Foote & Da vies Company Ererything for the Office Heateri s Chifforobe JUST ONE MINUTE FROM EVERYWHERE —the one Jheater which will —the Chifforobe which has Edgewood Ave. and N. Pryor St. give you the greatest abun- a separate, convenient and dance of heat—have the spacious place for every- smallest fuel bills—and give thing a man wears from a genuine satisfaction in ev- collar button to an overcoat. On Peoples street, close to Gordon, we have a brand-new, thoroughly modern and up-to-date 11-room house, on a splendid lot, 200 feet deep. Has two ery particular. We also This one has a large shaving tile bathrooms, sleeping1 porch, furnace, servant's quarters and everything to make it an attractive home. Convenient to car line and public schools. W* have a big line of Base mirror, goat and trouser are offering this place at 19,000, on reasonable terms Burners and Hot Blast rack. Made throughout of B. M. GRANT & CO. Heaters. One dollar per well selected materials. Fur- GRANT BUILDING. week will pay for your nished in quartered golden choice. Prices range from oak, mission and mahogany fifty dollai-s down—special finishes. $1.00 cash, $1.00 LOOK! attention is called to our per week, and it is yours for leader, which is only only Nassau Street Lot $250 Front Foot Lot-20 by about 60 feet to alley. Any kind of terms, or will exchange for renting property. Other lots on street $7.50 selling for $400 and $500 front foot. $21.50 FISCHER & COOK Art Squares Sellers Cabinets FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. —the largest assortment of —the one kitchen cabinet handsome Oriental and flo- which fills the requirements Loose Leaf Devices FURNITURE Drawing and Artist's Materials ral patterns in Atlanta. You of any modern kitchen. They Desks, Tables and Chairs are cordially invited to visit Filing Devices and Bookcases have a separate, spacious Opera Chairs, Pews and School DeBk».. our floor covering depart- and sanitary place for every? Safes, Vaults and Steel Furniture ment and see our many spe- I COMPLETE HOUSEFURNISHrpg thing. See our leader for Stationery and Office Supplies cial values. only $28.50. "Turn Orncm Corner Whitehall antf Mitchell Streets FIELDER & ALLEN CO. ATLANTA. U. S. A.