TUB JEW* SOVTHKRtf SOVT&MRti THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION Vol. XITVX—No. 116. ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10, 1913.—FQURTEEN PAGES. AS LIAR AND THIEF WOODWARD WILL Aired Their Marital Woes in Court ATHLETICS SHELL PARKER PILLORIES GOVERN1SULZER INSIHCHOOLS Former Candidate for Presi- Overcrowding Is Laid to Poor IN THIRD BATTLE dency Tells Impeachment Districting by the Mayor. Court Sulzer Is Not Fit to He Charges Class Favor- Tesreau Driven From Mound Be Chief Executive." itism. in Seventh Inning After Eleven Smoking Hits Had AS APT PUPIL OF SULZER TRANSFER OF PUPILS TO Been Made Off His Spitball SARECKY IS DESCRIBED RELIEVE CONGESTION Delivery. D£S£RT£D FOUR- Y£ARS. Judge Parker Charges Sulzer Mayor Woodward Vigorously DESERTED S£V£K EDDIE COLLINS AGAIN Criticises the School Board DIDN'T LOV£ NOR STAR ON THE OFFENSE Took Money and Swore SUPPORT for Use Made of the Bond Falsely, and Then Forced MAN6UM - Sarecky to Assume Blame. Money. c Bush, One of Mack's Young- WITNESS __, sters, Hurled Great Game.' Albany, N Y, October 9—Fifty A probe of the facilities at six thousand words of legal argument, schools in the congested district was Schang Came Thro' With scathing denunciation of Governor started by Mayor James G. Woodwarc •William Sulzer on the one side and yesterday morning, as the result of The a Circuit Smash Into Right of his accusers on the other—delivered Constitution's exposure of conditions at the Highland and Inman Park schools today by opposing counsel brought a. When he returned to the city hall a) Field Stands—Giants Were verdict in the trial of the impeached 2 30 o'clock, Mayor Woodward made executive one day nearer. the statement that he believed J50,00< Outclassed. Another day will be similarly occu- Judiciously spent by the school board pied tomorrow, at the end of which the will alleviate conditions. New York, October 9 — A new star high court will go into executive aea- He admitted tha,t the schoolroom fa- cilities at tlie Highland and Inman blazed forth in the world's series •lon, it is expected,, to determine pro- Park schools were not ideal, but would baseball firmament today when Leslie cedure In deciding the guilt or inno- Bush pitched the Philadelphia Ath- not criticise the school board for al letics to victory over the New York cence of the accused The court prob- lowing children to be crowded Into NON-SUPPORT Giants in the third game of the cham- ably will then adjourn until Tuesday. basement rooms rAND pionship struggle by a score of 8 to 2. There is some talk tonight, however, "The districting of the Forrest ave- Bush was materially aided In his of taking a -vote Saturday. nue, Boulevard, Inman Park, Highland rush to a pedestal in the baseball hall TJie procedure to be adopted will Ivy street and Faith schools is the of fame by the savage batting of his cause of the disorder," Mayor Wood- team-mates, but the major portion of Include the manner ot deciding sev- ward said "This can be remedied by HUSBAND FO«a. the glory was accorded by both fans eral constitutional questions, deter- the board by arrariging new district IN and players to the youngster who mination of which, was reserved until zones " MONTHS THRE£ YEARS startled the diamond veterans with the end of the trial These Include the Attacks Scbool Board. Ills speed and control in his debut in a impeachabillty of acts committed by Mayor Woodward otherwise vigor- world's series , the governoi before he took office and ously cilticised the school board H Some of the figures seen Thursday during the grinding of the divorce While his pitching was not as spec- the question whether the use of cam- charged that. , mill in Judge Ellis' court. tacular as that of the veterans, paign contributions given without re- The bond money voted for schoo: Mathewson and Plank, yesterday, his striction constitutes larceny purposes has been "recklessly" spent. box work was of the caliber that en- Public Vote on Verdict. I [That "politics" pSayS the strongest titles him to a niche alongside Hugh These matters. It Is likely, will be 'hand in the location of schools. Bedient, of the Boston Red Sox, and 4ecided either Saturday 01 Tuesday in That the new schools bailt out of the Preachers Not Doing Their Duty "Babe" Adams, of the Pittsburg Pi- executive session, after which the bond funds are worse, fiom a. poln rates, who performed similar feats of doors will be thrown open and the of health and sanitation, than the old twirling valor In past world's series. public admitted to hear the vote on buildings. In Prevention of Divorce, So effective was Bush's pitching the verdict Each o£ the eight arti- That the board has allowed "class that the Giants secured But five hits, cles of impeachment will be \ oted upon distinction' to stand 01 the way of a and three of these were of the scratch sepaiately, it la expected, and theie fair and fuat distribution of pupils to Declares Judge W. D. Ellis variety. Only three of the twenty- now being titty-seven members of the the Foriest avenue and the Boulevard seven putouts , credited to the Ath- couit in attendance, thirty-eight ayes schools WIFE letics were made outside the infield That because of "class distinction' and tnere wese innings on. a stretch will be the necessary two-thirds ma- the Boulevard school is almost depop- "If the ministers of Atlanta, would Borne si-vty divorces have been CRUEL when the Giants never drove the ball jority to convict In the event of con- ulated, there being room for more than pause In their denunciation of the man ground out during the four days of out of the diamond. viction a vote piobably would be tan.en lt\~ additional students, and that the Forrest avenue school is comfortably who sells a good bottle of beer when this week that have been devoted to TO HIS CHILD- Bush made his leap Into the lime- <U3 to whethei the governor should be undefended divorce cases. Something removed Jiam office and another as to he might be selling a bad one, and wbethet he. should be dlsqualised from That politician* have Dictated the give more attention to the marriages like 400 are granted each, year in Ful- method of dlstrlettng, which has r«r ton county^ and the number seems to team-mates tore into Tesreau with a holding- 'Office ii» this state hereafter. sulted in an exodus of school children tnejf perform, there might be fewer fusillade of raps in the first two in- Louis Marshall, toi the defense, anil be growing as fast, or i aster, than the from the south side to the north side divorce cases before me each year," nings that netted five runs and re- Alton B Parker, for the assembly Mayor Woodward was accompanied population of the wonderful city. lieved the youngster of the strain of managers, oc* tnled the session ot the on the torn of inspection by Council- was the statement made yesterday by man Claude L Ashley, of the fourth Judge Ellis had been asked by The pitching with the margin of safety couit todaj, Marshall impugning uic Judge W D Ellis, of superior court, HAWTHORNE WILL WILSON TOT narrow or entirely missing. This was ward, and Alderman John H Harwell, Constitution for the cause of the motives of thos>e who brought the as he took a twenty-minute recess in particularly true of the first four Ath- charges against the governoi as babed of the first ward alarming increase. The judge is no Both agreed with the mayor's con- the midst of granting some twenty drinker, he does not favor the use or letics on Connie Mack's batting list. on passion and capi ice,' and Parker clusions and charges First Four Hit. denouncing the governor as one whom decrees sale of intoxicants/ at least, he has Criticises Districting Metbods. never been known to express himself Murphy, Oldring, Collins and Baker the 'uncontradicted proofs wWch have "The Catholics are about the only GET $10,000 JOB OFF CANAL BLAST that way, but he apparentlv legards beenT spread upon this record showed Mayor Woodward's most serious between them made nine ot the twelve charge is dnected at the "districting" preachers who help me and they don't hits recorded for the Philadelphia as no longer "At to be the chief execu- methods which have been in vogue for do what they might,'* he added Continued on Page Three. club, and these nine hits scored 7 of tive of this state and for whom it a numbei of years. Noted Federal Prisoner Will He Will Press Key at White the 8 runs that made the victory so was absolutely impossible t-vei to^ re- "It s an outrage to allow such con- one-sided. The eighth run was a ter- gain th« confidence of the people ditions to exist in a civilized com- Be Given His Freedom on House and Release Current rific home run by Schang into the far "The goveinoi knew, Judge Par- munity," Mayor Woodward said "The Boulev ard and Forrest avenue school end of the right field stand. kei said. that when he signed the districts adjoin each other I have October 15—Accepts Place That Explodes Dynamite In contrast to this vigorous assault statement ot campaign contributions learned that the district line of the EATONTON BEING SWEPT on the offerings of Tesreau and Cian- placed befo-e him by his secretary, Forrest avenue school extends into the on New York Paper.
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