Atlanta Constitution the Week-End of Mrs
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\< THE — STANDARD SOUTHERN THE ATUAMTA CONSTITUTION NEWSPAPKR Dtdlr «m« ammtmr. carrier txllnxj, 13 ceata weeklr. Vol. XL.VX—No. 326. ATLANTA, GA.. THUBSTOAY MOENIN0,, MAY 7, 1914. —FOURTEEN PAGES. «m «kc mtrrftm mmi mt BAND New Trial Denied Leo Frank; raw DIXIE McAdoQ-Wilson Wedding Today MEXICAN REBELS i "FOR SINE NIEEI No.Argumentby Hugh Dorsey FLAG ARE ADVANCING Judge Ben Hill Denies Ex- tWill Pitch Their Tents on IEARSAL traordinary Motion of the Flag Was Captured at Ring- ONJECAPITAL Top of .Hotel Ansley and Defense Without Hearing gold, Ga., in 1863—Gov. Sleep Under the Stars. AT THE WHITE HOOSE From the State — Motion Cox Invites Vets to Hold "Several Camels Coming. Next Reunion in Ohio. While A. B. C. Envoys Dis- Secretary McAdoo and Mis* Drawn Before He Leaves cuss Peace Plans the Forces P. T. Barnum, In his palmiest dreams, Eleanor Wilson Will Be Bench. Jacksonville, Fla., May 6.—Welcom- of General Carranza Push never conceived of so great a spectacle , Married Today. ing addresses and responses, the return and so riotous and jolly a 'good time of a captured battle flag to a delega- War Against Huerta. as will be in Atlanta during: Shriners' tion of Ohio union veterans, and -week. .•,-.- Washington, May 6.—The white SECOND MOTION iS SET multiplicity of social diversions were ,.j months Potentate Forrest Adair house tonight was the scene of a fam- features of the formal opening here ily reunion and gathering: of close FOR NEXT SATURDAY today of the United Confederate Vet. SWEEPING VICTORIES the members of Yaarab temple friends ibere for the wedding tomorrow and all the citizens of Atlanta halve of Miss Eleanor Randolph Wilson, erans* twenty-fourth annual reunion. been busy doing little else than think- youngest daughter of the president 'and Bright weather prevailed throughout REPORTED BY CARRANZA ing up ways to, entertain the visiting Mrs. Wilson, to Secretary McAdoo. the day'and thousands of visitors V" Shriners and modes and, methods of The wedding party rehearsed the Date of Resentence Has Not -poured into the city to participate In fcaving- fun while they are here. ceremony today. The affair will be and witness the reunion. It Is anticipated that there will be simple, and strictly private, the only Been Set—Le<> tfrank' Still. No feature of the day surpassed the Rebel Leaders Claim They officials invited toeing the vice presi- % -upwards of 40,000 Shriners here vislt- dent and members of the cabinet. There Has Three More Oppor- simple ceremonies "attending the pre- ^ ing from all parts of the North Ameri- will be no newspaper representatives sentation tonight of a 76th. Ohio (battle Will Soon Capture Mexico can continent. present, ''according to an announcement tunities to Escape D^ath flag to personal - representatives of Every single one of these Shriners today. Governor James M. Cox, of Ohio, 'by City—Mediators Prepare to nas also baen busy for weeks and Migs Wilson's .girl chums, who would on the Gallows. Colonel D. M. Scott, commander ol Depart for Niagara Falls. weeks thinking up stunts to do when have been her bridesmaids had the Oamp Jones, United Confederate Vet- wedding foeen an elaborate one, were his temple comes to Atlanta, which will erans, of Alabama, and Mrs. T. -Ran- gu^ests at fine white house tonishX Attorney Reuben Arnold stated lasi make his temple outshine fr'it* others They are Miss Helen Hunter, Ports- dolph Leigh, of Montgomery. The flag "Washington. May 6.—While the mouth, Va_; Miss Henrietta Stadelmah, night that within twenty days the ex- was captured -by the first Arkansais Mexican situation was outwardly calm as much as possible. traordinary motion for a yivw .trial foi Now, add all that the Atlanta Shrin- Wilmington, Del.; Miss Marjorle Brown, regiment of confederate soldiers at .the today pending the formal openinp or Atlanta, Ga.; BfJaa Susan Fine and Miss Leo Frank would be Carried before . era have been planning'to all that the ^battle, of Rihggold Gap In 1863, and the conference of .South American Elisabeth Duff I eld, Princeton, N. J.. and the supreme .court as a subsequence to 40,000 other Shriners have been plan- later was turned "over to the Alabama mediators at Niagara Falls. Canada, on Mrs. Charles Kellogg, Athens, Pa- the denial of a new trial by Judge Ben ning for Shrine week In Atlanta, and veterans. May 18, there continued an active un- After dinner, the young folks went Hill yesterday morning. if you are endowed -with a hardy, ro- to the theater. All- day the white Ohio Invite* Vc^erana. dercurrent of discussion and prepara- house was busy preparing for > tomor- Frank's counsel has already begun tion for the peace plans and at the bust imagination you may find yourself work on the bill of exceptions, whlcfi Governor Cox sent George F., row's event. Relatives and friends : same time definite reports reached the struggling somewhere on the verge of were arriving, and, though the wed- will soon be sent to the printers, and of Columbus, Ohio, and a delegation of 1 constitutionalist headquarters here of gaining a mental picture of what ding- company will_ comprise less than •which will contain every grouncl tha five union veterans to receive the flag. sweeping- victories of their forces near gala, wreck Shrine week is going to be- a hundred, the activity" about, tthe exr was set forth in the motion extraordl In the letter which they brought from San Luis Potosi and .other \ioints fat- "Beautiful Decoration*. ecutive mansion was much the same nary before Judge Hill. •the governor of Ohio an invitation was south of Saltillo, where it wd^ thought Of course, everyone in Atlanta by as at the Sayre wedding last Novem- ber. Decorators placed palms and flow- This • will be the second time th* extended to the- confederate veterans their nest big battle would occur. his time is familiar with the elaborate Frank case has been before the su to hold their next reunion on the The news .of constitutionalist suc- \rid brilUant decorations that are being- ers in the parlors. : The marriage license was obtained preme court. Accompanying the bil statehouse grounds at ColumJtmg. cesses reached here in dispatches from -;\rung, over every building in the city .late today by .1. H. Hoover, the veteran of exceptions will be an opinion by Governor Cpx's letter, in -part, fol- General Carranza to Raphael Xuba- <%& that blaze from every lamp post, chief usher at the white house. tThe Judge Hill subsequent to his review lows: rart, minister of the interior in the as well as' with the spectacular details age of'the b.ridegroom^was given as 50, of the grounds contained In the ex "I resret that the exigencies of my office are such that it is impossible for constitutional cabinet, who had a dl-, of the two mammoth parades which will and that of Miss Wilson as 24: The Rev. tradordinary motion. rect wire set lip to the headquarters of be held on Tuesday, and the fifty bands Sylvester W. Ben civ of the First Pres- me to be with you at this time. The 1 byterian ch<urch' at Princeton, N. J., was Judge Hill's decision came as a bol state of Ohio Is, however, sending General Carranza in Chihuahua today. playing as one, and the patrol drills at General Carranza's messages' showed Piedmont Park on Wednesday. These named as the clergyman for the oc- from the blue Wednesday morning committee of .boys of the days of J.861- 65 to receive' at your hands a battle SECRETARY M'ADOO AND HIS BRIDE. that.three converging campaigns wer*- are just some of the things that At- casion. Without giving Solicitor I>orsey time uifts from friends continued to to make answering- argument to th< flag which you secured from them at in active operation, each within 300 jtanta is planning1. rive during the day. The senate's wed- speeches by Attorneys Arnold and Ring^old, Ga., In 1863. They have The hest man and maid of honor at only intimate friends anfl members of miles of Mexico Ci-ty. General Obrepon, i Band of Indians Catalog. ibeen instructed to bring it to the the wedding of Miss Eleanor Randolph the two families will be present. The ding gift, a bracelet of diamonds, set RoBSer, he sat calmly in the chair in only official guests will be Mr. Mc- with' 15,000 men, operating from the Now, as to the plans of the visiting in platinum, costing 91.000, was sent •statehouse here at Columbus, where it Wilson and William G. McAdoo, secre- Adoo's colleagues in the cabinet and which he had presided over the retria will be forever (preserved as an emblem tary of the treasury, at the white Pacific coast side and captured all the- rl3hriners, comes, for instance, from to the white house tonight, with a let- their families and Vice President and intervening territory, was besieging: ter from Senator. Mar tine, 'chairman of hearing, and rendered his overruling of their heroism in defending it and Mrs. Marshall. A silver tea service Potentate Thomas Voegeli.x of Zurah Mazatlan and was threatening Mexico thtS committee selected to choose the decision. your toravery In winning It. It will -will be presented to Miss Eleanor Wil- temple, of Minneapolis, the news that forever -be revered as a token of eter- son by members of the house of repre- City from the west. in addition to the" Zurah temple and Its present. A development which followed the sentatives. The service consists of six •ysiy dear Mtss Wilson." wrote the denial Wednesday was th"e arrest nal peace 'between the north and the pieces, including: a large tray, supple- .