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THE \ ASSOCIATED STANDARD PRESS SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER THE TITTJT SERVICE Dally and Sunday, carrier delivery. 12 cents weekly. •> VoL XLfVTL—No. MORNING, EEBRUABY 1915. — FOUBTEEN PAGES. Single cople* o« the atreets amd\ at BcmratoBda. S eemtfc ' Jackson WASHINGTON fEAKS TH^0THBR COTTON SHIPS • •: MA\ • •••Y . MEET• ., TH•-•.-...-;.).•••E FAT^ilF• ife. ' TH' E• STEAMER. - I •. .'• ••'.•..'• EVELYN, ' . "

To Make1 Public Letter - % --'''*' -i About Chief of Police

Challenges Woodward < to Make Good His Threat to Give Papers Personal Com- munication in Which He Officially Announced That All Outer Defenses VOTES TO Gave His Views on Firing Have Been Reduced by the Anglo-French Beavers. Fleet and That the Operations Are Still Con- • \ ; a .•. •• tinuing—Dardanelles Known as Gateway to £>£A/V JOHN R. ATKINSON i ' . - , ^ \ t Decision Is Reached Despite URGED BY DR. CHAPMAN Constantinople. Threat of Mayor ^Vood- TO PREACH AT REVIVAL

ward to Hold Up Salaries Londoa. February 25..—(Midnig-ht.)—All the forts at the f • • . V • of Whole School Depart- Sensational Developments entrance to the Dardanelles have been reduced by the allied fleet. Follow Episcopal ^Minis- This announcement was madV e • officially'tonight' . ^ ' V • ter's Defense of Mayor and AMERICAN STEAMSHIP -EVELYN SUNK BY MINE. The announcement of the secretary PAY OF THREE TEACHERS .The »tate' department fears for the Germany, was sunlt-by a mine in the But the fate of the Evelyn may be \ot the admiralty follows: .Criticism ofvMen and Ke- «afety of other American cotton ships North sea. This was not in the new shared by other ships'- now on the sea, "The weather moderating, the bom- followingHhe sinking of the'American naval zone around'? England and no and the administration is awaiting de- CUT I AT BOARD MEETING steamship Evelyn. The Evelyn, carry- fear was felt that the incident would velopments apprehensively. The Evelyn bardment of -^he outer forts of the ligion Forward Movement ing a .cargo of cotton to Breimen for lead to International complications. case Is being thoroughly investigated. Dardanelles was renewed at 8 o'clock Methods. \ this morning (February 25). After a High Tribute Is Paid to period of .long-range fire, the squadron Two challenges, one religious and IN DEATH GRAPPLE Patriotism and Loyalty*of the other political, were issued last of battleships attacked at close range. L & N. IS Sweep Mines From Seas All the forts at the entrance to the night following; Dean John E. Miss Mary Ppstell .by ion's startling attack \tipon the Men straits were successfully reduced and and Religion Forward Movement, and President R. J. Guinn: the Chapman-Alexander revival, made the operations are continuing." WIH THE during oour.se' of an address Thursday OF PAYING Says f fie United States GATEWAY TO <. Despite (Mayor James G. Woodward's Before the luncheon of the Ad CONSTANTINOPLE. Men In the . . threat to \hold up the salaries (of all The Dardanelles, known as the gate- Fighting in Progress Near the teachers of Atlanta's public schools x Challenge No. 1 (P.olltl«al). way to Constantinople, is a, narrow, if ,the payroll included salaries of nor- Mayor James G. Woodward was de- TOINFLUENCEPUBLIC To the Nations tortuous strip of water dividing the East Prussian Frontier mal training school teachers, the edu- fied by Marlon M. Jackson, member Europe from Asiatic Turkey and lead- of the Men and Religion executive Seems to Be the Bloodiest cation 'board Thursday afternoon re- 1 Ing from the Aegean sea to, the Sea of fused to a'bolish the school, but decided committee, , and author of - Its famous Marmora.- It is about 33 miles in bulletins, to carrjj out his threat to Interstate Commerce Com- Also Proposed That Ger- length. . of the War. to reduce salaries. . N publish a personal letter\ to Mr. Jaok- This decision was-reached after May- many Stop the Submarine At the entrance to the straits on the or Woodward had informed the board son l.wrltten recently in reply to the mission Also Charges That Europea^ side are Forts Helles Burnu that the intent of the finance commit- sensational Men and Religion bulle- System Bought "Competing Blockade in Consideration and Sedd-'Bl-Bahr, which face Fort VICTORY AT PRZASNYSZ, tee and the (general council in. falling tin; ' "An Open Letter to the Mayor." Kum Kale on the Asiatic side. Sedd- to. appropriate $3,853 to operate the Challenge No. 2 (Religion*). Lines to Kill Competition. of Britain Allowing Food El-Bal^r is "the largest fortress .in the CLAIMED BY GERMANS, school, was to abolish the institution Dean Atkinson, as a result of his Dardanelles. Behirid it is the Shahlm attack on the two religious enter- ICalessl fort. ' arid'after he had /warned the" board not to Go to German Civilians. Across the strait from Sedd-El-Bahr to include the salaries of the three prises, was challenged\lby Dr. J: Wil- bur x Chapman to appear ia the Taber- to Kum Kale is about two miles.\Kurn •.-, i- T-» . j_t_ /"*'+. TJ teachers 'in the general payroll. nacle pulipit tonight—or any' other BIG SUMS WERE SPENT Rural Credits Rider Is At- Kale is an old stone castle, which of -Berlin JtCCpOrtS trie t^lty .tlaS By (the action of the board, Miss Mars): Washington, Februkry SB. —Th e y«ars had been permitted to de- night during the revival—anS> deliver IN POLITICAL CONTESTS tached to Agricultural Apr United States has suggested informally cay, Ant with the, outbreak! of the Been Stormed and ^10,000^ Postoir, the principal, is cut from $2,400 a. sermon showing Dr. Chapman and to G-reat Britain and Germany that in a year to $3,000; Miss Julia Anderson his wonkers any new .methods of present war it undoubtedly has \ been bringing more "converts to Chris t.i, propriation Measure in Its the interests of humanity and the safe- strengthened with modern guns. Russians Captured-—Rus- from $1,900 t.o-^1,600, and Miss "Simpson guarding of. legitimate commerce all from $1,500 io $1,200. ' ATKINSON'S MOUTH Much of Money Spent in Passage Through Senate. mines be removed from the high seas v sians Claim Gains at Sev: Statna Not Changed. RETORT. ' except those directly necessary for the HEAVILY MINED, , The status of the school will riot ,-be Retorting to the defl of Dr. Cfca-p- Tennessee, Alabama and protection of. coast defenses' and ha-c- The mouth upf the.;, Dardanelles \is eral Points* rhanged toy 'the actlbn of the (board. man JDean AtMrison, through farm ' said to be heavily" mined. Ti. _.t IV «rt •« *J•»»rt & <6f* nr\£\Tm t Ot • 'Wlf H th f* • . * ' **~* '"•""SBf*' '• .. ,.. ' • ~, "b-ors. ... _ . ; :JUp the 'waterway toward Constan- It will continue to operate with th» pprter for The~Cbnstitntipri, last n,ight credits bill, providing Sir government Louisiana—Bonds of Nash- This suggestion, along- ;with pro.ix>sals^s tinopie many small forts dot .the same corps of-teachers -who will !be Urged Dr. Chapman, it he cared to hear loans to farm owners, was fcttabbed designed to obtain Great Britain's ac- j shores and there We ibig fortifications London. 'February 25.—^Military ex- carried on the payrolls as memlbers of the St. Philips pastor prea'ch, to corn* ville Newspaper Bought to tha agricultural appropriation bill, quiescence In a plan to permit distribu- 'at the .entrance to the Sea of (Marmora perts are keeping their .eyes on ^opera- the faculty of the Lee Street school. down to the Savoy theater next Sun- today in Its hurried passage through and also about ten miles from the en- tjon.3 along the eastern front.v where It will be hereafter known as vthe Lee the senate. Presented by Senator Mo- tion of foodstuffs to the civilian popu- Lt.wni oe nerea.LLBi-.iuuw,. «= "°srovl- of ^ thb narrows] Here are Forts Na- Dr. Chapman's sation of the German submarine war- veloplng. • Xormal Training school. Heretofore, 1 motto: "(Jet' Right With' God," but slon was Incorporated without a rec- niazieh, on the European side, and the school, was known only as the At- 1 ord vote, at a time when but few sena- fare on merchant ships, has been sub- The GertnanB, apparently (having s j reversed into "Get Right A^out Gfod." •Washington, February 25.—The in- Chanak/ opposite it, 'both modern for- lanta Normal Training school. Dean Atkinson says he will have terstate commerce! commission's report tors -were in tine chamber. The toill mltted- by ^England to her allies for tifications armed with Krupp guns."" found the Russian fortress Hue arouiul of practice, held Itself was passed a short time later. Tinder the treaty of 1841; which was the East ^Prussian frontier too strong Bass, is abolish- on its Investigation ^ of the finances, consideration. * the Chapman-Alexander meetings. His The MoCumber amendment would •Intimations have come to the Wash- confirmed by the Paris peace ^treaty for them, are attempting to make their . ed, and Miss Bass will appear on the rates and practices of the Louisville create a Ibureau of farm credits In the of 1856, no foreign warships were per- "views of the Men and Religion Move- treasury department, to make loans ington government that until the Brit- way to 'Warsaw from the northwest, \ payroll 'as 'a teacher at tha Lee Street ment were expressed t>ef6re the Afl and Nashville and allied railroads, cent mitted to enter the Dardanelles except school. - ' *-• .1 to the senate today, charges'the Louis- of government funds through national ish cabinet acts and the attitude of by the 'ponsent of,, Turkey. 'Merchant and, starting^ from Mlalwa, -which lias Men, to -whom Ihe declared that the hawks on farm mortgage notes. These (been the base of several previous of- According to Major R^J. Guinn, presi- religious 'body, in their published ar- ville^ and Nashville with acquiring loans would run for ten years at 6 France and Russia is .learned no reply vessels arriving- at the narrows be- dent of the board, the adjustment; of raignments of Mayor Woodward and competing lines, and with carrying on per cent, and would be n~ot less than can be given to the American proposals. tween sunrise and sunset were per- fensive oiPeratipns, have penetrated ;is the situati'on which, involved the school, his for years at • a cost. of millions of $300 or more than $10,000 to individ- This may require several days. mitted to pass through in ^ordinary far as Przasnysz.^ They •claim to 'have is due to the patriotism ani^d loyaltiV.^oiVirtf'y or' , ^administrationnjU,i., <•„ ,„_,;--,. ha- d made vthem- uals. Issue of United States twenty- times without formalities-, Itut after s selves liable to prosecution for mali- dollars, elaborate political and publici- In the meantime, Germany already captured there 10,000 prisoners and atiss Postell. After ,payins h " clous year 4% .per cent bonds to establish sunset arid before sunrise no vessel* est sort of tribute to , Miss Bander. He branded their bul- ty campaigns, to eliminate competition a peermanent fund of $10,000,000 appro- has manifested a willingness to make much war material. ( le unwise, unfair advertising prlated to cover such a loan woul be were allowed to pass. The Germans also claim to hava (had rraed . the »ns ** - and influence pi^fcllo opinion. authorized. concessions, *,™£ ^^ ^f^t^H well as its records and books to (After considerable argument the sen- government: have shown much .solici- a'bout 18 miles in length,- which con- reports iliave made a slight advance liii ' • was unjust to slanglly defame the ate declined to support th6 action of tude over what miEht toe the extent of nects the Black sea with the Sea of the direction of Bollmow. • , Heart nnd Soul In Work. scrutiny. , the agricultural committee In strik- In western teall«ia and along th« , name of the Father. The investigation was directed In a retaliatory - measures \adopted by the Marmora, also is str.onely fortified, "•Miss Postell told me that her heart ing out an appropriation of $235,000 for belligerents If they continue to disre- Carpathian ranges battles are still be.-. senate resolution mainly to discover the^ free distribution of seeds. One of it is through this strait the Black inig fought without . any slackening, and soul was in the work." «aid Ma- CHAPMAN'S ( .the principal new provisions in the gard previously accepted •principles of sea fleet of. Russiav would have to come jor Guinn, "and she assured me that DEFENSE. Whether the Louisville' and Nashville, bill is the $2,500,000 appropriation for international law. It Is understood to reach the open. \ i and thence^- through (eastern GaJicia. she would continue her work with, the 1 through control of tho Nashville, Chat- combatting the foot and mouth dis- that one of the arguments used by the the 'boundaries of the Br and Bukorwina, the Russians and Aus- ; school on the salary she received as Dr. Chaipmah's statement , dictated to ease, among 'cattle. * The agricultural tro-Gerihan forces are flg-hting stub-; a reporter for The Constitution, fol- tanooga and St. Louis railway, and United States Is that If the .policy of ] sea at powerful Russian fleet has been l principal, of the grarri'mar school." measure carries $23,000,000. Seven of starvation Is pu.t Into effect by Great I bottled up together iWitb. hundreds of toornly. \ • - , The announcement wasx applauded by lows in full: smaller lines, had restrained competi- the 'big supply measures have 'been In this war area the temperature r«- j '1 have nothing to say except that I tion; whether the one-time control of passed and seven are- still to be acted Britain, the first to feel the pinch of steamers, which might be used for members of the 'board a^nd the teachers on. hunger might M^e British, French, and transport •• purposes. Furthermore, onftins unusually high and the armies, were praised for their loyalty and fidel-*. am very sorry' that Dr. Atkinson felt the Louisville and Nashville by the The senate tonight took tho nava, should the allied fleet succeed iin its are contesting every foot of ground called iipon to criticize a work that Russian prisoners. . . present undertaking, Russia, could re-, ity to the school. Atlantic Coast Line, railroad, operated \ appropriation bill. Debate on the Another suggestion, said to have been under the most unfavorable conditions.' * The school will have something1 like seems to meet with the approval of so j naval bill centers upon committee lease millions of bushels of wheat. men, horses and g-uns sinking deep in many citizens of Atlanta. I have no amendments adding several millions to conveyed, Is that suffering forced on SI.800 to operate on during the remain- Continued on Page Five. the German civilian population might mud. ing ten months of tho year. Alder- extreme methods. '>! 'preach just as I the house bill, Including provision for The armies In the weat face the sam». did'." in my churclv when I -was pastor. five sea-going submarines instead o'f produce an -unwholesome effect 'on the man Armistead, chairman of the school . - one, and sixteen coast defense sub- attitude of the American people to- difficulties, and a» far as the allies ar«. committee who led a vigorous fight! i have seen no sniveling men .come marines 'instead of eleven. A concerned they are confining them-, - - - -' ------' dowownn -thee aaeaisle. h 1 ward Great Britain. r against abolishment of the school, and i - V T° * The - house today began 'work bn .the There is every evidence that neutral selves to a (bombardment of tho Ger-4 afterwards to prevent cutting the .sal- -nave se«n some ot the young last of the supply measures for con- RESENTS T governments have manifested more man-positions along the coast and t«f ' aries of the teachers, told the ,boar', 38 44 .00 inent to make. , • | nance the town club house\ and coun- : Knoxville, cloudy. 36 42 .00 N \ This is not only truer of -work that has met with the approval of so many citizens. . with him, he would in the future ig-' Louisville, cloudy 3*J 36 , .00 "I will wait to iee in what shape the '• fashions, it applies to e^ ery- try club house, to meet the current pore the. organization and 'would give M«mphie, «lear . 48 50 .00 matter. Is finally put up to the comp- \ Indebtedness, to liquidate the outstand- "I have seen no sniveling men come down the aisle. To the contrary, Miami, clear. . . 70 .00 U-oller," said the mayor. ! thing. ing debts, and- to avoid action in the they are a better, more manly class than I have ever seen. his support to only such movements Mobile, clear . . . 5S . 62 .00 The. board commended the plan • of i Don't' you want to know courts. as come to him from residents and Montgomery, clr.. r,o . 58. . .00 Dr..-Couch to establish a free dental cll-'i "I have no extreme' methods." '.•'.. citizens. ' Nashville, cloudy. 38 38 .00 1 wliat is what? And«whefi;it The repoirt declares that the country New Orleans, cldy. «» - • . , C. P. von HERRMANN, lect . •'>..- ~ * Continued on Pftgf Thr**, Section £>ir«etW. iNEWSPA'PERf 'SPAPERr Page vTwo. '

tween the Russians and the Turks .iri German 'forces, according to official there "has .been nothing" of importance •whether It -was true Antwerp -was be- j grardingr'sln which have never been changed, oh the westeQi front. ''••'.' '"; ing .besieged by the Germans and soon ; and yet how many times we find men who the Caucasus, where both cialm to announcement, today.; The Germans seem to think that they are to be the ex- m have been successfiul. \ • tcapture<| -10,000 prisoners. .The report , ."In the, east: .The engagements 'on would fall. Who'll the ..situation on ttip , ception to Hie rule, that th«iy. may break is dated February 25. It-follows: Memel, Eobli and Narow rivers con-, western' front was explained to, this GRAY-HA1D themselves against His law and evade the VICTORY CLAIMED tinue. The town .of Frzasnysz, in Rus- Russian officer he refused to believe penalty. But this Is not true, and just as "In the west: In Champagne the Cain • was marked because of his sin, so ARREST OF DRAKE enemy yesterday continued: -his desi- sian Poland, which had been ^exten- that the German :western army was oh BY GERMANS'. " sively f6rtlfled, 'was stormed, yester- shajl eVery man .be who sins and does not Berlin/ February 25.-—(Via London.) perate efforts, which, in/ spite of^ the French, soil." ''":•">"- - "• •-'..•. V-•• ~-.f • confess and forsake his sin. . * . coming forces engaged, were again ab- day by the 'East Prussian reserves. • Some Epcbnra&e Them:'- . ' .The town of Przasnysz, Russian Po- Although capture of Przasnysz has j land, yesterday\was taken by storm by- solutely without success. Otherwise After a stubborn fight vie were victo-. "LikX Judas Iscariot some men encourage rious, capturing more than ID.OftO pris-' not been reported from Petrograd, 5 Ai\Ti their sin. ' There is, of course, in ail human nature a natural v tendency' toward .' evil. PROBED BY oners, over 20 cannon, a large number dispatches .from that city said heavy j T~ ! fighting was- in progress in that re- There is a constant 'pull dowin/-and-we must of machine guns and a very large : fight.if we would win. It aeems a-.strange amount of .war material. ! ,gion. " ' " ' •'' ' - - ..' With Firm Tread, Aged thins that while all men recognize that Przasnysz is about IB miles from the this." is" .true, yet there is a .disposition to Prominent Citizen Declares ' "In other engagements fought north Bast. .Prussian frontier, . almost due encourage sin* in our lives possibly without of the River "Vistula during the past Converts Walk Down the meaning:, to 'do so. ' j few days we have ^aken 5,000 Rus- nbrth of Warsaw, and has a population "Take Judas, tor example, note his de- He and His Wife Were In- of about 10,000. 'Alter expulsion of the ception when he said after the ointment had sian'prisoners. In Poland, south,, of Russians from East'Prussia the Ger- J-Visle—-Over Eighty People been "poured out for the Master. 'Why this NOW 57 STORES the Vistula, .the- Russians advanced to mans inaugurated an assault on the waste T And then see him progress In sulted by Whitehall Street Mogily, which is southeast" of Boll- sin until he sells his Lord for thirty pieces fortified line in northern Poland .to Come Forward at Great of silver. ' him when 'he rises ' up v mow, and occupied this .position. Their which the Russians fell back. Of these •from the .table when our kord and His Policeman. , ' NEW STORE forces in this movement outnumbered battles the most violent has been in 'disciples were • at the. Last Supper, and see ours five to one. Otherwise there is progress at Przasnysz." Meeting. him as he goes out from the Master's pres- ence. | . • . 599 PEACHTREE ST. nothing' of importance to report in FIGHTING FIERCE, "There is a significant expression used "While escorting his wife home last this region. ^ . Just here when we read, 'It was night, it night E. A. Drake, manager of the J. "It is characteristic that the com- RUSSIANS REPORT. By J. V^alter LeCraw. was indeed the blackness of night for PHONE IVY 2165 mander of the Fifty-seventh Russian Petrograd, February 25.—(Via Lon- Over a dozen men with ,gray hair", Judas Iscariot.'. See him kiss his Master M. High furniture department. was Reserve division, taiken prisoner 1 at don, February 26, 1:20 a. m.)—An offi- and have upon his lips the'mark of Jesus' torn from his wife's side . by an At- cial communication issued this even- among a t9tal of over eighty converts, blood. "Watch him ar, he throws the silver Special Prices at All tto 57 Stores Augustowo, asked German officers ing. says: .' "• ,i walked down the aisle ThursdaVy night back Into the presence, of the men frpm lanta policeman and sent to pplico whom he had received it; and behold him barracks in a patrol wagon, while his "On the Nlemen sector from' Kovno Ia t the revival tabernacle arid gave their as in sheer desperation he puts the cords > > around his,neck and swings out into eterni- wife stood ( on the^ street, without an FRIDAY and SATURDAY •?l^&&£H^t£'WSZ *g '<£ I***** to Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman with ty, the rope breaking, his body falling away escort, until one of her husband's . region of Sventvianski-Goja the left t a ^pledge to lead new dnd better lives, \and breaking in , two. The end of, the transgressor Is Indeed hard, and. no friends escorted her home. I bank of-the river .was occupied by the i followin1 g a strong sermon by the evan- one i Germans who passed a small detach-.- " "" "• ** ? T. .. ..^ru * -MT TV,, proves more thoroughl y tha; n Judas' that All this was done, according to Po- V NUGHEY'S, 115 Whitehall ment-of infantry to the Tight bank near gelist on the subject, Wihat Men Do what we sow we reap. CHURNGOLD--BUTTER1NE Extra Fancy Strictly Fresh Sventyianski. The battle is proceeding With Their Sins." lineman Gordon, because Mr. Drake Recandled Country- in> this region. Three of, them came forward togeth- Some Cover Them3 instructed him to .opeii up a crowd in Through a typographical error in yesterday's "On the left bank of the Niemen "When the children of Israel were de- front of the Old Mill theater on White- Storage The Finest north of Grodno and the upper Bator er, in one of the most imposing scenes feated at Al It was because there waa sin paper, we advertised Churngold as Butter. ':., Absolutely EGGS fi'ghting continues iri the Stabine re- that has taken place since the revival in the camp. • . . hall, street to allow himself ami wife Kind. Every " 'And Joshua said unto Achan. My Bon, Every Egg gion•Th. e artillery of the fortress of Os-'| series began.-.As they moved down the { give I pray thee, glory to the . to pass. The ^officer says that Mr. : 1 Drake ^called, him" a big vstif£ and told It should have been CHURNGOLD BITT- Guaranteed eowetm^>z, hnD successfully«,,^,,«,.m<',,ii,,' ™ri<-v,<, withstooItr,r>rdl ththoe sawdusjs,._»t aisle„;„•!„, »i^« hT,.y. aiao rf,,flr,,y .ththoe of Israel, and make cofesslon utxto him: Good ... . ISelect 20'doz° . t i tell me now what thou hast done; hide it him to get &ut of .the way. , > e 1 rl of the not from. me. "I am hot gping^to stand for any po- TEEINE. It tastes like fresh Creamery proacheJiS a?neVs toto°t™'tor the fortressS4.B. ~ ** ""* "*~ i.«»»**»* Invitation hymn, '^ome '"'And Achan answered .Toshua. and said , "On the right, banhank of the NareNarew j to Jesus," the eyes of thousands were "Indeed, I have sinned against the Lord God liceman; just because he is a big man, , Butter; we want you to try it, Ib. ... . ORANGES 20 'actions have occurred" alonil< g_ the whole I turned upon them, the audience Thurs- of larael. and thuavand thus have I done.! insulting me and my wife," 'said Mr. front. .The enemy. is concentrating " 'When I saw among the spoils,,a goodly Drake. "I did absolutely nothing that them his principal efforts in the di- evening 'being nearly ,5,000 strong. Babylonish garment, and two hundred shek, FINE GRAPEFRUIT ... 24c doz. rection of'Novo Grodsk and Przasnysz. Tall, erect" and clear-eyed, his hair els of all veil, and a wedge of Bold of fifty could have offended him. 1 insist upon SNOWDRIFT Cotton Bloom DOVE HAMS sheokels weight, then I c'oveted them, and buing given a trial and my wife will FRESH BUTTER ...... 25c Ib. Our troops have repulsed the German just tinged wiish the silver of llve'a 1 "Tho. ct Shorten- "Atlanta's Best Shlorten- Worth 30o. attacks in many Sectors with heavy, took .them; and, behold, they are Itild In the be here to testify. in(t." ingr." losses for the enemy and have counter evening, *ut his 'body as_ straight as a earth In the midst of my tent, ana the sli- "We were trying to, pass by a crowd No. 10 SfrecIaJ. HUGHEY'S, 115 WHITEHALL ver under It." Joshua 7:19-21.' >,'o. II) pound -... . attacked vigorously German attempts soldier's, .the man who seemed rto be "It la not possible to \ca\rer one's sin of ruffians and I asked the officer to pall .....8 Be •pull . .. '. ..' 87c to cross the -River Orzits. \ the leader of the three led the way open up the way. • He arrested me "The Germans defended fiercely a though aomo men have tried. with all'their near tl vila of toward the evangelist. Dr. Chapman, might tol do. so. In the light" of • this sad just because I (argued with him when v SPITZENBERG NATIONAL 1 I p >e Krasnoselitz .I standing upon the sawdust before the story you must remember ^all sin Is progres- my wife and 1 had to walk around the BISCUIT I I C sive. Note the expressions in this twenty- APPLES APPLES 3 , rows of the auditorium- , welcom- first verse of the seventh chapter of Joshua; policeman to pass." Red Roman Only 150 Germans of the garrison at ing the iconverts, saw the striking fig- where Achan says: 'I 6i<.w, I coveted, I took. Chief Beavers and Night Chief, Jett The finest ^flavored Choice 'of Zu Zu, PORK SPARE this point of support survived. They ures of the three men and stepped forj I hid.' Then study your, own life, and you investigated the affair in rapid order I Keauties; Oystorettes, Orahtun, .will find t\hat lt\has been Just like the life one-tialf Surrendered. \ ward to meet them. 19c Uneeda Lunch, TJneeda CHOPS RIBS 'On the left bank of the Vistula on of Achan. after Mr. Drake arrived at police sta- $1.95 February 24 the Germans assumed the ~~ Tribute to Intellectuality. Many Boast of Infidelity. tion and immediately released'him on offensive in the region of the farm at "God bless you. Dr. Chapman," said "He is not the only man who has \trled a copy df charges. He will ,be tried Irish Potatoes Indian River Monghely. Our troops by an imjpetuous the soldierly leader of the trio.> "I've to ,nlde hiH sin and failed. There are people Saturday. e. advance seized their positions and aft- heard you preach twice here this week, all around about us who are. seeking to l Spanish Pimentos A J,artre and small; - Oranges er a .hand-to-hand struggle captured cover over what they have done, and behind Ib, Cl Ib. their first and second lines of trenches, and you've shqwny me things I would a smiling face or an attempt at Indifference there is sin. Many a man boasts of Ilia in- WJLL HOLD SERVICES flrie for ^ QC making prisoners of seven officers, a to~ God I had learned forty years aao." peck ...... Doz. 20cand 15C surgeon and 400 soldiers and some ma- There was not a tremor to his -words. fidelity. As a rule the difficulty is not iiitel- .,— — . . lectual but moral, unbelieue v l f aBa s arul rule e n .ha3 s FOR LOCAL SALOON MEN SUGAR CURED chine guns. Our artillery fire dis- .Grasping t.hemUva-rmly by the hands, j sorae ain back nt jt. . " -( • " BEEF BRAINS persed three battalions of Germans Royal' Scarlet Lima Asparagus Tips. ' Dr. Chapman invited them to enter the' "A .friend of mine conducting, services from Bolimow -who. had come to re- ro'om behind the choir, and as they in a university was just passing into the Preaching and prayer will be con- 'Beans: .small and SOe \yalue. . inforce the enemy. chapel when'he heard an upper classman say ducted i'riaay evening; iby IDr. Chap- 25c tender ...... Special ...... * .1..,-. .'.' "The ibattles in the Carpathians con- passed on together tow.ard. the room, some, sneering thing about the speaker and man and Mr. Alexander for the saloon- •Pink • V • tinue. the e\'angelist turned to welcome other about Christ. My frionk walked directly to- ists of the city. A special' canvass of Roj;al Scarlet Lima Salmon, wards him, and said in a commanding Beans ...... - . . "In Galicla a desperate fight took converts 'who were . pressing to the the saloons has been made by Evan- 15c -Ib. can ,.' ...... place on the River Tchetchva, where, front. voice: 'I want to see you, sir,' took him gelisL Tillman K. Braddy and many Size Tuna F" i s li. Grapefruit, , Peck by a night attack, we dislodged the ijnto a private room,, and then eald: 'What liave expressed their intention to at- each, . '. ' ." 4c Austrlans from the village of Lukha, Among the eighty-odd who came for- sin are you hiding?' What 'Is it you are Looks and tastes l vvo.ru vvere ixiuilj young nicji, m*>\j isv/i"^ . tryin--.*".'&g .t.«-o" cove^wvcir over?uvci i ' Thj.ue man'inu.n sit faciticte? bcuti—- tend. Mr. Braddy -was accompanied in 25c like chicken ...... 3 l-2c and . .' ...... ; and on the Rivers Zolottaya, Bystritsa ward were many young men, also some his visits by .one ealoonist who has (Finest Indian River.) MAXWELL H No. 10 SILVER and Vorona.- The Austrians, over- of them .came alone, and others In j ^*™«e^thly whlte.^^'a^h.en^^jancovered ICiiigan's • . . . A .'. • . and revealed a plo. been won over by the revivalista. Size Tuna I Coffee, Ib. 27c LEAF whelmed by our fire near the villages Vsi-dups of twos and threes.,' One, '.who | tm-e wMchVasf HinT">i y """awful* , '"' 'Tflsh ...... I .Salt Meat, ' • of Voltchiriets and Poluje, fle'd in dis- was a young man of apparently twenty- | "There Is honest skepticism I am 15c pound ...... ,..,...... , 3lb. Can 79c LARD $1,19 order, the 'bodies, of their dead being W. N. Edwards, Marietta. Size Tuna ,. (Fine' for boiling.) heaped in the defiles near those Marietta, Ga., .February 25.—(Spo- - Fifth .-...... •.: Rutabag-a \, ' (!_. No. 10 KAR6 No. 10 VELVA villages. , oial:>—rWilliam Newton Edwards died TOc Turnips, ' -, lift "A counter-ataok, -which we deliv- at the home of his mother at .Marietta. New Packed SHRIMP, pound ; ....".:...... ; ... * Syrup Syrup 39C ered with the bayonet near the viljag-e clared that- the to Ga., Sunday night, February 31^ 1915, (Why pay 3 l-2o?) of Bodpechary, succeeded in throwing had inade a new man of him. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. A. can . . ,t ...... • -. - - •' the Austrians back after a desperate . Dr. Chapman's text was:' "He shall be Some Acknowledge , - ... .. ,-. .. Grapefruit, doz 18c Oranges, doz. 12C M. Edwards; three, .'brothers. \A. M. Ed- rilESKHVES — - I .pound ...... "** encounter." holden with the cords of his-sins." Proverbs "Like Pavld of old .when he found that ivards, o'f Atlanta, -andV George^ and 51.00 Crock Cardinal ' (The kind "others charge 3 l-2c MORE PROGRESS 6:2A The sermon follows:- , he had sinned he cries o'ut: ,, Greer Edwards, of Marietta; two uis- Preserve's.. . Special ...... Tor.,) .-.-..• ' , .( . , "Tho Bible-is a book'of striking figures, "'For I .acknowledge my transgression; ter», .Misses Ella and May.' The funeral Cash Gro. Co., 37 S. Broad thrilling stories and authentic history.. In and my sin Is ever before me.' Psalm 51:3. was conducted by Dr. G. S. Tumltn at MADE BY FRENCH. no book in the world ca^ we find such de .. "It would seem to me that all sins rmin- the First Baptist church Tuesday morn- Paris, February V25.—(The war office : ing-. - tonight issued the following communi- The New cation: ' » Eat Better Bread "lu the region of Lbmbaertzyde our Mrs. Sarah Billups. IT'S "BETTER" artillery has reduced to silence and Mrs. Sarah Billups, aged "86, died severely damaged a- battery of the Thursday at a 'nrivatc hospital. She tia enemy. "• -''.:•• • survived by three daughters, Mrs. W. Bermuda Gold Costs Less! "The day has been relatively calm P. Burks,' Mrs. J. M. Swjnney and MraA on the front from the Lys as far as the liiiima Banders; five,sous, William, Al- Is now on sale at Rog- Champagne district. In the region of lison, Warner, Thomas and Whit Bil- ers' 57. stores'—"it's • the Single Souain and Beausejour operations con- tinue under conditions favorable for lups. • . (, - - V. best b.u't t^e r in the Sin Small at Start. Him? wiil forgive you. world." us. ' ' ' Some Kopent of Them. neath her .face the two woras, 'Come back.' Loaf "Notably, we have captured a Ger- "Sin is always small in its beginnings. A "Study the atory cif Peter, and read tha ' Girl Returns to Homo. ' We will ffive 5.25.00 for man work to the north of Meshil, in-; gentle'man stood upon the piazza^^ot his following words concerning him:' "These pictures were taken to minBlon thV "best letter as to why fllcted heavy .losses on and dispersed house while a fierce storm waa raging. He " 'And the Lord, turned,, and looked upon stations, haunts of vice and houses of; .by our fire a column-on the anarch to was looking out on the beautiful lawn which i J eter shame. Wee.k.s pagued by, and nothing ^vas double surrounded his property whein ' suddenly a ! ;ter-. A*nd Peter remember the word of tho you use Bermuda Gold. BUY 'the southeast of Tahure, silenced the Lord, how he had said unto him. Before heard of the ' girl until one night -as sha This Butter is packed We .Deliver Fish fire'"of.a hostile battery, and blown up tree which was the pride of his family the cock crow, thou ^shalt cleny\ me ^hrice. was entering: a certain -place sh.e saw this four cubos to the. pound. BETTER several caissons,', , ' . V went down with a crash. He was - amazed " 'An*l Peter went out arid wept bitterly.' face; the one that had first looked'Into her to see the wreck. and ruin. eyes with love, and instantly her own.eyea "W r a p p e d in- sanitary BREAD Loaf "In the Argq?>ne on the little stream "When the'-Htorm was over he made his Luke 22:61-82.- • • . Introducing the most tasteful and best fish of Meurissoris,',hear Four,-De-Paris, we "If Peter hard'S'simply w'et his fftce with overflowed- with, tears. She did not see the wax paper in cartqns. v way to the tree and discovered the re'aaon 1 words at.'flrnt, but bruphirip away her tears Submit answers to 29 " . v . iauce, estroyed a blockhouse. v for lls fall. It 'looked well enough on the his tears it -'might hot have been -sincere K .- "At. Marie Therese a German at- repentance,, but if you will study hiii. life she saw 'them. ^ She hastened back to her outside, but It was decayed at the heart, you, will see that from this point on he is home on the edge of London. It was in tho "ound" *!??h.35c Shop at the nearest Rogers Store tack, in an attempt to debouch, was and! then he remembered that when he was a changed >man, and lie walks in favor middle of the nlghtxthat tremblingly one repelled by our fire." a-l«jy passing this ttee with an ax in his with Jesus Christ. Compare the stories <>f approached the door. She was afraid to hand he had struck the tree, Van d the water enter. Putting her. hand upon the latch she Unequalled for use with meats, game, falling Into the 'bruised bark had begun PeLer ^and Judas. Judas sins and sins poultry, gravies, etc. -We wiil'seli ( again, and then hurls himself into eternity found that the door yielded to her touch. In to eat its way to tho tree's heart. The unprepared 'to meet his .God. Peter slris 3. moment slile was ln^ her mother's arms, bark healed' over, but the decay .wunt on. even more grievously than Judas because and she hearir her mother saying:, 'Oh, my 2 Ibs. Sea Bass for 16c This is the cause of many a man'a failure, Judas never was true > and Peter was. ' Tho child, welcome home! The door has never with eich- bottle at the regular price. MORTUARY a small beginning, a tragic enaing. one .sold his. Master .for thirty pieces of been loe.ked wince you went away.' Sure In Its Progress. \ sliver and the other denied. Him with aW . 'I' havn»voe a similar, atorystory . to tell this oveeve- Order Today Your oath. '- '" ning-.1 I point to the face of One fairer "It is always sure' in its progress.' It la Peter repents and Is to'dny In felory with than all the sous of men. I speak of Jesus. Mrs. L. P. Hull, Washington. Bald that in India there are certain .little his fjord, and Judas 1» Tost. Kf^pentance is I present to you One w.ho ip chlefent among ants -which eat their way Into the timbers ten thousands and altogether lovejy. Hla Waldo & Redding Fresh Fish I Washington, Oa., February 25.— of great buildings and they bore so many not only sorrow for Kin but Godly .sorrow, name. Is Jerus. 1 uplift One who died upon Trout, pound ...... 15c ! (Special.)—The funeral of Mrs. Lila P. holes that while the building: seems strong and such .a Godly sorrow hat* to lead us to Spanish Mackerel, pound ...... 2Uc Hull, whose, death, occurred. Tuesday it is as a matter of fact exceedingly weak, Real Estate— Insurance— Loans Red Snapper ...... IBe evening at the home of MrsASarah C. and as soon as the wind begins toV Mow Sea linns ...... lie with force the buildings are crushed. It is Sanders, following, an 'illness of several thus that sin progresses little by little, Roe and Buck Shad months, was held Thursday afternoon slowly but surely, Until the end Is reached. 1013-1014 Grant Building ; in the Washington cemetery. Mrs. Hull >'!£ the beginning is small and the Seven Steps Down. ; , • -1( __ —; -_ - _ . . . - ,' . Hamper's ; was In her 78th year and was recently progress is sure,'.then'there Is a perfect, de- "The stories o.f the failure- .of different V - \ • Special • ! ()<. the victim of a severe fall, in which scription of the one -who la bound In the men seem very much alike. "In turning over the pages of the Bible "Third—Forming evil habits. Whole Astern. VlOn , v Fideli iy-Phenix Fire Insurance Company new ones. Three lOc packages, €y £• and -studying this subject of the bondage of "Fourth—-Yielding one's self to "the tcr- your own choice, for . . . . du O C R. L. Christopher. sin and trying: to find' out. what men do rlflc c.urrent" which sweeps us from our feeti OF NEW YORK with their sins I have learned the . f ollow- "Fifth—Letting- BO of Ood to do evil. ".V.. ..k .! .•• ...... $722,272.87 (And up.) : '8 tosses resisted, including interest, cost and ^ all at" noon. \ • other expenses there.o.n . . .. .V :.,'.. 73,040.00 \ "!' ork. Imperial Aitplen, pe«-K 25c Dr. G.. H. Rhoads, Pennsylvania (-\Vlillc they \Ja@t.> 4 Total \mbunt!, of Claims fou Losses ...... $795.312 S7 Savannah. Ga.. February 25.— (Spe- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26th "•B! Deduct Reinsurance thereon .- 166,958.91 Fcar.y. Irish cial )—:r>r. George H. Rhoads, .a promi- Potatoes, peck. ...'... 19c nent physician of Tobyhanna. Pa., who SALE! Load Your Homes Up 6. Net Amount of. Unpaid Losses (carried out). .. $ 6i'S,354 06 IftOlMl— had been In Savarinah for several weeks 8." ------.= 125,000 00 in the hope of -betteririK his physical on These. They Are All "Qual- 10. . 7,553,115 49 1'oNtell'n, 24 Ibs. .\ . . .91.1S condition,,,died at.10 o'clock this morn- 11. 443,131 17" Diamond Patent, 34 Ibs.. . 1.1O Ing He had two sons and twoVdaugh- 12 .. ~....- ^----r- 2.500,000 00 MunoKrani, ^4 Ibs l.OR 27c ity" Goods Specially Selected ters. all of whom" reside in Pennsyl-I is! Surplus beyond all Liabilities 4,029,392 84 Gold Medul, 24 llm. 1.1O vania. The remains were prepared for Pfo, 1O ' . burial and were shipped to Tobyhanna fat N OK WAY KHESH FROM MARKKT—STRING 14 . Total Liabilities ...... \ ?15.278,993 56. Snowdrift 89c for interment. MACKEREL ...... 27c ilKAN'S IV. INCOME DCRttNG THE LAST SIX MONTHS OP THE YEAR 1914. "Xo. 1O' v ...... v...,..25c Cotton Hloom . . 3 IhM. California .Amount of Cash Premiums received . 5 3,223.977 SI Miss Eva Peavy. _ PRUNES 27c FHKSH CKLERV Received for Interest 327,615 ,72 >-«. 10 ' ' 2^ HtnlkM ...... 15c Silver l.eaf.\ ... Eva Peavv, aged 22 years, died yes- Income received from all other sources 15,495 156 $1.27 terdav, at the residence. Tenth street 3"ll>s. BU1K1J IjKTTirCIS, Xo. 10 and.yVilliams. She is survived by her PEACHES 27c HEAD"'...... Total Income actually received during- the last six months .' Pure I^ard $1.24 mother, three sisters and three broth- 8c in cash ...... "...... - - -...... v ...... 5.3,567,08909 Regular Smoked ers. The body will be carried to Rock U17.VCH, TURNIPS, CA'R- UOTS OR SPINACH '. . . • V. EXPENDITURES DURING THE LAST SIX MONTHS OF THE YEA'R 1914. HamM, ' Ib. t ..15V2C Springs for interment. v 27c 1. Amount of Losses Paid ...... S 1.707,91-3 49 Sliced Breakfast 2 bots. niiMl. Hlze , . FRESH FRl'lTS— *> Cash Dividends actually' paid ...... ' 125,000 00 Bneon,. Ib. Miss Gertrude Lavin. . MARASCHINO CHERRIKS BIO. jnc'Y Amount of Expenses paid, including? fees, salaries-am} com- 27c ORANGKS, DOZ ...... 5' missions^ to AK'elits ami Officers of the Company .. .,. 1,069,662 43 BEEK— Miss Gertrude Lavin, aged 25, died at 2 .juris "BIG 19c Paid for State, National and Local Taxes in this and other , • Ronnd Steak, 12 l-2c; Porter- a private hospital -Wednesday night. . THEE" PEAS 27c 1»G JUICY Ol / ^ 4. IioiiHC and Loin. ISc 'and She is survived by her mother, Mrs. B. j GUAPEF.RtlT .. d 72 C States ...... k • - : ...... '..-.. 137,850 32 Lavin. of Chattanooga, and one sisten, | ---. 3 pkKS. OAT V All other Payments and Expenditures .. ., .'. . .- .. .. 599. 7S2 97 171-Sc: Stew, Sc» R u m n K BMSf AV 6. Mrs. . Eii C.. Noel,, of Atlanta. The hody I 3 nkp;s. HEAD MEAL ...... 27c ™'££ . » *S APPLES. VERY \ Roast, 121-2c;,Flr»t Cnt;illb wass nremove d- ~to. ^,-the- parlo_ r -of Barclay HICE r IjVIij LO 1% 4^ g^ Total Expenditures during the last- six months of the . llOHHt, 13 1-2C. 3 tin* No. 1 1-2 , \ PECIC .. :> OoC ^ year in cash ...... :,... i- •- .^-- -. .'.. -. $ 3,640,219 41 & BraBrandon; . Miss Lavin lived in Chat- v • LAMH— , tanooga. • ' "JJNIFORM" SYRUP . i". ... 27c COTTON J1I.OO>I FRJ3E DE.MON- Greatest Amount Insured, in any one risk JLeeM. 14 l-2c; Stew, Sc; Cbops, _ cans SNOWDRIFT STItATIONS UA1I-Y. (Net) : ...... ? L'00,000.00 ,_ 17 l-2e.': . Mrs. W..H. Barton. CORN ... .: 27c No. 4 ' Total Amount of Insurance outstanding.,. 1,357,993,020.00 : tin . . POKK Mrs. W. H. Barton, 26 years old, died I CATSUP . 2 c.anN Farm Hell A copv of the Act of Incorporation,"^ duly certified, is of file in the office Fresh Pork from the Moultrle, Thursday morning at: her home in ; 3 Can« HO AT PEAS ...'... 27o of the Ins'urance Commissioner. ^ , . . • Georgia. Packlhir Company: Eg-an Park, Ga. She is survived by her \ BICVXD SARDINES Loin TtnuMt 12 l-2c< Cliops. husband, tiWo smail children and her p a llm. BEST GINGER I*t'RE LARIJ SILVER ^ STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF XEW YORK — personally appeared , 131-2c;. Hams, 14c; Shoulder parents, Mr. and Mrs. .{. M. Meelcs. • 3 eann GORTON'S i^NAPS (FRESH) ...... 27c LEAF, No. 1O tin ... . before tho tindersisned. J. IE. Lopez, .who, being duly sivorn, deposes and says ^- - CODFISH ROE ... that he it the Second Vice" President, of The Fidelity^Phenix 'Fire Insurance or Bntt Ruaot, 11 l-2c; fresh •tllillKtl. M<--COOI<'.S HUiH'S "HOME-AID" Plgr Feet, dozen, ItOc; Sau- lIUTTEIt, Ib , Company, of New York, :md that the foregoint? statement is^ correct and Mrs. C*:~G. Durham. ... 3 CBUB . DANI?.CSKI POTATO WAFERS 27c * i-iic- ' - .. J.. ' E.. LOPEZ, G. Durham, aged 40. 'rfied | OYSTERS ...... : EGGS—FRESH! Home-Dresiied Hens, 1I>.. .171-ae Mrs. C. HAMS—ARMOUR'S,. COUNTRY, DOZ ... . i . Second Vice President. Thursday at a private hospital. The ; „_ r(iRTft'v»i "STAR, Sw6i-n to %and subscribed before me, tliis 23c! day of February, T915.. FrenU Drcased Turkeys and body was removed t& Patterson's HIGK'S "HOME-AID" ' '<• ' " - , ' ' - -WM. JOHNSTONE. Geese. . • ". '•'-•• chapel. She is survived l.v her hus "SHIELD FLOUR; Notarv Puiblic, Wcstchester County; New York. (Certificate Filed. in New YYork i band, two-.son's, Robert and Frank I^ur- ! 2 can* TlTJf.t County. N. Y. Clerk's Office No.. 12; Register's Office No. 504B). Every time you miss conilns ham, of Acwortlj, Oa-Tone. sister. Mrs. | FISH • HIGH'S "HOME-AID Name of Statt? Aijent — B. K. CLAPP. to -. JoneA'-^you loae. . Aldine Smith: eieht brothorK., r1 T? T> 21o KOFVKK, II.' ... .-.-'. Name of Agent at Atlanta — WALDO &\ REDPINO,, 1P13 and 101: 4 Grant H;, B. L., C- A., BuildinjT " ...... - . ' - .' \ • - "• •_.- ••• •. ' -" " " -.".. • , Jjeroy CoHin's crematory, be placed on this farm, and Of British. Invention is a mirror saw the wake Of a submarine after the Deptford was struck ' that inebriates and dope fiends be sent marked with feet ana inches to en- to this farm to\ cultivate and make the able persons to mea&ure their own VI •• • ^^ • • » • •••••^ » •»• - • mum-^ height by facing- it \ WESTERN COAST J feedstuffs for the stock of the various II MORE departments of«the city "While they are SUNK IN CHANNEL. ! incarcerated, their families could draw London, February Za —The Emall\ j from the city $3 00 per week for their British coastingVsteamer "Western Coast, MAY BE ESTABLISHED support " has been sunk by a mine or torpedoed TWO GIRLS ARE CAUGHT SENI TO BOTT in the English channel at a point off i Beachy Head The crew was landed at The local agency of the Ford Motor Members of Council Call Upon Portsmouth today Loraine Eelmont and Alice Smith, company, of Detroit, Thursday morn- Testifies That Prisoner^ after being chased^ over America for ing moved into its handsome new Recorder to Talk Over FRECKLES CREW OF EVELYN three years, have been arrested in Sa-1 southern assembling plant, erected at Would Steal Kimball vannah, Ga., and will be brought toVJ a total cost of f350,000, on Ponce de Suggestion. February and March Bring Out In- IN THE WAR ZONE REPORTED SAFE. Atlanta by City Policeman Sam Webb Leon avenue. \ If He Could Move It •tghtly Spots—How to Uemo^e Berlin, February 25—(Bj, Wueles"3 ) and tried on the charge of swindling This building is one rif the most The crew of the American steamer Ev- Members of council have recently - Easily. li elyn, whichwhich^ wenwen?dowt downn in the North thee Durham Jewelry compancompanyy, 20 beautifull in thee city, is four stories The* T)*»tTf"Fnr<1 flnrl 'Wextern sea after striking a mine, apparently all Edgewood avenue, out of $1,500 of dia- high, fire-proof, protected with stand- called upon Recorder George E Johtt- "There btands before you," said Citv j. lie .Lscj.ru.wi.u auu vv v-ot-v.1." reached Bremerhaven, the second monds and other jewelry in the sum- pipe lire system and automatic sprln- son to get more details about a. plan, Physician Dr Mell Martin, "the most The woman with tender skin dreads nave wonderful negro, in some respects, that February and M"a.rch because theyiare T, i rt 11 T» •. • t- ! boat having been picked up by a. Ger- mer of 1912. I Jclers, and, as Chief Cummlngs, head of suggested by the v recorder in his last :, Both Small British j man steamtY. According to !E B. Durham, presl-! Atlanta's fire department, said, in an ever came into the police court "* likely to cover her face with ugly Neither the American annual report, whereby the inebriates The doctor was testifying about Tom freckles ,, No matter how thick her the German admiralty has received a dent of the ^jewelry firm, the young: inspection of the structure, "there is and users of drugs can be tajken care veil, the sun and winds have a strong Steamers, Sunk bj( Mines detailed report concerning the loss of women represented themselves as hav- not a place where one can plaice his Hughes, the negro who stole a horse tendencj to make her freckle the American steamer Carib, which, ing considerable money in the Third finger on combustible material in the of and cured without^ any cost to the and buggv and sold it, and who, when Fortunately for her peace of mind, city asked by the recorder on Wednesday if the recent discovery of a new prescrip- or Submarines. bit a mine and sank off Helgoland 'National bank Immediately upon se-, building." The circumsta " " ' " 1 curing the jewelry they skipped A-t-j^ And this is true with, the exception The recoider says that he thinks It he wanted to go to the medical col- tion, othlne—double strength, makes it two ships were are being lege or the stockade, exclaimed, ' I possible for even those most suscep- vestigated thoroughly The American lanta, going- to^Greenville, S C, and^of the stock, and very little of the not only useless to send such people tible to freckles to keep their fokin later to New iTqrk~~ , i- t i- s sai-d - A• t• BfOcjc IB eubject to fire. to the stockade, but that he believes rudder go ter heaben " clear and white Xo matter how stub- London, February 25 —The second consul at Bremefhaven is talcing the week of Germany's submarine cam-deposition of the master of the Evelyn, White Plains, KT T, they were detected, Complete parts were assembled on it is not humane. "This fellow," continued the doctor, born -a. cu&e of freckles you have, the of the Jewelry, "is one of the best msn I ever knew double strength othlne should remove paign opened toda —'"- ^~ '"" "* the opening day for the building of When aaked about the plan he has them and lost in the 700, Ford autos proposed, Recorder Johnson said. "> ^ when he is eober, fior he la honest and Get an ounce from Jacobs' Pharmacy two British ships counsel ap- Within the last few months 7o men "I have not had time to make a thor- hard working But the moment he or any di uggiht and banish the small steamer, was sunk off the Eng- pealed their case to the higher courts, have been employed by the Atlanta ough investigation of the probation gets to drinking he takes a notion fieckles "Money back if it falls lish coast by a mine or a torpedo SUBMARINES SENT and they were allowed to give $2,000 Ford agency, and these men have been system we have in the city, but I find that everything he sees belongs to The small British.coasting steame' bond each secured in Atlanta The total number there are a great rnanv confirmed him "Why, he would take the Kimball TO ADRIATIC. bouse if he had any TV ay to move it" Western Coast was also sunk "by a mine Geneva February -5—(Via Paris )— Upon giving bond they again dis- at work now is 150. 1 drunkards and dope fiends who aie or torpedoed jn the English channel Three new German sumbarmes airived appeared, and for three years SVIi Within the next few weeks over 300 woithless at the stockade as far as la- "Well, Tom," stated Che recoiuer, Durham has spent over $1,000 in an more men will be added to the im- boi is concerned, and, therefore, I ha\e "you aie going to neither medlclal col- Previously eleven vessels, eight of jchle) j navaj static recommended that the city council pur\- lege, stockade nor heaven—not yet--, them British, had been sent to the g. According bo effort to locate them mense force needed to run the huge ary)i, a telegram to The southern assembling plant. cha.se a tract of land eight or ten for I am going to send", sou to jail bottom Tubune, and soon will begin operations miles from the city, and the street for stealing An imagination like your» Germany apparently is preparing to in the Adriatic and Mediterranean Stuart Abbott and F r. Feries, A Munich dispatch says Germany is MADDOX RESENTS manager and assistant manager of the sweepings we now destroy in the needs a wall around It." extend the field of these operations, arranging to send several other sub- plant, declare that practically every for three submarines h^ve toeen sent to marines to Austria ATTACK OF CLUB one of these "200 new employees will Pola, presumably for uso in the Adri- be Atlantans, very few employees of "IF IT IS CANVAS WE MAKE IT" atic and Mediterranean the Ford company \being transferred JUIL JL Manufacturers of Continued From Page One. here. The beautiful building Is now open TE1VTS, TARPAljt.I'VS, AWNINGS, DEPTFORD SUNK; l for the inspection of the (public, and IT* HAY AND WAGON COVERS'. WANTS RUSSIA , V visitors will be shown over the struc- ONE LIFE LOST. aldertnan," Dr Barrett exclalmea, "but ture by employeeo of the agency. ALL KINDS OF COTTON BAGS London, February 25—One sailor lost I can take care of myself" For AimlnKK, For Tents his life when the small British steamer Friends restrained him as he start- A BOUT the only busi- Phone Ivy 8224. Phone E. F. 22. Deptford, 230 feet long and 1,208 tons, ed down the aisle In the -direction of TO GET Alderman Maddox i ATLANTA TENT & AWNING CO., was sent to the bottom in 20 minutes Alderman Maddox also declared that £*> ness that runs ^^ either by a German torpedo from a sub- GENTRY IS ELECTED Box 974-Jp Atlanta, Gn. he did* not believe that he was treated marine or by coming in contact -with London, February 25 —Foreign Sec- retary Grey announced in the house of fairly by President C. J. Bowden. The itself is the one A mine in the North sea at 3 o'clock commons today that Great Britain was declaration brought from the presi- jesterday morning at\a point off Scar- in entire accord with Russia's desire for dent a reply to the effect that the bo: ough The tifteen other members statements attributed ,to him were not SOUTHERN BEL HEAD that's runnin -access to the sea. correct of the steamei'a crew were saved and The foreign secretary's statement was After the tide of debate subsided down hill weie landed at South Shields at an in response to a question from Freder- Dr. Barrett, who came in for most of Th« annual meeting of the stock- Broadway ai 29^ St. earl} hour tins morning ick "W Jowett whether England knew holders of the Southern Bell Telephone of, and approved, the statement of the the alderman's cutting replies, de- The engineer of the Deptford says he Russian foreign \minister, M Sazanoff, clared that it was evident that at the and Telegraph Co was held In New was on duty in the Stokehold at the in the duma, t)hat 'Russia intended per- time Alderman Maddox was criticised York yesterday. President W T Gen- time the explosion in the torpedo head manently to occupy Constantinople" there was some misappj ehension. Dr try submitted his annual report The I "An Hotel Where Gueat* are Made ! The foreign secietary said ne was Barrett disclaimed any intention on his | to Feel at Home" or in the mine rent the Dentford in unaware that M Sazanoff had made any part of treating the alderman unfair- following directors were elected twain He sass he saw A flash of blue such statement, but he added, "the U N. Bethell, N C Kingabury, Theo I Not^too large, yet large flame shoot up from the bottom of the statement 1 have seen was that M ly, and as an evidence pf good faith Sazanoff hajl saJd that tho events on , he afterwards offered a motion that N. Vail, C H Wilson, George D Milne, I enough to afford the ship and through her deck Th& force the Russo-Turkish frontier would bring the club vote resolutions of confi- W T Gentry and J Eptps Brown. of the explosion threw him down vio- dence and thanks in the integrity and About thi only pipe thatTs left to itself \ maximum of value at Russia neaiei realization of the politi- v The directors m^t and re-elected the Ipntlv and stunned him He managed cal-economic problem bound up with lojalty of the alderman following- officers W T Gentry, is the one that never did give satisfac- I minimum expense. to reach the deck ho\ve/er, as the Russia s acccess to the sea president J Epps Biown, first vice \ essel was heeling, and just as the life- "With these aspirations" he contin- Pence Is Restored. tion—and maybe that was the fault of I Exceptionally Accessible ued, "England is in sympathy What The i evolutions were unanimously president, J ^M B. Hoxsey, second boat was being launched It was the form the realization will takfe will n,o adopted and the peace and harmony vice president and treasurer, L*L,and the tobacco. Try VELVET, The i 500 Room*—Moderate Restaurant Charges carpenter of the Deptford who lost his do'Ubt be settled in the terms of peace " which threatened for a time to injure, Hume, third vice president. Hunt Chip- Smoothest Smoking Tobacco, Its aged- I RATES life &ir Edward Grej's announcement if not disrupt, the organization -was 6tnele Room with running water After hours in an open and leaking marks one of the important develop- restored. ley, general counsel; C. J Holdltoh, Jn-thc-wood mellowness mokes evtry $1 00 to $2 00 boat in a snow storm which caused ments in the European situation since President Bowden gave notice that geneial auditor, and Addlson Maupln, pipe tht favorite. lOc 'Una and 5c Single Room with tub or nhower them to suffer acutely the men eav, the beginning of the war Russia's he would resign as head of the club secretary and assistant treasurer. I bath $1.50 to $5 09 desire for a warm w\ater port and an and suggested T;hat when the members In his annual report. President Gen- metal-lined bags. I Double Hoom with running \vater th<»y signalled a steamer, but no notice unie^tricted outlet from the \Black sea next assembled they be prepared to tr $>2 OU to 5rt OO was taVen of then appeal Later how- has long been one of her most chei- elec._-.t. anothe«v..™,^i piosiden„.,„„,...t. | i' referred to the depression in tha Double nooro wltb tyb or shower He declared afterwards, however, j south owing to tihe stagnation of th« b^tb Si.OO to S(i 111) ex ei, thej encountered the V steamer ished national aspirations Kulgenv, which, picked them up and fcpeaking in the duma on February 9 afte" r the affair had been smoothe-•- d- out•, totton crop He declared, however, 1 EPW ^RD C. FOGG, Managing Director i brought them into South fohields Premier Goiem>ikin declared "The la- that he would iprobablv reconsider the that business is Improving and pre- ~- RO V V- BROWN, R indent Afanaefj- = diant future of the Russians on the notice and lemain v n iiitiiiifiHH t"11 linn' luiiilliiiiNI'iil* iiiiiiiiuiliiniiuii iiliiiiiiuiiliriliitir borne membeis of the ciew say they Black sea is beginning to dawn near At a previous meeting of the organ- dicted an era of prospeilty for the JL 3DC JL JL the walls of Constantinople " ization Alderman JWaddox was sevei e- south in the immediate future Iv censored for leaving tha finance committee and voting for the caucus amendments He told the club that he $30,000 IN BONDS supported the amendment because it carried $5 000 foi a schooWiouse in Howell station He told the club that TO fJELP SCHOOLS he was fearful when Councilman Johnson agreed to vote to sustain the Friday and Saturday VOTED BY CONYERS itnajoi's veto of the sheet that the ap- \ " V piopriation made bv the financecom - Chamberlin-Johnson-DtiBose Co. v mittee would be lost Councilman Kens was received in Atlanta last Johnson also pNplained his position in ATLANTA NEW YOKK PARIS night that Confers Ga, had o\ er- birpiport of the mayor's veto He said wheliningly voted for $U0,000 ot school that he had every reason to believe bonds and that of 184; votes cast only that both appropilatloris would be lost two were cast against the bonds to the ward In the event he did not At Carlton's W V Edwards, an Atlanta architect suppoit the mayor with offices at 6.J3 Candlei building, VAfter the club voted Its confidence has been chosen architect of the'school \. in Alderanan Maddox members heard building He has completed plaiib foi fiom J Oscar Mills, John D Slsson | final Clearance Scales same. and T O Uochian, manager of the park Lovely Nqw Blouses department Commissioner Mills df>- clared that, Alderman Maddox was one SWEEP MINES FROM SEAS, of the most lojal raemlbei s of the fifth ,» ^ v,ard Mr Sisson also complimented m Alderman MaddOT Special J^ot SAYS THE UNITED STATES (Manager fochran bripfl^r outlined the Take Possession of the Waist Section improvements planned forx Maddox Continued From Page One. park Tie assured the club of his aid whenever he is called upon There Is mu'cli to be seen Suits Half Price forts made here to assist in a settle ment of questions ansing out of sub- INSANITY DISCUSSED and to be admired in the waist I ^ V marine and mine warfare sectionri'gh tnow . ISmbarKO Povrer Proposed for AVIJaon. BY LOCAL OSTEOPATHS Secietarv Brvan denied todaj that The new blouses are here in the United States contemplated an era The Atlanta Osteopathlc society met One-Third Off On bat go on expoits of foodstuffs such variety, such charming Following a talk witfli President Thuisdav exening at the Piedmont Wilson Representative Porter, of hotel and after transacting routine variety that must please the Pennsylvania., lepuhlican, introduced a business took up for discussion the Overcoats bill to authorize the president to lay, subject, "Insanity and How Certain woman in search of the differ- i emulated and revoke embargos on all Forms aie Amenable to Osteopathlc ships and vessels in United States Treatment " ent, the out-of-the-ordinary. ports, or United States or foreign ves Regular one-fourth, reductions on all sels, until fifteen dav s aftei the com The discussion was informal, ibxit Where to begin v the telling mencer"ent of the next session of con- thoroughly covered b> the twentv phv- Suits, excepting specials at half price. giess hiciaiis piesent Cases were cited that of it all. \ "No man ' said Mr Porter "can an had been and are now being treated at \ ticlpatc the emergencies likely to arise Still Hildreth sanitarium of Macon, There are crepe de chine v General redactions on Shoes—Men's and in our foreign relations during- the JIi&souii which is under the direction rve-^t nine months and congress should waists that should be told of not adjourn v\ itho It was stated that indisputable proof didly practical. The minister from Norwav and i had been furnished to show that many Sweden and othei neutial envois wh~v"o> oases of insa-iiitv are due to the dis- There are G-eorgette crepe have inqmiec! some of them on In- placement of vertebrae so as to inter- Carlton Shoe and structions from then governments' fcie with the nerves that carrj \he blouses that should b^e told of have not been given details of the blood to the brain first, because they are so ex- proposal because the sub3eet is legard- Tne announcement was made that ed as'in an informal and unofficial the Geo-gia State Osteopathic associa- quisitely dainty and fine. \ ^Clothing Company stage as vet tion would meet at Cordele on May 14 Britain Ha» Much to Gain, and 15, and that Di Louisa Burns, of There are embroidered nets From tha points of view of the Wish> Chicago would make a talk on 'The ington government. Great Butain Practical Application of Research Ex- heavy with hand work; there 36 Whitehall would have much to gain from an ac- periments to Prove That Osteopathy is ceptance of the American pioposals Correct in Its Principles " are waists of sheerest voiles TLhc abolition of the war zones around An effort will be made at tire .na- Great Britain and Ii eland and the re- tional convention of osteopaths \ at showing masses of laces, and moval of mines, it is argued would Poitland, Maine, to get the 1916 con- lender the C9mmerce of the allies safe vention for \tlanta dimity and organdie Vaists as Ongmallv when mines weie laid in I Those making addresses were Dr. niiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniininiiiiiiiiiniiiiiinimiimiiinnniniHiHii. the North sea Germanv and Great' Gussie Phillips Di John Phelps, Dr light and cool as a breeze — accusedJ eac—-h" othe"""•i o"*f being F E Bragg, Dr Otto Grupe and Di the aggressor in this respect The re- Robert Eltel, of Jackson Ga sponsibilitj for the initiative never after all, it remains for you to see the things as they a\re — it is a newly beautiful was fixed bv the United States gov - ernment and no protest was made display, something better, more diversified than we've\ever done. As one woman Chapman-Alexander Meetings !| The new move by the United States FLAGMAN W. /. JOHNSON told us yesterday, "Your waists are prettier by far 0ian any I have seen." Tabernacle on Peachfree Street' J= would biush asidp all questions of eul pabllitv and appeal to the belligerent^ LOSES HIS LEFT FOOT But —t o list a few. at prices that have already become very popular, be- to sweep up their mines and pi event Meeting Every Night (Except Saturday) at 7:30 P. M. || further accidents such ab already have W I Johnson, flagman at the Thur- cause the values have proven to be most unusual. befallen thiee =5—A beau- Dr. Chapman's Afternoon Subjects !l amputated at the Atlanta hospital Al »p /.^J l)louses Six styles Al plain shades of Al TUESD4Y— "the Holy Spirit." 1= London, Fobruirj 25 —The American TLve-witnesses state that Johnson was tiful •variety of plain note, the contents o£ which remain se- to choose from Ofae ^ maize, gold, flesh and embroidered WEDNESDAY4--"The Enduement With Power for Service." IE ciet, but which in geneial seeks to in the act of flagging a train to go bv, bring about an understanding regard and that he stepped backward onto of the prettiest has rows and ^rows and white and striped —al l wash- crepe de chine and striped pussy THURSDAY—"The Secret of Vjctory Over Sin." 1= lug the war xione prescubed b\ (jer- another track At this moment, the "of pin tucks down, the front; an- able One style has a cluster of wallow waists —group s of narrow inany and the shipment of foodstuffs eve-witnesses say, the switch engine FRI1_>AY—-"The Power of a Surrendered Life." f s to the civilian population of belliger- struck him and knocked him down other has an embroidered design buttons on a hemstitched vest, tuqks, broad box pleats. Many are ent couiitnes, was considered at a with hemstitched tucks forming a another shows broad box tucks so plain that th^y must appeal meeting of the cabinet todav No in- coat effect — the new high-low col- down the front. The collars may strongly to the woman who prefers timation as to the official attitude to- = Alexander Conducts Song Services !| wards it has been obtained. lars, roll collars. In ciaize, flesh be worn buttoned close around the the "tailorlsh" style. In maize, Press and public, howevei, on the and white. neck, or tuVned back low flesh, putt}', gray and white. supposition that President Wilson has V suggested that Grea.t Britain should Plantation Wanted, \ not cany out her thieat to place an embargo on footstuffs for Oeimanv, we have not told of the infinite vaVlety of Inexpensive lingerie wajsts, the and that, in retuin Germanv should Between Charleston & Savannah kinds women will soon be wanting by the half dozens—priced at $1.00, $1 50, not enforce hei submarine blockade V $2 00 and upwards—nor have we told of the rare and lovely "orchids" of this against the British Isles alreadv have < Following qualifications expressed their disapproval of accept- i flower garden—the wondrous net and lace and hand done enrbroidered affairs ance of such a proposition ( are necessary — And Still —indeed, there's much to be seen right now! The Right-Way Service While eight British ships have been i destroyed in the week thjit the block- I Acreage between 3,000 and ade- has been in force, it is pointed out that they are for the most'part 12,000 acres; good partridge, small vessels and that most of them. Instead of having»food foi this countrv, duck and snipe shooting; either were in ballast or carrying coal portions of good timber and To FLORIDA I or o,thei freight for neutral countries But Two Days More of || It is believed heie also that the de- farming lands; generally ac- i \ \ * >^.C A iyi niXIU LIMITED—nolfd ateel train. Coacbev, struction of neutral ohtps and cargoes 8mmf^ f*m •••• Slocplnp: Cars, Ubservntlon Car, Dining Car. w ill embroil Germ-inv w ith neutral cessible ' countries, and that in the long run the i The Blue Tag Sale of Dependable Furniture O.mAf\ D Ml tHXI|3 FL.1KR—Solid steel train. Conches, Sleep- i losses the allies suffer will be nore "U ill be glad to tisit rn\ good tytTf^f *m mn* Ing: Cars, Observation Car, Uluinsr Cnr. than oftset b> the angel aroused on property where owners or ex- But much can be done and much can be saved in a store that has such a wonderfully \the part of the neutrals and the pos- clusive agents have given me •f Hal iffe O fl/i SOITH \TI-V\TIC LIMITED—Solid ntcel train. psiblfe refusal of countries .such as fiank description and exact lo- rich collection of furniture to choose from when practically every piece of it is at a reduced ***•* ** mm I»»« Coaches, Sleeping Card. Obnervation Car. OlnlnK i >}orwav, to allow goods to be shipped cation, with maps if possible \ Car. j from their ports to Germany To be considered, selling price price. ' i I No indication as to the attitude of quoted must show an honest de- the government was disclosed to the sire to sell Breakfast Served Every Morning public It is expected, however, that Quotations confidential if de- the British replj to the American note sired will be readj within a dav or two Before Arrival at Jacksonville It is understood the draft of the VTrlte note to neutral states adv.sing them of the nature of reprisals to be adopt- ed in replv to the German submarine 31 >a8ran si., blockade, alreadj has been draw n up T orfc Chamberlin-Johnson-DuBosc Co. but the arrival of the new American Cttr. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. note caused a temporary suspension of this matter.

SPAPJLRl SPLIT Iff THE RANKS ; EXTRA SENATE If There?* An Empty Fficrie In SUFFRAGISTS New York, February 25.—The Wom- an's Political union, which' ig headed v Your fjorrid '"-Let- Him Fill it by Mrs. Harriett .Stanton Blatch, has FOR "SAFETY FIRST" TO • withdrawn-'from-.the National Ameri- can "Woman Suffrage association, ac- cording t,o a statement given out at President Wants the Colombian Atlanta's Chamber of Com- Anti-Track Walking Law Also Chamber of Commerce and suffrage headquarters tonight. Tl^is s Bibb County Medical So- action was made lcno%vn in a letter to and Nicaraguan Treaties merce Postponed Action Indorsed by Chamber of Mrs.. Henry Wacie Rogers, treasurer 6f the National American Woman Suf- Confirmed. Thursday £6ternqon. Commerce Committee. ciety Unite Forces. . frage association, vby Mrs. Eunice D Brannbn, treasurer of the Woman's Political union. ' \. •Judging from .the toi^e of' the .resolu- The directors of the AtlantarChamber Macon, Ga., February 25.—(Special.} According to Jlrs. Brannon the ex- Washington; February 25.—"Whether ecutive board of the Woman's' Political a. special':session of the senate shall .-be- tions thaf-tvere ' adopted last rTuesday of Commerce at a meeting Thursday The union decided February 19 that the called- by President "Wilson after March by various commercial organizations in afternoon approved the report of the * ^t-^Yhelr forces'Yn Yhe fight'to car- union should withdraw from its mc'rn- 4 to consider the Colombian and J"'ic- the state on request of the Georgia committee on. public safety*,, of which t '$300^000 city bond issue on March I aragua'n treaties -probably will be de- Chamber of Commerce, Senator Hard- ry ne Ben Lee-Crew is chairman, in starting ^ 9> an(j WIH open n.p headquarter? on j saying the reasons that led "to,, th<> de- cided by the president at tomorrow's wick is being- .bombarded with; some 1 a campaign for "safety first" in At- • Second street shortly. ' The hospital] cision were_ the need o—f al„ l the„\ union'„., 0s cabinet meeting. Many of the presi- very interesting!letters and telegrams. lanta. They also approved the "anti- i committee has been at work some time, 1 funds for campaign work in NIMV York . aen't,advisers are opposed to the spe- . Th^^e _^.GeorgiB1^a "Chambe„ „.r of .Commerce track walking campaign being .waged i but the chamber of v commerce commit- f"?'.Ffh1. tn'it . at did not agree 'with cial session, but the administration is requested all the commercial by that comniittee. | tee has just been organized with Wal- the national association in its support Very anxious to have the treaties rati- ! j j t^e state to take some action of the Shafroth-Palmer amendment oh t ona n . A letter will be sent by that commit- lace Miller as chairman. He has named the woman's suffrage proposition in fled and it was considered probable to- on the ship purchasing bill and to let tee to :every commercial and _trade ward captains and a systematic cam- congress. ' , night that k senate session would.be .the Georgia senators hear from them. body in the state, and also to every paign is to be conducted in getting called for March a. , , -• y. . . The teeoTgla Chamber of Commerce daily newspaper, the idea being, to out .a \sufficient number of votes to " Members of the Senate, foreign "-re-> has heard from several cities and in start a campaign of education Which carry the 'bonds. v *• . lations committee were given to under- nearly every instance 'the -shyp pur- will, lead to some legislation . on * this A total of 940 votes will be required, stand at itsAlaat meetink that Colom- chasing 'biir Has been Indorsed and; Senators Smith and. Hardwiclt have subject. In the letter it is stated: which is, two-nriirds of the, registered bia "was becoming very much aroused "After considering replies so far. received;., Voters. Of the bonds $150^000 are to over the delay in the ratification of been urged to support it.. it would seem that the main " thitte.- to \ ac- be devoted to taking up the indebted- the treaty and was considering pro- The cities heard from Thursday were i GRADY GARNER. complish Is to arouse" the public conscience on .the subject, because the public must ness of the 'Ma-con hospital and in .en- -testing to" the powers unless some ac- Gainesville, Quitman, ' Washing-ton, ] larging the institution by erecting two tion was taken, the treaty, which ex-, Athens,' Columbus, Dublin, Macon, Grady Garner has only ''baby" beauty ens, Ga.. procured for her. As a last understand the danger before it would be 1 and an unusual ampunt- of health and resort she" concluded to leave the in- practicable to enforce any laws on the sub- new buildings. $120.000 ,is to be used presses regreti that anything should Griffin ^ and lialton. < , fant in the'city depot, hoping that some ject " ' - • • . . • » for street, paving, the amount, going to have happenedV mar the friendlyt.re- Macon refused to take any action. .strepgth to |aid him in a foundling's "However, it is believed, that one very kind person would give it the home she good -way to attract, public "attention to the pay '..the city's one-third of the coat, lations between the two countries and Columbus had already taken action, precarious existence. Although but •was unable to supply. matter is to propose and advocate laws, which-means that Macon will get $360,- providing for thu payment by the 'but acted ag-ain'and more emphatically.. thVee months old, the child' has twice, The next day in the depot of Athens, making it a misdemeanor to \vallc upon or 000 worth'of new" paving if the bonds of $25,000,000 fbr Colom- Gainesville" not only acted, but sent been abandoned and ~the present where- where she had promlsed-""to return, Mrs. along the tracks or right-of-way of any rall-i carry. The remaining $30,000 of the from the, taking of a special .and personal telegram to Garner handed the child' to an inter- road company, also to'hold or swing to any bonds will be used in building sewers, the Panama canir. zone, was ratified Senator Hardwick telling him that he- abouts of his parents .are unknown. loconiotlve, ' engine, or freight or passenger one important feature of which -will be by the Colombia^ senate, many months ested' woman an'd stepped out without car,. It. is hardly, probable that the legis-- . ought to set aside personal vie'ws .and A few weeks ago a good looking and returning. And she has still eluded lature of 1915 will pass^ such .laws, but -if the sewering.of the Viheville branch- ajjoi. do what his people of Georgia wanted well dressed young woman left Gr,ady the search of the police. \Where she .brought before them each session and the one of the worst menaces to the healtlr The administration 'also desires to j him to do. r" *" "" ~-~ Woman's club, etc:, will lend It their sup- of the city that now exists. Good advertising is not a game. ivf> the Nicaraguan treaty ratified par- i The Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, upon a seat in the Terminal station. An land her husband came from andl even port, the time -will eventually come when p "because the government in through its directors, held a meeting officer, who -was attracted by the -pe- theJbirthplace .of little Grady are solely public opinion will demand some such" legis- Boy Slayer Sentenced. It is a science,*; a rid science of 's that country is said to pe facing sen- J Thursday afternoon and -decided to, culiar actions of the woman -when she matters for ' conjecture. It is only lation, just as Is the case abroad, where . Macon, Ga., February 25.—(Specially— nut financial difficulties Unless it-can I postpone any action on the ship.pur- known that the homeless child possess- the governments won't permit citizens to' John C. Martin, alias Johnnie Kates, facilitating merchandising by * iet the money payment provided f or j chasing bi\l pending further coiisidera- abruptly attempted to disappear -among es the good looks of the mother and jeopardize themselves by walking on tracks. a negro boyVwho, last November.-Jellied fftfce treaty for the Nicaraguan-canal tiog*ofthe rtbgt* ^ _ _ _ _ t'he shifting crowds of the patrons at the reported sturdiness of the"'father. "It would iloubtless help If the co-oper- rrjeans of paper and ink sales- -_„,„ \ i Senator Hardwick has wired the the station, carried her and the sleeps- ation of manufacturers Is solicited in the Prentice Jones, 12-year-old son of W. At this point, J. M. Hodgson, chair- manner suggested and. if the proposed laws S. Jones, 3,10 Plant street, by striking Tt'wait was un^6odunderstoodh ththe| P/^f.^president Ihopels AthensAthens , bodbo y that He will'vote for. the ing- infa.nt >to the police barracks. man county commissioners, became in- the youth on the head with a brick, men. \ . -V ' , . - > Vive tootSvof -these ratified -before bill if^ifis so amended as to', make it terested in the baby. Although they can be put on the statute books. It will th,P furmal >Mdpenin g of. th.. e_ Panama'^ ,. applicabl,«..„,,,,.e, on,y during. thf, present T^here Matron Bohriefie|ld , elicited •lend point ,to the manufacturers' appeal to has pleaded guilty to «, charge of in- from the reticent woman that the child consistently refuse to accept children their employees. - ' voluntary manslaughter and has been Good advertising is not a gam- ( canal in July so, that at that time en- European war. ,, - . so young, it -was through his influence "Further suggestions are solicited, and ad- sentenced to the state reformatory for tirllr«e friendshi*..,= .—...*p. may„ ,exis-, t .between al-l ,, More reeports are expecte^ today. was her own; that she had been desert- that the Georgia Children's Home so- vice -as to any steps taken wouid.be .ap- an indefinite period. The boy was in- lie. It is a surety, an assured, the nations in America. • -.- . ed shortly before its birth toy her.hus- ciety has , undertaken to find Grady preciated." dicted on a charge of murder, but since, •Although administration leaders be- \ band, and that she had been unable to Garner a .home and foster parents. He he was less than 16 yea-rs old Judge stimulus fbr sales, attained by a lieve the federal trade commission scrape together even the necessities of is laughing away the days at a tern-, Mathews decided it would be 'best to nominations can be confirmed "efore Alabama "Dry" Leader porary shelter in Atlanta, while State send him to the state reformatory. plan, pre-determined as to its March 4, there is certain to be a fight life. Mrs. Garner, according" to her story, had never been compelled to Superintendent Robert B. McCord, who SLAYER OF GLEATON on several of them. No special session Holds Conference .Here has offices in the , is en- Eacnpctl ConTlct Captiired. .smallest details. of the senate would be called .to con- work before,, and found herself unable deavoring to place him under the care SENTENCED TO HANG Macon, Ga., February 25.— (Special.) sider these nominations alone, how- to do the- simple tasks whkih she al- that the social incompetent who (bore Fred C. Thompson, a young white man, If the application of gpod ad- ever, since the president has been in- With Dr. ^Eichelberger leged her slight acquaintances in Ath- him could not give. V who escaped from the county chain- formed by his legal advisers that he 1 AFTER SHORT TRIAL gang yesterday, was captured today ^ertising to your business would has the authority to maHe recess ap- and returned to the custody of the -su- pointments in case the- nominations ' Sa,Tnuel D. Weakley, ex-supreme perintendent, who -will take measures not produce practical results, .fail >at this session. . . i . court justice of Alabama, was in At- Cordele, Ga., February 25.—(Special.) to see that he does not get away lanta Thursday in conference with the^ In the speediest murder trial ev\er, held again. -^ • , v we would be the first to advise .legal department of 'the Southern Ex Atlanta's Unemployed Women Thompson -was convicted of ^stealing PROBES OLIVER'S DEATH 7 in the Crisp superior court, consuming electric light globes- from the1 county you of that fact. If it would press ccwnpany arid D. Bichelberger, only thirty-five minutes, Luther Stev- courthouse and electric fans from superintendent of the Anti-Saloon ens, confessed assassin of *F. E. Gleaton, rooms in different office buildings, be a positive paying proposition, Leesburg People Say Blazer league, concerning the interstate ship- was today convicted of the murder and and was sentenced to serve a year o\ri v V ment of liquor into , states Where -its Will Be Given Positions Soon sentenced by Judge W. F. George to be the gang. While at work yesterday we are best equipped to serve Resent bles Slain Bdrtker. sale is prohibited. , No definite con- hanged on March 18. Thougn he went afternoon in East Macon he managed you efficiently. .^ clusions iwerp reached, as there are' no to\ the stand for a few' minutes, Stev- to escape. \ • Leesburg, Ga., February . 25.—(Spe- legal proceeding* pending against the ens declined to make a statement. cial.)—Roy Blazer, of Kstherville, express company .at this time. . •. Clellan were appointed. Mr. Cator May we have the privilege of Any Atlanta woman -who wishes Woolford. representing the\ chamber of C. P. Moore, a private detective of v Iowa, who claims to be a son of A. D. Judge "Weakley is just returning! Macon, employed in the case, was call-; GIVE "SQUARE DEAL" talking to you ? . Oliver, arrived here this mornin,g for from 'Washington, where he was sent any kind of woman's work done commerce, was present at the meeting by the Alabama legislature as a mem- • and stressed in an address to the ed to testify for the state. Moore the professed purpose of investigating either in the home or out of It, and stated that Stevens had confessed to TO THE SHORT ROADS the assassination of .Oliver... which oc- ber of a committee of five to 'have a i. ladies the urgent necessity of some- Mawngale Advertising Agency toill introduced in congress prohibiting ! who, -wishes to 'find a woman to do thing being done, and that at once, to him in jail^a-t Columbus, where the ne- curred' February 17. People he.re who the- United, Sta.tes mail from carrying it, -will please make /known her gro was lodged for safekeeping. Moore i ATLANTA have talked -with Blazer'are struck: by aid Atlanta's ' unemployed .women, and URGES C. M. CA^DLER liquor advertisements, solicitations by wants to any of th^ following: Mrs. i he believed the women of the organiz- stated further^that Stevens told him Capdler Bldg. Ivy 726-7 u marked resemblance in' voice - and letter, circular or- otherwise, into any Beaumont I>avisoh,' Mrs. A. McD. that he -was provoked to the crime by manner -between ihitw and the" Slain dry, state -where' prohibition laws -have ed forces of Atlanta were the ones to In a letter to be addressed v to Sena- been exacted. \ s-.Wilson, Mrs.. "William Percy, Mrs. do it. Arnold Bivlns, his uncle, who twice banker- . , V u/rged him to kill the white man. The tors Smith and Hardwick, Georgia It is reported here that G. . \\: Emily McDoUgald, Mrs. A. P. Coles, The meeting yesterday followed the senators at Washington, Chairman C. | Mrs. A. O. "Woodward, representing published plan suggested by Miss Susan only words spoken by Stevens on the Chance has surrendered-to P. C. Mc- stand were to confirm the, statement Murphy Candler, of the Georgia rail- Uuffie, ^of Atlanta, attorney -for the DARSEY GETS 2 YEARS; the committee to create work in the McClellan, who made an urgent call for road commission, will discuss the'ap- 1 a pla-ce where unemployed women of the detective. ', Perm Mutual Life Insurance company, Association to Help Unemployed peals for a "square deal" that are be- CASE AGAIN APPEALED ; might go with their war.es. She fol- In passing sentence on the negro Ektra the Oliver policy for $25,000 and that Womenl- lowed by | investigating conditionsJudge George commended "highly the ing made by short line railroads in by mutual agreement this policy is to Dublin, Ga., February 25.—Joe Dar- the state in -the matter of compensation among unemployed women and felt relatives and friends of the dead man, for mail service. -' I; Jack saysVx",Meij. wiio be canceled as to any interest Chance, sey, who killed his friend, Watson, convinced that when the women of who was1^recently county treasurer and has therein. The amount paid by the more than four years ago, was sen.- Mrs. J. P. McGov^fn presided overman Atlanta-at-lai^ge were acquainted with Representatives of these roads state tenced to two years for involuntary quite prominent, for allowing the law that the pay alloivejl them by the fed- kncryv' always order an extra ' Company is said to have been $566, Informal gathering of well-known men conditions-they would rally to the help to ta'ke its course in this case. eral statute does not ambunt to the which was the figure given by manslaughter, the case-having gone all of their sisters, 'anxious to work, but : pair of trousers with a suit the way to the. United States supreme and women yesterday, which resulted jn with no work to do. fare" of & single passenger, although Chknce's attorneys. court on a technicality. The court had; 1 the statute requires the roads to equip : preliminary steps ih" the organization .While the meeting was In session a one-third of a car for a clerk and the because oiie,.coat will give: > refused kto accept the- verdict at the l of a movement to give immediate aid mess'pge came' from the Partridge res- JOHN D. TESTIFIES i January term, and a jury was unable! taurant, stating that the manager of "mail, in addition to transferring the two pair of trousers a close THOMASVILLE GIRL j\to agree on any other verdict, but when i to Atlanta's unemployed women. It that restaurant would give 20 per cent IN REGARD TO TAXES mail to and from the postoffices. v , . 1 the plea of former jeopardy- was-filed ' is proposed to open a bureau of infor- of the proceeds' of 'one day in the run in the wear race." TO BE NURSE IN WAR i today sentence was passed According ; restaurant to the movement to help Rogers Urged for Director. , I • . ' .. to the first verdict. - '• ; mation relative to the work of women, New Tork, February 25.—John D. r T unemployed-,j women, the day to be Washington, February 25.—Senators "Our Suit Patterns are ,, ~ " ~ ,- • ." J* ,, j . DarsSy's ..lawyers-vhav.e appealed- the ' where a-;marke£ ,.-w.m > he established named by the -prospective association. Eockefeller today testified by deposi- ThomasviiSle, Ga., February 26.- -<.£>pe-"l case on the contention that sentence | The offer was accepted, and the ladies tion at his home a't JPocanti;c& Hills in Simmons and Overman ,and''.North Car- i'eial.)—Miss Frieda ATa-lters, matron in . under the verdict has been delayed so i •where women who have wares (to dis- will announce the day later. , olina members, of the 'house of repre- enough fol" a suit only, v and pose of .can place them on sale; where an effort to avoid paying a personal sentatives' 'ksked' President Wilson to- It-is estimated that beyond the usua-l day to name Samuel . L. Rogers, of those who want extra trou^ women who _%v;isn to place orders for cer- number of unemployed -women there property .tax of $1,150,700 levied- by are at present'''a's.many as 4,000 women Cleveland, Ohio, authorities. (Mr. Rocke- their state, • director of the census to tain kinds of work can do so. and where wage-earners , in Atlanta out of emr feller testified that he had not been a succeed William J. Harris, nominated se1rs should order right no-vV she will sail next week for Red Cross the woman employer and woman em- Plpyment. These represent profes- resident of Ohio for the last fifteen to the trade commission. to insure getting enough' work in Europe. ' *• / sional -and business women as well as x Miss Walters sent in her application F. D. TINSLEY DENIES ployee can be brought together. / industrial employees, and it is the pur- years and consequently could riot be for the position-. some tjrne ago and There was a strong committee apr pose of the organization through their taxed in that state. cloth from the woolen has been notified that it",is accepted, v The examination occupied but a few : MISUSE OF 8ANK FUNDS pointed to create'WOK)?' tqf.^unemploy- various departments of. helpfulness to : mills." , arid she must report for duty. She Js ' : aid every department of women work- minutes. Mr. Rockefeller testified he a native.of Germany ahtf has two "broth- . •••• r- ed women, who will reach' out ahiorjiB moved to New York from Cleveland in ers in the kaiser's army, andi it Is Savannah, Ga.. February 25.—(Spe- The committee appointed, to create 1885 and established his domicile here. "The best, \\dressers in probable she will be sent some'where cial.)—The taking of evidence and ar- Atlanta's homekeepers who need spring sewing done, wiho ^wish linen embroid- work, that is (to get work for unem- He said he had regularly been assessed town ar e 'getting dnto' our Jor work in that country. I gumerit in the trial of Fleming D. Tins- I ployed women, request that any At- by the proper authorities in this state v v " ley, charged -with misapplying national ! ered, who wish certain kinds of bread, lanta woman who has any kind of work and had paid his taxes regularly. ' ta'ilored-to-fit-you 'suits at, , bank funds, closed in the federal court cake, etc., made, and this committee she wishes done please jnake known On "June 24, 1913, he said, he went l INTERNED GERMAN tonight. Judge Sjjeer will charge the her wants to any member of the com- to his summer home at Forest Hill; ur*' tomorro~wy~ •;.'-.' > will make !a partial report at the next mittee above named. . East 'Cleveland, which he occupied us- $35." ,- ' .. ^ COMMITS SUICIDE Mr , Tinsley Iwas the only witness for meeting Saturday morning at 11 ually from June to October. He intend- I the defense. He surprised his hearers ed, to return to (Tfew York, as was his Bob says: "The dainty when n.e said he tvas .77 years 6ld, as o'clock." They are Mrs. Beaumont usual custom, the following October, Honolulu, .February ""- he looks much younger: His defense |-Da-vis.on, .Mrs. A, McD. Wilson, Mrs. Hor ton Named Chancellor. he added, but that the illness of Mrs. 'youngish' colorings in Brandt, paymaster of the German gun- w.as'that he did not misuse the funds William Percy, Mrs. A. P. Coles", Mrs. 'Montgomery, Ala., February 26.— Rockefeller and her sister. Miss Spell- ,boat Gcier. interned here; committed of the iban.k, but that the firm's confi- Governor Henderson announces the ap- ATLANTA, 2# in. high these Spring Shirts are abso- j suicide last night. The fact that he A. O. "Wood-ward, Mrs. Emily McDou- man, prevented. He was forced to re- dential man, Percy All, attende'd to 'that' gald. To look after a place of estab- pointment of State Senator James E. main in Cleveland until the first (Mon- was una'blo to rejoin his \family or the branch Of the business and if -there Hortoh, of Decatur, as chancellor of day in Feibruary, 19'14/ - -. WHTTBY, VA in. high lately permanent. IVe guar- ~\ colors is believed to have proyed on was any wrong ^committed. All -was to) lishment for association headquarters, the northeastern" division to succeed H. D. Sims,. iMr. Rockefeller's secre- his mind. >..... blame. . ^ . ; Mrs. McDougald and, Miss Susan Mc- the late Chancellor "W. H. Simpson. tary, testified he had madeV transporta- anlee them to be so, and tion arrangements for the return of mal^e good." the Rockefeller family in October, but AR.FLOW v cancelled them when a physician ad- vised that it might endanger Mrs. 9 Peachtree Rockefeller's health to be moved. COLLARS Mr. Rockefeller was .assessed on ... 2 for 25 cents $311,000,000 personal estate in Ohio on the ground that he had spent ithe Ctaett. Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers greater part of the .year eliding Feb- ruary 1, 1914, there. He is seeking a permanent Injunction against enforce- Not Sold By Wright ment of the levy. CURRY FOUND GUILTY When you buy Shredded Wheat you are paying something OF ASSAULT ON'GIRL \ • - ' . i for the patented .process by which the Whole wheat is Hazlehurst, Ga., February 25.—(Spe- : CUT RATE cial.)—Jeff Davis superior court closed this afternoon. The last case to be ; ^made digestible in the human stomach. We are not sellings tried was the case of the state against Robert Curry, charged with "criminal assault upon, a little n'egro girl: After raw Wheat. It is 'what.you digest, not what you eat, that consuming mpst of the dav the jury found Curry guilty of an assault, and builds inuscle, bone and brain, ^ recommended that he lie punished as ifor a misdemeanor. This is the first THE case of this kihd in the history of this section of the state. The defend- ant was sentenced to twelve months on the chaingang, I The jury in the .case of ,the state against Clayton Stanley for the (killing- of his brother-in-law1 and stepfather "Wheeler, are hopelessly divided, and reiport and rumor Hiave it that eig°ht are. for conviction and four for ac- Daily March 1st to November 30th quittal. It is not known -whether Judge, Hlghsmith will declare a mis- is the whole wheat made digestible by steam-cooking, trial tonight or- not. Stopovers permitted anywhere, going or returning. shredding and baking. The filmy, jtorpus shreds are quickly You can visit Denver, Colorado* Springs and Salt V NEGROES STEAL $3,000 Lake City; see the Panama "Pacific International. permeated by the digestive juices, enabling the body to tai.ke FROM AGENT AT CAMILLA Exposition at San Francisco and the Panama-California Exposition at San Diego without paying additional up every particle of nutriment stored in the whole wheat Pelham, Ga., February 26.—(Spe- cial.)—News has just been' received in railroad fare if your ticket ia routed Pelham that two, negroes stole : from grain.» Don't be misled by net weight regulations or com- .Assistant Express Agent B. •!* iWood, ,of Camilla, late this afternoon a pack- 1 agre of money amountin'g- to ?3,000. Particulars are meager, but accord- parisons of raw, indigestible foods .with Stiredded Wheat j 1 Union Pacific System Ing to the report, MTr : . Wood had stepped -,In the depot and while tin ^ tt* Shorttit and Molt Dirtct Kout€ to San Francitco Two Shredded'Wheat Biscuits, heated in the oven to restore crispness, served there sold three tickets to negroes for the ticket agent and laid the package with hot milk or cream, make a complete, nourishing, satisfying meal at a total of money down .near the ticket win- Double-tracked—protected. by Automatic Electric . Block Safety cost of five or six cents. Also delicious with fruits. TRISCUIT is the Shredded dow, pe then'- stepped a few feet away to sell" tickets, to some white Signals. Dining Cars on all California trains^ ' - , Wheat Wafer, eaten as a toast .with butter or soft cheese, or as a substitute for people,\ and when he looked for his white flour bread or crackers. ' money, it was gone, and two heg-roea Send today for new- booklets descriptive of California and thW were seen, running away from the Expositions. They furnish important data concerning, hotel «nd depot. - The news was telephoned over the restaurant rates, California sight-seeing trips, tell how; to cefl • Made only by Tlie Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls,N.Yi county and- officers are making a de- practically the entire ^Weat for the cost bfj a single ticket—in termined effort to apprehend the ne- fact all information required to plan the trip intelligently and : groes, v" •• ^ ' economically. These book* are free. Write today. v A. 3. Diitcher, o. A. OLD BREAD PRICES 008 Olive.Street WILL BE RESTORED St. Mo. C. M. Rolling*_ . T. P.. A..' ———— \ .620 dward Bide. New York, February 25.—The whole- aghmm, Ala. sale iprice of bread, which was recent- ly raised to 5 cents a loaf, is to be ^re- stored to 4 cents, according to reports published today. The fact that there Tickets on Sale was much agitation when the cost of bread was raised,' followed by in- from March 1st vestigations into the , bread Industry, is one reason given in the report for the plan to restore the .old prices. Another reason is tha tv most of tlwj- smaller baking compa-nies, instead of following the lead or the big concerns, continued to sell bVead at 5 cents to &r i their retail trade. ', > I The attorney general's inquiry into •the Increased cost of wheat and bread be resumed tomorrow. , '

KWSPAPLR KWSPAPLRl ' j3>^>^ \. ••' THE COHSTITtmON, ATLANTA, s GA-. FEBRUARY 26, 1915. .Page V bearing upon church work and church to prevent th'e development of com- not ibe cliar^ed as 'a part of the t-o^t-s counts of carriers at the expense of the ment given by the Marist college ca^ batic ^ work on the buck and parallel petition." financeunancess . Th of this carrier's road. Of the* $16,000,- public be prevented." dets yesterday to large\ audiences. bars. _ „ , ,, ...... „__ « report says that terminal ar- 000 mentioned, the report says, ?6,30Q,- The report says ^hat the Nashville, Lester Fihe ah;d Clifford Daniel in A. pleasing feature was the artistic Z. H. Clarke, of Moultne, chairman rangements at Nashville, Knoxville 000 was to provide a surplus that a Chattanooga and St. Louis apparently rendering of the famous dance, "The stock dividend of 100 per cent might has improperly charged to ItSxProper- their clever rendering of the songs, BAPTISTS of the meeting-, spoke on "Business in and other points in Louisville i and and William Caveny and Leonard Put- Butterfly," by Miss Sarah Caverly. T>_I ,„«„„,* - * } Nashville territory are such that ship- be paid, that $2,640,000 was credited, ty investment account an. amount ag- Keliglon. i pers lack benefits 'Which they might to the same account "for reasons not gregating ?4,800,000 for" stock and nam in female impersonations, scored. "Weekly Giving" was th,e subject ot expect If there were greater competi- stated" and that $1,432,784 was toTaise cash dividends and discounts on pur- The music; was furnished by a brass Recent figures give the number of a.talkl by Rev. J. E. Hampton, of **oa.__» says that the Louisville and the 'book value of stock above the ac- chased stocks and bonds. .pleasure and commercial automobiles , while serving the ports oi tual cost of acquirement. The 100 per sextette\ .from the college band, and Gainesville, gave a splendid rendering of the songs, registered in this country as 1,735,369. ABLE New Orleans, Mobile and Penaacola, cent dividend was _ provided for, the and a fine medley in the "Olio." In J. T. Henderson, of Atlanta,, spoke on seems primarily interested in the de- report says, by raising the book value velopment of Pensacola and attempts of certairi assets. MARIST COLLEGE BOYS the success of the minstrel. Major "Every Member "C invass." to prevent traffic movement through The report comments: Schmidt, upheld the reputation he en- "Associated Campaigns" . was the the other two ports. This practice, "As the commission, in its annual re- PLEASE LARGE CROWDS joys in Atlanta in the production o^f President Pickard, of Mer- subject of an address, by C. H. West- the report alleges, results in direct re- ports 'has previously pointed out, only amateur theatricals. i, Wilson's Clothes straint of competition not only be- by the fullest publicity and- public Mr. Bean gave a\ splendid exhibition brook, of Griffin. tween rail carriers to these ports, but supervision of stock and bond issues Minstrel songs, dances and gymnas- of the work done in the gymnasium in ARE GOOD—VERY GOOD cer, and Dr. L. G. Hardman The last set address of the morning also between water carriers from may such increase * of the capital ac- tic exercises featured the entertain- wand and Indian club drills and acro- S 15.OO. 12 Make Eloquent Addresses was by Rev. J. F^ed Eden, of Toccoa, them. and hia subject *vas "Grouping Tfce Coast Line ana t. & JS. Churches for Pastoral Efficiency." ' The commission points out that al- at Meeting of Laymen. though Coast Line Rail- At the noon hour, Dr. Wilbur Chap- road company has taken steps to loose man, who is conducting a Revival in Its control of the Louisville and Nash- (Reproduction of Article from Constitution Atlanta, addressed the meeting^ speak- ville since the present investigation of February 23.) The layman ^in the prayer meeting ing of the work that .the church roust in the Sunday school and as a sup- began, such control for all practical V do tp bring souls into 'the .kingdom of purposeeny s ^ still exists. Three men, porter of church benevolences' was God falters,, Michael Jenkins and treated of as a vitalizing agency o; - \ . ( ... Newcomer, on September 25, School in Flames lla - says0 , held or controlled more the church in the closin'g hours oi *t '?9, shares of the capital stock OFFICE OF the Georgia Baptist Men's meet ThSurs- L. & N. IS ACCUSED of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad company approximating 17 per cent day. The Christian citizen's duty in OF PAYING MILLIONS of that outstanding and controlled also Panic 'Is Averted ^.support of the missions in the home about 27 per cent through the Atlan- FULTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION community was shown to be funda- tic Coast Line company, a holding corporation. Examination of proxies By Brave Teacher HOURSi 3 TO 9. SATURDAY*. • TO I ONLY mental to the balanced growth of th'e Continued From Page One. regiverrt Henry Walters since 1909, the church, especially in the south. JP° t says, shows that he has been able to control from 21 to 32 per cent W. W. Gaihes, a prominent lawyer ?£J"» « outstanding capital stock of the •a and churchman of Atlanta, who has to the same end in a wider field, and Coast Line railroad tai this way. These Miss Anna Campbell, Prin- what amount, of money the Louisville facts, the commission says, show that 1 Atlanta, '3*., , \ , been active in this movement for the and Nashville and -related roads have Messrs. Walters, Jenkins and New- awa-kening of^laymen to leadership in j££J?r /?tlU* virtually control the At- cipal of Lakewood Heights Tebxuaxy 23, 1915. contributed in 'blocking the entrance lantic Coast Line and its subsidiaries, the evangelical enterprises of the Bap- including th . 1 of competing roads, through political lna oen Louisvill of e and Nashville. School, Is Congratulated tist church, presided over the after- agents or through public sentiment fa- ^.«~ ml ^ such records as the \ " V noon session. commission was allowed to see did not vorable to their cause. any by Superintendent Merry. In discussing the office of the lay- T m?i«5mav e nd arrangemen Nashv t between the man in the prayer meeting, the Rev. Be»traln*d Competition. T^™ r A »le and the Coast Mf To all these questions the commis- traffic Purpose of controlling Gilbert Dobbs, of Commerce, said that ls no While 450 pupils of the Lakewood sion gives an affirmative answer. * ?t doubt," the report says, e the church's strongest characters were «• to certain traffic the TLauls- Heights school, 'on Sawtell avenue, just to^toe found in and were developed in qualifies its declaration that the Louis- rotTn-d NaE*v'»e and the Atlantic this weekly assembly. Coast Line are competitors." outside the city limits, were humming ville- and Nashville wilfully restrained their A B C's or studiously engaged at MlMlon Work Ownership of W. c. & St. I,. in armor to your ineuiry will say that tha competition by pointing out that in other tasks, Monday morning fire broke In discussing "The Sunday School sdme instances it was trying to meet The report says that on December ^ and Missions," A. W. Evans, of San- 31------, 1913, the Lo'uisvill_ ^ ...... e and _Nashvill ^e out in the roof and was burning fierce- extinguisher used In the Laicewood Heights tiro was the dersvllle, said that the Sunday school the competition of other larsre systems owned about 72 per Cent of the capital ly when a frantic woman living in the I In the recital of political activities stock of the Nashville, Chattanooga fyrene fire extinguisher. This is tna second fire should have, mission work as a regu-^ , fl A YvT«> .-nmmission announces and St. Louis railway and that a traf- neighborhood rushed in and cried fire! lar part of its endeavor. of the roads, the commission annou f jc agrreement provMUng. for a divlsi0n Miss Anna Campbell, principal of the that we have put out by the uee of1 your extinguisher. F. H. Leavell, of Atlanta', Baptist its Ina'hilit' y to ^se^ t forth alll the monev Oof territnrterritorvy hot-aro^nbetween th^a^these +„,two„ *.-»!!_ school, happened io be nearest the Toung People's union field secretary these carriers have expended in po- roads was made in April, 1906, and ap- the first was an over-head, fire In which the gases acted the parently still is in effect. This has school "bell when the excited person for Georgia, described the Baptist litical and publicity work, ' but resulted in a refusal by the smaller entered. Miss Campbell did not go into fai£~ Toung People's union as a vitalizing items which its investigators roads to join independent lines in Instantaneously; thls^was a roof f Ira and the machine agency in the grdwth of missions. their efforts to' form through routes hysterics. Instead, she warned her own ered anand whicx h it has Placed class to keep quiet, and then reaching The need of pastors and of trained rt unde, _ r thAX.e „ heai,AA

IN FW SPA PERI JEWS PA PER I . FBIDAY, FEBBUABJ 36, 11915. Six. THE CONSTITUTION, ATLAlfCA, I j and-Mlsa ."Fieri* Grijflri cut' the,, COD- church; Dr. John E. "V\;iiHei pastor oE mor. II« accused Bryan of remoulding 1 sola lion. . Both received, pretty BOUVC- JACKSON ASKS tl^e Second -Baptist; | John J., Eagaii, .the old motto; "Wine Is a mocker," "by ;[ nlrs-of the: occasion. -. capitalist, and Mr. Jackson. permitting "Grapejuice to make, us H After the game a delicious salad TO MAKE PUBLIC LETTER mpckery of all nations." He deplored Carefully Treat course and tees -were served. The bulletin must be passed upon the tactics of Billy .Sunday, hovrevor, In the*-evening-, .Mr. and MM. Selman unanimously by the committee, he in a. great, many itespe.cts, 'but pronounc- were hosts at a, carfl, >party, the iprlze Continued From Page One. stated. A majority vote only will not ed him one of the most wonderful men Children's Colds winners being Mrs. M. J. Wright and, permit its publication. It must be of modern times. . ^ Mr. ."WT.- K. -Anglin. and, seeking to 'be- such, ,1 can . only •rehashed and revamped until it meets regret' what has been .brought to my with the complete approval of the com- Rome Bonds Validated... Keglect of children's colds oftea lays the Alliance Francaise; attention by the papers." mittee. Sometimes, Mr. Jackson said, Rome, Ga., February 25.—'(Special.) foundation of serious lung trouble. Oa At ;the meeting of the Alliance Fran- l they are. changed and redone until but Thev petition of the city of Home for the other baud, it is harmful to. continu- ~ ' JACKSON \ the theme remains his own. this validation of bonds recently voted ally dose delic'ate little stomachs -with in- at the University club, Mme. Slifer here for the erection of a city hall au- ternal medicines or to keep tho children . will speak of the official lecturer* REPLIES. OBJECTS ditorium anil a hospital was granted Andre Le Breton -who will deliver a Marion Jackson, the only., representa- yesterday morning bj- Judge Moses alwnys, indoors. . \ • * • • •• lecture on "'Romanticism," " on March tive of* the -Men and • Religion who TOVMETHODS. , ' ^ Wright, of'Floyd superior court." Plenty of fresh, air ia the bedroom and n entertained the young ladies of the 16, under the auspices of the- Alliance would speak in reply to Dr. Atkinson's Dr. Atkinson, -who has been dean of good application of 'Tick's "Vap-O-Kub" Musical At Home. house party at luncheon-at the Capital Francaise. • ' . arraignment, was seen by a'' reporter! St. Philips Cathedral for,, perhaps, six Salve over tho throat oad cliest at the first Miss Nan Stephens' hospitality, al- City clulb, and on Wednesday afternoon "Mr. Le Breton will be accompanied for The Constitution, in ' the Chapman- I months, and who came from New Yofk, ways distinctive and delightful, had they were the guests of Miss- Virginia by his charming wife. sign of trouble, \vill Ueep the little chaps expression yesterday in .a musical at Lipsconi'b at the tea-dance at the Driv- Alexander tabernacle, where he was! said last night that he did not doubt fro.e from colds without iu.inring their di- home, when a number of friends were ing club. busily engaged in the little room ;• in i the earnestness of Dr. Chapman's ef- invited to meet Mrs. R. !3. Brodhead, of For Visitors. the rear of the pulpit whispering forts, 'but that he only disagreed with gestions. 2Sc, 50c, or $1.00. Philadelphia, the guest of Miss Steph- Mrs. Marshall Clarke Johnson en- words of 'encouragement to new con- som----e- o--f hi• --s ------methods •• - . "Ther• — e i-s a best'- : Round Steak, Jb.i5e "JOSE ttpftUlftC HAS m/S TRADE MARK ens, and Miss Daisy Martin and hear Song Recital. tertained informally at luncheon yes- verts. way or doing everything;" her declared* some beautiful music, Miss Margaret .Haverty, soprano, as- terday at her home in Ansley -Park for 'rather say nothing," he "and I dov not think that the evangel- C Helena Market Co. Miss Stephens' home on Briarcliff sisted toy Miss Helen Jones, pianist, Miss Miriam Clemens, of Philadelphia, "I would road, which' has a colonial interior of will 'present'an interesting program of the guest of Mrs. Malcolm Fleming, declared in presence of the group ot\ ical Dr. • Chapman is conforming to Specialist of Home Products attractive plan, ' was inviting with music at the Barili School of Music arid for 'Miss Mildred Hazen, 'of East converts, some of them young boys this rulei in entirety^ . Croup and spring ^flowers, all of them cultivated Saturday afternoon at 2:45, this event Orange, N. J., Who is Wisitlncr Miss and girls,,some sobbing, all tearful and "I do not pretend to toe able to show Pneumonia In the hqme garden and hothouses. to be an artistic exposition of the stu- Anrelia Specr, Mrs. Shallenburger morose. Later,,, whWi he left the room him greater ways than his own, al- Jonquils were ». gay contrast with dent work of the two talented young completed the party. , to make , space for new-coming con- the 'brown and tan tones of the^ music women. - i though if. he. will come to iny sermon room fur.nishings, and in the drawing They have found time, in spite, of verts, .he added: next Sunday night, I have 'but', little room and dining room 'were, 'growing their social interests, .to make sub- Dancing Party. "But I do say this: I regret exceed- doubt.that I might bo able to convince hyacinths and i'reesias. In the dining stantial progress in their study of mu- Miss' Frances Kllis -will entertain at ingly the source of this new attack, him of a 'better way of showing the • room the table centerpiece was a .pink' sic, and their friends will enjoy this but welcome'it for reason that it\,will people true regard for the Holy Eather. azalea of unusual grace, , the candles auspicious opportunity to hear them. a dancin;T party Saturday evening at iliad pink empire shades and 'the can- the home of her j>arents, 'Mr. and M,rs. set people to thinking. Interest will I have, among other things, the right, dies and, frozen punch were pink. Fra'.ik Kllis, in . lag in a movement like ours unless as | a wayfaring V citizen. to pi^otfx; Miss Stephens wore a white brocade Terrace Dance. there is a fight on hand. And,..by this, against the emblazonment in gaiul> crepe with a flower design in old The ..fortnightly informal dance at For Mrs. Mitchell. I don't mean that we intend to.do bat- letters of the name of my Father in blue aiid iblack. Mrs. Brodhead was be- Georgian 'ferrace -will be -a ibright tle with Dr. Atkinson. \ sU\.ng upon street billboards." vcomingly. gowned in black net heavily Mrs. W.- W. Austoll entertained at em,broidered in 'jet arid crystals and event of this evening-. a. delightful spend-blie-daj' party yes- "Dr. Atkinson is no doubt a good made over white satin. Miss Martin' terday in ^compliment to Mrs. O. E. man, who means well^ But ihis hostile WOODWARD~LAUDED wore -black chiffon over white satin. Mitchell, of Portland, Oregon, former- views will not in the least influence Miss Clyde Brodhead, the lovely Marriage of the Tots. ly of Atlanta. . our bulletins or our religious efforts. BY DEAN ATKINSON nchool gr-rl daughter of the\ honor "The Marriage of the Tots," or "Jen- The 'guests, who included friends guest, "wore a emart taffetas gown in nie June Wedding," is to be an inter- who once lived In Cartersville, were No! We will not take Dr. Atkinson to "The Men. and Religion are not con-\ -esting .-event . Friday' evening at 8 •Mrs. John Henderson, Mrs. Ben P'agett, task for his criticism of us. That is ilame color, o'clock at the East Atlanta Methodist not our. policy. . We will continue tent-with i-nifylng the mayor ^for al- in entertaining- -were a Si%, Mrs. 'George Muse, Mrs. John Akin, leged acts committed ;by him and his croup of Miss Stephens_ . .._' artistic church. -•• This is to be the so9ial- we^d- Mrs. Fanny Sheperd i Ramsaur, Mrs. along .our same lines, varylbs none friends, Mrs. Peyton H. Todd, soprano; ding of-the season, and -will 'be given Fanny Clayton, Mrs. Alex <3. Smith, whatever." , , administration,. 'but they overstep the Mr. "Walter P. Stanley, pianist; Dr. .toy over sixty children from three to Mrs. Annie Cone, Mrs. Mark Scptt, Mrs. x "boundaries of reason 'by accusing him 2oepffel-Quellenstein,, bass; Miss Bda ten years. . ' Ben Porter and Mrs. Alice Shropshire. CHALLENGE Bartholomew, accompanist, and little Everything -will toe carried out ac- .- ^ - — • -, of things 'he is going- to; do,' " said Dr. Miss Joanne Slifer, pianist. cordingly to the most approved wed- TO MAYOR. Atkinson in his address before the Ad . Assisting were Misses Grace and ding costumes. Th~" e musi"c will be a Special \charming factor of the entertainment. For Mrs. Carringtoni It was at this juncture that Mr. IJVten. ."It is up to the' Ad Men ol\. Frances Stephens and Miss Allie ; Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Jones will en- Jackson issued the challenge for Candler, .who served punch, and Miss -rendered hy the "Tots." A 'whole even- tertain at a small dinner party Sat- Atlanta to urge upon the clergy pt iMattie Slatoni Miss Xell Phillips, Miss ing of fun. Ad mis sis; n, adults, 25 .cents; urday evening at home for Mrs. W. F. Mayor Woodward- to carry out his the city and all manful workers to rf Katherine Wootten, Miss Fannie -Tur- children, 15 cents. Carrington, of Virginia, the guest or threat to publish the personal letter put a stop to tliis 'bad advertising' 3 Today and Saturday Only ner, Miss Daisy Martin, Miss Louise •Mrs. Boiling Jones. directed to Mr. .lackson in answer to jDooly, Aliss Mary Moore, Mrs. A. IE the "Open Letter" bulletin. that is not only unjust, but'is cletri- 3 Spain, Mrs. O. IK. Slifer, Mrs. "W. E. Missionary Society^ "I am surprised thatl Dr. Atkinson mental to the cornmunUy.'' j ~Jk The "'Ifew York" Foster and Mrs. A. H. ilynds. Following the fousin'ess meeting of l the Young People's Missionary society Matinee Party. would chJtmpion, Mayor Woodward. We Pays Tribute «o Mayor. • 3 of St. John's church, Friday nightl Feb- Miss Mary Moore will give a mati- do not cleny having a fight on .the Dr. Atkinson, began His attack Vupon. 3J Tea at Druid~S[nis.• =ruaVy 26, there,-will tie a social pro- nee party Tuesday in .compliment to tactics of ..the mayor and his ambitions gram. An interesting feature of the Mrs. ' Brodhead, ot Philadelphia, the the Men and Religion tactics, by.'firsts -=J The tea-dance at Druid Hills Sat- guest, of Miss Nan Stephens and Miss to interfere with the welfare of the Colonial Pump urday afternoon will 'be ono of the evening will be .a defoate: Resolved, police department. He is inimical to Paying a bright tribute to Mayor ^ bright occasions of the Week. Among That from the evangelistic standpoint, Daisy Martin. ' those who will .entertain are Mr. and more good.can be done through edu- the policies'of Chief Beavers, and to Wood-ward and his administration, lie 3 Mrs. Guy Woolford. Mr. and Mrs. R. at. cational Institutions than medical insti- the 'chief himself, although he did, at declared the ma^-or, perhaps, 'the. best g Bldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Dodd, Mr. tutions. Everybody- invited. one time, make printed denial that he fitted m&n for the off loo in the city. 3 and Mrs. T. B. Paine. -Mr. and Mrs. had a fight on Beavers. Howard Muse, Mr. arid Mrs. W. B. One statement was to the effect that ^ Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adalr. Faculty Recital. . { M . MEETINGS "In this regard, I njosf. earneslly jnost preachers, given the reins of a Q Mr". Geprg Lindner, violinist: Mrs. wish the mayor -would publish the let-' Mary Lovelace-Hurt, soprano, and Miss ter to me, in which he declared that city's government, would not be ex- T[ Afternoon Tea. * i^pda Bartholomew,, accompanist, -will The Inman Park Students' club will there' had not been a time since the pected to play anything 'short of havoc. 3 Mrs. William Ijawson Peel will en- be heard in a recital oh Friday even- rriteet.this. morning at 10:30 at the home famous dictograph episode during the "I do not know of the mayor's '-per- :3 ing, February -6, at the Washington ot Mrs. R. C. Little, 95 Cleburne t ave- sonal morals or habits," he said in ^ tertain at tea this afternoon in, honor irue. Rev. H. B. -Mays ivill be present .early days of the Frank case that he v of Madame Dvaneport, who is receiv- seminary. The friends of the artists, and talk on his travels in the Holy had not wanted to get Beavers; 'and this regard. "r have never looked into 3 ing a cordial -welcome from her friends the patrons and friends of the school l them. I wouldn't care for anyone to 3 in the city, and Miss Catherine Glover, and others interested are ln%',ited. Land. . would -have got him had it been in his Atlanta's brilliant magazine writer, Noteworthy ^ features will be Mr. power.' - exploit mine. As an executive, I have. v3 who is afc present visiting relatives in Lindner's playing of the Mendelssohn Atlanta chapter, :STb. 57, O. E. S., will ;Nx>thing -would please us better than found Mayor Woodward doing a clean,' =5 ^ Price Today 64," and the "Ballade- hold its regular meeting thi.s evening sound, progressive work for the city,] the city. at 7:30 o'clock in . All to have 'Mr.,Woodward publish this let- and Saturday et Polonaise Concert,'' toy Vieux- members are urged to be present: ter. He has often threatened to do it. of Atlanta. . He -is- a capable man'^j ! temps. ^ Visitors from other chapters (extended manly and courageous, ah.d ho?- i.^ an i To Mr. and Mrs. Guernsey. We have awaited it anxiously. I think; invaluable asset toV a municipality like]' a cordial welcome. This meeting will however, he has good"political reasons : , Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Chipley gave a be a social, o'ne, a program has 'been ours. ' . • I \ . beautiful dinner party last evening at Afternoon Bridge. in riot doing it." 1 '- their home on Wesley avenue in honor Mrs. Walter Prince Stanley will give arranged by 'Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson, v "This is a model city—it is the most ' A new butterfly tongue model in 'patent or g'un^ of their guests, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. a^ small bridge party Monday after- chairman of entertainment committee. BULLETINS model I have ever seen. 1 have had • Guernsey,, of New- Yorlc. ^ noon at* her home on ttie Prado, inx occasion,' time a.fter . time, tc> observe .< nictal, with gray or^'fawn cloth whole ,<|iiarters. Replete A. business meeting of Agnes Scott its h 1 In their honor Mrs. Walter Howard compliment to, her guest, OMiss Flor- DEFENDED. . ..,.,,. , . ,. . , night life. I have seen only one' Kives. a tea this afternoon at the resi- ence . Brown, of New Haven. Conn., Alumnae association will :be held at This attitude of the Men and TReligion | drunken man, a negro, w^iopvas hoKI- ', with style newness, and any other dealer v^ould ask you dence of Judge and Mrs. Newmaij, and and for. 'Mrs. Robert Brodhead,- • of the college this afternoon at 3: and-. the previous antagonism '.between Mr. and Mrs. Ij\nton -Hopkins enter- Philadelphia, Pa,, the guest of Miss o'clock. ing an argument with a poUeeman. 1 . $4.50. because it -is really .worth it. Jet .ornament, \velt tain fou them at dinner tonight. __ Nan Stephens and Miss Daisy, "Martiix that organization and the mayor, shows not know the policeman. It might. . plainly that l^r. • Atkinson's, startling have been the chi'ef, for all 1 know. sole and French heels. ^ • ' FLOYD JAIL DELIVERY address has develpped^a lee^eiily inter- "Morally, Atlanta is the mijst orderly \ToMissLamb. > At Hotel Imperial. . _• _• esting political, as well as religious city of my knowledge. T really can't \ " *Miss Mattie Lamb returned yesteA ' The -weekly novelty dance >vill take PREVENTED BY SHERIFF aspect. , sec. what -more these men want (mean- '^rtay to Norfolk after spending a few- place at the Imperial hotel Friday, , -"Dr. Atkinson chaarger s that, your bul- ing the Men and Jlcl'igiou). 1 think j days -with her father, -yir. B. T. Lamb, evening .and many new novelties will letins are .lilbelouss,," Mr. Jackson was M. RICH & BROS. CO. at the Georgian Terrace. She was de- be- given, among them the silver lov- Rome, Ga., Febt-uary "25.—(Special.) v thei mayor has givon tiie city :m up- ! ' HgrhtfulJy- entertained in an informal ing cup for- t!he lucky dancing couple. Thirty negro prisoners confined in, the told. "Do. you consider any of them right, beneficial admirtist.ration. If 1 '• way. An exhibition of' "The Opera\ "Walte" "Floyd county jail -organized a mutiny so?" •'"-..'.- were in hi? place, T .woulil swear out a 52-56 Whitehall St. ^ On Tuesday Miss Lamb was the honor will be given by Robert J. Emory, as- "We \vo\fld have never published and en"dea\-ore1d I to escape yesterday writ for crivnjnal libel against the, per- . guest at G o'clock tea. at the Driving sisted by Mi6s Mildred1 D.ay. The dances morning-. The ' tore down the grating them in that case.-" he replied. rtub. Miss .Dortothy Tlarman the host- will 'be continued for several weeks. petrators of these serial advertise- ess. Miss Harman had as Iier guests . between their cells, und started for a , "Do you consider them unfair in ments. , • , - the younK ladies, in the house pavrty 'break \n the north wall of the prison any regard?" . • . - •| "They are libeloui?. • They arc. bad or whicli she was a 'tnember. given re- Mrs. Selman Hostess. by ^Y/hich five white vprisoners recently "Positively- not." - , . j advertisiiiL;-. The'r, originators nre ••oeritly -by Mr. F.dwin T. Lamb, Jr., and Mrs A James T. .Selmun was Hostess escaped. They seriously injured a ne-j Whereupon he went into detail to j mistaken. Thc\-' ure guod^ men; yll "Mr. Conkey Whiteliead at Helen-wood, at . an enjoyable "forty-two" p'arty Kro youth named Ware. a.nd beat him explain the authorship of each bulletin. I Uiav IK true, but they are aotin;v uu- Tenn. Miss Lamb. 'Miss Marion Atchi- Monday afternoon at her apartments Uaeh bulletin, is first written by Mr. son. Miss Rosalie Davis. . Miss Vir- in the WinturnvCourt. The decorations severely. The noise they made, ho-w- \v:se!y iir.cici- unwise plans': You .-\ and ferns were also used effectively. •back iiito their ceils with a' drawn' re- ligioiA. which is composed of .Dr. >C. . B. ont the inadvisability of these metli-j I On Wednesday Miss Rosalie Davis Miss Julia Stokes made top score. volver. ' - ' "\Vilmer. pastor of St. Luke's Episcopal ods; tho- damage thej- do the pom- m'unity.. ' ". • ^ . .Should' Encoiiragc Mayor. "The mayor, instead- of .bei'nr,- slan- dered by ,'gootl' . meiji', should! be en- couraged^ -by sound, • madly arid robust workers for the welfare of the/rminici- . ipality. Tou should discourage this sort of -wrong' advertising^ It is un- fair, to say the lea'st. : Instead of seek- ing to dismantle, as they certainly are] doing by . these tactics, they should' W work in harmony, co-operate, encour- age. The. mayor impresses me as Hie sort of man- who would work in utter accord with any movement contain- ing the spirit of municipal betterment. "Don't think I am knocking these is made of 1 good men. I am merely knocking | their unwise tactics. I want to show j then"! wher-and has held an unchallenged off the streets, .out of temptation. It ! would, give them something pleasant possible value for the\dimes and dollars to occupy their time. It would do leadership. - I • A . much to transform their habits. \, it -you spend. Economize by making glor- • -V • • • .. ' J- ' .•""-.'-'•':- • would be conducive to play, the one great sustaining element in all human iously delicious bread at home and Order a. pail of C9ttolene from^ your grocer today and use it lives. "Keep the"n from'ihell instead of let- eating lots of it instead of so much meat. in shortening, frying, or calke-making. Added to its splen- ting- them go and 'then try to bring them ba,ck. We need a municipal play- Economize by making SURE that no house with a contiguous performance: did results is its economy — you use one-third less, than of we (iced a .dramatic institution where i flour ever comes into your kitchen but our young people can learn, to play in-j any ordinary cooking fat Arrange with your grocer for a steutfc.of having to content the..isel.ves with watching others act.' We need ' amusement-^ Atlanta has 250 churches.\| regular supply. *' • V There" are too many. We are emerging from the antiquated religion that "for- bid pleasure and amusement. If we Write to our ^General Offices, Chicago, for our real cook are to have a sustaining religion, we must allow amusemenJ t and pleasure." book— "HOME HRL,PS"— free. Talks pt Ad "Men. l . l\ Prefacing his address. Dr. Atkinson i urys •"--' ' " " • ' '" - declared'that he had come before the Ad Men as a brother ad man, not simply | as a, parson, but'as "a man among you | who is as interested in the welfare, of i ...... • •- • , , - •.. - • - - - . Atlanta afe any other public-sniritert in- dividual.". His rtheme , was -----""Ad Men- , Gre.at and SmalL" I-Te pronounced the Jews as tlfe great- I est aff-men of Christianity, and pro- ' "Cotiolehe makes good cooking better " claimed his belief tbat this race 'had DISTRIBUTED BY invented the art. He recalled Theddore Hoosevelt as one of the nation's great-! est advertisers;" William Jennings CONE M. MABDOX, CO., Atlanta Bryan, President "Wilson and Billy Sun- I Bay as other renowned advertisers. ' A references were, replete Tirith hu-:* v

lEWSFAPESr SlEWS.PAPE.Rr D. 'A- :R.; Has Seen" in the city for sev- ;their wedding, trip to New: Orleans, eral weeks,, having -come for the ,.p. A. Cuba and Nassau. They .were the R.. conference -and remained for the u'esta ,of Mrs. O'Connor's sister, Mrs.- ON THE PUBLIC vORKS SOCIAL "Washington birthday celebration of the f tephens' Hook, who assembled to A chapter. • meet the^m at luncheon relatives and '•" \"' ''•-";-.. -V'-.":. ':-. '\' .•.',;'.'•:'. • V • - .- . ' • «»» • ', . ; a. tew, close friends. . "'..,, .AlbEtnyv N.- -4T.,u February 25.—the 1 state vcyisit '(Mrs. 3. *B. Mc- Miss Verna Dudley, -who Was been ployment of aliens in building sub- visiting, Mrs. Eugene Gray, \vill return Direct Control. , ways under construction in New .York Crary and Mrs. Paul Vbse.- Saturday to Columbus. . •: • '• city.- '-•:- -• ^ • ' The opinion asserted-that the : legis- Mrs. E. Piedmont Park are now. V Florida. ••''. ' $1£50,000 BY STRIKE "3. That arrangements be made through \ Nothing is so essential to health If you live in Atlanta or its- suburbs, you .= in handling. •'• Dort't chance £E • v • -;• •- ;.....;: ; - *** • ' -.-••• the park department for free bathing fa- in' advancing age as keeping the Mr. and Mrs. J. Calhoun Clarke have cilities at Lakewodd this summer Just as\has .bowels open. - It makes one feel are concerned very much— be you man, = your clothing in; poor trunks. E returned .'from Cuba and Nassau in the New York; -February^ 5. — The recent so successfully been-, .carried ou at Piedmont younger and fresher-and forestalls Bahamas. "-,; .-•; • ' • strike at th'e mines of the Colorado fuel Park, thua giving the large" population on colds, piles, fevers" and other de- . woman or child. . E Ours -are strong aryl dura- S and Iron company cost the company the .south sfUe equal bathing facilities in pendent ills. i . Mr. and Mrs. Johri J. Woodside, Jr.,approximately ?1,250,000. v President Cathartics' and pHirgatives are have " returned- from St. Petersburg, the summer. . ; , /'' E ble. They'll; stand^ the ^in^fS Jesse F. Welborn estimated in a. state- "4. That in the -development of-\lJakewpbd violent arid drastic in action and - i We want to impress that on you and then Florid^. . , , ''••••-. ment issued • today in connection with Park for the fair, . appropriation ' be :made should be avoided. .A mild, effec- E bang of travel^ ;.- E . • • • , ... . *** • the monthly , directors' meetin.gr held tive laxative-tonic; recommended invite you to joii^ us in a very respectful "'-Misses ' Bessie and Kate Grinstead. for public golf links, adequate, tennis courts, by 'physicians and thousands who of Lexington. Va.V are the' guests of here. The .statement told of a plan baseball diamond.s and playgrounds for th.e have used it, is the. combination of and open suggestion to the authorities that I $3-°° to $72-50 |their sister, Mrs. J. Lloyd Teaford, on for providing club tiouses^at aA number children. VAlso that a, complete and' com- .simple herbs with pepsin sold by MeLendon street, Inman Park. of the Colorado camps, a-iid also Kde- prehensive pla.n of landscape development druggists everywhere tinder the : they prescribe now, in advance, regulations tailed the condition 'of the compstriy's be' provided and adopted so that from year name- of Dr.. Caldwell's Syrup Pep- Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Slifer have re- business and it$ prospects. to year, as this work develops,, it Bhould sin. The price is fifty cents and .. to control the innovation^ . turned from a short stay Jn. Rich- .be.'a part always ^pf the larger planh , to . the one dollar a bottle. For a^free E From Factory to You = .mond, Incl. i A report, wa^s sub.mltted by, ^,reside.ta^i ',fpd that ultf.matelVfkhe eit-y -ivitKh ave'orie.Mf .trial bottle write to Dr. W- B. Cald- fff Welborn showmgr"'earmria-s "for January the finest all-the-year-round recrea"tional v parks at Lakewood that could be - frtiind' well, 452 Washington St., Monti- .First, you are interested in the matter of Miss isblin'e Campbell is visiting her and for the first seven months of the anywhere in the country and would be^a cello, Ills. ' \. . • i aunt, -Mrs. Robbing, in Selma, Ala., and companj-'s fiscal year. Gross earn- source of pride to. .the city- of'Atlanta." • . pavements/ ,Our own cars run on rails and from there she will go to New York, ings for the seven months showed joining her mother, who has toe en vis- iting her.son, Orme -Campbell, at the marked decreases from the preceding ~r wear out no pavement ; yet we pay a geii- Tome school in Maryland. two years. , IROUNTREE'S] "Although our mine employees were, erous proporvtion of, all .paving costs on = W.Z. TURNER, Manager = generally speaking, satisfied with their Miss'- Leila O. Daley is wisiting In. working conditions at the time , the streets where - our tracks are ^laid. Auto- Sandford, .Fla., and she will visit strike was called," said President W«il- v77 WHITEHALL ST. other points in Florida. ' born in his statement, "a-nd had been mobile buses will impose very heavy wear v for many years prior thereto, I know CALIFORNIA Mr. and'Mrs. Gerald H. O'Connor, of I am sate in saying that they are bet- .( on pavements. Those pavements are yours. New York, spent Monday in the city on ter satisfied and ha-vw a more friend- .-*=&.- ly feeling towards the company today You pay a share of their cost. You r,enew than they1, ever had before. The Exposition Line—1915 "We have furnished employment to them. Shall the ''jitney" bus contribute the maximum number of men at all of to San Francisco and San Diego .our operating mines, to take care of as - nothing for their maintenance? v many as possible of the desira.ble -work-, men who participated in the strike. A 1 Davison-Paxon-Stofces Go. larger .percentage than usula of the workmen nave families, as in re-em- v Second, ^ you are interested in the mafcter • ploying the strikers we -have given preference to the married men." of street traffic. Eight buses of ordinary 99 size would be required to carry as many Get a "Georgia' BIG RALLY AT passengers as one street car accommodates. ' Multiply the automobiles downtown; pour Big Crowd of Farmers Hear 'em into the main thoroughfares that al- Souvenir Spoon Today [• Farm Experts. '\ : ready are overcrowded; dump 'em in on the Newnan, Ga., February; 25.—(Special.) A large crowd, composed, of represen- THE SAFE, FASt Al^D RELIABLE ROUTE rush-hour throngs; then you have the pos- tative people from this .and other coun- v Only 60 Hours and 45 Minutes to Los Angeles sible newi conditions. < Should tl\at conges- At lie ties of the dfstrict, gathered .here .to- Only''76NHpurs to San Francisco ,_ v • . . ••• - • day to attend the fourth district agri- tion, be regulated in advance? . > cultural rally, held under the auspices We will be busy handing 011^ these pretty souvenir Of the state department of agriculture The Sunset Limited—The Sunset Express and the Georgia Federation of Woman's Third, you are Interested in public spoons today., until they are gone. • . • , ' -.'- . clubs. . •- 11:00 A. M. . Leave l^ew Orleans 11:30 P.sM. ; Addresses of welcome 'were delivered safety. Street car motormen and conduct- The fad for 'souvenir spoons has, in the-last few weeks, fby Hon. R. D. Cole, president of the county chamber of 'commerce, and Mrs. brs are trained carefully before they're al- become a.mania: They'cannot be supplied fast enough. ,. OVIike Powell, district president .of the Federation of Woman's clubs. Mr.'Cole The Only Through trains to California lowed to run cars. Accidents have, increased These are 1881 Rogers silver spoons, regulation tea size, also presided and introduced the speaki From -New Orleans Traveling with the seal of state arid the word "Georgia" beautifully en- ers. . . . • • V '-' THROUGH LOUISIANA, TEXAS, NEW MEXICO AND ARIZONA everywhere the "jitney" bus idea has been At the morning" session interesting graved, on the handle. : ^ • addresses? were made by Hon. J." D; spread. They increased 60 per cent in Los Price, ^commissioner of agriculture; THE ROAD OF A THOUSAND WONDERS ' You rriu;st come early today if you wish one of these Prof. Peter Bahnsien, state veterinarian, THE OPEN WINDOW ROUTE \ .Angeles. \ It has been necessary to enforce •"' and IProf. Phil Ckmpbell, of the state ^spoons at— college of agriculture. At the after- ^ Oil 'Burning Locomotives, No Smoke, Soot Nor Cinders safety measures in all cities. Should not noon session the soea'kers were 'Mrs. - Dining .Car'Service Unsurpassed Nellie Peters Black and Mrs. Lyman you also have protection against careless J. Amsdeu, of Atlanta; Prof. Ira ,Wil,r Four Daily Trains New Orleans to Texas Points liams, of the state department of ento- chauffeurs ? —-Jewelry Section—First Floor. mology: Prof. .1. A. Melson, president a d \ \ of the fourth district 'A. &'iM. school; Note—-The spoons^will be rsc by mail, which includes 4c and. Dr. C. C. Buchanan, hookworm ex- Atlanta to San FraRcisco r"t Urn$71.90 Fourth^ you are interested, in re.sponsi- pert of'the state board of health. ^ Tickets on sale''/p'h apd after !March 1* Liberal stopovers and diverse for postage- • '. •• v The exercises throughout were most v v interesting' and .'instructive, as well. . •'.• ,r ,,"'• ' .,,.routes allowed. . . -.. bility for damages. If we're sued and the Call or Write, for Full Information and Literature jury blames -us, we can inee't the verdict, , ...... -,™. ,,,.Ailow Us to Plarif Your Trip . MRS. JOHN F. TOOLE C.' M. EVANS, Geni. Agt., ,. D. L. GRIFFIN, C. P. A-l •for the nature of ^ bur business requires , DIES AT SON'S HOME Fourth National Bank Building, Atlanta, Ga. heavy investment in property.. Is one auto- v. itrs. Johnv F. Toole, ot Macon, Ga.. mobile in more or less good repair sufficient died yesterday afternoon at 3:20 o'clock at the home oC- her son oh Columbia to answer for the results of a "jitney" bus avenue, in Atlanta. Only last Novem- ber Mr. Toole, her husband, died at accident? . hia home iTi iMacon, avt "Which tirne his wife was qtiite siok. She ivas broiig-ht Smith-Winn Company to a sanitarium in Atlanta where' she • - . : .: .;••. . -. ... '•. ..; • . :. ... '. &.:••„• •••'-.. ~ Fifth, you 're, interested, in a potential Our Mail Order remained for several weeks, later being removed to the residence of her. son menace to morality. Inevitable conse- here. . General insurance— •Mrs. Toole -was a splendid Christian quences have aroused mothers' associa- Department woman and will 'be greatly missed Iby her large num'ber of friends In Macpn. tions, women's clubs, to urgent demands. ' Thpre ar6 a .few stores that cJb not owe a share of She Tvas 67 years'old; She la- survived by three sons and one daughter. E>fe. Walton Building, ATLANTA, for . protection \of womeii and children. -.their prosperity -to ,^the out-of-to>wn customer—but Charles L. Toole, a dentist of IMacon; ,^such cases are - rare.' So there is sound business \V. H. Toole. president'of the .First " Newspapers have told .of these things— of National bank of Winder, and also di- SEMI-ANNUAL STATiBiMBNT for the Six Montlis Ending- Decemiber 31, judgment in -looking carefully to the out-of-town rector in the, Federal Reserve bamk of 1914, of the condition .of the insult and mistreatment incited by the in- Atlanta; J. E: Toole, president of the customer's interests., • " • Southern Trust company, of Atlanta, timacy and informality of the "jitney" bua "Shopping by mail" is a feature here that has and Mrs. Clarence Bi-eedlove, of Ot- tle Rock, ArV. .The'< funeral will be Union Marine Insurance Company! Ltd. ride, and the irresponsibilit r y of the "jit- i^been enlarged upon from year to year. The organi- held in .Macon. ney" bus driver. \ . zation of the department is complete and provides ( OF LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND \ facilities which render the satisfactory filling of MONTICELLO PURCHASE organized under the laws of England, ftiade to tlie Governor of the. State of Georgia, in pursuance of the laws of said SStatej , . .' . (. Sixth, ^vou 're interested in actual money orders as certain as if you were buying in person. FAVORED BY WILSON v v The safety-valve to the purchaser is the age- *-, -• . \ ' - — — - - . . I. 'CAPITAL STOCK. losses to the public \reyeiiue. ,For instance^ v Washington, February 25. — President 3. :'J/Vhole Amount of Capital Stock...... $200,000.00 old guarantee that goes out with every Wilson sent a letter today to Sena/tor Amount Paid up in Cash ...... v ...... 200,000.00 the city gets a part of every nickel we col- purchase, ."money ^refunded if value ,. Kern and Representative Underwood lect — a tax 011 gross revenue, additional to" v favorjng passage of the pending' reso^ V. ' . . , ''.' "IT. "ASSETS. is not satisfactory." - lution for purchase of Montieello, tho home of Thomas Jefferson It fol- Storks anfl Bonds owned absolutely,, ."by the Company. Far other taxes. If the nickels are paid to lows: . Value, $57«.'500.00;-Market Value (carried out) '. $5^7,780.00 » "I am told that there is a resolution Cash 'in the Company's 'principal office $ 53.32 someone else who give's no share to, the city, npw pending before both houses of Cash belonging to the Company deposited in congress for the purchase of Monticel- .Banlk .. .. , : 5(i,30!).14 ' the public treasury loses. Shall tile prin- lb, the home o.f Mr. Jefferson, and tha>t Cash in hands ot Agents and in course of trans-" back of it lies" a very strong sentiment mission ' .'.' 291,143.02. ciple of taxation be applied' impartially ? . \ in both houses. Certainly my own i'ti- terest in jt is very deep and very sin- I \ ' Total .. . S...... , ..J346.50S.18 cere. • Total Cash Items (carried out) ...... s...... 346,505.48 Seventh, you're concerned with the, pds- "J. most earnestly hope that ihere will Amount of^Intercst actually due', and accrued and unpaid .. 8,39667 Bills receivable, not matured, taken for Fire, Marine and In- bo some1 interval in the " business -of sible impairment of our existing street car congress which can be used for the land Risks ...... iv ...... 3,119.35 passage of this most interesting piece 11. All other Assets, both -real and .personal, not included herein-' ' \ service. If we lose money,, naturally we of legislation, which, I think, will meet . before: Cash Deposit with Treasurer o£ the State of Mas- Davisoji-Paxon-§ltokes Co. the approved of the whole nation." .sachusetts ...... 445.35 can't afford to make extensions. They've Total Assets of the Company; actual cash market value. ^'$894,746.75^- been stopped altogether in several cities. SEATS FOR "HYPOCRITES" i\ . . .. III. INABILITIES-•.-;-••' ...... '.',.'- • A' .. . „-' .L ...•-.. -A . If still we lose, it's logical that we must Losses'due- and unpaid • .... ,..< '... 'V ..:-,.«. ...$408,485.71 . '. *fc**-*^Y, WILL, CO ON SALE TODAY : curtail expenses elsewhere, perhap^ by • \ . ' >: Losses resisted, including- interest, .coat, and "all . . '..-•'••' • •'" . The Lyric -box office will open this other .expenses thereon .;, -.; ...... - - ,, 2,963.9(6 -'...'• . abandoning unprofitable v lines— and that morning for tlie accommodation of J those who desire to secure seats in ad- Total Amount of Claims for' Losses ...... ' . means the "long-haul" lines into outlying ? vance for .the engagement of "-Hypo- Deduct Re-rnsurancc thereon 216,844.44 " sections. If revenue still doesn't pay ex- Money in the 1 6- Net Amount of Unpaid Losses (carried out) . $104,605.i3 10 The Amount pf Reserve for Re-tnsurance . . t'ure is still a' sensation in New York. i. u- 190,000.59 pens^s, extraordinary\ measures are neces- I crowdings the l-ioiigacre to Its capacity All other claims asainst ^thei. Company .. .. 26,546.78 i at' every performance—$1 a seat. T^he ' 1". Surplus Jbeyoiid all Liabilities .. .v. 483,594.]-5 sary, such as higher fares to outlying sec- picture will 'be exhibited at. the Lyric Rocket : ; ; j for 25 cents for the best seat matinee i'l.4. Total Liabilities '.' . ^ .'.'.'' v...... $894,746.75 tions. The deficit on "long-haul" lines is, i or night. Reservations can be made by [ lV. INCOME DURING THE LAST SIX MONTHS OP TJ-IE -YEARAisi*. ^ , phone or messenger. A great many paid now (and only partially paid, in some orders ihave ;been lis,teditoy mail and 1. Amount, of CaSli Premiums received .. .V .... }• .there is every indication -that "Hypo- S. Received for .Interest ...'..'.; '. ;. ^. ; ; '16,030.17 v instances) by the profit of the "short-haul" ', crites" will be the same sensation here 5. American Branches of Foreign Cbni'paiiiea will-please report ; it has been so long in New York. amouiit of .remittances frojrc Home Office during1 the last lines. That profit is the cream of the street Beats old furniture in the attic, or ^ I. - ' - : six months''.: '5.-• V. '..-«.'.:~ ...... '. .. .. 60,323.35 transportation business. And without it ! NAME POLLING PLACES ' 6. ISota! Income actually received during' the last BIX months in old stoves in the basement An | cash .- .- -..-:.--,:^-,.,. ------.... .-•,_•..- ..• -..,..-. _.i•. ..'.•• . _ .•.• .$661,366.76.7-1: there couldn 't be any skimmed milk. Shall \ FOR-QUEEN OF BAZAR V. EXPENpIlijR.ES CURING TJEfB LA.ST SIX MONTHS OB^THE YiEAR 191^ that "cream be taken away and its benefits 1. Amount o*:fLo'ssesS;pitid-:;. '/' .".:^*.:> ,.. .' ..'.... $312,948.6!9 I i .Interest in' the selection of a "q^ieen 3. Amount o.f. Expenses paid, -tiicluding fees, salaries and com- denied you"? ^ ad under ."For Sale-^-Miscellane- { 'of Atlanta," to T>e crowned on^'G-ranrt ; \ . . , / / '•. • ' v "Mardi G-ras. Day," March 6. the last day ' missions to "'Agetits and Officers of the Company ...... 115,923.ii of the big Atlanta charity bazar, will _4. Paid for. State,., National and Local Taxes in. t'hls and other States .. : \:'::t.'£:'..• -,'-f .. ••:.*•. •'-'.... .'.'.. .. 29,848.87 There you have seven sensible reasons be increased today because off the fact 5. -All otHer Payinfehts ajid Expenditures, viz.: Bad Debts and pus" will turn the^ furniture or " that, the various polling plages and bal- Loss .on BIame of State Agent—NEAK-^E GIBBS & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. each for' -Liverpool, Rotterdam ana JJame of Agent at Atlanta—CARLETON X. SMITHi, of Smith-Winn Co., ****^*^*^*^^ Gothenburg. Atlanta,- Ga. . . . - v Georgia Railway & Powef Co.

r si EWSFA.PES Page Eight. THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY,* FEBRtJARY 26, 1915. THE CONSTITUTION sacredness of the democratic prlnejipre?: .*»f.:; 1S«S. ', , equality of opportunity tt the school 'systehi EIGHT THOUSAND THE STANDARD SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER are-involved. . . ' - . Thtb Holhiiic} Letter By ^cv.^/: Wilbur Chapman, D. f). WOMEN JOLZV JN MOVEMENT an Daily. Sunday, Tri-Weekly •; •--• Er ik A. Vanderiip compacted. lnto_a few THAN(REPUDIA TION. . '-'Jealousy is cruel; aa words information which had cosine to him CLAI^K HOWELL. v : 1 -ft*hJIe' Epjourning upon, the. Pacific coast FOR WELFARE OF SCHOOLS F«Jitor laA General Manager With tie partisan politics and the chronic . the "grave."—S." of Solo- mon, 8:6. and returning- thence to this .city by saying:. -•'",-- A Directors: Clark Howell, Roby Robinson. municipal parsimony and short-sightedness that lie wasfpersuaded that the .people do .not 1 Albert Howell. Jr.. E. K. Black. H. W. Gradj£ • It -works "with blight-- Eight thousand women, representing- the the bulletin, and directions are g^ven- ta to yflbicb. now aim at the abolition of the city's Ing power in the life now ^maintain tlie same • attitude toward organized forces of the women of the city,' where'the aid can be had. business which' they -did hold 'for several Telephone Mala SOOO. normal training school for teachers, The of the ' offender. It in- 'pledged their support- to the welfare of TBe /Unemployed Women. - expressibly grieves, the years, and that what they now look |for is not hew legislation, but the repeal pf some the public schools • of Atlanta, when, yes- Mrs. Lumpkln also indorsed the wqrk^of Constitution \does not undertake to deal. one against whom the nc the committee frpm the Atlanta "VVoma'n's : of'the laws-which have In recent years been terday, a£ the semi-annual meeting of. * 1 But there are two be'drock t>rinciples in- offense is committed. " enacted. VThe same, though, Is contained in Atlanta Cltj; Federation of AVotnen's clubs, club looking to the heij^ of unemployed worn- , ..It has left.'.its-mark ' en, the federation subsequently passInR a set rolved in the issue that should and do .in- a few ^remarks' made by Judge E. H. Garj-, Mrs. Samuel Bumpkin presiding-, the City of resolutions sent'by the Atlanta Woman's^ upon the piges of .the whtf"ven.tu-red to say- that what Is now desir- v terest every citizen 'of Atlanta. •, Federation . im-ited to become a 'mem- club committee, putting Itself on record :IH Bible, and, like the trail able Is the. repeal of certain legislation which ber of its body the Atlanta School Imptove- working: for the establishment of. a munici- Is the city, going to hold itself up to the of the serpent, we trac-p ' has been found detrimental to business. meiit association, and indorsed unanimously pal employment • bureau for Atlanta, these its going-s 'on the pages Something of this kind was undoubtedly resolutions sent by the School Improvement resolutions signed by Mrs. William Pevscy, derision of the country toy breaking its in. President .Wilson's mind when he spoke of "holy writ: In the association as 'fallows: ( . • chairman. - , • ( moral obligation with the teachers it em- book of books we read to .the convention of the chamber of com- .Another movement heartily indorsed was merce of the .United States at its recent , .""Whereas, the efficiency" of the public ployed at the school for the full .term.of ten of- b ro t h e r arrayed meeting In Washington. • No part of his ad,- . school system of Atlanta is seriously expressed lii resolutions commending the ed- against brother, '" chil- threatened by the failure of the city to, ucational committee .of the Atlanta. Woman's months? v ' ^ . dress has .been so earnestly .discussed as , provid,e adequate accommodations for the club. Jlrsi Spencer Atkinson, cnalrman. urg- dren ag-ainst.j .parents, that portion in which he intimated that ."Children applying for admission; and . And are the people of Atlanta willing households divided, and REV. J. WILE UK-' if he can -be shown that combinations per- ' "Whereas, the lack of accommodation? ing upon the Aboard of education to incorpo- fected solely,for the purpose of maintain- has deiiied hundreds of children the stand- rate "in. the curriculum of the. grammar that a plant for the production of suitable lives wrecked. It. fairly CHAPMAN, D.t>. • ard. five and one-half hours' opportunity schools domestic ((science .for girls, arid man- eats away the heart of the one who is guilty' "ihs^ and increasing- our foreign trade are not teachers for the Atfantans of tomorrow shall . supposed \to be accorded to all the chil- ual training for boys. Mrs. Atkinson, spca'U- anfl is the sharpest cause of suffering for the in violation of the Sherman anti-trust law, dren of the city; and iiig to the i-esolution., described, the a'ppoint- Eaterea at the postofflco at Atlanta *»_„• be 'dismantled for lack of a pitiful little one against .whom it is committed; It is one then lie.would be glacl to take such action, . "Whereas, the children thus forced^ to ineut. of the club committee by Mrs. McGov- . »econa-clasj> mall (matter. ' _ • of the most harmful failings in the world, • as seemed to him appropriate. At firgt, attend the double sessions are given only\ ern, the visit of the committee to the board $4,500? v the" impression prevailed with some of the four hours and, ^ what is worse, are' re- Jealousy is caused by a depreciation of. quired to attend to their School duties of education and councjl, and their continued , >•" POSTAGE BATESi one's self and. by lack of fair treatment of members at the convention that the presi- 1 . United States and Mexico. ." Those,are the only two "factors that really Veither very early in the morning- or very efforts in that direction. She explained the those pf whom we are jealous. Sometimes dent meant that when the supreme court late in the afternoon; ancl\ • plea of the eoifimittee, w-hich was that the JO to IZ-vmstf fc«P«»*. 1«S « *» count. As against, them technicalities and it is apparent because w e are tired, often passes upon this issue he will have received "W-hereas, these irregular and uncer- paper*. Set ** *° »«-»•*» paper*. So* v branches of training asked for were directly when we are sick, but as a rule when we the' information, that he is anxious to' get. tain hours are detrimental not only to in line. wl£h the girls' and boys' equipment f paper", Sc. _ | ' p'etty personal ^politics are dwarfed. ourselves are not rig-ht. " I .But, as the president's, utterance was metre . their- mental .development, but to their physical welt being: and' for life. \ A ATLANTA, GA,, February 26, 1916. - If the employer in private-life hired'a '- -"We are-jealous -when we ourselves know 'carefully'considered and discussed, it became .} Following the business meeting of the •at last the prevailing opinion ,that his mean- "Whereas, conditions- n,ot onlv in the man to work' fpr him In September -on that we have .fallen below the standard of Boys'- and the Girls' high- school -build-V organization an address of stirring interest . SUBSCItlPTIOJf ItA-TESl ''^ "' rigb,t living-. Jealousy comes when we brood ing- was as follows: ' The business men of ings, but also in the -gramma!- schools of on the subject of the "Cornell in the War By' Mail in the United, State* and Mexico. through into .June and, then, in February, over wcongs which, as a rule, are imaginary the United States are of the • opinion that this city threaten a congestion t!iat will Zone'" was delivered by Mrs. Ralph C. Npr- ^ (Payable invanaaly in atlvanc*.) and not real. combinations are essential if we are to main- paralyze the entire system, if not soon ton. 'l 1 mo. 6 mo. ' ^ 12 mo. blithely discharged that employee, tup act THE CURE: tain and increase our foreign trade. < There "> remedied;, therefore,, be it "Resolved, That we, representing- the ', 'On the platform with Mrs. Lumpkln at would .be .outright breach of contract. * Make the most of your own life. Fight is, however, a .difference^ of opinion respect- School l.mprovenient association and the the meeting were the officers of the fed- youi> failings,- multiply your. virtues. -.Make ing the relation of; the Sherman anti-trust motherhood o£ the city generally, Je-\ eration, including Mrs. Oscar' Parmalee and v S^*: 'If: 11 ou That is the position Atlanta is about to -law to combinations of that kind. Some ar.e. > ,Tri-Weekly ...... ---- .- . . - — • ' \ the world ashamed because it ca n sav y .no evil rnand that something be done to protect Mrs. W. B. Price-Smith; also Mrs.,E. L. Con- v assume toward'the teachers in (the city nor- thing; against you. , persuaded that the. Sherman law does not our public s.chdola and to restore tUem By Carrier, . . at least to the former basis of adequate nally and Mrs. Woods White, former presi- In Atlanta. So cents per month or is centa Treat the one of whom- you are Jealous- prohibit such combinations. Able lawyers dents; Mlse-Rosa Woodberry, repreeentinij s mal, who went to work in September with accommodations without^whlch no sound per week, Outside at Atlanta, 69 cent* per Think -kind things of him, render, him .some confess, that they are unable to give any development 'is possible. the State Federation, and Mrs. Wllllem Law- month or It-i-ehts per weeli. __ ___ the understanding "that their employment special service,-say'more:good things about opinion respecting the attitude of the su-' "For the purpose of Effecting such or- son Peel, .an honor guest. him. There Is no one so far fallen but there i>reme court -when this issue las,brought to ganization as may be necessary to .further J K. lIOLi.li>A3C. Constitution Bulldlny, continued through" the school year. Welcomed as .the "baby organization" of; •ole Advertising Managter for all territory Is in him some virtue of which he may the attention, of the court. If It ever is. In \this movement, the . chairman of \tlii3 the City Federation was the Atlanta School speak. ' . - - .. . , any event, not .less than two years proba^bly v meeting- is hereby authorized to appoint outside Atlanta. '' s . • _ • t It is all the worse, In\that the contract an executive „ commi^tfcs of twenty-five improvement association, of which Mrs. K. v Here is a good prescription—fill it. .take must pass between tl\e beginning of pro< Li. VTallcer is acting president. The spe- The address of the WafhlngtoW Bureau Is is not a written but a moral one. it, keep on taking- it until you are set free: .ceedingg in the supreme court to determine woihen, representing the various wards No. 1727 S Street^ N. W.. Mr. John Corrtsan. of the city, to , which committee is re- cific purpose *• qf the organization is the' "Get right rvyith God." . * this question and the delivering .of the fe'rred for auch time and place as in its welfare or- the public school system of At- Jr.. staff correspondent, in charge. ( . v "V^e have had^ many kinds-' of publicity court's opinion. . - . • . judgment it ma1y think best a call for a laiua, ami its principle is co-operative. l}t THE CONSTITUTION" IB on sale In New that w.ere good for Oils city. But the kind What President Wilson is now believed to further ~ meeting , • or the taking yof such rejiresents the parent and home interest in 1 'further steps as it may deem wisest to Tork. city by a p. in. the «lay after issue. It that advertises it as breaking faith 'with it»v have had ..In mind is that he would gladly the school system. can be had: Hoisting's Newsstands, Broad- accomplish the end set forth in these hear expositions from Vesponslble business resolutions." * Its. organization will begin through!, the way and Foi»ty-3icon take a ride in TVillle's chua- view of such combinations is of merit'he organized, .in all thdt it undertakes for A solution of the desperate educational prob- from the high school is to deny the child a may b.e persuaded to recommend to congress -• the betterment of the" public schools of chug- cart! Oil, rain, you spoil this life of our city, and • we hope its efforts will ( (Fom The Baltimore Sun.), v that there be such amendment of the S'i.->^. have the approval and co-operation of There are some bright rays to illuminate ^ lems of 'Atlanta. ' - •. " . square deal and the teacher a square deal. vmlne, you malce me Wail and sob! The sun man law as will permit these combinations "should-have to pay a line for loafing on its the board of education: and most cor- the darkness, despair and desolation of the That is the substance! of the story told Instead of abolishing or crippling the nor- Job!" Raid Gladys Mae Rebecca, "Hoots! to be'made. 1m, that way the Issue would dially invite .the association to become war. It Is related In the dispatches 'that a no longer exist- If congress approved the V a. member of the City Federation." \ Frenchman In prison in Germanv, learning mal, its work should be gradually extended, This^ weather can't be beat! It's just tlie Previous to acting upon the resolutions in our local columns of the action of the stuff for men and brutes', and also for the recommendation so that there -would need to that his mother was dying, wrote to. the em-\ to bring under its beneficent influence, every be no appeal to the supreme court. A of the School Improvement association the executive board tof the Qity Federation of wheat. What more couldTanyohe desire than City- Federation p'assed a resolution rela- peror begging leave to g» to h,er bedside and teacher in the city. f suoh a day as this, when*on,e can sit before President and Kim Listener*. tive to conditions in-the public, schools as pledging his-honor that he would return to Women's Clubs 'in not only indorsing the For the lack,"or alleged lack, of $4,000 the fire, and read, in perfect bliss? The Some of th'oae who took\ paijt in 'the follows.• - . Germany by the first of March. The kaiser*- music of the blessed rain, as on the roof it l at once grave ..orders for the release of the is rich Atlanta going to practice repudiation meeting .at Washington of the. United States City-Federation Resolutions. t 'program and resolutions of the School im- falls, should soothe away our every pain, Chamber of Commerce are speaking now -of 'prisoner on the terms he poposed. Th« and heal our harness galls. I like the suii- "Whereas, the Atlanta City Federation frenchman departed and -was with his moth-1- provement association, but in inviting the of the stingiest sort and place Hts children the general impression made upon the mem- —" stands for all that is humanitarian and at a disadvantage with tire children of other shin.e when it gleams on hill and bosky dell, bers of the organization by the president's '.V non-political; and; er when she died, and then he^ kept -faith an,I members of that association to affiliate as but when the rain g-ets wet and streams, t address. It seemed to many of. them that , • ."Whereas the fact that a \child is • Che went back to his prison. It, Is pleasant u> cities? , . •*,.'-' • .» like \that just as well." Then Gladys Mae the ^president' Is gradually abandoning the njost" sacred and important trust of both see that the kaiser In the midst of the vast active members with the federation. Rebecca took the Uplift Magrazoon, and" in political • transcendentalism which was so father and mother; and responsibility and toll with which he is ' the cosy ing-lenook enjoyed the afternoon: "Whereas, \the fact that home influence charged takes time and thought for sin-h There is not a note of politics,, meddling conspicuous a mental condition of his in the and educatipn are.the two factors that while Sarah Jane, with gloomy, mind, looked first year of his presidency. So, also, It is acts of mercy and human kindness as thi.«. f OK GEORGIA PRODUCTS. forth at g-usty shO'\£Brs, and, in a manner make for good or for bad citizenship; President Lincoln did many »uch things in or interference in the movement now most refined, she 'cussed the dragginig hours. said that if President Wilson Is able to "Resolved, That we, the women of \In arranging a plan whereby it will un- bring his ideas -which are a form of tran- -, the Atlanta City. Federation of Women.'s the civil rsvar, bringing upon himself from ' launched.-: It is simply' the thrusting of- scendentalism into full sympathy -with facts, clubs, approximately 8,000 in number, rec- time to time the censure of^ those who- wani- dertake to market the apples, cantaloupes, , ognizing- that many of our public school ed.war to fie the( worst kind of hell for.thu 8,000 woman-power to the task' of insuring accurate knowledge, profound understanding buildings are Inadequate \and insanitary, melons and other fruits and vegetables of of'' th'e'-'-principles anfl^. methods which have south. . " 1 BARBED WIRE. and the equipment insufficient, offer our ,a square deal for the children of Atlanta. Georgia, in addition to peaches, the Georgia . By GEORGE FiTCH, characterized American business v-llfe-"so far , . co-operation and pledge our untiring ef- SUPPORT KiratWG'S CONTBNTiFoTV. \ Author «f(. "At GpqU .Oljl as that has been influential. In .bringing forts to. the boa;rd of education in every ^ There will ensue a^ campaign of education Fruit Exchange has made la substantial con-" prosperity to the United States," then he will \ effort, they, may make for the betterment (F'lvom The Boston Globe.) : • - of our 'public schools in-Atlanta, and do Prominent Englishmen .are still disctiBS- tributlpn toward the solution of the v state's be revealed as'one of- the. master minds of and the rest will- be up to- council, the board Barbed wire was invented . in Illinois' public life in the United\ States! „ One com- most * earnestly request that they , make Ingr seriously Rudyard Kipling's declaration agricultural problem , this year. Already many years aso, by a man whose descend- such repairs and changes in the building1 s that "for all our, long, faces, we are the V of education and the women of Atlanta co- ment made by 'a lawyer of ability was this: : as} to Insure the health and safety of - our only genuine humorous race on earth." work is on -foot to perfect Belling contracts ants-now belong to the first families, and "H"President Wilson can now bridge the children." . ' • . operating to bring the facts before the .city v can buy fiew automobiles whenever they feel chasm between idealism and practical, thor- The following supplementary resolution^ Meanwhile, the" soldiers at the front are do- for these products at the. 180 cities in which Ilka It. - Ing something.\to support Mr. Kipling's con- ; : ough as well as "profound information, he bearing upon public^ educational matters and tention. One British officer, finding the eii- authorities. v v . . the exchange last year marketed- peaches." It \ takes a humbla little 'thing to alter will make for himself endurljtag1 fam« and Introduced by Mrs. Nellie Peters (Black, were Keography and society, and turn erov,ern- v emy missing at a point where he was to lenU 4 meeting .of the mothers and patrons If it encounters the same success in market- gain for the, people great successes." unanimously passed: \ ments over and over. Mosquito netting dug This Is an Impression ' which J'som» of an attack, exclaimed: "T hope nothing's hap- ing Georgia's surplus of other produce, as the Panama canal; the cotton gin made Other Resolutions. pened to the blighters!" and a raw yeoman generally of the schools of Atlanta was those, and possibly all, who heard^ his - ad- sentry, when aelced by his officer what lir; indicated, It will- add materially to the reve- clothing cheap and plentiful for the whole = dress received not only from tils spoken "Whereas, we -are all deeply sensible of l 1 the need of more room for the children of would do if he saw five battleships "steam- called a few weeks'- ago at Carnegie library nues of the farmers of the state. • World, and^the barbed wire fence turned the words, but 'from a certain mystic'attitude embarrassingly great west into a feed lot school 'age in. Atlanta, especially of the Ing across the' field," answered promptly: to \dlscuss^ the impasse toward which the In co-operation with, the Georgia Cham- for which there Is no language which serves first three grades; be It "Sign the pledgre, sir." v for the cattle of America.. more greatly to persuade than does unan- ' "Resolved. That the City Federation of schools were drifting. So overwhelming ber of Commerce, the exchange will do its -When the .white man had cleared the In- swerable argument. . \ . Women's 'clubs respectfully suggest to dians and ,buffalo off the >.prairies, arid had THE3 "IVOIjTES OF WAR. utmost throughout Georgia to encourage, the 1 the members qf the school board the ex- •was the response to the, call that the meet- run a railroad across them,' he scratched his Hcnl Conarentlbn, Now .Prevail*. . pediency and practical utility of con- (From The Chicago News.) production of such crops as It can "handle ; head in perplexity. They.were too big to be Not only • In the movement of wheat..frpm necting: a four-room bungalow building Alreadj' the war has "brought Mjnrk iiin ing had to be transferred to the auditorium to relieve the situation ,oC the lower •superstitions of the .middle ages, werewolves to form suitable territory and -instruct the the harvest fields to the markets and from' 1 j grades wherever it is most needed. We and §rnoujs(be'ing reported ftrom various jm.i t« of^ the ^ Congregational church. At, that the export cities is there now. real -conges- ireel that under the present financial con- fanners of that territory how" to- properly tion, but that condition is characteristic' of Europe. DoubtlesB, dragons willl iappe;i:-. dition this will be a happy solution of the ere long, if,-the war continues. rrhe vt'siM.. meeting , the . School - Improvement associa- grade, pack and assemble, such -products in of many of the American manufactories trouble. 1 1 "Whereas, a special' resolution wag re- world/being but materialized thought form;-. carloao lots. . • • • which have received large Orders frc\m the 1 tion was formed. Resolutions were adopted belligerent and neutral, nations. Tt is com- ceived' from Mr. Price, the'•commissioner when the thought forms ai-e horrible th«> " It is ^.essential with vegetables! canta-; of agriculture; Dr. \Soule, of the ,Stftto manifestations will assume a consistent monly said in the financial district that M.he ; Agricultural college, and other^,distin- reciting the deplorably crowded conditions corporation of which Charles M. Schw'ab is. shape. And as war Is a more terrible form loupes, and products other than peaches, guished gentlemen, 'asking for tlie co-op- of delirium than mania a potu, or the deliri-^ •m the publio schools, emphasizing the con- president would now be congested by reason ' orerati'on of the Georgia Fedpration v that they be assembled In carload lots and of W6men\s clubs. Vand .presented at the um ,of drunkards, of course, the menagerie of .the overflowing business it has under- • • rifying. '. . ' the plan of the exchange. v Where assem- of orders to the capacity of its plants. There ciency of the high schools, and that forced. were in seVeral of the offices of the large "Whereas, this resolution was acted bling centers are lacking, it is urged that . upon - most favorably anc-, in .fact, \re-. discrimination in hours of instruction in the corporations in this city now actively occu- ceived with great enthusiasm;'therefore, (From1 The Boston Transcript.) growers form co-operative agencies -arid get pied with filling foreign orders strong evi- be it "Pa, why does corn pop?" grammar schools in the form of double ses- in touch either with the Chamber of Com- dence of the-danger , of congestion. For "Resolved, That the City. Federation of instance, one of the'large industries re- Women's clubs do hereby pledge them- "Well, you. ,s.ee, -the starch polygons aro sions. v Theyl; resolution's call, for a standard merce or the Fruit Exchange. • - selves to Interest as many persons as of such a nature as' to facilitate expansion ceived by cable a proposition for commodities possible in the subject- of farming, gar^ and render it explosive, in character; there \ teaching day. As it is now, there are many It is estimated that every year hundreds with the proviso that they were to be de- dening, planting' trees,- flowers and shrubs Is a fracture of a particle along its two livered at a certain fixed time. Had the of thousands of dollar^' worth of perishable to make a beautiful and productive ,Geor- nadii, the endosperm, swelling very, coniider- grades in the white schools alone whose order been taken, the plants of this com^ '•gia. If ^ ... • ably, the peripheral portions cohering with products go £o waste on Georgia farms simply pany would have been congested. On the V "Resolved, That we will end,eavor ', o scholars receive only four hours of instruc- have a good-delegation present at the ag- the hull, but the fractured quarters turning for lack of machinery to market them. The "Canned him to back oil In great imitation." following day a similar order came from back 'to meet below the embryo—^why, my^ across the sea and * it was'al»o necessary -to ricultural rally for this district to be tion as against the standard^ five and one- same condition, or one parallel, existed some held at the courthouse in Decatur on son, where are you going?" useful. It would have taken all the carpen- decline it. The aggregate of these two or- March 3, at 10 a. m. Be it further "I'm going: to toll ]itt!« sister." half hours prevailing in the other grades. years ago with reference to peaches in Geor- ters in America to fence them in. For 'many ders represented $160',000 and payment for the ^'Resolved, That the civic committees of years cattle men\ operated ranches as large as commodities would have been made on the our1 clubs Obe requested ,to ask permission ' . The action of the federation's executive gia. At the end of a bumper year with EPIDEMIcTcfl!' FO1.1.Y. Belgium^ -or thereabouts, with shotg-uns for date of the delivery of them to the steam- . of the owners of vacant lots to allow (From The Baltimore American.) 'small returns or actual losses, many grow- boundaries, but the method iwas wasteful. It ship. But this Industry -is now operating them to be planted; free of chargp, as \ board now places the power of the City. gardens by those who may be willing to In Kansas a bill has been Introduced In ers were so discouraged as to contemplate reduced the . already scanty population, .and to the capacity of its plants, and If this ca- cultivate them for their benefit,." ;* the interests ^of pure complexions, forbidding Federation^ of "Women's Clubs, 8,000 strong it didn't keep the cattle from straying- into pacity were doubled, the plants would not going but of business. It was then -upon Program of Meeting. the use of powder, cosmetic, false hair, etc!) in membership, back of an indorsement of other ranches, and producing complications be too large. • . - - by women und.er forty years of age. In Den- the, initiative of The Constitution that the which were usually settled by the coroner. From various^ places in New (^England Dr. Bricker, of the Christian church^ the resolutions passed by several hundred. ver a curfew ,law for chickens and rabbits Georgia Fruit Exchange was formed, and Then Colonel Blwood came forward with his corns reports that the maniifactuVirig plants opened the meeting with prayer, and the has been introduced. In Boston legislators V barbed wire fence, a neat and unostentatious are now being operated to their full 'capac- president announced as the introductory fea- women at the first meeting of the School since: then the peach industry in Georgia has are entertaining bills to tax bachelors, to contrivance, which, when rubbed against by ity and there Is no lack pf •e'miployment in ture a memorial tribute to the late Mrs. Sal- -abolish hay fever and to prohibit doctors Improvement association, -and In .making been upon a sound commercial basis. a restless -steer, ran a wire spine into his thes^i towns for any who are competent to lle Chase Pattillo, founder of the City Fed- and dentists from ig-rowirig hair on their work in the plants. If orders recently of- that body a * part- of the federated organiza- / There is no reason way the exchange hide, and caused, him to back off in great eration, i This consisted of loving*'resolutions faces. Kvidently the fool legislator Is In his agitation. •'_.'- ' fered had been accepted, then some of the written by Mrs. Hamilton Douglas, and glory an'd has broken but like an epidemic tions these 8,000 organized .women pledge cannot do for the other perishable products After the -barbed wire fence came, the 'plants would have broken down by reason passed by the body, and a letter containing to make the country wonder where all the rest was easy. Several million miles of fence their influence to secure an end of the con- of the state what it has done for peaches. of congestion or else it would have been nec- a be'autiful tribute to Mrs. Pattillo from fools come. from. went up bver the prairies, and the corn essary to cancel -contracts. Mrs. Frances Fort, Brown; first president of ditions that menace, the efficiency of the It must b<^ emphasized, however^ \that in raiser began to go west, where he could In this second week of February there the % City .Federation, and the neighbor and MAKING, T1IIS BOY USEFUL. order to obtain the best results there must raise four times as much corn per drop of, are evidences that great as are the demands friend of Mrs. Patillo, ~ ( (From The Chicago Journal.) ' \ " schoolsAtoday, and that even moVe definitely v be free co-operation between the farmer, the 'perspiration, and at the same timeV could which have been made upon tlie United' Mrs. Lumpkin then briefly reviewed the Chinese women may> lack some of the menaces their future. keep it out of his neighbor's cattle. Nebraska States -for foo*d, fiber and manufactured com- general work of the City Federation, stress- privileges accorded to their sex in more exchange j and the State Chamber 'of "Com.; and Kansas became corn and wheat fields, modities, these afre^ to be increased, the pre- ing vthe fact that the federation is a. clear- modern .countries, but they have .others pe- These more than 8,000 Atlanta women l merce. ' and the United States grew greater with sumption being that the increase will con- Ing house for the eighty-odd organizations culiarly their own. Forc Instance, when a ares asking nothing unreasonable. They are much enthusiasm.- - . ' ... , . tinue for the rest of this calendar year at belonging to it, and that the success \of the Chinese lady encounters a mudhole she Barbed wire is now passing gradually out least. ."We.may.be jcompelled to hold up a City .Federation ^depends upon the activity beckons to any small boy In sig-ht. The ,boy, - . asking simply that the school system ba There appears to be no substitute for the of use on the farm, becaus'e it 'is regarded halting hand, saying to -.would-be .customers of the individual clubs .comprising: the fe'd- gets down on his hands-and knees in ,.the as too .cruel. Nothing disarranges a fine placed upon a basiEjj of uniformity. That submarine. '••.'' in foreign nations, "We have reached our erat;ed b'ody. mud and the lady uses him. as a footbridge. milch, , cow so distressingly as a reckless capacity for.,production "and unless _jrpu are She mentioned" as one of the general She is required to give him a small cola ter •there shall be a seat for every child that has -scrap -with a barbed wire fence. However", willing to wait until orders can .convenient-,, works of the federation that wnlch. had been hls^servlce. • • \ • o thisf does nQt in the least disqualify It for the right to apply. That there shall be a If the German submarines are "to be ly be filled, yoii will be compelled to-look done during the winter in\- the interest of ( military purposes, and shiploads of barbed elsewhere for ' the commodities which you the .playgrounds-for Atlanta children,' white "••CAPTAIN OF THE TBAM.»l square deal for every child, which is impos- called "eea-wasps," it is the business of the wire are going to Europe every -weeft to seek." ;' HOLLAND. and colored,' and urged all organizations to (From The Florida T.imesr\Unibn.) allies to extract the sting." ' be used in making the lot of the Common work for eighteen playgrounds for white ;The Tampa Tribune notes the coming of 4J sible while hundreds- of them-ar^ receiving soldier, more undesirable. After a * fair- children and five for the negroes. "Colonel Henry .Watterson, America's fore- ' only four hours of instruction against' the haired, pink-cheeked boy has fought and Germs Hide for Fifty Years. j She ^.mentioned the necessity for the fur- most newspaper man." ^Here's to him, buk Ifsome reporter could invade Spook-land, cralwled through half a. mile of barbed wire Ither work of the' women for the patronage although he was a soldier once 'and is to be standard five and one-half hours, and even entanglements with machine guns in -front (Yoik .(Pa.) dispatch to ' The Philadelphia an interview with Napoleon right -now would of home products, indorsing the movement honored for having been a soldier, the char- then that four hours or part of it given in of hini, disgrace in the rear, and sharp steel ,".; ,.V. . ' -. .' ' Record.) " • ' of the national -women's organization looking acter he now bears Is enough distinction make corking reading. . stickers all over, him, he Is likely to think; .- ..A -fatality which .has strangely ^repeated to patronage^ of honie-ma4e wares and prod- without a military prefix. Let Him be Henry the afternoon when the child is lagged and harxlly of Providence, because it did not :j.tseW a'fter, the passage of a half century in ucts. She Commended the activity of the Watte'rfwii, America's foremost newspaper > make him a kind-faced inuley cow, belviha K r 1 unreceptive. One advantage of the ending of the war "Raymond 'Miller's Fawn Grove house was Atlanta Woman's club, and asked Mrs. A. 1'. man, Kentucky's prophet and adviser-in- woven wire fence, far from war's harms. today attributed; by health authorities ami Coles to explain briefly the work of the chtef to the aoutb, the Captain of our Team. The organized women of. Atlanta have wouUI be the passing of -the necessity of attending physicians to diphtheria germs industrial committee of the club, of which I V ^ \ ~ ' A CENSUS OK HUSBANDS. never yet failed to attain any important end .pronouncing those Russian names. i "which liafl" lurked in the walls during the Mrs. Frank Neely is chairman. • ilrs. 'Neelv Rat Slays Rattlesnake. long interval. ." • • • is also chairman-of the federation industrial (From The Baltimore American.) V they sought. Their participation, in the (Clifton (Ark.) dispatch- to The New York -Fifty years ago diphtheria broke out in'a .committee. Mrs. Coles explained that, among Of ^31,000,000 females over ten years of " • _ •'••'. • . World;}. ' ^\ - ' • - . age In the United 'States, 24.000,000 are 'en- campaign that '-led to the success- pf the Politics in Atlanta of: the board variety family which previously -owned the property' the. practical, things accomplished by the is just one scrap after another. . • .Herman Aaa-s, a farmer living near .here: and Kad caused several deaths. Shortly be- committee' was the publication at a. cir- gaged in hDmemaking, according to a gov- $3,000,000 bond issues, and innumerable other recently caught eleven large rattlesnakes fore the present !outbreak Miller decided to, cular or bulletin, .which was to be , dis- \ ernment,blilletih.A Now let us have a census * •' k alive, .which he had field i!n captivity. "At the'' have the walls of the hou^e papered, and a' .trlbuted amonlg the \wdmen '.6t industrial of-'husbands t|o learn, how many are' making. • civic and public movements,, is ^historic. f The eugenists hajre never yet improved" same, time lie trapped -a large rat, which.he heavy coating 9 whitewash-was "scraped', centers in the city, telling- them where to good. .. .. ^ : And they are not going to fall where matched in battle,against one of the shaies away and this: refuse thrown into a heap go; ,for information and assistance along on Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes' formula for in an inclosed bdx. A battle:raged for some outside. Warm.' damp weathW followed and"; many lines, especially that pertaining- to- 7(0. LOST MOTJOX. • . v , ^uniformity In the public school system, the (From The Columbia State.) living to a rtpe old age, and that, was: minutes, at the conclusion of which the.,rat supposedly revived germs from the previous health. ,With the.cliriics there are in Allan- 1I1 came out best, putting his antagonist' to- epidemic, which had been imprisoned Under, '*« '*v.A A *« «« «A. nH i- ' . • • "Wil** l , xtti^Takee weeiWeetk *.two %jeGect A^VUUQLoadeUd **t efficiency of the school system itself, the "Choose your parents carefully." ta there is no reason why .any dependent Charleston." We knojtv several brethren wio deatli. •' - - -. , ..--. .. .- ' . ' -:-.. . ., -the whit«wa»l». ;•.-•" person who is ill should go unaided, explain* , once managed It adequately In half «n b»mr.


but he is regarded as a very -sick man. nance- .which increased" his salary;. His trict 'will be held here Thursday, -ers' State .bank at Haxtoii, Colo., was MAYOR Of SAVANNAH Since hi* recent critical Illness, Sphysicians have protested several March. 4, -under the 'auspices of the .ahotv and killed" by a robber late today GIRL' TRAVELS NEARLY Mayor Davant^ positively refused tto. tinted to his remaining .'at his office State College , ot Agrricul^ur.c, the Fed-i vrhen he attempted to snatch a revolver HAS SERIOUS RELAPSE fdllo\t° the advice of his physician to any length of time, but he has' man- erated Woman's Clubs and -the -state from a'shelf in the vault he had been THOUSAND MILES TO WED go out of the city for a month or two. aged to, argue them out of their posi- department; of agriculture. Some of ordered to open. .The robber escaped Savannah, ,Ga., February, 25.—^(Spe- Savannah,-.Ga., February 25.—(Sper - Coming to the city hall, for a few tion. . • • • .-, '". : * ' --'-\ .- the leading speakers' of the state- are with what cash he could r gather up, cial:)—Traveling nearly a thousand clal.)—Mayor Davant,. iiyhpse heart at- hours each day has grow.n to be a listed on the program. -.'.-'"- ,-• •, but was surrounded and captured after miles to be married is \vliat -Hiss Ger- tack a month: ago' came nea'r killing habit with him, and of recent days, he a brief chase by a posse. He gave his trude Siegel, of Indianapolis, has done. him, had a serious relapse; last, night has been back, in the old routine of Rally at Commerce. ' name as Jay Thompson. ; i She arrived in Savannah this morning, and. his friends and physicians are his- worlc. .... , , • •Commerce, Ga., February 25.—(Spe- , Robber Kills Cashier. and was married in the parlor of th. ravely concerned about htm. His cpn- He 'has put in *-ery nearly the re- cial.)—The, agricultural .and industrial Sterling, Colo., February 25. — John' In 1913 Japan exported raw silk val- Savannah hotel. Her spouse is J. C. f ition Was somewhat : improved today, quired number of hours under the Ordi- rally of the ninth' ^congressional dis- Briinke, assistant cashier of the Farm- ued at $94,080,614 Murnan, 'of Savannah. Mayor's Alleged Connection Witli Street Gar Company Is Investigated.

Mayor James G. Woodward's .promise to maiKe things lively at the crematory hearihg when he got on the stand, Was carried out at the sessiion, on Thurs- day. •>..'. When Attorney George iSpence. rep- Vesentirig 'the Destructor, company, tried to 'get the mayor to answer questions which appeared to him, tp be insinua- tions that he was In some way con- nected with the Georgia Railway and Power company, the "fur began to-fly," air. Spence began to "ask the mayor If. he was not employed by the com- pany as renting agent and the answer was. snapped ba.ok:, • ' "Ko, and neither you nor any one else can make any such insinuations. I brand them'as fajse." ' ;. •• : Mr. Spence notst asked if he wasn't employed by the A., B. & A. railroad and wasn't that company under the control of the same men Vwho were at the head of the power company. The reply tip this by the mayor was that he had represented the Atlanta Terminal company for thirteen years. "How' much rent do you collect?" asked the lawyer. "That's none of your business," snap- ped back the mayor. .All of this evidence was ruled out by Master Frank' Callaway. * Mayor Woodward then began to get in some hot shots by stating that when officials of the Destructor company called ex-Alderman James B. -Everett out of tne council phamber Juet as a vote on the crematory was about to be taken, a "dirty piece of .-work was done." He intimated that he could drag 'in other officials if he wanted to. The.storm seemed to have blown over by the time session adjourned. JUDGE TELLS WHY HE PLACED A BAN

ON BAD LANGUAGE •"'-. • -• W \ • • • • ' :- ^' " . ' ' -

"That Constitution story aboW my barcing bad language in my court is all right and irue," stated Recorder Johnson to a reporter Thursday after- noon. "You see, I want ladies to come down and see hpvv> we do business, and how can a lady' sit in court and listen nnouncement of to such .foul and blasphemous words „ as some \Vitnesses put in the mouths, of defendants. It is really too shock- ing for a .sensitive man. Yes, sir, I vhave put a ban 011 it.'" Asked why he took, such action, the recorder replied: "I hvave be'en thinking for some time about cleaning up things'a little and a few days ago a lady came down with an escort, to see a police' matinee and one of those Darktown negroes began to rattle off a lot ,of the"worst things I ever heard. Well, sir, that lady just Annual Clearance Sale of put her face down in her hands and her fingers in her ears and ran. What else could she do? Keep on telling the .good 'people that they can c'orrte and see us without being shocked." EXAMINATION FOR AGRICULTURISTS HP HIS is your supreme* 6pportunity to choose your piano or player piano where the stock is the largest, • The United States civil service com- * quality the highest and prices the lowest. ; This clearance event exceeds all former, scales in impor- mission announces that all persons wishing to stand an examination Cor tance to the public. Here is an .opportunity to secure both grand and upright pianos of the most celebrated agriculturists, which, is to bo held v jMarch 23, must apply to the secretary ni&kesv Many player pianos of standard make are also included in this unparalleled opportunity. (Every of the civil boardN in several cities including Atlanta. - piano is guaranteed to be in perfect playing order, Prices^; are lower than heretofore named in Atlanta for Those passing the examination will be eligible for service in. the field and instruments of equal value. We simply must ha^e room for our spring stock now arriving,, and selling v the duties of this position w-ill he to conduct .investigation's on the cost of .. figures have been arranged with that urgent'neieelsity in mind A i '•.... c-rop production, \to-make farm man- agement surveys' and to conduct other investigations relating, to all phases of .farm economics in connection with .the general farm management investifra-l tions. . ,. Special Inducements on Used Player-Pianos .No eligible*! \vere secured at the ex- aminations last December. The sala- Ludden & Bates.: $375 Corl . . .;, . ^ .$285 ries range from,,$2,500 to $i!.000 a year. • . • . \ Kohler...... $275 Cadillac $325 I V . , PROGRAM ANNOUNCED Farrand, C. C. .. .495 Ludden & Bates . 375 Lester . . . . ,,.. . 425 Lindenberg . . . 398 ( \ FOR ORGAN CONCERT Armstrong. .\. . 365 Newton . . ... 290 Ludden & Bates . 425 Weiler...... 265 City Organist Edwin Arthur Kraf-t has announced the following prograiri' for the free Sunday afternoon concert at 3:30 o'clock, at , the Audltorium- A'rmbry: • ,,. 'Ms, Special I nducements on iiUsed Upright Pianos '"Marche Religieuse'\ (Alex GuilmaWit), ^«i _,.___• - * . ' ^ •• . •' . ^^ ^^f^ , i "Rbmanza in D". (Horatio W. Parker), "Andante Gi-azioso" (Gaston M. 1'eV Kimball . ... . $ 98 Sohmer ...... $110 thier). Overture to > "RIenxl," by re- Harvard ...... $128 Behning . :•.. . . ; $65 quest, (RichardV Wa,grner), "Cantilene" (James H. Rogers;, "Benediction Nup- Haddorff . .... 198 Estey ...... 76 Jos. Schmidt & Co. 136 Estey . . . . . \ . 85 tiale" (Alfred Hollins), "Tocatta in .D Minor" (Gottfried Federlein), "Spring Kline ...... 149 Keller Bros. . . .78 Song" (Will C: Macfarlane), "Scherzo Beethoven ... . 98 Corl . ;-.'.' .... . 138 SyVnphonique Concertarite" (William l Bishop ...... 135 Vaulkes). Brewster ...... 175 Sterling ...... 68 Haines Bros. . . . 165 Fischer . . . ; . . 235 Chilton . .1. . . 128 Smith & Nixon . 225 LARGE CROWD HEARS M Harvard ...... 138 Kingsley . . ... 185 READING BY POWERS Cote ...... 138 Philharmonic . . 168 Elgin...... 125 l Kingsbury.. . . . 105 teland Powers' reading from "David Fischer ...... 79 Kline ...... 98 Story bfiHlcme, "of BVenau college, accompanied by Miss Annie Lou Pagett; _ ME\V EMOL/XFSIO OR/tlMD - '- - S2T5.OO also 'of Brehau. • I IfE above instruments we are placing on sale are recognized as the world's standards. , They have also been recognized by the jrreatest * inusieians of the piano world. A number of these different makes have won international rewards wherever exhibited They have AMERICUS TO INVITE .been indorsed by such artists as Tetrazzim, Mary Garden, Victor Herbert and hundreds of oth'ers " ' ' STATE W. O. W. MEETING Americas, Ga., February 25.—(Spe- PRICES AND TERMS cial.)—The city council of Americus in REACH OF ALL tneetingr this evening adopted resolu- tions Joinina Americus camp,-No. 202, Woodmen or the \World, in an invita- Oldest tion to the state Woodmen \ ot" the World organization to hold its next COUPON annual convention he,re> The invitaV Piano House tian will be 'extended at the' sttate con-' vention at Athens in April, which will Full ^particulars mailed be vlarsely attended by Americus in upon request to out-of- Woodmen. & Bates town customers. ' MACON GERMANS PLAN the South. SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE TO GIVE GOLD FOR IRON Established •Macon, Ga., February 25. — (Special.) Macon Germans are preparing-, til ex- 80 N. Pryor St. Atlanta, Ga. change 'gold for iron by giving' articles in Address of .iewelry for an iron ring, the. gold 'to be • sent to the fatherland • to re- EVENINGS TILft. plenish the kaiser's strong boxi A 1869 R. M. shipment of these iron rings are 'now on their way here and as soon as they arrive they will be distributed by a committee from the- German-American club.' The -gold received, \vill be placed In a pot and melted into one piece and sold for its actual value, the proceeds sent to Germany. THOMASVttLE FAVORS SHIP PURCHASE BILL Thomasville. Ga. February 26. — (Spe- cial.) — Although no concerted action has been taken here in regard to the ahtp purchase bill, Thomasville people are strongly with the president In thei matter. Some of Mr. Hardwlck's strongest 'supporters here in his sena- torial campaign have expressed dis- approval of his course lix\ opposing the bill and some, rit is understood,, have •written him personal letters to that effect ' - • . . . Cold Wave Bed Ash . $5.00 Jellieo . $4.75 CARROLL & HOTTER


present at some fetages and not at; be appointed when Judge ., Emory:- f other stages." j , ' '• -r .: .Speer"s office-Is vacated. It was also The chief .justice questioned Mr. ; agreed that the senior: circuit judge o'f Marshall as to whether Frank was the -fifth circuit should divide the GEORGIA JUDGE MEASURE v IfADEROF not in reality heard at length* testified j work In 'the district so long as two CASE OPENS in his own behalf and was present in, judges i^shall serve. V the courtroom throughout the trial, ex- | a Pig a Year cept when the verdict was rendered. The chief i Justice seemed toi take the ; IN DANGER OF FAILURE position that the due process of law : INDUSTRIES OF FRANCE guaranteed by title constitution did not involve'all thev common law practices • •-; • v——. : .•'•"-.^-f RECOVERING ACTIVITY regarding a trial by jury. Conferees Unable to Reach! Entertainments Are Planned To Grow Into a Hog In Louisiana, his native state, he said Paris'; February 25.—Investigation s Agreement on the Cullop i by the minister of labor show • that f or W. (G. Lee and 'for Louis- Marshall Presents the activity of French industries and that* juries returned majority" instead Amendment. •. ,, I commerce has recovered to a- large '.ex- Dan L. Cease. C. Bjit when-.you.get the hog, you've got Side of Defense, and the j of unanimous verdicts. He asked Mr. tent since (the first,:month of. the 'war. .\ V Marshall if he thought that practice The number of employees is only. 20 something. He's money in your pocket:. invalidated all' jury verdicts in Louis- By John Corrisraii, Jr. \ j per cent lejss than normal. -Figures W. G. Lee, president of the Grand ^ Argument for the State iana. Mr/ Marshall answe'red that he Washington,. February^ 25.—(Spe- Jobtained from 31,000 estimates em- . I anteed by the federal constitution, was, the trial in the lower court was sus- the house w.jll recede. The pullop Budget Committee Named. At 2 o'clock'- at the Piedmont hotel, j the question finally presented today in tained. • ••'•'. amendment, which requires the -presi-1 Washington, February 25. — Acting the Atlanta members of the: Brother- > 'Mr. Marshall replied that sotne of dent to send to the senate the recom- | -»-a}. argument before the United States the facts had been laid before the. su- as chairman of the house democratic hood, 'some 1,500 strong, will assem- .v ipi-eme court. preme court of Georgia, but that the mendations on which .he bases the! caucus, : (Representative Garrett, or ble to hear, addresses by Mr. I»ee and_j nomination of a judge, was,adopted 'by; Tennessee, today appointed the. spe- ATr. Cease. ,--,'•-- ', l"~on the decision of the court de- rulings of procedure foreclosed a full cial committee which is to worik out . This trip Vthrough the south -is on i 1 discussion of those aspects of the case. a vote of more- than ,2 to 1 in the house. | pends the *, fate of Fran'k—whether the Justice Hughes asked if'these state-j Their conferees •were also instructed; a budget system for submission to official business for the Brotherhood, j I'erS'lct, of' the trial court shall stand, ments of .facts'*, had been .denied and by a special resolution to insist, upon'. the next congress. He named Repre- and Mr. Lee will be entertained by At- | it." The senate holds this' provision is' sentative Sherley, of Kentucky, Speak- lanta Trainm'en for the first time in or !ao set aside as illegal in v.iew^ of Justice- Pitney said that the record A seerns to show that the supreme court unconstitutional. , ' er-" Clark, Representatives Kitchin of two years. the conditions and circumstances sflif- of Georgia had decided the questions It is believed'here that"both Repre-, North • Carolina, Fitzgerald of New- The Brotherhood of Railroad Train- before it simply on technical grounds. -sentative .Charles L. Bartlett and, York, Hay of Virginia, Garner of men is comprised of 169.00B members rounding the trial, tt was argued that Thomas S. Felder, of Macon, are in .a! Texas and Stout of 'Montana'.' , in the United States and Canada. ie-3-j.nse of 'the excitement that pre- receptive attitude concerning this [ ra'J-ed in the streets of Atlanta 'and in ceedure in the earlier appeals, )so that judgeship.' If the bill is passed be-; there was no way 'by which the' official fore -Man-ch 4, when Mr. Bartlett leaves . :h<; courtroom, with its psychological could record the facts as to mob vio- congress, he would hot, under the law, <»flWt upon the trial judge and jury, be eligible for the appointment, since lence. . j . \ \ the f position was cheated during x the PARKS-CHAMBERS-HARDWICK, CO. :tnK the absence of Frank and his -coun- term for which he was elected. Judge sel from the courtroom when 'the jury Wallace W. laambdin, of Waycross,• is Jettirned Its verdict invalidated the CONKLl'ti MA Y HEAD still regarded as the most probable appointee. i jury"s finding'. The conference committee consisted' \Vlll Kud the Ctoit. - "JITNEY" BUS LINE of Senators Culberson of Texas, Smith of Georgia, and .Clark of Wyoming, and The immediate question is upon the COMPANY IN CITY Representatives McGillicuddy of Maine, TODAY habeas corpus writ sued out 'by Frank's Thomas of Kentucky and Vollmer of 1j counsel to Judge William T. Newman, Minnesota. The senate conferees, ' - "V .'. ' -. '•••'"' agreed that no additional judge should j of the northern district of Georgia. If A third "j'itney"'bus line, is; In con- Your Savings Are SAFE Here the court Upholds Judjfe Newman's ac- templation for Atlanta. .A. B. Conklin, are showing in our,windows tion,! that will end the 'case and Frank former vice president of the Atlanta will be resentenced and executed. Telephone company, and It makes a new man, Jefferson Standard Life insurance Co. extension of time. • * j ISdgewpod. last night. • It has been the ' a new. woman, of you. possible value possessed in clothes at these PF GREENSBORO, W. C. Courtroom IM Crowded. | custom of the proprietor of the store It frequently wards off • *• ,. • . i -.-,-..', - -.' . • ICvery available seat in the tiny.' to le'aye the safe unlocked when clos- attacks of the dread organized under the laws of the '(itate of North^Carolina. mude to tlie Gover- . and fatal diseases of respective prices— . ^ nor-of, the State of Georgia in -pursuimcH to tlie laws of sni

\' ^fetp^JWJU^fllWMpJ^ 1 f \ f ' ;. *~ '-" ,' Y . ' '*• ' '' ' •£' * ~ ':.'f '"* » "" "V H4 -."V""* i".si«' "" '"" ^"' ~* ,i'*'^ i "*-~vJ , ^ '* t," - *U ; ^ ^\ i ' ' ~< „ / * " < ~ \i, , w- . * ^./^ '* i '* ( , ' *• " P >' - '< ' ^""" ;~ * ^ THE CONSTITUTION, ATI/AOTTA, GA., - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY £!6, 1915. Page .Eleven i * » \ SUPREME COURT OF GA. V | \ "' ' \ AT THE THEATERS Judgments Affirmed. f Enms. solicitor general et a3. v. Pollock PECIRLOFFE et aL, commissioners; from Floyd superior Sports Whitney and Welsh Winners Keith Vaudeville. court—Judge TVrieht, Junlus F. HUlyer, W. M. Henry, for plaintiffs In error. M. B. . V (At the Forsyth.) Eubanks, Max Moyerhardt. Dean & Dean, (Four more performances will end the en- contra. gagements of the splendid acts that make Mfddlebrooks et al v. Mlddlebrooka; from. up the Forsyth program for this week. The Fayette—Judge Daniel J. F. Gollg-fctly, Arnaut Brothers, European novelty clowns, Lester C. Dlckson. for plaintiffs In error. present an act that is superior to anything Ivey et al. v. Cowart et al.; from Cal- of the sort that has been offered here In luun—Judge Cox. H. M. Calhoun. Rambo FRANK WHITNEY & Wrig-ht, for plointirts In 'error. Pope & A Cracker a Day for Fans vaudeville. Madam Henriette de Serrls and her company of professional models appear Bertnett, B. W. Fortson, contra. [FULL QUART 2. HENRY MINOR HEITT. in life-like reproductions of famous works Smith Company v. Austin Company: from of art and win the attention of evers^audl- Fulton—Judge' Pendleton. Westmoreland ence. Bertha Crelghton and company In "Our Brothers, for plaintiff In error. C. T. & L. (Editor's Note, — Under this head Theyears old last January. Heitt lives Husband," present one of the beat comedy C. Hopkins, contra. \ Express Paid one-acts of the season. The bill for next Small v. Jones; from Bibb—Judge Math- or 3 qts. fl.KO ex. p*IcL Constitution tyill carrv daily a short f at his birth place m the off season. ews. ^J. B. Hall. TT. B. Martin. Jr., for plain- This Is pure, straight ^ Heitt is a right-hand twirler, he mm ABEweeLk will be lieaded by Harry Cooper, the tiff In error. Ryals & Anderson, contra. North Carolina Corn story introducing to Atlanta fandom also bats right-handed, though this Is famous character comedian. Hermine Shone ', r n 11 «n i i. L the players \Vho will receive tryouts and company, in "The Last or the Quakers, High Shoals Manufacturing Company v. Whiskey—just aa it Georgia-Alabama League Is of no particular interest, inasmuch as "Fighting Carpenter" Is and the Primrose Four, "One Thousand Price et ^al.; from Walton—Judge Brand. EXTRA comes from distillery •with the Crackers during- the coming he is a twirler. pounds of JIarmony." will be among tne Hal G. Newell. Samuel H. SJbley. F. C. bonded -warehouse7 . Thi* spring training- season. Their record, He stands six feet in his stocking other feature:!. Foster, for plaintiff In error. Cobb & ISTIWIGHT COR) offer Is made to get new Reorganized — Sixty-Day history, etc., will be given in brief, feet and weighs 165 pounds. He has Victor in Sensational Bout Enwin, George C. Thomas, B, I/. Cox, con- • i».tPMctn> customers and show our been in professional baseball tour tra. # concise fashion.) "Old Plantation Days." Pendergrass v. Duke, and vice versa; from WHISKEY 1OO PROOF years. He started with the Cleburne, Jackson—Judge Jones. P. Cooley. Ray & OKHUKKt* <"0*T Playing Reason Is Agreed Texas-Oklahoma club in 1911, and dur- at Bijou-BotfrBoys Bleed- (At the Atlanta.) \ 'Whiskey—guaranteed to Henry Minor Heitt is another Texas ing the past three years has been with Ke Hay, for Pendergrass. John J. fevRoj' M. pleaso you or It won't The features which are being ° ft^?'tS'l Strickland, Thomas J. Shackelford. J. A. B. leaguer who will receive a tryout wijai Galveston in the Texas league from the Atlanta this weete In connection^lift tne v cost you a cent. This the Crackers during the spring train- ing at Finish. Mahaffey, "-contra. v "Whiskey la \ sure to Upon. >• i v whom the Crackers secured him. performance of "Old Plantation Days by satisfy you—sure to ing season. Heitt hit 241 last season and fielfl- the Baldwin-Melville stock company ore-well Judgments Reversed. your repeat orders—you Heitt is a twirler, and was recomV erl .978. He had a. pitching a^ erage worth while. The singing and dancing or McFarland v. Morrison, administratrix; take no chances, aa of .560. Those who know him ana By Carl Taylor. - the colored performers is little less than v mended to the Crackers by Frank wonderful 4nd excites fenthusiasm eacn per- from Walker—Judge Wright. W. M. Henry, we send expresn paid. Browning. He is a native Texan, be- have conferred with Manager Smith Frank Whitney, the "Fighting Car- J. E Rosser0W H. Payne, for plaintiff in Order today. Send 76o( state vthat the locals got the best penter, added another scalp to i his t D 8 d error. R. M. W. Glenn. Maddox & Doyal, coin, stamps or money ing born in Arlington, Texas, January twirler in the league when they landed belt last night when he defeated Jake fe?eT?^ rf%T^? ^S. c'Sa^ »a tii Mzemore. Chambllss & Chambliss, contra. order and the \ quart 27, 1891; therefore, he was but 24 Heitt. a pleading entertainment A matinee will be Butts County v. Wright, administrator; bottle sent by first pre- Abel, in the most sensational 10-round given Saturday afternoon from Butts—Judg« Daniel. W. B. Watklna.1, paid express. It's fine*, fight Atlanta fans have been treated for plaintiff in error John R. L. Smith, i pure, wholesome, mellow. to in some time. contra. \ * Whitney was given the decision by George ArlisTin "Disraeli." H. L. SPRINKLE DIST. CO. DRUID HILLS GOLF the newspapei men, and he deserved (At the Atlanta.) it. Of the ten rounds, five went to r Iowa's bee Industry has ai value of jacksonville,Fla.,Girard. K1a.,P«iisaco1a,Fla „ Whitney, one (Jo Abel, while the other *1,509,000 a year. V CLUB WILL HOLD\ IE WELSH four were even. The fight was extremely bloody, both e me iitunjip i-*i"«v ^-~ - --- - PAR TOURNAMENT men bleeding profusely at several nd correctly appraise the superlative stages of the game. Abel's left eye - SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT for the Six Months Ending December 81, was completely closed, his right Ibadly 1914, of the condition of the . ' OVER WHITE iN, jtreu.cv.isA a »^u.iiici-ijr, *,*•«*•.—• , •- e .The Druird Hills Golf club will con- swollen, his mouth cut, and his nose 1v at°?epre,ented at Vthe bled after the second round Whitney's theatergoer^ \i ill have their flrst opportunity mtm but Rome. Her proxy was held tinue Its policy of having a one-day of seeems at the Atlanta theater on Marcn tournament each week: by having a mam injury was his right eye In the 3„. „4, 5 and C. It has been fiald that in tournament against par Saturday. The Champion Appeared \ to Have sixth round, Abel's only round, Abel's the hands of Mr. Arliss, Disraeli assumes all Interstate Casualty Company player who, with his handicap apply- cut a bad gash over it, and Frank ibled of the incomparable diplomacy, vilt, vigor ing, is the most up or the least down " Better of Five Rounds. badly during this round. of mind, masterful will power and true gen- to par at the end of the 18 holes wins Clean Exhibition. tlemanliness with which the great statesman Of Birmingham a fight to have it raised to ?8=>u There -will be nine prizes awaided, White Finishes Strong,, The fight was a clean exhibition of of history Is I credited The box office sale s the manlv art. It was* sensational opens tomorrow morning; the large number organized under* the laws of the State of Alabama, made to the Governor consisting of -. McGregor "six spot" of mail orders already received indicate of the State of.,Georgia, in pursuance of the laws of said State.v wooden clubs: Willie Mann special throughout, with the cio-wd on it's feet y three-fourths of* the time. an immense- demand for seats. Principal Office, Clarlc Building. v M AR1ST AND DONALD v wooden an d iron clubs, golf ballsv , sup- Milwaukee, Wis,, February 25.— plies, etc. Freddie Welsh outboxed Chailie Whit Whitney's in-fighting was extiemely \ fr. CAPITAL STOCK. FRASER PLAY TUESDAY The entrance fee will be one golf • in a ten-round no-decision boxing con clever. Time alter time he shot straight ."Alias JimmjT Valentine." ball uppercuts to Abel's chin during the 1. Whole Amount of Capital Stock $300,000.00 „„_„„„„ I test at the Auditorium tonight, accord numerous clinches. His straight rights (At the Montgomery.) 2. Amount Paid u

COLUMBUS TO PLAT lected for discussion was "Surgical In- Mortgages) hypothecated with Company as SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT for the Six Months Ending December 31, BIRMINGHAM FIVE digestion "' After a definition of sur- Collateral Security for CaSh Loaned by the 1914, of the condition of the V gical indigestion was given by Dr Company, with the Par and Market Value of E G. Jones, of Atlanta, sixteen of its the same and the Amount Loaned theieon V Hi rmmgham, Ala., February 25.— different phases weie taken up by as- Total Par Value . ..$, S02.000.00 (Special.)—The Columbus Young Men's alsigne_llcdu physicians m short acldi esses. Total Market Value \ 727,630.00 Columbia Life Insurance Company Christianv association basketball team ' j)r AY F. Westmoi eland, Dr. W. S Will plav a return engagement with I Qoldsn OF CINCINNATI mith and H(i. C C Hanold, all of Amount Loaned thereon (cairied out) . .... ,J62 50 organized under the laws of the State of Qhio, imade to the Governor of tho .ta, dealt with the general sub- 5. Ca&h in the Company'1 s pnncipa.1 office . ^ .$ 5.45J..22 8 here on Saturday night, record 1ect of the treatment of afllictioiis 6. Cash belonging to the Company deposited State of Georgia In pursuance to the law °t said State. crowd is expected. coming under this theme. Bank 1,208,044 70 Principal office, Northeast Corner Fourth and Elm Streets As on Thursday the visiting phvsl- 7. Cash in hands of Agents and in course of I. CAPITAL STOCK. [ cians will attend clinics at the various transmission 76,840.00 1 Amount ofv Capital Stock authorized $500,000 Dobard Signs. hospitals from 9 o'clock a m. until I 2 Amount of Capital Stock paid up in cash . . .. _. . 181,800 I Total .. $1,290,335 92 Mobile, Ala, February 25—(Special) E o'clock In the evening, for\ the pui - Shortstop Leonard R Dobard, of the pose of observing the technique of the Total Cash Items (carried out) .... 1 290,,i-ti 92 II. .ASSETS. \ Mobile Southern league, after holding surgeons ot Atlanta Dr. Willis Jones, 9. Amount of Interest actuallj due, and accrued and unpaid 593.75 1. Market Value of Real Estate owned by the Company 5 02,809.00 out for more than a month, sent in •who was to hold a surgical clinic at 11 All other Assets, both real and personal, not Included 2. Loans on Bonds and Mortgage (first liens) on Real Estate.. 584,243.59 his signed contract today, leaving Out- the Grady hospital this morning, was hereinbefore- ' \ 3. Loans secured by pledge of Bonds, Stocks or other Market- fielders Miller and Northern, Pitcher suddenly taken ill fiom a gallstone Premiums less than ninety (90) davs <3u« ..... 1,331,494.76 able collaterals v , 21,145.79 1915 Townsend and First Baseman Calhoun attack. His condition is not believed New Yoi k Excise Funds, etc ...... 55,648.84 4. Loans made in cash to policyholdera on this Company's Poll-. unsigned. * to be serious. cles assigned as collateral 171,221.3? \ Is going to be a big year for Total Assets of the Company, actual cash market value $11,46$ 676 18 G. Bonds and Stocks owned absolutely, par value $74,000 Athens Y. W. C. A. Wins. III. LIABILITIES. SCHAEFER SIGNED 1. Losses due and unpaid ...... , ...... $ 2,738 40 Market value (carried out).. 74,302.50 Athens, Ga., February 25.—(Special ) 2. Gross Losses in process of adjustment or in \ 7. Cash inln\\ Company'r -s Offic--" e . _ . . 3,867.85 The Dahlonega N. G. A. C. girls' bas- BY THE FEDERALS suspense^ including all leported and supposed 8. Cash deposited in Bank to credit of Company 24,095.23 C. H. S. CIGARS ketball team was defeated here to- Losses ...... i ...... M. . . . . 1,399,408 18 10. Interest due or accrued and unpaid 28,681.IS night by the local Y W. C, A. in the 11. Bills Receivable 1,916.81 New VYork, FVbruarv 25.—Herman 3 Losses resisted, including interest cost and 12. Agent's Balance 15,040.59 Jfiist of four games, the visitors' play ("Geimany") Schaefer, formerlv of the all other expenses thereon . . 470,797 47 All past records are shat- here, the score being 12 to 4. 13. Rents due or accrued and unpaid v •• 7,500.00 Washington Americans, has signed a 14. Net .amount of uncollected and deferred premiums U deduction tered,' and our pace is trou- two-year contract with the Federal 4. Total Amount of Claims for Lofcf.es > ..$1,872,944.35 20 per cent for avera-se loaning from gross amount) . . . 62,83933 bling the also-rans. In the Japanese military air service league ami has been assigned to the 6. Net Amount of Unpaid Losses (carried out) ...... ,. .. 1,872,944.35 15. All other Assets, both real and personal, not included herein- there are twelve aeroplanes and two | Newark club. Federal headquarters an- 0. The Amount of Reserve for Reinsurance :. .. 3,388,360.08 before 14,613.32 diribles. nounced today. 11. All other claims against the Company, viz.: "Commissions to become due Agents 199,109.30 > Total Assets .... .\ . .$1,055,351.63 Salarie.s, Rents, Taxes, etc., due or accrued 130,000.00 k Returned Premiums, Reinsurance and Advanced Premiums 505,045.43 i III. LIABILITIES. Various Reserves 284,691.17 1. Net present value of all the outstanding Policies i 2. Joint Stock Capital actually paid up in cash 3,000,000 ..00 in force v $790,624.16 3. Surplus beyond all Liabilities 2,083,525.85 \ Deduct net value of risks In this Company, insured in other solvent Companies 9,945.00 LET US 4.1 Total Liabilities $11,463,67648 YOU A SUIT FREE Net Premium Reserve . \ . .. $ 780,079.16 IV. INCOME DURING THE SECOND SIX MONTHS OF THE TEAR 1914. 3, Death Losses and Mutual Endowments in process of 1 Amount of Cash Premiums received $ 3,236,893.22 adjustment, or adjusted and not due $6,860.00 . 3. Received for Interest .. ., .. 148 801 67 FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY , 4. Income received from all other sources- Total Policy Claim* ^ 6,860.00 With every order for Spring ahd Summer Suit we will give an Rents, Increase and Profits on Investments, etc 165,320.21 6. Premium Obligations in excess of the net value of their 6. Total Income actually received during the seoond six policies 211,424.00 months' m cash ...... , ...... ^ ..... $3,551,015.10 7. Dividends declared and due and remaining unpaid 6,072.61 \ EXTRA SUIT FREE! 8. Dividends declared but not yet due i t. 1,228.06 Just think, men, you get your regular suit and an extra suit for the same price as one! '. EXPENDITURES DURING THE SECOND SIX MONTHS OF THE TEAR 1914 10. Amount of all other claims against the Company A ( 31,187.2*5 This is an opportunity not to be overlooked. * 1. Amount of Losses Paid $ 1,222,246.1,., 11. Cash Capital I 181,800.00 2. Cash Dividends actually paid 240,000.00 J2. Surplus over all Liabilities 45,410.29 Get the pick of our newest Spring and"Sumn\er Woolens. The greatest variety ever displayed, Every 3. Amount of Expenses -.paid, including fe^s, salaries^ and style a beauty. . ' commissions to Agents and Officers of^ the Company ... 1,529,809'42 Total Liabilities ...... -. . ( ...... $1,03^,331.62 . Paid for State, National and Local Taxes in this and other IV. INCOME DURING THE LAST SIX MONTHS OF THE YEAR 1914. States \146.2G2.09 1. Amount of Cash Premiums received ...... \ ..... iu.$ 130,025.59 . All other Payments and Expenditures, viz.: 3. Interest Received ...... , ...... '24,283.04 Decrease by Adjustment in Ledger Asset 123,273.24 4. Amount of Income from all other sources ...... 45,736.90 TWO SUITS FOR Underwriting and Investment Expenses 325,464.35 Total Expenditures during the second six months of, Total Income ., $ 200,045.58 Our reputation docs not allow any misrepresentations the year in cash v. $ 3,587,155.60 V. DISBURSEMENTS DURING THE LAST SIX MONTHS OF THE YEAR 1914. Greatest Amount Insured in any one risk $ 3,000 000 00 1. Losses, Paid ."*. .$42,649 09 2. Matured Endowments paid 1,000.00 Hundreds have taken advantage of this \votiderfyl offer. Total Amount of Insurance outstanding .. 1,170,008,905.88 A copy of the Act of Incorporation, duly certified, is of file in the office 1 Total \ $43,649.09 the Insurance Commissioner. 3. Deduct amount received from other Companies for A deposit will hold your suit until you are ready, and STATE OF MARTLAND, CITT OF BALTIMORE r—Personally appeared Losses or Claims of Policies of this Company rein- - * \ efore the undersigned, Thomas L. Berry, who. being duly sworn, deposes sured i ,. 6,000.00 entitle you to an extra Suit Free! x ^ nd says that he is the Assistant Treasurer of the Fidelity and Deposit » \ *, ompany of Maryland, ,and that the foregoing statement is correct and true. Total amount actually paid for Losses and Matured Endow- TJ&OMAS L. BERRT, ments $ 37,649.0» , - Assistant Treasurer. 5. Surrender Policies 7 584.81 Sworn to and subscribed before tner this 13th flaytof February, 1916) 6. Dividends paid to vpolicyholders or others 6,366.24, ORDER „ . WILLIAM M. REINH.4.RDT, 7. Expenses paid, including Commissions to Agents and Officers' x (Seal ) ,. 'Votary Public. Salaries \ ' 74,341.26 •Name of State Agents—AARON HAAS, SON & HOWELL; OF ATLANTA- 8. Taxes paid 472.71 VESLEY. JOHNSTON & WILLINGHAM, OF ATLANTA. 9. All other Payments and Expenditures V.. .. 2,428.09 Name of Agents at Atlanta-—AARON HAAS, SON & HOWELL; WESLET, Total Disbursements .., ...... $ 128,842.20 PEiCHTREE Greatest Aniount Insured in any one risk ...... $ 25,000 YOURS Total Amount of Insurance outstanding ...... 8, 420,59ft A copy of the Act of Incorporation, duly certified, Is of file In the office Aaron Haas, Son & Howell, General Agents of the Insurance Commissioner. \ STREET STATE OF OHIO, COUNTT OF HAMILTON — Personally appeared before Fidelity and Surety Lines ^ the undersigned, S. M. Cross, .who, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the secretary of the Columbia Life Insurance Company, and that the foregoing statement is correct an«J true. s. M. CROSS. TODAY j. i. McCAMMON, Manager <*. AOI*™ Wesley, Johnston & Willingham, Gen. Agents Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 23d day of February, 1915. HARRY T. KLEIN, ^ Notary Pu'blic, Hamilton Countjr, Casualty Lines e IHvelve THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1915.

LOST AND SITUATION WANTED—Mala SMALL crop wanted on shares by younr articles eometlmea Are. never experienced fajmer; roarried. "Wrlto James ATLANTA QUOTATIONS. found; often they are stolen with Alexander, 53 Wyrnan street, Atlanta, Ga. no chance of recovery, but when WHEAT DECLINED picked up by honest persons they will get back to the Jwoer If adver- SITUATION WANTED—FemaU i FRUITS AJTB VEGETABLES. , tised in this column. \ •<"1 » reward and deliver to owner by bringing to delivered at The Constitution Office. Apples, barrel .. 5.3.00O4.50 foodstuffs since the European war began Harry L. Dix. Incorporated. 210 Candler Apples, box [email protected] Gains Were Scored in SevT was disclosed today by the department of BIdg., Atlanta. Ga. (Identification guar- Prices Early in Session De- Another * Factor in Loss $3.00 V * commerce in a detailed statement. Food-, Pineapples, crate .. stuffs exports 'for the seven months ending anteed)^^ Lemons, new crop,, box .. . .?3.26@3 80 eral Issues, While Others, with January totaled $377.400,000, an In- LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN—From 72 COMPETENT stenographer wishes position. clined, But Rally Occurred 3 Prospect of Russian Grapes, malaga. Keg [email protected] Vi crease of ?188,000,000 over the same month Westminster Drive, a large yellow dog working half each day; either mornings Cranberries, gal., 35 barrel.. $6.75 o{ or afternoons. Address G-436, care Constl- T nr*T TV/Tin I the last fiscal year. with long hair, -who answer-fa to the name of Touched Ne JLtUVV IVillll one hundred millions bushels more wheat "Trls." A suitable rew*ard will be paid lor tution. ^ Later on and the Market Wheat Coming Through Vegetables* V were exported than last year; 38.000,000 his return. 7J Westminster Drive, phone STENO-BOOKKEEPER, long experience. Cabbage, ppound bushels more oats, 100,000,000 bushels- more Ivy 2445. good accountant1 and correspondent; will* Closed Steady and Higher: the Dardanelles—Corn and Turnips, QQanadiana , pound mum -Bonds Firm. corn; 40,000,000 pounds more tresh beef, LOST—Psi Omega fra<- pin, \ Wednesday accept low Vages. Address G-4.35, care Con- Onions, red or yello\v, sack... $2.00 34,500,000 pounds more canned beef; 1,500,- o night on v.ay from Terminal station or stitution. ' Onions, Spanish, crate...... -$1.75@2 00 000 barrels more flour: 1,000,000 pbunds GOVERNESS desires position with small Onions, white, sack [email protected] more pickled beef; 22,000.000 gallons more on Forrest a\-enue car. Finder please call Oats Off. • Potatoes, Irish, sack $2.00 New Tork, 25—Further re- Dr. Curtis. Main 3S10, or see Dr. Curtis, children, teach kindergarten, primary and KANGB IN NEJW YOBK i i naphtha, etc., and 111.000,000 gal- 402-3 Silvey bldg. •ntis^c. Addrgha G-433. care Constitution. I Prev. j Potatoes, sweet, bushel .1. 80@S5c covery from recent price depressions 4ona more re-slduu^ £ue] oi, etc were gent I Last! I -L Ull,l*i,»-Wea, LtlftUy , V^l 111*3 ...... 4>,>. V V STENOGRAPHER with five years* experi- Close. 1 CtoseV Tomatoes, fancy, crate ' .83.00 was made by tpclay s stock market, abroad. ' ~ LOST—Irish setter^ red, answers to name Low! Sale! Chicago, February 25.—Embargo ru-j Tomatoes, choice,! crate.1 [email protected] the improvement ^embracing all parts At the same time, there was a great de- "Jim." Call R. E. Green, i care «3 M. A., ence, wants position. Call Miss T., W-302-J. Men. .. 8.12 S.30 8,22 8.3fl 8.26 8.22 mor=s anrl the prospect of the Russian Egg- plant, fancy/crate. [email protected] of the list, with the exception of a crease In the exports of cotton, because of College Park, Ga. Reward. > 8.39 8.50 8.50 8.45 m .$2.25 P2.60 May. . . 8.40 8.62 8.67 surplus finding -an outlet through the Cleans, green, dru few issues whose increasing weakness the war. the total for the seven months Lost—Silver car'd cas>e with initials "K. G. July. . . 8.03 8.75 8.60 8.72 S.72 DardanellesT made wheat tumble in Squash, yellow crcrooked, , drum .. .$2.001 ti 25 results from unusual conditions. Gains being 1,105,525 bales, or 2,600,000 bales less N.." containing ?10 bill. Lilieral* reward _ FOR S ALE—M iscel laneoua J 8.83 8.78 of a. point were the rule in speculative than last year. \ if returned to Efotel Ansley. 8.92 8.85 65@75c Sept. .. 8.34 ancl investment shares, while some of I LOST—One Collie pup v,itti wide collar Oct. .. V.93 V63 8".89 • s'.oo 9.00 Other Lettuce, dozen 75c 9.17 9.17 9.11 31-8J@31-4 , at a! Lettuce, drum $2.25 the er^tWhile active specialties like mounted; with heavy brass heads; color HIGH-GRADE Dec. . . 9.10 9.20 9.10 9.20 sable and white. Reward. 645 Piedmont Ave. Jan. .. 9.88 leading staples, too, all "-T"-"««.) 0 *„ Cauliflower, pound 8@10c Mexican Petroleum, American To-bacco MARCH net decline, corn > V'tnd pro- Cucumbers, drum ...$2 50@)3.50 and the Hotor stocks, scored more ma- LOST—Gold bracelet, topai setting! last JELLICO COAv L v- 2 l-8@2 1-4, oats 7-- _ terial advances.. ' i IN THE COFFEE MARKET Sunday between West End and West End \ l visi'onSIGHSs 10121-J-Vi&m •*-'"2 t*•o" «*55* cents,," . „ «rTio5>i- Poultry and Eggs. The weak features included New Patk. Reward. Phone West 732-J.y KAJVGE IN N3SW OBJUEAlSrS CO-STOg Corn took the same path, as wheat. Hens, alive 13 {§>! 4c Haven, Southern Kailway preferred, New Yorlc, ^ February 25.—Additional STR'A.YBD from 657 Bdeewood. white Bng- fellico lump, per ton .... $4.50 Assertions that exporters at— . »».»«.. . Frys, alive 22c St Paul preferred, Seaboard preferred. March notices against 10,000 bags were Is- lish bulldog, harnessed. Ivy 6156. Rew4rd Block, red ash, pev ton . . . $5.00 more were reselling corn to the west I Ducic^ aiiV9 ,... i4e Mackay ~ companies preferred and sued in the coffee market hero today, lead- LOST—Scotch collie, sable, yellow and V^ft/V^I led to heavy unloading here I Turkeys, alive v 16c Pressed Steel Car preferred, all of ing to i continued switching from near to 7.i2 7.82 7.95 -l^J 25c white. Return to 470 N. JacKson. Reward. Mch. .. 7.82 7.82 ,8.13 whicwuu.hu toucheluu^ncdu ne> s.w _ low „„._,__minimum_ .»!lat„ e <•«,„months. . OtherwisAfter openine therg e unchangewas veryd lltto- BURNWELL JELUCO May. . . 8.09 8.22 8.06 8.21 8 20 25c ABOUT a two carat diamond, no setting. June . . 8 28 16c unchanged Reward. Dr. Ilolbrook Ivy S423-J. COAL CO. ' 8.25 8".25 s.'.b s!s9 8".33 , hv with ,*ryb, aretoea , , „ J3c uding ex- July . . V.29 fc li» ' " 'Ducks, dressed ....~. 18c 427 Decatur St. \ Aue. • - V.69| 8,'bS 8.59 tional range of its new minimum of ^"Eufop'eai^lfouses5^"ere moderate buyers of Oct. .. g'.oB V.70 s'.si 8.74 Turkeys, dressed 20c V LEGAJLJVIOT1CES 8.70 8.83 8.8S Rabbits, each 10@12c 63, while May department stores, witli near months, while thero was some scat- Dec. . . S.70 S So 8.55 Main 2961*. Atlanta 1996 8.86 8.95 8.86 .8951 8.94 the provision Opossum, pound 8@ 9c a perpendicular decline of almost a , trlng Wall street liquidation and a little SHERIFF'S SALES. Jan. .. —r Eggs, fresh, dozen ^...19<3>20c points, reflected an absence of sup-, trade selling:. WILL be sold on the 6th day of March, support. ^ 1915, at the store of "\V. R. Houston, in Closed steady. V Storage, dozen ISc Spot quiet, Rio No. 7, 7%; Santos No. 4, Chicago .Quotations. (, rLi-,,, More stability was manifested by all West Point, Ga., within the legal hours of LUMBER FOR SALE „„, „ were%uotations on the Chica- Owing to the holiday there w"ere no cables sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol- New Tork, February 25. —Afte r a , GROCERIES. the markets for foreign exchange, that lowing property, to wit: The entire stock coS^ratively slight eaily Decline cot- go Board of. Trade today. prev. (Corrected by uglebby grocery Company.) situation being assisted by circum- from the Brazilian markets. Cost and freight CHEAP Candy—Stick, <> % , mixed, 7, chocolate, offers -were unchanged. of goods of W. R. Houston, consisting of WE ARID Koine to movo, and *r ton rallied and closed steady at & net Open. High. Low. Close. Close. stantial rumors that negotiations are \ Futures In New York ranged as follows: books. Jewelry, frammg, pottery, show cases, 12%c. almost completed for the placing or pictures, glassware, cash register, and all our lumber at cost. Crates had been Canned Goods—Pork and beans. Is 2s Opening. , Closing. otsawar rates a e and 3s, 51.90 to $4.20. Corn, $1.75 to $2.40. additional credits by several of the January .. [email protected] i.-.y. other merchandise and sundries and fixtures BRING YOUR LUMBER Peas., ?1.90i to $4.20. String beans, Is 2s European governments now making February., [email protected] In said store. Invoice price of stock $3.500. and 3s, $1.80 Ho ?4.60. Salmon, red Argo, extensive purchases in this country. I March .. [email protected] Inventory of stock can be seen at the Bank BILLS TO US ' e $7.00; Chums, $390; pink, $4.50. Veal loaf, Domestic monetary movements show April .. .. 5^55 bid 5.535.54 of West Point, West Point, Ga, V And Save Biff Money. a slight hardening of rates for long-, May. .. 5.60(Q>5.62 A chance of a life time for a "live-wire." one-half, $2.80, Asparagus tips, $4.60 to Industrial weekly pay rolls J25.000. V -^ E. G. W1LLINGHAM SONS $5.00. Tuna Fihh, Is,, $8.25; %s, $8.50. Con- time accommodations, but interior June .. . •V • 5.63©5.70 [email protected] densed \ milk, $3.85 to $6.00 Evapoiated banks continue to lend freely of their i ^y- • • • 6.67©6 70 6 660C.66 W. B^ SHIREY, Sheriff. 542 wintehall St., or 306 Fetem Bldg. milk. $2.75 to $3.25. Oysters, Alfigator, superfluous funds. The probable sue- | £Hfu_ . . 5.74 bid [email protected] 0 THIS is to notify the public that D. B Van $165; others, 51.60. cess of the Anaconda Copper note of- i o^f.™ " 6 [email protected] FOR SALE—One meat box in the local marn.fi. =<->»vi ~— - ,- fia. Salt—100-llb. bags, 50c; Ice cream, $1 00. 6.90 bid 6.89(3)6.90 Arsdale and L. 13 Fain, heretofore engag- points under last night's closing fig- ferins, which coincides with an adV , November ' 6.98 bid 6.96©6;96 ed in a partnership business and operating good condition with -block and Granocrystal, 80c, No. 3 barrels, $3.25. vance in the price of copper metal to December Ur Arm and Hammer Soda, $3.06; keg soda, [email protected] 7.02®7.03 under the name of The Central Qarage, at Local traders appeared to find lit- 2c; RoyaiJ Baking Powder, 1-pound, $430; 15 cents, was tho interesting financial 31-36 Auburn avenue, Atlanta, Ga., have hocks, $75 down, $5 \per month. tle to indicate that the expected ad- development of the day. this day dissolved partnership by mutual %-pound, $500. Hprsfords, $4.50, Good consent. The business will be conducted at CallvM. 352-J, or Atlanta 5657-F. "--.-" ._ war risks would cause any Luck, $3 75. Success, $1.8ff; Rough Rider, London's markets ,were heavy, even PROFESSIONAL VIEWS > _ _,|. -,y, -fhg avrij-ivf TYInVGITXCHt, f •B1.80. higher grade investment issues in- the same address by said D. E. Van Ara- ^ Beans—Lima, 7%; pink, 6%; navy. 694. clining to lower levels. The Bank of dale, who 'will settle all firm liabilities and , v R." P. EECH|T CO. Jelly—30-lb. pails, $1.35; 2-oz, $270. England showed a further loss of gold ON THE COTTON MARKET receipt for all accounts due to the firm. 129 Auburn Ave. Bell Phone,21«t. Receipts In Chicago. Dated December 17, 1914 "Wholesale Pianos and Flayer Planoa, Today. Spaghetti—$1.90. and ^ reduction of liability reset ves. Articles. Leather—-Diamond oak, 46c. Bonds were firm, except in some oi New Tork, February 25.—(Special)—The I) E. VAN ARSDALB, "V\*c sell good pianos ?G month up. . 150 cars market today indicated by its action that L. E FAIN. "We rent good pianos 93 month up. •Wheat . ., 245 cars Popper—-Grain, 18c; ground, 20c. .the lower-priced speculative issued. ARTISTIC PIANO TUNING AND RB- Corn .. Flour—Elegant, $9.25, Diamond, $885; Total sales, par value, were $2020.000 liquidation had finished for the present and\^ Oats . . ,. 274 cars Best Self-Bibing, $8.50. Mttnogram, 58.25: that the lower prices were attractive to PAIRING A SPECIALTY. \* 40.000 head Carnation, 38 10. Golden Grain, $8.00 ; Pan- United States registered twos declined those contemplating purchases. While the PROFESSIONAL CARDS 1 HOBS •• •• 1-4 per cent on call. * T?f~vr iVlT A T"\TC All sizes, latest cake, per case, ^$3.00 demand became quite insistent at the clos- P. H. Brewster, AJlbermowenr^Ir^ f 1" U U J\ 1 A1 J\ O mode 1 counter 7 to Primary Movement. Lard and Compound — Cottolene, $7.20; ing of the market, offerings proved to be Hugh M. Dorsey, Arthur Heyman. service fountaint,; albo bargains in reljuilt Wheat—Receipts 543,000, against 696,000 Snow Drift, cases, $600; Scoco, 8%; Flake New York Stocks. . much lighter than during the past few Borsey, Brewster, Howell i HeymarA and second-han%. 26 26% 26 will continue as heretofore should bring nn owned by exporters in 'the south- Groin. 40 40 fancy tool box, oil tank, Edison phonograph, Am. Car & Foundry. 40 u 40 Vabout a generally better demand. Fl chpr piano, all at your price. 42 Easl Chicago, February 25 —Cash Wheat, ATLANTA LIVE STOCK MARKET. Am. Cities pl'd . • • •• 61% 51 % BOND * CO. DR. FRANK E. HOWALD Hunter street ' led, ?1.54@1 07%; No. 2 hard, $-!.> (By W. H. White, Jr , of White Provision Am. Cotton Oil . . 45 44H 44 60% 60% 59% New York, February 25.—(Special.)—Liv- EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. FOR SALE—Cyclopedia of Law and Pro- Company.) \ Am. Smelting. . - 81 148 306-307 Foote-Davies Building. cedure known as \'Cyc." buckram bound, Rye! No. 2, $1,[email protected]. Good to choice steers, 800 to 900 average, Am. Snuff . . erpool did not fully respond to our improve- .'l6l% '101% 101'i 100% Hours, 8 to 5. new ; no marks but name label; cheap. Ad- Barley. 71®S1 $G 00 to $6 25.. Am. Sugar . . ment yesterday, but had a steadier undpr- dress K. C. Medpath, Box 21, Evergreen Timothy, $5.0006.50. Good steefs.l 700 to SOO average, $5.50 to Am. Beet Sugar tone throughout the day, closing 5 to 6 Alabama. Clover. $10.50 @ 14 00. $6.00. Am. Tel. & Tel. . points higher. The action of the government 221% 221% 220,' Kt Louis, Februarv 2o.—Cash. Medium to good steers, 700 to 800 aver-l Am. Tobacco . . .2*3 in practically closing the war Insurance bu- COMPLETE eight (8) press cotton ollilmilv l a a les Prpv Close. v 93% 94 D2% in the beH repoited a s f^Yf',^ WHEAT- Ciose. age, $5 00 to $5.50 Atchison 94 reau on cotton to North sea ports was ad- STORKS AND OFFICES. machlneiy, in very good^ condition. Ad- demand but quite general!} claimed NO. 2 rod . .1.52 Good to choice beef cows. 800 to 900 aver- Atlantic Coast Line . 19 99 99 99 vanced as against the export of cotton. On drev. M L Bo\ F-318. care Constitution 1.56 K Baltimore & Ohio.. t> > 63% 64 "A 65 the other hand, if the foreign governments thSt holders weie not pressing their! No. 2 hard .1 53 age," $1 50 to $5 5,0 v WANTED—Five boys between FOR SALE—Filing cabinets, desks. busU CORN— Medium to g-ood cows, 700 to 750 average, Bethlehem Steel 54 54 54% find the United States will not Insure, why MPSS chairs, typewriters, etc.. sliKhtly u--ed C n 1 No. 2 . ,\ 70'A $4.00 to $1 50 oSniSan PiSt.0- .157 H 156% 156% 15b« they will find some method of means by Apjib^O^J^andler^BIclg^. _Atlanta._Ga. '_ °SJ,°o t cotton quiet; middling uplands. 73% Central Leather . . 34% 84%, 3t',i 34 which the danger may be avoided. In other { ages of 16 and 18 .who o\vn bi- No. 2 white Good to choice heifers, 750 to 850 average, x FOR S^ALE—$20 tireless cooker, "brand" OATS— $4 50 to $5.00.' Chebapeake & Ohio. 40 40 40 410, words, they may be compelled to take the cycles to work as collectors ; must 1 1 l(l No. . B6 66M, Medium to gorid heifers, 650 to 750 aver- Chi., Mil. & St. P. . 84% 84 84% 8S% i risks of Importing their cotton and food- -2H^i_^YL iLjS? L_£2t_£ -: I\'y_3257. No. 2 Ylhite . . 58% 58 58% age, S4 00 to $4.00 •KVIn . 21 20% 20% 20% stuffs, which we refuse to do any longer. be bright and full of energy, and FOR SALB-i-Short Btorfoa "an'^poomaT^vei^ KansasVCity, February 26.- -Cash: Wheat, The above represents the ruling price General 'Electric ...... •• }?»* }?»?* The trade does not appear to be so bear- reasonable Address 168 S. Forsyth St " No. 2 hard, $1.50® 1.52, No. 2 red. $1.50© of good qualilj beef cattle. Inferior grades Great Northern-pfd. 113% 113% HSYi 113 ish tonight, but they think It quite pos- who can furnfsh A-i references. and dairy types selling lower. Illinois Central ... 103 103 sible that the fortunes of war may cause \ Corn, No. 2 mixed. 70%; No. 2 white, 72© Inter.-Met. pfd . . 56 56 BoJ- 54 another decline at any moment. Address at once, 6-437, Constitu- 7-'%, No. 2 yellow, 71. Kan. City Southern. 21% 21% 2}1/ 20% HUBBARD BROS & CO. Oats, No. 2 white, 66%®56; No. 2 mixed, Medium to good steers. If fat, 800 to 900 Lehlgh Valley . ..1^2 131 J31 130% tion. " , WANTED—-1,000 customers to learn the wav average. $5.00 to $5 BO. Louisville & Nashv. 112 112 113 112 to Watson's Bargain House, 20 W. Mitchell Mixed to common cows If fat, 700 to 800 Liggett & Mjers ,. • - • 208 ' Metals. ^ PROFESSIONS AND TRADES. street. We sell everything at lowest prlce-5 average, $3.76 to $4.50. l Lorillard Co \ 176 170 rvmie ami be convinced. , \ Mixed common, $3.25 to $3.75. 10 U New York, February 25.—Lead steady at YES — If you have t\vo 'hands. Prof. G. O haft horn- oTbusiness, which pared Good butcher bulls, $3.50 to $4.00.- Mo , Kan. & Texas $3 86® 3.95; London. £20 13s. Branmns will teach 3 ou tho barber trade \\ ANTEr>—Private Individual fitting up of- rlnwn the^ advance somewhat. Missouri Pacific . 30% 10% 10 for $30, and give wasre's while learning, New Olleans, Februaiy 25—The demand 65% 66 65 ',i Spelter strong at $10.00 bid; London, £42 fice desfrps offire equipment for cash. This pJor cables stimulated Selling around •w as active for rough rice! today, prices hav- Hex. Petroleum . .67% 2s 6d. > paying position \ln our chain of shops At- does, hot apply to dealers in second-hand the first call, but the desire Of >shoi ta Prime hogs, 160 to 200 average, ?6.90 to New York Central, 83% 82% 82% 82% ianta Baiber College, 1__0 l-Just Mjtcheil tot. ing a tendency to advance. Clean rice waa $7.10. 44 43 43% 45' Tin firm: E-ton lots, [email protected]; 26- £u£rUrui_c Phone Main 1944, strong and quotations unchanged. Receipts: Gooid butcher hogs, 140 to 160 average, N. Y., N H. & H. ton Idts, [email protected]. v AVANTED — A good baritone and a tenor for Niprfolk & Western 101 101 101 100 WANTED—Old geese feather beds at once Rough, 3612; millers, 3,601, clean 1,797. $6\so t.o $6 90. Northern Pacific 101 100% 100% 10014 Copper dull, electrolytic, [email protected]; a i oad quarter, \\ ith experience. Box the H]PS. 5,314 sacks rough Honduras at 3. 40® Good butcher pigs, 100 to 14,0 average, ..101% 103% 103% ]04>i casting, $14 [email protected]. H-720, Constitution. will pay highest cash price. Phone Ivy 4 65; ,1,600 sacks Japan at U.40SB I CO; 3,710 $6 60 to $6 SO. Pennsylvania . Iron steady and unchanged , 7555, or Atlanta 4451. Address New York Reading .142-% 1413B 142 141% Feathet Company, 17 Warren place. T.O brniK ii'u^jLii- »ii^"*-. f pockets clean Honduras at 3%®!;%, 900 Light pigs, 80 to i 100 average, $6.40 to Rep. Iron & Steel. 19 % \19% 19 At London: Spot copper, £64 10s; futures SALESalEN AND SOLICITORS. the new crop is in the ground, -uaiei, pockets Japan at » 5-16@4%. i $6 60. do pfd . . . ,-,. . 74 73i 73% 73 £64 15s. ~~ v Cokers began to get buy-Ing orders New York, February 25 —Dan Talmaee Heavy and rough hogs, 200 to SOO average, 1 Tin, spot, £178; futures, £157 10s. SALESMAN v & Co. say that it seems but a short while $6.00 to $6.50 Rock Island Co.\. 1 MONEY TOj LOAN which were generally v considered to do. pfd . . . r..... IV* THREE IKe-\vlre youns men of good ap- back that everything apparently conspired Above quotations'apply to corn-fed hogs; St. L. i£. San Fran, i pearance, only Atlanta men need apply. 3 ri mn S a SP 0 t against any marked improvement ln\ the most and peanut-fattened, 1 % to 2c under. 3% See Mr Janet,. 531 Candler Bids. San ts aTroS§. Th ey tave t h e SE business situation. The untoward condi- 2d pfd SPECIAL HOME FUNDS tions incident to the war, however, have Seaboard Air Line. I2»4 11 'A 12'i COST OF LOCAL WANT ADS WANTED—Traveling salesmen to liindle ke fl r d e PROVISION 51AKKET. do. pfd 32% 32 32 33% agricultural limestone in Georgia OIL com- To LEND on Atlanta homes or business !pot c M $uE£ unchanged;; sales certainly changed ancl everything points to (Corrected by White Provision Company.) Sloss-Shef. S & I. 24 24 IN THE CONSTITUTION property, at lowest rates. Money advanced a bteady gam. Eveiy element points to Cornfield hams. 10 t£ 12 u"erage 16 11 83% S3 v 'V mission basis. Apply, v ith i pfcrence, \\ hioh to builders Write or call more favorable conditions and buyers are Southern Pacific . . S3 ', 1 Insertion lOc n line mu.st be A-l, to 709 Aut>tell Bldg , Atlanta, Cornfield hams, 12 to 14 average...... 16 Southern Railway . 13% 13% 13% Georgia. \ helping the situation by coming into the Cornfield skinned hams, 1C to 18 avg. .15% do. pfd 43 43 43 45 S Insertion" ttc a line l S. W. CARSON ow^middl.ng. 7.38; middling 7 75; strict market and are inclined to operate more Cornfield picnic hams, 6 to 8 average. 12 Tennessee Copper .. 27% 2074 27 26% •; Insertions 5c a line FIRST-CLASS representative Helling to job- freely, so that the \trade movement\ from Cornfield breakfast bacon 23 % 124 124 bers and department stores for oui shams 413-14. Empire Building, middling 800; good middling, 8.44, day to day is decidedly more progressive Teias Co. . .V Ic licr trord flat fox classified adver- strict good middling, 8.S1; receipts?, 10,- Cornfield sliced breakfast bacon, No. Texas & Pacific 11H 11% and scarfa, conimifabion ^babis Imperial Art and encouraging. Of course the fact that 1 cartons, 32 to cabe, per case.. $3.50 Union Pacific . . .118% 117^ 118% 117% tising from outside of Atlanta. Works, 110 Penn Bldir . Plttsburg, Pa. Broad and Marietta Streets. B21; stock, 454,651. there is an enormous aimy of the . unem- Orocers* bacon, wide and narrow 12% U S. Steel 41 vs No advertisement accepted 'for less ployed is regarded as a menace to any 'Cornfield fresh pork sausage, link or AGENTS. real implovement, but there is a do pfd 103 % 103% 103% 103% than two lines. Count six ordinary MONEY TO LOAN, eitW feeling of optirriism thaA things wilm°"5l conS - bulk,-25-lb. buckets 13 Utah Copper . . .51 50',i 50'i 49% words to each line. v CLEAN2OL—Household necessity, sells in COTTON MOVEMENT. tinue to grow better with the "general de- Cornfiel— ----d wieners- ,gj^ 10-lb.. carton~- -- s- 1—5 Va -Care-. Chemical. Discontinuance of advertising must every home, Cl ow managers wanted. If straight or on monthly man* The purchase of stuff for export to Western Union . .61 61% be in writing. It will not be accepted not making 550 per week get my proposi- boes Total sales for day 145,900 shares. by phone. This protects your Interests tion, 100 per cent profit, sure repeater. Atlanta, February 25^.^-Cotton steady; mld- as well as ours. Box 133-C, Thomaston. Ga. plan, on Atlanta'and subur- is becoming a most Important factor in dUNfw7for-k, miaailnK. 835; receipts. 119. 2__25 Neta York Bonds. MISCELLANEOUS. ban property. Foster & the market situation and prices are very Cornfield lard, tierce basis yoni can't brine «r Bend St strongly maintained for all gradjes. U. S. 2s registered THOUSANDS GOVERNMENT JOBS OPEN New Orlelns, middling, 7 7^; receipts. 10,- Advices from the south along the At- Country style lard. 50-lb. cans...... Il2 ' do. coupon ^.. .. jo'nr Want Ad. uhone Main TO MEN AND WOMlSN". 565 to $160 Robson, 11 EdgewoW Ave. EZ1; exports. 18.803; sale, 2.45;,; stock. 454,- Compound lard, tierce basis ...... 09% lantlc\ coast Indicate that conditions have D. S. extra ribs .11 U. S. 3s registered SOOU oc Atlanta BOO1. month. Write for list. Franklin Institute, improved somewhat. The better grades are D. S. fcellies, medium average do coupon Dept. 5J-B, Rochester. N Y. '"'alveston. middling. 8 30: receipts 21,412; advancing steadily and Honduras has the .12 U. S 4s registered LOCAL money for quick eiDorts 10450. sales, 1,341; stock, 558,5^3. call on account of relatively high prices D. S. bellies, light average do. coupon .. Courteous operators, thoroughly fa- 1 "&°o"fle. middling. 7.66; receipts. 929; sales, Panama 3s coupon . being asked tor Blue Rose and Japan XXOUR, GRAIN AlfO FEED. 1no,. miliar with rates, rules and claseifica- loans. W; B. Smith, 708 st>les. Screening and sec9nd heads are al- American Agricultural Gs .... " oi ,tions, will give you complete infornva- Savannah middling, SOO; receipts, i«.284; most unobtainable, except at what is con- Flour, Sacked, Per Bbl.—Victory (in 18- American Cotton Oil 6s, bid . . . Fourth National Bank Bldg. exports. 6.838. sales. 1,955; stock, 236,051. .••Jidered prohibitive prices. The movement of 3 towel bags), $?75', Victory (our finest American Tel & Tel. cv. 4%s.. . " or%« tion. And, if you wish, they will asaist WANTED—Man with horao and rls to car- Charleston, middling. 7.75; receipts, 3,387; American Tobacco 6s, bid ..12" 0 you in wording your want ad to make ry newspaper route. A hustlet can make It most effective. eood money. Apply City Circulation De- Atchison gon is . . . . 91 ",i partment Constitution. MONET TO LOAN on real estate: current "wu'minRton.' middling, 7.76; receipts, 2,387, At New Orleans, reports continued de- /L,?? ' isimr}a Jg*'50ll"r\VhUe Lily ('seU%lsIne-S)0 Atlantic Coast Line col 4H. offered .... 86 >4 Accounts opened for ads by telephone r Baltimore & Ohio cv 4%s .. S3Vi to accommodate you if your name is in rates The Mortgage-Bond Compan v y of St 60 mand and available supplies of both rough ic .A -w,-Htl T ,'i-u- Vl > lli stolrst as s^ Am* WANTED—A few youns moil to sell Bub- N^w "iork J. S. SJiccr, attorney, >agent. NorfolK. mlrtdllng. 775, receipts, 3.9^6. and clean are meeting lekdy sale. Blue ?f ***• VvT,lh,T«t ™to,.«N Sf:»'s-• PnritTn Central of Georgia 5s, bid ...... 101 the telephone directory. Other want urban loth on the north sicie, feoocl propo- iObiaa ( 1igess paet n t i .; P Uuran Central Leather 5s . . 121a\--Receipts, 50.530: exports, Men.;. Sacked. Per Bushel—Meal, plain, Lorillard 5s bid .1 once 615 ForsylH bldg KCAL ESTATE LOANS, «>£ to 7 % per cent. B01237- sale-?, h,848. stock. 1,833,039, Comparative Port Receipts. 144-lb. saftlcs, 99, meal, plain, 96-Ub. sacks, Missouri, Kai) Jfr. Texas 1st 4s.... Purchase money notes bought. Loan agents SI 00 meal, plain, 48-lb. sacks, $1.02, mea.1. MISCELLANEOUS. Totals for Week—Receipts, 252,645; ex- Following ^\pre net receipts at United New "Sork Central gen 3%s The Travelers' Insurance Co, Seo Rex B1 . ports. 228.706. \ plain, 24-lb Jacks. 5,1 04 KT Y., N. H & Hartford cv 6s Moonej, <'liff O. Hatcher Insurance Agency * Totals for Season—Receipts. 7,911,901. ex- States ports on Thursday, February 25, Grain, Sacked, Per Bushel.—Corn, white, Norfolk & Western cv 4%s, bid ... LEARN MILLINEIiY—BE 231 Grant Bidpr Bdth phones compared with those on the corresponding 5103 !oats, fancy white clipped. 76; oats, Northern Pacific 4<3 . poits. 5,317,311 day last year. No. ,' white cltppedA 75; qatb, white, 74; oats. VENETIAN BLINDS MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE 1915. 1014. Pennsylvania cv. 3%s\_(1915) MADE TO ORDER. i INDEPENDENT Interior Movement. No. 2 mi>.ed. 71. Reading, gen 4s.. . .7 THE ATLANTA SCHOOL OF AND OTHERS Upon their own names.; New Orleans .. .. \ 10,3pl 11,296 Seedn, Sacked. Per Bushel —Orange cane Republic Iron & Steel 6^ (1940).. . THE ideal Blind and Screen for sun par- cheap rates, easy payments. Confidential^ Houston, middling, 825. receipts, 12.573; Galveston 21,412 9,277 seed, 3-bu. packs. SI 10. amber cane seed,, 9314 lors Estimates furnished free. YOUR PRACTICAL MILLlNERI". / Scott^ & Co ,_JI20 Austpll building. shipments. 14,479; sales, 1.237; stock, 194,- Mobile .. 929 1014 St. Louis & San Fran ref. 4s 64 1 CREDIT'S OOOD. DONTT DELA5T. Bost- 40',4 Whitehall St. 3-bu. sacks ?135, Tennessee seed rye, $1.26, Seaboard Air Line adj. 5s 60 % | 364. * Savannah.. >, 6,231 2067 seed barley, ?120, Appier oats. SO, winter qYK. wick-OoodeH Co., -W. K. Callaway, sales Original School South. Terms Reasonable. WK HAVE FUNDSv INV BANK FOR ^Memphis, middling. 7.8S; receipts, 3,627v Charleston .. .. *. ..<.. . 3,387 210 Southern Bell Telephone 5s, bid .. . 97% r Write for Literature. PROMPT NEGOTIATIONS ON FIRST grazing oats. 75, Tennessee Hurt oats, 85; Southern Pacific cv. 4s cn%^ manager. Phone Main 6310 or write 1403 ehlpments, 1.620. sales, 2,100; stock, 236,488. Wilmington \.. .. 2.3S7 7b6 Oklahoma rust proof oats. SO. |5 , SSfrth Nat'l Bank bldg.. Atlanta. Ga. AND blCOOND MORTUAGE PAPER, Augusta, middling, 7.75, receipt", 734. Southern Railway 5s v WOMEN—Become government clerks, $70 MONTHLY OR YEARLY NOTES. L. H. shipments. 1,305. sales, 965, stock, 145\667 Norfolk 2,986 7b6 Hay. Etc—Alfalfa hay. No. 1 green. $1.35; do gen 4s . month. Atlanta, examinations May 17. Ne\v YoTk 119 7 timothy Nfl! 1, largp bales. $1 3G timothy. Tpsas Company cv. 6s e»% !~ HAIWATRR nRKSSINGDRESSING STORE Sample questions free. Franklin Institute, ZUHLIN13 & CO., 601-2 SILVEY BLDG , St. Louis, middling. 775; leccipts, 4,022, Philadelphia S ..... No 1. small Bales, SI 30, light clover-mixed, S A CLAYTON CO.. 18 East Hunter WAIN 624. | shipments. 2.815, stpck. 37.555. Boston .. .. \...... 905 Texas & Pacific 1st. bid 95 Dept 600-B, Rochester, N. Y. Cincinnati—Receipts, 2,994, shlpntents, large bale^, $1 30; light clover-mixed, faniall Union Pacific 4s . 94'4 I street, near Whitehall. Experts in manl- GIRLS, learn millinery. Free scholambip $500 and two sums of $1,000 each to loan Minor ports 1,080 hales. SI 25, pea-Mile hay, choice. $1.30, U S. Steel Bs . . . ! ! curing, chiropody, hair dressing, shampoo- 5,933: stock. 13.986. Texas City Bermuda hay sr,, straw, 65; C. s. meal. .100 plan. We make and retrlm hats free. Ideal on Atlanta real estate. Dunkon & Gay. 409 Little Rock, middling, 755, receipts. 2G7; •(• k Virginia-Carolina Chemical v!7s . 90 1 Ing, scalp treatments facial massage and School of MilllDery. 1C10V4 Whitehall. Hriultable Ivy 5678_. shipments. 1,431. saleb. 805, stock. 65,OSg Harper, $31.00. C. S. meal, Cremo Feed, Southern Pacific cv. 5s , , 96 children'!, hair bobbing. WE MAKK AND Totals 50,356i 26,613 S27 00 r S hulls, square sacks. $9.50. SELL SWITCHES and traniforniatlonb. MONEY TO LOAN" on Improved Atlanta Dallas, middling.^ 7.75; sales, J.608. \ chicken Feed Per Owt—Aunt Patsy mash. Cai,h 01 convenience in payments. Phone leal estate. Fltzhueh Knox, 1C13 Candler Totals for Day—Receipts. 27.224, sh^p- Interior Movement. 100-lb pa^cks. 52 10, Purina chowder, 100-lb. Financial. Main 1769, Atlanta B645-B. JHEj-P^VVANJED—MaleJardJFemale bulldinB. i ments, 271,613; sales, 7,71"), stock, 678,03S. 1915. 1914. sacks, $2 T>5, Purina pigeon iV feed, 100-lb. MBN AND WOMEN WANTED to adver^ MONEY TO LOAN at 6,> to 8 per cent on Houston 12,578 3,668 sacks 52.65. Purina sci atch, 12-pgk. bales, New York, February 25—Mercantile pa- Atlanta real estate. Dunson & Gay, 409 Memphis 3,627 .i 590 S" 50 Purina scratch. 100-lb sacks $245; per. 3Vi(S'4. . SPBATLING IS Use and sell oui Bel! fi Peroxide Beauty Cotton Seed Oil. \ MOURNING. BLACK IN ONE DAY'S Cream; bcautifieu immediately: $J5 to $BO Tru.st Company of Georgia building. f 73 t 221 ViotQrjMmby chick 100-lb sack^ $2 40. Vic- Mexican dollars, 37 li. New Tork. 'February 25.—Cotton seed oil ] St Louis ...... 4.02.! . 3.3SI tory iscratcli 100-lb sacks. $230. Dnndy Government bpnds easy; railroad bonds NOTICE. •weekly easily /nade, write quick for terri- MONEY TQ LEND on flty pro'perty. W. O. Rd\anced several points early, on short Vov- Cincinnati .. .. 0,'»94 2 2(>2 scratch. 100-lb. sacKs, $220. beef scrap", firm. FREIGHT paift one way on $2 out-of-town tory. Bell Bros, 325 West 69th St., New Alston, ^glfl Third Nat'l Bank bldg. \Time loans firm; 60 days, 2%; 90 days, ordfers. Atlanta Steam Dye and Cleaning York. erlng. but the list, sagged off later, under J Little Rock ...... 269 349 per 100-U>. s.ick^, ?3 35. beef scraps, per 5 c.i.- months, •si^'^'siA MONEY to lend on improved roal estate. C. liquidation by the West, induced by the i 60-lb sacks $1 SO, charcoal, per 50-?b. sacks, o , HIK TTlOnthS, 3 ^4 W) 3 ^f2- Works J. S. Spratllng, Proprietor. 63 Au- SMITH furnishes best help, secures best po- (' McGehec, Jr., 022 to 624 Empire pldg. break in lard Final iprlces werev 3 to 7 ^Totals Call money -iteady, high, 2; low, 1%; rul- burit Ave. Ivy 2340. Atlanta 954. V 13,471 90c oyster shells, per 100-lb. sacks, 76c, ing '-rate, 2. las,t loan, 2, closing: bid, 151 • 8itionto Representative's wanted every- MONKV TO LOAN on Atlanta reafestate.' points net low cr. "Che market closed easier. chicken wheat, per bushel, $] 50. where. 159 Auburn, Atlanta. Ivy 2333-J. W. B Smith. 708 4th _Nat/l_^ank_bIdB. Spot, 6.75 bid. Futures ranged as follows: j Estimated Receipts' Friday. CUouml Feed. P**-r On t.*—Arab horse feed, offered, at 2 FREE HOSPITAL Opening:. Closing-, i ' Galvpston 16.000 to 17,000, against, 6,987 S1 90 King corn horse feed, 51SO. Victory London, February 25.—Bar silver 22 7-9d LOANff on Atlanta property. J R Nutting; March .. .A > * • «.SOg>6,83 6" 7b(g>6.79 last year. hnr^e CePil, 51 SO A. B C. horse fepd,\ $1 70. ounce. \ & Co, 1001 Empire Liir» bldu. Ivy 6. ' April 6.S3ITS6.M 6 82(^6,58 New Orleans 9,600 to 11,000, against 7,21 S Sucrene horsp feed SI.55: Sucrene dairy Monpv. 1 per cent Discount rates, short SERVICE WANTED — Teachers 6.92 «i>6 94 6.S77.18 v Liverpool ment of the Bank of England shows thfe operative Hospital Association. £00-202-204 WANTED—MONO". August Doff. JOO-lb. bncksr , S^.O^r fancy mill feed, following changes Brown- Randolph September i S5©7'.45 [email protected] Liverpool. February 25 —Cotton spot ' 7",-lb. sacks. $1.1 >, P W. miUI feed. 75-lh. WE can invent your money for you on flrnt October [email protected] 7 05(3)7.25 firm, good middling, 6 27,. middling. 495, I sacks, $1.80, Georgia teed, 75-lb sacks, ?1 76, Total reserve decreased £1,730,000. H. McCarter, the Tailor, has mortgage, high-class. Improved property. Sales, 21,100 barrels. Circulation Increased £56,000. moved from 220 Whitehall , It will net you 7 and 8 per cent. low middling, 466, sales, 7,000, speculation brown shc/rts, ]00-lh sacks $1 75; germ Bullion decreased £1,674,432 and export. 2000. receipts, 3X516. Futures'. meal 75-lb. sacks. $1 SO' bran, P. W., 100- street Into new and larger quarters. Watch lb sacks, $1.,">5: br,in, P. W , 75-lb. sacks, Other securities Increased -£1,231.000. personal column for new address. TUBMAK & CALHOUN, V Provisions. closed barely stead>. Pre\. Other deposits increased fl5.251.00ol AN ANSWER TO YOUft AD i Second Floor Empire. Opening. Close Clot.c. ?1 ->S Public deposits decreased £13 391 000 MATERNITY SANITARIUM — Private, re- ( Chicago. February 25.—Ca^ May-June .481% 4 85 P.ilt—Salt brick (nied.i, p^r case, 55.10: flned, home-like; limited number of pa- \f~AXTED—lo borrow 51.000 for one year. 4 S3 tail brick (pllain), p«r case, $2 35; salt, Red Notes reserve decreased £1,891,000. «)R several of them may be sent In Pork, nominal. July-August.. . . .49!% 191 Government securities increased £2,362,- tients cared for. Homes provided for in- \\ill pay l-' pir cent or 8 per cent^and a Lard, $9.65 v October-November . . 5 Ob 5 OS Rock k aftfr your ad premium ot 4 per cent, and deposit Eilt- 30 pkgi . Sf 00. t-alt. Chippeua, 100-!b. last appeared in The Constitution Ribs, $S S7@9 37. January^Februarj . . 5.11. % 5 i3 Thp proportion of the bank's reserve^ to Mitchell. 26 Windsor street. ddfio tcil)'it«-ral, -worth twice the money. Ad- \ Mirks. sL'c; salt, Cluppe\\a, 50-lb. tracks. 31c, Such responds are the resi.-**- of io\- dr?ss O-4^9. Constitution. salt Chippewa. 25-lb. sacks, 19c, salt, V. P., uabililM this Meek is 3010 per cent lft<*t information of any one living that en- eral forms of special servi,-C v. hicii 100-lb t-acki. 52c .salt V. P, 50-lb sacks. \\eek it was 31.54 per cent. " : listed in Captain -I. H. Bikes' company The Constitution is rendering In be- WANTED—$1,600 on $5,000 worth of real 31c. salt. V P., Sj-lb ^.sacks. 19o. Rate of discount 5 per cent i in Columbus, Oa., August 6, 1862, Company half of all Situation Wanted adver- e--tatp at S per cent direct trom lender. These prires are f. o. b. Atlanta and sub- Di Seventh Confederate cavalry, would be tisers. So, if you v,3 . S0i-j©31. creamery (higheI r scoring), one week only. 31 ->(t*3J. crramery flrt,tM, J7 -ji@2y^, atc- to 4.S3, nola«si>s sugar, 400 to 406 Sales v PURCHASE M(iNEY NOTES ontls. 2a*~fi2T-2 20,000 bags. Futures ranged as folows- vMME. FUNK , SPECIAIj rates for .situations want- Kcpirs -unsettled receipts 13143, fresh Opening. CJosing. 518 Grand Theater Bldg. ed ads.. Three lines'one time, io /ANTED. jtathcied extra-1, ^TfT-T1^. extra flrstF 26'^. .Tanuarv 3 S2@3 K4 cents; 3 times, 15 cents. To get WANTED—Some good purchase money firhl^ J51n'?:2b, ^e< ^nclfa, ^4J2^-514, nearby Februari. 3.82@>3.S1 THE address of parties acquainted or rel- these rates, ads mu \\htte-., 30^?31. JIarrh. . . 3 S2©3.84 atives of the McCall family, of revolution- vance and delivered at The Consti- Tho Merchants and Mechanics' Banking I Apul... . 3 85O3.90 3.87ig)3.89 ary frame, or a. genealogist. Address Mrs. tution Office. \ and Loan Co . 209 Grant bldg. Ivy 6341. ^ ~. \ May .. .. 3 9403.97 Helen McCall Stewart, McComb, Misa. Box KMPIRB BUILDING ATLASfTA. GEOlt<;l % 3 92@;3.9t No 626. _J j A Stair of TJturoVwbl) Live Stock. June i. 3.97©4.02 3.96(8-379 \ i Traiae* aad Qualified Accountants, Waooe Experience July .. . . 4.0S 4.01®4.02 FELTS, straws and Panamas cleaned and V Caable* Tocoi t» Mafca a Critical JLmmlymlm at Book* and Account*. . Chicago, February 2"j.—Hog:b—Receipts. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and timekeep- v STOCKS AND BONDS L'3000: higher, bulk ?,Gbn««.7S. light. 56.B3 Auprust !. Otj& 4. 09 [email protected] reblocked into the latest spring styles; er, ^who is not afraid of work, wants posi- September. 4.1104 IS 4 01®4.10 new bands, bindingfc and leathers. C. Chriu- FOIi "sALE^S per cent dividend paying 'ii'S.s;, mixed. 5B.43(a.t> SO. heavy. 56.15(3 October. 4 [email protected]» tensen, the Hatter, ITA Walton at. tion With people -who are reliable and can bank stock. Will &ei! for cash or will C 70 lough. $6 1506 30, pigs, $5 [email protected](). 2so\ember 4 05*84 07 . give good promotion; a good futura business trade for lumber or shingles. Box 126, Cattle-—Receipt:*. ">,0no, t steady: native December l^REE—Our 1915 Maeazino catalogue. Just expected, A-l references furnished. Adctreas steers. SS.'iO'SSJ.lO \ cons aod heifer.', $3.GO<& 3.97 ~ 3 95 @ 3.96 f out. Phone or write for it. Charles D. Cobb, P. O. Box 4SS.\ Macon. (j,a.. Rithlar.d. Ga. 7.7o. calves, $7 OOllElO 50. t i Barker. Circulation. 19-21 Peters, \M. ..623-J. FIRST-CLASS electrician wants position na FOR SALE—Five shares Realty Company, HUBBARD BROS. & CO., Cotton Merchants Naval Stores. SMOKE EE-M TOBACCO for Caiarrn. house electrician or small plant to keep of Atlanta School of Medicine. Make offer,. Bronchitis, Asthma and Colds. lOc bags. up. Have had 14 years' experience in the B Anthony^ Ivy 4950. HANOVER SQUARE; MEW YORK Dry Goods. Savannah i.a-t February- 25 —^Turpentine four druggist or EE-M CO. Atlanta. Ga. electrical business, very best of referehces, l firm at 42, sales, 10J. receipts, 1, shipments. Adaress G-430, Constitution. Members New York Cotton Exchange, New Orleans Cotton ICxchui.^e, New NPV. Voik. "Febiuary 21—Cotton goods 34; stocks. 33,864. Rosin firm, sales, 583; 25c l,rPE\ READINGS. Rev. Foster, ordaln"- \v ere quiet Vtiday, Yarnis easi. Raiv silk receipts, 17u; shipments, 53. stocks. 130107 ed spiritualist, minister mf-dium. 30 Wil- DRESSMAKING—SEWING Tork Produce Exchange; associate members .Liverpool Cotton Association. easy \\iiti some prices at the lowest point liams, ct>r Harris, 2 blocks* of W Peachtree. MR. BUSINHSS MAN. v,"hy pay stenograph- Orders solicited, for the purchase and sale of cotton and cotton need oil for A and B, S2 90. C and D. ?S 02 '4; E and F ers $50 10 $«0? We do the work, for li-ilf \VAN'riSD—plain'Vewih,? of all kinds; work for several nlonthb. Faufy \\ool suitings $305, C5, 4J.05 to 7fcs. H, 43.03 to ?3.10. I j WE MAKE swifches~from comblngHT$l^ach. that amount: 10 minutes' notice we are guaranteed 21 Marhham gtrcqt tutor* delivery. Special attention and liberal terms ffiveo for consignment* .sold -well ^or fall. JBelgiutVi -was in the 53.15, K. 53.25: M, SltQO; N, 55.00. window 1 Mrs. Allle Gallaher, SO'/j Feachtre* St. •( «pct cottoa tot deHveiT- Correspondence invited. market for army uniform cloth*. at your office. Jvy S40*. Atlanta Office i>EAIN and fancy hewing at 166 fcnoU* »T«. $5.13, \vater white, $5^50. Phona Ivy 19S8-J. Co. Call Weat 1 15. NEWSPAPER! YOHE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, -X3A., FRIDAY, FEBBUABY 26, 1915. Page Thirteen

^^ RAILROAD SCHEPULES AUCTION SALES. FOR RENT—Rooms FOR RENT—Apartments WANTED—Real Estate The arrival and departure of paasenker nCKNISUED—SODTHl SIDE. UNFURNISHED. E MARKET for a modern, up-to-date trains, Atlanta. BUFF •& BLACKi cJrpinston's; eggs Jl per FOR RENT—Inman Park apartment of 6 6 or 7-room bungal6w on prominent* street Yh« following schedule figures are puo- 13. Mrs. J. R. Glenn, Decatur. Ga. Dec. 122. ii GARNETT STREET rooms and Bleeping porch, entire second north Bide; must b« a bargain. Will deal Itahed only as information and are not I ROOMS with modern conveniences; close floor; electric lights, gas, door phone and only with owner. Phone Ivy 7443. guaranteed: . , AT AUCTION TODAY •D^T^^T, INCCBATOKS. in: rates reasonable; men only. I electric lock. Ivy 4370-L. HOLD your real estate, but if you must BUCKEYE incubators, the standard ot per- NEATLY furnished rooms, with or without ELEGANT 4-room apartment; steam heat, sell at a sacrifice, list your property with 'A FINE lot of Household goods from "West fection In artificial Incubators. They board, cheap. 73 Nelson. _^^ us. We are only handling- bargains. H. M. Atlanta Terminal Station.^ End 'home, consisting of pianos, ma- hatch every hatchable egg. Write for cata- THAT Janitor service and all modern conven- Ashe & Co.', . hogany, quartered oalc and Circassian wal- logue. Marbut & Minor, East Atlanta, Ga. ' NEATLY furnished rooms, close In; reason- iences. 324 Forrest Ave. Apply premises. •Dally except Sunday. "Sunday only. nut bedroom furniture, braeys beds, gas able; men only. 11 Garnett street. Phon^ Ivy SOS-J. L. B. Bandars, owner. LIST your v real estate with us. We havo the Atlanta. Birmingham and Atlantic. '. stoves and many other articles too numer- SEEDS AND PI^ANTS. | NEATLY furnished rooms, with or without customers. Geo. P. Moor*. 10 Auburn ave . Leave. ous to mention, also 2 lots household goods board, for young men. 73 Nelson street. THE HAMILTON •ecoud floor. Salesmen: I. W. Harrell. Louis Kffectlre January 24. Arrive. of Mrs. C C. Rogers, H. P. Webb, sold for , FINE COTTON SEEQ | OLD BOOKCASE NEW, attractive, eteam-heated apart- M. Johnson. T. M. Word. Como to see na- Brunswick, Waycroaa FOR RENT—One large, nicely furnished tnents. s ^.nd 8 rooms. 21 East tth at. and Thomas ville ...... 6:10 am 7:30 ana storage charges. ABSOLUTELY pure, sound and true to room, private home. 168 Cooper street. "' PLANTATION WANTED—For further par- Brunswick. Wo.ycros» name. Cleveland's blgr-boll, 85c bushel; ten FOR RENT by owner, two apartments of ticulars, see page 3. Joseph P. Day, 31 and Thomaavllle...... 7:10 pm 10:30 pm bushels or more. 76c: Wannamaker's pedi- NEATLY furnished rooms or entire up- five rooms; all modern conveniences, oloa* CENTRAL AUCTION CO. gree Cleveland, Colonel Bedding's select OR THAT stalrs, unfurnished. 223 K. Fair at In. The Saftord.. Ivy 4886.. 32 Carnegie way, Nassau St., New York City. Bleeping cars on night trains between At- Cleveland and Cook's latest improved. $1,00 NEATLY furnished rooms for housekeeping; 12S PEKPLES ST., West End, beautifuf~6- lanta and Tcomasvlllo. V 12 E. Mitchell each; ten bushels or over 90c bushel. Fair reasonable. 161 S. Forsyth at. room apartment, entire floor, separate View Farm, Palmetto, Ga. I 1 entrance. Phone West 1144-J. Atlanta and Wfft Point Kallroad Company. T TWO neatly furnished rooms for light No. Arrive - No. JJepurt i'o— APPLER, Texas, Rust-proof and ' OLD PIANO housekeeping: reasonable. 116 Garnett st. FIVE ROOMS, steam heat, screens, shades, 42 West Pt. 8:16 am 36 New Or.. 6:25 am ONE neatlyi furnished room, close In; all range and refrigerator, sleeping porch, tile EXCHANGE FOR FLORIDA IS Colum's. 10:66 am 19 C'olumbua fr:45 am Burt seed oats, Whippoorwill j conveniences. 46 Forrmva.lt street. front and back porch, tile bath. Ivy 6892-J. PROPERTY 38 New Or. ll:ou am 33 Monte'y.. 8.10am arid Clay peas. A. P. Morgan < APARTMENT six rooms and sleeping porch, A SEMI-CENTRAL, unoncumbered nortu *0 New Or.. 2. 16 pin 3» New Or.. 2:00 pm FURNISHED—LNMAN PARK. entire floor, all conveniences, neat, water, side lot, 25x176. valued at $6.000. to ex- ' .. 17 Columbus *.0f> pm Grain Co. , I Or any of the other nu'mer- NICELY furnished rooms, in private home, electric lights. Owner. '310 Pulliam street. change for Florida Improved property; west 20 Coluzubiu 7.4& pn ,7 New Or.. 6:20 pm WILL OPEN good car service, all conveniences. 9G REDUCED rates on 3. 4, & and 6-room coast prefered. Give full description and MvNew Or. 11:35 pn ,1 \Vest Pt. S:45 pm ONE MILLION EACH KLONDYKE, Lady Whtteford avenue. Ivy 7306-L. steam-heated apartments. Apply Mr. K«.l- particulars. Address John J. Woodside, Jr , Thompson. Aroma, Excelsior and Mission- o\\s old things you ( have THREE rooms, kitchenette, private bath. ly- Ivy 3390. , ' 239 Edgewood avenue, Cltj.y Central of Georgia Hallway. ary strawberry plants, asparagus and other Inman Park, with owner. Ivy 2329-L. "The Klaht Way." AUCTIPN SALE small fruits and trees. Write today lor FOR RENT—From March 3. unfurnished prices. Chattanooga Nurseries. 5 Missionary NICELY furnished room, gentlemen omi^ 6-room Apt., In the Avalon, W. Peachtree WANTED—To sell or exchange to acres _Arrlv8 From— Depart To— around the house can readily best part of city, private home. Ivy 4532: south Georgia truck farm for Ford auto- Tbomasvllle 6.25am Savannah... 3 :00 am Ridge, Chattanooga, Tenn. and North Ave. Call I. 4168Aor M. 1764. mobUe. Apply to A. G. Edwards, Concord, Jacksonville tt 47 am Albany 8 :00 am TOMATO—1,200 bushela per acre. Ga.. Route 1. 6avannah... 6.25am Jackaimvlile 3 .45 aiu Please send your address for the proof be converted into cash by the SIVE. • Albany.... "6.26am Macon..... 30 pm of this great fact. M. C. MoGee, San Mar- ENTIRE upstairs, four rooms, prfvate bath. —Houses Jacksonville 7:40 am Macon-..... 4 00 pm cos, Texas. I ^sink, $22.50, includes lifchts, water. 233 N. REAL ESTATE—For Sale Macon...... 6.25am Jacksonville^ 8 40 pm UNREDEEMED use of a small classified ad. Moreland a.ve. Ivy G973-J. ; 1 FURNISHED. :10 pm 8NEED NURSERIES will mail you catalog Macon.....1 11.01am Savannah.. 10 of first-class fruit trees, plants and vines, THREE connecting rooms, with couple, prl- ATTRACTIVE, well fur. home; Myrtle st ; NOKTH SIDE. Savannah.. . 4,20pm \aldoEta .40 pm 6ho.de treeb. Privet hedge, pecan trees, etc. vate bath, sink, close In. Ivy 5427-J. easily adapted for 2 families; reasonable MY new 8-room house. No. 998 Highland Jacksonville 8.03,pm, Jacfcsouv'e. .10 pm Morro^v, to right party. Ivy 88 0 0. avenue, between, Adair .and Virginia, east rhomasv'e. :01 am l , PLEDGES O*NE or two rooms and kitchenette, all con- Macon 8.45pm' SUDAN GRASS—Free sample seed, full In- venlences; rent reasonable. Call Ivy 5752-J. FURNISHED new 6-room cottage at Oak- front shaded, one of the mofat beautiful and Albany «-45pm Albany.... :01 am hurst, electricity, hot and cold water. J26. modern homes in Atlanta. Look at it and formation. Want agents. Will trade. C. ENTIRE upper floor, hot water, gas and Phone Decatur 784. - make offer. Price, J6.500, assume 33.000 loan, \ Southern Rallnray. CONSISTING OF v Ullery, Lubbock. Texas. phone, with couple, $15. Ivy 6314-L. i5500 cash. Would take some trade or good, "Premier Carrier of the 8o?tn. PRESTON'S PLANTS—Send tor cataloguo light car W. H. S. Hamilton, Owner. 402 at once. Fred M. Preston. Pine Castle, Fla. UNFTJHNISHEB—SOTJT1I SIDE. UNFURNISHED!. Ao, Arrive ITrom— Wo. Depart To— FOUR nice,* unfurnished, connecting rooms, \ Equitable Bldg. Ivy 6^34. )t 86 N. X 0.46 am 3bN. Y 1^:01 itn DIAMONDS, WATCHES Phone your wants to ROUSES, stores, offices and business space Z3 Jact££o'l«. 5.60am ia Ivan. City 6.15am with couple, separate entrance, private for rent.* A phone message will bring our MR. INVESTOR, I have 12 te acres on 43 Wash!'n. 6:05 am 20 Colum's.. 6.15 Am LIVE STOCK bath, instantaneous heater, overlooking rent bulletin by mail, or a. polite, intelligent Piedmont avenue that I will sell at a, 1 JackBo'le. «:10am 1 Chicago.. 6:20 am Grant Park. Call Main 2978. J. J., between representative to help you find what you bargain. You can make some quick money 12 Shrevo't. 6:3u«.m 12 BichnVd. S.65 am AND 1 ^ HOGS. MA!N 5000 , «. S and 11 o'clock. want, i George P. Moore, 10 Auburn Wvenue, if you will grasp this opportunity. Would 17 Toccoa... 8.10 am 7 Chatta'a. 7:10 am TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms, all, second floor. Phones: Ivy 23J6 and 2327; be glad to have you call bn me for further *S Heflin... ft 20 am 32 Ft. Val'y. 7:15 am FANCY BERKSHIRE PIGS. conveniences, close in, reasonable; gas, Atlanta phone 5408. •• j particulars, ydias D. Hurt. SOI Fourth 8 Chatfa. 10.35am Itf ilacon... 7:45 am HIGH-GRADE JEWELRY THE best of breeding, ideal types, out o* water, llg'hts; splendid location. 21 Mark- 28 W. PEACHTREE PLA^CS—Just off W. National Bank 1)1 dg. 7 Macon.. ,10.40am 6 Jackso'le 11:46 am big,' fancy-bred sows and sired by the best ham street. \ , we have this 6-roora EXTRAORDINARY bargain. Eight-room, 27 Ft. Val'y VlO:4E am S8 N. Y..I 12:U6pm boars In Georgia, $15 each, registered and Ask if or the Classified TWO large connecting front rooms and cottage with three basement rooms, has two-story hou^e. East front lot. B*»st 21 Colum's. 10:50 am 40 Charlo'e 12:15 pm with as flne a pedigree as can be written. kitchenette; conveniences, phone, car line, gas, bath, hot ,and cold water and in one north side street. Can soil tor $2.500 less 6 Cincln'l. 11-.36 am 29 Birm'm. 12:26 pm AT 75 PEACHTREE ST. Extra fine BOW, two fancy year-old, bred of the best close-in locations. Reasonable than actual war-time price Think of buy- 30 N. Y 2:25 pm gilts, one of the finest boars Ju the country ith, owner. $12.50. 401 Grant. M. S553-J. 3»N. 1C ^ 12:10 pra and young boars to suit ,all. Fair View Advertising Department. ONE nicely furnished or unfurnished room, rent. See us for particulars. Chas. p. Ing a J7.500 home tor *5.000 Must be sold. 40Birm'm. 12.40pm 15 Chatta'a, S.OO pm Farm, Palmetto. Ga. upstairs, for rent, all conveniences; rates Glover Realty Co.. 2^ Walton St.; city. Terms or cash. Thca. L. Swift, 130^4 Peach- • 30 Birm'm.. z.iopm 89 IBir^n'm.. 3:45 pm FEB. 26, 1915 reasonable, close in. 21 Markham street. FOR SALE OR RENT, in Decatur, 6-room tree street. \ Ivy 1297. ' 3* Cbarlott* 4 30 pm 18 Toccoa... 4:45prn t- cottage, all city improvements, garden, 6 Jackno'le. 4:45 pm 6 Clnclnn'l. 4:56pm WANTED ( i THREE or four unfurnished rooms, close in; one block of car, near school. Rents for 125; BEAUTIFUL, BUNGALOW on Delect resi- *7 N. Y 6.0ofm 22 Colum's.. 6:10 pm WANTED—Beef cattle. J. B. Suttees, Union \ reasonable. 27 Pulliam street. will make terms. Owner, 346 Peachtree. Ivy dence street, north aide, one ulock off 16Bruns'k.. 7.00pm 28 Ft. Val'y. 6.20 pm 10:30 A. M. Stock Yards. Main 2941, Atlanta 588. ATLANTA 5001 ' ENTIRE upstairs, S rooms, bath an* hall. 4994-J. * Peachtree, has 6 rooms and every conven- »1 Ft. Val'y. 8 00 pm 10 Macon... 6.30pm WANTED—Beef cattle. Baldwin & Sturlln, 211 Rawson st. Main 4756-J. ience, nice lot $6,090. I prefer belling, 13 Jackfto'le. 8 10 pm £6 Heflin... 6:46 pm 291 Peters', st. Atlanta 1740. Main 2587. FOR RENT—283 Central avenue, 7-room but will consider an exchange. Address 11 Rlchm'd. 8.16 pm 13 Clncinn'i. 8.20pm house, modern conveniences, walls freshly tG-434. Constitution 16 Chatta'a. 8'35 pm 44 W»»nir,'n. 8.45pm \ MARTIN MAY UNFURNISHED—WEST END. tinted. Suitable for two housekeeping par- 24 Kan. City >:S5pm 24 Jackao'e. 10:05 pm i FOR SALE TWO i^ooma, all conveniences. Phone West ties, in easy walking distance. $25 per ATTRACTIVE TWO-STOUY RESIDENCE, 19 Coluzn's. 10.25 pm 11 Shreve't. 10:50 pm TOR SALE—One fine Holstein Jersey cow; 637. 50 YorK avenue.v month. Apply Owner, 271 Central. Be'l North Boulevard section, artistic in de- 2 Chicago. 10:45 pm 11 Jacltso'le 10-66 pm be fresh in two weeks Call Main 1564. TWO rooms, all conveniences. Phone West phoni Main 4424. sigrn antl minute in every detail, has 8' 14 Cincln'l. 11:30 pm lijackao'le 51:40 pm 037. 50 York avenue. r^oms, beautifully finished, tv.o baths, i OUR weekly rent »s^ gives full description sleeping porch, furnace, level corner lot. < ' All trains run daily. Central time. _ of anything for rent. Call for one or let City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree St. IF YVOU ARE IN THE SUBURBAN. us mall it to you. Forrest & George Adair $7.000. Call Main 360 FOR SALE—Shetlanapony and buggy, BOARD AND ROOMS TWO beautiful furnished rooms and kitchen HAVE modern house, 8 rooms. In good con- PEACHTREE ROAD lot in Brookwood sec- MARKET FOR FINE cheap; can be seen at Mllam & Miller private'home, Kirkwood;luse of bath and dition, on W. Fifth st , |36 per month tion 3.V- great sacriClcq 100x300. Finest Union Passenger Station. Stables, 17 Gllmer street. SOUTH 8IDB. parlor, on East Lake alnd Decatur car line, Call Mr Murphy. Main 3026. building site on tho r6u. Main 4424: A • FOR~~SAl^E^JuripeT r st. home, S rooms, 3 Caarle'n 6:00 am 2 Augu'a and ing or farm. Gate City Coal Co M. 61>6-J. table board, elegant meala. y ONE furnished room, connecting bath, con- FIVE rooms, all conveniences. 34 Josephine east front, 2 baths, furnace heat. $8.500. SWilm'n. 6.00am Bat.t... 7.30am ATTEND THE AUC- STKICTLY EXCLUSIVE; BOARD—Beauti- veniences, hot and cold water, or two St. Inman Park Rent reasonable M. 6383. Address H-10, care Constitution. ^ IS Buckh'd. 7:35 am 6 Augru'a 12:25pm ful location airt large, comfortable rooms; rooms and kitchenette unfur ; gas l%hts. FOxl results list your property with Sharp •15 Buckd'd. »:30 am BAugu'a. 3:30pm VUJSCANDDANCI NG excellent table- oourd; very convenient to \SOTJTH SIDE. v 1 Augusta. 1:00 pm 14 Buck'd 6:10 pm TION MONDAY, MAR. 60 Formwalt st. Boylaton & Day. 12 Auburn avenue. INVESTMENT—Six-room cottage, near S. . business. 97 Capitol square. Phone M. 411. NICELY furnished or unfurnished rooms, E Augusta. 4:30pm ••18 Buck'd P:00 pm 1, AT 86 S. PRYOR ST., Hunter St. Phone Main 969. private home. 11G Forrest ave. I. G74&-L. Pryor, good repair; lot 50x155. loan $1.000 - 7 New York 4 Charl'n. 8:45 pm We guarantee you to dance, teaching every 75 NELSON STREET FOR RENT—Offices 7 per cant, woVth $3,500; sacrifice price and Aur, 1:15 pm 4 Wilm'n. 8:45 pm afternoon and evening by Professor a*nd ROOMS wit a or without board; rates rea- NICELY fur. or unfur. rooms, come see $2,000. H. M Ablio & Co., Healey building WHEN THE LARGEST aonapie. modern conveniences; close in. them. 32 E. North ave. Ivy) 6590-J. JLoolnUlo and NuhrUIe Railroad. Mrs. E. S NICELY fur. or unf. rooms, all conveniences, M1SCELLANKOL 8. Effectlvu Nov. 22— Leave. | Arrrre. AND FINEST ASSORT- AH:X J. SATER Dance Studio. Special prices 115 FAIR ST. close In. 808 Peachtree Ivy 2678-L. ClticinnaM-LouiBVifte .\ ., ^ i,~ „_. to clubs and classes, cor. Peachtree and QUICK MONEY TALKS Chicago and Northwest / 4 46 pm 12.1 1n0 pm MENT EVER OFFER! Edgeweod. Entrance 10 Edgewood. Ivy 734 alono or full E. Fair at : rates very reasonable. for light housekeeping, within walking Cost me over $7,000. ^ orchestra, call Miss Howard. Ma^n 109 9 - L. NEAR-IN, attractive home, table and ser- distance and with private familj. Address ' Will give terms, titles guaranteed. Sale Effective January 3, 1815. r vice unexcelled. 46 East Mitchell street. H-18, care Constitution. \ LANIE'S DANCING STUDIO, 2"iTi 4~Peacht:ree by owner only 18 Eatt Hunter. Main 1769. No), Arrive From— No. Depart T^o— B. BERNARD, Auctioneer. / DESIRABLE offices, single and en suite. r UN. Y 7:00 am 11 Blrm'm. t:10 am St.; all the new dances. Phone Ivy 57S6 LARGE, nicely fur rooms, with meals. 324 Some of thei>e are equipped with com- make a upucialty o? v£P £ltt lanua. 11 Norfolk.. 7-.00 am 30 Monroe.. 7.00am S. Pryor. Main 5125-J. FOR RENT— Housekeeping Rooms pressed air and dental waste; hot and cold Thoa. W. Jackson-BurwelP- Cc.. 1011-1* 11 Washl'n. 7:00 am « N. Y . 11 33 um THE SOUTHERN AUCTION AND SAL- v water in Vail offices: all night elevator Fourth Nntlonai Bank Bldg. XI Portsra'h. 7:00 am ewash'n. 11.33am VAGE COMPANY, at 90 South Bryor, will MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WEST END. nervlce; location best in^the city and serv- IF IT in real estate >ou want to buy or aol\, 17 Abbe.S.C. 8:50 am 8 Norfolk. 11.33am buy or sell your furniture, household goods' ice unexcelled. Candler Building and it will pay you to ace mo. A. Gravea 24 6 Memphis 11:23 am BPorta'h. 13 33ams •r piano. Phone Bell. Main 2206. FOR SALE^New piano taken ^for~de"bfT 19 YORK AVE. REDUCED RATES Candler Annex. Asa G. Candler. Jr., AgentA East Hunter street 6 Rlchm'd 11:83 ani never used and have no use for it. Will CLEAN rooms, for two young gentlemen. Phone Ivy 0274. 222 Candler building:. See 6 Birm'm. 11:23 am sell far below regular price to get rid of it. Phone W. 19 4-J. Rates reasonable. Mr. Wilkinson. . " ALLV classes of < Ity and farm property to ex- 32 Birm'm.. 1:25 pm 23 Btrm'm.. 3 56 prn Genuine bargain. Address G. D. J., care- 366 PIEDMONT AVE. , change. R. F. BHhop, 1217 Atlanta Nat'l. «N. Y 4:50 pm 6 Birm'm.. 5 00 pm BUSINESS AND MAIL ORDER THB.BE3 nicely fur 'sui tes of rooms \for 6 Washi'n. 4:60 pm 6 Memphis. 6 00 pm Constitution. INMAN PARK. light housekeeping, parlor floor, two large Main 6202, ' S Norfolk. . *:60 pm 18 Abbe.S.C. 4'00pm ^ DIRECTORY. A COUPLE or >oung men wishing abso- rooms \vith kitchenette , second floor, tv. o RENT—-Typewrlter e IF YOU want to Imv or Bell, Bpe Charles *D. 12VN. Y g 55 pm lutely first-clash board can secuie same large rooms, each with kitchenette; prices Hurt. 501 Fourth _National_Bonk. 8 Ports'fn. . 4:50 pm CAST-OFF CLOTHING in private family In Inman Park. Refer- 12 Birm'm.. 8:46 pm 12 Norfolk.. 8:65 pm ABSTRACT AND TITLE $8 to 320. north side of Forrest ave., walk- SEE Carl Fischer," FoXirth Na"tlon55 Bonk. 29 Monroe . 3'00iim 12 Pr»r<*m h. 8 5f> pm ences. Call Ivy 2277-L. l Ing distance; convenient to store, all con- bldg , for real estate, sale or exchange. City Ticket Ofilce, 88 Ptachtroe St. ATLANTA TITLE GUARANTEE INSUR- DROP a card, we'll bring cash for shoes and veniences. Ivy 6554-L ____ POUR MONTHS for 15 and up. Factory re- ANCE COMPANY, ground floor Equitable clothing. The Vestlare. 166 Decatur Bt. SUBURBAN. built typewriters, all makes, from $18 to SAVE Jo pur cent. We bufld^ y«.ur home. Lot building. Main 5420 WANTED—Two young men to board with FOR RENT—Three large unfurnished house- $70 each. AMERICAN WRITING MA- owners financed. 412 Austeil building. W«*tnrn and Atlantic Ballroad. private family in Kirkwood, nice, large keeping rooms, sink -and water heater In CHINE COMPANY, 48 N. Pryor »t Phon» No, Arrive From— No. Depart To— A1* WANTED—Board—Rooms room.^all conveniences Call Decatur 874. kitchen; one furnished room and board; beat Ivy 8417 Atlanta. Qa. INMAN PARK. V '. »4 Chicago.. 8.15 am 3 No.BZ-vlll«.< 7.10ar m ^ SpeciaT~~aTtention given WANTED—Board andT^room on Ponce de location. Ivy 8304, FOR SlALE, AT BARGAIN •9 Chicago. . 8.8 . am 2 Nashville. 8-35 am\ j „.., .^o to repair Work. Estimates 73 Rome.. . 10 20 am 92 Memphis. 4:&upzn furnished on short notice 131 Mi Aubur.n Leon avenue for business woman. Ad- ONE large front room, connecting kitch- FOR RENT-—Storea ELEOANT. now, 6-room cottage, $3.750. $100 •3 Memphis s 11 55 am 72 Rome.... »,15pm avenue. Phone Ivy 4627-L. dress G-428, Constitution. enette, private north side home, all con- or $200 caKH, $25 per month, water, lights, 1 Nashville. 6,35pm 93 Chicago^ . 8.25 pm veniences, walking distance, reasonable. 5UR~Hti part of tho city or sub- IF YOU want to rent apta. or business prop- In West End Park, BUS, bath, electricity, per cent off now. W. R Holder. Ivy 0581. A FREE BUK15AU of boarding and 1 water. 138 Forrest avenue. Ivy 7477. urbb, ask The Atlanta ConHtltution. ' erty, nee I). M. Grant & Co.. Grant bld>r. hot water; reasonable West 1335-J I \ rooming house information. If you TWO or three fur rooms and sleeping porch, v, ant to get a place to board or rent We wUl be glad to help you set what , v TAXICABS rooms in any part of the city or sub- you want. furnace heat, Druid Hllla section, adults SUBURBAN. urbs, auk ^he Atlanta Constitution. Main Floor Constitution Building. only 66 Highland View. Ivy C509-L. RENT—Desk Room WE have 11 few most desirable lots at East J. L. PETTIGJREW MAIN GOOO ATLANTA 6001. Lake, facing the club grounds, right now 1 GENERAL CONTRACTOR CABINET \Ve will be plad to help you get what FRONT room and kitchenette, fur. for F6"RRjS?ff—With use both phones at $6 jou want. , housekeeping, hot \va(.er any hour; no per month. W. E McCalla, 415 Atlanta Is the time to bu> these lots* H. M. Anho Belle Isle SHOP, \ , . K & Co., Healey building. 66 Vj SOUTH BROAD STREETi * Main Floor Constitution Building. I''CJBNIS1I£1>—NOKTH SIDK. ^ children, very p teas an t 131 Forrest ave National Bank building. IMMEDIATE attention given to repair MAIM 5000. ATLANTA 6001. FOR SALE—By o\vner, attractive fl-room IVY 5190; ATLANTA 1598 \vork, Wome painting and (interior) wall TO couple -without children, four unfurnish- bungalow in Kirkwood, every, conven- tlntlne:,^ resetting grates and repairing NOKTH SI1>E. THE EDGEWOOD HOTEL ed rooms and bath, convenient for light ience. Bargain Wortl^ looking Into Dec. 6^17. lilt EDGEWOOO AVE., housekeeping 495 North Boulevard. and Barns chimneys. Brick masons, carpenters a^nd \ IMPERIAL HOTEL NEWLY FURNISHED. Bteam-heated, elec- RENT- arage, largei all conven~ietnees7 FARM'LANDS. palilters furnished byi^ the day or hour. THE home of the satisfied. Best family and tric lights, hot and cold water; rooms, 4 OR 5 unfurnished rooms for light house- 172 Forreatv avenue Ivy 8617. Cabinet shop -work. Repairs of every kind tourist hot2l -^ in Atlanta. Everything: keeping, 3 rooms, $12 50, B rooms, »16. EXCELLENT nmnll fa.1 m, adapted, for 1'AXICABS b> expert men Cabinet w ork called for 50c per day or ?2.50 per week and upfc one dairy for Atlanta property or south Goor- "KXCBLSIOR AUTO COMPANY, first-claas. Rates very reasonable. Extra block of Auditorium and Atlanta theater. 100 E Ellis. Atlanta 902. a.nd delivered on short notice. Atlanta large rooms beautifully furnished and well Phone Ivy 0204-J. v ^ gia farm Byrd Realty Co.. 327 Empire taldg. AT?.. 3660—8 (LUC^CIE—I. 322 phone 5G23-A. heated. A few vacant rooms. Come and live FOR RENT—Furnished steam-heated room, i FO R RE NT—Fa rms , SMALL acreage tract near now Emory %vheie life is pleasure and satisfaction •with kitchenette; also single rooms. 293 SEVERAL gobd farms for rent. L. Gross- university for sale by owner. Addreav guaranteed In every respect. When touring FOR furnished, steam - heated North Bouleyari) Ivy 206f ' I man. 96 Whitehall st.. Atlanta. Ga. G-366. Constitution. A U"f OfvlOfel LES E.GARRAUX stop at the Imperial Hotel. Absolutely fire- TWO fur. connecting rooms for light House- CABIXCT MAKER and builder, auto and all, proof. i y rooms, above the ordinary, call keeping, with owner, all conveniences, , FOK 8 A US other •woodwork. &1 Houston st. Ivy 3474. walking_c^iatance__4_8_Simpsoil st. T. 2551-J. REAL ESTATE—For Sale REAL ESTATE—FOP Salt \vv~IljX, exchange icood 5-passenger gasoline at 2io^W. Peachtree, Apt. E-2. TWO neatly furnished housekeeping roomb, car for electric coupe. MainV5281-J. _ CONTKACTI2S6 ANjP RBPAIBITJO. modern conveniences. Druid Hills section 1 CONTRACTING and repair work of all Ivy 6744-J i EDWIN L. HARLING WANTED. kinds, lowest possible prices, satisfaction NORTH SIDE HOME REAIj ESTATE 33 EAST ALABAMA STREET. BOTH PHONES MY Koi d automobile \\ a^ stolen and nould guaranteed. R J. Faulk, 1018 Atlanta Na- v WITH OWNER, entire second floor,, unfur- like to rent one. If reasonable, for thirty tionai Bank bldg. Phonea M. S702. All. 460. WILL take two young men to live with me CLOSE-IN bteam-heated room in apt.; nished; private bath, large porch; ^phone. ANSLBY PARK HOME AT A SACRIFICE— On one of th«* best drives in Analog Parlt, days. Apply to J. L. Tenenbaum. 27 Kx- in my new north yido home, betw een the every convenience, nicely fur. 14 W. Price $27 139 B North Ave Ivy 248 convenient to the Peachtree car line we have a magnificent 8-room, two-stojy fur- change Place. *. _____ j COAL. ^ Peachtreea, references icquired. Address W., Peachtree, Apt. Z. Phone Ivy 2182-J. THREE unfurnished upstairs rooms for nace-heated residence, oak floors, beautiful flxturcb that \\e offer f^r $r>,500, ?l,flOO oush, A ^ BEAUTIFUL. LOT. 100x300^ opposite F. O. Box 1598, Atlanta, Ga. housekeeping for couple. 82 Angler ave- balance on your own terms. This Is about half price for It Tho owner must have . Brookhaven Club, for $2,500 gasoline car L7i ,75 nue Ivy 5823-L. money___at__Qnce. This Is a. pick-up in a home. Do you want it ' In tine condition. Address E-lt»7. care Con- MAIN 666-J. GATE CITY COAt CO. THE PICKWICK TWO fur. connecting rooms, all conven- WEST END BUNGALOW—On one of the feost streets In W*»st Hind, convenient to tho stitution. ' \ TEN-STORY AND FIREPROOF. iences, walking distance. 148 W. Peach- Gordon street car line, we have a new 6-room-- Imngalon. lot 5.1x140. that we will HAT CLEANERS. DESIRABLE rooms and board, beat rest- Well-furnished rooms. \ with connecting tree. \ v sell for $3,250, $200 cash, balance $25 per month. You save $500 by buying this house SCPPLIES—ACCESSORIES, uLl3"HATa~AIA5S" NBVV — Satlsfaction dential section; furnace heat, electricity bath. Convenient whower baths on each TWO furnished light housekeeping1 rooms, at our price. Be quick if you want It THE MOTORISTS' BEST guaranteed. Mail orderaVglven prompt at** and all home comforts. 17 Crescent avenue. floor. 77 galrlle et.. ngur Carnello library^ north side, private home. 421 Piedmont av. teutloil. be tween Peach tree place and Tenth etreet* ONJ3 room, and kitchenette, furnished for \ FRIEN(D , ACMK HATTERS, 20 BAST HUNTER ST. Ivy 5138. . THE FAIRLEIGH light housekeeping. Ivy 8489-J. THIS PLUG Is designed to be superior to 135 SPRING ST , close in on the north aide, NICELY fur. rooms; also housekeeping GEO. P. MOORE all, and represent:, a mechanical perfec- 170 IVY STREET K nicely furnished rooms, steam heat, elec- rooms. 66 J3. Cain. Ivy 6430-J. ^^^ tion, with a 1-inch firing surface, a. reliable Always on the minute. EXCELLENT rooms, with board, between | trie light, private porches. •_ RE3AL, ESTATE AND RENTING. 10 AUBURN AVE., SECOND PLOOH. and exceedingly serviceable spark plug. hone 23 W Ivy 4372. Ellis and Cain, 1^2 blocks from Arugon. TWO rooms, fur., also single room; all Bergle National Porcelains are inude to our Ivy 6873-J. i THE PORTAL HOTEL - conveniences. \56 "Wllliania. own formula from tho Imported clays, and - ~_~ PEACHTREB, rooms, with, private 29-LUCKIB ST.. same block of Ansley Hotel ONE or 2 rooms, furnished for housekeep- ANSL.EY PARK—Brand-new 8-room house. Furnace, hardwood floors; fin- are hanU-turncd Bcrgie National Porce- PUT on jour baby's carriage, repaired, re- bath, also t\vo rooms with connecting Ing. 432 K. Jackson. Ivy 2713. painter! and re-covered. Robert Mitchell, and Forayth Theater, splendid rooms, 7Bc ished right up-to-tlie-minute. Nice place. Will exchange for ^outii side lains are as near heatproof as porcelain can bath, for six young riien, excellent meals. to $1 50 per day LARGE fur, rooms, steam heat, electric bo made, and any one returning a Bergie 227-.:9 Lklgew ood avenue. _Iyy 307G.__^ all conveniences Ivy 6045. property. Price only $7,500. v National Porcelain ttiat has been cracked by lights, cloae in. 21S Ivy street v beat, will have HJ.IUO replaced without PAINTING ANI> WALL TINJING. LARGE, steam-heated room, with me,U«. THE MARTINIQUE room and kitchenette for light house- charge, \vhelher In use a Jays of a year. ?UU~WTEC~SAVE~~MONEY BY ^.private north side home, everj h(ime com- STEAM CHEATED, furnished rooms, with Phone Ivy G964 NORTH BOULEVARD—Imprdved corner, which brings $42 per month rental. The^ most\ satisfactory porcelain plug- ever fort, excellent car service. 7 Crescent ave- bath, hotel_bgrvlcg,_corner Ellis and Ivy. ' THREE large, connecting rooms for light Price, ^3,600. , * produced. t G. W. FLOYD nue. Phone Ivy 2"j84-L. ^^ T\V"O large fur fllont rooms and dressing housekeeping 32 E North ave. I G5UO-J. Bereie National v,ith H 1-lnch flrlng sur- FOR house painting, wail tinting, etc. Wall IVY HOTEL 98 Ivy St.: transient ll-$1.50 room; also somex single rooms, with hot face, i tinting a specialty. Satisfaction guaran- r>er day. Special rates by woeb. 21 meals and cold water, home heated, with owner. NICELY fur room, also Housekeeping FOURTH WARD—Negro renting property. The cream of this section; right \ Bergie National Is absolutely gas-light. teqd. Call or urlte 54 Brotherton street. S4.50. Atlanta 4104 6l) Forrest ave. Ivy 5489-J. rooms 210 Spring at. lvy_32j05j-J._J. Bfrgle National dqUver*,^ the spark "down TViVtO refined gentlemen 01 couple, room | -PTTTT A T^H"»T "Otf 1014 K. Harris St. TWO beautifully fur. rooms, sink in kitchen. near Houston street- Rents fpv r $21 per month. Pricte, on terms, $2,100. deep." \ PLVMBIKO. -with board;; comoicomfcnt* o f privatprvae Homeoe, i JH.il. AIJVJLJrrj. Bachelor rooms fle 3 Angler avenue. Ivy 7982-L i Property in excellent condition. Bergie Nationals can be taken apart easily . Tent-.._..h. stree_._._t. location,„_,,.._ , references_,.„„, , j luxe: every modern convenience. Ivy 8071. , and reassembled, absolutely eas tlzht. LYLE PLUMBING Phone Ivy 3713. SOUTH SIDE. " Put in a set and forget your spark plug PLUMBING and gas fitting IBS S. Pryor. j NICELY fur. rooms in private home, with TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, mod- troubles. ' All work guaranteed. Telephone connec- i ln alsl conveniences Baat , close In. Call In morn- ern conveniences, close in; reasonable. 86 Call or write EAKL R. COLBY, Southern tions. Atlanta 66; Jlaln 4573. water l s 0 Alexander. ,_ East Hunter street Agent. -£03 Court^and St.^ Atlanta, Ga. LARGE, nicely fur room, In private home, Wanted—Any National Bank StocJ^ TI •W» y ^,J.£,2120-Ly •*-**. TWO neatly fur. rooms for light\ housekeep- v ._: LARGE front room, adjoining bath, with with all conveniences, 110 per month. ing. 119 Wai'hlngton Bt. ^ v THE CENTRAL GARAGE" r Tange^Tand furnace repairing. Try best board, in private family, vapor heat, St. WE HAVE for exchange for badk stock, in liecatur, on Candler 84-S8 AUBURN AVE. our soot^compound . cleans chimneys, stove 7 East Eighth Bt. Ivy jjjij L TWO or three men can obtain front room, WELL fur. rooms, single or housekeeping:; A CONVKNIENTLY* located garage, posses- pipe, ranges and furnaces -without taking r conveniences, private home, walking dis- low rent. References. 7 Orange st. street, a beautiful modern 2-story, p-room residence, new and sing unsurpassed facilities, for ila\ or down pipe. 1\2 S Forbyth at. Main 2806. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, with tance 3«8JW_ Peachtree Meals If desired. THREE3 rooms for light housekeeping, rates night storage, either regular or transient. board, in north side private home, lor cou- , reasonable. 368 Central avenue V up to date.' All improvements, slate roof and the nicest sleeping SHOE REPAIRING. pie or gentlemen. Ivy 1384-J. j BEAUTIFUL large room, with all conveni- i First-class repair shop in connection. ences <-onn<>cting bath, for one or two gen- porch in the 'state of Georgia. The lot is 90x300 feet and covered Charges reasonable and work uuai anteed. HALF:SOLEDr~S LARGE, cozy rooms, with excellent board I liemen. Ivy C49S BNP. Gasoline, oils and ^supplies. g-ood location. 25 Baltimore Block. Ivy T"VVO lirgre rooms and kitchenette electric with large beautiful oaks. The owner will take $8 500 for imme- \ Open Day and Xlght 50 CENTS 993;!.. v y- Steam heat, with llghtH, phono furnished, uae of g&rden / PHON-Ki—IVY 7905. - - — ^ -—• ' or without pri- AT GWINN'S SHOE SHOP, 6 Luckie St., NICELY furnished rooms and board, steam vate bath. 100^ N Pryor. Ivy 2b84-L. and yard, private home. References. West diate sale. No loan. opposite Piedm-ont hotel Both phones. heat, ra-tet, reasonable. 35 W. North ave. 590-L . In a hurry? Call Tuxlcab Company for auto LARGE furnished front room, steam heated, AUTOMOBILES reasonable, roommate, if desired, 22-C MODERN housekeeping roomsT first door REPAINTED rent service. LARGER beautiful downstairs room's, \eryj off Gordon, reasonable. \ 215 Hopkinp TURMAN & CALHOUN TRUNKS, BAGS AN'D SV1T CASES KE- best board "£ Ponce de L,«v>ri avenue. Ivy •West_1523_-J. ^ __ « { TOPS ie-covere,d and repaired. vyheels, A i 719-L. opposite Georgian Terrace. TWO housekeeping: rooms to couple, private ! axles and aprmgs repaired1 . High-grade ^_^~JE . H^5EJi_^2HL OPPOSITE LYRIC THEATER ! ' 203 EMPIRE BUILDING. work at reasonable piiceb WANTED—A sentleman to board In my pri- BED 'ROOMtJ, $1.80 to $2.50; housekeeping home and hack porch, hot and cold water, JOHN SI SMITH COMPANY, *> ROUNTREE'S vate home, all modern conveniences.. An»- roomH. $3 00 to $4.00. 37 Carnegie "Way. two car linen. references. Call West 107- L. , 1^0-ljI.I-l.M Auburn Avenue. Phones Bell. Main 1576; Atlanta 1654. ley Park Phone l\v S219-.T. . _ \ ONE large, nicely furnished front room, all LAKGE steam-heated room, with board, by conveniences 22 East Harris Ivy 5589-J. AUTOMOBILES PA~INTED owner of lovely north side home Phone FOR RENT—Apartments AND REPAIRED FRONT^foorn, next~~to bath, private horn*. HOME FOR INVESTMENT i , Gl(V I_ US, A TRIAL BUSINESSOPPORjriJNjTIES Ivy 153J. north side Phone Ivy 4669. liKQBGIAN TE14RAOE GARAGE EXCELLENT table board at 25 Baltimore COMFORTABLE, well ^furnished 4 or 5-room Ivy J8i. ' _s Third and Peaehtfee_S«fc BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY—Assistant man- Block. Come \ and see for yourself Ivy apartment, steam heat, every convenience. ager wunted for large department store 893-L. Marlborough Apt., Peachtree and Pine Stfa. THE OWNER OF 84 SUMMIT AVENUE has, authorized us to Atlanta Motor Car Repair Co. located in thriving laeorgia city. Applicant ONE large, nicely furnished room,' furnace FUR rooms, private home, walking dis- Phone Ivy 4675. ______V NOTICE TO FORD OWNERS. \\ kll be required to take smajl financial In- heat, in private family, next to bath,^ tance to business center. Phone I 5792-J. sell this 6-room bungalow, which is in good condition, and in a Valves Ground and Oarbon-Cleaned, SS.oO. terest in the business to Insure beet service, •walking_ distance. I\y 6141. i LARGE nicely fur. closet, electric light*, UPPER apartment in new moderu home. Work Guaranteed. muit also agree to sell interest back to Call Ivy 5616-J. present owners in case his Cervices are not ^ELtTfurl^l-oOTn, JPeachtree home, running: bath, cloHe_in Ivy 4399-J. ijood no^rt^i sfde neighborhood, for 82,800, on terms of $500 cash, satisfactory Salary $125 per month. Ad- water in, roora, heat, al! conveniences; furnished room to four boys, $1D. N E, H. ODOM Bl^OS. dres.3 "Opportunity." Box F-319, care Con- gentlemen only Iv> 925. Jtn. 106 Sin^pson street. - " CNFUKNISHEI>. assume $1,800-, 7 per \cent loan, and the balabce $30 per month. HAVE your automobile repaired the rient stitution. V V 1 \iay 70 Ivy vtr^et. ilAClil-.i-.ril17 -V" / - 1? T T TTXrTN 1 TIrVXJJwJ \T-!T 17i , TH14EE nicely furnished rooms, all conveni- KALMIA APARTMENTS SOUTHERN DETECTIVE PJHONE_i_3132._188_3V^_Peachtree_street. , ences, close in 60 E. Ellis street I 5601-L«- 45 EAST CAIN ST. MEDICAL. - EXCELLENT board and. room, block of post- _ AN apartment southern exposure. new "LIEBMAN ^ AGENCY office lyy pi306-J. _ 72 Walton. ____ — brick, eteam heat, two roomn. bath. ! ARE your kldnejs dolne their~3>ity?If ALL legitimate detective work done for Two connecting rooms. Mngle rooms, meals kitchenette. not try "Acco" Kidney Compounds. corporations and Individuals; , alP work NICELY furnished rooms, with meals, all convenient Ivy 7720-J. 481 Spring._ _ Real Estate and Renting. l 17 Walton Street., Dropsy always benefited Trial treatment. strictly confidential. Highest references. *• conveniences __ _2-7 __ _Courtland_^ _st_ ._____ ' NICELY furnished room, private home. 138 DISAPPEARING BEDS SI. Armlnso_ Chemical Co ,_Atlajita, Ga. Address P O. Box COS. Decatur, or phnqe NICELY furnished rooms, with mealsls,, if , Forrest avenue. Ivy 7477. __ Vacant February., 15; references required. SiltS. DR.~B. W. SMITH, 23S ~W.~~Peachtree7 Decatur, 532 desired, .cloie in 7 9 irefrt_CaIn. rCJCELY furnished rooms'," blockx of post- i >^2.60 per month. Apply Ja.iitor. Ivy 469 Dteeaset, ot Woman and Cnil- NICBX*Y filrmshed room«. i\vith board, good nTIice 34 Cone Si Ivy 61B2. \ ,1 dren Electric treatment in chronic tliseaies. EXPERIENCED ?ales and office manager "STEAM-HEATED APARTaiENTs—in the Uetsires connection with reliable concern,, home cooking 172 Forrest avenue-_I___Sfij_T± 1*ARGE. nlceiy fur. rooms with owner; ,' beautiful Piedmont Paric Apt. house, only \. T\\'O refined liu^inets ladles, to board in ri 1 one of those handsome 5-room apartments 7 RQOMS—LOT 100x2(30 When ability has been proven and relations __ ^rictly P * ^" ^ Merritts ave. I. 745-Xj. left: large glass-inclosed Bleeping1 porch, HOUSEHOLD GOODS tiKieenble uill ln\e.st a reasonable amount. private ^mily, north hide. Ivy SOS4-J". ONE nieel> fiirnished front room, all con- j Will consider only hlghAclass proposition. Am NORTH aide, pri_ mod n home, iJ gentlemen, \gnicnces>. jiioae^in. 85__Wggt JSarris j where the uummer months arc at; pleasant S SIJITKS of furniture, aprinyro, mattresses,, ynuiig -married man, *?ood address and best board, reasonable rates. Ivy 967-1*. as at the seashore. special con^eejlons $3,500, $500 CASHl &25 MONTH chairs,, rockers, yitjcboarcl wardrobe, tirt Un.oit» t\\enty years' business experience; ONE excellent fur. room, private home; j to acceptable parties, Cal 1 Smith, E vi ing NICELY fur room. \\ itU meals, to young all conven JejiceB. 33_W. Peachtree. i & Rankin. Ivy 1611. ^ _____ squarob. rugS; cheap for casn. Atlanta beit references and proven ability. P. O. ^men or_couple. _103_ Hurtjst. ^'y_^S09-J. ..I-, ^ THIS HOUSE is a beautV. Jost been painted inside and out. Everything phone S914. ______\______Sot esG. e-eaeo 16 SIMPSON STREET—Here we have thU PEACHTKJS13 INN—UoarcLv and room, rea- nei.r to Y- M. C. A. 69 Luckie. -Main 4065 second story apartment of 5 rooms; has * put in trim condition. Half a block from car line. In tlie prettiest part WE PAY highest cash prices for household FOR SALK — Established cafe In heart of I ^oods, pianos and ofnce furniture, cash sonable rates; sood_t^ble._ 331 JPeach^re*. large front porch and the conveniences such of College Park. Water and lights. Level lot. 100x200. House cost $2,600. advanced on consignP-isnt Central Auction Athens. Ga. Very reasonable price. For ! Select board, steam heat, S-'t SN!-»«tw?l -Mtf^TH XJIJE. i as gras, baUi, hot and cold ^vater, lnstttnfane\- 1 further information apply W. P. Glo\er» J all conveniencea_ GG34 Ivy. TWO nicely furnisned front rooms in pri- 1 ous heater. Heference required Reanonaljle Handsome, roomy, comfortable. Chicken yards, cow bouse, etc, fjot value Company 1- East MllchVIl bt JIain 2 124. Hotel Dlivkler, Macon, Ga- j _ _ vate family; use of phone and garage, j. 1 UPSTAIRS front room, private \bath; Ponce rent See us foT r particulars. Chas. P. Giover $1,500. Can sell tor $3.500 NOW. HAVE the complete furnHhingfa for a 9-rI AIII.K DEPOT for sale, half or all interest. do Leon home. Iv> nsao-j. <,>Io children.) ?i per vve^lc each- 303 Wash- t Realty Co , -: ^_ Waiton t>t., "cit^ house, all good stuff Cheap. -27 Court- doinj? frootl Iruslne^s, sood reasons for sell- Jngion s,t. Phone Mr. Pickartl. Main 46fi or ' THK TIT*. '-.'ftBNCE—T^\o Tbrne" .*nu" four" land street. ___ _ J. ______^ _ ing. Termj> I\ y 4^ BOARD and rooms _for couple, also Main 4-1S-J, ! rc^m apartments. Home ^arty vacancies, FURNITUKE — S. M. SNIDER. fc single room. Ivy 7&35-J. \ ONE delightfully furnished front room, prf- t all convergences and In. vralklngr dletance EDWARD H. WALKER WRECKAGE! CO.. 11-4 SOUTH FOHSYTK soil my boarding house; aU Xur. NICELY furnished room, alf "convESiencea. ! vato home, rates reasonable 220 Capitol I J. T. Turner. Hea. MKT..X Apt. 8, 62 W««t •TRBET. BUYS AND SELLS FOK CASH., with boarders. 227 Courtland at. M &UM M. block of postoffice. I. ties, avenu*. Main. 3529. I JPvachtra* plac*. Ivy S080. j 35 NORTH FORSYTE STREET.


street. 400 feet east of Barnett street, 6Qx street, 40 feet east of Barnett street, 50x165. cident and Indemnity Insurance com- 165 feet. February 24 v i February 24. v pany. $250—Ella L. and James C. Jennings to Eggleston & Prescott, of Atlanta, are A. P. Stevens, 179 IrtT street, 24x115 feet. ' Sheriff's Deeds. agents for the south* of the Hartford LODGE NOTICE Today at ATLANTA'S February 17 $975—John D. Muldrew (by bTierlft) to H. Fire Insurance company. W. R. PURTELL HELD 54.000—National Stock Yards Commission A. Ethridgfc, lot on east side Madison street, company to C. O. Turner, lot southwest cor- 95 feet north of Rugby street, 47x140" feet. ner Marietta and Exposition streets, 31x84 A regular communication or February 2. Piedmont Lodge, ISTo. 447, F. & feet. July 7, 1914. 5976—Same to same, lot on east side Madi- FROM DAY TO DAY $1,000—Jose E. Brown company to same, son street, 142 feet north of Rugby street, .\ M.. \\lll be held In Masonic same property. July 7.V 1914. 47x140 feet. February 2. Temple, thib tFrlday) evening. $1,200—M. L. Thrower to T. J. Weath- F«l>ruar>- ^S, 1015, at 7.30 AFTER AUTO THEFT $600—J. ST. Wallace (by sheriff), to same, o'clock. The degree ot Entered Work on the completion of the 'South ers, lot west side.Ho\vell street, 236 feet lot on south side Ashland avenue. 500 feet \ — ~ " "••• north of Irwln street, 51x118 feet. (Febru- west of Inman Park, 100x100 feet Febru- Apprentice \\ i!I be conferred. All Forsyth\ street regrading and pa\ing ary 22. ary* 2, ^ Masons dul^ qualified are fra- S175—Empire Trust and Sare Deposit com- Said Jack yesterda^, ''Our ternally m\ite