t , THE \ ASSOCIATED STANDARD PRESS SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER THE TITTJT SERVICE Dally and Sunday, carrier delivery. 12 cents weekly. •> VoL XLfVTL—No. MORNING, EEBRUABY 1915. — FOUBTEEN PAGES. Single cople* o« the atreets amd\ at BcmratoBda. S eemtfc ' Jackson WASHINGTON fEAKS TH^0THBR COTTON SHIPS • •: MA\ • •••Y . MEET• ., TH•-•.-...-;.).•••E FAT^ilF• ife. ' TH' E• STEAMER. - I •. .'• ••'.•..'• EVELYN, ' . " To Make1 Public Letter - % --'''*' -i About Chief of Police Challenges Woodward < to Make Good His Threat to Give Papers Personal Com- munication in Which He Officially Announced That All Outer Defenses VOTES TO Gave His Views on Firing Have Been Reduced by the Anglo-French Beavers. Fleet and That the Operations Are Still Con- • \ ; a .•. •• tinuing—Dardanelles Known as Gateway to £>£A/V JOHN R. ATKINSON i ' . - , ^ \ t Decision Is Reached Despite URGED BY DR. CHAPMAN Constantinople. Threat of Mayor ^Vood- TO PREACH AT REVIVAL ward to Hold Up Salaries Londoa. February 25..—(Midnig-ht.)—All the forts at the f • • . V • of Whole School Depart- Sensational Developments entrance to the Dardanelles have been reduced by the allied fleet. Follow Episcopal ^Minis- This announcement was madV e • officially'tonight' . ^ ' V • ter's Defense of Mayor and AMERICAN STEAMSHIP -EVELYN SUNK BY MINE. The announcement of the secretary PAY OF THREE TEACHERS .The »tate' department fears for the Germany, was sunlt-by a mine in the But the fate of the Evelyn may be \ot the admiralty follows: .Criticism ofvMen and Ke- «afety of other American cotton ships North sea. This was not in the new shared by other ships'- now on the sea, "The weather moderating, the bom- followingHhe sinking of the'American naval zone around'? England and no and the administration is awaiting de- CUT I AT BOARD MEETING steamship Evelyn. The Evelyn, carry- fear was felt that the incident would velopments apprehensively. The Evelyn bardment of -^he outer forts of the ligion Forward Movement ing a .cargo of cotton to Breimen for lead to International complications. case Is being thoroughly investigated. Dardanelles was renewed at 8 o'clock Methods. \ this morning (February 25). After a High Tribute Is Paid to period of .long-range fire, the squadron Two challenges, one religious and IN DEATH GRAPPLE Patriotism and Loyalty*of the other political, were issued last of battleships attacked at close range. L & N. IS Sweep Mines From Seas All the forts at the entrance to the night following; Dean John E. Miss Mary Ppstell .by ion's startling attack \tipon the Men straits were successfully reduced and and Religion Forward Movement, and President R. J. Guinn: the Chapman-Alexander revival, made the operations are continuing." WIH THE during oour.se' of an address Thursday OF PAYING Says f fie United States GATEWAY TO <. Despite (Mayor James G. Woodward's Before the luncheon of the Atlanta Ad CONSTANTINOPLE. Men In the Hotel Ansley. threat to \hold up the salaries (of all The Dardanelles, known as the gate- Fighting in Progress Near the teachers of Atlanta's public schools x Challenge No. 1 (P.olltl«al). way to Constantinople, is a, narrow, if ,the payroll included salaries of nor- Mayor James G. Woodward was de- TOINFLUENCEPUBLIC To the Nations tortuous strip of water dividing the East Prussian Frontier mal training school teachers, the edu- fied by Marlon M. Jackson, member Europe from Asiatic Turkey and lead- of the Men and Religion executive Seems to Be the Bloodiest cation 'board Thursday afternoon re- 1 Ing from the Aegean sea to, the Sea of fused to a'bolish the school, but decided committee, , and author of - Its famous Marmora.- It is about 33 miles in bulletins, to carrjj out his threat to Interstate Commerce Com- Also Proposed That Ger- length. of the War. to reduce salaries. N publish a personal letter\ to Mr. Jaok- This decision was-reached after May- many Stop the Submarine At the entrance to the straits on the or Woodward had informed the board son l.wrltten recently in reply to the mission Also Charges That Europea^ side are Forts Helles Burnu that the intent of the finance commit- sensational Men and Religion bulle- System Bought "Competing Blockade in Consideration and Sedd-'Bl-Bahr, which face Fort VICTORY AT PRZASNYSZ, tee and the (general council in. falling tin; ' "An Open Letter to the Mayor." Kum Kale on the Asiatic side. Sedd- to. appropriate $3,853 to operate the Challenge No. 2 (Religion*). Lines to Kill Competition. of Britain Allowing Food El-Bal^r is "the largest fortress .in the CLAIMED BY GERMANS, school, was to abolish the institution Dean Atkinson, as a result of his Dardanelles. Behirid it is the Shahlm attack on the two religious enter- ICalessl fort. ' arid'after he had /warned the" board not to Go to German Civilians. Across the strait from Sedd-El-Bahr to include the salaries of the three prises, was challenged\lby Dr. J: Wil- bur x Chapman to appear ia the Taber- to Kum Kale is about two miles.\Kurn •.-, i- T-» . j_t_ /"*'+. TJ teachers 'in the general payroll. nacle pulipit tonight—or any' other BIG SUMS WERE SPENT Rural Credits Rider Is At- Kale is an old stone castle, which of -Berlin JtCCpOrtS trie t^lty .tlaS By (the action of the board, Miss Mars): Washington, Februkry SB. — The y«ars had been permitted to de- night during the revival—anS> deliver IN POLITICAL CONTESTS tached to Agricultural Apr United States has suggested informally cay, Ant with the, outbreak! of the Been Stormed and ^10,000^ Postoir, the principal, is cut from $2,400 a. sermon showing Dr. Chapman and to G-reat Britain and Germany that in a year to $3,000; Miss Julia Anderson his wonkers any new .methods of present war it undoubtedly has \ been bringing more "converts to Chris t.i, propriation Measure in Its the interests of humanity and the safe- strengthened with modern guns. Russians Captured-—Rus- from $1,900 t.o-^1,600, and Miss "Simpson guarding of. legitimate commerce all from $1,500 io $1,200. ' ATKINSON'S MOUTH Much of Money Spent in Passage Through Senate. mines be removed from the high seas v sians Claim Gains at Sev: Statna Not Changed. RETORT. ' except those directly necessary for the HEAVILY MINED, , The status of the school will riot ,-be Retorting to the defl of Dr. Cfca-p- Tennessee, Alabama and protection of. coast defenses' and ha-c- The mouth upf the.;, Dardanelles \is eral Points* rhanged toy 'the actlbn of the (board. man JDean AtMrison, through farm ' said to be heavily" mined. Ti. _.t IV «rt •« *J•»»rt & <6f* nr\£\Tm t Ot • 'Wlf H th f* • . * ' **~* '"•""SBf*' '• .. ,.. ' • ~, "b-ors. ... _ . ; :JUp the 'waterway toward Constan- It will continue to operate with th» pprter for The~Cbnstitntipri, last n,ight credits bill, providing Sir government Louisiana—Bonds of Nash- This suggestion, along- ;with pro.ix>sals^s tinopie many small forts dot .the same corps of-teachers -who will !be Urged Dr. Chapman, it he cared to hear loans to farm owners, was fcttabbed designed to obtain Great Britain's ac- j shores and there We ibig fortifications London. 'February 25.—^Military ex- carried on the payrolls as memlbers of the St. Philips pastor prea'ch, to corn* ville Newspaper Bought to tha agricultural appropriation bill, quiescence In a plan to permit distribu- 'at the .entrance to the Sea of (Marmora perts are keeping their .eyes on ^opera- the faculty of the Lee Street school. down to the Savoy theater next Sun- today in Its hurried passage through and also about ten miles from the en- tjon.3 along the eastern front.v where It will be hereafter known as vthe Lee the senate. Presented by Senator Mo- tion of foodstuffs to the civilian popu- Lt.wni oe nerea.LLBi-.iuuw,. «= "°s<r?" day night and (hear him deliver a ear- by Railroad. lation of Germany and bring about •ces- trance to the strait, at the beginning battles of Immense magnitude are de- . Street , Grammar school and Atlanta, j ^ ^^ ^om Dr r,hat,man.a. own Cumlber ae 'aji -amendment, the t>rovl- of ^ thb narrows] Here are Forts Na- Dr. Chapman's sation of the German submarine war- veloplng. • Xormal Training school. Heretofore, 1 motto: "(Jet' Right With' God," but slon was Incorporated without a rec- niazieh, on the European side, and the school, was known only as the At- 1 ord vote, at a time when but few sena- fare on merchant ships, has been sub- The GertnanB, apparently (having s j reversed into "Get Right A^out Gfod." •Washington, February 25.—The in- Chanak/ opposite it, 'both modern for- lanta Normal Training school. Dean Atkinson says he will have terstate commerce! commission's report tors -were in tine chamber. The toill mltted- by ^England to her allies for tifications armed with Krupp guns."" found the Russian fortress Hue arouiul of practice, held Itself was passed a short time later. Tinder the treaty of 1841; which was the East ^Prussian frontier too strong Bass, is abolish- on its Investigation ^ of the finances, consideration. * the Chapman-Alexander meetings. His The MoCumber amendment would •Intimations have come to the Wash- confirmed by the Paris peace ^treaty for them, are attempting to make their . ed, and Miss Bass will appear on the rates and practices of the Louisville create a Ibureau of farm credits In the of 1856, no foreign warships were per- "views of the Men and Religion Move- treasury department, to make loans ington government that until the Brit- way to 'Warsaw from the northwest, \ payroll 'as 'a teacher at tha Lee Street ment were expressed t>ef6re the Afl and Nashville and allied railroads, cent mitted to enter the Dardanelles except school.
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