© Cambridge University Press Cambridge
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89957-4 - Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning John Harrison Index More information Index (x, y) (pair), 594 ---, 618 − (negation of literal), 51 -/, 617 − (set difference), 594 //, 617 C− (negation of literal set), 181 ::, 616 ∧ (and), 27 </, 617 ∆0 formula, 547 <=/, 617 ∆1-definable, 564 =/, 617 ⊥ (false), 27 @, 616 ⇔ (iff), 27 #install printer,22 ⇒ (implies), 27 0-saturation, 91 ∩ (intersection), 594 1-consistent, 554 ¬ (not), 27 1-saturation, 91 ∨ (or), 27 3-CNF, 79 Π1-formula, 550 3-SAT, 79 Σ1-formula, 550 (true), 27 Abel, 6 ∪ (union), 594 abelian, 287 ◦ (function composition), 596 abstract syntax, 12 ∂ (degree), 355 abstract syntax tree, 12 ∅ (empty set), 594 abstract type, 469 ≡ (congruent modulo), 594 AC (associative–commutative), 285 ∈ (set membership), 594 AC (Axiom of Choice), 144 κ-categorical, 245 accumulator, 611 → (maps to), 595 Ackermann reduction, 254 | (divides), 593 ad hoc polymorphism, 612 |= (logical consequence), 40, 130 Add,14 |=M (holds in M), 130 add 0, 565 ℘ (power set), 598 add assum, 480 ⊂ (proper subset), 594 add assum’, 497 → (sequent), 471 add default, 436 \ (set difference), 594 add suc, 565 ⊆ (subset), 594 adequate set (of connectives), 46 × (Cartesian product), 594 adjustcoeff, 342 → (function space), 595 AE fragment, 309 → (reduction relation), 258 aedecide, 310 →∗ (reflexive transitive closure of →), 258 affine transformation, 417 →+ (transitive closure of →), 258 affirmative negative rule,81 (provability), 246, 470, 474 afn dlo, 335 {1, 2, 3} (set enumeration),
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