50c (GSTlnc.) Wednesday March 14 White Admin slammed over Medicity move

THE outgoing White Administration has come under attack over", the new private hospital Medicity, and any staff shortage the Windhoek State Hospital complex may face as a result. Yesterday it was reported that the as a "major crisis". state hospitals face a " major crisis" Von Finckenstein also said the as 30 highly-trained nurses and at incoming government would con­ least three specialist doctors prepare tinue to offer private facilities at the to leave state service to take up state hospital. "attractive" jobs at the private hos­ "There's no need to panic. I am pitalin Eros Park. convinced short-term arrangements A medical official at the state will be met, leading to long-term hospital, Dr B jam von Finckenstein, solutions," he emphasized. also lashed out at what he described "Obviously the blame for the as the "sensationalist" reporting of current situation should be directed the issue in a DTA English morning towards the Administration for newspaper. Whites ... actually, they indirectly " I am sure our very well-trained financed the Eros Park hospital by doctors, specialists and others will making available just more t)1an R20 cope with the challenge," he told million at a meagre interest rate of The Namibian. "(That type of re­ around five per cent over 20 to 25 porting) could create entirely unnec­ years," he said. essary fears," Von Finckenstein Von Finckenstein said this did not added. seem like a very sound financial THE DREAM and the reality. Unemployed workers watch as a poster 'Our Free Nation - ', While the move would pose prob­ depicting smiling, well-dressed children, gets put up on a billboard. Photograph by John Liebenberg. lems, he felt it could not be described CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 GHOST CAUSES CHAOS '"~-- Grootfontein nurses haunted by fear-----' A CRISIS situation could develop the prospect of being harassed by the RAJAH MUNAMAVA year when the vehicle they were trav­ touched her. at the Grootfontein hospital as nurses alleged ghosts. elling in collided with an Untag vehicle On Monday this week, two other . fearing what they perceive as ghosts . A number of the nurses yesterday saying they were certain there was a in the town. nurses in a children's ward were alated take to fleeing at the slightest noise expressed dissatisfaction at having ghost at the hospital and that they The two ran into a room and peeped to the mysterious world of ghosts during night hours leaving patients to contend with such harasssment have the identity of the ghost through their window three times, when one of their patients starte.d to in their wards unattended. without enough security. The story started last week when seeing a ghost they recognised as one behave abnormally. For the past week, the hospital has One nurse suggested that she would two nurses on night duty - a sister of the nurses killed in the accident. According to one of the nurses, seen near chaos as nurses allegedly rather take leave until the situation Amukoshi and Dora Amadhila - heard They claim the former nurse in ques­ Magneimi Vatilifa, an l l-year-old . hearing banging doors, running wa­ calms down. Others want to immedi­ footsteps behind them while walking tion was in her.usual work uniform. patient started screaming. When the ter taps, footsteps and other weird ately switch back to the day shift. to their residences in the hospital They were joined by one other nurses asked what was going on, the noises run out of the wards in fear. However, there is no talk of resig­ complex. nurse who also witnessed the inci­ patient replied he was seeing a ghost And worst still, two of the nurses nations yet and people are talking They turned to look and immedi­ dent and verified their findings. The and gave the name of one of the claim they have literally seen the about working in much bigger groups ately recognised a late nurse from the following day Dora Amadhila found nurses who is dead. ghost and even recognised it. as a security measure one nurse said. same hospital who passed away in a a burn on her neck. She attributed A few hours later, the water taps in Nurses checking in for night shifts The nurses refuse to accept that motor car accident last year. this to the ghost, saying the spot on are reportedly restless and nervous at they are perhaps being superstitious, Three nurses died in October last . her neck was where the ghost had CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 , "Miss Independence' scrapped

< ", THE controversial 'Miss Independence' beauty competition has been CELEBRATE scrapped as part of the omclallndependence celebrations. It was confirmed yesterday by deputy Minister-designate Pendukenl Ithana that the competition would not form part of the omclal programme for Independence. INDEPENDENCE If It goes ahead at all, It will be as an entirely separate event. The decision that 'Miss Independence' should form part of the omclal cele­ brations caused an uproar In various quarters, especially as the beauty queen was to be crowned at virtually the same time Namibia's President was to be WITH BPI Inaugurated and the new Namibian flag raised for the first time. The beauty contest was announced by the DTA's Andrew MatJIla, who heads the Independence sub-committee on Entertainment and Hospitality. He thought It was a good Idea, and received backing from some sections of the COLLECT YOUR public. As soon as the news broke, Ithana slammed the proposed pageant to be " held on Independence night. "I call on patriotic Namibian women to refrain from participating In an event INDEPENDENCE T-SHIRTS that Is degrading to our fallen heroes and heroines," she said In a statement to The Namibian. INDEPENDENCE FLAGS Ithana's call received strong backing from many Namlblans, Including well· known politician Anna Frank, who felt the timing was In "bad taste". INDEPENDENCE PEAK CAPS The "row" over the beauty contest was also covered In two major South African Sunday newspapers. "Beauty 'cattle parade' slated" trumpete The AT YOUR LOCAL BP SERVICE STATION Sunday Star. "Namibia divided over beauty contest", wrote The Sunday Times. The Namibian was unable to confirm at the time of going to press whether the "We like to keep you moving" function will be staged as a separate event. 2 Wednesday March 14 1990 THE NAMIBIAN Israeli government collapses over peace talks ISRAEL'S coalition government collapsed on Tuesday over United States proposals for first-ever YOUR DAILY GUIDE TO EVENTS WOIU,IJ-WI1JE peace talks with Palestinians, a Labour Party official said. "The Prime Minister carne to the conclusion that the unity government cannot continue and that Labour's position is dangerous," Shamir aide Yossi Ahimeir said. "The option of a unity govern­ Both parties had focused on the were killed by Israeli police during Mandela wants ment has fallen," he told reporters role of Arab East Jerusalem-in any clashes on Friday and Saturday. after the meeting at the Prime Minis­ future peace talks. The dispute has lbe Labour Party and the United ter's office. strained relations with the Bush States, Israel's closest ally, demanded diplomatic ties with The ooster of cabinet member Peres, administration, and Israel has been that Likud agree to the U.S .-pro­ who had demanded Shamir accept under pressure from Western gov­ posed talks to advance Shamir' sown U.S. secretary of state James Baker's ernments to take a step towards peace plan for elections in the occupied SA to be severed proposal for Israeli-Palestinian talks negotiations. territories. in Cairo, set the stage for weeks of Defence Minister Yitzhak Rabin While Likud and Labour were united ANC leader Nelson Mandela said in Stockholm on Tuesday he political manoeuvering that could end of Labour, who had held the coalition in their opposition to the U.S. stance in national electi:ms. together through previous crises, had on East Jerusalem, they split over wanted the international community to cut all diplomatic ties with Labour and Likud are evenly bal­ been reported making a final effort to Likud's rc::fusal to accept participa- - . anced in parliament and neither would save the government, shuttling be­ tion by Palestinian residents of East Addressing his first press confer­ be able to form a coalition without tween meetings of the two factions. Jerusalem in any peace talks. ence after arriving in Sweden on the backing of smaller, religious, right­ . But Shamir handed Peres a dis­ Likud also opposes any contact Monday, he also called for intensi­ wing or leftist groups. missal letter five minutes after the between Palestinian delegates to peace fied sanctions "and any other form "We could have the situation of cabinet meeting began. talks and the Palestine Liberation of pressure the international commu­ early elections," Ahimeir said. Likud holds 40 of the 120 seats in Organisation (PLO), while Labour nity can give". both Likud and Labour have al­ parliament to Labour's 39, making says they can talk with any group "We are not in a position to choose ... ready been courting the smaller reli­ the 18 seats held by the four religious they wish. We are asking the international gious parties. If neither can attract parties essential to forming a new A Labour convention on Monday community to assist us to prosecute their support, new election> would government without elections. gave its 126-member party execu­ the system." be inevitable. Despite U.S. protests, groundbreak­ tive the authority to leave the Likud­ Replying to a wide range of ques­ The coalition's break-up sets months ing was setto begin later on Tuesday led coalition over the peace talks tions during the hour-long press of diplomatic efforts by Washington for a new Jewish neighbourhood in issue. conference, the deputy president of and Cairo to find a formula, accept­ Arab East Jerusalem. Israel annexed "The present coalition is not in a the ANC defended the organisation's able to Israel, for talks on the future East Jerusalem, home to 150 000 position to continue the peace mo­ policy of nationalisation, dismissed of the occupied West Bank and Gaza Arabs, after capturing it from Jor' mentum because of the refusal of the threat posed by white right-wing strip. Israeli troops have killed more dan, along with the West Bank and Likud to rep!y positively or to reply South Africans, and promised Presi­ than 630 people in a 26-month-old Gaza, in the 1967 Middle East war. at all ," Peres told reporters after his dentFW de Klerk "solid support" of Palestinian uprising against Israeli Earlier this month U.S. President party meeting. the black majority if he created an rule of the occupied terrritories. George Bush, in remarks that an­ On Sunday, Peres, 66,led a party aunosphere for negotiations by DEPUTY ANC president Nelson "The Prime Minister has taken on gered Israelis across the political walkout from a government meeting meeting the conditions laid down in Mandela called on the international himself a grave responsibility," spectrum, said Washington viewed when Sharnir, 74, refused to put the last year's Harare Declaration. community to cut all diplomatic Communications minister Gad East Jerusalem as occupied land. talks to a vote. Shamir faced counter­ So far, Mr De Klerk had only taken ties with South Africa. Yaacobi of Labour said. "History The political tension exploded into pressures from hardliners in his own one step, and that was the unbanning will judge him. Shamir did not say violence over the weekend in East party, including retired General Ariel of the ANC. ganisation's policies are not deter­ yes to the peace process." Jerusalem, where two Palestinians Sharon. Mr Mandela said the South Afri­ mined by what we see in an individ­ can President had impressed him as a ual... It is the policy of the party Mr "man of integrity, who wants to hooour De Klerk represents, and that has not the commiunents he has made" . changed. "But he must appreciate our or- "We are guided by that." Independence invalid

KREMLIN chief Mikhail Gorbachev on Tuesday denounced The Soviet leader read aloud to the MINISTER SUSPENDED, Lithuania's independence declaration as invalid and ruled out Congress a number of telegrams talks on secession with all three Baltic republics. condemning the Lithuanian move, including several from citizens of POLICEMAN DETAINED "I believe this decision was ille­ the Supreme Soviet, the country's the republic itself. He also noted that gitimate and invalid," the Soviet standing parliament, as soon as the there were a number of Lithuanian President and Communist Party chief Congress ends its session. It is sched­ delegates present at the Congress IN BIZARRE KILLINGS said in remarks at the start of the uled to close on Wednesday. and welcomed them. secood day of the Congress of PeqJle' s By then Gorbachev is expected to Algimantas Cekuolis, a member A cabinet minister implicated in an alleged ritual killing has been Deputies, the expanded Soviet par­ hold a powerful new presidential post of the Lithuanian Communist Party suspended, and a policeman who shot dead a girl on Monday during a liament. which he has asked the Congress to Central Committee, said on Monday march to deliver a human skull to police has been detained. "Lithuanians, along with repre­ create and which will give him far­ that 36 of the 58 Lithuanians depu­ This was announced on Tuesday by Venda President , speaking sentatives of Latvia and Estonia, have reaching powers, including the abil­ ties elected last year were attending a at the opening of a special session of the Venda National Assembly at asked to hold talks. There can be no ity to rule by docree. Gorbachev's session as "guests and observers" J'hohoyandou. Ravele said his cabinet had decided the MinisterofLand Tenure question of talks. We hold talks only denunciation of the Lithuanian deci­ and only at the personal request of and Local Government,Chief M M Mphaphuli, should be suspenderl. with foreign states," Gorbachev said. sion drew scattered applause. Gorbachev. Chief Mphaphuli did not attend Tuesday's session. The suspension followed Gorbachev said the Soviet leader­ the discovery of a human skull in a forest near Chief Mphaphuli's village, ship would make a political and legal THE NAMIBIAN is published by The Free Press of Mbilwi, on Monday. Community members believe the skull is of an old woman assessment of the Lithuanian decla­ Namibia (Pty) Limited with offices at 42 John Meinert who disappeared from the village in 1987. ration of independence, which was More than 10 000 people marched to the main government offices on approved by the Baltic republic's Street. It is printed by John Meinert (Pty) Limited of Monday to hand over the skull. They demanded that Chief Mphaphuli be parliament on Sunday night. Stiibel Street and is edited by Gwen Lister. Staff can be dismissed and arrested. The crowd was sent to the local police station to deliver "Our position will be made public. contacted during office hours at telephone 36970/2/3/4, the skull. An unidentified policeman shot dead the girl who was bearing the as soon as possible," he said. telex 3032, fax 33980 or P.O.Box 20783, Windhoek 9000. skull. She was named as Elsie Nephalama. He said the issue would be up to Political commentary by Gwen Lister, Pius Dunaiski and Kaptein Handuba. ABC-TV NEWS : NEWVENUEI In order to accommodate more viewers, ABC World News Tonight with Peter Jennings will be B A screened at a new venue, effective today. T M DAY: Today and every Wednesday (except Marcb A N 21)

A N TIME: 17h15 D PLACE: Room 207, Academy Lecture Block (enter R o through Storch or Brahms Streets) B I N Presented by U.S. Information Service (USIS) THE .NAMIBIAN Wednesday March .1419903 Workers up in arms over 'trap and fire' tactics

&~PLOYEES at Michelsen Lim­ as were large amounts of stock missing. ited are extremely angry about what at least 30 dismissed ------Suddenly a young white man was they consider to be underhand tactics employed at the company, but it soon used to trap workers suspected of became clear that he had instructions theft at the company. to keep an eye on the other workers. The use of undercover detectives Workers were arrested after five at the company and the illegal search cases of goods were left over after of workers' houses have so far led to deliveries to Tsumeb and Grootfon­ the dismissal or suspension of at tein, while there were a further two least 30 workers at the company. cases left over after a delivery to the The workers also believe serious south. irregularities exist in the way the However, when the trucks left investigation of the thefts were car­ Windhoek the number of cases on . ried out and they ar~ determined to the trucks corresponded exactly with fight their dismissals. the number listed on the waybill. They suspect the undercover de­ Those arrested suspect the extra tectives may have planted evidence cases may have been planted on the in order to implicate innocent work­ trucks by the undercover detective to ers. check whether they would try to steal They also regard the searches car­ any. ried out at their homes while they In the case of the two extra cases were not there as a clear case of left over after the delivery to the illegal search and entry. south the senior storeman in fact Michelsen Limited is one of the confirmed the drivers had retu~ed country's largest suppliers of perish­ the cases. able foods such as butter, eggs and THE use of undercover detectives chickens. to catch wor!

WHITE ADMIN .•. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 , , investment. " In that respect one cannot tional Health and Welfare Dr Lourens WAR STILL TAKING help thinking this was intended to Erasmus said the departure of the serve only the privileged." highly-skilled nurses, including four While services at Medicity would ICU staff and the only opthalmology not be racially exclusive, it would nurse, was of concern. only be for those who could afford "Now they are only going to be ITS TOLL IN NORTH treatment there. "I personally think available to a very small, privileged this money could have been better section of the community, who can used in the service of our people if it actually afford to go elsewhere, like OWN CORRESPONDENT had been used to upgrade existing South Africa," he pointed out. health services at the Windhoek State "Their scarce skills will be lost to TO steallencewire around minefields in Ovambo is an act which can certainly lead to the death 01 an Hospital complex," he added. the great majority of Namibians," _ innocent little herdgirl or herdboy. And to even touch old explosives lying in the bush is not only silly . "Of course, everything that up­ Erasmus added. but asking to have yourself blown up: Or if you are l~cky, very badly injured. grades health services in general should He said while private health care be welcomed, but not in that man­ had a role to play, "the private sector These are not simple statements. make things as safe as possible be­ have moved as much as a metre in the ner, " Von Finckensteir. said, adding is in a position to buy off the skills we They are facts of life in Ovambo fore we leave Namibia shortly after sandy soil, said Crocker. Areas within it appeared to be aimed at "upholdc have. and the skilled manpower where locals .have taken pieces of Independence," Crocker told jour­ 20 to 50 metres of power lines are ing the status quo". becomes available to less and less fencing from around minefields left nalists at Ruacana yesterday. also believed to still be mined. The transitional Secretary of Na- people". by the South African Defence Force. "The mines have plastic anti-per­ "They were aimed against Plan Not only have cattle and goats sonnel mines which are difficult to fighters who would have wanted to roamed into these fenced corridors detect. Carrying out a mass, effec­ blow them up during the war years," GHOST... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 and been blown up: it has also hap­ tive sweep would involve using tanks. " said Crocker. pened to little children. Such equipment was not readily The incoming government could the ward started rurining and there of the community to request the available - the nearest being from ask the Australian engineers to stay Forlocals,itis general knowledge was water all over, nurse Vatilifa Catholic Father at Mariabronn to visit that there are mines around bases at South Africa -so the best alternative, on after Independence to help with said yesterday. the hospital and to conduct some the problem. "This would have to be Eenhana, Etale, Tower A, Tower C, said Crocker, was to refence the " We then heard the footsteps of an prayers there with the nurses. Ruacana, Hurricane, Mahanene, minefields·and convince locals to be through a bilateral agreement be­ approaching person and they grew Hospital superintendent Dr Ver­ Okalongo, Ombalantu and careful. tween independent Namibia and louder and louder. At this point my meulen yesterday said he had heard The fence, lined with "figure-of­ Australia," said the Colonel. Ohangwena, say Untag personnel. hair stood on end." about one of the incidents involving Another aim of the Australians' So there is little excuse for people eight" razor wire, also bears signs The two nurses bolted out of the a dead nurse. "But these are just not to know what risks they are tak­ with a message of warning in Operation Make Safe is to defuse ward to seek help. They were later rumours and nothing official has come ing by stealing the wire. Oshiwambo: " Oshiponga Sho explosives lying around in the bush. joined by a prison warder shepherd­ to my attention." he said. They are more of a risk to young Mboma". "The new government will "They are almost always unstable. ing a sick prisoner at the hospital. The doctor said he believed it had have to make vigilantly sure that the herdpersons and the cattle and goats The whole reason why they are lying When they returned to the ward the to do with superstition, adding he they may chase when they wander fences are maintained and at some in the bush is usually because they nurses discovered bread they had left w~ not going to tell his nurses that through the holes in the fence. Such stage, somehow, make the minefields were fired off with the intention of lying on a table had vanished. without having to investigate it. incidents have already happened. safer," said an Australian officer. being exploded. If they did not ex­ At this point, two other nurses "The nurses are really afraid and it "Most of my troops have seen " They will have to locate and dis·· plode, only the tiniest touch or even came running saying the ghost had is the patients who are going to suf­ dead people in their experience," pose of them." in a change temperature caused by a been opening and closing the door of fer," one nurse said. said Untag 's Australian engineers' Fields such as the one at Ruacana shadow moving over it can set it the ward in which they worked. "We are only two in each ward commanding officer Colonei John are considered 92per cent safe. The off," said Sergeant-Major Rabbatz. " No matter what people say about and this number is too small for Crocker. "But seeing these little boys South African army have defused 8 "There are weapons allover the place this, there is really a ghost at this instilling confidence and security blown up by mines was really hard 022 of the 8 796 mines they laid. said in Ovarnbo." hospital," Vatilifa said. The nurses among t.he groups working at night," for some of them." Australian regimental Sergeant-Major . Stressing how dangerous these relics were last week advised by members she pointed out. The Australians are urgently ad­ John Rabbatz. of the war arc, Colonel Crocker re­ dressing the crisis through "Opera­ While information handed over by peated: "People must not touch them . tion Make Safe". the SADF discloses exactly where They have to contact us or the po­ .....---KHOMASDAL--­ "We are doing what we can to the remaining mines were laid, many lice." Namibian public know dangers INDEPENDENCE BALL SWAPO Women's Council in Khomasdal will be A 40mm high explosive round, of South African origin, was reported to Untag Australian engineers at holding an independence ball with dinner on Ruacana yesterday during a press tour. March 23. The dress is formal, the venue is the Jason Ndumbu, who lives near the town, led the engineers and press group to the device, a direct fi re grenade used against people, light-skinned vehicles and fortified positions such as bunkers. Khomasdal Community Hall and the admission is The engineers said such reports were frequent in Ovambo. They immediately made plans to clear the R30 double. The Reho Combo will be playing and area before detonating the explosive. Colonel John Crocker, commander of the Australian contingent, pleaded with the press to make the the dinner will be served at 21h30. Namibian public aware of the dangers of unstable explosives in the bush. Please contact telephone 227499 a(ter hours for Namibia Broadcasting Corporation television, considered to be one of the most effective medium s to inquiries or bookings. film the procedure, failed to join the press trip. 4 Wednesday March 14 1990 THE NAMIBIAN

TELEVISION TONIGHT . 17h58: Programme Schedule Though properly introduced to Lawyers look into 18hOO: Weet Jy Nie all of the "important" people 18h08: Animated Classics in the city, Tom is determined "The Hunchback of to go about business his own Notre Dame" • Part way, including a dangerous trip II to Latin America in an effort to 18h34: Educational track down a missing US reshaping system Programmes government investigator. His "Cedric the Crow: determination and dedication Storm" lead him in a last-minute attempt THE restructuring and refonn of Law Society. " Inside Out: Just to save the US official's life the legal profession in Namibia is In addition, Smuts said,locallegal Joking" from the grasp of ruthless drug being negotiated and two seminars practitioners would be asked to offer 19hOO: Transworld Sport traffickers. have already been held in this con­ the course. 20hOO: NuuslWeerberig 21h39: Newhart · nection. Attorney-General-designate 20h25: Dear John ."Out with the new, At a seminar held last weekend a Hartrnut Ruppel said legal refonn "Hello/Goodbye" in with the old" committee of eight practicing. and was a matter of urgency and should qualified legal personnel were elected not be seen only in the short-tenn but A young man shows up at John's Dick can't wait to start a big to look into the question of how the for the long run as well. restoration project at the inn, apartment claiming to be his profession car> be restructured. Dr The ideal departure point for re­ son. but the work is stalled by what Sacky Akweenda of the Legal Assis­ fonn, Ruppel said, was the status 20h49: Top of the Hill looks like sabotage. tance Centre (LAC) was appointed quo. In the pilot episode of this new 22h02: NuuslWeerberig convenor of the committee. . The issue of the access to the legal dramatic series Tom Bell goes 22h22: Food for Faith Among other things, the commit­ profession was also discussed and to Washington to fill his 22h35: Educational tee will look into the reintegration of sparked strong reaction from black Congressman father's shoes. It Programme lawyers who were trained in coun­ lawyers. doesn't take long for everyone, "Science Topics: tries other than South Africa. They argued that the legal profes­ including his assistants, to realise Food and the As entry qualifications into the sion in Namibia was dominated by profession in Namibia are said to be that he's got a style of his own. population' , DR Sacky Akweenda white law finns and black lawyers high, the committee has been asked exp~rienced difficulties in obtaining to investigate the possibility of revis­ cuss ions on the issue. articles with these institutions. ing this. A local legal practitioner, Theo Some felt articles should be abol­ It was also agreed that the commi t­ Frank, who chaired the seminar in­ ished, while others argued in favour Change in films tee should examine the "structural fonned the meeting that the incom-. of maintaining the system. imbalances and inequalities prevail­ ing govennent would set up a com­ It was proposed from the floor that ing" and in particular the following: mission of enquiry to investigate the the entire administration of justice 'A SLIGHT change has been announced in the * The education and training of refonn of the profession. Established should be reviewed and immediate black lawyers; practitioners and returnee lawyers attention be given to accommodat­ programme of the film festival currently on at the * the enforcement of the affinna­ would have an opportunity to make ing black lawyers by implementing Windhoek Theatre. 'The Night of Shooting Stars', tive action clause of the constitution suggestions and recommendations to . affinnative action as enshrined in the in respect of the legal profession; the commission, Frank said. constitution. which was scheduled for screening on Sunday, and, The LAC, director Dave Smuts Ruppel felt giving special atten­ March 18', will now show on Thursday, March 15 * other means of addressing the explained, had been approached to tion to black lawyers would boil down raCial imbalance in the profession. run a training programme or a con­ to perpetuating the existing order. in the place of ' The Lady Banker', which is The appointrnentof the committee version course for returning Namib­ It was agreed that the newly-ap­ cancelled due to bad print quality. was preceded by a heated debate ian graduates. This idea was sup­ pointed committee should hold a surrounding the profession and dis- ported by the Bar Council and the report-back meeting on April 7.


Eleventh Graduation Ceremony -.23 March 1990 It is hereby announced that the Graduation Ceremony for the 1989 graduates takes place on Friday, 23 March 1990 at 10am at the SKW Sport Club hall, Tal Street, Windhoekm Graduates must report at Ella du Plessis school's hostel for accommodation on 15 or 16·March. A rehearsal is fixed for 17 March at a.30am prompt at the SKW hall. Please regard this as an official notificat·on and invi ationn • THE NAMIBIAN Wednesday March 14 .1990 5

: Concerned citizen rushes food-aid to school kids New government plans

A MEMBER of the community was so moved by an article about hunger among schoolchildren in Leonardville in last Thursday's to take tough action The Namibian that he decided to do something about it. The story described the hunger try's people had to go through to the resulting from overcrowding at the attention of the Lutheran Church hostel in the black township of Leonardville where 165 over cattle banditry primary schookhildren are crowded in.to a hostel meant for 60. Mr D Petersen said he read the RAJAH MUNAMAVA "heartbreaking" story and with the help of some generous Samaritans COUNCILLORS and headmen no person shall be subjected to tor­ sentences wi thout the option of a fine who donated food he 'intended to from the Herero homelands will ture, cruel or degrading treatment or and the issuing of compensatory orders travel to Leonardville to assist the consult with officials from the new punishment. to people by magistrate's courts. starving children. ' Justice Ministry tmder Dr Ngarikutuke In a nutshell, the constitution pro­ On stock theft, the new Justice He said he would like to thank all Tjiriange immediately aft~r the in­ hibits public flogging and similar Ministry is also looking at whether those who donated food and he hoped dependence celebrations. other actions as a form of ptmish­ attempted stock theft or a conspiracy that in the future they would always This follows a visit to the area last ment, Rukoro told the headmen and to commit the offence can earn the be ready to help where there was a weekend by the deputy Minister­ their councillors. CUlprit a similar sentence as that of need. designate of Justice, Vekuii Ruleoio. A group of Nudo political leaders stock theft itself. In particular, he mentioned Par­ Under the old dispensation, coun­ initially tried to discourage the head­ According to Rukoro, the govern­ son's Bakery who had donated bread cillors and headmen have jurisdic­ men and their councillors from giv­ ment will also look at the question of as well as a firm in Mariental whose tion over certain matters and are ing the deputy Minister-designate a Mafia-type organised groups which donation of fuel had made the jour­ responsible for dispensing justice in hearing. But later a deal was struck in bought stolen cattle at cheaper prices ney to Leonardville possible. Mr D Petersen: He was so touched their communities. which everyone, including the Nudo for butcheries or other uses to make Mr Petersen said he also wanted to by a story about starvation among Ruleoro's trip was aimed at consul­ men, were allowed to attend the profit. thank The Namibian for bringing the schoolchildren at Leonardville that tation with the councillors lind head­ meeting at Okatjana in the Otjinene Another area to be explored is the hardships which some of the coun- he organised help for them. men on the thinking of the new reserve. introduction of a system whereby ministry, particularly the possible Rukoro informed the group that local authorities would be entitled to changes to the legal system. the government was planning to issue permits for people wanting to BAKER UNDER FIRE OVER A particular area of interest was 'elevate' stock theft to an offence to sell their cattle or meat elsewhere. the question of stock theft which, be dealt with by the magistrate's Random checks at roadblocks might ' PALTRY' AID TO NAMIBIA according to Rukoro, has reached court only, and not the tribal authori­ also be another method of trying to alarming proportions in the reserves. ties as has previously been the case .. combat cattle theft, Rukoro told the A DELEGATION of prominent United States black leaders yesterday The deputy Minister-designate He explained that stock theft had a headmen and their cotmcillors. criticIsed the Bush administration for providing only " paltry" aid to reminded his audience that the new direct effect on the national economy After the meeting, a leading Nudo Namibia. During a meeting with secretary of state James Baker, the constitution outlawed a popular form and this had to be recognised. member, headman Gerson Hoveka, delegation, including the Reverend Jesse Jackson and Coretta Scott King, of punishment - public flogging - for Magistrate's courts will be set up informed Li.edeputy Minister-desig­ wklow of Martin Luther King Jr, said Namibia was receiving $500 000 this · crimes such as cattle theft in their at places such as Okakarara, Otjinene, nate the group would not ask ques­ year from the United States and was budgeted to receive $7,8 mlllion in areas. Opuwo, Omaruru and others, which tions then, but instead woulddeliber­ 1991. Article 8 of the constitution, which will exercise criminal jurisdiction ate on the matter in order to formu­ Baker has argued before Congress that US aid should be trimmed across deals with respect for human dignity , over cases such as stock theft. late their positions on the issues before tbe board by five or 10 Pl:l' cent to make funds available for emerging lays down that human dignity shall "This has been the problem in the responding. democracies in Eastern Europe and Latin America. Transafrlca executive be guaranteed. past - the inaccessibility of the legal. The group Jf headmen this week director Randall Robinson later told reporters there had been no agree­ This includes judicial proceedings system to the ordinary man, so we indicated they were ready to travel to ment from Baker on how the Bush administration could justify $900 or proceedings in any other organs of want to take the courts where the Windhoek to meet the Minister-des­ mUllon for Hungary and Poland and $500 000 for Namibia. RobinsOn also ·state and during the enforcement of people are," Rukoro said. ignate and his deputy on the matter said there had been "a sharp disagreement" with Baker over the US's penalties. . Other possible changes in the pipe­ and this has now been set for a date to aiding Unita rebels in Angola. -Sapa-Reuter The new constitution stipulates that lin~ could include imposing prison be determined after the celebrations.

Faculty of Arts Watch 'us with Department of Library and Information Science INTEREST Technical Assistant ~ (Contract Appointment) 1"ixvf~ 17',50%

Requirements: A B.Bibl degree or a BaChelor's degree 60 DAYS 18.50% . and a Higher Diploma in L ibrary a n d Inf ormat ion Science . Full command of th e E nglish languag e is essen­ 88 DAYS 18,50% tial. Job description: * Conducting practicals in Information 9~~50-R5 00 8,00% Skills as part of the Communication & Study Skills course * Production of practical course materials for all R501 - R5,000 11,00% courses * Marking of practical exercises for all courses * Supportive function as regards practical Information R5 ,001 - R20,000 14,50% Analysis and Subject Retrieval (Cataloguing and Classification) . R20,001 - R5 0,000 16,00%

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Duration of contract: Until 31 December 1990. Closing Date: 20 March 1990. ra~ O~ on amounts over R500 5,OO'/'o Contact persons: Miss A van Rhyn at 307-2002 or Mr A I Joubert at 307-2083.

, Attractive remuneration applies. " University of Namibia ;;;vl Bank of Namibia -- Bank van Namibie--- - Bank von Namibi-a ~ THE BEST PEOPl£ FOR THE JOB S2412JP21 1 6 Wednesday March 14 1990 THE NAMIBIAN CDM offers free shares to workers despite union• opposition

CONSOLIDA TED Diamond Mines (CDM) employees are being offered free shares in the parent company De Beers for the third time since the employee share ownership scheme was introduced in 1988. Those employees who decide to portunity of participating in the wealth accept the offer stand to reap sub­ generating process of the company. stantial fmancial benefits because the All employees with two years of 'blue chip shares are currently trading service behind them would be eli­ at all time highs. gible for the scheme and could ac­ Itis not known how many employ­ quire the shares which De Beers would ees will take advantage of the scheme pay for on their behalf. because the principle of employee The company acknowledged that share ownership is apparently in employees represented by the Mine­ conflict with the policy of the Mine­ workers' Union of Namibia had been workers' Union of Namibia (MUN). reluctant to accept shares when pre­ The union has always been suspi­ viously offered - .....despite the long­ BEER lovers who enthusiastically collected beer tops in the hope of winning South West Breweries cious of such schemes on the grounds term financial benefits to be derived "Win A Bakkie" competition will be sorry to hear that no one won the second bakkie in the that they deceptively blur the dis­ from the principle of employee stake­ competition. According to spokesmen for the Breweries someone must have simply thrown the bottle tinction between company interests holding in the enterprise", CDM top worth over R25 000 away by mistake. and the interests of workers. stated. What has proved to be bad luck for some unknown person has however proved to be very lucky for the As was the case with previous share In this regard CDM management Red Cross Association. The Breweries originally promised the bakkie would be given to a charitable offers, each eligible CDM employee had been informed by the local MUN organisation if no winner claimed it. is now being offered a further block branch committee that the principle The bakkie was presented to Klaus Heinrichsen and Alfred Shimueoshili of the Red Cross at a festive of 10 De Beers shares. was in conflict with prevailing union braai at the Breweries plant in the Northern Industrial area last Thursday. These shares are valued in terms of . policy. SWB Promotions Manager Kenny Malgas, on the right, is seen handing the keys to ShimueoshiIi while the ruling share price on the Johan­ CPM management was, however, Breweries Public Relations Officer Sharon Martin looks on. nesburg Stock Exchange at approxi­ optimistic that the prevailing climate mately R840. in Namibia would serve to encourage No conditions are attached to the unionised workers in lower income offer except that the shares will remain groups to accept the current offer. in trust for a period of four years According to the company, the before they can be traded or sold. offer constituted a meaningful and Solidarity celebrations According to a press release an­ internationally accepted employee nouncing the offer, the scheme was benefit. designed to give employees the op- planned by Scots, Brits

WHEN the Namibian nag is.raised at the Tintenpalast at midnight Westminster. March 20, the same will be happening about 13 OOOkm away in the And, of course, there will be one A CLEAN-UP operation is to be launched in the Rehoboth Scottish capital of Edinburgh. hell of a shindig in Edinburgh to follow the flag-raising ceremony. Gebiet tomorrow in preparation of the independence This will be one of many events ment, British Council of Churches The fact that the Namibian flag being organised throughout the United l-elebrations. The exercise will involve all schools in the area Namibia Group and Church Action will fly from the Edinburgh City Hall Kingdom by Namibian solidarity on Namibia. according to a spokesperson for the organisers ofthe event. is symbolic of the support both local organisations to celebrate the birth Similar parties will be held in the politicians as well as Scottish soli­ The spokesperson appealed to the inhabitants of the Gebiet of the new nation. British ~ities of Liverpool and Man­ darity activists have given Namibia's to get involved in the exercise. He also appealed to the On independence day, London's chester, while a slightly more sedate independence struggle in recent years. business sector in the area to allow their employees some Africa Centre will throw ahuge party celebratory reception is to beorgani­ This has undoubtedly been strength­ with live music and speeches organi­ sed by the British parliamentary All­ hours off starting llhOO hours to 18hOO hours tomorrow in ened by the contact they have had sed by the Namibia Support Com­ Party Southern Africa Committee at order to enable them to take part in the clean-up. with Namibians studying in the city, mittee (NSC), Anti-Apartheid Move- the seat of the UK governme11t, 25 of whom are due to be at next's Wednesday's festivities. Only last year, the NSC helped collect a ship container full of school equipment, text books, cllildren and women's clothes, and essential toi­ BRAKWATER letries and sent them to Namibia for use throughout the country. Alas, port bureaucracy at Walvis Concrete sheds for rent Bay has held up the container, and the solidarity activists now have to raise an extra R2 500 in port storage duties, Edinburgh NSC member Joni Wilson told The Namibian. But the support group remains unperturbed. * 4 large concrete sheds for Looking to the future, Wilson said Scottish NSCs would like to concen­ rent trate on exchanges of information between the two countries, and in *.1 500 square metres particular schools. "Hopefully through this, children .* 24-hour security. (in both Namibia and Scotland) will discover their lives are not that much * Security-fenced different no matter how far apart they are," said Wilson, "and that * Swawek power and Britain is not this wonderful place which it is made out to be." Wilson concluded: "We and our ,* Adequate water supplies sister (NSC) group in Glasgow have built up quite a high profile of Na­ * Off Windhoek-Okahandja mibia and what has been happening here. We hope to keep that going in Road" the future. " ** Rental at R2,50 per square metre

or phone (061) 22-5714 (Mon - Fri 09hOO - 15hOO) after hours 33750 THE NAMIBIAN Wednesday March 1419907

AMONG many things. John Lieben­ usually goes to a grassroots publica­ berg can also be described as an tiOl} or a non-governmental organ­ intetviewer's nightmare. He talks fast BARING THE SOU·L AND isation. International church and labour and most of the time doesn't bother bodies also take my stuff. The com­ to finish his sentences. While trying mercial newspapers in South Africa to follow one train of thought. you and abroad have never expressed a will suddenly be swamped by yet EXHIBITING THE TRUTH real interest in my work ... I suppose another wild verbal avalanche. The because atrocities aren't in the com­ hapless intetviewer is left with lines mercial interest." of unintelligble notes and severe ((I'amp Taking a quick breath. he adds: in the writing wrist. •• As far as Namibia is concerned, the But'if he speaks in shorthand. at people to wander around the exhibi­ MARK VERBAAN in Katutura came up to him with a only interest most white South Afri­ least he does it passionately. tion smiling gently at the photographs. fistful of live bullets and said: "These cans ever had in our country was the When making a point. which he and then going home to forget all colonial rule .. . " are for your face." kabeljouatMile 108 and their boy on dOes often. a pair of blue eyes flash about it. Liebenberg is trying to get Liebenberg refuses to pause for And then there was the night he the border." within a halo of wild hair and a beard one or other message across in most breath. went out after receiving a false tip­ Which brings us to another sub­ growing out of control. of the photographs on display • and he " ... and we showed to a small degree off of a bomb explosion. and ended ject... Liebenberg punctuates his para­ is going to be mighty pissed off if the suffering of a people whose exis­ up with bullet holes-in the back door Liebenberg was also a •• boy on the graphs by leaping from his chair. nobody picks them up. tence was overshadowed by politics of his red VW Golf. border" during the wild summer of Pacing and gesticulating violently. "Nobody really understood what and the war. We brought their faces And the time he was blindfolded '76. he changes topics without even paus­ this war was about. The South Afri- from the north to Windhoek. to the by SADF troops and taken to a mili- "Soweto was burning. Angola was ing for breath. being invaded and I was sent to Groot­ Known to some as •L ightning' fontein ... in . Pretoril they told me Liebenberg. this 32-year-old photog­ Grootfontein was the frontline. My rapher has never been seen lagging first real experience of the north was behind a protest march or hanging as a private in the South African Air around the outskirts of political ral­ Force stationed at Ondangwa. Plenty lies. His nature demands total in­ of stories from that era. but at least I volvement in what he loves best - never got to shoot anyone"'Come to revealing human nature and its often think of it. Idon't recall them ever disastrous consequences by being at even giving me a rifle." the epicentre of events to press the One of his most vivid recollec­ shutter on one of his beloved matt­ tions of t1!!lt time was the voice of black Nikon cameras. Esme Everard "ringing out over the Liebenberg's sense of being in the. camp radio telling the boys to right place and the right time has re­ ·Vasbyt· ... telling Piet van der Nerens sulted in some of the mast dramatic that Marietjie from Boksburg says to photographs ever emerging from N a­ hang in there. while Piet was in fact mibia. and the northern war-zone in trapped inside a burning Buffel with particular. the lights of Luanda dying in his While some photo-journalists. like eyes". Al J Venter and Peter Stiff. have Liebenberg has an imagination that visually recorded aspects of the South befits a writer more than it does a African military campaign in this photographer. What he needs is aste­ country. Liebenberg is one of the nographer with a death wish to ac­ very few who have photographed company him wherever he goes. Go Plan combatants in the bush and who into the story behind each of his have attempted to reveal the suffer­ photographs. and there you have a ing of those who lived through colo­ novel. nial military occupation in the north. JOHN 'Lightning' Liebenberg at his bullet-riddled Golf.•. "All those who satat home in the suburbs Liebenberg began staring at the Any journalist who accompanied pouring beer down their throats watching the SWABC news and pretending nothing was wrong in horizon md nodding. I sensed the Liebenberg on a trip to the north in this country" - these are the people he would like to see at his photographic exhibition. intetview was at an end. Suddenly he the old days is not likely to ever remembered that he had to be some­ forget the experience. Ace reporter cari soldiers were lied to. the people United Nations. and to the world. tary base in the north for questioning. where else. He wasn't sure where. of the war years. Chris Shipanga. can of Namibia were lied to. the SWA TF Foreign journalists who came here Liebenberg left The Namibian in exactly. but he knew he had to be testify to this. troops were lied to ... My images of reported SADF kills and x-number 1987 to pursue a freelance career. He somewhere. He ran down the stairs Casspirs heading off across ma­ the north show the effects of 23 years of civilians shot in the crossfire. We now has an office in Windhoek West. towards his red Golf. taking my ciga­ hangu fields on hot-pursuit opera­ of pointless and confused fighting. went in and found that the civilians with two assistants who help in print­ rettes and forgetting his sunglasses. tions were frequently chased after by The killing and atrocities should never weren't killed in crossfire. so we ing. developing and rushing films to a bright red VW Golf. with the ac­ have happened. and if there was one wrote about it and photographed the the airport. .. John Liebenberg's exhibition, companying journalist hysterically honest politician in Pretoria. he would victims and were branded commu­ Liebenberg certainly has no ambi­ 'The Eye of the Elephant', runs pointing out to Liebenberg that ev­ have to admit it." nists and terrorists and enemies of tion of building an empire around from March 14·30 at the Arts eryone else was actually fleeing in For Liebenberg.·t:he people whom the state ... •• himself. and this is made clear in his Association on the corner of the opposite direction. he would most like to attend the Lieb~nberg recalls the time a po­ scorn for the mainstream press. Leutwein and John Meinert Shooting from the hip as SADF exhibition are "all those who sat at liceman 'monitoring' a Swapo rally "If I can sell a photograph. it Streets. convoys barrelled past on the road to home in the suburbs pouring beer Oshakati; photographing children down their throats watching the maimed by explosives and atroci­ SWABC news a.TJd pretending noth­ ties; homesteads crushed by armoured ing was wrong in this country". vehicles - all these images were "So many people never saw the captured on film by a person whose tragic side of occupation that thou­ next mission is to get to southern sands lived through. I want to reach Angola. If the civil war in Angola those people who were always too . ends before Liebenberg has had a afraid to roy The NarnibiaIl ... too afraid chance to get in there with a brace of to face the horrible truth of what was Nikons. he knows he will always happening in the north." Liebenberg regret it. says. The South African-born photogra­ On his feet again. eyes flashing pher lives in perpetual fear of one and beard bristling •• Lightning • is day having to shoot family portraits emphatic that it is not too late for ~e and sunsets. .' •• blind" to realise and acknow ledge He laughs manically at this pros­ the truth. pect. and says if it ever comes to this. "I have been accused in the past of he will take his summer holidays in rigging my photographs ... The Na­ Beirut. mibianhas been accused of the same. Turning to his exhibition which Howdoyourigaphotographofa 15- opens at the Arts Association in Wind­ year-old boy with half his face burnt hoek this evening. Liebenberg hopes off from the exhaust of a Buffel? NDILIMANI PERFORMANCE his photographs will act as a re­ How do you rig a dozen eye-witness minder that "reconciliation is not accoonts of homesteads being smashed only for the rich and powerful". apart or of people being shot through DATE: Saturday, March 17 • 'These people are the ones who the head for being on the street after desetve reconciliation ·the least. The dark? How do you rig pictures of people in my photographs. and the children with legs and arms blown VENUE: KuisebmuRd Stadium thousands like them from Odibo to off by landmines and unexploded Karasburg. are the people who should mortars? ... Give me a break." " TIME: 14hOO - 17hOO berie.fit the most from national rec­ I ask Liebenberg what he thinks he onciliation. The rich can always have has achieved over the years. peace and harmony by virtue of their . He's up and pacing again: "For a EVENING: Kuisebmund Community Hall wealth. but it is the poor and OP" few years The Namibian acted as an pressed. the brainwashed and the angry. outlet for my photographs. The paper who need to be elevated to a stage achieved a lot...I achieved something TIME: 20hOO to 24hOO whereby they can relate to the psy ~ - but they weren't personal achieve­ chological concept of reconciliation." ments. There is no satisfaction at­ says Liebenberg. stressing that the tached to it. Nothing is achieved policy should not apply in the politi­ through the loss of life. but some of cal sphere alone. my photographs could at least ex­ It is obviously not his intention for pose the nightmare of life under 8 Tuesday March 13 1990 THE NAMIBIAN

Aakadhona nayo naya tondoke nonyeka: Amadhila ta indile' Brass a ningi omutango · 'ogClllil~ !i~~iK~gia .. ; ~~jDi H~ffi\j~le mokutondoka nonyeka ' mOsfiakati< yEmanguluko okuza mOshakati. OHELA olya Ii esikulyopandyokonona mOshakati. Konima sho Omuulikwa Ministeli Omundohotola Albertine Amadhila a patulula KU OSWALD SHIVUTE MOSHAKATI iilonga yewapaleko lyOshakati nokugandya pambelewa onyeka ndyoka yEmanguluko ndyoka yi na okufalwa ko Windhoek NAKULIIKWA Oministeli ylinima yOmapangelo gOpaitopolwa nOmagumbo Omundohotola Libertine kaatondoki aagundyuka noshowo aalongisikola mboka ya pitile Amadhila, ongula yohela pokapale ketanga inOshakati okwa hwamekele onyeka ndyoka yi na okuyiwa omumvo gwayi ye Ii 84 naalongwapangi ye Ii 12 ya mono oonzapo nayo kaagundyuka aamatuki yokOwambo kOshomeya nebllakano Iyoku yi thikitha koVenduka esiku dhawo sho ya piti elongo lyawo. lyEmanguluko lya Namibia. Oshinenenima osheya ombaadhilila lele kutya aayenda mboka ya Ii ya Ongula onene yohela ongundu woopaleka ohela. Okwa indile wo gwomosikola yUungomba ya Valom­ mOshakati, ondhila onene yopakwiita etwa kondhila ndyika oya Ii naana ya onene yaalongwa yomoosikola dho­ oshigwana ashihe shi ilonge ok­ bola mOngwediva nosheendo shoka ya zi ko Kenia noya nambele mOkapale endela shike, shim we ashike shoka mOshakati pamwe naalongi yawo woopaleka opo aluhe shi kale poma­ sha kala sha kwatelwa komeho ku koodhila komOshakati. sha kala moonkundana osho shoka oshowo aalongekidhi yomaudhano hala ga yela. Brass nokoosipitikopa, kaalongi, Oshigwana sho sha mono odhila kutya okwa ningwa etokolo opo mOw ambo naakwashigwana oya Ii Konima yoshipopiwa shika Omun­ kaakwashigwana nokaanona ndyika osha etha po manga iilonga aakwiita ya Kenia ye ye ya longe, ya gongala pokapale ketanga mOs­ dohotoia okwa patulula ondyila oyendyi yomoosikola dhomOshakau yokwoopaleka nokumatukila kondhila aakwiita aape yoshilongo sha Na­ hakati ya tegelela etata lyotundi on­ yokufala onyeka yEmanguluko ko osha tameke okuya tashi tondoka shi ndyoka. Aakwashigwana sho ya thiki mibia shoka tashi ka manguluka oo.gula tihetatu Ii dhenge opo ya pulakene Windhoek. Efalemo lyo shipopiwa Ii mondyila yokUya ko Shomeya Osho po oya kala·'i'na ya hala oku itaala, onene yeti 21 Maalitsa 1990 nomuntu koshipopiwa pauhupi shOmundoho­ she olya ngeyi: ye mwene okwa ngeyi aatondoki oya kala taya iyakula oshoka aahingi ayehe yondhila ndyika oto vulu ngaa okwi uvitha ombili tola Amadhila shi na sha nEwapaleko dhidhilike kutya momusholondondo mokutondoka nonyeka pokati koma­ oya Ii Oomajola nooleitenande dhaa­ kutya oye ya ya konakone onkalo lyOwambo nosho tuu sho ta laleke gwomadhiia gaagundyuka mboka taya hala nomahala. luudhe dhomu Kenia. Aamati mbaka yoshilongo kUumbangalantu sho yi aagundyuka mboka taya yi mondyila ka matuka nonyeka itamu holoka Kepulo omupongololi yaa Kenia aagundyuka. Aahingi yawo Ii. Shoka sha simana mwaashika halru nonyeka yEmanguluko yuuka ko W­ omadhina gaakadhona nande, Omu gwomaudhano, Omusamane Isak yo yene oye Ii momizalo dha ziza tseya naana kutya otaya kongo shiite indhoek okupitila mOshomeya. na ow ala omadhina gaamati, sha hala Elishi gwomOshakati okwa ti kutya dhafa omafo gomakaya na ngele to ihe oku tu ulikila ashike kutya aa­ Etatalyohetatu sho lya dhenge kutya aakadhona aagundyuka nani otashi vuIika ya ka kale ye na aaton­ tala oto shi dhindhilike kutya aa­ luudhe miilongo ya manguluka oyo Omundohotola Amadhila okwa thiki itaya kutha oshitopolwa mokuma­ doki nonyeka mboka ye na okuton­ lumentu ya longwa shiIi noye shi yene yiikwatela ko kokuhinga oordhiJa wo pokapale nokwa tameke ok­ tuka nonyeka y Emanguluko na okw a doka pokati kOshakati nOshomeya oshinakugwanithwa shawo .. : dhawo naadhoka dhopakwiita na osho upopitba oshigwana. Okwe ya ningi eindilo lyomeendelelo ye Ii omilongontano. Oye na okuton­ Sigo opethimbo ehokololo ndika ngaa tashi ka kala nomoshilongo shctu lornbwele kutya omolu vshituthi shoka kaalongekidhi opo melandulathano doka ookilometa dhi Ii 280 lwaampo ta Ii yi moshifo ina pu monika uye- sha manguluka. shEmanguluko tashi ka kala ko okuza lyonakutondoka nonyeka mu tulwe muule womasiku gatatu na oye na eti 20 sigo 24 Maalitsa 1990 no­ aakadhona aagundyuka. Eindilo lya okutondoka ookilometa 100 mesiku. molua aayenda mooka taya ka tale­ tya ngeyi olya taambwa ko. Okulala kuusiku wotango omOka­ lapo iitopolwa oyindyi ya Namibia Omundohotola Amadhila okwa tope yo taya tsikile sigo okOshivelo moka mwa kwatelwa we noshito­ hwameke nduno onyeka nokwa ton­ nokuza pOshivelo otaya tidha nee polwa shOw ambo , osha pumbiwa doka .ko omudhingoloko gumwe Oshomeya hoka taya ka tsakanena Outnbidja vepandela noonkondo oshilongo shi kale sha kokapale nokonima okweyi pe, naamatuki yakwawo yokuushilom­ yelil nawa nota shi fuula aayenda, omutoo

~------V ERB ETERING S:------. * Drie woonhuise * Een groot skuur kapasiteit van 7,6 miljoen NAMIBIA MIRROR· * Twee woonstelle (on langs * Baie buitegeboue kubieke meter _---"INDEPENDENCE"---. opgeknap) ... Een kan toorkompleks ... Swawek-krag by hoof opstal ... Agt arbeidershuise (nuut * 100ha besproeiingsgrond (1989 aangele) A unique book of photographs is to be published to in 1989 opgerig) * Groot gronddam met 'n ... Vier kampe commemorate Independence . You are invited to take a photograph(s) of your own ...------DIE VOLGENDE WILD IS OP DIE PLAAS:------:----,. choice on 21 March. It is to be sent to the address * Plus-minus 250 gemsbokke * Pl us-minus tOO volstruise below. Approximately 300 of the most striking * Plus-minus 900 springbokke ... Pl us-minus tOO koedoes photographs will be published (100 in full-page format). SLUITINGSDATUM: 14 MAART 1990 * Your name, the locality and a description on the Aansoekvorms tesam~ met die voorwaardes van verkoop is verkrygbaar te kamer 59, reverse side of the photograph. Hoofkantoorgebou, Mercedesstraat, Khomasdal. * Closing date: 15 April Navrae: Mnr. H.A. Wohler, telefoonnommer 21 -2956 * Send to: P.O. Box 11 325, Windhoek. * Enquiries: Tel. 3072116 (work) :3esi gtiging van plaas kan met mnr. H.A . Wohler tetefonies gereel word. 43092 (home) Geen verband kan met verkope gereel word ni e, met ander woorde die verkoop van die USE THIS OPPORTUNI'iY! plaas sa l sle s ' n kontant transaksie wees. ' YOUR NAME AND PHOTOGRAPH MAYBE PUBLISHED! THE NAMIBIAN Tuesday March 13 1990 9

Namib-Stigting oopgevlek ... Partyeen groepe skok

DIE Namibia National Front Olivier, was die besturendedirekteur (NNF), Swapo-D, Political DEUR PIUS DUNAISKI van die Stigting. Hy praktiseer tans Consultative Council (PCe) van as advokaat in SA. gewese Swapo--gevangenes en die ····•·•·•·•··· •• ••• •••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••• O·psi.en·barend.e ••• •• OlJth.U.I.ling• •• •• van •••• o.ntva.n.g·e·rs Die regse wit Aksie Christelik­ ...... Nasionaal (ACN), waar 'n toutrekkery Workers' Revolutionary Party oor leierskap tans heers, het Rl 799 (WRP) is onder die lang Iys van van die warm vergaderings gedien vir hulle finansieel nag geword het. aanvaar nie sulke verpligtinge nie." 185 gekry terwyl se politieke partye en anti-Swapo­ het. N a wat vemeem word, het die NNF Die PCC, wat in Angol~ deur sowat Bevryde Demokratiese Party Rl 985 groepe, wat in die Dit volg nadat 'n geskarrel in die tydens die verkiesing diep in 'n gelde­ 153 gewese Swapo-gevangenes ges­ 553 kon bestee vir hul veldtog. onafhanklikheidsverkiesings Stigting ontstaan het omdat sommige like gemors beland omdat geld net tig en deur Otnicl Kaakunga gelei is, Paul Helmuth se NNDP, wat geen bakhand by die regse politieke leiers hul oog het op die nie uit die buiteland verkry kon word het R39 979 gekry van die regse setel kon kry nie, het ook 'n massiewe geldmasjien Namib-Stigting orige geld en eiendomme. Dit blyk nie. Die einde daarvan was dat daar liggaam, wat ongetwyfeld geld gekry bedrag van R2 339 454 ontvang, geslaan het. egter dat die ondememing Bush links en regs na elke strooihalm gegryp hetvan duistere brorme in Suid-Af­ volgens die staat. Die onthullings is vervat in 'n uit­ Campers, wat uitsluitlik deur regses is. rika, Brittanje, Wes-Duitsland en Die LiberaleParty van Andy Klop­ ers geheime dokument, wat groot beheer word, alleenreg op die orige In die proses is NNF-Ieiers na Amerika. pers, wat die hele verkiesings in die opskudding in politieke kringe kan miljoene het. Namib-Stigting, wat bereid was om Die Patriotic Unity Movement FCN-span van Diergaardt gespeel het he. Die verwagting is dat Namib­ die geld te stoot, is gisteraand verfl­ (pUM) van Eric Biwa, wat ook meestal voordat hy na Swapo oorgeloop het, Sowat R23 miljoen is deur die Stigting vandeesweek ontbind sal eem. uit gewese Swapo-gevangenes bestaan se syfers beloop R239 089. Stigting, wat deur die voormalige word, volgens De Wet verlede week. Swapo-D van Andreas Shipanga, het, het R57 535 ontvang. Die verkiesingslyfblad van die 'Bantoe-kommissaris van SW A' , Volgens die balansstaat, wat deur wat vir 'n tyd in die openbaar aan die Swapo moes in die verkiesings Stigting, Nafrika, se besteding was Jannie de Wet, gelei is, teen Swapo die direkteure van die Stigting as 'n DTA gekoppel was, het volgens die hard stry teen die golf van hewige R544 431. Die mondstuk se druk is in die verkiesings ingespan. uiters geheime dokument hanteer dokument 'n bedrag van R4 210 gekry. aanklagte en beskuldiginge dat hy teen einde Januarie vanjaar gestaak Focus het gister insae in die bal­ word, het die NNF, wat bekend is vir Dis nie bekend hoeveel geld die DTA gewese gevangenes gemartel en en van sy verdaggewers soek nog ansstaat van die omstrede Namib­ sy progressiewe anti-apartheidshoud­ vir die party gegee het, maar hy kon gedood het, wat hy as SA spioene werk in die stad. Stigting gekry, wat onlangs by een ing, 'n hele R328 530 gekry toe dit geen enkele setel in die Grond­ gevang en in "gate" aangehou het. Nudo-Johorongo van Mburumba wetgewende Vergadering (GV) kry Die Damara-raad van Ju~tus Ga­ Kerina, wie 'n onsekere politieke nie. roeb, president van die UDF, het R2 toekoms het, het R738 077 ontvang Die WRP, wat in hul The Worker­ 407 116 losgeslaan waarmee lustig terwyl die National Progressive Party uitgawe van Oktober verlede jaar in die verkiesings georganiseer kon (NPP) R360 233 gekry het. rondborstig verklaar het dat hulle word. Ander syfers is: Canu (UDF) - enige finansiele bystand van Namib­ Dit blyk dat die DR die meeste R249 122; Democratic Action for Stigting weier, het R33 920 losgeslaan, geld as enkel party gekry het. Die ' Namas (DAN)- R325 849; Damara­ volgens die balansstaat. Stigting het die beleid gehad om net Uitvoerende Komitee (DUK), een In 'n brief aan die UDF-hoofbestuur partye te finansier en nie verkies­ van die lidpartye van NPLF van Kephas op 18 Oktober sou die WRP se dat sy ingsfronte nie. Conradie - RI13 703; en NPLF - Rl sentrale komi tee besluit het om nie Die Stigting self het R6 070 684 846642. . DEU R STANLEY KA TZAO die Namib-Stigtinggeld aan te raak bestee om administratiewe strukture Syfers wat nie gister kon verkry omdat die oorsprong daarvan onbek­ op te bou en in stand te hou gedurende word nie, is die van die Original JANNIE de Wet en sy ACN-faksie se onvermoe om hul betoogstukke end en "ons seker is dat daar ver­ die verkiesings. Die gewese briga­ People's Party of Namibia (OPPN). dier in die SA veiligheidspolisie, Hein Maandag in die Windhoekse Hooggeregshofvoor te Ie, het daartoe pligtinge ao/l gekoppel is en ons Arbeidersparty, UNIPA en CAP. gelei dat die opspraakwekkende geding tussen hom en die NP-SWA van Kosie Pretorius tot 30 Maart vanjaar uitgestel is. Volgens die griffier van die hof, Die verklaring het ook verder gelei ADMINISTRASIE VIR KLEURLINGE mnr. Jan Joubert, het De Wet 'n dat die verteenwoordiger van die dringende aansoek vir uitstelling gevra Duitse Aksie by die ACN, Walter TENDER NR. F2/7·11/89 om hul stukke deeglik voor te berei. Otto Aston, met op 20Maart 1990uit ' Die saak spruituit 'n slepende die Grondwetskrywende Vergader- leierskapgeskil tussen dieNP-SW A­ ing bedank het. ' leier, Pretorius, en die ACN-Ieier, As redes het Pretorius aangevoer De Wet, watvandie435-verkiesings dat Aston homself net vir die duur verlede jaar oorgespoel het. van die G V beskikbaar gestel het. Sy Sedert die bekendmaking van die bedanking moet dus gesien word in EIENDOM: PLAAS TAFELKLIP NR. 6 7 ACN se 72 kandidate vir die N ovem­ die lig van die omskepping van die ,ber-verkiesing verlede jaar word De GVindieland seNasionale Vergad­ ,Die' Sekretaris: Administrasie vir Kleurlinge sal tot 14 Maart 1990 aansoeke inwag Wet se leierskap van die ACN deur ering na die datum. . kragtens die Wet op Landboukrediet, 1966 (Wet 28 van 1966) vir die verkoop van die Pretorius sterk bevraagteken en ver­ Aston het self gereageer deur te se eiendom soos hieronder beskryf. werp. dat hy reeds tydens die Oorgangsreger­ 'n Verklaring wat gister deur Pre­ ing uit die politieke arena wou uittree. , ALLE AANSOEKE MOET INGEDIEN WORD BY DIE SEKRETARIS: torius uitgereik is, lui dat die Hy is egter gevra om "ten minste net TENDERRAAD, POSBUS 3328, WINDHOEK 9 000. dagbestuur van die NP-SW A Maandag op die GV te dien", omdat die ACN mi indringende bespreking besluit het onder die indrUk was dat 'n verdere Sekere: Plaas Tafelkop nr. 67 dat die "voorwaardes nie aanvaar­ verkiesing vir die daarstelling van Groot: 8747ha baarisnie " en datvoortgegaanmoet die NV sal wees. word met die aansoek soos ingedien. Hy het verder gese dat hy heel­ Ligging: Ongeveer 70km suidwes vanaf Bethanien 'n Skikking buite die hof is gesoek temaal uit die politi eke lewe tree en Verbeterings: en in die proses het die De Wet­ bygevoeg dat daar te veel .. OIl mense" faksie sekere voorstelle gemaak, in die GV sit. Met betrekking tot sy * Twee boorgate met waterinrigtings waarin voorwaardes ingebou is. siening van die twis tussen sy twee * Vier kampe Toe Focus Pretorius om kommen­ kollegas, het Aston gese hy wi! nie taar genader het, het hy egter gese die betrokke raak in hul persoonlike sake ALGEMEEN: .. saak is sub-judicae en daarom wil hy me. DIE GROND WORD AS BYVOEGINGSGROND OF AS 'N EENHEID VERK(lj '. " homself nie daaraan skuldig maak Politieke waamemers meen dat die om 'n hofgeding feitelik vooruit te leieskapgeskil reeds De Wet van 'n 1. Die eiendom word VOETSTOOTS verkoop met aile verbeterings sonder enige waarbor gaan nie. potensieJe kabinetspos in die nuwe opsigte van sigbare of onsigbare gebreke of tekortkom inge, hetsy in groote of in enige ander Hy het egter bevestig dat die saak Regering gekos het, omdat hy, en behoudens al die voorwaardes en serwitute (as daar is) soos uiteengesit in die titell '5 tot 30 Maartuitgestel is, waarop De alhoewel 'n sterk kandidaat vir die waarkragtens die eiendom gehou word. Geen versekering kan gegee word dat gemelde verbet· ''.s Wet tot 23 Maart kans het om sy pos as Minister vir Landbou en See­ wei beslaan of dat 'n aangrensende eienaar van 'n gemeenskaplikegrensheining nie. verweer voor te Ie. Hulle (Kosie en viserye, nie oorweeg kon word nie,. sy kamp) kan dan tot op 27 Maart Aston het ook aan die NP-SWA se 2. Die verkoping i'i onderhewig aan die terme en voorwaardes soos bepaal deur die Landboukredil daarop kommentaar lewer, waarmi hoofraad aangedui dat hy nie die vir die Kleurlinge. dit deur regter-president Hans Berker regsaksie teen hom sal teenstaan nie. 3. Die reg word voorbehou om voor die sluitingsdatum die eiendom of enige gedeeJte daarvr-: en regter Harold Levy op 30 Maart Hy is een van die verweerders in die aangehoor sal word. geding. verkoping te onttrek indien so ~n slap wenslik geag word. 4. Aansoeke om die toekenning van die plaas of enige gedeelte daarvan as uitbreiding tot nab: onekonomiese eenhede sal ook oorweeg word, in welke geval applikante 'n vOlledige beskr, van hul privaatgrond moet verstrek. 5. Aile pogings is aangewend om die inligting so volledig en noukeurig moontlik hierin te ver maar die Administrasie vir Kleurlinge aanvaar geen verantwoordelikheid vir enige onjui nie. •.•••••••••••••••• ••••• 6. 'n Lening vir die aankoop van die plaas kan oorweeg word indie ... ;ii ,~: applikante da, 11111;1 II I;i:ltm(' kwalifiseer - 40-jaar skema, 10% eie bydrae. _ / 7. Aansoekvorms KVO L01 is verkrygbaar by aile Landboukantore of At;: .;trasie vir Kle,

Mercedesstraat, Khomasdal, kamer 59. Navra. e: H.A. Wohler, t. ," "mommer 21 - ~l~g ~ggg~~~~~~~~~!I~~~IIII~.••~·.·"~ ••••••. ~...... I i . lVnW1Sln ~'.&.~ &'{' ·:,"'I.,w _ ____ 10 Wednesday March 14 1990 THE NAMIBIAN


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Disco sets available . eRIVATE$,ALE !3,f\.R. •• 'Ji'Qf{.$,f\.~ DANCERS JOEL DLAMINI SWAKOPMUND Peugeot 305 I am looking for . Herbalist 3·bedroom house in For all your Suiderhof for sale. Diploma in Herbal R4500 1980 model talented Namibian property transactions Contact the owner Medicine from African Good condition dancers to join my at Sanlamrant Flat Herbal College in MANUELA FRITSCH At Odds and Ends Radio/tape pantsula dancing 306, Storch Street Pretoria. (opposite the * R6 000 group P.O. Box 60230 Tel. (0641) 4131 Corner of John . Box 1470 Academy) Please contac For more information, KATUTURA 9000 Meinert and Ta~ or phone tel. 228601 contact Peter at Namibia Streets 21-2583 FRITSCH +


RESULTS of the Clay-Pigeon-Shooting Association (CPSA) competition held at Oranjemund on Saturday: A - AUTO-TRAP Individual High Gun (Best individual scores) 1. H. Gunther - Windhoek 2. M. Gellert - Swakopmund 3. H. Basler - Selboumf TEAM RESULTS 1. Selboume Team: - H. Basler J. Twidale L. Haniche 2. Swakopmund 3. Wmdhoek

B - DOWN-THE-LINE Individual High Gun (Best individual scores) SWA Toyota Young Ones striker Joseph Marthins (left) puts the pressure on SWA Autohaus Golden 1. H. Erpf -Selboume Rivers mid-fielder Oupie during Sunday's Derby clash which was won 6-0 by Young Ones. The match 2. H. Gunther - Windhoek was played at the Katutura Stadium. 3. H. Basler - Selboume TEAM RESULTS 1. Selboume Team: - H. Erpf H. B asler J. Twidale L. Hanicke TYSON PLANS B. Radeck 2. Swakopmund 3. Namib Gun Club ITALIAN FIRST DIVISION DRASTIC ACTION

RESULTS of Italian First Division soccer matches on Sunday: IT'S crunch time for Mike Tyson - and he is planning drastic action. The former Heavyweight Ascoli °Ce sena 0, Atalanta 4 L3.l.io 0, Bologna 1 Fiorentina 0, Genoa °Bari champion, knocked out by James ' Buster ' Douglas last month, will return to the gym soon to work on 0, Internazionale °V erona 0, Juventus 3 AC Milan 0, Lecce 1 Napoli 1, Roma an " excruciating" 90-minute exercise which he has not done in years, co-trainer Jay Bright told 1 Sampdoria 1, Udinese 1 Cremonese 1. Reuters. Bright, in a telephone interview can't allow yourself to be content. If LEADING SCORERS IN ITALIAN FIRST from his home in upstate New York, you're content you lose your de­ said he and Tyson had held several sire. " DIVISION long conversations about his loss to Referring to Tyson's dismissal Douglas by a 10th round knockout in performance against Douglas, Bright LEADING goal scorers in the Italian First Division after Sunday's matches: Tokyo on February 11. said: "There were distractions ... it ~ s 18 goals - (AC Milan). " "We're going to get willie," said a difficult thing. Michael and me 13 - Gustavo Dezotti (Cremonese), Roberto Baggio (Fiorentina), Salvatore' Bright, referring to a type of punch­ wf,:re ,both taught that wisdom. Schillaci (Juventus). ing bag with numbers in it '.... hich is " This time he's going to retain 12 - Diego M¥ adona (Napoli). mounted on·a walL· it:" ...: 11 - Juergen Klinsmann (Internazionale). It teaches certain punch-combina­ Bright was. unimpressed with 10 - Rqberto Mancini (Sampdoria). tions, because " one punch causes a Douglas' skills, comparing him to a 9 - Gi anl ~c a Vialli (Sampdoria), Massimo Agostini (Cesena). fighter (an opponent) to do some- , Volkswagen racing against a Lam­ thing, which sets up other punches " , borghini. Bright said. ' "Douglas. is a very ordinary PORTUGUESE FI RST DIVISrON The willie with its nlimbered punch fighter," Bright said. "He was like a combinations is a system devised by Volkswagen in fifth gear and Mi­ RESULTS of Portuguese First Division soccer matches played this weekend: Tyson's late trainer Cus D ' Amato. chael never got out of first gear." Benfica °P orto 0, Boavista 1 Setubal2, Braga 2 Nacional Madeira 0, Chaves Bright, who worked with D' Amato, Bright said he would like Tyson to o Estrela Amadora 1, Feirense 1 Beira Mar 2, Maritimo 2 Penafiell, Sporting iso(ten heard during fights shouting fight Douglas again in September 1 Portimonense 0, Tirsense °Guimaraes 0. , number combinations to Tyson. but that a "lot of litigation has to be Apart fiom knocking Douglas down resolved first" . WEST GERMAN FIRST DIVISION with one punch in the eighth round, Douglas has filed a lawsU:it trying Tyson showed little skill or power in to get out of a contract, and billion­ the fight. aire real estate magnate Donald Trump WEST german First Division soccer results on Saturday: Bright said the drill with the willie is suing to make sure his Atlantic Karlsruhe 2 Werder Bremen 1, EintrachtFrankfurt 1 Kaiserlautern I, Hamburg bag was "a 9O-minute drill (with City Casino does not lose the next SVOBayern Munich 3,Bochum 2 Bayer Uerdingen I,VFB Stuttgart4 Fortuna breathers) used for speed, power and Tyson.fight to Las Vegas. DuesseldorfO, Cologne 1 ST. Pauli 0, WaldofMannheim 1 Bayer Leverkussen coordination. It's an excruciating thing, When Tyson did fight again, Bright 1. but this is my opportunity to get him said he wanted the former scourge of Played Friday: to work on it. " :he heavyweight division "to incite FC Homburg 3 Borussia Dortmund 3, Borussia Moenchengladbach 3 Nurem­ FORMER heavyweight The implication was that Tyson's his enthusiasm and fan the fire of his berg 0. loss made him realise he must get desire". champion Mike Tyson will back to basics. " I want him to go in there abso­ return to the gym soon to work NORTHERN IRISH CUP Bright would not go into detail lutely dead calm , to get his belts back on an " excruciating" 9O-minute about his talks ,with Tyson, other and get revenge for what happened in exercise which he has not done RESULTS of the Northern Irish Cup quarter-finals matches plyed at the than to say that " as a champion you Tokyo." in years. weekend: Banbridge 0 Coleraine 1, Lame 1 Linfield 2, Newry 2 Glentoran 3, Portadown 2 Bangor 1. SPORT SHORTs .. ISP()RT SHORTS.• .SPOR "I' SHORTS••• SCOTTISH FIRST DIVISION SPORTSHORTS ••. SPORT.SHORTS ... SPORT /SHORTS. .. co~tN{)tIl ~O~P;\'G~12 RESULTS of Scottish Di vision One soccer matches played at the weekend: Albion 2 ST Johnstone 5, Forfar 2 Airdrieonians 3, Raith 2 Morton 1. BS TIGERS TO STAGE DISCUSSION MEETING Postponed: Alloa v. Falkirk, Ayr v. Clyde, Clydebank v. Meadowank, Patrick v. Hamilton . SUPER League giants BS Tigers are cordially inviting their members and supporters to a meeting :.t the N amutoni Primary School tomorrow night at 19hOO. The reason for the meeting, according to John Pescha, is to discuss and to plan a club function to be held at Easter FIXTURES ... FIXTURES. •. weekend. . FIXTURES ... FIXTURES... : . JAGUARS RUGBY CLUB RAR'ING TO GO \ .' . T. Kavari informed The Namibian Sport that the Jaguar Rugby Football Club will stage a compulsory practice, starting ENGLISH FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION at 17h30 tomorrow. Young players are also asked to join the club. ' Players and supporters of the club 'are also asked to attend tomorrow's meeting which will be held at the Katutura Hall DRAW for the semi-finals of the English Football Association (F.A.) Cup at 19h30. Points on the agenda include registration and the timetable for the season. Other important information will made on Sunday: also be announced at the excecutive meeting. Oldham or Astona Villa v. Manchester United, Crystal Palace v. Queens Park For more information please contact the following persons: Rangers or Liverpool. J.N. Mate at tel. 37300 (work) or Matches to be played on April 8. V.T. Kavari at tet: 33108 (work) or at tel. 215066 (home). 12 Tuesday March 13 1990 THE: NAMIBIAN

BRIAN Isacks, Nashua Black Africa's mid-field youngster, swerves past SWA Toyota Young Ones BENFICA SAVED stopper, Werner Dandu, durin·g their semi-final clash at the Katutura Stadium. Brian's team-mate and scorer ofthe winning goal against Sorento, Kandas 'Maradona' Paulino, rushes closer to assist. The two BY PENALTY AT OSHAKATI sides drew 1-1. NOMTSOUB soccer giants Benfica beat a gutsy Oshakati XI by an odd goal during their exciting soccer friendly match in Oshakati on Saturday. EUROPEAN SOCCER UP-DATE: Reinholdt Shilongo of Oshakati XI told The Namibian Sport that both teams had equal chances of winning the encounter and that Oshakati XI tried their best but that their opponent 's defence, orchestrated by Orakka Shetekela, never put a foot wrong. And according to Shilongo, Orakka, Daddy, Pecks and Ryder were in top form SCHILLACI for the visitors, but that the fine form of Willem Ashipembe was the thorn in their flesh. The first half ended goalless and Benfica were awarded their match-winning penalty in the 78th minute. Enos and Steve, according to Shilongo, were outstanding for the hosts. MAKES "Especially Steve who tormented the visitors' goal with countless missiles," MARK he said. NFA TO HOLD FOUNDING CONGRESS AS TOP SCORER DOC Naobeb, chairperson of the steering committee that is writing the constitution for the still-to-oo..launched Namibia Football Association (NFA) , announced yesterday that the association will be launched officially at the and Zoff set to remain with Juventus Academy in Room 207 of the lecture block this coming Saturday, March 17. Each town, according to N aobeb, is asked to sent two delegates to the meeting THE return to form of J uventus may yet save trainer Dino Zoff from the sack at the end of the season that will start at 09hOO. . and also earn Salvatore Schillaci a place in Italy's World Cup side. Also present will be the delegates of the Namibia National Soccer League Schillaci has proved the surprise Italian national side, which has scored naIs. (NNSL), the Amateur Soccer Association (ASA), the Namibia Soccer Federa­ of the season, scoring 13 goals for only one goal in its last five pre­ Leading players such as Van Bas­ tion (NSF) and the Central Namibia Soccer Association (CNFA), that are Juventus since his arrival from Sec­ World Cup friendly internationals. ten and have made no expexted to disband at the weekend to form the NF A that will became the ond DivisiOn Messina, and is the But after Sunday's 3-0 rout of AC secret of their dissatisfaction with national soccer controlling body. second highest goalscorer behind Milan, in which Schilaci scored the Libregts, who took over from Rinus Naobeb also told The Namibian Sport he expects the league to kick off in early European Footballer-of-the-Year opening goal for Juventus, Italy Michels after the Dutch won the 1988 April. But there are still a few obstacles that must be cleared up. The bearded Marco van Basten. manager Azeglio Vicini said the European Championships. soccer man declined to name the "little obs tacles ' , . For months. soccer writers have Sicilian would probably be called up One Dutch newspaper reports Gullit, been vainly pushing the 25-year-old for the March 31 friendly against Van Basten and Ajax captain Jan CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 striker as the possible saviour of the Switzerland. Wouters are lobbying for Barcelona "There isn't much more time fOf coach Johan Cruyff to take over. experiments but we all know Schi­ Wouters is in hot water after tele­ laci's talents very well," Vicini said. vision cameras filmed him elbowing And those talents could be the Volendam's in the face salvation of Zoff, the former Italy during Sunday's 0-0 draw. captain and goalkeeper whose future The referee missed the incident has been in doubt for weeks after a but said he would report it to the B.L.C. Hairdresser poor start to the season and rumours KNVB. Last season Wouters was that Bologna manager Luigi Maifredi suspended after television film showed '------Tel. (061) 22-7024 ------' was to replace him. him stamping on the hand of another Fans cheered and sang the praises Volendam player. of Zoff after Sunday's classy per­ He will, however, be in action formance against leaders AC Milan today as Ajax take on PSV Eind­ which moved them into third place hoven in a Dutch Cup semi-final. Introduce Independence Special and closed the gap to five points. Marseille's hopes of closing the Last month they drew 0-0 at home gap on French League leaders Bor­ with Milan in the first leg of the deaux have been hit by the loss of a ------From 16-20 March -----... Italian Cup final and victory in the third defender through injury. second leg and success in the UEF A Brazilian sweeper Carlos Mozer Cup, where they are well-placed to has not recovered from a knee injury * Relaxer, tints, highlights plus cut for R40 advance after their 2-0 first-legquar­ sustained in last week's European ter-fmal victory at Hamburg last week, Cup win in Bulgaria and misses to­ may alter the fortunes of the much­ night's league match away to fourth­ Without cut R35 loved trainer. placed Sochaux . . "Zoff's contract is for two years. Already missing stopper Karl-Heinz * Curly Perm and Cut R45 When it expires at the end of June the Foerster and versatile international board will decide what to do," said Alain Roche, trainer Gerard Gili is Without cut R35 Giovanni Agnelli, Fiat boss and owner likely to turn to Eric Mura, who . of Juventus. played his first game of me season in Speculation continues to grow in Sofia last week and did an impres­ * Voluties Perm and others with cut R55 the Dutch press over whether na­ sive job in marking CSKA's star tional coach Thijs Libregts will lead striker Kristo Stoitchev out of the Without cut R45 the Netherlands, who drew 0-0 with game. Italy in last month, to the Barcelona's Spanish international Plus Free Gift World Cup Finals in June. mid-fielder Luis Milia has fallen foul Libregts is scheduled to meet the of coach Cruyff over an extension to * Dutch Soccer Association (KNVB) his contract. Cut, wash and blow R20 . officials later this week to discuss his Milia wants $360000 for another contract which expires on July I, a year after 1991, but the club is offer­ * Wash and blow short hair R10 week before the tournament ends. ing only half of that. Dutch newspapers believe a re­ "No one puts a knife to my throat," * Wash and blow long hair R13 fusal to extend the contract would Cruyf8lsaid. "If Milia is not happy make it impossible for Libregts to with being with one of the greatest remain as national coach for the fi- teams in Spain, he can go."