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6.4 LBTH LIP2 Consultation Draft for Cabinet Nov 2010 Appx 1 PDF 3 MB Tower Hamlets Second Local Implementation Plan (LIP2) Consultation Draft November 2010 Contents 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Development of the LB Tower Hamlets’ LIP2 1 1.3 Content 3 2. Borough Transport Objectives 4 2.1 Introduction 4 2.2 Local Context 4 2.1.1 About Tower Hamlets 4 2.1.2 Transport in Tower Hamlets 12 2.1.3 Policy Context 18 2.3 Local Problems, Challenges and Opportunities 19 2.3.1 MTS Goal – Supporting Economic Development and Population Growth 21 2.3.2 MTS Goal – Enhancing the quality of life of all Londoners 28 2.3.3 MTS Goal – Improving the safety and security of all Londoners 37 2.3.4 MTS Goal – Improving opportunities for all Londoners 40 2.3.5 MTS Goal – Reducing transport’s contribution to climate change and improving resilience 43 2.3.6 MTS Goal – Support delivery of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and its legacy 46 2.4 Borough Transport Objectives 48 2.4.1 Identification of Borough Transport Objectives & Vision 48 2.4.2 LIP2 Objectives 48 3. Delivery Plan 51 3.1 Introduction 51 3.2 Potential Funding Sources 51 3.3 Delivery Actions & Interventions 52 3.3.1 Objective 1: To promote a transport environment that encourages sustainable travel choices for all. 52 Tower Hamlets Second Local Implementation Plan (LIP2) – Consultation Draft 3.3.2 Objective 2: To ensure the transport system is safe and secure for all in the borough. 56 3.3.3 Objective 3: To ensure the transport system is efficient and reliable in meeting the present and future needs of the borough’s population. 59 3.3.4 Objective 4: To reduce the impact of transport on the environment and wellbeing. 61 3.3.5 Objective 5: To ensure transport is accessible for all. 65 3.3.6 Objective 6: To encourage smarter travel behaviour. 66 3.3.7 Objective 7: To better integrate land use and transport planning policy and programmes. 72 3.3.8 Objective 8: To protect, celebrate and improve sustainable access to our cultural, historical and heritage assets to enhance local distinctiveness, character and townscape views. 72 3.4 Programme of Investment (POI) 73 3.4.1 Overview 73 3.4.2 Timetable for Delivery 74 3.4.3 Developing the Programme of Investment 74 3.4.4 Major Schemes 77 3.5 Approach to Managing Risks 79 3.5.1 Programme Level 79 3.5.2 Scheme Level 80 4. Performance Monitoring Plan 82 4.1 Introduction 82 4.2 Overview of LIP2 Indicators and Targets 82 4.3 Setting of Targets for the Tower Hamlets’ LIP2 84 4.3.1 Core LIP2 Targets 85 4.3.2 Borough Targets 95 4.4 Monitoring and Review Process 96 4.4.1 Programme Monitoring 96 4.4.2 Scheme / Intervention Monitoring 97 Tower Hamlets Second Local Implementation Plan (LIP2) – Consultation Draft 1. Introduction 1.1 Background Under the Greater London Authority Act 1999, boroughs are required to produce a Local Implementation Plan (LIP) setting out their priorities and associated proposals to deliver a better transport system within the borough. This needs to be set in the wider context of the Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) for London and other locally and sub-regionally important goals. Tower Hamlets’ first LIP was produced in 2005, to cover the period of 2005/06 to 2010/11, and set out proposals to implement the MTS 2001. This second-round LIP, will propose to implement the revised Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS2) which was published in May 2010 and covers the period up to 2031. It identifies how we will work towards achieving the revised MTS goals of: • supporting economic development and population growth; • enhancing the quality of life for all Londoners; • improving the safety and security of all Londoners; • improving transport opportunities for all Londoners; • reducing transport’s contribution to climate change and improving its resilience; and • supporting the delivery of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and its legacy. In addition to MTS2, it also responds to the emerging East London Sub-Regional Transport Plan (SRTP), Tower Hamlets’ Community Plan and other relevant local policies. It sets out the long term goals and transport objectives for the borough, a three year programme of investment, and the targets and outcomes we are seeking to achieve. Transport has implications for all activities which take place within the borough and a good transport system is thus an essential part of everyday. The LIP2 is a vital tool which will help us deliver a better, more sustainable, transport system that helps shape the identity of the Borough and contributes to an improved quality of life for all by meeting local priorities. 1.2 Development of the LB Tower Hamlets’ LIP2 Tower Hamlets’ Second Implementation Plan has been developed in accordance with Guidance on Developing Second London Local Implementation Plans (TfL, 2010). Governance Arrangements The development of this Plan has been overseen by a LIP2 Working Group comprising Officers from a range of internal teams and departments, namely: • Transportation & Highways – o Public Transport o Road Safety o Engineering o Maintenance o Active Travel (LBTH & NHS Tower Hamlets) Tower Hamlets Second Local Implementation Plan (LIP2) – Consultation Draft 1 • Development & Renewal – o Strategic Transport o Strategic Planning • Parking Services – o Enforcement • Environmental Health & Protection – o Air Quality o Noise The Working Group has been involved at all key stages in the process of developing the Plan and has played a vital role in determining priority areas for investment. A series of working group meetings and workshops have been held throughout the LIP2 preparation process to: • identify the priorities for transport within the Borough and ultimately to agree the Borough Transport Objectives, the first core component of the LIP2; • identify potential interventions for inclusion within the LIP2 Delivery Plan and also to review and approve the three year Programme of Investment, the second core component of the LIP2; and • review and approve the selection of monitoring indicators and the setting of core and local targets to be included within the Performance Monitoring Plan, the third core component of the LIP2. This LIP2 document was subsequently submitted for Cabinet review on the 1st December 2010. Consultation In developing this Plan, we have consulted with the following consultees on the Borough Transport Objectives: • Borough residents and local businesses / organisations; • Metropolitan Police, including the Borough Commander and the Traffic Management Unit; • Tower Hamlets’ Pan Disability Panel Transport Sub Group; • NHS Tower Hamlets; • British Waterways; • Neighbouring Boroughs of Hackney, Newham, Southwark, Greenwich and the City of London; and • Transport for London (TfL). A Borough Transport Objectives consultation document was made publicly available via the Council website from Wednesday 28th July until Wednesday 8th September 2010. Feedback received from this web-based consultation exercise has been taken into account when finalising the Borough Transport Objectives included within Chapter 2 of this document. Formal public consultation on the LIP2 will take place post submission to TfL on the 20th December. Integrated Impact Assessment A number of strategic assessments have been undertaken in preparing the LIP2 to assess and minimise any potential adverse impacts of the plan. All of these Tower Hamlets Second Local Implementation Plan (LIP2) – Consultation Draft 2 assessments (as described below) have been conducted together, and reported on as part of an Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA). A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), which is a formal environmental assessment required under the SEA Regulations (SI 2004 No. 1633), has been undertaken to ensure that environmental features, issues and opportunities were given consideration as we developed options for improving and managing the transport network in Tower Hamlets, to be included within the Delivery Plan. A Health Impact Assessment (HIA) has also been undertaken to assess the impact of the plan on the health and well-being of the population, and also on their ability to access health-related facilities and services. Production of a HIA fulfils local policy requirements and also supports the Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA), an additional assessment undertaken for the LIP2. The purpose of the EqIA was to ensure that the proposals presented do not discriminate against equality groups and that equality is promoted whenever possible. Boroughs have a duty to carry out an Equality Impact Assessment of their LIP under race, disability and gender legislation. A summary of the main IIA report is contained in Appendix A. Outcomes of the earlier stages of the assessment are also reported at relevant points throughout the document. 1.3 Content Subsequent chapters of Tower Hamlets’ LIP2 are as follows: • Chapter 2 presents an evidence-based identification of Borough Transport Objectives, reflecting the MTS2 goals, and local priorities (such as those set out in Tower Hamlets Community Plan, Local Area Agreement, LDF Core Strategy and Sustainable Transport Strategy); • Chapter 3 sets out a Delivery Plan detailing the interventions we propose to deliver, including a costed and funded Programme of Investment covering the period 2011 to 2014; and • Chapter 4 details the Performance Monitoring Plan identifying a set of locally specific targets which can be used to assess the effectiveness of the LIP2 in achieving its objectives, and ultimately the MTS goals. Tower Hamlets Second Local Implementation Plan (LIP2) – Consultation Draft 3 2. Borough Transport Objectives
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