56 bus time schedule & line map

56 - North View In Website Mode

The 56 bus line (Shotts - North Motherwell) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Dykehead: 6:44 AM - 6:24 PM (2) Netherton: 5:18 PM - 5:58 PM (3) North Motherwell: 6:00 AM - 4:58 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 56 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 56 bus arriving.

Direction: Dykehead 56 bus Time Schedule 82 stops Dykehead Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:44 AM - 6:24 PM Salisbury Crescent, North Motherwell Tuesday 6:44 AM - 6:24 PM Albans Crescent, North Motherwell Wednesday 6:44 AM - 6:24 PM Empire Way, North Motherwell Thursday 6:44 AM - 6:24 PM

Marrius Crescent, North Motherwell Friday 6:44 AM - 6:24 PM

Fort Street, North Motherwell Saturday 7:19 AM - 5:56 PM

Mearns Road, Motherwell

Chester Crescent, North Motherwell 56 bus Info Logans Road, Direction: Dykehead Chesters Crescent, North Motherwell Stops: 82 Trip Duration: 64 min Ailsa Crescent, North Motherwell Line Summary: Salisbury Crescent, North Motherwell, Albans Crescent, North Motherwell, Empire Way, North Motherwell, Marrius Crescent, Bute Avenue, North Motherwell North Motherwell, Fort Street, North Motherwell, Mearns Road, Motherwell, Chester Crescent, North Earnock Avenue, North Motherwell Motherwell, Chesters Crescent, North Motherwell, Ladywell Road, Scotland Ailsa Crescent, North Motherwell, Bute Avenue, North Motherwell, Earnock Avenue, North Scotia Street, North Motherwell Motherwell, Scotia Street, North Motherwell, Ladywell Road, Motherwell, High Road, Motherwell, Ladywell Road, Motherwell Pollock Street, Motherwell, Watson Street, Motherwell, Oakeld Drive, Motherwell, Motherwell High Road, Motherwell Baptist Church, Motherwell, Motherwell Police Station, Motherwell, Fern Street, Flemington, Jack Pollock Street, Motherwell Street, Muirhouse, Shields Road, Muirhouse, Merry Street, Scotland Muirhouse Avenue, Muirhouse, Netherwood Road, Muirhouse, Muirhouse Drive, Muirhouse, Excelsior Watson Street, Motherwell Street, Muirhouse, Kirkhill Road, Netherton, Stenton Crescent, Netherton, Police Station, Netherton, Old Oakeld Drive, Motherwell Manse Road, Netherton, Netherton Road, Netherton, Brandon Street, Scotland Marshall Street, Netherton, General Hospital, Netherton, Heathery Road, Wishaw, Cleland Road, Motherwell Baptist Church, Motherwell Wishaw, Dryburgh Road, Wishaw, Wishaw Old Parish Church, Wishaw, Houldsworth Centre, Wishaw, Kirk Motherwell Police Station, Motherwell Road Service Station, Wishaw, Coltness Road, Wishaw, West Gate, Cambusnethan, Branchal Road, Fern Street, Flemington Cambusnethan, Woodhall Road, Cambusnethan, Cambusnethan Street, , School Road, Jack Street, Muirhouse Newmains, Gospel Hall, Newmains, Bonkle Gardens, Elison Court, Scotland Crindledyke, Alcath Road, Crindledyke, Meadoweld Place, Bonkle, Road, Bonkle, Mill Road, Shields Road, Muirhouse Allanton, Coltness Avenue, Allanton, Damside Inn, Woodside Street, Scotland Allanton, Dura Road, Allanton, Car Market, Shotts, Knoll Croft Road, Stane, Huntly Terrace, Stane, Muirhouse Avenue, Muirhouse Brown Street, Torbothie, Springhill Road, Torbothie, Shields Road, Scotland Melford Avenue, Torbothie, Nevis Place, Torbothie, Cemetery Road, Torbothie, Charlotte Street, Stane, Netherwood Road, Muirhouse Sandyvale Place, Stane, Glen Road, Stane, School Street, Shotts, Shotts Station, Shotts, King Street, Muirhouse Drive, Muirhouse Dykehead, Easter Road, Dykehead, Baton Road, Shotts, Nithsdale Street, Dykehead, Hunter Place, Excelsior Street, Muirhouse Shotts, Windsor Street, Dykehead, Dyfrig Street, Shotts, Inverkip Drive, Dykehead, Cluanie Avenue, Kirkhill Road, Netherton Dykehead, Vennacher Street, Shotts, Vennachar Street, Shotts, Rimmon Crescent, Shotts, St Stenton Crescent, Netherton Catherine's Crescent, Shotts, Burnside Crescent, Shotts, Baton Road Bus Terminus, Dykehead Police Station, Netherton Netherton Road, Motherwell

Old Manse Road, Netherton

Netherton Road, Netherton

Marshall Street, Netherton 9 Steel Place, Motherwell

Wishaw General Hospital, Netherton West Academy Street, Motherwell

Heathery Road, Wishaw

Cleland Road, Wishaw

Dryburgh Road, Wishaw

Wishaw Old Parish Church, Wishaw Main Street, Motherwell

Houldsworth Centre, Wishaw

Kirk Road Service Station, Wishaw 226 Kirk Road, Scotland

Coltness Road, Wishaw 340 Kirk Road, Scotland

West Gate, Cambusnethan 38 Cambusnethan Street, Scotland

Branchal Road, Cambusnethan

Woodhall Road, Cambusnethan Cambusnethan Street, Newmains

School Road, Newmains Manse Road, Scotland

Gospel Hall, Newmains Kildare Place, Scotland

Bonkle Gardens, Crindledyke

Alcath Road, Crindledyke Lynnwood Road, Scotland

Meadoweld Place, Bonkle

Murdostoun Road, Bonkle

Mill Road, Allanton

Coltness Avenue, Allanton Allanton Road, Scotland

Damside Inn, Allanton

Dura Road, Allanton Redmyre Bridge, Scotland

Car Market, Shotts Stane Road, Scotland

Knoll Croft Road, Stane

Huntly Terrace, Stane Huntly Terrace, Scotland

Brown Street, Torbothie

Springhill Road, Torbothie

Melford Avenue, Torbothie Tulloch Road, Scotland

Nevis Place, Torbothie Garten Drive, Scotland

Cemetery Road, Torbothie

Charlotte Street, Stane

Sandyvale Place, Stane Sandvale Place, Scotland

Glen Road, Stane Empire Gate, Scotland

School Street, Shotts

Shotts Station, Shotts Gillieburn Gardens, Scotland

King Street, Dykehead Easter Road, Dykehead

Baton Road, Shotts

Nithsdale Street, Dykehead Hillhouseridge Road, Scotland

Hunter Place, Shotts

Windsor Street, Dykehead

Dyfrig Street, Shotts

Inverkip Drive, Dykehead

Cluanie Avenue, Dykehead Innellan Crescent, Scotland

Vennacher Street, Shotts Rannoch Place, Scotland

Vennachar Street, Shotts

Rimmon Crescent, Shotts Kames Road, Scotland

St Catherine's Crescent, Shotts Minard Road, Scotland

Burnside Crescent, Shotts

Baton Road Bus Terminus, Dykehead Baton Road, Scotland Direction: Netherton 56 bus Time Schedule 49 stops Netherton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:18 PM - 5:58 PM Baton Road Bus Terminus, Dykehead Baton Road, Scotland Tuesday 5:18 PM - 5:58 PM

Minard Road, Shotts Wednesday 5:18 PM - 5:58 PM

St Catherine's Crescent, Shotts Thursday 5:18 PM - 5:58 PM Minard Road, Scotland Friday 5:18 PM - 5:58 PM

Lomond Road, Shotts Saturday 5:24 PM

Leven Place, Shotts Leven Place, Scotland

Vennachar Street, Shotts 56 bus Info Rannoch Place, Scotland Direction: Netherton Stops: 49 Cluanie Avenue, Dykehead Trip Duration: 42 min Innellan Crescent, Scotland Line Summary: Baton Road Bus Terminus, Dykehead, Minard Road, Shotts, St Catherine's Inverkip Drive, Dykehead Crescent, Shotts, Lomond Road, Shotts, Leven Place, Shotts, Vennachar Street, Shotts, Cluanie Avenue, Dygg Street, Dykehead Dykehead, Inverkip Drive, Dykehead, Dygg Street, Dykehead, Windsor Street, Dykehead, Hillhouseridge Windsor Street, Dykehead Road, Shotts, Nithsdale Street, Dykehead, Hunter Street, Dykehead, King Street, Dykehead, Dyfrig Hillhouseridge Road, Shotts Street, Shotts, School Street, Shotts, Glen Road, Shotts, Sandyvale Place, Stane, Charlotte Street, Nithsdale Street, Dykehead Shotts, Cemetery Road, Torbothie, Garten Drive, Torbothie, Melford Avenue, Shotts, Springhill Road, Hillhouseridge Road, Scotland Torbothie, Huntly Terrace, Stane, Knoll Croft Road, Hunter Street, Dykehead Stane, Car Market, Shotts, Dura Road, Allanton, Damside Inn, Allanton, Kingshill Road, Allanton, King Street, Dykehead Coltness Avenue, Allanton, Mill Road, Allanton, Church Road, Bonkle, Meadoweld Place, Bonkle, Hawthorn Avenue, Crindledyke, Muirhouse Avenue, Dyfrig Street, Shotts Crindledyke, Gospel Hall, Newmains, Hope Street, Newmains, Cambusnethan Street, Newmains, School Street, Shotts Woodhall Road, Cambusnethan, Branchal Road, School Street, Scotland Cambusnethan, West Gate, Cambusnethan, Meadowburn Rd, Wishaw, Ryde Road, Wishaw, Glen Road, Shotts Stewarton Street, Wishaw, Russell Street, Wishaw, Dryburgh Road, Wishaw, Cleland Road, Wishaw, Sandyvale Place, Stane Alexander Street, Wishaw, Wishaw General Hospital, Sandvale Place, Scotland Netherton

Charlotte Street, Shotts

Cemetery Road, Torbothie

Garten Drive, Torbothie Nevis Place, Scotland

Melford Avenue, Shotts Tulloch Road, Scotland Springhill Road, Torbothie

Huntly Terrace, Stane Springhill Road, Scotland

Knoll Croft Road, Stane

Car Market, Shotts

Dura Road, Allanton

Damside Inn, Allanton

Kingshill Road, Allanton

Coltness Avenue, Allanton

Mill Road, Allanton

Church Road, Bonkle

Meadoweld Place, Bonkle

Hawthorn Avenue, Crindledyke Lynnwood Road, Scotland

Muirhouse Avenue, Crindledyke

Gospel Hall, Newmains Kildare Place, Scotland

Hope Street, Newmains Hope Street, Scotland

Cambusnethan Street, Newmains

Woodhall Road, Cambusnethan

Branchal Road, Cambusnethan

West Gate, Cambusnethan 42 Cambusnethan Street, Scotland

Meadowburn Rd, Wishaw 215 Kirk Road, Scotland

Ryde Road, Wishaw Auchenstewart Court, Scotland

Stewarton Street, Wishaw Kirk Road, Motherwell

Russell Street, Wishaw

Dryburgh Road, Wishaw

Cleland Road, Wishaw

Alexander Street, Wishaw Wishaw General Hospital, Netherton West Academy Street, Motherwell Direction: North Motherwell 56 bus Time Schedule 77 stops North Motherwell Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:00 AM - 4:58 PM Baton Road Bus Terminus, Dykehead Baton Road, Scotland Tuesday 6:00 AM - 4:58 PM

Minard Road, Shotts Wednesday 6:00 AM - 4:58 PM

St Catherine's Crescent, Shotts Thursday 6:00 AM - 4:58 PM Minard Road, Scotland Friday 6:00 AM - 4:58 PM

Lomond Road, Shotts Saturday 6:54 AM - 4:54 PM

Leven Place, Shotts Leven Place, Scotland

Vennachar Street, Shotts 56 bus Info Rannoch Place, Scotland Direction: North Motherwell Stops: 77 Cluanie Avenue, Dykehead Trip Duration: 65 min Innellan Crescent, Scotland Line Summary: Baton Road Bus Terminus, Dykehead, Minard Road, Shotts, St Catherine's Inverkip Drive, Dykehead Crescent, Shotts, Lomond Road, Shotts, Leven Place, Shotts, Vennachar Street, Shotts, Cluanie Avenue, Dygg Street, Dykehead Dykehead, Inverkip Drive, Dykehead, Dygg Street, Dykehead, Windsor Street, Dykehead, Hillhouseridge Windsor Street, Dykehead Road, Shotts, Nithsdale Street, Dykehead, Hunter Street, Dykehead, King Street, Dykehead, Dyfrig Hillhouseridge Road, Shotts Street, Shotts, School Street, Shotts, Glen Road, Shotts, Sandyvale Place, Stane, Charlotte Street, Nithsdale Street, Dykehead Shotts, Cemetery Road, Torbothie, Garten Drive, Torbothie, Melford Avenue, Shotts, Springhill Road, Hillhouseridge Road, Scotland Torbothie, Huntly Terrace, Stane, Knoll Croft Road, Hunter Street, Dykehead Stane, Car Market, Shotts, Dura Road, Allanton, Damside Inn, Allanton, Kingshill Road, Allanton, King Street, Dykehead Coltness Avenue, Allanton, Mill Road, Allanton, Church Road, Bonkle, Meadoweld Place, Bonkle, Hawthorn Avenue, Crindledyke, Muirhouse Avenue, Dyfrig Street, Shotts Crindledyke, Gospel Hall, Newmains, Hope Street, Newmains, Cambusnethan Street, Newmains, School Street, Shotts Woodhall Road, Cambusnethan, Branchal Road, School Street, Scotland Cambusnethan, West Gate, Cambusnethan, Meadowburn Rd, Wishaw, Ryde Road, Wishaw, Glen Road, Shotts Stewarton Street, Wishaw, Russell Street, Wishaw, Dryburgh Road, Wishaw, Cleland Road, Wishaw, Sandyvale Place, Stane Alexander Street, Wishaw, Wishaw General Hospital, Sandvale Place, Scotland Netherton, Berryhill Crescent, Netherton, Ag Barr Plc, Wishaw, Netherton Primary, Netherton, Stenton Charlotte Street, Shotts Crescent, Netherton, Excelsior Street, Muirhouse, Muirhouse Drive, Muirhouse, Dollar Park, Muirhouse, Cemetery Road, Torbothie Shields Drive, Muirhouse, Glassford Street, Muirhouse, Fern Street, Flemington, Toll Street, Garten Drive, Torbothie Flemington, Motherwell Police Station, Motherwell, Nevis Place, Scotland Airbles Street, Motherwell, Oakeld Drive, Motherwell, Pollock Street, Motherwell, Motherwell Library, Melford Avenue, Shotts Motherwell, Ladywell Road, Motherwell, Douglas Tulloch Road, Scotland Street, North Motherwell, Earnock Avenue, North Motherwell, Ladywell Road, North Motherwell, Ailsa Springhill Road, Torbothie Crescent, North Motherwell, Chester Crescent, North Motherwell, Chesters Crescent, Motherwell, Antonine Huntly Terrace, Stane Avenue, Motherwell, Fort Street, North Motherwell, Springhill Road, Scotland Marius Crescent, North Motherwell, Cornelia Street, North Motherwell, Salisbury Crescent, North Knoll Croft Road, Stane Motherwell

Car Market, Shotts

Dura Road, Allanton

Damside Inn, Allanton

Kingshill Road, Allanton

Coltness Avenue, Allanton

Mill Road, Allanton

Church Road, Bonkle

Meadoweld Place, Bonkle

Hawthorn Avenue, Crindledyke Lynnwood Road, Scotland

Muirhouse Avenue, Crindledyke

Gospel Hall, Newmains Kildare Place, Scotland

Hope Street, Newmains Hope Street, Scotland

Cambusnethan Street, Newmains

Woodhall Road, Cambusnethan

Branchal Road, Cambusnethan

West Gate, Cambusnethan 42 Cambusnethan Street, Scotland

Meadowburn Rd, Wishaw 215 Kirk Road, Scotland

Ryde Road, Wishaw Auchenstewart Court, Scotland

Stewarton Street, Wishaw Kirk Road, Motherwell

Russell Street, Wishaw

Dryburgh Road, Wishaw

Cleland Road, Wishaw

Alexander Street, Wishaw Wishaw General Hospital, Netherton West Academy Street, Motherwell

Berryhill Crescent, Netherton Netherton Street, Motherwell

Ag Barr Plc, Wishaw

Netherton Primary, Netherton 109 Netherton Road, Motherwell

Stenton Crescent, Netherton

Excelsior Street, Muirhouse

Muirhouse Drive, Muirhouse

Dollar Park, Muirhouse

Shields Drive, Muirhouse

Glassford Street, Muirhouse Elison Court, Scotland

Fern Street, Flemington Grange Street, Scotland

Toll Street, Flemington Blair Path, Scotland

Motherwell Police Station, Motherwell Windmillhill Street, Scotland

Airbles Street, Motherwell

Oakeld Drive, Motherwell Brandon Street, Scotland

Pollock Street, Motherwell Merry Street, Scotland

Motherwell Library, Motherwell

Ladywell Road, Motherwell Orchard Street, Scotland

Douglas Street, North Motherwell

Earnock Avenue, North Motherwell Ladywell Road, Scotland

Ladywell Road, North Motherwell

Ailsa Crescent, North Motherwell

Chester Crescent, North Motherwell

Chesters Crescent, Motherwell Logans Road, Scotland Antonine Avenue, Motherwell

Fort Street, North Motherwell

Marius Crescent, North Motherwell

Cornelia Street, North Motherwell

Salisbury Crescent, North Motherwell 56 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved