REPORT A ITEM NO. ....AB...... Subject: TO: PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMtTTEE Re-survey and amended Statutory List of Parish and & Burgh, From: DIRECTOR OF PLAN"G AND ENVIRONMENT Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) () Act 1997. Date: 15 August 2001 Ref SPLl42/02/JDILG


1.1 The purpose of this report is to advise Committee of the inclusion, removal and change of category of a number of buildings following a re-survey of listed buildings within Cambusnethan Parish and Motherwell & Wishaw Burgh, by Historic Scotland,


2,l Historic Scotland have issued amendments to the Consolidated List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest within Cambusnethan Parish and Motherwell & Wishaw Burgh. Details of these amendments are included in the appendix to this seport.


3.1 That the Committee note these changes to the Consolidated List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest for Cambusnethan Parish and Motherwell & Wishaw Burgh.


Date:- 12*hJuly 2001

For Merinformation please contact: Joanne Delaney on 0 1698 302 137

List of Background Papers

Combined Statutory and Descriptive List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest for Council: Motherwell and Wishaw Burgh (Part 1) and Cambusnethan Parish, 30 March 200 1. APPENDIX


1.1 Buildings removed from the statutory list- 0 Darngavel Farmhouse and Steading, Auchterhead Muir, previously C(S) category listed; 0 1 Allanton Road, , previously B category listed; and 0 2,4 Church Road, Bonkle, previously B category listed.

1.2 Buildings subject to a change in category:- 0 2 Allanton Road, Bonkle, now listed as C(S) category, previously listed as B category; 0 3,5,7 Allanton Road, Bonkle, now listed as C(S) category, previously listed as B category; and 0 9 Allanton Road, Bonkle, now listed as C(S) category, previously listed as B category.

1.3 Buildings added to the statutory list:- 0 Allanton Mill, Old Mill Road, Allanton, category C(S); 0 Woodypoint Estate Bridge, Allanton Road, Bonkle, category C(S); Auchter House, 25 1 Bonkle Road, Bonkle, category C(S); Bonkle Parish Church, Church Road, Bonkle, category B; 0 1 Church Road, Bonkle, category C(S); 0 144 and 144a Manse Road, , category C(S); 0 Newmains Police Station, Manse Road, Newmains, category B; Overtown Parish Church, Main Street, Overtown, category C(S); Overtown Parish Church Manse, 148 Main Street, Overtown, category C(S); 0 19 Main Street, Stane, category C(S); 0 GLurionhurst, , Wishaw, category C(S); 1 and 2 Millfield Cottage, Garrion Bridge, Wishaw, category C(S); 0 Millfield House, Garrion Bridge, Wisahw, category C(S); and 0 Kirkhill Cottage, Kirkhill Road, Wishaw, category C(S).


2.1 Buildings removed from the statutory list- 0 Wishaw High School, Dryburgh Road, Wishaw, previously B category listed.

2.2 Buildings added to the statutory list- 0 Calder Bridge, Wishaw Low Road/Glen Road, Wishaw, category C(S); Cambusnethan North Parish Church, Kirk Road, Wishaw, category C(S); Market Post, Ballater Crescent, Wishaw, category C(S); 0 2 Belhaven Road, Wishaw, category B; 0 19-21 Campbell Street, Wishaw, category C(S); 0 43-45 Cleland Road, Wishaw, category C(S); 47 Cleland Road, Wishaw, category B; 0 2 Road and 279 Kirk Road, Wishaw, category C(S); St Patricks RC Church, Road, Wishaw, category C(S); 0 The Coach House, Glen Road, Wishaw, category C(S); 9 Glencairn Avenue, Wishaw, category C(S); Reformed Presbyterian Church, Kenilworth Avenue, Wishaw, category C(S); Reformed Presbyterian Church Manse, 9 Kenilworth Avenue, Wishaw, category C(S); 16 1 Kirk Road, Wishaw, category C( S); 177 Kirk Road, Wishaw, category C(S); Vine Cottage, 307 Kirk Road, Wishaw, category C(S); 2 Kirk Road, Wishaw, category B; 3-19 (odd nos) Main Street and 2 Caledonian Road, Wishaw, category C(S); 57-59 (odd nos) Main Street, Wishaw, category C(S); 155-175 (odd nos) Main Street and 1-1 1 (odd nos) Belhaven Terrace, Wishaw, category B; 177-191 (odd nos) Main Street and 2-20 (even nos) Belhaven Terrace, Wishaw, category C(S); 23 1-257 (odd nos) Main Street, Wishaw, category C(S); 26-30 (even nos) Main Street, Wishaw, category C(S); 32-38 (even nos) Main Street, Wishaw, category C(S); 40-50 (even nos) Main Street, Wishaw, category C(S); 206-2 16 (even nos) Main Street, Wishaw, category C(S); Former Coltness Gatehouse, corner of Main Street and Kenilworth Avenue, Wishaw, category B; Bellside Lodge, 325 North Dryburgb Road, Wishaw, category C(S); Market Post, Stewarton Street, Wishaw, category C(S); 5 Stewarton Street, Wishaw, category C(S); Coltness Masonic Lodge, 147 Stewarton Street, Wishaw, category C(S); 11 Walter Street, Wishaw, category C(S); Pather Farmhouse, Dimsdale Road, Wishaw, category B; and St. Ignatius RC Church, Young Street, Wishaw, category B.