Anthropology 477: Special Topics – Ethnobiology Spring Semester 2011 Instructor: Karol Chandler-Ezell—Department of Social & Cultural Analysis, Stephen F. Austin State University E-mail:
[email protected] Office: 351 Liberal Arts North, Dept. of Social & Cultural Analysis Office hours: M 10-11:30, T 10-11, W 9:30-11:30, 2-4, Th 3:30-4:30, F 10-11:30, 2-3 & by appt. Please call or email me at
[email protected] (NOT through the course webpage) to schedule an appointment. Also feel free to talk to me before or after class. Phone: 936-468-2078, Dept. Social & Cultural Analysis. 936-468-4405 Class location and meeting time: T/Th 2:00-3:15 – Ferguson Liberal Arts 482 Required Textbook: 1. Davis, Wade. 1988. Passage of Darkness. The Ethnobiology of the Haitian Zombie. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. * Other readings and media materials will be posted on the course website or given in class. Course website & Other Media: Assignments, study guides, schedules, and other lecture materials will be posted on the course website. The class schedule is tentative, as we may go faster or slower on lecture to accommodate class discussions. Website materials are not complete and are not a substitute for attendance. If you have difficulties with the website, you may ask for printed copies of the materials. Course Description: This special topics course is a seminar in ethnobiology, the study of the interrelations between humans and the natural world. Ethnobiology includes ethnobotany, the study of human-plant relationships; ethnozoology, the study of human-animal relationships; and ethnoecology, the study of human- environment interrelations.