To the participants of IPR XXI Information about the social programme Venues

- Excursion by bus to Ebersdorfer Koggenmodell and Chemnitz smac (map 1) on Thursday, April 21 st 2016, 09.45 a.m. Organized by Dr. Stefan Krabath (Archaeological Heritage Office of Saxony) Meeting point: Palaisplatz 1, 01097 (in front of Motel One Palaisplatz Dresden) 0.30 p.m. – 1.30 p.m. Lunch at the restaurant Ratskeller Chemnitz must be ordered in advanced: Please notice further information (e-mail) to choose from the menu!

- Guided Tour through the State Capital Dresden in Engl. and Germ. language (map 1) organized by Igeltour, Dr. Michael Böttger (mobil 0177 804 45 48) on Friday, April 22 nd 2016, 09.00 a.m. Meeting point: Theaterplatz 1, 01067 Dresden, Monument of King Johann (in front of the Semper Opera-House ) (Fee: 10,00 Euro)

- Individual Excursion: Museums of State Capital Dresden ( map 1 ) Introductory words into the museums given by Dr. Cornelia Rupp (Archaeological Heritage Office of Saxony) on Friday, April 22 nd 2016, 11:00 h Meeting point: Theaterplatz 1, 01067 Dresden, Monument of King Johann

- Lunch at the restaurant Altmarktkeller Dresden (map 3) on Friday, April 22 nd 2016, 01.00 p.m. Address: Altmarkt 4, 01067 Dresden (paid by each participant)

- Registration and Opening of the Poster presentation (map 2”Klotzsche”) on Friday April 22 nd 2016, 06.00 p.m. (registration) and 07.00 p.m. (opening) will take place at Archaeological Heritage Office of Saxony Zur Wetterwarte 7, 01109 Dresden Building: A.-B.-Meyer-Bau About 30 minutes driving time from Motel One Palaisplatz Dresden . Route planner for tram: ( ) (Indication about reduced tram connections during nighttime from Klotzsche, Industrial Area)

- The main conference sessions (map 2”Klotzsche”) on Saturday April 23 rd 2016 and Sunday April 24 th 2016 will be held in the Archaeological Heritage Office of Saxony Zur Wetterwarte 7, 01109 Dresden Building: A.-B.-Meyer-Bau Request for all speakers: Please send, if possible, your presentation (as PowerPoint- and/or PDF-format) already in advance (deadline Friday April 22 nd) to: [email protected]

30 minutes driving time from Motel One Palaisplatz Dresden . Route planner for tram: ( )

- The Public Festive Evening Lecture (map x) on Saturday April 23 rd 2016, 08.00 p.m. will be held at Kulturrathaus State Capital Dresden, Königstraße 15, 01097 Dresden Room: Clara Schuhmann Saal About 3 minutes walking from Motel One Palaisplatz Dresden.

- Lunch on Saturday April 23 rd 2016, 01.00 – 02.30 p.m. and Sunday April 24 th 2016, 00.15 – 01.45 p.m. will be available in the cafeteria (paid by each participant) Mensa Zur Wetterwarte Zur Wetterwarte 7, 01109 Dresden

- Variety of restaurants and cafes around the Neustädter Markt in the City of Dresden (map “restaurants”)

- The visit (April 21 st – 24 th ) of the MUSEEN DER LANDESHAUPTSTADT DRESDEN and the STAATLICHE KUNSTSAMMLUNGEN DRESDEN is free - with the exception of “Historisches Grüne Gewölbe” (Historical ) - upon presentation your individual ID-Card, which you will get after sending back the registration form.



Museen der Stadt Dresden (Stadtmuseum/Städtische Galerie) Festung der Stadt Dresden Technische Sammlungen Assisi Panometer , Dresden 1945



Zwinger with Semperbau Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon Porzellansammlung Residenzschloss Grünes Gewölbe Kupferstich-Kabinett Rüstkammer Münzkabinett Japanisches Palais Museum für Völkerkunde Dresden Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau Special Exhibitions Jägerhof Museum für Sächsische Volkskunst mit Puppentheatersammlung Schloss Pillnitz Kunstgewerbemuseum

"The Dresden State Art Collections - 14 museums with works from all continents: A large house full of foreigners. The pride of the Free State Saxony. "

The secretariat of DEGUWA will be closed from April 20 th to 25 th 2016. During this period no e-mails sent to [email protected] will be read. In urgent cases please send e-mails concerning the Conference IPR XXI in Dresden to the following addresses:

- Sabrina Wittka: [email protected] - Maik Teubner: [email protected]

For further information please contact DEGUWA-web before starting your journey!