VARIOU8 TOPIC8. Notice to Taxpayer*. BREVITIES. PUBLIC RECORDS 1HD FILES. D. L. Hunt, village treasurer, is HENRY BLISS HUBT. R. A. Moore is in St. Joe on business Both Ionia and Owoaao are facing the receiving village taxes at Hunt ’s Drug A SUIT FOR $12,000 store. Yellow Do* Frightened HI* Hon« and William M. Smith was in Durand Important Law Now In Effect Relative to necessity of an increased water supply. a Runaway Followed. St. Johna has solved it for several yeara, Tuesday. Theixr Custody. and with the appliances now installed, Might Have Keen Worse. Henry Bliss, of Riley, was thrown Edgar Whetstone and family leave for One of the laws passed by the legisla ­ if the time should come when a greater Clarence Osgood needs a new wheel from his buggy beside the Congregation Crystal today. ture and given immediate effect will Was Brought bj the Late Henry al church Saturday afternoon, and re­ supply is needed, it can readily be now as the result of a collision with a Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Appleman are prevent the indiscriminate lending of ceived a severe cut over the right eye, Walbridge Against Elizabeth obtained by deepening one of the outside horse belonging to Alvin Winegar. visiting in Ovid. public records and files by county, city Clarence had one finger badly cut and waa other­ wells, or putting dcwn an additional was riding east on Walker Dr. McPherson, of Fowler, was here on and township officers, and the loss or street and Mr. Winegar was driving wise bruised and badly hurt. He was Taller well. We have two wells over 5CD feet business Tuesday. making away with them. It is a good deep which seem to tap an inexhaustible north on Clinton avenue, when they taken to Dr. Gillam’a office, where his law: wounds were dressed and then carried Mrs. Chester Salisbury is visiting in supply; two more wells about 300 feet met forcibly at the corner. Mr. Wine­ Section 1. That the officers having gar tried his beet to turn his horse out on a stretcher to Mr. Sherman’s. Fowler this week. the custody of any county, city or town ­ FOR SERVICE!) COVERING MANY deep which yield about 170,000 gallons in 24 hours. The advantage of the air lift and avoid tho smash, but it was impos ­ He was driving up Brush street, when Edgar Whetstone was in Grand Rapids ship records in this State, shall upon re- • YEARS. a yellow dog ran out from Frank Barn­ on business yesterday. [uest furnish proper and reasonable is that it has capacity for several more sible and Clarence rode jlirectly into the ?acilitiee for tbs inspection and examina­ wells, and can be attached at trifling horse. His wheel was smashed almost hart's and frightened the horse, which Miss Gertrude McAuliffe, of Owosso, tion of the records and files in their expense, if needed, out of all resemblance to a bicycle, and ran completely around the church, is visiting friends here. respective offices and for making memo ­ throwing Mr. Bliss out and breaking The late Henry Walbridge was for *** how he escaped uninjured is almost Justice Lyon gave Scott Crandall ten randa of transcripts therefrom during loose from the buggy. The buggy was the usual business hours, which shall many years legal advisor and attorney A representative of the New York miraculous. The horse was onsider- days in jail for being drunk. not be less than four bours per day to all for Elizabeth Tuller, now of Detroit, and owners of Portland's water plant was at ably frightened, but otherwise no dam considerably damaged, but the horse persons having occasion to make exami­ age was done. was not hurt. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weller are visiting had an agreement that he should Portland last week to sell the outfit to in Fowler for two or three days. nation of them for any lawful purpose: receive $300 per year, in addition to ex­ the village for $35,000. The council Mr. Blies is recovering very nicely, but Provided, That the custodian of said records and files may make such reason­ penses as such advisor. Things run otlered $18,000, and in the event will be unable to be moved before Sat­ Miss Luis McClelland will return to Must be Caught or Arrested. her home in Portland tomorrow. able rules and regulations with reference along, and while he received more or less of non-acc* ptance on the part of New urday. to the inspection and examination of The attention of the people of Wa- Miss Jennie Neil, of Grand Haven, is a for expenses, quite a balance remained Yorkers, Portland will probably install a cousta and vicinity, otherwise they will them as shall be necessary for the pro unpaid, for which Mrs. Tuller gave her plant of its own, the ordinance by which guest of Miss Brownie Bromley. tection of said records and files, ana to fail to learn the many interesting fea­ Fenalon*. prevent interference with the regular note. After another period had passed, the private company operates having tures that will be presented at the In­ Re issue to Erastus D. Tripp, St. Miss Mabel Mead is visiting Miss discharge of the duties of such officer: this note was taken up, and another been revoked. terstate Milkmaids ’ Convention, which Alice Terry in Durand till Monday. will be held under the auspices of the Johns, $14 per month; Henry C. Williams, And provided farther, That such officer given for $7,000 including services from Horatio S. Gleason and Raymond C, shall prohibit the use of pen and ink in Epworth League at the M. E. Church, Wacousta, $10. Increase -Benjamin F making copies or notes of records and the date of the first note and interest. Quite a large number of the members Friday, July 28th, at 8:00 p. m.. Those Vaughan left for Buffalo yesterday. of St. Johns CommaDdery, No. 24, K. T., Sanborn, St. Johns, $12 to $14. files in his office: And provided further, Then another period elapsed, and last who come will laugh, others will mourn. That no books, records or files shall be have arranged to spend the week begin ­ The entertainment will possess real Mrs. N. H. Geller and son, of Toledo February Mr. Walbridge tried to make are visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Stoweli' removed from the office of the custodian settlement and collect his note, but ning July 26th, at Crystal Lake, accom­ merit, and its many laughable situations thereof for any purposes whatever, will be most ably rendered, as the rosy- Exempt From Taxation. T. E. Ballinger returned Tuesday from except by the order of the judge of any failed. Suit was then commenced by at­ panied by tbeir families. All members cheeked maids representing the twenty- A clergyman at English, Indiana, re­ are invited. For full particulars apply a two weeks’ visit with his son in St. court of competent jurisdiction, or in tachment for about $12,300, the amount four characters will prove. fuses to pay poll tax on the ground that response to a subpoena ducet tecum issued of note and interest and for services to M. A. Hulae. Admission 10 cents. Louis. Play will be repeated if desired. he is church property. therefrom. since the giving of the last note. Pro »« * Mrs. B. H. Fry and daughter are Section 2. Any person or officer hav­ perty at Maple Rapids and in Derroit Lansing is a great place, strictly up-to guests of her sister in Grand Rapids for ing the custody of any records and files two weeks. of aoy county or city in this State, who valued at $40,0CD was attached, and the date, even in the matter of petty larcenjl shall violate any of the provisions of this suit is now pending. Charles Flowers t Last week a man with a wheelbareow Mrs. Chas. Beeley went to Saginaw act, shall be deemed guilty of a misde­ of Detroit, is now acting as Mrs. Tuller’s took a large palm from the porch of Mrs. A HEAVENLY VISITOR AT ALLEGAN. Tuesday to visit a niece, Mrs. A. D. meanor. attorney. Hyatt ’s residence, in broad day light, Section 3. All acts or parts of acts Linton, a week, inconsistent with the provisions of this while the family were at a neighbor's, Tried to Hanic Hlmnelf. Chas. Buck started for Tecumseh on act are hereby repealed. Henry Terhune, a resident of Muir for and sold it down town for $2. Mrs. This act is ordered to take immediate Hyatt saw him go by the house where his wheel Tuesday and will visit his effect. 40 years, and a member of the 10th parents a week. Approved June 1,1899, Michigan infantry during the rebellion, she was visiting with the palm in the tried to hang himself a few days ago wheelbarrow, but never suspected it was Mrs. E. E. White arrived in St. Johns hers. Monday night and will spend a few days BUSINLSS LOCALS. He is well off, and thought to be *+* deranged. visiting friends. President Shank of the Lansing, Ann Notice is hereby given that the meet­ Arbor &, Dexter electric railway says B. R. Moore, of South Haven, spent ing of the board of special assessors and Charged With Stealing Time. the company has not begun operations the first of the week at Merle Beach the village council to review assessment Mrs. Alson Lindley, of Greenbush, with his parents. roll No. 9 of the Higham street sewer because of the advance in material, and extension is postponed to August 7th, was arrested last week, charged with because of the wonderful progress that Mrs. A. C. Adams and children went 1899, at 7 :30 p. m. entering the house of Charles Simley, in is being made in the use of compressed Pjfcj skey Tuesday, where they will M. McDonald , the absence of the family, and taking a air as a motive power. Chicago and tspend ten weeks. Village Clerk. good watch. The watch was found on New York are now running cars with A. D. McCabe and Byron are spending her person. She waived examination compressed air, and it seems to be the Wash creponues, the prettiest cotton before Justice Marshall, and was bound the season at Harbor Springs. Mrs. Mc­ coming motive power. Secretary Dodge Cabe will go later. goods of the season was 25c now 12^c over td the circuit court for trial. She says there is nothing startling in the per yard at John H icks ’. was committed to jail in default of bail. Roland Brown entertained a company situation regarding the Lansing, St. of little friends Tuesday night. It was Mrs. Lindley is about 35, has three Johns and St. Louis road. Everything in Washable ;Dress Goods daughters aged 13, 9 and 5, respectively. his sixth birthday. marked away down at John H icks ’. V She is not considered very bright, and A Dumber of towns in Michigan, E. I. Hull went to Owosso yesterday her husband does not bear a very good Ithaca and Lapeer among the number, to attend a meeting of the State Under ­ Lost reputation. She was released on bail. New spring jacket between F. F. Mur­ have put in some cement cross-walks, takers' association. Donald McDonald, of Fort Wayne, is dock ’s and Wm. Woodbury ’s. Finder l»r. Weller Ke**gn*. and they are giving the best of satisfac­ please leave at Murdock ’s store. tion. Suitable oak lumber is getting so spending the week at Merle Beach with Health officer Dr. M. Weller has re­ Mr. Moore ’s people. signed, being too busy to give the work high that it would be a good thing to Hammocks cheap at Hunt ’s. his attention. President Travis was out try here. A crossing on Clinton avenue Albert Bendetson and Miss Anna of town Monday evening, when the would soon demonstrate their durability. BeDtson, of Elsie, were guests of Mi6« Fire In*ur»nce. Irene Sickels Monday. council met so nothing was done about I have removed my insurance busi­ it Albert M. Bendetson, of Battle Creek, Miss Birdaline Wiggins will leave ness to Leiand ’s store. Leading compa­ Saturday for Batavia and Buffalo, where nies represented Pension vouchers OBITUARY. who procured a marriage license to wed executed. Wm. E. H amilton . 2-13 Anna Bentson, of Elsie, had a clergyman she will spend the summer. John F. Owen, son of B. P. Owen, of Jas. S. Adams and wife are in Grand from Ohio engaged to tie the knot. On It Pays to Trade at John Hicks', Bengal, died in Cleveland July 5th, of looking up the law at the clerk’s office, Rapids this week on business and visit ­ inflamation of the bowcis. The remains however, it developed that a clergyman The above cut shows the meteor that fell in the Village of Allegan last week. ing his brother, C. H. Adams. Shirt Waists that sold at $1.50, $1.39 were brought to St. Johns, and the residing outside the state cannot legally The Republican is indebted to the Allegan Gazette for the cut See descriptive The Misses Fannie Urie and Elta now $1.00 at John H icks ’. funeral held at the M. E. church July perform the marriage ceremony in a-tide on third page. Thornton left for Bay View yesterday t 9th. He was an exemplary young man, Michigan. where they will spend two weeks. unmarried, and was employed by the Wanted V Miss Dora Leland is visiting friends in CRYSTAL LAKE Mrs. J. W. Keeney and children went Second hand heating stoves, also pay street railway company. Detroit. cash for rags, copper, zinc, lead and rub- The summer school, which commenced to Owosso Monday to spend two weeks Mrs. F. D. Bond was in Ionia on busi­ with her sister, Mrs. M. E. Bullard. Der, Faxon &, Richmond block. MARRIED- Monday with about fifty in attendance, m rich ness Saturday. Now Connected by Telephone with 8». W . C . is a great success. L G. Holbrook and John*, Owen Fuller and wife, of Medina, N. Married, at the Congregational parsonage. H. C. Daily, the instructors, are enthus­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newman spent Y., are visiting his aunt, Mrs. C. E. Wednesday evening, July 19, at9o ’clock. Mr, The National Telephone Company has The Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Com ­ Melvin Crowner, of St. Johns, and Harriet Mil­ iastic in the work and create an interest Sunday in Ionia. Blakeslee, and other friends in Bengal. ler, of Olive. connected with the Montcalm county pany of Clinton and Gratiot Counties in the classes. This is their first trial John Schlee, of Lansing, waa here on Telephone Company, at Carson City, Miss Daisy Osgood will start on a During the month of June added 56 MARRIAGE LICEN8ES but both are from the University and business Friday. and now Crystal Lake, Stanton, Veeta- three weeks’ vacation Saturday spending new members and made a net increase well fitted for the work. Forepaugh ’s circus will exhibit in bury, Sumner, Edmore, and several the time in Owosso, Mason and Tecumseh. of $52,665 to the amount insured. It July 17 —Albert M. Bendetson, Battle Creek ... 26 Mr. Townsend started something new now has over 4,500 members and over Anna Bentson, Elsie...... 22 Owosso July 26th. other towns on their system can be Mr. and Mrs. A. Haskins, Fred Evans $5,700,000 of property insured. It is a in the line of teaching languages during reached. and Miss Pearl Reeves went to Carp ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miss Maud Buck is spending the week home company, has no old indebtedness, the Bummer and is very enthusiastic and with friends in Ovid. . Lake yesterday, where they will spend a and gives the best, most reliable, and so far considers it a success. There are cheapest insurance to the farmer. 2w The Bengal Union Aid Society will meet at H. L. Kendrick is in Flint thisweek. month. the parsonage with Rev. and Mrs. Tripp July the three classes in Latin, beginning, Chas. Mickels went tc his home in Chas . B. Giffels, 26. All areTnvited. Miss Mabel Sheehan, who has been Howard City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stanhope, of Secretary. The Woman's Association of the Congrega- review and the advanced class, a French visiting his sister, Mrs. T. Benhagem tioaal church will serve ice cream Saturday class and also one in physics, which has Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hulse are spend- Owosso, visited their son, Guy, over Sun ­ evening, July 22. Proceeds for new church. ng the week in Detroit. day. two weeks, went to her home in Ionia Hammocks cheap at Hunt ’s. The Ladies ’ Aid society, of Oreeubnsh, wil^ just completed the subject of sound and Tuesday. meet at the chursday, July 25, at 1 o ’clock. All taken up that of light. There are about Richard Gay and Judge Merrill spent are invited and members requested to be present. Miss Bessie Reed, of Ithaca, was here twenty attending and it is certainly an Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Drewatt, of DIED. Sunday at Crystal Lake. Monday and went from here to Lyons to Lawn mowers, shears, razors, cuttlery, opportunity of which teachers might visit. Oakland county, are guests of their bicycles, umbrellas, wringers, carpet Mrs. H. M. Perrin and Ruth Palmer daughter, Mrs. J. C. Flynn for a couple In Fowler, July 14, Mrs. Anthony Martin, aged well avail themselves. were in Owosso Tuesday. sweepers, door locks repaired and keys 68. The funeral was held Monday. Mrs. E. H. Finney, of Ovid, was the of weeks. fitted at Osborn ’s gun shop, Union Build ­ Miss Ethel Harris went to Owosso guest of Mrs. E. Cone the first of the ing, Walker street east. At a regular review of St. Johns Tent Chas. F. Marsh of Mt. Pleasant, has Congregational Church Note*. Saturday to spend a month. week. No. 206, K. O. T. M., the following pre­ been engaged by the Mercantile Com ­ Sunday, July 23. Amyrdis Butler is visiting an aunt in Mrs. W. E. Bullard and children were Notice. amble and resolutions were unanimously Morning worship 10:30. Subject, “At pany to take charge of the grocery Notice is hereby given that the Sec­ adopted : the foot of the Cross. ” Carson City for three weeks. guests of her mother, Mrs. E. Bullard, department. Chas. Holliday, of Lansing, retary of theboard of Water Commission ­ Wherene. It hna pleftoed the Great Architect Sabbath school directly following. Miss Julia VanVleit, of Ionia, is the Monday. ers will receive water tax for the quarter ol the Universe to remove from our midst has been engaged for the dry goods our late brother, Sir Knight Albert Balen- Endeavor meeting at 6 o ’clock. guest of Miss Lois Burlingame. Mrs. Theodore Baker went to Saranac department. ending Octtober 1st, at the Village tlne, and Evening service at 7:30. Subject, council room from July 10 to 16, inclu ­ Whereas. It Is hut Just that a fitting recog ­ “Honoring the Lord ’s Day.” Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Grifflith spent Saturday, where she will visit for three sive from 7:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. nition of his virtues be expressed, therefore be or four weeks. Rev. W. F. Allen will spend two weeks It All services conducted in our own Sunday with friends in Durand. vacation with his father and mother and M. McDonald , Secretary. Resolved by St. Johns Tent No. 200 K. O. church for this Sunday. Mrs. Hattie Whitehurst, of Owosso, is The Misses Alta Reagan and Gertrude T. M.. that while we bow with humble sub­ A. Binkhorst , Pastor. also preach the last two Sabbaths of the mission to the Most High, we do none the visiting relatives for three weeks. Blacher, of Bay City, are guests of Miss present month in the Taylor avenue Annual Mid-Summer Excursion to Frank ­ less mourn our brother who has been taken Iva Henderson. from us. The pioneer picnic will be held at Baptist church, St. Louis, Missouri. He fort, Crystal Lake and Traverse City. Resolved, That In the death of Albert Ral- Grand I .edge Spiritualist*. entlne our tent Inment the loss of a brother, Round Lake Thursday August 24. Wm. H. Williams, of Eureka, has will be in his own pulpit. St. Johns, The Annual Ten-Day Excursion to who was ever ready to proffer the hand of The Grand Ledge Association of removed to Grand Rapids, where he has aid and the voice of sympathy to the needy Spiritualists opens its camp this season Miss Theo. Tinkham is visiting Miss August 6th. Frankfort, Crystal Lake and Traverse and distressed of the order, a friend who July 20th ana continues to Aug. 21st. a good position. City via the Ann Arbor Railroad, will be was near and dear to ua all. Hattie Sage in Fowler two weeks. Advertised letters, St. Johns, July 18 given on Thursday, July 27th. In addi ­ Resolved, That the heartfelt sympathy of E. W. Emerson, Manchester, N. H., Mrs. E. W. Anger left for Vassar Sat­ this Tent be extended to his widow, friends Dr. A. B. Spinney, Reed Citv, Gladys Miss Edith L. Dunn left this morning 1809: . Mrs. Alice Ruth Allen, A. F| tion to the regular train which leaves and neighbors In their affliction. Cooley, Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. G. urday morning where she will visit a Bacon, Mrs. Myrtie Burk, Mrs. George Owosso at 11:23 a. m. a special fast train Resolved, That these resolutions be spread for two weeks' vacation at Bay View. sister two weeks. will leave Owosso at 2:20 p. m. and upon the records of the tent and a copy W. Kates, of Rochester, N. Y., are Cooper, Mrs. Will Cleland, Miss Ethej thereof lie sent to the widow and friends of among the noted lecturers and test Mrs. Nina Walker went to Ionia Tues­ Mrs. R. M. Reeve, of Owosso, is npend. arrive at Crystal Lake 8:00 p. m., Frank­ •nr deceased brother and be published In mediums who will be present. Mrs. A. Flynn, Mrs. Gertrude Harkins, Clinton fort 8:20 p. m. and Traverse City 8:30 p. each of the St. Johns newspapers. day and from there goes to Grand Rapids. ing three weeks with her mother, Mrs- Jones (2), Miss Florence Kentfield, E. P. m. The regular train will arrive at Belt further resolved tnat the charter of E. Sheets, Grand Ledge, will preside. the tent be draped In mourning for thirty The grove in which the assembly will Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Affholter are visit ­ H. M. Carpenter. Murdock, Fred Parker, Charley Palmer, Crystal Lake 5:50 p. m., Frankfort 6:10 davs In memory of our deceased brother. be held is one of the most beautiful ing their parents in Foa ler for two weeks. p. m. aod Traverse City 6:35 p. m. I. H. WHITE, Mise Anna Groee, who has been here Robt. Smith, Louis Sulivan, Judson Tickets will be good on any regular train GEO. H. SCOTT, camp sites in the country. Our readers several weeks, returned to her home in Swift, Fred Speidal, Arthur L. Stevens, EUGENE ROW, can secure free programs by writing to Miss Kate Hathaway, of Ann Arbor, until Saturday, August 5th inclusive, Committee. Grand Ledge. is visiting friends here for a few weeks. Fowler Saturday . Floid Weaver, Mrs. Sarah J. Wlakley. and will be sold at the low rate of $3.50.

■V OVID. Fred Hazle visited relatives in Ypai- News from Clinton County. lanti last week. EUREKA Mr. L. Thomas and family are camp­ REAL CURES! Don't Stop ing at Argentine. The Republican. Mrs. May Tracy is on the sick list taking Scott*s Emulsion be­ Mrs. F. L. Stone, of Caro, visited at Miss Sadie Jefferys Is at home for the , L. Stone ’s last week. The diaeases accepted for treatment had gone. My throat became hIntoot aa raw aa summer. cause it's warm weather. a piece of beefsteak. I loot appetite and waa Thursday. July 20> 1899.___ Mrs. Benoet and daughter returned by Dre. Shultz and Camelon, and the re­ all ran down. It made me nervous and irrit­ Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Koons returned Keep taking it until you are home from Detroit last week. able, and wae a continual drain on my vitality. from Ohio last week. They report a cured. markably prompt and thorough mastery I tried, I waa going to say. 50 different catarrh WE8TPHALIA Miss Nellie Wescott, of Vernon, has of which has made the reputation of remedies and Medicine*, but not one of them good visit It will heal your lungs and been visiting Mrs. C. L. Stone the past waa worth a atraw in my caae. I beard of Dra. Mrs. Daniel Turner is seriously ill at week. these physicians are: Shultz and Camelon. and went to them for Myron Giddings. of California, is visit- give you rich blood in sum­ treatment. The rapidity of my cure astonislied ing hi« Bister, Mrs. L. O. Bazen. this writing. mer as in winter. It** cod Miss Hadrell, of Pontiac, is visiting Deafness; me, and I waa soon restored to health and John Fondel purchased aHome Com- Miss Edith Finch, of St. Johns, is the her cousin, Mrs. Hiram High of this Nasal Catarrh; streugth. This waa aome time ago, but I have guest of Mias Jennie Turner. liver oil made easy. place. not lost the good results.” fort range of agents who have been in 60c. sad 9 1. All druabte. Catarrh, In any form; “I will say I believe it to be the beat treat­ Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wright visited Mr. Cox, who resides near Shepards­ Asthama; ment on earth, and you cau say for me that Jed Briggs, of Portland, spent their son at Pompeii, over Sunday. ville, has been given a position in the Doctors Sliultz and Camelon are straightfor ­ Saturday night*and Sunday with rela- U. S. mail service, commencing work Chronic Stomach Trouble; ward, honest physicians, who do every word Mies Pearl Hart left last week for Chronic Kidney Disease; they claim to do. tives in Westphalia. Stratsburg, where she will spend the yesterday. Miss Ida Sanford entertained a tew summer. Woman Should Know It. Chas. Eaton and wife and Harry Lewis Chronic Rheumatism; 4 RESTORED friends last Friday, her birthday. All Mr. and Mrs. Parmalee and Miss Many women suffer untold agony an and wife spent Monday and Tuesday at Affections of the Skin; John McConnell, 886 Mt. KUlott Avenue t enjoyed a pleasant tune. Nancy Raymond visited friends here misery because the nature of tbeir’disease Pine Lake. Diseases of Blood; “I had been deaf for five years. It was neces­ Don Sanford and J^itf'J^rsday over Sunday. is not correctly understood. They have Mr. James Rose and family returned Diseases of Nervous System - sary for anyone talking to me to shout at the been led to believe that woutnb trouble last week from a visit with relatives in top of his voice in order to make me under ­ ton D C.. returned home last lnurwiay, The social held at Dennis ’ hall Friday in short, all ailments and infirmities of a stand. I alto had continual rumbling and after a visit with his brother, H. Sanford. evening, for the benefit of the Christian or female weakness of some sort is respon ­ Diamondale. crackiug sounds in my ears. In former years I sible for the man) ills that beset woman ­ seated and serious Dature requiring time had been a regular attendant of the Baptist Mrs. Edward Slade, who went to Bat­ church, was a success. Graham Hunter, of Chicago, has been church, but bad ceased to attend regularly tle creek a few weeks ago, had an opera Miss Minnie Hess returned from Shop kind. spending a few days with his father treatment —requiring a certain definite because I could not get any benefit from the Sn performed the 5tL The report is Neuralgia nervousness, headache, puffy south or Ovid. sermon or singing. Now I am able to attend herd last week. Her little nephew, Glen or dark circles under the eyes, rheu­ period of close professional attention for and bear and understand everything. ” that she is doing as well »■ can be ex­ Gatehouse, returned with her. matism, a dragging pain or dull ache in Mr. Herbert Harris who have been their radical and lasting cure. pected. Her mother, Mrs. Jane Park- the back, weakness or bearing-down takind two weeks vacation returned Under this very helpful arrangement hurst, is there near her. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard sensation, profuse or scanty supply of home Monday. COULD NOT HEARATRAIN OFCARS soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from anyone suffering from deafnees in its 8. Gilpin, ta a well-known lumberman of The article recently published and horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney urine with strong odor, frequently desire Miss Laura Walsh who has been credited to the Westphalia correspondent ring-bone, stifles, sprains, all swollen throats, spending some time in Detroit returned early or later stages, or from chronic Cheboygan, Mich. Heaaya; “When I went to coughs, etc. Save |S0 by nse of one bottle. to pass it with scalding or burning sensa Doctors Shultz and Camelon I waa totally deaf of the Portlrnd Review, referring to the tiOD, sediment in it after standing in home last Saturday. catarrh, in however malevolent a form, in my right ear. I could not hoar anything in conduct of young ladies, is said 1 by ithe Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure that ear, not even a train of cars. I suffered all ever known. Sold by A. O. Hunt, Druggist, bottle or common glass for twenty-four Mrs. Butler and young son, of Ann or from asthma, with its danger, torture the time from ringing, roaring noises. ” editor of the Review to have been mag ­ St. Johns, Mien. hours, are signs of kidney and bladder Arbor, are visiting at the home of Dr. and unrest, or from any of the maladies “I went to Doctors Shultz and Camelon and nified beyond reason, and that the young trouble. and Mrs. M. M, Martin. began their treatment. After a course of aeveral ladies were not guilty of improper con ­ DEWITT. above enumerated, can now apply at months’ treatment they have entirely restored The above symptoms are often attribut­ Mr. C. E. Jillison and family are visit my hearing.” duct or censurable. —Editor . ed by the patient herself or by her physi­ ing at the home of Mrs. Jillison ’a father 203 Chamber of Commerce Build ­ S. Norris and wife spent Sunday with cian to female weakness or womb trouble. relatives in Grand Ledge. in Stevensville, Michigan. ing, Detroit, and they will reoelve Hence, so many fail to obtain relief, be Miss Flora Murdock very pleasantly careful examination and be wel­ CURED OF CHRONIC DYSPEPSIA MAPLE RAPIDS. County Clerk W. M. Smith, of St. cause they are treating, not the disease Mrs. Alex. Rivard, New Baltimore: Johns, spent Sunday with friends here itself, but a reflection of the primary entertained a number of her friends at come to come to the office day “I had been a long and great sufferer from her home last Friday evening. after day without any cost what­ Chronic Dyspepsia. Bread soaked in milk was Ford Wells, of Muskegon, is visiting Mrs. Daniels, of Watertown, spent cause, which is kidney trouble. about all that. I could eat. I frequently had friends here. Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. In fact, women as well as men are Ira Wbittemore, principal of the ever until they are eatiefled that fainting spells and convulsions. 1 have been Sanford. made miserable with kidney and bladder schools in Victor, Colorado, is visiting their treatment is superior to all entirely cured and I have gained thiry-three Isaaa Hewitt has had a gravel roof put trouble and both need the same remedy. his mother a few miles south of Ovid. pounds in weight.” on his block here. D$Witt camp Modern Woodmen of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is the great other methods for the cure of alj I. E. Hewitt and wife are visiting with America will hold their annual picnic Herbert Warne, principal of Mar August 23d, at Grand Ledge. discovery of the eminent kidney and quette schools, is spending a few weeks forms of Catarrhal Diseases and F. D. Smith and wife at Greenville. bladder specialist, and is easy to get at at the home of his father in this place. Deafness. GAINED TWENTY-FIVE POUNDS Miss Olga Moots and Miss Minnie Walter Annie, of Ionia, is visiting .hie any drug store for fifty cents or one Mrs. Herbert Harris and son, Ward, W. B. Chaliuers, Poole, Ont: “Catarrh father and mother, A. J. Annis and wife. Beckwith, of Lansing, spent Sunday dollar. of the Stomach has made me a complete wreck. with Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. Woodruff. returned from Grand Rapids, where they Joseph Pilot, Roseville, Macomb Co.' I weighed only one hundred and sixteen pouuda. c. 8. Hubbell and wife and Martin To prove its wonderful merits you may have been spending the last two weeks. Mich., aays on being interviewed in regard to Now I am strong and well aDd weigh one hun­ Mies Alice Racker. of Flint, and Miss have it, both sent absolutely free by dred and forty-one pounds. ” Hubbell are visiting a brother in loledo. MiBS Bertha Holland, formerly of this his treatment with Doctors Shultz ana Came­ FraDkie Sedina, of Lansing, who have mail. Kindly mention The Republican lon; “About three years ago I first began to Mrs. Lena Burnham, formerly Welle, been spending a few days with Mr. and and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & place, and who has been teaching for feel sick. I had contracted a severe cofd and of Toronto, Ontario, is visiting friends the past >ear near Petoskey, returned to began to notice I was short of breath. If 1 Mrs. J. Shivley, returned to Lansing Co. Binghamton, New York. would go upstairs or try to walk any distance, GAINED THIRTY-TWO POUNDS here. Monday. Petoskey this week. I would begin to feel short of breath with a Robert Anderson and wife are visiting Supt. E. M. Plunkett returned Satur­ thumping and beating and palpitation of the J C. Weetrlck, St.Clair, Mich: “Catarrh Last Friday about twenty lady friends heart. I felt woak and miserable. My food did of the Stomach, from which I had suffered for friends at Charlevoix and other northern of Miss Ida Sanford, from DeWitt, sur­ First-class Steamboat Service Between day from a fishing expedition at Luzerne, not digest. After eating my stomach was nine years, had run me down in weight to one points. prised her at the home of her parents, in Detroit and Cleveland and Toledo, Michigan, bringing with him some very heavy and sore and seemed always to crowd up hundred and forty pounds. Now I weigh one Detroit and Mackinac. fine brook trout. against my heart and lungs. I was nervous ana hundred and seventy-two pounds and am a per­ A carrier pigeon came to John Ander ­ Westphalia township, and reminded her easily excited, and, of course, this would aggra ­ fect picture of health." son ’s last Tuesday. It had a band that it was her birthday. Mrs. M. T. D. & C. Floating Steel Palace Steam­ Mrs. Isabell Harris and family re­ vate the thumping and beating of my heart. I inscribed S 918 on leg. Woodruff, with a few appropriate re­ turned home yesterday. After attend ­ tried a number of remedies and several physi­ ers are cow running Daily between cians with no avail. I Anally concluded I had marks, presented her in behalf of the Detroit and Cleveland. Two trips per ing the C. E convention in Detroit, they to die. Then I saw in The Evening News the HOME TREATMENT RY MAIL company, with a silver fruit dish. Dr. Week between Toledo, Detroit and took a short trip up to the “Soo. ” statement of Mr. Pierce, 31)8 Dubois street, who Patients who live at a distance can be treated T. M. Sanford and wife presented her Mackinac Island. Regular service will The Congregational church is moved had been cured of shortness of breath, wheez­ with perfect success by the aid of sympton VICTOR. ing. etc., by Doctors Shultz and Camelon. This blanks and patients ’ report sheets sent free on with a half dozen silver orange spoons. comroedce June 17tb. Spend your vaca­ and located on the corner of Main and encouraged me to try these doctors. I went to The ladies all report a very pleasant and tion on the Great Lakes. Send 2 cents Pearl street. The church has been them, had a thorough examination, began application. John Greene is in Memphis making treatment and gaiued right from the start. arrangements preparatory to moving this enjoyable time, long to be rememhered for illustrated pamphlet. Address raised and work has already begun on Now the shortness of breath, the thumping, fall. by them. A. A. Schantz , G. P. A., D. & C. Line, the wall. beating and palpitation of the heart, and pain Detroit, Michigan. of stomach, are gone, and I am strong and Henry Jones, who was very ill the last The new grist mill which is being well. I am glad to give this statement in hopes AGENTS WANTED.-For "The Life and built by Robert Hyslop will be ready for that someone similarly afliicted may see it and of the week, is some better. Achievements of Admiral Dewey," the world s Di% j&ultz \ (Jameloq Mr. Carl Stebbics, from Munising, is greatest naval hero. Ry Murat Halstead, the Graln.O Brings Relief work in about two weeks. When com go to these doctors and get well, as I have.” lifelong friend and admirer of the nation ’s idol. pleted Ovid will have a very fine and Successors to a guest at the home of J. Gibbard. Biggest and best book; over 500 pages, 8x10 to the coffee drinker. Coffee drinking modern mill. Rev. Coddington will read the conven­ inches; nearly 100 pages halftone illustrations. BRIGGS, Manager of the 10c Restaurant, 130 COPELAND MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Only $1.50. Enormous demand. Big commis ­ is a habit that is universally indulged in Bates Street. tion story written by Chas. Shelden, the sions. Outfit free. Chance of a lifetime. Write and almost as universally injurious 203 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., author of “In His Steps.” Let all come quick. The Dominion Company, 3rd Floor Have you tried Grain O? It is almost WASHINGTON. Strong words which should interest all. Said Detroit. Caxton Bldg., Chicago. 6-18 he: and hear this good story. like coffee but the effects are just the "I suffered with catarrh until my health was Office hours: 9 a. m. to 12:30 p. m.; 2 to 5 p. Mrs. Charles Chapin and Mrs. J. opposite. Coffee upsets the stomach, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Monroe visited at nearly ruined, and all sense of taste and smell m.; 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays. 10 to 12 a. m. Swarthout started last week for an ex­ HUBBARDSTON. ruins the digestion, effects the heart and W. C. Doty ’s, of Price last Sunday. tended visit in New York. Mrs. Curtis The threshing machine can be heard disturbs the whole nervous system. Mrs. C. Monroe and daughter, Mrs. has been in the same state for some time. in our vicinity. Grain-O tones up the stomach, aids di- Jennie Baylis, visited relatives in Riley Geo. Goolthrite, of Carson City, was ition and strengthens the nerves. last week. in town last Tuesday. Kere is nothing but nourishment in The Misses Cora and Loa Grubau WACOUSTA Grain-O. It can ’t be otherwise. 15 and Miss Vicie Proctor, of Shepardsville, 25c per package. 4 and Lizzie Wiley visited friends in I is visiting her sister Ethel. Louis last week. CLOSING OUT Mrs. John Clark, of Okemos, is visit ­ Mrs. M. E Day is visiting in the Rev. Marion Bovee and family, of West ing her sister, Mrs. Anna Hill and other southern part of the state. Ilow He Decided It. Bay City, visited his parents the fore friends. The idea that all famous writers are part of the week. Miss Blanche McClure has just re Miss Clara Shop, of Carson City, visit ­ turned home to Lansing after several ed Ethel Proctor last Saturday. dead still prevails among the illiterate A. B. Loomis and wife, of Carson —those who merely hear of writers and Relief In Nix Hour*. days visit to Miss Georgians Wilson. Distressing Kidney and Bladder disease For Cash, a lot of • Remember that there will be preach City, were in town last Sunday. never read their books. relieved it six hours by “ New Great South The other day somebody was speak­ American Kidney Cure.” It is a great ing next Sunday morning at the Con Miss Clara Marlett, of Grand Rapids, on account of its exceeding promptness in gregational church by Mr Houston, of is visiting Wm. Marlett and family. ing of Kipling ’s illness. relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back in Guaranteed “Why,” said a bystander, “I thought male or female. Relieves retention of water Olivet. Mrs. Orpha Glaser and Miss Neva almost immediately. If yon want quick relief Mrs. Phebe Newsom, of Watertown Burnett visited friends near Fowler last Kipling was dead long ago I” and cure this is the remedy. Sold by Center, is quite out of health and spent Sunday. “No; he is very much alive at pres­ A. O. HUNT. Druggist. St. Johns. Mich last week with her sister, Mrs. Dexter M. V. Townsend went to Milbrook ent. How did yon happen to pat him New Bicycles Cronkite. last Tuesday with a load of honey bees on the dead list?” NORTH-EAST ESSEX Carleton, youngest son of C. R. Dan­ for Emma Townsend. “Because,” replied the bystander, “I ielle, returned last Thursday from a ten Joseph England, of Carson City, was understand that he has written 20 Ray D. Rice is under the doctor's care months’ visit with his brothers in New the guest of his sister, Mrs. Edith books 1”—Atlanta Constitution. Miss Myrti* Barret is attending the York City. Burnett, last Sunday. summer school in St. Johns. $ 18 .50. ♦ Mrs. L. W. Davis returned home the Andrew Smith and wife started Tues­ For the $1,000 Stake. Miss Gussie Upton, of Utica, is visiting first of the week from a three months’ day evening for a six weeks visit with Theu eame the Chamber of Com- her parents and eister during the vaca trip to New York City and other points relatives in New York state. tnerce stake. Coney, the fuvorlte. tion. in New York and Michigan. Mrs. Dr. F. 8. Hoag returned last Sat­ drew, the outside position. In scoring Misses Eva May and Kittie Belle George Barnes, Fred Hoffman and urday from Canada, where she has been Fire Gilt ran Into und upset him, but Floate will visit their uncle in Owoeso Second hand wheels another young man went to Lansing last visiting for the past fortnight. nobody was hurt. They went away this week. week to enlist in the army, and were Amos Mitchell, who has been attend ­ well. Coney paced right to the front Quite a number in this vicinity have accepted and sent on to Chicago. ing school at the Ferris Industrial school, and pole, with Fire Gilt two lengths purchased cream separators and report Mrs. Hiram B. Goss, formerly Hattie at Big Rapids, is home to spend the bacly Flrt Gilt hung on to second, but good results from the use of same. $5.00 to $10^00. Randolph, of Portland, has been for summer with his sister, Mrs. Milo Bo couldn ’t catch Coney. The gelding ran some time selling goods for the California lender. as he pleased In.2:09. The rest looked Perfume Co., of New York City. Re­ Miss McKinley, a graduate from Al­ to be a very ordinary lot of pacers for cently she has been tendered and bion college, will deliver a missionary such au important event. accepted the more lucrative and desir ­ address in the M. E. church, Sunday Coney brought $50 and the field $12. able position of general agent, her work evening, July 23. Let all that are inter­ Coney went out to the front alone, F. H. Bush & Co.: being to appoint and instruct local ested in this work come out and hear a reaching the half In 1:03. He went to agents throughout this and other states. good talk on those that are in darkness. a standstill break, and McHenry had Her present route is in northern Ohio. A collection will be taken. to drive him on the run to save ins­ tance. Shades On won easily; Cnr- melita. second; Annie Thorne, third; Mt. Clemens Boy, fourth. Time, 2:13 1-4. Coney escaped the flag. (WQTIAN’S FRIEND.) Coney fell from fuvorlte before the third heat, and sold for $25 to $50 on is the the field. He broke on the first turn Wet Weather and Maude Emperor took the lead, holding It to the first turn, where she BEST REMEDY broke. Shade On won again; Car­ For Girl, Wife, ’ riother. melite. second; Coney, third; Maude There is a reason for this being true. Buy Shoes Clark Putt f/MJ///'., Won’t Emperor fourth. Time, 2:111-2. Coney Zoa Phora is the result of years of deep made up lots of ground. The fourth heat liettiug was Coney study on the part of an able physician to F. F. Murdock—Marble & Granite WKKMMtmHarm $25, field $50, but Shade On was book obtain a sure, safe, simple, easy to take favorite. They got nway well. Coney remedy for all the ills that beset woman ­ Uneeda Biscuit— having the best of the start and tak­ kind from girlhood to old age. Our P PERFECT I|„E | ing the had. He was very lame when MARBLE and the only bisduit of which he reached the stretch, where-Shade thousands of letters from happy users this can be truly said. On challenged him. and in a drive testify to his success. Sold by all druggists. It’s the package, a new they finished noses apart. Shade On All ladies are invited to send for our GRANITE WORK 5 cent air tight, dust winning the heat and race; Wandering book on the anatomy and diseases of proof, moisture proof Jew, thhd; Annie Thornton, fourth. women, illustrated by correct cuts. Every package,that keeps these Time, 2:131-2. 1 have just received a car-load of 2il4 Trot. women, especially mothers of daughters, Granite work direct from the wonderful new biscuit up The 2:14 trot came last. Everylxiily should have it. Sent in plain envelope quarriee. to the highest grade waited to see their bets on Surpoi, sealed. I have on hand at the preeent time through all weathers. who sold at $25 to $30 on the field. Chanty had the pole, and the favorite ZOA PHORA MEDICINE CO., Kalamazoo.Mich. at least one hundred monuments 11 I got third place. They got away on and tablets in granite and marble, ELGIN W® the second score. Surpoi was out in the finest variety to a lect from to llneeda front; Chanty and Altoka next. Sur­ be found anywhere in Michigan, poi won handily; Altoka second. Char­ and more coming ail the time. ley Herr third, and Chanty fourth. Petroleum Balm A visit to my show rooms will con ­ Time, 2:12 1-2. Cures the Cold and vince you 1 hat marble and granite Can always be Biscuit 8urpol was a strong favorite after work can be bought right at home the one heat, fetching $50 to $30 In ths Heals the Soreness. in St. Johns, with more satisfac­ found at Are made from the best wheat flour, so auction. They got away well, Surpoi The Beet Remedy for Catarrh, tion to the purchaser and at leas they’re body building food. They’re in front on the turn, and Charley Herr Cold in the Head, Sore Throat, price than of some outside shop. skillfully baked so as to be palatable. trotting like a team with him at the Cold on tho Lungs, etc. half. It was a pretty race, but Charley ALLISON’S They’re never heavy or soggy, so they Herr fell back. Surpoi led in the Unequalled for Burna, Chll- are never indigestible. Order them stretch and Ellert came with a burst blalne. Chafing, Oorne, Sore from your grocer. at the erd, getting second front Alto­ Feet, Pllee end Varlooee Ul- P. P. Murdock 1 Jewelry Store. ka. Charley Herr was the fourth, and oere. St. Johns,' Michigan. Opposite the Poet b(XXX3tfXXXXXKXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] the time, 2:10, Is sensational for the Office. season.

KH BRItF DISf'AIbhcS. and dissipated. In November, 1872, a ST1TE UVD TICIHITT. startling and magnificent display of meteorites took plaoe, and by the aid Newspaper correspondents who pro­ 1 QUEER VISITOR CAME FROM THE SKIES tested Otis’ course In the Philippines of telescopes it was found we bad been want Miles sent there to command. Attorney General Oren will advise barely Auditor General Dix that in his opinion missed by the again, but Horatio Alger, Jr., the writer of boys ’ the latter is not authorised to draw what was more startling the comet had stories, Is dead at the home of his sis­ warrants for the beet ^ugar bounty The Falling of a Large Meteor Startled the lost its tail, which accounted for its ter, Mrs. Amos Cheney, Natick, Mass. claime of the Michigan Beet Sugar not being seen during the previous The Illinois Central flyer was wreck­ company of Bay City. The attorney ed yesterday at Lenzberg, 111. The fire­ general takes theground that the boun ­ Citizens of Allegan. years, and it was some of these frag man waa killed and four passengers in­ ty doesn ’t come within the category of ments with which we had come in con ­ jured. the expenses of the state government tact. Work has been begnn on the con­ and considers the legislative tax power Since then the comet has not been struction of a passage from the cell of limited. IT WAS WITNESSED BY MANY PEOPLE. Capt. Dreyfus to the hall In which the The sugar company presented two seen, having been broken up and lost, court-martial will sit This will enable vouchers to the auditor general ag ­ and it will be the meteoric trail travel ­ the prisoner to escape the annoyance gregating the sum of $24,000 for the of observation by the curious. months of January and February of From Allegan Chronicle—July 18. ing in the track of the comet with James Creelman, who is on his way this year. They were certified to by the O little excitement and interest of the show windows of H. Stern Sc Co. home from Manila, baa cabled from commissioner of the land office. N which we will come in contact next London to the New York Journal, a The Bay City beet sugar people will was occasioned Monday morn­ In observing it one is conscious of a November, and while there may be severe arraignment of Gen. Elwell 8. undoubtedly mandamus the auditor ing by the fall of a meteor on feeling of awe stealing over him as he some little damage from meteors, the Otis and bis methods In the Philip­ general the next step and it will be Thomas Hill, on the Sauga- thinks of what might be Its origin, worst to be feared will be the possible pines. Creelman says he is childish fought out in the supreme court. — tuck road. The first intima. where it came from, and how long it hew and incompetent. State Republican. contact with gaseous matter. In the Judgment has been rendered In the tion of the occurrence was a few min­ been traveling in its lonely pathway meantime we canjwait, observe and Miss Kittie Carland, for some time and how far it has traveled since it district court at Omaha against all the past a teacher in the St. Johns schools, utes after eight o ’clock, when a sudden wonder. bondsmen of ex-State Treasurer Bart has been engaged to teach the seventh report like that of a distant cannon became detached from the body of ley, except Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald, re­ Kidneys , Liver grade of our schools. Corunna Journal. which it once formed a part. As re­ leased from liability on the ground was heard, and immediately followed Pennsylvania points with satisfaction by a rumbling, rushiDg noise similar to gards their origin, there is no more dis ­ Modest Women that she was of unsound mind when and Bowels to its silk iodustry whose production is cussion among scientific men, it being she signed. The Judgment Is for $643,- distant thunder, with the addition of 882 45, of which $555,790 66 is the Cleanses the System over $32,000,000, an increase of 33 per the hissing noise, which must have fully understood that they are speci­ Modesty in principal of Bartley ’s defalcation. cent, since 1895. It is one of many forms been produced by its whirling and its mens of countless small bodies or frag ­ women is no Bartley is now serving a 20-year sen­ of manufacture in the United States of ments, invisible in the most powerful tel. less a charm tence for embezzling the money. ^EFFECTUALLY which little is heard, but which are passage through the lowhanging rain- than beauty and growing rapidly. clouds, which latter must have greatly escopes, which are moving like planets wit. Is it any The twenty-fifth annual reunion of cooled the stone, as it was little more or comets in eccentric orbits around the wonder that wo ­ BASE BALL RESULTS. the Ingham County Soldiers and Sail­ than warm immediately after striking sun. We know nothing of them except men afflicted OVERCOMES ors' Association will be held at Mason when one happens to encounter the with physical National Ltaxae Ginin. September 14-15. Efforts are being terra tirma. Some claim it came from disorders pecu­ At Washington (first game), Cleve ­ HAB.TUAL C0N3T-PAT N made to secure Department Commander the north-west, while others as positive­ earth. They are of but two kinds- stony liar to their sex land 5, Washington 4. Second game — R. R. Pealer, Gen. Withington, Gen. ly claim it came from the south east and and metallic, the latter being composed shrink, from per­ Cleveland 4, Washington 11. UAL PERMANENTLY Duffield and Chaplin White for the passed over the South Side. The gen ­ mostly of iron. Of what larger bodies sonal examina­ At Brooklyn: Pittsburg 8, Brook ­ occasion. tions by male lyn 2. eral verdict, however, is that it must they have formed a part we can only physicians? The At Boston: St. Louis 9, Boston 3. Dr. Geo. E* Bliss, resident of Maple have come from nearly overhead. Eye guess. They might have been a part of weaknesses and irregularities of women Louisville 8, Philadelphia 4. 5 zff£crs Rapids, talks very strongly of erecting a some planet or comet which became may be recognized by certain unfailing At New York: Chicago 7, New Buy thc genuine - maht o by sanitarium for the treatment of cancers, witnesses who saw it fall claim that, considering the citizens will help. The attracted by the noise, they first noticed broken up by internal eruptions and symptoms. Backache, headache, bearing- York 6. down pains, irritability and extreme nerv­ At Baltimore: Cincinnati 7, Balti­ (aui ?rnia ITg,Syrvp(§. building is to cost not less than $10,000, the meteorite looking to be about the gradually dissipated and dismembered ousness indicate derangement of the more 5. VO* and the Doctor wishes the village to size of a baseball descending in nearly and are now Hying through space gen ­ ** CAu. »C, furnish only $1,0C0 of that amount. delicate female organism. Bradfield ’s Fe­ Western Leairue Games. roa 5au bt in orusmt ?, emu m pm some. a vertical direction with apparently a erally on the orbit of the body of which male Regulator is the standard remedy for At Kansas City: Indianapolis 2, Kan­ slight incline from north by west. It they once formed a part. This one may characteristic diseases of women. sas City 3. 1.00 At Minneapolis: Grand Rapids 5, be but an advance agent of the show Sold by druggists at $ per bottle. had a bluish tinge and was rather hazy, THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. Ga. Minneapolis 0. which in the night time would, without we are to expect the 13th of the coming At Milwaukee: Detroit 3, Milwau­ doubt, have appeared as a trail of tire. November, when the earth and the kee 2. GHAID CIRCUIT RACES The fact that its contact with terra scattered remains of Biela's comet ar­ Western League Standing. Won. Lost. Per ct. World’s Famous Harness Horses firma was witnessed by several, makes rive at the intersection of their orbits Minneapolis ...... 43 31 .581 it doubly valuable as a meteor, as its at the same time, when we Tin Cure that Cures Iudmuipolis ...... 39 31 .557 Speeded At Detroit. genuineness cannot be questioned. It can expect a fine display • Coughs, Detroit ...... 38 35 .521 of falling meteorites and shoot ­ St. Taul...... 38 36 .514 * WEATHER AND TRACK FINE. struck about 100 feet back from the Colds, Grand Rapids...... 37 35 .514 street and buried itself in the soil to a ing stars and should they unfor Kansas City...... 34 40 .459 depth of about eighteen inches. In tunately prove to be fragments of Grippe, Milwaukee ...... 34 40 .459 Immense Crowd ’Witnessed Shade On size it was about eighteen inches loDg much size, there may be some mischief Whooping Cough, Asthma, Buffalo ...... 30 43 .411 Win the 05,000 Chamber of Com ­ and twelve inches thick, being rounded done. This comet wa? first discovered Bronchitis and Incipient National I.ensrue Standing. Consumption, Is Won. Lost. Per ct. merce Stake From the Favorite. in shape. It appears to be of some de­ in 1826 and makes the circuit of its Brooklyn ...... 53 25 .079 composed grayish rock with iron pyrites orbit in a little less than seven years Philadelphia . ...47 28 .627 diffused throughout and was coated It rniBsed the earth by barely a month Boston ...... 48 29 .623 Detroit, July 19.—Michigan Asso Chicago ...... 44 30 .593 elated Dallies Report.) —A Derby day with a black coating about one- in 1832, or some awful calamity would St. Louis ...... 43 32 .594 If We Knew. eighth of an inch thick, which have been the result. It returned in crowd greeted the starting Judge at the Could we but drew the curtains Baltimore ...... 43 32 .573 That summoned each other's lives, seems to have been fused there 1839 and 1846, but here a surprising oc ­ Cincinnati ...... 37 38 .493 opening of the grand circuit races See the naked heart and spirit. which yesterday were stopped by the Know whatspur the action gives, by friction in its rapid passage through currence tok place. Its proximity to Pittsburg ...... 37 40 .481 Often we should find it better, the earth’s atmosphere. The shock of the earth had split it in two; each half New York ...... 33 43 .434 rain. Weather and track were prime Purer than we judge we should ; Louisville ...... 31 45 .408 and the harness flyers that are to make We should love each other better coming in contact with Mother Earth had a head and tail of its own and The German remedy Washington .. .. 26 52 .333 If wo only understood. shattered the meteorite so that thelargest were whirling through space side by history and records down the big cir­ Could we judge all deeds by motives. Cures \Vrox\. at\d \ut\% Cleveland ...... 14 64 .179 See the good and bad within. piece is now but about half, or slightly side aoout 16,000 miles apart. In’1852, . \>\^ a\\ druty^\«\s. 25 6^50« cuit faced the wire under conditions Often we should love the sinner. Duties Reduced. All thewhile we loathe the sin ; over, the original size, and weighs 62^ 1859, and 1866 the comet should have exceptionally favorable. For the first Could we know the powers working pounds. It is now on exhibition in one returned, but it did not. It was’lost London, July 19.—The Buenos Ayres time on this track part of the faces To overthrow integrity. Sold by C. E. VanSicklo. corresjHmdeut of the Times says that We should judge each other's errors the new treaty between Argentina and were decided best two in three Instead With more patient charity. tue United States gives reductions in of three in five heats and the change If we knew the cares and trials. shortened the program materially Knew theefforts all in vain, the duties on Argentine sugar, hides And the bitter dissapointment, and wool, and on American canned The day ’s card contained four races Understand the loss and gain — with as many large fields. The 2:69 Would thegrim, external roughness goods, timber and certain foods. Seem, I wonder, just the samel pace and 2:17 trot were two-ln-three Should we help where now we hindert Weavers Get More Money. heats and the crowd seemed to like It Should we pity where we blame! Woonsocket, R. I., July 1U.—The as the pace was all over at 2:45 o ’clock Ah. we judge each other harshly. Those who had played long-winded Knowing not life's bidden foice; wages of the weavers at the Slaters- Knowing not the fount of action vllle cotton mills In North Sraitbtield and slow-going horses didn ’t show any Is less turbid at its source. Spaulding & Co have been raised again. A previous great appreciation of the innovation Seeing not amid the evil which made their money look like AH thegolden grains of good — Increase, whwlch proved unsatisfac ­ Oh, we’d love each other better tory, led to a strike, and that demon ­ counterfeit bills. If we only understood. stration was followed by a strike by The other two races were the class! —Bessie W. Smith in Chicago Tribune. Call your attention to the follow the socialist employes because several Chamber of Commerce stake for 2:24 of their party had been discharged. pacers, and the 2.14 trot. Both wen ing seasonable goods — three-ln-flve heat races. The biggest Lire Stock. pool In the history of the track was FIFTY MILLION COFFEE Chicago, July 19.—Estimated receipts made when young Warren Stoner bet hogs to-day 16,000; to-morrow 35.0U0; $4,400 against N. Hublnger $6,600 DRINKERS IN AMERICA. market fully 10c higher; mixed and Stoner taking his own horse, Stoner, butchers, $4 30@4 50; good heavy, $4 40 against Surpol, the favorite, on whom @4 52%; rough heavy, $4 30@4 35; many bets of $1,400 to $1,000 for tlu Why the Famous Finn of Arbuckle Bros. Refrigerators, - Ice Cream Freezei light, $4 30@4 50. Cattle receipts 1,50*); field were made. Control the Bulk of the Coffee Trade. market steady; beeves, $4 05@5G3; The Chamber of Commerce $5,000 It is estimated that there are fifty Lawn Mowers, Lawn Hose, Lawn Sprinklers cows and heifers, $2@5; Texas steers, stake was also the machine for hand million coffee drinkers in America. We $4@460; stockcrs and feeders, $3 50@ ling big bundles of money. Coney was have long since pasted the mark of be­ 4 85. favorite and bis recent mile In 2:06 ing the largest coffee consumers in the made the bettors very shy world, one-third of the entire coffee New York Produce Mnrket. Racing started with the 2:09 pace, iu New York, July 19.—Butter—Re­ growth being used in America. This which Neeta W. had the pole. Twelve proportion haB been steadily growing ceipts, 16,207 pkgs; weak; western started. William Me was the heat fa­ since 1861 when the total amount of cof ­ creamery, 15@18%c; factory, 12@ vorite. When they got away William fee imported was only 79,000 tons. 14%c. Cheese—Receipts, 7,326 pkgs; Me soon assumed a commanding lend From Brazil, Peru, Java and Sumatra, large white, 8c. Eggs —Receipts, 12,439 by going the quarter In :29 3-4, and the Ceylon, India, Africa, the Phillipinee, pkgs; steady; western, 14%@15c. half in 1:02 1-2. Nicol B. was second, and the islands of the tropic seas, bags, Gasoline Stoves Sugar —Raw, quiet; fair refining, and hung on to the end, unable to bales and barrels peur into New York 33-16c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4%c; mo ­ catch the leader, but speedy enough to City every year by the hundreds of lasses sugar, 311-16c. Coffee —Dull; outfoot Hnllena Duplex aud Little thousands. From New York they are No. 7, 6c. • Thorne, who were close upon him. distributed to all parts of the country. Time, 2:07 1-4. But the greater portion of the coffee Chicago Produce Market. imported is retained in New York City Blue Flame, Wick Oil Stoves Chicago, July 19.—Butter—Creamer­ William Me was favorite at $23 to $20 on the field in the second heat, and by the famous firm of Arbuckle Bros.- - ies, extras, 17@17%c; firsts, 16@16%c; the largest coffee dealers in the world. seconds, 14@15c; dairies, extras, 15@ he stepped off with lots of speed to Blue Flame,Wickless Oil Stoves spare. Nicol B. was again second, and They buy more than all the other dealers 15%c; firsts, 14c; No. 2, 13c; Cheese— Kitty R. third. Time, 2:071-2. This combined, and the name Arbuckle has Young Americas, 8%@9e; new twins, ended the race. income synonymous for immense deal­ 8%@8%c. Eggs —Fresh stock, 12c per ings in the favorite breakfast beverage dozen, loss off. - Hnxel Ridire Wm Fuxt. This has given them great prestige Detroit Grain. lor the 2:17 trot, Pilot Evans drew among coffea growers in every part of Wheat—No. 1 white, 72%c; No. 2 red, the pole with Josephine Dixon and the world; and as large buying always 6 cars at 72%c; closing, 72%c; nomi ­ Temple Wilkes in the second tier. It makes for good buying, it is not sur­ nal; July, 72%c; September, 1,000 bu was not a good start, but the 13 were prising that Arbuckles' has become fa­ at 73%c, 10,000 bu at 73 %c, 10,000 bu going level and Hazel Ridge was in mous as the standard of coffee values, a at 73%c, 20,000 bu at 73%c, 10,000 bu front. The horse hung on and won standard no other bouse has been able at 73% c, 8,000 but at 73%c, 5,000 bu al] the way in 2:111-4. to reach. at 73%c, 11,000 bu at 74c; December, This did not make Hazel Ridge a fa­ Millions of homes in every section of Builder’s Hardware 2,000 bu at 75%c, 2,000 bu at 75%c, vorite by any means. .The field in the the country today uee nothing but Ar­ 4,000 bu at 75%c, closing 75%c; mixed second heat brought $50 to $15 against buckles ’ coffee. The test of experience red and mixed white, 72c per bu. him. Hazel Ridge again took an im- has taugh the careful housewife that Corn —No. 2, 35%c; No. 3, 36c; No. 4, presslve lead and held It to the dls her faith not only means money saved, is complete and we invite your attention 33c; No. 3 yellow, 36c; No. 4 do, 34c t&nce, where Derby Lass came up and but that she is supplying the best coffee per bu. beat him out In slow time. Hazel that money can procure for the coffee Oats—No. 2 white, 4 cars at 30c; do Ridge didn't have the power. Time, drinkers of her household. August, 10,000 bu at 24%c; No. 3 do, 2:14. One immense advantage possessed by 29%c per bu. Derby Lass was favorite at $25 to Arbuckle Bros is that of being able to Rye—No. 2 was nominal at 59%c per $18*for the field in the third heat. She deliver the coffee berry to the customer bu. broke on the start and fell out of It. with all its delightful aromo and flavor Beans —July, August and September, Precision and Excel took (he lead. intact. This they do by a process, the $113 asked; October%, $1 05 bid. Hazel Ridge close to them. Haze! patents of which they exclusively hold, Cloverseed —Prime spot, $3 95; Octo ­ Ridge was Jo front at the half and covering the many little pores of the Also Carry a Full Line of Paints and ber, 100 bags at $4 55; No. 2, 14 at held on, winning by two lengths. Time berry thereby holding in its goodness. $3 50 per bu. 2:15 3-4. . ______Tlfe ingredients used in the process are entirely wholesome and nothing delete ­ White Lead and Painter’s Supplies. Detroll Produce. Drryfm ‘Coart-Mnrtlnl. rious is used to mar the delicacy of Butter—Creamery, 18@18%c; choice PariR, July 19.—The Rennes corres ­ flavor or taste. dairy, original packages, 14@15c; com ­ pondent of the Journal, des Dobats Part of the success of Arbuckles’ cof ­ mon, 9@19c per lb. says the Dreyfus court martial wilJ fee has been due to the generous and Eggs —Straight receipts, 12@12%c; not begin its sittings until August 10 unique system used to popularize it. In candled, 13@13%c per doz. each package of the ooffee there is a list Wool —Unwashed* —, medium, 19@ of articles. W’ith each package in 20c;'coarse, 18c; flue, 15%@16c per lb; which the list is found the purchaser washed, medium, 25@20c; washed, PARKER'S buys a definite part of some article to be SPAULDING & CO fine, l»@20c. HAIR BALSAM selected by him or her from the list, sub­ Hay—Detroit buying prices: No. 1 KM tii■ Wottflwbmotifla* «h.__ ___ hak„ ject only to the condition that the sig timothy. $1050; clover. $7 50@8; clover *>•»»r**rails luiunaat to BaatJra frawth. Oi g nature on the package is to be cut out mixed. $8 50@9 per ton; rye straw, $6: Hair to its Youthful Oalor. and returned to Arbuckle Bros. Every ­ wheat oats straw, $4. Cum •'•alp

I CAUIED 501,066,681 MSSEIGEKS The Republican. Mmnj Victims, Mostly Wosn, foe- Woman's Mission. int rUHUbll HEWS ported to Varloas ftectloaa. Thursday. July 20, 1899. Only Oat Faiwnpr Milled for Xvery Successful competition in any jit Id depends on physical health. 3,367,970 Carried la 1808. Judge Chambers to Leave the Samoan Tiffin, O., July 19.—The kissing bug questions about has made its appearance in Tiffin. - A woman ’s future It laid Gov. Pingree has sued the De­ Washington , July 15—The report of • Supreme Bencn. few days since Pauline Cutbbert was are constantly troit Evening News for $100,000 for libel railway statistics for the year 1898 com ­ severely stung on the lips, ajul to-day AMILIAR asked. In connection with the street railway piled by the interstate commerce com­ AFFAIRS IN THE TRANSVAAL. U. L. Byrne, music dealer, received a painful sting, but managed to catch t\je Shall women vote? Shall they practice lawf deal in which the street car companies mission, shows that 11 railroads went Sliall they compete with men in every field? Adoption of the Seven-Yeor Fran ­ Insect. Prof. Kleckner, department were trying to grab a 48 year franchise. into the hands of receivers against 45 atural science, Heidelberg university Whatever woman ’s mission may finally be de ­ But for the efforts of Detroit newspapers taken out, while the mileage of receiver ­ chise—Cecil It bodes Welcomed Seclares the bug to be a perfect sped clared to be, it is certain thatsomething in showing up the scheme it would have ship roads was reduced by 6,116 miles With Cheers nt Capetown. men of the nelanolestes pldpes. must be done for her physical health. gone through. operated and 5,133 owned. Brought From Cuba. Ignorance, superstition and mystery sur­ There was a decrease in the capital Apia, Samoa, July 11, via Auckland, Amelia, O., July 19.—The famous round woman's delicate organism. Heroic stock of the roads in receivers ’ hands of N. Z., July 19.—In fighting which oc ­ “kissing bug ” has made its appearance efforts to endure pain is part of woman ’s In a written opinion to the auditor In Clermont county. Dr. John C. Gas­ creed. Many women's livea are a constant $211,927,239. The aggregate mileage of curred at So fata In the Suateles dis­ general last week, relative to paying trict, July 4, one Malletoa chief was kins was one of Uncle Sam's boys who struggle with lassitude; many are violently bounties on sugar, Attorney General railways on June 30,1898, was 247,532, an recently returned from Puerto Rico, ill without apparent cause, and few indeed increase of 4,088 miles. mortally wounded and two Mataafa and believes the egg ot this bug was Oren says: “I have given the matter chiefs and one Suatele were killed and are in normal health. The total number of railway corpora ­ brought here in his knapsasek. The This is all wrong and might be different careful consideration, and in my judge ­ three others wounded. The British doctor Is suffering from a badly dis ment it is not competent for the legis ­ tions in the United States was 2,047 cruiser Tauranga and the German figured eye from its bite and Is fortu ­ if women would follow Dr. Hartman's ad ­ lature to provide by taxation for the The total number of locomotives in ser­ cruiser Cormoran arrested three chiefs nate enough to have on exhibition vice. Perhaps the most practical printed vice was 36,234, an increase of over 248 and brought them to Apia for trial be­ fine specimen of the bug which has talk to women to be found anywhere is in payment of a bounty for the manu ­ fore the Supreme Court. The joint Dr. Hartman ’s book called “Health and facture by private individuate of any over the previous year. The .total of caused all tfls suffering. commissioners will leuve for Washing­ Face Terribly Swollen. Beauty, ” which the Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., commodity. I do not believe that such railway employes was 874,558, an in­ ton July 8. Columbus, O., will mail free to women crease of 51,062 Findlay, O., July 19.—Miss Lena a bounty is a proper expense of the Chief Justice Chambers will leave Kiefer, one of the leading society only. It is certain that Dr. Hartman ’s state government, upon which tax An interesting feature is a wage sum for on the steamer Pe-ru-na has proved a perfect boon for Moaua on July 14. Not desiring to re­ belles, was bitten on her upper lip could be predicated. ” mary compiled from over 99 per cent, of early this morning by a kissing bug. women ’s diseases of the pelvic organs. It the total employes. There was paid in turn he has sent his resignation to treats them scientifically and cures them President McKinley, who does not Her lip end face bave swollen to mon­ wages $495,055,618, an increase for the strous size, and the pain has nearly permanently. All druggists sell it. A Sbction of Texas, four times the wish his resignation. The question year of $29,454,037. This sum repre­ crazed her. Attending physicians have “I received your book and commenced size of the state of Massachusetts, has whether this constitutes a vacancy in been unable to reduce the swelling or sents 60.52 per cent of the total operat ­ the chief justiceship is being discussed theuse of your medicine at once, ” writes seen covered oy floods from the Brazos give any relief. ing expenses. by the commissioners. Dr. Solt claims Mrs. H. D. A moss of Greensboro, Ga., to and Colorado Rivers, many people and he will preside over the Supreme Court Two More Victim*. Dr. Hartman. “ I took five bottles of nearly all the stock drowned, buildings The total amount of railway capital if Chambers leaves the island. If their East Liverpool, O., July 19.—Two Pe-ru-na and two of Man-a-lin. I feel like a new woman. When I commenced outstanding on June 30,1898, not includ ­ victims of the kissing bug are con ­ taking Pe-ru-na I could hardly walk across my room; now I am doing my own and fences washed away, and crops is no vacancy then either Hunter or ing current liabilities, was $10,818,554,031 Malr may be designated to fill the fined to their homes in this city, Wal­ work and can walk to church. I shall never cease to thank you for prescrib­ completely destroyed. Whole villages chief Justiceship. ter Stewart, clerk, and John O’Rourke, ing for me. I had been under the treatment of two doctors but never received havo been swept away, and hundreds of Of the outstaqding stock 66.26 per cent potter. Stewart was bitten on the lip any benefit until I commenced taking your medicine. I wish every woman paid no dividends. The commissioners are much blamed miles of railroad track destroyed. The for not ordering the restitution of loot while abed yesterday morning. His who was suffering as I was would send for one of your books. May God bless Of the stock.paying dividends 6.53 per taken by rebels. Mataafa partisans condition Is quite serious. Medical aid you and spare you many years to relieve women who are suffering as I was.” people need a great deal of assistance, has thus far failed to reduce the swell­ Fifty thousand women will be counselled and prescribed for this year free of and supplies and money are being cent, paid from 1 to 4 per cent. There among the rebels are raising funds to was 4.54 per cent, of the dividend-pay­ fight the kingship question through ing. charge by Dr. Hartman, president of the Surgical Hotel, Columbus, O. All forwarded the Texas authorities. Fort Wayne Victim. ing stock that paid from 7 to 8 per cent. lawyers, and are confident of obtaining women suffering from any disease of the mucous membrane, or any of the a rehearing. Mataafa, however, ac­ Ft Wayne, Ind., July 19.—Mrs. Jo ­ peculiar ills of women, may write to him and the letters will receive his The total in dividends paid was $90,152,- hanna Speldel, of Jefferson street, was A t sea as to an issue, the democrats cepts the abolition of the kingship, and personal attention. Write for special question blank for women. 889, being an average of 5.29 per cent, on will be present at the meeting with the bitten yesterday by the kissing bug. and populists who rallied under Bryan, all stock on which a dividend was de­ commissioners on Bavntl island. Ills The wound was on the right arm and Altgeld, Tillman and free silver, are clared. chief supporters request the dismissal refuses to yield to the usual remedies now trying to resurrect themselves for of Chief Justice Chambers and defy INTERESTING ITEMS. BRICA-BRAC. The total number of passengers car­ MAYOR JONES WINS. the next campaign on the issue of trusts. ried was 501.066,681, an increase of 11, the order of the Supreme Court The international commissioners are to-day Hope Is aptly described by the Dal­ They will assault the protective tariff 621,483, The total number of tons of First Blood for Mnntclpal Ownership Austria has profited by the experienct at Lufllufl, meeting Mataafa and Atua Drawn at Toledo. of the last naval war and now owns las News, as what wc have left. law in this way. Times are getting too freight carried one mile per mile of line chiefs. Toledo, O., July 19.—The board of an ambulance ship, the Graf Falkcn- At the Ohio State University the prosperous, labor is too generally em­ was 617,810, which was greater by 8eveB>Yc*ri' Franchise. aldermen turned down by referring hayn, fitted up and presented to the class of ’99 contained ninety-nine grad ­ ployed and too well paid to breed demo ­ 98,731 than the previous year. government by a private gentleman to cracy; free silver is played out, and the Pretoria, July 19.—lue Voiksraud re­ back to a committee an ordinance pro­ uates. The gross earnings of the whole mile­ sumed dlscussicuof the franchise bill viding for the dividing of the city into commemorate Emperor Franz Josef s Any good robust woman with a only way to strengthen later day demo ­ age was $1,437,325,621, an increase of at its session to-day. The trend of tue four districts for electric lighting pur­ jubilee. Tfce donor has also given 50,- rolling-pin, can knock a hole in the pie poses. Tills action is believed to lie cracy and populism is to do something $125,235,848. debate favored seven years ’ retrospec ­ 000 florins to maintain the vessel In crust tive and prospective franchise. largely due to a iiersonal appeal by to make times so bad that there will be time of peace. It will be managed by It Is said that some of the sheep The total number of casualties for the Replying to a question, President Mayor Jones. The Traction Co. ’s con ­ the Austrian Red Cross society. an army of unemployed to work upon. tract for lighting the city expires In farms in Australia are as large as the That trusts and combinations are year was 47,741. The aggregate killed Kruger reviewed the Bloemfontein con ­ Mai coni has indented an instrument was 6,859, and injured 40,882. Of rail­ ference, aud said that the proposals of December, but a law passed a year ago whole of England. formed as well in free trade England as Sir Alfred Mlluer, governor of Cape provides that there sliall not be com­ for ascertaining a sh.p’s position in a “Some critics,” observes the Dallas in protective America is known to every way employes 1,958 were killed and 31, Colony aud British high commissioner petition against it unless by u vote of fog when it is within range of one of 761 injured. News, “do not consider criticism of one who can read, but that will probably of South Africa, were too wide, but the iwople. The promoters of the pres his telegraph stations. It consists of a any value unless It hurts.” make no difference. That men in all that alteration from nine to seven ent ordinance proposed fighting this receiver which can he revolved and The passengers killed were 221 and in­ years wus only a slight difference, and law aud advertising for bids for light­ w'hich when pointing toward the trans­ Ballet dancers live to a great are. parties are denouncing trusts when they jured 2,945. The total number of per­ for reasons of honesty and righteous ­ ing each or all of the four districts into mitting station sets off an electr.c bell, At least, nobody ever saw a ballet dan ­ are candidates for office, is also well sons killed other than passengers and ness he (President Kruger) recommend­ which the city was to be divldec thus establishing the bearings as ac­ cer who was young. known. In 1892 this country was at employes was 4,680 and injured 6,176 ed the alteration, which would meet Mayor Jones appeared before the Al­ The bachelor with only one idea con ­ dermen to-night and spoke ugsfat the curately as the compasB. The Instru ­ high tide of prosperity. A democratic This includes persons classed as tres­ the English objections. The country, ment is to Le tried on the Chauuel siders that joi ns women were made he added, would not be endangered ordinance, urging its defeat. He said solely to chew gum. victory precipitated a panic, democratic passers, tramps and the like. One par thereby, but would gain the applause it was the difference between whole­ steamers. legislation resulting in the Wilson law seDger was killed for every 2,267,270 car­ of the world. sale and retail; that the different firms "The Greek flower peddlers in Twen­ This Is the time when the young further aggrivated matters, and when ried, and one injured for every 170,141 Iu secret session the seven years ’ would eventually eomhine, forming * ty-third street,” says the New York man with the $4,00u education pre­ another national election came around, One out of every 447 employes was franchise proposition wus adopted. new trust, and urged moreover that Commercial Advertiser, “now go a pares to hustle for the $400 job. although many republicans in their busi­ the elty was now ready for municipal step further selling collections of blos­ If all the hay now In sight In Texas killed and one out of every 28 was in­ GRATIFYING PROGRESS MADE. ownership of a lighting plant. His re ness distress had lost sight of the real jured. soms from overnight receptions and could he saved there would be p’enty marks elicited applause, and the ordi ­ to supply the State for five years. cause of their trouble, the Wilson bill, Organisation Expected to Be Com ­ nance was referred back by a vote of funerals. They changescentless wood The wicked Dingley tariff is working pleted by the Middle of March. 9 to 0. violets Into those of the sweet smell­ An Austin, Tex., man who has tried and joined the populists for a cheap dol Washington, July 17. —Col. Ward, ing variety by the simple expedient of lar, a majority of the people, republicans havoc. In the fiscal year just closed all It Insists that no husband can find his chief of the recruiting division of the SEEKING CAPITAL. a little perfumed water and- a sprink­ wife asleep If he goes home after mid ­ and democratee, voted for McKinley, the the countries of the world, with the adjutant general's office, has prepared ler. And the buyer is supposed to night. champion of protection, and for main­ ex 'eption of four which reduced their To Complete the Coniblae of flic never know the difference till after a statement showing that sluce recruit­ Worsted Trust. After all, the greatest affliction asso ­ taining the present gold standard- imports of breadstuffs, largely increased they are dry. And then It doesn't mat­ ciated with dyspepsia is to listen to their purchases in the United States ing began, July 10, for the Philippine Philadelphia, Pa., July 19.—Promot ­ Happily there is no probabiliny that any volunteer service, the total enlistment ter.” the remedies which sympathetic per­ Thesab s of manufactured articles to all ers of the $70,000,000 worsted spindle thing but the gold standard will be at­ to date has been 2,268 men, of whom trust are now In Philadelphia to patch The planters In Hawaii realize that sons propose for that disorder. tempted throughout the civilized world parts of the world has been beyond all 504 were recruited yesterday. The up weak spots in that organization, the contract system is at an end, and A rural editor In Georgia, In order for the next generation, and a return ti precedent. Democratic leaders have statement does not include any of to ­ which, it Is said, will become an as are now trying the experiment of to Increase his subscription, makes the gotten beyond trying to “explain.” day ’s recruiting. sured fact under the name of the profit sharing with the laborers. So novel offer of "a cow and a copy of protection has brought renewed pros ­ Gen. Corbin and other officials of the perity. It would not seem possible that United State* Worsted Co. this week far the plan has worked well, and is Byron for fifty cash subscribers.” war department, say they are very George Campbell, of Philadelphia, is believed to be the final solution of the the people of this country could be O much gratified at the progress made, The only person who ever drives In to be president. The one difficulty to labor question. The sugar Industry Is Rotten Row is Queen Victoria, and fooled again. The democratic party will Bssntkw Thf Kind You Haw Always Bought especially when It Is considered that be surmounted Is the raising of capital by all odds the most important and to not solve the trust or any other quea Signature the work already performed was done to buy 40 mills here and in eastern that august lady never visits London at the regular army recruiting stations get sufficient laborers the planters tion. It just kicks, kicks, kicks. sf states. Options on 19, largely In Phil­ without availing herself of that royal and before the special volunteer sta­ adelphia, have beeh secured. Oppo ­ have to offer liberal terms. They claim prerogative. , tions had been put Into active opera ­ nents of the scheme hate to take pay that profit sharing Is the fairest to all Maquis de Fontenoy, an interesting tion. Gen. Corbin says that the num ­ for their mills In trust stocks. concerned, and that it will make the It is gratifying to notice that the use ST. JOHNS MARKETS. ber of volunteers already obtained sat­ correspondent of the Chicago Tribune, Islands more prosperous than was pos­ is not afraid to refer to the queen's of American flour abroad has reached isfies him that the ten volunteer regi­ BREWER DON’T WORRY. sible under the coolie system. its high water mark in the fiscal year Grain .quotations are furnished by the 8t. ments will be completely orguutzed by laureate as a ridiculous little man who Johns wheat houses every Thursday , and are for The Philadelphia Record says: is a pigmy as compared with Swin- just closed with an exportation of 18,000- the prices paid that day only. the 15th prox. Senator Chandler’s Charges Docs Conductor Penn Little of the Reading The elevators will open promptly at 7 a. m. Not Disturb Him Greatly. ourne. 000 barrels. The average price per bush­ and close at 0 p. m. WORK CLASSIFIED. Washington, July 19.—Civil Service railway, who was painfully injured a Wheat, white...... 4 67 The Whltsett, Ga.t Courier has this el of wheat exported during the year Wheat, red ...... Commissioner Mark Brewer, of Michi­ few weeks ago by being thrown from 67 What the Peace Congress Has Thus unique announcement: “When we was 74 77c. and the average price per Oats...______!...... 26 gan, who returned to Washington to­ the top of a car at Nicetown, Is aware started this paper we said, as all edi ­ Dressed Chickens...... 74 Far Accomplished. now that great rivalry exists among bushel for the wheat exported in the Dressed Turkeys —...... 10 Washington, July 19.—The work ac­ day, does not appear to be greatly dis ­ tors say: ‘We are here to stay. ’ But, form of flour was 87.67c., calculating Dressed Ducks...... OH turbed because of the “charges'- undertakers and florists In this city. Dressed Geese...... 06 complished by The Hague conference against him which Senator Chandler is having made ten dollars, by the bless­ that 4% bushels of wheat are utilized in Dressed Beef...... 06-07 The day following his accident he re­ as represented in the conventions and said to bave filed with the president. ing of God, we are now prepared to the production of a barrel of flour. This Dressed Hoes...... —...... 1.50-4.0" ceived twenty-two proposals from va ­ move! ” Live Hoes ...... S. I treaties which have just reached the Mr, Brewer has had ample opportunity rious undertakers who wanted the Job adds 12.9c. to the amount of money re­ Live Cattle...... 4.00— Dressed Mutton ...... 7-7*7-7 state department, are divided Into during his long service in Washington of burying him, the rates running A Michigan circus man, after surviv ­ ceived for each bushel of wheat sent Butter...... 11-12 three* classes. The first relate to the to observe the New Hampshire sena­ from $55 to $360. Florists from all ing the jokes of the clown for a num ­ abroad in this form, thus making over Begs, per dosen ______10-11 revision of the rules of war relative to tor ’s eccentricities and Is familiar with ber of years, laughed immoderately at Lard, per pound ...... 06 his methods. In speaking of the In­ over the country sent their rates for $10,000,000 during the year as a compen ­ Potatoes, New______CO—® the rescue of shipwrecked and wound­ ‘gates ajar.’ broken columns, pillows a Joke told at the tent entrance, and Onions, per bo ...... ed persons in marine battles. Included cident to-day. Mr. Brewer said* keeled over dead. The clown regarded sation to the American labor which Clover Seed, Mammoth...... 3.50 under this general bead is a provision ‘I have no knowledge of the filing of and vacant chairs. One gardener call­ transformed the 80,000,000 bushels of “ “ June ...... S.W ed In person, and Little, meeting him the man ’s demise as a personal affront Beans..______80 for extending to hospital ships Immun ­ the charges against me by Senator and Immediately sent in his resigna ­ grain into the 18,000,000 barrels of flour Alsyke Clover Seed- ...... 4.00 Chandler, and I care nothing about ltv at the door, succeeded In getting 50 Bye.______52 ity from capture in three cases—first, tion. exported during the year. Barley, per cwt...... 75 in the case of official national vessels If Mr. Chandler has any personal per cent, discount off market price? Hay. No. 1 Timothy______5.00-7.00 under proper lusignia; second, private grievance toward myself in regard to before he made himself known as the A wedding breakfast at Kinsley's In hospital ships fitted out by benevolent my conduct of the examination, he, of man supposed to be dead. ” Chicago was rudely interrupted by a How We Got Cheap Money. course, is ot perfect liberty to preseut constable with a demand for payment It Takes the Cake. persons; third, hospital ships fitted out The Philadelphia Press prints a dis ­ by neutral powers, benevolently Inclin ­ the same to the president, or anyone for the bride ’s gown. The groom was The correspondent of the London else to whom he may see fit.” patch from Cairo, Egypt, saying that “Statist,” writing from the West, in As a check to prosperity war cannot ed, for the rescue of wounded and ship­ a good fellow, and promised to liqui­ hold a candle to the Democratic party. wrecked sailors. M. Georyes Legrain has found two . e- summing up a general review of the It is the most successful prosperity de ­ KEEP THEIR PLANS SECRET. markable statues in the ruins of the date, but even that didn ’t make the financial situation in that section, said: Conventions relative to the revision breakfast taste as It would have done stroyer the nation has ever known, and supplementing of rules for the temple at Kernak. One is alabaster, Broadly, therefore,.! look for cheap but it will not have an opportunity to Cleveland Strikers Are Not 'Telllan had the Incident not occurred. money, and the greater prosperity whicn conduct of war on land. These under ­ .What They Will Do. and represents the great Theban £~d is now being felt by almost all classes of do any more damage along that line take to define who are and who are not Cleveland, O., July 19.—Whether or Tir.mon. It Is eighteen feet high and When Colonel Henderson makes a within the next quarter of a century. not the quiet that has prevailed to-day speech in the House of Representatives the community to still further stimulate The people have it within their power proper combatants. Tbey also provide was originally made from one solid trade, for the railways to obtain large for the proj>er treatment of prisoners precedes a storm to come in the street he always stands In the aisle and to destroy the great prosperity de ­ j railway strike is the question that ev ­ block of stone, the largest alabaster traffics and large profits, and for prices stroyer. They gave it a severe set­ of war, etc. statue In the world. It was found in throws the stump of his amputated leg of securities to remain high. The third class of conventions con ­ erybody is asking. The strike Is spread- on the top of a desk beside him. That back in 1896 and will complete the ______._v but the men are pursuing different three pieces, which were erslly put to ­ "Cheap money ” was what the West tain articles looking to the peaceful ad gether. The artistic finish is perfect is his favorite attitude. clamored for during the campaign of job in 1900.—Springfield (Mo.) “Repub­ justinent of International differences, I tnctics from those followed In the for- 1896. The free silverites believed lican.” includlng a scheme of mediation, iiht strike. They are not Interfering The second statue Is one that was ft up by King Vsertescn I, in honor of that tye way to get cheap money was to scheme______of______International__ courts of in- i the non-union men who are oper- ALL SORTS- have “open mints” for tne free ooinage The Tariff and the Mill*. qulry. and a scheme for a permanent <,,n'8 - nor will they tell what their fcls father, back In the days of Abra­ of silver. Their wiser brothers, whfle It is conceded that the Tariff is re­ arbitration tribunal. All of these con- p ,,,1H ,,ro - *" e officials of the com- ham. On the lap of this effigy Is a many of them believed in "open mints, ” sponsible for the mills. Without the ventions are under careful scrutiny !pnn /.n "° nfus<> to talk, but they op- slab, upon which are carved inscrip­ A Yonkers. N. Y.. man dislocated his too, yet agreed with President McKialey Tariff we should still be supplying the and If they comply In terms with the * rftt‘* d ‘T13 on wvernl of the lines to tions proving tfce antiquity of the shoulder by sneezing. that the best wav to get cheap money — mills of England with raw materials and brief synopsis already furnished theldny P0"™ Potion without molestation. Preparations are l>elng work. Accompanying M. Legrain The.e are nearly 130.000.000 Mussul- that is, money which would be easily buying back the finished products, still government they will secure the ad ­ when he made the discovery was Chas men under the British flag. gotten by the mass of thepeople, money be a oountry of agriculturists, a oountry hesion of the stute department made to resume operations on other which could be hired at a low rate df thinly populated, unable to have helped lines, and it Is apparent Hint new men N. Crewdson, corresponding secretary Three hundred and sixty-eight ves ­ interest, was to open the mills for the the Cubans, to have defeated Spain, or are to lie secured ns rnpldli; ns pos ­ of the Chicago Society of Egyptian sels were In collision last year. CLEVER ATTACHMENT sible to take the place* of the strikers. fullest and freest employment of Ameri­ to have acquired the Philippines; a Research, who Is traveling in Egypt It is said that not less than $20,000,- can workingmen, and thus to put in country in debt to the old world, sub­ By Which Bicycles Can he Held I pos The stale board of arbitration is try­ in the Interest of the society he repre- circulation the great amount of money jected to its needs in sll financial ways, the Railroads. ing to bring about arbitration, but 000 Is spent at Atlantic City in the. lying idle in the oountry, and, by the and practically an industrial and com ­ Anderson, Ind., July 19.—Bert Wia- thus far no suecess has attended the course of a single year. sale of American products abroad, to mercial colony serving the precise par- grove, night operator at the Panhan­ efforts In that direction. A successful exhibition of the works pose which the mother country so long attract foreign money into the country. dle passenger station, has been giving of Rodin, the famous French sculptor, We have the open mills, thanks to the attempted to compel us to serve. To Tawas City people claim that the has just closed In Brussels. Dingley law, and we have money which, abolish the Tariff would be to abolish rail riding exhibitions with a bicycle Detroit & Macklna< Railroad Is dls- CASTOR IA whether “cheap” or not — for “cheapness” the mills. To abolish the mills would during the last week, which proved criuiiiHtlug again- that plaee iu the For Infants and Children. The plna cloth of the Philippines Is depends on how one defines the word - send the people back to the oountry that he has successfully solved the matter of train service, and will prob­ made from the fiber of the pineapple is quite plentiful enough to make the from which it is obvious thev would problem of adjusting an ordinary bicy­ ably seek to get ev> i. through the city Tbs Kind Yon Han Always Bought leaf. The cloth Is very expensive. people of the West as well as the people never have oome if the life in the mills cle to railroad rails. He has made an council, by compelling the company to Thirty-six foreign vessels, having an of all other sections of the country pros- had not been preferable to life in the attachment and added a third wheel maintain flngmcn at four different aggregate tonnage of 57,656, met with rous. That is the main thing, and New England hill towns. —Philadelpia to his bicycle. It baa a double flange, crossings In th« city, at considerable Signature of disaster In American «it*n - Kit is the great thing. inquirer. an«Ms held on the far rail by a brace. expense. Mrs. Lillie Barber is visiting in Howell. MEN AS DRESSMAKERS. John Blass is spending a few days in 1 NOT FAMOUS AS COOKS. CREATES HAPPINESS Petoskey. The Only High Qratf* Bakins Why All the Greet Ones Have Po wdsr Offered at a Mod ­ lieen Males. WHY WOMEN ARE NOT 80 A little woman can do a big lot of Arty Tucker is visiting his uncle, erate Price. with little effort with Gold Dust. It James Estes, in Owossu. It Is a sad and not to be denied fact GOOD A8 MEN. the labor of cleaning more than •aves both time and money. R. S. Clark went to Grand Rapids that all the great dressmakers of the yesterday, returning today. world have been and are men. No The Tula For Food Is More Devel­ oped in Men und It Gives Mrs. Ransom, of New York, is visiting woman has risen to the supremacy CALUMETS men have attained In this department. Them a Greater her brother, Geo. W. Estes. The cause of masculine success is tbe Interest. Mr. and Mrs. McLain are visiting GOJbP, possession of an eye for color and a ca­ The natural indifference of her sex oust friends in Owoeso this week. NONE SO COOD. pacity for hard work. In tbe ’50’s M. to food of fine flavor is against woman, Washing Powder Seth Hunt and Adney Hunt were in Worth Initiated women Into 'what is for, whether cook or court teas, the Flint on business yesterday. now known as “contrasts. ” He taught is » bringer of brightness, comfort and gourmet Is never developed lu a wom ­ health to every housewife who uses it. M. D. Hubbard was in Detroit and them that blue would go with green, an as it is in man. When Louis Eut- Don ’t waste your energy in scrubbing Lansing on business yesterday. green with mauve and purple with tache Ude was brought over to Eng ­ hard and rubbing hard with soap in the old-fashioned way. Gold crimson, aud above all he always had land, with all hls honors as the valued Dust makes hard cleaning easy. Mrs. M. S. Cook and daughter, of ( ONE AHEAD. his ow Tn way. Many a story Is told to Duluth, Minnesota, are guests of Mrs., chef of Louis XVI. fresh upon him, For greatest economy buy our large package. Illustrate this trait. one of his grievances, besides fogs and W. A. Beech. She was an unusual woman, and ear- THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY Accompanied by the daughter of climate, was the coldness land Indiffer­ Leon Owen, of Albany, N. Y. returned rled herself superbly, whether mount- some rich Americans, the story-teller ence with which women qf the upper CHICAGO ST. LOUIS NEW YORK BOSTON home Monday, after spending a week | ed for a gallop, floating In a shimmer- found her wuy Into the great man ’s classes treated his beloved pursuit. with friends here. t Ing maze of tulle In tbe ballroom, or presence one day. Tbe transatlantic “Neither sensibility nor enthusiasm do dumsel, with a passionate love of her BREVITIES. Mrs. Emma Hinchey, of Owosso, spent j the dining hall In a blue glng- I find among them,” he wrote, “which The Republican. month and be did not notice her until own opinion, was bent on tbe purchase la partly to their parents ’ act in re­ Insure with D. L. H unt . the latter part of last week with her of a scarlet opera cloak. Being some ­ stricting them until grown up to a nur ­ sister, Mrs. Bacon. ham. Yet they had both been there a what sallow-toned, Worth first looked C. C. VAUGHAN, Publisher D. W. Cull went to Detroit Monday. one lazy afternoon In the heart of the sery or boarding-school diet of milk George Swarthout, who has been work­ her over and then demurred to the col ­ pudding and bread and butter, and TERMS ;-$l.OO Per Year. Mrs. Richard Moore spent Monday in summer. " or. Ills willful client insisted, how­ ing here several weeks, went to his home killing instead of cultivating a refined JOB PRINTING, Fowler. He sat smoking and thinking at • ever —she would and must have scar­ in Owoseo Saturday. appetite.” Will Flowers is spending the week in bend of the piazza, where he could see let, so be it. The cloak was sent home; Men, on. the other hand, have made Our material is new and of the latest styles Ie the case of Theodore Miller etal. vs. but it had two sides —a vision of sap­ and we guarantee satisfaction, both hi Detroit and not be seen. The hills were blue history in gastronomy, ns in all else. prices and quality of work. Paul E. Dunham et al., the hill of com ­ and dreamy, and only a sigh came phire velvet, sable and steel embroid ­ We may begin with the Romans, who Our Advertising rates are $100 per column per Dr. H. M. Gohn was in Ithaca on bus plaint was dismissed. from the pine forest below the hotel. ery on oni*, scarlet poplin draped with left at least two excellent thing* be­ annum. Business notices five cents per line icess Monday. black Chantilly and marvelously for each insertion. Editors! notices, ten cents. Miss Mary Cline went to Deeorah She was lying in a hammock with a hind them—tlielr laws und their cook ­ Business cards, $1.06 per line per year. . Charles T. Babcock left for Montana worked with jet beads on the other. ery —and fill in every intervening area Marriage, birth and death notices inserted free. Iowa, Monday to visit her brother till book. The veranda was deserted, and On the accompanying bill was written: Obitnary comments, resolutions, cards of thanks, last Thursday. with great names, from Aplclus, who etc., will be charged for at the rate of five the first of September. she was reading aloud something fa­ “To one blue velvet cloak by Worth, pleased the blase palates of the Am­ oents per line. Arthur Pullaw spent the first of the miliar—reading, In fact, In a voice full $----; to one scarlet ditto, by order of Correspondence containing local news is solic ­ Mrs. Hattie Baldwin and sou, Charles phitryon*. down to the Bignons or Be- ited from all parts of the oountv. week in Detroit. who have been visiting here two weeks of feeling, a quatrain from his own Mdlle. H.. no charge.” The price was nolsts of our own times aud more re­ Annonymons communications not inserted under fearsome —it doubtless covered all any circumstances. Miss Jennie French, of Muir, visited ■returned to Chicago Saturday. poems. fined, though not more complex, meth­ Announcements of lodge and society meetings, friends here Friday. They were his first poems —and It combinations; but the great man, who ods. Men take—have always tuken — entertainments, etc., will be charged for at Harvey Chapman went to his home in hated to be dictated to, vindicated his flee cents per line. was a pleasant sensation. She dosed this fine art seriously, aud, devoting to Wolcott 4k Danly will operate the St. Chesaning after spending two weeks at own way very prettily at the same It time and energy and taste, succeed Johns apple dryer this year. the home of W. H. H. Chapman. the book, placed her hands behind her time. head and, looking far away toward the where the superficial Interest given It BUSINESS CARDS. Mrs. Frank Stone and son,of Caro, are Mr. and Mrs. Guy Longcor and Miss Some months later Worth was invit ­ by women fails. Vatel took it too se­ northern mountains, repeated the last ed to dress a personage who was, be­ guests at A. E. Richardson ’s. Nellie Walker are spendidg the woek riously, indeed, when he fell on hls MUSIC. line Id a voice that fell through the sides very fat, very short, and pos ­ Mrs. Wilder Knickerbocker, of Ovid with his parents in Shepardsville. sword because a certain coqullle ARION E. DODGE, VOCAL AND IN- soft silence Into his heart, and thrilled sessed, to hoot, of great belief In her d'ecrevisse was sent sauceless to the M‘ strumental Music. Over Spaulding ft Co. visited at W. B. Lyon ’s Friday. The Misses Grace Hunt and Helen him In a manner unknown before. I own good taste. Her husband, n Rus­ table of his king. ,, Wheelock went to Battle Creek yester­ sian prince, was lately dead, but the ATTORNEYS. Henry Shaw, of Ithaca, spent Sunday Shakespeare presents the supreme It was said of Careme, Prince Tal­ with his sister, Mrs. J. W. Bradner. day to visit Mrs. Martin two weeks. egotist of all fiction In “Othello,” and, | widow Inclined to cherfulness In col ­ leyrand ’s chef and confidential adviser S. R. SMITH. or, and vivid purple formed a part of Miss Irma Thompson, of Lansing, is Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stone visited at with an egotism like Othello’s, he fir t to boot, that he never let a week pass TTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE OV»R»EL- her Immediate future plans. Worth without composing a new and capti­ l. ler’s Bazaar. the guest of Miss Vesta Woodbury. the home of ther brother, F. L. Merritt* noticed this woman in a personal w.: r suggested black, pressed for black, In­ when he found she was Interested in vating dish. Lagupiere and Jules WILL H. BRUNSON. Miss Joeie Doyle, of Cedar Springs, is Wednesday and Thursday of last week. sisted on black; Princess L. was all for Gouffe made the early years of this _jL H. BRUNSON.-ATTORNEY AT a guest at W. H. Holmes' two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Carpenter and son him—or, rather. In bis little stories in liveliness aud lilac. Suddenly, after century famous in dinner-giving an­ Law, over Poetuffice. St. Johns. rhyme. He noticed then the round fteen minutes ’ useless fencing, the Mrs. Emma Peterson and daughter Roy, are spending a week with relatives nals, and was It not to Urbaln Dubois WM. N. STOCKER. white arm from which the sleeve fell l i«>stro shut hls eyes, sighed gently that William I. “owed the finest Joys OLDIER8 AND COMRADES. I BEING went to their home in Hillsdale Friday. in Edmore, Chippewa Lake and Alma. away. l!e noticed the exquisite out ­ one of your number, therefore know your but firmly, and said: “Alas, madame, he had ever known? ” wantsS' and also your rights by law, therefore Mrs. Wm. Ross and Little Juddy Hop M. D. Hubbard has rented the Wal- line of h r figure and the curve of her nev« r but in that color can I do Justice Harking hack even to mediaeval respectfully solicit your patronage in the prose ­ sworth bouse, now occupied by Prof. chin ard throat, and he felt the mel­ to yo-*r especial though delightful flg- cutions of claims for pensions, back pay, bounty son spent the first of the week in Ovid England, woman took her place in the ody of h *r voice, and all—not for her­ , tire!” Neither would give way, so no ■or rations. Also Notary Public. Enquire at H. J. Bently, of Chesaning, was a Monroe, and will move into it in Septem­ kitchen relation not so much as oper ­ Holler** Bazaar. WM. N. STOCKER. ber. self—brt because she loved his poem. 1 Wortli gowns were ever found In that ator as overseer. While the master guest at W. H. H. Chapman’c last week That night, when the music sighed KEDKWA ft WALRRIDOR. Mrs. Hattie Armstrong ieft for Lake particular palace in St. Petersburg. and his comradea made merry In the- ttorneys at law , st. johns . mich.. Dan Strauser went to Lansing and aud throbbed, he danced with her. It Odessa Saturday, where she will be the hall, madam superintended her servi ­ A Over Travis ft Baber’s.______will spend two weeks there and in South was his first waltz for years. She had Table Talk. tors and chefs in the kitchen, and PERRINS ft BALDWIN. Lyons. * guest of her son, Johiioie Wise, two read his poem and partly for that he Queens ’ nd Is inaugurating a depar ­ women cooks, when women cooks ttorneys at law , money loaners weeks. liked It. Perhaps partly, too. that the ture in the fruit trade. It has been . and Real Estate Agents. Office over Mrs. M. V. Pincomb and daughter, of there were, posed merely as satellites ■Chapman'sA Shoe Store, Clinton Are., St. Johns. Mrs. Sarah McFarlan and the Misses woman was a poem In herself. | found that dried bananas are an excel- JBig Rapids, are visiting her father, J. M and subordinates to the soyers of that EDWIN H. LYON. Evelyn and Edna Brown, who have been One evening, soon after, they wntch- ( lent sill stitute for raisins in puddings, period. Those Mere the days, It must Dewitt. TTORNEY AT LAW, ST. JOHNS, MICH., at Stratford, Canada, four weeks, return • ed together a storm coming down from and an enterprising firm in that place be remembered, before women dined u Office-over Geo. EL Chapman's Mere. the mountains. All the winds of heaven Mrs. Lena Martin was in Pewamo the ed Monday. has scut a consignment of bananas to In men ’s company. Following med- SPATTLDING, NORTON A DOOKANO. latter .part of last week bj the illness of were let loose. The pine trees fought laevalisni came the dawn of a carving Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Heller and England, where it is expected a market A TTORNEY8 AT LAW, OFFICE OWES ST a sister. like demons and fell back with aj*oh can tie opened. If the venture Is era. when woman took her place at the A. Johns Natienal Bank. children left for Chicago Saturday and when the wind passed over. The success we may find American grocers table’s head and cut meat for her fam­ R. J. WOODRUFF. State Treasurer Steel and Deputy R. from there they go to California on thunder boomed like mighty cannon ily. As far on in history as Eliza­ TOSTTCE OF THE PEACE, OFFBOE OVER G. Steel were here from Lansing over and the played In the moun­ prevailing on their customers to take account of Mr. Heller’s health. i dried bananas instead of the succulent bethan days, her carver ’s stool still fj Allison ’s Jewelry Store. Collections a Sunday. tain tops. gave her the only commission to sit at •speciality. W. H. Lawrence and mother, Mrs. As he watched her, her face was raisin. Mias Helen Bullis, of Maple Rapids ( i Gradually we are being educated up the top of her own well-spread board. LEWIS SEVEBANCE, A. VL Elizabeth Lawrence, went to Cleveland transformed. The glory and the gran ­ It is to the Dutch, by the way, that w# TTORNEY, COUNSELOR AND flOLICL was the guest of Miss Effie W ^afcberwax Monday after spending four weeks with deur of It all had made her forget him. to grape fruit. Many people do not L tor. St. Johns, Michigan. like its pungent and slightly acrid fla- owe our pleasant present manner of last week. Mrs Pickering near Union Home. Suddenly there was a long moment of seating men and women alternately at Mrs. Eliza Poet went to Muskegon ! vor. Recently it was served at PHYSICIANS. Mrs. H, Campbell, of Hillsdale, and silence in which he could hear her luncheon In a fashionable New York dinner, and when this distribution of H. D. SQUAIR, M. D. last week, after spending two weeks at Mrs. Betts, of Mitchell, South Dakota, deep breathing, and then came the rain I hotel, picked from its outer skin and genders became general, about the TDHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE Dr. Poet ’s. were guests at the home of their cousin and hail and howling of tbe wind. I arranged temptingly In a cut-glass end of the seventeenth century, mad ­ JL Tn Clinten block, St. John*. She was leaning far out into the am gradually abandoned her onerous J. L. Hamilton is attending the phot< G. W. Marvin, the latter part of last darkness, and as she drew back a hall- , dish. The fiber had been removed and B. DODGE, M. EL, SURGEON AND i the fruit flavored with Maraschino. If duties as carver to more muscular Homoeopathic Phymeaan. Office and resi­ graph ere convention at Chaukaugua week. j stone struck her cheek, causing her to hands on each side. eve r Spaulding ft OoV Hardware Store. Lake, N. Y., this week. j served for breakfast grape fruit Mrs. D. H. Mosher is visiting her cry out. He caught her to his heart should be cut In two and the core re­ DR. ERNEST SCHEMER. J. J. Graham, who has been working daughter, Mrs. Thad Reynolds, for three and for one moment forgot himself moved with a sharp knife. The same SPRING FASHIONS IN CHINA. )HYSfCIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE ol and why he had cared for her. ester GrulerV Store. Fowler, Mich. here hve montns, left for Saginaw M , weeks. Opal Reynolds has been with knife then should be passed between day, where he has work. her grandmother seven weeks and re In less than a year he was thinking the fruit and the skin, loosening, but BR.A E. OILLAM, M. D. of It all one evening, as he silently not removing It. Put powdered sugar HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE AND Mrs. EarJ Clark, of Alma, who has turned with her. smoked in the firelight of his library. residence west of Court House. Office been at the home of Chas. Reeves for Th°i Gratiot County republicans gave He leaned hack and laughed aloud. in the middle and set on lee. It is Phours 1 to 4 r. M., from 7 to 9 p.m. said grape fruit in the morning is a two weeks, went home Monday. a banquet at the Wright House to “That was a sensation, truly! Aud DR. HENRY PALMER. ML D. how nearly, after all my experience, all beauty tonic above compare. :HY8ICIAN AND SURGEON, opthauselo- George H. Marshall has been appoint ­ Seoator Giddings and Representative Arab carriers bear great loads upon gist and gooieral >ractitk»ner. Office owei ed trustee in the matter of the bank­ Wood, July 16th, as a mark of apprecia­ my vows made at the altar of ambi­ their hacks, and go at a trotting pace HuntP ’s Drug Store, ours 10 to 12 a. m/ and 2 tion, did I lose myself for a woman — tei p. n. ruptcy of Robert Shaw, Dewitt. tion of the latters services in the legisla but such a woman! I shall never see from 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. During the ture. month of Ramadan the Koran forbids DENTISTS- Mrs. O. G. Hicks and Mrs. M. Sea bet equal again. There comes the post ­ man returned from a six weeks’ visit in man. Invitations —Invitations —how the taking of food between sunrise and G. K. CORBIN. M. D., D. D. 8. set, and this law Is said to be held sa­ raduate of the university of the western part of New York last week, ON AN AUTOMOBILE GUN. they do run after an eligible! Letters cred and rarely violated. Not only do Michigan. Thirty years ’ experience in St. —from Kitty and from Ruth—sweet Johns.G Trust entirely to his taste, ability, eon- Chas. Fowler, Geo. A. Welle, W. Bun these porters continue their arduous eeience, and you will get the nearest approach Interesting; Experimental Trip to Be girls, both of them. And —good!!! A day, Stephen Rowell, F. R. Jackson, and Mhde bjr Cadets. physical exercise during the twelve la­ In the line of Easter bonnets cer­ possible to perfection of results in dentistry. card from the publishers announcing boring hours of the day without tak F. F. Murdock will go to AuTrain Mon An experiment fraught with great the prize winners of the last contest tainly the most unique is reproduced ARTHUR CORBIN, D. D. 8. ____ Ing any food during that period, but in the accompanying sketch from a _WN8, “BRIDGE WORK” (TEETH day. interest to the armies of all countries I wonder If it’s first or second place 1 the French inspectors who are In without plates) and nil latest processes. will be made shortly, with Highland come In for —a thousand dollars would photograph of a Chinese woman who C“. George Haynes was sent to Detroit charge of the gangs say that they lives in the hills forty miles above Foo­ 1HOMA8 S. MANN, D. D. 8. —MIDDLE OF House of Correction for 65 days Friday Park, Ilia, as tbe starting place and not be so had Just now —by Jove! ” work better during the month of the unper block, Mae floor as Perrins ft Bald- New York as tbe finishing point. A de ­ He started to hls feet and held the chow. It Is an elaborate affair, built win. for being disorderly. It was a second fast than at any other time of the year, of bambqo, cloth, beads, and brass tail of cadets from tbe Northwestern paper at arm’s length. He read It because their energy Is not needed for offense. Military academy, in command of Ma­ again. The name of the first prize rings. UNOERTAKERS. digestion. At eventide these Arabs TheSt. Johns Land Company is build ­ jor Royal P. Davidson, is to make a fly­ winner was her name. He wasn't men have a moderate meal of wheatmeal Uoued. either, for second. Valuable Laces. E. I. HULL. ing a 12 foot addition on the rear of the ing trip to New York on an automobile porridge, mixed with large proportions The princess of Wales owns one of NDERTAKER, NO. M, CLINTON AVE- Chick store and the old State Bank gun carriage mounting a rapid fire gun “Well,” he mused over hls pipe, “she nue. Residence first house west of Con ­ wasn't such a goose. If she was in love of butter (It Is to be had cheap) or olive the finest collections of Jace In the Ugregational churcii. building. and laden with ammunition. oil. Their expenditure for food Is not General Miles has sanctioned tbe with me once. ” world. She always loved beautiful Murdo McDonald has resigned as a more than 6 or 7 cents a day, and the lace, and soon after her marriage be­ MISCELLANEOUS. scheme and has expressed the deepest And then—somehow —hls thoughts only member of the school board, and the slipped away from the lost prize and luxury which they permit them­ gan making a collection, which Is now MRS J. E. LITTELL. interest in tbe preliminary arrange ­ selves Is a cup of very strong black said to be worth about $250,000. It ES80NS IN SHORT HAND AND TYPE- he fell to dreaming of a blond head board has elected John H. Fedewa in ments. The carriage and tbe rapid fire coffee and a cigarette. The Idler ex­ was the king of the Belgians ’ wedding J writing. Terms reasonable. hisplace. A good selection. gun are now under construction. The with face uplifted to the storm one wild slimmer night, and he resolved to ists on 1 cent ’s worth of bread with a present to her of about $50,000 worth H. M. GOHN. Miss Maude Bingham, who has been motive powet will be gasoline, and a little olive oil, which he buys for an of beautiful lace which started the ETERINARY SURGEON, OFFICE, FIL- uniform speed of 15 miles an hour on a see that face again. —Ex. dew ft Millman ’s Drug Store, residence with relatives in Toledo several weeks, additional 5 cents. princess as an enthusiastic collector. V$04 Ottawa St. N., St. Johns. Mich. good road is predicted. As this speed And Mini* It Wm. The princess of Wales is not alone returned home Monday accompanied by can be kept up indefinitely, the great An Treated Well. Miss Mabel Horning who will visit here. Some one once said that “the reason among royal ladies in her hobby for advantage over horsepower will be seen. There seems to be a rivalry among lace, for the tsaritza is known to be gTATE BANK OF ST. JOHNS. Loafers put three empty beer bottles —Special New York World. so many persons have such fool names the millionaire fathers of American- specially fond of It One of the most COMMERCIAL AND 8AVING8. on tbe front steps of the Congregational Is because of a novel their mothers British peeresses as to who can do exquisite specimens possessed by her church Saturday night. This was un. How ft riikcrman Mot Up With ft were reading. ” most for their daughters, comments Imperial majesty is a superb piece of CAPITAL $50,000.00. Whale. Chantilly ■'presented her last year by doubtedly considered a very funny trick But It isn ’t entirely the fault of the an English weekly. A little time ago William Davis of Cutler, Me., was yellow covered book. Once upon a the French government as a birthday Net Assets of Stockholders, $000,000.00. recently oat in his small boat near Lib­ when Lady Curzon ’s husband was ap­ gift. Miss Lou Moore, who has been at the time there used to be a Claude or a pointed viceroy of Indian her father, P. K. PERRIN, President. home of B. Mann three weeks, went to by island, where he was preparing some lobster traps, when a very large whale Catherine, or a Birdie, and a Grace; Mr* Lelter, gave her a check In five Fop the Complexion. O. W. MUNGKR, Vice-President. her home in Ontario, Canada, accom­ but we don ’t see them any more, for figures to buy a big bouse In Carlton The average girl, country or city, panied by Mrs. E. Mann and son, rose out of the water not 40 feet ahead J. W. FITZGERALD, Cashier. of his boat and began spouting water now they are Klaude and Katherine House terrace. Mr. Vapderbilt has knows little of the value of cucumbers Frankie, who will remain four weeks. now gone one better for hls daughter, and milk as a complexion beautlfier. DIRECTORS: into the air. The wind was blowing in and Birdine and Grayee. Perhaps It la Just as well. I remember one case, the duchess of Marlborough. He has Peel a cucumber, cut In thick slices, O. W. Monger, Geo. Marvin, J. H. Corbit, Prof. Townsend ’s language school is the direction of tbe boat, spattering tbe given her a check “In six figures ” to J. H. Fedewa, P. K. Perrin, Jeese Sullivan, water all over him and befogging him though, that wasn ’t Marguerite, she and apply to the face, allowing the in successful operation with a fair procure a house. The duke and duch­ liquid to dry of its own accord. This James Richardson, C. 8. Allison, J. W. Fits- attendence. The greater part of tbe to such an extent that he imagined had been named. It Vas easy enough ess had thought of buying Sefton Gerald, G. K. Corbin, Geo. W. Emmons. to teach the good-natured but simple will make the skin soft and white. work is in Latin and French. There is himself in a typhoon. Before Mr. Davis house, but having so large a check to If possible drink lots of milk. If It SPer Cent Interest Paid on Time Deposits. could recover sufficiently to change his country father how to pronounce it Spend they are going to build. room for more pupils, if others desire to course tbe boat was up to the whale. but one day he went to the express agrees with you it will Improve your to come in. complexion wonderfully. fpHE CLINTON COUNTY SAVINGS BANE One flop of the monster ’s tail nearly office to send his daughter a package. New Glove Buttons. V ------“Who shall I address It to? ” said the ST. JOHNS, MICH. filled the boat with water, and then the If you would make your gloves ex­ Harmful Klfs«t of Foes Powdsr. ft Child Enjoys. animal sank. Mr. Davis estimates that' express agent taking up hls pen. tremely fashionable buy small buttons If people who regularly use face The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and tbe whale was from 60 to 90 feet long ‘Miss Marguerite Thompklna,” an­ to match your costume. Yon can prob ­ powder could only realize how de ­ soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in —Lewiston (Me.) Journal. swered the father, promptly. ably match the buttons on your spring structive the practice Is to the skin, Pays I per cent. Interest on Deposits end Loans need of a laxative, and if tbe father or ‘How do you spell that—er—Mar­ coat In color, material and design; In and how exceedingly nasty the results Money on Approved Bonds and Reel mother be ooetive or bilious, the most guerite? ” said the express agent. fact. In everything except size. Lay are, they would gladly try what radi ­ Estate Security. gratifying results follow its use; so that Thompklns looked dazed for a few aside the old buttons, sew on the new ant perfect cleanliness would do. Sev ­ it is the best family remedy known and OABTORZA. seconds. “M-a-r-ga-no; M-a-r-r-ag-aw. ones and stitch the backs of your ALBERT J. BALDWIN. President. Bsanths J* Thi Kind Yo u Hiw Ahwy» BoafM eral dollars ’ worth of rouge and pow ­ every family should have a bottle. Man­ dunno, d — It; put It Maggie.” —De­ gloves to match the new buttons. Flat der can be outdone by a plentiful use G. PENNELL, Vice-President. ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Bgaatan P. E. WAL8WORTH. Treasurer Co. troit Free Press. gold buttons are very fashionable and of pure water if only sensibly applied. of pretty. —bodies ’ Home Journal.

f explained, Decease ue nau roana tv. a, What a brute f Thai is what it said of truth of be Waa a most consummate fan were justified in reporting the facta the birds were still so small that be did the man who abuses hit horse, but the man actor as well aa Har. to me. though somewhat rash. ” not care to shoot them. Armin had been who abuses bis body finds help and en ­ “Look here, my man, ” I said, wish­ 1 gavt the fellow 10 rubles, which couragement on every side, lua mother away in town when onr man came to makes him some 'n ing to teat him farther. “Yon are very greatly comforted him. and be departed make inqniries. It was Spiridon that of that 4 rash. Supposing that I should prove to With many blessings upon my head and the man bad interviewed. fashions be the friend of tbeee persona who em­ entreaties that 1 should protect Mm in pie, hia “Did yon see my father off on the daughter ployed you, sent by them purposely to case of emergency. Wedresday, Armin?” I asked him. Ar­ gives him try the good faith of the man they had Here was a real clew indeed unless, min reflected. No, be said presently, not bis­ trusted by offering a bribe as though of course, the little rascal bad invented be had not. He had been ont on the vi from the other aide. Why, you would the whole story, which, though improb ­ mocra till late with Mr. Hnlbert. If be aa good aa a dead man and ”— able under the circumstances, was qnito onr men bad been told that the count The wretched fellow was on bis knees possible, he being a Russian peasant returned with Mr. Hulbert, it was a in a moment; tears rushed to bis eyes; and as such a champion perverter of mistake. be groaned and wailed and moaned, the troth. \ “The connt left us early in the day," crossing himself vehemently and utter- Ho'sever, i could I’.rive ov-r tomor ­ be added, “being discontented with the cuit, and his wife tering inarticulate words — probably size of the birds. They certainly were follows with deli- row *0 Bak.ta and verify b.s story COPYRIGHT 188ft BY THE AMUWCAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. eiom ice cream. Presently the man has prayen —aa unmistakable a picture of there-'-indeed Percy and 1 might from small, for it was the very first day of that unpleasant feeling in the stomach abject terror as the eye conld see. Real the shooting, or near it. ” which ia the beginning of a dyspeptic con ­ this point take np a hot scenW* if des­ CH&PTER 1.—Count Boris Landrinof, a dition. His nerves become unstrung, and or assumed, his fear took me in at once, tiny were only kind. “I chd I mr : « ’-rinrd calamity,” and I believed bis tale. yoaog Russian student ^at ^Oxford, receive*!|a said poor motlvi "When one knows “Did Spiridon (the second keeper) he makes mother, wife and daughter mis­ telegram from hi* m >ther that hi* father, drive him to the station?” I asked. erable with bis moodiness. His liver is “Don ’t be afraid, yon poor fool, ” 1 ITU BE CONTINUED.] the fnll extent of the trouble, it can be torpid. His blood is being poisoned by Count Vladimir Lin lrinof, is missiug and |ask- Spiridon scratched his bead and re­ said. “1 am no spy. It is my interest borne mere easily. It is the nncertainty the impurities which the broken-down or ­ Give the Children a Drink. ‘nglhim* to'return to Russia at once. Before flected. I drew a bow at a venture. gans are incapable of taking care of. He to learn the troth of these matters, and *tarting for home Boris meets his friend Percy of this that has unnerved me. Bnt yon is in just the condition to receive the germs 1 believe your ktory. Are yon satisfied ? called Grain-O. It ia a delicious, appe­ “Yon were drnnk when onr man tizing, nourishing food drmk to take the Morris, who tells him that Ihu saw his father are right. We ought still to hope, my came to interview yon, Spiridon, ” I of any disease. He is a shining mark for 1 shall tell no one who informed me or *hat eery day? in London. II and III.—Boris, Borie I will be brave. I will hope as the germs of consumption. To that dis ­ indeed that 1 know of all this that yon place of coffee. Sold by all grocere and on arriving in Russia, finds that his father had said. “Confess it. Yon don ’t remem­ ease too, be becomes a victim one day or liked by all a ho Have used it because you do. We will not despair until we anothes, micss saved by the use of such a have told me. t am not aware of yoor gone to the railroad station, but had ]not 'takeu have ber what yon told him.” when properly prepared it tastes like the done ull that there is to be done. “I certainly went heme with the remedy an Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical name, and yon need not reveal it; yon finest coffee but ia free from all its injur ­ a train. Here the trail was lost. Wbat shall be onr first move? Come, Discovery. This will put him on his feet are safe, so far aa I am concerned, and ious properties. Grain-0 aids digeatfea tell me. Yon have done me good al­ connt from the moor, ” be said, “bnt again. It is a tonic and appetizer, a blood when we reached the house he gave me purifier, a liver isvigorator, a nerve re­ and strengthens the nerves. It is not a CHAPTER IH. ready. Thank God that I have still a storer, a strengtbeaer for the weak, a cure stimulant but a health builder, and chib- brave son. What is to be done? ” a ruble and sent me back to the moor, THEORIES OF THE DISAPPEARANCE. to the other gentleman and Armin, say­ for weak anti bleeding lungs, bronchitis, dren, as well as adults, can drink it with I found my poor mother in a sad con ­ “Percy is coming to help me tomor­ lingering cough and kindred ailments great benefit. Costs about % as much: ing they might want me to carry game. which if neglected or improperly treated as coffee. 15 and 25c. 3. dition indeed. The shock of father’s row oi next day, ” I said. “I thought lead up to consumption. Perhaps you it would be as well to have him here. He had no luggage and wonld walk to disappearance and the uncertainty and the station. ” Then Spiridon grinned and think no medicine can cure so many ail­ REAL ESTATE Yon know him and like him.” | ments, but when you remember that all helpless misery of the whole wretched scratched bis head. “I may have been these diseases start in the stomach and nu ­ “Kind Percy!” murmured mother.) Albert Hall and wile to Mary Pierce, affair had quite upset her. and for the a little drnnk when yonr man came tritive system, and that “Golden Medical lota 6 and 7, blk. IT, Village of Batb $ 500 00‘ * “He is a friend indeed. ” i Discovery” corrects that fault or derange- time being at least she was practically down, ” he added; “the gentlemen had Geo. W. Ja.non and wife to Charles M. in a state of collapse. “And meanwhile I shall go to Erin­ mt-nt at the starting point, it isn ’t so Coats et al., lot 26, Gibbs ad., St. * both tipped me generously. ” strange after all that it does so much. She lay in bed, looking a shadow of ofka by the very first train I can catch There was no more to be got ont of Johns ______600 00 tomorrow morning in order to make in­ Mrs. Ellen E. Bacon, of Shutesbury, Franklin Edward Brown and wife to Henry J. her real self, and she burst into tears Spiridon. Co.. Mass., writes: “I firmly believe I should Patterson, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, and when I entered the room. quiries on theepot. Whom did yon send Then I went to the station and in­ be in a very bad state now if I had not takeu 9, blk. 6, aud all of blk 5r Perrin ’s ad ­ from here?” Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. Prior to dition, St. Johns...... 219 50 “My son. my son!” she cried. quired of the station master, who said September 1897, I had doctored for my stomach “The second coachman, Pavel, an John L. Lyon and wife et al., to Ma­ “Thank God yon have ccnue. for we he knew the connt well, whether be trouble for several years, going through a course mie Conklin, land on etfc of se1,. sec. honest fellow. He knows the keeper, of treatment without any real benefit. In Sep- 10 had seen my father on.the day in ques­ tember 1896, I had very sick sprits and grew 9, Im«x ...... —...... 00 Arinin, and interviewed him at Erin­ worse; could eat but little. I commenced in Mary Barber, to George Coin ­ ofka. Armin conld give him no satis­ tion. September 1897. to take the ‘ Golden Medical stock, ©H of nos of 80^4, sec. 33, “Did he travel home by the afternoon Discovery ’ ana in a short time I could eat and Town of Ovid...... 600 00 ♦ faction. ” train on Wednesday the —?” I asked. work. I have gained twenty pounds in two May Warne and husband to Frank “I shall see Armin for myself and months." aud wife, wtfi of sw}4, *®c. 13, many other people besides," I said. “I “Wednesday, the—,” repeated the Lebanon ...... 1,300 00 shall make preliminary inqniries to ­ man reflectively, consulting his day ­ keepers. Bnt wbat had they, me peas­ James A. Van Slyke and wife-to Arthur book. “Ab, I thongbt so —no, he did 8. Cross, lots 7 and 8, blk. 7. Village morrow and then come back for Percy ants, to do with the sportsmen? There of Ovid ...... ------145 00 1 not, for that was the afternoon that was nothing to be got ont of them, for Theresia Schneller to Theresia Fem- and continue them together with him.” the line was blocked. Some rascal bad holz, nJ4 of lot 7, blk. 7, Village of ♦ >, “Bnt have yon any sort of notion as they came to shoot, and shot and went Westphalia ...... ----- 75 00 to what can have occurred? That is laid a tree across and the engine ran off away again, being in a hurry all the The wretched fellow was on his knees in a Anthony Simcn and wife to John the line—the np engine —and plowed moment. Pung, e% of wH of se'/i, see. 2, Town what is so dreadfnl to me that I cannot while, and therefore it was useless to of Westphalia...... —...... 1,500 00 imagine wbat nature of calamity conld the metals. I remember your father cultivate their acquaintance: possibly have happened to him. I feel coming to the station, bnt he did not Even the offer of a “nachariok,” or so helpless nbont it.” travel. ” tip, though it awakened the interest of “I cannot, really, until I have made “Wbat did he do, then?” I asked, the sleepy rascals, did not era to inqniries, dear mother. It is possible flashing with agitation, for here, I stimulate their memories or ev*n their that poor father may only have fallen thought, was the beginning of a clew. inventive talents. The Russian roonji from the train en route and rolled down “Well, I can ’t tel) yon, ” be said. is the finest and most accompl ’ tier? Har an embankment. Yon have not seen the “He left the station, and, now I come in the world if yon give him tune, bnt line to Erinofka. It is a mere toy rail­ to think of it, he did not reappear. The you must not hnrry him. He n*> mot »u- RUNNING SORE way, with a gauge bnt three feet wide other gentleman took the train next tellectoal enongli to conjure up * plau­ and tiny carriages like small busses day, but not the connt. ” sible tale at a moment ’s notice: How ­ with balconies. The train rune most “Not the count! ” I repeated. “Are ever. these men declared that they had yon snre?” seen neither connt nor any one Hae on unsteadily, and father mighthave fallen “Qnite rnre!” said the man. “He asleep and been jerked from the bal­ came on the Tuesday, bnt —well, he has Wednesday, and each one *sked for cony without any one seeing. He might a tip on the plea that to cast luck one ’s ON HIS ANKLE not gone hack yet, and that's a fact I” have lain stnnned until someone found memory so far was a serious • xertion. Obstinate sores and uteers which* , >' Boris. and took him into shelter. The finder, One man explained that a-ti;< was dne After Six Years of Intense refuse to> heal under ordinary treat­ unaware of bis Dame, wonld be nnahle CHAPTER IV. to him for his truthfulness. "Yon can poor women are wretched beings when A BLIGHT CLKW FOUND. ment soon become chronie and deep- we are suddenly deprived of the strong to coinmnnicate with his friends, and «ee I’m an honest man,” he said, “for Suffering, Promptly Cured seated, and are a sure sign that the- poor father still too ill perhaps to give Here was a surprise indeed. if I bad lied and said I drove tiiiabarin arm in which we have trusted ”— Father had come to this place, of that n y P O O entire circulation is in a depraved condition. They him any information. That is at least to Balota yon wonld have h neved me Dj u* ui u* are a severe drain upon the system, and'are con­ “I thank God, too, mother, that I a theory and would account for the ab­ there was no donht whatever. He bad came,” I said, “though I feel sure that been ont on the moors, that was equal­ and given me twice as much n» I now stantly sapping away the vitality. In e^ery case the poison must we shall not be deprived for long of sence of news. Then there is another ask. ” thing that might possibly have hap­ ly certain, and be had presented him­ Bnt a short while after I had returned be eliminated fr m the blood, and no amount of external) treatment dear old father’s presence!” pened, though I admit it does not seem self at the station with the intention of can have any effect. “Oh, do you really believe it T” she returning to town, bnt had been balked to the lodge, dispirited and bewildered There is no uncertainty about the merits of 8. S. S. ; every claim walled. “I have tried to —so hard, but very likely”— and uncertain what next to do. a little “Go on. Boris, tell me everything of his train and — And there was an peasant man came mysteriously into made for it is backed) up strongly by convincing I feel I am losing my hope. Tell me, you have thongbt of, ” said poor moth­ end of the trail so far. testimony of those who have been cured by it my Boris, have yon formed any theory— “PleRse think again, ” I murmured. the room in which I sat. He bowed and do you found your hopes upon anything er, who wept qnietly through my some ­ crossed himself in front of the ikon in and know of its virtues by experience. what grewsome recital. “How dreadful “Are yon perfectly certain the connt you know or have thought out? ” did not catch eome other train later in the corner and then oilily approached Mr. L. J. Clark, of Orange Courthouse, Ya*, writes: “I cannot form a theory, mother, to think that my poor dear Vladimir my chair and with finger to lip whis­ may be lying even now unconscious, the day or perhaps early the next morn ­ “ For six yean I had an obstinate, running ulcer on my until'I know the facts,” I said, “but I ing? Did you see each train away?” pered “Sh-h!” Then he glanced melo­ ankle, which at times caused me intense suffering. I was have a kind of feeling that we shall and we nnahle to help him because ig ­ dramatically over his shoulder ana back so disabled for a long while that I was wholly unfit for norant where to look for him—God “I have not missed a single train, in And father in God ’s good time. Be sure or ont, since Easter,” said the station again at me and whispered. “'May I business. One of the best doctors treated me constantly, we shall be surprised when we know it grant it is not that!” speak to yon, barin?” but did me no good! I then tried various blood remedies, “He will have found kind friends, master. I conld scarcely help langhing at the without the least benefit. S. S. S. was so highly recom ­ at the simple solution of what seems so “Conld he have gone home any other mended that I concluded to try it, and the- effect was mysterious now; we shall laugh and never fear,” I said, “bnt my other comical little creatnre. I‘ remembered theory is less painfnl to contemplate. I way?” I asked presently. “It is too far him perfectly as one of those l had in­ wonderful. It seemed, to get right at the aeat of the say, ‘How is it we never thought of told yon the worst first. It is this: Fa­ to drive in a village cart or to ride on disease and force the poison out, and I wa» soon com­ it!’ ” pony back; my father likes to travel terviewed np at the village a few hours pletely cured. ” Swift's-Specific— “Heaven knows— heaven knows I I ther is well known and known to be ago. He had sworn that be had never rich too. It may be that some wretched comfortably. There’s no post station heard of or seen any gentleman answer­ cannot tell what to hope or believe. fellows, desperate perhaps for want of about near here, is there?” 8. 8. FOR THE BLOOD And did yon think it thoughtless or un ­ “Not nearer than Balota, ” said the ing to my description of my father. necessary in me to have sent for yon money, may have formed a band, like “Speak on by all means,” I said, Greek brigands, to abduct him. If so, station master, “and thence he wonld and put an end to your Oxford career I” have to drive all the way round by “bnt no lies, mind! ” “Mother,” I said, “I would not have they will senfi a depntation one day, “Lord have mercy, barin. wentd Hie presently, or a message, claiming a sum Riatova, over a terrible road. The to you? ” tains not a particle of potash, mercury, or other mineral. 8. S. 8. staid away from yon for a hundred years of money for his ransom. ” connt wonld scarcely have done that.” cures Contagious Blood Poison. Scrofula, Cancer, Catarrh, Eczema, of Oxford! Besides, when father comes My friend, as chief officer npon the rail­ “It Btrikes me yon have done so once home I shall he able to return. Now, “Is that possible, here in civilized already, my friend,” I said- —‘•‘that is, if Rheumatism, Sores, Ulcers, Boils, or any other blood trouble. Insist Russia?” said mother wistfully. “I way, a new institution, and very proud yon have anything to tell me now. ” upon S. 8. 8.; nothing can take its place. tell me all the particulars, darling, and have never beard of anything of the of bis office, cherished an obvious scorn then we can consult quietly. ” for the old fashioned method of travel ­ “Shh!” be said, glancing round Valuable books naailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, 08. Mother dried her tears and sat up and kind, have yon? At all events, not in again. “Not so loud, baria; that was this part of Russia.” ing by post road. told me her story. “Still,” I said, “if be wa9 in a great necessary, because others were present Father, it appeared, had traveled by I was obliged to confess that I had who might not hear, bnt ail the while I not. hnrry be might have chosen that way -the private railway to Erinofka, a big in spite of the slowness and discomfort said to myself, ‘When, it in safe, and I F. R. Jackson —Merchant Tailor moor, the shooting of which be rented “But we mnst not reject the idea on of the jonrney. ” can see this good barin atone, I will go with two other sportsmen, a Russian that account. We mnst weigh and in­ “Perhaps,” said the station master and tell him all the tenth,’ and as I grand duke and an English gentleman vestigate every notion either of ns baa, and relapsing into a scornfnl silence promised myself, so I have performed. called Hnlbert. Father liked the place however wild or impossible it may be. ” as a protest donbtlesa against the very Here I am!” principally for the excellence of its bat­ “Yes, yes, that is trne. We will not suggestion of any person of light and “Very well,” I said, “5 rabies if F. R. Jackson tues for elk. This was not the season for leave a stone unturned 1” said mother. yonr tale sounds satisfactory, and an­ I traveled np to Erinofka the next leading using the post road under any other 5 if on inquiry it proves to have Is the meet popular tailor in elk, bnt he had set out on the Tuesday circumstances, now that the railway St. Johns and the oue who- morning, intending to walk the moors morning. I conld not help thinking,- as was laid. He showed no farther inclina ­ been true. ” Northern and nil Southern Points for grouse and black game on the I stood npon the balcony outside the lit­ tion to converse. I wired Percy at our The fellow ’s eyes sparkled. “Glory to Toledo and points east and Wednesday and to retnrn by the mid ­ tle railway carriage, that any one tired home in St. Petersburg that I had found the highest!” lie-said “Then I am snre night train that day, bnt be had not from a hard day ’s shooting over the of my money. ” south and tor ' moors and leaning on the rail as I now a slight clew and begged him to come Then the little rascal span a most Makes tnrned np at home. Mother bad waited np and help me work it as soon as pos ­ Direct Connections at. Owoaso Junction ui leaned might most easily be pitched out circnmstantiaL tale cf how one day, a Durand wish D AM. R’y Train*. Your elothiog to order in> till Thursday night, thinking that pos ­ sible after his arrival, after which 1 FONUa BOUTS TO sibly father might have found the birds by a jerk of the train. Jerks, violent set myself to make inquiries among the very short white since— such a manner that you aaa- so plentiful that be bad decided to re­ ones, were common enoagh, for the peasants in the village, hoping that I “Last week?” I interposed. always suited. His stock i* main another day. Bnt when Friday train was bnt a makeshift thing and might find one among them who had “Yee, last week, certainly, last Howell, Ann Arbor, morning had come and still father had the line very narrow and badly laid. It week,” be said, he had been driving his CLARE, CADILLAC, MANISTEE, had been made for the sole use of a fac­ seen my father on the fatal Wednesday cart from the fields near the village, not arrived mother grew anxions and and perhaps even driven him to Balota, traverse city and points Good telegraphed to the bead keeper at Erin­ tory of some sort, close to Erinofka, the to the post station there. when three men in the road called to ofka, inquiring whether father was still manufactured goods being sent by its I interviewed half a dozen of the vil ­ him to stop One seemed ill, and the north. And always up with the there. means to St. Petersburg, while the raw lagers, each one more crassly stupid other two supported him. They asked We operate our own line of steaaaer* from times. Prices are invariably materials were carried np from town to whether he coaid drive them to Balota, Frankfort, Michigan, to Manitowoc add right. Let him make-your An answer came presently to the ef­ than the last. They did not know the Kewaunee, Wisconsin, and Menominee fect that father had left on Thursday the works. gentlemen who hired the shooting, even to the post station, and be replied that and Gladstone, Michigan, and can save evening with the rest of the party. Accidents were of frequent occur­ by sight, they declared. They knew the for a certain sum be wonld do so, bnt jron money on tickets to the west and rence, though the train went so slowly the sum he mentioned was a large one, northwest. Then mother sent a man down to the W. H. BENNETT. G. P. A.. Toledo. Ohio. lodge, 40 miles away, to make inquiries, that personal injury was rare. Passen­ becanee bis horse was tired. Suits. bat nothing had transpired excepting gers were allowed to use the line, which “Drive ns there in an boar,” they was thus most useful for my father and said, “and yon shall have double that T WALKER STREET EAST. ST. JOHNS, fllCH that father bad undoubtedly been to the Onr famous BLVR lodge and had as certainly left it again his fellow sportsmen. He might easily Then, glad at heart—for money is scarce I.ABKL BRAND. have fallen ont then. Bnt in that case in these parts—he drove them quickly to It’s (he best In the to retnrn to town. BINDER world. Prices will sur- “That’sall,” said mother. “I waited wonld not I^ulbert—who was shooting Balota. At the post station they carried yon. We deliver with him that day, as I had ascertained the sick man in. Then one came out and Chicago, Omaha until the Tneeday, as yon know, to send TWINE Bor St. Paul, aa desired. II ■ | ‘ for you, my beloved, and now yon have —have known of it either at once or gave him the money, four times as Writ, for prlau uid urnplM. come. At least we can bear onr sorrow when the train arrived at St. Peters­ much as he had asked, and said that MONTIOMERY WARD 8 00., CHICAIO 4654 together. Alas, what else is left to ns burg? At any rate, he wonld have miss­ this much was paid him because there but to bear it?” ed my father and have given the alarm. were reasons why he should not breathe As a matter of fact, and as I discovered a word to living man or woman about “Oh, mother, mncb,” I said encour­ * agingly. “The time has not nearly ar­ presently, Hnlbert bad remained behind having driven this party of three to*Ba- CANCERS. for another day ’s sport when my father lota. On the other hand, they wonld be rived to give way to despair. Believe External or internal permanently enred with­ MAKES THE BEST me, I shall not rest until I have either returned, Hnlbert returning on the sure to know if his tongne should wag, out surgical operation or caustics, or causing, Thursday and father on the Wednesday, and, by all that was sure and terrible, ain, Write for book on cancer* and tumors. found my father or learned the secret of R[nmerous testimonials. Dr. Smith, Cancer his disappearance. Cheer np, my sweet. so that the accident —if it happened— death wonld be his reward —a sadden Specialist. Port Huron, Mich.. P. O. Box 1048. It is not like yon to give way. Yon are would have occurred without Hnlbert and violent death—when he least ex­ so brave and sensible All the world knowing anything about it pected it! My little informant at this 9100. Dr. E. Deletion's Autl Diuretic Photographs knows that!” I found Armin, the keeper at the point looked so pale and so obviously May be worth to you more than $100 if you lodge. It was from him that I learned alarmed at bi^ own temerity in telling have a child who soils bedding from inconten- ence of water daring sleep. Cures old and that fatherhad started for home earlier me the story that I conld not help be­ young's like.. It arrests the trqiihletrqpble^t at once.once, $1 ST. JOHNS, MICH. Mother dried her tears and told me her ing impressed br it Either he spoice the Sold by A. O. HUNT. Druggist. than Hnlbert. He had done so. Armin story. St. JohnsTMich.

- - ...... V ms*S? X SEEMS AT A STANDSTILL. Ltpd. TT ECEIVER’S SALE—NOTICE IS HEREBY CHAINLESS. I Vflvtn that the undersigned wi 1 sell at Pub­ lic Auction to the highest bidder on the 22nd Daal fog the Consolidation of Mleht- Ex ~ Treasurer deyof July. 1809, at one o ’clock in the after­ HTO II FUMES gu Railroad*. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS noon of mM day at the waet front door of the Court Houae in theVillage of St. Johns, in the Grand Rapids, Mich., July 19.—The State of Maine. County of Clinton and Btate of Michigan, ail of Milwaukee Firemen Go Down With deal Involving the consolidation of the the following properties, namely; 156 shares of Flint & Pere Marquette railroad sys­ FOR 1888 AND 1888. the preferred stock of the St. Johns Land Com- Burning Walle, ny Limited, the same being eeitifleate Nun- tem with the Chicago & Western Mich­ Kr 82, formerly owned by Carrie A. Steel aud igan and Detroit, Gruud Rapids A UwUl further noUoe Teachers Examination! by hertransferred to me on the 9th day of June, Western railroads is at a standstill, will be held as follows : 1800. This sale ia made in pursuance of an FIVE WILL PROBABLY DIE. High school room, St. Johns, third Thursday order made by the Circuit Court for the County and there is a rumor uflout to the ef­ ♦ad Friday of August. . , , „ of Clinton, in Chancery, Frank D. M. Davis Whew Fire Sternest Under Control tbs fect that the combine will not be con ­ Court house, St. Johns, third Thursday and presiding, in the case of the Third National Friday of October. , Bank of New York, Complainant, ve. Robert G. Structure Suddenly Collnpeed summated until after a fierce figut on St. Johns, last Thursday of March. Steel, Nettie C. Steel and Carrie A. Steel, defen ­ the part of minor stockholders, if it U Court bouse, St. Johns, third Thursday and dants. Also in tha case of the Wachusett and Became n Maes of Debris. effected at all. June 20 was the date Friday of June. , National Bank, Complainant, vs. Robert G. We ask you to ride it. Certificates of all grades will be granted at Steel, Nettie C. Steel and Carrie A. Steel, on which the stock was tq be deposited. the examinations at St. Johns in August and Defendants, in the same Court. The decrees Milwaukee, AVIs., July 19.—Fire to ­ While a majority of the stock was de ­ March. Certificates of the second and third ana orders in said causes being simultaneously AND CHAIN WHEELS. grades will be granted at all other examinations. entered, and afterwards, to-wit ; on the23rd day night destroyed the Grace hotel, a 4- posited on that date, there Is still a All examinations will begin at 8 o'clock A. M. of November being simultaneously entered and story brick structure at the corner of considerable amount outstanding, in­ R. M. WIN8TON. filed in their respective causes, by virtue of junction proceedings sturted by the Commissioner of Schools. which Mid decrees the undersigned was made Park and Reed streets, on the south receiver and authorised to sell Mid property side. About twenty-five firemen were minor stockholders might uiuke It very Bargain for for the purpose of realizing thereon an amount injured, of whom five may die. It awkward for the promoters of the ortgage salk .-dkfault having sufficient to satisfy a certain judge ­ been made in the conditions of a certain ment decree in (he first mentionsd case was the most serious fire of the kind combine. It Is said that if the deffl mortgageM executed by John Kelly and Sarah amounting to fifty four hundred fifty- since the Davidson theater was de ­ should be declared off and the stock re­ Kellyhts wife to The Michigan Mortgage Com ­ four ana sixty-five one hundredetlis turned, an attempt will be made to pany Limited dated January 18. 1894, and re­ ($5454.65) dollars, together with interest thereon stroyed, at which time about a dozen corded January 27,1894, in the office of the regis ­ at a rate of seven per cent, from the23rd day of firemen lost their lives. Most of the form another Michigan consolidation, JULY ter of deeds of Clinton county, Michigan, in November. 1896, and tha costs amounting to Injured were taken to the Emergency taking In the Ann Arbor road. It was Liber 87 of mortgages, on Page 22; which mort ­ twenty-one and Mventy-one one hundredths 1 $5Q Ro\al flush Columbus gage was duly assigned by written assignment (821.71) dollars, and interest thereon from said hospital. The pecuniary loss will be expected that a meeting of the stock ­ January 20, 1894, by The Michigan Mortgage 23rd day of November, 1896, together with the small. holders would be called immediately ...... •...... $15 00 Company Limited to O. B. Baker, which assign ­ coats and charges of suit in said cause, the costs Two alarms were scut in owiug to after June 20, but now It is not ex­ ment was recorded February 1,1894, in Liber 80 being taxed at (he sum of ninety ($ 0) dollars, ! •of mortgages, on Page 127, on which mortgage together with the expenses and costs , the dungerous locality. At a time the pected that any such step will be taken * Three years ago I was all run 1 $75 Waverly with new there is claimed to be due at the date of this of the receivership and also to satisfy j fire seemed to be under control and until August. notice eleven hundred four dollars and seven ­ a certain judgment in the second mentioned when several firemen were In the down, weak, exhausted; had tires...... $15 00 teen cents ($1104.17) besides an attorney fee of rase amounting to thirty-one hundred, J thirty i ve dollars and other legal costs stipulated thirty-seven and sixty one hundredths ' structure to subdue wbat little flames TR0T0XIC0N POSIONING. indigestion, constipation, and 1 $50 Crescent...... $15 00 in said mortgage to be paid should any proceed ­ (83137.09) dollars, together with interest thereon were left, with ten others on the roof, my system was debilitated in ings be taken to foreclose said mortgage, and no since the said 23rd day of November, 1896, at the the structure collapsed and nothing suit or proceedings at law or in equity having rate of seven per cent, and costs amounting to , Yoangr Girl Died Under Mysterious generaL Physicians did not help The above bicycles are in good been instituted to recover any part of the debt twenty-one and seventy-one one hundredths j but a mass of debris was left Circumstances. secured by said mortgage, therefore, by virtue (821,71) dollars, together with interest thereon The firemen on the roof and those Grand Rapids, Mich., July 19.—There me and I began taking Dr. orderand were exchanged of thepower of sale contained iu said mortgage since the said 23rd day of November, 1896, on the ladders and within went down Miles' Nervine* Now, I am and of the statute iu such case made and provid ­ together with theoosts of this suit, amounting la considerable mystery about the for new ones. ed notice Is hereby given that on SATURDAY, to one hudred twelve and twenty-eight one with the ruins. It,was an unexpect­ death of Lottie Arndt, a ^pretty 10- as well as ever. cha». a . whit®, SEPTEMBER 9.1899, at ten o ’clock in the fore ­ hundredths ($112.28) dollars, together with the ed catastrophe and the crowd groaned noon, at the west front door of the court house expenses and costs of the receivership. year-old girl who died yesterday after­ Ex-Trees, State of Maine) Gardiner, Me. 99 for Clinton county, Michigan, in the Village of Dated June 29th. 1899. as one n an when they realized what noon three hours after she was taken Morgan & Wright Tires St. Johns (said place being the place for hold ­ ■GEORGE H. MARSHALL, had happened. The work of rescue ill. Coroner Patterson held an outopsy DR. MILES' ing the Circuit Court for said county) there will Receiver. then began and as quickly as the In­ and a full line of sundries. l>e sold at public vendue to the highest bidder . Spaulding , Norton A Doolino attorneys for this morning at which Drs. Fuller and the premises contained in said mortgage, vis , the receiver. 11-5 jured could be gotten out ambulances Groner officiated. It was found that Restorative Commencing on the east line of section seven ­ and other conveyances hurried them to the contents of the stomach would teen in township seven north of range two west the Emergency hospital. O. G. PLUNKETT, at a point twelve and four fifths rods from the KOBATEOKDER.-STATEOF MICHIGAN, have to be analyzed before a definite southeast corner of the north east quarter of County of Clinton. —ss. At a session of the conclusion could be reached. The phy­ said section, running thence north along the Nervine PProbate Court for the county of Clinton holden at ANXIOUS TO SERVE. sicians think that death was caused by section line nineteen and one fifth rods, thence the Probate Office in the Village of St. Johns, ! is sold by all druggists on guarantee, Photographer, west fifty rods, thence south nineteen and one on Friday, the 80th day of June, in the tyrotoxiccn poisoning and that Im­ first bottle benefits or money back. fifths rods, thence east to the place of beginning year one thousand eight hundred and ninety List of Mlclilaran Mess Considered for properly prepared food may have been Book on heart and nerves sent free. and being in the Village of St. Johns, Michigan. nine. ComalHlosi in New Realraenta. responsible. Dated St. Johns, Michigan, June 15, 1899. Present, Charles M. Merrill, Judge of Probate. Dr. Milas Madical Company, Elkhart, Ind. Shacldinq , Norton & Dooliko , In the matter of the estate of ALBERT J. Washington, July 19.—The return of St. Johns, Mich. Attorneys for Assignee. q ilbaker BALLENT1NE, deceased. the secretary of war and MaJ. George Hours In a Cistern. On reading and filing the petition, duly veri ­ U. Hopkins, who has been busy with Pinckney, Mich., July 19.—A very Ann Arbor Excursions. 9-IS Assignee of mortgage. fied, of Maua C. Ballentine praying that she or some other suitable person may be appointed the recommendations for the appoint ­ eullar accident occurred to-duy to The Ann Arbor R. R. will sell excur­ A $40.00 Bicycle Given Away Daily. ROBATE ORDER.—ST ATE OF MICHIGAN. administratrix of said estate. ment of Michigan’s quota of officers in Ers. John Blrnie, who lives laree sion tickets to the following points at P County of Clinton, —ss. At a session of Thereupon it is ordered that THURSDAY, the new volunteer regiment, has miles west of this place, which c...uo The publishers of The New York Star, the Probate Court for the County of Clinton, THE 27th DAY OF JULY. A. D. 1899, at one fare for the round trip. holden at the Probate Office, in the Village of one o ’clock in the afternoon, be assigned for the served to stimulate a good deal of nearly proving fatal. While In the ..ft Orion, Mich.,—July 18th to 28th, Inc. the handsomely illustrated Sunday news­ St. Johns, on Saturday, the 8th day of July, hearing of said petition, at the Probate speculation as to the lucky men. Some of drawing water from a cistern L. r paper, are giving a high grade bicycle in the year one thousand eight hundred Office in the Village of St. Johns. | Return limit August 25th. Account and ninety-nine. And it is further ordered that notice be given disappointment was expressed to-day feet slipped from under her, throwh.j' Orion Camp Ground Assembly. eat h day for the largest list of words Present,Charles M. Merrill. Judge of Probate. to the persons interested in said estate of the when It was annouuced by the ad ­ her forward hear first into the cistern. Port Huron, Micb.,—July 17th, 18th made by using the letters contained in In the matter of the estate of BENEDICT time and place of said hearing by causing a jutant-general that all regular officers It Is not known just when 6he fell, as i-nd 19th, return limit July 25th. Ac- ••THE NEW YORK STAK” 8TAMPFLEY, deceased. copy of this order to be published in the transferied to the ten new regiments no more times in any one word than it ia linton epublican the family were away at the time and « unt K. O. T. M. Supreme Lodge and On reading and filing the petition duly veri ­ C R ,a newspaper printed and would be charged against the quota of she was not discovered until noon, found in the New York Star. Webster's fied, of Jeremiah B. Howe praying that the last ; circulating in said county of Clinton, for three I ' iform Rank Encampment. Dictionary will and testament of said deceased may lie successive weeks previous to said day of hear- the states from which they were orig- when Mr. Birme returned home for his Boston, Mass.,—August 11thand 12th, to be considered as authority. proven and admitted to probate and that ‘n*'l2-S CHARLES M. MERRILL^® lually npiKiintcd to West Point. This dinner. The neighbors were summoned Two good watches (first class time­ Thomas Stampfley and Jeremiah B. Howe, or good for return to leave Boston August keepers) will be given daily for second some other suitable person may be appointed ■ A True Cody .) Judge of Probate. means that Michigan’s quota of four ­ and after several hours’ work succeed ­ 20tb Tickets can be extended to Aug. executor of said estate. ______teen will be reduced to twelve by the ed in dru\. .ng her buck to life. She Is 31st, I A. W. National Meet. and third best lists, and many other Thereupon it is ordered that THURSDAY, seleetiou of Col. Gardener and Lieut. valuable rewards, including dinner sets, THE 3rd DAY OF AUGUST, A. D. 1899, at DMINISTRATOR’S SALE-NOTICE IS about 50 .veins old aud lies in a crit­ Ba) View, Mich.,—July 10th to 20th one o'clock in the afternoon be assigned for Corliss, who were regular army offi ­ ical tea sets, china, sterling silverware, etc., Ahereby given that by virtue and in pursu­ com .non, having been In the wa­ Inc. Iv'iurn limit August 19th. Bay etc., in order of merit. This educational the bearing of said petition and that the heirs ance of license and authority granted tome thecers prior to their appointment. ter sevei i hours. View Ciiinp Meeting and Assembly. at law and legatees of said deoeaswl and all undersigned on the first day of June, A. D. 1899, Messrs. Buckingham. Abbot, Pack and contest is beiDg given to advertise and other persons interested in said will are re­ by the Probate Court of Clinton County, State Celeroi . N. Y.,—July 15th, 16th and introduce this successful weekly into new quired to appear at a session of said court then of Michigan, to sell real estate belonging to the Burton having been already selected, Remarkable Case at Addison. 17th, retur limit not earlier than July to be bolden at the Probate office in the Villnge estate of George Ormston. deceased. I will sell Michigan Is now entitled to but eight Hudsou, Mich., July 10.—A remark­ 21st nor lei* r than July 24tb. Photo ­ homes, and all prizes will be awarded of St. Johns and show cause, if any there be, at public auction to the highest bidder therefor more apiKilutuients. A long list is be­ promptly without partiality. Twelve 2- why the will should not be approved. on the 24th day of July. A. D. 1899. at 10 o ’clock able cuse, and one which has aroused graphers' Association Convention. cent stamps must be inclosed for thir­ And it is further ordered that t notice be, at the west front door of the Clinton ing canvassed In connection with these widespread and Intense Indignation, Detroit. Mich.,—July 17th,from points given to the persons interested in said estate of Connty the Village ’of St. Johns, places, and among the names most teen weeks trial subscription with full •the pendency of the hearing thereof by causing a | Clinton County, Michigan, the following de- has just been brought to light at Addi­ within lff> miles of Detroit, return particulars and list of over 300 valuable copy of this order to be published in the , scribed premises viz : Land cnmmencingon the prominently mentioned are the follow­ son, ten miles north of this city, by limit Jub 19th. Detroit Driving Club rewards. Contest opens and awards Clinton Republican , a newspaper printed west line of out lot K in the Village of St. Johns, ing: Col. McGurrin, of Grand Rapids, the arrest of Ernest Upson, of Kala­ Blue Ribbon Meeting. and circulating in said county of Clinton for ! Clinton County, Michigan, at a point seventy Thirty-second Michigan Volunteers; commence Monday, June 26th, and ■three successive weeks previous to said day of six rods south of the north-west corner of said mazoo, on a charge of Illegitimate par­ Eator Rapids, Mich.,—July 25th to cloeee Monday, August 21st, 1899. bearing, out lot, and running thence south along the MaJ. Baudliolz, Seventh United States entage preferred by a 13-year-old girl August 5th inclusive. From points Your list can reach us any day between 13-3 CHARLES M. MERRILL. the west line of said out lot sixteen (16) rods, Infantry; MaJ. Webb, of Monroe, Thir­ of that place. Tlie girl was working witbm 100 miles of Eaton Rapids, re (A True Copy.) Judge of Probate. thence east twenty (20) rods, thence north ty-third Michigan; -Capt. Andres, of these dates, and will receive the award parallel to west line of said out lot sixteen (16) for a family in Kalamazoo when the turn limit August 8th. Michigan State to which it may be entitled for that day, rods, thence west twenty (20) rods, to the place Grand Haven, Tlilrty-tlfth Michigan alleged crime was committed. It Is al­ Holiness Camp Meeting. and your name will be printed in the ROBATE ORDER.—STATE OF MICHIGAN of beginning, containing two acres. Volunteers; Capt. Fleisclihauer, of leged that when Upson discovered the Indianapolis, Ind.,— July 19th, 20(h P County of Clinton —as. At a session of the I Dated June 1st. 1899. ARTHUR J. A VERY following issue of The New York Star. Probate Court for the County of Clinton holden Administrator of the estate of Reed City, Thirty-fifth Michigan; Ctpt. girl ’s condition he induced her to go and 21st. Return limit July 24th pri­ Only one list caD be entered by the •t the Probate Office, in the Village of St.Johns, 8-7 George Ormston. deceased. Halloway. of Adrian. Thirty-fifth Mich­ vilege of extension until August 20, on os Friday, the 30th day of June, in the home aud swear the responsibility same person. Prizes are on exhibition year one thousand eight hundred and ninety- igan; Capt. Griffin, of Mason, Thirty- upon a young man In Addison. Owiug payment of fee of 50 cents. Epworth at The Star’s business offices. Persons nine first Michigan; Capt. Granger, of Auu to the tender years of the girl It is the League Convention. The Ann Arbor securing bicycles may have choice of Present Charles M. Merrill, Jndge of Probate. ROBATE'ORDEK.-STATEOF MICHIGAN Arbor, Thirty-first Michigan; Capt. has been designated as the Official Route In the matter of the estate of BERNARD P County of Clinton —ss. At a session of the opinion of doctors that death will be ladies ’, gentlemen ’s or juvenile ’s 1899 RADEMACHER. deceased. Probate Court for the County of Clinton, holdenScranton, of Sault Ste. Marie, Thirty- the result of her condition. Ujisou is from Michigan points for this occasion. model, color or size desired. Call or On reading and filing the petition duly veri ­ at the Probate Office, in the Village of St. fifth Michigan; Capt. McCabe, of Pe- now out ou ball. His examination is Ludington,Mich., —J uly 24th to August address Dept. "E,” The New York Star, fied, of William A. Rademacher, praying that Johns, on Thursday, the 6th day of July, in toskey, Thirty-fifth Michigan; Lieut. 3rd inclusive. Return limit August 21st Micneal Spitzley or some others suitable person ' theyearone thousand eight hundred and ninety- set for August 8 before Justice Hum­ 236 W. 39th Street, New York City. 12-6 may be appointed administrator de boms non nine. Ffl McBride, of Detroit, Thirty-second phrey, at Adrian. Epworth League Assembly. with the will annexed of said estate. Present Charles M. Merrill, Judge of Probate Michigan; Lieut. Sykes, of Wyandotte, Montreal, Que.,—August 4th and 5th, Thereupon it is ordered that THURSDAY, ' In tlie matter of (he estate of MARTIN V Thirty-second Michigan; Lieut. Kra­ Return limit August 15th, World ’s the 27 th DAY OF JULY. A. D. 1899, at one BROWN, deceased Burglars at Mackinac Inland. o'clock in the afternoon, be assigned for the On reading ami tiling the petition duly veri mer. Thirty-fifth Michigan; Lieut. Mackinac Island, Mich., July 19.— Bicycle meet. hearingof said petition, at the Probate Offioe fled,of Emma P. LaSelle praying that the last Chapman, of Sault Ste. Marie, Thirty- The houses of Mr. Bond, of Detroit, Pittsburg, Penn., —August 1st to 5th in thevillage of St. Johns. And it is further will and testament of said deceased may la- fifth Michigan; Lieut. Taylor. Thirty- inclusive return limit August 15th with ordered, that notice be given to the persons proved and admitted to Prohate and that Por ­ and Mr. Taylor, of Grand Rapids, were TAKE THE BOAT privilege of extension to August 31st on interested in said estate, of the time and place ter K. Perrin and Emma P. LaSelle may be ap­ fifth Michigan; Lieut. White, of Jack- entered by thieves last night. The of said hearing, by causing a copy of this order pointed executors of said estate. son, Thirty-fifth Michigan; Second watchman, in rnukiug liis rounds this payment of fee of 50 cents. Young Peo ­ to he published in the Clinton Republican , a Thereupon it is ordered, that THURSDAY. Lieut. Pound, of Benton Harbor, Thir­ ples Christian Union U. P. Church of newspaper printed and circulating in said THE 27 th DAY OF JULY, A. D., 1899, ai morning, found that windows iu both North America. Connty of Clinton for three successive weeks one o ’clock in the afternoon, lie assigned for tin ty-third Michigan; Private Frederick bouses had been opened and that some previous to Mid day of hearing I hearing of said petition, and thattlie heirs at Bury, of Kulamazoo, Thirty-fifth Mich­ Richmond, Virginia. —July 11th, 12th 12-3 CHARLES M. MERRILL, ' law ana legatees of said deceased and all other one had gone through them in search and 13th return limit July 31st with (A True Copy.) Judge of Probate. I persons interested in said will, are required to igan; Lieut. Daniel Weltz, of Menom ­ of valuables. It Is not known bow appear at a session of said court then to be inee, First New York Volunteers. privilege of extension to August 15th on much wls stolen. Neither Mr. Bond ' holden at the Probate office, in the village of Senator McMillan lias begun to file payment fee of 50 cents. International DMINISTRATOR’S SALE-NOTICE IS St. Johns and show cause, if any there be, why nor Mr. Taylor have yet opened their Convention Baptist Young Peoples hereby given tlust by virtue and in pursu­ the will should not be approved. recommendations and his name is on cottages for the summer, but many Aance of license aud authority granted to me theAnd it is further ordered that notice be given the papers of several applicants for Union of America. undersigned on tlie 15th day of June 1899, by to the persons interested in Mid estate of tlie things of value were left Id them all the Probate Court of Clinton county. State of pendency of the hearing thereof, by causing a commissions. Each mail brings the winter. Michigan, to sell real estate belonging to the copy of this order to be published in the Clin ­ department more requests for Michi­ Night Trains on tlie Ann Arbor R. R. estate of John Smith deceased. I will sell at ton Republican , a newspaper printed and gan appointments, and pructicully ev ­ public auction to the highest bidder therefore circulating in said eounty of Clinton for three DR. BENNETT’S BAIL REDUCED. Do you know that you can leave on theSTH DAY OF AUGUST 1899 at 10 o ’clock successive weeks previous to said day of ery member of the delegation In the a. m. at the Probate office in the Village of St. hearing. senate and house has forwarded one He Will Probably Secare His Tem­ Owoseo at 7:20 p. m. via the Ann Arbor Johns, Clinton county, Miciiigan, the following 12-8 CHARLES M. MERRILL, or more strong indorsements. porary Freedom To-day. TO described premises viz: The east half of the (A True Copy.) Judge of Probate. R. R. and arrive in Frankfort at 8:30 a. west half of the north-west quarter of section Grand Rapids, Mich., July 19.—Dr. m? uumber thirteen in the township of Dewitt, Cecil Rhodes at Cape Town. Bennett, of Detroit, will probably be County of Clinton and State of Michigan. Cape Town, July 19.—Mr. Cecil given his liberty temporarily to-mor­ Do you know that this train carries Dated June 17th. 1839. ANDREW S. WEST. ROBATE ORDER-STATEOF MICHIGAN. sleeping-car and that the Company CHICAGO Administrator of the estate of P County of Clinton. —sa. At a session of Rhodes, formerly premier of Cape Col ­ row. In the Superior Court this after­ 10-7 John Smith, deceased. the Probate Court for the County of Clinton, ony, arrived here to-day. He was wel­ chargee onlv one dollar for double berth? holden at toe Probate Office, in the Village of noon 1 Judge Kewnham reduced the $5.70 7676‘ Berth. St. Johns, on Thursday, the 0th day of July, comed by a reception committee com­ amount of hl$ ball from $10,000 to The night train going south also car­ ortgage sale -default having 1b the year one thousand eight handred ana posed of Influential citizens, who en­ $5,000. Dr. Bennett was not prepared been made in tlie conditions of a certain ninety-nine. thusiastically cheered as be traversed ries sleeping-car and leaves Frankfort at Iv.St. Johns 3:<2 p.m.D.G.H.&M mortgageM given by George Mann to Walker and Present, Charles M. Merrill, Judge of Probate. to furnish this bond at once, but will White, dated January 5th. 1889. add recorded In the matter of the estate of SALLY ANN the streets. Many of tlie buildlugs of probably find securities to-morrow 7:30 p. m. after arrival of the Company ’s XXA-XX.-E" January 5th, 1889, in the office of the Register TYLER, deceased. Cape Town were decorated with bunt ­ morning, and will then be set at lib­ Car Ferry from Kewaunee and Manito ­ of Deeds for Clinton county, Michigan, in liber On reading and filing the petition, duly veri ­ ing, and In front of the town hull a 71 of mortgages on page 86; which mortgage fied of John C. Dooling praying that aaminis- erty. It was expected that the amount woc, Wisconsin. This train arrives Lv. Muskegon, via Steamer 6 p. m. was duly assigned by written assignment by t ration of said estate may be granted to Martin big arch had been erected bearing the of the bond would not be more than Owoeeo at 9:01 a. m. Walker and White on January 12th, 1889, to E. C. Tyler the exeeutor named in the will of said words: “Welcome, Great Pioneer. $3,000. The trial of the doctor on the V. N. Walker, which assignment was duly deceased or to somo other suitable_person. Cape Town-Calro. ” recorded in liber 71 of mortgages on page 497, on Thereupon it is ordered that THURSDAY, charge of manslaughter will probably Lv. Grand Haven, va April 9th, 1894 ; on which mortgage there is due THE 3rd DAY OF AUGUST, A. D. 1899, at one not take place until the September at the date of this notice the sum of five hundred o ’clock in the afternoon, be assigned for the Gen. Miles a Bnsy Man. term of court. OABTOniA. forty-six dollarsand eighty cents ($546 80) besides hearing of said petition in the Probate Office in Washington, July 19.—Gen. Miles Bn,, ^ ypThe Rind You Haw Always BougM Arrive Chicago, - - 6 a. m. an attorney fee of fifteen dollars stipulated iu the Village of St. Johns. said mortgage to be paid should any proceed ­ And it is further ordered, that notice be given was very busy to-day In the discharge Ex-Olilo Postmaster la Trouble. ttgnatue ALSO FAST FREIGHT LINE. ings be taken to foreclose said mortgage, and to the persons interested in said estate, of the of the full duties of secretary of war, Cleveland, O., July 19.—M. J. Alton, of no suit or proceedings at law or in equity hav­ time and place of said hearing, by cansing a W.T. burke .D.C. H.iM. Local Agt. ing been instituted U> recover any part of the copy of this order to be published in the in addition to those whleh fall upon the former postmaster of Lorain, O., debt secured by said mortgage; therefore, by Clinton Republican , a newspaper printed him as commanding general of the who retired on April 1, was arrested virtue of the power of sale coutained in Baia and circulating in said Connty of Clinton, for army. He received frequent communi ­ mortgage and of the statute in such case made three successive weeks previous to said day of to-day on the charge of having stolen and provided, notice is hereby given that on hearing. cations from the bureau chiefs and $100 88 from two young women who SATURDAY. AUGUST 19, 1899, at ten o ’clock 13-3 CHARLES M. MERRILL, also had personal conferences with were clerks In the office. He was re­ in the forenoon at tlie west front door of the (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Adjt.-Gen. Corbin, Quartermaster-Gen. court house for Clinton county, in St. Johns, leased on $1,000 ball by Commissioner Michigan, (said place being the place for Ludington, Surgeon-Gen. Sternberg Uhl. The charge Is based on the alle­ holding tlie circuit court for said county) there and the chief of ordnance. It was said gation that when these clerks were Nearly Fifty-eight Years Old! will be sold at public vendue, to the highest that all these conferences had refer­ bidder, tlie premises described in said mort ­ GRAND TRUNK RAIL­ granted an increase of salary by the gage, viz: Lots nineteen and twenty of block ence solely to the routine business of one hundred eighteen of Walker and Steel’s the war department and particularly postmaster-general Alton did not no­ subdivision of lands in the village of St. Johns, to the movements of the troops and tify them, but put the Increased pay In It’s a long life, but devotion to the true interests and prosperity of the American north of the Detroit. Grand Haven and Milwau­ WAY SYSTEM. his own pocket. kee Railroad, in Clinton county, Michigan. the reception of the volunteers who People has won for it new friends as the years rolled by and the original members were returning or are about to return of its family passed to their reward, and these admirers are loyal and steadfast to ­ Dated May 26,1809. e. V. fj. WALKER, Will Blald a Fine Exchange. Detroit and Milwaukee Division. from Manila. Assignee of Mortgage. Battle Creek, Mich., July in.—This day, with faith in its teachings, and confidence in the information which it brings Spaulding . Norton A Doolino , Attorneys for assignee. St. Johns. Michigan. 6-13 Order for Machine Gsni, afternoon the Michigan Bell Telephone to their homes and firesides. Time Table in effect June 19, 1809. Washington, July 19.—The navy de ­ Co. bought of Mary J. Hoe one of the As a natural consequence it enjoys in its old age all the vitality and vigor of its most valuable business lots on East youth, strengthened and ripened by the experience of over half a century. DMINISTRATOR'S 8ALE-BY VIRTUE partment has received the first half of Main street and will immediately com­ A. . of a license to me grsntwi on the 9th day of WESTBOUND. an order for 100 new machine guns of It has lived ou its merits, and on the cordial support of progressive Americans. Jnne, A. D. 1899. by F. S. Porter. Judge of Pro ­ a new type, the most powerful In the mence the erection of a fine brick bate of the County of Ingham. State of Michi­ No. 19. Western Express to Grand block iu which they will locate their It is the “The New York Weekly Tribune, ” acknowledged the country over as gan. I shall sell at public auction on tlie 22N D Haven. ______8:20 a.m. possession of any government. They DAY OF AUGUST, 1899, at two o ’el« clc in the No. 11, Morning Express to Gd. Haven, 10:47 a. m. are oue-pounders, carrying an explo ­ exchange and offices. , the leading National Family Newspaper. afternoon, at and on the premises hereln de ­ No. 15. Mail and Chicago Express to Ga. Hsyen ______3:12 p.m. Recognizing its value to those who desire all the news of the State and Nation scribed, vis: at tlie 1 louse, Township of Bath, sive shell, and can fire 250 shots a Car Mall Service at Grand Itaplds. in the County of Clinton, all the right, title and No. 17, Steamboat Express to Gd. minute. They are cooled by a water- the publisher of “The Republican ” (your own favorite home paper) has entered interest of which John Clark died, siezed. in Haven A Milwaukee...... 7 :59 p. m. Grand Rapids, Mich., July !».—An Nos. 11.15, and 17, daily except Sunday, jacket, and it is said that they can pm order has been sent to Washington for into an alliance with “The New York Weekly Tribune ” which enables him to and to the following land, to wit: The west No. 19 daily. 50 shots Into the head of a barrel at half (H) of the north-east quarter (44) and the No. 17 arrives at Grand Haven atpl p. m. and 250 mail boxes to be used In the new furnish both papers at the trifling cost of 11.25 per year. east part of the east half (V4J of the north-west half a mile in a quarter of a minute. street car mall service. It Is expected quarter (g) of Section No. four (4), Town five connects withChicago boat. Every farmer and every villager owea to himself, to his family, and to the com ­ (5) north of Range No. one (1) west, Township EASTBOUND. that they will be here In a week or of Bath, Clinton countv. Michigan. Clara Barton Has Returned. two and the service will be begun at munity in which he lives a cordial support of his local newspaper, as it works con­ EDWIN W. CLARK, No. 16, Steamboat Express to Detroit New York, July 19.—Miss Clara Bar­ once, the council having passed the stantly and untiringly in his interests in every way, J brings ! to his Executor of the will and administrator of the and eaak-______8 :20 a. m, ton, of the Red Cross society, arrived estate of John Clark deceased. No. 20, Mail to Detroit ...... 12p. m. necessary ordinances. home all the news and happenings of his neighborhtod, the doings of his friends, Dated June 23d, 1869. 11-7 No 22, Evening Express to Detroit here to-day from Havana on the and east------5:22 p.m. steamer Havana. She and the other Treasury Statement. the condition and proepecte for different crop#, the price# in home markets, and, in No. 18, Eastern Express to Dnrsnd passengers were detained at quaran ­ Washington, July 19.—To-day ’s fact, ia a weekly visitor which should be found In every wide awake,* progreesive TMOS. 8. SPRAGUE A SON, and east..-i...... 9:17 p. m. Nos. 16, 20, and 22, daily except.Bunday. tine on account of the vessel having statement of the condition of the family,'■HI m i * tSL201 - - - No. 18 daily. come from a yellow fever port. Miss treasury shows: Available cash bal­ 9 WZSiZUZZ *5. V, n-OSM, Barton said Red Cross affairs In Cuba ance, $278,474,944; geld reserve, $224,- Just think of it! Both of these papers tor only $1.25 a year. 1 ’’ PATENTS. G. P. A . . Agon' , W. H. BURKE, C Send all subscriptions to “THE REPUBLICAN,” St. Johns, Michigan. ^ CJ Wayne County Bank Bldg., DETROIT. Chicago nUncis. Agent, St Johan. are in excellent condition. — mem BHEPARD8VILLL. Mrs. J. J. Winfield is on the sick list. F. D. Cleveland ana family are taking RofeU,Baking their annual vacation at Argentine. W. J. Dunkel and family spent Sun ­ day at Philip Kline ’s, south of Ovid. Powder Miss Dona Edwards, of Owosso, is A bsolutely Ihjre visiting her grand father,Jas. Edwards. The Mercantile Company . Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Longcor, of St. Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Johns, spent Sunday at the home of his •0**1 SMCINS POWtXtH OO., N(W VONK. father, Jas. Longcor. Mr. aod Mrs. David Philips also Mr and Mrs. Richardson, of Middleberry, were at Fred Luckhurst’s Sunday. Our Grocery To Dress Correctly *•< There will be an ice cream social at Is the One place for everything corr.- News of Clinton County. the home of G. L. Smith Saturday \ evening, July 22, under the auspices of plete and perfect in Table Supplies. To Wear the Best the B. L. A. 8. WEST RILEY. It means Meal Satisfaction to know that you are getting the best, and at The Republican. Ray S. Kincaid rides a new wheel. To Boy at MoneySaving Prices Mrs. George Brace is on the gain but BATH. prices others do not compete with if Thursday, July 20,1899. her arm is very painful. Mrs. I Her bison has been in Laings quality is considered. That accounts means that you should buy at Mrs. Chas. Mocroe who lives north • ! burg for a few days. for the Enormous Growth of Business St. Johns, with her daughter, visited in M i is Frances Ryan, of Lansing, spent in this department. ELSIE. Riley over Sunday. » Sunday with friends in Bath. The Mercantile Dry Goods Dept. Alonzo Bennett has gone to Ann Ar­ Mrs. Ella Sober, of Lansing, visited at Edith Soelling is under the doctor ’s bor to visit his sister and her husband, the home of her mother, Mrs. H. Tooker, care. Robert Howlett. Mr. Hewlett is very Sunday. Choicest Fresh Fruits This Week we Offer: Kelley Searles, of Owoeeo, was in ill and is not expected to recover. Mrs. W. H. Joy, of Grand Ledge, has town last Thursday. been spending a few days with friends and Vegetables. Mrs. J. S. Clement has gone to Petoe- in Bath. 4-4 Unbleached Sherting per j’ard 4%c key for the summer. PRICE. Mrs. Samuel Cqahtnan, who has been New Potatoes, Peas, Beans Watermelons, 4-4 Fine Unbleached Sheeting ...... 5c W. W. Wool and wife spent Sunday sick for a week or two, is considerably Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Etc. with friends in Ithaca. Mrs. Halett, of Grand Rapids, is visit ia p oved. 4-4 Bleached Sheeting per j’arcT____ 5c Mrs. Ruby Bullock is spending a few ing at James Austin ’s. Horace Hall and Miss Grace McGoni- Best Michigan Cream Cheese, pr lb 13c I weeks in Grand Rapids. Maude Lattimer is attending the sum­ gal are attending the summer normal at Emma Whittaker, of Jackson, is the mer school in St. Johns. St. Johns. 2 cans Red Salmon...... 25c Albert Barker aad family visited in Millinery Department. guest of Mrs. Ida Allen. The Ladies Aid society will hold a Baked Beans (bIS* ) per can...... 10c Mrs. Mabel Sickles is visiting friends Gratiot county last week. social Saturday eveniog of this week in D. T. Wellington, of St. Paul, Minne­ the Southworth building. Heinz Baked Beans per can...... 10c This is the only place in St.Johns in St. Johns and O wobbo . sota, is visiting friends around here. Mrs. Eastcott, of Canada, is visiting Miss Bernice Goodrich returned Mon ­ where Genuine Bargains are being her daughter, Mrs. McNall. Mr6. Theo Ashley and Maude Lattimer day from a visit of several weeks with made on Mrs. Mayme Snelling went to Saginaw have returned from a ten days ’ visit in friends in Aon Arbor ani Ypeilanti. Tobacco Department. Wednesday for an extended visit. Detroit. Mrs. W. H. Farnill and daughter, Mrs. Matte Barnes, Edd and Nellie Mead N. T. Sleight left Wednesday for Ann Special prices on full boxes of Cigars Will Allen, of Detroit, is visiting at went on the excursion to Grand Rapids Arbor, where they will make a short the home of his mother, Mrs. Allen. Sunday. visit with several relatives. any brand. Clara McIntosh Jarvis, of Ohio, is Summer Head Wear. Mrs. Edith Smeadly, of Lansing, has Russell M. Cadwell, many years ago a » visiting with friends in this vicinity. returned to her home after spending a resident of Bath, died last Wednesday at Mrs. Hattie Johnston, of Oakley, is week with her mother, Mrs. Fricke h.s home in Bay Springs, and was buried Teas and Coffees. Trimmed Hats, regular $ 1.75 and visiting with friends in and near Elsie. Mrs. Williams has returned to her here Eriday afternoon. He leaves many Best regular Japan Tea to be had $2.00 to-close at...... -...... $*.00 ♦ Lottie Pearce is attending the teach­ home in Owosso after spending some relatives in this vicinity. \ ers* institute now being held in Owosso. weeks with her sieter, Mrs. Wm. Krepps. Prosecuting Attorney Smith, R. R. at 35c a pound, 3 pounds for $1.00 Trimmed Hats $ 2.50 and $ 3.00 at $1.75 Mrs. Dr. Beale has returned home The Misses Edoa Bishop and Lettie Stewart, of Lansing, and the local at 1 . from a long visit with friends in Detroit. Vaughn, of Bay City, are making an torneys were on hand Wednesday to try Royal Moca and Java Coflfee pr lb 35c Trimmed Hats $ 4.00 kind at...... $2.50 Clara Harmon, of St. Johns, was in evtended visit at the homo of Mrs. Eva the assault and battery case of the Royal Java Blend Coffee pr lb...... 30c the village last Saturday, calling on old See. People vs. Price, but the matter was Fancy Caps fc children to close iriendB. settled before coming to trial. at...... :...... 19c Allen Oberlin and wife, of St. Johns, Prof. G H. Dunning and wife, of Baking Department. visited their brother, Frank Oberiin, DUPLAIN. Dowsgiac, have been visiting Mr. and Straw Sun Hats, former 75 c kind Monday of this week. Mrs. Ray Robson for a few days. Their Fresh Bread 16 oz loaf...—...... 3C to close out ...... —...... 49c Frank Hall lost a valuable horse Tues­ many friends here will be glad to know Made of Best Spring ami Winter Wheat Flour. * Miss Marion Downey has been spend ­ day that Mr. Dunning retains bis position in Above are trimmed with nice Silk Braid Featbem and ing a couple of weeks at the home of Rj’e Bread pr loaf...... — 3C Matin Rosette. Ellen Franks, of Toledo. Mrs. A. H. Pearl has gone to Bay the Dawagiac schools next year with a View. $1C0 increase in salary Graham and Salt Rising Bread.----- 3c Mrs. W. L Holmes, of St. Johns, is Elsie Crell visited Vernie Schofield All our 65c and 75 c Sailors close visiting her sister, Mrs David Austin, out at...... 39c and other friends in the village. over Sunday. MEXICAN WAR RELIC. Sweet Goods pr dozen ...... 8c Hartwell Mr. Woodward, of Mareng'i, Illinois, Wilcox, of St. Louis, is spend ­ visited at the home of his brother-in-law, ing the week at Edd Loomise ’s. Mrs, M. T. Crittenden Now Pouewn M. Levey, a few days the past week. Mrs. Alta Fitch is spending the sum­ Santa Anna’s Inkstand. Louise Curtis, daughter of Dr. Curtis, mer with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Weal. Mr. M. T. Crittenden, writing from of Saginaw, is visiting at the home of The aid society of the M. E. church Aurora, Mo., to the St. Louis Globe- her grand-parents, Levi Carter and wife. meet at the home of B. J. Lovell today. Democrat about an interesting relic of Rev. Skinner, of Elsie, occupied the Mr. and Mrs. W’m. Tompson spent the Mexican war, says: M. E. pulpit in Ovid last Sabbaib, in the Sunday with ttnir daughter, Mrs. Geo. “I noticed some days ago in your col ­ absence of the regular pastor, Mr. Moore. Schofield. umns an article about General Santa The Big Store.] Mr. and Mrs N. G. Pearce wheeled to Rev. Young and wife, of Orange, called Anna ’s wooden leg; again inyonr paper Ovid Friday last and to Laingsburg at Duplain on their way to their farm of March 31 an article from Blooming­ Tuesday of this week. From Laings near Wheeler. ton, Ills., i» reference to the same. In burg they journeyed by rail to Lansing, A. O. Everest, of West Bay City, the same company, I believe, wae an returning the same day. callbd on old friends and neighbors a nncle of my wife, Mr. Randle G. short time ago. Morris. I do not know his rank, but, HE WOJLD NOT BE A KING* THE COOKBOOK. The ladies of the M E. church of Du­ however, at the time the leg was cap­ MERLE BEACH. plain will give an icecream social on the tured Morris, with others, secured INTERESTING ITEMS'. Indiana Man’s Peculiar Advan Add a teaspoon fulof sugar to every pint lawn of B. B. Tucker, Tuesday evening, Santa Anna ’s portmanteau, containing With Chilkat Indians. of milk. when, the milk, is-totbe-thlokaned 1 R. A. Moore is in St Joseph. July 25th, for the purpose of raising More than thirty years ago, when money to finish the parsonage kitchen. several articles, among which was an young Felix Enure was still nn iudus- A strange story has been reported!to with com meal. Wm. Tubbs, of Merryville, visited A cordial invitation is extended to all. inkstand, which fell to Morris in the tnooe apprentice, with a taste in his the Canadian militia headquarters at The sweet red Spanish peppers out into Thomas Vandyke last week. divide. leisare hours for harmless boheiiiianism, Fort Selkirk of bow the Chilkat &- narrow strips are an. excellent addition to The young people at the lake will one of his journalistic acquaintances in­ celery, salad: and add: both to- tho appear­ “Subsequently Randle Morris gave troduced him to Adolphe d ’Ennery with dians, near that post, attempted, to .kill ance and flavor. spend Friday at Grand Ledge. • FOWLER. the inkstand to his brother, Asa Morris, this recommendation: “A very good fel- a prospector on the MacMillan river. B. R. Moore visited hie parents over my father-in-law. About ten years ago Jow but he won ’t make a figure in the Behind the attempt on the miner'chHfe If: in using sour milk for- cookies, grid­ Sunday, returning Tuesday noon. Charles Dane is improving. won®. dle cakes on muffins it does not foam my father-in-law gave the inkstand to there is a, singular adventure. It is said should when the soda 1h added, a teaspoon - Mr. Donald McDonald, of Fort Wayne, Ella Henry is sick with heart trouble. TW young royal priest. Prince Max of my wife, and she now has it in her pos ­ nnxony, is still suffering from a severe that one of the medicine men of the ful of vinegar added to the-milk will usu­ Indiana, is a guest at Merle Beach this Mrs. John Haynes entertained com ­ session. She prizes it very highly as a attack of gastric fever, which has loft Chilkat* told the tribe that not nntil ally produce the desired result. week. pany Sunday from Corunna. historical relic. It is a small, glass, him In such an unsatisfactory state of they had aecnred a white chief would Bananas make delicate fritters used in Mrs. Lillie Sperry is visiting relatives Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Oding, of Riley portable inkstand, with brass top, fas­ tB that !t is at Pres('nt quite impos ­ the tribe cease to degenerate. combination with rice- or bornstarch and at Sycamore, Ohio, for a couple of spent Sunday with Charles Dane and tened with an adjustable screw. I be­ sible for him to re-enter on his priestly Accordingly several of the chiefs held served with lemon sauce. They may be weeks. dutiea, especially as when he does so he family. lieve it is the most complete affair of will probably undertake the care of one a powwow, and it was decided to try oomblned.also with,pineapple, which fur­ The little son of Mrs. Henry Lewis is Mr. A. J. Affholter and family, of St. the kind I ever saw.” of the poorest pnrudios in Nuremberg. and geA one of the prospectors in the nishes trie itcid the bananas lack. seriously ill. Mrs. Lewis is a guest of Johns, are spending a few days with New York and Buffalo men have or ­ vicinity to accept the position of “hyas You aan make-the nicest piece of corned Henry Halsey ’s. relatives here ganized a company for the purpose of beef that was ever “corned" tough and She: “The next time you come I will tyee” ®£ the once powerful and warlike indigestible by cooking. It fast in water Social dancing party at Merle Beach Henry Faraghar from Ovid brought show yon my new bicycle." He: “When developing the great power of the whirl- tribe. One Robert Stanton,of. Indiana, house, Friday, July 28. Good music will his wife and daughter, Loa, to Charles do yon expect to-get it?" She: “In about poo rapids by means of a canal which mado to boil hard. If you want it as tender be in attendance. six months." shall lie built inside or beneath the who h«e for several years been prospect­ as it is-possible for It to, be* let the water Dane ’s Sunday for a few days. “Look here, ceok, are you going to tracks of the gorge mad. This canal ing the MacMillan country with indif ­ come to a boil, skim and-act tbs-kettle on The 18 pound catch of fish at the lake Owen Fuller and wife from Medina. obey me? I want you to understand will be 530 feet long and 100 feet wide. ferent success, was appointed ’and offered the back of the stove, where the content* waa the finest black bass we’ve seen this New York, spent Saturday afternoon that when my wife’s not here I’m mas­ It will be capable of furnishing 35,000 will simmer gently, but constantly. season, Frank Baumgardner caught it. horse power at the whirlpool under the position. Stanton spnrned: the hon­ with their cousin, Chas. Dane. ter of the house." or. Angered and hart, the Chilkat chiefs- Wheat is yeilding much better than The Misses Anna Gross, Katie Fe- “Mrs. Moke frequently goes to the forty-five feet head. It is thought that was predicted. Mr. J. V. Ennest has one theater in spite of her husband ’s recent the cost will be aliont $2,000,000. left him, and be thought no-more of the WRITERS AND PAINTERS. dewa, Lizzie Ulick, leave this evening death.” “Yes. but she goes only to plays The new year directs attention to incident. fiielcT which will yield 20 bushels to the for Milwaukee for ,a three weeks’ visit that make her weep.” some of the curiosities of the calendar. acre. with relatives. A century, for iastance, cannot begin on About a week afterward, while be General Lew Wqftaeo is something of an t , Mrs. A.: “Is it true that your son holds was. cooking bis evening: meal, several orientalist and is jhst now improving him­ Special meeting of Olive Grange, Sat­ Mrs. Anthony Martin died Fridry the appointment of warder in a gaol? -’ a Sunday or a Wednesday or a Friday. self in the language ef modern Persia. I* urday evening, July 22. Officers espe­ evening from apoplexy; she was an old Mrs. B.: “Yes, but only criminals of Again, the same calendars can be used bullets whistled over his. head, one just cially requested to attend. Regular lady with good principles, and liked by good family are imprisoned there.” every twenty years: In years that are grazing his shoulder. He managed to Vassili Vereschagin, the Russian paint­ meeting July 29. He: “I can ’t understand why a man al­ not leap years the year begins and ends escape without injnry. and. thinking it er, has opened in London an exhibition of * all. She leaves a husband, grown up ways wants to mnrry his deceased wife’s on the same day of the week. So Jan­ his works In dealing with Napoleon ’s in­ The Misses Ella Eaton, Maude Gage, sons and daughters to mourn her great sister.” She: “Why, it saves him the uary begins on the same day as October, unsafe to remain in that part of the- vasion of Rpssia ia talk Anna Throop, Fay Reed and Emily Vre- loss. Funeral took place at Catholic bother of breaking in a uew mother-in- April ns July, September ns December, country any longer, made for Selkirk, An odd memorial is proposed for Wil­ denburg with popular Mother Carnell as church Monday morning. Burial in law.” while February, March and November where he reported his adventure to the liam Black. It la that a life saving sta­ chaperone, camped at Round Lake last Catholic cemetery. One by one the “Don ’t you want to leave footprints on begin on the same day. military authorities there. He believes week. A jolly time. pioneers leave us. the sands of times?" asked the mentor. In Germany the dressing gown is a fa­ tion bearing the novelist ’s name be estab­ “No. ” nnswered the young man, who is vorite article of apparel among both that the chiefs purposed to kill him ont lished en the west coast of Scotland. ambitious but lazy. “I’d rather leave mea and women in the mornings and. of revenge for refusing their offer. — Asked how be pronounced “Chanty” 1q carriage ruts." evenings when they happen to be alone, New York World. the title of bis poem, “The Last Chanty," but to those not used to such ways it Rudjard Kipling replied, “The really ele­ seems a bad habit. The German em­ gant pronounce It as it is spelled, but peror is strongly opposed to this cus­ SKILL SAVES SPLAN’S LIFE. those who know what they are ulHii). tom, which he considers both untidy and a sign of sloth. His majesty has never Famous and Hla Wife Us Per­ about eall It ‘Shanty.’ " UY. . . possessed a dressing gown, and, what is il at a Hallway Croaalaa. William Henry Millais, elder and only more, the old Emperor Wilhelm never, brother of the lato Sir John Everett Mil­ even in his old age, wore one, for when John Splan, the famoue driver, found lais, president of the Royal academy, has not in bed he received his guests proper ­ bis skill with the reins stand him in just died. He was in his seventy-first ly dressed. good stead while driving with bis wifa year. Several of bis pictures have been across the Wabash tracks at Forty-sec ­ exhibited in the Royal academy. NEW THINGS IN LEATHER. ond street and Stewart avenue in Chi­ cago the other day. Calendars of bnrnt leather, mounted HOUSEHOLD HINTS. in silver or gilt, are both new and pretty. To the light buggy in which they Small pocket diaries of snake skin, were seated was hitched a mettlesome In making up unbleached muslin allow \ with silver mountings, are the latest, herse. Splan checked the animal at the an inch to tho yard for shrinkage. FURNITURE and make a handsome birthday gift. crossing, bnt the flagman beckoned him Moths dislike the printing ink on news­ Writing sets in all the different bright shades of leather come to match the to proceed and the horse at a rapid gait papers, so woolen goods, furs, etc., should ------OF----- —n coloring of milady ’s room in her desk started across the tracks. At almost the be enveloped in them when put away for furnishing. same instant a switch engine with a the summer. Trunks for the skirts and waists, to string of cars backed down to the cross ­ Lemons can be kept a considerable be hung up wardrobe fashion, will be a ing. The rig was almost upon the train length of time—a couple of months even — r boon on account of their convenience, in dry sawdust or sand Tho sawdust and the fact that they avoid crushing. before Mr. Splan saw the danger. Mrs. must be inodorous. P ennyroyal pills Coral-pink monkey skin, with the usual Splan gave a shriek, but confidence in Sprinkle salt Immediately over any spot E. I. HULL, silver mountings, of course, is the very her husband as a reinsman was restored where something has boiled over on the l/^v ViAflul Ml Omlr OwsIm. A newest touch for the ultra-fashionable when he whirled the frightened horso ■ttn.fl lad , t • ut a\ girl, who likes delicate beauty in her stove, and tho place may be more easily imtmdirDracfi*mi *r laOMMr Bb4 ul i «Mlm« iHUUt\UViI IMa belongings. half way round and, without attempt­ cleaned. This also counteract* the twi NO. 16, CLINTON AVE., mM *Uk M«» fOW» Tafc« ^ You may have a choice of red, blue, ing to bring him to a standstill, drove odor. green, white or blnck leather case for down the yard along with the moving Hanging carpets on a line and beating ta w»m kt Bvtimlmn. lnlanlili ul your French traveling clock these days, train. them is declared by the economical to whereas a few years ago only black could Several trainmen and others came shorten their period of usefulness more &ii size. be obtained. running, bnt Splan soon had the mas­ than a month of ordinary wear. Lay Narrow belts are the proper thing for them on the ground, wrong side up, and Goods Delivered in the this season. A good one has a strap tery of the horse and, unaided, drove Mat and sweep thoroughly on that side, across the inside of the back to be slipped back and continued his jonrney. This AGENTS WANTED.-For “The Life and then turn and do the samo with the other! Achievements of Admiral Dewey,” the world ’s under an ordinary hook on the skirt belt. crossing is counted one of the most dan ­ greatest naval hero. By Mnrat Halstead, the By this simple means the skirt is held gerous in the city. Only a few days ago Country.. lifelong friend aud admirer of the nation ’s idol. np and the belt kept down. a driver was caught in the same sort of Biggest and best book; over MO pages, 8x10 ORZA. inches; nearly 100 pages halftone illustrations. a trap and was instantly killed. —Phil­ OAST Only $1.90. Enormous demand. Big commis ­ Stars tto __Kind Yo u Hits Always Beegtd sions. Outfit free. Chance of a lifetime. Write adelphia Times. quick. The Dominion Company, Ird Floor Wfastwe Caxton Bldg., Chicago. 8-16 d

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