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. -rhi.EVANGELICAL OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH OF AMERICA NOVEMBER 13, 1951 VOL. II, NO. 15 - Photo by Don Knight, Pigeon Point Lighthouse stands on a rocky promontory SS miles south of San Francisco. Calif. on State Highway No. l. The tower was erected in 1872, 19 years after the Boston Clipper, "Carrier Pigeon," was wrecked on the Point. The lens was first used on the New England Coast and Southeastern Coast before being brought West. No darkness have we who in Jesus abide, The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin, The Light of the world is Jesus; The Light of the· world is Jesus; W e walk in the Light when we follow our Guide, Like sunshine at noon-day His glory shone in , The Light of the world is Jesus. - P. P. B/ii;~·. The Light of the world is Jesus. it so often degef!erates into strong feelings of prejudice. Evangelical Christians must not allow their indi over the President's action to affect their Christian love aild sympathy for men and women who happen to be adherents of the Roman Catholic faith. The true Christian must rise above both racial and religious prejud ice and guard his heart An Aroused Protestantism against any anti~Semitic or anti-Catholic spirit. Our concern Our President stirred up a hornets' nest by his nomina must be for the souls of all men for whom Christ died. w tion of Genera] Clark as ambassador to The Vatican. He know that being a Protestant doesn't save us any more tha~ wouldn't admit that a few days after bis appointment had being a Roman Catholic. We know that there are no de been announced, stating that he had received only a few nominational nor racial fences in the true Church of Christ hundred telegrams and letters of protest. By this time, how but that God accepts into His family all true believers in th; ever, he knows more about the magnitude of the storm of Christ who died for us irrespective of the accidents of birth protest and controversy he precipitated by his appointment. or enviTonment that have shaped our lives. It seems that every Protestant journal in the country has taken him to task for his unwarranted action, and that every Prot If half of the energy that is being spent by Protestants estant denomination in the country has sent vigorous protests in fighting the appointment to The Vatican were spent in tc, him and to the members of Congress, who will have to fi ghting such potent enemies as spiritual apathy, worldliness, face the issue when they re-convene at the beginning of the covetousness, indifference to the missionary challenge, un year. concern for the souls of men and women who are on their way to a Christ-less grave, we could expect a genuine revival There is no end of speculation as to why President Tru of true Christianity to sweep our country. man took such action at this time. He had assured Protestant leaders at· the time of Mr. Taylor's resignation from his post We need to get "hot under the collar" in such a matter at the Vatican that he would not make any new appointment. of principle as that of establishing relations with the Roman Now they know, of course, that his word cannot be depended Catholic Church, but we need a little more heat also when upon but that he will do just what he feels like doing regard it comes to fighting the evil spirits that are threatening to less of what promises he might have made. destroy the purity and vitality of the Church of Christ and Could it be, as The Christian Century suggests, that his prevent it from accomplishing its great mission in the world, sudden decision was prompted by the report of Franklin that of "preaching the Gospel to every creature." - "'"·"N'velt Jr's recent conversation with the Pope. Just a week or two be o Truman's nomination was sent to the Senate, !\fr. Roosevelt announced his ·w~hearted approval of an ambassadorship to The Vatican. It was reported that, in Remember the Missionaries! his conversation with the Pope, he had assured him that our Elsewhere in this issue of the Beacon and Evangelist is President would appoint such an ambassador, but that he a list of the foreign missionaries of The Evangelical Free would not dare do it until afrer the 1952 elections. Church of America who are serving on the various fields. The purpose of the list is to remind their many friends in the Commenting on this, The Christian Century points out, homeland that now is the time to get those Christmas greet "Mr. Truman, along with many other human quali ings and gifts started, if they have not already been sent. ties, has a very low boiling point when he feels his per Two or three weeks from now 're expect to have a sonal interests are involved. Remember what happened similar list of home mi:ssionaries serving our Evangelical to the music critic who dared to criticize his daughter's Free Church, with their addresses, with the suggestion that singing. His friends say he has never felt that he received they, too, be remembered in some special way by their a proper preparation from his predecessor for the re friends in the established churches. sponsibilities which fell on him when he became presi dent. Being thus held up by the younger Roosevelt as a political coward and conniver may have been just too ' much. The President's effort to bring about this sensation The Evangelical Beacon and Evangelist al change in the policy of the United States may have Published everv week by been nothing more than his angered reaction to what THE EV ANGELICAL FREE C HURCH OF AMERICA he considered to be young Roosevelt's slur and challenge." Editonal a nd Circulatio n Offke- 2950 Nicollet Avenur Minneapolis 8. Minn. We are confident that our Congress, when it meets in Andres~ a ll communi<·at1uns to Free Church PubJicat1011s. 29511 January, will by that time know what the majority of the Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis 8, Minnesota. Tel Glbson 2511, citizens of our country want, and that its members will repre sent their constituency regardless of the effect their votes EDITOR· ROY A. THOMPSON will have on the minority who favor such a diplomatic re Sub1U1ption price, $3.00 per yea,. lationship. Entered as second class m-;i;;:-Aug. 11 . 1950, at the Post Orricc 111 Minnea polis. Minn., under the act of March 3, 1879. The unfort1mate aspect of this kind of discussion is that 2 THE EVANGELICAL BEACON AND EVANGELIST NOVEMBER 13, 1951 his creatures, and all their actions." He Cause For Thanksgiuing works all things after the counsel of His own will. Emperors become His ser By Rev. Arnold T. Malmberg, vants. He puts into the hearts of evil Pastor, Evangelical Free Church, men to destroy other evil men and New Haven, Conn. forces, and thus they do His will until all His words are fulfilled. "Blessed be the name of God forever deep in the omniscience of God, as the and ever: for wisdom and might are fulfillment of prophecy lies in the omni Therefore, said Daniel, "Blessed be the name of God forever and ever: for His." (Daniel 2:20) potence of GCDd. This makes our God the God of prophecy and history alike. wisdom and might are his." About to be Humanly speaking, it must have seem purged by the decree of a .dictator, he ed to Daniel that the times were indeed · It was God who gave Jehoiakim into opened his windows toward Jerusalem, out of joint. He was away from his the hand of Nebuchadnezzar. It was and following a well-established custom, homeland, a displaced person, living God who brought Daniel into favor and he kneeled upon his knees three times a under the tyranny of a heathen, totali tender love with the chief of the day, and gave thanks before his God. eunuchs. It was God who gave Daniel tarian government. He was exposed to There on his knees, his wicked contem and his three friends knowledge and all the temptations and evils of a pagan poraries found him. May ours find us skill in all learning and wisdom. It was court and society. His very life was in -on our knees this Thanksgiving season, God who gave Nebuchadnezzar a king danger from the arbitrary, despotic rule giving thanks to God. dom, power, strength, glory, and univer of one of the greatest earthly potentates sal dominion. Daniel's God was the God * * * of all ti:me, and also from the pseudo of gods and Lord of kings. Let us note carefully, however, that religious machinations of ruthless politi though the windows of Daniel's prayer cians. He stood with a small minority God delivered Shadrach, Meshach chamber were open toward Jerusalem against a double attempt to extend the and Abednego from the burning, fiery and God, they were not shut to Babylon political totalitarianism so as to i:nclude furnace. How mighty are His wonders! and the world. Through those same religion. He was fully aware of the His kingdom is eternal! The Most High windows whence went the thankoffer fact that behind his enemies of flesh ruleth in the kingdom of men, giving i:t ings of this princely exile westward to ' and blood, their unwitting instruments to whomsoever He will and setting up Zion, there were heard the Babel in some cases, there maneuvered a sini:s over it even the basest of men! God sounds from the sad and lowly plains of ter, invisible, spiritual power of evil, does according to His will in the army a weary world.