The Wall Street Fraud. Particular* of the DUaatrotu Cargo of Um Steamship Arctic. Kinnis, Olc*. Washington; Dr. Downing, LoalsriUs, Kv.; CutU, "Monnoe2' Ckuw, IlUngworth. and J 0 Carter,, Alleged ConlUgratlon David Carter, Norfolk, V». DANGSBOVt ¦ U> TOBBM W Philadelphia (dues . K Jonea, M0BRJ80N T9 HOUOHTON. la Cleveland. The following is a list ©f witU the .***.*.¦. ., Foster, NYork; Honsywell, Stuart. the Cleveland Oct. EngUah good*, ship- From LlT.Cld Oct IS Richard Mora*, Dinamore, destroying valuable business buildings and a large rpool, .-eptember '20, 27th:. and lady, lira TkmpNi, D J Brown and lady, II Lowry, Gentlemen.I beg to briar to your notice having been on I'lvhovth.Off Get 12 Admiral, Wieting, fr°m Bream .aid to have been committed by E Houghton, broker, amounl of lias fallen upon Cleveland. f 8 W W Mblo, M lad*, four childrea ¦htm on n email coral patch in Torre* Straits on ta* morn_ for N Orleans personal property, Coodridgo, Samuels, of tha 2tth nltimo, and loet rudder and beet from for of Cedar street, upou E 1.. Morrison, also broker, of No. Ln»t night about eleven o'clock, a tire broke out in the A Co., Wlllianu^Stephana A Co. aad servant, J H. Fishar, S Crocker, D N lleanes, Uri Colo- bonerlag baring Off Start Point 13th , Hamburg NTerk; Nvw Houhp and ml with ^Brow£?|KJliy man, W Jackaon and servant, M I'orry and lady, .1 B Var- anchor, with it fnthome of cable; but I am happy to Clotilda, Meentg, from Antwerp for do; Johanna, Kief, freaa 61 William street, na* returned before Justice England ntabl", -pr grout rapi- 4 etate, the reatl U not water, and I am now in a con yesterday the New Hotel, the Corn Ex¬ Tamplin, A CmSSTa Co. aum and lady, Misses M A aad J M Varnum, Robert ('runt, ditioB to making Bremen for NYork. Btuart, at the Jefferson Market Police all dity, destroying England Si?®?.1"' A Hungerbunler, J Pott* lirown, R W Brown, F Milleaoua, proceed on bit tpyife to Calcutta, having picked Off Bolt Head 13th Daylight, Wilson, from London frc Court, parlies change, the St Charles Hotel, General Oviatt's substan¬ aSuSfScA D Embury, A 8t Albyna aad lady, Moas. I.ionrtte, C Foater, up the captain and craw of th© »chooner Island Queen, or Newport. being present and represented by counsel. tial brick block, two warehouses, and many buildings of A "*11 * boa. B > Cooke. Mr and Miss Blenboaaa, J H Bimer, F M Tower Hongkong, which voiael was wrecked on the Great Detaehad PoiTLinu-Of Oct 14 Repnblie, Wencke, from KTotk its the south * ir v.- JttV4. A B.eiTon the night of tha 24th at 8 PM. The roof or . less value. Tlie fire worked way against and J Mutton* J ltaakina, T Mai I, C and nit, for Bremen. Cross-examination of Wo. Morrison, continued Q lady, Baker, patch on whieh I (track ii not in Blackwood * and St wind, as well as ran with it. The'amount of property htiirtf4- I'rentior, Hiss Packer, Mrs Beltane/, J H I'reatice, J Sny¬ laid down Qi EansTown.Arr Oet 13 friel, Foster, Akyab, ever loaned on M'a4^ anil chart*. 1Mb Have you G. R. £t. * Bro# ' 4 Co. A T L Mrs Misses MMMrs Saeiuea, 3aoper, Callao; AmnulahUe Colom¬ any money Hoyt's destroyed was very great, as will bo seen by th-- follow¬ i )',ma "»rt. der, Brooks, Mitchell, ¦¦¦Moeehrines, Bearings of Pntch from Aehmore'e Bnnke Thomas; Checks which were dated ahead? If so. most accurate at 6-Culeny^'Tr*i Co R II. Alexander A Barton. Dwyer and servant, Mrs and Miaa Dymoad, Mr and Mrs X W Slbjljflte bo, NYork. state when, and ing statement of details, the present Hambcmon, w. u. Unnt A to Cramer (Secretary Ruaa Lay), and servant, Mr U L Schuf- S by S S, diatnno* S miloe; Hardy's Ielnade w by 9 W S. Kansoati..raaaed Oct 13 C'hanoo, IUlngworth, fm Shield* our command. £-C. Ae Lloyds' agente, I wish to to notieo n svhethor such loans belonged to the matter in quea- within KichariU. Haight A Co. felin and lady, Miaaea S S and II M Schieffelia, G R Scbleffe- rand tank and bring your lnrge for NYork. aud howr The following is a list of the goods, fixtures, Ac. :. 4-E.armHigglei» An Co.,*- tladen, Mellon A Co. lin, g Micks, J I'enfold, lady and daughter, S Smjtb, Mrs reef, eiteadiag 10 or 11 mils*, 1st 15 SO S, lea St Mawes.Off the Liiard Oct 15 Donati, Heydtmann, frn tion, long such checka had run. A. I hire stable, where the fire took, loss not known. ^-Naylor, Vlclier. A Co., Nnylor A Co. and Miaa Hook, Mr Cogan and lady. II Laurence, H Syme 140 40 E (centre), laying from N N W to 8 8 E; the earn* 1* NYork for Hamburg never loaned IJvery J- uihton I 8 M two chil¬ not in any chart I hare aeon. Th* of th* Dntoh Shield#.Sid to Oct IS Boston. any money on Hoyt's checks dated ahead. Carriages, Ac., all saved. ". 4 Co. and lady. F F Walker, Taylor, Davis, lady, bark De N events eaptnln Greyhound, Golbrandson, J. P. loss £S" ?,01f T Wnldron. dren and servant, E Clement, Misses EK 0 nnd'c Clarke, hae aocn it, and mnkee it noarly in th* SeixxT.Off Oct 10 Uabor, Johnson, from NYork for Rot¬ Q. look at the checks now shown drawn New England Hotel, Ross, proprietor, whose njtS. ".."li1"' 4 J»me» B Schieffelia and W II Misses A II aad came lntitnde and longitude; therefore I believe it to be a terdam. you. by Hoyt, in fixtures and amounts to about C. Lace. S lady, Sehiaffalin, el ranger, and wieh to it and make to $3u,0oo or and state if of furniture, liquors, rippett A Bro., Order. M T Schieffelin and aerrt, Dr Payne, MRev ¦ S Kidder, R report it generally known. Sincarons.Sid Ang >4 Minstrel, Potter, Boston; Itank amounting upwards, any $16,000. Insured for tll.dOO, tlie companies are West¬ J2.J-.*1 T- froeeer A Son. Burton, C Gardette, S P Dunan aad and aerrt, Dr Bel¬ J MARSHALL, Ellen, of Hongkong. Walton. NYork; 27th, Wilson, Calonttn. .«. . lady Bnrsley, Bombay. them were dated ahead at the time they were received: ern Massachusetts, »l,00d; Springfield, $3,000; Metro¬ A.C. T.J\.laulkmr,'L A Co., W. 8. MoMaater linger, lady and daughter; T Amsley. J Butaler, Mr Me- TanaanT.sfd from the Roads Oct 13 Hope, Ryan, New and l.ect A I. M. Murran. and 8 F R Wane, T fapt Bath, of th* eebr WnterlUy, arrived at Adelaide York. if so, state which of them? A. Not any of them politan, $.1,000; Home, $3,300, Star, $1,000.' C.Arnold, Co., Uppeabeimer. lady, daughter aorvt; /iegler. from Singapore, in a letter addressed to the editor of the fail banks A Co., scale manufacturers, storage ware- 3.Babr, Bebrend A Co., W. N. Woodcock Reese, Mrs IIevilsnd, F Tataill, Mrs Marshall and aorvt, W Sooth Anetrnlinn Tmrrrt.Arr Oct S Powhatan, Ingham, Havana; 10th. Q. Did have, to the transaction in contro¬ U. Dick eon. A 2 children and ffaarvts; Miae L Smith, A Register, lay.:."Having experienced ex¬ Excelsior, NOrleans. you prior »1*.°W>. Insured in Eastern companies for 17.J. Carow, lladden, lady. traordinary weather elnee entering the XTth degree of aonth Smith, which were 6-A. Thurnl.y 8. Sootberland. Irving and lady, F Ernst, J Napier, Mr Miller and lady, 1 am Tonnar.Off Oct 13 Coporniene, Wieting, from Bremerha- versy , confidence in the checks of Hoyt $8 000 Noel T. Beear Mrs E C Mcintosh and Misses latitude, induced to eommunioate the following obeer ven for Charleston: Frederiok 3.BarmgBros. A Co., A Co., Carpenter, lady. Shortoff, ration, for the benefit of tailing matter* and Johannes, Boyeon, and Greece. loaned to you and for which you gave collateral secu¬ Treat A Edward*, grocer*. Total loss estimated at $14,- A Co., A. Kankla A Co., Harris, rslmer and Kirk; Messrr Tobin, Rebus, Wolfbine, interested in th* other* who fool Bander, from Hamburg for NYork. for of which the has 7.J.1-GuiynII. Greene A Wn. Schsrff. Lovoll, Comstock, Foster and Mr Ysadon ana prevailing wind* upon th* eontherm const. Vinter.In Oct 11 from Richmnnff. rity? A. 1 should not have given consideration for 2^JnKU,lTil Springfield Son, Boyd, lady, of the Australian continent. Having entered the shore de¬ port Harvest, Fuller, $3,000 and Cleveland Mutual $1,600. A.Jacob Taylor A Co., H. Tome* A Co., lady, Mr Milterberfer, lady and aorvt; Motsrs Fits, , gree* of eouth lntitnde on th* thera if I did not. 4.J. Trippet A Bro., Blunt A Sym», Boybuck, Kalli, Kohr, Kndy; Mrs Uolloway. Mr aad Mrs C 29th of May, the prevailing I.ondow, Oct 16.The American bark Old Hickory. Porter, -A. Wenham, druggist Igjss $12,000. Insured 4.Leech, Harrison A Co., J. Bottomly, W llueck. R Hunt, lady and daughter; II D Gilpin and wind* had been from KB ta X almost without exception, of Borton, from Shields for Calcutta, with coals, which pan Q. D'd you, in any instance, ask if these twenty ,n Rensselaer $2,000; and Western Massachusetts W Brown and Mrs Misses and tbongh 1, on on* oecaaion. went to lntitnde 30 degree* 8. re¬ back the a few It'. 4.D. A C. Bao Ivor, D. Appletoa A Co., lady, J lady. Weisae, Wight turning to 94; and again stood to and reached 4# leaky into river days since, having discharge* Checks were all right" A Not in any instance. #0,500. A.Baring, Bro*. A Co., Stone A Co., Brients, M Hutchinson and lady, Masars Condon, Elder, without degree* S, her cargo- vras on Thursday last put late Mr. Green's by Cook A Althen. clothiers. Loss unknown. Insured ft.A. I.iddcll, Egan A Co., Johasoa, Uorncastle, Kaitmaa, Eberls, McKay, Barbour, finding nay material variation in tha winds; the at ltlaekwaU. The ship struck twice on what was dan- Did you at any time advance uncurrent for Co., gla** all the time being rery high. I found on referring to dock, to be in oat of the harbor at Q. money ,I"ural,c* Company or Hartford, for 4.Edward*, Sandford ACo Edward*, Stndfori A Mosmer, Holland, I.yon, Long*, O'Brien, Thamer, Seott, and al*o to one posed the bar going Tenements, never " '. ZolUcoffer A Blank, Besle, Mrs Ilerr, Miss E A and Hornbnrgh's Directory, published last year end after was taken back into the harber, of these checks? A. I did. $3 . Taylor. Marcy, Taylor friend, from the being lightened any coo"""*10114 " A. T. Cottlaet A L X S Clarks aad Hydrographie office, that it 1* laid down a* an In¬ where she was three ef American shin* _ Co., Thompson, lady, variable surveyed by captains Q Did you oer give anv money for auy check of G. J. 0. Kramer, clothier. Loss $2,000. Insured in a A A Son*, rale that winds blow in these latitude* from N W to in the who certified tbet she wee flt te prueccntn 21-Gibbf, Bright Co., Vyie From Now flBtnns, Havana, aad Aspiawall. ia the steam¬ 8W at thie ecaeon, and that it l* nlmoet inneccMible ves¬ lying river, A. I think 1 liim uncurrent Hartford company, $1,500. 6.A. Ilnranty A Co., Kaealer A Co., New Orleans.Mrs A to for her voyege- Ceptein Porter proceeded, but en reaching thn R. Hoyt* gave money onco; John Fixtures saved. ship Emplsa ¦w.-rron Mary Delany. sel* proceed in a westerly direction from South Ana- Downs to sneh a as to he us Mate and we him Brown, barber A.J. C. Col-b, II. Orifin, M L CTairvUleTllr Smart aad lady, Chas llaana, A Wast, J tralla." found the ship Unking degree eomptff gavr money gave uncttrrent A. A C. Ixieb. clothiers. I,os* not ascertained. Insur¬ 3-C. A K. Elliott, K. A O. Witbam, Scott, lady aad child, M Marino, M Roohello, C ScbaCer, M him putting late the Thames. Since (he has been in deek money. ed in tor $2,000. A.Brown, Shipley A Co., L. A J. Wyeth, Wm M David B she bee had her copper (tripped off and been surveyed by Q. DM you give uncurrent m. for the one thousand Meta«|sditan 7. ' J. an, Alain, Hume, Cnrtledge, Crawford, Youos, Art at Now Bedford Oet 28 hark Bliaha Dunbar. Bobbin*, On the kool, two ofhro- ney A wholesale liquor dealers. " Carry Thomson. From Havana-J U Lopes, C F Will. Mies Sasaa Atlantic Ocean, no on Lloyd's surveyors. examining pieces dollar check mentioned in your affidavit? A. 1 did but ft Bishop, Remington Co., 4. R. llaber*haw, G W Y E J J Lo- Fayat Sept 28, oil board, returned on ken iron pintoo, evidently fragments of n wreck, were foud Isiss $20,000. partially insured. " M. D. Jones, Winslow, Johnson, Bandin, Keros, account of the ticknoa* of th* captain, baring boon absent 9 stuck in bor eloso to the which wan was depositable in the bank. in b. Benjamin, petegier, R 1' Scott. From Aspiawall.1 Beaadsy, C 3 Kid¬ sent boms 44 bbla oil. flrmly forefoot, stem, At A. Molhiuch A Stillmnn, dealers farm produce Loss 3. Caoper A Fellow*. C 11 N F mail H L months; ap Report* touched at Fayal split up some foot, leaving a'gap snfBcicnt to admit the hnaA Q. what discount? Some at U, "a. ke.: It was $4 000. Insured in I'niou $2,000. 4. * A. f. Stewart A Co., der, Green, Barnes, agent, Branls, Smith, Sept 19 Janus, Wtnslow, KB, (SO *p, landed; 14th, Ana, peering np It. The eoaolntdons drawn this discovery urn same as we Washington ' H Harris, C Thompson, F Goots. Mary by the allowed him. G H. (Irans, grocer. Isms $6,000 No insurance. 2. K. M. Tiuaoo A Co., Mscomber, do, 900sp, alt told; Maakar. Broomfiefd, do, that the shin struck on the wreck of an iron steamtng which Q. What interest uiH-rior street and James street, on the east side of ?.1. II. II. Loudon. Iris, Devoll, do, 26 sp, lauded; The* Nye, Smith, do, clean; truth of the that his vessel wont ashore bin lions except the $1..,tto check, wliicli I supposed would ' George 1,. Curry, of Oregon, lobe Governor of the Ter¬ report through "be that Mer\ifn. 1. Moore A Baker. of O ce< la, Macomber, do, 12 .»: Lancaster, Carver, do, 40 sp, giving thn pilot wrong directions. 1 paid day. t'n the west side of Merwin street, next the canal, era* 1. ' Banorort*, Uett* A Co. ritory Oregon. landed; Ocmulgte, West, Holmes's Hole, clean; Atlantic, The American ship Rllia Warwick has beta stripped and Q. Did you expect the defendant to make a drposite to the market shop of George ltoss. Loss not learned, but 1. ' Smith, Young A Co. William H. Farrar, of Oregon, to b« Attorney of the Colman, Kvnt, 110 tp, landed; George, Sponuer. Newport, re-coppered. meet all toe checks? A. lie told me the >1 .1(00 was good, 1. J. Kaw»on. United States for tin- Territory ot Oregon. clean; New England, Smith, NL, do; Wm Martin, Martin, The American Isaac Newton, has been in Messrs .light. 4 20 rp; to Cache ship and I could nut. therefore, expect he would deposit for Next north were Schwab, cloth¬ 2. Sheehau A Son*. Benjamin F. Harding, of Oregon, to be Secretary of Orleans, prer 28th, lot, Leo, NB, eleaa. Brig Beeves A Co's dock for exnmiaetion end copper patched. the other checks he bail aud uucuirent mo¬ Koenlgsloew, grocery; Stewia A'Bro*. the of Esther, of Orleans, in a gale Sept 14, at Fayal, parted ebalns American canlksd and that; tin-gold and Oblander, shoe All small and J.' Territory Oregon. ship Newton, aewlff to for. ing shop. dealers, 1. K. Corning A Co. and went ashore. The oil (95 bbls sp) was saved, and the ^Tbe hk|been ney deposlte will ft*el thoir lo.-tsc* were in ' bull told for 8800. ofi Did hi.u to the uncurrent mo¬ though tlicy Order. Spoke Sept 18, Teroeirn. Roscius, "Flic American ship Albatros [from Deal for Calcutta] em- Q you expect deposit amount Win. Binghuin, warehouse Tor hardware- ?-I. Fellows A Co. The New Yoke Herald office Dexter, NB, 110 sp, landed; Malta, King, do, clean; N B countered a after her on hoard an it was so understood. llglit. ' presented quite < heavy gale receiving pilot ney? A. Yes; stock, $7.IHM), insured $2,000 In the west- 1. Ward A Bro*. an arene on the 14th. A crowd had base, Chase, Beverly, 200 sp on board, and cutting in a 40 the Sand Heads, and was to go to sea Sha saved, $1,60U; ' amuhing large bt-1 wh. obligsd again. Q it you expected him to deposit the uncurrent mo¬ em Massachusetts. Lit.nub,-rlain A commis¬ Taylor, Richardson A Co. there of sp lleard from Sept 18, off Floret, Henry Knselsnd, tad sustained much damage to her cargo, from it having Crawford, f. gathered to obtain copies the weekly edition Whnlon, K B, in a 90 bbl ney, who was the interest chargeable to? A. I'ncurreiit sion merchants; loss from $5,000 to insured in Blevin A Mend. for the Collina steamer which sailed that cutting tp wh. shifted, and much of it having got broken. She sprang her the bnuks at one $S,ooo, 1.}. 11. Simmon* A Co. prepared day. lliard from, previous to 1, N B, 8 mainmast bead, and other which makes it is chargcuble by day's interest. Summit Mutual $2.u00, and in Knickerbocker The whole issue was soon find ho was 4 July ships Abigail, damage, necessary moneyWhen did hint to the uncurrent $1,500. 1. R. Merritt. exhausted, great whale; Arctlo, do; Alice Fratier, do, 7d*tC*wp«r, do, 6 she should go into dock. (J. you expect deposit Wilbur A Mclhiwell, ship chandlers; loss $8,000; insured the struggle the that several d<>; Florida, do, clean; Mercury, do, 9 whs; Pacific do, 4 The American Goodwin, which was run a lit¬ A. Ttiat h ^er4u,CD< among disappointed, do; ship agroand money? night. in the London anil Liverpool $3,000, and in the Beekman, 1. j'uil* "knock-downs" occurred. Those who could not , do, 2 do; Rambler, do, 2 do; Amaion, F H, 2 do; tle above Kedgeree, it is feared will become a wreck, the tida Q. If you had not been In the habit of risking him. " A Co. get Gen Scott, do, 2 do; Northern 4 Dela- flows over her at water. had not aban¬ New York. $2,000. 1. Bailey copies at the desk offered as kigh as 25, 60 and 75 cents 7 James Light, do, do; Philip high The captain yet whether the checks were good or not, why did vou risk Two Rockwnter. and and a shoe W. U. Oalor. each..New Orleans Oct. 23. noyc, do, do; Loner, Kant, 9 do; Sen, of Warren, 8 doned the ship, ana thsy were endeavoring to ears all they liim in relation to the A. I did not risk in relation clothing stores, Kiel, J. Robbin* A Bro. Delta, do; Antelope, Newport, 1 do. The above were all ooold. $4.2UU? More. J-oss small, but not ascertained. J. seen at a nearly to that it wan in relation to the one. I.G. Loutlniu A Cross. £nglemaun k Co. latyr date by the Endorui. st , whieh Oct 15.The check; $1,600 Custom House, everything saved. 3.E. A Co. Bu*h A Munkittrich. loft about one hundred and ship* In and about the LirsnrooL, Bed Jaoket. Read, arrived from Q. At what hour did vou commence to balance your office. All Higgles of 1. Several offiftythese Bay Melbourne, sailed August 2, end arrived in the Mersey at IB Commercial Insurance Corajmny'* R. II ax kin. MARITIME INTELLIGENCE. Shanta, Aug ship* had been more or 30, AM. Oct 10. The Red Jaeket has made the voyege out and account ? A At three o'clock saved. ). A Glnssford. Ives damaged by the toe, and would have to be hove duwn for home in 5 Examined counsel lor Did dis¬ property ]. Nellly Lark A Co. repairs. months 10 days and 32)4 hoars. Average of out¬ by complainant.If. you N. A. Gray, office. Books and papers saved. I- Hopkins, At Port Clarence ward passage 205)4 miles daily, end homeward passage J02V. cover the discrc].ancy in the line of gold thai' uiglit t Chamberlain A Crawford's office. Books and Car row A Co. ALMiiisc roa kew vona.this day. July 90, Olympla, Russell, N B, 1 whale The Red Jaeket bae brought 44,943)4 ounoes of gold and 22,- A. 1 did not until the next I papers J. Lloyd. .UK BISE* 6 29 l MOON SETS 136 this e.-aeon ; Falcon, Gnrdncr, do. 1 do do; Aug 1, Wm 270 day. saved. fc *. ai K SETS i M HIGH W ATSB morn. '.12 Retch, F 1 whale this had lost an sovereigns, together £206,044. Q. Was it casli received on that check vou men 1_ Barton Brother*. I Moreelandcr, 11, season, Oct 15.The you In Oviatt s block, north side of Superior street;*. ft1 J. Roieufteld A Bro. AsTwtir, American ship Peter nattriek. tioned as tin- »4,l'Oo one ? A. N'o, it was in stock on the R. Van Nrit kt port Clarence, twowhale in Bourne, henoe for New York, which was on shore between Avenue Mr. H. N. Gates, commission merchant. Loss $1,000. No Oddie. A. A Co. of New York, October 'fcntcrpriM, spoke ships Otene and Ternense Oct 12, has been afloat. would Eighth Hank, paid by Mandrord. the cashier insurance. Ficltr A Co. A ffrguion. Woxt 30, 1854, the Arctic, and received letters from them. They were both got [She Of that bank. Z-Stoep, " bo towed back to on account of the sicknost of Win. It. office. Loss $150. 2. Bernhelmet 3W>*. Massachusetts vessels. Antwerp Us Q. Was the endorsement on the$4,200check paid* A Eckart, 1.Rathbone, Bro*. A Co., Everett A Brown. CLEARED. At Bonne Kittle, Island of Ascension, March 26, Delta, crow.) It was in to be 00. Win. Mittleberger, office. " S. lleldenbelmer Weeks, of Creenport, with the small pox on board. paid stock, held by them at P. Anderson, comuiission merchant. Less 160 bbls. 1. A Co. Steamship Indiana (lir>, Lambert, Southampton, M Liv¬ cleared (Last BkixMaw, Oct 16.The Mersey, Vinton, from Quebec, Question by del'eudant's counsel.Hnve vou. einee you 1.A. W. Lyon A Co. C. C. Leigh. ingston. reported from Honolulu Jan 11, with 1000 bbls wh.) passed by a wreck of a ship or bark about 800 tons, dismasted received the bank stock tallow, $4,000; 200 do. syrup, $2,000; 200 tons Scotch pig 1.Jacob Taylor A Co. Well*, Fargo A Co. , Tileston A v.,>>tcn about July 2ti, off Port Hope, Arctio Ocean, Gideon and waterlogged, apparently timber laden, no name, Ut V s|>oken of, transferred it? and if iron in the be Ship Hill, Liverpool, Spofford, Co. llowland no tbi» »rMOB. and to w horn ? A. I to cellar, supposed to uninjured. .Tliis pro¬ 1.Rathbone, Bro*. A Co. B. Pike A Son*. Ship Concordia, Krewert, Antwerp, W F Schmidt A Co. BrVhfit, P Bi 22 N, long 15 S0 W. no, did. Mr. H. J. on . yvheii .' Lew, was in trausit. and to be covered by in¬ 1.Bird, Oilman A Co. White, Bramhall A Co. Ship James Watt (Ur), St Geo At S?Vims 2 st C Kathleen. Allen, N B. 1800 bbls. tue 21nt t»f July. perty supposed 1. " Thomas A Co. Supwith, John, Logan. Fatal, Sept 22.The American whaling brig Esther parted counsel surance iu Montreul. Spalding, Ship l'maus, Langston, Buenos Ayres, W W DeForrest A Spoken^ff DeanVlilanu her chain Sept. 18, went on shore on the north side of the proposed to read the affidaivt J. loss of fixtures. Small. 2.Mc('a1mont,Brofi. A Co. Barklio A Brown. Co. K t eIs bad been in co 2 monthsVa^^u'pfiT with the Karmgansitt, became a wreck and was sold. or Mr.,1f,ren,!'u't'gMorrison made in the Morrison, broker, 1.tV. Jackson ..Arnold, Sullivan, KB. WivRKHor, Oct 13.The Ameriesn ship Waltsr R Jones, court.) v stock \ Alued at $60,000; only partially insured. 3.W. Chanco. Son A Co. E. Mead* A Co., St. Louie. Bark Nimrod, Whitney, Melbourne, R W Cameron. Spoken* Honeywell, of nnd for Philadelphia from Newcaetle-on-True. J. F. clothier, between River street and Rail A Order. Bark Mil Sh 1 u wus wrecked on the Sunk Sand; crew saved (11 ia Vtilham E. Lewis, was examined as Borges, 1.Kickarly Harding. lord, Cole, Galveston, P C Murray. I ark, of New York, bound eastward, Oct 26. lat yesterday, beiug duly sworn, road. Stock froin $14,000 to $16,000, probably half lost 1.T. A IV. Ccnnah. lloman A Ilcinermann. Bark Ionic, Randall, Portland, Russell A Vinlng. number) by the smack Elizabeth, Carder, and lnnded hose follows:. Insured in Atna, Hartford, Western Mas- 2.J. Sanderson A Co. Ilenry Owen. Brig Asorcs. Dean, Matanxas, J W Elwell A Co. Ship 1 tciwood, Dale, from Boston for Calcutta, Oct 27. to-dny; some of the materials also saved. The following is Counsel for complaiuaut.Q. Do you know E. L. $1,000; $1,000; 1.Baring, Bros. A Co. II. F'arnnm A Co. Brig Spanish Main, lat 41 29, .JIS40. the vessel's report:.Oct 10, sailed from Shields; 6 30, dis¬ sachusetts. " Decker, Ragged Island, NS, Tucker A , Houghton f A. Vert. $2,000. 1 Arnold, Conatahlo A Co. I.ightletirne. Ship Dr to.of New York, from St John, KB, for England, charged the port pilot, and proceeded in charge of a channel yot' recolleci his Half a doten small buildings north of the above were 1.Stolterfoht, Frost A Co. K. A. AG. H. AVltthaas. Brig James Wakedeld, Allen, 1'cnsacola, rack A Church. Oct 11, lat : (9, Ion CO. pilot. Ittb, wind N'W; midnight, fresh breetes, and hnir, . Do. making any representations burned. Sheffield. . , llt_ In W about lu to you about the loss of $;t,tHKi? A. I do 2. Phelps, James A Co. White A Brig J G Am erson, Delano, Newport, Smallwood, Ander¬ A ship sta iii fNE, showing a white signal with a rod star Orfordnes* light sight, bearing by S, distant New Corn and 1.Uuion A Co. Wolfe, Gillespie A Co. son A Co. in was se. ) Oct lat a full miles. At 2 A M saw a light, supposed by the pilot to bo A He aaid he England Hotel, Exchange, outhouses, " it, 24, 37, Ion 66; had figure head had lost tlife* the entire between the 1. Collin* A Co. Brig Augusta, Clearman Co. and a poop; w to under eloae reefed main and Shipwssh, bearing about WSW, At S SO A M saw a light, 91.000 bills ondid..''Va-vrtlic Ainericau liank. occupying square railroad, .Supe¬ Jot. S. Stone, Savannah, Sturges, A ilying topsail, to be the Kentish Knock. At 360 A M struck the Eyliunge rior lane and .lames street; owned by H. Atwater 1.J. Whitnkcr. Shapter. Scbr G M ltol crtsuu, Morrow, Mariegalante, IVnniston A had lost n>re a i rmaiii topgallant masts. soppored Q. How came he to say that to you? A. It was to George '¦ 1.J. Swire A Son*. A. W. Kelly A Bro*. Jones. Dirk btorn. 1.ol erts, from Manila for New York, Oet 19, bottom, and very soon became fast. Signal lights were im¬ me lor a check to that amount. of Springfield. Mass. Buildings worth $45,000 to $50 1.Richardson, Bros. A Co Slimmon, I rater A Co. Schr N W 1 at 26 Ion H. mediately hoisted for assistance. The ship had sned, it be¬ pay " Sm-U.llotart, Ckarloiton, McCrcady, Matt A 66N, . ,uvl and lm 000. Insured, $23,100. 1. S. J. Levy A Co. Co. .Port*. ing nt the top of the tide when ehe struck. The carpenter w y°u *«,«», said he had lost " 1. J. U. Wm Foreign tbs hut tbo mads no water until .3,000.,1,^ill one thousand dollar bills on this bank, out of TOTAL LOSS. Q.ueon. Schr I, C< swell, Elwood, Charleston, Dollner A Pot¬ Arpinwall. tort Oct 16 brig Alvaro, O'Brien, for Netf kept soundiug pumps, ship , . .. 2.Alexander A Lolt. H. Robinson A Co. ter. 5 AM, when the carpenter again sounded, and found sif pocket? A. le*. In Insurace far as 400 York 18th. buildings $02,600 f $37 1.C. and II. Gray A Co. Middleton A Co. Scbr Fanny, T1 sycr, Charleston, Ceo Bulklcy, C*n: Town (CC11).No Am vesael in port Sert 11. two feet water in the hold; rigged the pumps, nnd kfpb thr*p one Hiousand bills in t!»e In goods, Ac 101.000 know n j 90,'509 1.J. W. Wilson. J. G. A A. Uerin. Schr Louisa, D: aey, F.denton, Ac, Johnson A Slaght. Callao.Sid 11 shirs Fairlie (Br), United all hands at work, tmt found the water was gaining TN?a.w,r0UAvenueeV t. Charles Hotel, corner of Merwin anil James streets, , Cole, City Point, J Hunter A Co. Sid 11th brig Potosi, Mlsby, Portland. Attempts 1.J. Trippet A Bros. Sherman Bros. Schr Grand S W Lewis. In about lit. ship afloat, by throwing some of the cargo overboard, whom wit* A. I can't sav. owned I. L. Hewitt. Insured for which will 44 Island, Pcttingall, Boston, port brig Sarah F Williams, for Portland QPify they deposited? by $4,500, 1. Pratt A Co. Schr Moselle, Avirill, New Haven, J 11 Havens. neat day; schr Alabama, Smith, for Baltimore 3 and twenty-three large grindstones were accordingly throw* Q. To whose credit? A I don't know. probably cover loss. 1. 44 Goddard A Merrill. t days. overt oard, the pnmps at the same time kept at work. Abewt 44 ARRIVED. Fayal.In port Sc- 28 bark Ktlhy, . from Cadlx for teller tell you about these ull the on the north side of Merwin 2- W. O. Cowlishaw. o. twenty five people from different smacks were employed, bet Nearly buildiugs 44 Oct Boston, disg cargo wine and salt to caulk. v;ii.»V>e0 ,ti clerk. fine buck owned Gen. O. 1.Callender Bros. K. Renfrew. Steamship Roanoke, Skinner, Richmond, Ac, with mdse ditg: brigs Napoleon, Davis, unc; Tnrk, Aid- now the would become a total and the block by Oviatt; worth $25,000. and pstLvngers, to Ludlaui A Pleasants. Oct off ridge: Henrietta, Norris; Joeiah Jex, Speueer, and I Cohen, thought ship lose, Q Was Mr Houghton there? A. I think I saw him in Aixiouut of insurance unknown. 1. Richardson Bros. A Co. Isler A Otto. 29, 7 PM, Clark, from people accordingly began to save as much of the material* 1.J. Trippet A Bro. Sackctt, I.ynes A Co. Cape May, passed steamship Jamestown, hence for Rich¬ disg; Msry Elisabeth, McConncll, NOrleans, arr as could be got off. Al-ont smacks had now arrived, tlie Director# room. J. F. aud several 44 mond, Ac. Passed about sail 18th, about disg; Adams Grey, Ilenry, from do, arr 19th, twony Who Wi1tU,e£ ,^uildi"E by Borges, 1. R. Balnnridgc A Co. 200 of vessels anchored in ur- Dickey. Moody, NYork; 23d, Oct A. Not I knew was some night, got headway, ill, disnissted,unmimu, waterlogged and same Saranac, Bigley, Newport; schr Abbott Devereux, Altehorn, Dover, 13.Off brig Recent, Duncan, of South Shields. exactly. tl.err ilirticult' b our of startled the 2.J. W. Moss A Co. Meyer A Wetslar. waterlogged abandoned; dayday, Fall liivej. 35 days from in 1st 44 Ion 53 fell i* tw ecn and were explosions, probably powder, specta- 1.W. A Co. Lottimor, Largo A Co. brig Judali iouro, or New Orleans, from Leghorn for Quebec, Sept 15, 41, W, iliem, supposed tiny settling. or- and filled the firemen with but the latter Lindsay ,1^'ke which vessel esme in contact Sid 16th barks Teri, Thsstrup, Newburyport; 16th, with the ship Pevonport, [before reported fonnd abandoned,] Do know it there was a of anxiety, 1.K. Ker. J. Stono A Co. Philadelphia, with the C, cans- Rtalto, from Q. you bag gold in tin- bank enmined at their work. The mini 44 ng some slight The J T had her channels Wilson, NY'ork; 18th, brig Swmers,Watson, Charleston; 19th, Quebec for Liverpool, waterlogged, and breaking up: tnen* A. les. steadily who, contrary I. T. H. Graynor. dsioage. carried cbrs YVintrmayeh, Merrow, K Y'ork; John Mel¬ took off tbe crew, seventeen men, and master's wife. o law, keeps powder iu his establishment, should be 1.Jacob Taylor A Co. J. Higgins. way, bulwarks, Ac; 21»t, lat 3142, Ion 71 33, spoke schr 20th, 1'lcrco, Q. Was it the !mg in question? A. Yes. marked. I.G. Reilish, Jr. Swift A Seaman. ., of and from Jacksonville for Portland. ville, Cabanas; Aid, Kenny, Charleston; 21st, brig Chief, lb credit was it A Smith, Baltimore; 22.1 a 23d, I ark John Benson, Home Ports, Q. whose put! I don't know. iN. was the of the flames that half a 1.J. Trippet A Bro*. Edwards, Sandford A Co. BurraeUter, BALTIMORE.Anr Oct 28 and ol an rapid spread I 44 J. A Bro*. NY'ork; brig Metallak/'Kopper," t'urdenas; Torno, Mitchell, 29 shdp Charles, Rouark, Q Do you know ' accouut kept ia that bank by do/i n found in the second 1. Trippctt Babai Ilondn; schrs Edwin Bremen 45 days: harks J H Duval!, Nickerson, Doston; Gen A No. person* themselves story, (the 1.Edwards,SandTd A Co G. Q. Shepherd. Harriet llorsey, Schneidati, N Orleans; Hmiglifon? third from the of the ot the Now 44 Lewis, King, Mobile. Taylor, Stront, Portland; , Ryder, Boston: sear ¦ know of one paving court,) England, 2. Edwards, Sandford A Co. Hokcli Lt f James, Knit Mass. Cld Q. Do you kept bv Host? A. Yes cut oil Irom the stairs. Word was 44 Gunter A .Cld Aug 7 ship Victoria (Peru*), Clark, Hong Dnrfee, River, 28th ships Elerelle, Did ever see b. 11 A. No. passed outside,' 1. Olvey, Bark Kong. Coutts, Ilahia nnd a mkt; Nicholas Riddle, Gerrlsh, NOt- Q. yru Hoyt? uiatrcHsi's brought aud placed in the court, and the six 3.E. Frodsham. Gourd Bros A Co. Laura Snow (of South Thomaston), Hall, Leghorn, Oet hark achrs Eft* ihe . .'1 with marble, to Matanzar.Arr 15 barks Touaro, Williams, Havana: leans; Despatch (llr), Harriot, WIndies; Corbnla, Q Whf.m ileposits'of uia-le? A. Bv Bros. A Co. W. N. Seymour A Co. . days, rags, Ac, C Fabrieotte; vsssel to By Hoyt saved themselves from the windows. 2.Frildin, 44 21at, F A NY'ork. Rowland, Starlight, East River; Manhae- or hi- cl-rk. by jumping 1. E. Carter. mn.-ter. Sept 28, lat 3ft, Ion .'Hi 30. spoke bark Rodman, from Perlcy, I.iesegang. NYork; Thomas, Uougliton. Mr. and Mrs. and the two Misses Dccring, Mr. and Mrs. A A. Waller. Irapani (Sicily) for 1ft out from Gibraltar. Svr.KS v, NSW.In port July 21, ihlp Elisabeth Ellen, for set. Brown; Flying Eagle, Smith, nnd Wide World, Jones, Q. Mas ever their accouut kuown l»y the name of the of the 1.A. Dennistoun Co. Boston, daya freight or charter until San NVnrk. " lewellcn and Messrs. Foster and Ferdon. members I.E. Sandford A Co. W. I.oeschigh A Co. P.ork Zidon (of Lubec), Hoy t, Triuldad, Cuba, 23 daya,with 24th; brig Henry William, for Account ?' to aud sustained by the 44 to Francisco 22d. BOSTON.A rr Oet 28. PM, bnrk Mary F Slade, Baker, Trinity (Objected arieticr" corps, were among those who made hurried 3. H. Boker A Co. molasses, Brett, Son A Co. Experienced heavy gales from _ Court.) 44 ^ Slid NR. St Johns, K F.In port Oet 101 ark Mary H Vos*. Crowell, Philadelphia; scbra Victory, Cook, nnd Van Bnrea, Ran¬ escajK'H from the New England. The Dealing* lost a 1. W. Haekayer. to load for n ter. Motes Q How after tin loss of the $3,000 hy 1.J. A Bros. McDonald A Privost. Bark Adolaidc, Newman, Matamas, 2ft days, with sugar, disg port in the Mediterranean. Warwick, Vn; Brown, Raker, PhtladHphia; Ban¬ long alleged valuable wardrobe. Trippctt Ac, to E W Get lat Ion St John, KB.Ait (let 20 ship Perkins, Bristol. ner, LovelL and Frank, Cash, Albany; Queen, Chase, nnd Hougliton did you see those bills in the Eightli Avenue Mr. R. H. Hutching, of New lost from the New 1.H. Ker. Fersse A Brooks. Sargent. 6, 24, 78, passed the top- St Stlsiiiv, KB.Arr Oet 26 schrHolyoke,St Emerald, NYork. Cld schr American Bank ? York, 2.A. Pennistoun A Co. N. Bryoo A Co. lho yard of a vessel, painted white; York. Stephen, Trimble, K* NYork. Dassott, Belle, Brown, England, a tin trunk, containing more than $3,000 in 4 1. 4 Order. 13th, lat 33 14, Ion 7430, passed shin John A Barber, of Port¬ Court..He lias answered that question before notes and He had burned $200 worth of land, steering ENE; 9th, off Gun Saoi-a.Arr Oct 9 barks Wm Henry, Watts, NTork; 18th, Arr 29th steamer Locust Point. French, Baltimore: ship Counsel tor defendant..Was not the checks acceptances. 1.Guion A Co. 8. Lipitle. of Key, spoke ship Cromwell, Chilton, Penned, Havana. Sid 10th Prussian bark Gleaner (new), Lnnt, of and from barn By 1.Leech, Harrison A Co. B. Everstoo. Boston, troui New Orleans for Havre; 2iitk, lat 38 16, Ion NYork. Adeline, Newbnryport; owed vou drawn bv G. R. ? A. It was. goods. 44 Kohnstamn. 76, pained a lot of lumber. On the the chief Mr Kleinwort, Springbok, Hurd, Cape Town, CGH Sept 11, St Helena 21st; Houghton Hoyt Two boys, caught stealing a trunk, wore sent to the 1. J. fall 24th, mate, St. J ago.Arr tlct 131 rig Fawn, Boston. In White Star (Br), Merriam, Bristol, leth ult, via Q. Was that check ever paid ? A. It was paid by tho 1.MeClnrc A Tomplin. 1). Cavan. Murphy, from the maintopmast cross trees on deck, in¬ about 6th Chaee, port W B E, Portland; watch house. A Co. Rosses A Co. juring himself very much. brigs Francis Fahcnt, Jackson, fm Philadelphia; Dean (Br), Hilton, Troon 5th ult; E A Cochran, Coch¬ ot Mr. Morrison's gold; I took tlie gold from Mr. Crawford A Cliamberlin rolled from their warehouse 1.Uuion Fratt, Bark New E L Penny, Havis, hence, both just arr. ran, Baltimore, trigs Plantagenet (Br) M'Lellan, Glasgow as tor the of the check. 1.C A R. Elliott. Uogart A Mooney. Mayflower (of Haven), Currier, Grand Turk, TI, Tbinibal.No Am vessel in abt via Cork Cth Sarah Houghton security payment into tlie river 700 bbls of Hour. A booin placed across 1.Guion A Co. Le lioutillier A Co. 22 days, With salt, to U Trowbridge A Sons, New Haven. port Oct 8. Sid Sept 27 ult; Woostrr, Mercer, Jacksonville via Court..Q. For what did you hold Houghton's check ? tlie flour as it floated and it was Wns 17 north of with Oct brig Ahnna. Sullivan, Matanias, seeking freight. Norfolk; Sarah Thorndike, Harrington, Rondout; schre the river caught down, 1.E. Frodsham A Co. G. Opdykc A Co. dnys Hntteras, henvy gnies. 28, Taboo a (near Panama).In 4 Set 11 Anx 4th inst via Holmes A. In the evening of that day I gave him certified saved. Tlie warehouse of this linn was fortunately 3.F'ieldon Brothers. J. IV arrin. off Chincoteaguc, passed bark Speedwell, of Boston, steoring port ship Plymouth Challenge, Simmrns, Cnyrs Hole; for which he was to us cither bills or N from Charleston for Boston!. Rock, Patterson, from New Y'ork Jnne 10. Pavilion, Donne; Sarah Louisa, Hix, and Buy Stnte, VerrUl, Checks give specis. nearly empty; a week since it contained $300,000 of mer¬ 1. Richardson Brothers. Ferot A .lanot. Y'ai.paraiso.In port Sept 14 ship Rosario (Ch), NYork. Returned hark Howiand, Emmons, for Rio Janeiro Q. Who drew the checks ? A. Could not ssy 2.Dennistoun M. A Co. W. A J. Morrison. Brig Atelaya, Nash, Gibraltar, Sept 13, with wine, lead, Handy .see chandise. A Co. J. Owen. Ac, to Giro A Francis; vessel to A Hunter. Oct side, from New Y'ork May 21, arr 4th. disasters. Sid 28th steamer City of Boston; bark* Q. On what bank was it ? A. On the Eighth Avenue who, at the time of the was 2.A. Dennnutonn 1st Thorapsou [Pkb Styamship I'ACinc.l Young Turk, Zion, and from below barks Com- Capt. Robert Moore, fire, 3.C. Grimshaw A Co. C. Carvllle. 4, 33 67, Ion 01 15, spoke ship "Josephine," ft days from At N Lamplightsr, Bank. with his brig, the Alert, at Madison forty-five 1). H. Boston for Manila; 29th, lat 38, Ion 74, passed a vessel's bland, Z.Sid July ., Francis, Partridge, Ant Who was the drawer of the check " A. It was Dock, 1.J. Hunter. Craig. large riot. BATH.Arr Oet 25 sehrs Q. miles east, distinctly saw the fire. 1.Edw'd*. Sandford A Co. Silliy A Graf. bowsprit and lower mast. A Henry Freeling, NYork; 27tk. either the or cashier of the Avenue A. Bell A Son. Brig Era (Br), Dowden, 30 with to Antw xbp.Sid from Flushing Oct 12 Clifton. Ingersoll, N wo, Wilmington, NC. president Eighth This morning, the safes of Messrs. P. Anderson and J. 1.J.A1). Malccmson A Co. T A Malaga, days, fruit, Ao, BOOTHBAh.Arr Oct 24 schr Active Bank, I think. were 1. A Shaw. E. A II. W. Smalt. Stalker Go. Ex|crienccd heavy weather on the coast. (Br), Cornwallis. Morrison, and the vault of the custom house, open, King 44 Mohi An jibb.Passed Aug 4 John Bates, Easterbrook, NY'ork for NYork (and sld 25th). What were to do with tlie check? A. We 1. W. II. Cary A Co. Brig (Br), Young, Marseilles. Sept 3, with mdse and 7 Oct Q you ed. and the contents found all safe. 44 W. Shir(I. sxsewgers, to F A Co. for Hong Koi-g; 13th, Architect, Patten, Canton for Lon¬ CHARLESTON.Arr 26 hrl* M II Chappell, Johnson. were to get either bills or specie, from Houghton; he 1- lost Cousinery Experienced heavy don; 14th. Ellen, Austin, Manila for Boston; 16th, Arifl, Philadelphia; Ellis Waits, l.ewls. Both (Me), via Wilming¬ 2.W. P. Surgay. J. B. Ford. weather, jil.boom, galley, stove bulwarks, Ac. NYork for ton, schr Providence. was to cash it on the credit ol the bank. 44 I. C. Mailer A Co. Hecla (Br), Lucas, Grand Turk, TI, 22 days, with salt, Ayres, Slmiighae; loth, Storm, Roberts, Manila NC; Julapni, Uaytor, Cld 27th brig 44 to for NY'ork. Souther, Kendrick, NYork. Q. Anil gave it to liim for tlint A. Yes. Canal Board. Roach A Sons. __ you purpose The 4. O. A. Witte A Co. Rb s Mm.Arr Oct 11 Joverlnnd, K Y ork. EASTPORT.Arr Cct 21 brig Wbeaton. Staples, Phila¬ Q. Did he cash it? A. He did, bv giving me Mr. Mor¬ At a of the Canal Board, held at the Canal I.Fielden, Bro's A Co. J. Mallin. Brig Archimedes (Brem), Northolt, Connives, 32 days, with Muller, sehrs rison's meeting Mitchell A D. Morrison. coffee, Ac, to Homing*,Helming*, Muiler A Gosling. The A Babcblona.Arr Sept 28 Y'olnute, Millet, Mobile nnd delphia; 23d, Melville, McGregor, Philadelphia. Sld gold. Department, Albany, on the 2bth day or October, in the 1.Pennistoun, Islogwood,bound to but into this in Mahon. 21st, fcrigt Twilight, Bowman, nnd A L llyde, Foster, Balti¬ Q. Who was the drawer of that check, to the best of Co. Bremen, put port distress, BordbAtx.Pld Oct 7 (before more: Snnckford, do; 24th, Norfolk, Alexandria. year 1854, PARCEL LIST. having on the 22d and 2Xd inst, in lat 33, ion 64, in a gale' reported 6tht, Isabella C Emery, your judgment ? A. I think it was drawn by Mr. Sand- Present.The Lieutenant Governor, State from NE to lost a suit of carried fore Jones, Jones, NOrleans; 11th, Ilelphos, Sonic, K Y'ork; O H FALL RIVER.Sld Oct 28 brig Ocean Wave (new, of Fall ford. cashier of the bank. Comptroller, Farr. Johnson A Co., of Philadelphia; J. Mason, Mr. San- N, sails, away top¬ Townscnd, Hutchinson, do; 14tn, Clara But¬ River, SCO tons), Show, Baltimore. Engineer and Surveyor, and Canal Commissioners Fits- Worcester: Mr. Hnntcr, D. Keinhart, 0. Knowles, mast, foroyard, atove bulwarks, causing tho vesse 1 to leak ton, do. Yvindsor, CAl.VF.STOS.In Oct 17 barks in the i did him credit for that A. ford, _ Trinity, Hall, Q. Why you give check? liugh. Follett and Gardiner. Welle A Co., P. Webb A Co., J. Cunningham. J. M. nail, badly. Sid from Roads 4th. Jones. stream wtp orders; port Veacock, for had other transaction* with him, I he and W. Brig Kato Heatb. Chare, Cardenas, 20 days, with sugar Royan Isabella, NOrleans. Minnesota, Philadelphia Having supposed Mr. t'ni kcu ollered the following preamble resold- Naylor, Vioker A Co., Jonathan Jones, Watson A Co., and molasses, to Rio A Co. Oct lat 33 Ion Bbls abt.Sid Oct 14 Standard, Ritchie, Savannah. ldg; I amartine, Hayden. and Montank, Lincoln, for N vorfe would give me an equivalent for it immediately. on his were laid on the table:. Scbielmn Brothers, F. S. Hell) urg, of Baltimore; S. Mall- Marti, 25, 20, 78, Bki wi KHAvm.Arr Oet 11 ldg; GrecoSeUl. for do; N C Hanson, and tion, which, motion, passed brig Atalanta, bound N. The K II was 14 days north Joverlnnd, Duller, NYork; Hamlin, Buchanan, Q. Vihj did you certily his check? A Because I had Whereas, it was tlie general belief, when the recent amend- wood, Andcrnon A Co., Vose. Perkins A Co., G. Bliss A Co., of Cape Hattcras. 12th, liermnn Theodor, YVragee, NY'ork. Sid 11th, Ammer Cordelia, King, dlsg; D Godfrey, Parker, for Boston; brign instructions to do so. ment of the constitution wan voted for by the people, that Adams A Co.; Shedding A I.ivcrmorc, H. Sampson, Stnrgea, Brig Aheona, 13 with land, Gutkese, Galveston: Columbia, Semke, nnd Oldenburg Amulet, (late Miller, who died 15th of yellow fever,) from the millions of dollars whieli it authorized to be added Shaw A Co., J. Brown, W. Hoyt. of Stamford, Ct., James Stalkuigbt, Jacksonville, EF, days, llcnke, NY'ork; Helcnc, Baltimore. Thorns s ton dlsg; Vesta, Stevens, for Boston; sehrs Elian Q. Who were these Instruction* from? A From the nine C. F. of Wil¬ lumber, to master. Haesloop, Cashier of the Eighth Arenne Bank. to the present Male debt of twenty six million." of dollar", Moir, Wilmer A Roger*. Plumpton, Boston, Schr .lulia M Itallock (of Brookhavcn), Anderson, St Jago, Cadiz.Arr tlct 5 Carrier Pigeon, Jones, NY'ork nnd Fisk, Simpkins, (from Pensacola) for , ld<; Madonna, would be sufficient to complete the Erie ( anal Enlargement, kinson, Stetson A Co., j. Fisher A Co., Graydon, Swanwick -nl a, 2ft with to J W Elwell A Co. Vigo. repg. Sld between ]3th and Itith, barks Nornmbeva, Belano. By counsel for defendant.Q. This was not the first finish the Genesee and also the A Co., W. 0. Hunt A Co., Richard Haight A Co., A. A S. days, sugar, Batavia.Arr Aug IS J Q Adams, Melbourne: 14th. Niobc, NYork; Terror, Kendall, Supposed for R B of the kiud wherein was the Valley Canal, Enlargement A Schr F P Lr.dd (Br), Johnson, Hilmot, NS, 6 days, with Apalaehieola): transaction gold deposit? of the Oswego ami the Cayuga and Seneca Cauals. And Henry A Co., Goodbuc Co., U. H. Shillingford, Cromwell, potatoes, to U L Hatch. Evans, ( anton (and sld 16th for K York); 18th, E Comin:. Walker, Burkitt, Boston; brig Mary, Walker, NYork: tohr A. No. w alter the of the amendment and in William* A Co., McDonald A Frescott, Barklie A Brown, Craves, Singapore; 21st, Sen Colnm) ia. Smith, (from NYork) Brato*. hcrea?, adoption A Post A A. C. Rossire A Schr Alabama, Avery, Portsmouth, Nil, 3 days. Sld Breese, Newell, Soumbaya. Oct 26 scbra Dennis for New Q. What was the money bag labelled? A. $4,200. answer to an inquiry by the laat House of Assembly «r the Lawrenc*, Murray Co., Ryerson, Schr Bay State, Sherwood, Boston, 3 days, to Dayton A 19th, Mississippi. Anctrmlin. Gl.OrcESTEB.Arr Cxlais, the or ?tnte what, in hia wonld be Co., W. Brand A Co., Silfken A Ironsides, J. H. Chappoll, J. Calcutta.Arr Aug 21 Ware, (or Nasoni, Li¬ York; 27tb, Martha Maria, Beverley for NYork; Gen Taylor, Q. Are yon positive whether it was president present Engineer, opinion, Nicholson. Barnsdorn A Kestler A Co., Jas. Grower, Spragnc. Clara Hy Dndlcy Parver for do. the cashier that drew the check? A. I am not. the cost ot the completion of the works named, he, without Winter, Schr Wm Woodbury, Rockland. verpool: 22d, Ann, Hatch, London; 23d, John Flavor, fordo; Seraph, Beverley giving the estimated sum, replied, that thirteen million* of X egrette « I.eoni, A. Joanrenaud. Schr Huntley, tor Boston. Bicker, San Francisco; 2tth, . King, do; Scot 3, HARTFORD.Arr Oet 28 steam achr Josephine, Crumbly, ¦By counsel for complainant.Q. -Had vou seen the pre¬ dollars would be insufficient for that thai leav¬ Bustamene, Hanks, Amloy Cape Cod, Stars, Kong. Cld 21st Fisk, Philadelphia. Sld iteam schr Sachem, Thresher, NYork; N'o. purpose, Schr G J Sawyer, Torncr, Portland, Ct. Hong Hashing Wave, sehrs J \\ J G Almon sident that day? A- ing the excess beyoud thirteen millions, so lar as bis official Scbr J Lawson, Law son, Portland, Ct. Boston; 22d, Crcy Feather, McLaughlin, do; 30th, Ocean Mrt'lurkv, illiams; Baldwin; Bacon, $ Q. Was he in town? A. Could not say. opinion is concerned, a matter of uucertaluty, which has Personal Intelligence. Sloop Savage, Portland, Ct. Steed, Cunningham, do; Sept 2 Uippogriffe, Howea, Phila¬ Baldwin; Mary Tiee, Tire, Philadelphia. Were not certified checks not since been removed any action on his part. And Sarah, delphia. 1 EWES. Del, Oct 2S, 6 P M.The easterly winds and fony D*r counsel for defendant.Q. by Rock of the 13th last, Sloop America, Sturges, Providence, 2 days. . , in the A. Yes. whereas. Hie inability of the State Engineer to estimate how Tlie Little (Arkansas) Democrat Sld from Saugor Aug 18 Raduga, Lamsoa, Mauritius, 27tb, weather still detain a fleet at the Breakwater, principally grawn blank by president? much thirteen millions the said works would cost notice:. Bui suit.Br Irig South Durham, Purdy, for Nova Svrcn, All.-a, Boston. outward hound.among them are the harks Heela, and Con¬ Court.Had Mr. Sandfurd an account with tho bank? beyond gives the following Scotia, K'th inst, to load deals for returned to 1 oth for New which In on for and lit* apparent unwillingness to express sn opinion with¬ this Enrnpc, port Dov»B.Off the Wight Oct IS Admiral, Bitting, from way, York, put Friday pro¬ A. I think lie bad. out such estimate, With the fact established by the We take pleasure in calling the attention of our read¬ morning, on account of having heavy head winds, and Bremen, for NOrleans; no date, Moro Cattle, "Monnee," visions and water; also I arks Richmond, for Boston; rrte- lie was together Borland and being late In the season. from for tls, for brigs Velonn, nnd sehrs John R. Lloyd, being duly sworn, deposed that past histi ry of the State, that all public works cost from ers to the can I of Doctors Solon J. J. McAI- Bark White NY'ork. Montevideo* Carroll, Flyn- teller of the Eighth Avenue Hank; knows Mr. twenty-five to fltty per cent beyond the most ctrtain aud mont, who have aaaociated themselves under the style Cloud, Todd, honce 19th inst for Bshia and a Dunns bps*.off Oct 12 Hindoo, Klockgoter, from Bait! wav. Heroine. Blsl-op, Messenger. S McDonald, Mars Hill, a mkt, returned to port yesterday. Reports on the 20th, com- more for Amrtrrdam. L Mires, John S Shriver, S Raymond, and llary Oslo ion. accurate estimates, havo caused nainlul on _ recollected in-being in the director.-'room. apprehension of Dr. J. Almont A and the fine drug . Bondughton. of those most in the of our Co., purchased nienicd blowing a gsle from the N E; 22d, lat 36 10, Ion 71 20, Dial.Arr Oct 13 Alvarado, from Richlbucto for I l'BEC.Arr Oct 23 schr Dnnlol Webster, Con-ine, New and Mr. on the occa¬ the part interested uavigaMon of the new firm are woU Sleeper, ?long with Mr. Morrisou Saudford, that the cost of said works will be carried to store of L'r. W. Adams. Both a tremendous heavy sale from the NE, bark enmmenoed Hull (and anchored); 14th, YV A Imndcpkln, London York. Sld 25th schr Caroline Knivht, Wilson, New York; referred is uo relation to Mr. never csnals, as and and bad a hurricane from Cooptr. M sion to, Snudfonl; or twenty millions of dollar", thereby making it known experienced accomplished physicians, leaking bndly; 23 harks Howling Wind, Porter, wad again constitution, struments from the cabin, but she soon righted, carding YV heeler, do fop Swansea (and John ehn Carver, Nichols, Boston; 21st, ship Anna Kimball, Q. Did you see three $1,000 bills there in June last? Some ten millions increase of the State debt, in addition to Borland having retired from public life, has resumed the tho and all Simpson, proceeded); I Boston. the tiinr millions already authorised. And whereas the seen away standing rigsing light spars; sounded the Merrick, do for NOrleans (and proceeded). Sld 15th. Dor- ik(. Portland; trig Northman, Frost, As Ye*, practice of his profession, as will be by bis card in and found rret water in her; after eight hours cas (' Hnll. MA RBI FIIFAP.Arr Oct 22 sehrs Caspian, Philadelphia; relative receipts of th* canal from tolls and the freight re¬ nan!pumps, succeeded Ycaton, Stevens, <}. By whom were they deposited? A By Houghton, of railroads, which connect with the lakes aud com¬ our advertising column* to-day. pumping, in freeing her; after that, could Eiainobs.Arr Oct 9 Caroline. Asandcr. Ocfle for NY org 24th, Prion (Mr), d<>; Kth, Bib- (Br), do. in the name of G. K. ceipts in »h« of vis.; the Erie B. In from keep her free with one pump constantly going. Oct 22, lat FaIsMOi th.1'Micd Oct 15 I'oit, H»hf, frgdens> urg road, have been as follows is in 10, topmasts, rigging attach¬ r.rinien;, WinorcA* from NYwrk for IsTnn. Whitney, Whiting, Liverpool rii.:. Ohio, Washington. ed; soon after saw a man floating on the surfses, but he soon Glovcfutab.Arr Oct 12 rrofirtm. Bennett,, N 1 otk. ley, Howes, lto.toii; 1-ark Yarmouth, Sampson. Boston; aebp room. for five years, D. of St. delivered the ad¬ a tremendous at the Oct John N 1 ork. Anita I lemon, Havana. Cld J no Lnm- Mrs. Frances Gagt>, Louis, disappeared.Mewing"* " "" galo time, Gi imow-Arr (»et 14 Fyft, I^wton, (h|»n), ship# Bryant, He was not behind the counter? A No; we never C i/w»/ Toll, 1st 36S" Ion saw a to . ( harks Oldnor. Q. Jt *. frtiaht Rtctiph. dress before the county, .,26, 68, 71, vessel windward, bottom up; Arr it Greenock ISth Vwti, ItoMtter, M 'ert. Naples; Uiar.a, otter. Boston: l.anrons, allow aay one l»ehiihl the counter. tljmitft $3,1*6,172 Washington 0., Agricultural also passed through lnrge quantities of different kinds of 12th, Adnni t'nrt, Stennrt. Portland: 14th. Jtljnrleyton.G Hall, rerry. KTork;Cherokee, Dotty, ( harlostoo; brig ThOs Alllhone, Court.Did Houghton make any other deposit there StIhUW 3,722.11.3 Fair. lumber. Providence; KoHnn, lUrtlctt, NYork. banwiek, Philadelphia. H£i 3,170,145 BELOW. vvNkork Arr 22d Susan Clausen, NY«rk; Otarns so, that day? A. He made a deposit of $3,000 at the branch #,.336,180 AMERICAN TCtTRMM IN IRELAND. GmnALTAI.Ait 4>ct 3 Marion Priori©, (and ships liineks. Tritsen. down town. 4,624.619 AIWAM from Uote 3acville stmt, Dublin, One brig, unknown. 1 Howes, Liverpool 11th August; Johannes (Breaa) 1864 (estimated) C.HUMWJ 3,000,000 Departure* Reynold*' I, to7th)Carolina, Aaandcr, NYork retner 20th Aucu-t; Irir Saieina iSpan), Finoob, Havana; , Q. Did you ever hear of the $¦* being lost? A. I did. Oct Sth.-T. Richardson, Louisville, Ky.j Mr*, and Mist Wind daring tb* day from NE, with fog and rain. 'cmr-sld^Hprtf Sd, ships R II Summer, Dyer, Liverpool 30th Anrueti Kate Q Who told you? A. Mr. lmwis; he said that $3,000 .thus showing an increase, in four yeare, of about five mil¬ Richardson, do. Oct 17 Chas Crooker. Moorhcnd, wanton, Reed, Havana; i'nl Butts, 8now, Bremen. Below lions of dollars in the freight receipts of the three competing st tbo Oct. 12th..Mr. and W(;b!\Vm'nL-a7s Quo- from I bad been lost down town, a$$, looking at the $3,000 railroads, and a decrease la canal tolls of more than hair a Arrivals Sholbourne, Dublin, ship dpi elia. Nason. Iverpool. Barbe In our '-those are I I Mrs. Hamilton, New Orleans; Dr. and Mr*. Lawlor, do.:Mr. Tho of the Haldee having been sold for 92900 NOrlrn.s; NORFOLK.Cld Get 27 brig Mareellua, Boume, bills bank, said,' they. suppose;" million "' dollars; and, whereas, the recent amendment of tnd MDs Mr. Booh report Irig l^ills^G^ma^'MVina, ' I did not knew. J the constitution limits the creation of debt to two and a and Mis* A. Bell, do.; Mr. Murray, do.; ire are informed was Incorrect; she is still for sale. Shelter. Illlti, Richmond. Sld Y ¦aid and M re- Wright, do. NY'ork; 13th, Tleondcroaa, Boyle,lDhJStwNOrlenns,orkj14th,ThompsonLonfe NEW T ONDON-Arr Oet 27 pmr Shotoekot. NTovk; were Hoyt's checks discredited quarter millions of dollars annually, thua requiring some NY'ork. Ida Vnrice, bid prop Qulaebnuff,C^,Uollata, 0;.'Court.Why tea to the enlargement of the three canale at ARRIVALS. deration, Corning, w.. .. Ilalys, Virginia, On the 2d of June Us# A. Because ills credit was not years complete Telegraphic Marine Report*. 11 *¦ von-Sld Oet 12 Florence, Mltehtll, NY ork. a tost of eighteen or twenty mliiioas of dollars, evea If au- St. Nichols*.Col. 1st* Consul to Lon¬ Oet sad until the At tho Aaptowall, BOSTON, 3D.Arr ship* Atalanta, Valparaiso; Elisa¬ llAwai ao.Arr Oct 12 Theodor, llausmana; Elise, Brohn; NfVp()RT-Att Oet 28 eekr Watohman,.Brown,TMtbfor Bel food.Had he ever oveAnwn his before? A. espi- don; General Jno. K.Clement, Feunfylvanis; Randall limit beth, Smyrna; Boston Light, Liverpool; hark Lyman, Cat- Willielmine Hanson, end Rf.bert, Paulsen, NYork, ton. for NYork; Eunice Adama. Adams, NBedford Q. account No: ration of which period therelrihVis to be no such effective im¬ and Now Orlean*; General CndwaUder, Philadel¬ P ( arr, Bristol for N York. account was a family. cntta; Ably, Malaga; brigs L Swam, Beyrout; Acorn, Alex¬ Hono Kono.Art Ang 11 , Kingman. NYork; tinure: sloop Wlllard, bis always good before. provement as to admit of larger boat than the one now in phia; U. Fumpelly and family, Albany; Dr. S. V. Elliott, andria. 14th, Alfred, San Francisco. Sld Cth Careltne I'll 11 A BE I I'll IA-Arr Dot 29 "» that Mr Hoyt had not use. when by the anticipated cheapening of transportation 8an Francisco; General Arose, Havana; Col. Waehburno, Vpbam, jh»P 5emen"5f- funds. QiI?>3!5!Uin the bank? I do not. can l»e realised, and the ability of the eanals to compete Illinois; A. M. Sherman, Nowbnrg; lion. Ely, Watertown; Herald Marine Arr Oct 13 Shawmnt, 9t ¦ with the raiiroode tested; and. whereas, the expondlturTof E. C. C. H. Ilenvek, Honolulu, Sandwich Correspondence. S°Lni»<,u'rooi1. Hlgglns. Stephen; X'. much ®on®-r. b*J he to meet the check? A. I nine millions of dollars authorized ia Mclntoih, Albany; PHILADELPHIA. Oct 3D.Arr hark Speedwell, Howe, 14th City of Manchester (s), Philadelphia; Arabia (.>. Jud *x9 Ji?w*** hut he had overdrawn liis the already- completing lalnnd; W A. fester, Pnfslo; W II. Lonrr, London, Eng¬ Charleston; brig Isola, Griffin, Boston; schrsS li Norton, bin-'and Constitution, Britton. NY'ork: 15th, , 'J the enlargement of portions of the Erie aanal, and leaving land; E. Hill, do.; Mr. and Mrs. Yeadon, t fiuritstou; 3aml. r«c7 Melbourne; Star of llrewn, .ccouat, if we paid his check, about $«,700. other portion* untouched or unfinished, weald b« alike II. Cook. Balston U. B. Now York) F. Mon- Norton, 8t John, NB; U Curtis, Richardson, Bird's Island, Empire, Boston; Trimonn- N^IX"'?!5"Sr^nT'i^ii^MoMie^Hallett, Albany; 27th, schr ltelle of the Cape, for defence.Ha* who use the canal* for Spring; Smith, Bahamas. tatn Rao, St Ceorgc.', NB: Arctic, Ztrega, NY'ork: 15th, schr Detroit. b^counsel the Eighth Avenue disastrons to those transporting teath, Albany; C. thrieman. Mlooonrf;U. K. Fox, Virginia. Hun¬ Snow, N4»rltana; ( Dnnton. do; (»ttawa _^Q. indlrwtlJr interest In thl* matter? freight and the finances of tho State, burdening the proper Tho number of arrival* by the Pacific was72. CM ship Lenlso Msrie (Brem), Wendke, Bremen; hrig Grc<*nlander, ha00, Ani.'«tVT.i»ell«r Petrel, Jones, NYark: brig Dumbarton tolls to tho interest on tress, Dolly, Demarara; schr Tennessee, llnmmitt, Savannah' (»)* QtieVce; C'onnnemv, M Anley, Belfaat; 17th, Guiding 25fh - sohg A'2*a\&ZU,rS>TI tOMML not. ty transferred with increased pay At the II. D. a; A. Star, Johnnor, Melbourne. (I m locklTT Glasgow, It; Morn, fiend, Raff indebtedness, without Metropolitan.Hon. Ullpln, Fhiladelph .... Fowler. NYork. Sld aehrw Minthorne T. beinr *worn. Increased cheapening transportation and family, E. Taylor. Lirerpo. 1; ,8. Sld 13th Eudocia, Spurr, N Orleans; Emerald I*le, ( orn Lr.VroJk ricop P'drlrr, Brundage duly deposed- or facilitating navigation. And, whereas, this Irving England; j, Reeves Day, James River; Vhogias I'otter, Potter, he wns first teller of the on materially Mcl.ran, (J. 8. Consul, Trinidad do Cnha; Dr. Boiling and Disaster*. inh, NY< rk: 14th. Cultivator, Austin, do: 16th, State Bights, | That Eighth Avenue Bank loard has authorised the putting under eon see news J Bowmnn, Taylor, dot CompMnnoe, Hlxon, knew about it was already family, Charleston; II. Ill rne.irtle, England; non. G. Bench, W For loss of steamer Isabel flrom Havana. I Earl©, N York; 16th, Wehater, l.awrenea, da. PMlndclrhies A hat occasion; all he that on the 2d tract of six millions of work under tho recent amend¬ Evan* »ud the R« t Sunt: rl«Vp Ki nds Island, Hull, NYerk. half three the three millions Connecticut; Wm. family, i'hiladelpbia; EST Fur loss of steamer Walter R Jones see extracts per In river outward hound Mnrihfteld, Torray, Baltimota; er> SAt'OLA.ArT between (let 12 and 13 brig George June, about past o'clock, Ijurt the bank on ment of constitution, leaving only A. K. Mason, St. Louia; J.vmo* Allen Johnson, British Adelaide Cooper. Colliut, NY'ork. I'hila. M neat morning on my coming tliefe, these check* of the sum authorised by it naeuatraeted fur, and not know¬ Paciflc. Cld lbth John Johnson. Northern B**t,, ABirt Frerk, Rockland. Cld sebr Orb, Tibbcttc, 81 checks for whether the will be willing to authorise the bor¬ Army. Fiiir lIixvnniA.Mr Walker, wrsckmaster, has contracted Howell, NOrleana; II C.Et SOl1> D.In port Sept 21 ship Nile, Mitchell, to -wore taken out.that is, $4,200. $i.6oo an,i ing people dollors ia addition to th* aia* At II. Htrrirgtun and Mobile and materials Groilrr, Boston. Entd for Ida 13th Ja* White, Hadley, for Sandwich Islarda. were taken to the oBlce rowing of ten million* of mll¬ the Fresoott-^-W. family, with the underwriter' agent, to save the eargo Charleston; Konig A Valdcrland. Van nrnggan. San Fran¬ loed .1,000; thny bv Mr iione to be borrowed under the present amendment, and ia of the Hlbrrnta bow wrecked near Indian River Inlet. RO< K! AM sld Cot 25 sehrs F I- Jones, Gregory, New and Mr. l*wis; had no Idea whv were of the railroads which ha* ship bhls lard. Wind cisco; 14th. American 1 nlon. Kelly, l* ' w' I do; NYogk: Handfortf they view of the competition recently II* already .nccetded in saving abent ltM l'ortlard; lbth, t iara W heeler. Nelson,^YoT.k;A,eMfrloaa". ^fYork Orient; Dyer, Sylvester, Bolivar, Spear, conid not whether Mr. to and as almost to do. , taken down town; eay {land¬ become so rninons boatmen transporters, \I and wer.ther very foggy. shirt, of Manchester (*), 1 bilad*l Mirror, Alley, , on the 2d of June for $3,000 or not; if have them of the transportation u f flour and other lost In Msr.hali, NYork; City kit lirnivN-Air Oct 17 xcl rfl AreuUrine. lord drew n check deprived it Is T. M. New York. Whsusnis Silas Riohasm, of Nstr Bedford, S B Allen, Baker, Ae did It would appear on the book*: all the down town favorite descriptions of freight, imperatively aorewtary Shelburgh, Delaware; Andrew*, ShAuta bad both chain* before the ioe drove her Inward. Oct B«>«Ver. Malre; Vlrgli la, I'riee, Boston; for the protection of those concerned In canal navigation At the Clarendon.J. B. Dr. H. J. Bay, parted 860 hbts wh oil and 14,000 lbs rLo*DOR-K*td Talisman Themas, do; H G Porter. Hudson, Boston, l.oand to PMIadelpbt*. business appeared on the books of the bank in Eighth of the that Instead of Thayer, Mississippi: cn shore. 8he had on board leans; New Fagland Orr, St i6M^alllomR°M.*o«;NO!-St.nhen; was t tr-wn off in e gale on tho 15th iostans. from SSB. as well a* the tan paying people State, Birelow, do j W. P. Layman, do.; B. T. Koed, do.: H. B. which were saved and shipped home the llibt-rnia Rlmouskl. River St Lawrence; LallaRookh, HI »t NYorW .venue the next morning. tea years, naMl millions can be expended on C. C. Grisw- ld Colonel bent, hylb for hone. The PAI.FM.Cld Oct 27 schr R G Merrier, Roblwaon. closed here, the counsel for the wsiting twentytho nine million* and Cromwell, England; Conneeliont; 2d, st 18e per gallon for ell and 3c per;17th. Vigilant. Purvis SAfC.Sld si lp (new, of Sees, 668 tone), wu- The testimony being the eanals, or expending leaving large Preston, SonthCnrolins; C. F. Hampton, do.; A. V. Fagan, was sold on th* baaeh for 9194. The 8 R was a good Boston. Eatd outwards Wth AmericanM^"^Nl'ilVm.:conxr l'cpperell wreck Jordan, Charleston. .. moved for a dismissal of the complaint, on the portions untouched or nnfinl*b*d. aad esnecqueatly tho else S. Bcxeadall, Sir Wm. do. a The Lord. tram, _ , defence should at ones Connecticut; England; Boyd, ship of 434 tons, and Was formerly Liverpool packet. NY'ork. Cld out nth lortHude, PaK DIEGO-Air Prut 7 aMp Golden Reeer, Nngel, Ben that a case had not been made out; that there sadI tonnage of boats unchanged, something and end ontflta ware valued nt 948.600, and she was iasursd Robert Cbadwlck. NYork, Samartxau.^ » ». be done to sn tho whole length of the Erie eanal as At ths fit. Deri*.Alt. Mittenberger, lady mold. Peri*; ship Peel, Frni elito, (and old 9th fog Pnbutts). .. been no false made visible; that the whole improve n. Hutchison and D'Estova end family, in New Bedford for 966,000, partly «n catching., of which SAVANNAH-AIT Oct Nth ship helnmagoo. Tayler, Lfr Cund pretence to enable boatmen to navigate it with the largest sited boats, lady, Europe; fltere was at the Mutual Marine. 918,000; Cummer Oet U W. I Id 24tk matter waa nothing more than a breach of trust between and the better to with the railroads in F.nrope; Jongo O. Ketefani, lady, and sister, Matansns; amount Mutual. 99.000: Bedford ,ei.°iii:*iCK-Sld p.. Fran erpeot; 2> th, llr I ark Helen, Ardorson, Cardiff, thereby compete Joid Ilavans; Franclseo Ifolct, do.; LeonCrespo, Jr., rial Mutual Murine, 918,600; Unto* Hoje^y»]L^^hlim lark 1 awreuee. NYork the parties. transporting therefore. Estevn, and an individual iniu- »<>"."> Wyly, property; Cloth and three 96,600; PacMc, 99,060, Cisco. Sld 16th Elltn . . then for the That so much of the earn of nine millions of dol- Matansas: R. Smith lady and daughters, Commerrlnl, Boston. The counsel for the complainant urged Resolved, London, England. ranve of 93,009. Ska seat horn, last season 1,900 bbls whale Malta-Act Oet Sld 8th of the defendant on the charge of false pre tarsauthorised by the recent amendment of the eonstltntioa do and 36,000 lbs boa*. a»ia Arr Oct0WI1««W-r,*l4 Fillmore. ^' Madeira holding fertile enlargement of the F.rir fend other tfeBfeli, not ix At the Alton.Mr. Crowther and family. Savannah; Hon. all, 323 sperm Mai fences, which his mind, he said, a very clear of Bang IIowlakc, of and fircm Boston 18th Inst for Rio Cold, n Rule, Edwarta. NYork. was,Ro eeeding the sum of one million of dollars, shall he applied ia Joffsrton Davis, Secretary War, Washington;Col. Cooper, olsason. Ftw to B 28th, had a hurricaa* MaaasiLL**.Sld HalMhj«.. i in ».", snmnmi farthrranro of the enlargement to such an improreineat of do; Mr Corbin-do ; Cel. O. B. Morgsn, Vlrrtok; Hon. A. Jaaerio, returned having heavy Oe|l( i-^tnlxw. Forbea. I.lvtrDOol fltis, Simmons. Boston do The Court reserved the decision In this case, and the 01 tht enlarged Dudley Mann, Washington; F. F. Flint. U S Army: Mr*. trim ENE. 2Sd last, lat 98 II, b-a 14 22; cut away for* top- w o cAfH. mMKn Sharp. New York; 27th, brig L T Knight Grtftn, *2S» * ef aad attached. V iprwHfataa was ftdjomned. !£i.Ue lbrvnfihotatstl*'itf fatirt length. Dwjer sod servant, Tsusi J. T. Warten, lien. Jldge Mast, lost head fviemast avsrythlag