fK Q S EIGHTICEN FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1984 ' ‘ I Averacs Doily Not Pmos Ran A rehsaraal, schsdulsd for ‘ For Um Waak Ended Tho W m efB r t i ter said, five towns bava ap­ Marsh, 31, 1964 ' Monday evening at Sunset Re- Realty Firm proved the agreement—^Man­ Tax Agents End About Town bekah Lodge, haa been post­ CRPA Okays chester, Glastonbury, Weat poned tmtU Tuesday at 7:30 Hartford, East Hartford and Visits to Town 13,922 Frank 8. Raffa, aon o t Mr. p.m. at Odd Fellows HalT. Farmington. and Mra. Frank RafTao of 127 Loses Appeal Open Space Mambor of tha Audit Okartar Oak S t, haa been nam­ The agreement dose not be­ Manchester area resldenU Ekuoaa of Ctrculatlon lEurnttig IfcraUi ed to tlte dean's Uat at Avon liUta Junior Museum, 136 Ce­ come effective until towns com­ seeking help with their income dar St., will be open tomorrow The appellata division of the Old Farms School for the third Circuit Court has upheld a de Review Plan prising 60 per cent o t the land tax returns must now either Manchester— City of Village Charm marking period. from 3 to 5 p.m., and doeed area in the regtoti have approv­ call or go to the Internal Re­ Ekister Sunday. clslon by Judge Joseph KsmiU The CJapitoI Region Planning ed it; ao tor toW3M coipprislng venue Service’s office at 480 VOL. LXXXm, NO. 162 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) Riohard Munson, proprietor in Circuit Court 12, Manches­ Main St. in Hartford. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1964 Warren Howland will conduct Agency, meeting at the East about 30 per cent have approv­ Assorted AUlk and BVAM AdwaOsing on Pago U) of Munson’s Candy Kitchen, ter, in action for rent recovery ed, With othens set to act next The final visit to Manchester Dark Chocolate L b .^ 1"”” PRICE SEVEN CENTS Bolton, will speak to the Man­ a roimd table meeting Tuesday Hartford High School last night, by Internal Revenue agents at noon at a meeting of the by First Hartford Realty Corp. Month. chester Rotary d u b Tuesday at against the Connecticut Food approved a review procedure for Atoept Putnam, CRPA rep- took place yesterday. The Hart­ 6:30 pjn. at a meeting at the Manchester Klwanls dub at the ford office will be ofen from Ooimtry dub. Storej, Inc. the proposed open spaces agree­ resentaiUve from Hartford, re­ Manchester Country dub. His ‘n>e Judgment by Judge Ha- ment When finally adopted, the 8:16 a.m. to 4:46 p.m. through ported to the agency that a sale tsix filing day, April 16. Assist­ . MasterpleoeB subject will be "The History of miU- was that the food firm agreement will qualify towns price haa been setUed upon for Candy.” The Rev. Robert Shoff, pas­ did not have to pay an addi­ ance Is available by telephone tor of the Church of the Nasa- tional $360 rent for March 1963, participating for grants of 30 Taicott Mountain— th« ridge at 344-8480. in Mlniatnre The Rev. Melvin Peterson of rene, will be in charge of radio the date it moved out of the per cent toward park and rec­ weat of Hartford which a pri­ Eknanued Lutheran Church will broadcasts sponsored by the Manchester Shopping Parkade, reation land purchases. vate deveiloper wanted to turn New Quakes Strike, Irtto a reidential subdivision— UORT'S conduct a service Stinday at Manchester Ministerial Asso­ property of First Hartford Under the review procedure, 6:40 am. In the chapel at Man­ ciation on Station WXNF Sun­ Realty. and the towns involved are PART-TIME Lirrui AmSToeoAT* the CRPA’s land use committee soon to go to the state and the chester Memorial Hospital. The day at 7:36 p. m. and dally Judge George E. Kinmonth will screen all applications for SODA CANVASSERS miniatum oNoooLAmia Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, pastor of next week at 7:30 a.m. and Jr. and New London County, 30 per cent fedei^ grants. If federal government to seek Concordia Lutheran Church, 6:30 pm. Judge Bernard A. Kosickl of the planned purchase is in con­ grants to aid In the purchase for Monehasfar Middletown, and Judge Searles Plays for CofC of the land. will serve as hospital chaplain iPaiU Landerman will appear flict with re^onal plans for the Hem* Dallvarios Only next week. Mrs. Lawrence Scranton of 287 Dearington of Danielson con­ area, the CRPA will recommend The end of the CXtPA meet­ curred that there is no error In in person with his society or- ing was filmed by Channel 24 Boulder Rd. Ext. Is working on che^na at the Manchester that no federal grant be allowed. — APPLY — Anchorage Belted The Rev. C. Henry Anderson, ,a drive for the Hartford Stage Judge Hamill’s decision. Appeal from the decision may for rebroadoasrt. during one of MANCHESTER BOTTLING Chamber of Oommeree’s annual the television stations Wednes­ miarCi, pcMtor of Emanuel Lutheran Co., Hartford’s first resident ITie appeal was brought to be taken to a meeting of the COMPANY Church, will conduct a radio profe.s.slonal theater, at 68 Klns- the appelate division to recover dinner dance, set for April 16 full agency. day night programs on uihan 901 MAIN ST.—648-58U at Piano’s Restaurant in Bol­ 10 Henderson Road broadcast, ’"rhe Sabbath Mes-1 ley St. They will open with one month’s rent by reason of So far, CRPA chairman Mrs. development in the Hertford Manchester 648-7922 Prescription Pharm a^ sage,” Sunday at 8:30 a.m. on | “Othello” Wednesday, April 1 a holding over by the tenant ton. Dorothy Jacobson of Manches­ area. radio station WTTC, Hartford. | through April 43. (Connecticut Food Stores) after Gov. John N. Dempsey will the termination of lease. The be the principal speaker at the defendent derded the holding dinner. Death Toll in Hundreds over. L«nderman’s ortjhestra and Judge Kinmonth said, ’The the governor are not strangers ANCHORAGE, Alaskavfency llghU to guide them, AfRed Cross designated Seattle o*<» Some Oregon communities SPECIAL . . . AT THE PARKADE court rendered judgment for —'the musicians have played for (AP)—AnotheriT>\ seriea : -F i, fireflrp brokebrnkfl outnilt buthlU wasuron extin- ita it* marshalling point. XfNavy and also were evacuated. __ ® the defendent and the plain­ the post three CJonnectlcut Gov­ shai-p earth tremors was I gui.shed. Army planes In the Seattle area A aeries of tidal waves hit the tiff (First Hartford Realty) ap­ ernor’s Inaugural Balls. Regular communications with were on the alert, ready to Hawaiian islands and boats "Bring a Friend” pealed, making one of those Atty. William Fitzgerald, felt early this morning in other cities were not estab- ca ry life-giving supplies to the were tossed violently by freak­ wholesale attacks upon the find­ chairman of the chamber’s Anchorage where severe ll.shed until more than 8'/4 hours stricken area. ish tides at , Tex. Wa­ ing which we have repeatedly meetings committee, has asked damage was done by an after the earthquake hit. "'he earthquake was recorded ter surged up the Vancouver Ice Cream criticized.” that "all requests for tickets to earthquake Friday night. Damage was reported exten­ on the University of Washing­ Inhet to flood the downtown sec­ The realty firm, represented sive In other cltle.s. Oil tanks ton seismograph for two hours. tion of Port A lb ^ i, B.C., to a the annual dinner be sent to the The new series of shocks erupted. Fires broke out and by Atty. Arnold H. Klau, claim­ chamber office, 139 E. Center It's intensity was measured at depth of five feet. Sundae ed the court erred in finding began shortly before 5 a.m. firefighters were hampered by 8.3 on the Richter Scale. ’The The first contact with the out­ St., as soon as possible. We the lack of water. San Francisco Earthquake of OB SODA — WITH ONE AT REGULAR PRICE that the plaintiff had author­ expected a capacity crowd, and —10 a.m. EST. There was side world was made from this ized the defendant (Ckinnectlcut Kodiak was swamped by a 1908, which claimed 452 lives, earthquake - stricken city more the tickets are being sold on a no immediate report of new 17-foot tidal wave and the registered 8.25 on the same Saturday OnlyLiggett Drug Food) to keep its sign on the first come, first served basis.” damage. mayor sent out a call for help. scale. than 8', hours after the initial premises although such permis­ 'The Navy had shock wave. sion was not pleaded as a spe­ — ----^ ---- evacuated Ita The university’s. seismologist ”;r ss-savsivRadio sidkiuiistation KENI reacneareached cial defense; In that there was ANCHORAGE, Ala.ska before the wave struck, said the earthquake apparently. the Seattle office of the Asso- not proof of agency of the per-' (AP)—The heart of this centeredr*AnlAi-siH in flasithe V« baym <, .south ...... s u . of . 4 ! dated . . . __ Press at 7 a.m. EST to ____.. nad moved to higher ground. Seward. 1,500 miles northwest of report that the death toil has son giving such permission. ^ metropolitan city W'as Vir- a section of Turnagain Bluff, Seattle. and in refusing to find that the Sherwin-Williams tually destroyed by an where many of Anrhorage’.s not been ascertained, but dam­ defendant owed one month’s Shock waves were felt around age is extensive. The report 276 OAKLAND ST. rent earthquake that rocked ^ homes are located high the u.c world.wunu. The recording needle .«aid .several houses and build­ PAINTS Alaska Friday night; leav-' *-eportediy was shakshaken out of the seismo- ings fell into fissures u d one OPEN 7 DAYS The food firm leased the „ j _,1 1 ,, fi 1 crumbled and many homes graph at an observatory in downtown building caved to­ Parkade store space for three ing a death toll that may 1 tumbled down the cii/f Paris. For Your Convenience W. H. ENGLAND ward. PERO years commencing March 1,; reach several hundred. | President Johnson was alert- Damage and spread The city was, at that time, 1960, at a monthly rate of $350. I4IMBER C O . The quake struck here at 8:38 to the disaster at his John- southward. One child drowned still in darkne.s8 with only a few OPEN EASTER SUNDAY! The appellate division agreed p.m. 10:38 p.m. EST - at the | s”" City Tex home, where he and three others were reported emergency llgms burning with the court’s findings that ^ “At the Green” 649-3201 height of the rush hour. Hun-j spending the Easter vaca- missing when waves swept over 6- having the premises cleaned on dreds of people were caught on Reports were given him a Depoe Bay, Ore., beach, The Coast Guard at Juneau March 2, 1963, did not consti­ the streets or en route home In periodically throughout the Tidal waves crashed over the reported the tidal wave trav­ night. I eled 100 miles in 35 minutes. tute a holding over since the car.s. I Washington coast, knocking out Waves 10 to 15 feet high See Our Lovely Potted lease required such cleaning Huge cracks opened in the,, DisasterDisa.sler agencies around the | bridges---- and prompting the washed into Seward where upon the expiration of the lease; ground. Two ip the downtown j country ■"*“*were informed------' —. and ... the evacuation of aeveral areas. WORLD FAMOUS flooding appeared to have and that permission had been area were from 8 to 12 feet deep caused most of the damage. EASTER PLANTS granted to leave the store front and ranged from 8 to 50 feet wide. An unidentified fishing vessel sign until March 2, 1963. The radioed that the village of Tu- taking down of the defendant’s AGFA FILM In the center of the city, guyak on the southern tip of new location sign by the plain­ three-story concrete buildings— LOW SPECIAL PRICES De Cormier many of them quite new - Kodiak Island was wiped out tiff on March 1, 1963, showed by a tidal wave and that a that the plaintiff was in posses­ tumbled or caved in upon them­ Bananas Asparagus Mac Apples 127 - 620 - 120 Pacific Coast boat was picking up survivors. sion of the premises on that selves. Some were reported a Black and White total loss. Adak, in the Aleutian Island 2 lbs 25c lb. 39c >/2 bu. $1.00 day.” chain, reported no damage The appeal was argued on Gov. Egan asked President And Up Johnson to declare portions of there. Feb. 10 and the appellate de­ Aftershocks and recurring cision was decided on March 16. Alaska a di.saster area. HERE’S WHAT WE NOW HAVE: iC For Motors Says: "Urgently request designation Hit by Waves tidal waves, as the waters (89c each) major disaster area,’’ Egan coursed in and out, kept terror Boston Lettuce, Spinach, Yellow or Green Squash, Aspara­ Spain in 4-Year Plan wired the President. "(Complete alive through the cold lUght. gus, Dandelions, Cauliflower, Rhubarb, White Sweet Pota­ "You too can move up to a Hambler with all evaluation of damage and toss By THE ASSOCIATED PBESS'^pulp and log^g’ln^_ center____ "like a Temperatures at Anchorage toes, ’Turnips and Com. Also: Pineapple, Plums, Watermelon, Madrid—Under a new four- Salem Nossiff of life not yet available, but in­ Death-dealing shock waves dam had burst,” a radio station were about six degrees below year econonjlc - development Uerald photo by Saternls formation presently at hand from the Alaskan earthquake reported. The town’s main hotel freezing when the quake Seedless or Red Grapes, Honeydews, Cantaloupes, Temple its exclusive features. And at the best of bank confirms likelihood of damage atruck. plan the Spanish Government CAMERA & PHOTO smashed harbor facilities and< suffered water (tomage In its The misstog at Valdez d i s ^ Oranges, Ugll Fmlt, Bose or D’AnJou Pears, Indian River expects to spend $6,583,260,000 which could easily reach mini­ touched off explosions and'fires lobby, kitchen ana dining^ areas. Seedless White or Pink Grapefmit. for education. ag;rlculture, in­ 991 MAIN STREET terms." mum of quarter billion dollars along the Pacific Coast from Tidal surges 10 feet high peared when the dock upoa dustry, power, transportation, Pope Blasts through widespread area.’’ Canada to California Friday rolled up onto (^llfomia’s which they were standing col­ “Just You Name The Produce, Chances Are We Have It!” Christians in Nation Anchorage stands at the head Santa Catalina Island, 20 miles lapsed. Two longshoremen ware housing, telecommunications, night and early today. of Cook Inlet and as the shock off the coast at Los Angeles, and health-and-welfars servlc- The surge caused flooding in (See Page Six) M. Treatment of and tidal waves rolled down the the mld-Paclfic Hawaiian is­ and caused minor damage. sound, they brought death and lands and was noted even in Thousands of young people WHEEL CHAIRS George DeCormier destruction to coastal cities. distant Japan. rushed to San Francisco’s Marking Holy Feast Silent Qnirch Three persons were reported Ocean Beach area at the first At Depoe Bay, Ore., a wave dead and 28 missing at Valdez. rolled over a Tacoma, Wish., announcement that a tidal wave VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Th/ee deaths were confirmed was expected, but the action at By ’THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Chri8t, no matter what our prob- at Seward, where 20 persons family sleeping on the shore at the appointed hour amounted to Bulletins J —a l — 9 a s « .9 SW«Mmounds,1 SM«4 m which were W . .built11A 0 .._- by « .. * Roman Catholic (/hurch turned were reported missing. Beverly Beach State Park. One a mild turbulence. Police con­ Christians around the world lems are.’ child drowned and three others Culled from AP Wires prepared today for Easter Sun­ Indians centuries ago as places Pope Paul VI extended a ges­ today to the special riles of Anchorage was plunged into trolled the crowd with dlff- of worship. darkness when electric power were missing. culty. day, the most triumphant Holy ture f goodwill to non-Catholic Holy Saturday and its prayers Short-circuit fires broke out There will be sunrise services Christians In his Easter mes­ of promise for the coming East­ went off, and rescuers struggled BOMBER CRASHES Day of the year. in the ruins with only emer- in Crescent (3lty, Calif., 20 miles (See Page Six) Free Main Street and Purnell Parking at Oklahoma’s Wichita Moun­ sage to them on Holy Thurs­ er dawn of Christ’s resurrection. south of the Oregon border, JACKSONVILLE, Ark. (AP) The penitential mourning of tain Wildlife Reservation, at Ra­ day. Pope Paul VI carried an where water flowed five blocks —An Air Force M7 bomber EVERYTHING SINCE 19111 Good Friday, commemorating dio City Music Hall in New York "We send,’’ he said, “our eight-foot wooden cross in a crashed in a cascade of flama City, at a placid pine-rlmmed inland, knocked down power the crucifixion of' Oirist, will well-wishing Easter salute to penitential Good Friday proces­ Bases in Alaska Unes and tore up gas mains. shortly after takeoff Friday, MAIN ST., MANCHESTER—649-6221 reservoir in . Irvington, just the Oriental churches disjointed For Sale give way to the joyous refrain sion at the ancient Colosseum A bulk gasoline plant in Cres­ LBJ Briefed killing tour crewmen and two north of New York, and at Alto from us at i»«8ent but already Friday night. Vatican history cent City blew up in a series children. The boys were play­ of "Alleluia, the Lord Is Risen.’’ Pass., m., where a 111-foot together with us in faith. Greet has no record of a Pope ever Reported Intact ing when the huge piano Across the Uiilted States, cross will be dedicated. of explosions. Firemen had or Rent ings and peace to all the Angll before bearing a cross in a re­ been unable to reach the burn­ On D isaster slammed Into the ground less churches planned sunrise serv­ Construction of . the cross be- can churches, while with sincere ligious procession. WASHINGTON (AP) — The than SO yards from home ef ices to celebrate the Resurrec­ ga five years ago. It’s the work Pentagon said today that first ing plant earlier because of charity and equal hope we trust In a speech Vatican experts high water. JOHNSON e rry , Tex. (AP)— one of the \ictiins, Richard mCDICRL OUR DELUXE 2-DOOR AMERICAN SEDAN tion. of the Rev. Wayman Presely, a to be able to see It one day re- reports from Alaska, shaken by Butler, 9. The second child, The traditional service will be A sheriff's officer at Crescent President Johnson was kept Including Federal Tax, freight, handling and the following equipment: Weather-eye heater and defroster, retired Methodist Clergyman. c ipoeed honorably In the (See Page Four) a major earthquake, showed no Cfity said after five waves had posted today on the Alaska Gary Davenport, 10, died this held aboard the USS OonsU- Bishop Reuben H. Mueller, unique and universal, fold of casualties to militsiry personnel morning. PHflRfnflCY oil filter, directional signals, cigarette lighter, foam front seat, front seat belts, ceramic muffler, self- tutlon, "Old Ironsides," In Bos­ hit the town, "We have a earthquake as reports from the J0NNB.PIMNK.I.I. Ml.l-414e the president of the National Christ. In the big Air Force-Army base number of injuries and a stricken area reached his ranch adjusting brakes and curved glass. ton Harbor and in Red Rocks Council of (lurches, who is There also will be the tradi­ complex near Anchorage. PLANE IN TROUBLE ✓ Park near Denver, where work number of fatals, but I don’t home in Texas. spending the weekend in West tional Easter egg hunts In many Damage to the Elmendorf Air knov how many at this time." An assistant military aide, Lt. SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) crews had to shovel nine inches Br:-lln, said in his Easter, mes­ commufiities and the Easter pa­ Force Base and the Army’s Ft. of snow, from the seats. All doctors and nurses in the Col. James Connell, was keep­ —^The Coast Guard said to­ A fabulous value $ 1 PLUS sage: "Facing our problems to- rades of new, spring clothes. News Tidbits Richardson base appeared fair­ community were summoned to ing in touch with the situation day a Honolulu-to-Loe An­ In Alabama, worshippers will today, as (Christ’s followers The forecast for New York’s ly minor, except for extensive geles passenger, flight with STATE make a predawn trek tc Mound faced theirs in their day when from the AP Wires Crescent City’s hospital and presumably was briefing WHEE! WATER’S delivered af only...... A TAX Fifth Avenue parade was for damage to the base hospital at A series of six waves washed the chief executive. nine persons aboard reported State Monument for the pageant the first Easter dawned, we, fair weather with- tempera­ Elmendorf. "The Road to Calvary.” It will | too, can find help in the living onto the shores of all major is­ Since flying to Johnson City an engine on Are 1,000 rnUel tures In the 40s and SOs. Runways at the airfield were lands in Hawaii. The only flood­ late Thursday, Johnson has been southwest of San Francisco. H0t-H0T..AND Phan Quang Dong, high intel- usable, the Defense Department ing occurred on Maui Island, enjoying a welcome letup from The Coast Giurd In San Die­ ligence officer in the late Presi was told. However, news dls- go said th’o long-range dent Ngo Diem's regime, is l(X) miles southeast of Honolulu, his pressing duties. THERE’S A LOT! THIS WEEK’S SELECTED TRADE-INS patche.s from Alaska also re­ and civil defense official^ said He is seeing old friends and planes from San F i m c Isco J»ew8 Mark sentenced to death on the guil­ ported that the control tower at that was minor. A wave swept familiar places, including his were en route to intercept the Dean Rusk Disputes lotine by a revolutionary court. Elmendorf had been wrecked into two small Maul towns and boyhood home here. distressed DC4. Now! For only a 1962 FORD XLSOO OALAXIE HARDTOP . . .An arbitration board in and that the field’s lighting sys­ spread two to three inches of The President and Mrs. John­ Second Day Florida awards 1,800 members tem was out of operation. water over flat areas. son are expected to attend CONTACT RED CROSS day for fuel... hot water LOADED AND BEIAUTIFUI* UNBEATABLE AT of a union negotiating with Na­ The vital military set-up in Afternabua hours aiuuAB wof tension, boiiaivilf the U$e All*all 1 AwaaciiCltCaster ouiiua^Sunday L'llUichurch l;ji BCIservices. VICCB. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — for all—all the timet Fulbright on Cuba tional Airlines a $45 monthly Alaska—the ballistic missile and clear signal sounded for the is- LSlnce Johnson has worshipped The American Red Crosa °”'*2195 Of Passover wage package to be spread over bomber warning systems and lands at 1:40 a.m. Hawaii time'at St. Barnabas Episcopal Mis- said today that persons want­ 1962 RAMBLER CROSS GOUHTRY WAOON a three-year period. the big airdromes near Anchor-i—8:40------a.m.---- ES’T. sion in nearby Fredericksburg ing to know about relatives or If you live In a typical JERUSALEM (AP) — This is WASHINGTON (AP)—Secre-^called for an end to the boycott Sen. Barry Goldwater cancels age and Fairbanks—continued Wave waters heavily damaged on each of his two previous trips friends in Alaska should con­ house, you could easily run time of joy for both Christians tary of State Dean Rusk has policy. Rusk said the economic plans to campaign in California to function. the Vancouver Island commu­ home as President, the congre­ out ot hot water eeveral OUR ORIGINAL SALE. A LOADED BEAU’ITFUL WAGON. Only ^ 4 3 5 ■”’™ isolation of Chiba "has not been tact local Red Cross chap­ and Jews in the Holy Land. Monday and will attend the fu­ Members of the Joint Chiefs times a week. clashed with Sen. J. W, Ful- nity of Poft Albemi. The wave gation rather counts on his ters. The Inquiries will be for­ As Christians prepared to ush- complete, but it has been very neral of his brother-lii-lau, Ray of Staff and other high military surged 40 miles through the in­ showing up Sunday. I bright’s views on (3uba and has substantial" with a substantial warded to the Seattle Red Now you can have all the ar In the dawn of Easter, hail­ Prescott Johnson, in Chicago... let known as the Alberni Canal Cross chapter and then to ing the risen Christ, Israel’s made It clear that the admin­ amount of cooperation fro mal- Hassidlc Jews, members of an (See Page Six) hot water you need at one 1961 GORVAIR STATION WABON istration disagrees with many and poured into the Canadian (.See Page Six) Alaska. time for oiily 9Hc* a day. two million Jews celebrated the Hes. He said Jme boycott will Ultra-Orthodox branch of Juda­ A FULLY EQUIPPED ONE OWNER WAGON second day of Passover. points the Arkansas senator continue unless Castro changes ism. burn leavened bread in the ’Think of It—only 9Hc* a raised In a tempest-stirring for­ day! By a quirk of the calendar, his ways. streets of Brooklyn yesterday Passover coincides this year eign policy speech. Their views on other points: °"'*1395 But, R u^ told a news confer­ before beginning of Pa.ssover at Yes, thanks to Mobilheat with the Bkuiter season. The an­ POLKTY-Fulbright said "old sundown. —and an oU-flred hot water 1961 FALCON 6-DOOR SEDAN cient Jewish festival commemo­ ence Friday, he goes along with myths’’ which have guided for­ Michigan’s legislature un­ Only sensational. . . heater ot correct capacity— rates the flight of Moses and his the chairman of the Senate For­ eign policy attitudes should give der prodding by a federal court FUXjLY E)QUIPPED. o n e c a r e f u l o w n e r people from bondage In Egypt. eign Relations (Committee on way to revised assessments "in straps you can place your family can take care of $ —expected to move swiftly to all their washing needs at Like their brethren around the some of the issues brought up the face of new realities." Rusk carve out 19 congresHlonal dis­ whereYM you wish from one time. °”'»1195 world, Israeli Jews observed In his Senate speech Wednes­ said the administration has been tricts as nearly equal In popu­ day. Passover with the traditional facing up to realities in its for­ lation as practicable. . .Evan­ regular to of!-the-shoulder, Mom can do the family 1961 COMET 6-DOOR SEDAN eeder, a family gathering at Rusk said Fulbright’s speech eign policy. He agreed that the ANCHOQAGE was a "thoughtful and thought- gelist Billy Graham arrives in wash. Sis can do the dishes RADIO, HBiATBR, STANDARD SHIFT. VERT SHARP. Which the bead of Oie household Communists no longer present a Biriiiiiighani. Ala., to plan his as well as anywhere in- at the earns time Junior totelle the itory of the exodus provoking” one. He called It a solid bloc. i ■ ■ contribution to discussion, add­ Easter Sunday rally and police between! takes hie bath, and you en­ °"'»1 1 9 S from Egypt. PANAMA—Fulbright said the take extra precautlon.s for an joy a shower. ing "it Is Importont that these United States should take a In many Jawlsh homes, a cup estimated 80,000 expected to Comfortably wide, revolu­ 1»9 BUIGK 6-DOOR HARDTOP matters be discussed.'' more magnanimous position to Don’t delay—phone us to­ ot wine was left untouched in On this last point the two were ward revising the Panama (3an- be in the integrated audience. day. BHnd out how easy it Is memory of those who perished Eight British fighter planes tionary new stretch straps I LOADED AND A NICE HEUIl'VY CAR. in solid agreement, for Ful­ al Treaty. Rusk said he didn’t to switch to a Mobllheat- • t the hands of the Nasle and bright hae said his reason for want to get Into that subject be­ attack and destroy a fort just stay there, too. The back flred water heater. a place at the table waa left making the speech waa to cause the two nations are now inside the Yemen frontier early ° *1195 empty as a reminder that'the "stimulate consideration of our today and British officials say 'Average family of .four. very close to an agreement. dips down to a low scoop Jewe In the Spviet Union are dls- present course bj) all thoughtful CHINA—Fulbright said Red it was in retaliation for Yemeni 1951 THUNDERBIRD CONVERTIBLE eouraged from Religious oheerv- Americans.’’ frontier provocations. . .A and LOVABLE’s fabulous aaces. ^ (jhlna should neither be recog­ W E GIVE LOW MILEIAQB—AND VERY NICE As for specific -disagreements nized nor admitted to the United Cuban exile assembly convenes ‘Love-That-Strctchl’ keeps At the Baellicli. of the Dwml- expressed by Rusk, Fulbright Nations. Rusk agreed. Fulbright in Miami, Fla,, to nominate GREEN STAMPS °"'x *1695 tlon on Mount Zitin in the Israeli told newsmen, "I do not want also euggested It might be pos­ candidates for a world-wide your shape in shape! ■ector .of Jeruoalem, Roman to get Into argument with the sible to draw Cfommunist China refugee referendum to name a And Many More Always At Rambler Headquarters Catholics will celebrate a sol- aecretary." Into existing East-West agree­ junta designed to coordinate eihn high pmtlflcal Easter vigil Here’s how the two differ on ments In such fields as disarma­ anti-Castro activities. tonight. The (service was rein- the Cuban situation: ment, ti|ide and educational ex- Gov. John Connally uses right MORIARTY troinieed>ed by Pope Pius XH. CASTRO—Fulbright called the Bhanga.' hand to write his signature for MARLOW'S The boaUlca’s prior, the Rev. Obmmuniat regime of Fidel Oas- Althouicxi|^ moat of tha newt the first time since he was BROTHERS Beaedtot Stols, said: "We are tro a "distasteful nulaimoe but confaranca centared on quaa- wounded by the same sniper Your One Stop Store celebrating Easter in the IMy not an , Intolerable danger.” tlons about Fulbright’s spasch, that shot and killed President Einbroidend cups and De Cormier Motor Sales Land tbla year with a feeling of Rusk said Castro la "more than thsra was also a focus on U.S.- John F. Kennedy. . “I wasn’t midriff. Lycra* Span- for a Complete Line of Inc. renewed hope and optimism/' a nuisance, he Is a threat to the Sovlat ralatioiu. scared at the time but 1 began das lids puMls for per* M3-S135 His oonunent reflected the lentlsplihere." to get soared when I thought 285 RROAD STREET Vood^ ettrred by the historic’ Ruak atraaiwd that no atrlnga fact fit. LongUne style Ladies' Apparell m a n c h i s t i r B O ftCOTT Fulbright had baan attached to tha relaaae about it,” says bartender Pat­ 301-311 CnM r S». ■Dgriinage'ef' ■ P p ^ Paid VI to U.B. efforts to pereuafle other of two American fUari shot rick Vahey, 36, In Elizabeth, N. beHoly lAnd A Januai^. non • Coaununist nations to go down over East Germany March J„ after a ,8-jrear-old boiy wield* This view along Fourth Avanue, Aaohorage, Alooka'a main which waa rogotiod flattw tt'kF • major •lOBg wtth the eoonomie boyoott tog a 43-oaUber ravalvar triad BtTMt, ahowa the elty haU, left, u d the Fburth Avanue l»v« bsea • SflhM Bs night (AF T M o m .) flM Fsga Itat) tolfoU him mp. movie theatw, two inajor b u lld t^ In the dowiMtora nioa *

K of Hebron, is on a Mediter­ ranean cruise, on the Queen Elisabeth, visiting seven differ­ ent countries. Now an out of Mrs. Darling Easter Sunday Services town resident, she will be re­ R h a m P la n s Sunriss servlcss Eastsr DON’T HUNT BARGAINS membered by many local people. Sunday morning will be held AT THE BRIDGE TABLE Sunrise .Service by soms Manchsater and Marks 91st Year area churches. By AU t r e d SHEINWOLO Scheduled hy Churches The Gilead and Hebron Con ■osrtii Metbodlat CtareA > Ot John’s PelWi NattaMl • Trinity Oevanaat Chnreh ■t. Bartboloinew*s Ohnreh gregational Churches held Two G)ncerts North Methodist Church A birthday party for Mr*. Everybody, loves to get some­ •w. J, MaaM Shaw, DJk Calvary Ohnreh OalheHe Ohaieh HaehmnhMh, No ~ Rev. PMllp Hnsoey, Pneter (AeeemkWee of God) joint sunrise service this Thurs­ will have the flrat one at Nellie A. Darling waa held to­ thing for nothing, and this con- !?}•’ ■w. Rag Cl Home Jr. 96 Oeiwiur St. 6:30 A.M. Rev. K. ISinsg Rash, Pnrtor Rev. RMiard C. Bellan E. Middle Tpke. obaerved thia<^t Classes meet at 8:15 day, at 5:30 a.m. in the field dt Music in the air with art as 5:30 on the church grounds. ditkm will pnibably continue Oardea W. Olaaa Rev. Walter A. H ya ^ Pastor g il day in Tolland at the home of a long after this column has ap­ Aaeietwit Pneter Bev. Renaeth L. Gnetatoen, SUNRISE SERVICE ,______Sunday in all churchea Hebron smd close at 10. recUy behind the Gilead Chqrch. a background will be the atmos­ Members of Trinity Coven­ ■«v. Jamsa M. Gaga 6:30 am., Easter Dawn Ssrv- daughter. Mrs. Darling is 91 peared. Still, if you want to get • K ID 7 < Paator and Gilead. Morning worship at Blaster will be observed at St. They were rewarded by witness­ phere on April 18 and May 1 at ant Church will participate. • a.m., Procession and Maas ico at North Methodist Church at 7, 8, 9, 10:18 and in CENTER PARK the Hebron First Congregation­ Peter's Episcopal Church with ing a glorious sunrise. At 6, Zion Bivangelical Lu­ Her keen memory has not good results at Oie bridge table 4? 9 Id 9 I 0:00 am., Bastar Dawn Oerv- Oeuunueity Baptist Ohnreh Rham High School. Robert 0 f 10 » of Christ Reourroeted. sponsorsd by ths Manchester 11:16 a.m. al Church will be at 10 a.m.; Holy Communion, 7 a.m.; Chor­ Flower Donations theran Church will hold a failed despite her age. She r»- you must occasionally be willing ioa at North Mlethodist Chundi. 10:80 a.m.. Solemn high Maas. 9:46 a. m., Sunday School 666 E. O nter Bt. Clowee, music director at the to look carefully at xriiat you're Ourlstlan Youth Council. Bev. Alex H. Elseeeer, Mluleter Brig. Richard B. Koti, maokar, “The Joy at Barter." Gilead service, 11:15. The Rev. al Festive Eucharist, 10 a.m. Thoee wishing to give toward service at Zion Haights. The The Rnv. Ihwle Custer, pastor, Sermons wKl be given in both St. Bridgets’ Chnreh ctaasee tor aH ages. Special John H. Cross, pastor, will have calls her life aa the wife of a getting and what you’re really f o u r a speaker. 9:80 am., Sunday school with There will be no Church School the cost of the flowers on the school, has Just announced that service at Community Bap­ Pollah and BngUdi. T M cs : Rev. John F. Delaney, Pastor chUdren's program. as his sermon topic, "The Cov­ farmer long before moet of to­ paying for It • A 3 4 els sees tor all ago groups, kin­ 6:16 a.m., Eeeter sunrtM 10:46 A.M., Esoter Oontofta "Tlie lliree Days” Oatvaiy or YPF sessions on Easter Sun­ altar, for Blaster, will find a box a Spring Arts Festival will be tist Church is scheduled for 9 A K 4 9 and 10:40 am., Saator Sun­ "The Now Awakening In (jnrtst Bev. Stanley T. HastiUe U am ., Worahip Service. enant E%emal L4fe.’’ He will day’s conveniencea were Invent­ South dealer dergarten throu^ adult Mrvice and breakfast. The Rev. of day. Baby sitting facilities will in the rear of the church for held on these dates. 6:15: Hie Salvation Army 0 A K 4 9 day Servloe. Church school for Resurrected" and "'nM Eternal Rev. Dennis R. Hnaeey "The Living ChriM.” Nursery. to Easter, presented by Road, Bongaten and Male Chome occupy both pulpits of the be available for those who bring donatlon.s will worship at 6:80 in ed. Her father fought In the Both sides vutaierahle nursery and kindergaiten tor 10:45 am ., Morning worship. Hlarl Robtnoon will bring the The first major appearance of Cfivll War. « 10 4 5 Light of Christ Rssurrectsd That Sermon: "Easter — Experience 6:30 Jm., Prayer meeting. . . . Special guests, B ^ . and Mrs. R B. Hols end Brig. Unk^ churches. small children. Blaster Seals the Stage Band since last ^>rlng Canter Park. Opining lead—Nine of Spades We* Nsrii iHi tour-yaar-(4da Never Dime.’’ message. *iday, ville Congregational -Church, ‘T’ve always wanted to go strong for such a bid. Although 9 a.m.. Divine Worehi|>. An Mrs. Richard H. Finney, ness?” Both Matthew’s and John’s ize, or expand 179 foreign steel April 24 in which Rham Concert Union Congregational South went after the clubs Donald Inglis, of East Chicago, I School of Nur.sing with a 12- for an airplane ride hut now next, trying to force out the ace ths point count Is only 16, the theme hy the Chapel CbOlr. Aasoclate BOnlster Wednesday, 8 p.m„ Group account of the resurrection will plants since World War n, ac­ Indiana, Mr. and Mrs, A lex, week psvchiatric affiliation with Band and Art department will Church of Rockville and my heart is kind of bad and I fact that It 1s all In aeea and Bible studies In the Bible aid: St. Mary's Episcopal dinreh be read as part of the Bible Les­ cording to a report In Steel on an early trick. East rig- 10:45 a m . Divine Worahlp. Chnreh and Park Sts. CONCORDIA Mllaniel of aeveland, Ohio, and the Connecticut Valley Hospital, take part. Vernon Methodist Church. guess I never wUl," she said. king! makee the band too pow­ Anthems by the Bmanuri end 9:80 and 11 a.m.. Sermon by “Babylon the Great Has Fallen! son on “Reality.” Also Included Facts. SCREENED LOAM nalled with the nine of clubs on Rev. George P. Nostrand, Miss Mary Champe of Dublin, I Mlddletowm, graduating in June. Tickets for affairs may Lake St. School Menu erful for one notnmip. In an ex­ Junior Cholra. A t both eervioee the Rev. Mr. Davis, "The Pow­ God’s Kingdom Rules!” at the be obtained from any member the first round of the suit and Rector Indiana, returning about April Monday—spaghetti with meat followed with the deuce of clubs pert game open with one dia­ Sermon by Pastor Anderson, er of God." Nursery for children following locations; 87 Birch 14. of the participating organiza­ Area Residents mond and prepare to Jump In "The Gtorioua Dawn." Nursery St., 18 Chambers St., 287 Oak­ Rev. John D. Hughes LUTHERAN CHURCH PROCESS 6RAVEL Manchester Evening Herald tions or from Rham High aauce, green beans, tossed salad, on the next trick to show that up to tour yearn at both ser­ Rev. William F. Gender III t On Cruise Hebron correspondent. Miss Su- fruit; Tuesday — meat loaf, he had two' cards in the suit. notrump at your next turn as and kindergarten classes only. vices. land St., Manchester; also, 144 School. Single or family tickets Rev, Ronald E. Haldeman mashed potato, creamed com, though you had 19 points. Griffin Rd., South Windsor and 40 PITKIN STREET S o m I - Ston* - Gravtl Mrs. Helen Lord Paine, san Pendleton, telephone 228- are available and each entitles Promote Theater From this signal. West could SFCOND daughter of the late N. E. Lord S4.*i4. Jello; Wednesday—chicken noo­ count that South had three clubs. Oender Congregational Ghnrch French Rd., Bolton. the bearer to attend the Chor­ North Methodist Ohnich 6 a.m.. Holy Communion. THE REV. PAUL C. KAISER Pastor dle soup, Jelly, cheese and chop­ Hence West refused the first For Sheinwold’s 16 • page United Church of Ohrlat Friday, 7:36 p.m.. Theocratic ale-Stage Band concert and Mrs. John Mason of Reservoir SOO Parker St 7:30 a.m., Holy Communion Andovtr & Cefumbia ped ham sandwiches,. cookies;, two club tricks. As a result of booklet, “ A Pocket Guide to 11 Center St. ministry school. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH either bne of-the other two con­ Rev. Earle B. Oueter, Pastor with Instruction by the Rev. MR. DA'VID L. ALMOND, Organist and Choir DIrootor Rd., Rockville, is head of a Thursday—hot dog In roll, | this series of plays, South could Bridge," tend 50 cents to The Bev. Clifford O. Simpson 8:80 p.m.. Service meeting. certs, on April 24 at Bacon Bridge Book, (name of newspa­ Mr. Haldeman. Baby-sitting 885 NORTH MAIN STREET Renewal Topic drive to inform Greater Man­ baked beana, potato chips, plck-| develop dummy’s clubs but Minister Theme: “Keep Unity by Speak­ ••erg* H. GrMRng, NOTICE! Academy or May 1 at Rham. per), Box 8318, Grand Cantral 5:30 am-. Sunrise service. nursery. les. Ice cream; Friday—tomato' could never get back to dum­ The Rev. Joseph H. Dudley ing the Truth.” Te An Property Owners chester residents about the Station, New York 17, N.T. 9 and 10:30 a.m., W onhip 9:30 a.m.. Holy Communion inc. Of Unit Meeting Rham Menus aoup, egg salad, tuna and pea­ my to cash them. South won Aasoclate Minister e Industrial Buildings Hartford Stage Company open­ Oopyright 1664 service. Sermon: "New life In with inatruction by the Rev. Easier Sunday The menu for next week is nut butter esandwiches, brown- only two tricks In each suit. The Rev. Frands C. Hawes Zion Evangelical Lutheran THE RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD e Private Dwellings ing April 1 with “Othello." General Featarea Oerp. Chrlet.’’ Mr. Gender. This servloe with­ Downtown renewal will be the “ f°»ow s: Monday, hamburg lea. The correct play, aa every­ Minister of ^ u r c h Td. 742-78M • Commercial Properties uowmown renewal win oe tne gravy, mashed potatoes, but- The first resident, profession­ 9 a.m., Caiuroh achool. Nur out music. Baby-sitting nurs­ Services of Worship: Vernon Elementary Mean body has seen by now. Is to Ohristtan Education (Mlasouri Synod) Renew With subject of a meeting Tuesday tered beets, assorted fruit. al theater In Hartford is locat­ 063 M nXION REFUNDED aery and Grades 4 through 12, ery. (EASTER) keep dummy's spade honors. Cooper and High Sts.' 9:30 A.M., Junior and Senior Choirs at 8 p.m. at the Municipal Build- Tue.sday, baked link sausage, ed at 65 Kingly St. near Consti­ Monday— ravioli, wax beans, HARTFORD (AP) — The In­ 10:30 a.m., Church school 11 a.m.. Holy Communion RE-NU-IT carrot and celery sticks, cheese Declarer must play the deuce 7:45, 9:15 and 11 a.m.. Morn­ Rev. Paul G. Prokopy, Pastor Ing hearing room by the town oven fried potatoes, green beans tution Plaza. of spades from dummy at the ternal Revenue Service Is re­ ing Worahip. "God’s Action and Nursety, kindergarten and with sermon by the Rev. Mr. (Exterior Wail Reaurfacer) Aiding Mrs. Mason are Mrs. wedges; Tuesday—ham and cab­ 11:00 A.M., Youth and Senior Choirs 9:00 A.M., Festival Service with Holy Com­ CASH FUEL directors' .subcommittee on ur-, Wednesday bar first trick, winning in his hand funding money to Connecticut Man’s Reaction” or "The Glory Oradea 1 through 3. Nostrand. Baby-sitting nurs­ “ Gives New Beauty With The Ralph C. Lansbury Jr., BUist bage, mashed potatoes, buttered 6 a.m. Bhister Sunrise serv­ Nursery at both services. ban renewal. ' buttered...... with the ace. Then he leads taxpayer! at a clip of 37.6 mil­ and the Shame.” VU. "And 8 p.m.. Membership preparS' ery. munion, Church School and Nuraery. Strength Of Armor" Windsor Hill; Mrs. Samuel carrots; Wednesday — beef In tory group (final meetting). No ice on Zion's Heights, weather 4 p.m., Children's festival SERVICE Edward Rybezyk, executive gravy, buttered rice, kernel com, three’ founds of clubs to force lion ahead of last year. The IRS Eternal Life in His Kingdom.” Sermon: "The Power of God.” e Resurfaces frankfurt on a Pearl, Box Mountain Rd., Ver­ out the ace. aaid yeeterday aoma 362,964,350 Three vested choirs, trumpeters Junior or Senior Metiiodiat permitting, otherwise In church. service with address by the director of the Manchester Re- Thursday, cole slaw; Thuraday — fried Save $S.OO Oa MO GaUoiia e Decorates non; Mrs. E. Fenton Burke, 76 No matter how the opponents has been refunded so far this and handbells. Youth Fellowahlp. 8 a.m., Osterfest Gottesdienst. Rev. Mr. Hughes. REV. PELDt M. DAVI.S. Minister development Agency (MRA), *’**'«'* PranruM-t chicken, mashed potatoes, green 10:30 A.M., Festival Service with Holy Com­ e Insulates St., Rockville; Mrs defend. South can lead a spade year. 9:15 and 11 a.m.. Church Monday, 8 p.m., Commission 10 a.m., Blaster Festival serv­ Wednesday, 6 and 10 a.m., MRS. RICHARD H. PINNEY. Minister of Education S4-Hour Bamer Servloe and con.sultants fmm Raymond ^ beans, creamed onions, cran­ The average cheek is Add lasting beauty and pro­ A May As.sociates have been sani^lches V«mon Center, to force out the king with dum- 3173. school. Crib Room (9:15 only) on finance. ice with Holy Communion. Holy Communion. MRS. MILDRED CALCHER, Organist munion. tection to your home or build­ Mra. Matthew Allen, Maple berry sauce; BYiday—macaroni through Lower Junior. Junior Text: Mark 16:1-8. Theme: Daily, 7 p.m.. Evening pray­ MR. G. ALBERT PEARSON, Choir Director asked to attend to explain the f . ^ and cheese, macaroni and to­ Tuesday, 8 p.m.. Nominating ing—Guaranteed 10 years!— downtown study procedure. . chips **^^6 custard. St., Ellington, and Mrs. Jan High and upper Junior may at­ committee. “Christ Is Risen Indeed!—Our er. "Christ Is Risen, Alleluia!” by Healey. send now for full particulars mato, peas and tossed salad. Assurance and Comfort.” THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED McKinney All involved committees, .... ^®*^**^ Stlllbach, Rosewood Dr., Ver­ tend church with their parents. at no obligation. non. Dessert, milk, bread and butter Nursery In the parish house. Willan will be sung by the Concordia Choir. Lomber mad Supply Oo. agencie.s and organizations have , need for month* SUPERB! ROUSING! Church ot Christ United Pentecostal Chnreh been invited to attend. 'y making sessions, as served with all mecUa. 7 p.m.. Festival service for Tinker Hall Church School and Nurdery. JULIUS L. STRONG DAILY NEWS N. Y. TUBES The Salvation Army Orange Hall, E. Center S t The Town Development Com -' called‘ for by state law, is Skinner Bd. School Bfesms Sunday school and congrega­ Rev. Robert L. Baker Est. 1947— Bolton Factory Representative EXCT.ITSIVE HARTFORD ENGAGEMENT 661 Main St. Mhiiator, Eugene Brewer Post Office Box 175 mission (TDC) has scheduled a **y °«>c*als in a num- Deadline Nears Monday— Rice, chicken and Ms. E. Walter lamle tion, with awards and gifts. No Tel. 643-2141 Manchester, Conn. meeting for 8 p.m. Monday at small towns, the see­ gravy, beets, peas; Tuesday— 3 5 i Sunday school at 9 a.m. 10 a.m., Sunday school. the Municipal Building. Andover seem to pro- ham and oabbage, carrots, 9:46 a.m., Bilrie drill for Wednesday, 7:30, Ladies’ Aid 11 a.m., Worship. 6:30 am., Sunrise servloe In children. duce a fair number of new On Reservations mashed potaitoes; Wednesday— Center Park. Special music by and slides on European tour. 8 p.m., Evangelistic service. Easier Worship voters each time. 9:55 a.m., Bible clasees for vegetable beef end tometo soup; band and male quartet. Easter aH ages. At the two hour meeting Reservations will close Mon­ nMssage by Brig. Richard H dz AT ohop(>ed hem snd pickle, egg 10:45 a.m.. Morning Worship Tuesday evening seven new day afternoon for a Communion of Hartford, "The Joy of East­ and tuna sandwiches; Thursday Sermon: "The Blaster Tradi­ voters Were made. Three en­ Supper BYiday, April 3, spon­ er." Area Churches rolled as Democrats, four as —meat kwf, sweet potatoes, tion.” sored by the Guild of Our Lady stewed tematoes, com; Friday 7:80 a.m„ Esster Breakfast in Union Congregational Church Republicans, and one without' of St. Bartholomew Church. The 6 p.m., Evening Worahlp, St. Francis of Assiol Church EMANUEL Best Wishes For A —tnaoaronl and cheeae, maca­ Youth Center. Rockville ^ South Windsor party affiliation. supper will be served In the Sermon: “One against the Bev. Paul J. Bowman, Pastor roni arid tomatoes, coleslaw, 0:30 a.m., Sunday School for Many.” Rev. Gordon B. Wadhams SHADY GLEN Handling Extra Job church hall after the 7 p.m. all ages. Special Easter pro­ Blessed Easier Mass at the church. . green beans. Deaert, milk and BURNSIDE Thursday, 7:30 p.m.. Midweek Pastor The Job of building inspector, gram. 6 a.m.. The Annual BJaster Rev. Edward J. Radloh Tickets may be obtained from sandwiches are served with LUTHERAN CHURCH formerly held by Joseph Carter 10:46 a.m., Easter cantata Service. “ Studies in Dlfffoult Sunrise Service on Fox Hdll. Assistant Pastor Mrs. Richard Jennings, 165 K. each meal. Passages." (3HURCH AND CHESTNUT STREETS »!:! and recently made vacant by hla “The Three Days” presented by Junior High and Senior Pilg;rim E A S [ e x C ^ M ^ Middle Tpke.; Mrs. James St. Northeast School Menu resignation, la being handled by Fellowshlpe will hold BJaster Masses at 7, 8, 9. 10:30 and CHICKEN-LITTLE Pierre, 35 Bretton Rd.. or Mrs. Monday— ravioli, tossed sal­ band and. ctwrus. Speciai guests, BMrst Selecman Percy B. 6 a.m., Easter Sunrise Service HAPPY EASTER! The loe at Fox HUl. 7:80 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION full Senior Choir REV. JAMES M. GAGE, Counseling and Breakfast. No Sunday MISS PEARL L. BBLE, Deaeonew, Rot. Luncheon. Cocktails. Dinner RISEN! 3 and 9:80 a.m.. Morning School classes today. IVERYONE'S TAUING AROUT KIM NOVAK'S EXCITINd'SCENEiS’ worahlp and child care. Rev. 9:15 a.m., and 10:45 a.m., 9:30 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION IN "PICNIC" SEEN ON NRC'S TV PROGRAM "HOUYWOOD Stephen Ozllender guest preach­ Worahlp. Sermon: "The Minis­ er. try of The Risen Christ." AND THE STARS." NOW YOU CAN SEE THE ENTIRE FILM AS EASTER 11:00 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION and sermon by the Invites You To Worship St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Rector, Senior Choir PART OF A TRULY TOP AND LIVELY SHOW. AU IN COLOR. Mominar Worship at 7:46, 9:16 and 11:00 TaloottvlUe Congregational Ohurch Wapplng Easter Sunday I Rev. James A. Blrdsall, Vicar DucinnH cij^H "God’s Action and Man’s Reaction” or Rev. Robert K. Shlmoda 4:00 P.M. CHILDREN’S BASTER SERVICE and Last Time Today — H liHAi'tTUN _ rvi rii “ The Glory and the Shame” Minister 6:80 a.m., Sunrise Service at Mite Box Presontation, St. Cecilia Choir 6 am., Sunrise service on Bette Davis, Peter Lawford, VII. "And Eternal Life in His Kingdom” building site at Sullivan Ave. FIRST SERVICE 9:00 A.M. M i m i e u x Fox HIU. I and Sand HIH Rd. Coffee served Kart Malden Heston U am., Easter family serv­ 7:00 P.M. EVENING PRAYER “DEAD RINGER" Three Vested Choirs with Trumpeters and-Handbells at home of Mr. and Mra. George SECOND SERVICE 10:45 A.M. 4M-9;43 loe. Nuraery. Sennon: Potterton, 171 Avery St., after uyen arren YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITfD "BUmal Is the Son of God." service. — Ptaa— ' CHAkiRis N D Bpeotel^numbeni by the aenlor 10:30 a.m., Wapplng School. SERMONt “Dr. Crippea" — 4:00-0M and ch ain . Holy Communion. Combined The REV. GEORGE F. NOSTRAND, Rictor 'THE EXPANDING LIFE" CENTER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Noon, Special moetijM ot the choirs of St. Peter’s Episcopal SUNDAY oongreeatfcxi, Church and Grace Church, The REV. JOHN D. HUGHES, Dir. of Education Dr. Shaw Prsaehing Rock Hndaoa, Paula Preattaa UNITED CHURCH OF (M UST A pm. Easter egg hunt Broad Brook, will sing. “Man’s Favarite Spert“ Clifford O. Slmpoosi, Miniater oponsared bgr Ooupie’e Gtab. The REV. WILLIAM F. GENDER, Pastoral Asst. (Calar) 9:19 Bt. G eone’e Ikdacopal Ohnreh Joseph H. Dudley. Aasociat Mtnletwr IMaodiy, U a.m., Lndlee — Pins — 1 ^ 44A, BoHm The REV. RON HALDEMAN, Deacon DMMilDHEAOdS Fianeis C. Haweai Miniater o f Hduoatiaa > Mtakmkcy RDetalgr, Bev. Edward W. Johnaoii. V h »r “■lag Kong va. GiArtlla** Wednoe^, g Bfbte Walter Oreyb, Diraetor af IClMia pm., 4:19-7140 and wfo. It. Botr- g am , Stoljr Obmiwation. A CORDIAL w e l c o m e TO ALL . . . 10:10 am., Bely Oommunton. - D w:-

'K: W G im MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1964 ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1964 terma, at last, with the reatitias of a I HEALTH CAPSUIES I Wonders of the Universe world in wUdi neither good nor evil is Connecticut Yankee {,' iferalb absolute and in whldi those who move ' By A.H.O. tp ikxiVb NiVBR ncanv 1 . ■ it ■ ' events and make history are those wtm REGULAR SHOB ACAMBT LOOF Life on Other Worlds >0»LIW D BT TBB have understood not how much but how Moat of the btdividnals In­ polls In ItiS, Ray Baldwin came J m , BBT NEEP A SHOT OF n»A i£lm nnnaro oo.. me. Uttle it is within our power to change.” back, wfamiag wf by 96,000. TEXANUE ANTITDOON BECAIM ------BMM volved in current State High­ OF AN WJURT. S ANTnWW OeoB. Or here is another “unthihkabUltjr": After the probe had been way Department transactions closed, and nobody htirt, except SAFE TO TBIT BURBAU OF CIRCUIJL- Investigations seem to have had might have seemed to have re­ you reduce this inordinately showed that tha oraation of T iip r ______ture and face up to two basic realities in common, is most elusive, al­ ceived some special considera­ long aequence of events to a amino acids and thalr synthesis about Cuba: first, that the Castro re­ most unobtainable by ordinary tion. How do you prove under- Treatment of few paragrapha. The answer ia into larger moleculss took place Saturday, Martih 2S gime is not on the verge of collapse and police or Investigatorial meth­ standlngrs ? Is there anything le­ that we cannot trace life from at the same time. ods. gally wrong with them if they its beginning to the creatures Dr. Fox now reasoned that is not likely to bs overthrown by any In Hurley’8 time, the focal are established ? Or, to take the Silent Church on earth today, but we can spec­ these primitive compounds still policies which we are now pursuing or point of the investig;atlon he other tack, how often, in the in­ Falbright’s ^athinkables^ ulate on ita aarilest stages for had to be manipulated in some can reasonably undertake; and second, launched and pressed against a volved field of highway con­ (Contimied from Page One) it is this facet of Rio story which way to create even larger n a ooncliudon hero, aftar a raadinf that the continued existence of the Cas­ state highway commissioner tracting, does something which Intrigues uo. It is only at this molecules. BasantlaUy ha looked proved to be the question of looks questionable really rep­ of tha apaadi Senator J. WaUam Pul* tro regime, though Inimical to our in­ capped the atrongeat papal de­ timo that science has prog­ tor the amino adds to ba trans­ whether or not a giant bidder resent the highest honesty, or nunciation of communism in ressed to the point where a formed into tha peptidaa and bright dellvarad laat Wedneaday, la that terests and polidea, is not an Insuperable on a big state highway contract what looks like favoritism for faint shaft of light la illuminat­ from them into the protein mo­ It waa not tha apeach of an appaaaer, aa obstacle to the attainment of our objec­ happened to enjoy, when he sub­ one contractor really constitute years, the Pope condemned ing the scene which may in lecules. He than lowad for the aoma of tha automatio eritlciam tha tives, unless we make it so by permit­ mitted his bid, the exclusive frustration of somebody else Communist treatment of Roman time he rendered InteUigible to pyrimidines and purines to be knowledge that he would be able apaach Itaelf predicted for Itaelf claimed, ting it to poison our politics at home who really might be wicked ? Catholics as a modern-day cruc- us. It Is against these settings transformed into nuolelo acid to follow a certain practice con­ Perhaps it is a sort of no­ Ifixlon. that we project into our molecules. This was the se­ nor the apeech of a naive man, aa other and to divert us from more Important cerning the performance of the truth, no-justice land, where the search for extraterrestrial life quence of events which amino contract on which he waa bid­ It was his most dramatic ap­ aritlciam alleged, nor even the apeech of tasks in the hemisphere.” public is lucky if people are hon­ pearance In the solemn rituals the manner in which life orig­ acids may have followed to be Old English china in moss rose pattern, globular shaped butter dish, o!d spoons. Boraa high-flying, unrealiatic theoretical Toward the end. Senator Fulbright ding. Such formal testimony as est, helpless if they are not of Holy Week, and 100,(XX) peo­ inated on the earth. fashioned into the protein mole­ export, aa the apeech’a own quotation waa given on this point kept it­ However that may be, the ple crowded Into Colosseum Since the turn of the century' cules. He later predicted that got around to the China question, self hazy and fuzzy, and this same sort of thing the State’s eventually thera would ba pro­ of men Ska Oeorga Kennan might have "shockingly”: Square In a light rain to see imaginative scientists have Heralding Homes waa perhaps the reason the final Attorney described today was him. speculated on the manner in duced “Mlcroapheres” contain­ auggaatod. "The Far East is another area of tha outcome of the Hurley probe happening twenty years ago, A moral but heavy crucifixion which life could have come into ing these molecular structures H m Fulbright apaach, hi our opinion, world in which American policy is han­ waa an Inconclusive verdict and Governor Hurley, if he wish­ Is still going on, the Pope de­ being. Unfortunately, not until which b e ^ to approach the repcaaentad none of thaoe thlnga. which “got” nobody. Perhaps It ed to remember unpleasant clared, and Christ could ask His recently have scientists accu­ cells in character and possess dicapped by the divergence of old myths did “get” Hurley himself, for things, could probably provide the properties of cells. These It rapreaented aomeone who very ael- "modem and able prosecutors” mulated sufficient InformaUon and new realities. Particularly with re­ not "getting" his man. At the additional coincidence. of today why they are proeecut- on the origin of the solar sys­ predictions were fulfilled by ex­ doia gate an open vtiloa in tha national spect to China, an elaborate vocabulary tem to permit them to recon­ periments. Old House in Vernon Ing Him. diaeuBaion of foreign policy. It repreeent- of make-believe haa become compulsory “The body of Christ is cruci­ struct the early days and From this highly olgnlfloant STORY By DORIS BELDING lonial decor, but rather with ed the average common aenae American in both official and public discussion. . .. fied even today, morally but events of the e a r ^ It is from experimentation by Fox, comfortable piece.s which she atUaan hlmaelf. A llioaght for Today heavily, in many parts of the exploratlona of those primeval two details of fundamentol im­ PHOTOS By SYLVIAN OFIARA enjoys living with. “For a start we must jar open our days that sUvers and bits of in­ AhBoat aU tha thlnga Fulbright aaid Sponsored by the Manchester Events world,” he said. “The church of port highlight his work. The minds to certain realities about China, CouncU of Churches sil 'nee is still the suffering telligence have been uncovered first shows that by heating tba Mm. Mildred Wllles of Ver­ The house was the home of ware thlnga the aanity and common of which the foremost la that there are church, the patient church and, to provide the working pieces amino acids mixtures, there non Center can trace the his­ two generations of social work­ aenae of tha ordinary American have not really ‘two Chinas’ but only one, In World in some places, the suffocated for the reconstruction of the could indeed be created protaln- tory of her home back to 1808, ers. which is rather unusual in known for aome tlma Jesus died because he followed church." evolution of Ufe. oids (protein • like molecules). mainland 'China, and that it la ruled by to the end his commandment but feels that it was probably this fairly modern field, Mrs. Atanoet all the thlnga F u lb ri^t aaid NEW DELHI, India (AP) — His denunciation of Commu­ The initiation of these mod­ And the second is that miscro- built during the late 1700s, and Willes, her huband and daugh­ Commimists and Ukely to remain so for to His dislples, "Love ye one nist oppression led some observ­ ern studies goes back to the be­ spheres did materialise when Is one of the oldest houses in ware thlnga ordinary Americana have the indefinite future. another.” Love is of God but it A Belgian priest was killed by ers to believe he is working to ter were all social workers, and a poison arrow as ho attempted ginning of the sixth decade in the hot,. saturated solutiona of Vernon. Antiquarians, who have now her son-in-law is a social bean waiting fbr aomebody to aay. la a dangerous thing in a kate- revive the church’s attitude to­ the twentieth century. In 1960 proteinoids copied. “Once we accept this fact, H becomes ful world, for to love one race to protect Moslem villagers in.spected the old paneling in worker in Indianapolis, Ind. Moat of them are, aa Fulbright hlm- possible to reflect on the conditions im- from marauding Christian ward Marxism as it was In the Dr. Melvin Calvin, who was Thus, with an amasing degree the kitchen wing of the house, may be interpreted as hating reign of Pius Xn. awarded the Nobel Prize tor hia aalf warned, “ahocldng" thlnga to be der which it might be possible for ua to another, to love one person aa tribesmen in eastern India, an of certainty has been estab­ agree with Mrs. Wllles. Mrs. Willes retired Feb. 1 Informed source said today. Pope John XXm spoke out work on photosynthesis in 1962, lished the transformation of from the State Welfare Depart­ aayfaig. But tha context for that "ahock’* enter into relatively normal relations being prejudieal to another. But against communism many times asked himself the provocative The house was originally a love, aa S t Augustine describes The Rev. Herman Rasschdert, some of the basic elements of ment after being a social work­ la in Waahington, It ia in poUtica, it ia with mainland China. during his reign of less than question: Can carbon be in­ the universe into the beginnings center chimney colonial. The er 50 years. She began her ser­ hi Oongreaa, it la in the queationa of i t “is swift, pure, humble, joy­ a Jesuit, was the first reported five years. He gelded no grotmd duced by a nonliving process to late Hoadley WiUes, husband of “One condition, of course, must be the ful and glad, strong, patient foreign casualty in the wave of in doctrinal resistance to com­ of the Ufe structure. The astro- vice with the State Welfare poOstara, it la In the automatio aaaump- enter into a cheinlcal combina­ blologlcal significance of these the present owner, removed the Department in 1945 and came abandonment by the Chinese Commu- faithful, wise, forbearing, manly religious rioting that has munism, but he stressed charity tion to resemble' combinations chimney to make room for a tfana of auppoaed leadera of thought and and never seeks its own will. plagued India for 13 days. The and gentleness more than out­ steps la overwhelming. If what wide staircase to the second to Manchester, when they open­ niats, tacitly if not explicitly, of their in­ that arise from living process­ has gone on is true and can be ed an office here, about three n ia eaaiuii —but it la not in people tention to conquer and incorporate Tai­ Love is circumqtect meek, source said Father Rasschdert right condemnation. es. To provide this answer he floor. He cleaned and recon­ righteoua It is sober, chaste, was struck when he tried to halt verified by a successful landing ditioned many of the bricks and years ago. At one time her du­ Hardly a polltlelan in Waahington waa wan. ‘Ihls seems unlikely now, but far Pope Paul spoke after he had used the sixty-inch cyclotron on Mara, then scientists have firm, quiet, and well poised in Adivasl tribesmen from looting walked from the huge amphi­ and bombarded carbon dioxide used them to build the outside ties included serving cases in •at “ahodted” by the thinga Fulbright more siwpriaing changes have oecutred its outward display. Love al­ and burning Girda VUlage in established an exceUent case all convalescent homes and hos­ theater to a spot near the pag;an and hydrogen, two materials he tor the ubiquity of life. chimney now in •aid. Few of them dared openly indicate in politics. , . . ways trusts and h^>e8 in God, southern Bihar State. temple of 'Venus on Palatine pitals in Hartford and Manches­ even when it has but little de­ The Indian army clashed four postulated as being present in Tbe same baale elements, in Standing on a triangle of land ter. even aon>e amall meaaure of agreement “French recognition of Communist Hill. The 66-year-old pontiff took the primitive atmosphere of the votion and Uttle savor of God. times with the tribesmen, and up the rough-hewn cross half­ roughly the same proportions, at the junction of West Rd. and with him. But “people” who come into China, though tmtimely and carried out Without awne sorrow and pain, some deaths were reported. The earth. The cyclotron took the found on the earth are pre­ Rt. 80, the residence is located A native of Sim.sbury, Mrs. aontact with what Fulbright aaid are not way through the procession, in place of the radiations of the on an old stage coach route Willes graduated from Hartford in a way that can hardly be considered no man can live In love.” tribesmen have been enraged by which papal participation is un­ sun. sumed to be present throughout going to be “ahockad.” They find hia friendly to the United States, may'nona- Rev. Robert K. Shlmoda anti-Christian activities in Mos­ usual. the length and breadth of the from Hartford to Boston, not Seminary Foundation in 1916. TalcottviUe lem East Pakistan. In the first experiment he universe. The same radiations far from Lafayette Corners, She was married in 1918, and worda mirrored in their own common theless serve a constructive long-term The procession symbolized the produced formic acid and for­ Congregational Church Prime Minister Nehru ordered Way of the Cross and included which give rise to Uvlng forms where General Lafayette report­ she and her husband came to awiaa, in thdr own raaliam, in their own purpose by unfreealng a situation in an emergency meeting in New maldehyde thus proving that on tbe earth are also present edly spent the night at Mc­ Vernon in 1939. hitalllgenoa 14 stops marking episodes of indeed carbon atoms could be which many countries, none more than Delhi Monday of the chief min­ Christ’s road to Calvary. The around the specific classes of Lean’s Tavern. It ia not the people, but the politlciana, isters of the four states in which rearranged in a definite config­ stars discussed last week. It is Before coming to Vernon they the United States, are committed to in­ first four stops were Inside the uration to give rise to some The late Henry Willes, father- managed a tea house on the and all thoae who pretend to make or Herald the rioting has been centered. Colosseum, the other 10 outside from these recent developments In-iiaw of Mrs. Willes, owned flexible policies by long-eatabllahed com­ compounds which form the bas­ that scientists beUeve that an Potomac River, outside of follow the popular conaenaua, vdio keep on the way up Palatine mil. is of living material. The prin­ many of the houses in Vernon mitments and the pressures of domestio BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) Earlier the Pope had mourned almost Infinite volume of life 1s Washington, D. C„ for the Na­ honoring all thoae mytha Senator Ful­ public opinion.” Yesterdays —The Serbian Orthodox (%urch cipal contribution was to ahow spread through the sky and with Center. A pipe line on the prop­ tional Association of Girl the death of C h i^ in a somber that it was unnecessary to have erty on Rt. 30 and Wells St. Scouts. Mrs. Calvin Coolidge bright labeled in hia apeech Wedneaday. As we aaid, that “domestic pubUo haa taken action against an service In St. Peter’s at the Vat­ the proper key this Ufe may re­ afi^ies water to the homes of AH the “unthinkable thougdita” Sena- 25 Yean Ago American' bishop who leads a ican. He removed his shoes a living organism act on tha veal Us presence. was honorary head of the asso­ opinion” to which Senator Fulbright thus church faction that haa declared carbon atom to produce what This is the overwhelming evi­ M^s. Sarah Forbes and Mrs. ciation, and President Warren hn- Fulbright aucceeded in Hating were Townantan L t Omdr. Edward there to kneel before a crucifix, alludes is much more of an artificial oon- Its indepdence of the mother then lay proetrate before a Imu> waa recognized aa products of dence that has set the stage Irving Campbell, both of Vernon G. Harding visited the eating thoughta ordinary Americana have been sensua the political world creates for H. MoMenemy ordered to leave church. ren altar. living organisms. for the most stimulating under­ Center, The houses formerly place while the Willes were in thinking for a long time. Itself than it is any true reflection of for Chinese waters. An announcement by the The usual richness glitter­ In other experiments be pro­ taking man has aver attempted were owned by the senior Mr. charge. What were aome of theae “unthink­ Manchester Railway Express church synod Friday said the duced amino acids, sugars, and —the search tor extra-terrestri­ Wliies. the vray individual Americans think and ing vestments and booming or­ lata showing that there could be Among the many interesting able thougfbta” of hia? reports business up 117.7%; at- Holy Bishops’ Council had voted gan was absent from the after­ al lUe. feel and reason. trtoutes gain to heavy produc­ unanimously to unseat Bishop noon ceremonies. In the sorrow­ an orderly progresalts’’; skins had a certain color. of the council's session Friday. subjects of concern to the local old desk, Mrs. Willes’ home is 200th anniversary brochure fdr elected chairman of Hartford Only after long haggling oe- boiled it and passed the vapors college wUl be discussed, ac­ “It la the responsibility of our na­ When an astronaut comes down to Chapter of American Society through an electric discharge. not furnished strictly in a co­ the church in 1962. tional leaders . , . to acknowledge and tween them was a resolution (Continued from Page One) cording to Dean Lowe. Ornate gilt-framed mirror reflects dining table. earth, he really comes down to earth. of Tool Engineers. passed expres.sing support ior After about one week the mix­ Among these ara long-range act upon these realities, even at the cost Having proved himself mortal In such Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel A. wars of national liberation and, In old Jerusalem, thousands ture turned slightly red. Dr. planning for eduoattonal naeda, of saying things which will not win Im­ respects. Astronaut Glenn next had the Peterson celebrates golden an­ at the same time, generally en-, of Christian pilgrims from Miller' analyzed the mixture faculty recruitment and prepa­ niversary with open house. with chromotographic tech­ mediate widespread enthusiasm. misfortune to slip and fall in hia own dorsing peaceful coexistence. around the world followed ration, tho relations and respon- Years of planning reach Christ’s path to Calvary in sol­ niques an4 discovered that the slblUtles of state boards of jun­ “For a start, we can acknowledge the bathroom, sustaining an Injury both dis­ climax in opening of cystoscopy emn Good Friday pageantry. amino acid, glycine, was pres­ tact that the Soviet Union, though still a RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil ior coUege education, and pro­ concerting and incapacitating which room at MMH. (AP)—The 1,426 Brazilian saU- Many walked along the narrow, ent. And what was even more grams for entonaering and in­ most formidable adversary, haa ceased to makes it difficult for him to keep his Fifty new Skywatch recruits ors and marines who holed up winding cobbled streets bearing surprising waa that the ^yolne dustrial teohniciana. sworn in by CD Director Ed waa not present aa a trace ma- be totally and Implacably hostile to the balance walking on the same earth ho for 40 hours in a downtown crosses. Other topics wlU inoluds the Krasenics; new Skywatch com­ building were on weekend lib­ The Rev. Terrence Kuebn, su­ tralal in the liquid but com­ W est" once orbited so beautifully. prised roitehly 2 per cent of tba faclUtation of student transfer munication system installed in erty today after giving up their perior of the Holy Land Monas­ to four-year institutions, the And thia la another: The question is, waa this atlU part Municipal Building. sit-down strike. tery in Washington, D.C., led mixture, while the first exper­ iment yielded the simplest of community oollege and tlw big "Wo consider it a form of aubveraion of the same piece, the same descent? William Brown resigns as They surrendered to army the American and English- city, and innovations in the manager of State and Circle troops Friday in a response to speaking Pilgrims. the amino acids, subsequent ex­ of tha free world . . . when the Rus- Waa hia coordination while shaving periments yielded five others classroom. Btana enter trade relations or conclude Theatres; William McGrath a plea from President Joao The Good Friday ceremonies Tliere will alao be a maatlng something less than it might have been takes over. Goulart, then were given the closed after sunset with a burial and finally about 16 of the 25 • oonsular convention or establish air- amino acids were ayntbealsed. of sohool officials witto rapre- because hia mind was being preoccu­ weekend off with the announce­ service at the marble sepulcher Bsntottvss of the U.8. Offloe of llaa connections with a free country in pied with thoughta of the old man ha ment that all were foiYiven. where tradition says Jesus was Biochemists Inalat that these Convertible Shielded amino acids are not life. The Education to dlacuaa tba tmpli- Asia, Africa or tatin America—and to might be chasing out of the Senate? Tbat includea Cpl. Jose An- entombed. catlans ot tha 1968 Higbar Edu­ selmo, the marine whose or­ amino adds are the basic build­ a certain extent we are right Waa he as well prepared for the well New York—A urethane-base ing blocks of the protein mole- cation Facilities Acts whiifli ara dered arrest for unauthorized iXi expected to provida fadsral aid “On the other hand, when it ia pro- known hasards of the American bath­ ttlastlc that can protect emvert- poUtlcal acUvity led the dissi­ oifie. And they bear about the foaed that we adopt the aamb strategy bU automobile tops is now on same ralatlon to the living cell to commutofy coUegaa. room aa he wras for the risks of a space the market. The plastic la dents to blockade themselves in hi reverae—by extending commercial capsule? Or waa that fine edge .of physi­ the six-story building Wednes­ as does a stone to a caatie. sprayed on in the fall, peeled day night News Tidbits Dr. Miller’s work was the cul­ Names Suggested aaedits to Poland or Yugoslavia, or by cal and mental conditioning something off in spring. mination of a fantastic display axchanghig ambassadors with a Hun­ far back in the story of hia life? from the AP Wiros of deductive thinking on the UBraaawivxs SAIGON, South Viet Nam New Tork—More than 8 btt. garian regime which has changed con- Perhaps there ia no package at all. (AP) — Telecommunications part of Dr. Urey. The percep- lion dollars a year ia spent an- LBDYARD (AP)—State Rep. tiva Dr. Urey, from hia atudlaa n ally on packaging in the Unit­ aidarahly in character aince the revolu­ Perhaps it was up in apace, and not back Ray Holdrtdge, a Republican, workers ended a 14-hour strike Forty Cuban rafugaea in at today, restoring cable links be­ oa the formation of the planets ed States. And a new firm has tion of 1956—then the same patriots here on earth, that the present lack of •ays State Highway Commis- least four different crafts, one and their atmospheres, coochid- who are so alarmed by Soviet activities tween South Viet Nam and the been set iq> in New Todc just to balance really originated. Stoner. Howard S. Ives should rest of the world. of them a rowboat, reack Flosl- ed that the primitive earth pos- help makers name their pro­ In the free world charge our policy mak- Or perhaps it is simply one more dem­ not be condemned “for what a da. . .Mayor IVUly Bnuidt ot eaased an atmosphere which ducts. few of his subordinates are ac­ The director general of Sai­ West Berlin meets President sra with ‘giving aid and, comfort to the onstration of why aome people never gon’s government-controlled tel­ was exceedingly rich in hydro- cused of doing." Holdridge a Johnson In Wnahlngton May 18 -the most ^entlful element FIRM HUES VAC anemsr* and with innumerable other cate- want to be heroes. Afterward you can't foembeta of the legielature‘a ecommunications center an­ nounced that the strike had and Italy's Premier Alo More tha unlverss. Re alao raa- HARTFORD (AP)—United gntea of idiocy and ImmortaUty." even fall down In your own house like Roads and Bridges jifommittee, will visit the chief exaeutlvo sooed that thara must have Airoraft Oorp is balag mad by •aid yeatarday he auppoaed it been settled, but did not say t B a n la Senator Fulbright being “ua- any other mortal without having aome­ whether the workers’ demand there in July. bean nitrogen and carbon |nas- a Califotnla Him whkdi says iuBkable” again: waa good poUtlcally to find feuU Soviet aatoIRto hmrn be­ ant and thaaa would ba traaa- UAC baa intriaged on ita body attach aome paycholofioal signifi­ with the oppoaing party. But, he tor hlgfav wages waa m et tween the Great Lakaa aiM tba ' “Ih e n la Uttle in history to Justly cance to it formed into ammonia aad math- patent Tba m lt ilad to U.R aaid, “unleaa there is proof, then northeastern Canadian coast aae. tt bad to ba a rsduoiiig ai- DIatrtet Court yeatarday, aaka nib expectation that we can either win Wo think that after aU our early let’s not iriay Mlltica and lose Roundup Saves Teeth Thuieday night, aooordlng to moBphara. Molecular oxygw tba court to aec tba amount Bib cold war or end it immediately and qualms about i t we are b^flnnlng to a good man.” Several Republl- calculations of a North Ameri­ could not exist and hydrogen aad award trebla damages. Bani^ateiy. These aae favored myths, re­ cana, including GOP State Roundup, Mont — The first can Air Defenaa Command muat have diaappaared batoiu Eleotroaollda Oorp. o( Sylmar, hope John Glenn runa, and runs bewtl- catalnnan A. Searie Pinney, ef the Ameriean B i|h t aad town in Montana to fluoridate Agency, . .Soviet Air,Marshal oxygen put in an appearance'. Calif„ aaid lUACa Hamilton fuUy, and makes his career In the Sen- have ttomanded Ives’ raaitnatioa Ita water auwly waa Roundup, V. A. Budats Bays Rnarian am* Alao tha abort wava radtotiona Standard Dlvlatoo infrtagad en * “ . . We must dia- ate Mka a star far aB Ameriea to watek in the waka of a protw into the Fltwridatlon began U jraan ago ad foroas have haan of Bw sun muat havo basn aUa ^jgynt eove^ an tavwtte State Blgtoaray DapaitBMnt Tiw and atattaticB ahow a •• per to psnatrato to ttm aurtaea, lor ynbo haa tod to II aneata. eaat drop ia eavltlaa. ouana—tba triatonto efreulto.* Onginal oiApfhot of WiUes hous^ in insert, a m current phcito of the residence at West Rd; and Rt. 80. Early slat-back chair stands at front entranoeway. Dainty chocolate set handpainted with pink rdsM. P A G E S IX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHES'fER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1984 Pacific $2,000 Taken New Quakes Strike, Ca““P C lin ic ’At Laun<•ffndry Anchorage H it Hard World’s First An estimatedtd 12,000 In cash! O - - The Institute fOr Dirsetora and checks was taken by a per­ and 8 U ^ of Day Campa for the Hit sistent thief who last night (Centimwd from Page One) but was unable to land at An^ Mentally Retarded, attended Jmy P. Boris, a senior at Princeton Unlvenity, has broke into the One-Hour Mar­ chorage because of bad weath' last wsek by H srry F. Smith, tinising Laundry at 3M W. Mid- reported killed at Valdes, 180 er and had to go on to Fair' dlrsetor, and Jamas Herdic, as- been awardee] a graduate fellowship of about 84,800 in die Tpke. | miles due east of Anchorage on (OMttBMd troM Pag* Om ) EDITOR’S NOTE — NaM>y banks. aistaat dlreetbr of Manehaatsr’a the sciences, by the Natioral Science Foundation, a part Warner, Associated Press secre­ Patrolman Robert Cr Parlseau Prince William Sound, There were conflicting re camp, la bellaved to be the only of the National Research Council of the U.S. Govem- At tan Fnnclaco’a FUhcr- tary at Seattle^ lived for IS came across the break at 1:43 OH tanks split open at Seward ports about the dead and in­ one o f ita type in the world. fm ent Some of the duties of the a.m. today during a check o f *nd burned th ro^h the night, jured in Anchorage, this state's man’a Wharf th« aratan of San years at Anchorage, the Alaska It is conducted by the Recre­ foundation ta to foster bettor city hit by a major earthquake. businesses in the area. The At Anchorage, a' million gal- largest city with a ponulatlon of ation ' and Outdoor Eduoation communication betweoik man et Franclaco Bay dropped at leaat Here is her description of the break was one of two discov-, Ions of jet fuel spilled' over the 4S.0C0. Departmant o f Southern dUnoia ■clence and to aid in reeenreh. a foot a minuta for about three city. ered by police early today. | international a lr ^ r t and resl- Early reports placed the Unlvaraity in Carbondale, 111., The grant, whloh ie' tor a minutes, than rose again at the By NANCY WARNER Parizeau found a northwest dents were cautioned to stay dead at between SO and SOO in and la partially supported by a first and intermadUita year comer window broken, located away from the area. The 60-' Anchorage, but radio station ■UNOHESTER same rata. An effect was to SEA'XTLE, Wash. (A P )—Alas­ grant from tha Vocational Re­ graduate fellowaliip, amounte to MANCHESTEI CUNUFFE H IG H G R A D E over a sU ir well inside the foot control tower collapsed and K E N I said it appeared the pull old trash out from under ka’s largest city. Anchorage, habilitation Administration. De­ to about a $2,500 eoet o f edu­ firm, where someone apparently thousands of feet of runway death toll might be much leas. piers. For hours the Jtmk reported devastated by a ma­ partment of Health, Education cation aUowance, wMoh totH be a u t o p a r t MOTOR SALES surged back and forth, acting jor earthquake Friday night, first tried to enter. Then he tom up. Lt. Oen. Raymond Reeves, and Welfare. PRINTING com .lander of the Alaska Com- sent to the unlverelty o f hia SEAFOOD E X PE R T AU TO BODY and as a marker of the tidal flows. lies on flat land bordering CMk found that a rear door had been ^ A Wien Alaska Airline plane Participating agenoiao inchida Inlet and flanked by high moun- i P^ed open with a pinch bar and [ doctors and nurses mand, told the governor "there American Camtong Asaocia- choice, end $1,300 fo r nine . ' i BROAD SL FENDER REPAIRS Job and CommsTdal A wave washed out a bridge monthe Uvlnt expenees and CHOICE VARIETY over the Co pa Us River In Grays tains to the east. The city has : the door's lock was smashed from Fairbanks managed to couldn’t help but be more (cas- tion, American Recreation So-v PR E C ISIO N E N A M E L and LACQ U ER Printinf txMka, which la given to the Harbor County In Washington, had sharp earth shocka in re- removed on the Merrill Field in Anchor* ualtiea) than already report* ciety, American Red Cross, Jo­ M A C m N IN O BEFINISHING8 Prompt and EfflcleBt and turned over several trailer cent years, but nothing even ap- i Inside. • » « ‘ " ‘•.‘ •‘ere were re ^ rts por-' ed.” seph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation, student. Students receiving a CyUnder Heads Qualify proachlng thia one. Entrance waa then grained ‘"J Elmendorf Air Reevea moved troops into the National Association for Re- the soholerahlpa are parmitted a Engine Blooka and REASONABLE PRICES Printing Of All Rtoda homes In the county beach I j FREE ESTIMATES arjas. The main atreeta. Fourth and I *"!<> ^ inaide enclosed office Force B w e field near the city i city on a standby t>aaU. tardsd Ohlldren. National Rec­ to earn $750 over and above Other Surfaces On Seafood Fifth Avenues, ran east and »rea when the thief broke ^ Ralph Jones, city manager of reation Association and Outdoor the amount of tha grant, by do­ Foreign and American RT. 88—VERNON. CONN. ComniHRiii Prost LONDON (AP)—The Alaskan west. To the East are Elmen- through an overhead ceiling by i William A. Egan held , Kodiak, telephoned Egan that Education Aasoclaition Inc. ing reeearch or teaching. Cars and Tracks 43 OAK ST. Joat Above the Trmffto kicking in an air duct and sheet* j ^ ^ «n i*rgen cy meeting with hia ! the downtown area of that city About 50 consultants, all o f Circle 9 East earthquake jolted seiSmograiAis dorf Air Force Base and Ft. Given a choice of a full year Open Saturdays OntU 5 PJtl TEL. 643-3337 Middle Tpke. around the world. ! Richardson, the Army base. rock partitioning, it waa re- Juneau. A planned had been demolished. Tidal them leadera in their fields, or nine-montifv’ acholarahlf), TE L. 848-0016 Telephone 643-5727 The shock waves reached which is about 10 miles away. ported. flight from Juneau to Anchor- j waves were still rolling’^in, and havs helped to deaigto a general Boris chose the latter aa ha Britain with such force they a l-; Buildings along the main busi- The office waa completely ^ casualty figure orientation institute which fur­ feels that taking a summar job most broke the needle on the | ness district are predominantly ransacked, and several metM ® nishes a thorough indoctrination enaUea hltn to become familiar Manchester r.h in .t. I - ' Closed by bad weather. Only daylight would reveal o f the needs, characterlatics and seismic measuring equipment in one and two-story structures, cabinets were pried open, in­ with research in many fletda. CAR LEASING Rug Portobla TV Rentals London's Science Museum. | with a few exceptions. One of An Air Force jet from Juneau | how much the state had suf- problsma of the mentally re­ cluding a wall cabinet (safe) He Is now planning to taka a Cleaning Motorola and Zenith Sale* GLASS The tremors knocked the j the city's tallest buildings, the where two metal boxes were managed to get Into the air, fered. tarded. The jtorticipating personnel of Jsy P. Borris summer position at alther IBM, Company and Service needle out of the seismograph; Mt. McKinley Building, is on broken into. The boxes contain­ RCA or United Aircraft. and RENTALS 0 For Ante Wliidahleids at the 8t. Maur Observatory in Fourth Ave. where severe -dam­ day oarapa are not only taught 15 Hanna way We Service All Make* of 'TV. o For Store Froots and all ed money bags with rolls of Boris, who has been accepted Paris. A spokesman said "the age was reported. It's a 14-story in acminara, but actually par­ Street Radios and Phonographs sines o f wtodows coin, loose change, checks and for graduate work by Prince­ Fliat to Manchester. New recorders go off scale only in steel and concrete apartment Town Relatives Await Word ticipate in activities at a camp Del Knowles, 0 For Table Tops envelopes with Blue O oss and ton, Stamford, Massachusetts In­ cars, foil maintenance, fuUy the case of great disastrous building and also houses one of , near the university. In order to Wing Slated Prop. CMS deductions, total value stitute of Technology, Y ale Uni­ toanred to reduce your prob- quakes." Anchorage's two television sta-! about $2,000, police said after a I put their classroom knowledge Call 848-0012 M O D E R N O PEN 8 A.M. to 5 PJIL versity and Northwestern, has In Sweden, the Uppsala Seis- tions, KTVA. check by the owner, Peter Dl- From Kin in Horner^ Alaska to the teat. lema and worries. For full in­ Manchester Memorial Co. SATURDAY 8 AJL-NOON until April 15 to dscide whsther mological Institution reported I" ^‘he center of town is the | Rosa of Thompsonville, who was Smith and Herdic have both By A-N Q u b formation call 3.DAY Are you planning to purchaacf TV S ER V IC E said that they learned more last hs will accept the grant, and a monument? I f so, this is the that .the shocks pushed its in­ city hall and the federal build-' called to the scene. TTiere waa There are at least t h r e t ^ >arents. Judge and Mrs. John his work have Induced people w'£ek about the operation o f a which university he will attend. SERVICE! time when it in important to n SUMMER ST. J. A. WHITE strument to 8.5 on the Richter Ing. Along normally bustling $1,264.15 in one bag along with J, Wallett, of Waronake Rd Tha board of education ia slat­ Paul Dodge PonHoe from all over to engage his Manchester familiee whose for­ day camp for the mentally re­ At the present time he has nar­ — albo — give it considerable thought for Scale, among the strongest ever Fourth Ave. are banks, dress $193 in checks, it was reported. placed a call to Homer this ed to consider a request from INC. services. For thirty-five years S mocks From MtoKee S t shops, hotels, restaurants, li­ tunes may be severely affecte.-! tarded, than they could have in rowed his choice to Stamford most o f ua the purchane of a G LA S S C O . •’ii* - recorded. The firm reportedly closed at morning. All communication.^ In the A m y and N avy Club for 373 .MAIN STKEET FURNITURE CLEANING ha has been executing memori­ a whole immmer’s session. or Princeton. monument la a once-ln-a-life- TeL 643-2205 ft Hsaell SL—TU. M3-7m The Geophysical Observatory quor stores, bars and other es­ 9 p.m. last night and the break by the earthquakes whlolt rock­ the Anchorage area have been psrmis.sion to build a 21-by-26- Phone 640-2881 als that portray dignity and The seminar Included classes A 1960 graduate and aaluta- time affair. You wauit to be sure in Pavia, Italy, said It recorded tablishments. occurred sometime before the ed the Anchorage, Alaska, area disrupted, however, and at foot addition at the northwest beauty that remain undlmmed on “ Causes of Retardation," tortan of his class at Manchas- that your choice ia exactly what strong tremors for four hours. One of the most exclusive res­ 1:43 a.m. check by police. pre.s.stime there had still been , corner of it.s present clubhouse We Urge Vou To Support throughout the years. Moscow's seismic station said idential districts is Tumagain early this morning. "Community Organization and | Main and Sts. ter High School, Boria ia tha you want, and this is difficult DlRosa reported that the of­ no word. Mrs. Robert Turklng- Community Responsibility for son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. The Lute Junior Museum Perhaps you have an idea of Its readings reached 11 on a 12-1 Bluff, on the southern edge of A ll three live in Homer, an The board will discuss the re­ unless you can see finished mc: fice damage, which was exten­ ton s parents are Mr and Mrs.' t^e Retarded.” and "Recrult- Boris, 271 Henry St. a special design for a memorial; point system. | the city, where expensive homes ocean community about 150 air quest at its meeting Monday IJU iitu l R iht'€U lk morlals. Manchester Memorial PONTIAC MANCHESTER sive, was covered by Insurance, Last ysar, he was awarded fW mnmt muttm if so, talk with Mr. Aimetti, a Seismologists in Tokyo said stand on a steep bluff just above milea from Anchorage op the ^ ; ment. Selection and Training of night at 7:30 in the board room Co. on Hnrrlaon St. has the AND but the money loss was not, the Kusaka Memorial Prize In sketch will be made, also a they also recorded very strong i Cook Inlet. It is here that some Kenai Peninsula — and in the at Bennet Junior High School. largest munber of finished Manchester Rug Cleaning MEMORIAL Oa police said today. ily. vdth three children, was in ' Th* participants were taught Physics, an annuail award MOUNT VERNON blueprint of your Idea. When shocks.■ ■ ' homes were reported to have center of the quake-stricken The clubhouse is on property 838 BURNSIDE AVE. monuments to be foimd any­ the monument is finished and A second break was discover­ area. Manihe.ster fw the winter, liv -, conduct ses.slons of mad« at Princeton for the most WeMt your house to look^ Opposite East Cemotauy slid into the water. under the jurisdiction of the EAST HARTFORD where in Connecticut, and this before the name Is carved there­ TEMPEST ed during the night by Patrol­ Ing at the Russrtl Potterton gwimming. arts and crafts, promising student of {diysics in aparkUng clean? The best By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS At the time the quake hit, it Two of them, Robert and board of education and leased to WHISKEY is a great help in making a on, he wll* call you to see If man Erick Dam at the Tolland home at 174 N. Elm St. But rhythm, music, dramatics, na- the junior or senior classes, or choice. place to atari is with the rugs sizing, this Is also done. Wall- The last major earthquake be­ was about 5:40 p.m. In Anchor­ Carolyn Roy Turklngton and the club, and the board must act 289-6333 there is something more you QuoRty Memoriob Turnpike Service Center at 408 they left on Feb. 21 to return jure '.ore, camp craft and dl- the graduate school of Prince­ 86 Proof Plcturea o f finished monu­ for while you may not think to-wall carpeting, using fac­ SALES oml SERVICE fore Alaska’s was one that took age and the streets would be Bari and Evelyn Engle, are in before construction can start Power and Hand Toola wish added. feel free to Tolland Ty>ke. Nothing was re- to Homer—u.sually a three-week ver.dfled recreational activities. ton. ments may be helpful but even your mgs are soiled, you will tory approved methods, is done about 80 lives in the Kashmir crowded with people bound for the fishing business together in on the addition, according to Painting and Decorating ask for estimates on the cost Over SO Years Experlanee imrted missing. Entrance was . ___ I They were taught how to ad- * He is a member of the For- Full Quart the beat picture cannot compare be amazed at the difference right in the home. There is no Valley, near Srlniger, Kashmir, their homes or markets. Homer. The third family. Mil- school authorities. Tools of any work. PAUL DODfiE The Milton ^irkingtons (M il-; n,i„[,fgr. {Aysical fitness tests eatal Laboratory of Princaton, a with seeing a number of me­ clean ruga all over the house need to worry about colors run­ last Sept. 2. The normally Interna­ gained by breaking through a ton and Norma Turklngton, are A club member said the addi- Garden and Land Toola When you think of monu­ CoE 649-5807 ' ton is Robertas brother) r e -.^ n j how to handle junior Phi Beta Kappa, and an morials that are finished. It w’Ul make. The contrast be­ ning for Mr. Knowles •uses Six weeks previously, the tional Airport, a stopover for northwest side window in a bay in the insurance business there. mained in Homer for the winter, would provide much-needed Baby, Household. Party ments, granite is the first thing PONTIAC, INC. door, police aaid. gram; how to handle tha speech active member of the Oxirt is hard to visualize from a pic­ tween soiled and dingy rugs and Color-Brite to set the coloia so earthquake at Skopje, Yugo­ many airlines, is about three O f the three, the Engles are since his insurance business is 1 additional storage space for and Banquet Supplies that comes to mind. Some is im­ A. AIMETTL Prop. slavia, killed more than 2,000 miles southwest of the city. Patrolman Parizaau, at 3:45 and hearing problems of the I chairs, tables, and supplies, and Club, having received hia var­ ture whether this is the memo­ a sparkling house is most no­ that your rug Is returned with not experiencing the immediate not seasonal. sity letter in fencing. Invalid Needs ported from Finland and Swe­ 373 Mato S t — TeL M3-2881 persons and injured 2,000. Cook Inlet, a deep waterway a.m. today, came acrosa an at­ destruction the earthquake have retarded children and how to I the like. N o change in the origl- VICHI’S rial you have to mind. Here at ticeable, and when you can have each color as clearly outlined as Harriaoa SL, Alaaebestar Homer, with a population in keep the camps records and den, th* finest comes from The San Francisco earthquake leading in from the Gulf of Alas­ tempted break at the Parkway brought. They are on their way { nal structure is planned, he aaid. Manchester Memorial Co. you your rugs cleaned professional­ the day it waa purchased. the hundreds, is on the south­ books. PACKAGE STORE can see how each monument Wisconsin, the ruby red whose Should an emergency occur, of I860, the only other major ka, curls part way around the Restaurant at 937 Center St. to Homer from a visit with the ern tip of the Kenai Peninsula The Clubhouse was built In beautiful color never fades, ly by MiUKtaester Rug Cleaning one in the United States, took western rim of the city. Manchester's two repvesenta- 1919 .by the Manchester CThapter looks in Its finished etate and Manchester Rug Cleaning Oo. when he found pry marica about Roy Turkingtons in Houston, on Alaska's southern coast. ^ .._j ___j ______I M BI8SELL ST. Custom Made Balfour pink and Dakota and Co. you are sure to be delight­ 482 lives. Merrill field on the city's out­ tlves say that they regret but of the Red Cross for the use of LBJ Briefed thus you will be able to make a will give you 24-hour service at a rear window and door during ...... Seward and Anchorage are the ^ e " ’ thing ab ou t'S elr OTe'-'w« Vermont granite. This fine ed with the results. TOURAINE The major quakes of the 20th skirts is an operating base (or World War I veterans. The wise choice. no Increase in price. It is Im STEVENSON’S his check of buslneae firms. But their three children did two major cities on the penin-1 experience at the Illinois aem- granite, plus skilled hands, It is just a-s Important that Century and the reported dead; the Civil Air Patrol and scores land was then owned by Cheney Window Coverings Quality alwaye pays in the portant to remember that stains An undetermined amount of not accompany them on the sula, with populaUons number- inar, that more of Uiis town’s years o f training and the best Messina, Italy, 1908, 75,000. of private pilots. There also is Bros, and loaned to the club. In On Disaster long run and nowhere does it ruga receive reg;ular cleaning, should be removed as quickly cash was taken from a pried trip, and are in Homer. ing in the thousands. A ll three camp personnel did not have CUSTOM MADE e Window Shades equipment combine to produce PAINTS Aveszano, Italy, 1915, 29,970. a big seaplane base near the In­ 1944, the land was aold to the count more than in choosing a perhaps more so, for grit works as possible. ESSO open money changing machine The other two families are in are named in reports as the cen the beautiful and enduring Kansu, China, 1920, 180,000. ternational Airport. the same opportunity. town and leased to the club. CANVAS AWNINGS a Vertical and Venetian i monument. Naturally we all do8Ti Into the fibers and will You may have your rug in a break at the Stop A Clean Homer now, however. Their ter of the quake destruction. (OontiBued from Page One) monuments found here. FOR BEST RESULTS Tokyo, Japan, 1923, 143,000. There is one institution of high­ The club, which now has a Bllnda, Drapes and want to have the memorial we eventuallv cut them. No mat­ mothproofed for five years; this 405 MAIN ST. Laundry, located at Lilley and Would you like a floor that Kanm, C l^ a , 1932, 70,000. er education, Methodist College, membership of almost 800 vet­ Hardware choose a fitting one to the ter how thoroughly you vacuum carriesv a written guarantee. TEL. 649-8290 Main Sts., poHce reported late Fredericksburg people were is practically indestructible, Quetta. India. 1935, 60,000. just east of the city. Provi­ Chester, with whom she made Rid^etop’s Cost erans of all the military memory of loved ones, and when your rugs, there is a residue of You may store rugs at Man­ this morning. Patrolman Harold hoping the president would show easy to care for and will take Enlngan, Turkey, 1989, 23,000. dence Hospital is in the same her home; Mrs. Arlo Shaw of Cj . . A A A branches, observed its 40th an- you choose a cheaper stone you fine dirt that works its way chester Rug Cleaning Co. up to PAUL'S * Tune-ups Newcomb is investigating. TTie FINDELL'S the most rugged wear you can Agadir, Morocco, 1960, 12,000. area. break reportedly occurred some­ Obituary Holt. Mich., and James Fogarty o C l H i nlversary in the spring of 1959. up for another Easter festivity are going to be unhappy in the down through the rug fibers give it? I f so, choose a slate two yeara, free storage up to The worst recorded earth­ The Anchorage water sup­ of Memchester, and six great­ i The clubhouse is divided in­ tonight^~A pageant at tha fair 185 MIDDLE TPKE.. EAST years to come. Cheaper stones and will cause your rug to wear PAINT SUPPLY * Engine Clecmlng time during the night, police floor set In cement and the 30 days. Naturally, they , must quake was in China in 1556. It ply is pumped from deep wells said. grandchildren. to three parts; An auditorium grounds and the lighting of tra­ Phone 843-4885 deteriorates with exposure to unduly through its abrasive ac­ be cleaned and moth-proofed To retain Talcott Mountatin, the weather, the colors fade lovely colors make it an ideal 645 Main Street * Minor Repairs Mned 830,000 persons. directly into the city mains. Andrew Plader Sr. The funeral will be held in the center, a reading room tion. Call Manchester Rug first at the plant. the 420-acre wooded ridge west ditional fires on the hills around R. A. PEARL. Prop. and change. When you are mak­ floor for the porch, family Power comes from a city-owned ROCKVILLE—Andrew Piader 1 the at the north aide, and a billiard Cleaning Co.; dial 643-0512 for All types of upholstered fur­ Tel. 649-0300 of Hartford, as parkland will this old German satUement. ing the origlnkl Investment, the room, sunporch, basement; * Stamps generating plant and from a 8r.. 84, of 10 Cottage St., died Tierney Funeral Home, and card room to the south. fine rug cleaning service. niture are cleaner — plastics, hydroelectric project. Hospital Notes yesterday at his honie. , C«nter St., with a soi- coot about $505,000. 'riie'audllorlufn Is" frequently -Seats have been reserved for difference in cost between the around the iireplace or for the This price has been agreed finest atone and that of a lesser patio. Manchester Memorial The Manchester Rug Clean­ Mr. Plader was bom Dec. 6, e^n high Mass of requiem at offered free of charge for the the President and Mrs. Johnson SEE US FOR: Rusk Attacks uqx>n by the pro?jerty's private whMi H'a Miiiw •• ^ueility is very little, but there Co. has beautiful colors in slate ing Oo. waa purchased by Del Vlalttiig hours are $ to S p-m. 1879, in Turany, Czechoslovakia, i C!h«rch at 9. Burial use of various town civic In the grandstand, just in case. a Aluminum Roll Up B Upholstery Is a world o f difference over the to choose from, and once they Knowles in 1960, and his 21 ture is soiled or stained. in all areas excepting mntomlty a son of Peter and Sophie L o y s ' James Cemetery. owners, 'nmes Tower Estates, groups; and the heavy amount The lighting of seven huge ■ and I V I Awnings period of years. This should be are laid you have a floor that years of experience In this bus­ Shop VIC’S P in A SHOP where they are 2 to 4 p.m. Plader. and lived in the Rock- Enend.-i may call at the fu- who planned to deveiop It into of use is said to be the reason fires on the hilltops, which cli­ a Door Canopiea Fulbright on About Town taken into consideration when will last a lifetime. It Is easy to iness certainly qualifies him as at 643-0012. RE-UPHOLSTERINO 153 W . DUddle Tom pike and 6:30 to 8 p. m. and privnte vlUe area 67 years. He was a, ne™' n/>me Monday from 2 to 4 a h l^ -p rice residential subdi­ for increasing the building's ef­ maxes the pageant, has a long a Storm Doora member of Holy Trinity Lu -' “ to 9 p.m. vision and a committee from history behind It. choosing any marker or memo­ care fo r and thrives on the an erqiert. The plant is locat­ Phone 849-3700 Members of the Ladies of St. rooms where tta y are 18 p. m. ficiency by adding the storage e Combination Windows * Modern Furniture theran Church, Stafford Springs the three towns Talcott Moun­ On Easter eve in 1847, Indians rial. hardest usage. Stop to and see ed right in M an^ester at 15 C uba V iew s James will meet tomorrow at to 8 p.m. Vlaitorc are request­ section. Manchester Awning Co. their stock of rugs ? They Survivors include two sons Hyman (Jemtrtn fearing treachery in peace . A rrlgo AlmettI, owmer of the samples, they will be happy Hannaway St. Beside rug and Antiques PIZZA 7:45 p.m. at the John F. Tier­ ed not to smoke hi pnttonts’ tain occupies. 196 WEST CENTER ST. ■ x p a r i OAkt Andrew Piader Sr. and Joseph Hvman Gersteln. 80, of New treaty negotiations built fires Manchester Memorial Co., la an to show them to you and ^ve cleaning, they offer another all well known brand na • store Stools and Booths ney Funeral Home. 219 W. Cen­ rooHM. No more than two The land has been assessed Telephone 649-3091 SPAGHEHl (Oesrtiaimd from Page One) Piader, both of Broad B rook;'a London, father of Mrs. Sheal around the pioneer town to • M OVINtt artist who works to stone; his you an astlmate on the cost of service—furniture cleaning. They also have bradded rugs, • Custom Furniture ter St., to pay respects to Mrs. vieitore at one time per patient. twice, once for $407,000 by the Established 1949 stair carpeting, rug padding. RAVIOLI daughter. Miss Mary Piader of Wenick of 20 Green Manor Rd., show up any forces that might distinctive designs, the skill one of these beautiful and mod­ You are sure o f the finest in Slipcovers and Draperies 10. He said he was still puzzled Anthony L^ne, a charter mem­ Bloom^eld town assessor and Roast Burns • F a e R N to Broad Brook; two brothers, Jo- died early this morning at be advancing on their encamp- ai)d craftsmanship evidenced to em floors. rug cleaning at Manchester Rug Made to Order about how the plane had gotten ber of the organization. Pnttonto Today: 380. once for $700,000 by a private jg g g a v installing rugs. OPEN DAILY seph Plader of Rockville and Briarcliff Convalescent H os-' s.n>raiser Cleaning Co. A ll the equip­ Complete Selection of ADMTPnfO YESTERDAY: Fr^erickaburg mothers eased Another expert service 7:30 A.M.toll:00PJ«. so far off its course. John Piader of Prince Edward pltal. New London. I In Apartment r ment is certified and a fully ' Materials CHE OAMBE! Mrs. Virginia Queen, Bast H u t- the fears of their children by FREE ESTIMATES Rusk also said he had asked MILAN. Italy (AP) — A Mi­ Island, Canada; one grandchild He was the founder o f th e' C oventry trained staff does the work. SUNDAYS ford; Samuel Joeeph, East and two great-grandchildren. Kage Co. of Manchester, a m em -' , - - - - - , I telling them Easter rabbits built Ing Co., that of m g repairs. Lower Level of the Parkado 4 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. the Soviet Union for more Infor­ lan lower court judge fined Windsor; Carol Ann Pusao, 19 Billowing smoke, com ing, the fires under huge pots to boil Two trucks driven by uniform­ They repair cigarette bums, 643-8324 Aldo Dl Biago $16 (or sticking Funeral services will be held ber of Congregation Ados Is- ***^ T u R n P I K E mation about Lee Harvey Os­ Holl St.; Mrs. Mae Strickland, Monday at 10 a.m. at the Wind- dael of Hartford and form erlvi private owners first from an unattended pork roast eggs which would be dyed with ed and bonded drivers provide also moth damage. Rugs CLOSED MONDAYS his head into the parked car of wald, who was accused of as­ Rt. 30, Vernon; WlUiam Kath- sorville Methodist Church. The served as Its treasurer for manv **'"®'***"®** their plans In 1982, , in an aisartment at 28 Birch , St., . , colors extracted from spring School Board Seeks Study pickup and delivery service. be cut. seamed and bound to teacher Maddalena Giraudo and A U T O B O D Y Manehestar MevlRg sassinating President John F. anlck, Wapplng; Mrs. Ann Sau­ Rev. naa/via Albert rt.A. Unrin.W/imil, pastorUHSiUr OIof years.Vr»r8. HePie was aiBOalso one o f the kccord^ce wUh a*a report t®avf Ij * _ a.i s. Ti_ flowers. ^ Three-day rug cleaning serv­ yrour needs. Kennedy last Nov. 22. The So­ exclaiming: "Che g a m b e !” Holy Trinity Slovak Evangelical fotinders and a trustee of Tem-' William H. Whyte ' town firemen rushing to the The fires have been rekindled and Trucking Co. ice is yours at Manchester Rug (what legs). cier, Skinner Rd., Rockville; viet government already has Mrs. Ella Bartholomew, And­ Church. Torrlngton, w liroffici- pie Israel, New London recommending that future open •cene. ; every Easter ever since. Of Kindergarten Facilities Cleaning Co., and you may save each and every service offered provided some Information on Dl Biago told the court the A neighbor, living above the I Fredericksburg to the west and DON WILLIS over; Mrs. Evelyn Patrick, 265 apace requiremenU be met now money bV taking advantage of at Manchester Rug Cleaning Co. Ostrinsky Oswald (or the Warren Commis­ 28-year-old teacher jumped out Si^rvinf^in^Sto.^ his wife. apartment of Thomas M orrow ,' Johnson City to the east are McKee St.; Anthony Mozzer, 31 —particularly protecting ridge- the 13 per cent discount on the and you w'ill find the prices sion investigating the assassina­ of the car and slapped him. But , AA Bessie Labinger Gersteln; where the meat was burning, | each about 16 m ilts from the Maintaining that kindergar--*’ The board has presented to Oak Sit.; Dominick Peralli, Am- line* along the Connecticut Riv­ cash and carry plan. reasonable. On top or all this DEALER IN WASTE tion. Oswald l i v ^ in Russia for the court ruled that Di Biago's FuneS!: H® “ un-'the ranch, and the President ning new facilities. activities section; Howard Cole, Today’s Radio Mrs. Guy Latina of 20 Falknor rooms as second on the list. and PAPER bassador, Ungu F. Tsiang, said C^eatnut Hill; Joaoph Pelo- Mrs. 'niHe Goldberg of Glaston- J™ * k . - “ *.*««? IdenUfled woman carried the dropped by the site of his blrth- I^ e board haa resolved also layout; Devora Cole, typing; Front End AHgnment Dr., died Thursday at Mt. Sinai The third suggestion Is for he was shocked by the sugges­ quln, Wapplng; Harry CRoon, bury and Mrs. Hanna Welson of I ® f u smoking pot from the apart- place there—a two-acre tract h6 that ample facilities be provied Robert Johnson, photography; WDBC—136* Hoepital, Hartford. additional junior high school 1:00 Chip Thumpaon 781 PARKER ST. tion that Red China might be 34 'Tolland Ave., Rockville; Holyoke. Mass.; 12 grandchll-! ^®^* m ent Smoke ejectors were em- bought recently from nelghbor- for all children to enter kinder­ Ronald Hudok, sports editor; She is survived by four son.s, space In all areas required; next 3:06 Jim Nettleton General Repair Work TeL 648-5735 or 648-5879 Included in some East-West Jeffrey Baker, Bast Hartford; dren and 4 great-grandchildren, * ^ ployed to rid the apartment o f , ing rancher Harvey Jordon. garten as a necessary first step Rose Ann Bilodeau and Judith 6:Uo Chip Tbompaun agreements. for other daughters. four j emphasis for facilities for spe­ Wanda Niemann, Stafford Funeral services will be held *P" heavy smoke. N o one was in Johnson reportedly plans to in their educational process Buckley, business managers 3:06 Dick Ro'jinaon Many of the points raised by brothers, two sisters, twentv cial-class rooms for the men­ l:0o Newa. Slen Off ______I______. Springs; Gerald Bock, Loehr four A « • , to>n®rrow at 2:30 p.m. In the the apartment at the time, a ' rebuHd the house where h# was thereby placing this program for and Linda Hiil, copy editor. lew Fulbright received the backing tally retarded,. Including pri­ wTio— Rd.. Rockville; David Thlffault, chapel o f the Weinstein Mortu- “ W- - first consideration by the study The Rev. James H. Ameling, 1:00 N«wa of Sen. George D. Aiken of Ver­ greatgrandchildren. ary, 640 Farmington Ave., 1?,ku2 'X small crowd of people gath------awAiZMs ) mary, intennediate and second­ 2:00 Melropo.ltaii Opera 2 Ridgewood »t.; Mrs. Loretta committee. pastor of the Second Congrega­ ABC APPLIANCE CAMPING mont, senior Republican on Ful- J ------i_ b ary. 6:00 Monitor Laine, 58 Columbus St.; J. Her­ *** i Hartford, with Rabbi Stanley flirt ered during the excitement — , , » v * The board baseo Ita decision tional Church, w’lll use "The A p­ 6 :0 l^ ew 8 . Sporta and Weather brlght’s committee. As (or Cuba, day at 8 a.m. from the Glu- | m . Kessler officiating. Burial Jf7.fl?*” m b oab*^** the smoke billowed out the R a s p b m AlflsIcS Fifth on tha list Is the ap­ 6;S(rMonltor bert Finlay, 44 Greenwood Dr.; on the fact that "at this level, pearance of Christ” as his ser­ REPAIRS EQUIPMENT he said, " I ’ve never known a I will be in Beth El Temple Ceme- ¥ 7 h . apartment windows above the iViaSKH parent need for central office 7:06 Keyboard Khvthmi Raymond Roes, 834 Woodbridge basic concepts and attitudes mon topic at both the 9:30 a.m. 7:16 Major Choice country to be starved into dem­ '^**7®*'^®" ®^'' Hartford, I tery, Avon. P“ **I** ■'*hacrtptlons must business block. Damage was DUCQandDUlUXREFINISHINC apace for adiqintstration, board and 11 a.m. worship services 41 OAK ST. Tents, Cots, Sleeping Rags, ocracy." St.; Mrs. Florence Clark, Ell­ R eported In tact toward learning are initiated 7.30 Monitor ^ ® "}" il®*" ®^ requiem ^ iTie family suggests that me- cals^ by an agency m yet confined to the charred roast whicl. help to form a solid base of education end special subject Sunday. 9:00 Hootenanny Air Alattresaes, Stoves, The Republican national ington; Mrs. Arlene Bradley, 1 Ghurch, E a s 1 1 morial contributions may b e ' li'jfS*?” ***' *’” ^ plsnned, by the ^nd pot, said Asst. Chief Bed- personnel. 10i30 Spectrum USA Tel. 649-8879 Lanterns chairman. William E. Miller South Windsor; Mrs. Bessie Hartford, at 9. Burial will be in CRPA. 166 MIDDLE TURNf IKE, WEST for later and more complex Greeting after the 9:30 a.m. 11:00 Newa made to the Hebrew Home for rick J. Straughan, who added (Contiaued from Page One) learning." Next conies auxiliary space 11:16 Sporta Final said that if the speech was not Jenkins, Hartford; Jacob Cbor- M L St. Benedict's O m eteiy, Under the arrangement, 30 MANCHESTER service will be Mrs. W ilfred E. REPAIRS ON— the Aged, 615 Tower Ave., H art­ that it could have been more "Suburbia Board members also felt the to accommodate for central 11:30 Starllgtit Serenade . a trial balloon for the adminis­ ohes. Tolland. Bloomfield. acrea apart from the 420 to be Hill, deaconess, and Frank Tur- 1:00 sum Off MANCHESTER ford. serious. and civilian defenaa officials kindergarten plays a vital part storage and equipment, inside cotte, deacon. Grills. Electric Irons, tration, President Johnson Friends may call at the fu­ ■old will be retained by the pri­ 643-7043 W HAV—810 SURPLUS SALES CO. ADMITTED TODAY ;i CUfton Town firemen from Gom- met at the Pentagon early today in the mental health program and outside equipment storage Greeting after the 11 a.m. 1.00 Fred Swanaon Show Toasters, Percolators, should renounce ‘ it. Fulbright neral home tonight from 7 to 9 vate owners. Times Tower & - 6:30 Gary Qlrard Show . 189 N. MAIN ST. Byrd, Hartford; Mra. Sharon o f the school, since early identi­ area per-school, curriculum ma­ service w1U be Mrs. Arthur J. Vacuum Cleaners, Heaters, and Rusk had said it was not a and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and tates, for a subdlviBion. Today" 7:30 Dance Party . at Depot Square Seibert. 188 Oak St. < “ • » « « . fication of emotional maladjust­ terials qpace per school and Vinton, deaconess, and Ernest 10.30 TonlKbt at Mv Place Fans, Sewing Machines trial balloon. 7 to 9 p.m. BIR'THS YESTERDAY: A caused by sparks from an in-! armed forces currently ments la highly Important if maintenance work space. Gowdy, deacon. ' 12:00 SIzn Off Open Daily to 9:00 P.M. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Theo­ cinerator, o ff Lyness St., where *'®''® * *®^®* ®^ about 31,800 men Physical education and ath­ WPOP—HIO F y -HISTORIC BEETLE Funerala THE MAGAZINE QF Bchoola are to take an effective There will be nursery for the 1:00 Jerry Gordon Show All work guaranteed J. F A R R — 643-7111 dore Arnold. West Hartford; a Charie* F. Srhnoor Balon Honored an acre of grass waa burned. *" Alaska, with approximately Reuben Plen’$ letic space requirements for VERONA, Italy (AP) — a 46.800 dependents. role to helping children achieve pre-school children at the 6:00 Bob:. Chriatian Show daughter to Mr. and Mra. Jean- Charles F. Schnoor, 78. of PLEASANT PLAGES track, fields, courts and indoor Church Community House dur­ 10:00 Mad Daddy blind, ten-legged beeUe which John Leander The majority of theaa are ata- optimum development 12:00 .Terry Gordon Lhuis Hebert, l l Butternut Rd.; East Hartford, father of Mra. At Tokyo Fete Texaco Sfafion facilities precede the final sug­ ing each of the worship services. ______experts say is virtually a living WINF—IJSO ...... ______.A.M.., Funeral services forfor John tioned In either the Ancliorafe A MONTHLY FEATURE gested building requirements fossil, has been found at the a son to Mr. and Mrs. David William J. Esiiger of 33 Grant Church school Blaster Sunday 1:00 CBS News . . . Rd., died'yestei^v at Hartford' Leander of the Masonic Homs or the Fairbanks area. for previous capital outlay re­ 1:15 Weekend Greater Hartford WATKINS-WEST Call 644-11^1 tottom of the 2,660-foot deep S043-N Wells, East Hartford; a daugh­ Airman l.C. Bernard J. Baton, Police Arrests 381 Main StrMf OF YOUR HOMETOWN wUI be omitted. Hospital. i «"<> HoapiUl. WaUlngford. for- The Alaska command head­ quests relating to the drive­ 6:00 N‘'WB. Weather and Sporta Splu^a Del Preu Caverns ter to Mr. and Mra. Allen Bea- son of Mr. and Mrs. BeitJamin quarters said it believed that The church council w ill meet 6:36 Weekend Greater Hartford FOR REPAIRS, north of here. Ha U survived by his wife I ®^ Manchester, wera held Phono 643-9149 DAILY NEWSPAPER ways, yards and grounds of 8:16 Life Line ^ FUNERAL /z verstock, Ellington; a-son to M. Baton of 16 Mints Court, waa Joseph McCollum, 65, no cer­ most of the Alaskan peninsula at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Church 8:30 Weekend Greater Hartford three other daughters, two;'^*'“” ‘‘®y afternoon at Eman- Yale each .school and particularly REPLACE5IENT , Scientists say they do not Mr. and ,, Mrs. Thomas Libby, honomd racently at a gold plate Community House. , tain address, early yeaterday a f­ ■outh of the Alaskan Range had Hydnunatlo Tranamlaaloa the grounds at the Robertson 12:30 Sizn Off "oi"e or species and stepsona, 14 grandchildren and 1 ®®* Lutheran Church. The Rev. The Rev. James R. MacAr- SERVICE ON ALL TYPES OF Bast Hartford. dinner in tha Tokyo (Japan) ternoon waa charged with intox­ received heavy damage, but Typawritor Sorvka School. tta t it does not resemble any six great-grandchildren. | G- Henry Anderaon, pastor, of- Repairing thur, pastor of the First Con­ DISCHARGED TESTER- Funeral services will be held : fl®t«ted. Frederic Werner was Hilton Hotel. The dinner, part ication when he was found that damage seamed to be laaa A ll Work Ouarantoed Editors Picked • k ^ of beeUe presenUy known. sleeping in a car in a uaed car iUmtrl^pBtpr Typswrltoni Repaired gregational Church, hao listed organist and Mrs. Roy Johnson of a UBO oelebrbtlon sponsored north of the mountain range. Coventry High School juniors Class Planned ORMAND J. WEST I T ' ^(OMMFRCIAl. 1 They said it probably was a left­ parking lot on Main St. Unable aad Orerhaaled the members of the Senior Pil­ waa soloist Burial was in Btost jointly by the United States and Preliminary surveys indicated Texaco Lubrication Service have been liat^ for the editori­ over species which had been llv- Memorial Methodist (Jhurch, to post bond, McCollum was Staadarda uid Pertoblee grim Fellowrship who will con­ Mather 8L; Elmer Graham, 44 Cemetery. Japan, waa for outstanding that part of the runwaya at lEDpmtu) Ifpralii al poll tions for their 1985 year­ Director- 11 in the lightlees abyss since East HarUord. with the Rev. taken to the State Jail at Hart­ Wa Otva Oreen Stamps duct the annual 5:30 a.m. Beat­ Bunce Dr.; Mra. Mederiae Per­ Bearers were Iver Carlson, American enlisted pcraonnel Elmendorf still could be used, Work Plekad Dp * DeUvered book, the Emerald. Beatrice M end of the mesozoic period Howard Love. D.D., officiating. ford to await presentalon In er Sunday Sunrise Service at 142 E. C EN TER ST. ry, Goodwin Rd., Bolton; Ed­ Erland Johnson, Carl Thoren, stationed in tha Far B ast but the military hospital there Srams will be edltor-to-chlef TD minioB years ago. Cremation will be In Spring- Manchaater’a Circuit Ctourt 12 MaeMoea For Rent the home of Dr. and Mrs. Lom e mond LaHouse, Andover; Leo field. Maas. William Bray. Carl Hultgren Attending the dinner were was evacuated after damage to with Miss Anne , Horton and WOODCOCK Houle, 04 Wlliiama 8L; Mra. Edwin O. Raiachauer, U B , Am - on Monday. the building. MaoLean on Monument Hill. 1 hlanchester’s Oldest Friends may call at the New­ and Bernard Johnson. Mra. Sara Louthan as advisors. Gertrude Reduker, Rocky Hill; Mrs. Edna C. Tuttle o f 131 At Ft. Rlchardabn, there was Karen Roee will deliver the kirk and Whitney Funeral, „ The ^ B. C.~ Bailey - Funeral baaaador to Jkpan; Lt. Gen. Assisting Miss Srams with With Finest Facilities REHtldERAnON CO. Mrs. Charlotte I^chemin, 43 Mather St. yeaterday at 4 p.m. damage to structures but re­ FrBBsis X. Tsrhuns call to worship; Sandra Zur- in Cclchester. Home. 318 Burnside Ave. East' ” ®*"* ®^ Wallingford waa In Maurloa A. Praaton, oomman- ■r' the work which atarted this waa arrested for allowing a dog pairs to' light and power Unas muhlen, the invocation; Chris­ ' 1 Persoiuil Notices Tbla easy-to-sew apron is McKinley S t; John McLuskie, HarUord, tonight from 7 to 9 ®h®«Y® «f -arrangemanta. dar of U B . Forcaa, Japi^h and week will be Benitta Plaster to roam. The arrest waa made Phoflt .649-4986 topher Rose, responsive read­ trimmed with gay cheny ihotlfs 33 Lyness St.; Herbert Pachich- the Fifth Air Force; and Ryu- had been made by this morn­ and Charles Lowery under the 1 ' ' k and tomorrow from 3 to 5 and by Lee Fracchla, dog warden, ing. ing; Forster Grant, Easter in almple applique! FUn to holU. RFD 3. Rockville; Rob­ 7 to 3 p.m. N G ORDER taro Aauma, Tokyo governor. In Memoriam make for yourself or gift-giving! ert Culver, East HarUord; John Balon waa picked aa the out­ who investigated a dog bite case Troops . of the______177th Brigade,______Prayer; Marsha Honeywell, to loving memory of Anna Uarv BAR-TLESVILLB. OUa. (AP) Pattern No. 6043-N has Suchy, 91 CUnton S t; Roland standing airman o f hia unit for earUer In the day In which th e ' which 'la baaed to Richard- iM m Scripture reading; Edward Neu­ flc control and emerg l ^ e r who pasMxl a w a y * ! ! ^ f i ; Mra. Barbara Seboen Mr. and Mra. B.C. Mullendore apron directions; trace-off de- Cunningham. 23 Union S t ; Wil- Tuttle dog allegedly bit the son. were evacuated from their mann Jr., meditation; John duties. Mra. Barbara Dorinann Jr-, their aon E. C. Mullendore exemplary conduct and per­ aign for cherries and pocket. tarn Poloakl, US Campfield Rd.; face and Up o f Robert C. Kier- barracks untU Uie aafaty o f the Ym satM ttw Job, . . «M hav* )wt Nw ridit Da ftmt Ryan, benediction. The trainees will return to I Schoen, 91, of Chester, former- Bie 3rd, and hU wife, who opar- formance of duty. Ha and other flint for It . . la eolart to match anythinil Have • a *“ *• ««> •. To order, send 36c in coins to; Leonard Gauba, 10 Ruasell S t; nan, 4, o f 126 Mather S t, re- buildings could ha checked. An Easter breakfast will be A Ur** •» stilled. ly of Manchester, died last night j the Cross Belt Ranch are ao outatanding airman ftrom -10 dif­ auaition on talorT. , , what to iaa7. . , how to do HI Painting— Decorating ry 'em today qvlrtog hospital treatment and AjSJO e Is vacant our Uvea. Anne Cabot The Manchester Louia Stager. East HarUord; ferent units mat a aalacUon A company of tha Alaska Na­ served by the fellowship after ^ ^ O o n a l d ' s ^ Wiucs a«T«r oui nu«d. at Middlesex Memorial Hos-1 for from town that every tela- ^ atltchsa to close the wound. CALL I t lot wipirt hila oa your aaxl palatini job.' phases of police work. Evening Herald..IIM AVE. OF I Randy Castro, South Windsor; board wMeh oboaa thraa o f the tional Guard, about 100 man, the aerviee to be served In the pital, Middletown, after a abort phono call la a long dliriance The dog waa lmpounan, where ha chorage to help to raaeue and PAINT CQ iBtiiior—Exterior—Color Consulting Service M yi'rtj/u ■ for each pattam. Print Name, daughUr, 149 School S t > Mra. 18. repair operations there. E/lJ’ee**d away Judith Provencher and daugh­ moved to Chester about one and The amounts are staggering— Tha honored alrmap U an Air 723 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER—PHONE 649-4Sni Number. ter, Iv Spriice St, Rockville; 1125 Main St., East Hsu^Uord, based at Ft. Walnwrtght, was loaa Easter Sunday. There will one-half years ago. 100 pounds of potatoes, a cass Force photographer aaalgaed to . . ___ 1—...... Ike gsto our loved one Only 60c — our '84 Spring- Mrs. Vivian Johnson and daugh­ last night was charged with en route to the city o f Valdes BUY THE PAINT THAT'S WORTH THE WORK Est. 1915 be special music by the choirs 32 PER CENT SA'VE STAMPS Shs was a Gold Star Mother of eggs and 80 pounds of sugar, the 8143 Oparattona Bquadfoa JWhieos and rest. Summer Album! New— Custom ter, 41 Strickland St; Mra failure to obey a atop sign. Hia with auppliea and equipment under the direction o f Mlaa Sue M U N IC H — Trading atampa w contort in the thought of World War I, and a member All milk, butter and meat at Itaauke. A 1353 g r a fts of a loving Ood hm>we bestr Collection—a group o f deluxe Elisabeth Tarasewich and aon, onalght vlotation occurred at The Army waa trid that Valdes Ladr, orgenlst. — or "rebate atamps,” as they look for too foldon arckos. . . NcDoulil 8 ^ of St. Joseph’s Church, Chester. | comes from the ranch, and HowraH Chaney Taehaieal • pattoms; also our rsgular fea- Portland; Mra. Phyilla SckqUar Ptoa and V^atout Sta, poUee araa flooded by a tidal wave WM. DICKSON & SON are called In Germany — were the CUfterd fa^gUy tui^s Survivors Include three grpnd-| much of the bread fs ‘ baked la 46 V9EST CENTER STREET tujpes and 4 free patterns. and fiau^httr, Andover. School, ha entered the eervioe in aaid. Coaao waa ofrderad to ap­ and that tha piers and docka in Maaoheetor Bveotof Herald Introduced to this country to children, Mrs. Robert Bums of i the'MuHendore kitchens. 1353. pear' hi court April 13. tha hafbor were destroyed. ' # P.AINTS Tel. 649-0920 — Mencliester, Conn. Ooveatry erore^ndent, F. Pau­ 1838. Tpday 92 per cent of 'West SILVER UNE EXTENSION line Uttle, telephone 74t-«Ml. German households colleot them. itt-" I I S N\.

/ P A G E E I G H T MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1964 ICAMCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SA’TURDAY, MARCH 28^ 1964 LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZL? LefuHanded Pinch Hitter Sought to Replace Departed Ed Bailey «6A'SS.’t r ‘- Around fho •sap AiMWtr t* Preview P rak Milirr "'"'A / A PINE LOOKING) HMPH/EVERy- Musically Inclined ^ ------VEHICLE, CHCTTEN-J NOW TMAt 'iXJ'RR IN -m s' ON6 THINK* DSN, BUri PREfER) HE WON A ; Grapefruit Leaguej CHIP6 SCO TO LNE Acaoss 4 “AH— •" Giants Make Pitch for Duke Snider A PLANE/—'HAK-\ THE PPJZr.MOOftHMff f o r t u n e in ] IDtace Rm 8 struggle KAPF/— MOST OP j THE SWEEP- ' SSens u d 6 Walk wearflr K 3UST WHAT TOU NWO/ The Olante need a left^iandedfally lost 7>l to Baltimore when HOLDINOE dance — 7-lly o a l ------NEW YORK (AP) — TWIN ENlfilNeE UP nZOiNT/j STAKE*.' OH, pinch hitter who can hit the long ARB O U T-O F-, SMnReeC AHpyiag naek Duke Snider apparently is the Orioles came up with Bve LucaSf Big O Injured f.r-gy IN b ac k , COLOR TV, A BAR WELL, HE MISHT th e ------kaln Earl Yost ball to replace the southpaw hit­ runs in the eighth inning. In the ETATE/ AS WELL &OOV BUGGS BUNNY AND A t e l e p h o n e WITH U a i m tilaiMl SBraiiUan tapir the left-handed slugger the ting of catcher Ed Bailey traded other game, the Houston Colte \ A HOLD BUTTON.' U PenInJnc 10 Vended HERALD SPORTS EDITO^ to MUwaukee during the off-eea- appetlaUoa llU tte n San Francisco Giants figure scored five rune in the first in­ aon. And the 37-year-old Snider ning end beet Kensea Cit -4 1 MWild m «f ITPufa ■» will bring the National Royals, Hawks Aim still is dangerous at the plate as Celebei 18‘TIoodnIML Today 8 Team ^ League pennant back to at Daytona Beach. IS "——V iweet I evidenced by his 14 nomert, BalUmore catcher Dick Brown B L M f R'« SO CHEAP apple dder” ITIitalary gods 38Plaius 43Race eeursa Candlestick Park this sea­ three triples end eight doubles led the Oriole attack with three 3SGraak god a t ctreeMa ’ HE'LL 00 ANYTHIN' ISlBchhr (Roman) son. for the Mets last season. M U ^ anew S4Patl war 41 Arrow poteoB bite—a homer, double and a To End Playoff Sets TO SAVE LOSIN'A SOOendneta 3g Aaeayanta SlUnfaitenad 44 Asterisk New York Mets The 10B3 N L champions who What sort of a deal the Giants two-run single in the decisive GOLP BALU 31Ba(ere StSnrgieal thread 83Maka antndt 46 Italian palatee dropped to third place in 1063 offered the Mete for Snider was eighth—to hack up hiUese relief a iJo W ttl 37Tranaftr from SSTldlar dTMNody Priday were reported to have not known and there was no im­ ^tchlng by Harvey Haddlx and NEW TOBK (AP)— and 8sny Lnene and i»> M Wuidew gla« ena ihip to dOConaacrate dSMarginatr started negoUaUons with the mediate reaction from ths New Dick Hall over the last four in­ OliMlniiatl Royals hope nerve Bod CNsea, Sack to ' S t------atUie another 41 Knoch —— 80 Malt brew FORT LAUDERDALE/ two years. It may take us flve^ Cubs. New York Mets in an effort to York club. nings. they can nu PhlladeipMa workiiig erder, r r IT r r years so that the other clubs ‘Tflkie tble kind o f a club,” 5 ^ - SrSC Sal nllabla 1 2 1 4 r FLA.— “The Mets,” Profes­ get Snider. The Duke, starting his 18th Houston’s quick five runs out of the Nattoual Bas­ BobertMa, who laiilsnd n * won't be glad they are playing Stengel said, "because we have SO'nioroiisUare sor Casey Stengel noted be­ The Duke, one of the few ac- year in the majors, walloped a came on EMdie Kaako's lead-off ketball Assonlatloa playoffs Ma right foreann aadLto SSBreedar 12 14 us. a lot o f youth, with the old 12 Uve major leaguers with more home run off Robin Roberts at homer, two walks with the bases before the Royals run out 34 Taka umbnea fore a small army of news­ K ey to any winning club Is vigor," the man who won 10 caa, who snffered hook la> L- than 400 homers to his credit Miami, Pla. Friday night in one loaded by Bob Anderson and a of heoMiy ball players. •8S Landed IT" IT men, “this season will have strength down the middle— Aipericen League flags with the jury daring TneadayTi da- and now in the twilight of his of two exhiblUon games played single by pitcher Hal Woode- Bat the 76era beaci by feat at PWladelphin hoik femtoine appeal. We have catctung, pltohlng, eeoond base Yankees offeri»d, standing up career, was sold to the 3 . e r V h n r on Good Priday. shlck. The game was called after Injuries through the regu­ played the foltonlag MgM 37 Units oil weight Jr tba nicest looking fallows, the —ehortstop .and oenterfleld— and kicking his legs like a young L Meta by the Los Angeles Dodg­ The homer helped the Mets eight Innings because of dark­ lar NBA aesBon and trall- when the Boyals wna 191- e im », 'Xmm lOU LET WEU.,THA‘n5 A LITTLE 81------a tuna ing In our new Shea commented. ‘1 did it that way around like Snider (Duke). night’s foarth gmma. was in far eoly eight nda- REALLX 830recn 1HINC AEOLTT RIPE PEGASUS ME GET A ROPE ON OUT OP MY UNE, BUT K AH, DIANA, u 22 and we'll have a treat in store when I was in the other leegue Snider’s In great shape. I know In the Wwtons DtvMoa ■toe la Wedamday*n vto* horsem eai; , WITHOUT THE TM AN' rLL RANG NOW, vegttabiflf MAYBE WE O N WORK/ VOU'RE A fo r everyone. The eeata will be (Am erlean) and I had to atari he can't play every day but he’s semifinals, the SL Louis tory. RDROOISAKB? MAGIC BRIPLEl WELL GIVE IT A TKT.', OUT SOMETHING I ^ REAL SWEET­ MISTER CARNIVAL 83Simoth SMITH, BY DIC'K TURNER 84Chanieal tuCx ■ the widest In baseball and they from acratoh over h e n , still a valuable asset to this Huskies Frosh Nine Hawks bold a 2-1 margla Oiaeo, vlollm of aspenito HEART.' 1 PLEASE iSWeighta a t 4i 8T IT 42 had better be beoauee we ex­ ’"Right now, 1 have five pret­ club, or to any other." over Loe Angles bat most ed aafcle^ did aot make the India t i pect to do a lot o f bouncing ty good pltchere. My No. 1 man * e e also battle the home floor trip. SO Ireland 81 la A1 Jackson. I know that ha’s STChuroh saat M around on that field when we One of Manchester’s best known sports figures, Sam hex tonight when they vtslt St. Lome had a ohaaoe to good because so many other Thomas All Right play. You know, we’re an up Massey, has been named freshman baseball coach at the Lakers. The home team finish off Loo Aagelea DOWN 82 82 82 clubs want him. Carleton W illey Another player who has ICoupla and down club, down more than University of Connecticut, it was announced today by By EARL Y08T hae woo each of the first Weetoesday bat a Mooked we are up.” is No. 3. He proved to me, and traveled the baaeball trail for a “ Rollle Sheldon has a good SMUItaiT 88 22 -< If number of years is Prank Athletic Director J. 0. Christian. six gamee in the two so- Hawks’ shot aad Elgla aaaiateiit The nonsense was over, everybody else, last jrear that chance of coming back to the lies. imtanaM he oould pitch, and w l^ If given Thomas, counted upon es the A Silk City native Who now! Yankees as a atarting pitcher,’’ Baytor’a last second basket Stengel had. everyone In a Cincinnati neede a vlo- en opportunity. Tracy Stallard ■tartlng third baseman. "Third lives in Union, Massey has a New York Manager Yokl Berra gave the Lekens a 107-109 good fram e o f mind and the tory over the 79ers to ed- ageless Stengel was ready to la No. 8, Jay Hook No. 4 and base was one of our weakest rich sports background as play­ said of the ex-Unlveralty of Con- decision and ke^ thrir lArry Beamarth No. 5. After spots last year. Thomas will fool er, coach and official. He was neoUcut's chances.” If Bill Staf­ vanoe to the Eastern finals hopes alive. OUT OUR WAY B Y J. R. W IL L IA M S get down to brass tacks and talk straight baseball about these five, we don’t have much." a lot of pcle. He's slow and (hreotor o f {diyulcal education ford didn’t look BO good Uiis against the Boston Ooltlos. If both serim go tko fh l bis Mete. I only hope that these fellows doesn’t have any arm, so they at TrtaiHy Parish, New Haven, spring; I'd take an extra look The Royals also need a few five gnmeo, the deoiriva Known fa r ehd wide as baaa- will be able to get the ball over tell ine, yet he gets to most for 30 yeans and at various at Sheldon. Sheldon would be day's rest to get their band­ contests will be played at WELL,WHAT ARE WHAT'S OH,THxr» NOT mr what1» ball’s worst collection of tal­ the plate so that the umpires balls hit his way and he lobs cal education and varsity sports much better off at Richmond, age brigade, which Inolndes CinrJniiati Sunday aad at yXIDOIM’SIMJPIKf SOT INTO BOTHERINS THE OLDSGMT ent, the Mets, preparing for wUl call ’em strikes." the ball over to m at before the times was supervisor of physi- where he would be pitching starters Oscar Robertson St. Loola Moaday. batter gets there so you'd have PRISCILLA’S POP THERET *itXJ SRAMPAW7 IS THE KIBTTZINS THATS their third National League Jackson, a little southpaw, ooach at Oomwall, N. Y., High every fourth day, than with us BY AL VERMEER SAID'lOU WERE WHY'S KEEPINS HIM HONEST/ to say he was all r i^ t” season, hope to improve their won IS and lost 17, the number School, was director of athlet­ and sitting on the bench. I f he TtXJ BUSY TO PLAY HE SO WITH SRAMP, WHEN HE f total number of victories even o f suoceeaes beUig a major There's hope for the Mate. r # ‘ V goes well at Richmond, he'll be TH O S E TACKLES SOLITAIRE, IT I ics and head coach o f baseball, A LITTLE CANASTA SNAPPISH achievement which one oonsid- Outside o f Los Angeles, the back.” Sheldon has not as yet 'A S T E R E WITH M E, BO WITH BOB ISA/T HOW >100 PLAY tf they can’t climb up in the football and basketball at Ar­ MID TH! Btandlngs. era the type club the Mete were. Mete could be the b l g ^ t draw­ been assigned to Richmond. WHY DON'T SrXI J U ST BE­ THE SAME, ITS * * • ing attraction this season In nold College. IN TM E SET ON ABOUT CAUSE HE WHETHER VDU WIN The hard-luok pitcher in all Positive Thinking YARD baseball last year, Roger Craig, the National League. W ith 10th He was supervisor of play­ Frank Ihomas, slated to open SOUR. WOULDN'T. OR LOSE/ grounds here In 1919 and at the BUSINESS PLAY Five Year Plan has moved on to S t Louis and place finishers, the Mete at­ the season at third base for the 1 CARDS? Three years ago, in their the fellow acquired. Oeorge Alt­ tracted 932,030 In 1B«3 and same time pfeiyed baseball with New York Mets, switched from ' maiden season, with a hunch o f man, figures prominently in the 1,080,108 last season, both vdtUe several area teams when Inde­ file seminary, back in 1948 castoffs from other clubs and Mete’ plana. pUylng at the ancient, rundown pendent baseball was at its iriiere be was preparing for the Hook’s New Goal minor league players, the Mets « « e Polo Grounds. The World's Pair, peak in N ew England. priesthood, to baseball. " I t was won but 40 gamea finishing across the street from Shea Sta­ A graduate of New Haven a tough decision to m ake," last The club Improved last Altman Key Man dium in Pluahing, won’t hurt the Normal School o f Gymnastics, Frank remarked, "but I have ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (A P )— PitcUier Jay Hook of year, notching 51 victories, but "Altman,” the 7S-year-old Mete' gate any, either. he hae degrees from Arnold and never regretted picking baoe- the New York Mets has mastered the theory of propel- still winding up at the bottom leader o f the Mete said, "wUl ^ "W all have a little respecta­ the department of education of ball." Thomas starts the ’64 ling a rocket millions of miles but he still has not mas­ o f the pack. the distance hitter that we were bility about us this year," Casey YaJe University. In 1959 he season ns the National League’s "They didn’t build Rome over­ lacking last year. Hiat Is, If he tered the technique of propelling a baseball 60 feet. warned ar he trotted over to was named a fellow by the sixth all-time home mn king night and no one Is going to can come back and hit Uka be In his manner, Manager Cu-4 keep a national televislmi com­ Amerioiui Association of among active {Hayers with 372 build a m ajor league club In did whan he played with the m ittm ent to Ms credlL ey Stengel puts it this way Health, Physical Bkhication and "H is pitches just don’t go it," he added. "Tfiia actual Recreation, a departmextt o f the where his mind wants them to pitching of the hall breaks down "W ell, Mr. Berra, what can into getting good stuff on ths NcUionat Biducation Associa­ I do for you?” <^asey Stengel 80.” tion. In his manner, Hook says: pitch, then getting the pitch to BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL asked as he greeted his long­ the right spot You shoidd ^ II Helped Trinity time friend. Yogi Berra. The “ It's my lack of positive con­ Campbell Leading centration.” able to do both. T v e been caught His most recent coaching as­ freshman New York manager , aEAN MV , IT’S ALWAYS, BATDBDAY ■ trying to be too carefuL That “ I KNOW it was the last word In luxury and BiaKancs signment was at Trinity Col­ l i answered, "W hat’s new?” The Whichever is more accurate, noOAA/CLEAN doesn’t help either.” *CO CLEAN yoUR 2:80 — Challenge Golf the imdeniable fact is that Hook, whan I told it to you, but that was thres months aj^!” lege where he coached the older manager then said, What about toe rap that MV KOO*A,' Channel 8 a 27-year-old right-hander with iV}Tj freshman team for a season, re­ ’ ’Name it. Yogi, and we dmi't Hook’s Interest in other fields -k all the talent needed to win In Azalea Open Play 8:80 — NCAA All-Star placing Bob %ultz. At UConn, have it. I Who knows, we might AKAMPJMA/ TM * ^ the majors, has a record of 29-61 have punctured hia concentan^ Game he succeeds Andy Baylock, Ekist even win a few games this tlon on pitching. Channel 8 year.” The latter quip was for seven seasons. In two sea­ Oatholic High football ooaoh sons with toe Mets, Hook has "People have said that,” HOok WILMINGTON, N. C. (AP)-Joe Campb«n, former 4 p.m. — Golf Classic who handled the freshman made in Jest, of course. The Channel 8 Mets have been the sentimental posted 8-19 and 4-14 records. admitted, "but I can’t see that, Purdue University golf and basketball star turned golf­ duties last season. SAM M ASSEY B E N C A S E Y 4:80 Sports Special favorites of thousands during An erudite student of gas dy­ btany guys work at different things in the winter. I f a guy’s ing executive, hasn’t won a tournament in over two Channel 89 their two years of competition. namics and rocket propulsion who is working on a masters de­ a haberdasher, it doesn’t mean >w ■ 1 r>i.n>» o • years. ’ 8 pm . Saturday at the gree at Northwestern, Hook when he's out there pitching he W»*"K lx. SO I MISHT AO But he feels he’s on the way Baoea Toronto Hurt hy Penalty Error With the weather ideal after speaks frankly of his problem. la going to be thinking w ou t wELL-maxxj wB to better things. He carried a Channel 8 Owens Selected rainout Thursday, 84 players "I’ve been guilty "of two what he's going to be wearing JUST DON'T HAVE one stroke lead Into today’s sec­ 8 p.m. — W ide W orld of in the field of 160 broke par and things,” said Hook, “incoiu^- after the game.’’ EMPTY BED... ond round of the $20,000 Azalea Sports (Sports Cars, 23 others equalled It To Replace Harp ency and negative thinking. I Well, then, has woridng for a EVEN IF HE , Open Tournament after riKMt- siding) Stanley Cup Playoff Series Dutch Hairison, winner hers have to work on positive con­ club that makes numerous ei> SHOULD A liig a five under par 67 yester- C^iannel 8 REQUIRE rrl 13 years ago and one day away LAWRENCE, Kan. (AP)— centration. rors affected hla pitching? S-2S day. 9 p.m.---Illgh Sohoel Sports from his 84th birthday, shot 89 The new basketball ’ ’Suppose,” he continued, "I can’t buy that either," ha “I made thoee six and seven- Channel SO Resumes at Forum Tonight to tie for tMrd with Rocky coach is Ted Owens, a bright "I’m pitching to a batter who said. "I'm only affected by vrtiat foot putts you have to make SHORT RIBS Mount N.C., amateur Ed Juste young assistant who already hit low outside pitch out of the I ’ve done. I get mad at myself BY FRANK O’NE.AL when you are playing well," SUNDAY and pros Tommy Jacobs, Jack MONTREAL (A P)—Toronto^the Maple Leafs in the penally has a solid reputation as a soft- park on me toe last time. I when I make a bad pitch- was the w ay he summed up Ms McGowan and Don Fairfield. 2 p.m. — N C A A Swimming and Montreal resume their civil box SLfter his two-minute de­ sell recruiter. can’t say to myself I won’t put much more so than when an in- 'HEVf WHAT HOW CO/AE NOU flHE CROWS ARE ON 36-31 tour o f the 6,744-yard nurteen others followsd at Channel 8 war tonight and If round two layed term had expired. Geof- The 34-year-old Owens, as­ the ball there again. That’s neg­ fielder makes an error. You Cape Pear Country Club course. /AllE\fcxJ OOING?/^ HAVEN'T HEARD? -THE V/ARPATH.' 70, Including T o m Lema, Gene 2:80 — Sports Spectacular o f their Stanley Cup semifinal frlon scored during toe mix- sistant to former coach Dick ative thinking. I ’ve got to con­ have to only judge your own pez^ SCTTlNS It gave him a one-stroke edge Littler, Bruce Devlin, Lionel OIuuumI 8 series resembles Thursday’s up. Clarence Campbell, Nation­ Harp the past four years, was centrate on getting it low and forinances. over Bob Gajda, 47-year-old •m oy Hebert and George Bayer. 4 pm. — World of Golf opener, the officials will be toe al Hockey League president, hired yesterday as head coach. away if that’s where I want It. " I ’ve just got to think I can €{ Birmingham Hills, Ifich., pro \N Fourteen others were a shot Channel 80 busiest— and dizziest—men in acknowledged toe error yester­ Wade Stinson, toe new Kansas "That’s the mental part of do better,” he said—positively. who Is playing his way home to away at 71. Billy C$M pv, at 72, toe Forum. day but said toe issue was dead. ./ athletic director, said toe job CASE his club job after playing oMy and defending champion Jerry The first game, won by toe Hawks Used Muscle wasn’t offered to anyone else. OF the four-tournament Caitobean Barber, with 74, were other Morehead Proves Canadiens, 2-0, almost turned In Chicago, where toe Black Harp resigned Thursday. AN tour this winter. trailing favorites. into a mass sit-in as players Hawks and Detroit Red Wings Owens recruited most of toe Campbell, a chunky, clgar- INDIAN A fte r today’s round the field from both teams skated colli­ meet Sunday in toe second con­ top Kansas players in recent Riverside Opening Tonight smoklng 3^year-old blond, Is will be cut to the low 60 and Problem for Sox ATTACK, j MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLl sion courses into toe penalty test of their semifinal set. years. He found 6-11 Walt Wes­ vice president of a company ties and the 10 amateun for box. Referee Prank Udvarl as­ Hawks pilot Billy Reay credit­ ley, a talented sophomore, and I Danny Galullo opens defense'^terbury, bad the biggest win­ maidng a new-etyle grip for Sunday and Monday play. PALM aPBINOS, Calif. (AP) sessed 31 penalties, including ed his team’s 4-1 opening-game played a major part in toe re­ golf cluhsi EiVer the executive, ning season in toe history of — What’s wrong with pitcher 16—a playoff record—in toe victory to muscle. cruiting of Oeorge Unseld, 6-7 of his stock car champlonsMp OONY T H o e e o j v © he pointed out to newsmen that Riverside in 1963. He not only I'D HATE TO BUN INTO Dave Morehead? opening period. "We were going after them." junior, an All-B ig Eight p ivo t I tonight as racing at Riverside \ A O R R S ^ ARBFtZEhiOeOF was master of toe modifleds, e c M e e ^ i H A T the grip has been a major fac­ The penalty wave was too Reay said yesterday. "That's BUZZ SAWYER CINCV... ((O Bowling Red SoK Manager Johnny Kansas had a third place fin­ \ Park Speedway starts for toe but he also copped the crown BY ROY CRANE MiNe...Twe/ OOeSMTLIKESOU/ tor In his Improved play. much for toe timekeeper, who toe way to stop any team. If ish this year in toe B ig E ig h t Peaky would like a quick an­ 16th season. A big crowd o f in toe Tuesday night jalopy fU- u Top Bookie In '62 swer. became so confused he unwit­ you don’t give them Ume to do THIS TAPE E A R L Y B D tD S -O ig a OoOa first-nighters Is expected to vislon. YOU PEOPLE ARE DOING RESEARCH IT S CONE/ OUR FIRST Joe has had Ms ups and Boston resumes exhibition tingly shortchanged Toronto anything, they just don’t get RECORDING OF A 125— 368, Anna LaUberte 126, welcome toe popular speed "Danny Boy” won’t be rest­ WORK WITH PORPOISES. I'D I HEAVCMS; SUCCESSFUL ATTEMPT TO downs stnoe his selection five while Bemie - Geoff rion scored anything done." College Baseball PORPOISE WAS Jean Beauregard 129. pleor agralnat the Los Angeles sport back to Agawam. The ing on his past laurels, how­ PLAY THE TAPE FOR 'lOU. CARRY ON A CONVERSATION years ago as pro golf rookie of Montreal's decisive goal in toe Defenseman A1 Lainglois of , SEIZED FROM A PABKADE PINNBITB8 Angels today after being idle North Carolina State 6, Con­ inaugural feature will be a 30- ever. He’s ready to unveil a y^WlTH OUR P0RP01SE»HAPPY."- the year. In 1962 he won more first period. Detroit can testify to toe .FOREIGN SPY. Joyce Spetber 183— 450, linda yesterday. necticut 5. lap race. The eight-event card new car tonight. His No. 63 la SOM EBOOTS than $21,000 on the tour. Last Dead Issue Now Hawks’ added punch. Langlois SuMvan 175—461, Lee Pope 177 Moiehaad, signed ae a $76,- Mlaipi, Pla. 2, Wealeyan 1, gets underway at 8:16. expected to do a lot of damage REMOVED IT year, stepped by an appendec­ GeoUge Ogg, toe penalty is being fitted for a special — 602, Dot Peterson 188-178— 000 bonus boy two years ago Wesleyan 4, Ohio State 1. Galullo, toe whiz from Wa- this season. FROM OUR tom y a t Greensboro, N. C., he tlm'^'eeper, kept Dave Keen of mask after suffering a frac­ F IL E S ' ^ won leM than half that amount 534, June Smith 191 — 475, and owner of 10-13 big league € > Marie English 179, Bv MoCaulsy record laat season, has a 9.9 tured right cheekbone, toe re- And M nine tournaments be­ ^ult of a Red Hay bodycheck. fore coming here he only 179— 475, Wanda Kasslauskaa earned run average for 10 In- pocketed about $1,600 this year. 474, Dot Whltriiead 191— 487, ninge work this spring. He Is <. I o Ginny Lind 194 — 467, Ain M T A NAVAL A hand Injury In mid-winter counted u|>on ae a starter. ------DUX Fountain 482, Bemlce Ottiert ^RESEARCH ■ 0 - ' forced Mm to lay off a few "H e isn't the same pitcher he 177 — 453, Orsaaa Barter 174, — O ' c 3-38 ^ weeks. Hs won $600 yesterday was lest year,” Pericy moans. Aging Olson STATION IN 4 . Doris Kirtiand 453, Cathy Ren- FLORIDA. fo r the beat score o f ttw round, "H e seems to have gotten hlm- a dally bonus prtes awarded by gtons 176. aelf all fouled up some,, way. the sponsors. "D ave Is not throwlnig any­ M ay Be S e t 1 CAPTAIN EASY- BY LESLIE TURNER Campbells' longest putt was where ee hard as he did last a 12-footer for one of Ms five Duckpin Leaders year. And everything he throws birdies. He missed only one la straight as a s t r l^ . For Title Try MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD McKW TH ArSAM ipl HE POUN'T TRUBT OF COURSE. green, but got Ms par by chip­ NEWINGTON ^AP) — The ‘TVs a mystery to me. I hope THWK* A OOCrOR*! BY THIIRSBCONP VISIT BUT VM WIST ping three inches from the hoM. W est Hartford team o f BiU we can get It straightened out." SAN PRANaSCO (AP)—Cart PSYCHIAIWBT TMBV PINb SOtNB TACTFUL WAV TO TVMfFeeeM n TJMI Betedke 0I5B flying lave in a match 5-5, which surprised most of the bodeau, Ed Werner and Dick Smith; atandi^, Ev Stdomoneon, ^ Chmwford* awtnunen and d lv e n have put llMee iachide gtave Ctarfc, points in ths thnM-mster 3,900 present and Olson, whose on an eaeiting dii^to of power the rpeedlest swimmer In 'Tals divs where flisir nearest against West Ham in ayes mfsted when hs. Isansd the Rev. Boh Sho(ff, Herh Phekm and Haidc rn j. M iaeinf was D oe Winn. (Hn^ t the past two days. T b eyT e bco- hlstary; BttUaaa’a goM sM # r - Isogsrs fiua • shutout i ■ Londoo. hs had was. aid Photo hy Qfiarm.)

i PAG E TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1964 KANCHBSTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONK., SATUBDAY, MARCH 28, 1984 Building— Contracting 14 Help Wanted—•Female 35 HoosehoM Goods 51 Apartaente—Flat!— Fnrntoliad Apartments 93^Aj Honaea For 8ak 71 PAQB H o« n s Pfir Sttlc 72 WANTED—Woman for nursery Tenements 63 CTBA»mHr> A-pAwnxsiarm Arma LONDON PARK — Bix room For Bate 72 H h m 9« For 8ttl« 72 R o om s For Sok 72 CARPENTRY WORK—8J yearn' BVBRTTOINO IN sterlllaed *•- BBATHD APARTMXNT8, some He For Sate 72 Late For Sals 7S Wanted-^Real Bstete 77 Treiblt niMchiis Our AdvertiMr? experience, ceilings, floors supervision Thursday morn­ cooditloKiMd used furniture and furnished. • rooms, first floor, Cape, 6 rooms finishsd, 3 ysars ROOM .Cape, raar school,^ Wanted-lteid W U M T t F O im ROOM ^Mutment, all $14,900.-FAmLT priced IH BOLTON'S BEST BDY-g bed­ VERNON — $11,800. Immediate tiled, porches, rec rooms, ga­ ings, >;1S-12 noon. Apply Ver­ fireplace, 9100; 4 rooms, sec< cid, largs woodsd iot 118,960. bua, ahopping. 3-ear garage, room home, large kitchen with $14,900-3 STORY home with BM/PON—Fonr lots, 6 acres, aiKUNO YOUR Home? CaU rages, additions, attics fin­ non Lanes, Route 88, Veniremon. utillUes and heat, H80. 80 Lo­ PhUhrici Aganoy. e4t4M4. alumlmra Jdtag, comb^l room M t Level on partly occupancy. Convenient to park­ garage. 6 rooms ta the finest FARM OR ACWBiMHD W U e A cust fitreet. AvaDabIc May 1st cod floor, fireplace, $100; 8 dining area, S bedrooms, Uv­ wooded lot, ^>pmKlniately two corner Routo » , French Road. Paul J. Correntl Agency, 648- M-Htur Auiwtriug Sunrice ished, Lake and shore cottage ttana, k n ^ pine kitchen, flre- way. Sound I room older home, cradltlra, newer aiding and $6,000, will take first aioctgage. private party daetfw S9 to 100 ,64941338, 94. rooms, 888. Garfield 9-6038. lng room with fireplace, smaU aoree, wltb State etoekad traot ^6868. Q------u akedJuye.. buyers waiting acres, preferably with S 'o r 6 woric. No Job too small. Im­ WOMAN for steady laundry 2174. 9-g. BIGHT ROOMS for |lT,90fr-we plaM, wall carpet, garage, good staed rooms, roof, 100’ frontage wiu city • — a. Botcombe, Rsaltor, 644- work. Apply New Syrtem Laun­ havs ana llstad. Old bat aolid. sunroom, full cellar, 3-car ga­ brook nnmtag through propar- Kreened porch, high lot. traee, for multiple dwctltaga. Uedroom home nearby M m - mediate esUmates. 64S-2629. NEW FOUR rootn apartment rage. almost 3 acres. Wolver­ utiHtlae, maximum Ilving at a S£' fielay—call today. Fn t to Htrald Readers dry, Harrison Street. FTIOM OUR New Hampshire Business Locations Mow beat pebit, ate. Vacant 900rPhUbrtck Agency, 649-6464. ty. Completely buUt-ta Utclien ameeite drive. Easily financed. low, tow price. Wesley R. Chester. Haply Box O, HecakL MASONART—Fireplaces, chim first floor, stove, refrigeraUm. ton Agency, Realtor, 6464616; Inehidee refrigerator, ftraaaar, Lawrence F. Ftara, Realtor, workshop—Custom made Colo- Ihquire at 166 WetbereU f t For Rent 64 Lot ta 100 by 370 with a Smith Agency. 64S-US4. OAKLAND TERRACE — Level Wsat InfannMlaa on OM of our daaaifled odvertiaeiTMateT No neys, patios, and brick veneer. SPRING AND SUMMER will niaC type items at giveaway stove, oven, dtsbwasber, dis- 64^37SI. Charias Nlcholsra, OUR EXPANDING fsel eetata bam. T. J. Crockatt Raisitor, wooded tot 100x140, $$,000. 649- service otfera tlM hemeowaer •■ower ot the telephoae Uoted? Simple ooU the Brick, block, etc. Workman­ soon De here. Think of the good prices. Wan racks, planters, 648-1677. pooal, Mrrii eaMnets. LivliMr 74I4S64. 7619. SPRING HAS SPRUNG times you and your family can THREE ROOM apartmant b8at FOR RBN T-O ftlce in the Tln- BETTER THAN MEW-6 room prompt, efficient service ta ship guaranteed. Call 849-2402 iMwthecary chests, etc. 649- and hot water, newly redec­ ker Bldg. Apply Olenney'i VERNON room (13x33) has paneled flra- anytime. have with the extra Income you THREE MINUTES from down- R « ^ farage, 3 baths, diali; UMDBR $14,800—6 room (xqte, TW O FA M ILY OFF PORTER 6TREBT — $ e e l ^ , tradtag, or ouWghC MANCHESTER - ROCKVILLE 1626. orated. Adults only. Inquire Men’s Shop, 789 Main f t washar, many eactras, convam piMa waU, raised hearth, ple- Buyers are buying early this earn as th« Avon Representa­ town Manchester. .An unusual tore wtedow. Under $30,00 completely finished, 4 bed­ choice Residential A lota. Spring. Now U the tlm« to cash for reeldentlal or taveat- ANSWERING SERVICE ADDITIONS — Retaining walls, tive in your territory—a patio, 649 Main Street Phone 848- B room ranch, Scar garage im t toeaUen. Only $16,600. rooms, beautifully wooded set- ment properties. FOr raoolta WE8TINGHOU8E electric stove, 3171. 8TORB FOR RENT with U- 7^ room ranch on beautifully CaU S4I-S630. Broken invited. Oeared, level, $$,900 each. sell your hoUM. Four cus­ cement floors, garages, bath­ a swimming pool, a longer fun- tatarcom throughout hoiMe. C ^l Romar ttag on the busli■une, high as- Located near Center Park call Wesley R. Smith Acener. 40” , double oven, 4 burners; tached 2-stUl garage, located landscaped lot, 8 or 4 bed­ 3844, 538-3007, Warren B. Howland, Realtor, tomer-minded salesmen to 649^500 — 875-2519 rooms tiled, remodeling. Roof­ packed vacation! FUll training. also, double sink with modem rooms, living room with fire­ 3 bedrooms, statalsss buUt- wmaMe m ortgan. 7liis~ value and Mata Street on a tot 64I-U06. 649-1804. NEW LUXURIOUS 4 room cn W. Middle Turnpike near ins, atUo fra, Hghtntag rods, Vernon work for you. REAL ES­ ing. Call 649-4291. Why not call today? 289-4922. single faucet. Excellent condi­ place, pan&ed den, family won’t last. Wesley____ R. Smith with 106 toot frontage. OU M d leave yoar meesace. youH hear from our advertieer In Jigr apartment, carpeted, heat, hot Parkade. CUl B. DubUdo, 649- phone Jacks ta all rooms. steam heat, aluminum com- TATE IS OUR ONLY BU8I- tion. Reasonable. 649-1080. sise kitchen, oil hot water heat, Agency, 649-1894. b e a u t i f u l country view ra time without apendiny all evening: at the telephone. RN OR LPN, Priday and Sat­ water refrigerator, atove, 6306 between 8-9, Saturday 9-8. *pacial llghttag. Many more MANCHESTER-—6 room rataafi BEAUTY AND APPEAL bfnatira windows, 4-car ga­ NBSS. Call us today for Legal Notics washing machine, garage. versatile room arrangement ranch x that featurm I bod- hUI. near new lO-bola gc4f prompt, professional advice Roofing—Siding 16 urday, 11-8 a.m. Greenlawn extras too numerous to men- TWO FAMILIES — Look no rage, Up-top shape. Shown oourae. Parkway, bus, a ^ - Adult couple only. «iia month­ Ideal set-up for In-Iaws. Wol- rooms, living room with flra- Sli*roam Ranch for buyer ra all real estate matters. Convalescent Home, Rockville, tlcn. Gall on this house fo- further. I A 8 ta Bowers sec­ only by iqipotaitmant. Ptag, school. $3,600. Nearby AT A OTURT o r PR O BAn held ly. 743-8090. STORB, 460 Main S t, 649-8339, verton Agency, Realtor, 849- place, kltohen with buUt-hi deefring many extra ^ Cotnplet© Mrviee throiurh 87S-4291. diy. tion, both unite vacant; a 4 A4 tots $8,000. Inquire $66 Slater ***"chestsr. within and tor (be Lost and Found 1 Auto Driving School 7-A SINGER 113th t - 6 . 3818. range and dlahwasher, dining turee. Bullt-ta OftR, waU to MulUpCe Listing. pistriM of Mraebester. on the 9 M (older, but neat) off Mata atraet, Wa«|>tag. day of March. 1964. terations ana additions C l ­ COOK WANTED lor rest home, ATTRACnVB 6 room duplex, area, lower level Includes wall carpetliig, air condi­ LOST—Altered male cat, Oger MORTLOCK'S Driving Bcbool 8 bedrooms, large cabinet Street undair $30,000; and many ELVA TYLER, R«sltor Present Hon. John J. Wallett Inc., offices, classroom located ings. Workmanship guaran­ 360. weekly, live in, Thursdays BIRTH D AY room, den or office, utlUty tioned bedroom, recently re­ new ones from $30,000 on up WARREN E. HOWLAND Judge. and white, vicinity Clover ffills, kitchen, basement and attic, Houses For Rent 65 WARREN E. HOWLAND Estrie of Unda Ann Johoaon of Wi^yplng. Reward. 644-1497. Manchester Parkade, lower teed. 299 Autumn St 648-4860. off. 878-3141. I room rad garage, oil hot wa­ decorated. I M value, but ta aU locatlans. Even one ta 649-4460 or 646A90S weekend Sabarban For Sale 75 Realtor SALE steam oU heat, capptT window BOLTON-COVENTRY ' Realtor ter heat, IH baths. Owner only $16,000. R. Walker 64S- Muchester, In aald district a level. Beglimera, older, nerv­ screens, opposite Crater Paric. THREE ROOMS, furnished or Bowers School area. T. J. minor. BIDWHILL HOME Improvement CLERICAL TYPIST position unfurnished, reasonable, pine heading west. Wolverton 6806, 878-6611. BOL/TON—^Notch Road. Brown 860 Mata St., Manchester The Hartford National Bank and LOST—CSiild's glasses in brown ous students, our specialty. Immediate occupancy. Adqjta 160 Mata St., Manchester Crockett, Realtor, 84S-1677. case, vicinity Strickland and Company - Roofing, siding, al­ available, local insurance com­ grove, adults only, pCeasant LINE Agency, Realtor, 649-3818. (fotonial Cape, 6 laigs rooms, 648-1108 Tr^t Compray. Guaidiaa. havtag Teen-age driver’s education Siant-o-matlc desk models— preferred. 649-78a. 648-1106 MANCHBSTER-^Aks Street. 6 exhibited its annua] account wftt Hawthorne Streets. Call 649- courje. State certified. 640-7898. terations, additions and re­ pany, pleasant working condi­ location east Manchester. 648- BARROWS A WALLACE ROCKUBDOBl—Custom built 3 38 foot living room, 2 baths, modeling of all types Ehccel- tions, competitive salary, merit some new, some demon­ FOUR BEDROOM colonial on room Dutch CMonial, 1 4 baths, said estate to this Court lor aN S090. RockviUe office, 80 Ward St., FY)UR ROOM iqtartment in­ 6889. Twin Hills Drive bedroom ranch, outstraiUng rae acre wooded lot, walking lowance. it Is lent workmanship. 649-6496. Increases, excellent fringe strators and floor samples the busUne, lUie new Inside and Mancheeter Parkade, 1.6 acres well shaded, great “ •trace to echoed. CaU 643- Th*» Oio 8tb day of 870-49U. cluding heat, hot water, gas quality, many unusual fea­ Legal Notices April, 1964, at ten o'elodc forenoeo benefits, hours 8:16-4:18, Mon­ and sewing room machines. $14,900—Air condltlontag, dish­ flwtalde, financing no problem, Mancheater, 6494IS06 for children. Close to shopping 4606. These are sig-zag machines stove, and refrigerator. GUI tures, tacludlng swimming at the Probate Office In the Moxie- LEARN TO DRIVE - Special day through Friday. Evening Resort Property Custom 70 foot 6 room ranch washer, fireplace, large kitch­ truly a bargain at $16,100. Wes- pool. Extra tot If desired. center rad schools. Good neigh­ AT A TOURT OF PROBATE held Iple Bui'ding in said Manchester, BIDWELL SIDING and roofing. all fully guaranteed. Re­ 849-7834 between 5-7 p.m. borhood. 3-car garage, en- Announcements attention to nervous and elder­ interviews by appointment. For Rent 67 on acre lot, kitchen has en, roomy S bedroom ranch, R- Smith Agency 849-1894. HEBRON — 10 minutea from Priced below cost. To inspect w end the same Is assigned a ly. Classroom fOr teen-agers. 643-8379, 878-9109. Please call Mrs. Lubas, 643- duced S40. buUt-lns, living room has ctoeed Bunporch, extras. Priced Farms For Sale 76 HanciKMtcr. on the 25th hearing on the allowance ot said ELECTROLUX sales and serv­ ROCKVILLE — New 3-room 100x360 lot Don’t wait. Carlton MODERN S-bedroom, full tfitt- Manchester. CUatom built call owner 84S-S310. day of March, A.D. 1964. account and said Guardian's three Pickup service. Day or eve­ 1124, 643-1126. MISQUAMICUT, Rhods Island flrepCsoe, attached breese- W. Hutchins, Realtor, 649-6133. at $33,600. If tatereated call prior accounts with said estate, ice, bonded representative, Al­ 8upply limited. 8hc^ early. apartment, heat, hot water, ap­ mrat ranch, one block from ranch, 0 rooms, one a c n land, 648-6188. BOLTON—100 acre farm plus a ning lessons. Reasonable rates. pliances furnished, off street summer reeort—Now Is the way and garage, double walk-out cellar, breaseway, ga- MANCHESTER — Easter Spe Judge**"*’ and this Court directs that notles fred Amen, 206 Henry St., Man- Roofing and Chimneys 16-A ameeite drive. SEVEN ROOM older home, 4 Bulkley School, immediate oc­ lovely recent 8 room colonial, Eriate of Myrtle Rlchaj-daon. late of the time and place asatgaed for ManrJiester Driving Academy, parking. Immediate occu­ time to make your reservation rag*- CaU 049-6614. dais. 4 room ranch, city utfl- said hearing be given to all pop- Cihester, 648-0400. 742-7240. Help Wanted—Male 36 bedrooms, 3 baths, lot 72x161, cupancy, Vln Boggtal, Bel Air lUes, near bus, -shopping, rad with four bedrooms. Sraie of Manchester in said district, de- ROOFING — Specialising re­ pancy. CUl 876-6409. for your summer vacation. We Estate, 648-9883. caaied. sons known to be interested (here­ SINGER SEWING Marion B. Robertson, Realtor MANCHESTER—Huge 6 room schools, $11,800; short way out barns, aU equipment stays. Upon application of Nan R. Clapp in to appear and be heard thereon INCOME TAX Returns prepared pairing roofs of all kinds, new have cottage rentals by the SOPHISTICATED Meat for the "gentleman farm­ DRIVERS for school buses, ' ANDOVER—4 room apartment week, month or season. L ^ s s 643-6968. ranch, 3 baths, double garage, —Mautiful 0 room ranch, mint Executrix praying for authorttj- to ' by publishing a copy of this order by auditor. BusinesB and in­ roofs, gutter work, chimneys Manchester-Vemon area, 7:30- CENTER J. D. REALTY BOLTON — Modern 8 bedroom er , phis an opportunity to sell oodJPromlsp and seuls a certain i In some newspaper haring a cir- with stove and refrigerator, and Stanton Realty, i^one family room, recreatibn room, cradiUra, aluminum siding, rulatlon in said District, at least dividual. Raymond Olrard. Oall Garage—Service— cleaned, repaired. Aluminum 8:46, 2:16-3:30. Call 643-2414. $8,600 - WELL KEPT OH room ranch on 160x150 lot, assumable some lots ta the future. T. J. doubtful and disputed claim in fa- i siding. SO years' experience. 832 Main 8t., 843-8883 first floor. 742-7641. Mlsquamlcut 848-8117. 618 Center St., 643-6138 many extras. Caritra W. combtaatira windows, modem 6 4 room Split Level, toter- estate against ths I seven days before the day at said coUeot. 870-7882. Storage ranch, S bedrooms, attractivs $116 monthly mortgage. Vln Crockett, Realtor, 048-1677. ^en d ly Ice Cream Corporation o f' nearing and by mailing on or be­ 10 Free estimates. Call Howley, Ifiitchtaa, Realtor, 6464083. kitchen, knotty pine living and eettag studio type living dining area, suburban. Owner Bogglni, Bel Air Real Eetate, area, kitchen tx^-tau, rear Connecticut, it is ' fore March M. 1964, ^ corUfisd INCOME TAXES prepared In 648-6861. 648-0768. FIVE ROOM apartment. In­ 643-9833. dining rooms, private beach, GJ^ERED; That the foregoing mall, a copy of thla older to Ed­ your borne or by am>^tment, quire 83 Birch Street after Business Property anzloua Carlton W. Rutehtas. MANCHESTER - Two famCy, $11,900; over 100 Usttags all patio, garden ihed, shade aimllcation be heard and dete * I ward Johnson. 161 Loomis St., Man­ OARAGE for rent, 182 Maple p.m. Realtor, 64941S1 Legal Notices chester. Conn.: Charles J. Cole. experienced tax work, 24 hour Truck Drivers G. E. ROnSSERIE oven, used For Sale 70 MANC-ICHESTFJR — Year old 6 BUTLFIR ROAD—3 bedroom 6-6-3, aeparate heating and price ranges. The Ellsworth trees, amealta drive. Only mined at tae Probate office In 1 St. 643-4781. utlUtieB, centraUy located, $17,800. Mjmehester in said District, on the Esq., c/o Robinson. Rolitaison A service. CaU 648-4723. Radio-TY Repair 8 times, excellent condition. roomom ranch, built-in Mtehen, ranch, cloee to shopping area Wtten Agency, Realtora, 648- A COURT OF PROBATE hMd 1 ^ day of April. A.D. 1964, at Cole. A t ^ .. 750 Main 8t.. Hartfotd. OCCUPANCY April 1 - Five WEST SIDE OAPB—Six rooms, priced to aeU. Phone 6494)888. I Good starting salary. Must Cost price $89—sacrifice for BUSINBSS ZONE m — Bight wall-to-wall carpeting, nat 6 or 4 bedrooms, fireplace, rad BchooCs. PhoM 940-7934 6980. 668 E. Middle Tpke. Open eleven o clock in the forenoon, and I Conn.: Hartford National Bank A FEDERAL INCOME tax re­ Services 18 have clean record, be over $40. 649-4200. room apartment, $86, autoquU- rooms with two offices, sep­ that n ^ce be given to all pereons Trust Company. Guardian, H GARAGE FOR RENT—11 Fair- Ural woodwork, attached ga> porch, rec room, new wood after 6. Monday through Friday Ull 9, Pearl 8t.. Hartford. Conn. turns prepared with your sav­ 26 years old. 649-3866, Ext. Ic heat and hot water. 98 Weds arate entrance, suitable for MJCKY? You may be, to get Batorday and Sunday UE 6. WARREN E. HOWLAND Intereated In said estate of the field Street. Cali 643-4888. CONNIE’S TV and Radio Serv­ Street between 7-8 or call 628- rage, 817,900. Hayes Airacy, shingle aiding, close to bus and this lovely t bedroom rracA Realtor pendency of aald application and the JOHN J, WALLETT. Jodga. ings in mind. Reasonable 7. PUSH BUTTON stove with business or professional use. 643-4808 ANDOVER-BOLTON — Beauti­ Ume and place of hearing there- rates. E. J. Bayles, 649-6240. ice. avallt.ble all hours. Satis­ warming oven, fully automatic, 6836. school, $14,800.^ Philbrick with beautiful rec room—re­ $12,60S-SIX ROOM Ckipe, 5 faction guaranteed. Call 648- Philbrick Agency, 849-8464. Agency, 649-8464. ful new Gold Medallion home. 860 Mata St., Manchester Belau of Jsaa A. Heckett of ^ by publishing a c»py of this 89” , very good condition, $25. FTJLL SHED DORMER — Six 5 rooms and bath, acre lot, full duced-vacant. E. J. Carpen­ rooms finished, near bus, shop­ le a d e n s . CalUomlA ownlM prop- omer In some newspaper having a BUYING TIME FULL-TIME tax accountant 1816. AUTO mechanic, experienced NORTH COVENTRY — Modem ter, Realtor, 64941061. 8M-1106 toi'ltsj^eatcr In said District, circulation In said district, at least BELGRADE (AP) — A group Motorcycles—Bicycles 11 Call 649-3906. INVESTMENT PROPERTY - rooms, 3 baths, remodeled basement, completely land­ ping area and schools. Owner an Incapable person. ready to assist you with your tune-ups, general repair work. 2% room apartment, utilities BOLTON—Veterans opportunity, seven days before the dav of said of 17 stores in this YugaalavUi 3 stores, 7 room apartment, kitchen, fireplace, reo room, scaped. Call Frederick M. anxious. Call 8434S267. Upon apjj^caUoe of Jamos U. h ^ in g to appear U they see cause Income tax preparation. Rates MOTOR BIKE, 1962 Honda, 80 Seymour Auto, 681 Main furnished. 742-7720 before 2:80. no down payment required on ROCKVILLBl—Pive room ranch, capitol are offering price cute and separate 80x87 concrete screened porch. Bowers School, this 8 room ranch on Cook Gaal, Brt*er, 648-2682 or 648- K place and be reasonable. S. J. Turklngton cc, excellent condition. Call Moving—Trucking— Street, Manchester. block buUdliw with heat, lava­ 0281. city water and sewers, private MANCHESTER — Immaculate MANCHESTER—Off B. Center heard relaUve thereto, and make to encourage shoppers to Musical Instruments 53 ROCKVILLE — Sunny 4 room Philbrick Agency, 649>84S4. Drive, or can be purchased backyard, convenient to stores return to thla court. Jr., 648-7781. 649-6860, 1:30-6 p.m., anytime Storage 20 tory, and office space. $39,900. 6 room Cape ta a quiet, con­ Street. Sturdy 6 room home, ______JOHN J. WALAETT. Judge change their hours. The stores Saturday, Sunday. MAN TO LEARN molding cov­ ELECTRIC GUITAR, semi-solid flat, near stores and bus line, with 10% down. Comer lot. rad Bchoole, $11,800. Owner through center hall, wall-to- want to end the traditional Contact Philbrick Agency, 649- 83 FOOT RANCH, Porter Street Selling for only $18,700. An ex- venient locaUon. 8 or 4 bed­ O IO B R B D : That the (orsgoinx INCOME TAXES prepared tn MANCHESTER Delivery. Light ers on , 5-day week. dual pickups, with case, $711. hot water, off street parking, 8464, for detank 876-1472. rooms, spacious kitchen, lots waC carpeting, 2-car garage, KPUcettpn he heard and detei? AT A TOURT OF PROBATE held lunchtime cloee - down when area, beamed celling, 3 fire- ceUent value. Start packing retired Internal Revenue of NEW CH Sportsters and FLH trucking and package delivery. Apply Tober Baseball Manu­ Call 649-0361. nice yard, $66 monthly. 876- MANCHESTER GREEN of cabinet rad counter space, immaculate. Hayes A nn cy, nuned at the Probate office In Man- at Mancheeter. within and for the commercial activity stops dead fleer. Marvin Baker, 648-6277. facturing Co., 114 Brooklyn St., 0906. daces, IH baths, b^t-lns, 6 rad call T. J. Crockett, Real­ I f ANCHESTER—$14,900. 0 room cheetsr in said District, on Uie 9th district of Mancheater, on the »th Duo-glides mi display. Used Refrigerators, washers aj^ fularge rooms, double garage, reasraably priced at $14,400. 643-4808. day ^ Aprfl. ^ D . lto4. at t ^ day of March. A.D. 1964. for four hours ta the middle of motorcycles. Harley-Davldson stove moving specialty. Folding Rockville. Land For Sale 71 tor at 643-1677. brick Cape, fireplace, garage, — —— ------o (dock In the afternoon, and that Present, Hon. John J. Wallett. FOUR ROOM apartment, heat, 128' frontage. Carlton W. excellent condition, trees, near Wolverton Agency, Realtor, JUO f €• the day. Anyone who buys in Sales, 49 Park Street, Hart­ chairs for rent. 6494)782. FOR SALE—Clarinet, $60. 643- 649-2818. $14.900—UNBEATABLE rrach P*reons In- the stores during that time is EXPERIENCED hardwood floor hot water, on bus line, $96. Hutchins, Realtor, 649-6US. VERNON — Mitchell telephone 4 bedroom ranch, 1^ baths, bus, shopping, school. O rlton Hlstate of John Henry Hackett of ford. 247-9774. 9300. BOLTON—20 acres, wooded, on fireplace, famfly sized kitch­ value,value. 6 4 rorai.nxmiB and garage,« a r « e , of the pen- offered a five per cent discount. Personals layer and floor sander, paid monthly. Call 649-3176. Notch Road. A b^ 400 feet exchange, spacious 6 room W. Hutchins, Realtor, 6494)132. dency of said appUcation and toe Manchester in said district a MANCHESTER—Convenient to en. attached garage, im­ alumimun windows, high as­ ^ e ^ piace o t hearing thereon, minor. 1 Painting— Papering 21 workman’s compensation, year ELECTRIC Refrigerator, med­ frontage. T. J. Crockett, Real­ ranch, deep treed lot, walk-out South Windsor WANTED—Ride from Winter High and Junior High, 6 room mediate occupancy. $18,500. sumable mortgage, tip-t^ con­ by publlshinc a copy of thie order „Uppn ajmUcatlon of L. Audrey' ’round Job, good wages. Call ium size;’ electric stove, both FOUR ROOM cold flat, second tor, 643-1677. basement, aluminum storms $11,800—4 ROOMS with expra- *” 1 haring a cir- Knofla. Guardian. praying for 1 and Center St. to Parkade for Business Services floor, two family house. See Cape with attached garage, dition. W e e I e y R. Smith eulatioo In said district, at least authority to sell certain real ee-' PAINTING, EXTERIOR and in­ 643-7488 after 7 p.m. good working condlUon. Very rad screens, oil hot water heat, aion poeslbUltiee, best of fi­ FOUR BEDROOM RANCH Agency, 649-1894. 10 a.m. Call 643-0800 after 6. O ffered 13 terior, paperhanging, wall­ Mr. Colby, 64 Birch St. treed lot, 3 bedrooms, dining 8 generous bedrooms, paneled nancing available, near bua, •evm days before the day of said tate particularly described in said reasonable. 648-7001 after 6:30. room, living room with fire­ application on file, it is paper removed, dry wall work. EXPBIRIENCED Painters want­ Houses For Sale 72 '.iving room, splc 'n span WARREN E. HOWLAND schools, ahopping. WeOley R. $6,490—SI*OTLES8 rrach home, itt said lime and place and ORDERED: Ttiat the foregoing, WANTED—Rider to Hartford, 8 WASHINO MACHINES repair^ FOUR ROOM apartment, fui^ place, IVi baths, tip top condi- application be heard and deter-' PIZZA RAYS a.m. to 4:46 p.m. Call 643- Reasonable rates. Bank financ­ ed. Call 633-7765 between 6-7 or throughout. Wolverton Agency, Realtor Smith Agency, 649-1894. Prestige location for ex­ new siding, half acre lot. Wes­ b« bMTd rtlAtiT« thereto* and ed, RCA Whirlpool and Ksn- ing arranged. Fully insured. can in person, 44 Bayberry nace heat, hot water heater, CONCORD RD - Beautiful ticHi, good location. WcUverton Realtor 649-2818. panding family, on heavily make return to thU court. mined at the Probate office in Man­ 6761. more. All work guaranteed. Antiques 56 ley R. Smith Agency, 840-1804. JOHN J. WALLBTT. Judge. cheeter In said District, on ths 9th 130 SPRUCE ST. 649-9668, Joseph P. Lewis. Rocul, Glastonbury. central location. Phone 648-6111 ranch, large Uvlng room, form­ Agency, Realtor, 649-2818. 860 Main St., Manchester MANCHESTER—Six room split wooded lot. Why be cramped Call 643-4918. or 643-6969. day of April. A.D. 1964, at two ' WANTED—Ride from Manches­ MANCHESTEJR ORHIEN — An­ al dining room, cabinet kitchen, BOWERS SOi^OOL —^4 room 643-1108 level home on a deep, well when you can upgrade your MANCHESTER SUBURBS—$7,- AT A OTTOT OF PROBATE held o clock In the afternoon, and thM ' BEAT SPRING Prices—Have PLUMBER’S HELPER, exper­ tiques. During March open 3 bedrooms, recreation room, Cape, plus 2 unfinished shet landscaped lot. garage, oil hot Uvlng for $17,300. Call Joe 000. Five room Cape, trees, pri­ within and for the notice be given to all persons in­ Tel. 6434M31 ter center to Columbia cen­ REPAIRS on all makes of re­ KNOX ST.—Duplex, 6 rooms. district Manchester, on the 26th terested in said estate of the pen­ ter between 7:30-8 a.m. 643- your interior painting done ienced in new work. Please Monday through Friday after­ landscaped yard. Marion B. dormer, oversize garage, com­ water heat, 2 full baths, 8 bed­ Gordon 640-6306, 876-6611. vacy, immediate occupancy. dency of aald application and the frigerators, washers, ranges, early. Call Connecticut Paint­ call ’649-3286. newly redecorated. Call 648- dra of March. AD. 1964. 4617 after 5. and diyers. All oil burners noons and by appointment. Robertson, Realtor. 648-6968. LEGAL plete stainless kitchen, bullt- rooms, living room with fire­ Lawrence F. Flrao, Resdtor, time and place thereon, by pub­ PIZZAS GRINDERS ing Ic Decorating. F’ree esti­ 6618. fns, 2 fireplaces. Ovmer 649- BOLTON CENTER — Vacant 8 place well designed kitchen, Ju^T*"*’ lishing a copy of this order in some cleaned and serviced. All work 481 E. Middle Turnpike. 643- room ranch with basement and 648-3766. Charles NichoCera, mates. 643-0683. WANTED — Experienced Ore 7222. VERNON — Spacious 6 room 9416. walking distance to schools and BARROWS A WALLACE 742-6864. .®Jtete of Rein)iardt R. Lehman, newspaper having a circu'ation In guaranteed. 649-0066. service men, apply in person NOTICE attic. Attached two car garage. of Manchester in said district an naid (listrict. leaat dur8 THOMPSON HOUSE - CMtage Call 643-4812 MANCHESTER—4, 5 and 7 bed­ new rubter, 73,000 original! murs. Insured. Rene Belanger, 643- Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 party are filed in accordance ta St. James district, fire- aluminum awnings, extras, Estatq, 643-9382. AT A COURT OF PROBATE held ON dally 74i. Thursday 7-9. Satur- 0612 or 644-0804. Street, centrally located, large BE A HOME OWNER placed living room, wall-to-wall room houses on special list­ *t Jtencheijer. within and for the Miles. Will demonstrate Man-! day 7-4. 643-7968. with Secs. 6-382 to 0-450, in­ price reduced. 649-1484. COVENTRY — Waterfront year pistrlet of Mancheeter, co the 33rd cheeter-East Hartford area. NOW IS THE TIME to pretty pleasantly finish ed rooms, Directions: Turn right at Three ' carpeting, completely finished ings. Priced from $36,000. Vi'n dav of March. 1964. EDWAR J R. PRICE - Paper­ parking. CaU 649-2368 for over­ BU Y NOW clusive, of Gen. Statutes, Rev. Bogglni, Bel Air Real Estate, 'round home reduced for quick U & R REALTY CO., ALUMINUM . 228-3639 after 7:30 p.m. STEPS, sidewalks, stone wails, up your pooch. Grooming our J's, comer Bolton Center Road 1058, revised to 1964, by persons rec room with bar. Many out­ Present. Hon. John J. Wallett. hanging and painting service night and permanent guest standing extras. Three blocks 648-9332. sale. 6 rooms, 1 4 baths. 2-car INC. Judge. WALL fireplaces, flagstone terraces. specialty; also, boarding. 643- and Brandy Street. other than party-endorsed can­ Trust Estate u/w of John J. 649-1003. rates. from Main Street. Cali 649- OUTDOOR LIVING garage, inside and outside ftre- 043-3693 •DOORS 1968 ALFA ROMEO roadster, All concrete repairs. Reason­ 6427, H. C. Chase, Harmony Manchester didates; provided the number of Vtete. late of Manchester, In said needs valves. Has new top— 6661. VERNON—Lovely older 7 room plAces. Asking price $14,900. District, deceased. TO ably priced. 6434)851. Hill Kennels, Bolton. 56 Starkweather 8t. such candidacies plus the num­ Tonneau cover. 643-6408 after 6 FURNISHFID ROOMS tor gen­ Dutch (Jolonlal. 2-car gairae, Call Frederick M. Gaal, Brcric- Robert D. Murdock, 648-6473 The OoonecUcut Bank and Trust • WINDOWS Electrical Services 22 tlemen, free parking; also, ROCKVILLE — Three room ber of endorsed candidates ex­ 2 baths, near acre lot. Pine Wonderful suburban living Company, Trustee, haring exhibited p.m. BARON’S LAWNMOWER serv-, AKC TOY POODLES, parti­ Seven romns with 4 bed­ er, 643-2682 or 648-0281. cabins with efficiencies. Call apartment, $46. monthly. (3aU ceeds the number of town com­ neighborhood. Hayes Agency, ta this 8 room ranch, 8 bed­ its annual account with aald es­ ice. Lawnmowers sharpened FREE colored, 12 weeks old. $66. Call rooms, new ceramic tile tate to thla Court for allowance, HISTTMATBS. Prompt Scranton Motel and Cabins. 649-1914. mittee members to be elected BOLTON 643-4803. rooms, 14 baths, dining L, WALL • CANOPIES 1968 CHEVROLET Impala Con­ and serviced. Garden tools and service on all types ot elec- 649-0679. bath, 2-car garage, double COVENTRY LAKE — SmaU 6 it U vertible, radio, heater, power 649-0826. between 6-7. lot, nicely landscaped. . therefor. (If number of oppos­ oversized garage, screened TANNER STREET ORDE2RED: That the 8th day of scissors Sharpened. Small elec­ FOUR ROOM front apartment, rear patio, blending into room year 'round cottage ra April, 1964. at eleven o'clock fore­ brakes and steering, good run­ Llcensra lind ln- a KC TOY POODLES, one male, ing candidacies filed is reduced BOLTON—Custom split of 7 CARPET • AW NINGS trical appliances repaired, i sured, WUson Electrical Co., . - CONNECTING rooms, $88, Including stove, refrig­ Six year old 6 room Ranch, rooms plus garage. Built ta that outdoor atmosphere. two lots, near lake, sacrifice at noon at the Probate Office in the ning condition, $695. Call 649- onennA female,fdsmoldk black, $125. each,' > XWO to less than 25%, no primary Owner aays sell this 6 room Munidpalw.—i., , Building^______Man Qulc;k service. Burnt HIU Road, Manchester, 649-4817. Glaston­ first floor, private entrance, erator, and utilities. Adiflts Vernon 3 baths, finished rec room, 1989 and has the best of every­ ranch. Basement garage, $7,900. Call Pnttt Agency, 648- 6758 after 4 p.m. 12 weeks old. Call 742-7870. will be held therein.) stone fireplace, l-car ga­ 9366 or 742-7696. Chester, be______and____ the__ same___ _ „is __ as- and now Hebron, 228-9060. bury. 648-1888. one or two gentlemen 146 only. Tel. 643-5694. Sheridan Hany Lane thing. 1% acres, too, with plen­ excellent condition. Nice signed for a bearing on the al­ CLEANING Center Street. 648-9120. Apts., 613 Main Street, Man­ FORMS FOR PETITIONS for rage, one acre wooded lot. WARREN E. HOWLAND lowance of said account aad aald Aluminum SIDING 1952 OLDSMOBILE 98, radio HAVE TIME. WIU work. Will Six room split ranch, excel­ filing such a candidacy or can­ ty of trees, etc. Ideal location. deep lot, fine neighborhood. Trustee's prior accounts with said chester. Convenient location. |w.- T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- Realtor and heater, good running con­ do most anything, odd Jobs our Articles For Sale 45 lent view, close to school. didacies by or on behalf of any estate, and thla Court directs that TEL. DEL KNOWLES -FREE ESTIMATES- Floor Finishing 24 TWO SINGLE rooms for gen­ 600. 1677. T. J. CROCKETT, Lots For Sale 73 notice ot the Ume and place as­ dition. Best offer takes it. specialty. Call us, 633-9977. AVAILABLE NOW—72 Maple Immaculate home with enrolled Republican Party mem­ 880 Main St., Manchester • EASY TERMS • 643-6281, 6-8 p.m. LAWNMOWERS - A r t e n 8, tlemen. Near bus line and res­ signed for said hearing be givsn FLOORS SANDED and finished, taurant. Kitchen privileges Street. Large 8 room apart­ many extras. bers may be obtained from Mrs. 843-1108 TWO BUILDING tots, mrlme to to all persons known to be Inter­ 643-0012 CaU Now and Save HAVE SMALL pickup truck— winter rates, free estimates. Lawn Boy, Toro, Bolens Orbit CENTER HALL Colonial—St. REALTORS ested therein to appear and be Air. and riding mowers. Wheel- Phone 649-6607. ment, ample closet space, tile Doris W. Lyon, Root Road, Cov­ U & R R E A LTY CO., catlra, city utUlttes. TOlbrlck 1961 COMET S 22. sport model, will do odd Jobs. Attics and 649-3240. James Parish. Porter Street Agency. 649-8464. heard thereon by publisiting a copy MANCHESTER bucket seats, raxlio and heater, horse and Bolens 4-wbeel bath and shower, heat, hot wa­ entry, Conn., and Mrs. Gertrude INC. area. 8 years old. 6 large 643-1577 of this order In some newspaper cciiaiscellars cieaneu.cleaned. ivuoDisjiRubbish re------—------* * — « — ATTRACnVFlLY furnished. In­ ter, electric range and refrig­ A. Haven, ^ute 31, Coventry, 643-2692 having a circulation in said Dis­ Bill Tunsky standard transmission, low moved. Reasonable. Call 649- FLOOR SANDING and reflnish-' tractors. Parts and service. J. D. REALTY rooms, I 'j baths, huge recrea' MODERN IMMACULATE 3 bed­ RESIDENTIAL zone lot, 180 cluding TV, large comer bed­ erator. disposal and TV an­ Conn., Registrars of Voters for room ranch, full basement. trict, at least seven days before RUG CLEANING mileage. 649-0917. 1043 after 6:80 p m JngIng (specializing in older Capitol Elqulpment Company, Robert D. Murdock, 643-6472 feet frontage, trees, $3,700. the day of sqld hearing, and by COMPANY 649-9095 ^ ______V * « • ____>___ M 38 Main Mai** Ob St., Manchester. room, large closet, hot water tenna. Large screened rear 618 Center St., 648-5129 Coventry, Conn. Instructions for malUiw on or before March 26, floors). Waxing floors. Paint­ heat, parking. 648-7116. *taMz^ay”rad * Mta^id ^ F*«ge. c^^tent ° S s d w m *** Wolverton Agency, Realtor, 1653 MERCURY Monterey ing. OiUngs. Paperhanging. Open dally 7-6, Thursday 7-9, porch. May be seen by appoint­ filing such a candidacy or can- 2-car garage.„ $26,900. Phil- Air S o n raS 649-2818. 1964, by cerUfied mall, a copv of ment. CaK 648-0812. thla order to Anna Vieta. 18 New­ 15 HANNAWAY STREET Hardtop, automatic transmls- No Job too small. John Ver- Saturday 7-4. _____ dldacies are contained in Part brick Agency, 649-8464. ReX! Estate, 648-9332. man 8t.. Manchester Conn.; Ths sioti, radio and heater, $78. NEWLY DECORATED room BEAUTIFUL praeled heated _ . neighborhood. We think you APPLIANCE faille, 649-5750. ' next to bath for refined gen MANCHESTER — Off Silver 1- InstrucUon Page, o f the petl- family room off kitchen. 3 bed------MANCSlESTEh—3 A-zrae wood­ Connecticut Bank and Trust Com- Call 649-7609. SCREENED loam for the best Lane bus line. 8 room older i tlon form, copies of which are TWO FAMILY—New listing—3 will like 80 Amott Rd. Price ed lots, city water. Hayes pray. Truatss, One ConstituUon roomfoom ranch, aluminum storms,storm s,. \ MANCHESTER—Convenient to car garage, 3 heating systems, under $20,000. Plaza, Hartford. Conn. in lawns, delivered from our L " " * I P«ny»hri «3-A home, 100x150 lot, garage, 8 available In said Registrar's Of- bus, 6 room (jape, tree shaded Agency. 848-4808. screening plant. Andover Co- ______cellar, 168x246 lot, only $18, ' best of condition, one ride has ____ . „ ——------JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. Bonds—Stocks— bedrooms, ceramic bath, oil Prior to obtaining the petl- 800. (jarlton W. Hutchtas, 649 lot, oK hot water heat, dining REPAIRS TWO ROOM furnished apart­ 8 bedrooms. Don’t hesitate on DESIRABLE custom built Cape Mortgiages 31 ROOM for gentleman at North heat, excellent condition. Per- tlon form, the consent of each 5182. room, rec room, 2 or 3 b e f ««•__•__ ww iTkto benA sold■nlH bjklAXUbelow cost to build. MONDAY’S SPECIAL xnc., 742-7886.______i j-nd, 71 Strickland Street. Ref- ment, stove, refrigerator, heat. feet for young family. $14,900.! candidate to be proposed therein rooms, apple pie order this rae. Wetley R. Smith Open SundayParkade AH makes and models. hot water. Apply Agency, 449-1894. Inquire 68 Branford Street A BBTTTBR ARRANGEMENT FARM LOAM, fieldstone, flre-^ *rences.______Mariow’s, I Wolverton Agency, Realtor, plus a deposit of $15.00 for each SIX ROOM Cape, furnished or throughout, assumable mort­ of your finances will make 867 Main St. 649-2818. unfurnished, hospital area, gage. Wolverton Agency, Real­ . . . W ashers place wood, and chain saw , FURNISHED Ught housekeep- such candidate must be filed MANCHESTER — Beauti­ 1968 CHEVROLETT more of your tnetane available with said Registrar. A petlUon $14,600 or $16,000. 649-4784. tor, 649-2818. . . . Dryers for personal use Lump debt ^ m Columbia, ing room, all co<*lng facilities, ful Dutch Colonial home, ex- BEL AIR 228-9323 after 4 p.m. | electric refrigerator. Ideal containing the required number ceUent condition, Highland Be modern with N. Y . . . . Refrigerators into one monthly payment of of signatures of enrolled Repub­ B A R R i C f N i $32.26 for each thousand dollars for business or working lady. LEGAL NOTICE Park area, 6 rooms, garage, . . . Ranges BEAUTY SHOP equipment for lican Party members must be cloee school, bus, and shop­ 4-door sedan, V-8, radio, Including repayment over five 643-6888. LEGAL NOTICE to sale, two years old. Styling Notice is hereby given of the certification of party-endorsed “ ’<1 Registrar of Vot- ping area. Price reduced. Call Gifts for Easter healer, automatic transmis­ psara. Fhank Burke. 346-8897. stations. Styling chairs, dry MOEN Largest and most depend­ Oonnecticut Mortgage Ex­ siBuons. oiyimg cnairs, ary- GENTLEMAN — Nice bedroom candidates c“ «iiaate8 on the slate of the Democratic Party in the Town **■* 4:00 P.M. on Notice is hereby given of the certification of pxrty-endoraed Frederick M. Gaal, Broker, sion, power steering, white able service company in , to bath. Excellent loca- oof f CoventryCov«ntrv forfn r eleoUon$ii«ftfi/wt as•. DELEGATESrbinrmrs Annre to♦a. the ____ conventions______Monday, of April 13 1964 belnc eandldatee' on the slate of the Republican Party ta the Ttown 843-3883 or 643-0281. ...always in good taste! with red interior, like new. change. U Lewis St.. Hartford,' 45«a j ______' .. MANCHKSTIR this area. Two-way radio Conn. Mirror Beauty Studio, 757 Main Uon.Oon. 212, Church'street.Chiirrh’Htrf»i>t I “****said PParty ^ y specified below. A list of the personsneranna so«r> endorsedenHm-axui the 31st day preening the day of Coventry for election as DELEGATES to the conventions of equipped for fast serviop. Street. Manchester. of the Primary. WALKER STREET - 8 rootn $1,875. , ------candidates is on file in my office, being the office of the T1)wn said Party specified below. A list of the persons so endorsed PORTER ST. LOCATION Our fleet of trucks at your SECOND MORTQAOB8 - Itti- I COMFORTABLE R(X)M for Clerk and copies thereof are available for pubUo distribution DATED AT COVENTRY as candidates in on file ta my office, being the office of the 'Town (tape with rae oar garage, fire­ command. I gentleman, parking, 272 Malnl place, cozy rear porch, nice Umlted funds available tor sec­ FOR SALE—Camping equip­ CONNECmcUT, this 26th day Clerk, rad copies thereof are available for public distribution. ond mortgagee, payments to of March 1964. ^ lot, near schooda, riiopping 8% room Colonial (completely modern­ WEST SIDE MOTORS ment. Call before 6, 844-1868. I STATE CONVENTION suit your buiteet. Expedient Elmore Turklngton, area and bus. S. A. Beechler, ized), 2-car garage, finished rec room SIX ROOM duplex house, fully R aym ond^. Bradley, Sr. STATE CONVENTION rad bar, aluminum siding, room for ex­ 6S4 Center St., 648-5131 NORMAN’S, Inc. aervlce. J. D. Realty. 648-6129. DARK, RICH, stone-free loam. Route 31, Coventry, Conn. ■' Clerk of the Municipality Realtor, 648-6969. furnished fo« gentlemen, dish- Mary Ellen Forst Sragraves Road, fJoventry, Conn. Elmore A. Turklngton Cheney Lane, Coventry, Conn. pansion. $32,000 firm. Shown by appoint­ Also fill, gravel, sand and washer, all modern convra- Joseph W. Oust 643-1624 stone. 643-8603. Squirrel Trail, Waterfront Park, Bertrom A. Hunt High Street, Coventry, Conn. ment only. Call the R. F. Dlmock Co., Business Opportunities 32 lences included, plus house- Coventry, Conn. Joseph L. Shanahan Jr. Flanders Road, Coventry, Conn. 649-5245, or Richard F. Dimock, 649-600$ cleaning services, parking Bessie I. Strack 1962 MERCEDES-BENZ, Modrf VACUUM CLEANERS, toasters, Route 44A, Coventry, Coon. Albert F. Bray Talcott Hill Road, Coventry, Conn. INVITATION or Johanna Evans 640-5653. Diamonds—Watches— avallabTe. Inquire llS Peart St. m Ozzie’s Shell Service. 276 irons, lamps, drills repaired. after 4 p.m. Main Street. Free estimates. Free pickup MANCHESTER Jewelry 48 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT CONVEN-nON WANTED CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION TO BID and deUvery. 029-8365. Harold J. Crane Route 31, Coventry, Conn CLEAN LATE MODEL Esther S. M. Olsen 1967 BUICK Century, 4-door Route 31, Coventry, Conn. Sealed bids will be received Package Store for Sale—re­ r o o m for gentle- Flanders Road, Qovratiy. Conn Arthur J. Vinton Route 31, Coventry, Conn. at the Office of the General no reasonable offer refused m a n WITH T R U ac will take WllUam G. Ryan Merrow Road. Coventry, Conn. ERNEST ZAHNER CaU 742-6386. care ot lawns and shrubbery. turn of investment in one USED CARS Herman R. Allard Lakeview Terrace, Coventry, (tonn. Manager, 41 Onter Street, ^^yo^SS\^tra ta Sd ? i Michael C. Treschuk Route 44A, Covratiy, Conn. Gertrude A. Haven PLUMBING, HEATING CaU 648-4717. year. Closed Mondaya F. E. Bray, ’ CLEAN. COMFORTABLE, heat- Route 31, Coventry, Conn. Manchester, Connecticut, until 1983 FORD Convertible with April 8, 1964 at 11:30 A.M. for ISO Union S t, Rockville 737 Mata Street. State Theater ed - * room------for gentleman,------ora-, ______SENATORIAL_ DISTRICT CONVEN-nON TOP PRICES PAID SENATORIAL CONVENTION Phone 875-5047 1956 Oldsmobile engine and G A W LAWN Maintenance— Building. trai. Apply 4 Peart St., Apt. 8. rw *.M r. Electrical Work at the Man­ transmission. ObU 649-6637. 649- Mowing, spring cleanup, ter- J. D. REALTY Call 64S-MS8 Donald C. AvertU Richard M. Oalinat chester Green School. 0922. Aemlock D(4ve, Coventry, Conn. FOR AU MAKES Grant Hill Road, Coventry, Conn. tUlzing, roUlng, rototllUng, gar­ John Feeney, Jr. Bunker Hill Road, Coventry, Conn. F. Pauline Little Eaglevllle Road, Coventry, Conn. Bid forms, plans and specifi­ dens plowed. Fbepert wonman- 618 O nter St., 643-6129 Carden— Farm— Dairy Arthur C. Forst, Jr. Seagraves Road. Coventry, <3onn. Walter Thorp Padden Lane, Coventry, (jonn. cations are available at the Con­ 1961 RHINAUI/T, radio, heater, ship. Jcriui Wmiarns, 643-8946. Products 50 Room s W ith Board 59>A Michael Pesce Harry Jackson troller’s office, 66 Center very good condition, $800. 643- TO LEASE or manage — new Route 44A, Coventry, Conn. Cartor Chavralat Nathan Hale Drive, Cpventry, Conn. Cyril Querrier, 429-0846. Street, Manchester, Oonnecticut 4654. lupcheonette, excellent poten- APPLES — Macs, Baldwins, ROOM and board. ntleman Ual, Tolland. Call after 6, 876- Notice Is also hereby given that a primary wlU be held on COi, ha. NoUce is also hereby given that a primary wl)l be held on Town of Manchester, Romes, D e 11 c i o us . Lower preferred. 128 Bit Street. Tuesday. May 5. 1964 if a alaU of caTdidatea for ray or M Ctannecticut 1957 PLYMOUTH Savoy hard­ Household Services 9329. spring prices. Bunce Farm, 649-3806. 1339 Mata S t—S49.8SSS May 4, 1964, if a slate of candidates for ray or all. conventions conventions la filed in acordrace with Secs. 9-382 to 9-450 in­ is filed in accordance with Secs. 9-382 to 9-450, inclusive, of Richard Martin, top, 4-door sedan, 649-M37, af- 629 W. Center Street, 643-8116. f» r $ p jn . Offered 13-A ROOM AND BOARD, part clusive, of Gen. Statutes, Rev. o f 1958 revised to 1964. Gen. Statutes, Rev. o f 1958 revised to 1964. General Manager Help Wanted— Female 35 meata and laundry free tor lUBWBAVlNO « buns, moth w-u peUUons for filing such candidacies by or on "EVERYONE USES PRINTING” ELEGANT EASTER OVAL All decked out In Its EMter Fertilizers 50-A errands. CaU 649-6469. Forms for petitions for filing such candidacies by or on hotea. Zlopeia rspelred. Wla- BOOKKEEPER, thorough behalf. a slate of raroUed Democratic party members o f other enrolled Republican Party members of other best, a sociable and irresistible selection of deleotablo Auto Driving School 7-A Shades made to measure; knowledge accounts receivable that p^y-eitaorsed candidates may be obtained from Doris W. aO slaaa Venetlaa bUnda Kays FX)R SALE!—Good cow manure. ^ obtained from MUdw c. M h Tsakt FOR THE BEST...CALL ON Bariicini miniatures. Milk and sami-sweet. on Burroughs Sensomatic. full­ $6 and $10 loads. Delivered. Apartm ents— ^F1ai»— Waterfront Park or Besle I. Strack o f Route 44A Lyon, Boot Road or Gertrude A. Haven, Route 31, Coventry, awda whUa you watt. Tape Re- time. Tots 'n Teens, 966 M»in Votera ItaSta^ons for fiUng AMD Conn., Rralstrars of Voters for the Republican Party of the E-ZLERN oordan lor raoL Marlow's 8ST Also, gardens plowed. 648-7804, Tenements 63 Beautifully Gift Wrapped On# lb.* “ Street, Manchester. For ap­ 649-8731. rack a a l ^ o f oradi& tes are contained in Part I., I n s t r u c t Tttwh of <>>vontry., Conn. InstrucUons for flitag euch a state of 2 pointment call Mr. Shapiro, Fage, of them titlo^onn, ooplee of which are available ta said eandldates are WESTOWk FOUR ROOMS, banted apnr> N inif Snm« . Atra are contained in Part I., Instructron Page, of the TRIO PRINTERS^ INC. Driviiig School 643-2128. ment. Call 64S-6U8 between Registnrs Office. Prior to obtelniag the petition form the peUUra form, copies of urtiich are available ta sald^gtatrara PHARMACY Bunding—Contrseting 14 HoosehoM Goods 51 8:80 a.m. and 4:80 p.m. conerat of each candidate to be propoeed therein phis a denoelt MadilM CIsaisi to obtaining tto peUUon form, tha oon a ra t^ i^ ELM STREET P.O.BOX 214 MANCHESTER, CONN. O N L Y A T OerawedeuTe kuaMt. RN OR LPN Friday and Sat­ eandktete to be ^ p oeed therein plua a depoait of $15,00 for 4M H artfaai Bd. . « 4 i 9946 Eandufi______Britt, urday. 11-7. Vernon Haven. GOLD BOND "Hotel Kent” sets, cmUc R ^trara. A ^UUon for an oppoahig slate containtag QUALITY OAitPBNTRY- Call 875-2077. WE HAVE CUSTOMERS wait­ To mahitala ear orattoolty ',e«rvloe, teeii- Jwwms, donners, porches. _____ fuU or twin , $86 compjfiete. ing for the rental of your apart­ tte number o f atanatures o f enroUed DemocraUo 643-0125 older aad • cab- STENOGRAPHER I^rplst, ex- Howard’s Steep Crater, 849- ment or borne. J. D. Realty, hers in aaM town must be iUed with said Registrar of Votera WatarproeOag Deae, ot aaadieaj aarvtoa wa ara ■ Our r«pro$«ntoHvo will bo happy to eali on you. L iG G E n DRUG our spo> 6885. 648-6139. taet^ buUt-iiis, formica, tUs. pertraced, lO a.m.-4 p.m-. rat later than 4^:00 P Jt. on Tuaaday. AprU i T iSSl b a l r a ^ va waigvitwu r > araato^ sssWiiUOIV «l WIQ UVWll mUGl 404 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE, It., slu * Slat day preceedtag tha day o f tha primary. ^ « Monday, April . . Ro ^ rauU. William Monday through Frtday. Tel. COMPLETELY reconditioned IMUNNEY BROS, being the 31st day precaediag ths Optn All Day Robf carpentry service. between 10 a.m.-$ p.m. for in­ 4H ROOM apartment, heat, hot fiajtjOf the Prtmaiy, MANCHESTER upright piano. Aasoitmmt of water, • store, rsfrlgerator, DatedatOovantiy,>Cami.lM«. \ Stwtnigg DiqwMl Ofo terview.^ 648-8340. good used stoves. 843-6868. tf. ■ $136.60. 646-6106. ELMORE TmyaNQTON, Town Cfocfc »»»->33 Feort 8t.-g4S-6g68 I at Oraentiy. OonMcttoqt thla $6th day of Maieh, 1964. SUNDAY e Open ALL DAY o ' -‘ m u f o n r m K m ziii. IS ; A .... „ . . . . I ^ * • *- - *■ . ♦ -V “ ♦ J

/ (


PAGE TWELVE lATURDAY, MARCH 28. 1964 illanrbPBter Stt^ n in g 1|i^rald E^, t' Pvt. James P. Syphers of the United States Army, son of Mrs. About Town Gladys R. Hatfield, 68 Durant Carson Wins St., and Franklin F. Syjriiers of rrlMMlalilp Orel* at Ut« Sal­ Wethersfield, recently arrived vation Army will nw«t Mon­ in Germany and is assigned to Business Bodies State Award day at 7:45 p.m. at the church the 7th Artillery as a fire con­ toe a aervloe program. Mem- trol operator. Robert A. Carson, a saalor at ban an nmlnded to ntura jo m s GAB AOENCnr tbelr aetf-denlal containers at Robert Turcotte of 59 Alex­ Manchester High School, has this time. Mrs. Thomas Mc­ ITie Regina D'ltalia Society ander St. has Joined the sales won third prise of |7B la the Cann and Mrs. William John- will meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. staff at Paul Dodge Pontiac at at the John F. Tierney Funeral state in the 1964 Hire the Han­ Sm u win be th? hostesses. 373 Main St., it was announced dicapped poster contest Home, 219 W. Center St., to this week. Joseph J. Mayer Jr., a radar- pay respects to Mrs. Anthony Turcotte la a former service Carson, the son of Mrs. man seaman in the United Leone, who was a member. station owner-operator on Cen­ Joanne Caroco of 78 Benton St, Stages Navy and sen of Mr. and ter St. and has several year's earlier this month was named Mina Joseph J . M ayer Sr., 75 Robert L. Lovett, a fireman experience in the automotive first prise winner of s mer- Wsdgewood Dr., noently re­ apprentice in the United States business. He terminated his ohanm se oertlfloate o In tho local potted for duty aboard the de­ Navy and son of Mr. and Mrs. rtl ■ Center St. affiliation last month contest, and thus earned the stroyer USS Ingersoll, which is John F. Lovett, 54 Hawthorne after seven years. right to compote in the state opentlng out of BbA Francisco, St., is serving aboard the attack contest, sponsored by the Gov­ aircraft carrier USS Midway, JOINS AMERICAN COAL ernor’s Ckimmlttee on Employ­ which is operating in the Far ment of the Handioappetk Jack M. Gordon of Glaston­ (^irson will receive his prize Oadet RsJph OoweCl, s(»i of East with the Seventh Fleet. bury, ftiel expert in the Man' Mr. and Mrs. Ral]A K. Ooweil, together with the other state ohenter area for nearly 30 winners at an awarda hinohson 88 Buckingham St., has been Arthur House, son of JVdge years has been named Man­ awarded a college rifle marks­ Thursday at noon at the Statler and Mrs. Charles House,r ITO Citadel Guest chester representative for the manship letter at Wentworth Hilton Terrace Room In Hart­ Westland St., has been invited American Coal Oo. of Hartford, IfllitBiy Academy, Lexington, to participate in the Tufts As­ Brig. Jonah Munyi of Nairobi, ford. M a sembly on Massachusetts Gov­ Africa, will give an illustrated It was anrmunced this week by (3ov. John Dempsey will pre­ ernment, April 7 and 8 on the lecture highlighting the SalvU' sent citations to the winners of Naval Avistian Cadet Bryan M edford cam pus. He Is one of tlon Army’s growth In Kenya both the poster contest and the F. Krause, son of Mr. and Mrs. only three undergraduates since 1921, at the church on 16th annual Hire the Handi­ W ard C. Krause, 87 Walnut St., chosen to take part In the con­ Sunday. His visit here is part capped Theme Contest, also recently reported for advanced clave. A senior, he ha.s been of a program enabling him to aponsoied by the governor’s flight training with Training accepted at Taft's Fletcher report on missionary efforts comittee on the handicapped. Squadron 28 at the United School of Law and Diplomacy. conducted throughout the "dark The other winners in the ^ t - StatM Naval Air Station, continent.” er contest include; First, 1200, Corpus Christ!, Tex. Brig. Munyi, a product of Mary Jane Frontel, Bast Hamp­ Thirty-six pupils of Bennet missionary work by the Army In Junior High ^hool will attend ton; second, 1125, 'William C. his country, was converted to Sohreffler, Thompsonville; a matinee performance Wednes­ Christianity in Nairobi In 1927. day of "Much Ado About l4oth- fourth, |60, Bryan Serra, Strat­ He was bom in the Embu dis­ ford; fifth, 126, Barbeura Zi^iad- ing” at the American Shake­ trict of Kenya in 1914, and g^lv- FOR MORTCACE speare Festival Theatre and ka. Westerly, RI. en the name Munyi, which Carson’s winning entry was Academy, Stratford. Robert means "Rhinoceros” In his na­ Woefet of the school faculty will one of 209 posters submitted PROTECTION tive tongue. He entered the from 23 schools in 10 areas of accompany the group, which School for Officers’ Training in Sun life of Canada has a will tour the theatre and par­ the state by students in Grades Nairobi in 1932, and has since 9-12. The posters had to empha­ special policy that will pro­ ticipate in a post-performance filled apxKxlntments In m any o f question and answer session size the ability of handicapped the departments In the Army’s persons and the reasons mey tect jmir home for your ^th members of the cast and broad program. staff. Mayor Francis J. Mahoney, and Phil Byrnes, irumager at Arthur Drug Stores Inc. at 942 can become valuablejunplmres. h atA jr. Your boose will be At the present tkne, he is sec­ Main St, lock over Easter card in new expanded cutl department during Thursday night Carson Is an Art IV■ atud ‘ ident retary for Field Affairs, the formal reopening of recently remodeled Downtown Manchester drug firm. Mahoney con- In the classes of Mra. Laverne cleared aS remaining debt third ranking officer in the Ter­ gratulated the management for its continued confidence in the fwure of "our very fine Kelson, with whom he has ritory of East \frica which al­ Main St.” (Herald photo by Ofiara.) in the event of your deatL studied for two years, and aca­ so includes Uganda and Tan­ r demically Is pursuing a college N of ice ganyika. He is responsible for Jack M. Gordon Let me (eO you, without Robert Fuller, manager of the Branford SL recently observed ths Connecticut Association of preparatory coursa. He has the direction of personnel and Wiarren E. Tennant, retail sales local store. his 35th anniversary with the been accepted by the Univerai- WE HAVE DAILY program in 206 Corps and 465 Life Underwriters held at obligation, about Sun Life’s m anager. Mrs. Smole was awarded Southern New England Tele­ Sprague Hall, Yale University. ty of Connecticut for admit­ outposts operated by the Salva­ clock-radio by Joseph P. Mott, phone Co. He worked for the tance in the freshman olaas in Mortgage Protection Policy. tion Army. This territory also G ordon ia retiring as sales DELIVERY TO THE president of the food firm. She American Telejdione and Tele­ Septem ber. operates 136 schools, 2 hospitals supervisor of Oonneotlcut Ooke was selected for the hmior by a graph prior to Joining SNETCO In February, Carson won a and 13 other welf€U« institu­ C3o. of New Hav«i. For many Thompson Gives popular vote by consumers. in 1929 and has worked in the blue ribbon—the Mghest Indi­ SUN LIFE ASSURANCE tions. years he was a supervisor for BOLTON Kopper’s Hartford division, and New England firm’s offices at vidual award possible------in the COMPANY OF CANADA Recognized early in his ca­ TOP SALESMEN Hartford, New Haven and 'West Talk on Makeup Connecticut Scholastic Art reer as a potential leader, the most recently handled whole­ sale CMcounts for that firm. Lyle F. Eastman of 210 Hol- Haven prior to his present post Contest for a still life in oils^ Charles J. Van Deiisen brigadier spent a year in special Uster St. has been dted by Lib as foreman of installers and ro- AsnoM Thompoon of 16(L For­ ThM work is presently in New AREA training at the William Booth A Manchester High School erty Mutual Iraurance Oo. as pairmen at Manchester. est 8 t wUl give a makeup dem- York for Judging in tho nation M em orial T raining CoUeg^e fo r ^ 857 E ast .graduate, Gordon heus. received one of its top salesman in the onetration 'Tuesday at 8 pxn. at al level of the art contest. Officers, London, Englai^. He certifloates from many indus­ a meeting of the GUbert and r has served as a corp command­ United States. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Keith Judges in the poster contest Center St. LENOX trial schools indudiag oil burn­ Eastman, affilited with the of O. E. Keith Furniture Co., at Silvan Workshop at Cooper were Mrs. R. O. Morgan, direc­ ing officer, training school of­ er servloe schools oonduoted by Hall, South Methodist Church. Manchester ficer, in welfare work, and di­ firm’s Hiartford-area office at 1116 Main St., recently attend tor emeritus of the Hartford PHARMACY the Now England Fuel Insti­ ed a two-day Drapery Sales The demonstration wHl be Art School; Samuel P. Wag- visional administration. He is a tute, the Hydronlc Heating given in preparation for the Conn. skilled linguist, and acted as Clinic and Decorating School staff, curator of paintings at next production of the group, interpreter when Gen. Albert School of the Institute of BoU- conducted by the R. W. Norman the Wadsworth Atheneum; 649-4604 299 E. CENTER ST. “Yeoman of the Guard,” April Orsbom and Gen. W ilfred er and Radiator Manufacturers, Co. at Salisbury, N. C. and Lester Smith, assistant 742-6801 TEL. 649-0896 Kitching made their visits to and a warm air heating course 10 and 11 at Bailey Auditorium, manager, public Information K enya. at the UniversJtyx of Oonneoti- Chester Oovang of 'Vemoa, Mawhester High Sihool. and advertising, 'Travelers In - cut. formerly assistant manager at Thompsen, who wtM do the suranCe Companies. Barrows A Wallace Co. offices makeup for the production, be­ Carson will be accompanied to CHECKER QUEEN at the Parkade, has been ap­ came interested in it during his the awards luncheon Thursday Mrs. MUdred Smole of 158 pointed manager of the real es­ high aohool daya. A native of by his mother, his teacher Mrs. OPEN ALL DAY Lydall St. has been named tate firm’s East Hartford office. Canada, he was awarded Kelson, and A. Raymond Rog­ Checker Queen of the year at BCholarahlpa for three aemeetera ers, principal of the high school. to Hartt House, Toronto, a During the program. Gov. SUNDAY Mott’s Super Market on E. Mid­ Henry Dama, salesman and dle Tpke., It was announced by drama school. He toured Can­ Dempsey will also present cer­ PICCOLO’S PIZZA PALACE William Cahill, sales manager, tifica te s o f appreciation to G»e at Moriarty Bros., 315 Center ada doing impersonations and 457^ MAIN—Just North From Post Office—Tel. 649-8009 PINE PHARMACY tea<^ers of the winners. St, were recently honored at musical comedy. 664 Center St— 649-9814 Bi 1928, he and his wife The presentation of 81,(KM in the "100 Club” sales award ban­ prize money for the theme por­ OPEN SUNDAY 2 P.M. to 12 Midnight quet for Llncoln-Mercury divi­ came to Manchester, when he began Ms employment at the tion of the handicapped oondest sion members, held at Boston. will be made by A lfr^ Oavedon, FRIDAY. SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 3 A.M. Cahill received the 5-Star Sales TVavMera Insurance Oo., Hart­ ford. He has done makeup for president of Aldon Spinning FREE!! Management Honor Award and Mills in Talcottville and presi­ TUES., WED., THURS. 10 A.M. to 12 Midnight productions In and about Man­ Dama received the "Inner Circle dent of the Manufacturer’s As­ M O T O * S ^ A New Roll Of Award" for sales proficiency. chester, and recently complet­ CLOSED MONDAYS ed a source in 6orrecUve make­ sociation of Connecticut, wliieh donated the prizes. up to oocreet facial defonna- CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY FUEL C O . Kodak Film Edward M. DellaFera, presi­ Theodore Powell, director of dent-treasurer, and Victor J. tion for the rehabilitation of 867 MAIN ST. public information for the State With Each Ron Deveioped Lyle F. Eastman m enally iU. Depe EAST HARTFORD DellaFera, vice president-secre­ apartment of Education and •;(Black and White and tary, of the Manchester Auto He has conducted makeup 63 E. Center St., htw received member of the Manchester Color Prints) Parts, Inc., at 170 Broad SL, olaSses In New York, Boston Board of Dlreotors, was a Judge the Uberty Leaders award, an wholesale dealers of auto acces­ and throughout Connecticut. for the theme contest. T2ie 85B K Kaawmw I S:M ( t) Brad Daria Shaw Weather from this a French fashion model will be OUldren's Informational aa- t:aa (t) Weather . . Chaazlaz Tiasas towgrer—hah! — who wdviaad riea. (W) Hizh Soheel SpMta U:3S «S) Med3liea Theater ■le not to aocept raalduala. In- among those telling of their new » t M ) BdllwIaUe Shaw (0» Beandap <33) Cartala Time Ufa la Australia. Cartoon aariea. (M> FUai U;3t (M) Late Show Mead, I had a deal which bomih- ( aM) Amarioaa Baadatand, t:aa (t) Oieee Dp Oa Bperts ‘ad. Dane Clark still laughs at Austrila is almost as big as IXck Clark. Muaic and hitar- S:U ( S> Maws AMOUS nw. Needleas to say, 1 now the United States. However, her riaw from Hollywood. (M> 'Areaad Tawa "The Black Cat," Boris KSw current populati tiW ( Z) Brakea Answ liM (tS) Tha lir a ’s Prayer Despite that llaoal flasoo, aha and the most optimistic esti- j^ W ) Kaplari^ (Oalarl (t) Laramie nutte la that it cannot go: be­ data Jassa In­ OhayeBBe Ogoper, A. Perkins. L PRICES vast uninhabitable areas which D'Ambolae, Olympic zym- (it) Street ef Daazar "T ^ e to Life,” Mary Martin. nee ki the world today,” she nasu. (R) T;ta ( 3) The l.acy Shew Blncerely Yours," Libaraoa. make up most of the country. (It) Tap Star BawUoc "Come to the Stable," Loret­ • 130 aays. "After aM, Tm not in The program will show some (M) Biz Ficfare ta Younz. ' Jan, my eon la eHve when he fS) Daace Farty (IS) Wasted Dead ar Alira I r ii (t)Mewsoepe—Moments e l White of the people who live in one I) Yaor Oaazfiaaaiaa 7tW J_S) jaokle Oleaaea Shew CemfoBl ana no right to be (ha wan bad- of theae deaolate areas, in the i The American Scene Maza- 3:ta (3) News aad Weather I) Biz a Thaalar alne. FeaturinZ: Frank Fon­ beck country near Broken HIU “ Mr. Smith ;Ooaa to Woohiaz- taine, Barbara Heller, June 3;M (3) San Fmnoltes Bent (See Page Ihiea) where chUdren “attmd” school too.” Jamas Stowerd, Jeon Taylor Dancers. S9e by short-wave radio end doc­ Arthur. (ti-sn Tha Ueateoaat <■) Drazaat Gary Lockwood, Leslie Par­ « h ) tors make their rounds In alr- (jS) Bmrliaz rish. Rloa la shocked when a plaaea. ^ MS) AWerieaa Hollywood actress announeaa Bacauae Australia is closer to 8rit lnl> Oueaia: America, and the distance from tarioiu.'’ Brothers Four, Saraadlpity PHOTO AOENOY Indonesia to Darwin is far leas Mr. Wioard Sinzera, Orson Bahn, Eke Oor- than the distance from Darwin ___ It’ eonduoto aelas . ee others. . ezpertmanta. Ttodojr: ■ lit (I) The Detaadars ^ h i n e k STREBT to Sydney, Australia Is taking . Woman Ulk her payohiatriot’a a closer look at her Aslan neigh- 'Scianoa with Bzza.’’ fiancee. Sift (a-a»4a> OhaHeaza OvH <338t)^ Jeer Biehap Show (O) ELECTRONICS bora. Arnold Palmar aad Oarr Joey has to ftzura out what The program also will ooyer Player vs. Joe (>mplwU, Dwra to do with the two dosen LABORATORIES Australia’s ralaUons with Asia a t '^ E U a W dosa vlawers send him when says he's zoliiz to buy one. in tarms af trade, dlplpmaoy <••> Cl^plaMhlp BawHaz Lawrence Welk Shew a UBBOT NOBBIB 8iaa (S-W) iTo .a X u W eT la e- end cultural axchange^'hfiidaa ' Sita Sntorday MIzM a t ^ 277 BROAD Paealdast santimenta about tha “White Mevtae. (tt> Mas IbIb Seaea ‘TPUd R iver/’ Moatzomary Australia'’ poUoy wUI be heard (■at Mavla Clift. Lee Remiek. Valley in a discussion with Asiiui stu­ “ L o r d ^ Um JungU,” Jahs- people raatot zovernment of- ■r-oKafftaldr forto to the Tenneneee Caster St^-Ott-AllY dents at the Australian N 4tto^ Champ. Batrihur _ . Rhrer. UMm. Service Uhtveralty at Canberra. ' Itto ia ) OaM Olaaale • lit ( *) Phd Quivers Shew BlUminauqa toumamant Is jB-M-W) MeByweed Palaee e r wMoh IS teama of pro SoH- Georze Bums, hoot Ottaata: Ora via for flW.toO la pHas ^ t t i Pazn. Serzio PVanoltl, ATLJUITIO FURNACE OH. gie Len^ SUera, Chu4 «iN ^i^peSa'lfcihSr R e ^ r , Mel Brooks, the Dun- QaallfiMi 24 HOUR CUSTOMER SBRVIGI ~ 649-3701 8t. Loaia, VA. Curtiaz Cham- OaH Mr. •D.” TechiiciaM MonshliM. tm oa; MiSlaro«alo I) - egampfeaa, Daytona, >1a.t um L T. W OOD CO. Sheet Toumamant. Baa Juan. UlM (■> Mevle - „ <*■> _ Aaalnaaaat PadarwMat TT^tedfo. islM a a t »m •tM (•> la lu Z a z at Tha Saeaa y “ ■Beany troaa- Bpsaw”


SUNDAY Teieviaion' PROGRAM The Vnwatched Specials TUESDAY Television PROGRAM H a a O a » » a l m t WlBBlns H as (88) Air Fewer ItjS < S) 8scn4 ■<»>« . 1:88 (8> Tear dsmsaaaMy (48) OaUaat Maa < *4*48> MeBato’s Maty S:M < S> Tka Clhaactac iCMtt (M> Way Da Tka Orssa (O) *:8 • (8) Karfaelaad Oaralval Manned by Expert Talent •tM li*8 Braest Boranlne. Btogbemton <•) VMiea^ ^ Films of the Holy Land re- Irena Ryan. Donna Douslas, Is faced wuh aa enemy alrt • s U (M) Amerieau at Walk traoins Jesus' walk to Cal- Max Baer, Smothers Brothers. raid wnlia the mea are en- • iM ( t> Tka dffiitapkm ▼siT. Alexander Seourby, Cliff Norton, Zale Perry, ao- TO R K (A P )—One a ed o f eouiags, Joyina aa illlctt luao. ( •> Darajr aad OaOatt Norman Rose namata. (R) ouatlo----tlo stars. nplUted la Ole ^(N r A ___Ooaeart tor Btotoae Animdtua aa Tanka (8) N, O. A. A. Bwhaiaias W Bm BD Oaaa Skew oepted, if regrettable, fact of Uvea of Leonardo da l^nol, Oen-___ Irol dook <«•> iUMa la M a ta Ckampteeskb daiy ^ Ooaby.OosI Jose reslans sStSSSSLJlS oral Outer and axpiaean Oortes 7i*e m •:M ( 8) PeWieaat Jaarttoa OS) U m S t M Truth thlefcMtr it w ill make Ufe televtskm Ufe is that netwoik Bea BenadareL Angnr at (W> Dbaetteas <84 easier Tor ttathe hotel raanacer. pubUo affairs shows, documen­ and Robert Scott S!8 what he coasldars noyd’s •:M ( •> M a a t tka Blrarkaak "Revdatloa.” Earl Wild's (8> Lassie ^ m V A N IA Big M n S rliew despoUo way, Uncle Joe da- ( S) Tkia is tka Ufa Easter Oratorio. SololaU: WU- (M> Oksiaptaaskip Bridsa taries and other so-oaUed “ qie- ■i«* eidea to oomiwto wttli tta ( » ) M as D a n Bekaal Hr. ttoabar Bartar •ftta Fnaato Conaonball. (M> Tka O kiBa>ksta (B> Alasaal Faa olal projeota,” rarely attract I t l » (8848) Wsadiefal WarM at h S & sf^toL^ 2^, tqeefe (I»m > Biehaid Baooo Skew Saasak H aait .?S3!lSC:al BawWrs Galar (O) A caatrorental aenaral Is sto- Tka Ckrlstavkan ”Orayfrktrs"Oreyfrlars Bobb'* (Fart n W.OWMI4 wwh PH- Donald Crisp. Crli Kay Walsh. A watoh entertainment diows. TV Notebook l:U FUtafto Olaal tioaad la aa Aalatio trouHs f:W (•) Saarisa Btasistw 8:U (^ 'n a a Oat tar Bparts What makes it aU tte more im Waadr W aifneliN spot < •) tka Aanav (88) Sandai roguish skySkye terrier stays by ») O ria tart Oral Dakaita (84848) Bags af Westavn Maa resMT I lanafofiiier, frame ipM & "The Tender Trap,” Frank (Oalsr) Isained how to do these diows *:M (F Jaek ______U;W (S> Spaeial Kaatar BiaaBeaa* Tuner.*f, Horteqrtw very wall, usuaUy with brilliant HR “ Breaik Fortb lata Joy.” da- Documentary of America's CtaiiHs.>• Outfronl (Ooutfamed Cn « P a g* Owe) OiGGCM * 1*8 Haws 18:88 (8 ) Garry Moers Skew timlnl. S iS u ' — O H f Convertibility. De> There are a handful of special-’ ?have reeeoniJble pnopeota at C o n ^ iM ^ e t y , with Dwr- ( i» Jewiak . News aad Views > • 8) Ed SuBlvaB Bhsw TV MIATTO m ram i NTTM MIed VWfirijNIn-flnlttad os ISU who are important because amUag tonight and tpinorfow. ( f i l ^ H e v t o ward Klrhr. Gueots; Aloa (B ) Ckallea af BahaMaa ^ssta: Harry Belafonte, ...■WLTTOUifrUNMI* Mahogany; o8 Chita Rivera, Beg „ (U ) ______Karen Valentine. their programs are the ones to " w I mA more oaa a pamM <«> Tkla Is tka U fa *:88 (88) Baaday b r m v M M which networks point with pride Bis rietars Masasins fonnat aews pre- > (8848) Qrindl w ant?" •.8*nS ^ CBaagiag Hatildai M:M (S> Camiaeats aad Baapla srain. wtogene Ores. Grindl leama and list as enunidaa of “ pubUo n m Moto n e Mew AastraUa (Oelar) (M> Eraryauus’s Fam ily iram . Frank Blair, boat, surveyors made a mistake, i *4e48l Oa4 tUm Special on four aaperta at when she deddee to camp en service." Stove Lawranoe has made a (18) Ufa a n ia s ... modem Australia: Buropeaa iaageid j -----LI laaewBthtttor IdtW (■> Capllal Bepart - ^ (88) '*•> FFasaant her Las Vegas. property. The top CBS apeolalist, untU kugejiame tor hlmeetf aa Sam­ ( 84*48) nartw immigrants, barren tatertor, 1 1 :M ^>' Bsstea Berrlesf .<>•> Faniac Waild ( 84848) Afreet aad hial bta recent promotion to head the my in Broadwajr's aaw muataal, i88 i » “ J^hafa Haw the effort to draw cIc m to From the First Baptist CIraroh Ben Gassara, Michael Dunn. whola network newsWM opm tion, and the aatloa*! of NashTille. Tenta. 4:88 ( 8) Oae a t a A truck driver crusades "What Makea Sammy Run?" character. (M> Easter Itaaday Haas agalnat moneylending racket­ STORE HOURS: D AILY9 TO 8:30; TH U RS.f T O 9; SAT.9TOS wag Fred Friendlylly of ‘X!BS Re- ( *8*48) The Forttlve Study of oontanmprary Ame eers. But ha had a tougb fight got- UiM From the CathMral o f St. lean Indian Pi^am s. ports." NBC hag Reuven Frank 148) Tfrth ar On 18:48 (84) la Sehaal nrevtow 8:88 tfau Uio p a rt (f*> Faar Jart MM Peter In Chains, Clnolnnatl, (8l^)^^Waaderfal WarM af I 8) Jady Garlaad Shaw and Irvin g OlUln among others. Ervin Drake, who wrote Uw „ , > 8 * ^ Vmsl Mib I 155” (St Laeal Haws i«d Haottar 11:88 ( *4 4 *4 8 ) Hews. W ta ttN Ohio. Archbishop K arl J. A l­ OaM (Oeiin) Musical-variety. ABC’s top producers are one of ttUB «>ll«w a (84) Jr. Htfh Sehaal Se ter. celebrant. Gene Sarasen. boat. Jack (88-88) Henaass (O e l^ aonga for the ohow (including l l H (1) Baal BaBaa (8*48) Hiwa aad Waatia S(82) ^ H t rg s Maws . (•-ia> Easter Serrlea NlcUausi vs. Sam Snead sU Lome Greene, Bruce YameU. televislonA few husband-wife tbs Mg Ut, ("A Room Wifitout ( 8-4M Marta 111* (M) Waalara Haaa. Blat (m Haws ood Wa Worn Protestant Episcopal Pebble Beach Oolf Club. Calif. An itinerant singer with a teams, John Seoondari and Hel­ Wlndowa"), tella about tha (88) FBn U:U (8 ) YrtodM Staiflght Cathedral, Washlnstoo, D.C. ( 8) f aramla voice that maTters glaae, en Jean Rogen. (8848) at Raou MFJtoarta ” 7%e Night Holds Terror.’* Very Rev. Francis B. Sayre. ^ ^ (88) Oparatlaa Sueeasi turns up In Virginia Clfr. iroUonui they weiR through 1:8* (ii) Baiaata Bar (48) Itom Tlaee Edwardo, Jack KeH|r. Jr. celebrant. Sermoo: Rt 4:88 (18) "abscriptlan TV < 8) OaadM flamera Becondari, who heads the nat- 1:88 ( 8) aa The W w 7:8* ( 8) TThal la Tha WatM (18) TOalgM (CeUr) Rey. Paul Moore. Jr. Durward Kirby, host and Al­ idliig the riaht Sammy. m ) Selaaaa AH S4ars werk’g special projects dlvigloa, "Miuw acton wera Hlekak n i« > M ^ Havak (48) Stave AOea Makalla Jaeksaa Don Morrow, host. Featured len PVnt w ill be winding up on Sunday an Jamea Fraociacua, Jaanna U :M (88) gpmrtm 11;U (B> Aiaaricaas at Walk David Petturew • IS-year (B-88). Breakthreagh: MeA- ad for tha role," Drak' tsM (|8> Bol. Assistant principal Jean U :U ( 8) ^ f t e 1I:M (B> Mea Into SpMe designer oT auto that can clBs. shape ef Mw Tatars. amMtloug effort, a four-part se- "Wa first wanted aomebo^ like 1:S| (it ) Baaalal Bavart Pasaao la accoatad aa aha Is U:88 (88) ThBlght tl:4a (M> Tka U tIbs W ^ travel without wheels. Kidney tran^aatatloa. other 277 RROAD ST. rlee called "The Saga of West­ J4U)k Lemon or Tony durtia. Si8* ( 8) iGairara about to enter ber oar. (8) Big Mevie U:M I S> iBsIskts 8:88 » ) Alamai Faa advances. John, diancellor ern Man." It sketched develop­ a Maha a BoU (8-1*48) Oeattrt ‘ 'Battle of the Corral Saa.'* (tIChampleaakIp Bridsa Sylvester "Pat” Weaver Rob­ end Dr. George W. O lle , Jr. STANEK But they were too Mg, too buay. Far a bar vto Morrow, Rick Joaoa. Hau­ (TItff Robertson, Gla Bcala. Challaare Oalf (M lar) ert Ryan, Rep. ThoiHM Cur- (8) BatUellae ELECTRONICS n ieii* 649.1124 ments of this hemisphere since Then we auditioned many peo­ ler is skeptical that the U :t t (48) The Lard’ a F iagar ■ Arnold Palmer aad Gary tls for Dartmouth vs. Earl (88> N.T. reafidenUal 1402, iriien the new world was ple, like Lany Blyden who waa (4*) n a ’ l*art”a( Ortooha ortonel he baa agreed to res­ 1:88 ( 8) Marta Player vs. Joe Campbell, Wilson. Jesse Owen. Rlcm rd (48) Dieh PeweB Theatm (hacovared. 8:88 ( A) “ -Fartr cue is an Ainerican. '"T h e Hidden Hand.” Craig Dave Rasan, Jr. at Pauma Joseph for Ohio State. 18:88 Vhat'e My Uae 00 g(X)d on. the television ver- (88-18) Tha Oaeiara (14) HlKkUahta af X . „ Stevens, Elisabeth Fraser. Va'Iey cRib. Calif. (R) (88) Feature John Daly, moderator. Panel­ Seoondari, with his wife as tha ists Dorothy Rll|^len, -Ben- aldn. Then Bobby Darin; but he ( *4*48) bar ia Oaort s e t ( 8) Bed (Bieltoa Bear ( 1) News, Weatter aad Mto <2t> Telasperts (8) Ciaenra 8 asriea’ director spotlighted the aoowls aK the Ume and people 8 :» (8848) Nawa Comedr-variety. Guest: Janet BMBts af MedHaltoa (W) Oeacera •'Don't Go Near the Water.” iMtt Cerf. Arient Francis. rih of the American man in 8:88 ( 8) Tha B aa* af M%M Blair. (88) Mews (40) Caaversatiaa Witk Glenn Ford. Gia Seals. (S-8-B-88-48) News. Bosrts sad COlURN A MIDDLEtROOK, he. would hats Mm, and Tommy (88-M) L a i ^ Teoac (84) Sir Kenaett Clark on Art 1:88 ( 8) Heweoepe, Masaeats at K:M (W) We Believe (M) Bish'hchta Of IX Wlater Weather first three parts. But the fi­ Sands and Sammy Davis Jr. < I) Tralhiiaatar 8:88 (88-88) Yea Oea’t Soy (0> Oemfert sad Byau > (8) OplBiaaated Man Olympics 8) Mavis Maataralsess INVESTMENTS C nal chapter, called "1064," wUl CaBeera Ctae-hour special of “ most ex- "The Easy Way.” Cary Grant, “ Budd Schulberg, who wrote (St> Bias Arenad Saaday cltinc momenta of Innsbruck Betev Drake. MR. OEOROD r. JOHNSON JR^ Mami(er be a forward—instead of a back­ the book, wanted Sammy. Ha Year Coasressmaa Frans "It's Always Fair Weatosr,'' FRIENDLY AND HELFFCl. TRANSAOTIONB HANDLED ON (B) Tax Out ALL EXCHANGES LISTED AND DNLISnD.-4n7TUAL FUNDS It took a team Of 40 to put to­ got color and just let Mm play Television Cenaectleat 8:88 (8) I’va Got A Sscret Gene Kelly. Cyd Charlsae. gether the aeries, including re- WEDNESDAY PROGRAM l i 88 ( 8) PereepilaB (88-M) fMIcice Bewl (O) (B ) Msvle •M MAIN STREET the part But Stuart, Budd’a (8> Daekpia Bawlfais Marymount College Is chal­ "P a t and Mike,” Spencer -IIM aaarchars. Secondari wrote the T r » ~ v K . H e n b u m . brother aad coUaborator, aad I Tlate fBaaael (8*48) Qaeea far a Dag oountoM trained to kts durlog (18) O ff W Advaatara le n g e Bcripta and alao served aa nar­ aald no-4K> matter what we M t 8:88 ( 8) Saarisa Semi 448 ( 8) B oM r Aady Shew world War n carries on a (tA4«) Mscavery >84 8:88 ( S) Tweatleth Oeatury . (48) Fcatare 48 rator. (88) B ig FIctara (tt-atTlfrteh Oease ^etoMtime vendetta agrtnrt ‘"The. American. Cowboy,” , (B-SS) Meet the Fraas (C) <88> Late Skew about it, the public JuM couldn’t 8:88 ( mt OaartN t ( 8) Adosiral Jock (Part n History from Dodse Public Affairs Intervlaw. "Klttv." P'U'ette Goddard. He was bom ia Rome, and (8) News, Weallivr, Mnmeale and wouldn’t acceri * Negro 8i f i ( t) Mewaeei Her (If-M ) Trathnsrter tV m U t Bea Oasey City Days. Demonstration of ( 8) Dragaet grew up and was educated in ^ yln | | | a Jewiafa boy from me 8:a ( 8) Trt 4i*B (ft4 8 j Howe vinoeat Edwards, Sam Jaffa. reinsterins brands. (R ) (88) Cksriie Chaa af MedtlaUaa IT D O E S Makt A Diff«r«neB Where Ton Savel mla country. Rls car baa bem ( 8> Urtag Ward 4:88 ( 848) H erte An aged, terminally 111 Ito (B ) Scklae 18 Pin BawHas (48) Scleace All Stars (8) Newsrepe. Maa to Maa. 7:88 ( 8) The HaUag afmt Maeto (••) Hake Atoeoi toe Daddy dtoa becomes a symbol ef (88) Wild BUI Hlafcak 8:88 * 8) M M ar Ed Memeals mt Oensfonl—^Hyma spent Imoat entirely in broad- And so, eventually, they au­ tt*48» TadogSeW • r i. L fl - courage to a youth who teare t :88 ( 8) Tear Oaasrassmaa baas Irked at being reminded that oasthig, but ha is elao the author ditioned Steve Lawrence—sev­ r i) SaWttera Oeaa. Sksto (88) Hawkeyebwkeye BurgeiT. Oanneetient horses sleep standing up. Ed 'C ^ 9 u s A m 4j^ O t t * of thTM novels Includliig "Coina OaUega ( I F Tfcre* St s ig ss (M) HaerapaUa: Hortfeid 1:88 ( 8) Face Mm NaMaa decides to rent a car so he N B C -TV s '^Sunday” wUI de- eral ttmee—end ultimately be „ (H) Weatter The AdmtoSi aad Swafcky (8) Masie Far Fassavar can drive and give his feet vote its full hour to the Viet la The Fountain” wmeh was was given the plum part. 7:S8 ( S> B F b Me. 8 *:M Diek Vaa Dyko Shew (18) The CkrlsUphers a rest. Nam story tomorrow from S-4 made into a hit movie. He spent "Steve la gretU," Drake aaye. ( 8) FMeads af Mr. Oeaher *:1* ( » « Frteadly Olart ‘‘Mad Ruaslan"Goidaa. (M) Issaes . Aad Aaswars (tg) Ster Shewesse s A V 1 M c ; s 4 % aBi A hert Richard Hayden. F or "Seme- (88) Haly Creas Ohareh chair (B ) Havs Gan Will Travel p.m. years in various news Jobs, ia- "Ha ie beixaning a sex symbol. •4 8 thing new in TV” Boh aa- oludl g a period aa ABC’s Wash­ K aa garee ftSI H erte semblea a trio of oM-Ume O u ren t It ’s funny, Mit It’s true. Im ’U be ta Jjphahrt What’ s Mew I . O A \ ington Bureau head, until his ap- e h a rd a . _ radio StATS. ■V s •. < I < I Annual a very Mg star." sn M aveilek (M> Laynuw's Qaida to Hed- pomtment as executive produc­ Drake, who had written auoh ------_s laiaae Bhsw Sheriff ef Oeehto* era Art DIvMend :*»48> Bemper Beam *48 (8)’ Hews, Weat t er, Bpsi te Television er in 1060. Becondal believes pop hits as "I BeUeve,''*^ "Tico ]4*> Bane ttaOtoWB U48 (1 ) Daaay Kaye Shaw MONDAY PROGRAM Rato that telaviaion has reaponalbllity (U ) SehsoripMsa TV Comedy-variety. OueeU: Dor- e a s o s b o T Tioo,” "Penlido” and "Come to f :1* I a) Deputy Dawg (M> Servlval la the Sea ctty^&jUna^oward Morris. flHM fftlRaTj 4:88 ( S-B ) Mevla ber, Louise Obrien sing songs ^ a ga y Fisaseiaa l?lT!Tffi6f to aitocate and enll|^ten. Next the Mardl Ores," is represent­ •:** ( 8) Leave It Ta Jtoavaa Hewe (TLM) Elevaatt Hour 8:88 ( 8) Baarlse Seatester (88) Make Baem tor Daddy insrtrsd newspaper items. aeaeon he plana another aeries ( 8) Beet af Graoehe m Laram ie Kim S t^ ey. Jayne Haadowe. lOOT MAIN ST„ MANOHBSTES s ROUnS tl, COVENTRY ed on the Broadway musical • :U (4|> Klag aad OdIe Shew :18 (88) Agrtoaltare mm Parade 8 :8* ( 8) The BMemaa ( 8-f*48). The BtasUsg Pslrt of four programs, examinationa 1*;88 S Sperte, Hews aad Waatli- A Boolall;ly ambiUous woman 8:88 ( 8) Memeats o f CeaMeit 188) Maffl Order Market Paul Richards, Terry Carter. stage for Uie first tfan« with (J ) Hewa aocuoM Dr. Graham of fore. 8:48 ( 8) Newseeae ( 88) Three Staages A boxer tears' he bos In­ "Umat Makes Sammy Run?" (M 8> Say Whoa 8:U ?%) Haws big hla attentions on 8:48 ( 8) Town Crier (48) The Admiral aad Swabby herited bis fighter father's t) Oeaeral BeepUal (88) Otahheoae (*■*#48) Ohanrtag "I'U never foiget opening 4*) Meroiag Marta 8:88 (* * ) Special Bepart _ (8) Uvlag Word Shew reputation in the ring. night," he saya. ‘1 promlaed 8) H a rt* Henry Jones, Jaaon Bvara. 7:88 ( 8) Uaderstaadiag Oar WeiM S:U (84) The Friendly Oiaat (84) In Sehael Preview Our SPEEDY Specialty i 8:88 ( 8) Maws Star athlete constdera Uuww- (B 4 8 ) Teday Shmr 8 :8* ( 8) Vagi Bear U:88 ( 84-8*48) News, Weather aad myself that I'd go out and get ( F 17 J V eelart Ing away his career. ( 8) Seathera Oaaa. State Osl- (84) What's New Sitorts TRULY DEUaOUS stoned. But when it h a i^ n ed , ffl-8F Hoattey Brtahler (tl> laAtteel Frertew (M) ifaveriek - (B ) Big News U:M ( LS4848) Hews. Weafhm m> Weather (4*) Sopermoa 1 was ao buay and so excited 8*48) Werd fer Ward aSTwhat’s Haw (18) News sad Weattsr * 48) Tha Ftlee to Bight 8 :U (88) Maws aad T:88 ( 8) FarteeMea • :M ( 8) News and Weather CHICKEN that I forgot" 1*48) OeaeaUraitoa (m Hg N( ( 8) Friends mt Mr. Oeeber (U ) to the FabUe latarest U :U ( 8) Monday (Mariight 748 ( 8) Utttoat Baha .18) News aad W eatter (84) DIseavery "The NIghtflghteins,” Robert Brown in 6 Minutes (»4 *4 8 ) Get tt * Heseoge 1 I) Lot's Talk Absal Mitchum. Ann Hsyarood. U :88 ( S 4 8 ) Jm jM udy (to ) laten ato OalMag u.-u ( I) Wedaeeday StarUght 1 8) Oaptala Ksagarae (48) News TV STATIONS CITED 84 48 (tt) Waatter, Lacol Hewe 8:88 (48) Larasato (18) Tonight ( * ) Htoslag Uahs «... Hontgomanr (48) OperaUsaAlphabet (48) Steve Allen The t m iM’s “ tfaMwt eatfai’ At a state confereaoe the a m U iM ( s T L e v * ef U fe (84) The HamaaHtae CUft, Ann Baxter. .'l8 ( 8) Hap RIohaids 8:18 I 8) Sparta, News aad Weotb- ehlokaft" witt laeoapamble Daughters of the Ameriotui (»M > Tear First taspresstot (8048) Hewa aad Waattor (to) Tealght ( 8) Jack La Lane Show U:86 (8) Sperte View ( i* V m i Fatter Kaews Beet 7iH (8*) Weston Hass. HtFSkhta (41) Stove ADea (1848) Bemper Bsaas 8 :U (B ) Otab Haase U:18 (8) Bto Movie 763 MAIN STREET—TEL. 643.1191 Revolution peased a reaolutlan F Saareli fer Tamarraw (I F Sparta U :8 (•1) Tealslit (4d> Boss tts Otown 8:85 (B> Special Bepart "A n g^ In the Outfield,” Paid commending Channel M and (48) Mesrs ( I) BigHevIe 8:88 I 8) N e ira Douglas, Janet Leigh. 8*48) V ntt ar Oaaaeaaaaeas ( 8) Depaty Dawg OAU. IN ORDER also Channel S’e "TIm Cheat J Itl^f* 4*48) Than. Braie Feed 7l88 (I) Bpeelal Baptrt “Border betdenf,'* Ricarde ( 8) L m v o It To Bsavss ( 4) FWlaw the Saa (B ) Tsal|M DID YOU KNOW n e k Up IS Mfamtoa Lator UiCS (**) Haws "Viet Nam: The Deadbr Der Montalban, George Hmrdiy. ( 8) Best at tlrsaohe (18) Ufa at BOey U:88 (48) Lstd’e Frayer Adventure” series. ' lilt ( '— ■ wHh n t t r of the erlt- U :tt (48) la r d ’s Frayer (48) Klag aad Odie Skew (B-88) Hartley Brlaklsy 1:88 (8) Newsseepe, MeaMnta ml lereard Shew tool deetolona the U.8. 148 ( 8) News BM ort Caartert aad mrmmm „ That SoHM Bifoeals A i« Wro« 9 For fartd T o m Charles Coll ly o u (8» What's New 1:98 ( 8) News, Weather aad Ma- DEOI’S DRIVE-IN man. (IF Wew.newe ' f (IS-SS) Say Whaa • :U ( ) News Bseats af MedHattoa Hiokak (8) General BespUal 88 CortolR PrsserlptioM? ASS OENTER BT.-S4S-SeS0 (*848) n e VirrtafaaJO) 1:U (8) yews, Weatttor (48) Mamtag Mevie 1:88 ( 8) After Diaaer Movie (88) News WE SELL and INSTALL 1:18 Lee J. Cohh, Jane Wyatt. A "The Hanglag Tree,” Gary woman InvttM (our weekend ( 8) Mavis Cooper. Marta SMeil. las-sarI) Ward w era far■ Word A proper segment is one that has neutralized alg^raically, the eats, hoping to eapoaa one (8-88) n~ a FriPrice Is Bight (18) SaheeriptisB TV RESIDENTIAL Let's Hake a Deal .. K- murder. SERVICES TELEVISia* (18) MaU Order Market distant portion with the reading portion to minimize object dis|rface> m ter * Dog (8*48) Tha Advartoraa of (8848) 'OSioeaistraUsa (B> Weather. Leeal News Medi<;al Advance (8-S8-I*) Get The1 Message ment, image jump and subject disappearance. GARAGE DOOR Gkrtoto^ets Ossia sad Hantot (B48) Jeppardy (M) HamaalBee ___ Beat e l Oreaehe I . ^ Sir Kesaett Olaik aa Art The Baatmr Sunrise Service (8-18-18) Mtoriax Liaka (S*-M) News aad Weather On NBC Special When an improper segment is u s^ it would cause injuries In *:88 ( F Heme Fatty ' from Hartford’s Goodwin Park ( 8) Leva a< Top (B ) Wastem Maas. Highlights OPERATORS (84) At tosae wUl be filmed by WTIC-TV for (B-88) Year Pint bapreaslea climbing stairs, curbs and alighting frcmi automobile^. ^W4.?8.Wtomt 8:8* (8) Oar *4. Hrhera Are T e a r (8-88-48) Father Knows Beat A special report on the medl- (8-8*48) Tha Farmer’s presentation at 12:30 pjB. to­ U :l ( 8) Search tor Tassorfaw (B-88) Msadsy Night At The FThefflra efel » g » baaghter morrow. \ (B ^ ) TraMi er Osaicaasaees Movies . . . oine and purKeiy oi Um om m I t a ^ LsmRa 1 The eervioe will be conducted (8-8848) Teas. Ernie Fetd "Pride of St. Louis.” Dan , FTroKuater (B ) News Dailey, Joanne Dm. Blog- will be presented in a fuM-bow (1848) Oaaarrt Hesrtlal at the park from 6:80 to 6 a-as. raM y of Dixy Dean. (1968). *4 8 ( F Ta Ten lie by the Greater Hartford Ooua- ( 8) Best SeUar ( *4*48) Oater LtaUte NBC News special, 'Breafc- Irene Ryan — Female Sad Sack^ a S m t Tea B e a t U r t:88 (848) Mavis Nick Adams. Nancy Malone. throudrh: Medicine — Shi4 >e of Buddy Ebsen. Coonteas Maria (dl of Churches and presented (88) FUas A man and woman must rep­ von Holatein returns Just aa on ChannM 3 aa part at the ata- (B -M ) At Hsb m WHh HMty resent earth in a fllEht with a the Future,” toroocrow flrom V * female aad aack, andany o f “TIm Baveriy HlUblUea!” . The wholesale value hi aa- Grmniw la bt-ewtng her annual Uon’s “We Believe” series. The (48) Barbara Bernard Shaw couple from aaother planet 1 don’t care who knows H,” aaid^"” — ------• - thnated at $4-SS for the cam- vat or mring toma ( 8) As The WoM Taras 10-11 p.m. ( « NBC-TV. Tve always idain-Jane service ts being televised for (14) Uvhur Arts at Japaa Irene IWan, who headllnee this parts, Uttle old aptostenB and plate outfit. It would retaS dor Onatomhud Seat Oevaca (*»48> Eaptoaogs (88) WIM BUI Htefcsk (84) Dr. Fosln's Olaala mewers win aee a Mdn«iy Ingrid Thulln, mevea BH. A the first time. (48) News < 8-Zt-48> Wagaa Train lOsIsr) yypf'a Baater Parade ae poaat- scuUery maids.” M*A Onetomlsed Ante Tope (48) Barbara Bernard ns traiuplahtation and other dram­ My one of the worst-dreeaed (B ) Special BepeM R ^ Drmton, Robert Filler. 'Asked w h y abe never "Ib at’s Juet my everyday en­ ^trTing to help a wonoan atic new advances in vlsita to pwform ers in show buifneaa. •wttohed to seduottve mink* and ( 8) luiasword eseam^ bandage. l Is framed for Mins Ryan, whose long career semble,” says lOas Ryan. " It y TURNPIKE AUTO (8848) Let's Moke a Deal murder. medical centers in Richmond, sweaters, aha reined w fyly, Sunday-go-to-meetin’ get-up ia ( 8) doeea Fur A Day (84). . . . OrartOtmai DectoUasDeetolsas V4l ; MtameapoUa, Houston, baa been a parade of unglamor- WILSON (88) This b The Answer "That would be luu trying to oririnal rummage sale, and R’s (48) The Best of Qioaehs 8:88 < 8) Daaay Thanus SharShaw CSiicaco and New Orleans, 0*1* roles cloaked in unfaahion- flag down the S i»ar Chief with a Uttla nicer." SEAT COVERS EUCTRICAL CO. MANCHESTER l:W ( 8) Heosa Patty M arjo^ Lord. Denny'sly 'e oon- where knaginative reeearohers abie (xilthee, will not have even a bumt-out ..m a h ^ .’* IS# W. Bfiddle Trim. Reeidential-Ooniia.-In(L (8848) The Dorters cem for Piccolo____ Pupa’s lack are pioneering new paths In a new ribbon on her bonnet For her Baiter Sunday tour < 848-48) Day b Osart of boy friends turns to shock Forgettable dr iaseg and un- o f Marineland o f tha P a d flo S4S-4SIT - - S4S-U88 when Rusty proposes. b e a li^ the aidlL when she co-atar* with Donna dtotinguiahed suMs are as much OLDSMOBIIJE ^BAXES (>»48) News 11m Edge ef Night J


Andy W illiam s Hdp^^ fo r __ THURSDAY Television PROfeRkjVI Fc . ^ ____ 1 ■ Tae DaBt Say . < S-fSdfl Mjr Thru Saab Better Ratings Next Year IS3e{ Qsua for a Diay Fred UacMurray-. When Bub . Cm o «H s 6)66 ( 8) Baaaar Aady Shaw Jolna the Woman’s Battae* ' I? 9 * i!* * ^ •* OOMidatmUmrt . (MAfo M Q ^ O u HOLLYWOOD. fAP)—If Andy S> MewseeSs ment Leuue’a lrea-savU>F ef­ I. 6) .. AdaUralAdaalra daek fort, Ronble'k tomhoM la Williams loolmd terried. It was 6;tf . Tswa A i A f I (6) rngrer ------threatened.' 1 because he had Just spent his 6£H (SS-M) Nawa t:M it) Parry Baiu 7:6 Wesfcrs Wajr 4iM < 3-It) Mavla lunch period With his tax men. tWWl today Raymond Burr, An aotraas' < t>..Sa. Fraaes • J * »k e Meaai for Daddy bellevM aha Is victim of aa “ Sometimes at> this time of 6:M ( SI Tba BIflenuu extortion plot by a Voung year," he sighed, munching on •SU« BaHh <66> af Maafo Offofo man claimmc to "ba 'her Easter, st^ices at the First (**> Thru Btoacu lost son. a hamburger in his office after­ . - ---ead* 0t Mr. Oaoh ^MI^Tka Admiral aad Bwabhy ward, "you wonder if it’s ali Baptist Church in Nashville, 6:66 I I ) .Oaptala gaasitraa I6-26-MI* Basica OTeate. iOlHisbet Dean Jones.- An "unotncial’'___ worth it. You end up with so Tenn., w^ll be presented tomor­ 6:66 ( If gap Blehatd* <*•) Tim Friaadly Oiaal' leave for Seaman White Uttle." row on CBS-TV from 1 1 a:m. t 6) Lm - **** ■ackleberry Masad ------O’Toole bi trouble n£d to 12 nooQ. An hour-lqng pro­ the seaman in Bangkok. (R) That appeared to be merely I6e> Baps the dews (641 By-Une 64 fiscal fatigue, because later he gram of treligiods music qnd (361 .Maverick t:M (6 M ) Hiual (Oalsir) ' ~ Daws a u CacWu admitted that he would be witl­ readings precede the telecast, i Te Beaver 8>6$ ( ■> Mawa, Waatliar aad BpaHa Shlrtey Jfcioth, Hasal. be- ing to perform his work for starting at 10 a.m. * •'. . .. < ■ .I)1 ' a it* el” GQreaohe ' (16> in Ike Pabllc IstereM friends aa itinerant liand^' f!'ie (Ml DUoovery who had been accused nothing. His work is singing, 16:66 ( I ) Mews _ (46) 3lawa of petty theft and it’s a Job he does very well. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, < t^ > Bay Whea (461 M a ela n ^ (S-MU) Jit lau Oeaa Skew' So well that NBC wanted him ( 6> Geeeral Hespllel .SneHa News aad Maalb- Musical - variety,.arfeW. Quest. O u e s"t st youngest brother of the late (Mi.Msralas Mevia “ ~ rt . , Bydle Oorme. “ Jim _Reevu, to sing on 26 shows next season, President John P. Kennedy^ will 16;M <(J ^ i ‘■6 MsHa • d:U (26). . Uabhaeu (Ml., hyyioaL aad threads against this season’s 12. be interviewed on N B C -’TV’s ( » . « ; Ward Far Ward • :is (221 BpedalBaa Bepert " I didn’t want to,” he re­ “Meet the Press’’ tomorrow from t:M ( 81 Newa “ ■ ^----- W i l ’?^;.:a“y?*6. Jonway, Diana Lynn. A 1L6. ( SI Jleas Keaa student nurse's emotions In-' marked, "but NBC told me they 6-8:30 ' (lii Safeaeri^~ ■ IpSu___ TV i:l terfere with her professloiud had no spot to put specials next (66-M) Bmtley-B"irfoiklay Be- duties. ¥ 'iM season. In fact they said it was Liakv (t t n > Busy Theatre America’s Q b ^ . Levant and (Cefor) 26 shows or ‘ mottling. I ac Britain’s'Rahart Morley-appear Flrvt tsmraiilvs Fnillp Abbott. (%arlul cepted." . - m NBO-TV's-*'^ Jack SSr n.vk i faiker KMwa B«vt Oraw.7 A "Ttuler killer terroriae^^' It wasn’t quite as cut and Mt$6 < for Tttm tm m ■ turnpike on which a Pruldea- PrograljSf".: BVlday from lO -U ’ hS!(22) ssissr Nawa aad Waalhu '■ tial OAravan Ts trareliiig. dried as that. Andy exacted cer­ p.m. • i .1 ■ (24) At luaa • (Ml ta .SrhesI Preview tain benefits, some of them li:l6 1:CC ( I) But Sailer I , ;6S-*6) Jlewa aad Waalhu 16:M ( 61 Lea Marvla I more than fringe. IS* ?***J5* ■•ri'Mrtfo “W ay of the Cross,’’, retrac­ (6de> Mevle > (Ml Byartt JMl Newji^^^^pert "NBC agreed to re-do the en­ (M) Film . ! ___ (46) Newi In-deptb at the preak’a tire sound system' in our studio ing the 1 steps of Jesus as He 1:M ' 3) i^award toBI storysio (Ml Bow icarry'a HlUtoa- at Burbank," he said. " I t ’s a walked .to His Crucifixion, will Allen Ijuciden. hoai..- Oueata: siro oe presented for the fifth suc­ *•66 J *) LTfoe Werid Tarat " Cam* Channln*. Jack Carter. Job that may cost around $600,- (Ml Wild Bill Hirkaek (33) Temple HeaaloB 11:M I 6-S-26-M) Mews, Wealhst cessive year on N BC-TV to­ a u. Nwr» aad Sports 000. arid I think it’s worth it.- We Jeff Hunter. Paula RaymoiWI. (66) Big NewsMaw Just can’t get the same quality morrow from 2-8 p.m. }’S Ba.asrd Aa attractive splnater dta- *■** f S i Sf ?fkaH l coyers she is the dupe In a (66) Naws aad Weathar in sound that you can get in a (66) M u af Destlay ROla ro’ihery nlot. 11;U ( 6)I) Tharsday. SUrlight Former I^esidential Pren 6:66 < S> Puiward •'The Heat. Olena recording stiidio. I think the im- Ford. Olorla Orahame. Secretary Pierre Salinger, who ( 1 ^ Let’a Make ’a Deal proveme.1t in .syuhd will be no­ j •> S!P*“ Far a Day | (M) Taaight ticed by pnough people to make is seeking the Democratic nomi­ <*{> S fo le Tfce Ufa 6:M \% t e l L " (Ml Slue KDea Bhaw . a difference in the size of our nation for senate in Ci^ifomia, (Ml Naked City 11:26 (8) Burts ' . Day la Caarl 11 :M (22) Taalxhl audience.” Is guest on CBS-’TV’s "Face the leS;*%i!.’ Skew ( 6) Big ftavta < I l^ u e e Party Bekavier Other concessions include bet­ Nation’’ tomorrow from 12:30- TIi6 D#d#fs 6:66 (62-M) Dr. Kildare "Brother Orchid." Edward (K 1 p.m. r Robinson. Ann Southern. ter office space for Andy’s Richard Chamberlain 12:46 (M) Lard’s Prayer growing organization and an *'** (6 1 ) Trallmaater •* ■ Baxter. A woman's attempt 1:1 ( 8) News, Weather aad Me- to compensate for her son's BsealB at MedItoUea earlier time slot. Elia Kazan’s "Wild River"” (62-361 Laratta Vaaaa Joopardiaes another a aa HsiPMal ( 1) Wewsupe, Mameato sC " I think tiia.’s important too,” with Montgomery Clift and *=»> ' 31 Te Tell Ike Traft cnua.. Camfort he remarked. “In traveling L«e Remick will be shown on (64) The BdMor (M) Newa M s p loC' around the country I’Ve had lots NBC-’TV’s "Saturday Night- At C o ast to of people tell me' they were sor­ the Movies” tonight from » to fa x .) ry iheir children couldn’t stay conclusion. up until 10 to see m y show. I FRIDAY Teievis ion PROGRAM know we can get a better rat­ TfOM OA4UU6MI 8:M ( 6) Naws ing U we can get to tltat young­ ( 6) New Bread (Celsr) , er audience. Guuto: Oscar Levant, Robert t:U I 6) Mameau at Camtart (IS) Sabsoripltoa 7TV Motley. Alu; JfUm feature No' Despite the prospect of more Critic Lists 6:M ( I) Newserae i|ley-Bi oa, the Cannu Film Featlval. work. Andy’s return to a week-1 d:U ( 8) Tawa Crier •:4d... (M> Nows .. .. ' 6-86-46) Fight ef Ihe Week - ly show holds some satisfaction ! (6) U v iv Ward Vallay Days 16 :M ( 6-8686) Mahe That Spare (Ooaliaaed from Page One) T:M (22-M) TSdu'Shaw (M) Mall Order Maroel Top bowlers compete for lor him. He did one a season I ( 8) The Christoitopkara cub prises at Paramus, ago and though it was praised (8) Maa T h e Makar_____ <**> WeUher. Lseal Naws (N.J.) Liuies. Ryker," a- two-part drama on »1> ^ 'r ir a l la The Sea Fro by the criUcs, it couldn’t draw J~*. •* *6». Oraebae (64) Aa Age ef Kiags NBC’s "Buepense TheeMer.” (88) Weathar a .1 Waalhu ll:M ( 6^J6 46) News Wutber big enough ratings to please the i 8) F r a m tba ^ h ^ V f o " " “ “ 'kaealta f^ r U network. The show was dropped The two OB6 Bing Crosby _ Caaepaa (66)' Big ...w.News —and then woh an Emmy. specials^ were especially de- 7:66 ( S> LM’s Talk Abeat (46) n H!?* ,, (66) 2foWs aad Weatheri w i t h w 6:M I 8) Captoif K a m i 11:16 (6) Friday Storllghl 6:66 (8 ) Tha Oreal Advulare Inoperatlvi “ NBC had misgivings right ligMfUl,''and the 60-nUnute ex- *:M (46) OpeiaUsa Alphhabel Peter Qravu, AndrOw Dug- "Sergeant Rutledge." JeKrr afterward,” he said, “ but by perimqptsJ "That W as the 6:M ( 8) Hap Blekards Hunter, Constance Tower. pn- (Part I) Daniel Boone's (M) Tealght M anchestei that time it was’ too late. De- WibRs ’That W as" in November < •> for Laau Sbaw 'to llin g of Booneaborough ia Rempar Buai foliowed by a BHtlsb-ln- (46) Steve A llu Shew in the eart ^ te the Emmy and the im­ was lots of fun—although the (46) Bau The Clawa spired Indian siege. 11:66 (8) S p e^ provement in ratings, they hatf-hour series it inspired on P*Pk‘T Dawr (M) laforaatiaaal ShawHsu 11 :M (88) TealghI Shew (Cefor) couldn’t reschedule us." *'*• ! i l R *• Reavu Don Ameche. host. Morris ( 8) Big %Ievto : N BC has proved a sharp dis­ » I-** •! Qraaclto „ (^halfen s "Holiday on loa.’ "Winter Meeting." B • 11W appointment. 6:46 (M) Klag and Odie Bha^ (From France). Davis, Jim Davis. Mozart’s opera "The Mar­ lt:M I 8) Naws (6-36-M) Destra 18:46 (46) ^ r d ’s Prayer Et Two "CBS Reports” stand 1:M ( 8) Newsupe, Memeala Me af riage of Figaro" will be pre­ (St-M) Say Wku John Gavin. (Jhulea Rugglu out — "The Silent Spring of (8) Oeaeral Naspital Deatry Is appointed deputy Csmfori aa(f Hyma sented on Channel 24 Friday at (M) Maraiag Movie when a vengeance vialt Is ex­ , ^ (M) News 8 p.m. Rachel Oarson’’ last April and 16:M ( 8) Mavla pected from two convict 1:M (8 ) News, Wuther Mu "The GreaA American Funeral’’ brothers. ■seals st Medilatlsa In in Ootober, both based on beat- _(8-M) Price le Bight (22) As Schuls Match Wits tl:M (82-36) Caacaatratloa (24) Scleace Brporter sebing books and both oontro- 6;N (22) Blegraphy tl.ia J?* Meaeaga veraial. N B C ’s "WhHe Pa­ 11 :M (28-M) Jupardy . „ (24) Marriage ef Flgau (8-26-46) Mlssiag Liahe 6:M I 1) Reale M per” on gambling almost a year 16:M I 3) Lave OI Ule Albert Salmi, Audrey Totter. SHOP and E s c a p e ! ago was impreaeive. and so was (22^) Y u r First Imprauiaa Two rodeo cowboys subject a (8-26-46) Father Kaews Beet clown to vicious pranks. (R) a special, “MisB America: Be­ (ELM)) Beb Hope Theatre SAVE In East hind the Scenes,” which showed 16 :M 5 •> Search far Temerrew (62-M) Trath er Ceaseaaeacea Anthony Franclosa, Pat W HERE ^ ta m k in painftd detail the ordeal of O'Brien. Drama of a inan 12:68it xs (31) News E A ST HA a beauty contest wipner. with a compulsion to steal. YO U SEE 1:M ( 8) Best Seller (6-6686) Barke’s Law Two 16-year ELECTRONICS And then, of oouree, there (6d6> Mevle Gene Barry. Steve Cochran. THIS the Meriden (M> Fllai was CBS’ coverage of the Joe Burke treats a former gtrl SIGN were apprehc laboratories (22-36) Al Haaie With KIMr frtond as a suspect In a Valaohi hearings and— who can 1:66 146) tartara Berurd 8ltow . _ "Horsey set" murder. by East Hai forget? ^ the first television 1:M I 3) As The Nforid Taras 8:M ( 8) TwUl^t Zoae thig morning appearance of the Beatles. (M) Wild Bill Nirkak Penny Singleton. John McGlr- 2 7 7 BROAD (46) News - ^ er. An overbearing ex-Navy ■peed ehaae t I In the thousands of hours of 1:86 (46> Barbara Beraatd man who bellows through 'The youth television there were a k»t of 1:66 (88) Special Bepart life suddenly finds noise ■tolen from Prompt Service 8:M ( 8) Puswaid overwhelming him. pretty dreadful showa. ,The list (28-M) Let’s Maho a Deal (U-M) This Was The Week ■peeda of 90 Radio Dispatched is long, and it is kinder to for- ( 8) Qaaaa Far A D ay^ TTkat Was they tried to (M) Failh for TTaday Satirical revue of tbpical f u r n i t u r e lice said Offi< (46) The Best af Oraaoba romment. Elliott Ried, boat *:M ( g-26-46) 'Day la Coart Henry Morgan, Nancy Amu, 1116 MAIN SntEET gave chase ' (6) Haase Party INek Noel. the car trave (66-86) The Doctors f 8-86-46) The Price fa Bight OLIVA’S ESSO 6:68 (6VM) Nawa Audience Participation. Bill of speed on . 6:M ( 8) The Bdgs at Night Cullen, but. Guut: Nipsy 411 HARTFORD RD, He follower PETS (86-M) Larelto Yaaiw Ruuell. of Main and ■■ i ( 6) Trailmaslar 16:M (8) Alfred HItchceek Rear (66-Id) Ueaaral **—y*tn1 Darren McGavin. Patricia SDRWEIX’S TEXACO he was Joinei S:M (6 ) To ToU The Tralb Crowley. Suspense comedy 1475 SUver Lane, E. Hartford ard Lewis, PET FOODiS (66-M) Yea Daa’t Bay about a thief who finds a body in hts latest stolen car. chase continu TV -B adl«. Satoa and Scrvioo . JV (M jd ^ q ea u Far a Day RUDY’S SERV. STATION raced down I d.-(W I 8) BMiytar Aady Shew ' 168-M Jack Paar P regiaas 184 E. CENTER ST, (M-M) V Match a t c - Oasu------St. PET ATTIRE ( 6) AdodnJ Jack (MU#) Trailasastor WYMAN OIL CO- lae. Their car d:M (88-M) Ndm 34 M A IN ST, tqhen they fal Com plete Osrdss SsppBs. diM I------>8 8- ) .IsviaMavla turn at the li Beatify (M) Make Bubs for Daddy WBI. PECK LUMBER, Bm ^ re rllh s s n 6:M I 6) MagUla Qarilla * PAINTING pie and Forbi Service (M) MiJl Ordu Markal 2 M A IN ST. came to rest bitortor. Exterior The boys le I We attend to YLEN’S TEXACO Swabm WaUpoper Book* Into a swam] 'every detail Lawa Maiaftaowca S61 M A IN ST. 6;U (84) Tha fBrieadly FB^Iuuigfaig after them, that k e e p g Low* Mowers Floor* aad Celliaga • :M ( d) Roclw aad Frieads K a s s i f f a r m s voluntarily. T y o u looking (84^ W h .a'q N ew Palated aad Reflaiaiied your beet Ropirfrecl. Shorpeoed --- Maveriok M l M A IN ST. iliee headqi . (46) Baperawa Worknrmanb lp Owaraateed Soning and t • :M ( 6) News, Waathar aad 8parts FMlIjr Insured DICK’S OULP HBBV. venile authorli Cameo Beaufy U T T IE & (16) la tba PahMe lalsrset 476 HARTFORD RD. <*4) Uvlag Aria af Japaa Studio M cK i n n e y 6168 (M) Lanuafo LEO PELLETIER GARNER RUG fILEAN B y e a Su>e 8rl6 ( 8) aperCTlIewe aad Wa 8 GRISW OLD ST, | M8-2T4X 18 WOODBBIDOB ST. •40-03M HARTFORI 6i S t. 8iU * \ f Naws Police Cornir Maarbester— 648-862d (86) Clahhaau STA’TB SERV. STATION •iM (66) Special Bapari 770 M A IN s t ; Mulcahy todi . minion fron Oeneral Haro

(See Pa G a m b lii In Hot

HOT SPRIN Police atari c Bee that thla city’s biggest gambling, is r Roulette wh tables and slo ■tilled Sunday Orval E. Faub Whether the Bent is a quest •rator predict would be In jrear. A move legalise gambl A rtn z t Daily N«t t’ r e n Ran *’or tha Weak Ended March. Jl, 1964 Tha Waatkar 13,922 roreeaat of V. S. tlrr Bai Member of the Audit. *Wr tonlKht. low M «a Bureau of ClrcuIaUon Snnny Tweeday momlaf, tU Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm In afteriMNm. Hlfli near 4a, VOL. LXXXIII, NO. 153 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 30, 1964 (Claaatfled Advertlalaf ea Page 14) PRICE SEVEN CENn Alaska Damage Estimate: $350 Million Families in Anchorage Struggle to Keep Warm, Fed Townspeople "A ^ Toll of Dead Line Up for i Still Rising, Water, Soup i May Top 100 ANCHORAGE, Ala.ska (AP) — The melancholy A N C H O ^ E , Alaska quiet of di.saster’s after- (AP)— As Alaskans toiled ' .t Riath has settled over this to dig out from the rubble pitifuHy scarred city. of Friday’s great earth­ Soldiers guard deserted quake, Civil Defense offi­ Weary people line up With bottles, buckets, jars, cof- cials listed new casualty fee tins, at big water-tank figures today of 21 known trucks. Others line up a* s dead and 83 missing and school building for typhoid' pre.sumed dead. shots, others at the city pari: | Fifty-five were reported to for soup in steaming v’ats. i have been injured. Eyes arc dull from snock and ' This means if those presumed fatigue, but if voices are low, ! dead most were wa.shed to sea spirits seem amazingly high. by tidal waves following the The crucible of common misfor­ quake -a re indeed dead the toll tune has brought out the best in will be more than 100. nearly everyone, and selfless­ Before this morning's report, ness has become conto-rious, an estimated 70 had been listed though the struggle slmpiv to as dead or pre.sumed so. •‘I keep one's own family warm Gov. William A. Egan made , »!*.- and fed Is exhausting. a new damage estimate Sunday At the home of construction night of J350 million for this far worker Victor Paa! seven chil­ north state, where industry In dren. five of them neighbors, several south-central coastal huddle before the fireplace. For towns was virtually obliterated; them Good Friday's wicked Civil Defense officials gave earthquake has brought only >i, this breakdown on casualties; MfikiM grand adventure. Anchorage, with a metropoli­ They melt snow in a big yel­ Quake dropned part of I'ourth A\e. in Ancliorarre ten feet below former level. (AP Photofax.) tan population of 100,000 and the low plastic trash basket on the state s largest city, 8 dead and hearth, eat lunch from olive '-FT-'T- F '' ' "FI 2 presumed dead, 50 injured. Map locates quake-hit cities in Alaska and Pacific drab tins, spend the night to­ Kodiak, 7 dead, 14 presumed gether in sleeping bags. A Coast towns where tidal waves struck. (AP Photo­ de"d, 2 Injured. neighbor, Frank Reed, has an Valdez, i dead, 30 presumed fax.) electric stove, so Mrs. Paal is dead. 2 injured. able to cook one hot meal a day Seward, 2 dead, 20 presumed At the Airport Helghta School dead, 2 injured. famlltes were receiving typhoid Whittier, 1 dead, 12 presumed shots from four registered dead, 1 injured. No Word Received nurses dressed in pants and Cordova, 1 dead, 5 presumed sweaters. dead, injured unknown. It was the first chance many Port Ashton. 1 dead, 6 pre­ of the neighbors had had to see sumed dead, injured unknown. From Alaskan Kin one -another since the quake. The death toll in Alaska was "HI, Marshall, how's all your certain to climb—many still are fam ily?" the tone of voice, and missing—but most state officials the reply, indicated it was not expected the final total to stay With cohununications in the Anchorage area either just a. parfunctory remark. below 100. "Fine, thank God. Tours?" Inoperative or too jammed up to count on, a number of As neighbors swapped experi­ A stunned population began to Manchester families are still unable to reach relatives ences, it becjime more clear realize the economic ruin car­ what It was like during the aw­ ried by the quake. In some com­ In the earthquake stricken southern coast of Alaska. munities, industry was as much ------— ■ At Homer, near the southern ful minutes that began at 8,-36 as 98 per cent wiped out. yy _ tip of the Kenai------Peninsula------, are p.m. Friday. "Are you sure it was only "It might take a year and a the Robert and Milton Turklng- half to two yeara to rebuild,” ton families, children of Probate minutes?" said Oarence Col­ Events bert, an engineer. "I'd awear said Mayor Bruce Woodford of Judge and Mrs. John Wallett of smashed Valdez, "but we'll Waranoke Rd., and the Earl En­ that damn thing lasted at least make it." a half hour. We were all at gles, in the fishing business with Egan .said his estimate of In State Robert Turkington. home. At first I thought it was property damage was conserva­ On Kodiak Island, directly tive. Other unofficial estimates south of the Kenai Peninsula (See Page Nine) were higher. and reportedly subject to severe Egan had increased the figure Escapees Nabbed flooding, are Ensign and Mrs. after visiting ValiRe, his horn# Steven J. Ratey. Mrs. Ratey is town. In East Hartford the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Relief Effort Information from many of the John Jacobs, 125 Brookfield St., heavy-hit areas was sketchy at and was expecting a child on I In Kodiak, where a tidal EAST HARTFORD fAP)— Good Friday. " ■Set in Motion wave washed out the water­ Two 16-year-oId escapees from An Blmendorf Ar Firce Base, front, one report said martial the Meriden School for Boys near Anchorage, are Airman law had been proclaimed. Po­ were apprehended at gun point 1/c and Mre. Benjamin Stev­ By LBJ Aide Tidal waves damaged Kodiak, shown here, and other Alaska and West Coast towns. (AP Photofax.) lice refused to confirm or deny by East Hartford police early the report. this morning, following a high ens. Stevens is the brother of Mrs. David Koalovich, 60 Edi­ WASHINcioN (AP) - Presi­ Valdez, a tiny fishing port of speed chase down Maple St. son Rd. For Better Grades 1,000 re.sidents on the Gulf of The youths, driving a car dent Johnson's disaster relief Alaska east of Anchorage, ap­ None have been stole to get stolen from Windsor, reached chief returned today from a Are your grades slip- Glenn Quits Equal peared the hardest hit. Most of speeds of 90 miles an hour as messages out to their Manches­ swift inspection of quake-rav­ ping? its dead were swept away when ter relatives. Is your they tried to evade police. Po­ aged Alaska and immediately reading tire- * - TF y . a tidal wave collapsed the city's lice said Officer lAurence Jones And in Juneau, W. Thomas set in motion a relief effort that some ? In Graham^s dock*whiIe a freighter was be­ gave chase when he observed Perkins, a project engineer for ultimately could reach several Get smart with “Stop ing unloaded. the car traveling at a high rate the Bureau of Public Roads hundred million dollars in feder­ Reading Word by Word" Cites Lar injury Raiiy In addition to the Alaska of speed on Pitkin St. working at Sitka, on Baranof al funds. and get better grades. in Dixie casualties, 16 were killed in He followed it to the corner Island con.sdderably south of the Edward A. McDermott, head This is another outstand­ i California and Oregon by tidal BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (API — waves. of Main and Brown Sts. where of the office of emergency plan­ ing read-and-study series , Tex. (API—tm end that I discontinue any he was joined by Officer Rich­ (See Page Four) ning, said he planned to talk to beginning today in The Forme- astronaut John H. plans for activities for at least Billy Graham'.s Ea.s- After-.shocks from the Good ard Lewis. The high speed Johnson by telephone again this Herald on Page Eleven, Glenn Jr., withdrew today from the next several months." ter appearance before an inte­ Friday temblor continued as chase continued as the Juveniles morning. He had reported to and will continue for 20 residents began the work of the Ohio U.S. Senate campaign Glenn had been prevented grated audience of more man than raced down Main St. to Maple Johnson from Alaska before publication days. It follows because of injuries from a bath­ reconstruction, vowing to re­ St. heading back to Washington. the outstandingly success­ room fall month. sr. build better than ever. Their car left the highway McDermott also said he was ful "30 Days to Better "No man has a right to ask Marine (Jorps. His release from I Inspirationalr ‘ success by President Johnson said, after t^hen they failed to negotiate a News Tidbits calling a meeting in his office Grades" published last fall. for a sea( in either branch of the Corps had been postponed Negroes and white persons, turn at the intersection of Ma­ from the AP Wires this afternoon of the heads of the Congress merely because of pending his recovery from the | The gathering at Legion Field, (See Page Eight) ple and Forbes St. The vehicle all departments and agencies ___ t • bathroom fall. a specific event such as orbiting a football stadium in Birming came to rest in an open lot. that "appear at this time to the earth in a space craft," The 42-year-old former astro The boys left the car and ran have major responsibility in the Pope Toughens ham, was the largest integrated Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller Glenn told newsmeni i c w m i ic i i aftera lV c r oneOiiC naut, aioiuv, who w iiu resignedi v s i g i i c u irfrom u iii theLllf into a swamp. Police went ^ repair and rehabilitation efforts of his physicians said particlpa-'^nation's space program plan audience in Alabama's history. turns away from home-front after them. They surrendered that have to be undertaken im­ P olicy on Reds liontirtn in the campaign _ would_____ i______*^bea i.. -x m ______It also was the religious problems and resufnes his cam­ mediately." ning to retire from the Marine voluntarily. They were taken to- detrimental to his health and re­ Corps and enter the Ohio race, gathering in the state. Bulletins police headquarters for qubs- paign for the Republican nomi­ He declined to speculate on yA'nCAN CTTY (AP) — The covery Rigid security precautions nation for president with a new fell Feb. 36 as he attempted to Culled from AP Wires tioning and turned over to Ju­ how much of the damage costa framework of a tough new Vati­ His statement was made at hang a mirror in the bathroom were in force, but there were venile authorities. blast at the Democratic admin­ from the quakes and tidal the Air Force hospital where he of his Columbus, Ohio, apart- no incidents. The city has been , istration — "The Democratic can policy toward communism I waves might be shouldered by was brought March 6 to recover I ment. , the—------scene of racial violence in i party ia the party of deficit and stood out today after the first AUcARTHUR WORSENS the federal government. Gov. from inner ear damage. He banged the left side of his the past. Byes Sweep Receiffte debt.” .... ReporU reaching I WASHINGTON (AP)—Gen­ William A. Egan of Alaska has Holy Week of Pope Paul Vi's The ear injury im paired, head against the edge of the "Billy Graham has brought Waahlngton Indicate Cuba's for­ eral of Uie Army ^uglsa HARTFORD (AP) — SUte : estimated property damage as reign. G.enn s sense of balance and! bathtub and suffered a concus- out the best in us,” said Mayor Police Conunlssioner Leo J. eign -exchange fortunes have $360 million and said h e. was MacArthur, flghUng tor htf The hardening emerged in curtailed his plans to retire 1 sion. Doctors described the in- Albert Boutwell. life, developed a kidney <-on- Mulcahy today requested 4n climbed but Its general economy I being conservative, speeches delivered by the pon­ March 1 from the Marine Corps ’ jury as labrytinthitis, an in-1 x Nearo minister the Rev ditJon of "grave concern” dur­ .minion from State Atty. continues to slide downhill. j However, Sen. E. L. Barlett tiff during the week. He also said he and Sen. Ernest Gruen- to enter the Ohio Senate ra ce.! flammatlon of the inner ear. j j, l . Ware said "It is mv canl ing Uie night but was re­ General Harold Mulvey as to '^Irty-seven young persons. j again stressed the search for Glenn said he sent a telegram Marine Corps regulations pro- din ’ oolnion that thia ^oreo* Including a Tale University ! Ing, would see Johnson. The ported rallying today. Army Christian unity and closer ties Surgeon General Leonard D. (See Page Fifteen) chaplain, face court hearings In two Alaska Democrats made between Roman Catholics and StateSed vide for retlr^ en t onl^y on "the | Shrist^Ti" sT rv i«“ wll/^^^ov** *to Brown requesting that his name first day of a month. Glenn be the turning point in changing Heaton said he showed a 8t. AugusUne, Fla. on clyvges the 40-hour round trip of nearly other Christians. be taken off the Democratic 8,CX) miles in the party aboard originally was scheduled to re­ the outlook and image of Bir slight improvement. stemming from weekend Inte­ After a Good Friday proces­ ballot. tire March 1. His military con gration demonstrations In St. President Johnson's plane. sion in which the 66-year-old .. . ------: iiij^ntuiiIngham imointo a cuycity oiof peace anaand The Marine Corps lieutenant nection prevents an active role tranquility and prosperity for all STIFF SENTENCE GIVEN Gambling Halted Augustine, the nation's oldest Bartlett said he believes there pon"'f carried a cross, he con­ colonel said he might return to in politics people. NTCW H A V E N (AP) — A city. . . . Nearly a million etrol- should be a special federal pro­ demned Communist treatment hi.? home near the National gram which would provide sev­ Glenn's name will stay on the federal Judge said today he In Hot Springs lers clog an 11-blook stretch of of Roman Catholics as another Aeronautics and Space Adminis­ Negroes and white persons ap­ was "thoroughly fed up” with New York's Fifth Ave. yester­ eral hundred million dollars to crucifixion. tration center at Houston, Tex., (See Page Seven) peared evenly divided. ! restore Alaska's shattered cities the recent wave of bank hold­ HOT SPRINGS, Ark. (AP)— day for the annual Easter pa­ In his first Easter speech as within a week or so. Walter Smyth, an