fK Q S EIGHTICEN FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1984 ' ‘ I Averacs Doily Not Pmos Ran A rehsaraal, schsdulsd for ‘ For Um Waak Ended Tho W m efB r t i ter said, five towns bava ap­ Marsh, 31, 1964 ' Monday evening at Sunset Re- Realty Firm proved the agreement—^Man­ Tax Agents End About Town bekah Lodge, haa been post­ CRPA Okays chester, Glastonbury, Weat poned tmtU Tuesday at 7:30 Hartford, East Hartford and Visits to Town 13,922 Frank 8. Raffa, aon o t Mr. p.m. at Odd Fellows HalT. Farmington. and Mra. Frank RafTao of 127 Loses Appeal Open Space Mambor of tha Audit Okartar Oak S t, haa been nam­ The agreement dose not be­ Manchester area resldenU Ekuoaa of Ctrculatlon lEurnttig IfcraUi ed to tlte dean's Uat at Avon liUta Junior Museum, 136 Ce­ come effective until towns com­ seeking help with their income dar St., will be open tomorrow The appellata division of the Old Farms School for the third Circuit Court has upheld a de Review Plan prising 60 per cent o t the land tax returns must now either Manchester— City of Village Charm marking period. from 3 to 5 p.m., and doeed area in the regtoti have approv­ call or go to the Internal Re­ Ekister Sunday. clslon by Judge Joseph KsmiU The CJapitoI Region Planning ed it; ao tor toW3M coipprislng venue Service’s office at 480 VOL. LXXXm, NO. 162 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) Riohard Munson, proprietor in Circuit Court 12, Manches­ Main St. in Hartford. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1964 Warren Howland will conduct Agency, meeting at the East about 30 per cent have approv­ Assorted AUlk and BVAM AdwaOsing on Pago U) of Munson’s Candy Kitchen, ter, in action for rent recovery ed, With othens set to act next The final visit to Manchester Dark Chocolate L b .^ 1"” ” PRICE SEVEN CENTS Bolton, will speak to the Man­ a roimd table meeting Tuesday Hartford High School last night, by Internal Revenue agents at noon at a meeting of the by First Hartford Realty Corp. Month. chester Rotary d u b Tuesday at against the Connecticut Food approved a review procedure for Atoept Putnam, CRPA rep- took place yesterday. The Hart­ 6:30 pjn. at a meeting at the Manchester Klwanls dub at the ford office will be ofen from Ooimtry dub. Storej, Inc. the proposed open spaces agree­ resentaiUve from Hartford, re­ Manchester Country dub. His ‘n>e Judgment by Judge Ha- ment When finally adopted, the 8:16 a.m. to 4:46 p.m. through ported to the agency that a sale tsix filing day, April 16. Assist­ . MasterpleoeB subject will be "The History of miU- was that the food firm agreement will qualify towns price haa been setUed upon for Candy.” The Rev. Robert Shoff, pas­ did not have to pay an addi­ ance Is available by telephone tor of the Church of the Nasa- tional $360 rent for March 1963, participating for grants of 30 Taicott Mountain— th« ridge at 344-8480. in Mlniatnre The Rev. Melvin Peterson of rene, will be in charge of radio the date it moved out of the per cent toward park and rec­ weat of Hartford which a pri­ Eknanued Lutheran Church will broadcasts sponsored by the Manchester Shopping Parkade, reation land purchases. vate deveiloper wanted to turn New Quakes Strike, Irtto a reidential subdivision— UORT'S conduct a service Stinday at Manchester Ministerial Asso­ property of First Hartford Under the review procedure, 6:40 am. In the chapel at Man­ ciation on Station WXNF Sun­ Realty. and the towns involved are PART-TIME Lirrui AmSToeoAT* the CRPA’s land use committee soon to go to the state and the chester Memorial Hospital. The day at 7:36 p. m. and dally Judge George E. Kinmonth will screen all applications for SODA CANVASSERS miniatum oNoooLAmia Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, pastor of next week at 7:30 a.m. and Jr. and New London County, 30 per cent fedei^ grants. If federal government to seek Concordia Lutheran Church, 6:30 pm. Judge Bernard A. Kosickl of the planned purchase is in con­ grants to aid In the purchase for Monehasfar Middletown, and Judge Searles Plays for CofC of the land. will serve as hospital chaplain iPaiU Landerman will appear flict with re^onal plans for the Hem* Dallvarios Only next week. Mrs. Lawrence Scranton of 287 Dearington of Danielson con­ area, the CRPA will recommend The end of the CXtPA meet­ curred that there is no error In in person with his society or- ing was filmed by Channel 24 Boulder Rd. Ext. Is working on che^na at the Manchester that no federal grant be allowed. — APPLY — Anchorage Belted The Rev. C. Henry Anderson, ,a drive for the Hartford Stage Judge Hamill’s decision. Appeal from the decision may for rebroadoasrt. during one of MANCHESTER BOTTLING Chamber of Oommeree’s annual the television stations Wednes­ miarCi, pcMtor of Emanuel Lutheran Co., Hartford’s first resident ITie appeal was brought to be taken to a meeting of the COMPANY Church, will conduct a radio profe.s.slonal theater, at 68 Klns- the appelate division to recover dinner dance, set for April 16 full agency. day night programs on uihan 901 MAIN ST.—648-58U at Piano’s Restaurant in Bol­ 10 Henderson Road broadcast, ’"rhe Sabbath Mes-1 ley St. They will open with one month’s rent by reason of So far, CRPA chairman Mrs. development in the Hertford Manchester 648-7922 Prescription Pharm a^ sage,” Sunday at 8:30 a.m. on | “Othello” Wednesday, April 1 a holding over by the tenant ton. Dorothy Jacobson of Manches­ area. radio station WTTC, Hartford. | through April 43. (Connecticut Food Stores) after Gov. John N. Dempsey will the termination of lease. The be the principal speaker at the defendent derded the holding dinner. Death Toll in Hundreds over. L«nderman’s ortjhestra and Judge Kinmonth said, ’The the governor are not strangers ANCHORAGE, Alaskavfency llghU to guide them, AfRed Cross designated Seattle o*<» Some Oregon communities SPECIAL . AT THE PARKADE court rendered judgment for —'the musicians have played for (AP)—AnotheriT>\ seriea : -F i, fireflrp brokebrnkfl outnilt buthlU wasuron extin- itait* marshalling point. XfNavy and also were evacuated.__ ® the defendent and the plain­ the post three CJonnectlcut Gov­ shai-p earth tremors was I gui.shed. Army planes In the Seattle area A aeries of tidal waves hit the tiff (First Hartford Realty) ap­ ernor’s Inaugural Balls. Regular communications with were on the alert, ready to Hawaiian islands and boats "Bring a Friend” pealed, making one of those Atty. William Fitzgerald, felt early this morning in other cities were not estab- ca ry life-giving supplies to the were tossed violently by freak­ wholesale attacks upon the find­ chairman of the chamber’s Anchorage where severe ll.shed until more than 8'/4 hours stricken area. ish tides at Houston, Tex. Wa­ ing which we have repeatedly meetings committee, has asked damage was done by an after the earthquake hit. "'he earthquake was recorded ter surged up the Vancouver Ice Cream criticized.” that "all requests for tickets to earthquake Friday night. Damage was reported exten­ on the University of Washing­ Inhet to flood the downtown sec­ The realty firm, represented sive In other cltle.s. Oil tanks ton seismograph for two hours. tion of Port A lb ^ i, B.C., to a the annual dinner be sent to the The new series of shocks erupted. Fires broke out and by Atty. Arnold H. Klau, claim­ chamber office, 139 E. Center It's intensity was measured at depth of five feet. Sundae ed the court erred in finding began shortly before 5 a.m. firefighters were hampered by 8.3 on the Richter Scale. ’The The first contact with the out­ St., as soon as possible. We the lack of water. San Francisco Earthquake of OB SODA — WITH ONE AT REGULAR PRICE that the plaintiff had author­ expected a capacity crowd, and —10 a.m. EST. There was side world was made from this ized the defendant (Ckinnectlcut Kodiak was swamped by a 1908, which claimed 452 lives, earthquake - stricken city more the tickets are being sold on a no immediate report of new 17-foot tidal wave and the registered 8.25 on the same Saturday OnlyLiggett Drug Food) to keep its sign on the first come, first served basis.” damage. mayor sent out a call for help. scale. than 8', hours after the initial premises although such permis­ 'The Navy had shock wave. sion was not pleaded as a spe­ — ----^ ---- evacuated Ita The university’s. seismologist”;r ss-savsivRadio sidkiuiistation KENI reacneareached cial defense; In that there was ANCHORAGE, Ala.ska before the wave struck, said the earthquake apparently. the Seattle office of the Asso- not proof of agency of the per-' (AP)—The heart of this centeredr*AnlAi-siH in flasithe V«baym <, .south . s u .of . 4 ! dated. __Press at 7 a.m. EST to ____.. nad moved to higher ground. Seward. 1,500 miles northwest of report that the death toil has son giving such permission. ^ metropolitan city W'as Vir- a section of Turnagain Bluff, Seattle. and in refusing to find that the Sherwin-Williams tually destroyed by an where many of Anrhorage’.s not been ascertained, but dam­ defendant owed one month’s Shock waves were felt around age is extensive. The report 276 OAKLAND ST. rent earthquake that rocked ^ homes are located high theu.c world.wunu.
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