
The ’s Dynamic and the Earth System The Earth System

By Richard S. Williams, Jr.1

The Earth System (fig. 1) has two Our species—nearly 7 billion human primary components: the geosphere and beings—interacts with the entire Earth the . The geosphere has four System, the components and subcompo- subcomponents: ( Earth), nents of which follow the fundamental (gaseous envelope), principles of , , , (liquid ), and cryosphere (frozen water) and . These principles (fig. 2). Each of these subcomponents can be in terms of processes, including further subdivided into elements: for exam- processes, and of cycles, including biogeo- ple, the are an element of the hydro- chemical cycles and the global hydrologic sphere. The biosphere (living ) cycle. In 2009, human beings numbered contains about 100 phyla organized into 6.8 billion, currently increasing annually by five kingdoms of forms. Human beings approximately 75 million and projected to belong to the Kingdom Animalia and are but reach a total of approximately 9 billion by one species of the estimated 20 million to 2050, according to the U.S. Census Bureau 100 million species in the biosphere. (http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idb/). Figure 2. The Earth’s cryosphere is comprised of four elements: , cover, floating , and . Graphic design by James A. Tomberlin, USGS

Our technological capabilities for altering all aspects of the Earth System directly or indirectly, and our use of renewable and nonrenewable place human beings in seemingly inevitable competition with all other organisms that the Earth System sustains. Consequences of this competition emerge in Earth’s climatic processes (global warming), in its biogeochemical cycles (perturbation of the cycle), and in the hydrologic cycle (regional changes in quality and quantity of ). All parts of the Earth System interact and are interrelated. A change in one will likely result in change in one or more others. Many environmental scientists suspect that some of these interrelationships in the Earth System are metastable; that is, they are in dynamic equilibrium, an equilibrium Figure 1. The Earth System. Its two primary components are the geosphere (the collective that can easily change to a less stable state name for the lithosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, and atmosphere) and the biosphere; of dynamic equilibrium once a threshold climatic processes, the hydrologic cycle, and the multiple biogeochemical cycles are is exceeded. Environmental scientists are interactive in the Earth System; the Sun is the primary source of . Graphic design by concerned that present-day global climate James A. Tomberlin, USGS warming is caused, in part, by the continuing increase in dioxide (CO ) in the 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center, Woods Hole, 2 MA 02543-1598 U.S.A. Earth’s atmosphere. Scientists discern the

U.S. Department of the Interior Professional Paper 1386—A Supplemental Cryosphere Note 1 U.S. Geological Survey December 2012 range of natural variability of CO2 (in parts the already rapid rise in (currently per million, by volume (ppmv)) using rising at 3 to 4 millimeters per year). data obtained from ice cores spanning The four subcomponents of the six glacial and interglacial intervals geosphere and the biosphere appear during the last 650,000 years. A glacial in silent clarity in the -famous interval has a minimum CO2 content of color photograph of the Earth (fig. 4) approximately 180 ppm; an interglacial taken during the Apollo 17 mission to interval has a maximum CO content of 2 the in December 1972 by the approximately 280 ppm. This range of geologist-astronaut, Harrison H. “Jack” natural variability is based on analyses Schmitt. We see deserts in northern of ice cores from (for and southern and in the Middle example, the from the European East and two diverging plates along the Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica Red Sea (lithosphere); oceans and (EPICA) extracted from Dome C) (fig. 3) and on instrumental records, beginning (hydrosphere); , (atmosphere); and in 1958, on Mauna Loa, Hawaii, by the Figure 4. The Earth. Photograph taken during Antarctica and its -wide cover of atmospheric chemist C. David Keeling. the Apollo 17 Mission to the Moon in December glacier ice, the largest of the two remaining The Earth’s atmosphere in 2009 contained 1972, the last of the Apollo missions, by the ice sheets on Earth (cryosphere). And we 390 ppm, 39 percent more than the geologist-astronaut Harrison H. (Jack) Schmitt. see tropical rainforest in central Africa NASA photograph No. 72-HC-928, courtesy maximum range of natural variability. around the Congo basin (biosphere). of the NASA Public Information Office, Water on the Earth exists as water By the beginning of the 21st century, Washington, D.C. the overwhelming scientific consensus is vapor in the atmosphere: as liquid water that burning of fuels and deforesta- in the oceans (97 percent), in lakes, tion, both of which are human activities, since the end of the Little in the , , of are the dominant factors in the Earth’s late 1800s)? Will the global warming that the lithosphere, and in organisms of the observed warming: warming of the causes changes in one or more compo- biosphere (1 percent), and as frozen water atmosphere, warming of the upper layers nents and subcomponents of the Earth in glaciers of the cryosphere (2 percent). of the oceans (hydrosphere), accelerated System be a linear change, an exponential The dynamic hydrologic cycle, in which of glacier ice (cryosphere), and change, or a step-function change? water exists in its three phases, and the rise in global sea level (from interac- The most negative effect from global biosphere that has such a diversity of tions among the hydrosphere, cryosphere, warming is likely to be an alteration in life forms, make the Earth unique among and hydrologic cycle). How much of the hydrologic cycle, including changes the other in the . this warming is caused by this increase in regional patterns of and in Because 70 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, perhaps the Earth in CO2 (from interactions between the . The resulting reduc- atmosphere and biogeochemical cycles) tion in volume of glacier ice (cryosphere), would more accurately be called “Water.” and how much is a natural variability the from which will be added (from rebound of the Earth’s climate to the (hydrosphere), will intensify URL Addresses: 300 http://www.essc.psu.edu/ http://nasascience.nasa.gov/earth-science/ 280 focus-areas/ 260 http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/ 240 http://visibleearth.nasa.gov/

220 http://www.realclimate.org/index.php?p=221

in parts per million by volume 200 Concentration of , 180 Contact information 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 650,000 Richard S. Williams, Jr., Geologic age, in years before present e-mail: [email protected] Figure 3. Variation in concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere for the previous six glacial/interglacial cycles (past 650,000 years), from analyses of the ice core taken by the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) from Dome C, Antarctica. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in 2009 was 390 ppmv.