The Oceans and Cryosphere Centre combines three main Symposia research capability areas. We organise and run symposia and "round table" They are Antarctic and policy and law, discussions and meetings to related on current and oceanography (physical, bio-geochemical and emerging issues on ocean and Polar governance. These ), and Antarctic science (sea-, and symposia range from "Chatham House" type forums to open research). Many of the studies we undertake in international conferences. These approaches provide science and policy have global scale and frequently opportunities to advance discussion and policy relevant contribute to the latest change assessments used outcomes to a range of decision-making groups. This in the reports of the Inter-governmental Panel for Climate capability enhances informed decision-making and research Change and in the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings. outputs in Ocean and Polar governance, and frequently In oceanography, we focus on observational integrates research and decision-making. oceanography and ocean modelling. We lead Australian university research in blue- oceanography and Oceanography and geophysics postgraduate research training. We work in the Antarctic, We have established programs that describe the large scale Southern and temperate oceans of the world. The circulation of the Southern Ocean including the Antarctic cryosphere studies cover sea-ice and sea Circumpolar Current and its changes. We have the capability ice-ocean interactions, ice shelf dynamics and ice to deploy instrumentation, moorings, autonomous floats, shelf-ocean processes. gliders and undertake ship-based measurements. We do this observational work with our collaborators. Ocean Antarctic and ocean policy and law modelling is an essential part of understanding the observed The IMAS Antarctic and ocean governance theme changes and understanding the processes that control the supports research in law, the social sciences and the large scale circulation and how the ocean would evolve. We humanities. This research explores the legal and want to know if the changing oceans and sea-ice are governance challenges surrounding and the influenced by humans. Southern Ocean plus insights from the humanities on the history and culture of these areas. It involves national and Ocean Voyages and Observational Oceanography international collaborations and crosses disciplines. We measure the ocean circulation and its changing state. To measure ocean changes and circulation we deploy Policy assessments autonomous instruments (shown to the left), ocean gliders, We have the capability to integrate science, resource and and undertake measurements from ships. We also utilise environmental management and the broad social sciences data from instrumented elephant seals that fill many with interests in Antarctica and Southern Ocean. The tools spatio-temporal gaps in our observational coverage around we use are symposia, scenario planning, and expertise in the Antarctic margin. We measure a wide range of physical institutional analysis, and national and international legal and chemical properties, such as temperature, salinity, frameworks (treaties and other legal instruments). These oxygen, nutrients and other biogeochemcial tracers through assessments often result in position statements and the water column. These measurements tell us about ocean reports. currents, their past evolution, mixing processes and biological productivity in the ocean. We know the ocean OCEANS & CRYOSPHERE state is changing and these measurements help us to understand how the oceans are changing and also to Centre Head: Prof. Nathan Bindoff confirm theories about ocean circulation and the role played Email: [email protected] by ocean mixing. Phone: +61 3 6226 2986

Caroline McLaurin Hugh Jones Ocean Modelling Autonomous observation platforms Numerical and analytical models are at the heart of We are developing new systems for integrated ocean science. Models connect theory with observations of the environment, including its observations for validation and for prediction. We use interfaces with the and ocean, utilising new models of the oceans, atmosphere and system to autonomous observation technologies. We have a understand ocean processes and the ocean's role in growing capability in both multi-rotor and fixed-wing the earth system. Some of our models are run on high unmanned aerial systems (UAS). This aerial capability is performance computers located in Hobart and linked to the TerraLuma UAV facility at UTAS, for Canberra. They often simulate small regions at fine deployments from Antarctic bases and icebreakers, in spatial scale (1 km or less) through to global scales and association with strong collaboration with UTAS's use hundreds to thousands of processors. Some Australian Maritime College and international simulations take days to months to perform. organisations that can provide autonomous underwater Biogeochemistry vehicle (AUVs) operations under sea ice. Biogeochemistry in the oceans links the physical Ice shelf- ocean studies delivery of nutrients to the surface with biological The largest uncertainty in estimates of future productivity, air-sea gas exchange and sinking and change is the response of the Antarctic ice shelves to decomposition of particulate material. IMAS has the warming of the surrounding oceans. Increased melt seagoing and shore-based laboratory capability to at the base of the fringing ice shelves results in more measure ocean photosynthesis, nutrients, trace metals, rapid mass loss from the and faster particle export and the historical record stored in ocean . However, the processes regulating sediments. We use measurements with in vitro melting of ice shelves are poorly known and projections experiments, observations, long term global of future sea level rise are therefore uncertain. We study databases and computer simulations in studies. We these processes using a combination of in-situ and train the next generation of ocean biogeochemists in an remotely sensed observations, numerical ocean models interdisciplinary and highly quantitative environment. and theoretical studies. Ocean extremes and climate variability Facilities Detecting and attributing human influence in the A seaFAST system at IMAS in combination with the oceans: We use climate models to test whether rising UTAS Central Science Laboratory's ICP-MS instrument greenhouse gases and aerosol pollution in the allows the analysis of several key trace elements with an atmosphere are the cause of the changes in the unprecedented throughput making high spatial and oceans. Alternative causes of change like volcanic temporal resolution feasible. eruptions, solar variability or changing ozone The Tasmanian Partnership for Advanced Computing concentrations or internal variability in the climate (TPAC) operates sophisticated e-Research capabilities system are also detectable signals in the oceans and on behalf of Australian and IMAS researchers. On our their contribution is also tested. This capability to facilities we host research collections from research attribute changes due to human activities in the ocean programs and research observing systems. Our flagship has been used in reports to the Inter-governmental collections include the oceanographic data from the Panel for assessments of climate Integrated Marine Observing System facility, from IMAS change. simulations from Climate Futures for Tasmania and the Alps, and astronomy. We have more than 1 petabyte of Cryosphere science collections being hosted and available to the research Sea-ice biogeochemistry community representing research investments in We use a combination of field and laboratory-based excess of $250M. TPAC operates the Tasmanian node facilities to evaluate the role of sea ice in exchanging of the national service and a high performance nutrients and organic matter at the interfaces with the computing capability. This facility is an investment of ocean and the atmosphere. Using non-contaminating over $5M in hardware by the National Collaboration equipment to sample , brine, sea ice and under-ice Research Infrastructure Service (NCRIS). seawater, we are able to measure trace metals in the sea ice environment, and a suite of key physical (ice Some of the e-Research services operated by TPAC texture, in situ salinity and temperature), chemical and are: biological parameters. With sea ice field activities • Hosting research data collections (now >2 petabytes) running on average once every four years, we have • Cloud Computing (as part of the NeCTAR national developed laboratory-based experimental capabilities, Federation >3000 cpu's) such as the -finger apparatus (to grow sea ice • High Performance Computing (>1000 cpu's) artificially) and open flow reactors (to study the solubility of particulate metals). These methods can be used in • High level services (The Marine Virtual Laboratory parallel with existing modelling capabilities to quantify (MARVL), The Marine Virtual Laboratory Information biogeochemical processes. System (MARVLIS), Coral Reef Scenario Evaluation Tool (CORSET), Polar Information Cloud)

Institute for Marine & Antarctic Studies 20 Castray Esplanade Battery Point TAS 7004 Telephone: +61 3 6226 6379 [email protected]