THE CLIMATE IN OUR HANDS OCEAN AND CRYOSPHERE Teacher’s guide book for primary and secondary school THE CLIMATE IN OUR HANDS Ocean and Cryosphere This document should be cited as follows : “The climate in our hands – Ocean and Cryosphere, a teacher’s handbook for pri- mary and secondary school”, Office for Climate Education, Paris, 2019. Coordinators: Mariana Rocha (OCE, France) David Wilgenbus (OCE, France) Authors (in alphabetical order) Lydie Lescarmontier (OCE, France) Nathalie Morata (OCE, France) Mariana Rocha (OCE, France) Jenny Schlüpmann (Freie Universität, Berlin) Mathilde Tricoire (OCE, France) David Wilgenbus (OCE, France) The scientific overview was written by Eric Guilyardi (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, France) and Robin Matthews (IPCC Group 1 Technical Support Team, United Kingdom). Layout and cover design : Mareva Sacoun English proofread : Niamh O’Brien A full list of the many people who contributed to this book, through their critical reviews, proposals, classroom tests, etc., is provided on the “Acknowledgements” section, page 190. Date of publication January 2020 Information Information on the Office for Climate Education work, as well as extra copies of this document (English, French, German and Spanish versions in 2020), can be obtained at the following address: Office for Climate Education Fondation La main à la pâte, 43 rue de Rennes, Paris – France e-mail:
[email protected] website: The digital version of this publication can be viewed and downloaded at: Copyright This work has been published by the Office for Climate Education under the following Creative Commons license : it is free to share, use and adapt without commercial use.