SCHOOL LUNCH SURVEY RESULTS – ENDEAVOUR ELEMENTARY (162 RESPONDENTS) Do you currently participate in the Would you participate more if meal school lunch program? items made from scratch?

Daily no, 12 Daily, 29 Weekly Never, 43 yes Monthly no Never

Monthly, 31 Weekly, 59 yes, 149

Are you happy with the current Would you be willing to pay school lunch menu in Issaquah (current price: $3.75) more for Schools? improved lunch meals? Not willing to pay more Happy Yes 50 cents Happy, 3 Okay 17 more 43 Unhappy Yes $1.50 more Okay, 67 43 Unhappy, 91 16 Yes $2.50 more 37 Yes Cost does not matter

(Any non-responses to questions are not counted in above charts) “Do you currently participate in the school lunch program?"

we only use in an emergency because food from home tastes better and is fresher and less processed. No time to prepare for lunch There are a couple of items my kid enjoys Kids Does not like the food gives me a stomachache No enough time to finish lunch if my son buy lunch at school, and there's no much choice for the lunch. BTW, recess before lunch is more health to kids. hot food My child considers school lunch a "treat" Son likes pizza. Nutritional quality. Feel like I can provide healthier options for less money. we eat organic food its nots that good Few vegetarian options Types of foods offered My mom has to take care of my baby brother so she doesn’t have time to make lunch for me. Also, the school lunch is yummy and I don’t always get what I want if I bring lunch from home. There is just no time for kids to eat. If she buys lunch there is even less time. It's just not healthy to have so little time to eat. already have job. no need. There are no many selections thus kids don’t like. Also lunchtime is too short kids need take time to pick up food. I'm not confident of what is being served or if my child will have enough time to get through the lines and eat in a timely matter. Expensive to do daily. Ease My son does not like the food. We only allow 1 meal a week with school due to wanting to regulate her caloric intake and ensure healthy eating. I didn’t know about this program I prefer to send my kids with freshly made lunch regularly. I also don't see variety of vegetarian option. I would love see pasta tossed with fresh or wraps or sandwichs. Because sometimes I do not feel like preparing lunch box in the morning. Easier but kids don't want to eat it I packed lunches for 7 years and then lost my umph. Less vegetarian options Less vegetarian options Sometimes I forget to pack a lunch. not much healthy options, not much ethinic variety available, not much for vegetarians The food quality Home lunch Convenience Kids don't like the food at school. Convenient My youngest daughter buys once a week when it is brunch for lunch Generally believe that homemade lunches are healthier, higher quality, and better meet our children's tastes. Convenience very limited menu items of things my child will actually eat Kid likes hot food for lunch. Faster and healthier to pack a lunch. My son does not like most of the options Need an alternative to packed lunch No time to make lunch boxes My kids think the food is not good Too expensive Healthier to pack a lunch A lunch from home is cheaper and healthier. depending on what is on the menu. some of the items the kids wont eat :) I do but have been very disappointed at selection and considering shifting to cold. My kids only like one or two options per week. We purchase lunch depending on the menu options Prefer homemade food / do not really trust the quality of food my child with receive We participate for convenience, but the lunch program is embarrassing. The food is so unhealthy. I don’t have time Convenience Quality of food at home. Also, speed of going through lunch line sometimes leaves kids with too little time for eating. Easier and she gets a hot meal My son just says he prefers to buy lunch. I don’t think he actually eats anything during lunchtime Son mentioned lunch food not too great My kids used to do it weekly, but now they don't like it. They say the pizza is "disgusting" and the nuggets are greasy. Food too unhealthy and gross according to kids Kids prefer home made lunches. Theoretically we participate daily. We're not great at doing lunches at home in the morning so I pay for school lunch. Unfortunately my son has stopped eating school lunch because he says it's gross. I try to limit the amount of times my children purchase school lunches as I view them more as a treat vs. something that is healthy and balanced. Save time The choices aren't healthy. No healthy options It's easier than the alternative. My kids want to buy lunch everyday and I don't think the food choices are healthy so I let them buy it once a month as a treat. not aware if parents can participate in the lunch program and what are the responsibilities. very few healthy vegetarian options Kids describe some items as either not being healthy or healthy looking. We used to. But then kid said the lunch is not good. Child mood dependent They are not that good and made out of different things. Sometimes kids want hot lunch. Both of our children tried and wanted to eat school lunch. However, by the time they got through the line, they did not have any time to eat and went back to class hungry. Convenience Eldest doesn’t find the options appealing Not enough time to eat if student has to wait inline to get lunch something just tired of cooking in the early morning The food is not nutritious. It's full of salt and chemicals. There need to be healthy, vegetable options! Organic meat! The menu is poor! I can't pack lunches everyday. So I don't have to make lunch Ease morning routine; don't have to think about packing a lunch or forgetting it It is more convenient for my family Am a health conscious, whole foods family It saves me time. My kids buy school lunches a few times a week. That's to give them more variety of food than what I have time to prepare at home, which can be repetitive. For warm lunch. convenience My kids have lunch in school It is expensive and not always the healthiest. Need more Asian food options My son doesn't like the food. Would like fresher options. Kids are only interested in one or two choices. My daughter hates the food. Convenience and choice. 10 minute lunch time does not allow sufficient time to queue and eat. My daughter doesn't like the food Kid makes the decision to buy or bring My son doesn't like the food My student is a Kindergartner, and I worry about him being able to manage the process of buying his lunch. It's easier if I just send a lunch with him, and then I also know what he's eating (or not eating). My child hates the food. The food is terrible. My daughter used to like certain things, but last year she said everything she liked, like tomato soup or nachos, became worse so she stopped buying. Pizza was always a big no. In the end she only would buy baked potato occasionally. This year she is at BLMS and likes their food much more. My son is in 1st grade, and he only likes chicken nuggets on the menu, but complains thst there not enough of them to fill him up. My kids like homemade lunches. My kids like homemade lunches. Child not l8ke quality or type of food My child would like to eat something unhealthy.

Kids enjoy the independence of purchasing lunch and they love specific items on the menu. For variety and to have a break from packing lunches. We typically Pack lunches from home for the kids but let them have school lunch 1 or 2 times per week Kids prefer to bring lunch from home but sometimes mom doesn’t have time. They don’t like the lunch options most days so usually get a baked potato. I prefer my children eat healthier and more balanced meals so I make their lunch. Additionally, they have some food sensitivities. My child does not like the food. It seems too processed and unhealthy. He prefers lunch from home. The quality of food it terrible and zero variety in the menu. I used to let my kids eat school lunch approx 2 times per week but now they BEG me to make their lunch because they say everything is so gross! I saw the pizza the other day and it does not even look like pizza. How is that even possible to mess up pizza? It’s the quality of ingredients being used. Issaquah School District is such a great district - but the school lunch program is strongly in need of restructuring. We CAN do better! I did not trust that the food served was healthy for my kids The food is not healthy and very processed My kids love buying. :-) There’s not enough time for my kids to go through line & eat Convenient however not the best tasting or looking according to my kiddos convenience, but not daily as my child doesn't like the food Quality of food Kids like hot lunch. I just need my child to buy lunch 1 day per week but he doesn’t really like the food. Allergies Kids prefer foods that I pack I prefer my child have a nutritious meal and enough time to eat it.

My kids used to really like to buy lunch. Now they barely tolerate hot lunch, but we will do it, on occasion, when packing a lunch isn't an option. My son likes to buy lunch sometimes Convenient, and the kids like the idea of buying stuff. It’s convenient. I think the kids love to eat together, and the same thing. My child does not like much of the food provided Not the healthiest choices. My children like to have school lunch as a treat a few times per month. Convenient to not have to pack lunches, although I feel guilty about having my kids eat unhealthy food. Busy in the morning

Not really satisfied with the quality of the food. Too expensive to do it every day, and kids don't like most of the food options. There is only one selection each week that my kids have an appetite for Kids like the option of a hot lunch but I don't want them to eat them too often as they seem unhealthy. We don't want our kids to eat school lunch every day due to quality and health factors. Easier to ensure healthier options through packing lunches. My daughter doesn't like most of the lunches that are offered. She prefers salad, fresh fruit and vegetables and bread with butter or a Subway-style turkey sandwich most days Convenient My daughter refuses to eat the food offered (after the "mouse in the kitchen" reports. Also, the kids believe that there is "plastic in the cheese, the bagels are microwaved in bags that say not to microwave, and there was lead in the chicken nuggets". Not saying this is true, just relaying what the kids tell me :) What my son wants The lunch menu has unhealthy choices. Convenience My son likes it a couple times/week

“What kinds of foods would you like to see on the menus?”

real salads made with super foods (kale, cabbage, spinach) similar to the Dole bagged salads Health food like veggie, fruit, yummy food Only having brunch every other week. Pasta More health food. Fresh veggies and fruits other than pizza more vegetables Asian food such as Chinese food, Japanese food, etc. and other country's food like spaghetti. What kinds of foods is not important. More fresh and better quality food is the most important. for example, my kid like Pizza and Spaghettis, however the Pizza and Spaghettis at school are just trash. More whole grains More fresh fruits and veggies Pastas, fresher , macaroni and cheese. My kids said to "same ideas but improve the quality of the food." The current choices are good but they taste terrible. Veggies and hummus, fresh fruit (no juices), unbreaded meats (no nuggets, fish sticks), whole grains (no white, refined breads), low-sodium. I doubt this is realistic, due to the wide range of food preferences and the cost of quality food. More fresh whole foods. Less of the corn dogs and chicken rings/nuggets etc meats veggies dairy fruits sushi Healthy with more protein and vegetarian. No high fructose corn syrup Low sugar Real foods Gluten free options Pizza with pineapple and spaghetti with meatballs. Spaghetti as in the noodle type. More fresh ingredients, less salt....but nothing matters if there is no time to eat anyway! costco pizza. More Asian choice such as Chinese and Japanese food. Pizza, noodle. fresh vegetables, soups, whole grain pasta All/Any Organic foods Balanced meal with protein as a key ingredient, not just carbs Again, healthy choices focusing on appropriate caloric intake and being conscious of carbs, sugar, and sodium not just low fat. Some healthy meal which have more options of vegetarian meal also We are talking about our kids here so I understand just vegetables along may no go well, but would love to see freshly made pasta with different version of vegetables ( carrot & peas or artichoke & spinach..corn & cherry tomatoes ) also vegetables wrap or different salads. Sandwichs... Menus that contains a variety of ingredients (vegetables, meats...), such as minestrone soup and noodle soup. Fresh food greasy finger foods less often Healthy plant based food and no packaged food Healthy plant based food and no packaged food Taco bar, more choices to put on a baked potato (like chili) vegetarian vegan ethinic variety More variety and vegetarian choices Pasta, no processed meats please. Serve , chicken My kids are ok with the menu items, they just wish the quality of the food tasted better. Fresh, healthy, organic, homemade Cooked vege more vegetarian options pastas, grilled chicken, fresh tacos, soups Much less processed foods, balanced meals, fresh options. Low carbs/sugar. Pasta with steamed vegetables and choice of Chunky cinnamon applesauce Baked goods with healthy veggies (zucchini, carrots, etc) inside. Meatballs/meatloaf with healthy shredded veggies hidden in recipe. healthy options Vegan. Organic. Fresh. Real pizza. Order lunch from Domino's. Kids love pizza. and vegetables noodles and vegetables ham and mashed potatoes steamed veggies grilled chicken and fish more pasta dishes beef stew Asian food, such as fried rice, soup noodle and dumpling, spring rool Sandwiches, Soups, different ethnic foods once a, Indian, Mediterranean... I’m not sure. My son is pretty picky but he generally like fresh fruit and vegetables Organic meats and steamed veggies More family style lunch less fast food type More veggies and sliced fresh fruits, sushi (not raw fish), fried rice, Fried rice , fried noodle, dumpling, steam bun. Fried vegetable. Food made from scratch. Most of the food types are ok... i think it is more a matter of quality of food. Example... We dont mind pizza, but we have heard countless times from various kids that pizza tastes like cardboard. Our kids would love things like chicken terriyaki, pizza, tacos, chicken fingers (not stranged shaped nuggets :) ) and maybe even cheese burgers if they were good. More options, better flavor, more diverse meals. Organic, non-GMO, not so processed, get rid of yogurt lunch which is so high in sugar and like dessert. More plant-based options. I would like to see less highly processed, high sugar food. Healthier, no pizza, some meat/fish + healthy side (rice, mash potato, salad). They need healthier options - no chocolate milk, milk that isn’t skim, water. Salad with real greens and not iceberg lettuce. More fresh fruits and veggies. Yogurt that isn’t packed with sugar. Grilled cheese and tomato soup, hummus and veggies, tacos with tomatoes and lettuce More protein and veggies Healthy nutritious Grab and go options like hearty snack plates with meat, cheese, crackers, nuts and fruit. Think "healthy lunchables." Also anything lower in sugar and less carbs (like less flour/breading) Fruits an veggies, pastas, meatloaf, etc Lower sugar, higher protein. Fresh fruits and veg More vegetable dishes with some protein. Fresh items. Nothing from a can. Low sodium soups, chili. Pizza and breakfast Dayan are just fine. It is just that the quality of the items are so low. Kids have been getting Mac and cheese, pizza, chicken nuggets, etc forever and that is fine. Just make it out of good ingredients! I would love to see a salad bar and sand which bar. Fresh and healthy ingredients Not sure but my sense is that the food that is served is really bland with bad texture. Can we do better? Less processed, more organic. Chinese food Foods with a balanced macro-nutrient profile. Protein heavy, less carbs and fat. Lower sodium. Baked/grilled vs breaded. Local ingredients vs nationally-supplied pre-made items. Fruits, vegetables, soups, legumes, lean proteins Open to all kinds of foods Pastas, mexican food bar, chicken noodle soup Healthy foods such as Pasta with lots of veggies and low sodium sauce, subway style sandwiches, brown rice and black beans, hummus and pita bread with a side of carrots, lentil soup. Improve yogurt lunch (it has too much sugar), better pizza (substitute cheese pizza with veggie pizza), milk shakes (banana+milk)/ yogurt smoothies (blueberries+yogurt) instead of chocolate milk. Less fried/comfort foods and more whole grain, minimally processed, not from a can foods. It is a tough balance as most kids are more likely to eat high carb/sugar/salt foods so involving kids in selecting healthier choses at base might get more buy in and enthusiasm. Fresher and healthier food. Slightly larger portions and more substance to some of the offerings. I've never confirmed with anyone at the school what "yogurt" lunch means, but it doesn't seem like enough particularly for the cost of a school lunch. I’m not quite sure if fruits and veggies are included as they are never listed More fruits & salad options. Soups such as chicken noodle soup, cheddar broccoli etc. Pasta (red, white etc), lasagna, teriyaki chicken wings/drumsticks (baked), sloppy joe, tacos/burritos, , cheeseburger, pizza, Panda Express type of food Various Fresh More diverse styles of cuisine any kinds of healthy foods. No processed food. NO CORN DOGS and other such garbage. If they are offered, they're all the kids will want. PLEASE offer healthy choices. PLEASE talk to the parents about food choices. PLEASE look for suppliers who care about health first. There need to be basic things like PB&J for the picky eaters, then please look LOCALLY for seasonal vegetables and produce. Offer rice bowls with meat and veggies the kids can add. Offer tacos with tomatoes and lettuce and cheese the kids can add. Buffets and CHOICES like these would be great, where the kids can CREATE their lunches based on HEALTHY options we, the adults, have cared enough to provide them. Again -- things like BAKED POTATO BAR, TACO BAR, RICE BOWLS. Healthy and nutritious. Good for learning. Good for growing. , fried rice, udon Soups, grains, beans, lean proteins, veggies Less processed foods; more made from scratch items; more fresh fruit options Healthy, natural meals that were more like home, rather than processed junk. Whole foods, well balanced main dish items freshly prepared Spaguetti Grill cheses More meat items. more green, more health choice. Vegetarian food vegetables, fruit, whole wheat More Asian food I'm still okay with kid friendly food if it were made from scratch like spaghetti, sandwiches, tacos, etc. Non-GMO, organic, whole and real foods, not so much genetically engineered Fresh food. Less sweet yogurt and cookies, crackers, etc. Healthy salads, fresh fruit, freshly cooked chicken or fish. (not defrosted or finger type) Fish and vegetables less processed foods & more of a condiment bar instead of "the fixings" being in the food. Chili would be a good start It's not that the menu is bad, it is that the food is processed and tastes horrible. Child says: bottled water, salad as a meal, roasted buttered fish, mozzarella sticks, she likes many of the current options but it tastes really bad so she won't buy it Soups, quality sandwiches, more vegetables. Even the food already on the menu, but made with better ingredients. Healthy food. Minimally processed. Healthy food. Minimally processed. More carried items and healthy Yakisoba, udon noodle soup, Gyro, sandwiches, include vegitable. More fruit, more gluten free and dairy/egg free options Less carbs, more whole foods, more variety. More cooked veggie options besides the salad bar. More fish options like salmon or cod. Baked potatoes with all the toppings Soup - chicken and rice, minestrone, chili, etc More salad options, pasta salad, kale salad and sandwiches. Soups, protein that isn’t covered in breading/deep fried or covered in cheese. Anything from real ingredients and not so processed. Spaghetti, tacos, chili, soups, etc. tomato soup with grilled cheese, pizza that looks and tastes like pizza with a salad or crudité, black bean and cheese quesadillas with fruit, chicken with rice and veggies, etc. I would also like children’s trays to have a fruit or vegetable placed on every child’s tray. A lot of these kids do not get anything because they say they don’t want it but if it’s on their tray they will at least try it! Give them an option of which one they want. Not an option of nothing. Vegetables, salad, protein, no sugar Turkey sandwiches, spaghetti, fruit & cheese & crackers, tortellini More seasonal veggie options (sweet potatoes, etc.) Locally sourced proteins. I think the menu looks good Fresh veg, fruit, healthier options spaghetti, chicken tenders Grilled vegetables, lean protein, healthy grains. Actual fresh food vs. processed, fried food known to cause cancer Less fried foods. My kids would like to see better tasting food overall. It’s not just about what it is. Grilled chicken, foods without common allergens (dairy, eggs, nuts) hearty soups; creative salads; sandwiches with lots of veggies on fresh bread; tacos with high quality meat; veggie stir fry... Higher quality foods. If they are going to do typical "kid friendly" foods, at least make them with better quality ingredients. More fresh foods, rather than canned fruit, and frozen veggies. More variety. Quesadilla, breakfast items, pasta, with quality sides. Simple but healthy. More vegetables and fruits, pasta, teriyaki chicken, pizza that’s not oily, less processed things (corn dogs), bring back butter to eat with good bread, soup would be great! Chili and corn bread. Tacos! Tuna salad, egg salad, chicken salad with or without bread (my kids don’t always like sandwiches but like the insides) dipping for chicken, fish, vegetables—made from Greek yogurt. Macaroni and cheese with puréed squash is a big winner in my picky household. Very simple and healthy food : cooked vegetables, pasta with tomato sauce, grilled chicken boundless breast, baked potatoes,lettuce salad with Cesar sauce, butter is OK, trans fat = NO, soup are the Best, taco ?? with rice and guacamole, salad lunch with tuna salad eggs salat and a few pickled..... more variety, more fresh items, More veggies in the main dishes. Seasoned cooked veggies and baked chicken, turkey meatballs and whole wheat pasta, chicken sausage and brown rice. All organic, more vegetarian and vegan options. Forcing students to eat fruits and vegetables with every meal. They should be primary ingredients in the main dish and not just on a salad bar away from the main lunch line. NO PROCESSED MEATS! Asian food like Bulgogi, Fried rice Seasonal fruits at all time. Quality matters rather than the variety. Wish no more frozen food. Fresh sandwiches, salads, foods that haven't been frozen (if possible). Not so much processed food with so many engineered ingredients! Cheese with the consistency of rubber for GMO nachos? Un-natural and likely highly antibiotic raised chicken nuggets and circular cut chicken rings? “Healthy” yogurt lunch with candy topping? Corn dogs and hot dogs that are proven carcinogenic!? Not to mention the added salt content makes these foods addictive for our kids. Where are the all natural ingredients, organic foods, grass fed meats? Our school district surely has enough money to provide healthy options for our children. Why isn’t that being done? Organic or at least non-processed meats, cheeses, vegetables, and fresh fruits. Grains should not be the biggest part of the meal. Use real butter and other healthy fats like olive oil. Chicken (non-nugget form), sub sandwiches, sweet potatoes, fruit Fresh fruit and vegetables, salads with ranch dressing, deli turkey sandwiche with lettuce and tomato, spaghetti with meatballs Healthy fresh more vegetables Fresh, healthy, varied foods. Variety NO processed foods. Anything really would work if it was made from scratch. I don't know, I just know that to many of the options seem like junk. French toast sticks? Cheese pizza? Chocolate milk???? Rice/beans/Mexican, soups

“Please submit recipes that you would like to see on the menu. Submit links:” chicken-51179600 famous-spaghetti-22782 chicken-51179600 famous-spaghetti-22782 content/uploads/downloads/2012/10/The-Colorado-FTS-Cookbook-Schools-FINAL.pdf No recipes I don’t know about recipes. See above. Salads Lunch time is too short I'm happy with the salad bar option. I always ask my kids what they got off that for their lunch. If that area could more more of a focus, would be awesome. I used to be in the lunch room often and I noticed that the salad bar is too high for many of our K-2nd graders to reach. It's like an afterthought to many kids and most of the fresh and healthy items are found there. If that area were more of a focus, they would use it more. Maybe even if they were able to fill a salad bar bowl while they were waiting in a pay line, they would take the time to consider those options. By the time they grab their pizza/chicken nugget entree plate, many are in a rush to sit down and hurry to eat.

Don't have links but veg lentil broth,whole grain pasta etc Don't have links but veg lentil broth,whole grain pasta etc Stirfried rice/noodle, dumplings,steam buns. Pasta salad Fried rice. veggie Noodles. Creamy Tomato and White Bean Soup with Grilled Cheese Dippers 1 Tbs olive oil 4 cloves garlic, sliced 1 can (28 oz) diced tomatoes 2 tsp dried basil 2 tsp dried oregano (or sub, italian seasoning) 1/4 tsp kosher salt Pinch of black pepper 1 can (15 oz) cannellini beans, drained 1 cup low sodium chicken or veg broth 4 slices bread 3/4 cup grated cheddar cheese Butter Heat olive oil in a saucepan over medium. Add garlic and cook until soft, about 1 minute. Add tomatoes, basil, oregano , salt and pepper. Cover and bring to a boil then lower heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Working in batches, transfer tomato mixture to a blender or use immersion blender. Add beans and broth and blend for 2 minutes. Return to saucepan and simmer for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, heat a skillet over medium. Cover 2 slices of bread with cheese, top with remaining bread, then butter the outsides. Grill in skillet until golden on both sides and cheese is melted. Cut into 1 inch slices. Serve soup topped with grilled-cheese dippers.

Agnostic to specific offerings so long as they meet the criteria above. Skip the nuts: meatloaf/ beef-stew-ever-36984 fried rice, soup noodle and dumpling, spring rool Mac and cheese Guacamole (Alton Brown) Fried rice , fried noodle, dumpling, steam bun. Fried vegetable. Teriyaki with rice and pasta with salad and yogurt is not lunch maybe it’s snack. A couple ideas: pizza: I would do splitwhole wheat English muffins with a simple homemade tomato sauce with freshly grated whole milk mozzarella Meatballs with dipping sauce: simole turkey or beef meatball made with whole wheat bread crumbs, eggs, Parmesan cheese and dried herbs. Could be served with an easy marinara dipping sauce. Probably could hide some spinach in here too Dessert: would be fun to try a chocolate quick bread made with zucchini or some other vegetable hidden inside. I would love to help! Alyson Francis 2063214656

Soups would be awesome I'm a lousy cook so I don't have recipes and I sympathize with the problem of serving food the kids will eat. Fried noddle or rice. Will need to take survey again and send No interested fresh salad. Hot ( warm ) chicken ( non fried ), beef, fish dishes etc. No actual suggestions come to mind. I would love to see more cultural dishes, but not at the cost of kids not eating it either. So I tend to agree with the greater majority and though I hate them eating things like burgers and nuggets all the time, I understand that it meets many of the kids palates. I would love to see healthy noodle options but understand littles with hot soups may not be the best idea. lunch-box-ideas-nut-free/ croissant-sandwich/print/ (Don't add peanuts)

Pita Bread Pizza Lentil and Black Bean Chili Apple Cheddar Panini Sandwich Lemon Rosemary Chicken Vegan Hummus Avocado Wrap avocado-wrap-sandwich-with-hummus-3377621 Turkey Tacos Pot Pie Black Bean Soup bean-soup/ Tuna Tacos Chicken recipe ideas/recipes/a54230/authentic-jerk-chicken-recipe/ Baked Beans Turkish garbanzo bean salad Fruit Salad salad-for-party-3217327 Barley and Beef Soup Boiled Eggs Chipotle Pork and Avocado Wrap pork-avocado-wrap Brunswick Stew Chicken Salad with Olive Vinaigrette Garden Salad with Citrus Vinaigrette Pizza Chicken prep/ Carnitas Bowls Lentil Vegetable Soup Black Bean and Sweet Potato Chili Roasted Chicken and Veggies Chipotle Bean Burritos Avocado White Bean Wrap avocado-white-bean-wrap/ Black Bean Sweet Potato Tacos Rice and vegetables Chicken noodle soup, spaghetti with meatballs, broccoli beef with rice, good quality tomato soup, roasted salmon Kitsune Udon きつねうどん • Just One Cookbook Yakisoba Chicken Recipe - tagine-with-couscous-pita-chips Ground turkey tacos or burritos Don’t have time currently to submit recipes but I have a few in mind. Can you send a follow up email so I can submit later? I hardly make anything twice but can try to compile a few things if it’s helpful. Tuna with one spoon of aioli. Avocado with lemon olive oil and salt. I’m willing to give any recipes I’ll just have to write them on paper.

NA N/A - but cut way back on the cayenne pepper Fried rice with meat and vegetables. Dumplings. Soup