Martha’s Vineyard Regional Transportation Plan 2003 Update Prepared by the Martha's Vineyard Commission on behalf of the Martha's Vineyard MPO This Regional Transportation Plan was prepared by the Martha's Vineyard Commission on behalf of the Martha's Vineyard MPO, made up of: · The Massachusetts Highway Department, · The Executive Office of Transportation and Construction, · The Martha's Vineyard Commission, and · The Vineyard Transit Authority. Martha's Vineyard MPO c/o The Martha's Vineyard Commission P.O. Box 1447, Oak Bluffs, MA 02557 Telephone: 508-693-3453 Fax: 508-693-3453 E-mail:
[email protected] 2 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. The RTP Update Process 3. The Island and its People 4. The Regional Transportation Network 5. Water Transportation 6. Air Transportation 7. Road Network and Traffic 8. Buses and Taxis 9. Bicycles and Pedestrians 10. Freight 11. Intermodality and Information 12. Implementation 13. Conclusion Appendices A1 Commonwealth Road and Bridge Policy A2 Air Quality Conformity Documentation A3 Participants and Meetings A4 Endorsement 3 Preface The Martha's Vineyard Regional Transportation Plan is updated every three years. It outlines the Vineyard’s transportation issues and outlines proposals to deal with them. The Martha’s Vineyard Commission serves as one of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ thirteen Regional Planning Agencies. Ten of these thirteen regional planning agencies are federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO). The federal regulations require that an MPO be formed in urbanized areas with a population of 50,000 or more. While Martha’s Vineyard as well the Franklin County and Nantucket regions do not meet these criteria, the Executive Office of Transportation and Construction and the Massachusetts Highway Department provide planning funds for transportation planning in these regions, and essentially treat them as MPOs.