Minutes of the Meeting of Shardlow & Great Wilne Parish Council Held on Wednesday 28 August 2019 at 7.30Pm at the Village Hall, Shardlow
Minutes of the meeting of Shardlow & Great Wilne Parish Council held on Wednesday 28 August 2019 at 7.30pm at The Village Hall, Shardlow PRESENT: Cllr M Clifton (Chairman), Cllr A Perks (Vice Chairman), Cllr C Leggett, Cllr N Hawksworth, Cllr N Stenner, Cllr P Lees, District Cllr P Watson, Clerk/RFO Fiona Stanbrook (Minutes). There was 1 member of public present. Reference Agenda Item Action 94/2019-20 Apologies for Absence DCllr Dan Corbin, DCllr Neil Atkin 95/2019-20 Declaration of Interest 3 recorded regarding parking Cllr Clifton, Cllr Leggett and Cllr Hawksworth – it was agreed no reason to leave the meeting. 96/2019-20 Public Participation Sue Hampson asked for advice with regard to the development at Castle Donington – DCllr Watson advised any FS developments this close to the parish boundary will be notified and dealt with in the usual way. Wilne Lane is still an issue with overgrown trees and hedges, as is the Greenway; which is being dealt with by DCC. Overgrowth is an issue throughout the village, there is a mix of responsibility for the overgrowth including Canal & River Trust, SDDC, DCC and private householders. Cllr Perks and Cllr Lees spent a large amount of time completing a village walk and making note of areas requiring action and these are now all being actioned. Cllr Hawksworth gave details of restraints the farming community face with hedge cutting due to nesting season – there is also the issue of the weather causing excessive growth this year. Lady in Grey has been painted white – which is not in keeping with the area.
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