Minutes of the Meeting of Shardlow & Great Wilne Parish Council Held on Wednesday 28 August 2019 at 7.30Pm at the Village Hall, Shardlow
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Minutes of the meeting of Shardlow & Great Wilne Parish Council held on Wednesday 28 August 2019 at 7.30pm at The Village Hall, Shardlow PRESENT: Cllr M Clifton (Chairman), Cllr A Perks (Vice Chairman), Cllr C Leggett, Cllr N Hawksworth, Cllr N Stenner, Cllr P Lees, District Cllr P Watson, Clerk/RFO Fiona Stanbrook (Minutes). There was 1 member of public present. Reference Agenda Item Action 94/2019-20 Apologies for Absence DCllr Dan Corbin, DCllr Neil Atkin 95/2019-20 Declaration of Interest 3 recorded regarding parking Cllr Clifton, Cllr Leggett and Cllr Hawksworth – it was agreed no reason to leave the meeting. 96/2019-20 Public Participation Sue Hampson asked for advice with regard to the development at Castle Donington – DCllr Watson advised any FS developments this close to the parish boundary will be notified and dealt with in the usual way. Wilne Lane is still an issue with overgrown trees and hedges, as is the Greenway; which is being dealt with by DCC. Overgrowth is an issue throughout the village, there is a mix of responsibility for the overgrowth including Canal & River Trust, SDDC, DCC and private householders. Cllr Perks and Cllr Lees spent a large amount of time completing a village walk and making note of areas requiring action and these are now all being actioned. Cllr Hawksworth gave details of restraints the farming community face with hedge cutting due to nesting season – there is also the issue of the weather causing excessive growth this year. Lady in Grey has been painted white – which is not in keeping with the area. The ivy needs to be sorted out before the wall is pulled over onto the canal tow path. The car park area has been levelled and it is anticipated it may be put up for sale soon. Sue Hampson asked if advertising on the website may be available for local businesses. This will be put on the agenda for the next meeting. 97/2019-20 Reports from outside DCllr Peter Watson gave details of District Council intention to tidy up parishes and commended Sue Hampson’s bodies attitude towards improving the village. It was suggested that some of the areas in need of improvement should be actioned by the Parish Council as a starting point, and involve the whole community. Lady in Grey has seen some signs of improvement in the last week or so, but there is no further information available yet. Application for the traveller site on Shardlow Road, Aston has an appeal date of Tuesday 3rd September. DCllr Watson has written a letter of objection which he shared with the meeting. Derby City - Our City, Our River meeting has been postponed until early in 2020. DCllr Watson will keep Cllr Clifton up to date with any developments in the meantime. 98/2019-20 Approval of Minutes 24 The minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday 24th July 2019 were recorded as an accurate representation July 2019 of the meeting having previously been circulated to all member Councillors by the Clerk. One minor amendment was to remove Cllr Stenner from being present as he had sent his apologies for the meeting and was recorded twice. Cllr Clifton signed the minutes as a true and accurate copy. 99/2019-20 Update on Outstanding Outstanding actions were discussed and agreed. Actions 19 | P a g e 100/2019-20 Clerk’s Report Postal address of the Parish Council is changing with immediate effect as the Clerk has moved house. Telephone numbers remain the same and website and contractors/SDDC/DCC will be informed accordingly. There have been over 6000 hits on the website since we went live which is really positive – it is also the first page that comes up on a google search for Shardlow & Great Wilne Parish Council. WH Group, who fly posted a large area of South Derbyshire have been given notice to remove all signage and not to install any more; and have also been warned they face legal action and costs if they do not adhere to the notice. Fly-tipping is still an ongoing problem along with speeding through the village – I have asked if Shardlow PC can join Weston PC along with Aston PC at some training on 10th September provided by CREST for Councillors/ members of public to be trained in the use of speed guns – I will update on this as I receive any further information. 101/2019-20 Chairman’s Report Cllr Clifton has received a few complaints about hedges from Cavendish Bridge to Holden House - this was duly actioned. There was then a subsequent complaint regarding the debris which came from the cutting of the hedge. This has now been cleared up and sorted. Littering is a problem currently and it was agreed to look at initiative to involve the community in a clean up operation. More bins are required throughout the village and it was agreed to look into extra bins. Canal and River Trust are happy to pay for a bin but there is an issue as to where this can be located. Clock Warehouse may also be willing to support with extra bins. 102/2019-20 Length-man’s Report The Clerk continues to Liaise with the length-man, there are no new issues to report this month. 103/2019-20 Village Hall Cllr Perks attended the last meeting and the Village Hall Management Committee are happy for the Parish Council to take ownership of the deeds for the purposes of refurbishment. There are no timescales given currently for a programme of refurbishment. It was RESOLVED the working committee for the Village Hall will put together some information to present to “the Village” detailing visions and options for refurbishment. Cllr Perks will arrange a AP meeting prior to the next full council meeting. 104/2019-20 Car Parking on Canal Cllr Clifton shared photographs of various cars parked on Canal Bridge. It was RESOLVED to report these vehicles to FS Bridge Derbyshire Police and CREST. There are several areas in the village where car parking is an issue. It was RESOLVED to put information on the FS website and facebook to ask people to park courteously and considerately throughout the village. 105/2019-20 Cavendish Bridge – The stretch of road from the A50 island into Shardlow which belongs to North West Leicestershire/Castle Donington Overgrown Landscape is overgrown and looks very untidy. It was RESOLVED to write to North West Leicestershire and Castle Donington FS Parish Council and ask for the area to be cleared and maintained. It was also RESOLVED the Clerk and Cllr Perks will FS attend the next Castle Donington Parish Council meeting on Thursday 26th September. The Clerk will contact the FS Clerk at Castle Donington prior to the meeting and ask for an agenda item for this to be discussed. The aesthetics from the Shardlow end of the bridge are also poor and need action. It was RESOLVED that weed killer will be applied at the beginning of the season when things start to grow and this will stop the growth for 12 months. Cllr Perks has AP spoken to Horizon and there is a plan of works being put into place. 20 | P a g e 106/2019-20 Allotments The last remaining allotment plot has been allocated on Long row and there are no further issues to report. 107/2019-20 Tree Maintenance Cllr Perks and Cllr Lees did a walk around the village to identify trees causing problems. All trees causing an issue and obstruction to pavements and walkways will be cut back by Horizon in due course. The clerk will forward the FS email from SDDC to DCllr Peter Watson to gain some response from SDDC trees officer. 108/2019-20 Roadside, hedge and It was RESOLVED to add details of the Highways Act 1980 to the website. It was RESOLVED to create a database to FS footpath maintenance/ record addresses which are falling foul of their boundaries and send standard letters to each address, as reported. FS Zero Tolerance Campaign Letters have already been sent to several addresses, and of these, the majority have adhered to the letter and reduced the growth to within the curtilage of their boundaries. It was RESOLVED to identify all areas requiring ALL improvement and create a programme of works in conjunction with Canal & Rivers Trust, SDDC, DCC Highways and private householders. It was RESOLVED to look into alternative advertising for village events – flags on lampposts FS etc. 109/2019-20 Health & Safety Cllr Clifton has purchased new pads for the Defib at the Malt Shovel. The defibs have been checked and there are no issues to report. 110/2019-20 Correspondence FOI Request from Alan McManus regarding complaints received about the overgrown boundaries at his property Email from Alicia Mitchell with various complaints made – it was RESOLVED to locate the information Ms Mitchell FS requires, and update notice boards accordingly. 111/2019-20 Planning Applications & No New applications received as at 28th August 2019 Decisions Pending Applications as at 28th August 2019 Ref 9/2019/0723 – Listed building consent for the erection of a single story side extension, external and internal renovations to existing house and works to boundary walls at 81 London Road, Shardlow Ref 9/2019/0722 – The erection of a single storey side extension and external renovations to existing house at 81 London Road, Shardlow Ref 9/2019/0759 – Prior notification of a single storey rear extension at 40 West End Drive Ref 9/2019/Pruning of multiple blue cedar trees at Manor Farm House, London Road, Shardlow Ref 9/2017/0893 – Appeal of planning decision for Traveller site on land off Shardlow Road, Aston on Trent.