Defense News Top 100
Defense News Top 100 % of Last 2005 2005 2004 Revenue Rank Company Leadership Country Year’s Defense Total Defense from Rank Revenue* Revenue* Revenue** Defense Robert Stevens, President and 1 Lockheed Martin U.S. 1 36,465.0 37,213.0 98.0 34,050.0 CEO James McNerney, Chairman, 2 Boeing U.S. 2 30,791.0 54,845.0 56.1 30,464.0 President and CEO Ronald Sugar, Chairman and 3 Northrop Grumman U.S. 3 23,332.0 30,700.0 76.0 22,126.0 CEO 4 BAE Systems Mike Turner, CEO U.K. 4 20,935.2 26,500.2 79.0 20,344.0 William Swanson, Chairman 5 Raytheon U.S. 5 18,200.0 21,900.0 83.1 18,771.0 and CEO Nicholas Chabraja, Chairman 6 General Dynamics U.S. 6 16,570.0 21,244.0 78.0 15,000.0 and CEO Thomas Enders and Noël 7 EADS Netherlands 7 9,120.3 40,508.2 22.5 10,505.9 Forgeard, co-CEOs Michael Strianese, interim 8 L-3 Communications U.S. 13 8,549.2 9,444.7 90.5 6,133.8 CEO Denis Ranque, Chairman and 9 Thales France 9 8,523.3 12,176.1 70.0 8,868.6 CEO David Lesar, Chairman, 10 Halliburton 1 U.S. 10 7,552.0 20,994.0 36.0 8,000.0 President and CEO Pier Francesco Guarguaglini, 11 Finmeccanica Italy 11 7,125.7 12,728.1 56.0 7,670.6 Chairman and CEO George David, Chairman and 12 United Techologies U.S.
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