Improving Forest Conservation and Community Livelihoods Through Income Generation from Commercial Insects in Three Kenyan Forests
CommerCial inseCts and Forest Conservation Improving Forest Conservation and Community Livelihoods through Income Generation from Commercial Insects in Three Kenyan Forests CommerCial inseCts and Forest Conservation Improving Forest Conservation and Community Livelihoods through Income Generation from Commercial Insects in Three Kenyan Forests Compiled by: Suresh K. Raina, Esther N. Kioko, Ian Gordon and Charles Nyandiga Lead Scientists: Elliud Muli, Everlyn Nguku and Esther Wang’ombe Sponsored by: UNDP/GEF and co-financed by IFAD, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, USAID, British High Commission and Toyota Environmental Grant Facility 2009 Acknowledgements The principal authors of this report are Suresh Raina and Esther Kioko. It also draws on technical materials especially provided by Vijay Adolkar, Ken Okwae Fening, Norber Mbahin, Boniface Ngoka, Joseph Macharia, Nelly Ndung’u, Alex Munguti and Fred Barasa. The final text benefitted from Charles Nyandiga and Ian Gordon’s editorial advice and contribution. Exceptional scientific, livelihood and market research assistance on qualitative and quantitative issues has been provided by Elliud Muli, Everlyn Nguku and Esther Wang’ombe. Peer review for the study was done by Oliver Chapayama. The final editing was completed by Dolorosa Osogo and Susie Wren and typesetting and cover design by Irene Ogendo and Sospeter Makau. Thanks also for the helpful comments received from members of the stakeholders committees and advisory groups, i.e. Christopher Gakahu, Jennifer Ngige, Rose Onyango and Bernard Masiga. Thanks for the field and laboratory assistance provided by Andrew Kitheka, Anthony Maina, Beatrice Njunguna, Daniel Muia, Florence Kiilu, Gladys Mose, Jael Lumumba, James Ng’ang’a, Loise Kawira, Mary Kahinya, Newton Ngui, Regina Macharia, Stephen Amboka, Caroline Mbugua, Emily Kadambi, Joseph Kilonzo and Martin Onyango.
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