Nortana News Spring 2015

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Nortana News Spring 2015 NORTANA NEWS SPRING 2015 Newsletter for the Norwegian Researchers & Teachers Association of North America Fra Presidenten In this Issue: Dear NORTANA members: Fra Presidenten 1 Nortana Business 2 Takk for sist to everyone who jour- NORTANA Meeting Minutes 2 neyed to Columbus, Ohio, in May for the Save the date! 3 SASS Annual Meeting. It was a pleasure Research & Study Opportunities 4 to welcome members old and new to the Position Announcement 4 NORTANA business luncheon, where Stipend for Graduate Student Attendance at Nor- we thanked retiring board member Jan gesseminaret 2015 4 Sjåvik for his service and welcomed in CARLA Summer Institutes for Language Teachers 4 his stead Kyle Korynta as incoming Vice Alfaskolen 5 President. Read the meeting minutes in this newsletter for other A+ Academy 6 updates from the organization. Ongoing Research 6 The Board has been busy planning the 2015 Norway Seminar. Norwegian Women, Landscape, and Agriculture on the Jerry Coffey will host us this year at Montana State University in Northern Prairies and Plains, 1850-1920 6 Bozeman for an engaging gathering on “Sustainability, Nature, Translating Matti Aikio 6 and the Environment.” Nestled in the Rocky Mountains near News, Reports & Resources 7 the borders of Yellowstone National Park, the location of our Housing Subsidy Report 7 host university prompts the easy parallels with the celebration of In the Realm of the Great Explorers 7 outdoor life, sound recreational use of protected lands, possi- DEAD RECKONING & SPIRE 8 ble ramifications of climate change, and policy to maintain such Traveling Poster Exhibit in North America 10 natural treasures for coming generations. 2015 is Friluftslivetsår Dr. Henrik William’s Runic Tour 11 in Norway, so the attention to peoples’ health and well-being Bjørn Jensen Apartment Report 11 is a fitting connection. We are constructing an informative and The Scandinavian Retreat in Beaver Creak, WI 11 engaging panel of Norwegian scholars actively pursuing research Reviews and Publications 13 on topics that align with the theme. Stay tuned for final program Reading Group Guides 18 details, but save the dates of 30 September-04 October for the We Congratulate: 18 seminar. The relatively early seminar date will allow members to stay for an optional daylong excursion to Yellowstone National NORTANA Membership Information 19 Park before it closes for the season to visitors. NORTANA Executive Committee 2014-2017 19 Members invited to the seminar will participate in a working group modeled on a pedagogical conference that I attended this spring with the National Institute for Learning Outcomes As- are in this newsletter. Please encourage your graduate students sessment (NILOA). My idea for this pilot initiative is to run a to apply as we work together to foster emerging scholars in the charrette, or a collaborative assignment design process, to gather field. high quality assignments from NORTANA faculty tailored to the seminar’s themes. We will assess them in a peer review pro- The Norway Seminar is the jewel in the crown of the NOR- cess, revise, resubmit, and publish them thereafter to the NOR- TANA organization. The current NORTANA board believes TANA website for members to use. This activity fosters cooper- in the power of Norway Seminar for our individual members, ation among members during our time together, and integrates and strives to carry on the rich traditions of years past of strong our research and teaching innovations with the seminar’s theme. partnerships between North American higher education, the The goal is to build a library for our discipline, based on the Norwegian Royal Embassy and Consulate Generals, and Nor- NILOA model, featuring our own thoughtful assignments that wegian intellectuals, artists, and scholars. promote our students’ critical thinking and active engagement in Thank you all for the work you do to keep NORTANA vi- our classes. Detailed directions for the charrette will be sent in brant. advance of the seminar. Melissa Gjellstad Applications for the graduate student travel grants are also NORTANA President open, with a deadline of July 1. Additional submission details Newsletter for the Norwegian Teachers & Researchers Association of North America: Spring 2015 2 NORTANA BUSINESS NORTANA Meeting Minutes submissions by May 15, so she could publish the newsletter by June 1. Norgesseminaret – May 9th, 2015 Webpage – Rennesa Jessup reported that she was in a pro- cess of adding new content to the website, including a new tab The Ohio State University – Columbus, Ohio for research, and a new page for awards. She requested the mem- The meeting was called to order by President Melissa Gjells- bers to send her information on research and awards, such as the tad at 1:30pm. NORTANA travel grant. Jessup also asked for photos of the conference that she could post online. Board members present were: President: Melissa Gjellstad, Bjørn Jensen Apartment Vice President: Kyle Korynta, Treasurer: Gergana May, News- – Margaret O’Leary thanked her letter Editor: Milda Halvorson, Webmaster: Rennesa Jessup, fellow board member Peggy Hager for taking care of many Bjørn Jensen Apartment Coordinator Margaret O’Leary. practical details related to the apartment rental. Margaret was still in charge of the apartment account and reiterated that it Boars member absent: Secretary and Bjørn Jensen Apartment was necessary to investigate whether it was possible to establish Coordinator Peggy Hager. 23 members and three guests were a separate account for NORTANA in Norway. She announced present, including the board that Jenna Coughlin (University of California, Berkeley) will be renting the apartment from September 1, 2015 until the end of Welcome May, 2016. The apartment was vacant for June 1-4 and August President Gjellstad wished everyone welcome. Minutes from 17-30, 2015, and anyone can still apply for those periods. The the University of Washington meeting were approved with one apartment application deadline was January 15, but O’Leary ac- amendment. Torild Holmstad brought to attention that the knowledged that it could be extended to those members who monthly cost of Bjørn Jensen Apartment was 4900 NOK, not were waiting for approval of other funding sources and could 4900 USD. 26 members were present, including the board. not confirm that early their commitment to apartment rental. She also encouraged those who rent the apartment to consider leaving a small gift, such as an electric appliance or another use- Officers’ Reports ful household item. Other members intending on doing research Vice President – President Melissa Gjellstad announced that outside of Oslo, could apply for bostøtte in the amount of 1500 Vice President Jan Sjåvik resigned from his post at the NORTA- NOK on a rolling basis. Ingrid Urberg, Anna Peterson and Ben NA board, and that the Board had appointed Kyle Korynta to Bigelow were bostøtte recipients in 2015. serve as the new Vice President for the remaining term of the President. Melissa Gjellstad .informed that she was working position. with the Royal Norwegian Embassy on the reports of the Nor- Treasurer – Gergana May reported that current balance is way Seminar in Seattle in 2014 and on the arrangement of the 9,154 USD. She stated that the organization was in wonderful Norway Seminar in 2015. shape primarily due to the absence of printing and mailing costs previously associated with the newsletter. Since the newsletter’s New Business transition to an electronic version, the main expenses have been for travel grants to the Norway Seminar and gifts for the semi- Norway Seminar in 2015 will be held in Bozeman, MT the nar’s guest speakers. May welcomed new initiatives because there last week of September and the beginning of October. The kick- are funds for them. She also reported that the main source of off of the seminar will take place on Wednesday, with Thursday income for the organization was membership fees. She passed and Friday as full seminar days. An optional excursion to Yel- around the membership list and encouraged members to pay lowstone National Park will be organized on Saturday. Since it their dues. Finally, May encouraged the members to invite stu- is the park’s last weekend open to visitors, the Norway Seminar dents, especially graduate students, to become members in order date will be earlier than usual. Professor Emeritus Jerome Coffey to gain access to funding and housing resources that NORTA- will be the seminar host at Montana State University. The chosen NA offers. theme for the 2015 Norway Seminar is “Sustainability, Nature, and the Environment.” The seminar will end with a banquet and Secretary – Peggy Hager was absent, no report given. Pres- the award ceremony for E.O. Wilson Awards since one of the ident Melissa Gjellstad passed the attendance list around. Milda potential keynote speakers is the recipient of the award. Other Halvorson and Rennesa Jessup took the meeting minutes. details are still being confirmed. The other novelty at the seminar Newsletter – Milda Halvorson reminded that the newslet- will be addition of working groups in the seminar’s schedule to ter was published twice a year, once in the fall and once in the involve the participants in a more active way. Participants will spring/ early summer. She invited members to send her their peer edit pre-submitted assignments in an assignment charrette activity, which once revised will form the core of an assignment Newsletter for the Norwegian Teachers & Researchers Association of North America: Spring 2015 3 library that NORTANA members will be able to browse, Tenure and promotion: Daron Olson (Indiana University build, and incorporate in their teaching. The online assign- East). He was also a newly appointed Chair of the History De- ment bank will be added to the website. Gjellstad requested partment. feedback on this initiative from the members and received a Retirement: Nancy Aarsvold (St.
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