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ISPA INFORMATION SHEET Measure 2001 RO 16 P PE 012 ISPA INFORMATION SHEET Measure 2001 RO 16 P PE 012 Measure title Rehabilitation of the sewerage network and wastewater treatment plant in Focsani Authority responsible for implementation Name: Central Finance and Contract Unit, Ministry of Finance Address: 35-38 Mendeleev Street, 4th floor, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania E-mail: [email protected] Description The measure consists of two components: A. Refurbishment and extension of the sewerage network comprising: – the sewering of some 14 000 inhabitants spread throughout the city – remedy network restrictions which cause apartment block basement flooding affecting some 12 000 inhabitants – the elimination of the uncontrolled discharge into the Milcov river from the single combined sewer overflow. B. Rehabilitation of the wastewater treatment plant: Whereas the existing non-compliant plant has been designed for a flow rate of 600 l/sec and a load of 70 000 PE, the proposed rehabilitation and extension of the plant will result in increasing the flow rate to 1 100 l/sec and the load to 120 000 PE, capacities which are consistent with the current population of the city (some 103 000 inh.) and the future connection of some 8 000 inh. of surrounding settlements. Furthermore the measure will include the redesign of the sludge treatment plant and the re- conversion of the existing wastewater lagoons into a biological tertiary treatment unit. It follows that the plant’s effluents will comply with the standards applicable to sensitive receiving waters. Estimated completion date of the measure: December 2006 Objectives The measure is to achieve three major objectives: – prevent the pollution of the Focsani Eastern Plains Aquifer, the wells of which provide for drinking water for more than 500 000 inhabitants of downstream cities such as Braila, Galati, Tecuci… – improve the water quality of the Milcov and Putna rivers, tributaries of the Siret, itself a tributary of the Danube – ensure that the city is compliant with the relevant EU directives. 1 Economic and social cost-benefit analysis Apart from its direct environmental benefits mentioned above, the measure will entail the following economic benefits: – the creation of 60 direct and 50 indirect jobs during the construction phase – energy savings from the bio-gas fuelled engine – potential revenue from the sale of digested sludge suitable as low grade fertiliser/soil conditioner. In order to strengthen the financial sustainability of the measure, an estimated additional tariff increase of up to 20% in real terms over the next 5 years will be necessary. Environmental Impact Analysis The rehabilitation of the wastewater treatment facilities falls under Annex II of the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) Directive. Consent for the existing plant has been delivered by the Ministry of Water and Environment Protection, whereas for the present measure, it is required that the measure is in compliance with the EIA Directive, the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive and with the Directive on the Use of Sludge in Agriculture. Cost and assistance (in €) Total cost Private sector Non eligible Total eligible ISPA grant Grant Rate contribution expenditure cost % 15 876 500 - - 15 876 500 11 748 610 74 The measure will be co-financed by the European Investment Bank. 2 .
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