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A Greentours Natural History Holiday

11th to 24th June 2012

Led by Paul Cardy and Phil Benstead

Daily report by Phil Benstead

Day 1 Monday 11th June arrival and transfer to Valcebollere

We all met up in the airport at around midday. Installed in the vehicles we headed south towards the hills. By the time we stopped for lunch besides a river we had left the agricultural lowlands behind and the landscape was getting lumpier. A family group of redstart kept us entertained.

We stopped again shortly after lunch to admire some roadside pyramidal orchids. The other side of the road produced a few ‘just-over’ man orchids. Thereafter short stops to examine roadside flora became the order of the day. It was mostly eyes-down stuff but we managed to notice a few raptors overhead including our first griffon vultures. Our first hillside stop provided a fanta stic view back down the valley and the slopes below us had a charming mix of yellow Pulsatilla alpina and red Rhododendron ferrugineum. Our next stop produced a fantastic pair of sand lizards, seeming very out of place to those of us used to seeing them in the northern lowlands. Also here were many common wall lizards. Phil found a superb green sawfly (later identified as Rhogogaster viridis) and Paul countered with a fantastic spider (green with a rhubarb-and-custard abdomen), which sadly remains unidentified. We came across a road bank covered in Dactylorhiza sambucina.

A dry, rocky stop beside the railway produced a number of new orchid including burnt - tip, greater butterfly and fragrant. St Bruno’s lily grew in abundance. The list was building all the while as Paul did his thing, the saxifrage here was particularly appreciated. The butterfly list got underway as the sun tried to shine through the clouds and we got nearer the hotel. Paul pointed out a dapper, red-and-black striped bug ( italicum), which has a noticeable fondness for umbellifers.

All too soon we arrived at Valcebollere (a charming mountain hamlet) and we were soon installed in comfortable rooms in the hotel and later were to be found enjoying a tasty dinner.

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Day 2 Tuesday 12th June Val d’Eyne

Phil nipped out for a pre-breakfast walk and was greeted by a chilly dawn but with a welcome blue sky overhead. The village produced many singing black redstarts and serins, as well as the familiar sounds of cuckoo, wren and blackcap.

After punishing the breakfast buffet and taking on board the appropriate levels of caffeine we headed out to Val d’Eyne. We walked slowly up the track leading to the high pass, never threatening to actually conquer the high country but enjoyin g a streamside walk through the woodland nevertheless. On the way we pottered along, Paul was industriou s pointing out the many ; apologies now by the way if the content of this daily report fails to convey appropriately the botanical experience that is part of travelling with the Cardy, but you were th ere so hopefully will recall it in all its magnificence!

Phil meanwhile was trying to get to grips with sometimes elusive firecrests, crested tits and coal tits in the gloom of the pines. The curious w histle of the introduced alpine marmot was heard too higher up but we failed to locate the beast in question. At times botanists could be heard ‘ooohing and aaahing’ over the heady delights of plants such as Thalictrum aquilegifolium, fields of Narcissus poeticus and the tongue-twisting umbellifer Molopospermum peloponnesiacum. In time-honoured fashion there was much reverential kneeling, adjusting of tripods and clicking of shutters. Anne’s macro-contribution of the day was a curious ladybird (still to be identified...). Walking higher we passed rough, hairy woodsman and rather smoother-coated mountain cows until we finally came upon our target plant species Saxifraga geranoides. It remained sunny during our picnic but soon the clouds that had been threatening rain delivered a light shower and we tramped back. The sun was soon out again though and we reached the car park in time for Paul to identify the Oxytropis that had eluded him last year (halleri).

Next up was a roadside stop to examine a wind-blown, rock-strewn meadow that was full of Pedicularis comosa, had some lovely robust specimens of moonwort, and best of all produced a new plant for the tour in the shape of the rather fine Pulsatilla rubra. Again there was the kneeling, the focussing...

En route to our next site we stopped off in town to allow Anne to buy a raincoat and then we were off to a surprise location, a chance to have a quick peek up the Gorge de Segre and perhaps find Saxifraga media. This was a great place to end an already productive day. At the start we examined the many plants clinging to the cliff face and spotted a lovely (the lead belle). We walked steadily uphill and just as we were starting to give up hope Paul found the Saxifraga; a beautiful little plant and another new one for the tour. This delightful narrow gorge complete with a rushing stream screamed ; and sure enough despite the late hour and overcast conditions we started finding new things including tufted marbled skipper, olive skipper, Duke-of-Burgundy and geranium argus. At a nice rest-harrow (Ononis rotundifolia) we reluctantly turned for the van and home. A great first day in the field.

In the evening the botanistas started the task of documenting their tour through the checklist process, work that would occupy many pleasant hours over the weeks to come.

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Day 3 Wednesday 13th June Canigou

We tried hard to get up the track to Canigou today but despite our best efforts we only managed to get halfway. The drive down the Tet valley and the start of the track was marvelous, several wonderful fortified towns were encountered but we failed to spot the famous yellow narrow - gauge train that haunts the valley. This road took us down to a low point of just 450 metres asl and our first stop at the base of the climb had a distinctly Mediterranean feel. Subalpine warblers were singing and Paul even managed to spot one. Our first Odonate, a bright blue Aeshna affinis hawked along the track. Not surprisingly we encountered huge numbers of new plants from the moment we got out of the vehicles and Paul was kept very busy. Just getting out of the car park involved a huge wave of new species including Lonicera etrusca and Cistus laurifolia. New butterflies made themselves apparent from the start of the climb too, low down we encountered our first Amanda’s and holly blues. As we climbed higher by car we added some lovely lepidoptera to the list. Paul found us a recently emerged female apollo which was widely photographed and looked fantastic. Piedmont and de Prunner’s ringlet appeared too and we found our first heath and knapweed fritillaries.

Pulling off the road we set up the picnic and browsed. Amazingly whilst here we had a superb encounter with an adult lammergier. I think Hazel spotted it first and it just headed straight for our lunch stop and passed directly overhead just 30 metres above us. Although we were all eating at the time and none of us got our cameras on the subject it was breathtaking moment. After lunch we went a little higher before the downhill traffic put paid to our attempt to summit. With few passing places on this horrible dirt road , reversing back for the first vehicle we met was extremely unpleasant and we sensibly elected to head back down. We made numerous stops on the way though, adding to the botanical list with each stop. Paul stopped again in oak woodland to allow us to enjoy a few more different plants growing by the roadside. Next a quick stop by a small stream added brown trout to the trip list and Anne found us a nice female Calopteryx virgo. Later the sun came out and a few males began displaying. Sallying out from their streamside perches to show off their dazzling metallic colours. Also here a few new butterflies including our first meadow brown and southern white admiral.

Our last stop was down in the main valley near the confluence of the Cady and Tet. No Odonates down here strangely but Anne rounded up a nice nymphal great green bush cricket before we headed for home.

Day 4 Thursday 14th June over the pass to and on into

The big three nation transfer day arrived. Many of us were out and about in the village before breakfast, simply enjoying being out in the fresh air, or chasing grey wagtails about or trying to capture images of the many great-looking plants growing by the paths and wayside in even light before the sun rose over the ridge.

After breakfast we loaded up and drove back over the Puymorens Pass and then headed for Andorra. An exciting new country ‘tick’ for over half the group, although the novelty wore off remarkably quickly! First up was the bravely-coloured ‘Lego’ ski town... Our first couple of stops offered great scenery though and plenty of new plants. A short stop yielded Pedicularis pyrenaica, Lychnis alpina, Bartsia alpina, Gentiana acaulis and the quadrifaria.

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Next up was a wander around the windy slopes of the Port d’Envalira plenty to look at in the turf here with stunning blue Gentiana pyrenaica, white Ranunculus kuepferi, purple Primula integrifolia, pretty Erigeron uniflorus was found in small numbers and the mats of creeping azalea were also new for the list.

Lunch was starting to beckon so we headed down off the pass and despite a short interlude where Phil and his vehicle became detached we eventually managed to set up the lunch at a scenic viewpoint high above the main valley. The botanistas surveyed the area for us and we all grazed happily on a selection of cheeses and fishes. Today’s guest fish was the humble but tasty sardine in a variety of sauces and there was a nice picquant bivalve on offer too! We wound down from this high point to join the main valley road again and endured the multiple roundabouts of the capital city of Andorra and its rambling suburbs and dreary development. Phil’s car scored highly by noting the unforgettable ‘Las Vegas Elvis cow’ as we cruised through the centre of town. A quick check by customs at the border and we were in Spain. Woo-hoo!

Travelling in the second car with Phil inevitably meant missing some things seen in the van, we got our revenge in Andorra with a splendid sighting of the only Elvis cow in the world!

Paul produced some delightful stops during this Spanish leg of the journey. The sun shone down but despite the excellent weather we struggled with butterflies – was it going to be one of those years? A mournfully calling short-toed eagle was educational, Sandy delighted to recognise it within seconds. We had great views of griffon vulture during the day but Sandy produced one on the ground at one stop, which we all enjoyed through the telescope. Two more distant lammergiers were a great bonus here. An Orobanche stop produced not only Orobanche rapum- genistae but also a fleeting view of two unidentified pine voles for a few of us – nearly a new mammal for the tour! Time was pressing eventually and we drove on to our next splendid hotel, our home for the next six nights.

After dinner Phil went out spotlighting by the river. This was surprisingly productive with a juvenile southern smooth snake being the star prize, but the amphibian list was quadrupled with the addition of Iberian water frog, common toad and, best of all, a male midwife toad (complete with a mass of mature eggs wrapped around his hindlimbs). Finally a Scop’s owl behaved impeccably in the spot beam and in the end had to be abandoned in favour of sleep. Superb!

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Day 5 Friday 15th June Aigues-Tortes NP

The pre-breakfast team headed out along the river behind the hotel for some bird-listening. We heard some nice birds including golden oriole, middle spotted woodpecker, Cetti’s warbler and nightingale. Birds we saw included some nice long-tailed tits and mallards!

After breakfast we took the short drive up to Espot and the waiting rank of Landrover taxis. Paul quickly organised us into two vehicles and we headed off on the trip up to Ratany. The sun shone down from a blue sky unsullied by cloud and the scenery quickly became breath-taking as the steep-sided ‘Enchanted Mountains’ appeared across the way. Disembarking and waving off the taxis we found ourselves by a pleasant upland lake populated by a pair of mallard. The botanists worked the short turf around the lake, whilst Phil set up the ‘scope and attempted to locate a chamois... The botanists fared better and no doubt got stuck into some classic snowmelt species! Phil rocked up in time to enjoy a splendid show of Soldanella – a classic plant. Tearing ourselves away from the lake shore we headed up and round to a scenic overview. The rock faces here produced our targets; a cushion of Androsace vandelli and a few plants of the fine Saxifraga pubescens.

Walking back to the lake we listened to singing dunnocks and a noisy group of elusive common crossbills. By the lake Mike spotted a fine near-adult golden eagle that performed reasonably well, albeit at range. Crested tits appeared in the pines as we headed downhill, but citril finches were heard only today. We took lunch by an ice-cold rushing stream and then continued our walk downwards. Stopping to admire lizards, butterflies and plants as the fancy took us. Paul added Camberwell beauty to the trip list whilst hunting unsuccessfully for his mislaid sunglasses, scant consolation. He excelled himself later by finding a rather timid asp viper that we pursued (carefully!) through a jumble of rocks but failed to photograph sadly. Lizards confused us. Nearby Anne found the first of two bagworms, the caterpillar pulling his huge mobile home gamely along through and over every obstruction – muscular stuff.

Arriving at our pick-up point we waited a short time and then took to our taxis for the short shuttle back to Espot. Here we had time for a break, interupted by our fourth lammergier cruising along a nearby ridge. Ice creams were the order of the day but Anne and Peter had time to find a pair of dippers on the river too before we headed back to the hotel after an enjoyable day in the field.

After dinner a small team went out to search for amphibians along the river. Aaron found the first common toad, a whopping female that we never managed to beat size-wise during the session. Field crickets entertained us, as did numerous large trout. Fallow deer proved to be fairly frequently encountered. Leopard slugs (Limax maximus) were admired and finally just before crossing the bridge on the way back Phil found an immature midwife toad.

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Day 6 Saturday 16th June the Col de Perves circuit

Paul led us out on a fine circular drive today, the sun shone down relentlessly and the temperature at the lower sites hit the low 30’s. Our first stop was high on the Col de Perves. The budejal or box scrub on the slopes supported a wealth of flowers. Pink rockroses, and the small yellow flowered Helianthemum canum were in fine flower among the very spiky Echinospartum horridum. There were blue patches of Globularia cordifolia, and pink splashes of Anthyllis montana. The blue Linum narbonense was particularly fine and the Mt Cenis restharrow was beautiful. Searching the turf produced some very small Adderstongue ferns.

The bird life was good too. Paul spotted a tawny pipit sitting up in a bush and ortolan buntings sang from hidden perches. A single male Dartford warbler gave us the run-around. Silver-studded blue, Idas blue and brown argus were among the butterflies. Phil chased a large psammodromus about.

Greater butterfly orchids bloomed, and fragrant orchids were common. Raising our eyes from all the flowers the views around were really special too, verdant valleys, mountain villages, and in the distance the snow-capped peak of the highest mountain in the Pyrenees (Pic d’Aneto). The pond near the minibus had abundant Iberian water frogs which leapt in as soon as we approached, and the dragonfly fauna today consisted of two species; Coenagrion puella and Anax imperator.

After a short drive a roadside stop yielded some superb spikes of the endemic Saxifraga longifolia. This is always a reliable site for this most impressive species, the giant spikes cascading from the roadside cliffs. Also here was the endemic Ramonda myconi and the gorgeous Pyrenean bellflower was in flower too.

We took lunch by a riverside meadow, griffon vultures soared overhead and we saw our fifth lammergier of the trip. Driving on the road took us in and out of Catalunya and Aragon as we headed for Montañana. A cliff stop near one of the tunnels produced more superb Saxifraga longifolia and swathes of ramonda higher up. Paul had located the endemic peony subspecies here in previous years, and a stop again yielded several plants, although in fruit. Peter found a few bizarre-looking Leuzea conifera whilst photographing butterflies. A male Moroccan orangetip batted past along the road.

A minor road took us towards Tremp and along here we found some superb Mediterranean influenced habitat with a wealth of new plants. Among them were Euphorbia serrata, Aphyllanthes monspeliensis, Dorycnium pentaphyllum, Orlaya grandiflora, Lithodora fruticosa, Teucrium montanum, Convolvulus cantabrica, Phlomis lychnitis, and Bupleurum falcatum. There were some fine grasses too including Aegilops geniculata, Stipa pennata, and Melica ciliata. Butterflies included blue-spot hairstreak. It was difficult not to bump into the huge adult antlion (Palpares libelluloides) that was flying around the area. A family party of treecreepers appeared in some nearby trees and the temperature climbed noticeably.

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On the way home we stopped at Tremp rubbish dump for views of the various aerial scavengers utilising the free food on offer. An icecream stop was very successful, a calling wryneck was quickly located and showed well.

Day 7 Sunday 17th June Port de la Bonaigua and Vielha

Phil’s early morning bird walk had the primary aim of securing a golden oriole for Sandy’s life list. With a little judicious whistling our target was secured; thanks to the ever-alert Anne we got great ‘scope views of a male sitting up in a poplar searching for the supposed intruder. Also during the session we heard several nightingales and enjoyed views of roe and fallow deer.

After breakfast it was back to the vehicles for the relatively short shuttle up the road to the high pass of Port de la Bonaigua, dodging a herd of horses on the road. Just before we stopped an obliging trio of crossbill posed by the road, including one lovely brick-red adult male. Birds were not an obvious feature of the high pastures and scrub, a few water pipits and wheatears were singing but the best find was a dead ring ouzel picked up underneath the high-tension powerlines that march through the pass. The botanists enjoyed browsing over the alpine turf, often flushing up teneral dragonflies; we saw white-faced darter, four-spotted chaser and also the damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum hiding in the dwarf shrubs. The good weather we had been enjoying had obviously triggered a mass emergence in the previous few days.

Somewhat against the odds Phil found the first dog’s-tooth violet, but a little later Michael and Hilary found an excellent group higher up and there were many photographs taken. Also mentioned in dispatches here were Daphne cneorum, Androsace carnea, Gentiana alpina, Lychnis alpina and Linaria alpina.

We tore ourselves away and headed for lunch through the Vielha tunnel. Luckily the good weather followed us through the tunnel and we found oursleves at the base of the Pic d’Aneto and in an area stuffed with flowers. Even those of concentrating on other taxa noted the abundance. Aaron nearly knelt on an asp viper and Phil soon re-found it but the beast too quickly made an exit down a vole burrow. We spent the rest of the afternoon working this area. The abundance and diversity of orchids was noticeable to the layman; frog orchids were subtle but abundant, greater butterfly orchids more obvious, and there were also many fragrant orchids and black vanilla orchids. Some nice moonwort was located here.

Wet flushes along the stream were particularly productive; both Pinguicula vulgaris and Pinguicula grandiflora were in bloom, as was alpine bartsia and Tofield’s asphodel. Primula farinosa photographed well against the rushing water of the river. We moved by van a little further up towards the tunnel and had another walk. Here the botanists located Pedicularis mixta and the wet slope contained many Narcissus and patches of St Bruno’s lily. Paul got excited about sedges. Phil finally found a group of chamois high above on the slopes but the range (2-3 kilometres) was not conducive to easy viewing. A male Libellula depressa whizzed past and various ponds and puddles were unsuccessfully examined for salamanders and newts. Arriving back at the vehicles Hazel

Greentours Natural History Holidays www.greentours.co.uk 7 found us a fine longhorn beetle (Acanthoderes clavipes). Tired but happy we headed back to the vehicles for the drive back through the tunnel and over the pass to our hotel.

Day 8 Monday 18th June Collegats, Salas and Tremp

The pre-breakfast team headed out bright and early again this morning and had a great session on yet another new walk available from the hotel. New birds came almost immediately with a surprise green sandpiper being quickly followed (though not literally) by a fine peregrine. Most of us saw the falcon in flight but there then followed a scene not dissimilar to yesterday’s chamois sighting, when Phil followed it to a distant perch and picked out the bird sitting on a distant ridge... It eventually flew off putting us out of our misery but we were almost immediately rewarded by the gods (well Peter really) when a chamois was located at ridiculously close range feeding on a crag above us. It moved off out of sight after a while but we caught it peeking over a rock at us later. Cirl buntings, firecrests and Bonelli’s warblers finally popped out to be seen and a pair of golden orioles put on a fine show as they shuttled back and forth busily feeding young.

After breakfast it was raining so we headed downhill to Salas and a more Mediterranean flavoured day. We successfully dodged the rainshowers all morning. Paul took us to a great spot near Salas first – a streamside oakwood – here we found at least 11 orchid species in a very small area; including red helleborines, Epipactis helleborine, Epipactis tremolsii, Epipactis microphylla, fragrant orchids, Dactylorhiza elata, Dactylorhiza fuchsii, woodcock orchid, common twayblade and violet limodore. Mike found the first of a few large psammodromus’ seen during this day in the lowlands.

Our next stop nearby produced a nice diversity of hairstreaks and our first great banded grayling appeared. An adult antlion posed nicely and we found another large group of the bizarre Leuzea conifera.

We checked an old Spanish purple hairstreak site but were disappointed. The stop did produce a nice pair of fiery clearwings (Bembicia chrysidiformis) and also the impressive bee (Scolia flavifrons). Lunch came next at a stop on the old road overlooking the reservoir and crawling with Spanish gatekeepers. Afterwards we had one last stop for Spanish purple hairstreak but it was not to be. This was a great spot for butterflies though and we enjoyed the many species on offer including pigmy skipper, cleopatra and a nice range of hairstreaks. Rock sparrows called from a nearby building.

After a welcome ice cream stop we headed back up the road for a look at the Congost de Collegat. The pond in the carpark had Iberian water frog and both broad-bodied chaser and emperor were flying here. We had a pleasant walk down on the old road to ‘Gaudi’s inspiration’ – an impressive rock formation said to be the inspiration behind Barcelona’s cathedral. Paul found a moorish gecko on the cliff face. On the way Paul pointed out many plants, there was some excitement over the endemic Sarcocapnos enneaphylla, a delicate fumitory. Paul showed us Vincetoxicum nigrum growing with the much commoner white-flowered species. Antirrhinum molle sprouted from the cliff face. Overhead griffon vultures soared close to their nest sites. A pair of dippers appeared and grey

Greentours Natural History Holidays www.greentours.co.uk 8 wagtails teetered about. A pair of chough were busy feeding young in a hole in the cliff. The Ramonda here was burnt to a crisp and we could only find florettes of the Pyrenean saxifrage Nevertheless a great end to a pleasant day.

Not quite the end though, a few of us went out after dinner hoping that the sporadic rain through the day might have activated some amphibians and we were not disappointed. We found no less than three male midwife toads, complete with egg-mass backpacks. Also here common frog, common toad and a huge barbel.

Day 9 Tuesday 19th June Tor

Rain greeted us at breakfast this morning and it remained overcast with occasional showers throughout the day. Our luck with the weather had finally broken. Not far to drive this morning though and soon we were on the narrow road that winds up to the mountain summer village of Tor. First up was a short stop to search for Botrychium matricariifolium at a site Paul had found them at previously. The sward was rather well-grazed though and after a good search we went on our way.

The next stop was beside sloping meadows. The rocks held a fine flora with Dipcadi serotinum, Clypeola jonthlaspi, cobweb houseleeks, and Potentilla rupestris. Carthusian pink, Vicia onobrychoides, Viola tricolor and common columbine were among the species in the meadows. Blue lettuce was in fine flower by the roadside. There were no butterflies on the wing during the day because of the weather we were experiencing but Paul found a roosting silver-studded blue here.

Driving further up, the upper meadows were excellent too. Burnt-tip orchids were here, and many bug orchids and greater butterfly orchids too. We stopped and parked in the village and ate our lunch in the vehicles. Re-fuelled we laboured uphill on foot alongside a lovely mountain stream and admired the many seepages and flushes and their attendant flora. The alpine toadflax was in good flower, and there was much golden cinquefoil. The wet flushes supported many broad- leaved marsh orchids and verticillate lousewort, the two looking surprisingly similar from a distance. During this walk we were untroubled by birds or butterflies and mostly enjoyed using the good light for photography and the rainy spells for nattering to our nearest neighbour. Although Andorra looked tempting and the Elvis cow beckoned we eventually turned our backs on these delightful alpine pastures studded with tasty-looking horses and headed back down to the vehicles and an early bath.

Day 10 Wednesday 20th June transfer to Arreau, via Rioumajou and Neouvielle

With some reluctance we packed our bags and said goodbye to the hotel staff this morning. What an enjoyable stay we had had. Driving back up the Port de la Bonaigua we bumped into a stunned rock bunting in the middle of the road and had great views of a red fox. No time for stopping this morning though as we headed on resolutely to the French border.

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Driving up to the pass we started to bump into the first cyclists, which were to become numerous during our journey today. Our first quick stop was in decidous forest and whilst some botany did take place most of the group started browsing on the abundant wild strawberries. Sandy spotted our first comma on what was to be one of our more enjoyable days for butterflies. A little later we were stopped again at some alpine meadows above Garin. Butterflies were a feature of this location with bright-eyed ringlet, mountain ringlet and purple-edged copper all making an appearance in the carpark.

Driving on we headed for the Rioumajou valley and our date with Ramonda. Even the author was staggered by the abundance of this plant at the spot we stopped at for lunch – an incredible moment and doubtless a trip highlight for many of us. The roadside runnels produced a few larval fire salamanders on cue. Butterflies were noted here too with false heath fritillary being added to the list and more commas and pearl-bordered fritillaries appearing.

On again, this time taking the road up to Lac de Cap de Long in the Reserve Naturelle de Neouvielle. We walked in a small riverside meadow stuffed with great invertebrates (and no doubt plants...) – more butterflies here, including some nice clouded apollos, also several ascalaphids and Aaron found a nice longhorn beetle (Leptura maculata).

Last stop of the day was the reservoir at the top of the road. Here we fossicked about under an eroding cliff face for impossibly small plants before heading for the nearby restaurant for a cold drink. A black kite entertained us with its antics and we searched for wallcreeper in vain. Dropping back down the road weaving through the seriously depressed sheep we headed for our hotel in Arreau.

Day 11 Thursday 21st June Arreau, Col d’Aspin, Col du Tourmalet and Gavarnie

Our day started with a successful pre-breakfast dipper safari, visiting the nest found by Phil the day before just 200 yards from the hotel. We had great views of an adult bringing a beakful of food to the young and we also found a first-year bird from a previous brood. A late departure allowed everyone a good look around a bustling Arreau on market day and then we were on our way.

Weaving through the many cyclists we headed up for a short stop on the Col d’Aspin. The views from the top were fantastic but we soon beat a hasty retreat from this popular honeypot location. Dropping down again we stopped briefly to search for some exciting plants in the valley bottom, seeing Dianthus monspessulanus and Eryngium bourgatii. Here we also had our first large red damselflies and more beautiful demoiselles.

We were soon driving up to another Col, the Col du Tourmalet. Paul took us down a side track here to a large herd of llamas and we had a short walk uphill that was doubtless good for the botanists. Many of us loafed on the slopes in the sun, photographing plants, watching a pair of snowfinches feeding their noisy young and enjoying a great dogfight between a red kite and a kestrel.

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Driving downhill Paul lead us to a pleasant streamside lunch stop and we got stuck in to a great picnic. Unfortunately there was a great mud-puddling spot just up the road and it was hard to tear Peter away from the butterflies. After lunch we checked out the small pools by the junction. Phil caught a frog whose biometrics suggested that it was a Pyrenean frog (but sadly the colouration suggested common frog) and there were more large red damselflies here too.

Next stop was the nearby botanical garden. The slopes above the carpark produced numerous marmots and we also watched a raven catch and kill a frog. Driving on we headed finally for Gavarnie, stopping just short of the village to take in the wonderful Pyrenean lily growing by the roadside. A freshly-emerged heath fritillary was also a big hit. Our last (and highest) hotel finally hove into view and we were soon getting installed for the final three nights of the tour. Sensory overload was a real issue as we lugged our bags past stuffed foxes wearing sunglasses, a Snow White scene and other decorative tat. Madame was welcoming though and we looked forward to our stay.

Day 12 Friday 22nd June Col de Tentes and the glorious Ossoue Valley

Low cloud and light mizzle greeted us this morning but Paul led us up the hill to the Col de Tentes and halfway there we burst magically out of the low cloud into a gloriously sunny mountain landscape. Driving upward to the carpark overlooking the Col de Tentes we were besieged by marmots as they whistled and squabbled by the roadside. When we tried to photograph them though they invariably shambled off out of sight. The view from the carpark was superb and then we went for a walk towards Spain, Saxifraga intricata being the star of this short walk. Walking downhill we quickly bumped into our first alpine accentors, nearby ridges were scanned and produced a displaying short-toed eagle and yet another lammergier.

We walked further downhill enjoying the Draba aizoides and lovely Primula hirsuta growing on the acidic rockfaces. A short walk and we were on a calcareous outcrop with a much more diverse flora, here Paul showed us Primula integrifolia and mats of Silene acaulis. Stopping again lower down we searched a site Paul knew was good for Pyrenean brook salamander and careful searching produced three of these little beauties. One was photographed and examined in detail and then we were off downhill again to our lunch stop in the Ossoue valley.

The Ossoue valley proved to be a wonderful place, flower-filled and scenic it produced a memorable afternoon. Lunch first by a babbling brook was most welcome. Later we ambled down the valley. Pyrenean lilies appeared again, just out of reach up the slope. Paul found us a lovely clump of the rather local Saponaria caespitosa. Pyrenean honeysuckle was photographed. Mike found us a splendid male western green lizard, which lay unconcerned at our feet and was then caught for close-ups. Chaenorhinum origanifolium, Globularia nudicaulis and Globularia repens were among the many other plants, and there were some fine Aster alpinus on the rocks. Turquoise blues appeared in numbers and we finally saw a large fritillary – dark-green, all the larger fritillary species have been curiously absent from the areas visited this year.

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Driving onwards Phil talked to some British birders and they showed him a lammergier perched on the high cliff above us. Fantastic. Lower down we rejoined the group and re-found the bird but all too soon it sallied out to harass a passing griffon vulture and some of the group failed to see it. A nice end to a great day in the field.

Day 13 Saturday 23rd June Cirque de Gavarnie or Cirque de Troumouse

Phil, Sandy and Celia spent their day walking up to the Cirque de Gavarnie on a car-free day that allowed us to really take in the breath-taking splendour of this amazing high horse-shoe of rock covered in waterfalls. En route we were not unduly troubled by new flora! But we enjoyed photographing some old favourites. The first two hours of our walk were quiet, but around lunchtime the weekend crowds became more obvious at this hugely popular tourist destination.

Over lunch we got our best views of alpine chough as they scavenged for scraps. A few citril finches were noted and the woodland halfway up the trail produced coal tit and crested tit. Phil searched the rock faces in vain for wallcreeper – too much habitat! The icecream at the restaurant overlooking the cirque was much-needed and then we descended back to the village through the day-trippers and cavalry. There was no stopping Hilary and Michael today, we met them at the bottom making a late ascent of the cirque after a day out with the rest of the group up the Cirque de Troumouse.

Day 14 Sunday 24th June departure

An early start saw us having a pre-dawn, rather clandestine breakfast lit by the ghostly glow of the bug-zapper. No heroic send-off from Madame then! We made our way carefully to the airport, arriving bang on time and said our goodbyes to Celia and Sandy before entering the travel machinery. En route we managed to add little egret and little ringed plover to the bird list and Aaron was still listing away on the plants. A great tour with a lovely bunch of people.

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Pyrenees Systematic Lists 2012

Flowers compiled by Paul Cardy & Faunal Lists by Phil Benstead


Day 1. Monday 11th June:- Arrival, Toulouse to Valcebollere via Puymorens Day 2. Tuesday 12th June:- Val d’Eyne, Mont-Louis, Segre Gorge Day 3. Wednesday 13th June:- Canigou Day 4. Thursday 14th June:- Valcebollere, Puymorens, ANDORRA, Envalira, SPAIN, Seu d’Urgell, Col del Canto, La Guingeta d’Aneu Day 5. Friday 15th June:- Aigues Tortes National Park Day 6. Saturday 16th June:- Col de Perbes, Aragon, Montanana road Day 7. Sunday 17th June:- Bonaigua, Vielha Day 8. Monday 18th June:- Salas, Tremp area, Collegats Gorge Day 9. Tuesday 19th June:- Tor road Day 10. Wednesday 20th June:- Bonaigua, Vielha, Portillon, Peyresourde, Rioumajou, Neouvielle, Arreau Day 11. Thursday 21st June:- Arreau, via Col d’Aspin and Col du Tourmalet, Tourmalet Botanic Garden, to Gavarnie Day 12. Friday 22nd June:- Col de Tentes and Ossoue valley Day 13. Saturday 23rd June:- Troumouse valley and cirque, or towards Cirque de Gavarnie Day 14. Sunday 24th June:- to Toulouse and departure

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Systematic List Number 1 Flowers

The is based on various works, but mainly Flora Europaea; the 18 published volumes of Flora Iberica; and ‘La Grande Flore Illustrée des Pyrénées’ by Marcel Saule, 2002. This list has continued to grow and to be added to over the last fifteen years or so of our Pyrenees tours. Several species were added to the list in 2012 and are thus annotated. A few species recorded in 2011 or previous years, but not this year are annotated with the year in which they were last recorded.

FERNS & ALLIES Lycopodiaceae Huperzia selago - Fir Clubmoss - Rocks along Cirque de Gavarnie track Selaginellaceae Selaginella selaginoides - Lesser Clubmoss - Tourmalet and Tentes Equisetaceae Equisetum arvense - Common Horsetail - Scattered records [Regular whorls of branches and sheaths with 6-12 teeth] Equisetum fluviatile - Water Horsetail - Pont de Suert Equisetum hyemale - Rough Horsetail - Val d’Eyne, Vielha, 2012 Equisetum palustre - Marsh Horsetail - Scattered records Equisetum telmateia - Giant Horsetail - Salas [Robust whitish stems, regular whorls and sheaths with 20-30 teeth] Equisetum variegatum - Variegated Horsetail - near Pont de Suert Ophioglossaceae Botrychium lunaria - Moonwort - numerous at Vielha tunnel, Mont-Louis, and Bonaigua [Forked frond: sterile 1-pinnate (moon-shaped segments and fertile like grapes)] Botrychium matricariifolium - 2 above Alins. Apparently a new record for Lerida province, and only the second record for Spain. 2010. Could not re-locate in 2011 or 2012. Ophioglossum azoricum - Small Adder’s-tongue Fern - Perbes, particularly small examples Cryptogrammaceae Cryptogramma crispa - Parsley Fern - road to Cirque de Troumouse [Low dimorphic 3-pinnate fern, resembling parsley] Adiantaceae Adiantum capillus-veneris - Maidenhair Fern - on rocks near ‘Gaudi’s Inspiration’ Blechnaceae Blechnum spicant - Hard Fern - Gavarnie area Polypodiaceae Polypodium cambricum - Southern Polypody Polypodium vulgare - Common Polypody - widespread [Small-medium singly pinnate, outline lanceolate] Hypolepidaceae Pteridium aquilinum - Bracken - woodland edges and upland edges [Familiar tall branched fern] Aspleniaceae Asplenium adiantum-nigrum - Black Spleenwort - Sheltered rocks, e.g. Eyne, Tor road and Vielha

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[Small 2-3 pinnate leathery fern] Asplenium ruta-muraria -Wall-rue - Collegats, Aigues Tortes [Small dark green 2-pinnate tufted fern, diamond-shaped segments] Asplenium septentrionale - Forked Spleenwort - scattered records on acid rocks, e.g. Tor road, Rioumajou and Aigues Tortes. [Small fern: irregularly 1-3 forked] Asplenium trichomanes - Maidenhair Spleenwort - widespread, rock crevices, e.g. Tor, Collegats, Rioumajou, Eyne. [Small 1-pinnate tufted fern, dark rhachis] Asplenium viride - Green Spleenwort - rocks, Rioumajou, and Tor road, Tentes Asplenium fontanum - Black Forest Spleenwort - rocks low on the Tor road and Rioumajou Ceterach officinarum - Rusty back Fern - walls and rocks, e.g. Alins and Gaudi’s Inspiration Phyllitis scolopendrium - Hartstongue - Rioumajou and Canigou Woodsiaceae Athyrium filix-femina - Lady Fern - woods, [Graceful, large 2-3 pinnate fern, sickle-shaped indusia] Aythyrium distentifolium - Alpine Lady Fern - Vielha and Aigues Tortes Cystopteris fragilis - Brittle Bladder-fern - Humid crevices, Tor, Peyresourde, Rioumajou, Eyne [Delicate, 2-3 pinnate, tufted] Gymnocarpium dryopteris - Oak Fern - Shaded rocks, France and Aigues Tortes [Triangular 3-pinnate, creeping] Gymnocarpium robertianum - Limestone Fern - Rioumajou Dryopteridaceae Dryopteris filix-mas - Male Fern - Woodland, France [Familiar large 2-pinnate fern, pinnule with acute teeth] Dryopteris borreri - Tor and Rioumajou Dryopteris dilatata - Broad Buckler Fern - day 10, 2012 Dryopteris oreades - Mountain Male Fern - Aigues Tortes etc. Polystichum aculeatum - Hard Shield-fern - woodland, e.g. Rioumajou, Neouvielle [Like Male Fern, but leathery, bristle-like teeth] Polystichum lonchitis - Holly Fern - montane rock, e.g. Aigues Tortes, Eyne [1-pinnate, leathery, pinnae with auricle at base] Polystichum setiferum - Soft Shield Fern - Rioumajou

CONIFERS Pinaceae Abies alba - Silver Fir - France, e.g. locally dominant on Canigou [Big tree needle-leaves borne singly on twigs but not on peg projection] Picea abies - Norway Spruce - forest in France [From last by leaves borne on persistent pegs] Pinus halepensis - Aleppo Pine - near St.Llorenc, and Fillols Pinus nigra - Austrian Pine - widespread [Like Scots Pine, but needles 6-18cm & 1-2mm wide. Ssp. salzmannii] Pinus sylvestris - Scots Pine - widespread and locally dominant [2 needle pine, leaves <7cm long, cones pendent. Mainly “var. pyrenaica”] Pinus uncinata - a mountain pine - locally dominant, e.g. Tor and Aigues Tortes [From last by upright cone, bright green not glaucous] Larix decidua - Larch - forest, locally dominant [deciduous conifer]

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Cupressaceae Cupressus sempervirens - Italian Cypress - planted on verges etc. in south, sub-Mediterranean zone [Conifer tree with tiny paired scale-like leaves - columnar form, var. pyramidalis] Juniperus communis - Common Juniper - ssp. alpina and ssp. communis [Aromatic shrub, needle-leaves (whorls of 3), black berry-like cone] Juniperus o. oxycedrus - Prickly Juniper - Montanana road [From last by red-purple berry-like cone and 2 (not 1) glaucous bands] Juniperus phoenicea - Phoenicean Juniper - sub-Mediterranean zone, e.g. Collegats Ephedraceae Ephedra distachya - a Joint Pine - Baixols area, St.Llorenc 2010

FLOWERING PLANTS DICOTYLEDONS Populus alba - White Poplar - scattered [Familiar suckering tree whose maple-like leaves are white downy below] Populus nigra - Black Poplar - scattered [Tall tree, fluttering leaves shaped like ace of spades] Populus tremula - Aspen - widespread [From last by rounded, sinuate-toothed leaves] Salix alba - White - scattered [Tall tree whose linear-lanceolate leaves are appressed white silky] Salix appendiculata - Val d’Eyne Salix bicolor - Vielha tunnel Salix caprea - Sallow - scattered, e.g. Eyne [Big shrub, ovate leaves grey-hairy beneath] Salix cinerea - Grey Willow - scattered Salix elaeagnos - Olive Willow - scattered, e.g. near Pont de Suert, Salas [Waterside shrub with narrow leaves, white-woolly beneath] Salix fragilis - Crack Willow - along rivers Salix phylicifolia - possibly this species at Tor Salix purpurea - Purple Willow - by rivers, e.g. Espot [Oblanceolate, glaucous, sub-opposite leaves] Salix pyrenaica - Pyrenean Willow - Puymorens Salix x sepulchralis - Weeping Willow - planted [Large-tree, narrow yellowish leaves, pendant branches] Salix triandra - Almond Willow - recorded Juglandaceae Juglans regia - Walnut [Tree with alternate pinnate leaves, 7-9 ovate leaflets - chambered pith] Betulaceae Alnus glutinosa - Common Alder - by water [Familiar tree with blunt roundish leaves and fruits like small cones] Alnus incana - Grey Alder - Day 11 lunch site, 2012

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Betula pendula - Silver Birch - frequent at moderate altitudes on forest edges [Familiar slender tree with whitish bark and small heart-shaped leaves] Corylaceae Carpinus betulus - Hornbeam - France Corylus avellana - Hazel - woodland at lower levels [Familiar shrub with roundish leaves] Fagaceae Castanea sativa - Sweet Chestnut - in France en route to Arreau, and Canigou Fagus sylvatica - Beech - locally dominant, submontane forest [Majestic forest tree: grey bark & oval leaves] Quercus coccifera - Kermes Oak - sub-Mediterranean scrub [Shrub or tree with evergreen, holly-like leaves] Quercus faginea - an oak - Fillols [Semi-evergreen tree with toothed wavy-edged leaves and hairy beneath] Quercus ilex - Holm Oak - Fillols [Evergreen tree with lanceolate leaves paler (downy) beneath] Quercus petraea - Sessile Oak - Salas Quercus pubescens - Downy Oak - widespread Ulmaceae Celtis australis - Nettle Tree - Sub-Mediterranean scrub, e.g. La Seu d’Urgell [Deciduous tree, alternate leaves, 1-serrate, asymmetric base] Ulmus minor - Small-leaved Elm - scattered, e.g. Collegats [Similar, but leaves doubly serrate, rounder; tree freely suckering] Ulmus glabra - Wych Elm - Gavarnie, Tor Moraceae Ficus carica - Fig - sub-Mediterranean scrub [Familiar tree with large palmately-lobed leaves and large dark fruit] Morus alba - White Mulberry - lower altitudes Cannabaceae Humulus lupulus - Hop [Climber, rough, opposite 3-5 lobed leaves] Urticaceae Parietaria judaica - Pellitory-of-the-wall - local in Spain, Fillols Urtica dioica - Stinging Nettle - common everywhere [Familiar coarse stinging weed] Urtica urens - Annual Nettle - recorded 2012 Loranthaceae Viscum album - Mistletoe - lower altitudes in France, on Pinus Santalaceae Thesium alpinum - Alpine Bastard Toadflax - Eyne, Canigou, Tor, Aigues Tortes Thesium divaricatum - Branched Bastard Toadflax - Canigou and Montanana road Thesium pyrenaicum - Pyrenean Bastard Toadflax - Vielha etc. Osyris alba - sub-Mediterranean scrub, Fillols Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia pistolochia - a birthwort - Santa Engracia and Baixols area, 2008

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Polygonaceae Fallopia convolvulus - Black-bindweed - Days 1 and 3 Polygonum alpinum - Alpine Knotgrass - Locally common in France Polygonum aviculare - Common Knotgrass - scattered [Familiar weed] Polygonum bistorta - Bistort - meadows, locally very common [Pink spikes, leaves lanceolate with winged stalk] Polygonum equisetiforme - Salas Polygonum persicaria - Redshank Polygonum viviparum - Alpine Bistort - Vielha tunnel [White spikes, giving way below to reddish bulbils, linear-lanceolate leaves] Reynoutria japonica - Japanese Knotweed Reynoutria sachalinensis - Giant Knotweed Rumex acetosa - Common Sorrel - meadows [Like a dock with arrow-shaped leaf, and no warts on fruit] Rumex acetosella - Sheep’s Sorrel - open stony sites, e.g. Aigues Tortes [More slender, spreading leaf-lobes; ssp. pyrenaicus] Rumex alpinus - Monk’s Rhubarb - local by cattle enriched areas [Typical dock, but leaves almost round and no warts on fruit] Rumex crispus - Curled Dock - Tor road Rumex longifolius - Northern Dock - a few records 2012 Rumex obtusifolius - Broad-leaved Dock [Familiar coarse weed with broad leaves] Rumex pulcher - Fiddle Dock - Tremp area 2012 Rumex scutatus - French Sorrel - Segre [Grey “mitre”-leaves, spreading basal lobes] Chenopodiaceae Beta vulgaris - Sea Beet - Tremp area 2012 Chenopodium album - Fat Hen [Mealy annual, irregular-toothed lanceolate leaves, grey-green flowers] Chenopodium bonus-henricus - Good King Henry - montane paths [More spicate head, leaves broad arrow-shaped] Chenopodium vulvaria - Stinking Goosefoot - near Salas, aptly named Polycnemum arvense - lower part of Santa Engracia track, 2012 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus sp. - Tremp area 2012 Caryophyllaceae Telephium imperati - near Pont de Suert 2011. 2012, day 4. Arenaria serpyllifolia - Thyme-leaved Sandwort - widespread [Erect annual: opposite oval leaves and small white flowers with star-like sepals] Arenaria ciliata - Ciliate-leaved Sandwort - Aigues Tortes and Tourmalet Arenaria hispida - a Sandwort - Santa Engracia area = fontqueri hispanica, 2010 Arenaria aggregata - a Sandwort - Perbes Arenaria grandiflora - Large-flowered Sandwort - Gavarnie area Arenaria purpurascens - Troumouse gravels 2010 Minuartia laricifolia - at the ‘lily’stop on the arrival day Minuartia mutabilis - Andorra lunch site = rostrata

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Minuartia sedoides - Mossy Cyphel - Andorra Minuartia verna - Spring Sandwort - Andorra lunch site Stellaria graminea - Lesser Stitchwort - widespread [From next by flowers only 5-12mm] Stellaria holostea - Greater Stitchwort - widespread, shade, e.g. Eyne [Long narrow leaves & white flowers 15-30mm] Stellaria nemorum - Wood Stitchwort - Neouvielle Stellaria media - Chickweed Stellaria alsine - Bog Stitchwort - in France below Col de Portillon Cerastium arvense - Field Mouse-ear - widespread and common [Perennial, mat-forming, white flowers ca 2cm, 5 styles] Cerastium cerastoides - Starwort Mouse-ear - Canigou and Envalira, Bonaigua? [Similar, but almost hairless, flowers 9-15mm with 3 styles only] Cerastium glomeratum - Sticky Mouse-ear - scattered Cerastium fontanum - Common Mouse-ear - e.g. Vielha Cerastium alpinum - Alpine Mouse-ear - Aigues Tortes Sagina procumbens - Mossy Pearlwort - Bonaigua [Mossy mat-forming perennial, 4 green sepals, no petals] Sagina saginoides - Alpine Pearlwort - Puymorens and Neouvielle Scleranthus perennis ssp.polycnemoides - Perennial Knawel - scattered, e.g. Aigues Tortes, Tor, Perbes, Eyne Scleranthus annuus - Annual Knawel - e.g. Tor, Aigues Tortes Paronychia kapela - Perbes, Canto road [Low mat-forming perennial with very prominent silvery stipules and sepals] Paronychia polygonifolia - widespread in France, e.g. Tentes, also Aigues Tortes Herniaria glabra - Glabrous Rupturewort - Canigou and Canto road Herniaria hirsuta - Hairy Rupturewort - St.Llorenc 2010 Herniaria latifolia - outside Tourmalet botanic garden, 2012, wild? Spergularia rubra - Sand Spurrey - Canto road and Peyresourde Agrostemma githago - Corncockle - Arable weed in France Lychnis alpina - Alpine Catchfly - Bonaigua, below Envalira [Low, tufted perennial: compact head of dark pink flowers, deeply notched petals] Lychnis coronaria - Rose Campion - naturalised in France, and Val d’Aran [Like dark pink campion, but plant densely white hairy] Lychnis flos-cuculi - Ragged Robin - roadsides in France [Familiar perennial with 4-lobed dark pink petals] Silene acaulis -Moss Campion - locally common in Gavarnie area, in leaf at Aigues Tortes [Moss-like cushions, linear leaves, pink flowers and very short stems [ssp.bryoides]] Silene alba - White Campion - France, roadsides, and Gaudi’s Inspiration Silene dioica - Red Campion - France [Familiar large hairy red campion] Silene italica - Italian Catchfly - Day 3, 2012 Silene nutans - Nottingham Catchfly - scattered, e.g. Rioumajou [Sticky perennial, spathulate leaves, nodding white flowers, petals rolled back and capsule 8-12mm] Silene rupestris - Rock Campion - widespread on rocks, e.g. Aigues Tortes and France [Low grey hairless perennial, clusters of 1cm white flowers] Silene saxifraga - Tufted Catchfly - lower Tor valley, Segre, and Ossoue [Tufted perennial, sticky with slender stems and white flowers bigger than last]

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Silene legionensis - a campion - Tor [Like S. nutans but greenish-white and capsule 12-14mm] Silene vulgaris - Bladder Campion - widespread and common [Grey hairless perennial: white flowers, inflated calyces] Silene otites - Spanish Catchfly - over, near Tremp Silene gallica - Small-flowered Catchfly - lunch site on arrival day 2011 Cucubalus baccifer - Berry Catchfly - in leaf at Salas 2012 Saponaria caespitosa - a soapwort - Ossoue, in fine flower Saponaria ocymoides - Rock Soapwort - widespread and very common, one with white flowers at Perbes [Low sprawling perennial, branched clusters of dark pink flowers 6-10mm, narrow oval leaves] Saponaria officinalis - Common Soapwort - verges [Like hairless patch-forming pale pink campion] Gypsophila repens - Alpine Gypsophila - Gavarnie, Andorra, and Neouvielle Petrorhagia prolifera - Proliferous Pink - Canigou etc. [Slender annual pink, flower cluster with brown papery bracts] Petrorhagia nanteuilii - Canto road, Montanana road Dianthus armeria - Deptford Pink - Perbes 2011 Dianthus barbatus - Sweet William - Day 1, 2012 Dianthus carthusianorum - Carthusian Pink – Eyne, Tor, and locally common Gavarnie area [From last by deep pink clusters, not flat-topped] Dianthus deltoides - Maiden Pink - locally common Eyne, above Alins, and Aigues Tortes Dianthus hispanicus - a pink - Guingetta lake cliffs Dianthus monspessulanum - a fringed pink - between Arreau and Tourmalet, and Gavarnie Dianthus pyrenaicus - Pyrenean Pink - Canigou, Fillols, in leaf this year Dianthus seguieri - Seguier’s Pink - Gavarnie area, Tor Ranunculaceae Helleborus foetidus - Stinking Hellebore - widespread, scrub and rocks [Typical hellebore with digitate leaves (all on stem) and pale green flowers, edged purple] Helleborus viridis ssp.occidentalis - Green Hellebore - widespread, shade, e.g. Eyne where numerous [Has basal leaves, pure green flowers] Trollius europaeus - Globe-flower - scattered records, e.g. Tor and Eyne [Like large palmate-leaved buttercup with almost spherical yellow flowers 3-5cm] Actaea spicata - Baneberry - Eyne Caltha palustris - Marsh-marigold - widespread in wet sites, e.g. Tor and Eyne [Heart-shaped leaves and head of beaked pods (follicles)] Delphinium montanum - Mountain Larkspur - in leaf at Val d’Eyne Aconitum napellus - Monk’s-hood - in leaf at Eyne, Tor, and Gavarnie Aconitum anthora - Yellow Monk’s-hood - noted in leaf Anemone narcissiflora - Narcissus-flowered Anemone - Andorra 2012, and 3 at Aigues Tortes, 2011 Anemone nemorosa - Wood Anemone - noted in leaf, e.g. Puymorens. In flower in Andorra! [Familiar delicate white flower] Hepatica nobilis - Hepatica - in leaf at several sites, including Tor and Aigues Tortes, some still in flower, e.g.Andorra lunch site and Val d’Eyne [Basal leaves 3-lobed, purple beneath] Pulsatilla alpina ssp. alpina - Alpine Pasque-flower - alpine turf, Aigues Tortes, white flowers Pulsatilla alpina ssp. apiifolia - Alpine Pasque-flower - alpine turf, Aigues Tortes, pale yellow flowers, Eyne, and Andorra Pulsatilla rubra - several in fine flower near Mont-Louis was a very pleasing addition to the list in 2012

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Pulsatilla vernalis - Spring Pasque-flower - Aigues Tortes and Envalira [Stem-leaves unstalked, 1-pinnate, “petals” flushed pink] Clematis flammula - Fragrant Clematis - St.Llorenc 2010 [Typical Clematis with 2-pinnate leaves] Clematis vitalba -Traveller’s Joy - scattered in leaf [Similar but more robust and 1-pinnate] Adonis aestivalis - Pheasant’s-eye - near Salas 2008 Ranunculus aconitifolius - Aconite-leaved Buttercup - Vielha tunnel [Leaves 5-7 lobed, leafy with numerous white flowers] Ranunculus platanifolius - Aigues Tortes and Vielha tunnel Ranunculus acris - Meadow Buttercup - meadows [Familiar perennial, palmate leaves and yellow flowers] Ranunculus amplexicaulis - Amplexicaule Buttercup - Bonaigua and Aigues Tortes [White-flowered; lanceolate leaves clasp stem] Ranunculus bulbosus - Bulbous Buttercup - scattered [Bulbous, reflexed sepals, 3-lobed leaves] Ranunculus auricomus - Goldilocks buttercup - Eyne Ranunculus pyrenaeus - Pyrenean Buttercup - alpine turf, especially where snow lay late, e.g. Andorra, Bonaigua and Aigues Tortes, locally numerous [White flowered; leaves blue-green, linear to lanceolate, not clasping stem] Ranunculus repens - Creeping Buttercup - widespread [Familiar creeping herb, three distinct leaflets, sepals not reflexed] Ranunculus montanus s.l. - Mountain Buttercup - widespread at higher altitudes Ranunculus gouanii - Gouan’s Buttercup - widespread at higher altitudes, e.g. Vielha tunnel and Aigues Tortes Ranunculus arvensis - Corn Buttercup - arable weed at Salas 2011 Ranunculus flammula - Lesser Spearwort - Rioumajou Aquilegia vulgaris - Columbine - widespread in woods and meadows, e.g Eyne and Aigues Tortes [Familiar blue-purple flower with hooked spurs, not sticky – staminodes blunt] Thalictrum aquilegifolium - Great Meadow-rue - widespread in France [2-3 pinnate, oval leaflets, branched flowerheads with prominent ] Thalictrum tuberosum - a fine meadow-rue common at Plata Verde, also near Baixols, 2008. 2012 gone over along Montanana road. Thalictrum minus - Lesser Meadow-rue - Collegats and Ossoue Paeoniaceae Paeonia officinalis microcarpa - Common Peony - a few in fruit near Pont de Suert Papaveraceae Chelidonium majus - Greater Celandine - recorded [Familiar plant: orange sap, yellow flower] Glaucium corniculatum - Red-horned Poppy - near St.Llorenc 2009. Yellow flowered form on roadsides in France 2012? Meconopsis cambrica - Welsh Poppy - Vielha tunnel and widespread in France [Perennial yellow poppy, yellow latex and ribbed ovoid-oblong pod] Papaver argemone - Prickly Poppy - Segre car park 2012 Papaver dubium - Long-headed Poppy - scattered, e.g. Tor [Long-fruited poppy whose pods have no bristles]

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Papaver rhoeas - Corn Poppy - widespread and common [Typical red poppy, often with black blotches, globular pods] Fumariaceae Corydalis solida - Solid-tubered Corydalis - 1 in fruit at Tourmalet 2012 Fumaria officinalis - Common Fumitory - Santa Engracia area etc. 2011 Fumaria vaillantii - a Fumitory - Tor, 2009 Sarcocapnos enneaphylla - Sarcocapnos - a few at ‘Gaudi’s Inspiration’, in fine flower [2-3 divided leaves, white corydalis-type flowers, short spurs] Brassicaceae Sisymbrium austriacum - Austrian Mustard - Tor, below Bonaigua, Vielha, and France, widespread [From next by pods more spreading, and slightly twisted] Sisymbrium officinale - Hedge Mustard - Segre [Erect yellow cress, pinnately-lobed leaves, pods appressed to stem] Sisymbrium irio - London Rocket - Alins 2011 Murbeckiella pinnatifida - Murbeckiella - alpine turf, Aigues Tortes [White notched petals, narrow pods and pinnatifid leaves] Hugueninia tanacetifolia ssp. suffruticosa - Tansy-leaved Rocket - recorded in 2009 [Like Hedge Mustard, but perennial with 2-pinnately cut leaves and pods not appressed] Alliaria petiolata - Garlic Mustard - shade [Familiar white mustard with heart-shaped leaves] Descurainia sophia - Flixweed - Tor and Segre Erysimum duriaei ssp. pyrenaicum - a treacle-mustard - alpine rocks, Canto road, Tor and Aigues Tortes [Tufted yellow perennial, lanceolate leaves; narrow pods, square in section, stigma 2-lobed.] Erysimum sp. - a treacle mustard - Ossoue Hesperis matronalis - Dame’s Violet - white flowers, below Portillon [From familiar stock-like garden plant] Matthiola fruticulosa - Ager road 2010 Barbarea intermedia - Medium-flowered Wintercress - noted on day 2, 2012 Barbarea vulgaris - Common Wintercress - scattered, e.g. Puymorens Rorippa pyrenaica - Tor, Canigou etc. Cardamine impatiens - Narrow-leaved Bittercress - scattered, shade, e.g. Segre [Pinnate biennial, 5mm white flowers, long pods] Cardamine pentaphyllos - in fruit at Rioumajou Cardamine heptaphylla - Seven-leaflet Bittercress Cardamine resedifolia - Mignonette-leaved Bittercress - Aigues Tortes, Ossoue and Eyne Cardamine amara - Large Bittercress - Tor Cardamine pratensis - Lady’s smock - Eyne, Andorra, Tor Cardamine raphanifolia - Radish-leaved Bittercress - widespread by water, e.g. Tor, Aigues Tortes, Rioumajou, Eyne, Valcebollere [Reddish-violet perennial, pinnate (leaflets 3-11 and roundish) – narrow flattened pods] Cardamine hirsuta - Hairy Bittercress - scattered records, e.g. Eyne Arabis glabra - Tower Cress - Tor etc. [Tall cream cress: hairless grey leaves clasping stem] Arabis hirsuta - Hairy Rockcress - scattered records [Slender bristly unbranched white cress, pods pressed to stem] Arabis turrita - Tower Rockcress - occasional in seed, e.g. Tor and Collegats [Tall softly hairy cress, long curved pods]

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Arabis alpina - Alpine Rockcress - Eyne, Neouvielle Arabis corymbiflora - Tourmalet and Tentes Arabidopsis thaliana - Thale Cress - Tor Alyssum alyssoides - Small Alison - ‘lily stop’ on Day 1, Tor etc., 2012 Lunaria annua - Honesty - recorded 2012 Lunaria rediviva - Perennial Honesty - noted on Day 8 at the lunch site, 2009 Clypeola jonthlaspi - scattered records in Spain, e.g. Tor Draba aizoides - Yellow Whitlow-grass - rocks near Gavarnie 2011 [All leaves basal, narrow; yellow flowers, oval pods] Draba nemorosa - a whitlow-grass - Eyne and Tor Erophila verna - Spring Whitlow-grass - in fruit at Tor Kernera saxatilis - Gavarnie and upper Ossoue Capsella bursa-pastoris - Shepherd’s-purse - occasional in waste places [Familiar white cress with triangular fruit] Pritzelago alpina - Chamois Cress - Andorra, Bonaigua and Gavarnie Cochlearia pyrenaica - a scurvy grass - below Col de Tourmalet Thlaspi arvense - Field Pennycress - Tor [Familiar weed with round, broadly winged pods, deeply notched] Thlaspi montanum - Mountain Pennycress - Eyne Thlaspi perfoliatum - Perfoliate Pennycress - Tor, Eyne [Small hairless white annual with grey leaves clasping stem, petals <3mm] Iberis s. spathulata - Spoon-leaved Candytuft - in flower and fruit on river gravels, Troumouse [Flat-topped fruiting head, flowers white or purplish] Iberis sempervirens - Evergreen Candytuft - Eyne Iberis amara - Ossoue Erucastrum nasturtiifolium - Neouvielle and Gavarnie area Biscutella valentina - a buckler-mustard - scattered Biscutella auriculata - a buckler-mustard - Santa Engracia Cardaria draba - Hoary Cress - roadsides Lepidium campestre - Field Pepperwort - Montanana road, etc. Brassica repanda - Alpine Cabbage - Troumouse 2008 Coincya monensis ssp. recurvata - Wallflower Cabbage - Tor, Vielha, Aigues Tortes and Puymorens [Like pinnate-lobed yellow hairy cabbage, long (3-9cm) beaked pods] Resedaceae Reseda glauca - Pyrenean Mignonette - Vielha, and locally common in France, e.g Ossoue. 1 plant at Tor. [Typical mignonette but with whitish flowers and linear leaves] Reseda lutea - Wild Mignonette - dry grassy and rocky verges, scattered records, e.g. Perbes [Differs in pinnatifid leaves and pale yellow flowers] Reseda phyteuma - Corn Mignonette - lower altitudes in Spain. Segre. Sesamoides clusii - Sesamoides - turf and rocks, Puymorens, Andorra, Bonaigua, Aigues Tortes and Peyresourde [Like tiny tufted mignonette, but arching linear leaved, dwarf perennial] Droseraceae Drosera rotundifolia - Round-leaved Sundew - several at Vielha Crassulaceae Sedum acre - Wallpepper - dry stony sites, widespread, e.g. Alins [Typical yellow thick-leaved perennial stonecrop, peppery taste]

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Sedum album -White Stonecrop - similar habitats, e.g. Tor [Typical white perennial stonecrop, alternate glabrous leaves] Sedum alpestre - a stonecrop - Neouvielle, Aigues Tortes, Vielha Sedum anglicum - English Stonecrop - Tor, Gavarnie, and near Llavorsi Sedum annuum - Annual Stonecrop - acid gravel, Neouvielle [Annual, often reddish, yellow flowers and oblong leaves] Sedum atratum - Dark Stonecrop - Troumouse, Aigues Tortes Sedum brevifolium – Bonaigua and Tor 2012 Sedum dasyphyllum - Thick-leaved Stonecrop - acid rocks, widespread [From S.album by opposite ovoid leaves] Sedum hirsutum - a stonecrop - La Guingeta Sedum rupestre - Rock Stonecrop - widespread, e.g. Tor, Santa Engracia [Perennial like next, but bright yellow and leaves linear-terete] Sedum sediforme - a stonecrop - scattered records [More robust, pale yellowish flowers and oblong flat-topped leaves] Sedum telephium - Orpine - in leaf at Rioumajou, Fillols etc. [Perennial: flat toothed leaves and purplish flowers. Ssp. fabaria] Sempervivum arachnoideum ssp. tomentosum - Cobweb Houseleek - acid rocks, e.g. Tor and near Llavorsi [Like S. tectorum but red-pink & dense cover of cobweb hairs.] Sempervivum m. montanum - Mountain Houseleek - acid rocks, local but widespread, e.g. Tor, Aigues Tortes, and Gavarnie area [From last by wine-red flowers and short hairs] Sempervivum tectorum - Common Houseleek - local, e.g. Eyne, rosettes [Familiar succulent hairless rosettes of overlapping acute leaves; branched head of pinkish flowers] Umbilicus rupestris - Navelwort - rock/walls, Spain [Typical navelwort with palish green pendant flowers] Saxifragaceae Chrysosplenium oppositifolium - Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage - Rioumajou valley, Canigou, 2011 Saxifraga aizoides - Yellow Mountain Saxifrage - wet stony places, in leaf in Andorra and Vielha, in flower Troumouse [Yellow saxifrage, (petals often red-dotted) fleshy oblong leaves] Saxifraga aquatica - Water Saxifrage - stream edges, Eyne, Aigues Tortes and Tor, in leaf [Stout, erect leafy saxifrage, leaves 3-lobed and shiny; flowers white and 15-20mm] Saxifraga clusii - French Saxifrage - damp acid rocks, Tor [Hairy, oval leaves (10-20 toothed) in rosette, 3 long & 2 short white petals] Saxifraga cotyledon - Pyramidal Saxifrage - rosettes at the Troumouse lunch site, 2012 Saxifraga exarata ssp. moschata - White Musky Saxifrage - rocks, widespread in France, e.g. Tentes and Neouvielle [Hairy cushion saxifrage, 3-5 lobed leaves (not grooved), white oblong petals.] Saxifraga granulata - Meadow Saxifrage - grassland, widespread, e.g. Tor and Vielha, locally very common [Kidney-shaped toothed leaves, bulbils at base and white flowers] Saxifraga geranioides - Geranium-like Saxifrage - Val d’Eyne Saxifraga hirsuta - Kidney Saxifrage - moist shady ledges, French side of Col du Portillon, and Rioumajou [Rosettes of long-stalked round hairy leaves; white flowers with red spots - numerous] Saxifraga intricata - 1 plant in bud in Aigues Tortes 2009. 2012, Col de Tentes, common. Saxifraga longifolia - Pyrenean Saxifrage - limestone cliffs, in superb flower this year at many sites on both sides of the border, locally very common [From next by single big rosette, linear strap-like leaves and large white “fox-brush spire” ] Saxifraga media – Reddish Saxifrage - a fine addition to the list at Segre in 2012

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Saxifraga oppositifolia - Purple Saxifrage - Col de Tentes, over, Troumouse in flower Saxifraga paniculata - Paniculate Saxifrage - rocks/screes, widespread and locally common, as along Tor road [Lime encrusted rosettes, many white flowers, erect] Saxifraga praetermissa - river gravels at Troumouse, several in flower Saxifraga pubescens - Aigues Tortes Saxifraga retusa - Retuse-leaved Saxifrage - in leaf at Tourmalet, 2012? Saxifraga rotundifolia - Round-leaved Saxifrage – Recorded 2011 and 2012 Saxifraga stellaris - Starry Saxifrage - damp rocks, e.g. Vielha tunnel, Tor, Aigues Tortes, and Ossoue valley [Like S. clusii but leaves 6-10 toothed, petals usually equal] Saxifraga umbrosa - Wood Saxifrage - Vielha, Rioumajou, and Neouvielle, locally common Parnassiaceae Parnassia palustris - Grass-of-Parnassus - wet turf, Vielha [Rosette of hairless long-stalked heart-shaped leaves] Hydrangeaceae Philadelphus coronarius - Mock Orange [naturalised popular sweetly scented white-flowered garden shrub] Grossulariaceae Ribes uva-crispa - Gooseberry - Eyne Ribes petraeum - Rock Redcurrant - Aigues Tortes, Eyne [Typical currant, racemes horizontal or drooping] Ribes alpinum - Aigues Tortes [Typical currant, racemes erect] Platanaceae Platanus x hispanica - London Plane - planted on roadsides [Tree with alternate palmate leaves, scaling bark] Rosaceae Agrimonia eupatoria - Agrimony - Salas, Collegats [Long spike of yellow flowers, bur fruit, leaves pinnate with alternating large and small leaflets] Alchemilla basaltica - a lady’s-mantle - acid rocks [Palmate leaves of 5-7 separate leaflets, silver beneath; clusters of small greenish flowers (each of 4 sepals)] Alchemilla fallax - Deceptive Lady’s-mantle - rocky grassland [Flowers as last; leaves 7-9 lobed (cut <½ way), hairless above and slightly hairy underneath] Alchemilla flabellata - apparently this at Vielha, 2012 Alchemilla plicatula - a lady’s-mantle - Tentes [As A. basaltica, but all 7 leaflets except middle one joined near their base] Alchemilla vulgaris s.l.- Common Lady’s-mantle - grassland, widespread [As A. fallax but spreading hairs on stems and on underside of leaves - A. xanthochlora?] Alchemilla spp. - many other species of this very complex genus present but not identified Amelanchier ovalis - Amelanchier - base-rich rocks, widespread [Shrub with toothed oval leaves and white flowers (petals pointed and narrow)] Aruncus dioicus - Goat’s-beard Spiraea - Rioumajou [Tall herb with 2-pinnate leaves, pyramidal head of white spikes] Cotoneaster integgerimus - Wild Cotoneaster – Eyne and Perbes Cotoneaster nebrodensis - Neouvielle Crataegus monogyna - Hawthorn - scrub, widespread [Familiar shrub]

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Dryas octopetala - Mountain avens - France [creeping with white 8-petalled flowers and fluffy seed heads] Filipendula ulmaria - Meadowsweet - meadows etc. [Tall herb with =5 pairs of large elm-like leaflets alternating with tiny leaflets; many creamy fragrant flowers] Filipendula vulgaris - Dropwort - scattered records, e.g. Montanana road [Like slender meadowsweet, but 8-25 pairs of the larger leaflets; white petals often purplish beneath] Fragaria moschata - Hautbois Strawberry - Rioumajou [Like next but flower stalks longer than leaves] Fragaria vesca - Wild Strawberry - widespread [Familiar wild strawberry – short flower-stalks] Geum montanum - Alpine Avens - alpine turf, Neouvielle, Andorra, Tentes [Like G. urbanum, but flowers 25-40mm and fruit with many unhooked styles] Geum rivale - Water Avens - Tor [From other avens by its nodding cream or pale pink flowers] Geum pyrenaicum - Pyrenean Avens - Gavarnie Geum urbanum - Herb Bennet - shade, scattered records, e.g. Vielha tunnel [Yellow flower <15mm, pinnate (big terminal leaflet), fruit barbed style] Potentilla alchimilloides - Alchemilla-leaved Cinquefoil - Gavarnie area, Ossoue Valley, Neouvielle [Leaves like those of Alchemilla basaltica, but only toothed at tip; white flowers ca 2cm] Potentilla montana - Gavarnie area, wild in Tourmalet botanic garden Potentilla anserina - Silverweed [deeply dived very silvery foliage] Potentilla argentea - Hoary Cinquefoil - Tor and in France [Yellow cinquefoil: leaves white beneath, dark green above] Potentilla aurea - Golden Cinquefoil - acid montane turf, Andorra, Aigues Tortes and Tor [Like P. reptans but mat-forming, flowers with gold centres in clusters] Potentilla brauneana - Dwarf Cinquefoil - Tourmalet and Tentes Potentilla crantzii - Alpine Cinquefoil - Tentes calcareous rocks 2012 Potentilla erecta -Tormentil - acid grassland, widespread [Ascending herb with yellow 4-petalled flowers] Potentilla micrantha - Pink Barren Strawberry - Aigues Tortes Potentilla reptans - Creeping Cinquefoil - Tor, Collegats [Familiar prostrate herb, solitary yellow flowers] Potentilla rupestris - Rock Cinquefoil - rocks, local but widespread, Tor, Ossoue, below Bonaigua [Pinnate leaves, white flowers] Potentilla pyrenaica - Pyrenean Cinquefoil – Neouvielle 2009 Potentilla recta - Collegats Potentilla tabernaemontani - Eyne, Perbes Prunus avium - Gean - Eyne [Tall wild cherry tree, white flowers in sessile umbels] Prunus dulcis - Almond - recorded 2012 Prunus mahaleb - St Lucie’s Cherry - Canto road [Shrub with short corymbs of black fruit, each 8-10mm] Prunus padus - Bird Cherry - scattered records [Tree or bush, racemes of black fruit, each 6-8mm] Prunus spinosa - Sloe, Blackthorn - widespread Rosa agrestis - Field Briar - Day 6

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Rosa canina s.l. - Dog Rose - widespread [Deciduous briar with hooked prickles, some sepals divided] Rosa glauca - Blue-leaved Rose - Arreau and Gavarnie areas [From last by blue-green or purplish leaves, sepals not cut or lobed] Rosa micrantha - Tremp area 2012 Rosa pendulina - Alpine Rose - open scrub, Vielha tunnel, Tor, Gavarnie, Eyne, Aigues Tortes [Pink-purple flowers and stems without prickles] Rosa rubiginosa - Day 6, 2012 Rosa sempervirens - a rose - recorded 2011 [Evergreen briar, few curved prickles, white flowers, style column] Rosa pimpinellifolia - Burnet Rose - Eyne Rosa stylosa - Styled Rose - Salas 2012 Rosa tomentosa - Downy Rose - Rioumajou Rosa villosa - Day 10 Rubus canescens - small tomentose leaves and attractive white flowers, Canigou 2012 Rubus idaeus - Raspberry - widespread [Familiar woody plant: pinnate leaves whitish beneath] Rubus fruticosus s.l.- Bramble - ubiquitous on verges, forest edges and rocks [Variable but typical bramble] Rubus saxatilis - Rock Bramble – Gavarnie 2011 Sanguisorba minor ssp. muricata - Salad Burnet - base-rich grassland, widespread [Familiar herb, pinnate cucumber-tasting leaves and round greenish heads] Sanguisorba officinalis - Great Burnet - meadows, e.g. Eyne [From last by oblong dull crimson heads] Sibbaldia procumbens - Sibbaldia - Neouvielle, Lac du Cap du Long, in leaf this year Sorbus aria s.s. - Whitebeam - limestone, scattered records, e.g. Fillols [Tree with obovate leaves, white beneath] Sorbus chamaemespilus - False Medlar - Aigues Tortes Sorbus mougeotii - in fine flower in Ossoue valley Sorbus aucuparia - Rowan - acid scrub/rock, widespread and locally common [Familiar pinnate-leaved small tree] Fabaceae Anthyllis montana - Mountain Kidney-vetch - in fruit on the Col de Canto road [From next by red/purple heads, uninflated calyx] Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. forondae - Kidney Vetch = sampaioana [yellow flowers, calyx 11-13mm] Anthyllis vulneraria ssp.vulnerarioides - Kidney Vetch [as last but calyx 7-9mm] Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. pyrenaica - Kidney Vetch = alpestris - e.g. Tor [Typical kidney vetch with calyx inflated when flowering, pink flowers] Argyrolobium zanonii - Argyrolobium - Montanana road [Low sub-shrub, silver hairy, heads of 1-3 yellow flowers] Astragalus echinatus - Baixols 2008 Astragalus glycyphyllos - Wild Liquorice - French side of Portillon etc. [Procumbent herb with pinnate leaves and heads of creamy flowers] Astragalus monspessulanus - False Vetch - scattered records, e.g. Perbes and Ossoue Astragalus penduliflorus - Troumouse Valley Astragalus purpureus - Purple Vetch - Canto etc.

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Chamaespartium sagittale - Winged Greenweed - local, e.g. Eyne [Leafless winged stems, heads of yellow flowers] Colutea arborescens - Bladder Senna - near Pont de Suert [Pinnate yellow spineless bush, heads of 3-8 and inflated pod.] Coronilla scorpioides - Annual Scorpion-vetch - scattered in Spain [Blue-green annual: simple (or trefoil) elliptical leaves, small yellow flowers and curved pods] Coronilla emerus - Scorpion Senna - Montanana road, near Pont de Suert Coronilla minima - a scorpion-vetch - Salas and Montanana road Coronilla varia - Crown Vetch - Toulouse roadsides etc., near Seu d’Urgell Cytisus purgans - Pyrenean Broom - abundant in Spain and east France = Cytisus oromediterraneus [As next but <1m, standard 10-12 not 16-18mm] Cytisus scoparius - Broom - France, e.g. Portillon [Familiar tall spineless shrub] Cytisus sessilifolius - a broom - near Pont de Suert [Trefoil leaves (no or short stalk), flowers in leafless racemes] Dorycnium hirsutum - Dorycnium - Salas [Shaggy hairy herb, 5-foliate leaves, 1-2cm pink/white flowers] Dorycnium pentaphyllum - a dorycnium - lower altitudes in Spain Echinospartum horridum - Echinospartum - abundant at Perbes [Like dwarf gorse, opposite branches and trefoil leaves, oblong leaflets] Genista anglica - Petty Whin - this species at Salas, 2012? Genista hispanica - Spanish Gorse - Salas, Puymorens [Similar to a dwarf gorse] Genista tinctoria - Dyer’s Greenweed [Resembles dwarf broom, simple leaves] Genista scorpius - Santa Engracia, Canto road Genista pilosa - Tor and Aigues Tortes Hippocrepis comosa - Horseshoe Vetch - widespread [Pinnate perennial, heads of 5-12 yellow flowers and pods like string of horseshoes] Lathyrus angulatus - Salas 2009, Canto road 2012 Lathyrus aphaca - Yellow Vetchling - near Pont de Suert Lathyrus ochraceus - Yellow Pea - Vielha, synonyms Orobus luteus , Lathyrus occidentalis Lathyrus latifolius - Broad-leaved Everlasting-pea - Santa Engracia area etc. [Large clambering, 1 pair of leaflets, tendrils, broad winged stem and 2-3cm pink flowers] Lathyrus montanus - Bitter Vetch - scattered, e.g. Vielha tunnel, Tor, Aigues Tortes and Neouvielle = Lathyrus linifolius [crimson flowers fading blue- green] Lathyrus niger - Black Pea - in fruit at Fillols 2012 Lathyrus nissolia - Grass Vetchling - Canto road 2012 Lathyrus pratensis - Meadow Pea - scattered records. e.g. Tor, Eyne [Familiar yellow vetch with tendrils and only one pair of leaflets] Lathyrus setifolius - noted on day 8, 2011 Lathyrus sphaericus - 1 in Fillols, 2011 Lathyrus sylvestris - Narrow-leaved Everlasting-pea - recorded Lathyrus vernus - Spring Pea - scattered records Lotus alpinus - Alpine Bird’s-foot Trefoil - alpine turf [Similar to next, but heads of 1-3 flowers and leaflets 2-6mm] Lotus corniculatus - Common Bird’s-foot trefoil - widespread [Familiar herb: 5 “leaflets” (each 5-15mm) & heads of 3-6 yellow flowers]

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Lupinus polyphyllus - naturalised in France Medicago lupulina - Black Medick [Familiar medick with black fruit & many flowered heads] Medicago s. sativa - Lucerne - near Pont de Suert, locally common in fields in France [Purple-headed, fruit spineless and curved] Medicago orbicularis - Large Disc Medick - near Tremp 2011 Medicago minima - Bur Medick - Baixols 2011, 2012 day 4. Medicago arabica - Spotted Medick Medicago polymorpha - Toothed Medick - Tremp area 2012 Medicago suffruticosa - a medick - Aigues Tortes and Perbes, Eyne Melilotus alba - White Melilot - verges, locally common [Typical tall melilot but white-flowered] Melilotus officinalis - Common Melilot - verges [From last by yellow flowers each 4-7mm] Onobrychis supina - a sainfoin - Perbes Onobrychis viciifolia - Common Sainfoin - verges by autoroutes etc. Onobrychis saxatilis - Rock Sainfoin - scattered records Ononis aragonenesis - Collegats, near Pont de Suert Ononis cristata - Mt.Cenis Restharrow - Perbes, some fine examples above Tor Ononis fruticosa - Shrubby Restharrow - near Tremp 2012 Ononis minutissima - Collegats Ononis n. natrix - Large Yellow Restharrow - near Pont de Suert, Perbes, Ossoue [From O. aragonensis by petals reddish-veined; sticky hairy] Ononis pusilla - Santa Engracia 2012 Ononis repens - Common Rest-harrow - Salas Ononis rotundifolia - Round-leaved Restharrow - Gave de Gavarnie valley, Segre Ononis spinosa - Spiny Restharrow - lower levels in Spain, also France, e.g. Canigou [Spiny, often erect pink-flowered restharrow] Ononis tridentata angustifolia - a restharrow - locally common near Tremp Oxytropis campestris - Yellow Milk-vetch - Ossoue Oxytropis halleri - Silky Milk-vetch - Eyne 2011 and 2012, a purple flowered species Psoralea bituminosa - Pitch Trefoil - sub-Mediterranean habitat in Spain and France [Dull green trefoil, smelling of bitumen & violet-blue heads] Robinia pseudacacia - False Acacia - France [Spiny tree with pinnate leaves, pendent white racemes] Spartium junceum - Spanish Broom - roadsides [Bush: rush-like branches; large yellow flowers] Tetragonolobus maritimus - Dragon’s-teeth - scattered records, e.g. Perbes road [Hairy trefoil herb, pale yellow flowers, big winged pods] Trifolium alpinum - Alpine Clover - alpine turf, Vielha, Aigues Tortes [A typical clover: linear lanceolate leaflets, heads of 3-12 flowers, each 18-25mm] Trifolium arvense - Hare’s-foot Clover - Tor, Canto road [Hairy annual, pale pink hare’s-foot heads] Trifolium badium - Brown Clover - Tor, Vielha [Resembles next i.e. large golden yellow trefoil, but turns chestnut] Trifolium campestre - Hop Trefoil- Tor [Annual yellow trefoil, heads of 20-30 flowers] Trifolium m. medium - Zigzag Clover - Rioumajou

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Trifolium montanum - Mountain Clover - widespread in meadows [Erect white/sulphur perennial with lanceolate leaflets; individual flowers 7-9mm] Trifolium ochroleucon - Sulphur Clover - below Peyresourde, Ossoue Trifolium pallescens - Pale Clover - Day 3, 2012 Trifolium pratense - Red Clover [Erect red clover, usually with pale crescents on leaflets] Trifolium r. repens - White Clover [Familiar: white, creeping (rooting at nodes), papery fruit] Trifolium rubens - Red Trefoil - Tor, Canigou [Erect perennial clover, with oblong (not oval/round) heads] Trifolium scabrum - Rough Clover Trifolium striatum - Knotted Clover Trifolium thalii - Bonaigua Ulex parviflorus - Canto road Vicia cracca - Tufted Vetch - widespread [Familiar purple vetch, silvery leaves] Vicia hirsuta - Hairy Tare - Tor, Canigou [Typical tare with tiny lilac flowers and hairy fruit] Vicia hybrida - Hairy Yellow Vetchling - near Tremp Vicia lutea - Yellow Vetch - Canto road 2012 Vicia onobrychiodes - scattered, e.g. Eyne, Perbes and Tor Vicia orobus - Vielha Vicia peregrina - Boixols 2010 Vicia pyrenaica - Pyrenean Vetch - locally common in France, e.g. Bielsa and Neouvielle [3-6 pairs of roundish leaflets and solitary bright violet flowers 16-25mm] Vicia sativa - Common Vetch - scattered [Familiar pink leafy vetch; 1-2 flowers together] Vicia sepium - Bush Vetch - widespread, mainly France [Typical vetch with ovate leaflets, heads of 2-6 dull bluish- purple flowers, each 12-15mm] Vicia tenuifolia - Fine-leaved Vetch - Perbes and Tor, 2011 [Like V. cracca but flowers 12-18 not 8-12mm] Oxalidaceae Oxalis acetosella - Wood Sorrel - France, e.g. Eyne [Trefoil leaves (acid-tasting), nodding white 5-petalled flowers] Oxalis corniculata - Procumbent Yellow Sorrel - Canigou area 2012 Oxalis stricta - noted on Day 10, 2012 Geraniaceae Erodium cicutarium - Common Stork’s-bill - a few records in Spain, e.g. Tor [Typical stork’s-bill with fern-like leaves, pink flowers and beaked fruit] Erodium malacoides - Mallow-leaved Stork’s-bill - lower altitudes in Spain 2011 Erodium petraeum - Rock Stork’s-bill - Santa Engracia, Plata Verde, 2008 Geranium cinereum - in superb flower on calcareous rocks at Col de Tentes Geranium columbinum - Long-stalked Crane’s-bill – Tor, Perbes road, Gaudi’s Inspiration [Narrow-lobed palmate leaves; 12-18mm flowers with pink un-notched petals] Geranium dissectum - Cut-leaved Crane’s-bill - scattered records, e.g. below Portillon [Like latter, but with smaller flowers, notched petals] Geranium lucidum - Shining Crane’s-bill - day 11, 2012

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Geranium molle - Dove’s-foot Crane’s-bill - noted in France [From G. dissectum by its wedge-lobed leaves, more purplish- pink flowers (7-15mm)] Geranium phaeum - Dusky Crane’s-bill -Woods in France, e.g. Rioumajou [Perennial: pairs of blackish-purple to brownish-purple flowers, each 15-20mm] Geranium pyrenaicum - Mountain Crane’s-bill - widespread and common [Rough grass. Close to G. molle, but flowers 15->20mm] Geranium robertianum - Herb Robert - widespread in shade [Aromatic, fern-like leaves, un-notched pink petals, orange pollen] Geranium rotundifolium - Round-leaved Crane’s-bill - scattered records, e.g. near Pont de Suert [Like G. molle, but shallowly-lobed, unnotched petals] Geranium sanguineum - Bloody Crane’s-bill - near Vielha, Ossoue, etc. [Cut leaves, 3-4cm crimson flowers] Geranium pratense - Meadow Crane’s-bill - Tor, Eyne [Perennial with well-cut leaves and bright violet-blue 25-30mm flowers] Geranium sylvaticum - Wood Crane’s-bill - widespread and locally common, e.g. Eyne and Aigues Tortes [Shade/meadows: from G. pratense by its red-purple flowers 12-25mm] Linaceae Linum alpinum - Eyne 2012 Linum bienne - Pale Flax - Collegats Linum catharticum - Fairy Flax - local but widespread, e.g. Tor, Vielha tunnel, Ossoue, below Tourmalet [Tiny opposite-leaved white flax, typical round capsule] Linum narbonense - Beautiful Flax - common at Perbes, and Canto road [Tall blue flax 5-6cm flowers] Linum suffruticosum ssp. salsoloides - Pyrenean Flax - lower altitudes in Spain, e.g. Perbes [Sprawling perennial, linear leaves, 2-3cm white flowers] Linum strictum - Upright Yellow Flax - common near Tremp Linum trigynum - a flax - Montanana road, Tremp, Salas Linum viscosum - Sticky Flax - Salas and below Perbes [Sticky perennial, ovate-lanceolate leaves, pink flowers 25-35mm] Rutaceae Ruta angustifolia - a rue – Collegats Ruta chalepensis - Fringed Rue - Collegats 2012 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia amygdaloides - Wood Spurge - woods, France [Tall hairy perennial, reddish stems, capsule hairless and raylet leaves joined forming a cup] Euphorbia characias - Large Mediterranean Spurge - several sites in Spain, e.g. Tor road [Like Wood Spurge but more robust and with hairy capsule] Euphorbia cyparissias - Cypress Spurge - widespread and common [Patch forming perennial with linear leaves and yellowish bracts] Euphorbia flavicoma - a spurge - Peyresourde Euphorbia helioscopia - Sun Spurge - Santa Engracia [Familiar weedy spurge, toothed leaves] Euphorbia hyberna - Irish Spurge - Gavarnie 2011 [Perennial, leaves hairy beneath, fruit warty, ray-leaves not joined] Euphorbia nicaeensis - a spurge - Fillols Euphorbia segetalis - a spurge - Ager lunch site 2010 Euphorbia peplus - Petty Spurge - noted in France

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Euphorbia exigua - Dwarf Spurge - Baixols 2010 Euphorbia serrata - a spurge - common in Spain Mercurialis perennis - Dog’s Mercury - woods, France [Like perennial nettle, with erect spikes and dull leaves] Simaroubaceae Ailanthus altissima - Tree of Heaven - locally naturalised, e.g. Salas and Tet Valley [Suckering tree, alternate pinnate leaves (teeth have gland beneath)]

Polygalaceae Polygala alpina - Alpine Milkwort - Tor Polygala alpestris - Mountain Milkwort - alpine turf, Aigues Tortes and Puymorens [Typical blue milkwort, leaves increasing in size upward] Polygala comosa - Tufted Milkwort - scattered records (?) [Leaves more even, and flowers lilac-pink 4-6mm long] Polygala nicaeensis ssp.caesalpinii - Nice Milkwort - scattered records in France [Perennial usually pink milkwort, bracts longer than flower stalks, flowers 9-11mm] Polygala rupestris - Rock Milkwort - Tremp reservoir Polygala vulgaris - Common Milkwort - scattered Polygala calcarea - Chalk Milkwort - Perbes 2011 Hippocastanaceae Aesculus hippocastanum - Horse Chestnut [Popular ‘conker’ tree with large compound palmate leaves] Coriariaceae Coriaria myrtifolia - Mediterranean Coriaria - scrub and plantation edge, lower altitudes in Spain [Bush, opposite ovate leaves, small green flowers, fruit of 5 black achenes and fleshy red petals] Anacardiaceae Cotinus coggygria - Smoke Tree - planted, autoroutes [Shrub with ovate untoothed leaves, feathery fruit-stalks] Pistacia lentiscus - Mastic Tree - sub-Mediterranean areas 2011 [Evergreen shrub: pinnate leaves normally have no terminal leaflet] Pistachia terebinthus - Terebinth - Montanana road, Canto road Aceraceae Acer campestre - Field Maple - Tor etc. [Maple with blunt lobed leaves (latex in stalk), and erect flower-head] Acer monspessulanum - Montpelier Maple - Collegats [From other Acer by 3-lobed leaves, leathery, lobes untoothed] Acer opalus - Italian Maple - Tor [As Field Maple but latex absent in ] Acer platanoides - Norway Maple - France [Resembles sycamore, leaves 5-7 lobed and long-pointed lobes] Acer pseudoplatanus - Sycamore - France Aquifoliaceae Ilex aquifolium - Holly - Rioumajou, Canigou

Balsaminaceae Impatiens balfourii - Kashmir Balsam - scattered records 2012 Impatiens glandulifera - Himalayan Balsam - stream at Fillols 2012

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Buxaceae Buxus sempervirens - Box - locally dominant as at Col de Perbes [Evergreen bush: opposite untoothed leaves; 3-horned fruit] Rhamnaceae Frangula alnus - Alder Buckthorn [Deciduous: shrub obovate shiny alternate untoothed leaves; 3mm green flowers; red berries turning black] Rhamnus alaternus - Mediterranean Buckthorn - Santa Engracia area and St.Llorenc [Evergreen shrub with glossy thick leaves and reddish berries] Rhamnus alpinus - Alpine Buckthorn - noted on several days in France, e.g. Ossoue and Eyne Rhamnus saxatilis - Rock Buckthorn - Gavarnie and Ossoue Vitaceae Vitis vinifera - Common Vine - day 3 [Familiar climber] Tiliaceae Tilia cordata - Small-leaved Lime [Typical linden: heart-shaped pointed leaves, erect cymes & smooth fruit] Tilia platyphyllos - Large-leaved Lime [From latter by ribbed fruit on pendant cymes] Malvaceae Althaea cannabina - Montanana road near Tremp Althaea hirsuta - Rough Marsh Mallow - Salas Malva moschata - Musk Mallow - dry grass, roadsides, e.g. Val d’Aran [3-6cm pale pink flowers solitary in axil of divided leaves] Malva neglecta - Dwarf Mallow - Day 2 and Salas Malva sylvestris - Common Mallow - rough grass, widespread [Familiar pink-purple biennial/perennial: roundish 3- 7 lobed/angled leaves] Thymelaeaceae Daphne cneorum - Garland-flower - alpine turf, Andorra, Bonaigua, Vielha, and Aigues Tortes [Evergreen prostrate bush, spoon-shaped leaves, pink fragrant flowers, var. pygmaea] Daphne laureola - Spurge-laurel - in fruit in France, Rioumajou [Low evergreen rhododendron-like bush with berry fruit. Ssp. philippi] Daphne mezereum - Mezereon - in fruit in Aigues Tortes and Eyne [Deciduous bush: red short-stalked berries below] Thymelaea calycina - Collegats, in leaf. Endemic to Lerida province. Thymelaea dioica - Canigou 2012 Thymelaea sanamunda - discovered at several Mediterranean influenced sites in Spain, 2008. 2010 and 2012, Salas. Hypericaceae Hypericum androsaemum - Tutsan - woods, France, 2011 [Low bush: opposite aromatic leaves; yellow flowers, many stamens and berry-like fruit] Hypericum maculatum - Imperforate St. John’s-wort - moist sites, in leaf [Erect herbaceous St John’s-wort, no translucent dots] Hypericum perforatum - Perforate St John’s-wort - widespread [Similar to latter, but with translucent dots in leaves] Hypericum richeri ssp. burseri - Alpine St John’s-wort - Aigues Tortes and Eyne, in leaf [From last 2 spp by having petals evenly covered in black dots. ] Hypericum nummularium - Western St John’s-wort - in leaf in Ossoue valley, wet rock faces

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Violaceae Viola arvensis -Field Pansy - disturbed ground, e.g. Santa Engracia [Typical mainly white pansy, flowers 1-1.5cm across] Viola cornuta - Horned Pansy - meadows, locally common as at Vielha tunnel [Lilac or violet pansy: flower 20-35mm, spur 10-15mm] Viola hirta - Hairy Violet - in leaf on day 8, 2012 Viola riviniana - Common Dog Violet - scattered records Viola rupestris - Teesdale Violet - Col de Tentes Viola palustris - Marsh Violet - boggy turf, Troumouse valley, and Aigues Tortes, in leaf [Stemless violet, leaves kidney-shaped; pale lilac unscented flowers, 3-angled capsule] Viola pyrenaica - Pyrenean Violet - alpine turf, widespread, e.g. Vielha and Aigues Tortes. Numerous at Val d’Eyne. [No runners; shiny leaves] Viola biflora - Yellow Wood Violet - in flower in Val d’Eyne, Tentes, and Troumouse valley Viola tricolor ssp. subalpina - Heartsease - scattered records, e.g. Val d’Eyne [Familiar bi- or tri-coloured pansy. ] Cistaceae Cistus salvifolius - Sage-leaved Cistus - near Santa Engracia 2008 [Low shrub, with sage-like leaves and white flowers 3-5cm wide] Cistus laurifolius - below Coll. Del Canto and Fillols Cistus monspeliensis - Narrow-leaved Cistus - Canigou 2012 Fumana ericoides - Canigou Fumana procumbens - Canto road Helianthemum apenninum - White Rockrose - Col de Perbes and Ossoue valley [Low undershrub, opposite leaves woolly beneath and white flowers] Helianthemum canum ssp. piloselloides - Hoary Rockrose - Andorra, Canto road, Ossoue [As last but yellow flowers 8-15mm, lower leaves 0 stipules.] Helianthemum nummularium ssp. glabrum - Common Rockrose - dry turf, widespread, yellow flowers, e.g. Tor, and numerous at Ossoue Helianthemum nummularium ssp. pyrenaicum - pink flowers, e.g. Santa Engracia and Perbes [Oblong leaves white beneath with flowers 12-20mm] Helianthemum oelandicum - noted in Spain 2011 Cucurbitaceae Bryonia cretica - White Bryony - scattered records e.g. Salas [Climber with mottled maple-like leaves opposite tendrils and greenish- white flowers] Cactaceae Opuntia sp. - St.Llorenc 2010, recorded 2012 Lythraceae Lythrum salicaria - Purple Loosestrife - France, roadsides Onagraceae Epilobium angustifolium - Rosebay Willowherb - verges and margins [Familiar herb: all leaves alternate, spike of pink flowers slightly asymmetric 2-3cm] Epilobium anagallidifolium - Alpine Willowherb - wet gravel, e.g. Tor [Creeping, most leaves opposite, regular flowers 6-9mm] Epilobium alsinifolium - Chickweed Willowherb - wet flushes, Vielha, Ossoue, and Troumouse valleys Epilobium collinum - Tor 2012 Epilobium hirsutum - Great Hairy Willowherb - en route to Toulouse, in leaf near Pont de Suert [Tall, spreading hairy, flowers 2-3cm but regular, lower leaves opposite]

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Epilobium montanum - Broad-leaved Willowherb - scattered records, mostly in France, e.g. Gavarnie, also Tor [As last, but flower 12-20mm and most hairs appressed] Oenothera biennis - Common Evening-primrose - roadsides [Typical evening primrose, large 4-petalled yellow flowers] Punicaceae Punica granatum - Pomegranate - lower altitudes in Spain Cornaceae Cornus sanguinea - Dogwood - scrub at lower altitudes [Shrub: opposite untoothed leaves, crimson twigs] Araliaceae Hedera helix - Ivy - Salas etc. [Familiar evergreen climber with lobed leaves] Aethusa cynapium - Fool’s Parsley - Tremp area 2012 Angelica razulii - Tor, Vielha, and Puymorens. In leaf Val d’Eyne. Angelica sylvestris - Wild Angelica - recorded in France, e.g. below Portillon sylvestris - Cow Parsley - Gavarnie etc. Apium nodiflorum - Fool’s Water-cress - Fillols 2012 Astrantia major - Great Masterwort - Vielha, Val d’Eyne, Tor. [Five-lobed leaves; dense pinkish umbels surrounded by long bracts] Astrantia minor - Lesser Masterwort - Rioumajou Bupleurum baldense - a hare’s-ear - Perbes 2009, very small plants. 2012 Montanana road. Bupleurum falcatum - Sickle Hare’s-ear - lower altitudes in Spain, e.g. Montanana road Bupleurum fruticosum - Shrubby Hare’s-ear - Fillols and Tet Valley 2012 Carum carvi - Caraway - Tor etc. Caucalis platycarpos - Small Bur-parsley - lower Santa Engracia track, 2012 Chaerophyllum temulem - Rough Chervil - common in France, also noted in Spain Chaerophyllum aureum - Vielha tunnel, and France Chaerophyllum hirsutum - Hairy Chervil - common in France, also Tor Conopodium majus - Pignut - widespread [2-3 pinnate hairless tuberous perennial, leaflets linear and lower part of stem leafless; delicate white umbels] Conopodium pyrenaicum - Conopodium – Tor and Aigues Tortes, Vielha tunnel [As latter but leafy to stem base and leaflets ovate] carota - Wild Carrot - Santa Engracia [Familiar coarse herb, divided bracts, bur fruit] Endressia pyrenaica - near Mont-Louis Eryngium bourgatii - Pyrenean Eryngo - between Arreau and Tourmalet [As next, but heads 15-25mm, bluish with 10-15 bracts] Eryngium campestre - Field Eryngo - scattered records in leaf [Greenish spiny perennial, heads 10-15mm (5-7 bracts), basal leaves 3- lobed] vulgare - Fennel - lower altitudes [Feathery foliage, yellow umbels, aniseed aroma] sphondylium ssp. montanum - Hogweed - common and widespread [Coarse bristly perennial, large dirty white umbels, outer petals longer, medium altitudes] Heracleum sphondylium ssp. pyrenaicum - high altitudes

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Laserpitium latifolium - Broad-leaved Sermountain - local, in flower below Col du Tourmalet, and Tor Laserpitium siler - Vielha tunnel, Val d’Aran, below Bonaigua, Ossoue Laserpitium nestleri ssp.flabellatum - Baixols and Gaudi’s Inspiration 2011. 2012 Segre. Laserpitium gallicum - Gaudi’s Inspiration 2011 Ligusticum lucidum - a lovage, Canigou, in leaf Meum athamanticum - Baldmoney - alpine turf, locally common, e.g. Aigues Tortes, Bonaigua, and Vielha [Aromatic, white umbels, 3-4 capillary pinnate] Molopospermum peloponnesiacum - this fine umbellifer was in flower at Neouvielle and Tor, at Aigues Tortes, and Val d’Eyne Myrrhis odorata - Sweet Cicely - Vielha Orlaya grandiflora - Orlaya - locally common at lower altitudes in Spain [Annual with 2-3 pinnate leaves and white umbels with outer petals 8 times longer than others] Peucedanum ostruthium - Masterwort - Common in leaf Aigues Tortes and Val d’Eyne Pimpinella major - Greater Burnet-saxifrage - Gavarnie, pink flowers [Tall 1-pinnate perennial (3-9 ovate segments), angled hollow stem; white umbels, bracts/bracteoles] Pimpinella saxifraga - Burnet Saxifrage - Gavarnie [Similar but solid stems and 7-15 leaf segments] Prangos trifida - Segre, in leaf, 2012 Sanicula europaea - Sanicle - woods, Rioumajou valley [Palmate-lobed glossy leaves & dense sub-umbels] Scandix pecten-veneris - Shepherd’s-needle - Boixols 2010 Seseli libanotis - Moon Carrot - Ossoue valley [From Daucus by pure white umbels, bracts undivided; stock covered in fibres] Seseli montanum - Col de Perbes Tordylium apulum - recorded 2011 and 2012 Torilis arvensis - Spreading Hedge-parsley - near Pont de Suert, Canigou, etc. Torilis japonica - Upright Hedge-parsley - St.Llorenc 2010. 2012 in France. Trinia glauca - Honewort - recorded 2011 and 2012 Pyrolaceae Moneses uniflora - One-flowered Wintergreen - a few in Rioumajou valley, in fruit, 2011 Pyrola chlorantha - Yellow Wintergreen - a few at Rioumajou 2011 Pyrola media - Intermediate Wintergreen - Val d’Eyne 2011, in bud Pyrola minor - Lesser Wintergreen - Val d’Eyne, and Aigues Tortes [Typical Pyrola: rosette of elliptical leaves; unranked raceme of white to pink globose 5-7mm flowers] Pyrola rotundifolia - Round-leaved Wintergreen - Val d’Eyne 2011, in bud Monotropaceae Monotropa hypopitys - Yellow Bird’s-nest - 2009:- 2 at the lunch site in Spain on day 9. Not seen at our traditional site near Pont de Suert for many years now. 2010 found at a new site in Spain, Ordesa area. 2011:- 1 at Salas. Ericaceae Arbutus unedo - Strawberry Tree - St.Llorenc 2009 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Bearberry - scattered records at higher altitudes, e.g. Aigues Tortes, in flower, and Ossoue [Prostrate evergreen mat-forming shrub: untoothed leaves; red berries] Calluna vulgaris - Ling - moors & open woods, e.g. lower Tor road [Familiar heather, differing from an Erica by its overlapping scale-like leaves] Erica arborea - Tree Heath - Numerous, gone over, Luz valley, 2011

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Erica tetralix - Cross-leaved Heath - bogs, Vielha tunnel [Grey undershrub, needle leaves in 4s, drooping bells] Loiseleuria procumbens - Creeping Azalea - Envalira Rhododendron ferrugineum - Alpenrose - alpine slopes, much in leaf but also many in flower [Evergreen shrub to 1m, elliptic shiny leaves (rusty beneath); deep pink bell-like flowers to 15mm] Vaccinium myrtillus - Bilberry - moors and open woods, France, in leaf at Vielha, Aigues Tortes [Deciduous shrub, oval toothed leaves (mid-green); blue-black berries] Primulaceae Anagallis arvensis - Scarlet Pimpernel - open ground, lower altitudes in Spain, Toulouse Airport etc. [Familiar red-flowered weed, although mostly blue flowered form seen] Anagallis foemina - Blue Pimpernel - definate foemina at lunch site near Pont de Suert Androsace carnea ssp. laggeri - Pink Rock-jasmine - alpine turf, Bonaigua, and Andorra [Low tufted perennial, dense rosettes of linear leaves; leafless stem with umbel of 2-8 pink flowers] Androsace vandellii - Aigues Tortes, two cushions in good flower Androsace ciliata - a rock-jasmine - Col de Tourmalet 2008 Androsace villosa - a rock-jasmine - Col de Tentes calcareous outcrop, Ossoue Valley etc., locally common Coris monspeliensis - Coris - near Tremp and Santa Engracia [Linear revolute leaved perennial, woody at base; dense spike of irregular blue or pink flowers] Lysimachia ephemerum - stream banks at Salas, 2012 Lysimachia nemorum - Yellow Pimpernel - Neouvielle and Rioumajou [Creeping perennial, opposite lanceolate leaves, saucer-like yellow flowers 6-8.5mm] Primula elatior - Oxlip - 2 at Eyne [Leaves abruptly narrowed to stalk, pale yellow flowers in 1-sided cluster] Primula farinosa - Bird’s-eye Primrose - damp turf, Vielha tunnel and in France at Tentes [Leaves white-mealy beneath; lilac-pink umbel (8-16mm)] Primula hirsuta - Red Alpine Primrose - rocks, 2 good flowering rosettes below Col de Tentes [As last but sticky hairy, not mealy; leaves toothed; 1-15 pink-purple flowers 2-3cm] Primula latifolia - Viscid Primrose - c.5 in flower at Eyne Primula integrifolia - Entire-leaved Primrose - wet turf, numerous in Aigues Tortes, Tentes and Andorra [From last by untoothed leaves, 1-3 rosy flowers15-25mm] Primula veris - Cowslip – Eyne, Perbes, etc., over [From Oxlip by fragrant deeper yellow flowers. Ssp. columnae has leaves white beneath] Samolus valerandi - Brookweed - Salas 2012 Soldanella alpina - Alpine Snowbell - several in flower in Aigues Tortes and Tourmalet [All leaves basal, heart-shaped; flowers deeply-fringed, violet] Vitaliana primuliflora ssp. canescens - Vitaliana - stony ground, Port de la Bonaigua [Mat-forming or tufted, all leaves basal and linear; 12-18mm yellow flowers.] Plumbaginaceae Armeria maritima ssp.alpina - Mountain Thrift - rocks and stony turf [Typical thrift: hairless linear leaves. Head 18-30mm.] Armeria alliacea - scattered records, e.g. Vielha Oleaceae Fraxinus excelsior - Ash - woods, widespread [Familiar tree with opposite pinnate leaves and black buds] Jasminum fruticans - Wild Jasmine - in fruit at St.Llorenc (2010), and Gaudi’s Inspiration Ligustrum vulgare - Privet - base-rich scrub, scattered records [Familiar semi-evergreen shrub]

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Olea europaea - Olive - lower sites in Spain Gentianaceae Blackstonia perfoliata - Yellowwort - near Tremp, and Collegats Centaurium erythraea - Common Centaury - Montanana road and near Tremp 2011 Centaurium pulchellum - Lesser Centaury - Montanana road Gentiana lutea - Greater Yellow Gentian - occasional in leaf and bud [Tall perennial: oval, blue-green ribbed leaves; starry yellow flowers in whorls] Gentiana acaulis - Trumpet Gentian - scattered records, e.g. Puymorens, Bonaigua, Vielha, and Aigues Tortes [Low tufted perennial: grey-green elliptical leaves; blue stalked trumpet flowers 4-7cm (green spotted inside)] Gentiana alpina - Southern Gentian - acid alpine turf, Andorra, Troumouse, and Col de Tentes [As last but round-oval leaves, flowers 4cm and hardly stalked] Gentiana cruciata - Cross Gentian - In leaf along Cirque de Gavarnie track 2010 Gentiana pyrenaica - Pyrenean Gentian - a fine addition to the list in 2011 and 2012, many in Andorra, also Valcebollere Gentiana verna - Spring Gentian - scattered records, montane turf, numerous above Tor, also Andorra, and Aigues Tortes [Bright blue, deeply 5-lobed flowers; bright green lanceolate leaves] Gentiana brachyphylla - 1 at Col de Tentes Gentiana pumila delphinensis - growing wild in the Tourmalet botanic garden, 2009 Gentianella campestris - Field Gentian - above Gavarnie, 2011 Apocynaceae Nerium oleander – Oleander – en route to Canigou, 2012 Asclepiadaceae Vincetoxicum hirundinaria ssp. intermedium- Swallow-wort - widespread [Opposite heart-shaped leaves, latex, yellow flower clusters ] Vincetoxicum nigrum - Black Swallow-wort - Collegats Gorge Rubiaceae Sherardia arvensis - Field Madder - near Tremp 2011 Crucianella angustifolia - Montanana road 2012 Galium album - Hedge Bedstraw - widespread [Scrambler, whorls of 6-8 leaves, smooth stem] Galium aparine - Cleavers - lower Tor road Galium pyrenaicum - Troumouse Galium odoratum - Sweet Woodruff - woods in France, e.g. Rioumajou [Erect, whorls of 6-9 leaves, forming ruff round white flowers] Galium v. verum - Lady’s Bedstraw - scattered [Whorls of 8-12 dark green linear leaves, terminal yellow inflorescence] Galium caespitosum - Neouvielle, Gavarnie Galium cometerhizon - Gavarnie area Galium pumilum - scattered records, e.g. Vielha tunnel Galium maritimum - a bedstraw - hirsute, with small red flowers, a pleasing addition to the list, Collegats, 2011 and 2012, Canigou, Tor Galium spp. - others not identified Cruciata glabra - a crosswort - scattered records [Like next but no bracts on peduncle]

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Cruciata laevipes - Crosswort – widespread [Leaves in whorls of 4, with yellow flowers at base and 2 bracts on peduncle] Rubia peregrina - Wild Madder - a few records in Spain, e.g. near Pont de Suert, and Fillols [Like coarse evergreen cleavers with berries] Asperula aristata scabra - a woodruff - Montanana road Asperula cynanchica - Squinancywort - Fillols and Tor Asperula hirta - a woodruff - Gavarnie Convolvulaceae Cuscuta epithymum - Common Dodder – Fillols 2011 Cuscuta europaea - Greater Dodder - probably this species parasitic on Urtica, Tor Cuscuta spp. – Perbes and below Espot, 2012 Calystegia sepium - Hedge Bindweed [Typical large white bindweed] Convolvulus arvensis - Field Bindweed - scattered [Familiar pink perennial; arrow-shaped leaves] Convolvulus cantabrica - Pink Bindweed - lower altitudes in Spain, e.g. Montanana road [Typical pink bindweed flower but erect, with linear/elliptic leaves] Boraginaceae Heliotropium europaeum - Heliotrope - Tremp area 2012 Neatostema apulum - Yellow Gromwell - in fruit, Montanana road, 2012 Buglossoides arvensis - Corn Gromwell - Eyne and Tor Lithospermum officinale - Common Gromwell - near Pont de Suert, and Perbes [Tall rough hairy perennial: many lanceolate leaves, whitish 4-6mm flowers, shining white very hard nutlets] Lithodora fruticosa - Montanana road Onosma bubanii - a Golden-drop - Baixols road 2010, endemic to central Spanish Pyrenees Echium vulgare -Viper’s Bugloss - widespread and common [Bristly bright blue biennial] Pulmonaria affinis - a lungwort - in flower at Eyne, in leaf at Aigues Tortes [Typical lungwort: rough, white-spotted leaves ca 2-6x long as broad] Pulmonaria angustifolia - Narrow-leaved Lungwort - near Mont-Loius Pulmonaria longifolia - Long-leaved Lungwort - Neouvielle, in leaf, 2011 [from last by narrower leaves ca 6-9 times as long as broad] Pulmonaria montana - Vielha tunnel 2009 Anchusa arvensis - Bugloss - Segre 2012 Anchusa italica - Italian Bugloss - 1 plant, arable weed in Spanish lowlands 2008 Asperugo procumbens - Madwort - Tor Symphytum officinale - Common Comfrey - Segre 2012 Myosotis alpestris - Alpine Forget-me-not - locally common in alpine turf, e.g. Tor, Bonaigua, Vielha, and Aigues Tortes [Perennial blue forget-me-not, 9mm flowers] Myosotis arvensis - Common Forget-me-not - widespread [Low 3mm blue-flowered biennial forget-me-not.] Myosotis decumbens - a forget-me-not - noted in 2009 Myosotis scorpioides - Water Forget-me-not - Aigues Tortes Myosotis sylvatica - Wood Forget-me-not - scattered records

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Cynoglossum creticum - Blue Hound’s-tongue - near Tremp 2011 [dark-veined pale blue flowers] Cynoglossum officinale - Common Hound’s-tongue - scattered records, e.g. Tor, Aigues Tortes and France [Grey soft-hairy leaves, smells of mice; maroon flowers] Verbenaceae Verbena officinalis - Vervain - e.g. France, and Tor road [Stiff erect perennial with opposite pinnately-lobed leaves and spikes of pink-lilac flowers] Ajuga chamaepitys - Ground Pine - near Salas, and Isona, 2010 Ajuga pyramidalis - Pyramidal Bugle - montane turf, Eyne, Bonaigua and Vielha [Creeping perennial: dense spike of pale violet 1-lipped flowers] Ajuga reptans - Bugle - France and Vielha Teucrium chamaedrys - Wall Germander - Canigou [Low woody-based, with shiny toothed leaves; purple 1-lipped flowers 9-16mm] Teucrium polium - Felty Germander - in leaf, Montanana road and Perbes [Densely felted : 1-lipped white flowers; leaves wrinkly.] Teucrium aureum - Baixols 2010, Canigou 2012 Teucrium botrys - Cut-leaved Germander - Gaudi’s Inspiration 2010 Teucrium pyrenaicum - Pyrenean Germander - Perbes and Ossoue [Round-oval (not oblong) leaves; 1-lipped white flowers] Teucrium montanum - Mountain Germander - Montanana road Teucrium scorodonia - Wood-sage - in flower at Collegats 2011. 2012 in fruit on day 3. [Sage-like leaves, 9mm pale greenish-yellow 1-lipped flowers] Marrubium vulgare - White Horehound - near Tremp [White-downy thyme-scented herb with roundish leaves and white flowers] Sideritis hirsuta - Santa Engracia area and Perbes [Low scented perennial; yellow flowers 8-10mm, oblong leaves] Sideritis hyssopifolia - Ossoue valley 2012 Phlomis herba-venti - a Jerusalem-sage - Baixols, in leaf, 2010 Phlomis lychnitis - a Jerusalem-sage - Montanana road [Evergreen linear-leaved white felted bush with yellow flowers] Galeopsis angustifolia - Red Hemp-nettle - near Pont de Suert 2011 Galeopsis ladanum - Large Pink Hemp-nettle - Fillols and Tor road 2012 Galeopsis segetum - Downy Hemp-nettle - Fillols and Vielha 2012 Galeopsis tetrahit - Common Hemp-nettle - noted in leaf Lamium album - White Dead-nettle - scattered records Lamium amplexicaule - Henbit Dead-nettle - scattered records 2012 Lamium maculatum - Spotted Dead-nettle - scattered records [Perennial pink dead-nettle: curved corolla tube and white blotch on leaves] Lamium galeobdolon - Yellow Archangel - Rioumajou, Neouvielle, Vielha tunnel Ballota nigra - Black Horehound - France [Foetid; coarse-toothed leaves, small purple flowers. ssp. foetida] Stachys officinalis - Betony - Between Arreau and Tourmalet [From last by red-purple flowers 12-1-8mm] Stachys alopecuros - Ossoue

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Stachys recta - Perennial Yellow Woundwort - dry rocky places, e.g. Santa Engracia area, Tor, near Pont de Suert [Differs from S. annua by perennial habit, oblong-oval leaves; pale yellow 15-20mm flowers, purple streaked] Stachys sylvatica - Hedge Woundwort - France and below Bonaigua [Pungent smelling perennial: no rosette, cordate leaves; red-purple flowers 13-18mm] Glechoma hederacea - Ground Ivy [Low creeping perennial smelling of blackcurrants, round bluntly toothed leaves and pale violet flowers 15- 22mm] Prunella grandiflora ssp. grandiflora- Large Self-heal - on calcareous soil, France Prunella grandiflora ssp. pyrenaica Large Self-heal - on acid soil, France [Typical scentless self-heal with deep violet flowers 25-30mm] Prunella laciniata - Cut-leaved Self-heal - Tor, Montanana road and Santa Engracia area [Typical self-heal with pinnately-lobed leaves and cream flowers] Prunella vulgaris - Self Heal - France, e.g. Eyne Satureja montana - Winter Savory - locally common in leaf, e.g. Canto road [Wide-branched aromatic under-shrub with pink flowers] alpinus - Alpine Calamint - Aigues Tortes, Gavarnie, etc. [Decumbent perennial: 10-14mm violet flowers marked white.] Acinos arvensis - Basil Thyme - scattered records, e.g. Tor Clinopodium vulgare - Wild Basil - Gavarnie Origanum vulgare - Marjoram - scattered records in leaf [Aromatic widely branched herb: oval untoothed leaves with purple bracts] Thymus nervosus - possibly this species present too Thymus pulegioides - Large Wild-thyme - locally numerous [Typical low creeping aromatic thyme; flowers 6mm] Thymus serpyllum - Wild Thyme - widespread [Similar but flowers 3-6mm] Thymus vulgaris - Thyme - Fillols, locally common Mentha arvensis - Corn Mint - in leaf Mentha aquatica - Water Mint - noted in leaf, Eyne, Salas and Tor [Typical mint with globular terminal flowerhead] Mentha longifolia - Horse Mint - in leaf [Differs from latter in its elongate terminal spike and less pleasant aroma] Rosmarinus officinalis - Rosemary - Montanana road, Collegats [Familiar aromatic shrub; linear revolute leaves] Lavandula angustifolia - Common Lavender - sub-Mediterranean sites in Spain [Typical aromatic narrow-leaved lavender] Lavandula stoechas - French Lavender - Fillols Salvia verbenaca - Wild Clary - near Tremp etc. Salvia officinalis - Wild Sage - Tremp Reservoir Salvia pratensis - Meadow Clary - widespread and common [From S. verbenaca by unlobed leaves and flowers 20-30mm] Salvia sclarea - Clary - near Montanana 2010 [From last by big lilac/white bracts and lilac flowers] Solanaceae Atropa belladonna - Deadly Nightshade - Rioumajou 2012 Hyoscyamus niger - Black Henbane - Tor and Vielha [Irregularly lobed leaves, pale yellow flowers (purple veins)]

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Solanum dulcamara - Bittersweet - Fillols [Scrambler, often lobed leaves, purple flowers, column of anthers] Solanum nigrum - Black Nightshade Buddlejaceae Buddleja davidii - Buddleia - Fillols, Aure valley [Familiar shrub: opposite lanceolate leaves, long lilac flower-panicles] Scrophulariaceae Paulownia tomentosa - Foxglove Tree - planted in Tet Valley, native to China Verbascum lychnitis - White Mullein - verges, mostly yellow flowered form, some with white flowers in France [Mealy-white mullein: angled stem and flower-stalks 6-11mm; mostly yellow-flowered, white form seen] Verbascum pulverulentum - Hoary Mullein - verges, autoroutes, locally very common [As White Mullein (woolly with yellow candelabra inflorescence) but flower-stalks 2-5mm] Verbascum thapsus - Aaron’s Rod – scattered records [Familiar woolly mullein with spike-like inflorescence, winged stem and yellow flowers] Verbascum nigrum - Dark Mullein - scattered records Verbascum blattaria - Moth Mullein - several at Salas and near Pont de Suert Verbascum boerhavii - a mullein - Segre Verbascum sinuatum - France 2012 Scrophularia auriculata - Water Figwort - Noted in France, 2012 Scrophularia canina - French Figwort - Vielha and Gavarnie area [Typical figwort flowers, but narrow-pinnate lobed leaves] Scrophularia nodosa - Common Figwort - France, day 2 [Typical brown figwort: 4-angled stem, 2-serrate, cordate hairless leaves] Scrophularia alpestris - a Figwort - Espot and Vielha Scrophularia pyrenaica - a figwort - Rioumajou and below Portillon Anarrhinum bellidifolium - Tor 2011 Antirrhinum latifolium - a Snapdragon - a few in Spain, and Canigou [Yellow flowers] Antirrhinum majus - Common Snapdragon - local in Spain, e.g. near Pont de Suert [Typical pink snapdragon: flowers 33-45mm] Antirrhinum molle - Soft Snapdragon - Gaudi’s Inspiration [Dwarf, shrubby, softly downy, with white flowers 25-35mm] Antirrhinum sempervirens - Rock Snapdragon - Neouvielle 2009 [Differs in all leaves opposite, leathery; flowers white 20-25mm] Chaenorrhinum minus - Small Toadflax - Puigcerda, Canto road, Collegats [Low annual, oblong leaves; lilac toadflax flowers 6-9mm] Chaenorrhinum origanifolium - locally common in Ossoue Valley and Rioumajou Misopates orontium - Weasel’s Snout - near Pont de Suert 2009 Asarina procumbens - Creeping Snapdragon - Segre Linaria alpina - Alpine Toadflax - local but widespread, e.g. Bonaigua, Puymorens, Andorra, Aigues Tortes, Tor [Low glaucous toadflax, linear-oblong leaves and 13-22mm violet flowers, yellow palate, also pure blue form] Linaria micrantha - recorded in France Linaria repens - Pale Toadflax - Tor and Fillols [Erect greyish toadflax: lower leaves whorled, white or pale lilac flowers]

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Linaria supina - Pyrenean Toadflax - Tor road, Santa Engracia, and France [Decumbent linear-leaved toadflax, yellow flowers with long spur] Linaria sp. - a tall yellow flowered species in the La Seu d’Urgell area, 2011 Cymbalaria muralis - Ivy-leaved Toadflax Digitalis lutea - Small Yellow Foxglove - locally several in France, also Tor and Gaudi’s Inspiration [Nearly hairless yellow foxglove; dense spikes of pale tubular flowers] Digitalis purpurea - Common Foxglove - France and below Bonaigua, and Vielha [Familiar downy purple foxglove] Erinus alpinus - Fairy Foxglove - locally abundant in France, also both sides of Col de Bonaigua [Low perennial: leaves obovate and toothed, purple flowers (5 notched lobes)] Veronica alpina - Alpine Speedwell - Vielha Veronica anagallis-aquatica - Blue Water Speedwell [Fleshy, opposite long-lanceolate leaves (clasping); opposite stalked spikes of blue flowers] Veronica aphylla - Leafless-stemmed Speedwell - Tentes 2011 Veronica austriaca - Large Speedwell - scattered records, e.g. Tor [Hairy, leaves ovate-oblong.] Veronica prostrata - Gavarnie area, Perbes, Aigues Tortes Veronica beccabunga - Brooklime - Eyne, Tor, Aigues Tortes and Rioumajou [Hairless & fleshy with thick oblong leaves] Veronica bellidioides ssp. lilacina- Violet Speedwell - acid turf, e.g. Bonaigua [Erect, tufted, basal rosette; lilac terminal flower-cluster] Veronica chamaedrys - Bird’s-eye Speedwell - widespread and locally common [Like Large Speedwell, but smaller with lines of hairs on the stem] Veronica cymbalaria - White Speedwell Veronica fruticans - Rock Speedwell - Peyresourde, Aigues Tortes, etc. [Woody-based, blue flowers with red eye] Veronica officinalis - Heath Speedwell - day 3 [Hairy, creeping; spikes of lilac-blue flowers] Veronica ponae - Spiked Pyrenean Speedwell - France, e.g. Rioumajou and Gavarnie [Like elegant Bird’s-eye, but single loose terminal spike] Veronica serpyllifolia ssp. humifusa- Thyme-leaved Speedwell - moist alpine turf [creeps, rooting at nodes, often hairless & blue flowers] Veronica serpyllifolia ssp serpyllifolia - Thyme-leaved Speedwell [white flowers veined blue - grew where soil disturbed] Veronica arvensis - Wall Speedwell - scattered records Veronica persica - Common Field-speedwell - scattered records Melampyrum sylvaticum - Wood Cow-wheat - Rioumajou Melampyrum pratense - Common Cow-wheat - woods and peaty ground, France [Annual: leaves untoothed; 1-sided spike, tubular yellow flowers] Euphrasia alpina - Alpine Eyebright - Ossoue 2012 Euphrasia hirtella - an eyebright [Typical eyebright, white with violet lines] Euphrasia nemorosa - Wind Eyebright - Troumouse 2012 Euphrasia rostkoviana - an eyebright Bartsia alpina - Alpine Bartsia - Vielha tunnel, and Andorra [Opposite-leaved perennial: downy, dark-purple 2-lipped flowers (15-20mm)] Pedicularis comosa - Crested Lousewort - numerous near Mont-Louis, 1 in Segre gorge

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Pedicularis foliosa - Leafy Lousewort - Vielha tunnel [Very hairy flower heads. Differs in having leaf-like bracts, 25mm yellow flowers with upper lip rounded] Pedicularis mixta - a lousewort - several at Vielha tunnel, leaves at Aigues Tortes [Pink lousewort, flowers =18mm (crimson beak and calyx woolly)] Pedicularis pyrenaica - Pyrenean Lousewort - Tor, Andorra, Aigues Tortes [Very like dull pinkish-purple P. mixta, but glabrous calyx] Pedicularis verticillata - Whorled Lousewort - near Eyne, and above Tor, damp pastures [From other pink louseworts by leaves in whorls of 3-4 and upper lip rounded (not beaked/toothed)] Pedicularis sylvatica - Common Lousewort - Vielha tunnel, Aigues Tortes, Rioumajou Rhinanthus angustifolius - a Yellow Rattle Rhinanthus minor -Yellow Rattle - widespread, e.g. Espot [Typical yellow rattle: yellow with violet tip, inflated fruit] Rhinanthus mediterraneus - a Yellow Rattle - widespread, = Rhinanthus pumilus Globulariaceae Globularia cordifolia - Matted Globularia - scattered records, e.g. Canto road [Mat-forming, creeping under-shrub, leaves basal, spathulate and notched; heads globular 1-2cm and lilac- or grey-blue] Globularia nudicaulis - Leafless-stemmed Globularia - Aigues Tortes, below Bonaigua, and Ossoue [Herb: leaves all basal, oblanceolate, blunt; blue heads 15-30mm] Globularia repens - a globularia - scattered records, e.g. Andorra lunch site and Ossoue [From G. cordifolia by pointed leaves] Globularia vulgaris - Common Globularia - Andorra lunch site and Collegats Gesneriaceae Ramonda myconi - Ramonda - rock crevices, locally common in Spain and especially in France, in very fine flower [Flat rosettes of toothed oval corrugated leaves, rusty-hairy beneath; blue-violet 2-3cm 5-lobed flowers] Orobanchaceae Orobanche alba - Thyme Broomrape - scattered records, e.g. Ossoue Orobanche amethystea - on Eryngium campestre, Montanana road, over Orobanche artemisiae-campestris - a broomrape - 2+ on Santolina chamaecyparissus at Baixols, 2010 Orobanche gracilis - Slender Broomrape - on legumes, scattered records, e.g. Collegats [Yellow/red broomrape, flowers shining dark red inside and 15-25mm] Orobanche caryophyllacea - Bedstraw Broomrape - 1 below Tor 2011 Orobanche minor - Common Broomrape - Gaudi’s Inspiration Orobanche haenseleri - parasitic on Helleborus near Pineta section of Ordesa, several in fine flower 2010 Orobanche hederae - Ivy Broomrape - 2009 and 2010:- many parasitic on Hedera helix at St.Llorenc, but not recorded for Lerida province in Flora Iberica. Also Santa Engracia in 2008. Collegats in 2011. Orobanche rapum-genistae - Greater Broomrape - on Cytisus purgans below Coll. Del Canto, also Canigou. Lentibuliaraceae Pinguicula grandiflora - Large-flowered Butterwort - wet rocks, e.g. Aigues Tortes, Tor and Vielha [Rosette like (edges inrolled); stem with 2-lipped violet flowers 25-35mm (10-12mm spur)] Pinguicula vulgaris - Common Butterwort - wet rocks/bogs, widespread but local, e.g. Aigues Tortes, Tor, Vielha, Tentes [As last but flowers 15-22mm with 6-8mm spur]

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Plantaginaceae Plantago lanceolata - Ribwort Plantain - widespread. [Familiar lanceolate plantain; anthers yellowish] Plantago major - Rat’s-tail Plantain [Cosmopolitan broad-leaved weed, long spikes] Plantago maritima ssp.serpentina - Sea Plantain - e.g. Salas Plantago alpina - Alpine Plantain - Bonaigua, Neouvielle, Gavarnie area Plantago media - Hoary Plantain - meadows [Downy grey oval leaves; anthers lilac] Plantago holosteum - Canigou Plantago coronopus - Buck’s-horn Plantain - lunch on the arrival day 2011 Plantago sempervirens - Montanana road, Perbes, Canigou, Canto road Plantago afra - lower altitudes in Spain 2011 Plantago albicans - Silvery Plantain - lower Santa Engracia track, 2012 Caprifoliaceae Lonicera etrusca - Etruscan Honeysuckle - Fillols etc. [Climbing deciduous honeysuckle with leaf-pairs fused below stalked flower-heads] Lonicera periclymenum - Common Honeysuckle - Salas area [Familiar deciduous climber, leaves not fused in pairs] Lonicera pyrenaica - Pyrenean Honeysuckle - common in Ossoue valley [Hairless bush, blue-green leaves quite leathery; pairs of regular white flowers and red berries] Lonicera nigra - Black-bellied Honeysuckle - Eyne 2011 Lonicera alpigena - Alpine Honeysuckle - Eyne Lonicera xylosteum - Fly Honeysuckle - scattered records, e.g. Eyne [Shrub to 3m, opposite hairy leaves, white 2-lipped tubular flowers] Sambucus ebulus - Dwarf Elder - scattered, e.g Salas, a few in flower this year [Erect herb, opposite pinnate leaves; white flowers, purple anthers] Sambucus nigra - Elder - widespread, e.g. Alins [Familiar shrub; yellowish-white anthers and black fruit] Sambucus racemosa - Red-berried Elder - e.g. Aigues Tortes, Canigou, Eyne [From last by pyramidal clusters of yellowish-white flowers; berries shiny red] Viburnum lantana -Wayfaring Tree - scattered records, e.g. Eyne [Like opposite-leaved white beam, heads of black berries (red at first)] Viburnum tinus - Laurustinus - St.Llorenc 2010 Valerianceae Centranthus lecoqii - a red valerian - lower altitudes in Spain, also Tet Valley [Similar to next but leaves only 4-6mm wide; stem unbranched] Centranthus ruber - Red Valerian - scattered records in Spain, and France, roadsides [Familiar garden plant, with undivided leaves (1-5cm wide) spurred red flowers] Valeriana montana - a valerian - Aigues Tortes and France [As other Valeriana spp. but all leaves undivided] Valeriana officinalis - Common Valerian - verges, shade and meadows [Opposite pinnate leaves and dense heads of pale pink flowers.] Valeriana pyrenaica - Pyrenean Valerian - damp meadows/shade, local in France [From last by basal leaves oval and heart-shaped] Valeriana tripteris - Three-leaved Valerian - scattered records, e.g. Eyne and Aigues Tortes [Short valerian, basal leaves undivided; trefoil on stem] Valeriana tuberosa - a valerian - gone over at Perbes

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Valerianella locusta - Common Corn Salad - Tor 2012 Valerianella rimosa - Broad-fruited Corn-salad - Tor and Ossoue = Valerianella dentata [Regular-forking lilac-pink annual, narrow leaves, globose heads; fruit ovoid] Dipsacaceae Dipsacus fullonum - Common Teasel - verges [Familiar tall biennial: spiny lilac heads and opposite leaves prickly on the lower midrib] Cephalaria leucantha - in bud near Pont de Suert Knautia arvensis - Field Scabious - widespread [Typical scabious: 4-lobed flowers; upper leaves pinnate-lobed] Knautia lebrunii - Vielha 2012 Knautia nevadensis - a wood scabious - Tor and Canto road Knautia spp. - one or two other species possibly in France Lomelosia pulsatilloides macropoda - a scabious - Tremp reservoir shore and Montanana road, endemic Lomelosia stellata - a scabious - Montanana road, inflated papery fruits Scabiosa columbaria - Small Scabious - scattered , e.g. Gavarnie area Scabiosa atropurpurea - Mournful Widow - St-Llorenc 2010 Campanulaceae Campanula glomerata - Clustered Bellflower - Tor road [Lance-leaved perennial with tight heads of violet bells, each 15-25mm] Campanula hispanica ssp. catalanica - Spanish Bellflower - Gaudi’s Inspiration [Graceful perennial, lance-leaved (crowded below), blue bells 10-14mm in loose clusters.] Campanula patula - Spreading Bellflower - meadows & wood edges, locally common in France, Tor [Wide-branched slender perennial; violet-blue 20-25mm flowers in spreading open clusters] Campanula persicifolia - Peach-leaved Bellflower - meadows/scrub, e.g. Canigou and Tor [As last but peach-like unstalked leaves; half-nodding flowers 3-4cm] Campanula rapunculus - Rampion Bellflower - Canigou Campanula rapunculoides - Creeping Bellflower - Santa Engracia area, below Perbes [Creeping perennial: cordate leaves; long spikes of deep purple 2-3cm drooping flowers] Campanula rotundifolia - Harebell - Segre and Ossoue Campanula scheuchzeri - a bellflower - e.g. Gaudi’s Inspiration [Like Harebell but all leaves linear-lanceolate at flowering; 1 or few blue bells] Campanula speciosa - Pyrenean Bellflower - below Perbes, in fine flower this year [Perennial with erect bells 28-32mm in pyramidal cluster; linear leaves] Campanula trachelium - Nettle-leaved Bellflower - woods and roadsides [Large bristly perennial with jagged heart-shaped leaves and 3-4cm violet bell flowers] Campanula erinus - Boixols area 2008 Jasione crispa - Dwarf Sheep’s-bit - Troumouse 2012, also Puymorens ? = Jasione humilis Jasione laevis - a sheep’s-bit - Bonaigua and Aigues Tortes [Like tiny blue scabious but all flowers regular (also not curved in bud); leaves not wavy] Jasione montana - Sheep’s-bit - Fillols [Differs from last by wavy leaves; annual] Phyteuma hemisphaericum - Globe-headed Rampion - acid rocks Aigues Tortes and Troumouse [Like scabious but regular flowers curved in bud; globular-headed and basal leaves with short or no stalk] Phyteuma charmelii - a rampion - Ossoue Phyteuma orbiculare - Round-headed Rampion - base-rich turf, a few in Gavarnie area [Similar to P.hemisphaericum but basal leaves long-stalked]

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Phyteuma ovatum - Dark Rampion - montane meadows, in leaf, e.g. Eyne and Aigues Tortes [Differs from last two rampions by ovoid/cylindrical spikes of blackish-violet flowers] Phyteuma pyrenaicum - Pyrenean Rampion - Vielha and Peyresourde [Very similar to last but bluish flowers] Phyteuma spicatum - Spiked Rampion - arrival day roadsides and Valcebollere [Like last two rampions, but spikes whitish] Asteraceae Achillea chamaemelifolia - Andorran Sneezewort - rocks along the Tor road [Heads white, 7-9mm; leaves 1-pinnate, linear lobes] Achillea millefolium - Yarrow - dry grass, scattered [Familiar, aromatic: 2-3 pinnate feathery leaves; white or pink heads 4-6mm in large flat-topped clusters] Achillea odorata - Locally common along Tor road, Segre, and Canto road Adenostyles alliariae - Adenostyles - below Tourmalet [Big basal leaves (triangular/heart shaped); leafy stem bears dense clusters of red-purple rayless heads] Antennaria dioica - Mountain Everlasting - acid turf, Bonaigua, Vielha, Puymorens, and Andorra [Mat-forming, leaves spoon-shaped, white beneath and white or pink rayless heads on low stem] Anthemis arvensis - Corn Chamomile - Spain Anthemis cotula - Stinking Chamomile - St.Llorenc 2010, recorded 2012 Anthemis triumfetti - Southern Dog-Daisy - Canigou Arctium lappa - Greater Burdock - Neouvielle etc. Arctium minus - Lesser Burdock - Salas [Typical burdock: large cordate leaves; branched stems and bur heads] Arnica montana - Mountain Arnica - meadows, in flower at Vielha tunnel [Single 4.5-8cm yellow daisy-like heads; elliptical basal leaves and stem-leaves opposite and bract-like] Artemisia alba - Fillols etc. Artemisia vulgaris - Mugwort [Familiar faintly scented perennial] Artemisia absinthium - Wormwood - scattered records Artemisia campestris - Field Wormwood - Tremp 2010 Aster alpinus - Alpine Aster - stony turf and rocks, Gavarnie area, Canto road, and Perbes [Low perennial: elliptical leaves, single daisy-like heads 35-45mm, with violet-blue rays] Bellis perennis - Daisy - Rioumajou etc. Calendula arvensis - Field Marigold - Tremp area 2012 Carduncellus monspeliensis - several at Baixols, and in leaf near Tremp, 2010 Carduus carlinifolius - Carline-leaved Thistle - Canigou etc. [Heads 2-3cm, spines to 1cm; thick leaves] Carduus carlinoides - Pyrenean Thistle - Bonaigua and Andorra [White-downy Carduus: winged stems, very spiny; rose-red heads 18-25mm in tight clusters] Carduus defloratus - Alpine Thistle - Canigou etc. Carduus nutans - Musk Thistle - recorded Carduus pycnocephalus - St.Llorenc 2010, recorded 2012 Carlina acanthifolia - Acanthus-leaved Carline Thistle - previous year’s seed heads, Vielha, and Puymorens Carlina acaulis - Stemless Carline Thistle - old seed heads, Tor etc. Carlina vulgaris - Carline Thistle - old seed heads Perbes Catananche caerulea - Cupidone - Mediterranean influenced sites in Spain, e.g. Salas [Rather like graceful perennial blue cornflower; involucral bracts papery and silvery] Carthamus lanatus - Montanana road in leaf

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Centaurea alpestris - Knapweed - noted in Spain? [From C. scabiosa by bigger heads and brown pappus] Centaurea calcitrapa - Red Star-thistle - scattered records, e.g. near Tremp [Softly-leafy below (pinnately cut) but purple knapweed heads with straw-coloured 10-18mm spines] Centaurea cyanus - Cornflower - arable weed in France, locally abundant Centaurea melitensis - Maltese Star-thistle - Salas 2012 Centaurea montana - Mountain Cornflower - wild at Tourmalet botanic garden, and day 2 Centaurea jacea - Brown Knapweed - lower altitudes in Spain, e.g. Perbes Centaurea aspera - Canigou Centaurea paniculata - Montanana road Centuarea pectinata - Fillols Centaurea scabiosa - Greater Knapweed - France [Perennial: leaves 1(-2) pinnatisect; big (± rayed) purple heads, black fringed involucre] Centaurea solstitialis - Yellow Star-thistle - near Tremp Centaurea nigra - Common Knapweed - Fillols Cicerbita alpina - Alpine Sow-thistle - roadsides in France on the arrival day Cicerbita plumieri - below Tourmalet 2012 Cichorium intybus - Chicory - rough verges [Like branched Cicerbita, but bright blue 2-4cm heads] Cirsium arvense - Creeping Thistle - Salas, Collegats, etc. [Familiar creeping Cirsium with lilac-purple heads and glossy crisped very prickly leaves] Cirsium eriophorum - Woolly Thistle - scattered records Cirsium monspessulanum - in leaf at Rioumajou 2012 Cirsium palustre - Marsh Thistle - damp grass, scattered records, France, Vielha [Tall slender Cirsium, spiny leaves purple edged; winged stems; crowded narrow purple heads] Cirsium rivulare - Brook Thistle - damp acid sites, e.g. Vielha [Like Melancholy Thistle ± spineless & unwinged stems, but pinnate leaves green beneath and heads 25- 30mm] Cirsium vulgare - Spear Thistle - France Conyza bonariensis - Tremp area, 2012 Conyza sumatrensis - Tremp area and Day 11, 2012 Crepis albida - Ossoue valley, Perbes Crepis paludosa - Marsh Hawk’s-beard - France Crepis pygmaea - Pygmy Hawksbeard - Tentes and Ossoue gravels, 2012 Crupina crupinastrum - Montanana road 2012 Cynara cardunculus - Cardoon - noted in leaf Dittrichia viscosa - a stink aster - Aragon roadsides Doronicum pardalianches - Leopard’s Bane - in flower at Vielha tunnel Echinops sphaerocephalus - a globe thistle - Tremp reservoir Erigeron alpinus - Alpine Fleabane - Neouvielle Erigeron annuus - French roadsides, also in Spain, and Fillols Erigeron acer - Blue Fleabane - Tor Erigeron uniflorus - One-flowered Fleabane - several at Envalira Eupatorium cannabinum - Hemp-agrimony - damp sites [Tall perennial: opposite 3-5 lobed leaves, numerous small pinkish-purple heads in broad corymbs] Filago minima - Small Cudweed - Fillols, Puymorens lily site Filago pyramidata - Broad-leaved Cudweed - Perbes Filago vulgaris - Common Cudweed - Fillols

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Galactites tomentosa - Galactites - autoroute verges [Thistle-like, white veined leaves, purple-lilac rayed heads] Helichrysum stoechas - an everlasting - scattered at lower altitudes in France and Spain, e.g. Canigou [Tufted, woody-based; whitish stems, linear leaves, clustered small golden globular heads] Hieracium candidum - a hawkweed - Tor Hieracium lactucella - a hawkweed - Tor Hieracium pilosella - Mouse-ear Hawkweed - Tor road and in France Hieracium spp.- Hawkweeds [Very variable group of perennials: yellow dandelion-like heads, may be leafy or black hairy. Sections Alpina and Subalpina at Aigües Tortes] Homogyne alpina - Alpine Colt’s-foot - damp alpine turf/woods, in flower at Bonaigua, Aigues Tortes, Puymorens, and Tentes [Short creeping perennial, shiny kidney-shaped leaves; single rayless purple heads 10-15mm] Hypochoeris maculata - Spotted Cat’s-ear - at the lily stop on day 1 Hypochoeris radicata - Cat’s-ear - Santa Engracia area etc., Tor Inula montana - a fleabane - Montanana road Inula salicina - Irish Fleabane - Salas 2009 Lactuca perennis - Blue Lettuce - local but widespread, e.g. Tor, Val d’Aran [Like hairless pinnately-lobed Cicerbita, but achenes beaked] Lactuca serriola - Prickly Lettuce - in leaf Lapsana communis - Nipplewort [branched with ovate leaves; many 15-20mm yellow dandelion-type heads but no pappus] Leontodon pyrenaicum - Pyrenean Hawkbit - Aigues Tortes 2011. 2012 Troumouse. Leucanthemopsis alpina - Alpine Moon Daisy - Neouvielle [Tufted perennial: single white-rayed daisies 2-4cm (often turning pink) and oval to pinnatisect, mostly basal, leaves] Leucanthemum atratum - recorded? Leucanthemum vulgare - Moon Daisy - dry grass, common and widespread [As Alpine Moon Daisy but leafier, upper stem leaves clasping stem; heads 25-50mm] Leuzea conifera - Leuzea - Montanana road, near Pont de Suert, Santa Engracia Remarkably not seen in 2011. [Like low knapweed but involucral bracts papery forming shiny cone-like structure] Matricaria discoidea - Pineapple Weed - Espot Mycelis muralis - Wall Lettuce [Widely branched slender yellow lettuce: pinnately lobed leaves (large hastate terminal lobe)] Omalotheca supina - Dwarf Cudweed - recorded 2012 Onopordum acanthium - Scotch Thistle - lower altitudes in Spain, e.g. Santa Engracia, and France [Stout branched cobwebby biennial thistle: winged stems and purplish heads 35-50mm] Onopordum acaulon - Stemless Cotton-thistle - in fine flower along Canto road 2012 Pallenis spinosa - Pallenis - Canigou Picris echioides - Bristly Oxtongue - Gaudi’s Inspiration Picris hieracioides - Hawkweed Oxtongue - recorded 2012 Petasites hybridus - Butterbur Prenanthes purpurea - Purple Lettuce - shade in France, in bud at Rioumajou [From Cicerbita etc. by drooping purplish heads of 3-6 florets; hairless; oblong leaves] Santolina chamaecyparissus - Lavender-cotton - locally very common at lower altitudes in Spain [As next but teeth/lobes crowded]

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Santolina rosmarinifolia - a lavender cotton - Santa Engracia area [Aromatic whitish subshrub, linear remote-toothed leaves, flowers yellow rayless buttons] Scorzonera angustifolia - a viper’s-grass - Salas 2012 Scorzonera crispatula - a viper’s-grass - Salas 2012 Scorzonera hirsuta - a viper’s-grass - lower altitudes in Spain, e.g. Tremp Reservoir 2011 [Linear cobwebby leaves, pure yellow dandelion heads and densely hairy fruit] Senecio adonidifolius - Mont-Louis, Canigou Senecio doronicum - Chamois Ragwort - Vielha 2012 Senecio inaequidens - locally very commonly naturalised on roadsides, e.g. Tet Valley and near La Seu d’Urgell Senecio jacobaea - Common Ragwort - autoroute verges [Many yellow daisy-like heads and pinnate-lobed leaves (segments oblong)] Senecio vulgaris - Common Groundsel [Familiar weed] Senecio sylvaticus - Wood Groundsel - France 2011 Serratula centauroides - Cardoon Knapweed - in leaf in Ossoue valley, 2012. Flowers August/September. = Leuzea centauroides, = Rhaponticum centauroides Silybum marianum - Milk Thistle - Santa Engracia area [Robust weakly spiny thistle with white veins, and long-spined involucre] Sonchus arvensis - Perennial Sow-thistle - Tremp area Sonchus asper - Spiny Sow-thistle - Salas [Thistle-like annual: milky sap, and many yellow dandelion-like heads] Sonchus oleraceus - Smooth Sow-thistle - Day 3 etc. [Similar to latter, but almost without prickles] Staehelina dubia - Staehelina - matorral, Montanana road, Gaudi’s Inspiration and Tremp reservoir [Subshrub: stem & narrow toothed leaves felted; narrow purple thistle-like heads] Tanacetum corymbosum - a tansy - Gavarnie Tanacetum vulgare - Tansy - widespread in leaf Taraxacum officinale s.l.- Dandelion - grassland, widespread [Typical dandelion: hollow stalk, milky sap] Taraxacum sp. - Aigues Tortes, small with finely divided leaves, elsewhere too Tephroseris helenitis - locally common near Mont-Louis Tragopogon crocifolius - a salsify - near Pont de Suert [Like next, but yellow centre to violet head] Tragopogon dubius - a salsify - Salas Tragopogon porrifolius - Salsify - day 4, 2012 Tragopogon pratensis - Goat’s-beard - scattered records [Like a leek with yellow dandelion-like heads (ca 8 long bracts)] Tussilago farfara - Colt’s-foot - in leaf [In June usually just large cordate leaves, cobwebby beneath] Urospermum dalechampii - near Fillols, and autoroute verges Volutaria lippii - Montanana road Xanthium spinosum - Spiny Cocklebur - Salas 2011 Xeranthemum inapterum - Salas area

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MONOCOTYLEDONS Hydrocharitaceae Elodea canadensis - Canadian Pondweed - Day 11, 2012 Potamogetonaceae Groenlandia densa - Opposite-leaved Pondweed - Days 6 and 11, 2012 Liliaceae Allium ampeloprasum - Wild Leek - Salas [Tall stout leek with dense terminal pink head; leaves 5-40mm wide, flat/V-shaped in section] Allium schoenoprasum - Chives - Gavarnie area, e.g. Ossoue [Tufted: all leaves basal & tubular; dense heads of purple or violet-pink flowers; stem <50cm] Allium sphaerocephalon - Round-headed Leek - Montanana road [Like Wild Leek, but leaves semi-cylindrical; globose dense head of dark purple-red flowers] Allium moly - many fine examples at Plata Verde, Santa Engracia, 2009 Allium ursinum - Ramsons - France, in fruit, day 10 Allium victorialis - Alpine Leek - in bud at Val d’Eyne Allium vineale - Crow Garlic - in bud at Canigou, Tremp area Anthericum liliago - St Bernard’s Lily - widespread in small numbers, e.g. arrival day, Tor, Neouvielle [Starry white flowers (loose raceme); basal leaves] Aphyllanthes monspeliensis - Blue Aphyllanthes - locally very common at lower altitudes in Spain [Like tough rush tuft with starry blue flowers] Asparagus acutifolius - near Tremp Asphodelus albus - Asphodel - widespread and common [Stout dense spike of white starry flowers; strap-leaves] Brimeura amethystina - Pyrenean Hyacinth - several at Perbes, several in Ossoue valley, and Vielha Dipcadi serotinum - Dipcadi - scattered in Spain, e.g. above Alins, and La Guingeta [Resembles a bluebell but with 1-sided raceme of brownish flowers] Erythronium dens-canis - Dog’s-tooth Violet - alpine turf, abundant at Port de la Bonaigua, many in fruit this year, but several still in good flower [leaves elliptical and dark-mottled] Fritillaria pyrenaica - a few wild in the Tourmalet botanic garden, gone over this year Gagea fistulosa - 4+ in flower at Aigues Tortes 2008. 2009 several in flower by one snow patch. 2010 a few in flower at Bonaigua. 2012 gone over at Bonaigua. Lilium martagon - Martagon Lily - scattered records in leaf and bud, e.g. Eyne [Whorls of elliptical leaves; dark-spotted pinkish nodding Turk’s-caps] Lilium pyrenaicum - Pyrenean Lily- a few in the Gavarnie area in good flower, in bud at Eyne, in flower on roadsides on arrival day [Numerous alternate lanceolate leaves; yellow nodding Turk’s-caps (brown-spotted)] Merendera pyrenaica - in seed at Perbes etc. Muscari comosum - Tassel Hyacinth - Canto road Muscari neglectum - Common Grape Hyacinth - common at Plata Verde 2008. Perbes, in fruit. Narthecium ossifragum - Bog Asphodel - several in bud at Vielha tunnel Ornithogalum collinum - a Star of Bethlehem - Perbes 2011. 2011 in fruit Montanana road. Ornithogalum narbonense - Montanana road 2010 Ornithogalum pyrenaicum - Bath Asparagus - a few in Santa Engracia area and Boixols, 2008 Paradisea liliastrum - St Bruno’s Lily – France in the first few days [Loose 1-sided racemes of fragrant white 4-5cm trumpet-like flowers] Paris quadrifolia - Herb Paris - Rioumajou [ of 4(-5) oval leaves; single green starry flower & black berry]

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Polygonatum multiflorum - Common Solomon’s-seal - seen on day 8, 2010 [Arching stem: ovate leaves, scentless flowers 2-6 on a stalk] Polygonatum odoratum - Angular Solomon’s-seal - Val d’Eyne [As latter but scented flowers 1-2 on a stalk; angled stem] Polygonatum verticillatum - Whorled Solomon’s-seal - 2008 [Erect: whorls of 3-6 lanceolate leaves; 1-2 unscented flowers on stalk] Ruscus aculeatus - Butcher’s Broom - Santa Engracia, St.Llorenc, 2011 Scilla lilio-hyacinthus - Pyrenean Squill - Vielha [15-30cm strap-like leaves; 5-15 capsules] Scilla verna - Spring Squill - several at Peyresourde Tofieldia calyculata - Tofield’s Asphodel - damp places, Vielha tunnel and Rioumajou [From Narthecium by spike of 5-7mm yellowish-green flowers] Tulipa australis - in fruit at the ‘lily stop’ on the arrival day, 2012 Veratrum album -White False Helleborine - locally common in leaf, e.g. Vielha and Val d’Eyne [Robust, hairy, leafy: pleated ovate leaves; branched spike of white & green flowers] Agavaceae Agave americana - Century Plant - roadsides day 3, 2012 Amaryllidaceae Narcissus poeticus - Poet’s Narcissus - locally common, as at Vielha tunnel. Abundant in France. [Short yellow corona, surrounded by long white segments - various forms seen] Narcissus requienii - Rush-leaved Narcissus - a few in flower in Ossoue valley was a great find, 2008 Narcissus pseudonarcissus pallidiflorus - Aigues Tortes (leaves), Envalira in flower. Narcissus sp. - in fruit at Perbes 2011, short, single flowers Dioscoreaceae Tamus communis - Black Bryony - scattered records, e.g. Gaudi’s Inspiration [Unarmed climber: glossy cordate leaves; green spikes, red berries] Iridaceae Crocus vernus ssp. albiflorus - White Crocus - still in flower in Aigues Tortes where snow had recently lain, both white and purple forms. In fruit at Bonaigua. [typical crocus, leaves with wide white midrib] Gladiolus illyricus - Wild Gladiolus - Montanana road, over [Typical slender pink-purple gladiolus] Iris latifolia - Pyrenean Iris - many in leaf, and with last years fruiting heads, in France. 1 superb plant in flower in Spain, near Pineta, Ordesa, 2009, this plant in bud 2010. 2 in fine flower in Ossoue Valley 2011. Iris pseudacorus - Yellow Flag - in France on day 2, 2012 Juncaceae Luzula campestris - Field Wood-rush - scattered records Luzula nivea - Snowy Wood-rush - Tor, Canigou, etc. [From all other Luzula spp. by whitish clustered flowers] Luzula multiflora - Heath Wood-rush - Tor etc. Luzula nutans - Bonaigua and numerous at Aigues Tortes, also Puymorens Luzula pilosa - Hairy Wood-rush - scattered records, e.g. Rioumajou Luzula alpinopilosa - Alpine Wood-rush - scattered records, e.g. Eyne Luzula spicata - Val d’Eyne Luzula sudetica - Bonaigua Luzula sylvatica - Great Wood-rush - scattered records Juncus acutiflorus - Sharp-flowered Rush - Portillon Juncus articulatus - Jointed Rush - Espot 2012

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Juncus bufonius - Toad Rush - near Pont de Suert Juncus bulbosus - Bulbous Rush - in pools at Vielha 2012 Juncus compressus - Round-fruited Rush - Vielha 2012 Juncus effusus - Soft Rush - Peyresourde Juncus filiformis - Perbes Juncus inflexus - Hard Rush - Perbes and Salas, and France Juncus subnodulosus - Blunt-flowered Rush - Salas Juncus tenuis - Slender Rush - scattered records Poaceae Aegilops geniculata - locally very common, Montanana road etc. Agropyron pectinatum - Collegats 2012 Agrostis stolonifera - Creeping Bent Agrostis sp. - acid rocks, Troumouse Alopecuros pratensis - Meadow Foxtail Anthoxanthum odoratum - Sweet Vernal Grass - widespread Arrhenatherum elatius - False Oat-grass - widespread Arundo donax - Giant Reed - roadsides at lower altitudes Avena fatua - Wild-oat [Typical wild oat, spikelet 18-25mm, with long geniculate awn] Avena strigosa - Bristle Oat - Cady river 2012 Brachypodium pinnatum - Tor-grass [Broad leaves, yellow-green beneath, glaucous above: “pinnate” head of stalkless long spikelets] Brachypodium sylvaticum - False Brome Briza media - Common Quaking-grass - meadows, e.g. Eyne, Tor [Hairless perennial: grey green; open panicle of round unawned spikelets] Briza minor - Lesser Quaking Grass - Perbes Bromus erectus - Upright Brome - widespread Bromus rigidus - Stiff Brome Bromus squarrosus - Rough Brome - e.g. Canigou [Annual with oval spikelets with widely spreading awns] Bromus hordeaceus - Soft Brome - e.g Tor Bromus sterilis - Barren Brome - e.g. Tor Bromus tectorum - Drooping Brome - e.g. Tor Calamagrostis spp. - at least 2 species, roadsides, France Cynodon dactylon - Bermuda Grass - near Tremp Cynosurus cristatus - Crested Dog’s-tail - e.g. Vielha, Tor [Perennial: dense 1-sided toothbrush-like spike; zigzag rhachis visible] Cynosurus echinatus - Rough Dog’s-tail - e.g. Fillols, Gaudi’s Inspiration and Tor Dactylis glomerata ssp. hispanica - Cock’s-foot - widespread [Branched 1-sided flower-head of oval spikelets, flat shoots] Deschampsia cespitosa - Tufted Hair-grass Deschampsia flexuosa - Wavy Hair-grass - acid swards [Tufted perennial: leaves setaceous; branched panicle with wavy stalks] Dezmazenia rigida - Fern Grass - Gaudi’s Inspiration Digitaria sp. - Montanana road Elymus caninus - Bearded Couch Elymus repens - Common Couch

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Festuca ovina - Sheep’s Fescue [Densely tufted perennial: hairless thread-like leaves; awns <1mm] Festuca rubra - Red Fescue [Thread-leaved perennial: hairy sheaths; awns ca 2mm+] Festuca paniculata - some fine examples at Vielha tunnel, Val d’Eyne, Aigues Tortes etc. Festuca pratensis Meadow Fescue - Salas Festuca gautieri - locally dominant on calcareous soils Festuca eskia - La Fetuque Gispet - dominant on acid soils Festuca spp. - other species not identified Glyceria declinata - Small Sweet-grass - day 10, 2012 G;yceria fluitans - Floating Sweet-grass - Perbes pond Hordeum distichon - Two-rowed Barley - Salas 2012 Hordeum murinum - Wall Barley - Alins etc. Holcus lanatus - Yorkshire Fog [Softly hairy, tufted perennial, lower sheaths striped in purple] Imperata cylindrica - Cady River 2012 Koeleria pyramidata - Pyramidal Hair-grass - Fillols Lagurus ovatus - Hare’s-tail Grass - recorded 2012 Lolium perenne - Perennial Rye-grass [Familiar grass with shiny leaves and spike-like flower-head] Lolium temulentum - Darnel - France Lygeum spartum - Albardine - Ager road 2010 Melica nutans - Mountain Melick Melica uniflora - Wood Melick - woods, e.g. Rioumajou [Delicate perennial: branched head of 1-flowered spikelets each 4-7mm] Melica ciliata - Ciliate Melick - e.g. Tor and Perbes, and near Pont de Suert Milium effusum - Wood Millet - France [Big perennial: broad leaves; many small pale awnless spikelets] Molinia caerulea - Purple Moor-grass - boggy meadows [Tufted perennial: ligule a ring of hairs; branched panicle of purplish spikelets] Nardus stricta - Mat-grass - acid turf, e.g. Vielha, Aigues Tortes [Densely tufted perennial: 1-sided comb-like spike] Phalaris arundinacea - Reed Canary-grass - Tremp area 2012 Phleum alpinum - France Phleum pratense - Timothy [Grey-green hairless perennial: long sausage-like spike] Phleum phleoides - Purple-stem Cat’s-tail - e.g. Tor Phragmites australis - Common Reed [Familiar tall broad-leaved grass with persistent canes] Poa alpina - Alpine Meadow-grass - rocky alpine turf, e.g. Aigues Tortes [Poa spp. have branched panicles of unawned 2-10 flowered spikelets and keeled leaves: P. alpina often viviparous] Poa annua - Annual Meadow-grass [As other Poa spp but annual, crinkly leaves] Poa bulbosa - Bulbous Meadow-grass - e.g. Tor [Viviparous grass] Poa nemoralis - Wood Meadow-grass - e.g. Rioumajou [Typical perennial Poa: spikelets <4mm, and 1.5-2mm wide leaves]

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Poa pratensis - Smooth Meadow-grass Poa trivialis - Rough Meadow-grass - e.g. Salas [Perennial Poa: ligule 4-10mm, rough stems; leaves 2-4.5mm wide] Rotraria cristata - Crested Hair-grass - Cady river stop Sesleria albicans - Blue Moor Grass - Gavarnie area = Sesleria caerulea Setaria pumila - Yellow Bristle-grass Setaria viridis - Green Bristle-grass Sorghum halepense - Johnson Grass - Tremp area 2012 Stipa pennata - Needle-grass - Santa Engracia and Montanana areas Trisetum flavescens - Yellow Oat-grass Triticum aestivum - Bread Wheat - day 6 roadsides 2012 Vulpia bromoides - Squirrel-tail Fescue - Tremp area 2012 Vulpia ciliata - Bearded Fescue - Santa Engracia Cyperaceae Scirpoides holoschoenus - Round-headed Club-rush - Salas, Montanana road, Canigou Eleocharis quinqueflora - Few-flowered Spike-rush - Vielha tunnel and France Eleocharis palustris - Common Spike-rush - Perbes Trichophorum caespitosum - Deer Grass - Aigues Tortes, Ratera; and Vielha Eriophorum angustifolium - Common Cotton-grass - bog pools, Vielha tunnel, and Ratera, Aigues Tortes [Creeping perennial: stained wine-red: 3-7 drooping spikelets becoming white-cottony in fruit] Eriophorum latifolium - Broad-leaved Cotton-grass – Aigues Tortes and Tor Schoenus nigricans - Black Bog Rush - Collegats Kobresia simpliciuscula - False Sedge - Puymorens Carex paniculata - Greater Tussock Sedge - above Tor Carex vulpina - Fox Sedge Carex spicata - Spiked Sedge - Tor Carex muricata ssp.pairae - recorded in the first few days 2012 Carex disticha - Brown Sedge - Salas 2012 Carex leporina - Oval Sedge - Vielha, Aigues Tortes etc. Carex echinata - Star Sedge - Tor, Vielha, France Carex davalliana - Vielha tunnel and Aigues Tortes Carex curvula - Troumousse 2010 Carex hirta - Hairy Sedge - Neouvielle, Espot Carex sylvatica - Wood Sedge - Rioumajou Carex remota - Remote Sedge - Fillols Carex mairei - Canigou 2012 Carex flava - Large Yellow Sedge - Salas Carex lepidocarpa - Long-stalked Yellow Sedge - Vielha, Aigues Tortes Carex demissa - Common Yellow Sedge - Vielha etc. Carex viridula Carex pallescens - Pale Sedge - Tor, Vielha etc. Carex rostrata - Bottle Sedge - Aigues Tortes, Ratera Carex hallerana - Perbes, Vielha, Tor, Ossoue Carex digitata - Fingered Sedge - Aigues Tortes, Neouvielle, Rioumajou Carex ornithopoda - Bird’s-foot Sedge – Rioumajou, Neouvielle, and Tentes Carex montana - Soft-leaved Sedge - Tor, Vielha, Aigues Tortes, widespread Carex sempervirens - Bonaigua, Vielha, Aigues Tortes Carex caryophyllea - Spring Sedge - Bonaigua and France

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Carex depressa ssp.basilaris - 1 at Bonaigua 2012 Carex panicea - Carnation Sedge - Vielha and France Carex flacca - Glaucous Sedge - widespread, e.g. Aigues Tortes Carex pilulifera - Pill Sedge - Vielha etc. Carex liparocarpos - Glossy-fruited Sedge Carex frigida - Aigues Tortes 2012 Carex atrata - Black Alpine Sedge - Aigues Tortes 2012 Carex nigra - Common Sedge - widespread Carex macrostyla - Tentes 2012 Carex pyrenaica - Pyrenean Sedge - Tentes 2011 Carex pulicaris - Flea Sedge - Vielha Typhaceae Typha latifolia - Bulrush - Day 8, 2012 Orchidaceae Aceras anthropophorum - Man Orchid - St.Paul, and below Col d’Aspin 2010. 2012 on the arrival day, gone over. Anacamptis pyramidalis - Pyramidal Orchid – 2011 scarce, a few at Gavarnie, autoroute verges in France, and very good examples at St.Paul (2010), also below Bonaigua. 2012 on the arrival day. [Dense pink pyramidal spike, long curved spurs (foxy smelling); narrow leaves 7-20mm wide] Cephalanthera damasonium - White Helleborine - gone over at Salas, 2010 [As next but 3-12 flowers and lower leaves ovate] Cephalanthera longifolia - Sword-leaved Helleborine – 2011 a few on verges near Vielha, 1 above Alins, Gavarnie, and very good at Rioumajou. A few in Neouvielle. 2012, 3 at Canigou, a few at Neouvielle. [Several lance-like leaves and 8-20 pure white egg-shaped flowers] Cephalanthera rubra - Red Helleborine - 40+ near Salas in fine flower. [From last by 3-10 pink-purple flowers] Coeloglossum viride - Frog Orchid - several at Vielha tunnel, 1 at Gavarnie [Short; oblong blue-green leaves; spike of 5-15 yellow-green flowers, tinged red-brown] Dactylorhiza majalis alpestris - a marsh orchid - locally numerous as at Ossoue. Tor, Vielha, Aigues Tortes (lvs) [Dactylorhiza spp. look like slim hyacinths, differing from Orchis spp. in have some bracts in the spike leaflike. This has hollow stems to 25cm, ovate leaves and purple flowers with lip hardly lobed] Dactylorhiza caramulensis - a spotted orchid - Vielha [As last but solid stems, spotted leaves; lip of pale lilac flowers not 3-lobed, spur base >2mm wide] Dactylorhiza elata - a marsh orchid - a few near Salas [As D. alpestris but 30-110cm tall; lance-leaved] Dactylorhiza fuchsii - Common Spotted-orchid - scattered, several in France, also Salas [From other spotted-orchids by clearly 3-lobed lip] Dactylorhiza maculata - Heath Spotted-orchid - scattered records, e.g. Tor, Vielha (many), Peyresourde [Very like D. caramulensis but spur-base narrower; usually shorter and less robust] Dactylorhiza sambucina - Elder-flowered Orchid - Vielha tunnel, several, a few still in flower, numerous at Puymorens, and Andorra [Pale lemon yellow, or purple, spikes, leafy bracts and descending spur] Epipactis helleborine - Broad-leaved Helleborine - Salas Epipactis palustris - Marsh Helleborine - a few near Salas Epipactis tremolsii - a helleborine - Salas [From E. helleborine by erect stiff leaves wrapped into a cone at this time (before flowering)]

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Epipactis microphylla - near Salas, in flower Gymnadenia conopsea - Fragrant Orchid - scattered records, locally very common, as at Vielha [Similar to Pyramidal Orchid, but spikes cylindrical, fragrant. ] Limodorum abortivum - Violet Limodore - 1 in seed near Pont de Suert 2009. 2010 c.5 at Salas. 2011 in seed at Salas. 2012, 3 at Salas, 1 at Canigou. Listera ovata - Common Twayblade – 2011, 3 at Salas, 4 at Vielha. 2012 Salas and Vielha. [Opposite pair of oval ribbed leaves; green flower spike, lip forked] Neottia nidus-avis - Bird’s-nest Orchid - Tor lunch site and Segre Nigritella austriaca - a vanilla orchid - numerous at Vielha tunnel, also Andorra [Short: dense rounded head of deep red-brown, vanilla-scented flowers (all perianth segments spreading) lip 7-10mm] Ophrys apifera - Bee Orchid - 2 near Salas, 2 at St.Paul 2010 [A familiar orchid: few large spurless flowers with 3 spreading pink 10-15mm sepals & brown furry lip] Ophrys insectifera - Fly Orchid - 1 near Pont de Suert, several at St.Paul, 2010 Ophrys scolopax - Woodcock Orchid - Salas [Similar to O. apifera but sepals 8-10mm and lip usually more ovate-lanceolate] Orchis coriophora - Bug Orchid - 100’s at one site near Tor [Unlike Dactylorhiza, Orchis spp. have membranous bracts. Bug Orchid is small: dense brownish red spike (foetid smell)] Orchis mascula - Early Purple Orchid - scattered, mainly in France Orchis ustulata - Burnt-tip Orchid - ‘lily stop’ on arrival day, Tor, Vielha [Purple-brown helmet and white to pale pink manikin lip] Platanthera bifolia - Lesser Butterfly-orchid - 2 below Col d’Aspin 2010. 2012 Andorra lunch site. [Two elliptic shiny basal leaves; loose spikes of greenish-white flowers with long spurs and anther-lobes parallel] Platanthera chlorantha - Greater Butterfly-orchid - widespread and reasonably common [Very similar but usually bigger, with anther-lobes diverging] Pseudorchis albida - Small White Orchid - Vielha tunnel and Bonaigua [Short - dense spike of 2-3mm greenish-white flowers]

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Systematic List Number 2 Birds

Grey heron Ardea cinerea One at the first day lunch stop. A few thereafter along the larger rivers. Little egret Egretta garzetta One over the motorway near Toulouse on the last morning. Mallard Anas platyrhynchus At the first day lunch stop, and a few thereafter on the larger rivers. Black kite Milvus migrans Single on first day in the French lowlands. Frequently encountered in Spain in the lower areas visited. A feature of the scavenging fauna attracted to Tremp rubbish dump. Red kite Milvus milvus A few in Spain, especially near Tremp. Perhaps more common on the French side of the Pyrenees, seen daily in the last four days of the tour. Lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus Single bird seen incredibly well at lunch on the drive up to Canigou. A possible pair on our first day in Spain below the Col de Canto. One along the ridge above Espot and another the next day below Col de Perves. Amazingly one seen perched highon a cliff face in the Ossoue valley on the penultimate day of the tour. A great run of records. Egyptian vulture Neophron percnopterus Odd birds seen almost daily in Spain, large numbers at Tremp rubbish dump. Griffon vulture Gyps fulvus Frequently encountered in Spain and France. Short-toed eagle Circaetus gallicus Odd singles seen well, including a calling bird below the Col de Canto. A bird displaying above the Col de Tentes. Buzzard Buteo buteo Frequently noted whilst driving along the French motorway on the first and last day. Odd birds elsewhere. Golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos One displaying high above the Aigues-Tortes NP. Kestrel Falco tinnunculus Widespread. Hobby Falco subbuteo One near Salas. Peregrine Falco peregrinus One above La Guingeta. [Red-legged Alectoris rufa Single flank feather at the Gorge de Segre. partridge] Quail Coturnix coturnix Eaten on the first night. Heard in the arable farmland areas around Santa Engracia and the Col de Perves. [Moorhen] Gallinula chloropus Heard daily in the reedbed near the hotel in La Guingeta. Green sandpiper Tringa ochropus One at La Guingeta, a southward bound failed breeder no doubt. Little ringed plover Charadrius dubius One over the motorway near Toulouse on the last morning. Yellow-legged gull Larus cachinnans Noted whilst driving along the French motorway en route to Spain on the first and last day. Rock dove/feral Columba livia Ubiquitous in urban areas. pigeon Woodpigeon Columba palumbus Found in small numbers throughout. Turtle dove Streptopelia turtur Single between Toulouse and the foothills on the first day.

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Collared dove Streptopelia decaocto Found in small numbers throughout. Cuckoo Cuculus canorus Heard frequently, only a few seen. Scops owl Otus scops Phil had a cracking encounter on the first night at La Guingeta. Swift Apus apus Common throughout in lowland areas. [Black woodpecker] Dryocopus martius Signs of presence in the Aigues-Tortes NP and Cirque de Gavarnie. [Green woodpecker] Picus viridis Heard occasionally. Great spotted Dendrocopus major Common in woodland throughout. woodpecker [Middle spotted Dendrocopos medius Heard at La Guingeta. woodpecker] Wryneck Jynx torquilla Single noisy bird seen well at a roadside ice cream stop during the Col de Perves circuit day. [Woodlark] Lullula arborea Singing at the Col de Perves. Crag martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris Seen every day in suitable areas close to cliffs and suitable crags. Swallow Hirundo rustica Common throughout low-lying areas. House martin Delichon urbica Found throughout often near suitable nesting cliffs and crags. Nice to see them nesting in their proper habitat for a change. Tawny pipit Anthus campestris Single at the Col de Perves. Water pipit Anthus spinoletta Recorded at Port de la Bonaigua, Neouvielle and in the Gavernie area. Tree pipit Anthus trivialis Singing birds noted occsaionally. White wagtail Motacilla alba Widespread. Commonly seen whilst in transit in low- lying areas. Grey wagtail Motacilla cinerea Occasional along mountain streams and rivers throughout. Dipper Cinclus cinclus One on the first day and a pair at Espot. A pair at Congost de Collegat. More along the stream at Tor and several pairs in the centre of Arreau. Wren Troglodytes troglodytes Found at a low density in wooded habitat throughout. Dunnock Prunella modularis Found at a low density in wooded habitat especially at high altitude eg Aigues Tortes. Alpine accentor Prunella collaris Several at the Col de Tentes and Ossoue valley on the penultimate day. Robin Erithacus rubecula Commonly heard but hard to see. Present also in the wooded areas at higher altitude. Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos Almost ubiquitous at lower altitudes. One seen very well at Tremp. Redstart Phoenicrurus Family at the lunchstop on the first day. phoenicrurus Black redstart Phoenicrurus ochrurus Common throughout, especially around the hotels. Whinchat Saxicola rubetra Two at the Col d’Aspin. Stonechat Saxicola torquata Occasionally noted in suitable upland habitat. Northern wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe Common at high altitude – recorded on five dates.

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[Ring ouzel] Turdus torquatus Sadly a dead bird beneath powerlines at Port de la Bonaigua was the only record. Blackbird Turdus merula Present throughout in suitable habitat. Song thrush Turdus philomelos Noted at Val d’Eyne. Mistle thrush Turdus viscivorus Present throughout in suitable habitat. Cetti’s warbler Cettia cetti A few at La Guingeta. Subalpine warbler Sylvia cantillans A few singing at the first stop on the Canigou road. Also heard around La Guingeta on morning walks. [Common Sylvia communis Heard only at the Col de Perves. whitethroat] [Garden warbler] Sylvia borin Heard occasionally. Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla Common breeding bird throughout in suitable habitat. Dartford warbler Sylvia undata A singing male at the Col de Perves. Western Bonelli’s Phylloscopus bonelli A few singing at Val d’Eyne and Canigou. Common warbler breeding bird in Spain, especially around Alins and Santa Engracia. Heard in the Gavarnie area. Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita Recorded only in high-altitude forest on five dates. Goldcrest Regulus regulus Small numbers recorded on six dates. Firecrest Regulus ignicapillus Scattered records throughout – recorded on six dates. Only seen at La Guingeta. Crested tit Parus cristatus Fairly common on the walk up the Val d’Eyne. Pair seen briefly as we walked down the hill in the Aigues-Tortes and more at Gavarnie. Blue tit Parus caeruleus Recorded throughout in suitable habitat. Great tit Parus major Recorded throughout in suitable habitat. Coal tit Parus ater Recorded on four dates in high altitude forest. Long-tailed tit Aegithalos caudatus First noted in the Val d’Eyne. Recorded on two dates in Spain. Woodchat shrike Lanius senator Just one near Santa Engracia. Starling Sturnus vulgaris Noted whilst driving in France. [Spotless starling] Sturnus unicolor Birds in the Santa Engracia area may have been this species. Jay Garrulus glandarius Recorded daily. Magpie Pica pica Recorded daily. Most often seen in transit in the valley bottoms. Alpine chough Pyrrhocorax graculus Recorded at Gavarnie and Aigues-Tortes only. Red-billed chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Seen wherever suitable breeding cliffs could be found eg above Tor, Perbes Valley, Congost des Collegats, Aigues- Tortes, the Vielha Tunnel and Gavernie. Raven Corvus corax Small numbers throughout. Carrion crow Corvus corone Common in suitable habitat. House sparrow Passer domesticus Pleasantly ubiquitous. [Rock sparrow] Petronia petronia Probably heard at Valcebollere. Definitely heard at Tremp. Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs Common in wooded areas throughout. Citril finch Serinus citrinella Recorded only at Aigues-Tortes and Gavarnie this time. Serin Serinus serinus Very common breeding bird throughout.

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Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis Toulouse. Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula Heard at Val d’Eyne. Recorded on two other dates. Linnet Carduelis cannabina Small numbers noted at high altitude. Corn bunting Milaria calandra Common farmland bird in Spain. Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella Seemingly scarce these days, recorded on two or three dates. Cirl bunting Emberiza cirlus Observed around La Guingeta and heard in similar habitat elsewhere. Rock bunting Emberiza cia One sitting in the middle of the road, stunned, on the last drive over Port de la Bonaigua. Another in the Ossoue valley.

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Systematic List Number 3 Mammals

Red fox Vulpes vulpes Sniffed at Aigues-Tortes NP. Nice views on the way over Port de la Bonaigua on the last morning in Spain. [Beech marten] Martes foina Sign in France. Dead one on the road in Spain. Chamois Rupicapra rupicapra Three watched feeding and resting well above the Vielha tunnel on the flanks of the Pic d’Aneto. Two seen at much closer range lower down around La Guingeta. Fallow deer Dama dama One at Aigues-Tortes NP and several at both night and day at La Guingeta. Roe deer Capreolus capreolus One female near La Guingeta. [Alpine Marmot] Marmota marmota Heard at Val d’Eyne (introduced). Common and frequently seen well on the days out from our base in Gavarnie. Introduced though. [Wild boar] Sus scrofa Sign frequently encountered. [Red squirrel] Sciurus vulgaris Sign noted on many dates but oddly no sightings. vole? Microtus sp. Two seen briefly below the Col de Canto on the transfer into Spain were either Pyrenean pine or Mediterranean pine.

Systematic List Number 4 Amphibians and reptiles

Fire salamander Salamandra salamandra Larva found in the roadside runnel at Riomajou. Pyrenean brook newt Euproctus asper Three found in a small stream below the Col de Tentes. Common midwife Alytes obstetricans A fine male complete with mature eggs spotted on the toad first night at La Guingeta. Another immature the next night. Common toad Bufo bufo Often encountered at night in the lower areas we stayed in. Common frog Rana temporia Single in the Val d’Eyne, thereafter occasionally encountered. Iberian water frog Rana perezi Good numbers at La Guingeta. Many around the pond in the Col de Perves carpark. Sand lizard Lacerta agilis Pair seen well in the hand on the first day. Always surprising to see them up mountains! Western green lizard Lacerta bilineata One in the Ossoue Valley. Common wall lizard Podarcis muralis Common on the first day and frequently encountered thereafter. Iberian wall lizard Podarcis hispanica Aigues-Tortes NP. Possibly on the French side too? Large psammodromus Psammodromus algirus Single on the Col de Perves, thereafter small numbers in the lower sites visited in Spain. Southern smooth Coronella girondica Single youngster for Phil on the first night at La Guingeta. snake Asp viper Vipera aspis Single on the walk in Aigues-Tortes NP. Another, a close call for Aaron, at Vielha tunnel.

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Systematic List Number 5 Odonata

Beautiful demoiselle Calopteryx virgo A few on the small stream we looked at after descending from Canigou. A few more on the stream between Col d’Aspin and Col de Tourmalet. Azure damselfly Coenagrion puella Small numbers in the vegetation around the carpark pool at Col de Perves. Common bluet Enallagma cyathigerum Small numbers at Port de la Bonaigua. Large red damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula A few on the stream between Col d’Aspin and Col de Tourmalet. Others on the same day on the pools below the Col de Tourmalet. Emperor Anax imperator One holding territory over the Col de Perves carpark pool. Another at the pond at the Congost de Collegat car park. Broad-bodied chaser Libellula depressa Single at Vielha. Two at the pond at the Congost de Collegat car park. Four-spotted chaser Libellula quadrimaculata Good numbers at Port de la Bonaigua. White-faced darter Leucorrhinia dubia Amazing numbers at Port de la Bonaigua. Broad scarlet Crocothemis erythraea One female near Tremp.

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Systematic List Number 6 Butterflies

The taxonomic nomenclature and the systematic order have been taken from Tolman and Lewington’s Butterflies of Britain and published by Harper Collins (1997). An indication of abundance is give by the number of days on which a species was seen.

Papilionidae Swallowtail Papilio machaon One at Rioumajou and a one at Ossoue valley. Scarce swallowtail A few in Spain. Apollo Parnassius apollo Canigou. Clouded apollo Parnassius mnemosyne Single at Val d’Eyne. Several in the small meadow en route to the reservoir at Neouvielle Pieridae Large white Pieris brassicae Widespread and common. Black-veined white Locally very common. Small white Artogeia rapae Widespread. Green-veined white Artogeia napi Recorded. Bath white Pontia daplidice Tremp. Orange-tip Anthocharis cardamines Widespread in small numbers. Moroccan orange-tip Anthocharis belia A few in Spain. Clouded yellow Colias crocea Widespread. Berger’s clouded yellow Colias australis A few. Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni Gavarnie. Cleopatra Gonepteryx cleopatra Congost de Collegats. Wood white Leptidea sinapsis A few. Lycaenidae Sloe hairstreak Satyrium acaciae Tremp. Ilex hairstreak Satyrium ilicis Tremp and Salas. False ilex hairstreak Satyrium esculi Tremp and Salas. Blue-spot hairstreak Satyrium spini Salas and Tremp. Green hairstreak Callophrys rubi Aigues-Tortes NP. Small copper Lycaena phlaeas Recorded. Purple-edged copper Lycaena hippothoe Garin. Long-tailed blue Lampides boeticus A few. Little blue Cupido minimus Widespread. Holly blue Celastrina argiolus On one date. Idas blue Lycaeides idas Col de Perves. Geranium argus Eumedonia eumedon Day 2. Brown argus Aricia agestis Col de Perves. Mazarine blue Cyaniris semiargus Widespread. Amanda’s blue Agrodiaetus amanda Widespread. Adonis blue Lysandra bellargus Mostly in France. Common blue Polyommatus icarus Widespread and common. Riodinidae Duke-of-Burgundy Hamearis lucina Val d’Eyne.

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Nymphalidae Southern white admiral Limenitis reducta Scattered. Red admiral Vanessa atalanta Recorded. Painted lady Cynthia cardui Recorded in small numbers. Small tortoiseshell Aglais urticae Scattered. Comma Polygonia c-album Riomajou. Dark green fritillary Argynnis aglaja Pearl-bordered fritillary Clossiana euphrosyne Frequently encountered in suitable montane wooded areas. Glanville fritillary Melitaea cinxia A few. Knapweed fritillary Melitaea phoebe Canigou. False heath fritillary Melitaea diamina Riomajou and Ossoue valley. Heath fritillary Mellicta athalia Widespread. Satyridae Iberian marbled white Melanargia lachesis Salas. Great banded grayling Kanetisa circe Salas and Tremp. Mountain ringlet Erebia epiphron Vielha and Gavarnie. de Prunner's ringlet Erebia triaria Vielha and Gavarnie. Bright-eyed ringlet Erebia oeme Garin. Piedmont ringlet Erebia meolans Recorded. Meadow brown Maniola jurtina Only at Canigou. Spanish gatekeeper Pyronia bathseba Tremp. Small heath Coenonympha pamphilus Scattered records. Pearly heath Coenonympha arcania Scattered records. Speckled wood Pararge aegeria Scattered records. Wall brown Lasiommata megera Scattered records. Large wall brown Lasiommata maera Occasional records. Hesperiidae Large grizzled skipper Pyrgus alveus Occasional records, esp Gavarnie. Grizzled skipper Pyrgus malvae Canigou. Olive skipper Pyrgus serratulae Val d’Eyne. Tufted marbled skipper Carcharodes flocciferus Val d’Eyne. Dingy skipper Erynnis tages Widespread. Large skipper Ochlodes venatus Scattered. Pigmy skipper Gegenes pumilio Tremp.

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