Discard List 1 – 02/2020 Deadline: March 1, 2020 University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Cofrin Library-Government Documents Contact: Joan Robb Depository 0674-A Phone: (920) 465-2384 2420 Nicolet Drive Email:
[email protected] Green Bay, WI 54311-7001 SuDoc # Year Title C 3. 31/4: 992/v.1/pt. 23- 1994 1992 Census of Agriculture: Geographic Area Series pt. 54 C 3.31/5: 950/v.5/pt.1- 1952 1950 United States Census of Agriculture pt.2; pt.4; pt. 6-pt. 10 C 3.31/5: 954/v.3/pt.1-pt. 1956 1954 Census of Agriculture 11 C 3.31/5:959/v.5/pt.1-pt.7 1963 1959 United States Census of Agriculture C 3.31/5:964/v.2/chap. 1- 1967 1964 United States Census of Agriculture chap. 10 C 3.31/964/v.3/pt.1-pt.7 1969 1964 United States Census of Agriculture I 28.2:M 66/18 1986 The Bureau of Mines I 28.3: 672 1982 Thermodynamic properties of elements and oxides I 28.3: 673 1982 The inductoslag melting process I 28.3:674 1984 Thermodynamic properties of halides I 28.3:676 1984 Conventional versus developing processes of phosphatic clay disposal : a technical evaluation I 28.3: 677 1984 Thermodynamic data for mineral technology I 28.3: 678 1985 Sulfur construction materials I 28.3: 678/errata 1985 Sulfur construction materials 1 28.3: 679 1985 Pacific manganese nodules: characterization and processing I 28.3: 680 1985 Investigation of fire and explosion accidents in the chemical, mining, and fuel-related industries – a manual I 28.3: 681 1985 Dewatering of mineral waste using the flocculent polyethylene oxide I 28.3: 682 1985 Recovery of tungsten from searles lake brines