Homosexuality and the Olympic Movement*
Homosexuality and the Olympic Movement* By Matthew Baniak and Ian Jobling Sport remains "one of the last bastions of cultural and the inception of the modern Games until today. An Matthew Baniak institutional homophobia" in Western societies, despite examination of key historical events that shaped the Wd~ ,1n EX( hdngP ~tudl'nt f ram the advances made since the birth of the gay rights gay rights movement helps determine the effect homo the UrliVPr~rty of Sd~katclil'W.Jn, (JnadJ ,11 thl' Un1vrrsrtyuf movement.' In a heteronormative culture such as sport, sexuality has had on the Olympic Movement. Through I)U!'l'll~land, Arr~l/,JIItl in !01 3. fmu11 Jddrt".s: rnobBu2(Wmarl. lack of knowledge and understanding has led to homo such scrutiny, one may see that the Movement has lJ\d)k.ld phobia and discrimination against openly gay athletes. changed since the inaugural modern Olympic Games The Olympic Games are no exception to this stigma. The in 1896. With the momentum of news surrounding the lan Jobling goal ofthe Olympic Movement is to 2014 Sochi Games and the anti-gay laws in Russia, this l'i Dn\'tl\11, ( l'lltrPoiOIVrlll'l( ... contribute to building a peaceful and better world issue of homosexuality and the Olympic Movement Stud1rs Jllt1 Hnr10fd1V A'i~O(Idtr· by educating youth through sport united with art has never been so significant. Sections of this article ~'rufr·<;sor, \( llnolr1! Humdn t·lovrnwnt 'lt!lclll",, UntVi'l'dlyut and culture practiced without discrimination of any will outline the effect homosexuality has had on the QIJL'l'W.I,llld.
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