The Realm of Mieszko I. Contribution to the Study
Historia Slavorum Occidentis 2016, nr 2(11) ISSN 2084–1213 DOI: 10.15804/hso160201 MARCIN DANIELEWSKI (POZNAŃ) TTHEHE RREALMEALM OOFF MMIESZKOIESZKO II.. CCONTRIBUTIONONTRIBUTION TTOO TTHEHE SSTUDYTUDY OONN FFORTIFIEDORTIFIED SSETTLEMENTS*ETTLEMENTS* Słowa kluczowe: grody, władztwo Mieszka I, Gniezno, Grzybowo, Poznań Keywords: strongholds, the realm of Mieszko I, Gniezno, Grzybowo, Poznań Abstract: The paper discusses the organisation of the realm of Mieszko I based on a network of strongholds. It seeks to examine the functions of fortifi ed settlements and Mieszko’s engagement in the construction of strongholds. IIntroductionntroduction 2016 marks the 1050th anniversary of the baptism of Mieszko I. A fasci- nating research subject, there is no much we actually know of the fi rst his- torical Polish ruler from the Piast dynasty, even though several books have sought to explore the issue1. There has been an ongoing debate on the origins of Christianity, the establishment of the Church on Polish soil or the oldest A research project funded under the 2014–2019 programme of the Minister of Science and Higher Education (‘The National Programme for the Development of Humanities’), project no. 0040/NPRH3/H11/82/2014. 1 J. Strzelczyk, Mieszko Pierwszy, 2nd edition, Poznań 1999; G. Labuda, Mieszko I, Wro- cław 2002; P. Urbańczyk, Mieszko Pierwszy Tajemniczy, Toruń 2012. It must be empha- sised that the latter book is marked by several weaknesses, as D.A. Sikorski has convinc- ingly demonstrated, Mieszko Pierwszy Tajemniczy i jeszcze bardziej tajemnicza metoda hi- storiografi czna, Roczniki Historyczne 79 (2013), pp 183–203; idem, Mieszko I mniej już tajemniczy (odpowiedź Przemysławowi Urbańczykowi), Roczniki Historyczne 80 (2014), pp 279–288.
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