Far North Geomapping Initiative: Bedrock Geology of the Snyder Lake Area, Northwestern Manitoba (Part of NTS 64N5) by P.D
GS-1 Far North Geomapping Initiative: bedrock geology of the Snyder Lake area, northwestern Manitoba (part of NTS 64N5) by P.D. Kremer, C.O. Böhm and N. Rayner1 Kremer, P.D., Böhm, C.O. and Rayner, N. 2011: Far North Geomapping Initiative: bedrock geology of the Snyder Lake area, northwestern Manitoba (part of NTS 64N5); in Report of Activities 2011, Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 6–17. Summary The Wollaston Domain, The Manitoba Geological Survey’s Far North Geo- which forms part of the base- mapping Initiative continued in the summer of 2011 with ment sequence to the Proterozoic bedrock and surfi cial geological mapping in the Snyder Athabasca Basin in northeastern Lake area, in the northwestern corner of the province. Saskatchewan, locally contains basement-hosted uncon- The Snyder Lake area is largely underlain by medium- formity-related world-class uranium deposits (e.g., Mil- to upper-amphibolite–grade metasedimentary rocks of lennium deposit). A number of uranium occurrences in the Wollaston Supergroup, including psammitic, semi- Saskatchewan are associated with particular strata of the pelitic, pelitic, and lesser amounts of calcsilicate gneiss Wollaston Supergroup (e.g., graphitic pelite of the Daly and marble. Southeast and northwest of Snyder Lake, the Lake Group, calcsilicate and calcareous arkose of the sedimentary succession is fl anked by intrusive rocks of Geikie River Group, Yeo and Delaney, 2007). As a result, potential Archean age that were metamorphosed at upper the Wollaston Domain in northwestern Manitoba has seen a recent increase in exploration activity. Regional map- amphibolite- to granulite-facies conditions.
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