Blue Jay, Vol.37, Issue 2
THE PIPING PLOVER IN SASKATCHEWAN: A STATUS REPORT WAYNE E. RENAUD, LGL Ltd. — environmental research associates, 4' Eglinton Ave. West, Toronto, Ontario M4R 1A1, GUY J. WAPPLE, Box 1153 Biggar, Saskatchewan SOK 0M0, and DURAND W. EDGETT, 628 Church St. Apt. 4, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2G3. The Piping Plover is the only small Society’s “Blue List” of threatene* plover that breeds in a large area of species since its inception in 1972.3- southern Canada and the northern This paper briefly summarizes th< United States. Its breeding range is species’ status in Canada, anc divided, probably by habitat brings together all existing infor availability, into three areas: the mation on its occurrence in Saskaf; Atlantic coast from Virginia to chewan. Newfoundland, the Great Lakes, and the western plains from central Status in Canada Alberta and Manitoba to Nebraska.2 Declines since the 1930’s havo The Piping Plover nests in a variety been most severe along the Grea of habitats including ocean beaches, Lakes. In the late 1800’s and earl sand dunes, river bars, and the 1900’s, Piping Plovers nested alonr shores of lakes, alkaline sloughs and the Canadian shorelines fron reservoirs. Kingston to the Bruce Peninsula.2 During the past 100 years, the The largest breeding population wa Piping Plover has experienced apparently at Long Point, a 29-km population declines over a large por¬ long peninsula on the north shore a tion of its range. In the late 1800’s, Lake Erie. Snyder estimated that a spring hunting in New England least 100 pairs nested there in 193CI greatly reduced the numbers of and Sheppard counted up to 5( Piping Plovers breeding along the adults in one day during Jul; Atlantic coast.11 This practice had 1935.40 39 Numbers at Long Poin! largely ceased by the early 1900’s, declined during the 1960’s am and their numbers slowly increased.
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