American Esperanto Magazine
AMERIKA ESPERANTISTO AMERICAN ESPE RANTO MAGAZINE Esperanto & Travel Council of Europe Don Giovanni kal Mi MAR-A PR 1956 AMERICAN ESPERANTO MAGAZINE (Amerika Esperanfisto) Official bimonthly publication of the ESPER-1NTO ASSOCIATION OF NORTh AMERICA, Inc. 114 West 16 St., New York u.N. Y. FIJITORIAL STAFF Ldztor C Alan Connor. Cu -Lditors; Dr. \‘illiam Solzbacher, Doris. I’. Connor, Myron R. Mychajliw. SUSTAINING BOARD OF EANA Dr. Luella K. Beecher, Dr. F. W. Breth, Allen L. Brown, A.M.Brya, John Burt, Carl W. Childress, C. C Cummingsmith, S. M. ,Preston Davis, Jr. Dr. LeeMin Han, Allan Hutcheon, Horace C. Jenkins, Dr,Francis A. Ku- beck, Katherine Muttart, Merrill E. Muttart, Bertha F. Mullin, Paul E.Nace, George Hirsch, Bertha F. Sloan, Harold S Sloan. Dr. W. Solzbacher, Mazah E. Schulz, Virgil Whanger. CONTENTS — ENIIAV() Esperanto — Language of World Travel ....... ... 35 Esperanto and the Council of Europe ........ 38 ..... Esperanto in Action Around the World - . 41 Esperanto in the Schools 44 . 46 Even the Blind Can See the Merit of Esperanto . J. Henry Kruse,Jr. Editorial in “Life” and Facts of Life Doris T. Connor 47 Rezolucio Kontraü Misuzo de la UFA Statuto - . ,...- . G. Alan Connor 48 Nia Konkurso pri Varbado de Novaj Membroj . 49 “La Infanoj de Ia Mondo” — Japana Eldona Entrepreno. 50 .... .... Perrine .. ...... George H. Don Giovanni kaj Mi . 51 La Ilustrita Vortaro de Easperanto . Donald R. Broadribb 55 . i Esperanta Kroniko 58 Niaj Pioniroj . 60 Komentoj pri I.V,E....... .,. ,......., . Francisco Azorzn 61 Deziras Korespondi ......... .... .... ...,...... 62 Bildo sur kovrilo: Asfodeloj inter Betuloj —Signo de Printempo Subscrirtions in the United States and Canada: 53.00 per year.
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