AUSTRIA COUNTRY READER TABLE of CONTENTS Walter Roberts 1943-1950 USIA, Austrian Service, New York 1950-1953 Austrian Desk Offic

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AUSTRIA COUNTRY READER TABLE of CONTENTS Walter Roberts 1943-1950 USIA, Austrian Service, New York 1950-1953 Austrian Desk Offic AUSTRIA COUNTRY READER TABLE OF CONTENTS Walter Roberts 1943-1950 USIA, Austrian Service, New Yor 1950-1953 Austrian Des Officer, Washington DC Halvor C. E ern 1945-1955 Assistant to the High Commissioner, Office of the High Commissioner, Vienna Denise Abbey 1945-1947 .rogrammer, Radio 0ree Austria, USIS, Sal1burg 1947-1952 Educator, Austro-American Institute of Education, USIS, Vienna Hugh 3. Appling 1947-1950 Consular Officer, Vienna 0ran E. 5aestrone 1948-1949 Consular Officer, Vienna Clinton 7. Olson 1948-1952 Economic Officer, Vienna Robert 8. Houston 1949-1953 Consular Officer, Vienna Horace 3. Torbert 1950-1954 Coordinator of Intelligence, Vienna William 7loyd Stearman 1950-1955 .olitical Officer, Vienna Arthur A. 8ardos 1951-1955 Radio Austria, Vienna W. Tapley 8ennett 1951-1955 .olitical Counselor, Vienna 5ary Seymour Olmsted 1951-1955 Commercial Officer, Vienna Chester H. Opal 1952-1953 .ublic Affairs Officer, USIS, Vienna Hugh 3. Appling 1953-1954 Austrian Des Officer, Washington DC Robert :. 5artens 1953-1954 Assistant Secretary, Allied High Commission, Vienna 1954-1955 Assistant Secretary, Allied High Commission, Sal1burg 7loyd :onnes 1953-1956 Economic Analyst, Economic Cooperation Administration, Vienna Hendri Van Oss 1953-1956 Economic Officer, Vienna Alfred .uhan 1953-1957 U.S Secretary in the Allied Commission for Austria, Vienna 5orton A. 8ach 1955-1960 0inancial/Economic/Commercial Attaché, Vienna William :. 3alloway 1956-1959 0irst Secretary, Vienna William 5. Woessner 1956-1959 Consular Officer, Vienna Terrence Catherman 1956-1960 USIS, 5onitor of East European and Soviet 5edia Output, Vienna Robert 3erald 7ivingston 1958 Consular Officer, Sal1burg Douglas 3. Hartley 1958-1959 Consular Officer, Sal1burg Russell O. .ric ett 1959-1961 Administration Officer, US 5ission, IAEA, Vienna Dwight :. .orter 1959-1963 Economic Counselor and Deputy Representative to The International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna :ohn .ropst 8lane 1960-1962 Consular Officer, Sal1burg 3erald 8. Helman 1960-1962 .olitical Officer, Vienna Yale Richmond 1961-1963 Special .rojects Officer, Vienna :ac A. Sulser 1961-1962 Austria Des Officer, Washington, DC 1962-1967 .olitical Officer, Vienna Raymond C. Ewing 1962-1964 International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna Ray E. :ones 1962-1964 Secretary to the Deputy Chief of 5ission, Vienna William 8odde, :r. 1962-1966 Rotation Officer/Staff Aide, Vienna 7awrence Norrie 1962-1966 Country .ublic Affairs Officer, USIS, Austria Clinton 7. Olson 1962-1966 Consul 3eneral, Vienna Sidney 0riedland 1964-1967 International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna Kenneth ..T. Sullivan 1966-1970 7abor and .olitical Officer, Vienna Douglas 5acArthur, II 1967-1969 Ambassador Anthony 3eber 1967-1971 Economic Counselor, Vienna Alfred :oseph White 1969-1972 Italy, Austria, and Swit1erland Des Officer, Washington, DC Dwight :. .orter 1970 Representative to The International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna 3eorge 0. :ones 1971-1974 .olitical Advisor, IAEA, Vienna Roger Kir 1970's United States Representative to The International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna :ohn C. 7eary 197A-1980 U.S. Representative, U.N. Industrial Development Organi1ation, Vienna Alfred :oseph White 1972-1975 Economic Officer, Vienna :onathan Dean 1972-1981 5utual 8alance of 0orce Reduction Negotiations, Vienna William N. Harben 1973-1974 5utual and 8alanced Reduction Negotiations, Vienna S. Douglas 5artin 1973-1976 Director, East-West Trade Center, Vienna Halvor C. E ern 1974 5utual and 8alanced Reduction Negotiations, Vienna :onathan 8. Ric ert 1974-1976 Staff Assistant, US Delegation to 5utual and 8alanced 0orce Reductions, Vienna Clar e N. Ellis 1975-1977 Economic/Commercial Officer, Vienna Susan 5. Klingaman 1975-1977 Austria and Swit1erland Des Officer, Washington, DC 3alen 7. Stone 1976-1978 International Atomic Energy Association, Vienna Aurelius 0ernande1 1976-1980 5utual 8alanced 0orce Reduction Tal s, Vienna C. Arthur 8org 1977-1983 Deputy Chief of 5ission, Vienna Woodward Romine 1978-1980 Chief of the .olitical Section, Vienna David 3. 8rown 1978-1981 U.S. 5ission to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna .hilip 5. Kaiser 1979-1980 Ambassador Sol .olans y 1979-1983 Deputy Chief of 5ission/Chargé dBAffaires, Vienna Harriet Curry 1980-1981 Secretary to Ambassador Kaiser, Vienna Ward Thompson 1980-1982 Austria and Swit1erland Des Officer, Washington, D.C. 3erald 8. Helman 1982 Deputy Head of U.S. Delegation, U.N. International Conference on Outer Space, Vienna 5orton I. Abramowit1 1983-1984 Head of U.S. Delegation, 5utual and 8alanced 0orces Reduction, Vienna Vladimir 7ehovich 1983-1986 5utual 8alanced 0orce Reduction Tal s, Vienna 5aynard Wayne 3litman 1984-1985 Chief U.S. Representative, 5utual and 8alanced 0orces, Vienna Warren Cimmerman 1986-1989 U.S. Delegation, CSCE, Vienna David 5. Evans 1987-1989 Committee on Security and Cooperation, Vienna 5ichael H. Newlin 1988-1991 Resident Representative to UN Agencies, Vienna :ohn A. 8uche 1989-1992 Deputy Chief of 5ission, U.S. 5ission tot the United Nations, Vienna Rudolf V. .erina 1989-1992 Deputy Head of US Delegation to CSCE, Vienna Roy A. Huffington 1990-1993 Ambassador WALTER ROBERTS USIA Austrian Service New York ( 945- 950) Austrian Desk Officer Washington, DC ( 950- 953) A naturalized American citizen of Austrian birth, Mr. Roberts in 1942 joined the US Coordinator of Information engaged in analyzing Nazi Germany%s internal propaganda. His subse(uent career concerned primarily US Government information activities with the Voice of America, ,he United States Information Service -US S. and the Department of State. His service abroad centered primarily on European Affairs, and particularly 1ugoslavia. Mr. Roberts was interviewed by Cliff Groce in 1990. RO8ERTSD The most important date in terms of establishing an Austrian service was the 5oscow Declaration of October 31, 1943, in which the foreign ministers of the United States, 3reat 8ritain and the Soviet Union declared that Austria was an occupied country that deserved to be liberated after the end of the war--Eprovided,E et cetera and so forth. I remember at that time there were about three or four of us who were doing Austrian material, but always under the guidance of the chief of the 3erman section, Hans 5eyer. I had the highest respect for Hans intellectually--a very good editor and writer. 8ut Hans was an emotional person, and so were a number of other people, particularly 5artin 0uchs, who was later to become the first head of the Austrian des . He and 5eyer often disagreed regarding the thrust of the broadcasts to Austria. I remember after the 5oscow Declaration 5artin 0uchs proposed that a separate Austrian des be created, and indeed some time in 1944 the Austrian des was established as a separate unit, but still within the 3erman section. The people I remember who wor ed on the Austrian des were 5artin 0uchs, Robert 8auer, myself, and, on a purchase order basis, 3eneral :ulius Deutsch -- FD A general on purchase order3 RO8ERTSD A general on purchase order. He had been a general of the Social Democratic para- military organi1ation, the Schut1bund, and one of the leaders of the Social Democratic resistance in 1934 against the then authoritarian Austrian government. The Austrian government won out over the Social Democrats and he left Austria, went to Spain and became a member of the general staff of the Spanish 7oyalists. After they were defeated in the Spanish Civil War, he came to the United States, I thin via .aris. I have a little anecdote. It was late 5ay 1944, and we were all certain that there would very soon be an invasion of Western Europe, the so-called Second 0ront. I was a youngster at that time, in my twenties, and I reverently as ed Deutsch one day, with map in hand, where he thought the Allies would land in Western Europe. He replied that I was right to as him that Guestion, because, after all, he had been in charge of the coastal defenses in Spain. He solemnly then ruled out one area where he was absolutely sure the Allies would not land, and that was the Normandy coast. (7aughterI To the best of my nowledge, the original broadcast to Austrian wor ers was transformed in 5arch 1943 to a broadcast aimed at all Austrian listeners. A second Austrian show was added at the time of the 5oscow Declaration. We had one broadcast at 9 a.m., which was 3 o'cloc in the afternoon in Austria--not a very good time--and I don't now when the other one was on the air. 8ut I don't thin we had more than 30 minutes to Austria until 5ay 1944. I do not remember when the Austrian des was completely separated from the 3erman section. When 5artin 0uchs left VOA and returned to Austria to join the Austrian foreign service at the behest of the then chancellor of Austria, 7eopold 0igl, Robert 8auer became the head of the Austrian des and I moved up to number two. FD Given the fact that there was this separate broadcast, and the fact that the Austrians were to be considered occupied rather than enemy listeners, clearly there had to be distinctive differences between the approaches of the two programs, to Germany and to Austria. ,ell me about those differences. ,ell me what the Austrian program consisted largely of. RO8ERTSD I remember thisD At the beginning, in 1942 and 1943, the Austrian broadcasts were hardly different in tone and theme from the 3erman programs. Indeed, the news summary was always ta en from the preceding 3erman broadcasts. What distinction there was, was in terms of languageJ the Austrian announcers--:ens 0riedrich, for instance--stressed the difference in terms of accent. 8ut thematically, the thrust was similar to the 3erman broadcasts--perhaps sometimes recalling the Austrian heritage, etc. What really changed the output was the 5oscow Declaration. The Austrian declaration was a document conceived in the 8ritish foreign office some time in the spring of 1943. The record shows that the 8ritish draft was forwarded to the State Department and to the Soviet foreign office some time in the summer, and with very minor recommendations it was then accepted at the Tripartite Conference in 5oscow in October 1943.
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