March 18-28, 2004 47th Spring North American Bridge Championships Reno, Nevada

DailyVolume 47, Number 5 Tuesday, March 23, 2004Bulletin Editors: Paul Linxwiler and Henry Francis Said joins Silver Ribbon champs: Godefrin-Schulte With the aid of a huge carryover from the qualifying 10,000 club round, Joe Godefrin and Ed Schulte stayed ahead of the Elaine Said has crossed the 10,000 masterpoint field throughout the final milestone. Said, who has more than 100 regional round to win the Silver victories in her career, is a bridge instructor at the Ribbon Pairs. Vanderbilt Bridge Club in Nashville TN. This is the first NABC “I work with my students eight or nine times win for the duo, although they per week,” said Said. also have a world title to their Despite a lengthy list of bridge accomplish- credit: the 2001 World Senior ments, Said’s favorite personal honor was being Cup in Paris. named to the ACBL Goodwill Committee. The winners scored “Making people happy is more important to me 62.91% in the afternoon ses- than any of my bridge titles,” she said. sion and 54.77% in the evening session to post a final tally of 2646.27, which included a carryover of more than 290 for their dominating They won the Silver Ribbon Pairs: Ed Schulte and Joseph Godefrin. performance in Sunday’s two- session qualifier. In second, less than a behind with Top seeds roll 2518.20, were G Gard Hays and Jerry Premo. Narrowly behind in third were Nancy Popkin and in Vanderbilt Donald Stack with 2514.31. In second-round Vanderbilt action, the top- Godefrin, of Sarasota FL, and Schulte, of ranked teams experienced little difficulty in Tampa, have several second-place finishes in advancing to today’s round of 32. There were a few national championships, including the 2003 IMP upsets, however. The highest-seeded team to exit Pairs in Long Beach. yesterday was the #13 squad captained by Mark One hundred fifty-six pairs played in yester- Gordon. They were defeated by the four-man team day’s two-session final. led by Marc Zwerling 171–135. Also, the #19 seed, Zolotow, lost to the #46 seed, Brody, 177–145. Goodwill highlights: CPR, Play continues today on the Mezzanine Level. a tie and a gift , Goodwill Committee chair- who suffered the attack man, had some interesting goodwill stories to tell was playing in the final of yesterday at the Goodwill Committee reception. one of the bracketed A man suffered a heart attack at the table a knockouts. His teammates few days ago, and Carol Huston gave him CPR to were looking for someone keep him alive until professional help arrived. to sub for him, but they She reported that he is doing well and may even weren’t having much luck. be back to the tournament in time to play a few But McKenzie Myers, cap- sessions. She tain of the opposing team, also empha- told the short-handed team sized how MacKenzie Myers that his group didn’t want important it to win because of a forfeit or because of playing is for every- against a weakened team. He said his team was one to know willing to call it a tie if they wished and the ACBL how to give agreed. So, as a result of this act of goodwill, the Charles Gill, left, president of the Bridge Gold CPR because match ended in a tie. Group, gives Wayne Kaneko of Ewa Beach HI a the first few Donna Compton had an interesting story to 14k gold Life Master pendant in honor of minutes after tell. She was talking to some friends at the craps Kaneko being the first new Life Master at the an attack are table, and the conversation turned to bridge in Reno NABC. Kaneko earned the distinction on critical. schools. Her friends were enthusiastic about the Thursday playing in the Educational The man Carol Huston and Aileen Osofsky Continued on page 7 Foundation Knockouts with partner Barbara Simon. Page 2 Daily Bulletin

SPECIAL EVENTS MEETINGS / SEMINARS / RECEPTIONS Tuesday, March 23 The Proprieties, Running a Successful Club, Dealing with 8:30 a.m. – Easybridge! Accredited Presenters Course. Marti Problem People; Thursday: Advanced ACBLscore. 12:30 p.m. Ronemus presents a continuing education course for club Registration is $10 per session for one or two sessions. managers and teachers working with a bridge club. Learn Teton 2. outstanding promotional ploys and a new way of getting 9 a.m. – noon Better Bridge Accredited Teacher Course. Audrey Grant players into the game. Easybridge! is especially designed has developed a new accreditation program recognized by to grow newcomer duplicate games. Fee: $25; $15 for the ACBL. Learn a new way to introduce bridge to the optional materials. Whitney. absolute beginner and modern methods from her new 9 a.m. – noon Club Director Update Course. Guillermo Poplawsky Bridge Basics. Make your students comfortable at dupli- conducts this three-part, continuing education series for cate or Internet games. Earn your accreditation this spring. bridge directors who want to increase their skills. Fee: $25 for TAP-accredited Teachers; $75 for others. Certificate given for successful completion. Tuesday: Whitney. Ruling the Game — a review of frequent rulings; Thursday, March 25 Wednesday: The Proprieties, Running a Successful Club, 9 a.m. – noon Club Director Update Course. Three-part, continuing Dealing with Problem People; Thursday: Advanced education series for bridge directors to increase their skills. ACBLscore. Registration is $20 in advance or $25 at the Certificate given for successful completion. Thursday: door for all three days or $10 per session for one or two Advanced ACBLscore. Registration is $10 for one session. sessions. Teton 2. Teton 2. 10 a.m. – noon Audrey Grant Bridge Festival. Renowned teacher and 9 a.m. – noon Better Bridge Accredited Teacher Course. Audrey Grant author Audrey Grant offers a fun and free bridge lesson for has developed a new accreditation program recognized by your intermediate and newer players. The Topic: Four the ACBL. Learn a new way to introduce bridge to the Reasons to use Transfers — and Two Cautions. absolute beginner and modern methods from her new Wednesday, March 24 Bridge Basics. Make your students comfortable at dupli- 9 a.m. – noon Club Director Update Course. Three-part, continuing cate or Internet games. Earn your accreditation this spring. education series for bridge directors to increase their skills. Fee: $25 for TAP-accredited Teachers; $75 for others. Certificate given for successful completion. Wednesday: Whitney.

BRIDGE TALKS Tuesday, March 23 6:45 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Michael 12:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Curtis Cheek, Huston, Elements of Deception. Carson Ballroom. Bridge: The Language of Love. Carson Ballroom. Thursday, March 25 6:45 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Larry Cohen, 12:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Allan Mazer, The Real Deal. Carson Ballroom You Have the Right to Remain Silent. Carson Ballroom. Wednesday, March 24 6:45 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Jade Barrett, 12:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Haig It’s All in Your Head. Carson Ballroom. Tchamitch, Splinter Bids. Carson Ballroom. LATE NIGHT / ENTERTAINMENT All food events will take place after the evening session in the Crystal sures of bathroom bridge discussions, bedroom disagreements in the auction Ballroom. Supplies may be limited, so get there early! and those mornings after the 45% games. Questions from the audience wel- Tuesday, March 23 come. Crystal Ballroom. Clam chowder The show starts with the brief movie, “The Bridge Wives,” the 1930s The Panel Show discusses the hot topic of Bridge and story of four wives who form a women’s bridge team and how their frus- Marriage. (No, really, this will be fun!) Join emcee Matthew Granovetter trated husbands must cope with the household duties. and panelists Donna and Chris Compton, Sheri Winestock and Fred Wednesday, March 24 Gitelman, Ralph and Martha Katz, Yvonne and Eddie Kantar, and Jan and Hot dogs Chip Martel for a very serious look (not!) into the terrible ordeals of mar- Thursday, March 25 ried bridge players, how to cope, and how to overcome the enormous pres- Baked potatoes

They meet at last Say Cheese Goodwill message George Rosenkranz and Malcolm Brachman At this and future North American How pleasant it is to hear a player call, have known each other for more than 45 years, and Championships, ACBL will be monitoring NABC+ “Director, please” – instead of an anguished they have competed against each other countless events with visible, real-time cameras. The images “DIRECTOR!” times. But they had never played together in a pair will be recorded and will be available for later offi- Why not extend that courtesy to our caddies? event and they had never been on the same team. cial inspection and review. Don’t you think “, please” has a rather nice That finally changed when they signed up as By general monitoring of the session and par- sound? teammates in the first of the bracketed knockouts. It ticipants’ behavior, ACBL has another source of Remember that Reno is the first NABC for was a successful amalgamation – their team won information that may be useful in determining facts some of our players – and it’s the event. and settling issues arising from some types of ethi- also the first NABC for many It’s unlikely that any partnership with more cal and behavioral complaints or actions. of our caddies. combined years will win an event here. Between This procedure is intended to assure everyone Aileen Osofsky, Chairman them Rosenkranz and Brachman count more than that the playing field is level and that misbehavior National Goodwill 160 years. will not be tolerated. Committee Daily Bulletin Page 3

Attendees at Sunday’s ACBL Education Workshop Bizarre Triple Squeeze included ACBL’s Director by Richard Pavlicek of Education Julie This deal from the first round of the Vanderbilt Greenberg, Dick Ellis of contained an unusual ending that I don’t recall see- Kokomo IN, ACBL’s ing before. Education Field ♠ A J 10 5 Coordinator Donna ♥ Q J Compton, Leslie Pettie of ♦ 9 6 Edmonton AB, and Den Motoyoshi of Spokane WA. ♣ K J 9 7 3 More than two dozen mem- ♠ 6 4 ♠ 9 8 3 2 bers gathered to hear ideas ♥ K 7 6 ♥ A 9 4 2 about membership recruit- ♦ J 8 3 ♦ A K 10 2 ment and retention. ♣ 10 8 5 4 2 ♣ 6 ♠ K Q 7 Pity poor East ♥ 10 8 5 3 The defenders didn’t do anything terribly wrong ♠ A5 ♦ Q 7 5 4 on this deal from the second final session of the Silidor ♥ K J 10 7 ♣ AQ Open Pairs. They could have done better, but John ♦ AQ 6 4 West North East South Stiefel found the route to a fine score when the defense ♣ J 4 3 1♣ Dbl Rdbl slipped a bit. ♠ K Q J 10 9 7 ♠ 8 4 1♥ 1♠ Pass 2♥ ♥ Q 8 ♥ A5 2 Pass 3♣ Pass 3NT ♦ 2 ♦ K 10 9 8 All Pass ♣ 9 8 7 5 ♣ K 10 6 2 The was the ♠6. ♠♥♦♣ ♠ 6 3 2 As East, I doubled the 1♣ opening for takeout, ♥ 9 6 4 3 and my son Rich rescued to 1♥ after the redouble. ♦ J 7 5 3 Eventually, of England became ♣ AQ declarer in 3NT. West North East South It looks like nine easy tricks with the ♦AK 2♠ Dbl Pass 2NT (1) onside, and it would be after a red-suit lead, but Pass 3♣ (2) Pass 3♥ (3) Rich found the almost-killing spade lead, won by All Pass South’s king. The ♣A Q were cashed to discover (1) Weak hand – asks partner to bid 3♣ the bad news (I pitched a spade), then South led a (2) Forced heart to develop his ninth trick. Suppose I win the (3) 0-7 high card points ♥A and return a spade, won in dummy. If declarer If West had led his singleton diamond, the defense leads another heart, West takes the king and leads a might have fared better, but certainly the ♠K is more diamond to my ace-king, then a third spade severs than reasonable. After some thought, Stiefel decided to declarer’s communication. Whichever hand he win – he didn’t want a switch to diamonds. He finessed wins in is left with a loser. the ♣Q successfully and went after trumps. He eyed But wait! If declarer cashes one top club in West’s ♥8 with suspicion as he played the 10 from dummy (he can’t cash both because West still has dummy and East ducked smoothly. the ♥K), I am caught in a bizarre triple squeeze, East is a good player, so Stiefel feared that West’s reminiscent of the late Geza Ottlik. 8 might have been singleton. If that was the case, East ♠ AJ would win the next trick with the queen, cash ♥ Q the ace and lead a fourth heart. Now declarer would ♦ 9 6 have an extra loser in spades. So Stiefel decided to start ♣ K J 9 on diamonds. He led low from dummy and won with ♠ — ♠ 9 his jack when East played low. When he led another ♥ K 7 ♥ 9 4 2 diamond, West ruffed in with the queen and cashed the ♦ J 8 3 ♦ A K 10 2 ♠Q. Then came the ♠J, ruffed in dummy with the king ♣ 10 8 5 ♣ — and overruffed by East. ♠ Q East could have done better at this point by switch- ♥ 10 8 5 ing to a club – it would have broken up the ensuing end ♦ Q 7 5 4 position. But he actually led his last trump. Stiefel care- ♣ — fully won this with the 10 and then led the ♥7 to his 9. The ♣K is played from dummy. If I pitch my This was the four-card ending: spade, I can’t lead a spade to break declarer’s com- ♠ — munication. So I must let go of my long card in a ♥ — red suit, and declarer pitches from the opposite red ♦ AQ suit. Next a heart is led to the king, and declarer can ♣ J 4 cope with any defense. If we cash both diamonds ♠ 10 9 7 ♠ — and lead a third spade, his hand is high thanks to the ♥ — ♥ — squeeze. ♦ — ♦ K 10 Alas, we didn’t put declarer to the test — we ♣ 9 ♣ K 10 tried to run diamonds after winning the heart. Sorry, ♠ — Brian, for depriving you of the opportunity for the ♥ 6 rare squeeze, but I’m sure you would have gotten it ♦ 7 5 right anyway. ♣ A Stiefel led his last trump – the 6 – and pitched dummy’s The Candyman ♦Q. He still had the ♦A and two clubs in his hand and the A big thank you goes to Paul Jacobs of the ♣A and the jack-small in clubs. And East had to discard. Antelope Valley Unit and the Valencia Bridge It was the perfect criss-cross squeeze. If East threw a dia- Center for donating all the Nestle treats for the tour- mond, Stiefel would cash the ♦A and cross to dummy nament. with the ♣A for another diamond trick. If East ditched a club, Stiefel would cross to the ♣A, get back to his hand with the ♦A and cash his good club. Page 4 Daily Bulletin

BPT Prize Money Bridge events BPT Prize Money Bridge will sponsor two exciting events in Reno. On Wednesday, March 24, BPT Prize Money Bridge will sponsor the regional- ly rated two-session Stratified Open Pairs at 1 and 7:30 p.m. In addition to the usual masterpoint awards, the top three pairs in each strata (A, B and C) will each get a slice of the $2400 in ACBL Bridge Bucks pre- sented by BPT Prize Money Bridge. On Friday, March 26, at 1 p.m., BPT Prize Money Bridge will stage the $14,000 Reno Open IV. An individual contest (each participant plays with a different partner/opponent each board), this three-session event will continue at 7:30 p.m., with the final beginning Saturday, March 27, at 9 a.m. The fee at the door is $100 and covers all three sessions. The format consists of a two-session qualifying with the top 32 players qualifying for the final. Some of the caddies corps here in Reno. There is prize money for the top three finishers in each session of the qualifying, including the top How to be caddy-friendly two overall, and to all finalists. Full payout of prize Bridge caddies help make the game so much ful to be consistent in where you place the money depends on there being 50 tables in the nicer, but many players inadvertently make a completed tickets. Open. There is a consolation for all non-qualifiers. caddy’s job more difficult than it needs to be. Here • In pair games, leave the caddy enough room to Additionally, there will be a Stratified and are some tips on how to be caddy-friendly: walk down the row of tables. Players who sit 299er game that begin Friday, March 26, at 7 p.m. • In pair games, make your completed score tick- far back from the table make it difficult for the Up to $400 can be won by a first-place finish in the ets easily accessible. Many caddies prefer to caddy to negotiate a path through your section. Stratified and up to $200 can be won in the 299er. have the score tickets placed in the corner of • In team games, it’s common for players to place Both events have a one-session qualifier with the the table, while others like it left in the center boards not currently in play on the floor. top 32 players reaching the final on Saturday, of the table sticking out partially from under- However, at the end of the match (especially March 27, at 9 a. m. Non-qualifiers may play in the neath the table card. Even better is simply to the final match of the session), please return consolation. The entry fee is $30 for the Stratified ask your caddy where he or she would like you the boards to the table. Don’t make the caddies and $20 for the 299er division. to place the tickets. In either case, however, it’s stoop over to pick up all the boards. This will be an ACBL-sanctioned contest with much easier for the caddy to pick up the ticket • Be respectful to the caddies, regardless of their masterpoint awards. All participants must play the if you turn up a corner. Additionally, it’s help- age. “Please” and “thank you” go a long way. ACBL Yellow Card as modified by BPT Prize Money Bridge (available online at www.bridgepro- The right inference the four-card ending East was was on play to con- cede a and discard or to lead a diamond and let or at the BPT Prize Money booth near the By book seller). Sadek put up the jack. Either way declarer had his , South, was quick to seize on the plus 920. inference provided by a trump lead against his 6♣ Louise Childs Freed slam. Memorial Game ♠ A5 4 reminder ♥ A8 2 “There is tougher competition here than I’ve ♦ AK 5 Each player is required to have a convention seen at some North American Championships,” ♣ A J 10 6 card filled out legibly and on the table throughout a said Gary Ullman of the Louise Childs Freed ♠ J 9 3 2 ♠ 10 7 6 session. Both cards of a partnership must be identi- Memorial Game that was held at the Barrington ♥ Q 10 9 5 ♥ K J 7 6 4 cal and include the first and last names of each Bridge Club in Los Angeles on March 7. The event ♦ 10 9 2 ♦ Q 8 3 member of the partnership. raised more than $12,500. The game was one of the ♣ 9 4 ♣ K 5 If a director determines that neither player has most successful charity events in Los Angeles his- ♠ K Q 8 a substantially completed card, the partnership may tory. ♥ 3 play only the Yellow Card and Ullman and his wife Anne topped the strong ♦ J 7 6 4 may use only standard carding. This restriction may field of 60 pairs with a 66% game. Arlene Weiner ♣ Q 8 7 3 2 be lifted only at the beginning of a subsequent and Peter Benjamin finished second. The field West North East South round after convention cards have been properly included such top players as Eddie Kantar, Jill 2NT Pass 3♣ (1) prepared and approved by the director. Further, the Meyers, Beverly Rosenberg, , Pass 3NT (2) Pass 4♣ (3) partnership will receive a 1/6 board matchpoint Renee Mancuso, Pam Wittes, Mary Jane Farell and Pass 4♥ (4) Pass 5♣ (5) penalty for each board played, commencing with Don Krauss. Pass 6♣ (6) All Pass the next round and continuing until the restriction is The event was hosted by Ellen Anten, Becky (1) Puppet Stayman lifted. In IMP team games, penalties shall be at the Clough, Adrienne Green, Gerri Knilans, Barbara (2) No major discretion of the director. Lesser, Jill Richmond and Diana Schreiber. Peter (3) What’s your exact shape? If the director determines the partnership has at Knee and Brian Henderson did the directing chores. (4) 3-3-3-4 least one substantially completed convention card Adrienne Green, a close friend of Louise (5) To play but has not fully complied with ACBL regulations, Childs Freed for many years, said, “This event (6) Overruled the director may give warnings or assign such would have made Louise proud. Louise was one of East led the ♣9, which suggested that the ♣K penalties as he deems to be appropriate under the the finest, warmest and generous persons I have was with West. So instead of finessing he flew with circumstances. ever known.” dummy’s ace, played the ♥A and ruffed a heart. He The objective of these warnings and penalties crossed to the ♦A to ruff another heart and then he is the encouragement of full compliance with cashed the top three spades. ACBL regulations. ♠♥♦♣ Now he exited with the second trump, and in Daily Bulletin Page 5

A Greek gift Tap into the NAP black, one-session unit-level games award section- ally rated red points, and district finals award gold Mike Polowan had eight tricks on this deal from By Brent Manley points for section tops and overall placement. the Vanderbilt – two spades, four diamonds and two Arthur Moore can still remember the scene at Grass roots appeal aces – but where was the ninth trick? the Scope Convention Center in Norfolk VA in Back in 1978, Moore, 27, and Robinson, 22, ♠ Q March of 1979. Going into the final session of the took their first steps by qualifying at a club in ♥ Q 10 9 8 4 inaugural Grand National Pairs, Cambridge MA in District 25. They survived the ♦ 9 8 7 5 4 approached Moore and his partner, Eric Robinson. unit and district finals, and by the time they and 103 ♣ 8 3 “You’re in position,” said Bramley, a fellow New other pairs sat down to play in the two-day GNP ♠ A 10 8 4 3 ♠ 9 7 6 2 Englander who was also playing in the event. “Go final in Norfolk, more than 71,000 ACBL members ♥ 7 6 5 ♥ K J 3 2 for it!” had competed for those coveted spots. ♦ AJ ♦ 3 Go for it they did, and the two emerged as the Robinson, ♣ K J 2 ♣ 10 9 7 4 first winners of what now is the North American then studying ♠ K J 5 Pairs. “We weren’t leading until the end,” Moore government at ♥ A recalls. Harvard ♦ K Q 10 6 2 At the time of their victory, Moore and University, was ♣ AQ 6 5 Robinson lived in the Boston area. Now they are on somewhat of a West North East South opposite sides of the continent —- Robinson in bridge prodigy, 1♦ Scarsdale NY and Moore in Arcadia CA in the Los starting serious 1♠ Dbl 2♠ 3NT Angeles area. They haven’t played bridge together play at the age of All Pass in more than 20 years. 11. He had a few He got a spade lead to the queen and immediate- That does not lessen the exhilaration they both regional victories ly knocked out the ♦A. He won the spade continua- remember from their first major victory —and it all under his belt. tion and ran all his diamonds. East high-lowed in began at the club level. “In my high hearts and then pitched a club and another heart. West New and improved school and col- pitched a club and two hearts. Polowan next led a Twenty-five years later, the national event —- lege years,” heart to his ace to draw the last heart from West and which has evolved into the NAP with three separate Robinson recalls, reduce him to all black cards. Then he led the ♠K and flights —- is still a major attraction to grassroots “I played quite a West was fixed. He could take his ♠A and two long players. Qualifying games for the new, improved bit.” spades, but then he had to lead away from the ♣K and NAP are scheduled for your local club in June, July Moore, already a practicing attorney, won a give Polowan the last two tricks. and August this year. national event before he won a regional, although 12 teams enter Junior To increase participation in the NAP, the ACBL he did have a couple of seconds. has reduced sanction fees to encourage clubs to Both players liked the idea of the grassroots Collegiate tournament have more games and is allowing clubs to conduct format. “It was much more egalitarian,” says two NAP qualifying games per sanctioned session, So far 12 teams have entered the eighth annual Moore, now a patent attorney. “It gave us the per flight. That means more chances to qualify and Junior Collegiate Team Championship that will be chance to win a national event —- it wasn’t like try- more opportunities to win . Also, in the played on OKbridge on April 3 and 4. The event is ing to win the .” Ironically, Moore came unit final, any players who qualify may play with co-sponsored by ACBL, OKbridge and the Fifth close to winning the Spingold, making it to the any other qualified player in any unit in the distric. Chair Foundation. semifinal round at the 1990 Summer NABC in First-place district winners in each flight The American teams entered are Harvard, Boston, losing to the eventual winners. receive three nights’ lodging and airfare subsidies Princeton, Georgia Tech, Dartmouth, UCLA and Robinson remembers the excitement of vying to the 2005 Spring NABC in Pittsburgh. Second- Michigan. The remainder of the field includes two teams for one of District 25’s six spots in the GNP final in place pairs in the districts receive airfare subsidies. from Ankara, Turkey (Middle East Technical University 1979. “All the top pairs in New England were com- The flights are Open, B (up to 2000 masterpoints) I and Middle East Technical University II; two teams peting,” he says. and C (non-Life Master with fewer than 500 MPs). from Instanbul, Turkey (ITC anbd Bogazici), and two In the national final, the star-studded field Club-level masterpoints are half red and half teams from Singapore (NTU and NUS). would have intimidated many players. The finalists included luminaries such as Lou Bluhm, Mark Molson, Boris Baran, Sidney Lazard, Jim Jacoby, Bob Hamman, Charles Coon, Steve Becker, Chip Unhappy with the hand Martel, Lew Stansby and a host of others. Moore remembers approaching the national final with trepidation. After the first qualifying ses- the stock market’s dealt you? sion, however, they realized they could compete with the stars. “It took a bit of getting over the jit- NewArc’s Great Stocks Program ters,” he says. After the second final session, players were is up 85% over five years ago. milling about and waiting for the scores. Moore recalls thinking that a pair from District 12 had won. When he and Robinson were announced as Simply call NewArc’s toll-free message line at (866) 465-4567. the winners (by 4 matchpoints on a 25 top), Moore Fellow player Jeff Miller has a special offer. Answer the bridge recalls, “We were in heaven.” Robinson says the thrill of winning is still hard question for your bonus and one of our top stock picks. Leave to describe. “It was more than masterpoints and your contact information. Call right now and the details will be glory,” he says. waiting for you when you get home from the tournament. Neither Moore nor Robinson plays a lot these days. Both are busy with their careers. After he graduated from Harvard, Robinson earned an MBA $20K minimum. Fund custody in and law degree from Yale University, and he now works for a New York City law firm. your personal brokerage account. Each heartily endorses the grassroots format and would recommend the NAP to anyone. Past results do not guarantee future performance. Page 6 Daily Bulletin

Mixed Pairs compete Is your Bridge IQ Transfer squeeze for Rockwell Trophy as good as gold? This deal occurred in second-round Vanderbilt action in the match between the squads captained by The Mixed Pairs is a four-session event with two Turn your bridge knowledge into NABC room Jeff Roman and Carolyn Lynch. qualifying and two final sessions. The Rockwell nights, free plays and more. ♠ Q 8 Trophy, donated by Helen Rockwell in 1946, is pre- Think you know a lot about bridge and bridge ♥ K J 2 sented to the winners. history? If you’re really smart, March could be your ♦ J 6 4 2 The record-holder in the Mixed Pairs is Sidney lucky month. To celebrate Bridge Week in North ♣ K Q 5 3 Silodor, who won the event five times — including America, which occurs during the 2004 Spring ♠ 9 7 4 ♠ J 10 6 3 2 1955 and 1956 with Helen Sobel. John Crawford NABC here in Reno March 18–28, ACBL is sponsor- ♥ 10 6 4 ♥ Q 7 3 won the event three times — in 1948 and 1949 with ing a bridge trivia contest with valuable prizes. ♦ K 10 7 ♦ 9 5 and in 1959 with Dorothy Truscott, The two first-place prizes are knockouts: (1) five ♣ 10 9 7 4 ♣ J 8 6 the first time they had ever played together. room nights at the host hotel for the 2004 Summer ♠ AK 5 Winners: NABC in New York, plus 10 free plays for that ♥ A9 8 5 1946 Anne Burnstein, NABC; (2) the same for the 2004 Fall NABC in ♦ AQ 8 3 1947 Evelyn Ansin, Orlando. ♣ A2 1948 John Crawford, Margaret Wagar There are 10 second-place prizes: each winner 1949 John Crawford, Margaret Wagar At both tables, South declared 6NT. Jeff Roman will receive 10 free plays at the 2004 Summer NABC received the opening lead of the ♠7 which he won in 1950 , or 2004 Fall NABC. 1951 Edith Rosenbloom, dummy with the queen. A diamond to the queen held There are 20 third-place prizes: each will receive 1952 Anne Burnstein, Alvin Roth (West ducked), and Roman continued with the ♦A 1953 Jewel Hodge, $100 in Bridge Bucks, spendable with the ACBL and a third diamond. West took the king and contin- 1954 Said Haddad, Betty Windley Sales Department, at tournaments or at clubs. ued with the ♠9. Roman won the ace and took stock. 1955 Sidney Silodor, Helen Sobel Here’s how to win. Send your answers to the fol- With 11 tricks assured the 12th could, of course, 1956 Sidney Silodor, Helen Sobel lowing 10 questions to [email protected] or mail them come from taking the straight in hearts. 1957 Bee Gale, to Editor, The Bridge Bulletin, 2990 Airways Blvd., Roman, however, elected to try for a squeeze by 1958 Carol Ross, Edwin Smith Memphis TN 38116–3847. E-mail answers must be playing the ♥A and a heart to the king. This strategy 1959 John Crawford, Dorothy Hayden received by March 31, 2004. Standard mail must 1960 Elsie Abrams, William Passell will work whenever an opponent is holding three or have a postmark of March 31, 2004, or earlier. Names more hearts to the queen and four or more clubs. 1961 Art Comstock, Margaret Muirhead will be drawn at random from among those entries 1962 Clarice Holt, Paul Levitt On the actual layout, however, neither defender with 10 out of 10 correct answers. A list of winners 1963 , had such a hand, so the squeeze failed. Down one. 1964 , Mary Margaret Swan will be published in the May issue. The play at Lynch’s table began almost identi- 1965 Betty Kaplan, ACBL employees, members of the ACBL Board cally (spade lead won in dummy, diamond finesse), 1966 Robert Sharp, Louise Sharp of Directors and their families are not eligible to par- but she also decided against the heart finesse in favor 1967 Gertrude Machlin, ticipate. You must be an ACBL member in good of a possible squeeze. Lynch tried a slightly different 1968 , Peter Rank standing to be eligible for a prize. approach, however. She played a heart to the king, 1969 Peggy Parker, Steve Parker Test Your Bridge Knowledge and called for dummy’s ♥J. East covered and Lynch 1970 George Dawkins, Carolyn Flournoy 1. Explain how one could win the Vanderbilt Cup 1971 Eugenie Mathe, won the ace. This was the position: twice in the same year. ♠ — 1972 , 2. What is the claim to fame of the former Joel D. 1973 , Marilyn Johnson ♥ 2 Gaines? 1974 , ♦ 6 1975 , Kerri Shuman 3. If Dagwood Bumstead played bridge with ♣ K Q 5 3 1976 Peggy Lipsitz, Steve Parker Charlie Brown, what convention is most likely to be ♠ 4 ♠ J 10 6 1977 Joel Friedberg, their favorite? ♥ 10 ♥ 7 1978 Ahmed Hussein, Gail Moss 4. What is the significance of Kalamazoo in ♦ — ♦ — 1979 Juanita Skelton, bridge history? ♣ 10 9 7 4 ♣ J 8 1980 , Patty Meckstroth 5. Name the two former ACBL Presidents who ♠ K 1981 Esta Van Zandt, Jim Zimmerman have conventions named after them. 1982 Barry Crane, Kerri Shuman ♥ 9 8 6. In his latter years, this giant of bridge concen- ♦ 8 1983 John Gustafson, Helen Gustafson trated on promoting world peace. 1984 Kathy Sulgrove, Larry Rock ♣ A2 7. In which of Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels 1985 , When Lynch played the last diamond, West was 1986 , David Berkowitz was bridge a key part of the plot? squeezed. He could pitch a spade, but the ♠K would 1987 Lisa Berkowitz, David Berkowitz 8. This player’s name is on two conventions be the last nail in the coffin. 1988 Claire Tornay, Michael Moss although he developed neither. Name him. Lynch’s line of play transferred the threat to the 1989 Dorothy Truscott, 9. Which famous bridge writer penned his first defender holding long clubs and the ♥10 instead of 1990 Jo Ann Manfield, Ken Cohen —- and arguably best —- book as an “assignment” the ♥Q. Making six earned Lynch’s squad 17 IMPs. 1991 Jo Ann Manfield, Danny Sprung from Ira Corn? 1992 Kitty Bethe, 10. What did John Bennett, of the famous 1993 Libby Fernandez, Happoldt Neuffer Bennett murder case, do for a living? 1994 Jillian Blanchard, Geoff Hampson 1995 Cindy Bernstein, Bob Bernstein 1996 Margery Tamres, Joseph Brady 1997 Phyllis Quinn, Wafik Abdou Better Bridge Accredited Teacher Course 1998 Joan Eaton, 1999 Shannon Lipscomb, Audrey Grant will show you how to make your students comfort- 2000 Linda Gordon, Bernie Chazen able at duplicate or Internet games using modern methods from 2001 Barbara Shaw, Mark Shaw her new “Bridge Basics” book. 2002 Linda Webb, Richard Ekstrum 2003 Jim Kirkham, Corinne Kirkham Fee: $25 for TAP Teachers; $75 for others March 24, A similar, three-session event was held at the Spring Time: 9 am to Noon each day NABC from 1958 to 1962. Winners: Location: Whitney 25 & 26 1958 Mrs. M. J. Novak, 1959 Mary Jane Farell, Al Roth Wed., Thurs. 1960 Shirlee Harris, Edward Rosen & Fri. 1961 , Tommy Sanders 1962 1-2. Jessie Cook, Grant Marsee 1-2. Shirlee Harris, Edward Rosen Daily Bulletin Page 7

Goodwill Senior Team Trials Bridge and marriage Continued from page 1 Meeting on Wednesday Should married couples play as partners? If they do, what sort of talk goes on during the ride project. Suddenly a man who was having a good A meeting for players interested in learning home from the game – and later when they go to streak turned to Compton and gave her $1000 about or participating in the Senior International bed? The Panel Show in the worth of chips. “Here, put these to work in your Team Trials will be held Wednesday, March 24, at Crystal Ballroom after the game tonight will feature program,” he said. 10 a.m. in Sierra 1 on the Mezzanine Level. For several couples attempting to wrestle with these And then there’s Diane Cullen. She hosted the more information, contact Dan Morse. problems – probably in a facetious manner. Matt last Portland NABC and the 1998 Reno NABC. Granovetter will be the emcee. The couples include She recently lost her husband Paul, an ACBL tour- New Life Master Donna and Chris Compton, Sheri Winestock and nament director, and at first she considered drop- Don Waddell of Bettendorf IA needed 2.18 Fred Gitelman, Martha and Ralph Katz, Yvonne ping off the tournament committee. But she points, so the 3.19 he won in the bracketed knock- and Eddie Kantar, and Jan and Chip Martel. changed her mind and has done a mountain of outs was more than enough for a gold card. He was work. “She’s the one who made this tournament,” playing with his wife Elaine, and their teammates said Cynthia Sinn, who spoke briefly about Cullen. 300 teams! were Donna and Don Flanagan. “I didn’t play for Neal Moore took the mike to tell about the At some North American Championships there about 25 years,” said Waddell. “When I took up the great work that has been done by Sheila Wimer, is an occasional session where fewer than 300 game again, I called the ACBL and they found all tournament co-chairman. “Not only has she done tables are in play. Yesterday afternoon there were the points I won 25 years ago.” all kinds of work at the unit, district and national 300 tables in play – but that was just in the knock- levels, she also has outstanding with newcomers. outs! There were 32 teams in the Bracketed, 48 in She teaches novice lessons and she has sponsored Turn ‘em off the Seniors and 220 (!) in the Compact. newcomer programs at clubs. I don’t believe any- Cell phones, audible pagers or any similar com- one anywhere has done more to promote newcom- munication equipment may not be operated or oper- Notice to players able in the playing area during a session of play at er programs.” Each player must have an ACBL convention NABCs except for health-related equipment or by The special Goodwill gift was two tokens pro- card filled out and on the table. Please note that permission of the director-in-charge of the tourna- moting goodwill. Since the tokens have no value in other types of convention cards, such as the WBF ment or event. the casino, most of the players will still have a cou- convention card or homemade cards that do not suf- ple of tokens when they go home, no matter what ficiently resemble the ACBL convention card, are happens at the slot machines and the blackjack not acceptable substitutes. table. ♠♥♦♣

Three Divisions One Great Event!

Reno Open Reno Reno Open to Everyone $4,000* First Prize Mini Open 299er Division Qualifying: Friday, March 26 $400* First Prize $200* First Prize 1:00 & 7:30 pm 1st Round: Friday, March 26, 7:30 pm 1st Round: Friday, March 26, 7:30 pm Finals: Saturday, March 27, 9:00 am 2nd Round: Saturday, March 27, 9:00 am 2nd Round: Saturday, March 27, 9:00 am $100 entry fee includes three sessions $30 entry fee includes two sessions $20 entry fee includes two sessions *Requires a minimum of 50 tables *Requires a minimum of 20 tables *Requires a minimum of 20 tables NO ALERTS • NO ANNOUNCEMENTS • STANDARD AMERICAN YELLOW CARD No partner needed as you change partner/opponents every board! OKbridge • Sponsor of the Stratified & 299er Bonus Pool Entrants must register 30 minutes prior to game BPT Prize Money Bridge 13070 Fawn Hill Dr. • Grass Valley, CA 95945 (530) 274-0923 • Page 8 Daily Bulletin

Zero Tolerance SILVER RIBBON PAIRS Zero Tolerance is ACBL policy. 156 Pairs Commendable behavior includes (but is not lim- 100.00 1 Joseph Godefrin, Sarasota FL; Ed Schulte, Tampa FL 2646.27 ited to): 75.00 2 Jerry Premo, Sacramento CA; G Gard Hays, Veradale WA 2518.20 • Being a good “host” or “guest” at the table. 56.25 3 Nancy Popkin, Saint Louis MO; Donald Stack, Overland Park KS 2514.31 • Greeting others in a friendly manner. 44.44 4 Gerald Van Gemert, Laguna Beach CA; , Las Vegas NV 2506.42 • Praising the bidding and/or play of the opponents. 40.00 5 Barbara Nist, Bellevue WA; Stephen Hosch, Olympia WA 2497.78 • Having two clearly completed convention cards 36.36 6 John Stiefel, Wethersfield CT; Richard De Martino, Riverside CT 2472.74 readily available to the opponents. This is also a 33.33 7 Ken Cohen, Philadelphia PA; Andy Avery, Jamaica VT 2466.04 regulation. 30.77 8 David Priest, Bakersfield CA; Margery Gould, Los Angeles CA 2462.08 Unacceptable behavior includes (but is not lim- 28.57 9 Steve Mansfield, Seattle WA; Norman Featherston, Redmond WA 2410.65 ited to): 26.67 10 Charlton Buckley, Glenbrook NV; Bruce Ferguson, San Francisco CA 2406.55 • Badgering, rudeness, insinuations, intimidation, 25.00 11 Dave Kruse, Lakehead CA; Michael Page, La Mesa CA 2396.35 profanity, threats or violence. 23.53 12 Leonard Ernst, Las Vegas NV; Michael Huston, Joplin MO 2383.49 • Negative comments concerning opponents’ or part- 22.22 13 Zeke Jabbour, Boca Raton FL; Donald Rumelhart, Ann Arbor MI 2383.27 21.05 14 Jean Talbot - Joan Van Geffen, Metairie LA 2320.47 ner’s play or bidding. 20.00 15 Thomas Peters, Grapeland TX; John Zilic, Houston TX 2317.76 • Gloating over good results. 19.05 16 Loarn Thoelecke, San Anselmo CA; Roy Hoppe, San Rafael CA 2308.47 • Constant and gratuitous lessons and analyses at 18.18 17 Gerald Caravelli, Des Plaines IL; Godfrey Chang, Honolulu HI 2305.97 the table. 17.39 18 Rhoda Prager, Allentown PA; Tony Petronella, North Kingstown RI 2305.89 • Loud and disruptive arguing with a director’s rul- 16.67 19 Tom Kniest, University City MO; Tom Oppenheimer, Ballwin MO 2305.25 ing. 16.00 20 Anita Torrence - Barth Royer, Bexley OH 2298.70 If you experience someone exhibiting discourte- 15.38 21 Steve Cohen, Burbank CA; Gene Freed, Los Angeles CA 2289.46 ous behavior or being other than civil, please call a 14.81 22 Richard Halperin, Highland Park IL; Simon Kantor, Agawam MA 2285.86 tournament director immediately. If you feel that 14.29 23 Scott Foster, Medford OR; Bernadine Lacy, Grants Pass OR 2284.51 there was a very serious breech of discipline, in addi- 13.79 24 Alan Myerson, Sherman Oaks CA; Phil Schaefer, Los Angeles CA 2282.04 tion to the resolution by the tournament director at 13.33 25 Jack Scott, El Cerrito CA; Ken White, Lafayette CA 2274.31 the table, please discuss the problem directly with 12.90 26 Jeffrey Taylor, Eugene OR; Ross Rainwater, Vancouver WA 2269.43 the Director-in-Charge of the tournament. 12.50 27 Debbie Gailfus - Alan Gailfus, Carlsbad CA 2261.93 Should it become necessary to call a tournament 12.12 28 George Pisk, Manchaca TX; Keith Garber, Massapequa NY 2250.93 director, you may simply state: “This player is inter- 11.76 29 Jon Wright, La Mesa CA; John Kissinger, San Clemente CA 2246.32 fering with my enjoyment of the game.” 11.43 30 Colin Revill, Ancaster ON; Abe Paul, Mississauga ON 2232.59 The director will then attempt to determine the 11.11 31 Barbara Sartorius, Lake Hiawatha NJ; Lawrence Lerner, Warren NJ 2229.38 facts. If he establishes there was unacceptable 10.81 32 John Schoenbrun, Cupertino CA; Robert Madalena, San Jose CA 2229.32 behavior, an immediate 1/4-board disciplinary 10.53 33 Sam Wilson - John Jeffrey, Las Vegas NV 2228.27 penalty (3 IMPs in team games) shall be assigned to 10.26 34 Rick Norton Jr, Oceanside CA; John Potter, Panama City FL 2219.50 all offenders. 10.00 35 Jim Hayashi, San Jose CA; Anne Boboricken, Campbell CA 2213.69 This may involve any one or all four players at 9.76 36 Henry Meyer, Indian River Shores FL; Larry Griffey, Daytona Beach FL 2213.28 the table, regardless of who initiated the unaccept- 9.52 37 Dean Robinson, Indianapolis IN; Richard Ellis Jr, Kokomo IN 2212.85 able behavior. If both members of a partnership are 9.30 38 Jon Wittes, Palm Desert CA; Robert Hollman, Santa Barbara CA 2211.20 guilty, the penalties are cumulative (1/4 board each = 11.68 39 Michael Edwards, Rock Island IL; Carolyn Holcomb, Englewood FL 2201.85 1/2 board or 3 IMPs each = 6 IMPs). 9.40 40 Lew Walter - , New York NY 2200.55 If it is determined that a second offense has 8.70 41 Ray Loftis, Bellevue WA; Steven Sidell, Seattle WA 2194.66 occurred in the same event, the offender(s) shall be 8.51 42 Ronald Spath, Severna Park MD; Shou-Ling Wang, Bethesda MD 2190.63 ejected from future competition in that event. 8.33 43 Linda McGarry - Dennis McGarry, Stuart FL 2188.16 An offender removed from an event shall be 8.16 44 Donald Foote, Sierra Madre CA; Birger Holmquist, Kaneohe HI 2186.45 deemed not to have played in the event, no master- 8.00 45 Jane Segal, Villanova PA; Judy Kay-Wolff, Dallas TX 2174.20 points will be awarded and no refunds will be made. 7.84 46 Carl Chadwick, Hamilton ON; Tony Ames, Minnetonka MN 2173.55 In the case of a serious offense and in the case of 7.69 47 Britain Beezley - Shelba Parmley, Oklahoma City OK 2167.27 multiple offenses (three) during a tournament, a dis- 7.55 48 L Laird, Sugar Land TX; W Lease, Houston TX 2165.66 ciplinary committee may determine whether the 7.41 49 Edward Groner, Houston TX; David Horner, Carrollton TX 2164.81 offender(s) should be allowed to play in other events at the tournament and/or whether additional sanc- The right time West North East South tions may be appropriate. Lazard Wolff While the director may issue a warning, direc- to bid a minor Pass Pass 1♣ tors are strongly encouraged to give penalties and a Bobby Wolff was faced with a tough decision Pass 1♦ Pass 1♠ warning should be given only when there is no on his fourth bid. He knew his side had quite a few Pass 2♦ Pass 3♦ clear violation, where the facts cannot be clearly tricks in notrump, but would he get in before the Pass 3♠ Pass 5♦ determined or when there are mitigating circum- opponents ran five tricks? He decided that 5♦ All Pass stances. Offenders should receive an immediate offered better chances. Of course this left it up to Sidney Lazard to find 11 penalty. Regardless of who may have initiated Board 13 ♠ Q 3 2 tricks. The opening heart lead went to dummy’s ace, unacceptable behavior, all offenses are punishable. Dlr: North ♥ Q 8 5 and Lazard immediately called for a club. West put up Retaliatory behavior is a punishable offense. Vul: Both ♦ K J 9 4 3 2 the queen and, after a bit of thought, led the ♦A and Frivolous accusations also are considered as offens- ♣ 6 another diamond to dummy’s 10. Lazard ruffed a club, es under this policy. ♠ J 8 ♠ 7 6 5 4 got back to dummy with a heart ruff and trumped ♥ 10 9 6 4 3 ♥ K J 7 2 another club. After cashing the ♦K he led a spade to Attendance still high ♦ A8 5 ♦ 7 the ace and ruffed a third club. The ace fell from East, Total attendance to date is 6386 tables. ♣ K Q 2 ♣ A 9 7 3 so Lazard was to go to dummy’s ♠K and cash the long Yesterday there were 1659 tables in play – 305 in ♠ A K 10 9 club for his 11th trick. the morning, 750 in the afternoon and 604 in the ♥ A Wolff was right in his assessment. The defense can evening. ♦ Q 10 6 take four clubs and the ♦A for down one, and they ♣ J 10 8 5 4 would get two chances to do so. The first opportunity would be on the opening lead – West would have to lead a high club. The second chance would come when West took his ♦A. Daily Bulletin Page 9

TODAY’S PAIRINGS IN VANDERBILT KO TEAMS 64 Teams , Pebble Beach CA; , Gaylor Kasle, Boca Raton FL; Grant Baze, San Nick Nickell, New York NY; Richard Freeman, Santa Cruz CA; , Herefordshire Diego CA; Michael Whitman, San Francisco CA; Atlanta GA; Bob Hamman, Dallas TX; Paul England; Boye Brogeland, Fyllingsdalen Norway Tarek Sadek - Walid Elahmady, Cairo Egypt Soloway, Mill Creek WA; Jeff Meckstroth, Tampa vs vs FL; Eric Rodwell, Clearwater Beach FL Richard Pavlicek, Fort Lauderdale FL; Rich Russell Ekeblad, Boca Raton FL; Ron Rubin, vs Pavlicek Jr, Belmont CA; Frederick Allenspach, Miami FL; Brad Moss, New York NY; Fred Michael Takemori - Ben Takemori, Burnaby BC; Potomac MD; William Pettis, Silver Spring MD; Gitelman, Las Vegas NV; Roman Nenov Dan Romm, Seattle WA; Mike Wilson, Vancouver Dan Gerstman, Buffalo NY; Kevin Bathurst, Trendafilov - , Varna Bulgaria BC Columbia SC , Taby Sweden; Fredrik Nystrom, George Jacobs - Ralph Katz, Hinsdale IL; Alfredo Dan Morse, Houston TX; - Bobby Stockholm Sweden; Christal Henner-Welland, New Versace - Lorenzo Lauria, Rome ; Norberto Wolff - Sidney Lazard, Dallas TX; Stephen Landen, York NY; Michael Kamil, Holmdel NJ; Claudio Bocchi, Milan Italy; Giorgio Duboin, Turin Italy Rochester Hills MI; Pratap Rajadhyaksha, Powell Nunes - Fulvio Fantoni, Rome Italy vs OH vs Jeff Roman, Alexandria VA; Aaron Silverstein - vs , Las Vegas NV; John Onstott, New John Fout, New York NY; Jim Looby, Burbank CA Sherwin Moscow - Connie Coquillette, West Linn Orleans LA; Franky Karwur, Manado Sulawesi OR; Hank Gagnon, Newberg OR; Jon Bartlett, Indonesia; Santje Panelewen, Bekasi Timur Rose Meltzer - , Los Gatos CA; Kyle Portland OR; Steven Handley, Edmonds WA; Indonesia; Walter Schafer Jr, Norwalk CA; David Larsen, San Francisco CA; Chip Martel, Davis CA; Howard Epley, Kent WA Lehman, Glenview IL Lew Stansby, Castro Valley CA; Alan Sontag, Gaithersburg MD Kit Woolsey, Kensington CA; , , Jackson Heights NY; Douglas vs Kingston NY; Barnet Shenkin, Boca Raton FL; Doub, W Hartford CT; Steve Beatty, Bothell WA; Rob Crawford, Las Vegas NV; Dan Jacob, Mark Feldman, New York NY; Bart Bramley - Chris Ron Gerard, White Plains NY Vancouver BC; Joseph Kivel, Newport Coast CA; Compton, Dallas TX vs Chris Larsen, Costa Mesa CA vs Marc Zwerling - Mark Tolliver - John Lusky - , Plano TX; Ira Chorush, Houston TX; Randy Pickett, Portland OR - Bjorn Fallenius - Zia Mahmood, Allan Falk, Okemos MI; Peter Friedland, Los Altos New York NY; Michael Rosenberg, New Rochelle CA Jeffrey Miller, Naperville IL; William Wickham, NY; Cezary Balicki, Wroclaw Poland; Adam Los Angeles CA; Sangarapil Mohan, Oak Brook IL; Zmudzinski, Katowice Poland , New York NY; John Mohan, Las Vegas David Yang, Chicago IL; Michael Kovacich, Stone vs NV; , Los Angeles CA; Piotr Gawrys, Mountain GA; Robert White, Raleigh NC Michael Katz, San Ramon CA; Mike Bandler, Warsaw Poland; Jacek Pszczola - Michal Kwiecien, vs Alamo CA; Billy Miller, Las Vegas NV; Roger Lubin Poland Shawn Quinn - Joe Quinn, Richmond TX; Sally Bates, Mesa AZ; Vincent Demuy, Laval QC; Gavin vs Wheeler - Buddy Hanby, Spring TX; , Wolpert, Thornhill ON Jan Jansma, Malden ; Louk Verhees, San Antonio TX; Greg Hinze, Grand Prairie TX Voorhont Netherlands; Ricco van Prooyen - Sjoert Richard Schwartz, East Elmhurst NY; Michael Brink, Netherlands The right inference Becker - Larry Cohen, Boca Raton FL; David By Barry Rigal Berkowitz, Old Tappan NJ; Steve Robinson, Lou Ann O’Rourke, Scottsdale AZ; Marc Jacobus, Tarek Sadek, South, was quick to seize on the Arlington VA; Peter Boyd, Silver Spring MD Las Vegas NV; Howard Weinstein, Sarasota FL; inference provided by a trump lead against his 6♣ vs , Northfield IL; Magnus Lindkvist, slam. Kirubakara Moorthy, Chennai India; Prabhakar Hoor Sweden; Peter Fredin, Malmo Sweden ♠ A5 4 Balakrishnan, Ames IA; G Venkatesh, Los Altos vs ♥ A8 2 CA; Anil Padhye, Mumbay India; S Sundarram - P Michael Moss, New York NY; George Mittelman - ♦ AK 5 Sridhar, Chennai India , Toronto ON; Rick Delogu, Waterloo ♣ A J 10 6 ON; Arno Hobart, Peterborough ON ♠ J 9 3 2 ♠ 10 7 6 Malcolm Brachman, Dallas TX; , Plano ♥ Q 10 9 5 ♥ K J 7 6 4 TX; , Houston TX; Eric Greco, North Jim Mahaffey, Winter Park FL; Mark Lair, Canyon ♦ 10 9 2 ♦ Q 8 3 Wales PA; Geoff Hampson, Los Angeles CA TX; , Miami FL; Terje Aa, Heimdal ♣ 9 4 ♣ K 5 vs 7 Norway; Glenn Groetheim, Melhus Norway; ♠ K Q 8 Kumar Bhatia, Pepper Pike OH; Phillip Becker, Garey Hayden, Tucson AZ ♥ 3 Beachwood OH; Kenneth Kranyak, Bay Village vs ♦ J 7 6 4 OH; Marc Umeno, Bozeman MT Harvey Brody, San Francisco CA; Douglas Dang, ♣ Q 8 7 3 2 San Mateo CA; Gary Soules, Campbell CA; David West North East South Smith, Lafayette CA 2NT Pass 3♣ (1) Pass 3NT (2) Pass 4♣ (3) Pass 4♥ (4) Pass 5♣ (5) ACBL Check Us Out! Pass 6♣ (6) All Pass GIFT (1) Puppet Stayman RENO NABC COMMEMORATIVE TEE SHIRTS (2) No major (3) What’s your exact shape? STORE GOLF SHIRTS — with Reno logo (4) 3-3-3-4 (5) To play OFFICIAL ACBL LOGO KNIT GOLF SHIRTS (6) Overruled COMPUTER PROGRAMS East led the ♣9, which suggested that the ♣K was with West. So instead of finessing he flew with LIFE MASTER JEWELRY dummy’s ace, played the ♥A and ruffed a heart. He ACBL Product Store EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL crossed to the ♦A to ruff another heart and then he located in the cashed the top three spades. Pavillion . . . and much more! Now he exited with the second trump, and in the Reno Hilton four-card ending East was was on play to concede a ruff and discard or to lead a diamond and let Sadek put up the jack. Either way declarer had his plus 920. Page 10 Daily Bulletin

TOURNAMENT APPEALS 2004 Barry Crane Top 500 leaders In order to keep the APPEAL CASE 5 1. Eric Rodwell, Clearwater Beach FL 673 bridge public informed of Silver Ribbon Pairs 2. Jeff Meckstroth, Tampa FL 641 appeals results in a timely 2nd qualifying session 3. Mike Passell, Plano TX 604 fashion, the NABC Daily Debbie Gailfus 4. Eddie Wold, Houston TX 560 Bulletin staff publishes Board 17 ♠ 9 5. Geoff Hampson, Los Angeles CA 454 write-ups. Every effort is Dlr: North ♥ K Q 5 6. , Miami Beach FL 411 made to ensure that these reports are accurate and Vul: None ♦ Q J 5 4 3 7. Sheila Ekeblad, Boca Raton FL 372 complete. However, before they are published in the ♣ J 8 7 6 8. Markland Molson, Hollywood FL 313 NABC Appeals Casebook revisions may be made. Gail Bell Gila Guttman 9. Russell Ekeblad, Boca Raton FL 300 APPEAL CASE 4 ♠ A 10 8 6 5 4 2 ♠ K Q J 10. Paul Soloway, Mill Creek WA 288 NABC Open Pairs ♥ 2 ♥ A J 9 8 4 3 11. Alan Sontag, Gaithersburg MD 273 1st qualifying session ♦ 9 8 ♦ 10 7 12. Marc Jacobus, Las Vegas NV 266 Alexander Allen ♣ K Q 4 ♣ 10 2 13. Garey Hayden, Tucson AZ 259 Board 16 ♠ — Alan Gailfus 14. Dennis McGarry, Stuart FL 254 Dlr: West ♥ A Q 9 8 ♠ 7 3 15. Bruce Ferguson, San Francisco CA 254 Vul: E-W ♦ 9 5 ♥ 10 7 6 16. Dennis Dawson, Santa Fe NM 251 ♣ Q J 9 5 4 3 2 ♦ A K 6 2 17. Kyle Larsen, San Francisco CA 251 Serge Aronovich M. Aronovich ♣ A 9 5 3 18. Robert Teel Jr., Rockford AL 247 ♠ A 10 7 6 3 ♠ Q J 9 8 5 4 West North East South 19. Billy Miller, Las Vegas NV 246 ♥ K 7 3 2 ♥ 10 5 4 Pass 1♥ Pass 20. Gene Simpson, San Rafael CA 239 ♦ 10 6 ♦ K 4 1♠ Dbl Rdbl (1) 2♠ 21. Rick Kaye, Bingham Farms MI 239 ♣ AK ♣ 10 7 4♠ Pass Pass 4NT 22. Roger Bates, Mesa AZ 237 Julie Rowe 5♠ All Pass 23. Malcolm Brachman, Dallas TX 233 ♠ K 2 (1) Support for spades 24. Ellen Anten, Encino CA 228 ♥ J 6 The Facts: After the 4♠ call North hesitated 25. Bruce Reeve, Raleigh NC 228 ♦ A Q J 8 7 3 2 prior to passing. The Stop card was not used. The 26. Rose Meltzer, Los Gatos CA 226 ♣ 8 6 Director was called after North’s pass of 4♠. 5♠ 27. Reanette Frobouck, Pittsburgh PA 223 West North East South failed by one trick, minus 50 E/W. 28. Mark Lair, Canyon TX 220 1♠ 2♣ 4♠ The Ruling: North’s break in (BIT) 29. Grant Baze, San Diego CA 217 5♦ Dbl (1) Pass 5♠ constituted unauthorized information (UI), demon- 30. Hamish Bennett, Menlo Park CA 217 All Pass strably suggesting action when pass was a logical 31. G Gard Hays, Veradale WA 216 (1) 4 to 5 second hesitation alternative. The result was changed to 4♠ by West, 32. Vincent Demuy, Laval QC 207 The Facts: Both sides agreed there was a hesi- plus 420 for E/W. 33. Mark Shaw, Columbia MD 206 tation, though brief, prior to the double by West. The Appeal: N/S were the only players to 34. Wayne Hollingsworth, Irmo SC 201 The Director was summoned immediately after the appear. North contended that the BIT was no more 35. Steve Gross, Westlake Village CA 197 double. On the ♦9 opening lead 5♠ was defeated than 20 seconds as she needed time to understand 36. Bart Bramley, Dallas TX 197 three tricks, minus 300 E/W. the auction, which to this point had been rapid. 37. Joseph Godefrin, Sarasota FL 196 The Ruling: The Tournament Director deter- When she finally realized that East still had a call 38. Lou Ann O’Rourke, Scottsdale AZ 193 mined that the break in tempo in conjunction with coming she passed. South felt he had no alternative 39. Jo Morse, Palm Beach Gardens FL 192 East’s previous bid of 4♠ established unauthorized to bidding, given his strong holdings in both of 40. Ken Gee, Regina SK 190 information (UI) for East. He ruled that the hesita- partner’s suits. He felt the pause was no more than 41. Jeff Overby, Key West FL 189 tion demonstrably suggested that bidding 5♠ would 12 to 15 seconds. The appeal form indicated that 42. Eric Greco, North Wales PA 189 be more successful than defending 5♦ doubled and E/W estimated the BIT at 30 seconds. 43. Robert Brent, Venice FL 187 that pass was a logical alternative. The contract was The Decision: Despite the peculiarities and 44. Samuel Lowell, Talent OR 187 changed to 5♦ doubled by South, plus 550 N/S. speed of the auction, the committee determined that 45. William Hunter, Reading MA 186 The Appeal: E/W were the only players to North had paused considerably longer than neces- 46. Sheila Gabay, Newton MA 183 attend the hearing. They contended that 4 to 5 sec- sary, creating UI from that BIT. The committee felt 47. Jim Reiman, Mansfield OH 182 onds did not constitute a break in tempo (BIT) for this BIT demonstrably suggested bidding. Pass 48. Robert Dennard, Lake Mary FL 181 this type of auction. was considered a logical alternative for South, 49. Mike Cappelletti, Hixson TN 178 The Decision: The committee had no informa- although possibly a minority action. The commit- 50. George Tornay, Palm Beach Gardens FL 177 tion as to the length of the hesitation other than tee changed the score to 4♠ by West, plus 420 for 51. Ed Schulte, Tampa FL 177 “brief”. Based on the TD’s confirmation that the both sides. 52. Bruce Ohmann, Flagler Beach FL 176 double was made after 4 to 5 seconds, the commit- Bart Bramley, Chair; Steve Garner, Chris 53. Armand Barfus, Port St. Lucie FL 176 tee determined that no break in tempo had Willenken, Jon Wittes, Ed Lazarus. 54. Marilyn Garcia, Daytona Beach FL 175 occurred. The committee restored the table result, 55. Spike Lay, Daytona Beach FL 172 5♠ by West, minus 300. Bid Box Alerts and 56. Kent Mignocchi, Bronx NY 172 Jeff Polisner, Chair. 57. Ulker Mutlu, Clearwater FL 170 Announcements 58. Jim Linhart, Delray Beach FL 169 When using bid boxes, ACBL suggests that 59. Lew Stansby, Castro Valley CA 169 Pre-Alert/Disclosure players tap the Alert strip and say “Alert” at the 60. Chuck Said, Nashville TN 169 same time. 61. Harold Feldheim, Hamden CT 168 forms When making an announcement, use the 62. George Bloomer, Pittsboro NC 168 If your partnership plays special , you announcement word — such as “transfer” — and 63. John Sutherlin, Dallas TX 166 must fill out a pre-Alert/Disclosure form and make tap the Alert strip at the same time. 64. Rod Beery, Lincoln NE 165 it available to your opponents when you play in A player who Alerts or announces a bid should 65. Bill Irvine, Quincy MA 163 events that allow Mid-Chart and Super-Chart con- make sure his opponents are aware that an Alert or 66. Frances Dickman, San Jose CA 163 ventions. announcement has been made. 67. Ken Christiansen, Bothell WA 162 This applies to NABC+, regional or higher 68. Dean Cohler, Sarasota FL 161 knockout and Flight A Swiss games. Look for the 69. Elaine Said, Nashville TN 158 light blue forms on the table where convention cards are available. Daily Bulletin Page 11

STRAIGHT FLUSH KNOCKOUTS 8.95 3/4 Catherine Miller - Hugh Miller, Houston TX; Bracket 4 16 Teams Bracket 1 16 Teams Art McHaffie - Joy McHaffie, Santa Fe NM 19.65 1 James Pelletier, Fort Wayne IN; Joseph Shull, 51.37 1 Walter Fontaine, North Providence RI; Shome New Haven IN; Carol Mahoney, Kokomo IN; Eileen Cripps, Mukherjee, Randolph MA; William Hunter, Reading MA; Bill Bracket 8 16 Teams Madison WI Irvine, Quincy MA; Sylvia Fay Caley, Montreal QC; Paul 15.84 1 Andy Hellquist, Surrey BC; Greg Morse, 14.74 2 Larry Pocock, Coquitlam BC; Doug Hansford, Kinney, Jamaica Plain MA Richmond BC; Stephen Pickett, Vancouver BC; Robin Hillyard, Delta BC; William Ge - Danny Lee, Vancouver BC 38.53 2 Yas Takeda, Hacienda Heights CA; Sabina Waltham MA 10.81 3 Clark Millikan, Martinez CA; Shelley Lim, Orange CA; Subba Ravipudi, Downey CA; Ravi Bhalla, 11.88 2 Vicky Smith - David Vanasek, Eden Prairie Lapkoff, Berkeley CA; Tanakorn Lavanakul, Dublin CA; Terry Berkeley CA MN; Latricia McConnell, San Diego CA; Connnie Dunckelmann, Terzian, Castro Valley CA 25.69 3/4 Al Lochli, San Antonio TX; Leslie Powell, San Jose CA 8.84 4 Phyllis Fireman, Chestnut Hill MA; Charles New York NY; Jonathan Ferguson, Woodway TX; Jimmy 7.92 3/4 P Ringer, Reno NV; G Ringer, San Jose CA; Coffin, Danville NH; Richard Anderson - Janice Anderson, Pelham, North Baldwin NY David Reynolds - John Young, Sparks NV Regina SK 25.69 3/4 Ed Lazarus - Diane Lazarus, Baltimore MD; 7.92 3/4 P Sitz, Anoka MN; Bert Sheldon, San Antonio Elaine Said - Thomas Greene, Nashville TN TX; Beryl Higgs - Mary Mackay, Halifax NS Bracket 5 16 Teams 11.56 5/8 Frank Bessing - Jennifer Jones - Erwin 3.56 5/8 Gene Miley - Christine Miley, Hinsdale IL; 17.36 1 Florine Atkins-Garber, Massapequa NY; Hinda Linzner - Asher Nathan, Santa Rosa CA Michael Strong - Johanna Strong, Winfield IL Silber, Toronto ON; Deborah Thomas-Howie - Jim Howie, 3.56 5/8 Peter Bowman, Ivins UT; Virginia Bissig, Etobicoke ON Bracket 2 16 Teams Bear Lake MI; Silvana Smith - Nadia Branisa, Houston TX 13.02 2 Albert Shrive, Clarks Green PA; Jim 37.57 1 Norm Gordon, Dol-Des-Ormeaux QC; Martin McKeown, State College PA; David Kresge, Spinnerstown PA; Morris, Wheeling IL; Ahmed Sorathia, Chino CA; Mariko Bracket 9 16 Teams Walter Bell, Orefield PA Kakimoto, Newport Coast CA 14.08 1 David Baskin - Joann Bennett - David 9.55 3 Edward Freeman, Portland OR; Joel Datloff - 28.18 2 Yatindra Sahae, Carmel CA; Kevin Lewis, Las Bennett, El Dorado Hills CA; Sandy Wold, Shingle Springs CA David Brower, Vancouver WA; Geoffrey Mallette, Port Richey Vegas NV; Robert Carstedt, Wichita KS; Kim Corbin, Scottsdale 10.56 2 Patricia Braun, Arlington Heights IL; Caroline FL AZ Cantrell, Memphis TN; J Howard Frederick, Windcrest TX; Raj 7.81 4 Judith Marshall, Buffalo NY; Silvana Bellini, 18.79 3/4 David Oakley - Gregory Chaffee - David Nayar, San Antonio TX St Petersburg FL; Patricia Rasmus - Richard Rasmus, Walters, San Diego CA; Daniel Denison, Solana Beach CA 7.04 3/4 Thomas Trudeau, Martinez CA; Sharon NY 18.79 3/4 Noe Mallari, San Diego CA; Doug Handler, Larson, Carmel CA; Douglas Laird, North Bend OR; Martha Berkeley CA; Jim Leuker, San Francisco CA; Gilbert Ramirez, Hawley, Monterey CA Bracket 6 16 Teams Reno NV 7.04 3/4 Sue Stokes, Thousand Oaks CA; Elaine Wood, 15.62 1 Cole Powell, Oakland CA; V Everett Boyer, 8.45 5/8 Thomas Wood - Demeter Manning, Crestline Southlake TX; Stefan Lilja, Jonkoping Sweden; Ingvar San Bruno CA; Mansoor Gowani - Stuart Goodgold, San Jose CA; Greg Parker, Spokane WA; Reiko Raese, Boulder CO Johansson, Orebro Sweden CA 3.17 5/8 Don Doolittle, Burlingame CA; Dan Stowell, 11.72 2 Rosemary Boden, Chester NJ; Liz Bracket 3 16 Teams Hillsborough CA; Gerry Piaget - Joan Piaget, San Jose CA Bartholomew, Pennington NJ; Carol Lash, Conshohocken PA; 33.00 1 Larry Mohr, Woodside CA; Ian Boyd, Calgary Beckie Stasi, Shawnee Mission KS AB; Alex Hong, Delta BC; Hao Ge, Cleveland OH; Warren Foss, Bracket 10 10 Teams 8.59 3 Jim Cheney, Hilo HI; Warren Fukushima, Omaha NE 9.12 1 D Deatherage - Lorraine Lazowick, Roseville Pearl City HI; Yasuko Shrenzel, Kihei HI; Sanae Matsumoto, 24.75 2 Sarah Imig, Sioux City IA; Jill Lind, Peoria CA; Susan Hankins - Dale Hankins, Bakersfield CA Honolulu HI AZ; Karen Xia, Stamford CT; Milton Gottlieb, Asheville NC 6.84 2 Paula Eppinger - Robert Eppinger, Stamford 7.03 4 Duane Christensen - Carol Christensen, 16.50 3/4 John Cox, Kellogg ID; Marina Page - Angela CT; Morris Futernick - Miriam Futernick, Miami FL Hermiston OR; Margaret Silvester - Gerry Silvester, Boise ID Fenton, North Vancouver BC; Kathy Bye, Burnaby BC 4.56 3/4 Lee Caryer - John Fleeman, Columbus OH; 16.50 3/4 Agnes McNulty, Clearwater FL; Donna Robert Hiltz - Nancy Hiltz, Las Vegas NV Bracket 7 16 Teams Rodwell, Clearwater Beach FL; Lucy Hillestad, Woodruff WI; 4.56 3/4 Dennis Boomgaarden - Arden Boomgaarden, 14.06 1 Joe Freeman, Flower Mound TX; C. Buddy Glenna Shannahan, Madison WI; Nancy Jones, Anchorage AK; Fallbrook CA; Lew Rose - Anne Michaux, Goldsboro NC Carls, Huntington Beach CA; Michael Kerr, Irvine CA; Hai Spencer Jones, Westminster CO Gates, Arlington TX Bracket 11 9 Teams 10.55 2 Gregory Ingolia, Cambridge MA; Li-Chung Bracket 4 16 Teams 7.41 1 Irene Barker - Barbara Hulsmeyer, Louisville Chen, Cupertino CA; Andrew Cotton - Ruth Murray, Berkeley 27.70 1 Anton Habash, Oxford OH; Robert Delaney - KY; Robert Lumbert, Severn MD; Aurelia Huffman, Crestwood CA George Schmid Sr, Richmond IN; Kathy Delaney, Connersville KY 7.73 3 Bernice French - Aase Haines, North IN 5.56 2 Alan Smuckler M D - Karen Smuckler, Vancouver BC; Bob Kiggins, New Westminster BC; Greg 20.78 2 Robert Glickman, Woodland Hills CA; Kyle Maryville TN; Crystal Fraser - George Piersall Jr, Sedona AZ Middleton, Kanata ON Mattes - Melissa Mattes, Pasadena CA; Jerry Bigler, Austin TX 3.71 3/4 Barbara Ohman - Ella Bosse - Ruth Ruyle - 6.33 4 Jerry Thorpe, Tacoma WA; Paul Krueger, 13.85 3/4 Eugene Joly, Palm Coast FL; Hans Stocker, Ann Rutledge, Roseville CA Arlington VA; Lucy McCoy, Mc Lean VA; Hope Watts, Bethesda Sarasota FL; Barbara Pinchuk, Woodland Hills CA; Janet 3.71 3/4 Karen Eveland, Genesee ID; Emily Hauck, MD Kordakis, Granada Hills CA Lewiston ID; Diane Bear - Patti Kautz, Spokane WA 13.85 3/4 J Wiegmann - Pamela Wiegmann, Lewisville Bracket 8 16 Teams TX; Bruce Brown - Elizabeth Brown, Denton TX MONDAY COMPACT KNOCKOUTS 12.53 1 Michael Bossert - Sara Bossert, Las Vegas Bracket 1 16 Teams NV; John Bond, Walla Walla WA; J Ellston, La Grande OR Bracket 5 16 Teams 28.45 1 Jacqui Mitchell - Amalya Kearse, New York 9.40 2 William Michael, Colorado Sprgs CO; Pam 24.15 1 Patricia Hurlbert, Santa Ynez CA; Gloria NY; , Basking Ridge NJ; Betty Ann Kennedy, Michael - Marie Lacy - V F (Chuck) Lacy, Colorado Springs CO Weltz, Santa Barbara CA; Shi Yan - Guo Xu Zhang, Delta BC; Shreveport LA 6.89 3 Ronnie Frank, Saint Louis MO; Judith Inker, Gary Ge, Vancouver BC 21.34 2 Jack Bryant - Milton Zlatic - Marvin Shapiro, Wellesley Hills MA; Jeff Hepner, Johns Island SC; Charles Gill, 18.11 2 William Holt, Sewickley PA; Robert Park, Saint Louis MO; Michael Penick, Dallas TX St Petersburg FL Gibsonia PA; Robert Quinlan - Nirmala Somani - Thomas 15.65 3 Steve Bruno - Darrell Keel, Peoria AZ; Jim 5.64 4 Harold Binder, Dana Point CA; Connee Henderson, Pittsburgh PA Aitken - Patrick Dunn, Bellevue WA Brogan, Monarch Beach CA; William Velick - Diane Velick, 12.08 3/4 Robert Hill - Sandra Singleton - Peggy Pfeifer 12.80 4 Tim Crank, Wheaton MD; James Murphy, Laguna Beach CA - Wonnie Duncan - Kathryn Centoni - Gregory Svendsen, Chesapeake VA; Colby Vernay, Lacon IL; Barry Schaffer, Frisco Anchorage AK TX Bracket 9 16 Teams 12.08 3/4 Frank Boyce, Inman KS; Leslie Griffith, 11.22 1 Laurie Beattie - Rob Lorck - Sue Ann Moore, Wichita KS; Richard Gittleman, Kamuela HI; Dean Jenkins, Bracket 2 16 Teams Colorado Springs CO; Marieanne Davison, Manitou Springs CO Kailua Kona HI 25.60 1 Marianne Spanier - Bud Marsh, Scottsdale 8.42 2 Steven Peglow, Danville CA; Shawn Cantlin, AZ; Judy Elbogen, Mission Viejo CA; Jean Jacobson, Fullerton Washington DC; Verlan Gabrielson, Pleasanton CA; J Dudley Bracket 6 16 Teams CA Alexander, Livermore CA 20.88 1 Edward Sutcliffe, Sonoma CA; Douglas Allan, 19.20 2 Marie Filandro - Peter Filandro, Wilmington 6.17 3 Lee Ohliger - Jonathan Ohliger, Ridgewood Manassas VA; Rosemary Reitz, Ventura CA; Jack Hellner, Santa DE; William Muir - Victoria Muir, Kansas City MO NJ; Ala Hamilton-Day, Wallingford PA; Stephen Becker, Hatfield Paula CA; Wayne Christensen Jr, Houston TX; David Rogers, 14.08 3 Noble Shore, Charlottesville VA; Charlie PA 15.66 2 Richard Jacobs, San Jose CA; Malcolm Garrod, Pittsburgh PA; Adam Meyerson, Los Angeles CA; 5.05 4 Alfred Lee, Rncho Pls Vrd CA; Jocelyn Krug Stewart - Eric Ge Yang, Cupertino CA; Paul Lindauer Jr, Varna Samuel Ieong, Stanford CA - Gail Heuchert, Vancouver BC; Jamie Rubenstein, Scottsdale AZ IL 11.52 4 Jonathan Steinberg, Toronto ON; Colin 10.44 3/4 Andrew Risman, Toronto ON; Merryl Chin, Lafferty, Kitchener ON; Arnie Frankel, Laurel MD; David Bracket 10 16 Teams Don Mills ON; David Kroft - Sharon Bain, Thornhill ON Abelow, Owings Mills MD 9.87 1 Brian Reynolds - Samantha Macdouglas, Van 10.44 3/4 Alver Leighton - Jean Leighton - Roger Nuys CA; Jennifer Chalfan - Chris Moore, Bellevue WA Melaas, Saint Cloud MN; Michael Leighton, Grafton ND; Kory Bracket 3 16 Teams 7.40 2 Wayman Rossman - Peggy Daniels, Solarz, St Cloud MN 21.88 1 David Marker - Ellen Gabriel, Chicago IL; Melbourne Beach FL; Barbara Fitzgerald, Vergennes VT; Lillian 4.70 5/8 Donald Flanigan - Donna Flanigan - Donald Faye Marino, Greenwich CT; Cookie Evans, Tucson AZ Harris, Oakland CA Waddell - Elaine Waddell, Bettendorf IA 16.41 2 Riva Akerman, Whitestone NY; Elliot 5.43 3 S Scot Moir - Barbara Moir, Deputy IN; Sternlicht, New York NY; Susan Fuller, Miami FL; Jay Cohodes, Cheryl Klein - Vangie Smith, Louisville KY Bracket 7 16 Teams Sunrise FL 4.44 4 Teri Smoot - Gerald Smoot, Placerville CA; 17.89 1 Lynn Stanley - George Stanley - Anne 12.03 3 Jolie Hess - Ann Brinker Schwall, Houston Susan Taylor, Evansville IN; Gail Fraser, Lynnwood WA Mahoney - Leo Mahoney, Moncton NB TX; Ann Roberts, Garland TX; Larue Stott, Dallas TX 13.42 2 David Abuhove, Falling Waters WV; Edward 9.85 4 James O’Neil, Palo Alto CA; Pat Thomas, Bracket 11 16 Teams Becker Jr, Midland MI; Robert Munger, Frederick MD; Gayle Salinas CA; Heather Cutting, Portola Valley CA; Kathy Harper, 8.71 1 Eleanor Gay, Ostrander OH; Mary Skavaril, Marsh, La Mesa CA Atherton CA Columbus OH; Bernard Grant, Williams Lake BC; Doreen 8.95 3/4 Jerry McKay - Beverly McKay, Kinston NC; Jensen, Sardis BC Joel Shore - Marilyn Shore, Bloomfield MI 6.53 2 Patricia Huck, Manassas VA; George North, Cherry Hill NJ; Erik Smith, San Francsico CA; Paula Oliver, Mariposa CA Page 12 Daily Bulletin

4.79 3 Duaine Benard, Redford MI; Cassandra Mani, MONDAY EVENING SWISS TEAMS Belvedere CA; Michael Nistler, Petaluma CA; Willis Mitchell, 118 Teams Dearborn MI ABC 3.92 4 John Vion, Santa Rosa CA; Forrest Lorz, Reno NV; Torre Houlgate-West, San Luis Obispo CA; L. E. Andre 13.38 1 John Russell, North BarringtoN IL; Bernace DeYoung, Miami FL; Brunel, Shrewsbury MA John Morris, Atlanta GA; Mike Cappelletti Sr, Alexandria VA 66.00 Bracket 12 16 Teams 10.04 2 Shirley Presberg - Sharon Jabbour, Boca Raton FL; Carol Hamilton 7.84 1 Marla Gropper - Rosalee Hardin, Vancouver - James Hamilton, Sarasota FL 63.00 BC; Sima Sadri, West Vancouver BC; Eurydice Nours, Richmond 7.53 3 Daniel Hoekstra - Tom Weeg, Portland OR; Deanna Goh, BC Peterborough ON; Lachman Advani, Ottawa ON 59.00 5.88 2 John Burbank, Las Vegas NV; James Gardner, Sonoma CA; Sandi Baker, Alamo CA; George Kieffer, Walnut 5.64 4 John Bortins, Louisville CO; Nancy Benamati, Arvada CO; Judy Creek CA Hummel - Jerry Curtright, Colorado Spgs CO 58.00 4.31 3 Dilip Udeshi, Bensalem PA; Clarence Mette 4.23 5 Craig Kavin, Oxnard CA; Carol Pincus, Las Vegas NV; Jill III - Roslyn Kranz, Scottsdale AZ; Pauline Sostarich, Hermitage Richmond - Robert Kerr, Los Angeles CA 57.00 PA 2.78 6/7 , Charlottenlund Denmark; Edith Rosenkranz - 3.53 4 Philip Fast, Boise ID; James Washburn, Mill Valley CA; Robert Hevener - Christine Hevener, San Mateo CA George Rosenkranz, Mexico; Miguel Reygadas, Mexico 56.00 10.62 6/7 1 Edwin Zubert - W James Ball - Wendy Richardson - Len Charney, Bracket 13 16 Teams Winnipeg MB 56.00 6.96 1 Joo-Hee Janicki, Markham ON; Tony Viidik - 1.39 8/12 Leslie Strong, Santa Ynez CA; Barbara Sonsini, Woodside CA; Tom Joan Viidik, Waterloo ON; I More, Toronto ON Wylie - Andrew Vinock, Woodland Hills CA 55.00 5.22 2 Robert Kroupa, Idaho Falls ID; Jan Daugharty, 1.39 8/12 Kathy Longman - Jack Longman, Clearwater FL; Donald Sondergeld, Coeur D Alene ID; Judy Staufer - Pat Sales, Boise ID 3.83 3 Richard Muse, Hornell NY; Gary Christenson, Hubbardton VT; Rosemary Searcy, Lees Summit MO 55.00 Livonia NY; Phyllis Tate - Linda Anthony, Austin TX 1.39 8/12 Geoff Bridges - Kendra Bridges - Earline Thomas, Boise ID; Jim 3.13 4 Claybourne Waldrop Jr, Arlington TX; Thomas, Olympia WA 55.00 Virginia Sherman, Dallas TX; Linda Stuart, Gainesville FL; 1.39 8/12 Susan Ingham, Hunters Hill Australia; Peter David Gill, Dulwich Linda Stuart, Hot Springs AR Hill Australia; Frank Aquila, Fairlawn OH; Joan McKeon, New Farm Australia 55.00 Bracket 14 12 Teams 4.67 1 Charles Gibson Jr - Margot Hirsch, Arlington 1.39 8/12 Barbara Swan - Darlene Roby, Roseville CA; Joan Mesias, Temple TX; Lance Cooke - Margaret Cooke, Calgary AB City CA; Dorothy McDermott, Sacramento CA 55.00 3.50 2 Barbara Cooper - Suzanne Anderson - Cathie 7.97 2 Mike Murray, Trabuco Canyon CA; James Malone, Goleta CA; Donald Hayes, Larkspur CA; Alex Kinas, Sausalito CA Murray, Manteno IL; Kathleen Malone, Aliso Viejo CA 54.00 2.57 3 Marian Zeldin, La Mesa CA; Lawrence 5.23 3/4 Andrew Risman, Toronto ON; Merryl Chin, Don Mills ON; Sharon Rossman, San Diego CA; Judith Hess - Christine Pokorski, Fairfield CT Bain - David Kroft, Thornhill ON 52.00 2.10 4 Daniel Chamberlain - Kathryn Chamberlain - 5.23 3/4 David Willmott, Folsom CA; Albert Comiskey, Anchorage AK; Judy Coffey - Mary Jo Sergent, Rockford IL Richard Plotin, Northridge CA; Gary Grey, Granada Hills CA 52.00 3.36 5 Christon Johnson, Falls Church VA; Lucy Hillestad, Woodruff WI; MONDAY COMPACT KNOCKOUTS Lue Waddle, Dallas TX; Anita Flood, Somis CA 51.00 CONSOLATION 2.52 6 Jon Downing, Solihill England; Roberto Verthelyi, New York NY; Bracket 1 8 Teams 12.46 1 Roger Passal, Woodside CA; Candace Fowler Robert Hill - Gregory Svendsen, Anchorage AK 50.00 Griffey, Daytona Beach FL; Bill Kent, Iowa City IA; Kathy 1.89 7 Martia Fikes - Juanita Girand, Palo Alto CA; Shirley Liebhaber, Baum, Germantown TN Los Altos CA; Dorothy Shannahan, Sunnyvale CA 49.00 9.35 2 Renee Mancuso, Los Angeles CA; Pam 3.64 1 Doris Mikstay, Canton OH; Janice Smith, Barberton OH; Marilyn Wittes, Venice CA; Donna Compton, Dallas TX; Rebecca Bolender, Wadsworth OH; Barbara Wallman, Massillon OH 46.00 Rogers, Las Vegas NV 2.73 2 John Barth, Santa Cruz CA; Eric Mayefsky, Chappaqua NY; Matthew Bracket 2 8 Teams Lahut, Redmond WA; Jennifer Lin, Pittsburgh PA 44.00 10.47 1 Michael Yuen, Vancouver BC; William Treble, 2.05 3 Thomas Trudeau, Martinez CA; Douglas Laird, North Bend OR; Winnipeg MB; Thomas Gandolfo - Maurice De La Salle, Sharon Larson, Carmel CA; Martha Hawley, Monterey CA 43.00 Edmonton AB 1.54 4 Fay Frazier, Chico CA; Sheila Puz, Kitchener ON; Rita Dodge - 7.85 2 Daniel Zagorin, Chicago IL; Drew Becker, Lamya Abougoush, Calgary AB 35.00 Mequon WI; Suzanne Dunn, Crystal Lake IL; Joshua Stark, Grayslake IL 1.15 5 Janet Adamiak - Raja Smadi, Saratoga CA; Erin Gove, Los Gatos 5.76 3 David Better, Southampton PA; Daisy CA; Fung Bao, Cupertino CA 33.00 Goecker, Yardley PA; Aidan Ballantyne, Vancouver BC; Len Vishnevsky, San Francisco CA SUNDAY-MONDAY SIDE GAME SERIES 488 Players Bracket 3 8 Teams 14.46 1/2 David Smith, Davidson NC 121.80% 9.42 1 Merlin Vilhauer - Shirley Riesland, Beaverton OR; Irene Pickett, Portland OR; Bruce Cook, Spokane WA 14.46 1/2 Gretchen Smith, Davidson NC 121.80% 7.07 2 James Flint, Zillah WA; Dudley Brown - V 8.13 3/4 Frank Jones, Pasadena CA 119.23% Martin, Grandview WA; Douglas Keller, San Francisco CA 8.13 3/4 Charlotte Anderson, Madison WI 119.23% 5.18 3 John Hoffman, Mountain View CA; Jo 4.58 5/6 Gladys Collier, East Hampton NY 117.63% Ginsberg, San Francisco CA; Howard Einberg, Los Angeles CA; 4.58 5/6 , Austin TX 117.63% James Glickman, Woodland Hills CA 6.98 7/8 Joanne Allen, San Francisco CA 115.86% 6.98 7/8 Dean Wangsvick, Daly City CA 115.86% Bracket 4 8 Teams 8.48 1 James Thurtell, Dallas TX; Gerry McKim, MONDAY EVENING 49ER PAIRS Garland TX; Allan Schuster, Coronado CA; Gerald Mindell, 28 Pairs Chicago IL DEF 6.36 2 Gay Parrish, Bellingham WA; Jay Brandt, Blaine WA; James Craig, Gilroy CA; Karol Monroe, Newport 2.52 1 Mary Lou Willett, Davis CA; Leslie Willett, North Bend OR 145.00 OR 1.89 2 1 Richard Pankopf - Susan Pankopf, Roseville CA 140.50 4.66 3 Richard Cornett, Madisonville KY; Elbert 1.24 3/4 2/3 Sandra Schlyer, Westlake Vlg CA; Cynthia Ratner, Westlake Vlge CA 132.00 Moore, Crofton KY; Dann Kramer - Daniel Bertrand, Calgary 1.26 3/4 2/3 1 Donald Rogers - Chantry Rogers, Roseville CA 132.00 AB 0.88 5 4 Ralph Chatoian - Martha Chatoian, Lincoln CA 129.50 0.63 6 5 Richard Weiss - Sally Weiss, Palmdale CA 125.00 Bracket 5 8 Teams 7.63 1 Connie Vaughan - Gerald Vaughan, Knoxville 0.57 2 Donna Lisle - Andrew Hart, Rancho Cordova CA 99.00 TN; Helen Miller, Miller Place NY; Karen Bell, Midland MI 5.72 2 Brett Kunin, West Orange NJ; Paul Sorensen - Allan Sorensen, Berwyn AB; Brendan Doyle, Narberth PA 4.20 3 John Glick, Hope IN; Treva Zarlengo, Novato CA; Hugh Callahan, Piedmont CA; Nancy Zakim, Kentfield CA

Bracket 6 8 Teams 6.87 1 Milton Kalikman, Azusa CA; Richard Quist, Moreno Valley CA; James Sremba - Nancy Sremba, Reno NV Daily Bulletin Page 13

299ER STRATIFIED SWISS TEAMS 5.15 2 Robert Donaldson, Ogden UT; Deanna 14 Teams Donaldson, Roy UT; Vandana Jhawar - Pradeep Jhawar, Layton ABC UT 3.78 3 S Robinson, Oklahoma City OK; Bob Stoldt, 3.39 1 1 1 EllaMargaret Cron, Englewood CO; Patricia Weinberg - Carol Lake Forest CA; Paul Pugsley - Brenda Pugsley, Carson City NV Wendt, Denver CO; Greg Foss 63.00 2.54 2 2 Lee Caryer - John Fleeman, Columbus OH; Nancy Hiltz - Robert Bracket 7 8 Teams Hiltz, Las Vegas NV 56.00 6.18 1 Bill Garrity, Orlando FL; Mira Michaud - 1.91 3 3 Darlene Sluder - Thuan Pham Gwynn, Seal Beach CA; Florence Gado, Robert Michaud, Sun City West AZ; Martha McGhee, Maitland Green Valley AZ; Jeannette Hallquist, Charlottesville VA 53.00 FL 4.64 2 Rita Smith - Ginny Rutledge, Tucson AZ; 1.25 4/5 4/5 Shahla Verrall, Kensington CA; Elaine Everett, Clarendon Hills Carol Rynders, Saint Paul MN; Alice Wegman, Bethesda MD IL; Gerda Janos, Berkeley CA; Jean Carpenter, Harbor Springs MI 44.00 3.40 3 Lynne Cook, Wyandotte MI; Georgene 1.25 4/5 4/5 Lester Kodama - Mitsuko Kodama, Mililani HI; Donald Jay - Elaine Cronin, Rochester Hills MI; John Shufelt - Jean Shufelt, Newport Jay, Honolulu HI 44.00 RI

Bracket 8 8 Teams MONDAY EVENING 299ER PAIRS 5.56 1 John Cissel - Sundra Malcolm, Eugene OR; 54 Pairs Kevin Bolan, Snohomish WA; Richard Cissel, Berwyn Heights ABC MD 5.23 1 1 1 Mary Calise, Edwards CO; Diane Newsom, Avon CO 161.50 4.17 2 Dorothy Moore, Crofton KY; Deborah 3.92 2 2 Joseph Phillips, Queensbury NY; Roger Parsons, Fort Worth TX 157.00 Gregory, Henderson KY; Pam Peard, Calgary AB; Anita Lambert, 2.94 3 3 2 Kay Jones, Fort Lauderdale FL; Robert Mix, Reno NV 154.19 Edmonton AB 3.06 3 Gordon Burns - Claire Burns, West Vancouver 2.21 4 Betty Richards, East Orleans MA; Walter Yllo, North Attleboro MA 153.86 BC; Michael Stickland - Patricia Stickland, North Vancouver BC 1.80 5 4 Valerie Climie - Edward Climie, Nanaimo BC 151.23 1.66 6 5 3 David Fredlund - Carol Fredlund, Minneapolis MN 149.50 Bracket 9 8 Teams 1.14 6/7 4/5 Candace Carlton - Terry Carlton, Poolesville MD 146.50 5.00 1 Clifford Lardinois, San Rafael CA; Sylvia 1.09 6/7 4/5 Eleanor Nuellen - James Nuellen, Hinsdale IL 146.50 Ross, Bel Tiburon CA; Richard Goldberg - Beverly Goldberg, 0.82 6/7 Maria Fernandez, Madrid Spain; Ed Roberts, San Francisco CA 145.00 Greenbrae CA 3.75 2 Will Engel, Freeport IL; Margaret Hansell, 0.62 6/7 Pamela Elsner, Avon CO; Marcia McCalden, Wolcott CO 145.00 Champaign IL; Robert Steigmann - Sherry Steigmann, Urbana IL 2.75 3 James Earlam - Barbara Lander - Michael STRATIFIED B/C/D PAIRS Hargrove - Marion Hargrove, Henderson NV 86 Pairs BCD Bracket 10 8 Teams 4.50 1 Lilli Gober, Cedar Hill TX; Barry Margolin, 14.90 1 1 1 Jonathan Cohen, Rohnert Park CA; Z Kadah, Los Gatos CA 377.50 Arlington MA; Janet Heidt, Rossland BC; Dorothy Kuffner, Trail 11.18 2 Thomas Coward, Brentwood Bay BC; Ted Heck, Victoria BC 375.50 BC 8.38 3 Gennifer Binder - Stephannie Russo, New York NY 375.00 3.38 2 Bryan Morgan, Dallas TX; Anthony Eckman, 8.03 4 2 2 Audrey Mitchell - David Mitchell, Los Altos CA 367.50 Austin TX; P Max Vaight - Anu Goodman, Toronto ON 6.02 5 3 David Legrow, Eagleville PA; Edward Hale, Rolla MO 366.50 2.48 3 Helen McCool, Pittston PA; John Gerling - 3.54 6 Donald Stanger - Harold Sandler, Bainbridge Island WA 361.50 Margaret Kidwell, Medford OR; Walter Brenholts, Mountain Top PA 4.52 7 4 Julie Kupersmith - Art Kupersmith, Marion IN 358.50 3.39 5 Sally Sabo, Santa Fe NM; Diana Dragt, Gilroy CA 358.00 Bracket 11 8 Teams 2.54 6 Jo Johnson - Judy Lewis, New York NY 355.00 4.05 1 Bernell Scott - Donald Scott, Grass Valley 2.81 3 Marylou Galindo - Carmen Stump, Mexico 327.00 CA; Ferdinand Wolfram, Riverside CA; Bernice Shahrabani, 2.11 4 William Reeves - Rebecca Ostrom, Ashland OR 317.50 Deerfield Beach FL 1.86 5 Kathryn Le Gro, Carmichael CA; Laura Raczek, Roseville CA 315.00 3.04 2 Cam Meyer - Sharon Hettick - Dee Cockfield - Duke Cockfield, Bend OR 1.86 6 Michael Hamilton - Gail Hamilton, Montrose CO 310.00 2.23 3 M Mardesich - Cathy Woodburne, Seattle WA; Carter Hoffmann - Pamela Hoffmann, Normandy Park WA MONDAY FLIGHT A PAIRS 130 Pairs Bracket 12 8 Teams AX 3.65 1 Jeanne Dea, Sierra Madre CA; Kim Wang, Torrance CA; Gan Tai Tseng, Rancho Pls Vrd CA; Tai Wang, 32.81 1 Irina Levitina, Fair Lawn NJ; , Stony Point NY 816.42 Rosemead CA 24.61 2 1 John Marriott Jr, Rocky Mount NC; John Cobb Jr, Apex NC 805.50 2.74 2 Troy Lemons - Roberta Lemons, Danville CA; 18.46 3 Lynne Feldman, Champaign IL; Ellen Crawford, Las Vegas NV 774.00 Alice Johnson - Thayer Johnson, Antioch CA 13.84 4 Veronica McMurdie, Sacramento CA; Albert Chow, Folsom CA 768.28 2.01 3 James Rudolph - Jerry Thornton - Adrienne 10.38 5 John McLaughlin, Melrose MA; Stephen Gladyszak, Chelsea MA 762.00 Rudolph, Ann Arbor MI; David Pumphrey, Reno NV 7.79 6 David Adams, Kennesaw GA; Bob Autrey, Marietta GA 760.08 Bracket 13 8 Teams 5.84 7 Robert Matcha - Jane Matcha, Sugar Land TX 750.40 3.29 1 Gerald Greene, Chicago IL; Paul Frey, New 11.74 8 2 Weizhong Bao - Ruoyu Fan, Herndon VA 744.00 Brighton MN; Mary Grummons - Milo Grummons, Warrenville 3.65 9 Jim Krekorian - Judith Bianco, New York NY 737.00 IL 3.78 10 Phyllis Rakevich, Elma WA; Eugene Fomin, Glacier WA 736.22 2.47 2 Bobby Carter - Patricia English, Cincinnati 4.76 11 Leo LaSota, College Park MD; Kenneth Davis, Alexandria VA 733.50 OH; Michael Mac Pash, Bad Pyrmont Germany; Cecelia 3.68 12 Stephen Kornegay - Nancy Kornegay, N Richlnd Hls TX 724.62 Gleisinger, Loveland OH 1.81 3 Allen Prier - Betty Prier, Largo FL; Faye 8.80 13 3 Junyi Zhu, Salt Lake City UT; Qing Yang, San Jose CA 717.12 Anderson, Schererville IN; Barbara Walczak, Munster IN 6.60 14 4 Vicki Chang, Berkeley CA; Donald Steedman, Albany CA 714.00 4.95 15 5 Jill Fisch - John Gassenheimer, New York NY 707.22 Bracket 14 6 Teams 3.71 6 McKenzie Myers, Eugene OR; Molly Tinsley, Ashland OR 703.38 2.96 1 Christine Malfarlane, Houston TX; R 3.77 7 Diana Miller, Las Vegas NV; Rose Boot, Fresno CA 701.00 Segerlind, Dallas TX; Rosede Olson - Martha Noyes, Chicago IL 2.22 2 Katye Kowierschke - Diane Hoksbergen, Fort Worth TX; G Douglas Frost - Jane Frost, White Bear Lake MN MONDAY NIGHT SIDE GAME 1.63 3 Jeffrey Ricks - Karen Velie, Sonora CA; 100 Pairs Sharon Fauss, La Grange CA; Shirley Jobes, Wilmington NC ABC 9.10 1 1 Henry Williams - Rosemary Wade Williams, Oro Valley AZ 210.00 6.83 2 2 Patricia Basset, Auburn CA; Helen Henning, Penn Valley CA 193.00 Child Care 5.12 3 Marie Covey, Kihei HI; Kathryn Gisler, Rancho Mirage CA 191.50 Drop your children off for a fun-filled session 3.84 4 Gretchen Smith - David Smith, Davidson NC 189.50 while you play bridge! 2.88 5 John Gustafson - Helen Gustafson, Des Moines IA 189.00 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. & 7 p.m. to Midnight 2.99 6 3 Lynn Nosse, Grafton OH; Judith Watjen, Bay Village OH 185.50 Session Fee: $25 2.73 4 1 Susan Bender-Scheer, Morristown NJ; Erez Hendelman, Brockville MD 184.00 1.68 5 Richard Gittleman, Kamuela HI; Dean Jenkins, Kailua Kona HI 179.50 Bridge Lessons – 6:45 p.m. each day 1.26 6 Carole Liss, Corte Madera CA; Lydia Bearden, Lakeway TX 177.50 Ice Cream Social – Tuesday, 7 p.m. to Midnight 2.05 2 Carolyn Sprague - Tom Guirl, Anchorage AK 173.50 Pizza Party – Thursday, 5:30 to 7 p.m. 1.68 3 Orlyn Lewis, Brentwood CA; Jean Chitwood, Ripon CA 165.50 Movie Night – Saturday, 7 p.m. to Midnight 1.15 4 Bruce Brown, Denton TX; Stan Batiste, Los Gatos CA 164.00 Contact room 2749 for reservations. 0.91 5 Busaba Williams, Honolulu HI; Luke Han, Kaneohe HI 163.00 Page 14 Daily Bulletin

MONDAY-THURSDAY MORNING KNOCKOUTS MONDAY SENIOR PAIRS Bracket 1 16 Teams 150 Pairs William Treble, Winnipeg MB; Michael Yuen, Vancouver BC; ABC Steven Lawrence, Calgary AB; Susan Culham, Edmonton AB vs 21.39 1 Dariush Youssefi, Half Moon Bay CA; Frank Jackson, Pacifica CA 381.00 Walter Fontaine, North Providence RI; Bill Irvine, Quincy MA; 16.04 2 John Bralliar - Bea Bralliar, Lomita CA 376.50 William Hunter, Reading MA; Sylvia Fay, Montreal QC; Shome 12.03 3 1 Shirley Matthews, Lindale TX; Nicholas , Spring Valley NY 372.00 Mukherjee, Randolph MA; Paul Kinney, Jamaica Plain MA 9.02 4 2 Tom Jacobson, Fairfield CA; Joan Garcia, Dixon CA 367.50 6.77 5 George Saffeels, Las Vegas NV; Betty Kelly, Boise ID 364.00 Riva Akerman, Whitestone NY; Elliot Sternlicht, New York NY; 5.08 6 George Brown - Roni Maktenieks, Sacramento CA 361.50 Martin Schiff Jr, Tucson AZ; Rick Roeder, San Diego CA vs 3.81 7 Robert Anderson - Roberta Anderson, Carson City NV 361.00 Bernace DeYoung, Miami FL; Marjorie Michelin, Los Angeles 2.86 8 Steven Norvich, Barrington IL; Diane Walker, Gaithersburg MD 358.50 CA; John Jeffrey, Las Vegas NV; David Siebert, Little Rock AR; 3.03 9 Arnold Katz - Ruby Rhoads, Laguna Woods CA 357.50 Peter Friedland, Los Altos CA; John Russell, North Barrington IL 6.20 3 David Willmott, Folsom CA; Lucille Maranda, Calgary AB 357.00 4.65 4 Richard Plotin, Northridge CA; Gary Grey, Granada Hills CA 356.71 William Muir - Victoria Muir, Kansas City MO; Stephen Stewart, Overland Park KS; Paul Theroff, Kansas City KS 3.49 5 Grant Morgan - Sue Morgan, Atascadero CA 355.00 vs 2.62 6 Leszek Baldys, Maple Ridge BC; Gail Schwartz, Boynton Beach FL 346.21 Ken Gee, Regina SK; Robert Carteaux, Fort Wayne IN; Dixie 1.96 7 Lorita Spalding - Regina Houston, Reno NV 344.00 Hsu, San Luis Obispo CA; Warren Foss, Omaha NE; Murray 3.46 1 Margery Martin, New Rochelle NY; Joan Di Palma, Rye NY 316.58 Melton, Las Vegas NV; Peggy Allen, Chevy Chase MD 2.60 2 Judith Clark - Michael O’Leary, Santa Clara CA 312.50 1.95 3 Betty Hancock - Doris Ray, Fort Myers FL 300.00 Roark Johnson, Richfield MN; Jon Martin, Fargo ND; Sarah Imig, Sioux City IA; Jill Lind, Peoria AZ 1.46 4 Rebecca McCarter - Jerry McCarter, Lake Kiowa TX 298.00 vs 1.09 5 Alice Plumb - Roger Plumb, Plymouth MN 296.50 Veronica McMurdie - John McMurdie, Sacramento CA; Bruce Noda, Corte Madera CA; Don Nemiro, Hollister CA; Hamish MONDAY FAST PAIRS Bennett, Menlo Park CA 58 Pairs ABC Bracket 2 16 Teams Larry Mohr, Woodside CA; Alex Hong - Guoxu Zhang - Shi Yan, 25.84 1 Carol Ross - Tom Ross, Lincoln CA 323.00 Delta BC; Ian Boyd, Calgary AB 19.38 2 Jan Nathan, Manhattan Beach CA; Steve Mager, Hermosa Beach CA 321.91 vs 14.54 3 Lorna McDonald, St Albert AB; Karen Kilworth, Strathmore AB 319.77 Paul Glick, Phoenix AZ; Marla Gropper - Connie Delisle - 10.90 4 William Vinson, Boynton Beach FL; Stephen Czecha, Potomac MD 309.50 Jeanette Greenhut, Vancouver BC 8.18 5 David Metcalf, Newton MA; Carole Weinstein Gorsey, Acton MA 306.55 Mark Tonnesen - Shirley Kollas, Woodbridge VA; La Quitta 6.13 6 Tony Miller - Diane Miller, Ridgecrest CA 305.77 Talbot - Herbert Fallin Jr, Alexandria VA 4.60 7 Reha Gur, Leonardo NJ; Aaron Cohen, Manchester Township NJ 304.50 vs 3.45 8 Chris Lubesnik, Bronx NY; Gary Moore, Northridge CA 304.00 Ahmed Sorathia, Chino CA; Mariko Kakimoto, Newport Coast 2.87 9 Karen Heath, Henderson NV; Ron Sukoneck, Annandale VA 296.00 CA; Subba Ravipudi, Downey CA; Gayle Andrews, Stanton CA; 5.90 1 Joyce Hart - Richard Hart, Piedmont CA 292.50 Martin Morris, Wheeling IL; Norm Gordon, Dol-Des-Ormeaux 4.43 2 Lisa Evans, Danville CA; Cheryl Haines, Redwood City CA 288.50 QC 3.32 3 Santokh Sian - Margaret Havens, Powell River BC 282.00 George Klemic, Bensenville IL; Dick Duff - Edwin Hagerman, 3.18 4 1 Jeri Tribo - Patty Moncus, Boerne TX 279.50 Denver CO; Drew Becker, Mequon WI; Daniel Williams, 1.87 5 Yi-Qun Jin, Sunnyvale CA; Erez Hendelman, Brockville MD 273.09 Lighthouse Point FL 1.40 6 Makiko Sato, Tokyo Japan; Sachiko Nakatani, Reno NV 272.59 vs 2.39 2 Rosemarie Jesse, Redmond WA; Maureen Schroder, Kirkland WA 235.00 Monica Angus - Claire Burns - Gordon Burns, West Vancouver 1.79 3 Karen Famera, New York NY; Tom Moran, Lady Lake FL 231.23 BC; Howard Rubin, North Vancouver BC

Frank Aquila, Fairlawn OH; Judith Marshall, Buffalo NY; Anton SUNDAY-MONDAY SIDE GAME SERIES Habash, Oxford OH; Robert Delaney, Richmond IN 58 Pairs vs ABC Jerry Ranney - Jane Ranney, Morrison CO; Reiko Raese, Boulder 5.92 1 Ivan Grondin - Patrick Dubbs, Fairbanks AK 187.63 CO; Shirley Scott, Colorado Springs CO 4.44 2 Carol Huston - Mohamed Shagrun, Chico CA 187.58 Bracket 3 16 Teams 3.64 3 1 1 Olaf Johanden, Norway; Efrat Oren, Herzelia Israel 186.00 Audrey Ventura - Michael Ventura, Raleigh NC; David Smith - 2.50 4 Randy Pace, Elverta CA; Jess Sellers III, San Bernardino CA 185.88 Gretchen Smith, Davidson NC 2.24 5 Jean Willis - Bill Willis, El Dorado AR 183.00 vs 2.73 6/7 2 Dean Wangsvick, Daly City CA; Joanne Allen, San Francisco CA 180.00 William Michael,- Pam Michael - V F (Chuck) Lacy - Marie 1.57 6/7 Tom Wylie - Andrew Vinock, Woodland Hills CA 180.00 Lacy, Colorado Springs CO 2.05 3 Carol Young - Nancy Steding, Bloomfield MI 178.50 William Holt, Sewickley PA; Robert Quinlan - Thomas 1.54 4 Brad Bozick, Waltham MA; Jack Vecchione, Boston MA 176.71 Henderson - Nirmala Somani, Pittsburgh PA; Robert Park, 1.70 5 2 Tom Kaufmann, Pine Brook NJ; Martin Lesh, Montville NJ 176.42 Gibsonia PA 1.18 6 Katie Scalamandre - Gino Scalamandre, Surfside FL 175.37 vs 1.28 3 Ken Anderson - Larry Kelley, Ketchum ID 163.50 Lynne Cook, Wyandotte MI; Georgene Cronin, Rochester Hills 0.96 4 Margaret Rourke, Piedmont CA; Dick Redden, Walnut Creek CA 128.50 MI; Nancy Steding - Carol Young, Bloomfield MI

Steven Peglow, Danville CA; Shawn Cantlin, Washington DC; MONDAY AFTERNOON IMP PAIRS Jonathan Ferguson, Woodway TX; Cole Powell, Oakland CA 24 Pairs vs ABC Ronnie Frank, Saint Louis MO; Judith Inker, Wellesley Hills 3.34 1 1 Sallie Smith - Addie Greene, Ashland OR 50.00 MA; Jeff Hepner, Johns Island SC; Charles Gill, St Petersburg FL 2.51 2 2 Ernest Olness Jr - Charles Gilje, Billings MT 34.00 1.88 3 3 Audrey Chard, Incline Village NV; Julie Ginocchio, Carnelian Bay CA 32.00 Nathan Glasser, Somerville MA; Barry Margolin, Arlington MA; 1.41 4 Marie Covey, Kihei HI; Kathryn Gisler, Rancho Mirage CA 27.00 Robin Hillyard, Waltham MA; Stephen Pickett, Vancouver BC 1.06 5 Wally Augustin, San Diego CA; Maribel Corredor, Coronado CA 22.00 vs 0.84 6 Carol Brigham, Stanford CA; Arlene Levy, Menlo Park CA 20.00 Joe Freeman, Flower Mound TX; Albert Brockelman, 1.28 4 David McNitt - Leroy Boser, Elkhart IN 15.00 Menomonie WI; Hansford Rowe, Valencia CA; Bryan Morgan, Dallas TX 2.12 5 1 Paul Levine, San Carlos CA; Edward Hornung, San Bruno CA 14.00 1.59 6 2 Wayne Kaneko - Barbara Simon, Ewa Beach HI 8.00 Bracket 4 16 Teams 1.19 3 Elizabeth Funsten, San Francisco CA; Bud Pate, Silver Springs NV -10.00 Andrew Risman, Toronto ON; Merryl Chin, Don Mills ON; David Kroft - Sharon Bain, Thornhill ON vs Art Quey, San Mateo CA; Richard Douglas, Kemblesville PA; Evelyn Dunlop - Orban Reich, Reno NV Daily Bulletin Page 15

MONDAY MORNING SIDE PAIRS Spencer Jones, Westminster CO; Nancy Jones - Robert Hill - 66 Pairs Gregory Svendsen, Anchorage AK; Jerry Boothe, Glen Ellyn IL ABC vs Walter Tauber, Longmeadow MA; Raymond Root, Grand 6.52 1 Kory Solarz, St Cloud MN; Michael Leighton, Grafton ND 110.61 Junction MI; Frank La Master - Nancy La Master, Munster IN 5.16 2 1 Christie Sellers - Daniel Sellers Jr, Mobile AL 108.43 3.67 3 Gail Wells, Plano TX; Michael Walrath, Keller TX 107.50 Brian Reynolds - Samantha Macdouglas, Van Nuys CA; Jennifer 3.87 4 2 1 Sandra Oliveras, Central Point OR; Gee Gee Walker, Medford OR 103.00 Chalfan - Chris Moore, Bellevue WA 2.06 5 Marianne Cross, Fernandina Bch FL; Geoffrey Cross, Fernandina FL 100.50 vs 1.55 6 Peg Mitchell, Bloomington MN; David Abelow, Owings Mills MD 98.57 Anita Flood, Somis CA; Lue Waddle, Dallas TX; Elinor Mattson, Huntington Beach CA; Roberta Abel, Newport Beach CA 2.90 3 William Velick - Diane Velick, Laguna Beach CA 97.00 1.96 4/5 Mary Ann Wotring - Warren Wotring Jr, Chino Hills CA 96.50 Brad Bozick, Waltham MA; Jack Vecchione, Boston MA; Brian 1.91 4/5 Lucy Hillestad, Woodruff WI; Darlene Mayhew, Castro Valley CA 96.50 Duran, Cambridge MA; Gloria Tsoi, Somerville MA 1.22 6 Josephine Cooley, Campbell CA; Art Fonda, San Jose CA 96.00 vs 2.39 2 Shoshana Romano - Albert Romano, Haifa Israel 94.50 Paula Nowlan - James Metcalfe - Patty Metcalfe - Leslie Pettie - Dora Lee, Edmonton AB; William McDonald, St Albert AB 1.79 3 Gene Miley - Christine Miley, Hinsdale IL 85.00 1.34 4 Patricia Braun, Arlington Heights IL; Sandra Andreen, Willowbrook IL 84.93 Bracket 5 16 Teams 1.01 5 Shirley Prewitt - Lorraine Little, Fort Worth TX 82.57 Ann (Nancy) Riely, Honolulu HI; June Lucas - Kazuko Nojima, 0.99 6 Terry Smith, Jacksonville FL; Linda Stuart, Gainesville FL 81.50 Reno NV; Lillian Johnson, Sparks NV vs MONDAY MORNING 299ER PAIRS James Rudolph - Jerry Thornton - Adrienne Rudolph, Ann Arbor MI; Alice Thomas, Langley BC 56 Pairs ABC David Abuhove, Falling Waters WV; Gayle Marsh - Marian 5.37 1 1 1 Hans Van Boldrik, Santa Rosa CA; Roy Redlich, Petaluma CA 146.20 Zeldin, La Mesa CA; Edward Becker Jr, Midland MI 4.03 2 2 2 Barbara Miller, Avon CO; Jo Dee Bowen, Avon/Beaver Crk CO 144.00 vs 3.02 3 Don Doolittle, Burlingame CA; Dan Stowell, Hillsborough CA 135.00 Duaine Benard, Redford MI; Willis Mitchell, Dearborn MI; 2.27 4 Kay Jones, Fort Lauderdale FL; Ray Kinserlow, Lubbock TX 133.50 Cassandra Mani, Belvedere CA; Michael Nistler, Petaluma CA 1.87 5 3 Jerry Nalywajko - Ann Nalywajko, Eagle ID 131.85 Hugh Miller - Catherine Miller, Houston TX; Art McHaffie - Joy 1.40 6 4 3 Mary Calise, Edwards CO; Diane Newsom, Avon CO 129.70 McHaffie, Santa Fe NM 1.19 5 4 Leah Mach, Castle Rock CO; Amy Truby, Denver CO 128.00 vs 0.85 6 Jean Stonier, Winnetka IL; Lois DeBoer, Grand Rapids MI 122.50 Robert Kroupa, Idaho Falls ID; Eurydice Nours, Richmond BC; 0.66 5 Mary Lou Willett, Davis CA; Leslie Willett, North Bend OR 122.00 Michael Bossert - Sara Bossert, Las Vegas NV 0.85 6 Mary Knoll, Palatine IL; Marilyn Brown, Wheeling IL 121.65 Jerry McKay - Beverly McKay, Kinston NC; Joel Shore - Marilyn Shore, Bloomfield MI MONDAY AFTERNOON 5/20 PAIRS vs 18 Pairs Donald Domike, Grass Valley CA; Robert German, Kitchner CD; EF Virginia Folladori, Denver CO; David Osmundsen, Wheat Ridge 1.64 1 1 Louise Nelson - Louis Nelson, Modesto CA 87.00 CO 1.23 2 Nancy Hinds, Beverly Hills CA; Carol Weisenburg, Laguna Woods CA 75.50 Bracket 6 15 Teams 0.92 3 2 Ann Alibrandi - Mary Alibrandi, Foxboro MA 74.00 Stephen McDevitt, Medford MA; Christine Pokorski - Judith 0.69 4 John Byrne - Charlotte Byrne, Truckee CA 68.00 Hess, Fairfield CT; Karen Xia, Stamford CT 0.52 5 3 Andrew Hart - Donna Lisle, Rancho Cordova CA 66.00 vs Denny Gibson - Marke Antonsen, Maple Ridge BC; Livingston Johnson, Fairfax VA; Margaret Stephens, Champaign IL MONDAY AFTERNOON 99ER PAIRS 60 Pairs Bruce Lester - Norris Parks, Nevada City CA; Robert Maloney - CD Peter Gobby, Grass Valley CA 4.76 1 Susie Nadeau, Federal Way WA; Lillian Evans, Seattle WA 170.63 vs 3.57 2 Donna Coco - Donna Jackson, Evergreen CO 168.18 Lance Cooke - Margaret Cooke, Calgary AB; Lynda Swenson - 2.68 3 Norma Hayes - Richard Hayes, Yuba City CA 162.50 Gary Swenson, Wichita Falls TX 2.63 4 1 Charles Neubauer - Joanne Neubauer, Atherton CA 161.50 Rosemary Colwell - Richard Colwell - Gerald Harris - Bernice 1.97 5 2 Rudi Metzner - Betty Metzner, Lafayette CA 155.00 Harris, Colorado Spgs CO 1.04 6/7 Jeannette Hallquist, Charlottesville VA; Florence Gado, Green Valley AZ 154.00 vs 1.48 6/7 3 Jerry Walsh - Janet Walsh, Springfield OR 154.00 Erin Gove, Los Gatos CA; Eric Ge Yang - Fung Bao, Cupertino 1.11 4 Mary Lou Willett, Davis CA; Leslie Willett, North Bend OR 152.00 CA; Janet Adamiak, Saratoga CA 0.83 5 Barbara Wheeler, Sacramento CA; Jim Canty, Piedmont CA 151.00 Lee Caryer - John Fleeman, Columbus OH; Nancy Hiltz - Robert 0.62 6 Jackie Oberg - Don Oberg, Kenai AK 149.50 Hiltz, Las Vegas NV vs MONDAY AFTERNOON 299ER PAIRS Jan Erikson - Lynne Erikson, Bonita CA; William Seager - Jean 32 Pairs Seager, Coronado CA AB SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ZIP KNOCKOUTS 3.21 1/2 Richard Colwell - Rosemary Colwell, Colorado Springs CO 168.00 10 Teams 3.21 1/2 Harold Steiner - Sheila Phillips, Kenai AK 168.00 3.03 1 Bryan Morgan, Dallas TX; Barry Margolin, 2.06 3 Jan Erikson - Lynne Erikson, Bonita CA 167.50 Arlington MA; Robert Casey, Worcester MA; Harris Jacobs, Norwich CT 1.55 4 Marianne Van Gelder, Monterey CA; Denise Cobb, Surrey BC 151.00 2.27 2 Mark Bumgardner - Kathleen Bumgardner, 1.16 5 Donald Spear, Moline IL; Michael Voyles, Davenport IA 148.50 Carrollton TX; Stephen Kornegay - Nancy Kornegay, N Richlnd 2.26 6 1 Joan Frentzel, Bel Tiburon CA; Ginny Boesel, Greenbrae CA 147.50 Hls TX 1.70 2 Joseph Phillips, Queensbury NY; Roger Parsons, Fort Worth TX 138.50 1.52 3/4 Jonna Robinson, Burlington VT; Jay 1.27 3 Patricia Stone, Gilroy CA; Linda King, Hollister CA 135.50 Friedenson, Morrisville VT; Margot Hirsch, Arlington TX; 0.95 4 Larry Lorenz - Betsy Lorenz, Seattle WA 131.50 Laurence Grey, Chandler AZ 1.52 3/4 Lee Ohliger - Jonathan Ohliger, Ridgewood 0.63 5/6 Carole Ludington, Davis CA; Elizabeth Youngman, Sacramento CA 126.50 NJ; Matthew Kaufman, Los Altos CA; Ala Hamilton-Day, 0.63 5/6 Roy Redlich, Petaluma CA; Hans Van Boldrik, Santa Rosa CA 126.50 Wallingford PA

MONDAY EVENING 299ER PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION T EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 Betty Richards, East Orleans MA; Walter Yllo, North Attleboro MA 153.86 1 1 1 Kay Jones, Fort Lauderdale FL; Robert Mix, Reno NV 154.19 2 1 Valerie Climie - Edward Climie, Nanaimo BC 151.23 2 Jerry Sipher, Palm Desert CA; Nelson Hislop, Cathedral City CA 145.50 3 2 David Stone, Merlin OR; Sharon Hermanson, Hammond OR 143.45 3 2 Nancy Meyer - Carl Meyer, Novato CA 144.95 4 3 Lawrence Patrick - Dennis Lee, Honolulu HI 140.46 4 3 L Stuart Vance, Kailua Kona HI; Matthew Kaufman, Los Altos CA 141.05 5 4 Robert (Bob) Johnson - Mary Johnson, Godfrey IL 139.63 5 4 2 Joan Katkov, Kentfield CA; Sally Adams, Piedmont CA 140.19 6 5 1 David Stoker, Heyburn ID; Bettyanne Houts, Long Beach CA 135.32 6 Teresa Bombardier, Anchorage AK; R K Lee, Reno NV 139.20 2 Lynda Swenson - Gary Swenson, Wichita Falls TX 135.14 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION U EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 1 1 Mary Calise, Edwards CO; Diane Newsom, Avon CO 161.50 1 1 Joseph Phillips, Queensbury NY; Roger Parsons, Fort Worth TX 157.00 2 2 2 Candace Carlton - Terry Carlton, Poolesville MD 146.50 2 2 1 David Fredlund - Carol Fredlund, Minneapolis MN 149.50 3 3 3 Maria Fernandez, Madrid Spain; Ed Roberts, San Francisco CA 145.00 3 3 2 Eleanor Nuellen - James Nuellen, Hinsdale IL 146.50 4/5 Donald Spear, Moline IL; Richard Ashbacher, Davenport IA 143.50 4 4 3 Pamela Elsner, Avon CO; Marcia McCalden, Wolcott CO 145.00 4/5 4 Mary Knoll, Palatine IL; Marilyn Brown, Wheeling IL 143.50 5 5 4 Edward Kelley IV - Benjamin Kelley, Federal Way WA 144.50 Page 16 Daily Bulletin

MONDAY EVENING 49ER PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION S EAST-WEST DE F DEF 1 Mary Lou Willett, Davis CA; Leslie Willett, North Bend OR 145.00 1 1 1 Donald Rogers - Chantry Rogers, Roseville CA 132.00 2 1 Richard Pankopf - Susan Pankopf, Roseville CA 140.50 2 2 Ralph Chatoian - Martha Chatoian, Lincoln CA 129.50 3 2 Sandra Schlyer, Westlake Vlg CA; Cynthia Ratner, Westlake Vlge CA 132.00 3 3 Richard Weiss - Sally Weiss, Palmdale CA 125.00 4/5 Sam Reagle - Donald Helmericks, Roseville CA 119.50 4 Ralph Gordon, Lethbridge AB; Shirley Carpenter, 122.50 4/5 Hans Van Boldrik, Santa Rosa CA; Roy Redlich, Petaluma CA 119.50 5 Bee-De Lim, Pls Vrds Pnsl CA; Margaret Yeh, Pls Vrds Est CA 120.50 6 Sandra Simons - Helen Gorman, Evergreen CO 112.50 6 Charles Bardelis, Palm Beach FL; Judy Velasquez, Colorado Spgs CO 119.50 3 Mel Hallerman - Debra Hallerman, Henderson NV 112.00 4 John Byrne - Charlotte Byrne, Truckee CA 108.00 1 Donna Lisle - Andrew Hart, Rancho Cordova CA 99.00

SILVER RIBBON PAIRS 2ND FINAL SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTIONS K L M N O P EAST-WEST 1 Barbara Nist, Bellevue WA; Stephen Hosch, Olympia WA 1347.50 1 Michael Edwards, Rock Island IL; Carolyn Holcomb, Englewood FL 1240.50 2 Ken Cohen, Philadelphia PA; Andy Avery, Jamaica VT 1341.50 2 Lew Walter - Gail Greenberg, New York NY 1218.50 3 Jerry Premo, Sacramento CA; G Gard Hays, Veradale WA 1336.50 3 David Priest, Bakersfield CA; Margery Gould, Los Angeles CA 1216.50 4 Debbie Gailfus - Alan Gailfus, Carlsbad CA 1274.00 4 Dave Kruse, Lakehead CA; Michael Page, La Mesa CA 1207.50 5/6 Nancy Popkin, Saint Louis MO; Donald Stack, Overland Park KS 1220.00 5 Henry Meyer, Indn Riv Shrs FL; Larry Griffey, Daytona Beach FL 1207.00 5/6 Gerald Van Gemert, Laguna Beach CA; Fred Hamilton, Las Vegas NV 1220.00 6 Gerald Caravelli, Des Plaines IL; Godfrey Chang, Honolulu HI 1196.50 7 Zeke Jabbour, Boca Raton FL; Donald Rumelhart, Ann Arbor MI 1217.00 7 L Laird, Sugar Land TX; W Lease, Houston TX 1195.00 8 Charlton Buckley, Glenbrook NV; Bruce Ferguson, San Francisco CA 1215.00 8 John Stiefel, Wethersfield CT; Richard De Martino, Riverside CT 1189.00 9 Doris McGinley, Venice FL; William Epperson, Sarasota FL 1141.00 9 Leonard Ernst, Las Vegas NV; Michael Huston, Joplin MO 1187.00 10 Alan Davis, Fremont CA; Stephen Kanzee, Hayward CA 1114.50 10 Dennis Sorensen, Portland OR; Robert Carteaux, Fort Wayne IN 1163.00 11 Alan Myerson, Sherman Oaks CA; Phil Schaefer, Los Angeles CA 1108.00 11 Jean Talbot - Joan Van Geffen, Metairie LA 1152.50 12 Thomas Peters, Grapeland TX; John Zilic, Houston TX 1103.00 12 Richard Halperin, Highland Park IL; Simon Kantor, Agawam MA 1147.00 13 Bonnie Bagley - Toshiko Yingst, Colorado Spgs CO 1099.50 13 Dean Robinson, Indianapolis IN; Richard Ellis Jr, Kokomo IN 1133.00 14 Jeffrey Taylor, Eugene OR; Ross Rainwater, Vancouver WA 1092.50 14 William Allison, Atlanta GA; Charles Galloway, Bolton ON 1125.00 15 John Schoenbrun, Cupertino CA; Robert Madalena, San Jose CA 1088.50 15 Steve Mansfield, Seattle WA; Norman Featherston, Redmond WA 1111.50 16 David Siebert - , Little Rock AR 1065.50 16 Anita Torrence - Barth Royer, Bexley OH 1109.50 17 Jon Wright, La Mesa CA; John Kissinger, San Clemente CA 1060.00 17 Jon Coffee, Northville MI; Alexander Labry, Burnet TX 1106.00 18 Ned Nolte, Fort Worth TX; John Stansbury, Saint Paul MN 1052.50 18 Spike Lay - Marilyn Garcia, Daytona Beach FL 1103.50 19 Margery Yates - Virginia Herrick, Los Altos CA 1051.50 19 Ray Loftis, Bellevue WA; Steven Sidell, Seattle WA 1102.00 20 Donald Foote, Sierra Madre CA; Birger Holmquist, Kaneohe HI 1045.00 20 Joseph Godefrin, Sarasota FL; Ed Schulte, Tampa FL 1096.50 21 Susi Ross - Harry Ross, Winter Spgs FL 1038.50 21 Mary Poplawski - Harry Nuckols, Vestal NY 1090.50 22 Antoni Baranski, San Carlos CA; Arlie Lamb, San Mateo CA 1038.00 22 Roger Clough - Rebecca Clough, Culver City CA 1085.50 23 Evelyn Holtz, Santa Rosa CA; Zac Cohen, San Lorenzo CA 1032.50 23 Sam Wilson - John Jeffrey, Las Vegas NV 1080.00 24 Terry Scott - Anne Scott, North Vancouver BC 1030.00 24 Jerry Miller, Potomac MD; Nadyne Cheary, Silver Spring MD 1052.50 25 Sarah Anne Cressy, Falls Church VA; Frank King Jr, Washington DC 1029.00 25 Rhoda Prager, Allentown PA; Tony Petronella, North Kingstown RI 1052.00 26 Sharon Christenson, Sun City AZ; Van Christenson, Minneapolis MN 1028.50 26 Jean Hume, Livermore CA; William Corliss, Davis CA 1051.50 27 Ronald Tracy, Edmonds WA; Tom Hammond, Redmond WA 1026.00 27 Sherman Kwan, Richmond BC; Ron Fox, Port Coquitlam BC 1047.00 28 Arnold Fisher, Clementon NJ; Fred Paul, Fort Lee NJ 1011.00 28 Don Harris, Fair Oaks CA; Bernard Garbose, Worcester MA 1046.00 29 Shirley Nedham - Joe Nedham, Orinda CA 1010.00 29 Jim Hayashi, San Jose CA; Anne Boboricken, Campbell CA 1045.50 30/31 Marc Culberson - Andrea Culberson, Weston FL 996.00 30 Rick Norton Jr, Oceanside CA; John Potter, Panama City FL 1039.00 30/31 Jim Pestaner - Lucy Pestaner, Potomac MD 996.00 31 Jane Sturgis, Laurel MD; Mark Shaw, Columbia MD 1033.00

STRATIFIED B/C/D PAIRS 2ND SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION RR EAST-WEST BC D BCD 1 1 Leslie Pettie - Paula Nowlan, Edmonton AB 200.50 1 1 1 Jonathan Cohen, Rohnert Park CA; Z Kadah, Los Gatos CA 187.50 2 2 Jo Johnson - Judy Lewis, New York NY 193.00 2 Barbara Rowell, Alert Bay BC; John Currie, Port Alice BC 180.00 3 Joan Gaaskjolen - Merle Gaaskjolen, Springboro OH 180.00 3 Thomas Coward, Brentwood Bay BC; Ted Heck, Victoria BC 168.00 4 3 John McCaslin - Beth McCaslin, Kirkland WA 167.00 4 Allen Reiter, Caesaria Israel; Andrea Schneider, Berkeley CA 161.50 5 4 Donald Etson, Hamilton OH; Judith Keohan, Acton MA 163.50 5 Joyce Tamsen, Scottsdale AZ; Ciel Phillips, Goodyear AZ 161.00 6 Howard Marks, Scarsdale NY; Julian Laderman, Bronx NY 160.50 6 2 Beverly Meyer, Carson City NV; Aleeta Jones, Minden NV 160.50 5 Hazel Green, Palm Desert CA; Olivia Malyn, Laguna Woods CA 160.00 3/4 2 Audrey Mitchell - David Mitchell, Los Altos CA 152.50 1 Claire Stetkiewicz, Berkley MA; Robert Pelletier, Reno NV 153.00 3/4 Janet Appel, Murfreesboro TN; Louise Fontecchio, Nashville TN 152.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION SS EAST-WEST BC D BCD 1 Donald Stanger - Harold Sandler, Bainbridge Is WA 197.00 1 Marcia West, Mercer Island WA; Gladyne Douglas, Sun City West AZ 178.00 2 1 Julie Kupersmith - Art Kupersmith, Marion IN 195.50 2 1 Aslam Siddiqui - Sandra Siddiqui, Carmel IN 177.00 3 Charles Gulland - Donna Gulland, Roseville CA 192.00 3 2 Benjamin Eisenberg - Susan Eisenberg, Boca Raton FL 175.00 4 2 James Kuhn, Oakland CA; Blair Hoffman, Moraga CA 187.50 4 Patricia Fowlkes - James Fowlkes, Garner NC 166.50 5 3 Cecil Henry - Mary Ann Henry, Kingman AZ 162.50 5 3 1 Kathryn Le Gro, Carmichael CA; Laura Raczek, Roseville CA 164.50 6 Connie Davidson, Friendswood TX; Jere Hines, Houston TX 152.00 6 4 2 William Reeves - Rebecca Ostrom, Ashland OR 163.50 4 1 Kevin O’Leary - Thomas Scharf, Mountain View CA 150.00 2 Tom Walker, Big Lake AK; Agnes Burns, Anchorage AK 141.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION TT EAST-WEST BC D BCD 1 1 Sally Sabo, Santa Fe NM; Diana Dragt, Gilroy CA 196.00 1/2 Gennifer Binder - Stephannie Russo, New York NY 188.50 2 2 Alan Hendrickson, Renton WA; Kent Harold, Redmond WA 192.00 1/2 1 David Legrow, Eagleville PA; Edward Hale, Rolla MO 188.50 3 Joyce Tretheway - Joanne Weilbrenner, Redding CA 166.50 3 2 Burton Stuart Jr - Nancy Stuart, Chapel Hill NC 182.00 4 Dorothy Street, Newmarket ON; Vivien Thomas, Richmond Hill ON 164.50 4 Judy Karush - Thomas Curran, Beaverton OR 174.50 5/6 3/4 1 Laurence Grey, Chandler AZ; Shelly Hershberger, Kailua Kona HI 162.50 5 3 John Peterson, Simi Valley CA; William Morton, Woodland Hills CA 164.00 5/6 3/4 Art Konecny, Pleasanton CA; Ruth Shayne, Los Angeles CA 162.50 6 4 1 Michael Hamilton - Gail Hamilton, Montrose CO 156.50 2 Robert Rodenhizer, Tracy CA; Robert Collins, Walnut Creek CA 158.50 2 Marylou Galindo - Carmen Stump, Mexico 155.00

MONDAY FLIGHT A/x PAIRS 2ND SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTIONS MM NN EAST-WEST AX AX 1 Lynne Feldman, Champaign IL; Ellen Crawford, Las Vegas NV 433.00 1 1 Weizhong Bao - Ruoyu Fan, Herndon VA 407.50 2 1 John Marriott Jr, Rocky Mount NC; John Cobb Jr, Apex NC 413.00 2 2 Vicki Chang, Berkeley CA; Donald Steedman, Albany CA 404.50 3 2 McKenzie Myers, Eugene OR; Molly Tinsley, Ashland OR 395.38 3 David Weisman, Englewood NJ; Ronald Felton, New York NY 388.62 4 Alex Kornel, Toronto ON; Alan Lebendig, Los Angeles CA 381.84 4 3 Jill Fisch - John Gassenheimer, New York NY 382.22 5 3 Ross Willingham Jr, Federal Way WA; Nick Wiebe, Oakland CA 378.36 5 4 Ted Cohn - Sandra Cohn, Sun City West AZ 374.68 6 Robert Matcha - Jane Matcha, Sugar Land TX 358.90 6 Alexander Allen, Annandale NJ; Julie Rowe, Metuchen NJ 370.94 7 4 Les Fouks, Vancouver BC; Howard Rubin, North Vancouver BC 357.34 7 5 Susan Duval, Irvington NY; Betty Fleischer, Ossining NY 369.26 8 William Rottmayer, Spokane WA; Sally Fahland, Veradale WA 349.50 8 Cheryl Angel, Livingston NJ; Jesse Reisman, Montville NJ 353.86 9 5 Ralph Jungwirth - Latrelle Uhl, Modesto CA 349.12 9 6 Steve Chen, San Jose CA; D N Dong, Mountain View CA 344.40 10 Cecily Kohler, Washington DC; Ellen Melson, Chicago IL 343.50 10 7 Samuel Wang, Monterey Park CA; Dick Lum, Chatsworth CA 343.14 11 Gary Arthurs, Atascadero CA; Patricia O’Toole, Wilton CA 332.82 11 Duncan Smith - Michael Cockerell, Victoria BC 333.16 12 Jim Elbogen, Mission Viejo CA; Andrew De Leon, Laguna Hills CA 325.06 12 Yvette Neary, Mequon WI; Sun-O Ho, Brookfield WI 332.00 13 Chip Chapin - Jean Choi, Honolulu HI 324.58 13 Brian Gilbert, Irvine CA; Larry Gilbert, Palm Springs CA 328.06 6 Sam Westgate, Arlington VA; Brigitte Shaw, Longmont CO 321.10 7 Frank Treiber III, Toledo OH; Diane Travis, Cincinnati OH 320.34 NORTH-SOUTH SECTIONS PP QQ EAST-WEST AX AX 1 Irina Levitina, Fair Lawn NJ; Kerri Sanborn, Stony Point NY 464.00 1 David Adams, Kennesaw GA; Bob Autrey, Marietta GA 379.00 2 1 Stephen Tu, Milpitas CA; Ron Fertig, Berkeley CA 398.00 2 Randy Helmink - C Noel Helmink, Avon IN 371.50 3 John McLaughlin, Melrose MA; Stephen Gladyszak, Chelsea MA 372.50 3 1 John Zamboni, Rancho Cordova CA; Barbara Vetterlein, Granite Bay CA 364.50 4 Phyllis Rakevich, Elma WA; Eugene Fomin, Glacier WA 370.50 4 Jim Krekorian - Judith Bianco, New York NY 363.00 5 Julie Zhu, Vero Beach FL; Lloyd Arvedon, Bedford MA 368.00 5 Ann Labe, Vancouver WA; Leonard Wisbey, Graham WA 360.00 6 2 Jules Schoenberg - Hazel Schoenberg, Plano TX 359.00 6 2 Mike Grudsky, Upper Holland PA; Vered Rachman, Sunnyvale CA 358.00 7 Carole Berry - John Gillespie, Orleans ON 355.00 7 3 Stephen Stewart, Overland Park KS; Paul Theroff, Kansas City KS 356.50 8 3 Arnold Thomsen, Comox BC; Scott Morrison, Victoria BC 346.50 8 Leo LaSota, College Park MD; Kenneth Davis, Alexandria VA 343.00 9 Donald Rothschild, Sunnyvale CA; Diane Shannon, Saratoga CA 339.50 9 4 Ronald Dragt - Winston Stone, Gilroy CA 342.50 10 4 Ram Hira, North Vancouver BC; Barbara Jur, Warren MI 337.50 10 William Rudman Jr, Castro Valley CA; Glenn Quinn, Cupertino CA 340.50 11 Richard Reitman, Los Gatos CA; Edgar Simons, Palo Alto CA 336.50 11 Merrell Anderson, Littleton CO; Dennis Goldston, Colorado Spgs CO 340.00 12 5 Esther Litmanovic, Miami FL; Linda Maloney, Rockville MD 333.50 12 Iku Donnelly, Honolulu HI; Steven Johnson, San Diego CA 339.00 13 6 Karen Kendall, Middletown OH; Leslie Reynolds, Norwalk CA 331.00 13 Veronica McMurdie, Sacramento CA; Albert Chow, Folsom CA 337.50 7 Earle Davis, Glenview IL; Fred Gaines, Raleigh NC 328.50 5 Cookie Hoberman - Elise Parish, Omaha NE 331.00 6 Toni Bales, Pickerington OH; William Henneke, Columbus OH 330.50

MONDAY NIGHT SIDE GAME MONDAY NIGHT SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION II EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 1 Henry Williams - Rosemary Wade Williams, Oro Valley AZ 210.00 1 1 Lynn Nosse, Grafton OH; Judith Watjen, Bay Village OH 185.50 2 2 Patricia Basset, Auburn CA; Helen Henning, Penn Valley CA 193.00 2 John Lien - Liz Stoneman, Surrey BC 181.50 3 Gretchen Smith - David Smith, Davidson NC 189.50 3 2 Richard Gittleman, Kamuela HI; Dean Jenkins, Kailua Kona HI 179.50 4 Bobby Thompson - Virginia Thompson, Klamath Falls OR 184.00 4 3 Carole Liss, Corte Madera CA; Lydia Bearden, Lakeway TX 177.50 5 Martin Hertz, Piedmont CA; Elizabeth Marcus, San Francisco CA 167.00 5 Barry Gorski - Kathleen Del Corso, Reading PA 172.00 6 3 1 Sue Stokes, Thousand Oaks CA; Stefan Lilja, Jonkoping Sweden 161.00 6 4 Richard James III, Visalia CA; Leszek Baldys, Maple Ridge BC 163.50 4 Judith Bishop, Elizabethtown KY; Betsy Blakeman, Campbellsville KY 160.50 1 Busaba Williams, Honolulu HI; Luke Han, Kaneohe HI 163.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION JJ EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 Nancy Sachs - Amitabh Raturi, Cincinnati OH 178.00 1 1 1 Susan Bender-Scheer, Morristown NJ; Erez Hendelman, Brockville MD 184.00 2 1 Jo Anne Murdock, Yuba City CA; Edward Hilpert Jr, Redmond WA 167.50 2 2 2 Carolyn Sprague - Tom Guirl, Anchorage AK 173.50 3/4 2 Nancy Ferguson, Greenbrae CA; Larry King, Grass Valley CA 165.50 3 Deborah Reichman, Algodones NM; Jo Crumley, Albuquerque NM 171.50 3/4 Elaine Brockman, Yuma AZ; Barbara Bedayan, Seattle WA 165.50 4 3 Jean Valentine, Arlington VA; Jenny Rose, Alexandria VA 163.50 5 Jerry Duckler - Julie Duckler, Milwaukee WI 164.50 5 Terry Currie - Elton Lipnick, Houston TX 160.00 6 3 1 Bruce Brown, Denton TX; Stan Batiste, Los Gatos CA 164.00 6 Irene Geraci, Centralia WA; Jack Triplett, Inkom ID 156.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION KK EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 William Tank - Marilyn Hemenway, Omaha NE 181.50 1 Marie Covey, Kihei HI; Kathryn Gisler, Rancho Mirage CA 191.50 2 John Stanczak, Sunnyvale CA; Helga Solleder, San Carlos CA 177.50 2 John Gustafson - Helen Gustafson, Des Moines IA 189.00 3 1 Bert Rettner, Fresno CA; Peggy Kiefer, Aptos Hills CA 175.00 3 David Vidaver, Sacramento CA; Carrie Touslee, Roseville CA 172.50 4 Lilly Lachter, Laguna Hills CA; Eugene Chan, Vancouver BC 172.00 4 Paul Harding, Spokane WA; Dee Steil, New Westminster BC 169.50 5/6 2 Anne Caskey, Owings Mills MD; Mary Scanlan, The Villages FL 167.00 5 1 1 Orlyn Lewis, Brentwood CA; Jean Chitwood, Ripon CA 165.50 5/6 La Quitta Talbot - Herb Fallin, Alexandria VA 167.00 6 2 Lin Bowman, Friday Harbor WA; Gabriella Bowling, Los Altos Hills CA 161.50 7 Bob Bratcher, Vista CA; Derald Keetch, Fort Worth TX 166.50 7 Peggy Craig - Robert Craig, El Paso TX 160.50 3 1 Shoshana Romano - Albert Romano, Haifa Israel 146.50 3 Daryl Sallaz, Boise ID; Beverly Fransen, Payette ID 159.50 Daily Bulletin Page 17

MONDAY STRATIFIED FAST PAIRS 1ST SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION I EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 Carolyn Bergholdt - Edith Haehn, Chico CA 152.00 1 Tony Miller - Diane Miller, Ridgecrest CA 170.00 2 Thomas Edwards - Chris Gorchels, Richland WA 147.00 2 1 Lisa Evans, Danville CA; Cheryl Haines, Redwood City CA 153.50 3 1 1 Rosemarie Jesse, Redmond WA; Maureen Schroder, Kirkland WA 140.00 3 Reha Gur, Leonardo NJ; Aaron Cohen, Manchester Township NJ 151.00 4 Gene Simpson, San Rafael CA; Lawrence Lau, Westport CT 138.50 4 2 Makiko Sato, Tokyo Japan; Sachiko Nakatani, Reno NV 150.50 5 Rosemary Kelley - Paul Kelley Jr, Austin TX 138.00 5 Yi-Qun Jin, Sunnyvale CA; Erez Hendelman, Brockville MD 142.50 6 Maury Corn - Arlene O’Brien, Laguna Niguel CA 136.00 6 Bud Hinckley, South Bend IN; Sharron Hinckley, East Winthrop ME 139.50 2 Joyce Hart - Richard Hart, Piedmont CA 135.50 1 Marianna Levenhagen, Chapala Mexico; John Pfeiffer, La Jolla CA 111.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION J EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 Jan Nathan, Manhattan Beach CA; Steve Mager, Hermosa Beach CA 182.00 1 William Vinson, Boynton Beach FL; Stephen Czecha, Potomac MD 162.00 2 1 Santokh Sian - Margaret Havens, Powell River BC 155.50 2 Carol Ross - Tom Ross, Lincoln CA 158.50 3 2 1 Jeri Tribo - Patty Moncus, Boerne TX 147.00 3 Karen Heath, Henderson NV; Ron Sukoneck, Annandale VA 149.50 4 Ulker Mutlu - Bernard Bernstein, Clearwater FL 146.50 4 Beverly Higgins, Bellevue WA; Harry Steiner, Seattle WA 147.50 5 Mimi Bieber, Armonk NY; Phyllis Burstein, Cherry Hill NJ 139.50 5 Gail Bell, King of Prussia PA; Gila Guttmann, Cheltenham PA 146.00 6 Loren Hawkins, Bremerton WA; Ken Kirkpatrick, South Colby WA 138.00 6 Ruth-Anne Mazer - Allan Mazer, Towson MD 135.00 1 Myra Ribak, San Antonio TX; Ching Chao, Danville CA 130.00 2 Gary Straka, Union City OK; Jack Killough, Oklahoma City OK 126.00

MONDAY SENIOR PAIRS 1ST SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION A EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 1 Richard Plotin, Northridge CA; Gary Grey, Granada Hills CA 189.50 1 1 Tom Jacobson, Fairfield CA; Joan Garcia, Dixon CA 199.00 2 Linda Gorski, Citrus Heights CA; Ellen Sher, Sacramento CA 186.00 2 Roland Wilson - Jackie Wilson, Modesto CA 189.50 3 2 Kathy Farkas, Princeton Jct NJ; Hanns Schwarz, Somerset NJ 178.00 3 2 Leszek Baldys, Maple Ridge BC; Gail Schwartz, Boynton Beach FL 187.00 4 3 Geraldine Raupe, Nichols Hills OK; Elizabeth Stewart, Coppell TX 177.00 4 James La Fountain, Temple TX; Lance Chamberlain, Rochester MN 165.50 5 Eddie Rose, Laguna Niguel CA; Larry Cavanaugh, Lemoore CA 171.00 5 3 Lorita Spalding - Regina Houston, Reno NV 163.50 6 Carolyn Bjorklund, Los Altos CA; Edward Barlow, Sunnyvale CA 169.00 6 Robert Zinn, Edwards CO; Jan Janitschke, Littleton CO 159.00 1 Judith Clark - Michael O’Leary, Santa Clara CA 143.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION B EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 1 Shirley Matthews, Lindale TX; Nicholas France, Spring Valley NY 193.50 1 William Boatman - Annette Boatman, Elk Grove CA 197.00 2 Belva Quattrin, Kingsburg CA; Robert Durbrow, Fresno CA 189.50 2 Steven Norvich, Barrington IL; Diane Walker, Gaithersburg MD 187.00 3 Susan Furchtenicht, Santa Maria CA; Trina Bowman, Los Altos CA 186.00 3 1 Jerome Meislin, Mill Valley CA; James Carlo, Walnut Creek CA 180.50 4 Donald Grubb, Wenatchee WA; Tom Myers Jr, Redmond WA 178.50 4 Barbara Swan, Roseville CA; Joan Mesias, Temple City CA 178.50 5 2 Elizabeth Coulon, Denver CO; Nettie Ashbee, Longmont CO 170.00 5 Margaret Young, Cincinnati OH; Gordon Adkins, West Chester OH 178.00 6 Patricia Laflin, Camas WA; Tony Glynne, Vancouver WA 164.50 6 Denise Bussieres, Montreal QC; Rollande Makarewicz, Dol-Des-Ormeaux QC 173.00 3 Richard Scoggin, Reno NV; Arthur Hoffman, Sparks NV 157.00 2 John Arbogast, Nipomo CA; Pauline Yant, Cambria CA 155.50 1 Margery Martin, New Rochelle NY; Joan Di Palma, Rye NY 147.00 3 Walter Kau, Honolulu HI; Janice Nakao, San Mateo CA 149.00 4 Ben Eisenstein - Jean Eisenstein, Portland OR 146.50 1 Michael Turner, Reno NV; Alda Turner, Dixon IL 142.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION C EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 George Lim, Auburn CA; Pete Wilson, Sacramento CA 203.50 1 George Brown - Roni Maktenieks, Sacramento CA 192.50 2/3 1 Theresa Seeger - Ronald Seeger, Rochester MN 178.00 2 Alice Hopkins, Capitola CA; Bill McIntosh, Gilroy CA 183.50 2/3 Arnold Katz - Ruby Rhoads, Laguna Woods CA 178.00 3 Ralph Slick - Mary Slick, Rio Vista CA 180.50 4 Betty Marggraf, San Rafael CA; Carole Liss, Corte Madera CA 168.50 4 Phyllis Larson - Joanne Euler, Las Vegas NV 176.00 5 John Derdall - Jan Derdall, Western Springs IL 166.00 5 1 C Emily Moffatt - Joanne Sasaki, Pasadena CA 171.50 6 2 Lyn Beauchene - Ginny Foster, Oklahoma City OK 162.50 6 2 Johanna Rowe, Mesa AZ; Jean Schell, Brooklyn Park MN 164.00 3 Anthony Trigg - Squeak Conner, Lincoln CA 149.00 3 John Ielmini - Joyce Ielmini, Patterson CA 150.00 1 Rebecca McCarter - Jerry McCarter, Lake Kiowa TX 145.00 1 Robert Armstrong, Prescott AZ; Dennis Lee, Honolulu HI 127.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION D EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 Dariush Youssefi, Half Moon Bay CA; Frank Jackson, Pacifica CA 203.50 1 John Bralliar - Bea Bralliar, Lomita CA 195.50 2 Larry Dunham - Catherine Collinson, Tucson AZ 175.50 2 Donald Kerry, Winchester MO; Paul Gabalis, Woodland WA 176.50 3 1 Henry Schaeffer, ; Elizabeth Jenkins, Reno NV 169.00 3 1 Claudette Roush, Houston TX; Edward Wagner, Dayton OH 174.50 4 2 Ruth Du Fosee - Gertrude Glider, Walnut Creek CA 164.00 4 Lowell Andrews, Huntington Bch CA; Mary Biedenkapp, Palm Springs CA 169.50 5 Jack Bastian, Haddonfield NJ; Marie Trethaway, Cherry Hill NJ 161.50 5 2 Grant Morgan - Sue Morgan, Atascadero CA 168.00 6 3 Jean Corwin, Rio Vista CA; Gayle Jackson, Vacaville CA 159.50 6 3 Fran Schwartz - Sue Dreier, Laguna Woods CA 160.00 1 Alice Moriguchi, San Francisco CA; Elsie Yamamoto, San Francisco CA 155.00 1 Curtis Johnson - Lynn Johnson, La Palma CA 156.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION E EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 Robert Anderson - Roberta Anderson, Carson City NV 195.50 1 1 David Willmott, Folsom CA; Lucille Maranda, Calgary AB 185.50 2 Si Dombu - Rodney Paxton, Las Vegas NV 182.00 2 Nancy Mandel - Robert Mandel, Mequon WI 181.00 3 Libushe Zaporozec - Kyun Ja Chung, Madison WI 180.50 3 2 John Grant - Lilian Grant, Willowdale ON 171.50 4 Kumiko Umehara, Tokyo Japan; Haruko Koshi, Tokyo Japan 169.00 4 Sharon Bialek - Norm Bialek, Sun City West AZ 169.00 5 Robert Ipswitch, San Mateo CA; Robert Jamison, Anchorage AK 168.50 5 3 Ann Woolf, Fremont OH; Dotty Warrick, Port Clinton OH 166.50 6 1 Bob Loudermilk, Visalia CA; Villa Vejvoda, Tulare CA 162.00 6 Mike Bovarnick, Mercer Island WA; Robert McBurney, Seattle WA 159.00 2/3 Tom McCrackin, Carpinteria CA; Kalon Kelley, Santa Barbara CA 158.00 2/3 Penny Weatherwax, Fresno CA; Atanas Todorov, Portland OR 158.00

MONDAY SENIOR PAIRS 2ND SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION A EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 James La Fountain, Temple TX; Lance Chamberlain, Rochester MN 186.42 1 Frank Queen - Virginia Johnston, Denver CO 190.92 2 Robert Zinn, Edwards CO; Jan Janitschke, Littleton CO 177.00 2 V Jay Tipton - Linda Tipton, Irvine CA 189.96 3 Carolyn Bjorklund, Los Altos CA; Edward Barlow, Sunnyvale CA 170.42 3 Patricia Laflin, Camas WA; Tony Glynne, Vancouver WA 187.00 4 1 Judith Clark - Michael O’Leary, Santa Clara CA 169.50 4 William Walker - Jean Macdonald, Sacramento CA 181.29 5 Stewart Tunick - Pieter Mastenbroek, Modesto CA 168.08 5 1 Seymour Kantrowitz - Barbara Kantrowitz, New York NY 170.80 6 2 Richard Plotin, Northridge CA; Gary Grey, Granada Hills CA 167.21 6 2 1 Margery Martin, New Rochelle NY; Joan Di Palma, Rye NY 169.58 3 Richard Scoggin, Reno NV; Arthur Hoffman, Sparks NV 159.92 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION B EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 1 John Arbogast, Nipomo CA; Pauline Yant, Cambria CA 179.00 1 1 Sedelle Rieger - James Rasdale, Highland Park IL 194.50 2 2 Shirley Matthews, Lindale TX; Nicholas France, Spring Valley NY 178.50 2 Doris Tubbesing, Cleveland OH; Mary Mitchell, Berea OH 193.00 3 3 1 Betty Hancock - Doris Ray, Fort Myers FL 173.50 3 Gary Bernstein, Montreal QC; Mark Bercuvitz, Westmount QC 187.00 4 Steven Norvich, Barrington IL; Diane Walker, Gaithersburg MD 171.50 4 Eddie Rose, Laguna Niguel CA; Larry Cavanaugh, Lemoore CA 181.00 5 4 Walter Kau, Honolulu HI; Janice Nakao, San Mateo CA 166.50 5 2 Lorita Spalding - Regina Houston, Reno NV 180.50 6/7 James Goodbody, Falmouth ME; Paul Barber, Raymond ME 160.00 6 3 Tom Jacobson, Fairfield CA; Joan Garcia, Dixon CA 168.50 6/7 Jerome Meislin, Mill Valley CA; James Carlo, Walnut Creek CA 160.00 4 1 Bert Hall, Orinda CA; Richard Green, Walnut Creek CA 148.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION C EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 1 Bonnie Landis, Pine Grove CA; June Jorgensen, Jackson CA 190.50 1 Charlotte Falk - Quentin Wilmot, Reno NV 191.00 2 Marilyn Christy, Fountain Valley CA; Marie Haggard, Dana Point CA 179.50 2 1 Tom McCrackin, Carpinteria CA; Kalon Kelley, Santa Barbara CA 177.50 3 George Brown - Roni Maktenieks, Sacramento CA 169.00 3 2 Richard Matzek - Ann Matzek, Pittsford NY 177.00 4 2 John Ielmini - Joyce Ielmini, Patterson CA 166.00 4 Dorothy McDermott, Sacramento CA; Darlene Roby, Roseville CA 170.00 5 3 1 Robert Armstrong, Prescott AZ; Dennis Lee, Honolulu HI 162.50 5 3 Marion McLaren - Robert McLaren, Honolulu HI 169.00 6 Donald Hauser - Regina Hauser, Florissant MO 162.00 6 Nancy Mandel - Robert Mandel, Mequon WI 168.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION D EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 1 Grant Morgan - Sue Morgan, Atascadero CA 187.00 1 George Saffeels, Las Vegas NV; Betty Kelly, Boise ID 205.00 2/3 2 Leona Hanson - Eileen Ojakangas, Davis CA 181.00 2 Arnold Katz - Ruby Rhoads, Laguna Woods CA 179.50 2/3 John Bralliar - Bea Bralliar, Lomita CA 181.00 3 Betty Marggraf, San Rafael CA; Carole Liss, Corte Madera CA 179.00 4 3 Lydia Bearden, Lakeway TX; Chet Young, Alameda CA 177.00 4 Fred MacNair, Albuquerque NM; Dorothy Larson, Gilbert AZ 174.50 5 Lowell Andrews, Huntington Bch CA; Mary Biedenkapp, Palm Springs CA 170.50 5 B Sharp - J Sharp, Saint Charles MO 170.00 6 1 Alice Plumb - Roger Plumb, Plymouth MN 166.50 6 Shirley Hoffert, Mesa AZ; Jo Gowenlock, Lompoc CA 169.00 1 Anthony Trigg - Squeak Conner, Lincoln CA 165.50 2 Lyn Beauchene - Ginny Foster, Oklahoma City OK 158.50 3 1 Rebecca McCarter - Jerry McCarter, Lake Kiowa TX 153.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION E EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 1 Martin Sandberg - Grace Sandberg, Walnut Creek CA 182.50 1 Bruce Thiher, La Crosse WI; Ltcl David Chinn, Elk Grove CA 201.00 2 Atam Lalchandani, Incline Village NV; Richard Holcombe, Reno NV 176.00 2 Joan Ivey - Ernie Ivey, Surprise AZ 193.50 3 Si Dombu - Rodney Paxton, Las Vegas NV 172.00 3 Dariush Youssefi, Half Moon Bay CA; Frank Jackson, Pacifica CA 177.50 4 2 David Willmott, Folsom CA; Lucille Maranda, Calgary AB 171.50 4 1 John Christopher - Dorothy Christopher, Milford MI 167.50 5 Libushe Zaporozec - Kyun Ja Chung, Madison WI 167.50 5 Larry Dunham - Catherine Collinson, Tucson AZ 165.00 6 Mike Bovarnick, Mercer Island WA; Robert McBurney, Seattle WA 163.00 6 Alan Strauss - Fred Herman, Modesto CA 163.50 3 Ann Woolf, Fremont OH; Dotty Warrick, Port Clinton OH 160.00 2 Renee Rogers - Roger Sielicky, Palm Desert CA 155.00 1 Loretta Rubin - Joe Conti, Thousand Oaks CA 139.00 3 Henry Schaeffer, ; Elizabeth Jenkins, Reno NV 149.50 1 Angelina Fong, Cliffside Park NJ; Alan Charters, Kitchener ON 147.50

MONDAY FAST PAIRS 2ND SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION G EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 Carol Ross - Tom Ross, Lincoln CA 164.50 1 Chris Lubesnik, Bronx NY; Gary Moore, Northridge CA 170.00 2 William Vinson, Boynton Beach FL; Stephen Czecha, Potomac MD 147.50 2 1 Joyce Hart - Richard Hart, Piedmont CA 157.00 3 Karen Heath, Henderson NV; Ron Sukoneck, Annandale VA 146.50 3 Steve Shirey - Gene Britton, Fort Worth TX 151.00 4 1 Myra Ribak, San Antonio TX; Ching Chao, Danville CA 142.50 4 June Adkins - Irene Harlow, Reno NV 147.50 5 Paul Graham - Francesca Walton, Calgary AB 135.00 5 Peter Marcus, Bolton CT; Susan Patricelli, Bloomfield CT 144.50 6 Ulker Mutlu - Bernard Bernstein, Clearwater FL 133.50 6 Thomas Edwards - Chris Gorchels, Richland WA 144.00 2 Jeri Tribo - Patty Moncus, Boerne TX 132.50 2 Chuck Wong, Danville CA; Thomas Franklin III, Martinez CA 132.50 1 Philip White - Darlene White, San Clemente CA 107.00 Page 18 Daily Bulletin

NORTH-SOUTH SECTION I EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 David Metcalf, Newton MA; Carole WeinsteinGorsey, Acton MA 168.05 1 Lorna McDonald, St Albert AB; Karen Kilworth, Strathmore AB 181.77 2 Reha Gur, Leonardo NJ; Aaron Cohen, Manchester Township NJ 153.50 2 Linda Spangler, Duncanville TX; Darlene Shirey, Fort Worth TX 155.60 3 Rosemary Kelley - Paul Kelley Jr, Austin TX 146.23 3 Mimi Bieber, Armonk NY; Phyllis Burstein, Cherry Hill NJ 152.64 4 Cordelia Menges, New York NY; Jay Baudler, Boulder CO 145.95 4 Denise Marsh, San Antonio TX; Phyllis Mehrens, Corpus Christi TX 151.91 5 Vicki Laycock, San Francisco CA; Pat Franklin, Martinez CA 144.86 5 Loren Hawkins, Bremerton WA; Ken Kirkpatrick, South Colby WA 143.23 6 Tony Miller - Diane Miller, Ridgecrest CA 135.77 6 Jan Nathan, Manhattan Beach CA; Steve Mager, Hermosa Beach CA 139.91 1 Lisa Evans, Danville CA; Cheryl Haines, Redwood City CA 135.00 1 Candace Dauphinot, Aptos CA; Jane Jennings, Ben Lomond CA 129.14 2 Yi-Qun Jin, Sunnyvale CA; Erez Hendelman, Brockville MD 130.59 2 Santokh Sian - Margaret Havens, Powell River BC 126.50 1 Gayle Olsson - Philip Olsson, Toronto ON 118.36 1 Karen Famera, New York NY; Tom Moran, Lady Lake FL 103.23

SUNDAY-MONDAY SIDE GAME SERIES MONDAY AFTERNOON SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION SS EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 Jean Willis - Bill Willis, El Dorado AR 183.00 1 1 1 Olaf Johanden, Norway; Efrat Oren, Herzelia Israel 186.00 2 1 Dean Wangsvick, Daly City CA; Joanne Allen, San Francisco CA 180.00 2 Tom Wylie - Andrew Vinock, Woodland Hills CA 180.00 3 Deanna Goh, Peterborough ON; Lachman Advani, Ottawa ON 176.50 3 2 Carol Young - Nancy Steding, Bloomfield MI 178.50 4/5 Nada Sundermeyer - Clay Sundermeyer, Bellevue WA 173.00 4 James Boey, San Francisco CA; Deborah Reichman, Algodones NM 168.50 4/5 Frank Jones, Pasadena CA; Charlotte Anderson, Madison WI 173.00 5 Eleanor Grinslade - Catherine Lindholm, Indianapolis IN 167.00 6 Robert McNeil, Atherton CA; Cameron Doner, Richmond BC 172.50 6 William Tank - Marilyn Hemenway, Omaha NE 164.50 2 Judy Null - Norman Dressler, Kingston PA 151.50 3 Gwen Olderness, Kimberley BC; Beverly McEachran, Vernon BC 130.00 1 Margaret Rourke, Piedmont CA; Dick Redden, Walnut Creek CA 128.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION TT EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 Sandra Hammer, Dorset VT; Courtney Nelson, Wells VT 179.91 1 Ivan Grondin - Patrick Dubbs, Fairbanks AK 187.63 2 Mary Touris - Pat Drew, Denver CO 177.12 2 Carol Huston - Mohamed Shagrun, Chico CA 187.58 3 1 1 Tom Kaufmann, Pine Brook NJ; Martin Lesh, Montville NJ 176.42 3 Randy Pace, Elverta CA; Jess Sellers III, San Bernardino CA 185.88 4 Beverly Perry, New York NY; Kent Mignocchi, Bronx NY 176.41 4 1 Brad Bozick, Waltham MA; Jack Vecchione, Boston MA 176.71 5 2 Katie Scalamandre - Gino Scalamandre, Surfside FL 175.37 5 Dewy Cundiff - Peg Cundiff, Las Vegas NV 176.63 6 Pat Zieger - Thomas Frye, Yuba City CA 174.37 6 Donald Caplin - Sondra Caplin, Waltham MA 175.25 3 Otto Edor, Concord CA; L Hall, Tucson AZ 173.42 2 Jaime Rodriguez, Minneapolis MN; Peggy Zeiter, San Francisco CA 160.00 2 Joyce Fitzpatrick, Grasonville MD; Nora Rocha, Madrid Spain 128.12 1 Orlyn Lewis, Brentwood CA; Jean Chitwood, Ripon CA 111.13

MONDAY AFTERNOON IMP PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION J EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 1 Ernest Olness Jr - Charles Gilje, Billings MT 34.00 1 1 Sallie Smith - Addie Greene, Ashland OR 50.00 2 2 Audrey Chard, Incline Village NV; Julie Ginocchio, Carnelian Bay CA 32.00 2 Marie Covey, Kihei HI; Kathryn Gisler, Rancho Mirage CA 27.00 3 Wally Augustin, San Diego CA; Maribel Corredor, Coronado CA 22.00 3 Carol Brigham, Stanford CA; Arlene Levy, Menlo Park CA 20.00 4 - Margret Salazar, Oak Creek WI 19.00 4 2 David McNitt - Leroy Boser, Elkhart IN 15.00 5 3 1 Paul Levine, San Carlos CA; Edward Hornung, San Bruno CA 14.00 5 3 David Orser - James Bennett, Billings MT -3.00 4 2 Wayne Kaneko - Barbara Simon, Ewa Beach HI 8.00 4 Steve Slinger - Christa Slinger, Randolph WI -6.00 1 Elizabeth Funsten, San Francisco CA; Bud Pate, Silver Springs NV -10.00

STRATIFIED B/C/D PAIRS 1ST SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION PP EAST-WEST BC D BCD 1 Gennifer Binder - Stephannie Russo, New York NY 186.50 1 Howard Marks, Scarsdale NY; Julian Laderman, Bronx NY 179.00 2 Doris Ashcroft, Stockton CA; Ouida McCullough, El Dorado Hills CA 183.00 2 1 David Legrow, Eagleville PA; Edward Hale, Rolla MO 178.00 3/4 1/2 1 Marylou Galindo - Carmen Stump, Mexico Mexico 172.00 3 2 George Aydelott - Kyung Kim, S Lake Tahoe CA 170.50 3/4 1/2 John McCaslin - Beth McCaslin, Kirkland WA 172.00 4 3 Edith Huffman, Woodinville WA; Miriam Featherston, Redmond WA 170.00 5 Joel Bieber, Armonk NY; Richard Kraner, White Plains NY 159.50 5 Douglas Burke, Fremont CA; Alfred Goldspiel, Alameda CA 167.50 6 3 Tom Walker, Big Lake AK; Agnes Burns, Anchorage AK 157.50 6 4 Jo Johnson - Judy Lewis, New York NY 162.00 4 Burton Stuart Jr - Nancy Stuart, Chapel Hill NC 156.00 5 John Peterson, Simi Valley CA; William Morton, Woodland Hills CA 157.00 1 Patty Metcalfe - Dora Lee, Edmonton AB 155.50 2 Michael Hamilton - Gail Hamilton, Montrose CO 153.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION QQ EAST-WEST BC D BCD 1 Thomas Coward, Brentwood Bay BC; Ted Heck, Victoria BC 207.50 1 1 1 Audrey Mitchell - David Mitchell, Los Altos CA 215.00 2 1 1 Jonathan Cohen, Rohnert Park CA; Z Kadah, Los Gatos CA 190.00 2 Joyce Tamsen, Scottsdale AZ; Ciel Phillips, Goodyear AZ 166.50 3 2 Jane Hopkins - Charles Brown, Denton TX 184.00 3 Donald Stanger - Harold Sandler, Bainbridge Is WA 164.50 4 3 2 Carol McCully, Manhattan Beach CA; Sheryl Kohlhoff, Rncho Pls Vrd CA 156.50 4 2 Julie Kupersmith - Art Kupersmith, Marion IN 163.00 5 Barbara Rowell, Alert Bay BC; John Currie, Port Alice BC 154.50 5 3 2 Kevin O’Leary - Thomas Scharf, Mountain View CA 157.00 6/7 4/5 Rita-Ellen Lehr, Bellevue WA; Sherryl Buchler, Cave Creek AZ 154.00 6 4 Kenneth Dye, San Francisco CA; Dean Dechert, Temecula CA 153.50 6/7 4/5 Mie Thiemmedh, San Bruno CA; Midori Sakaguchi, Tokyo Japan 154.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION RR EAST-WEST BC D BCD 1 Jackie Barker, Harrison AR; Carole Sturgis, Berryville AR 181.00 1 1 Jerry Himes - Pam Himes, Merritt Island FL 181.50 2 1 Elizabeth Hudson, Arlington TX; Sandra Andreen, Willowbrook IL 172.50 2 2 Aslam Siddiqui - Sandra Siddiqui, Carmel IN 176.00 3 Joyce Tretheway - Joanne Weilbrenner, Redding CA 171.00 3/4 Kimberly Fanady - Steven Kipperman, San Francisco CA 168.50 4 Marcia West, Mercer Island WA; Gladyne Douglas, Sun City West AZ 169.00 3/4 3 Jan Hall, Vancouver WA; Cliff Allen III, Battle Ground WA 168.50 5 2 Art Konecny, Pleasanton CA; Ruth Shayne, Los Angeles CA 166.00 5 4 Benjamin Eisenberg - Susan Eisenberg, Boca Raton FL 168.00 6 Barbara Halper, Scottsdale AZ; Helen Foreht, Toronto ON 162.00 6 Sally Sabo, Santa Fe NM; Diana Dragt, Gilroy CA 162.00 3 Claire Gareleck, Snyder NY; Tina Sanders, Knoxville TN 159.50 1 William Reeves - Rebecca Ostrom, Ashland OR 154.00 4 1 Ronald Hook - Midge Cristadoro, Henderson NV 157.00 2 Kathryn Le Gro, Carmichael CA; Laura Raczek, Roseville CA 150.50

MONDAY FLIGHT AX PAIRS 1ST SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTIONS LL MM EAST-WEST AX AX 1 Veronica McMurdie, Sacramento CA; Albert Chow, Folsom CA 430.78 1 John McLaughlin, Melrose MA; Stephen Gladyszak, Chelsea MA 389.50 2 Leo LaSota, College Park MD; Kenneth Davis, Alexandria VA 390.50 2 1 Diana Miller, Las Vegas NV; Rose Boot, Fresno CA 374.50 3 1 Tim Rumoshosky - Susan Groff, New River AZ 386.26 3 Terry Schleppegrell, Anchorage AK; Lucia Gil, Sao Paulo Brazil 374.48 4 David Adams, Kennesaw GA; Bob Autrey, Marietta GA 381.08 4 Phyllis Rakevich, Elma WA; Eugene Fomin, Glacier WA 365.72 5 2 Matthew Heuser - Carole Fox, Lexington KY 376.76 5 2 Lois Borok - Eli Borok, Los Angeles CA 362.48 6 Jim Krekorian - Judith Bianco, New York NY 374.00 6 Mickie Kivel, West Palm Beach FL; Rosemary Shaw, Silver Spring MD 362.32 7 3 Diane Graese, Las Vegas NV; David Robinson, Granbury TX 362.00 7 3 Alice Randall, Glen Ellen CA; Anita Pensler, Napa CA 358.06 8 Donna Morgen - Richard Morgen, Havertown PA 361.36 8 Irina Levitina, Fair Lawn NJ; Kerri Sanborn, Stony Point NY 352.42 9 Michael Pudlin, Pasadena CA; Rick Roeder, San Diego CA 356.18 9 William Malesevich, Mayville WI; Gabriel Tawil, Glendale WI 352.22 10 4 Larry Klein, Cincinnati OH; Stuart Treworgy, Cumberland RI 351.58 10 Jennie Flynn Sauviac, Metairie LA; Nonie Leavitt, New Orleans LA 351.42 11 Helen Corbin, Menlo Park CA; Elsiemae Smith, Cuyahoga Falls OH 347.50 11 Donald Rothschild, Sunnyvale CA; Diane Shannon, Saratoga CA 349.72 12 5 Cookie Hoberman - Elise Parish, Omaha NE 341.88 12 Richard Reitman, Los Gatos CA; Edgar Simons, Palo Alto CA 349.48 13 6 Stephen Stewart, Overland Park KS; Paul Theroff, Kansas City KS 333.02 13 4 Ronald Huffaker, Alpine CA; Harold Huffaker, Danville CA 339.32 5 Clarke Cunningham, Dearborn MI; Marty Burman, Blue Bell PA 338.98 6 Kathy Angstadt, Ridgefield WA; Susan Carle, Longview WA 336.22 7 Jamie Steen - Mac Steen, Bellevue WA 333.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTIONS NN VV EAST-WEST AX AX 1 1 Junyi Zhu, Salt Lake City UT; Qing Yang, San Jose CA 426.00 1 1 John Marriott Jr, Rocky Mount NC; John Cobb Jr, Apex NC 392.50 2 Stephen Kornegay - Nancy Kornegay, N Richlnd Hls TX 418.00 2 Robert Matcha - Jane Matcha, Sugar Land TX 391.50 3 Richard Moen - Del Moen, Santa Barbara CA 392.00 3 Jim Elbogen, Mission Viejo CA; Andrew De Leon, Laguna Hills CA 375.50 4 Chris Champion - Shirley Scott, Colorado Spgs CO 370.00 4 Joan Rubin, Encino CA; Gilbert Stinebaugh, Van Nuys CA 372.00 5 Cecily Kohler, Washington DC; Ellen Melson, Chicago IL 363.50 5 John Begley, Berkeley CA; Helen Studabaker, Pinole CA 369.50 6 Yvette Neary, Mequon WI; Sun-O Ho, Brookfield WI 362.50 6 2 John Rowell, Alert Bay BC; William Lim, Vernon BC 356.00 7 2 Baruch Ksionzky, Seattle WA; Helen Abbott, Mercer Island WA 361.50 7 Jennifer Koonce, Odenton MD; Zeke Letellier, Crofton MD 353.00 8 3 Brian Gilbert, Irvine CA; Larry Gilbert, Palm Springs CA 355.00 8 Bruce Cobb, Denver CO; Jack Lacy, Round Rock TX 345.50 9 Cheryl Angel, Livingston NJ; Jesse Reisman, Montville NJ 352.50 9 Joann Glasson - Bob Glasson, Pennington NJ 343.00 10 4 Samuel Wang, Monterey Park CA; Dick Lum, Chatsworth CA 351.00 10 Gary Arthurs, Atascadero CA; Patricia O’Toole, Wilton CA 341.50 11 5 Jonathan Rivet, Wheaton IL; Don Lussky, Elmhurst IL 342.50 11 Steven Campau, Seattle WA; Paul Conroy, Aberdeen WA 336.50 12 Lynne Feldman, Champaign IL; Ellen Crawford, Las Vegas NV 341.00 12 3 Douglas Bullock, Boise ID; Kris Miller, Reston VA 329.50 13 6 Weizhong Bao - Ruoyu Fan, Herndon VA 336.50 13 4 Kerry Brothers, Osseo MN; Linda Webb, Fargo ND 329.00 7 Fred Zhang, Los Angeles CA; Yi Liu, Santa Clara CA 334.50 5 Marlene Konik, Highland Park IL; David Langer, Buffalo Grove IL 328.00 6 Ralph Jungwirth - Latrelle Uhl, Modesto CA 327.50 7 Jacqueline DeRouin, Okemos MI; Janet Garthe, Suttons Bay MI 319.50

MONDAY AFTERNOON 5/20 PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION S EAST-WEST EF EF 1 1 Louise Nelson - Louis Nelson, Modesto CA 87.00 1 Nancy Hinds, Beverly Hills CA; Carol Weisenburg, Laguna Woods CA 75.50 2 John Byrne - Charlotte Byrne, Truckee CA 68.00 2 1 Ann Alibrandi - Mary Alibrandi, Foxboro MA 74.00 3 Andrew Hart - Donna Lisle, Rancho Cordova CA 66.00 3 2 Patricia Minch - Stephanie Nichols, Nevada City CA 65.50 4 Edward Bulkley - Patricia Bulkley, Sonoma CA 63.00 4 John Dickson, Browns Valley CA; Pearle Warren, Ft Myers FL 64.00

MONDAY AFTERNOON 99ER PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION T EAST-WEST CD CD 1 Donna Coco - Donna Jackson, Evergreen CO 168.18 1 Susie Nadeau, Federal Way WA; Lillian Evans, Seattle WA 170.63 2 Norma Hayes - Richard Hayes, Yuba City CA 162.50 2 Lorraine Duato, Reno NV; Edward Hilpert, Redmond WA 153.27 3 1 Maria Fernandez, Madrid Spain; Ed Roberts, San Francisco CA 148.00 3 1 Barbara Miller, Avon CO; Jo Dee Bowen, Avon/Beaver Crk CO 142.27 4 2 Robert Mix - Marge Mix, Reno NV 145.14 4 Joan Katkov, Kentfield CA; Sally Adams, Piedmont CA 142.13 5 3 Sandra Simons - Helen Gorman, Evergreen CO 143.86 5 Samuel Lim, Pls Vrds Pnsl CA; Margaret Yeh, Pls Vrds Est CA 135.36 6 Sam Reagle - Donald Helmericks, Roseville CA 141.18 6 2 Eldridge Moore - Sarah Moore, Tampa FL 134.32 3 Carolyn Adrianse, Madison Lake MN; Jean Stonier, Winnetka IL 133.96 Daily Bulletin Page 19

NORTH-SOUTH SECTION U EAST-WEST CD CD 1 1 Charles Neubauer - Joanne Neubauer, Atherton CA 161.50 1 1 Rudi Metzner - Betty Metzner, Lafayette CA 155.00 2 Jeannette Hallquist, Charlottesville VA; Florence Gado, Green Valley AZ 154.00 2 2 Jerry Walsh - Janet Walsh, Springfield OR 154.00 3 2 Mary Lou Willett, Davis CA; Leslie Willett, North Bend OR 152.00 3 Ronald Kohn - Jo Kohn, Schaumburg IL 147.00 4 3 Barbara Wheeler, Sacramento CA; Jim Canty, Piedmont CA 151.00 4 3 Ralph Chatoian - Martha Chatoian, Lincoln CA 146.00 5 Jackie Oberg - Don Oberg, Kenai AK 149.50 5 Ed Szeimies - Joann Szeimies, Oregon City OR 144.00 6 Howard De Young - Margaret De Young, Incline Village NV 148.50 6 Judy Kedwell - Sally King, Palm Desert CA 138.50

MONDAY AFTERNOON 299ER PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION V EAST-WEST AB AB 1 Richard Colwell - Rosemary Colwell, Colorado Spgs CO 168.00 1 Harold Steiner - Sheila Phillips, Kenai AK 168.00 2 Marianne Van Gelder, Monterey CA; Denise Cobb, Surrey BC 151.00 2 Jan Erikson - Lynne Erikson, Bonita CA 167.50 3 Donald Spear, Moline IL; Michael Voyles, Davenport IA 148.50 3 1 Joan Frentzel, Bel Tiburon CA; Ginny Boesel, Greenbrae CA 147.50 4 1 Joseph Phillips, Queensbury NY; Roger Parsons, Fort Worth TX 138.50 4/5 Betty Richards, East Orleans MA; Walter Yllo, North Attleboro MA 139.50 5 Eileen Kramer - R Fern Thomson, Riverside CA 137.50 4/5 Bernice Harris - Gerald Harris, Colorado Spgs CO 139.50 6 2 Patricia Stone, Gilroy CA; Linda King, Hollister CA 135.50 6 Mary June Young, North Vancouver BC; Sophie Cymbalista, Vancouver BC 133.00 3/4 Carole Ludington, Davis CA; Elizabeth Youngman, Sacramento CA 126.50 2 Larry Lorenz - Betsy Lorenz, Seattle WA 131.50 3/4 Roy Redlich, Petaluma CA; Hans Van Boldrik, Santa Rosa CA 126.50 3 Dorothy Hoefling - Paul Hoefling, Sacramento CA 123.50

SILVER RIBBON PAIRS 1ST FINAL SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTIONS K L M N O P EAST-WEST 1 Loarn Thoelecke, San Anselmo CA; Roy Hoppe, San Rafael CA 1373.00 1 Tom Kniest, University City MO; Tom Oppenheimer, Ballwin MO 1296.00 2 Steve Mansfield, Seattle WA; Norman Featherston, Redmond WA 1215.50 2 Colin Revill, Ancaster ON; Abe Paul, Mississauga ON 1271.50 3 John Stiefel, Wethersfield CT; Richard De Martino, Riverside CT 1201.00 3 Joseph Godefrin, Sarasota FL; Ed Schulte, Tampa FL 1259.50 4 Carl Chadwick, Hamilton ON; Tony Ames, Minnetonka MN 1189.50 4 Linda McGarry - Dennis McGarry, Stuart FL 1191.00 5 Bill Heid - Sidney Lorvan, Pacifica CA 1181.50 5 Charlton Buckley, Glenbrook NV; Bruce Ferguson, San Francisco CA 1187.00 6 Scott Foster, Medford OR; Bernadine Lacy, Grants Pass OR 1171.00 6 Jon Wittes, Palm Desert CA; Robert Hollman, Santa Barbara CA 1185.50 7 Rhoda Prager, Allentown PA; Tony Petronella, North Kingstown RI 1167.50 7 Frances Dickman, San Jose CA; Hamish Bennett, Menlo Park CA 1172.00 8 David Priest, Bakersfield CA; Margery Gould, Los Angeles CA 1166.50 8 Nancy Popkin, Saint Louis MO; Donald Stack, Overland Park KS 1167.00 9 Dave Kruse, Lakehead CA; Michael Page, La Mesa CA 1158.00 9 Barbara Sartorius, Lake Hiawatha NJ; Lawrence Lerner, Warren NJ 1147.50 10 Leonard Ernst, Las Vegas NV; Michael Huston, Joplin MO 1145.50 10 Terry Michaels, Prairie Village KS; Nadine Wood, Silver Spring MD 1147.00 11 Craig Zastera, Woodinville WA; Alan Frantz, Wayland MA 1124.50 11 Jerry Premo, Sacramento CA; G Gard Hays, Veradale WA 1145.00 12 Steve Cohen, Burbank CA; Gene Freed, Los Angeles CA 1116.00 12 Jack Scott, El Cerrito CA; Ken White, Lafayette CA 1132.50 13 Charles Parker - Shelley Parker, Apex NC 1115.00 13 Jeffrey Taylor, Eugene OR; Ross Rainwater, Vancouver WA 1130.00 14 Anita Torrence - Barth Royer, Bexley OH 1105.00 14 Gerald Van Gemert, Laguna Beach CA; Fred Hamilton, Las Vegas NV 1106.50 15 Jean Talbot - Joan Van Geffen, Metairie LA 1094.00 15 Richard Holmes, Wichita KS; Rod Van Wyk, Alton IL 1104.50 16 Sam Wilson - John Jeffrey, Las Vegas NV 1092.50 16 Jim Bachelder, Columbus OH; Helene Bauman, Arlington VA 1103.50 17 Britain Beezley - Shelba Parmley, Oklahoma City OK 1088.00 17 John Solodar, Palm Beach Gdns FL; Judy Weisman, Herndon VA 1102.00 18 Edwin Malmuth, Cardiff CA; George St Pierre, Columbus OH 1087.00 18 Phil Brady, Philadelphia PA; Richard Finberg, Pittsburgh PA 1091.50 19 Robert Boggs, Roseville CA; Nancy Wilson, Sacramento CA 1082.50 19 John Schoenbrun, Cupertino CA; Robert Madalena, San Jose CA 1089.50 20 George Pisk, Manchaca TX; Keith Garber, Massapequa NY 1082.00 20 Robert Casey, Worcester MA; Harris Jacobs, Norwich CT 1082.50 21 Jane Segal, Villanova PA; Judy Kay-Wolff, Dallas TX 1077.50 21 Jon Wright, La Mesa CA; John Kissinger, San Clemente CA 1082.00 22 Barbara Nist, Bellevue WA; Stephen Hosch, Olympia WA 1069.00 22 Bonnie Beardsley, Milpitas CA; Judy Fisher, Monte Sereno CA 1079.50 23 Bill Passell, Coral Springs FL; R Fieler, Boca Raton FL 1057.00 23 Thomas Peters, Grapeland TX; John Zilic, Houston TX 1071.50 24 Ruth Stober, Great Neck NY; Diana Schuld, Glen Head NY 1053.00 24 Muriel Altus, Tampa FL; Charlene Predmest, Delray Beach FL 1070.50 25/26 Zeke Jabbour, Boca Raton FL; Donald Rumelhart, Ann Arbor MI 1042.00 25 Mary Ruth Blustein - Maurice Blustein, Bellevue WA 1068.50 25/26 Muhammad Abedi, Hanover Park IL; Robert Oslin, Chicago IL 1042.00 26 Brenda Keller, Boise ID; Nancy Cord, Sun Valley ID 1062.00 27 Richard Halperin, Highland Park IL; Simon Kantor, Agawam MA 1035.50 27 JoAnne Lowe, Fountain Hls AZ; Adele Verkamp, Phoenix AZ 1052.00 28 Loretta Bromberg, Bel Tiburon CA; Les Linaman, Washoe Valley NV 1033.00 28 Patricia Chambers - Robin Chambers, Palo Alto CA 1050.00 29 Ellen Anten, Encino CA; Steve Gross, Westlake Vlg CA 1032.00 29 Dean Robinson, Indianapolis IN; Richard Ellis Jr, Kokomo IN 1049.00 30 Betty Rizzuto, Pittsburg CA; Susan Ledford, Kalispell MT 1030.00 30 Donald Foote, Sierra Madre CA; Birger Holmquist, Kaneohe HI 1034.00 31 Michael Shuman, Pasadena CA; Ethel Birnbach, Portland OR 1029.50 31 Margery Yates - Virginia Herrick, Los Altos CA 1033.00

MONDAY MORNING SIDE PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION KK EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 1 Mary Ann Wotring - Warren Wotring Jr, Chino Hills CA 96.50 1 1 1 Sandra Oliveras, Central Point OR; Gee Gee Walker, Medford OR 103.00 2 2 Bert Sheldon, San Antonio TX; P Sitz, Anoka MN 94.00 2 Urmila Bhargava, Dana Point CA; Mark Itabashi, Murrieta CA 94.50 3 Donald Caplin - Sondra Caplin, Waltham MA 90.50 3/4 2/3 Judy Karush, Beaverton OR; Edie Meyer, Portland OR 89.00 4 Paul Maudslien, Normandy Park WA; Jack Triplett, Inkom ID 86.50 3/4 2/3 Aslam Siddiqui - Sandra Siddiqui, Carmel IN 89.00 3 Betty Triliegi - Jaime Rodriguez, Minneapolis MN 85.50 2 Lin Bowman, Friday Harbor WA; Gabriella Bowling, Los Altos Hills CA 79.00 1 Terry Smith, Jacksonville FL; Linda Stuart, Gainesville FL 81.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION LL EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 D Anne Pientka, Laurens SC; Nancy Luetge, Cincinnati OH 98.00 1 Gail Wells, Plano TX; Michael Walrath, Keller TX 107.50 2 1 Lucy Hillestad, Woodruff WI; Darlene Mayhew, Castro Valley CA 96.50 2 Marianne Cross, Fernandina Bch FL; Geoffrey Cross, Fernandina FL 100.50 3 2 Josephine Cooley, Campbell CA; Art Fonda, San Jose CA 96.00 3 Carol Huston - Mohamed Shagrun, Chico CA 86.00 4 3 1 Shoshana Romano - Albert Romano, Haifa Israel 94.50 4 1 1 Gene Miley - Christine Miley, Hinsdale IL 85.00 2 Molly Murphy - William Murphy, Dana Point CA 84.50 3 J Truitt - Brenda Truitt, Santa Fe NM 83.00 2 Scott Hickes - Nancy Fillmore, Las Vegas NV 78.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION MM EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 1 Christie Sellers - Daniel Sellers Jr, Mobile AL 108.43 1 Kory Solarz, St Cloud MN; Michael Leighton, Grafton ND 110.61 2 2 Judith Bishop, Elizabethtown KY; Betsy Blakeman, Campbellsville KY 94.43 2 Peg Mitchell, Bloomington MN; David Abelow, Owings Mills MD 98.57 3 Tien Zee, Rollings Hills CA; John Wong, Anaheim Hills CA 88.93 3 1 William Velick - Diane Velick, Laguna Beach CA 97.00 4 Judith Dotan Stein, San Francisco CA; Gilbert Stinebaugh, Van Nuys CA 88.43 4 2 Carolyn Lewis, Louisville KY; Nina Lubick-Reich, Fullerton CA 86.50 3 1 Patricia Braun, Arlington Hts IL; Sandra Andreen, Willowbrook IL 84.93 3 Michael Nabrynski - Jennifer Nabrynski, Ashland MA 85.57 2 Beverly Pogoda, New York NY; Joseph Meyers, Bronx NY 80.70 4 John Cissel - Sundra Malcolm, Eugene OR 85.07 1 Shirley Prewitt - Lorraine Little, Fort Worth TX 82.57

MONDAY MORNING 299ER PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION NN EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 1 Jerry Nalywajko - Ann Nalywajko, Eagle ID 131.85 1 1 1 Hans Van Boldrik, Santa Rosa CA; Roy Redlich, Petaluma CA 146.20 2 2 1 Mary Calise, Edwards CO; Diane Newsom, Avon CO 129.70 2 2 Christopher Panos - Lucy Brown, Sacramento CA 121.70 3 3 2 Mary Knoll, Palatine IL; Marilyn Brown, Wheeling IL 121.65 3 3 2 Gail Shaps - Bradley Shaps, Northbrook IL 120.50 4 Aline Moran, Truckee CA; Forrest Lorz, Reno NV 120.80 4 4 Marcia McCalden, Wolcott CO; Pamela Elsner, Avon CO 120.40 5 Margot Hirsch, Arlington TX; Roger Parsons, Fort Worth TX 119.75 5 Mary Lynne Hatcher - E Bradford Hatcher, Walnut Creek CA 118.60 6 4 Edward Hoffer - Pamela Hoffer, Marion MA 118.85 6 Mike Huiatt - Terry Bickerton, Fair Oaks Ranch TX 117.40 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION OO EAST-WEST AB C ABC 1 Don Doolittle, Burlingame CA; Dan Stowell, Hillsborough CA 135.00 1 1 1 Barbara Miller, Avon CO; Jo Dee Bowen, Avon/Beaver Crk CO 144.00 2 1 1 Leah Mach, Castle Rock CO; Amy Truby, Denver CO 128.00 2 Kay Jones, Fort Lauderdale FL; Ray Kinserlow, Lubbock TX 133.50 3 Howard Greenberg - Marilynn Greenberg, Livingston NJ 122.50 3 2 Jean Stonier, Winnetka IL; Lois DeBoer, Grand Rapids MI 122.50 4/5 2/3 2/3 Kenneth Dye, San Francisco CA; Dean Dechert, Temecula CA 120.50 4 3 2 Mary Lou Willett, Davis CA; Leslie Willett, North Bend OR 122.00 4/5 2/3 2/3 Donald Helmericks - Sam Reagle, Roseville CA 120.50 5 Donald Etson, Hamilton OH; I Keegan, San Leandro CA 116.50 6 Russell Barlow - Janet Barlow, Piedmont CA 120.00 6 4 Samuel Lim - Bee-De Lim, Pls Vrds Pnsl CA 109.50 Want to save money? Correction Bronze Life Master You can save 20% on your meals at this hotel if We misspelled the name of one of our new Life Leonids Maktenieks earned enough points yes- you get a Connection Card and you are older than Masters yesterday. Her name is Gloria R. Weltz. terday to become a Bronze Life Master. 55. Just go to the Connection Center across from She’s still going strong –she’s won another 18.11 Chevy’s and ask for a card. points in the bracket knockouts.

Be sure to come to the Southeastern Regional April 19-25 • Miami Airport Hilton • Miami FL Great bridge • Great hospitality • Great congeniality Special events for Novices, Intermediates, Seniors and Bridge Pro Tour See The Bridge Bulletin for full schedule and details Hotel numbers: 305-262-1000 and 800-445-8667 Page 20 Daily Bulletin

TODAY’S SCHEDULE *Unless otherwise noted, strat breaks for Stratified Open and Stratified Senior events are: A (1500+), B (500-1500), C (0-500). **Members whose dues payment is current and Life Masters whose service fee payment is current. Tuesday, March 23, 9 a.m. Event Session Sold Entry/player/session ACBL members** Other Morning Bracketed KO Teams I 2nd Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Continues at 9 a.m. Wednesday and Thursday. Morning Side Game Series II* 2nd single session Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Stratified 299er Pairs single Hilton Pavilion $13 $15 Tuesday, March 23, 10 a.m. & 2 p.m. Stratified * 1-2 Tahoe Ballroom $14 $16 Finish by 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 23, 10 a.m. & 3 p.m. Beaverton Elks Stratified Senior Pairs* 1-2 Crystal Ballroom $14 $16 Tom Lum Monday-Tuesday Senior KO Teams 3-4 Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Tuesday, March 23, 1 & 7:30 p.m. Vanderbilt KO Teams Round of 32 Mezzanine Level $16.50 Rockwell Mixed Pairs 1-2Q Reno Ballroom $16.50 2 qualifying, 2 final sessions Stratified Open Pairs* 1-2 Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday Side Game Series* 1st single session Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Tuesday-Wednesday Bracketed KO Teams 1-2 Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Continues Wednesday 299er, 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single Carson Ballroom $13 $15 0-20, 0-5 Pairs single Carson Ballroom $13 $13 Tuesday, March 23, 7:30 p.m. One-session Swiss Teams* single Hilton Pavilion $13 $15 Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday Side Game Series* 2nd single session Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Eastside Bridge Club 299er Stratified Swiss Teams single Carson Ballroom $13 $15 299er, 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single Carson Ballroom $13 $15 0-20, 0-5 Pairs single Carson Ballroom $13 $13 Tuesday, March 23, 11:30 p.m. Regional Compact KO Teams 3-4 Carson Ballroom $14 $16 Zip Swiss Teams* single Carson Ballroom $13 $15 TOMORROW’S SCHEDULE

*Unless otherwise noted, strat breaks for Stratified Open and Stratified Senior events are: A (1500+), B (500-1500), C (0-500). **Members whose dues payment is current and Life Masters whose service fee payment is current. Wednesday, March 24, 9 a.m. Event Session Sold Entry/player/session ACBL members** Other Morning Bracketed KO Teams I 3rd Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Continues at 9 a.m. Thursday. Morning Bracketed KO Teams II 1st Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Continues at 9 a.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Morning Side Game Series II* 3rd single session Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Stratified 299er Pairs single Hilton Pavilion $13 $15 Wednesday, March 24, 10 a.m. & 2 p.m. Stratified Fast Open Pairs* 1-2 Tahoe Ballroom $14 $16 Finish by 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 24, 10 a.m. & 3 p.m. Ted and Lily Olsen Stratified Senior Pairs* 1-2 Crystal Ballroom $14 $16 Wednesday, March 24, 1 p.m. International Fund Stratified Open Pairs* single Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Part of the Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday Side Game Series, 3rd single session. Wednesday, March 24, 1 & 7:30 p.m. Vanderbilt KO Teams Round of 16 Mezzanine Level $16.50 Rockwell Mixed Pairs 1-2F Reno Ballroom $16.50 NABC 49er Pairs 1-2 Carson Ballroom $15 Stratified Open Pairs* 1-2 Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Tuesday-Wednesday Bracketed KO Teams 3-4 Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Compact KO Teams III 1-2 Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Continues at 7:30 p.m. 299er, 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single Carson Ballroom $13 $15 0-20, 0-5 Pairs single Carson Ballroom $13 $13 Wednesday, March 24, 7:30 p.m. ACBL-wide Charity Foundation Stratified Pairs* single Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Part of the Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday Side Game Series, 4th single session. One-session Swiss Teams* single Hilton Pavilion $13 $15 Compact KO Teams III 3-4 Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Beaverton Elks 299er Stratified Swiss Teams single Carson Ballroom $13 $15 299er, 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single Carson Ballroom $13 $15 0-20, 0-5 Pairs single Carson Ballroom $13 $13 Wednesday, March 24, 11:30 p.m. Zip Swiss Teams* single Carson Ballroom $13 $15 Daily Bulletin Page 21

SPECIAL EVENTS MEETINGS / SEMINARS / RECEPTIONS Tuesday, March 23 The Proprieties, Running a Successful Club, Dealing with 8:30 a.m. – Easybridge! Accredited Presenters Course. Marti Problem People; Thursday: Advanced ACBLscore. 12:30 p.m. Ronemus presents a continuing education course for club Registration is $10 per session for one or two sessions. managers and teachers working with a bridge club. Learn Teton 2. outstanding promotional ploys and a new way of getting 9 a.m. – noon Better Bridge Accredited Teacher Course. Audrey Grant players into the game. Easybridge! is especially designed has developed a new accreditation program recognized by to grow newcomer duplicate games. Fee: $25; $15 for the ACBL. Learn a new way to introduce bridge to the optional materials. Whitney. absolute beginner and modern methods from her new 9 a.m. – noon Club Director Update Course. Guillermo Poplawsky Bridge Basics. Make your students comfortable at dupli- conducts this three-part, continuing education series for cate or Internet games. Earn your accreditation this spring. bridge directors who want to increase their skills. Fee: $25 for TAP-accredited Teachers; $75 for others. Certificate given for successful completion. Tuesday: Whitney. Ruling the Game — a review of frequent rulings; Thursday, March 25 Wednesday: The Proprieties, Running a Successful Club, 9 a.m. – noon Club Director Update Course. Three-part, continuing Dealing with Problem People; Thursday: Advanced education series for bridge directors to increase their skills. ACBLscore. Registration is $20 in advance or $25 at the Certificate given for successful completion. Thursday: door for all three days or $10 per session for one or two Advanced ACBLscore. Registration is $10 for one session. sessions. Teton 2. Teton 2. 10 a.m. – noon Audrey Grant Bridge Festival. Renowned teacher and 9 a.m. – noon Better Bridge Accredited Teacher Course. Audrey Grant author Audrey Grant offers a fun and free bridge lesson for has developed a new accreditation program recognized by your intermediate and newer players. The Topic: Four the ACBL. Learn a new way to introduce bridge to the Reasons to use Transfers — and Two Cautions. absolute beginner and modern methods from her new Wednesday, March 24 Bridge Basics. Make your students comfortable at dupli- 9 a.m. – noon Club Director Update Course. Three-part, continuing cate or Internet games. Earn your accreditation this spring. education series for bridge directors to increase their skills. Fee: $25 for TAP-accredited Teachers; $75 for others. Certificate given for successful completion. Wednesday: Whitney.

BRIDGE TALKS Tuesday, March 23 6:45 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Michael 12:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Curtis Cheek, Huston, Elements of Deception. Carson Ballroom. Bridge: The Language of Love. Carson Ballroom. Thursday, March 25 6:45 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Larry Cohen, 12:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Allan Mazer, The Real Deal. Carson Ballroom You Have the Right to Remain Silent. Carson Ballroom. Wednesday, March 24 6:45 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Jade Barrett, 12:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Haig It’s All in Your Head. Carson Ballroom. Tchamitch, Splinter Bids. Carson Ballroom. LATE NIGHT / ENTERTAINMENT All food events will take place after the evening session in the Crystal sures of bathroom bridge discussions, bedroom disagreements in the auction Ballroom. Supplies may be limited, so get there early! and those mornings after the 45% games. Questions from the audience wel- Tuesday, March 23 come. Crystal Ballroom. Clam chowder The show starts with the brief movie, “The Bridge Wives,” the 1930s The Panel Show discusses the hot topic of Bridge and story of four wives who form a women’s bridge team and how their frus- Marriage. (No, really, this will be fun!) Join emcee Matthew Granovetter trated husbands must cope with the household duties. and panelists Donna and Chris Compton, Sheri Winestock and Fred Wednesday, March 24 Gitelman, Ralph and Martha Katz, Yvonne and Eddie Kantar, and Jan and Hot dogs Chip Martel for a very serious look (not!) into the terrible ordeals of mar- Thursday, March 25 ried bridge players, how to cope, and how to overcome the enormous pres- Baked potatoes TODAY’S SCHEDULE *Unless otherwise noted, strat breaks for Stratified Open and Stratified Senior events are: A (1500+), B (500-1500), C (0-500). **Members whose dues payment is current and Life Masters whose service fee payment is current. Tuesday, March 23, 9 a.m. Event Session Sold Entry/player/session ACBL members** Other Morning Bracketed KO Teams I 2nd Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Continues at 9 a.m. Wednesday and Thursday. Morning Side Game Series II* 2nd single session Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Stratified 299er Pairs single Hilton Pavilion $13 $15

Tuesday, March 23, 10 a.m. & 2 p.m. Stratified Fast Open Pairs* 1-2 Tahoe Ballroom $14 $16 Finish by 5 p.m.

Tuesday, March 23, 10 a.m. & 3 p.m. Beaverton Elks Stratified Senior Pairs* 1-2 Crystal Ballroom $14 $16 Tom Lum Monday-Tuesday Senior KO Teams 3-4 Hilton Pavilion $14 $16

Tuesday, March 23, 1 & 7:30 p.m. Vanderbilt KO Teams Round of 32 Mezzanine Level $16.50 Rockwell Mixed Pairs 1-2Q Reno Ballroom $16.50 2 qualifying, 2 final sessions Stratified Open Pairs* 1-2 Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday Side Game Series* 1st single session Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Tuesday-Wednesday Bracketed KO Teams 1-2 Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Continues Wednesday 299er, 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single Carson Ballroom $13 $15 0-20, 0-5 Pairs single Carson Ballroom $13 $13

Tuesday, March 23, 7:30 p.m. One-session Swiss Teams* single Hilton Pavilion $13 $15 Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday Side Game Series* 2nd single session Hilton Pavilion $14 $16 Eastside Bridge Club 299er Stratified Swiss Teams single Carson Ballroom $13 $15 299er, 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single Carson Ballroom $13 $15 0-20, 0-5 Pairs single Carson Ballroom $13 $13

Tuesday, March 23, 11:30 p.m. Regional Compact KO Teams 3-4 Carson Ballroom $14 $16 Zip Swiss Teams* single Carson Ballroom $13 $15