Ni Finnish Patrols Huntf Down Fleeing Sovielj Soldiers in Fore
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. 1 . Arcragc DsAy CIrMMlM ■U'i TIm ] r«r tlw Mm Ui of PocimWt, 1N» ; of 0 . • . WMfl 6^ 28 M r Afombor of the A aiit eoM M rifh t w ii BvreM of CtfwihiHoM Manehe$ter-~-A City of VUIago Charm A (FOURTEEN PAGES)- PRICE THREI VOL. LIX ., NO. 77 (01 AdrertMag Vago IS) MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 1940 Security Plan Finns Claim Gains; Face New Attack Bright ’40 Prospect Starti^ 1^11 Finnish Patrols Huntf nI Seen for Town as Scope T ^ a y 1 Down Fleeing Sovielj To Provide Death and ) d u n n a ^ Year ’39 Reviewed Retirement Benefits For Elderly W orkers, Every Indication That I i At Least Thieves Left Soldiers in Fore New Decade W ill De Truck’s Chassis, Body Fam ilies and Survivors velop an Era of Busi I Salt Lake City, Jan. 1.—(/Pi Washington, Jen. 1—(SV- The Sail! Happy New Yw T H iat t Trail Panicky i —Arthur Mason took his truck Federal old age security plan, rat Japanese Navy ness Prosperity; Her- V to a gsrage for repairs. For Police RaldllM SQasd ' * llhi^ough Snow ed as the world’s largest insurance ^ald Presents Day by j “ etumlng, he got In the cab. O .................. Boston. Jan. 1.—(8)—’’WhoT$ Kianta Count iped on the starter—and eystem. went into full operation to Claims Planes there?" demanded A tratop Day Iteport of News.. i nouhng happened. day to provide death and Hfetlmo within a Roxbuty Aifititet gion of Snot looked at the battery retirement benefits for elderly apHrtmrut as Sergt. Cheater A. connections. The battery was Raady to F i|^ o il ^ Manrhester >a today doing more ^ workers, their families and survi Down 21 Foes Hcnchey and a raldtag squad gone. vors. arrived. Priaonerfl in Si than merely aUrting ita progress | Then he discovered all four Some of the 47.000,000 persone "Happy New Yearl" ahoutad In a new year. Today the town be tires were missing.. covered by the S3rstem who are 66 Hcnchry In his beat grsstlng -— ‘Great Victo* Alarmed, he lifted the hood. Bomb Railroad Near gins to tackle a new decade, the j or older today may begin drawing L i< maiuirr. ported After 194U's. There la everywhere Indl- | The engine had vanished. the flrst monthly benefits of a vast Border of French Imlo- The (Vx>r opened. The rsM- Mason summoned a garage project established by Conjp-ess in Ing squad took away nine per cation that an even greater dis attendant Helplessly, he point 1935. China in Big-Sralc Bat sons chargni with violatliiff the B u lteth il tinction Is dawning—the change ed to a sign "Not Responsible Their retirement will begin to tle in South ('Jiina. gaming laws. U, JSh. le over from an era of busitiesa de for Loss Due to Fire or Theft." count with the month of Janusry, Tamptrt v at ■ pression to a period of prosperity. and annuity checks for retired ‘ s We face the future, and leave workers and their wives or wldowrs Shanghai, Jan. 1 — (e> — The pnssnlt of tha ahaUsshl e events of the year 1939 to hls- over 65 will reach them about Feb. Japanese Navy reported today Its fatvhJea of tha a«i 'ry, there Is reason to recall the 1 and each month thereafter. AALAyD planea had shot down 21 Chinese Nazi Steamer worn reportoi today f .Completed record of the past Gayety Marks There was no outwrard display to is. Flnntoh high ammmm twelve months. Just as 1940 Is the aircraft In a big-scale iHtlllo In signal the arrival of the old age In South China and bombed the Hal- roona ieatreyad ■■ beginning of a long hoped-for surance payoff for which the gov U [ V or f/mxaj Is Interned staMS ef 18 «wr ~ Change In fortunes, 1939 completes Year’s Advent ernment b^an taxing employers’ fsng-Kunmlng i-ailronil near the a ten year cycle that has had high payrolls three yeere ago. The New border of French Indo-Clilna. local slgnlflcance. The railroad, built, owned and Year holiday halted the adminis operated by the French, le one of By Uruguay Outstanding in local news dur For America trative machinery set up by the omz( the Arctic ing 1939, the sudden decision to Social Security Board In 400 field lAlTlC S>A STONIA China’e "lifelines ” for the Import encamp and train the entire 169th ofTlcee to receive claims end estab of metertels. Infantry and attached units In lish proofs of ellgibiUty. This map outlines Important developments In the undeclared (Damage to (he line was report Freighter W hich Stood Young Mr. 1940 Stum< ed slight, but Chinese were said In hlanchestar looms as the biggest 900,000 to Benefit Rusao-Flnnish war. In which (1) Finnish "hit-and-run" ekl forces By Graf Spec in Final Item. Close to it In Interest was the hies Around in Confu The board has estimated that harried Ruaeiana; (2) Stockholm reported Ruaaiana had brought up Hongkong to consider the bomb chain of events leading up to the 900,000 men, women and children additional gima to fight the Finnish drive toward the MurmansK ing slgnlflcant, since It followed a Hour* First Victim strike of velvet weavers at the sion in Europe as Hil would share in more than 2100,- railway; (3) Soviet troops were reported digging In near the Arc Japanese requeat do discontinue Cheney mills and the subsequent 000. 000 in old age benefits ticthis ocean; (4) British reports aald 2,000 Italian voltmteers had ar transporting Chinese supplies.) Of NcutraPs Rulings. settling of that dispute. The large arity Jackpot Is Hit. year. The estimates are subject to rived at Tornlo with Italian planea; (5) the Finnish air force re Lose Only One Plane sum left as a trust fund fot- Cheney revision, depending on the number ported silencing with bomba at least one long-range gun; (6) a The Japanese said that In the Montevideo, Jan. 1—(A)—The brothers by Miss Louise (Hieney of deathe among workers before small band of Finns reportedly held Kioviato batteries under battle over Llucbow, In central By The Associated Press Kwangsi province, they loet only German freighter Tacoma today established a new note. The death Life began for Young Mr. 1940 and after the retirement age of 65. heavy fire; and (7) the Russian air force opened a new attack on waa Interned for the duratlosi ct of 'the Rev. William P. Reldy and The primary benefits for Insur southwestern Finland. one plane while bringing down the HstotoM, Jan. today and he liked IL 21 C3tlaese. the war by the Uruguayaa govani' the resignation of the Rev. K. E. ed workers are based on their mop-up patroto wnre id Erickson largely affeeted the For the first half dosen hours of average monthly wage since Jsn. Reports from the Chlneae pro- ment at the explratioa «C a 24 parishioners In two of ibe town's his life Ue infant year heard noth 1, 1937. Benefits for irives, widows vielonel capital, Chungking, aald hour ultimatum demanding her buBtlag down flaaiag rNtolli leading churches. Governor Ray ing but laughter ana music; saw and children consist of fractional Japanese sir raids had caused more ahattered Sovtot Risslfiar than 200 Chlneae casualties Satur departure from this neutral port. mond E. Baldwin, after threaten nothing but gayety and merry pro^rtions of this sum. Wlvea ^ e 8,208-ton fretghtfir, srh l^ try dtvtohai of UJMO aNh.> ing to close the local trade school, British Plane Downs day at Ichang, 175 miles west of making. That was In America. and children are entitled to month stood by the aoutUed pocket hat- and trytfig for tta ftoOllijl yielded to protest and abandoned He stumbled around In confu ly payments equal to half the wage ths central China city df Hankow. Ueahlp Admiral Graf ftpea in I the plan. There were two clear at (The <3ilnaae Army news organ, atructmi. ' -' i- ., sion In Europe—entering the war- earner'a benefit, and widows get anal iwura and thersfOrfi was i lik e huntsmsB. tempts at train wrecking, one at stitcken countries guided only by three-fourths of the primary sum. Nazi Over North Sea Seotang-Peo, aald at Chungking Judged a Naval auxiliary, became Bolton and one at the North End. the Japaneae had auffered 400,000 ed thetr panicky the flash of cannon. The nIghUy In the three yean of prepara the first victim la hto war of a enow and foresto i Neither has been solved. blackout was a som(>er setting but tion for the pay-off, the govern casualties In 8.200 engagements neutral's Internment regulattooa. The outbreak of war caught sev- during 1989. Neutral obaervera anta country In the i there was not much/ gayety across ment has collected In excess of Pursuit Craft and Anti- The Tacoma waa In ths road- luesaimi. rsfidy to ersd local persons at points abroad, the AtlamUc. I $1,400,000,000 in payroll taxss to German Vessel said the esUmeta waa et least SO ateadI JiutJiutI lackto tho harbor btfiah- and the experlnece of Janies Jasoie Americans bit the jackpot of establish a raasrrs fund. Tha sm- Aircraft Fire Drive psr esnt too high.) water, witorfi fib* I ifiUi os take prlfBOfififi to i In - - - •m flnahai hM-/ •in the torpedoed "Athenla”, ^n hilarity in the dying hours of 1939 ploye and employer each were tax Off Germana Flying which he was Injured, furnished a and then spent thrir enUusUam ed ooe per oau of the emph^’s jRuiifi first band war story.