Alternate Sluggers Entertain Political UOP In Values Three-Game Series See Opinion, Page 6 More Sports, Page 10

Organization Of Annual Rugby Tourney To Be m m I f ✓ Implemented By Steven Elzer Assistant Campus Editor

Although competition does not begin until Saturday morning, the 20th Annual Santa Barbara Rugby Tournament is being labeled by campus, police and tournament officials as the best-organized edition of the event in its history. Over a year of planning will be tested, as 80 rugby teams from across the United States once again converge at UCSB and Isla Vista for the largest tournament of its kind in the world. In past years, the rugby tour­ nament has been tarnished with individual acts of malice, which include arson, fights, loud parties and a host of drinking related offenses, Sergeant A1 Phillips of the Isla Vista Foot Patrol said. But this year, players or spectators engaged in these activities will be banished from the tournament and/or reprimanded by coaches of Loud And Clear — Tim Gross, keyboardist for the local band Exit, is seen singing “ The Heat Is On.” The the visiting school. band played a promotional concert for an upcoming March of Dimes fundraising drive. SEAN M TT.rTw..fl , Organizers hope the problems will not occur this year, which could injure the tournament’s chances for future years at UCSB, Phillips said. “This year, it’s LAFCO Discourages I.V. Cityhood organized better than it was in the past. The organizing committee took the time to address all of the By Penny Rosenberg would be necessary immediately following incorporation led the problems.” Reporter LAFCO staff to believe there is a “very real cause for concern.” Tournament Director Dennis “It appears,” the report states, “that Isla Vista’s financial position O’Day, however, does not feel the In their report to the Local Agency Formation Commission, the may be worse in 1985 than it was a decade ago.” event, which is in its I5th year at LAFCO staff has recommended that the proposal for Isla Vista cityhood On behalf of cityhood proponents, Community Affairs Director UCSB, deserves its sometimes be denied. Carmen Lodise said, “we do have sufficient revenues, whether they are lawless reputation. “I think the In a report to the LAFCO members, who decide whether in­ conventional or not.” The new tax referred to in the EIR is an $18 a year university is just cracking down on corporation will be put before I.V. voters, the staff said they were not utility user tax which will add to the new city’s expected surplus of $3 to sports in general ... we’ve com­ convinced of the “long-term financial adequacy of the proposed city.” 5 million at the end of 1990, he explained. plied with every university policy The commission consulted both the County’s Environmental Impact “It is our (I.V. cityhood proponents) opinion that Perkins misun­ that has been put down, but we Report and the university’s analysis to reach their conclusion, LAFCO’s derstands what ‘feasibility’ means,” Lodise said. come under more scrutiny,” he executive officer Robert Perkins said. The university’s administration is “pleased that the LAFCO staff (Please turn to pg.5, col.l) Findings included in the county’s EIR which state that a new tax (Please turn to pg.5, col.l) Reporter Talks On Religious Right

By Monica Trasandes else.” he has been good for the Moral he could correct, but why do it at News Editor Donaldson, who has been Majority and they in turn have, this point, he’s gotten this far.” covering the White House for been a benefit to Ronald Reagan. “One of Ronald Reagans’s ABC Chief White House eight years, said he feels former They -give him a cover against greatest strengths is that he correspondent Sam Donaldson, president Jimmy Carter acted people like me who say he never, believes what he says. If he didn’t said he finds the threatening of much more religiously than goes to church.” believe what he says I don’t think God’s vengeance by some groups President Reagan has, although Although Reagan supports the the American people public to support their political cause Carter is generally viewed as the Moral Majority, he will not make would follow him to the degree it “distasteful,” in a talk on the least religious of the two men. it a priority to support their does. But you can sense a phony, religious Right in America before Reagan was never very religious legislation, Donaldson said. “He and Ronald Reagan is not a professor Walter Capps’ Religion until he went into politics, he often epouses the causes the phony. If he gets on T.V. and tells in Politics class on Thursday. said. religious right also feels strongly you you’ve got to build the M.X., When asked about the spiritual Donaldson believes that the about, but if you will notice being or give aid to contras, or cut awakening of America, religious groups Reagan does the smart politician that Ronald student aid, or whatever, you Donaldson said he would not deny support are those which agree Reagan is, he has not extended know he really believes it. a religion the right to lobby for with his policies. “If Jimmy political capital on those causes,” Everybody’s looking for someone their causes, but he thinks that Carter had also been pushing the Donaldson said. Reagan will not to believe, because in our hearts preaching politics at the same programs as the Moral be pushing prayer in school, of hearts we know we don’t know pulpit and saying God takes sides Majority, then he (Carter) would abortion, or a balanced budget anything. Right? We’re all a in political matters is wrong. have been the good Christian. amendment because he really is bunch of dummies, and maybe “That’s the part that concerns Ronald Reagan didn’t do any of more concerned with the the next guy or next woman is me, people who use religion in the those things with the church, but Russians and military strength, smarter and if they say they ABC News Correspondent name of God to march forward in he pushed all the same public, he explained. believe it, then they do. So Sam Donaldson spoke a political sense,” Donaldson social programs that Moral When asked about Reagan’s anyway, I believe he believes the yesterday on campus. said. “I think they can march Majority leaders did, therefore intelligence, Donaldson said, “I stories he tells,” Donaldson said. forward in the political sense, but he is the good Christian. ” think he has a pretty good mind; I When asked about the power of MITCH VICINO/Nuu* under their own name. Leave “He (Ronald Reagan) has been think he has a lazy mind and the Moral Majority and what God out of it, he’s busy someplace a benefit to the Moral Majority, great areas of ignorance which (Please turn to pg.5, col.l) 2 Friday, April 12,1986 Daily Nexus

Editor-In-Chief — Robin Stevens Managing Editor — Laurence Iliff Editorials Editor — Marni M cEntee Assistant Editorials Editor — World Steven Peck Copy Editor — Becky Freed Assistant Copy Editor — Soviet Union Pays Tribute To FDR Carolyn Rhodes MOSCOW — The Soviet Union is marking month before the end of the war, Berezhkov VIENNA, Austria — Enver Hoxha of News Editors — Eddie Sanders, Friday’s 40th anniversary of the death of said his “death was an irreparable loss to Albania, who fashioned a tiny fortress of Monica Trasandes Franklin D. Roosevelt with unusual tributes the peace settlement. Many people believe Stalinism in a world he viewed as hostile, Campus Editor — William that evoke nostalgia for the years of Soviet- that if he had lived longer, the military died Thursday at age 76. He ruled for 42 Diepenbrock American alliance. situation in Europe would have shaped up years, longer than any other communist Assistant Campus Editors — The tributes also are critical of current differently.” leader. Steven Elzer, Lisa Mascaro American policy. Berezhkov added: “There is every reason Hoxha died of complications resulting County Editor — Deborah Tass, the official news agency, issued two to believe that the possibility of accords from heart failure that occurred on Nestor long stories Thursday about Roosevelt, who between the USSR and the USA at the time Tuesday, the official Albanian news agency Assistant County Editor — Amy died April 12,1945. was directly linked to the position of prin­ ATA reported. It said in a medical bulletin Siegel Both stories praised FDR as a “statesman ciple of Roosevelt.” that the Communist Party chief had suf­ New Writers’ Editor — Heidi of world caliber” and “a convinced The Tass coverage of the anniversary of fered from diabetes since 1948. Drewes champion of cooperation with the Soviet his death was unusual because such tributes A period of mourning was decreed until Sports Editor — Phil Hampton Union.” They put Roosevelt into the context normally are reserved for figures from April 18 and Ramiz Alia, official head of Assistant Sports Editor — Scott of superpower politics 40 years later by state and Hoxha’s likely successor, was Channon Soviet history. contrasting cooperation during his ad­ designated chairman of the commission to Photography Editor — ministration with the state of U.S.-Soviet Both articles used Roosevelt’s example to arrange the funeral. It will be held Monday Catherine O'Mara criticize his successors, especially the in Skanderbeg Square in the center of Assistant Photography Editor — relations today. Noting that Roosevelt died less than a administration of President Reagan. Tirana, capital of the Balkan nation. Brenton Kelly Wire Editor — January Jackson Arts Editors — Shirley Tatum, Susanne Van Cleave Nation Friday Magazine Editors — Christopher Croton, Scott Sedlik Student Business Manager — Judge Upholds Conviction O f Rapist Maria Baggetta Production Manager — Barb MARKHAM, IU. — A judge on Thursday upheld the conviction of “The petitioner has failed to sustain his burden (of proof) and I M acLean a man who already has served six years of a lengthy prison cannot find that perjury was committed,” Samuels said. Night Production Manager — sentence for a rape his accuser now says never happened. During Dotson’s trial in 1979, “the jury found (Mrs. Webb’s) Jane Musser Cook County Circuit Judge Richard Samuels decided not to testimony to be credible. I would say that was correct,” Samuels Advertising Production — grant freedom to Gary Dotson, who was qonvicted of raping said in his ruling. Marshall LaCombe Cathleen Crowell Webb in 1977. He said Mrs. Webb’s testimony last week that she lied when she Camera Technician — Roy Dotson, 28, who has been out of prison on bond for the past week, said she was raped was “impeached” by “selective recollection” Sundstrom slammed his hand on the table as Samuels began reading his of certain facts. decision and then sat staring at the judge. Account Executives — Lisa “He’s innocent!...He’s innocent! I told the truth!” Mrs. Webb The doctor who treated Mrs. Webb the night of the alleged Aronson, Vicky Weinstein, John screamed in the hall after the decision, clutching her husband’s assault testified earlier Thursday that he found no sperm or Hirsch, Kim Makature, Jean arm. seminal fluid during examinations of her. Pisacane, Todd Fisher, Mark W alker Classified Office Staff — Stacie Manning, Esther Choi, Laurie State Monteleone, Julie Smith, Michael Adams, Peter Jaisle Flat Taker — Les Austin State Agencies May Lose $24 Million Delivery Staff — Robert SACRAMENTO — State agencies, plagued corrected some of the weaknesses in in­ records and failure to conduct thorough Martin, Jeff Smeding, Craig by weaknesses in internal controls, com­ ternal controls that we reported last year, audits. Duke puter processing and sloppy financial the state may lose up to $24 million in Bookkeeper — Nancy Morales operations, face an unnecessary $24 million foregone interest, bad debts, and lost assets SACRAMENTO — In a long-distance at­ Classified Office Manager — loss, Auditor General Thomas B. Hayes because of the weaknesses in internal tempt to curb the federal deficit, Gov. Kathy Cruz reported Thursday. controls intended to safeguard the state’s George Deukmejian’s top aide has issued a Assistant Advertising Manager Hayes, in a 285-page report to the assets,” Hayes said. memo that discourages agency and — Ivan Hesson legislature, said his survey showed that 25 of department heads from seeking federal Advertising/Business Manager the 36 major state agencies each “had at Those weaknesses included failure to keep funds to augment the state budget. — Jeff M. Spector least one weakness in the internal controls track of state property and outstanding But critics say that the move is misguided that apply to financial operations.” expense advances, failure to meet financial and may only result in federal aid going to Communications Director — Joe “Although the State of California reporting requirements, poor accounting other states. T . Kovach by Berke Breathed The Daily Nexu# is published by the Press Council BLOOM COUNTY and partially funded through ♦' j Associated Students of the University of Calif' .rfa, Santa Barbara daily I t WA5 APRIL / A'NP LIKE 50 ...THE ROAR OF THE CR0WP5- TRULY.. 1985 WAS W PROUtPE except Saturday and S*' Jay during the school year, POPCORN FLUNG THROUGH weakly in summer s r .on. MANY OTHER YOUNG AMERICAN A SPRING 5EA50N WE WOULP Second Class P ¿tags paid at Santa Barbara CA SOYS, OUR THOUGHTS TVRNEP TO THE AIR... YES, WE WERE NOT EASILY FORGET.. Post Office Pul*' ~ation No. USPS 775-300. AMERICA'S FAVORITE PASTIME.. REAPY FOR ONLY ONE WING... Mail Subscription price $30.00 par year, $15.00 par quarter, payable to the Daily Nexus, Thomas M. Storks Communications Building, P.O. Box 13402, Santa Barbara, CA 13107. JL "UP-RtPPER" Editorial Office 1036 Storke Bldg., Phone 961-2091. 1 WHO'S MONSOON. Advertising Office 1041 Storke Bldg., Phone 961- 1 3128. \ FIGHTING I Printed by Santa Barbara News-Press. W/ \ TONIGHTT j Editorial Matter — Opinions expressed are the in­ dividual writer's and none others. Cartoons represent the opinions of the individuals whose names appear theron. Editorials represent a consensus viewpoint of the Daily Nexus Editorial Board. Editorial opinions expressed in the Daily Nexus do not reflect those of the University of California. Santa Barbara, Its faculty or student body. Complaints concerning the editorial r content of the Daily Nexus should be made to the editor in Storke Communications Bldg. Rm. 1036 (961- 2196). All items submitted for publication become the property of the Daily Nexus. Advertising Matter — Except as clearly implied by the advertising party or otherwise specifically stated, advertisements in the Daily Nexus are inserted by COMMUNITY commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the University COUNSELING LOGO CONTEST of California, Santa Barbara. Advertising material CENTER printed herein is solely for infomational purposes. Such printing Is not to be construed as a written or Learn and Practice implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of valuable counseling skills. AT A.S. BIKE SHOP such commercial enterprises or ventures. Complaints Sign-ups for concerning advertisements in the Daily Nexus should be directed to the advertising manager in Storke Peer Counselor The A. S. Bikeshop is looking for a new logo. The logo will be • Communications Bldg. Rm. 1041 (961-3828). T r a in in g The University of California, in compliance with This printed on water botles, T-shirts, flyers, and painted on the shop, j j VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1984, Title IX of the 1 & 2 are now in progress. Education Amendments of 1172, Section 6044 of the Submit Entries Before April 26. Rehabilitation Act of 1173, and the Age Discrimination Call 968-2222 Act of 1175, does not discriminate on the basis of race, for further info. Winning Entry will receive a Free Bicycle Tune-Up! color, national origin, sax, handicap, or age in any of its policies, procedures, or practices; nor does the University discriminate on the basis of sexual orien­ Contest open to all UCSB students, faculty, staff. tation. lids nondiscrimination policy covers ad­ mission and access to, and treatment and employment in. University programs and activities, including but not limited to academic admissions, financial aid, Trailer 324 U C S B ______educational services, an student employment. Inquiries regarding the University's equal op­ portunity policies may be directed to: Raymond Huerta, Affirmative Action Coordinator, phone (106) Hou^O-5 °i 1 961-2089. Dally Nexus Friday, April 12,1985 3

Students+ Faculty+Staff Library Leg Council Increases Lobby Funds BOOKSALE By William Diepenbrock Students who wish to oppose any issue on the Jim Hickman argued against the bill, although Campus Editor ballot may apply to the Associated Students for he did not vote against it. According to Hickman, WED. funds. the bill created a disproportionate gap between April 17 The amount of money students may use to In the past, approximately one-third of the the money candidates may spend on their lobby ballot measures up for vote in the available money has been used by organized campaigns (up to $100 of their own money) and 8:30—1:30 Associated Students Spring Election this month student groups in election campaigns, A.S. the amount available for the ballot measure Library, 8th Floor was increased 100 percent at the A.S. Legislative Executive Director Joan Nordberg said. campaigns ($600). Council meeting Wednesday night. Leg Council member Peter Renstrom in­ During an executive session, council also Students may now spend $300 to fight or troduced the bill to help students counter the evaluated staff and personnel efficiency. Council promote new ballot measures such as the $5 high costs of advertising, such as reprographic members are concerned that the percentage of Metropolitan Transit District contract, the $1.50 costs. the A.S. budget spent on personnel and A.S. football assessment, and 50 cent Program Board Although the total allotment of $6,600 may services is too high, an A.S. source, who asked ballot measures. A total of $3,000 is now seem like a lot of money, council members not to be identified, said. available for students to inform voters about maintain it is needed to make students aware of their stands, which council hopes will improve all viewpoints. In the past, students have com­ Council is considering enforcing the job voter turnout in the April 23-24 election. plained they did not vote because they were not descriptions for personnel due to complaints that Before last year’s election, council increased informed of the issues, council member Todd some staff members are not fulfilling their this money to the $150 level and received one of Smith said. responsibilities. The position of the Executive the highest voter turnouts in years, with over 20 “The students’ main complaint is that they are Director, currently held by Joan Nordberg, was percent of the student population active. not informed. This increase will allow us to in­ one of those jobs evaluated. Lose The amount of money available for the form them, and give them both the prc and con of After much debate, council also tabled a bill proponents and opponents of fees locked-in to the an issue,” Smith said. which would give Finance Board the power to T7-25 lbs. constitution, now up for a two-year review, was “It is wise to spend $600, $300 pro, $300 con, on review a number of A.S. honorariums, which are also raised from $150 to $300; council alloted an issue such as Program Board, which would stipends given for service. in 6 weeks $3,600 for the A.S. Lobby, Program Board (which determine the fate of $97,000,” Renstrom said, A position paper declaring the school a sanc­ is seeking to increase this amount as well), and adding that this information will allow students tuary for Central American refugees was also the Daily Nexus, La Cumbre yearbook, and to make better decisions. tabled until problems with wording are worked KCSB, to promote renewal of their fee measures. Associated Students External Vice President out. Oil Processing Complex is Approved

By Sheila Gormican of debate, the commission vironmental Impact Report way of life on the ranch.” will continue throughout the EiU cun do it.. .wiihput shots, Staff Writer voted 7-5 that the appellants conducted by Arthur D. In addressing the com­ productive life of the project, drugs, pills, or special foods. ..and had raised a substantial Little, Inc. for both the mission, Fadem con­ with the first three payments wiihput feeling hungry. Yotir own The California Coastal issue, which merited a Chevron and Texaco centrated on the importance totaling $1 million, and being personal counselor will show you how.. .and stay with you every step Commission gave its ap­ formal hearing. Three more projects, Chevron proposes of exploring the alternatives used to help the county and of. the.way Your first consultation proval to C hevron’s hours of public testimony to build two gas drilling and to an onshore pipeline. Hollister Ranch arrive at an is free. proposed Gaviota oil were heard before the production platforms on the “There were three other agreement regarding public processing complex at a commission voted in favor of Outer Continental Shelf possible choices: an offshore access. The owners of the public hearing held Tuesday. the project, which includes a lease, and Texaco plans to pipeline, an onshore pipeline ranch have been in Loce these unwanted pounds The issue went before the specific access-allowing build one. The two com­ directed northward to join negotiations and court over by summer vacation! commission at a meeting in agreement with Chevron. panies will share an oil and with Union’s proposed the public access issue with 10% DISCOUNT Santa Barbara this week, The agreement requires gas processing facility pipeline to Lompoc, or an state agencies for nearly 10 for Students because two environmental Chevron to provide public adjacent to Hwy. 101 at offshore processing plant,” years. groups appealed the permit access to property it owns Gaviota, as well as a system Fadem said, “and any one of Before actual construction which the county granted near Point Concepcion, of consolidated offshore and those three alternatives of the platforms or facilities last December. where pipelines from the onshore pipelines which will would permit Chevron to can begin, Chevron must go The Sierra Club and Get platforms come ashore. carry the produced oil and proceed with the project to the State Lands Com­ Oil Out contested the permit, In addition to the access gas from the platforms. without making the Hollister mission for approval of the and based their objection provision, approval of the On behalf of the residents Ranch a victim.” portion of the offshore upon eight factors. The two project requires Chevron to of Hollister Ranch, Attorney The EIR, which was pipeline between Point groups hold that the give 36 acres for a park, or Jerrold Fadem asked the prepared for the project, Concepcion and Point DIET CENTER development fails to provide $500,000 to complete work on Coastal Commission to only superficially examined Arguello. of GOLETA adequate public access to the Jalama Beach Park reconsider the decision the possibility of an offshore beaches, and is incompatible plan. made by the county last pipeline, and completely 683-3767 with the established physical The complex is part of a December, and deny ap­ ignored the other two op­ scale of the area. project proposed jointly by proval of the entire project. tions, he said. They also complained the Chevron and Texaco. The A portion of the ranch The commission rejected development will adversely project includes offshore property is crossed by the the Hollister Ranch request h .b .s.a : affect air quality, exceed development of the Point proposed pipeline. to deny the permit, but (Hispanic Business Student Assoc.) maximum height Arguello Field north of Point “The Hollister Ranch is stipulated Chevron must presents limitations, and was ap­ Concepcion, as well as on­ falling victim to Chevron’s contribute $327,000 annually A Fundraiser/Dance*w*w*w*w« proved by the county based shore processing facilities at wish to make a profit,” to a resource enhancement Providing the music: upon inadequate in­ Gaviota, 28 miles west of Fadem said. “The pipeline fund for use in the areas formation. Santa Barbara. will be a major and un­ affected by the oil L. A.’s C’est La Vie (D.J.) After more than two hours According to a joint En­ welcome detriment to the development. The payments PLACE:...... La Loma Apts. Lounge DATE:...... Fri. April 12th, 1985 TIME...... 8:30 PM—1:00 AM B e There! ALLERGIES ( A.S. UCSB Subcommittee of El Congreso JOOOOOOOOOO ..ARE NOTHING TO SNEEZE AT.

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It’s the new MAST™ Allergy Blood The MAST Screen takes only minutes. 8 GOOD LUCK UCSB RUGGERS Screening Test. For only $80 you can You complete a short questionnaire...a GOLETA VALLEY have a small blood sample evaluated by small sample of blood is taken—and that's 8 Cloves — Juices — Munchies i $ it. Within three weeks you receive a per­ 968-3666 • 10 A M -1 2 PM • 968-3666 ! a physician for over 50 of the most com­ E i l IU l $ sonal consultation of your test results L L íÜ mon airborne allergens—tree, grass and B IMMEDIATE MEDICAL TREATMENT which is included in the initial cost. 956 Emb. Del Norte in I.V. weed pollens, house dust, mite, animal dan- 101 So. Patterson ©1984 MAST Immunosysiems, Inc. 4 Friday, April 12,1985 Daily Nexus Police Crackdown On Campus Book Thieves By Steven Elzer books may be prosecuted for Assistant Campus Editor the felony of selling stolen property, as well as lesser It’s Dead Week and you petty-theft offenses and woke up early to save a place possible university at the library for use later disciplinary action, Bean that afternoon. Upon your said. return, several hours later, “Students have to realize your “reserved” ocean-view that there are people who seat is occupied and your roam the library looking for books have vanished. books to take. This is a After a frantic search of business for them, and it’s the surrounding shelves, it not just in the library. becomes apparent that your Sometimes they even steal books have been stolen, a from the professors’ of­ problem which is occurring fices,” UCSB Bookstore with greater frequency on Office supervisor Dennis this campus. According to Viau said. the UCSB Police Depart­ Describing the effort made ment, students are reselling to help students recover these stolen books to the stolen books, Viau UCSB or Isla Vista recalled an incident in the Bookstore. buy-back line, when a Chances of capitalizing on student identified her stolen this lucrative scheme are The UCSB Police Department is working with the campus and Isla Vista bookstores to crack books while another student slim. The police department down on stolen books. was trying to sell them. “She has an almost 100 percent said, ‘those are my books,’ success record on all stores. “The UCSB finals, when a lot of these To put an end to stealing, Instituting the plan was and the guy just took off reported book thefts, Bookstore has a new system books were needed, and that the Isla Vista Bookstore “the logical thing to do,” running, but we already Detective Sergeant Bill Bean for buy-backs where we can is a cold shot,” Bean said. developed a system four Tokumaru said, because 75 knew who he was. ” said. now trace the sellers,” he Cash is the incentive for years ago to trace anyone percent of students will Police and bookstore of­ “We are trying to get the said, adding the procedure the crime. A used book can who sells stolen books back; eventually sell some of their ficials do not want to disclose people who steal the books, has been used by the I.V. bring $10-15, depending upon but the only benefit received books back. If the used book the method of tracing books and we’re having a great Bookstore for the last four its use in a class the from the extra paper work is is a required text for an back to sellers, but warned deal of success because now years. following quarter. While this conviction of the thieves. upcoming class, sellers purchasers to mark books we know who sold what may seem a relatively small “Taking down all of this receive 50 percent of the with some form of iden­ book,” Bean said, explaining The police have been amount, the I.V. Bookstore extra information (from a current sale price. If the tification, such as their that seven thefts were hampered in their attempts ends up paying twice for a photo I.D.) doesn’t help us in book is not going to be used, name and alpha number. “I reported during the last to catch the criminals, book, and Manager Dennis getting anything back, we the cash return is only 10 to don’t want to educate people weeks of Winter Quarter, because so few cases are Tokumaru estimates yearly lose all the way around,” he 30 percent. how to get around it.... Just and seven UCSB students actually reported. losses to be in the thousands. said. By the time the theft is “It’s too tempting when be aware that people are out were arrested. “Students just are not “We’ve lost three or four discovered, the store has you can get $10-15 for one there stealing,” Bean said. aware that they can report thousand dollars in the last already paid buy-back book. I ’m hoping the would- “We take an interest in This high success rate is such things as stolen books few years; it’s like opening money to the thief; the stolen be crooks will realize it’s just this type of theft because, the product of a new system to the police, but we en­ up our cash register, and the book is taken as evidence not worth the risk, ” he said. after all, the students are the used to identify people who courage it.... A lot of book problem isn’t getting any and later returned to the According to California community we serve,” Bean sell used books back to the stealing happens during better,” Tokumaru said. rightful owner. law, students who sell stolen said.

Nominations Being Accepted For THE MARGARET T. GETMAN Service To Student Award

This year, for the first time, University employees in the area of student services are being recognized for their contributions and activities, specifically those that have enhanced the quality of student life at UCSB. The purpose of the Margaret T. Getman Award is to create greater awareness of the special services that are provided daily by many university employees.

NOMINEES: Consideration should be given to UCSB employees who go above and beyond the call of duty to aid students and im­ prove the quality of student life.

NOMINATIONS: Nominations will be accepted from faculty, staff, and students. Nomination forms will be available at: the Activities Planning Center, Counseling and Career Services, the EOP Office, the Financial Aid Office, Public Information Office, Residential Life, UCen Information Desk, and the Women’s Center.

Nominations are dne in the Activities Planning Center, UCen 3151 on Monday, April 22.

Sponsored by the Student Alumni Association and the Division of Student and Community Affairs. Daily Nexus Friday, April 12,1986 5 Santa Barbara Annual Rugby Tournament Organization... (Continued from front page) are still concerned about “Clearly, this will be a said. This pressure has come increases in calls for service case of people being from the police department, related to the tournament. reasonable. We want people according to O’Day, who “The rugby outfit got our to be cool and have fun and said this is the first year law attention years ago,” go with the spirit of this enforcement agencies have Phillips said. “Rugby thing, and we are hoping that participated directly in the players are hardcore fellows people don’t get drunk,” she event’s organization. and they like to party real said. “This is the first time the h ard ... what has gotten to be According to O’Day, “if university has made an a ritual with them is burning people want to bring beer in official inquiry into the bicycles, road signs, traffic coolers, that’s fine. No tournament, where they said signs and the usual drunk bottles, no kegs and no you should do this and this. driving and fighting. It’s the conspicuous consumption.” Now the police department nature of the beast.” The Foot Patrol thinks the takes an active role, but we Realizing the potential for informal alcohol policy will asked them (the police) to community problems, not be effective. “They are take part in this in the past, organizers have initiated a talking about discouraging and they didn’t,” O’Day policy to discourage alcohol alcohol, I think that is a little said. drinking at the event. “We naive on their part. It would According to University of don’t want any conspicuous behoove rugby players to California Police Lieutenant consumption. Rugby adhere to some of the Vickie Harrison, the UCSB organizers will monitor guidelines or they won’t be Department has been people in the stadium. There invited back,” Phillips said. planning this weekend for will be no bottles allowed To meet the expected six months. “I feel that we inside,” Dean of Students service demands, UCPD will have done a lot of Leslie Lawson said, warning have two additional officers The 20th Annual Santa Barbara Rugby Tournament will begin on preparation, including extra that book bags, coolers and working at night on campus, Saturday. s e a n m . h a f f e y / n m u * police officers,” she said. people will not be searched, complimented by 14 officers While police officials are but spectators must act and deputies which will Patrol. University first aid station near the Harder Stadium for parts of involved with planning, they responsibly. comprise the Isla Vista Foot paramedics will also set up a courts adjacent to the tournament.

treats Reagan unfairly, Donaldson said each person brings problem is that if you accept an issue premise that an arms Donaldson... their own politics into the definition of fairness. “Depending control treaty is bad, that dealing with the Soviets is always (Continued from front page) on the era and depending on the group, they’re never going a trap, then you’re never going to have an arms control effect it will have on future elections, Donaldson said it is to think we’re doing our job. At the moment we’re much too treaty unless you have it only on your terms. Yes, Reagan powerful in some areas, but as far as the next presidency is liberal, in Franklin Roosevelt’s day we were much too wants an arms control treaty if the Soviets will surrender, concerned, he believes more important things, such as the conservative, it just depends on who we’re covering and but they’re not likely to agree to his terms, and I think he economy and the state of the world, will decide the out­ what we’re doing,” Donaldson said. sincerely believes a treaty they would sign is probably one come. During an interview after his talk, Donaldson said he that would not be enforcable, or one they would cheat on In discussing the role of the press and criticism that it does not believe Reagan hopes for an arms treaty. “The and would be very destructive to the country. ” Cityhood Proposal Not Recommended... * * rtngo ii.Uk with tlwv the DID EIR, because U itS. is a county-certified document denial, but Solvang is now incorporated. (Continued from front page) with both pros and cons,” Laine said. report reached the same conclusion” as the report sub­ Perkins acknowledged the fact that there is no way to Isla Vista Community Council member Susan Potter mitted by the university, UCSB consultant Lee Marking solve the difference of opinions presented by the proponents called the LAFCO report an unfair analysis. She believes said. and the university’s report. He added that LAFCO’s staff the staff should not have weighed the university’s report Though the staff report recommends that the proposal be report questions the validity of the EIR’s assumptions. with the same importance as the EIR. “They’re down­ denied, there is still a chance that the cityhood proposal Metropolitan Lobby Director Rich Laine feels that the playing the (EIR’s) moderate revenue plan,” she said. could be passed on to the voters, although it is “an uphill LAFCO report gives the university’s analysis “too much The conclusion of the staff report is similar to the con­ battle,” according to Ernie Woolbrandt, city coun- credibility.” He finds it a “one-sided” report, which does clusions of the 1974 and 1975 cityhood proposal reports. cilmember for Carpintería and a member of LAFCO. He not include input from the pro-incorporation point of view. “Nothing’s new,” said Bill Wallace, Santa Barbara pointed out that Solvang’s staff report also recommended “When the university and the EIR conflict, LAFCO should County supervisor and alternate LAFCO member. THIS WEEKEND WITH HILLEL “ORIGINS OF DEBATE! OUR CUSTOMS* A discussion about the development & importance of Jewish traditions. "ISTHE BIBLE —with Louis Feldstein— student Rabbi GAME Friday, 7:00 p.m. Sat. 2:00 p.m., URC 777 Camino Pescadero Sand Courts near Storke Field. THE INFALLIBILE You bring your enthusiasm and we’ll bring refreshments. WORD OF GOD?"

the MONDAY, APRIL 15th d in d io 7:30 P.M. CAMPBELL HALL u L u jic j FREE ADMISSION Presenting the WE REPAIR ALL BRANDS OF AUDIO AND VIDEO ______Conservative Christian View:______FACTORY AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER FOR: THE BIBLE IS INFALLIBLE STEREO EQUIPMENT TOM TRENTO Akai Kenwood Nlkko Sony Executive Director, Bang 9 Olufsen Kyocera Onkyo Teac Christian Research Associates Base Luxman Phase Linear Techniques Draco Labs M GA U.S. Pioneer Toshiba DAN DAVIS Dual Mitsubishi Sanyo Yamaha Director of Dialectics, Hitachi Nakamieni Sherwood And Other Christian Research Associates VIDEO RECORDERS & DISC PLAYERS Akai JVC Pentax Sharp Presenting the Canon Kenwood U.S. Pioneer Sony ______Liberal Christian View:______Fisher Magnavox Quasar Toshiba General Electric NEC RCA Zenith THE BIBLE IS FALLIBLE Hitachi Panasonic Sanyo DR. PROMPT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Professor of Religious Studies PATRICK O’DONNELL Masters Program 3 6 2 3 STATE ST. - SANTA BARBARA Religious Studies M-F 10-6 SAT. 12-2 Sponsored by Campus Ambassadors "WE DO IT RIGHT... THE FIRST TIME" 6 Friday, April 12,1985 Daily Nex D a il y N e x u Political Welta

------SOI Chris Miller giv ------of Rarely do our political opinions get the serious de criticism they deserve. We hold our liberal or ov moderate or conservative principles too dear to rat entertain alternatives. Critiques are partisan or soi ideological, without being constructive. Or we are eo unable to concede one slice of our Weltanschauung pr< without losing our whole perspective on world go affairs. But opportunities to have one's views run de through the wringer do arise. I had one recently. th< After the best chocolate cake and Schlag to to which I've ever been treated, conversation went to no politics and society. What started as a dissertation im by the hostess became a long-running examination of modern political problems. In the process, I ou heard propositions to which perhaps too few of us it ( have been exposed. wc To the popular faith in the United States — that po despite lousy foreign policies, economic down- m< turns, crime in the streets, and a media which th; purveys bad news, America will continue moving se ahead and improving as a society — there is an pri alternative vision: pri No American president has ever dealt with the Soviet Union in the proper way, by breaking all ties alt and countering the Soviets' military and ideological Tc Letters To The Nexus advances worldwide with strong alliances and cc nuclear superiority. For its lack of vigilance, thd dii United States has been punished with European be neutrality and the loss of allies in Latin America, ex Rats In San Miguel Africa, and the Middle East. oi The national economy is based on the self- ag Editor, Daily Nexus: derstatement. enriching desires of conspiratorial capitalists who rh Their sounds come from between the walls, the ceiling, What is being done? Who knows? Attempts thus far to run the banks, the International Monetary Fund, sc and from the heater vents at any time of day or night. We rid San Miguel of rats have been painfully ineffective and and the Federal Reserve. A nonpartisan collection su hear them when we are studying or falling asleep, in vain. The Ombudsman says they are aware of the of governing elites from the United States, Western pr squeaking, scraping, and squealing. It is a hard sound to problem. The Department of Health says they're looking Europe, and Japan, the Trilateral Commission, describe but it approximates a sick laugh, mocking and into it. My residential staff knows of the problem and is works to subordinate political priorities like sane- di: hideous. As we've heard them run back and forth in the working within its means. So, why the hell do we have tions against the Soviet Union to private economic he space between floors, in their own world, they were rats? ones, like keeping wheat farmers wealthy. wi oblivious to even their closest neighbors (who currently Three methods are currently used by our maintenance Urban problems — crime and racial tension -4 wHc* pay $315 per month to live with them). Oblivious that is, staff: rat poison, snap-type traps, and glue traps. are more than that. If nothing is done, criminals will ht until they came into the open, into our rooms and left their However, these methods deal merely with the symptoms feces behind refrigerators, chewed through someone's of infestation and not the root of the problem; somewhere clothes, and even had their offspring in a dorm closet there is an ample supply of food. Maintenance will be drawer. Who sleeps well, knowing that upon awakening, a setting traps for years to come. Something more thorough rat may be staring you in the face? is needed. Benefits Of As students, we have enough pressure on us in dealing Editor, Daily Nexus: vi At first the noises were infrequent enough that upon with the daily rigors of college dorm life. Why should dorm Upon graduating from UCSB in 1982 I saw few pr hearing them I would question my own sanity: "did I really residents have to be concerned with rats crawling about in opportunities available to utilize my liberal arts er hear that or was it just the building serrling?" It was in­ their rooms? Will we have to warn incoming freshman that degree in a rewarding career. After working for fc trigue and disbelief for many of us. Who could (or wanted they will be living with rats? It is appalling that rats con­ CalPIRG's (California Public Interest Research th to) admit that there might be rats in a University of tinue to breed in any dorm, and it is disgusting to have to Group) citizen outreach project during the 1982 cl California dormitory? Over spring break the proliferation of live in such unsanitary conditions (especially when one initiative campaign for the Bottle Bill, my eyes were st these filthy creatures apparently continued. It is as if the considers our roach population). I write on the behalf of all opened to the opportunities available in the "public st rats have now become so commonplace, a few San concerned San Miguel residents. Our tolerance has worn interest" movement. Working for CalPIRG has in Miguel east tower residents no longer question their thin. Something had better be done soon. given me a unique chance to put my conscience to c< presence. To say our dorm is rat-infested is no un- MARK A. MACARRO work. Jobs with the PIRGs are available nationwide and st include campaign staff, researchers, writers, w Tongue In Cheek scientists and campus coordinators. I will be on tc campus Wednesday, April 17 to interview T Editor, Daily Nexus: makes romance look easy, and for those who aren't graduates interested in a job with the PIRGs. oi In response to Mike Thompson's criticism of Leanne currently involved romantically, this can be a frustrating PIRGs were founded in the early 1970s to offer ci Reese's article which appeared in "Womanwise" on April reminder of their lack of an active love life. students a forum to apply their classroom yi 4. She was not condemning romance, nor was she saying knowledge to issues of great public concern. At si Apparently Mr. Thompson was so "astonished" at that women don't need, or shouldn't need to get involved UCSB there has been a chapter of the California o reading Leanne's tongue-in-cheek opening paragraph that romantically. She was simply pointing out that there are Public Interest Group (CalPIRG) since 1980. The he failed to read the rest of the article. Leanne Reese was constructive ways to deal with loneliness and frustration. organization is non-profit and non-partisan working not, as Mike Thompson's interpretation suggests, arguing Those who choose self-confidence and independence full-time to advocate for consumer and en- that "romance is just another clever marketing scheme over insecurity and loneliness do not deserve to be labelled from the boys on Madison Avenue." She was not arguing "neurotic," nor do they deserve the other less-than- that those who desire romance are "merely advertising honorable inferences made by Mike Thompson. Class Lo pawns." She was, I believe, suggesting that the media VIRGINIA BEAN Editor, Daily Nexus: a On April 9 you printed an article describing the w new registration system. What's wrong with the a D o o n e s b u r y BY GARRY TRUDEAU one we have? Our present system gives the o students some control over their chances to get NEPHEW, IUNP6R- 1SURBPO,MAN. IWANT1Ü classes. With the lottery system, students who NOTHING TDMB.ZONKBR. BUT ANPIMSMN- IfPBBA don't really need a class will have the same chances siANPyou/wcum t h a ïs BRENNER HERB HAS S0MEIHIN6 APOLO6TZBF0RALUHBPRES- PER1NG IF I COULD LOVELY ARB LEAVING FOR THE RI6HT. TO SAT TO YOU BEFORBYOUGO. surbiputonyou. iw a s TAPS A SMALL 66STURB. J STATES IN THE MORN- FT.LAUP- I5NTTHATRI6HT, BRENNER? WAY OUT OFUNE, MAN,ANP PACKAGETDYOU. TO SHOW L ING.. I ERPALE. I'M REALLY SORRY /n ip ? / THSRB'RE­ ° V -s w h a iStt - ANP* NO HARP Bird Gi to your FEELIN6S.r Editor, Daily Nexus: T Hey! About that bird picture on the front page on April 10 — if you're going to be a bird geek, at least be right! There is no such thing as a Stellar's blue jay. There are Stellar's jays, and there are blue jays.

4-13 Express YOU lily Nexus Friday. April 12,1986 7 cus Opinion eltanschauung My Life s My Car “ soon take over the government. Handgun control And I'm not just talking about people who drive slowly. gives the criminals a break by taking weapons out Travis Ashby It's o.k. if you drive slowly, just don't be oblivious to — of the hands of the honest citizen who wants to everyone else on the road. Obliviousness is rude. Always j s defend himself. Conflict between blacks and whites If we are what we eat then maybe we are what we drive remember, there are thousands of different people driving or over affirmative action and busing is evidence of too. Or maybe if we're not w hat we drive we're the way we different cars and they're driving them differently all to racial hostility which will soon erupt into massive drive it. I'm not sure I want to be what I drive, because if I around you. Some people drive fast and other people drive or social violence. Combined, urban problems, was what I drive I'd be a 22-year-old-Earl-Scheib-Orange- slowly. Some drive safely while others drive like repressed re economic disasters, and foreign policy failures will Buick-Special. I'd also have a dent somewhere on the right kamikazi pilots. Whenever I see someone in the rearview ng probably bring about the fall of the United States side of my head and I'd be missing the human equivalent mirror come screaming up behind me, change lanes just Id government by the turn of the century. of a hub cap. Cosmetically, I'd be in pretty nasty shape if I before they've rear-ended my car, and continue on down Do not dismiss these views as a far-right was what I drove. I'd be a real runner though; my car the highway wrecklessly at 95 mph, I always wish that a jn delusion. A political psychologist might argue that keeps going and going. Highway Patrol Officer would show up and get them or they belong to those who must allege conspiracies All that down the toilet, it does seem to me that the car they'd drive off a cliff and make their car explode. I don't to to explain an increasing complexity which they do we choose to drive bears some reflection on our per­ like people who drive like that. There's a tremendous to not understand. But such derogations ignore the sonality. I'm not sure what it means that I drive a 22-year- satisfaction when you see them five miles up the road, Dn importance of this perspective. old Buick, but I do know that everybody who chooses to bowing gracefully to a Highway Patrol Officer, offering Dn Hearing such views, anathema as they may be to buy a BRANDNEWBMW is approaching the subject of their souls in lieu of the ticket being written. I our own outlook, is profoundly important. For one, transportation from a different perspective than I am. It Is Parking is part of driving and different people do that us it can encourage us to look critically at the opinions important to mention though that this is only true if the differently too. Some people hate to parallel park, for we do hold. Are they merely a compendium of driver paid for the car with their own money, earned by instance. Other people don't mind at all. I know my mother lat political cliches and socialized reactions which may their own labor. If Mommy and Daddy buy it, the car is would rather drive around the block four or five or a n- make sense separately but together are little more more a reflection on their personality than the driver's. hundred times looking for an easy park rather than attempt ch than a house of cards easily tumbled? Or are they Sometimes I see kids driving around in their BRAND- to parallel park in a space that could hold two cars the size ng securely grounded in a logical progression from NEWBMW's and I think about how unfair life can be, that the one she's driving. Other people attack parallel parking an principle to policy, so that no "new facts" or some people get to drive around in shiny new fast sports as if they were in a Miller Beer commercial. I believe the presidential interpretation can shake them? cars while others of us must move our bodies around town word's gusto. They try and squeeze their 21-foot-fat- he Collectively, being confronted with such striking in rattling old Earl-Scheib-Orange deathtraps. Cadillac into a space 2l-feet-4-inches. I must admit, for es alternatives should roust us out of our laziness. But then life is often unfair isn't it? More than once I've me, a good parallel park is one of driving's greatest ;al Today, most Americans are comfortable liberals or thought about those little practical jokes The Person of pleasures. But it's only a good time if I can avoid going nd comfortable conservatives. The Reagan manner Life gets a kick out of playing. For instance, why is it back and forth from reverse to forward, playing auto yo­ hd disavows any notion that we are a society in trouble whenever I'm driving along in a hurry, some jerk will get in yo. an because we are a society which has failed to front of me and ruin any possibility of my getting where I don't take care of my car very well. Other people fix up :a, examine our institutions for their flaws. We have let I'm going by the time I want to get there? Almost always their cars with all kinds of make-up, clean 'em shiny real our guard drop, not against a Soviet threat but the car is for some reason unpassable, the driver rudely good, and then drive around town extra slowly so you can ¡If- against domestic inequality and presidential uncooperative. I get irritated. What type of person could look at them for a long time. They like nothing better than ho rhetoric masquerading as the bugle call of a new drive like that? I decide there must be a corpse behind the to cruise around in their beautymobile. I often think they id, society. Media symbolism, a foreign policy which wheel. It amazes me how some people manage to con­ look silly and I laugh inside my stomach at them. But I on supports dictatorship, and urban crime are serious tinue driving after they've died. How do they do it? don't laugh in their face. They probably think I look pretty ¡rn problems whose roots seem to go unaddressed. Doesn't the DMV object? The same thing happens at silly in my beat up 22-year-old-Earl-Scheib-Orange-Buick. >n, Shooting the messenger who bears news of a Vons, people pushing their shopping carts around long Oh well. Maybe I do look a little silly. ic- dismal American future is no solution. Listening to after rigor mortis has set in. I just don't get it. nic her or his alternatives ought to make the message we wish to carry forward more clear. — v Chris M liter is a senior majoring in political science and vill history. Finding A Scapegoat still won't wash the week's accumulation of dirty dishes or Mary Hoppin the month's accumulation of dirty laundry. It's just me, myself and I. Still, the three of us often can't get our work Of CalPIRG When we were little and seemed always to have some done because o f... because of... the Demon Gaucho. vironmental protection. With the help of a authority figure hovering nearby, and we finally succeeded It's ten in the morning. I'm lying in bed with a full stream 3w professional staff, students at UCLA won the in doing something we weren't supposed to, the final of sunshine in my face, and spring breezes are flipping the rts endorsement of Los Angeles' Mayor Tom Bradley, culprit we accused was always a devious person by the pages of the book I'm supposed to be reading. Looking at for for a community right to know ordinance governing name of "N ot Me." the clock again, I find that fifteen more minutes have ch the use, storage and disposal of hazardous Not Me was capable of dropping the cat down the passed. It's getting close to the prime tanning hours. What 182 chemicals. CalPIRG students and staff across the laundry chute, licking the frosting off the side of someone to do? Go to my 11 o'clock class and stare wistfully at the »re state are working to pass a bottle bill to address our else's birthday cake, peeking at the Christmas presents, or door thp whole time, or go to the beach? »lie serious litter and solid waste disposal problem here pouring dye in the bath water to see if daddy would Go to the beach, go to the beach, go to the beach. las in California. PRIGs in other states address similar change color. Not Me also had a disproportionate number "W ho said that?" to consumer and environmental issues. of chores to accomplish, because whenever my mother All is silent. No one else is home, so it's not my Many PIRG staffers see their jobs as stepping asked who was supposed to set the table, empty the roommates. I check to make sure my tape recorder's off nd stones to a job in government, law or politics, as dishwasher, walk the dog or do the laundry, it was always and the radio, too. Maybe I should go to the beach, I'm irs, well as those of us who consider their commitment the same response — Not Me. The worst thing was that flipping out. on to the public interest movement a permanent one. Not Me never did his chores, so someone else had to pick As I escape the single comforter balled up on top of my ew The constant challenges to our environment and up the slack. sheetless bed, trip over the piles of dirty laundry, and circle our fragile economy require there be a dedicated In our family. Not Me was basically a home bound around my roller skates, I wander into the kitchen in search fer core of individuals making our democracy work. If figure, and on road trips, a new culprit appeared. Her of food. am you are interested in a job with the PIRGs, please name was Lucille. I have no idea where this came from, As I ponder the subject of grapefruit and a half glass of At sign-up at the placement center or call the CalPIRG but my dad started asking questions concerning this milk, I wonder if life is really worth living without pop tarts. nia office at 961 -3907. shadowy figure. He would ask if Lucille had her seat belt I can smell the flaky pastry, and see the delicately melting, he BILLWASSERMAN on, or was pulling someone's hair, or elbowing someone, artificial frosting in my mind's eye. No matter what at­ ing CalPIRG COORDINATOR or stepping on a seatbelt from behind, pinning the wearer tempt I make to concentrate on the savory taste of an- down in a wrestling hold. grapefruit, my mind keeps coming back to carbohydrates. Lucille also had a habit of finding stray animals and Have a pop tart, have a pop tart, at the beach, go to the beach putting them in the car hoping no one would notice for with your pop tart. Lottery about 100 miles, but mom nipped that one in the bud by I grab the pop tart and my beach chair and run for the asking the children to ask Lucille if she would like it if door. I have no choice. These Demon Gauchos in my as students in that major. At least now students someone kidnapped our dog or cat. Lucille decided she apartment made me miss my class. the who are willing to put forth extra effort are given an wouldn't try that anymore. And so it goes. If it's Not Me, it's Lucille, when the ever­ the advantage. Why not spend more time (and money) After about ten years of full-size family vacations, Lucille present adults of our childhoods hover dominantly above. the on something important, like the parking problem, started to stay home. My dad was the first to notice that Now that I'm on my own, I want a scapegoat but cannot get JUSTINE E. SUTTON there were no shrieks coming from the back seats; instead find one. As the psuedo-adult that I am, I know what I vho WENDY KAPLAN we had found ways to play nicely together and pass the should do, but sadly, that sometimes doesn't correspond to ices time peacefully. He explained to us that Lucille had grown what I want to do. Once we get rid of these "want-to” up and gone off to live in a commune, and later went on to demons, it's a sign that we're ready to start hearing about become a sandhog. He said that we should follow this the Not Me's and Lucille's of the next generation. In the example so that we too could become successful adults. meanwhile, I'll work on my tan. I Geek's Well, here I am in college, and Lucille is off working as a And my pop tart. This was neither. This, folks, was a scrub jay. sandhog. My sisters are both at other schools, and Not Me Mary Hoppin does not like to wake up in the morning. on There's nothing worse than a poser bird geek. iast ALISTAIR CULLUM ilue JOEMENDELSON iys. TWO REAL BIRD GEEKS Editor’s Note: A letter from Carmen Lodise appeared in Thursday’s Nexus. It should be clarified th at he served on the Isla Vista Park Board from 1976-1980. OUR Opinion 8 Friday, April 12,1986 Daily Nexus SOUTH AFRICAN DIVESTMENT DAY

Below left: Lisa Rothstein Right: This participant’s displays plaque as another sign sums up the sentiments student places a rose by the of those at the rally. flame.

Below: Plaque and roses Below right: Buttons, red placed by students at the ribbons, bumper stickers, and Eternal Flame. literature that were available at the rally.

Photos by Greg Wong and Brenton Kelly Daily Nexus Friday, April 12,1985 9 T r v Editor: Phi! Hampton ....

Assistant: Scott Channon Win Over Aztecs Softball Team Trounces Tonight Would Put Lowly Láveme In Spikers in Playoffs Non-League Twin Bill By Scott Channon Assistant Sports Editor By Kristen Nicholson singles from Lynda Koenig, Sports Writer Tracy Merrill and Pinto, and Final home contests are always an emotional affair, was capped by a RBI triple especially for seniors, and the home team would like Collecting 21 hits in two from Tami Gregor. nothing more than to go out with a “W”. But tonight’s men’s games, the Lady Gaucho UCSB was again heard volleyball match between UCSB and the San Diego State softball team unleashed its from in the sixth, as they Aztecs will carry with it a little extra incentive for the bats to defeat Laveme scored another seven runs Gauchos. University, 14-3 and 2-0, in a behind the hitting of Richey, After considering all possibilities for making the Western twin bill at Campus Softball Koenig and Pinto. Regionals, which hosts the second through the fifth teams Diamond Thursday. Merrill (5-6) went the in the CIVA, all the Gauchos (9-6 in the CIV A, 21-13 overall) Laverne took advantage of distance, allowed only three have to do to secure a spot is beat the Aztecs (5-10 in the a sluggish start by the hits and picked up the win CIVA) in the Events Center tonight at 7:30. Gauchos in the first game, for the Gauchos. Should UCSB win tonight, the Gauchos will have qualified scoring three runs in the “It was encouraging to see for their seventh straight post-season tournament. third inning for an early that the team could come Before the Gauchos can start talking playoffs, however, lead. back from the early deficit. they must focus on the task at hand, which is to duplicate The Gauchos woke They really played hard.” their victory over the Aztecs of two months ago. In San themselves up in the fifth UCSB Head Coach Bobbi Diego, the Gauchos won in four games, 7-15,15-12,15-12, and inning to score seven runs on Bonace said. 15-10. five hits behind the con­ The Gauchos slowed down “ (The Aztecs) are very capable of coming up here and sistent hitting of Monica in the second game, scoring beating us,” Head Coach Ken Preston warned. “They are a All-American Randy Ittner will be playing his Richey and Nancy Pinto. one run in the fifth inning good ball control team, (and) they have good players.” final home match tonight against SDSU. Richey singled-in two runs and adding an insurance run to start the scoring. The in the sixth inning. But with S E A N M. HAFFEY/Noxu# (Please turn to pg.10, col.l) rally was kept alive with (Please turn to pg.10, col.3)

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1230 STATE STReCT, SARTA BARBARA* MS-4474 e o a c ______10 Friday, April 12,1985 Daily Nexus

WE DO WAXING! Gaucho Ruggers Ready For Tourney Action Special Notices G «t ready for Summer. ISLAM IN FOCUS: un­ CALL 967-4303 distorted now look at Islam. • 5730 3/ou ««aCalle Real By Mary Hoppin he feels a more likely explanation was the Bears’ con­ All welcome. UCEN rm • Brows Contributing Editor sideration of the Western Regionals April 27-28 at the ,1PM Questions, answers. • Logs • Face tool University of Oregon. The first team they are slated to play Sat. nite: TUNE IN TO Prof. Higgin's Theatre of The The pounding of bodies and the cheers of rowdy fans and is the Gauchos. VOLUNTEER TUTORS needed Absurd KCSB A.M. 770-880 8 idle players will resound on the athletic fields of UCSB “We have more incentive to do well this year,” Feinstein to work with elementary P.M. and live the absurd. Saturday and Sunday. Amid the frenzy of 2,000 exuberant added. “(The tournament) will serve as a tune-up for the school children. Volunteer .3hrs athletes competing among 80 teams, the 20th Annual Santa playoffs.” Do you enjoy helping people? Are you a week and make a difference! Barbara Rugby Tournament will be staged. Although the Gauchos may be in better shape because of responsible and self-motivated? Are I.V. Youth Project, 968-2611. Fog notwithstanding, the Gauchos will see the field for intensive preparation for Regionals, they, will still have to you patient and flexible? The UCen their first game at 8:50 Saturday morning. An even earlier get past defending tournament champion Long Beach information Desk is now accepting Personals start is the order of the day for the Guanos, UCSB’s second State. The 49ers defeated UCSB earlier in the season in one applications for the ’88*'N school year. Please pick up an application at team. of the Gauchos’ two league losses and have also qualified the Information Desk. All ap­ SIGMA NU'S GET EXCITED The task of setting up the mammoth event each year for the Western Regionals. plications are due by 5:00 pm, May 3. FOR THE MOCK RUSH. WE takes its toll on the team, as the Gauchos have not taken the The other league loss was to San Diego State, the fourth CAN'T WAIT! LOVE, THE title since their back-to-back wins in 1968 and ’69. The Regional selectee. O’Day sees the Aztecs as an easy UCSB TAN DON'T BURN ALPHA PHI'S______closest UCSB has come since was in 1982 when the Old favorite to reach the University Division championship We have LOWEST PRICES POOKIE . . . these first 5 are Bolts, a men’s team from Santa Barbara, took the title in match, to be held Sunday at 3 p.m. with BEST RESULTS of any only the beginning . . . you'll the club division. The Bolts are comprised mainly of “We’re pretty fit right now, but San Diego State is tough salon in the country! For a always be my one and only.. great, healthy, long lasting, Love always, ME Gaucho graduates. and so’s Long Beach,” O’Day conceded. non-burning suntan--SUN “We normally win three and lose two, that’s been the way Stanford and U.C. Davis, which have historically placed TIME TANNING CENTER 5858 it’s worked out over the years,” veteran player for the 1985 at the top of the field in the tournament, are two of the Hollister 11am-9pm 967-8983. Gauchos Joel Feinstein explained. “We don’t usually do stronger teams in attendance this year. Clear up Acne, psoriasis._____ that well because it’s our team that sets the whole thing up Whatever the end result, the Gauchos will have their Awards!! Nominations of SIGMA CHI (beginning at 6 a.m. each morning, but) we have a good tune-up for Regionals. The Gauchos play five games in two Seniors for the Thomas M. chance this year considering that our main rival (top- days, but with the aid of a fired up squad including Mike Storke and Seniors and Grads ranked U.C.) Berkeley has withdrawn from the tour­ Lexon — who’s “been playing out of his head lately” — for University Service Awards. nament.” Feinstein and Tom Constantine, named to the Southern Get forms at Activities Plan­ Tournament Director Dennis O’Day explained that California All-Select Team, UCSB may post a finish Gaucho ning Center, UCen 3151. f t Berkeley cited financial reasons in its withdrawl letter, but fans will love. Deadline, Friday, April 19, 5 p.m. 20 ÏEAS& XT Easter0 We never stop celebrating. Join the Student UCSB Tennis Team Hosting Ed Doty Invitational Congregation Sunday, 9:00 am CONGRATU L ATI0NS2X By David James We play them at 2:00 on at St. Michael's, Camino CSU Long Beach’s Peter The top 16 teams in the Pescadero at Picasso. Bruce Sports Writer Smith is ranked 49th. nation advance to the NCAA Sunday on the East Courts Wollenberg, Campus Pastor. UCSB’s Gus Andersen will Championships and both across from Cheadle Hall Tennis fans, this is your vault up into the Top 100 UCI and CSU Long Beach and a big crowd would push DON'T MISS OUT! Signups weekend. (probably between 80 and have a shot at an invitation, our guys on,” he added. end today for 3x3 , tennis and community rec. Heck, even the average 85) in the next rankings. In but neither can afford to lose The best matchup Sunday basketball. CALL THE IN­ sports fan could go crazy addition, Irvine’s doubles to UCSB or Fresno State. could be Bruce Man Hong ★ CUMNTT Vf MK HMH * | TRAMURAL OFFICE for over the tennis scheduled at team of Barham and Yates The Gauchos and the Sing against the Gauchos’ details 961-3253>l______UCSB this weekend. Twelve is ranked 28th in the nation. Bulldogs will not make it into Jon Nissley. Nissley beat the “PROJECT Employed graduating Engineer dual matches, 72 singles One unusual aspect of the the NCAA’s, but the next 16 Anteater ace in the PCAA wishes to meet beautiful and matches and 36 doubles tournament is that no schools are invited to the No. 2 singles semifinals last DIRECTOR” witty woman, gregarious matches will be played on champions will be crowned. National Invitational Tennis year. Earlier this year enough to answer this ad. Call UCSB’s Stadium and East “The Ed Doty Invitational Tournament at Orlando, Nissley upset Harvard’s “CO-CHAIR” and make a new interesting Courts. Tournament was held some Florida. A win over a Top 20 18th-ranked Larry Scott. friend. 964-0461. Ask for. Jeff-. The cause of all the years ago as a double­ team would greatly improve “Matches like Bruce and Spring quarter is finally here, commotion is the Ed Doty elimination tournament, but the hopes of both squads. Jon’s are what make this One o f those could Derby Days and lots of beer; be YOUR title . Invitational Tennis Tour­ it was discontinued at some The fact that the Gauchos such a good tournament,” Pick up an application The number one frat is SIGMA nament. Eight PCAA teams point,” said Gary Druck- are still in the hunt for a Druckman concluded. “The TODAY CHI, the winner of Derby Days will play three matches each man, UCSB Head Coach and post-season berth is en­ best thing from the spec­ D M dH iw : A PRIL 19 will be Pi Phi!______- , between Friday and Sunday, tournament organizer. couraging. Never in UCSB’s tator’s standpoint (however) A.S.CAB OFFICE with several outstanding “It has been revived, but history has the men’s tennis is that every match is capital 3rd Floor UCen Business Personals matchups along the way. without a championship team been ranked in the Top F—R—E—E. You can’t beat 961-4296 The tourney features four format. Teams that have to 20, and they have never been that.” lÆ w V iiT tiT mT h SUMMER WORK ON A of the top 40 teams in the travel a long way, like invited to either tournament. CRUISESHIP? Complete info: nation. U.C. Irvine is ranked UNLV, Utah State and New “This team has a chance Send $8 check or MO to: 18th and CSU Long Beach is Mexico State, are guaran­ to be the best in the school’s O'Rourke Ent. Dept. A, P.O. SCHEDULE: Friday — UNLV vs. Box 14383 S.B., C A 93107.. ranked 19th. UCSB and teed three matches instead history,” Druckman UCSB, East Courts, 10 a.m. ; Fullerton Enjoy a breath taking view of St. vs. Utah St., Stadium Courts, 10 UCSB from the top of Storke Fresno State have yet to of the two they might be proclaimed of the 1985 a.m.; Long Beach St. vs. Fresno St., crack the Top 20, but both restricted to in a double squad. “The 1978 team has EC, 2 p.m. ; New Mexico St. vs. UCI, tower on Mondays and Fridays SC, 2 p.m. between 11 and 2pm. Only 15 AUQNUDOUi BOOKSHOP. schools have been receiving elimination tourney,” the record for most victories Saturday — UCI vs. Fresno St., EC, votes from the pollsters Druckman explained. in a season with their 26-10 cents! Board elevator at 10 a.m. ; Long Beach St. vs. UNLV, SC, second floor.______throughout the year. While the Ed Doty record and we are 22-10 with 10 a.m .; Utah St. vs. UCSB, EC, 2 p.m. ; Fullerton St. vs. New Mexico Three of the Top 100 Tournament will not have a eight matches left. Add a GUITAR INSTRUCTION- By St., SC, 2p.m. Experienced Professional. FOR THE singles players in the nation champion of its own, it will post-season berth, and this Sunday — Long Beach St. vs. Utah St., EC, 10 a.m. ; New Mexico St. vs. Excellent Credentials and BEST IN will also be on hand. Bruce have a profound effect on the would be a great year.” Fresno St., SC, 10 a.m. ; UCI vs. UCSB, References. In Home or Man Son Hing of UCI is post-season hopes of several “A win over Irvine on EC, 2 p.m. ; UNLV vs Fullerton St., SC, Studio. Reasonable Rates. COMICS 2 p.m. ranked 46th in the nation and teams. Sunday would be a big boost. Inquiries Invited. Reid 741D « la Guerra Plaza Alburger-B.M., music. 687- Sente Barber« 2732. 966-2400 Volleyball... Softball Twin Bill... FREE complete MCATMOCK (Continued from pg.9) TEST Saturday April 13. 8 to 5. (Continued from pg.9) Sign-up at CASE Bldg 427 961- After a disheartning^ defeat to the USC Trojans in five Leslie Sherbourne (5-2 and a Bonace explained. “But this 4248.______games Wednesday night, the Gauchos may be a bit 0.89 ERA) hurling a one- is still good preparation for •FAST* fatigued, but then again, maybe not. hitter, those were all the us to face UOP this READY TO UPGRADE0 You don't need to junk your “I know we will enter the gym pretty fired up, because it runs UCSB would need for weekend.” •EASY* present computer. There are will be the seniors’ last match,” Preston said. the win. “It’s hard to come back •CASH* buyers waiting to pay you a fair For Randy Ittner, Sean Fallowfield, Gary Bruckner, Freshman Kelli Trollinger after a tough loss like that price for it. If you have an Greg Ovalle, and Casey Gorman, their last home match got the first hit of her college and play well against an POLLWORKERS Apple, IBM, or other micro in may be the one that gets them in the playoffs, and that career in the second game, easier team,” Bonace said of NEEDED good working order, bring it where the buyers are. Call would certainly be a just reward. singling home Kristi Surber, her team’s double-header FOR MICRO XCHANGE, 683-5767 • The Gauchos did not, however, receive a just reward who had singled to start the loss against the fourth- A.S. when they played the Trojans, as they outplayed USC for fifth inning. ranked Cal Poly Pomona STUDENTS Do you want to most of the match. But some positive things did emerge Broncos Tuesday. ELECTIONS improve your study skills? Why from the contest. Richey ended the day with The Gauchos raised their APRIL 23-24 pay? CASE offers work shops in notetaking, test taking and UCSB cut way down on service errors, which had been three hits and two RBI’s and overall record to ’22-24 and SIGN UP AT plaguing them all season, and their quick offense looked as is hitting .248. Gregor, also are 4-6 in the PCAA. more FREE 961-4248. sharp as it has all season. batting .248 average, added UCSB will host U.C. San A.S. OFFICE Think Slim with HERBALIFE What made the difference was USC’s ability to win the a double and a triple for the Diego today in another non- Beginning WEIGHT LOSS 965-2554. close games. In the three games the Trojans won, the score day. league double-header MON., APRIL 15 Rides was knotted at 15 (first game), 13 (fourth game), and 15 “This is one of those starting at 3 p.m. and en­ (third game). games that you are supposed tertain PCAA leader UOP in AS RIDE BOARD Need a In the fourth and fifth games, bad passing by the Gauchos to win, considering Laverne a pair of twin bills Sunday ride?) Want a lower gas bill? Students who can offer or really hurt them. is a Division III program,” and Monday. HELP NEEDED “Passing is a funny thing,” Preston said Wednesday MALCOM McCAY needs to need transpo will find the AS Ride Board useful. Located on night. “Either you have confidence in it or you don’t. If you meet with former students of the FIRST FLOOR UCEN. don’t, sometimes pressure gets to you.” his. But the pressure didn’t really seem to get to the Gauchos, Please meet in the PUB on Help Wanted looking at the match as a whole. Compared to early in the Other Weekend Action Friday, April 12, from 2:30 to season, UCSB has shown a noticeable improvement in their Men’s and Women’s and Sunday, all day. 4:00, Thanks MAC DAY CAMP SERVING overall confidence in many facets of the game, namely the Track and Field: Fullerton Men’s : I NEED TUTOR ECE-15A LAB MALIBU, SAN FER­ quick offense and blocking. Invitational, CSU Western States, Saturday ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE NANDO CONEJO VALL­ The Gauchos will receive a nice break, in a sense, when Fullerton, Saturday, noon. and Sunday. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING EYS seeks . summer camp they travel to Hawaii for their final two matches. It was Women’s Tennis: U.C. PHONE 685-8612.______counselors and specialists 18 yrs plus to work with children. previously thought that if they didn’t beat both USC and San Irvine, UCSB West Courts, : Second Annual -SHOTOKAN, FREE CLASSES Beginning for Leadership, positive, energetic Diego State, they would have to win at least one match in 9:30a.m. Bikini Bowl Regatta, Santa with good driving record a Men’s and Women’s dedicated students meditation, Hawaii in order to qualify for the Regionals. However, if Barbara Harbor, Saturday excerise and martial training. must. $]50— /wk. June 24- they win tonight, they can watch their free movie on the Crew: Dual Meets, and Sunday, skippers meet Call Brian 968-9565 or 968- Aug.23 Harold/Wendee 818- plane over the Pacific without having to be in a must-win Belmont, Ca., Saturday at 10a.m. 0441. 706-8255 situation. Daily Nexus Friday, April 12,1985 11

SALE: DEAD TIX FOR SAT Goleta Valley Girls' Club thrift A N D SUN. FENDER shop. 300 S. Magnolia Ave. Entertainment SU PERCH AMP-$100. SMITH Open Thur., Fri., and Sat. "MEAL DEAL" CRIS WILLIAMSON in CORONA ELEC TYPEWRITER afternoons. 967-1920. 50% off 6” Turkey concert $50. O'HAUS CENT-O-GRAM with this ad.______Chips $029 with Tret Fure and band SCALE $90. PRICES PROFESSIONAL TYPIST April 12, S.B.J. High School NEGOTIABLE-NEED $$.CALL I I si. Soda ■ No Job Too Small Or Large 721 E. Cota St. 8:00 tickets MIKE 968-9872. (Good 4/8 thru 4/12 . (S * f • 9 0 * ) Pica or Elite 11:30 AM - 3:00 PM) $12 at Morninglory Music 964-7304 Autos fo r Sale MR. MOM 7 WANT TO PLAY THE IV Thaatra For Rent DRUMS7 1974 Opel Manta good tires, iS U B U lA V ? You have had the ability if you Sandwiches 6 Salads recent tune-up and battery. Saturday, A pril 13 Avail June 20 2bd hottub, have thought you have had it. Runs well $500 obo 964-5589. 6,8,10,12 PM «$2 sundeck furn $1000 mo. Avail 685-8600 Call IAN at 968-5662 to expand June 20 5bd hottub sundeck Ask for Jose or leave mess. Sponsored by S.W.E. & test YOUR ABILITY furn $1635. Call 968-5702 eves, M l Enb. lei Pert* 68 Barracuda group or rm. $1,000 1 or 2 Males needed for an 968-2959 Peter or Tim Travel Ocean Side DP apt from now '68 MUSTANG-6V; excell, STUDENTS: to 6/85 w / a possibility of Australia & New Zealand SAM'S TO GO cond. WHY? staying through till 6/86. SUB S4W0WICHES Special discount airfares WAITRESS POSITION good tires; lots extras; 965- • Why Rve in a run-down apt.? Or FRID A Y SPECIAL AUCKLAND $779 SYDNEY share a bathroom with 50 other 2F needed to share Trigo Apt AVAILABLE AT 3577 eves/wknds 967-5511 $996 people? lease 6/85-6/86. Clean, H A M & PAPAGALLO’S 6527 x3440 • Why w orry every month about your Roundtrlp from Los Angelas spacious 2bdrm 2bath, $200/- M ADRID Rd IV 685-4995 roommates making the rent? mo. Kim or Carin 968-8197. CHEESE nights--Experience Preferred Please Call 714-260-7311 • Why Nve on a diet of macaroni and 1/2 FOOT SUB cheese and Veh/eeta quesadiNas? (■ ■■ (VALUABLE COUPON) ■ “ « BIKE ACROSS ITALY! 11 2 Male rmmts needed to share f t 16 oz. S o ft D rink Y M C A SUMMER DAY • Why so often find yourself asking: room in coed apt on ocean side CAMP ■I days: “Would the Moreton Bay fig tree be D.P. Call Julie or Erica at 685- $1.98 Accepting’Applications Now Call free for brochures: better?" I11J6 AM — , 1-800-621-8387 ext.224 Put all those questions far behind 6058 Available 6/85-6/86. Apply S.B. YMCA 36 Hit­ you at H A PPY HOUR chcock Charter and budget flights FRANCISCO TORRES. 2M/2F rmts wanted for 85-86. 4:00-7:00 P M M -F * Hassle-tree, worry-free room and Oceanside DP w / fireplace. I NEED TUTOR ECE-15A LAB to Europe. Eurail .. Britrail Watch for o r Next Special! board. Call 685-4033. Prefer Jr/Sr. ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE p o u r passes. Hawaii .. Mexico * W eekly maid service. 6678 Trigo • 686-8896 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING bargains. Mission Travel * Country club like amenities. Own room $225 mo. Creative Buy any size campus office exclusive: * Meal and payment plans to suit living arrangement; must like PHONE 685-8612. your life style A budget. Original Round Student fares to Africa, the the outdoors. No pets. 968- Jobs available with the UCSB Openings now for women and pizza at regular Middle East, Asia and the m en... but hurry! 2662. Ad Information Annual Fund. Wanted price, get Pacific. S.America special Francisco Torres CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED outgoing, friendly, polite Female roommate/attendant identical pizza educational fares. Youth 6850 Ei Colegio Road UNDER STORKE TOWER Room 10419 students to be callers on a for disabled female grad. Rent Hostel cards info, in Int'l Goleta, CA 93117 m.m. - 4 p .m . M -F . phonothon starting im­ FREE! $30/mo in exchange for PRICE IS $2.50 for 3 linos (por day), 20 Student Cards, work General Office 9684)711 mediately. A paid phonothon personal care. 10 hrs/wk. Must spocos por lino, 25* each Hno 5801 Calle Real study abroad programs. On- Open weekdays tt to 8 thorooftor. training session w ill be drive. 685-3750 GOLETA I Campus, at Mission Travel N o ph o n o Ins, w o d o n o t o c c o p t V isa o r provided. Students must be Duplex for summer sublease. MostorChargo lor othor crodft cordsK (Between Long's and | UCen 2211 Tel 968-6151. Furn. Condo to share-pool, able to work a minimum of 3 Lucky Foods) 3bdrm, 2bth, Ivrm, den, ktch, spa.xtras! Fem.pref, No Ad must bo occomponlod by paymont BOLD FACE TYPE Is 50* por Hno lor any eves, per week, Sun-Thurs., 6- bbq. Spacious and clean, invd. smokers. More info call 6 8 3 -7 7 1 1 p o rt o f a Hno) 9p.m. Callers receive $4 an Expires 4/20/86 or group. Call 685-2159 for 6833360______RUN THE AD 4 DAYS IN A ROW, GET hour plus periodic pay raises more info. THE 6th DAY FREE. ROUND TRIP SPR. QTR. 1FRMMT TO DEADLINE 4 p.m. 2 working days prior and daily and weekly bonuses. @Little Pizza! NEAR CAMPUS & BEACH Causati London...... From'495 SHARE ROOM IN OCEAN- to p u b lic a tio n . Job applications are available SIDE DP APT. OWN BATH, CLASSIFIED DISPLAY - 44.50/p o r L _ (VALUABU COUPON)» w J Paris...... *696 at the University Relations $510 1bdr.-1bath, furn. apts. column Inch, plus a 25% surchorgo. FIREPLACE. 212/mo CALL DEADUNE NOON 2 working days Office. Cheadle Hall, room Frankfurt...... *589 85-86 ac yr. lease '74 Toyota Corolla 1600 Looks 968-7336 or 968-0580. prior to pubHcodon.______1325. Am sterdam ...... *648 Call Doug 685-1829 sharp, runs great, new tires, Copenhagen...... *646 radio, $1199. 685-3204. Needed 1 female roomate for Lost & Found M ovies R om e...... *667 Greek Messages Ford LTD 72 low mileage, runs BEAUTIFUL FRENCH Athens ...... *675 QUARTERS Apt. $207.00/mo. 2 Male or Female Roommates REBEL W ITHOUT A CAUSE great, exc. condition, new Derby Days is almost finished! Geneva...... *626 starting June '85 - June '86. wanted for summer and next You have to be a rebel once alternator and tires, $1400 obo Be ready to prove your athletic * Up to $60 discount with purchaso Call 968-6409 anytime. year 6503 Del Playa 685-7026 IV Theatre Fri 12 6,8,10,12 685-7633______• capabilities tomorrowl We of Eurail Pass. Ons way flights are SINGLE ROOM AVAILABLE appreciate your support. Lost:Cat Collar belonging to 2.00 w/costume 2.50 w /out. Top cond. Chvette, 4onflr, lug available on request. IN SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOM Sigma Chi MR. MOM rack, htchbk, 2tone, tint gls, tilt black cat near end of Segovia. APT. PLEASE CALL TAMA A comedy to be shown at IV whl, 30mpg—, xlnt body & T.E.E. TRAVEL Hey Sigma Chi's, We love you PLEASE call number on tag AT 685-4947.______Theatre, this Sat. at 6,8,10 &- upholstry, Jeanne 969-4090, 2922 De La Vina C-2 in a BIG way! I Love the Pi Phi's and ask for Jess, or return to 12p/ju Admission _^$2_;0p. $2950 some warranty S .B .93106 Spacious 1 Bdrm. Furn apt in a address.______Sporìs. bÿ SWË ______(805)569-0082 clean quiet build. Close to FOUND-Prescription glasses in UCSB and bus. Resvd parking. brown case. Call 968-1722 Bicycles No pets 968-7928. evenings, ask for Heidi.______H91H S h o o t th e PRO QUALITY BICYCLES Your own room in big, quiet LOST GOLD WATCH ON Tutoring house. Parking, laundry. Close rapida of the REBEL Racing, Touring and Offroad EASTER SUNDAY BETWEEN to UCSB. Avail, now. 270/mo. American River PRUITS AND SAN RAF, WITHOUT LYCRA SHORTS I NEED TUTOR ECE-15A LAB Call 964-4331. REWARD 685-8503______A Complete clothing selection ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE w /th e CAUSE CYCLING.. .GET INTO ITI COMPUTER PROGRAMMING SKI CLUB REWARD: CLUBS 73 Call Daryl Abrams 685-5285 PHONE 685-8612.______Rmmt. Wanted parkinglot by library 230pm Friday, Thurs March 14.Ladies clubs BIANCHI NUVO RAC nu rims, TUTORS-TO-GO Math, April 12 w/ bluestrip.June library 961- tires, brakes, perfect shape English, Biology, Chemistry, 1 F Roomate wanted for 6/85- 6,8,10 PM B 12 AM -Memorial Day Weekend 2584 475.00 Heather 682-5717. Papers, etc. 684-7926 or 965- 6/86 in best apt. in IV Must be -$146 (no transportation) I.V. Theatre Bikes for sale. Only six left 7227 (UP ft?Affli^^l§1fer6/85- -Sign-ups begin April 22nd Stolen 4/3 Dorado 12-speed $2 w/costum e Crutsers 10 speeds, 3 speeds. 6/86 in best apt in IV: Must be and female single speed $2.50 without Like new exc $35 up 685-1207. fun and cleanl 685-8815 klunker w/basket. Both navy Sports, by A.S. & Sigma Nu blue. Reward 4 info leading to RACING BIKE 53cm. Nishiki 1 Female needed to share their return 685-5853 racing frame w / all Shimano luxurious spacious double rm. Kiosk Dura-Ace comp. Acc. In­ Private bathrm, Oceanview cluded, Very good cond., balcony, BBQ, laundry, up­ Absentee Ballots for AS MAGNUM Angie stairs. Rent 240 no dep. Call general election will be FORCE ______569-3015 687-6935 Katy or Royce at 968-1142 or available on Mon April 15 to Mon April 22. Pick them up in Univega Custom Maxima ALL YOU CAN 685-6945.______CUNT EASTWOOD AS Elections office 3rd floor touring bike, 23in., xlnt cond. IF needed to share spac 2brm is EAT UCen.______$160 obo. Dan 685-3771 2bath apt in 85-86 $200/mo DIRTY HARRY Wanted: Cruiser SPAGHETTI 4 plus dep. Call Michelle 968- Absentee Ballots for AS FrL, April 12 EVERY NIGHT! ] 6353.______general election will be 6:30 9:00 11:30 PM 1 M roomate to share double available on Mon April 15 to Insurance only *2* < Mon April 22. Pick them up in ♦2°° on Sabado Tarde near Ocean Drive 3 bdrm Greg 685-3138 AS Elections office 3rd floor C H EM 1179 AUTO INSURANCE UCen. n. by P a lm H a ll 25% discount possible on auto 1f roomie needed today for DEBATERS THE BIBLE THE if GPA is 3.0 Or better. spectacular oceanside DP apt TOWER Farmers Insurance rent is neg call now 9682875 INFALLIBLE WORD OF GOD0 Typing Mon Apr 15 7:30pm Campbell 682-2832 TOURS 1or2 F rmts needed to share Hall. Sponsored by Campus Ask for Lin or Sloan TYPING / WORD (Say it three times, fast) room in co-ed house. Master Ambassadors.______For Sale PROCESSING bedroom, private bath $325 LIFE ISSUES: M-F Apr 15-19 Large professional staff single, or $187.50 to share. Call -HEY MUSIC LOVER- RESUMES 9.50/PAGE 12-1 UCEN rm 1 Meaning, SAVE $$$. ON BLANK Pete or Spence 685-8752. Term papers, theses, etc. Univs, Jesus, Sex, Death. CASSETTESI CHEAP! Located in I.V. *********** Spons:CA. ______UNIV. COMPU-TIME 968-8242 CHEAP! MAXELL UDSII-90...$2-18ea. * LAMBDA , CHI’S * X tll-90...... $2.38 ea. M usicians W anted CHEAP! W anted XUIS-90....$2 98ea. * * TDK SA-90...... $2 38 ea. * LITTLE * BAND SEEKS GUITARIST Sublet wanted, approx. 9/85- pro-situation. Vocals pref. 8/86. Vassar professor, wife, * * Prices slightly higher for I SISTER Scott 685-2217 baby seek moderately-priced * * orders under 10 tapes RUSH 2br. apt./house. References. * * SEE scon FREE Campus/I.V'. Delivery!! Doug Anderson, Vassar * TONIGHT * Limousines College, Box 188, CALLRON AT 685-4216 * DANCE w/ THE f Poughkeepsie, NY 12601, We'll beat any competitor's * * LOCAL "STRETCH" (9141-471-7090. “SENATORS” under price ______* tc/Long Island * LIMOUSINE SERVICE * ICE TEAS * (minimum one hour) Miscellaneous * * GREAT BREAKAWAY WITH the tower Motorcycles BUS PICK UP COMPLETE PRIVACY * AT * Earn $3-00: 45min Psychology * * SPECIAL LONG DISTANCE 1975 Honda CL360 low miles, experiment. Sessions 687 pm 8:45 at F.T. RATES TO TOWER good condition, new brakes. Mon-Thurs April 15-18 and 22- * 9:00 at San Nic. * L.A. CONCERTS. SPORTS. CHIPPENDALES $600, obo Mark 968-2191 25. Sign up Bid 429-psych * * TOURS 84 Honda Spree. Perfect cond. annex, 2nd floor, office 214. * * M-F “Let’s Party” RE» i f e > A N0 Helmet and basket incl. $400 or Please don't sign up if you've * * 11-2 15* b/o Jill 968-4526 done Psych 1.______*********** CALL 968-7222 (24 hours) Friday, April 12.1985 12 Daily Nexus "TIME FOR THE PHYSICAL"



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