Colleges Have F ~Wer- Funds I , • .• • , - • -• , ~
rv,su ARCHIVES Nov. 1, 1989 A samplln: of recent articles of interest to Morehead State Univenity MEDIA RELATIONS • MOREHEAD ~TATE UNIVERSITY • UPO BOX 1100 • MOREHEAD KY 40351-1689 • 606-783-2030 -The Daily Independent, Ashland, Ky., Tuesday, October 31 1989 Grote: Blidget ificrea~e or re~ppropriation will raise teacher pay,:----~-----_ companng Morehead Morehead's instructors and as- ' U · • t . Rank State , hBench~ark , By KENNETH A. HART sistant professors _ its least- ! n1vers1 y ,, \ .·, ,Full •.• IRndependent News Writer experienced fa culty members _ . faculty salaries professor . $39,0oo· $46,151 MO. ~HE:4--D - ~forehead State earn 13.5 and 14.3 percent less, re- Associate U~1~ers1_ty .1s seekin~ n~arly $3.8 spectively, than teachers of similar professor $31 ,ooo· 36 348 mi_lli?n in its new biennial appro- rank at benchmark schools. ~A:;:s;;;s i:;;-st~a::;n•t--=:::..:.=.:::._-......::. · $:!'.::'..'.2:•~~ priahons from the state to give Grote said he thought that money ..-r,..,,.-,.,..,. professor $28,000' $31,903 teachers an average raise of 23 could at least be found to bring ~ percent next _fall. I Morehead State salaries up to at ' i,, : . '; 1_n7tructor . $21 .~oo· , $23,871 ~u_t even if the ·pleas of school least equal the averages at ken- . - ~ .--'-'-'-'--:--=~.:::.:::..--~~ ~ . offlc1als fall on deaf ears when ~e tucky's five other regional uni- , < ' Average. · : General A5:>em~ly conv~nes in versities _ Eastern Kentucky, , ; · • \ , ..Averag e salary at peer Institutions In _J anuary, umve~1ty President C. Kentucky State, Northern Ken- .ft· Kentucky and nearby states. · N~lson Grote said faculty salaries tucky, Murray State and Western -'J" SOUR~E: K~ntucky Council on Higher WI~ _be br~ught up to levels com- Kentucky.
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