Member of the International Council of BMW Clubs D I G I T ANNeewwsslleetttteerr L OOccttoobbeerr 22001188 If the cost was roughly the same, for obvious reasons, you’d choose the original over the clone. The team at Star Motorcycle has been building custom motorcycle insurance from the ground up for over 30-years. We’re home to kindred riders who help protect serious motorcycle enthusiasts, free spirits, and original design lovers. We insure more motorcycles than anyone else. Period. Everyone here can make the call on your policy without forcing you to wait on a third party’s decision. Our personal inhouse team is an added benefit of dealing with NZ’s original, specialist motorcycle insurance provider. Don’t forgot to ask about Originals lead. Clones follow. Ride with leaders at Star Motorcycle. the John Baker special. Find us online: Call us: 0800 250 600 2 CONTENTS New Members . 3 President's Podium/NEW 1250cc Bikes . 5 Events Calendar . 6 Area Reports . 7 North To Alaska . 8 Canterbury Car Hop . 10 Some Detail on Clothing . 13 Send editorial copy to: The Editor Annual Rally . 14 Dave Morris The South Island RAG Rally . 16
[email protected] The Rise & Fall of EMW . 17 All other correspondence to: The Secretary BMWOR of NZ P O Box 109-245 NEW MEMBERS Newmarket . AUCKLAND 1149 We hope you’ll take part in many of your local and national events. Your Area Rep NEW ZEALAND will be pleased to introduce you to other members in your area.