Mystery Sllbstance Closes Beach Abuzz with Wasps • Bacteria-Ladened Debris, Much of the Substance Had Before Determining If the an 11 A.M

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Mystery Sllbstance Closes Beach Abuzz with Wasps • Bacteria-Ladened Debris, Much of the Substance Had Before Determining If the an 11 A.M SPORTS SHOVING OFF Pop Warner. players Lifeguard waves pack on the pads farewell after 40 years Serving the N~-Mese community since 1907 l 1 , l I \. ~ I . 1, I I I I ', \ , Mystery sllbstance closes beach Abuzz with WASPs • Bacteria-ladened debris, much of the substance had Before determining if the An 11 a.m. ceremony today apparently adhered to coastal beach would be open today , offi. at South Coast Plaza will honor chunks wash up on shore, rocks, and then Oowetl out to sea cials were scheduled to check the the Women Ab1orce Service but health officials hope when water levels reached them. beach again during high tide Pilots, known as WASPs, who "We cleaned up the beach yes­ Sunday rught as well as Monday served our country during to reopen beach today. terday, and thought we had the morning to see if enough of the World Warn. problem solved,• said Newport substdilce had been removed to In 1942, the WASPS program Beach Fire Marshal Denrus warrant operung the beach to was established fo allow women By Roy Chung, DaJ/y Pilot Lockard. "(The new substance) public use. to fly military planes in the was enough that it was "We're hopmg so." Lockard United States to free male pilots NEWPORT BEACH - A half­ detectable. It probably got inside SdJd . for overseas combat flying. mlle stretch 9f be~h . shut down the rock anti 1ust resided there Lockard said county health Some 25,000 women applied; Saturday, remai1:1ed clbsed until the next high tide." otfiad.Js were "satisfied" late Sun­ more tllan 1,800 were acceptedi throughout the weekend as a new Officials have to yet to deter­ ddy evening th ~re was "signifi­ and 1,000 received silver ~gs pocket of a bacteria-laden mys­ mine the source of ·the greasy cantly less• of the bacteria-laden after months of rigorous A,ir tery substance littered the shores substance, described as white substance than earlier in the day, Force pilot training. again Sunday. QTeasy chunks ranging in size but wanted to make one last The Newport Harbor Newport Beach Weguard Brad from grains of rice to quarters. check at 7:30 this morning. Exchange Club and South Jacobsen said, though Orange »rt would be pure speculation "They're going to look at it first Coast Plaza will dedicC\te a new County _Health Care Agency offi­ on my part,· said Newport Beach thrng m the morning, with the Freedom Shrine in honor of the KATSOVA RAN>NE I DAILY PILOT cials brought in O:~V(S Saturday to Fire Marshdl Denrus Lockard expPctabon they will be able to women pilots, several of whom The beach around 32nd Street ls temporarily out of bounds. dig up sand contarrunated by the about the nature of the substance opPn the beach • Lockard said are slated to attend the ceremo­ ny on the-lower.level of the shopping mall, near Sears. And more than 40 pho· tograpbs will be on display to Shalimar. help tell the story of the heroic flyers. Putting the WIShes help the surf tops city Make a wish, throw a coin into the fountain in front of the Hard Rock Cafe in Newport council Center ... and ll your wish is to help protect the world's oceans and beaches, it will come true instantly. agenda Thanks .to a charitable offer from the Hard Rock Cafe, the • County bankruptcy Surfrider Foundation's Newport in the Pow Wow · will Beach chapter will get to collect recovery options also all the coins tossed into the be discussed by Costa fountain to use for the environ· n American Indian dancer (right), Mesa city leaders tonight. mental group's efforts to protect to the surf and sand. A in full regalia_ stepS in time the. Restaurant officials and thump of native drums during Grand By Tina Borgatta, Daily Piiot members of the ocean and Entry Dance at beach protection organization the 27th Annual COSTA MESA - The City will celebrate this new arrange­ Pow Wow at the Counal tonight will discuss long­ ment with a special ceremony at 1 term options for dea..lmg with 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the foun­ Orange~ gang violence dnd drug sales in t~n. Surfrider officials will pre· F~nds,~ the Shdl.una.r Dnve area. sent a commemorabve plaque day. lftdiari tribes Spuhed on by a flurry of vio­ to Ha.rd Rock Cafe representa­ fri>m the Padflc lent a!>saults, city offioals in June tives. developed an enforcement plan m~ "Hard Rock Cafe has been a Northwest, that has r.iil>~d ..the ire or some wonderful supporter of Surfrider West and the Shd.lunar residents who say the Foundation," said Sarah Mar· ' measures do to curb the quis, spokeswoman for the Plains Joined In celebration long-running problems that have foundation. the scarred the tiny two-block area. which featured Residents even held a rally last or pencils and posture ctance, musk. art week to protest a ban on curbside ·anCI Mtlve Amer­ parking and street closures on Daily Chiropractic Center in Costa Mesa will help patients ican fOoCts Such ..{nd although aty officials and local school kids alike with as~tacos, have agreed to consider a West a special "Education Apprecia­ Side conunuruty platform that tion Day" on Aug. 26. ..frytwMd and tamaleS. 1he residents recently presented, the From 10 a.m. to1 p.m. that counctl still stands by the plan day, new patients who bring festivities induct­ Some of the long-term mea­ donations of notebooks, con­ ed something for sures the council will co0S1der struction paper, tape, pencils, all ages, like tonight include· changing the scissors and other supplies to street name, assistmg the chiropractic clinic at 2850 Ly(lia ·~ HOrn• Kye (right), who lmnugrabon and Naturalization Mesa Verde East will receive a shoWs her n.tM pride of the Service authonties in screening consultation, examination and ShOshOne Indians during the Grand the residency status of individu­ posture evaluation - valued at Entry Dance. 'The event was cqanized als arrested m the city and work­ up to $195 - for free. ing with the county's Probation Regular patients who donate by the SOuthem CallfC>mia Indian <:en-: Department on weekly crime school supplies will get an extra ter, Inc. sweeps in the area. adjustment for free. Other matters up for the coun- The center will donate all the ~ . -. ' \ . ..· .. - cil's consideration torught school supplies to College Park include: Elementary School. • Establislung an Investment Call 662-0670 for appoint­ Oversight Committee, which ments and more information. would be composed of one coun­ - Compiled by lrts Yokol al member, the city manager and three residents or business own­ ers with backgrounds m securt­ ties trading, financial planning or banking. The group would review the Sign of the times - T-shirt comes down city's mvestment portfolio and strategy on a quarterly basis and subnut recommendations to the • Costa Mesa's new sign law goes into effect and one finance director when approprl· of the first to come down is giant, yellow T-shirt. ate . • Orange County bankruptcy But the City · Council dis· recovery options. The council will agreed, adopting a revised sign seek the public's comments on code package late last month that five proposals aimed at bailing put an end to the likes of the giant the county out of bankruptcy. yellow T-shirt. Some of tbe options to be dis· "I'm happy to see the dirty, cussed mclude a plan that woWd ugly, yellow T-shirt off the sky­ dive.rt property tax funds from line," sald Councilman Jay cities to the county and a propo1- Humphrey. al to r allocate one-quarter C9nt •t certainly agree that passers· Of Sales tax trom citiee to thi by need to see who we are and county. Under this pJa,D. the ~ where we are," Jiumpbrey said. would be forking over • .&mD· "But I don't tNnk it's appropriate tion a year. to vWt tbete ~ demaDds on • Approving a a.-i, .... the coaunwuty Without regard to Plan tbal would trAnllGla .. the community.• ..... SU.- Scbool ... ., • ,.. DON W0t I DMY ...01 1'be new ordiMD<.'e places a unlt boWilng tract. ,..~ bell on ape tbat exceeds 2.4 Culoa H..._ of a. T-sldrt W.•1•111111 ... * ... al .. lidMI Ill ~. width or ctiame· »-tool T"411ibt Wloaa. 9ut•IY· ~ . ter. With the relt Ot the code still t'ICP.......=~llml-- • ... f~ ftnal ~ the aedion WU ncit w911 .....1Md Md tMl ....... ,... ..... ..,... .... ~ tM ... COii lbit ij>pUei tO aelldl not only OD the~. bUl Oil In ... 'biaweln t• ... 2.9 tbe bulb'l ••• .............. .................... ..... 'Mtb)e --- t I ellectm _ s.tulday, will CCMl9 ...cement Tbe T·Sbtrt W...._.'I Pelt 65 ... Wtde ..~ ... .... olftcen patrOIUDg the ......_ Mkl M bu tried ntmlftNI lonnt n. coawl. -- .. .. ~ fotW>&aton. p.atn .. ~tt.ICa. ~llldia,_. ..... Ct n•.nl'lllrDilt9. RETIRING THE BUOY 11fter four decadeS donning lifeguard swim trµnks and nancy mcintyre watching over the­ beach, George Dr. Feelgood opens Spangler says a few more cracks goodbye to the in a cwsed mind. surfside job lke many antiques of my By Julie Ros/Can non, Daily Pilot . generation, I find mysell L growing increasingly er 40 years of surf, sand mtolerant of today's culture - if and sun, George Spangler that is the word - especially M calling it quits. the deafening racket called The Monte VJSta High School music. The other day, my teacher has donned lifeguard grandson almost blew me out swim trunks every summer since of the car with his screaming he was 18 years old.
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