Windy City Breeze 07 2020

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Windy City Breeze 07 2020 Windy City BMW: July 2020 LLastast PPrintedrinted IssueIssue ue lor Iss 11stst ColorCo Issue S C H E T T E L 521 Through the years with the BREEZE OFFICERS VOLUME 49 NUMBER 7 THE STEERING WHEEL President GRAIG NEVILLE 630-207-4071 IInterestingnteresting TTimesimes wwee lliveive iin.n. Vice President PETE AUMENT 630-961-9333 AAss I wwriterite tthesehese aarticlesrticles a ffewew wweekseeks bbeforeefore tthehe BBreezereeze iiss Secretary ALBERT VELASCO 815-338-3160 rreleasedeleased tthehe iinformationnformation iiss ssomewhatomewhat ddated,ated, bbutut I ddidid wwantant Treasurer TOM IMHOLZ 847-712-8760 ttoo ttakeake tthehe ttimeime ttoo vveryery brieflybriefly ttouchouch bbasease oonn tthehe AAmericamerica BARBARA ADAMS Breeze Editor 847-729-5268 wwee aarere ccurrentlyurrently llivingiving iin.n. AAss yyourour ppresidentresident ooff tthehe WWindyindy Webmeister ROBIN BLAIR 630-618-1377 Meetings DAVID AUGUSTINE 630-308-9491 CCityity BBMWMW CChapterhapter I aamm hhereere fforor oonene ppurposeurpose – ttoo pproviderovide Membership TIM HEAD 630-258-0408 a sstructuretructure aandnd ddirectionirection fforor tthehe mmembershipembership ttoo hhaveave ffunun Autocross JOHN SCHWARZ 630-636-0330 iinn ttheirheir iinterestnterest ooff BBMWMW iinn aass mmanyany ffacetsacets aass ppossible.ossible. Track Events RANDY EVERSON 847-274-7129 WWhetherhether yyouou eenjoynjoy thethe socialsocial elements,elements, thethe driving,driving, thethe carcar Legal Counsel MICHAEL LODERMEIER 312-218-5652 ccleaningleaning aandnd sshows,hows, ttours,ours, etc.etc. therethere isis a placeplace forfor youyou inin Art Director LARRY SCHETTEL 847-729-5268 tthishis CChapter.hapter. WeWe areare acceptingaccepting ofof allall ppeopleeople regardlessregardless ofof WINDY CITY BMW, INC. is a non-profit Illinois Corporation. It is a chapter of the BMW Car Club of America and is not connected in any manner with Bayerische Motoren Werks AG or aage,ge, eethnicity,thnicity, rreligion,eligion, llifeife cchoices,hoices, aandnd ppoliticalolitical aaffiliations.ffiliations. the Importer. The Windy City ‘Breeze’ is the publication of WC BMW and will be available to all members in good standing. All of its contents shall remain the property of the Club. WWithith tthehe CCOVID-19OVID-19 ppandemicandemic aandnd ccivilivil uunrestnrest rrelatedelated ttoo a Information supplied is provided by the members and for the members only. The ideas, suggestions and opinions expressed in articles are those of the Club. The Club assumes no li- vvarietyariety ofof importantimportant aandnd ssignificantignificant s osocial,cial, m omoral,ral, e tethical,hical, ability for any of the information contained herein. None of the information bears the status of “Factory Approved” unless so indicated. Modifications within the warranty period may void the aandnd cconstitutionalonstitutional challenges,challenges, mmyy ggoaloal iiss fforor tthehe WWindyindy CCityity warranty. The Editor of this newsletter seeks material suitable to pass on to other members. The material may be of a technical nature, bits of information about your car, area news and BBMWMW eeventsvents ttoo bbee a pplacelace wwherehere yyouou ccanan ‘‘checkcheck llifeife aatt events, or just the latest tidbit you may have. Share your ideas with the other members by forwarding them to the EDITOR. tthehe ddoor’oor’ ssoo ttoo sspeak.peak. I ddoo nnotot ssayay tthishis ttoo ddetractetract ffromrom thethe BARBARA ADAMS iimportancemportance oorr ssignificanceignificance o fof t htheseese i sissues,sues, b ubutt t oto p rprovideovide a a 607 ELMDALE ROAD, GLENVIEW, IL 60025 rrespiteespite ffromrom thesethese dailydaily stressesstresses bbyy oofferingffering a nan e veventent w hwhereere E-Mail: [email protected] wwee ccanan ssimplyimply ffocusocus oonn oourur automotiveautomotive passionpassion wwithith llikeike NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: 20th of month before publication. mminedined iindividuals,ndividuals, daredare I saysay friendsfriends forfor a I hopehope thatthat aafterwardsfterwards youyou thatthat havehave joinedjoined usus atat anan eventevent havehave hadhad a cchancehance ttoo ssoldieroldier onon inin thesethese ddifficultifficult ti mtimeses th ethereafter.reafter. Friend us on FaceBook-Search Windy City BMW PPersonally,ersonally, I hhadad a rracingacing eeventvent atat Mid-OhioMid-Ohio tthehe llastast BMW CCA Foundation, 190 Manatee Court, Greer, SC wweekendeekend ofof May.May. I waswas soso involvedinvolved inin thethe activitiesactivities atat thethe 864-329-1919 ttrack,rack, ddespiteespite ssomeome aawkwardwkward socialsocial distancingdistancing issues,issues, thatthat GiGi’s Playhouse, 1069 W Golf Road, Hoffman Estates, IL I ffeltelt iincrediblyncredibly bbetteretter aandnd rreadyeady ttoo ttackleackle aanothernother mmonthonth ooff 60194 847-885-PLAY sshelter-in-place.helter-in-place. ThatThat waswas alsoalso thethe weekendweekend thatthat protestsprotests Northern Illinois Food Bank, 273 Dearborn Ct, aandnd llootingooting bbeganegan iinn mmanyany mmajorajor ccitiesities acrossacross thethe US.US. MyMy Geneva, IL 60134 ssonon llivesives iinn ddowntownowntown LLosos AAngeles,ngeles, ssoo I wwasas kkeenlyeenly aawareware ooff tthehe rrisksisks aassociatedssociated wwithith hhisis pproximityroximity – thankfullythankfully hhee iiss fifinene a nandd d odoinging b ebettertter tthanhan wwell.ell. H eHe i sis fi nfindingding wa ywayss to to SSTAYTAY HHEALTHY!EALTHY! aadvocatedvocate fforor rracialacial equalityequality andand I applaudapplaud himhim forfor that.that. I kknownow tthathat ccivilivil uunrestnrest iinn CChicagohicago mmayay hhaveave aaffectedffected mmanyany ooff yyouou iinn a vvarietyariety ofof waysways andand I wishwish thatthat aallll ooff yyouou aarere ssafeafe aandnd hhealthy.ealthy. 2020 CALENDAR OF EVENTS MMovingoving fforward,orward, I ddoo wwantant ttoo eexplainxplain tthathat wwee hhaveave vveryery ffewew rrulesules aatt oourur eevents.vents. TThehe nnumberumber 1 rruleule – ttreatreat oothersthers aass JULY.......................................................................... yyouou wwishish ttoo bebe ttreated,reated, aandnd numbernumber 2 – bebe ssafeafe aandnd ddoo notnot 11 Yokohama Autocross II, Sat. at Boomers eendangerndanger yyourselfourself oorr aanybodynybody eelse,lse, aarere tthehe mmostost iimportantmportant AUGUST.................................................................. oonesnes ttoo keepkeep iinn mmind.ind. WWee aarere herehere ttoo havehave fun,fun, ifif youyou cannotcannot 9 Yokohama Autocross III, Sun. at Sears Centre hhaveave funfun forfor wwhateverhatever reason,reason, I wishwish youyou thethe best,best, bbutut ppleaselease 15 Underground Autosports, Hoffman Estates ddoo nnotot aattendttend andand jeopardizejeopardize thethe ffunun ooff oothers.thers. WWee aarere aallll 28-30 HPDE at Putnam vvolunteersolunteers aandnd tthehe ffeesees ppaidaid ggoo ttoo rrentent tthehe eeventvent sspace.pace. 29 Expo Autocross, Saturday at Boomers OOurur ttrackrack ddaysays aandnd aautocrossutocross eeventsvents aarere nnotot ppublicublic vvenuesenues SEPTEMBER............................................................ aandnd eeveryone,veryone, payingpaying oror not,not, isis therethere byby privilegeprivilege andand notnot byby 5-6 Autocross IV & V with TSSCC, Route 66, Joliet rright.ight. AAnyonenyone ccanan bbee aaskedsked ttoo lleaveeave iiff ttheirheir actionsactions areare notnot 12 VinFest, Big Door, Mundelein 20 Cartoberfest, Iron Gate Condos, Naperville aappropriateppropriate withwith rulesrules 1 andand 2 above.above. 27 Yokohama Autocross VI, Sun. at Sears Centre SSoo pplease,lease, jjoinoin uuss aatt aann eeventvent tthishis yyear.ear. WWee wwillill ppracticeractice OCTOBER................................................................ CCOVID-19OVID-19 CCDCDC aapprovedpproved mmeasureseasures aandnd aacceptccept eeveryoneveryone ofof 2-4 FALL TOUR, Indiana aanyny ggenderender pprofile,rofile, e tethnicity,hnicity, r ereligion,ligion, o ror p opoliticallitical d idisposition,sposition, aass llongong aass yyouou bbringring yyourour ppassionassion fforor BBMWMW aandnd fforor eenjoyingnjoying 2021 tthehe ddayay wwithith llike-mindedike-minded BBMWMW eenthusiasts.nthusiasts. JANUARY........................................................................ AAllll aarere WWelcomeelcome GGRAIGRAIG NEVILLENEVILLE, PPRESIDENTRESIDENT 16 Annual Dinner, Pipers Banquets, Aurora MAY.................................................................................. 15-16 HPDE Autobahn Country Club LLotsots mmoreore eeventvent ppictures:ictures: JUNE............................................................................... 5 & 6 Yokohama/Windy City BMW/Challenge #28 ANNOUNCEMENTS WWINDYINDY CITYCITY BMWBMW ISIS AUTOCROSSINGAUTOCROSSING AGAIN.AGAIN. YYOKOHAMAOKOHAMA AUTOCROSSAUTOCROSS IIII . AAss yyouou mmightight hhaveave gguessed,uessed, sseveraleveral necessarynecessary operationsoperations When: Saturday, July 11, Autocross II cchangeshanges hhaveave bbeeneen mmadeade ssoo oourur eeventsvents ccanan pproceedroceed inin Where: Schaumburg Boomers, 1999 S Springinsguth Road, a ssafeafe mmanner.anner. HereHere areare somesome highlights.highlights. TThehe ddetailedetailed Schaumburg, IL 60193 rrequirementsequirements aarere aavailablevailable fforor vviewingiewing oonn tthehe cclublub wwebsiteebsite Check In: 8:00 - 9:20 aatt h
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