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Moscow N My Mom has gone crazy O by Elena Afanasieva N - F I C T I O N

2021, 256 pages Hardcover ISBN 978-5-8159-1614-2

This book is not about dementia. This book is about the feelings of whoever is around. Children. Grandchildren. Family. First, I wrote my own story, then I began to collect other people’s stories. I was amazed to find that we went through the same stages of ignorance, denial and acceptance. And, without collusion, we often describe everything that happens in literally the same words. But I would not edit or change anything. Let it be as it was for each of us. N This book is about what happens to us when our near and dear ones O leave us while staying close by. When their bodies are in the room but N their minds are already far away. - About how to accept it. F And how to live with it. I And what we can do to live a life that is not so excruciatingly difficult. C T I O N Elena Afanasieva is a Russian journalist, writer, and director of Channel One’sCreative Planning Directorate. N The Gorenstein Puzzle. Monument O N to the unknown writer - by Yuri Vexler F I C T I O N

2021, 368 pages Hardcover ISBN 978-5-8159-1608-1

Friedrich Gorenstein was a novelist, playwright and screenwriter. He made his living as a screenwriter, however, his name was not always in the film credits when he co-wrote a script. Five of 17 screenplays created by Gorenstein were produced, among them: Solaris (directed by ), Slave of Love (directed by Nikita Mikhalkov). Gorenstein’s oeuvre was highly appreciated by those whom he trusted to read his unpublished works. This narrow circle included, just to name a few, film directors Andrei Tarkovsky and Andrei Konchalovsky, writer Yuri Trifonov, and playwright and director Mark Rozovsky. All of them considered Gorenstein as a brilliantly gifted master. In 1980, Gorenstein emigrated from the USSR and settled in West . His works were published in the New York publishing house Slovo and in the émigré magazines Kontinent, Sintaksis, Grani, and Zerkalo Zagadok (Mirror of Puzzles). N The Gorentstein Puzzle put together by Yuri Vexler gives answers O to many questions about “Dostoevsky of the twentieth century”. This N book is the first in Russia to publish the documents related to the creative - relations between Gorenstein and Andrei Tarkovsky, interviews to John F Glad, Viktor Yerofeyev, etc. In addition, the book includes memoirs of I Friedrich Gorenstein himself, as well as memoirs of Andrei Konchalovsky, C Mark Rozovsky, Paola Volkova and many others. T I O N

Yuri Vexler, born in 1946 in , graduated from the Economics Faculty of the Novosibirsk University, and then from the Shchukin Theatre College specializing in directing. He has been living in Germany since 1992. For many years now he has devoted most of his time to the study of Friedrich Gorenstein’s oeuvre: he publishes his works, made a documentary film called Gorenstein’s Place (2015), which won several awards, and runs web portal Gorenstein’s Worlds on Radio Liberty. N Protocol. Frank Confession of O N Citizen R. - by Olga Romanova F I C T I O N

2020, 348 pages Hardcover ISBN 978-5-8159-1602-9

Olga Romanova’s book is an op-ed autobiography, where acute and unadorned memories of the journalist and public figure, the winner of numerous awards and founder of the civil rights organization, Russia Behind the Bars (Rus Sidyashaya), exist in a rapidly changing landscape of historical events, collisions and farewells with historical figures of the era and with no less colorful and important “supporting characters” as well.

Olga Romanova lives her life from childhood to the present day before our eyes clean from the trash of questionnaires or popular myths. Yes, not everything is told, and of course, probably not everything is impartial, like in any biography. However, the things that she did decided to tell us, her readers and contemporaries, are told perfectly honest.

Olga Romanova is a journalist, two-time TEFI winner, founder and director of the charitable foundation for aid to convicts and their families, Russia Behind the Bars, the winner of the Gerd Bucerius Award (Hamburg), Gaidar Award (Moscow), Sappho Award (Copenhagen), Artyom Borovik Award (Moscow), Moscow Helsinki Group and Liberal Mission Awards. N Mama, don’t cry! O by Sasha Galitsky N - F I C T I O N

2017, 192 pages Hardcover ISBN 978-5-8159-1473-5

Now we represent the first generation who have both grandchildren and parents at the same time. Four generations of one family is practically a norm. And how shall we all live together? How to resolve matters with our parents, who still keep their own worldview, the desire to communicate with us and, out of habit, tell us how to live our lives at every opportunity? Who shall obey whom? How to respond? How to maintain normal relations and enjoy communication?

The book called “Mama, don’t cry” has been written by Sasha Galitsky. Old people are his work. A year after his mother’s death he left his good prestigious employment and took a job at the old people’s home. He started working as a teacher in the wood carving study group. This job N gave an opportunity to communicate with the aged every day and for O a plenty of time trying to understand them and learn how to interact N with them. Galitsky has been working at the old people’s home over - 15 years and has developed his own unique system of communication F with the elderly. I C “Why do they thrift? Why do they talk so much? Why do not they T like anything new? How to out-argue them? All these questions, which I O seem rhetorical to us, in fact have absolutely concrete and absolutely N reasonable answers. There is an answer even to the ancient question: why do old women sit on a bench and look at passers-by? Believe it or not, they have a good reason for this. Tell me, do you know how to get along with your aged parents and not go mad yourself? No? Then I am the person you need. I do know. I’ll tell you everything”. Sasha Galitsky N No fear! O How to grow old and not go mad N by Sasha Galitsky - F I C T I O N

2018, 160 pages Hardcover ISBN 978-5-8159-1518-3

We all dream of a long life. At the same time, we are afraid of old age. This book is not about the old age. It is about life that is good at any age.

— What is old age? — How to live without reproaching oneself? — How not to give up to the spirit of the body and follow the spirit of heart? — A few words about love after 90. — Does old age mean loneliness? — Where to find a reason for living when everything has been left in the past? — What helps to feel alive to the last gasp?

Get the answers to these and other questions on the pages of the new book by Sasha Galitsky. N Everything is Normal: O The Life and Times of a Soviet Kid N by Sergey Grechishkin - F I C T I O N

2019, 320 pages Hardcover ISBN 978-5-8159-1576-3

Everything is Normal offers a lighthearted worm’s-eye-view of the USSR through the middle-class Soviet childhood of a nerdy boy in the 1970s and ’80s. A relatable journey into the world of the late-days , Everything is Normal is both a memoir and a social history — a reflection on the mundane deprivations and existential terrors of day-to-day life in Leningrad in the decades preceding the collapse of the USSR.

Sergey Grechishkin’s world is strikingly different, largely unknown, and fascinatingly unusual, and yet a world that readers who grew up in the United States or Europe during the same period will partly recognize. This is a tale of friendship, school, and growing up — to read Everything is Normal is to discover the very foreign way of life behind the Iron Curtain, but also to journey back into a shared past. N O N “Like walking through the looking-glass into 1970s-80s - Leningrad... funny, shocking and occasionally even tender... prepare F to be transported back to the USSR.” — Lisa Dickey, author of Bears I in the Streets C T “A rare glimpse of life in Soviet Russia before and during I O perestroika. Everything is Normal is the tender and often funny story N of a personal journey paralleled by seismic changes in the country itself. A captivating read.” — Elena Gorokhova, author of Russian Tattoo

Life’s journey took Sergey Grechishkin from a communal flat in Leningrad, through studies in China and France, and on to top banking jobs in London. Today he splits his time between London and Singapore and juggles his work and three children with teaching, investing into early-stage businesses, and writing. N I’ve Found You a Dog O by Ksenia Kolosova N - F I C T I O N

2018, 344 pages Hardcover ISBN 978-5-8159-1520-6

This book is about those who survived, or rather about those who were saved. This book is for those who want but for some reason would not venture to take in a homeless dog or cat. This book is for those who want but do not know how to do it right. And this book is for those who love stories with the happy ending. Not only in movies but in real life too.

There are many books about dogs and cats, and we decided to publish another one only because it is about something, which is not the most popular subject: about homeless animals. People understand they cannot help everybody, and endless calls for help now and then appearing in social media start arousing pangs of conscience and lead to inevitable annoyance. That is where it helps to realize: if a dog appears in your house, it is not a story about heroism and great sacrifice, it is mostly about joy, friendship, deeper knowledge of yourself, after all. N The book by Ksenia Kolosova contains the stories of the dogs O whose lives she, by chance or by a twist of fate, saved. It also depicts N the stories of people, of their lives — not always that simple and not - always such as they expected when they have taken a dog home. F To the great extent, this book is a psychological portrait of both I in various real-life situations. Tips and zoo-psychologist advice; C unforeseen and sometimes unsolvable problems — what to do, can T they be solved, and if not, whom to address and how to behave — I O all these things you will find in this book. N

«Before dogs appeared in my life, I did a bit of studying at the Faculty of Arts in the Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography and in the University of the Arts London, painted several animated films and illustrated a couple of children’s books, worked in television and then – quite of a sudden – opened a café with my friends. We opened our café on January 26, 2012, and just a day before another important thing happened: I got a dog, a mongrel that I picked up in the street...» N The Short Life. O N Nikolai Vavilov and His Time - by Semyon Reznik F I C T I O N

2017, 1056 pages Hardcover ISBN 978-5-8159-1458-2

Rights Sold: Spain (Libros del Jata)

At the 130th anniversary of his birth, the most complete so far biography of the great Russian scientist, Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, will be published. It is a story of his personality, his fate and scientific discoveries, it also is about those who persecuted, tormented and eventually killed him. The book tells about Vavilov not only during his lifetime (the story of his family, expeditions, scientific discoveries, letters, diaries, written speeches, eyewitness accounts, as well as denunciations against him, records of interrogation), but also about his posthumous fate. N These are the words that another scientist, former Senior Research O Scientist at the National Institute for Medical Research in London, N Zhores Medvedev, has written in the foreword to this book: “N.I. - Vavilov’s life is a unique epic. It is properly and profoundly covered F in a new book by Semyon Reznik. I studied the history of biology I and genetics for several decades. However, in this book I discovered C a huge new factual documentary material, previously unknown to T me. Vavilov’s life is shown against broad historical background, I O which gives readers the insight into dozens of countries on the five N continents, which were passed through, mostly on foot or in small caravans, by Vavilov expeditions. Here we get to know not only biographies and problems of many distinguished scientists, but also the reasons, in most cases political ones, which gave rise to pseudo- scientists. Millions of people became victims of the Stalinist purges, and this is statistics. Their fate is a tragedy. However, some human fates stand out even against such background — they reflect with particular prominence the tragedy of entire peoples and generations. Such was the life and fate of the great scientist Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov — botanist and geneticist, geographer and traveler, plant raiser and selection breeder”.

The book was written by Semyon Reznik, who in 1968 published in the USSR the book about Vavilov. It was severely censored, and its 100,000 printed copies were banned for sale, which was why Reznik emigrated to America, where he all those years kept on working at the Vavilov’s biography. His book “The Short Life. Nikolai Vavilov and His Time” is so far the most complete biography of the great Russian scientist. N Children of Nazis O by Tatiana Freidensson N - F I C T I O N

2013, 624 pages Hardcover ISBN 978-5-8159-1225-0

Rights Sold: China (Shaanxi People’s Publishing house), Poland (REA-SJ)

Characters of this book are descendants of the Nazi criminals. Over three years Tatiana Freydensson has been traveling halfway around the world — Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, the USA, South America. She not only had to find all these people but also persuade them to tell about their infamous ancestors, their own lives and heavy burden of their legacy, the burden which many of them could not put up with to the present day. This is not just astonishing revelations made by relatives of Goering, Himmler, Speer, Hoess, Rommel and others — in private and uncensored. There are eternal issues of Good and Evil, Love and Hate, Forgiveness and Damnation behind their confessions. N First there was a documentary film of the same name in 3 series O released at one of Russian channels. The film had a great success and N caused heated discussions in media and Internet. - F The heroes of this book are: I Elizabeth Goering, daughter of Albert Hoering, niece of Hermann C Goering T Bettina Goering, grandniece of Hermann Goering I O Niklas Frank, son of Hans Frank N Richard von Schirach, son of Baldur Benedikt von Schirach Rainer Hoess, grandson of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoess Katrin Himmler, granddaughter of Ernst Himmler Manfred Rommel, son of Erwin Rommel Berthold von Stauffenberg, oldest son of Claus von Stauffenberg Klaus Saur, son of Karl-Otto Saur Moritz Schramm, grandson of Albert Speer

Tatiana Freidensson, born in 1984, is CEO of documentary film studio «Status-TV». Graduated cum laude from Lomonosov Moscow State University and VGIK (the world’s first film school), she worked as Chief Editor in «Russian Music Distribution», documentary film studio «Galakon». She is also an author, script writer, producer and director of different documentary films. N Academician Landau O by Kora Landau N - F I C T I O N

2013, 480 pages Hardcover ISBN 978-5-8159-1171-0

Konkordia Landau-Drobanzeva (1908–1984), the wife of the great physicist, Lev Landau, started writing her memoirs after her husband’s death in 1968 and had been working on her book over 10 years. The result was three sizable volumes. For some time they were being passed in the form of samizdat (self-publishing) among scientists but soon nearly all copies were destroyed by academicians and their wives who were outraged at the revealing text and shocking details of personal lives of the USSR great minds.

This book is a unique document of history and human relations. As Kora Landau wrote, it was the report of her husband autopsy that forced her to sit down to the typewriter: “I felt a craving to tell everyone about imperfection of medical science...” However, the book proved to be about something else — about imperfection of human relations, about betrayal and indifference, about envy and avidity but also about love. N First and for most about love. All human vices described in this O book are dominated by its central character, academician Landau, N who survived the car accident but was killed by indifference of those - around him. “A miracle lived among us”, someone said after Landau’s F death. So this book is also about the miracle. I C «I wrote these reminiscences only for myself without any hope T for publication. To unravel the complicated tangle of my life, I had I O to get into indecent trifles of everyday life, private areas of human N life absolutely concealed from strangers, which sometimes bear so much charm, but also a lot of nasty things. I wrote the truth, only the truth...» Kora Landau

Lev Landau (1908–1968) was a prominent Soviet physicist who made fundamental contributions to many areas of theoretical physics. His accomplishments include the independent co-discovery of the density matrix method in quantum mechanics (alongside John von Neumann), the quantum mechanical theory of diamagnetism, the theory of superfluidity, the theory of second-order phase transitions, the Ginzburg–Landau theory of superconductivity, the theory of Fermi liquid. He received the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physics. N Cases, Jokes, Aphorisms O by Faina Ranevskaya N - F I C T I O N

2015, 160 pages Softcover ISBN 978-5-8159-1246-5

Rights Sold: Poland (Европа. RU)

This book includes aphorisms, jokes, anecdotes, everyday stories, the author or main character of which is Faina Ranevskaya. She was an actress capable to replace the whole troupe: a philosopher with the cigarette, scandalous person, acid tongued lady with the rich voice. But for all that, she was extremely lonesome and vulnerable soul. She never minced her words. Many people believed that Ranevskaya thought up jokes or aphorisms, which then scattered around Moscow and moved further. The fact is, she did not need to make up anything. Her wit was like a reflex — it was spontaneous. Sfumato by Alexey Fedyarov F I C T I O N

It’s close to Orwell!

2019, 192 pages Hardcover ISBN 978-5-8159-1562-6

Sfumato (Italian) — shaded, ad litteram — vanishing like smoke.

The dystopian novel is set several decades after our present time. The world community, realizing that games with nuclear weapons pose a serious danger to humanity and being truly afraid of this, made a convention with Russia, which allowed its rulers, in exchange for the world’s nuclear security and some other bonuses, to do as they like within their own country. And they do: totalitarianism has acquired a perfect form. As a result of the extensive renovation, nothing has been left of Moscow, not even the Kremlin, however, the control center of this very totalitarianism, as well as the center of a relatively acceptable life, is still here. The country is divided into clusters where the population is settled according to the leaders’ instructions. The novel describes with vivid F ingenuity and in many details how it all works. The dissenters are to I be eliminated or to work at the mine or live in FJL Cluster at Franz C Josef Land, the home of those “who were dissatisfied with everything T before and quickly became disappointed with the new order after I O the Convention”. N It is impossible to flee abroad because of the Convention. But among the dissenters there are those whom the rulers hold in reserve. Why is a mystery and driving belt of the intrigue.

“This book is a secret master plan for the development of the country that accidentally fell into the author’s hands. Get ready”

Alexey Fedyarov, born in 1976 in Chuvashia, he grew up in a village a hundred kilometers from Cheboksary, the capital city of the region. In 1992 he graduated from school, entered the Chuvash State University, Law Faculty. From the fifth year began working as an investigator in the Public Prosecutor’s Office. He left the Prosecutor’s Office in 2007, as head of the Investigation Department, Chuvash Prosecutor’s office. Since then he has been in business Agami by Alexey Fedyarov F I C T I O N

2020, 272 pages Hardcover ISBN 978-5-8159-1603-6

Welcome to Russia of 2044. A land of closed borders and clusters. A land of sfumato. Agami is the place of coveted freedom, the borderline that splits the world into two halves. The place you can only get to by going through Sfumato. Through rebellion. Rebellion is never meaningful or merciful. However, if it is successful, it is called differently.

“Alexei Fedyarov is a master of narrative tension. The anxious anticipation - the very suspense without which an action-packed work is impossible — would not let you go throughout the entire text he has written. Therefore, it was a pity to turn the last page of his novel Sfumato. However, there was no question of any continuation: the dystopia ended too much darkly. The Russia of the future was not at all beautiful in it, but hopeless, because the best people accepted the omnipotence of totalitarianism, and even the children of those who had died in the struggle against it became its faithful guards, employees of the secret security services, and considered themselves as the people of the future. The rest of the world was simply F fenced off by the special convention that reserved for this cave-state the I right to do anything with its population as long as nuclear safety was C guaranteed. Not a chance for the continuation!.. Dead end. T I O Suddenly Alexei Fedyarov writes a new book called Agami. There N are familiar characters in it, and it is about the very Russia of the future — about the year of 2044.” (Anna Berseneva, writer) In the First Person by Michail Shevelev F I C T I O N

2018, 152 pages Hardcover ISBN 978-5-8159-1519-0

“This book could be called a detective story by the old standards, but based on the changing formats of the new time it combines sentimental drama, journalistic investigation, social essay and parody. However, this attempt to review does not make much sense. The main thing is that this book is unputdownable until you finish reading the last line” Lyudmila Ulitskaya

The most logical, consistent and tenacious thing in life is history. It knows no exception to the rule: everything has its roots, nothing comes from nothing. Some people are just lucky and avoid learning this by personal experience. The characters of the first book in this series couldn’t escape the encounter with the past. The history of the late Soviet Union, which turned into a post-Soviet something, the world of dirty money flowing from one country to another, and those who manage such “flows” — all this has become their personal drama. They have the only alternative — to give up or to fight. And they will have to be solving this dilemma for quite a long time. The Break for the Spring by Irina Trofimova F I C T I O N

2007, 144 pages Hardcover ISBN 978-5-8159-0685-3

A provocations novel. The young and beautiful friends know all about each other. Suddenly one of them disappears. This is apparently shortly about this novel.

Combination of events and feelings what will more important — love or self-deception, men or women, tenderness or force.

Irina Trofimova, born in 1972 is a translator of Dutch literature. Graduated from Moscow State Linguistic University. The Hotel «Snow Cat» by Irina Trofimova F I C T I O N

2006, 128 pages Hardcover ISBN 978-5-8159-0621-2

The heroes of the novel have taken a risk and have traveled to mysterious hotel «Snow Сat». The reservation to the hotel is not on sale for everyone. The hotel itself chooses to it’s lodgers.

Anyway the people who have gathered in the hall of hotel, are united nothing: the businessman, blased by all entertainments which can be bought, the professor, who refused human feelings, the girl, directing all efforts to the career and the diffident young man. All of them know nothing about themselves. And each of them has an opportunity to try on another’s life only for one night and to learn that never knew — one himself. The Diaries of Doctor Vatson F I C T I O N

2004, 240 pages 2005, 272 pages 2007, 224 pages Hardcover Hardcover Hardcover

These diaries have been found in Dr. Watson’s archive. Now we have a unique opportunity to determine the exact chronology of Sherlock Holmes’ investigations to recover details, names, and examine the circumstances of those cases, which are mentioned just casually or completely unknown in the Sherlock Holmes stories.

Needless to say, how interesting these diaries are for numerous fans of the great detective!

Literary mystification equal to the pen of Arthur Conan Doyle! CONTACT

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www.zakharov.ru [email protected]