Jack Benny Program 1951 Apr-Jun.Pdf
111,' 4 07 0 16<)i"1A PROGRAN #30 REVISED SCRIPT ' LUCkY STRIKE ' TRE JACK BENNY PROCdiAM . SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 1951 CBS 4 :00-4 :30 PM (Transcribed, March 22,4 1951) prxoT oiea P1 s THE JACK BENNY PROGRAM SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 1951 (TRANSCRIBED MARCH 22, 1951) OPhNING COMMERCIAL . RIGGS : (CHANT -- 65 to 68 -- SOLD AMERICAN) SHARBUTT : THE JACK BENNY.PRCGRAM -- transcribed -- presented by LUCKY STRIICE! . CHORUS : Be Happy -- Go Lucky Be Happy -- Go Lucky Strike Be Happy -- Go Lucky Go Lucky Strike today! (SHORT CLOSE) ORCH : (VAMP) GIRL: To pick a better cigarette You don't need sleight of hand, Try Luckies' better taste and then They'll be your favorite brand! (SAYS) Honestly -- Luckies taste better than anv other ciaarette! MAN : I roamed around the whole wide world From New York to Tibet, And I can tell you Lucky Strike's The finest cigarette! (SAYS) You'll discover -- Luckies taste better than any other cigarette! CHORUS : Be Happy -- Go Lucky Be Happy -- Go Lucky Strike Be Happy -- Go Lucky Go Lucky Strike today! (SHORT CLOSE) RT}l01 0180~ 17 THE JACK BENNY PROGRAM .,UNDAY, APRIL 1, 1951 (TRANSCRIBED MARCH 22, 1951) OPFR'IIJG CO~II''IE.RCL4L (CONT'D) Sf41RBUTT : Friends, millions of amokers agree -- Luckies taste better than any other civ,arettet And here's why . You see, fine tobacco and only fine tobacco always gives you that happy blending of' perfect mildness and rich, true tobacco taste, and -- LS/DIFT -- Lucky Strike means fine tobacco! Yes, Lucky Strike's fine tobacco giveJs you everything you want in a cigarette -- real mildness -- rich taste -- complete smoking enjoyment! So, if you're not happy with your present brand, and a recent 38-city survey shows that millions are not, switch to Lucky Strike .
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