Barcelona • Bogota • Buenos Aires • Havana • Lima • Lisbon • Madrid • Mexico City • Miami • New York City • Panama City • Quito • Rio de Janeiro • Sao Paulo Santiago • Santo Domingo • Washington, DC A PORTRAIT OF THE BRAZILIAN MOMENT AND ITS SCENARIOS: THE MARRIAGE OF POLITICS AND ECONOMY

o say that this text explains the Meirelles, there are names like Ilan Goldfajn, Jorge of today would be too pretentious for Rachid and even Pedro Parente, at Petrobrás, and Maria anyone. Brazil does not fit into pages or Silvia Bastos Marques, at BNDES. With a team like that even compendia. It is not enough to read on the field, we are game ready, however difficult it may Tabout Brazil. You have to read between the lines be, even with an adverse results on the scoreboard. Let and understand that the most important messages them skin the National Congress officials. If they do not are not written anywhere. Brazil is not one of those mess up, that is already good enough. stereotypes so well known abroad, such as samba or soccer. We are hard to understand–and that’s the The challenge is not small. Brazil has already secret: with a first glance at Copacabana beach, a accumulated a 9 percent reduction in GDP over the more unaware observer may think he already knows last 33 months. That is, we have returned to the same everything he needs to know. He’s mistaken. The best base as 2010. Signs of this unprecedented recession option is to take a snapshot, a portrait of the Brazilian are found in the lives of Brazilians: unemployment, moment and its scenarios, but in 3D; developing it declining quality of life and purchasing power, and using the old ways, in a dark room bringing forth even the public safety crisis. It is with this scenario colors of understanding as the images become clearer that the economic team has coexisted in recent by the moment. months. We have hit the bottom and even dug at the pit to get lower. Let us look at the questions that come from outside the Country: What can be said about the Brazilian The Minister of Finance, Henrique Meirelles, already political world? That everyone is purposefully involved speaks of these satanic numbers as an image in a in the internationally known Operation Lava Jato, rearview mirror. Speaking with due caution and with which revealed misappropriations at Petrobrás? And no over-optimism. The economic astral has changed that everyone should be incarcerated in a prison the and every Brazilian sees this reflected in his daily life. size of Maracanã? Consumer confidence has finally resumed growth, in addition to that of the industry, when it comes to What can be said about the economic scenario? That buying raw material. Industrial production has also the crisis has taken over the Country, that we’ve lost the investment grade and that growth will be slow, Figure 1. Evolution of GDP and variation of with risks and more risks than certainties? activity by sector (in %).

The answer to these questions is “no”. Let us take it -8.4% one step at a time.

First, we must understand that there has been 3.6% 2.8% 3.0% an unprecedented attempt to displace all that of 2.8% 2.2%

economic nature from the political. Companies and 1.0% 0.5% -3.8% -3.6% the main street economy no longer let themselves be -6.6% -1.5% -6.3% -3.8% -2.7% -2.7% guided by bad political news, which happens just as quickly as the news portals update their headlines. The economy has begun to want to ignore politics in order to survive.

GDP AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY SERVICES Furthermore: as of today Brazil is experiencing a AND LIVESTOCK prodigal moment of credibility towards the economic FARMING team and the correct measures are deemed to being 2013 2014 2015 2016 taken. The team is first-rate and respected by the international market: under the command of Henrique Source: IBGE


risen. After 3 years of red numbers, in January, the have an additional advantage. They have learned from number is finally positive at 1.4 percent. Only by a little the mistakes and know how to read the economic and bit, but the curve now points upward. political weather maps.

Two other positive and direct indicators are the Let us not forget that the house was a total mess growth of the packaging industry in recent weeks and even with everything starting to be put back and the increase in electricity consumption. Favorable into drawers and onto hangers, there is still a lot winds came from the inner parts of the Country with of scattered stuff. We must keep pace and practice news of a record harvest. Inflation, the worst of taxes, patience. We cannot let ourselves set the table with has finally been controlled and is at an acceptable insurmountable pessimism or deceptive optimism. level, ranging a 4.25 percent, with the prospect of We still have a long way to go and deal with the an even larger drop by the end of the year, which risk factors. Those that come from the outside: the has led to a steady decline in interest rates by the low growth of the Chinese economy, the humors of Banco Central. The dream is to reach a single digit Donald Trump and the protectionism that can come number, if only to have less shame in the international from the victory of nationalist candidates in many playground, since the Brazilian of the major countries in Europe. interest rate of a 12.25percent per In addition to the risks that come year, is still the highest in the world. The economy has from the Praça dos Três Poderes, in begun to want to Brasília, where decisions are made Economists are unanimous in in Brazil. After all,the economy assessing that we have reached the ignore politics in may want to divorce itself from turning point. The economic team order to survive politics, but such a marriage does has now a clear and well-defined not fall apart easily. policy, quite different from the one that threatened businesses. This All the positive indicators of the translates into further confidence here in Brazil, with economy will only keep up this improvement, if the Stock Exchange rising, and abroad with the timid the reforms proposed by the government pass in return of investors. Those who were here and survived Congress. And yes, when talking about Congress, we the political avalanche and the economic tidal wave are talking about conspiracies, dubious agreements, aging leaders (even if some are relatively young), and Figure 2. National price index and basic interest mainly Operation Lava Jato and the lists of Minister rate (in %). Edson Fachin of the Supreme Court (STF). This document called for the start of a police investigation % against the various crimes, such as active and passive 16 corruption of eight of the current president’s–Michel 14.00% 13.75% 13.75% 13.00% Temer–ministers, the presidents of the Chamber 14 12.25% 12 of Deputies and the Senate and three of the State 10 Governors; a total sum of over 200 state workers, 7.87% 6.99% executives and businessmen. Not mentioning the 8 6.29% 5.35% cases that must be solved during first instance 6 4.76% 4.57% proceedings, not reaching the Supreme Court of 4 Justice in Brasilia (STF), and being taken care of by the 2 juries of the Federation States–the basil level of Justice 0 in Brasil. We are talking about the imponderable, OCT - 16 NOV - 16 DIC - 16 JAN - 17 FEB - 17 MAR - 17 which could flow out on to the streets and popular or Meta Selic (Meta Special IPCA (Broad National activist demonstrations, willing to disturb the Country. Clearance and Escrow System] Consumer Price Index) Not to mention the Lula factor (ex-president between 2003 and 2010), for whom, the worse the better, always Source: IBGE e Banco Central do Brasil with an eye on the 2018 elections–Lula who still, as of today, faces prison charges.


The 28 parties, between the Chamber of Deputies and the politicians from the economic team, because in the Senate, crawl around in a true ideological jelly, or essence they are like water and oil, but life is “real and rather the vast majority without any ideology... are biased”, as Caetano Veloso sung, and the couple will more about pure physiology. Three parties dominate have to go hand in hand, if only for appearances’ sake. the scene: PMDB (center-right), PSDB (center-left) and PT (left), the three largest The first reform to be voted parties in Brazil. The PMDB is on should be the social the balance, as a partner of the security reform. Without PT, such as in the governments Inflation, the worst of taxes, it, the country will not save of former presidents Lula and itself from a tremendous Dilma Roussef, or alongside the has finally been controlled fiscal crisis. As unions, trade PSDB, as of today under the and is at an acceptable level, unions and landless/homeless government of President Michel movements mobilize for Temer. We must not forget the ranging a 4.25 percent shutdowns and protests, “rest”, smaller parties that form political analysts, for the a block eager for positions and most part, are betting on an favors in exchange for support in each important vote. endorsement of the pension reform in the first half of the year. It may not be the one the government It is in their hands that the reforms that Brazil needs has dreamed of, but important points in the original lay: pensions, labor and taxes. So, if politics and text must be kept. However, these favorable winds economics do not share the same roof, we cannot towards the Palácio do Planalto may bring a bit of expect to have good prospects. You can segregate rain and cloud the vision of the government, perhaps

Figure 3. Diagram of seat distribution in the congress / senate.

PEN 2 PSDC 2 REDE 1 PMN 3 PTC 2 PV 1 PRP 3 PT do B 2 PTN 4 PSL 1 PHS 5 PSOL 5 PRTB 1 SP 1 PV 8 PCdoB 1 PC do B 10 PDT 2 PPS 10 DEM PT PROS 11 4 68 PT PSC 13 PTC 1 9

SD 15 PTB 2 PMDB PMDB PDT 65 22 20 PSD 5 DEM 21 Congess Senate PRB 21 PSDB 54 PSDB PTB 11 25

PR PP PP 34 38 7 PSB PSD PSB 34 36 7 PR PSC 1 4


PT (Workers Party) PDT (Workers Democratic Party) PRP (Progressive Republican Party)

PMDB (Brazilian Democratic Movement Party) SD (Solidarity) PMN (National Mobilization Party)

PSDB (Brazilian Social Democratic Party) PSC (Christian Social Party) PEN (National Environmental Party)

PP (Progressive Party) PROS (Social Order Republican Party) PSDC (Social Democratic Christian Party)

PSD (Social Democratic Party) PPS (Popular Socialist Party) PTC (Workers Christian Party)

PSB (Brazilian Socialist Party) PC do B (Communist Party of Brazil) PT do B (Labor Party of Brazil)

PR (Republican Party) PV () PSL (Liberal Social Party)

PTB (Brazilian Labor Party) PSOL (Socialism and Freedom Party) PRTB (Brazilian Labor Renovation Party)

PRB (Brazilian Republican Party) PHS (Humanitarian Solidarity Party) REDE (Sustainability Network)

DEM () PTN (National Workers Party) SP (No Party)

Source: Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate.


a little too optimistic about the approval of these Regarding the tax reform, the strategy is to divide reforms. Contrary to what they imagine, it will not be approval of the main measures, with the government easy. Each of the approvals may cost President Temer gradually sending the Congress several proposals dearly, and he has no margin of popularity to risk. for changes. The expectation is to revise the ICMS Currently in the 10 percent range, Temer is even more (our tax for goods and services) and approach poorly rated than former President Dilma Rousseff having a national VAT, to make the system more before impeachment. In fact, the government’s transparent and less complicated to understand option was to make such reforms, even against (the tax departments of companies suffer trying to public opinion, by betting that the country will have understand the rules of the purposely unintelligible improved by the October 2018 elections and that the Brazilian tax system). economic agenda, full of good news, would change the mind of voters. This is the strategy It is paramount that the electoral of the government’s communication reform becomes a reality. team, which has not worked so far. The emergence of a Basically to solve a problem of the parliamentarians face The labor reform, though positive environment themselves: the issue of funding highly unpopular, must bring a for the reforms indicates political campaigns, including the “modernization” of employment in improved operation of 2018 campaign–even if it is only a Brazil. Businessmen who make the provisional change. Economic and Social Development institutions Council, a “Conselhão”, that brings Openly, the market–mainly the ideas to the Presidency of the projections of the largest banks– Republic, left, the last meeting with Temer, certain is still worried about the unstable times of 2017. It that the labor reform would take Brazil out of the expects GDP growth of only a 0.5 percent this year. salary agenda and onto the employment agenda, Not more than that. In 2018, after the reforms are over, with collective bargaining prevailing over any other the sun may begin to push away the fog: we could see rule, including the approval of labor outsourcing and a growth of 1.0 to 2.0 percent. And within a three-year flexible working hours. period (19-21), a possible growth of about 2 to 3 percent, for everyone to put on their sunscreen, with the sun Figure 4. Popularity of the Michel Temer almost directly overhead. government. The forecast is expected to be confirmed by the end % of this year, with controlled inflation and one-digit 35 interest rates–Moody’s risk rating agency, by the way, 31% 28% 30 26% has already advanced and improved the outlook for 25 27% 26% Brazil’s credit rating, from negative to stable. Technical 20% 20 23% justifications are not lacking, as we have seen above. 17% 15 “The emergence of a positive environment for the 14% 10 reforms indicates improved operation of institutions, 13% 13% 10% which will support the implementation of the 5 reforms,” says the agency’s report released in March. 0 JUN - 16 SEP - 16 DEC - 16 MAR - 17 Yes, investors’ moods begin to change. And Approve the way the Assess the government as opportunities are not lacking. Also in the first half president governs great or good of this year, port, airport and highway concessions Trust in the president are anticipated, totaling US$6.1 billion. By the second half of the year, a broad railway concession program Source: CNI-Ibope could mean another US$8 billion. In the field of oil


and gas, eroded by the fall of the indebted Petrobrás other options, and those who have given up looking for (in full process of restructuring), there will be another work. By this criterion, considering the third quarter of almost US$2 billion put out to tender; to end with 2016, Brazil’s broad unemployment rate hit 21.2 percent, US$7 billion in auctions of electric power transmission or about 23 million Brazilians. It is here that the Lula lines. Conducting a quick count we can observe over factor comes in. US$15 billion in business opportunities for this year. What other country in the world, still bruised by the The former president bets on his “you were happy biggest economic crisis in its history, offers so many and didn’t know” speech. He tries to pose as a victim opportunities for those who want to invest? of the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of Justice. It is defined as apolitical persecution within The good mood of the market is almost a virtual the Country itself. He is still able to bring crowds to entity… despite voters on the streets looking down the streets, larger or smaller groups, depending on the their noses. press agenda. But his presence on the 2018 ballot is still a mystery. Lula may be barred from being a candidate If the government can show that the president has leaving the leftists orphaned. done his homework, even in the midst of a serious political crisis, if they value the positive agenda of the As can be seen, the political framework is not so far economy, the electoral scenario may change and Temer removed from the economic one, however great the may think about re-election (though very unlikely) efforts of entrepreneurs to believe the contrary and or, even more certain, an official candidate could move on. Brazil needs a duet in tune. If one sneezes, gain strength, such as Ministerof Finance Henrique the other gets a cold... or pneumonia. Meirelles.

President Temer also depends on the decision of the , which can annul his Figure 5. Unemployment Rate. political rights and dismiss him. It all depends on the promptness of the proceedings investigating the illegal % 14 collection of funds for the Dilma/Temer presidential 13.2% ticket in 2014. There is no lawyer who does not see 12 an attempt to postpone this decision until after the 10.2% 10 current term ends, after 2018, when the ruling would no longer matter. 8 7.7% 7.4% 6.8% 6 In any case, to confirm a candidacy from within the government, unemployment, one of the most 4 sensitive indicators in people’s lives, would have to 2 decrease substantially. The official unemployment rate indicated 13.2 percent, but a study by Credit Suisse 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 bank revealed that the so-called broad unemployment is much higher, almost double. The term means the Unemployment Rate in the quarter ending in sum of the unemployed, plus workers who do some February each year kind of temporary and informal work, as they lack any Source: IBGE

Marco Antonio Sabino is Partner and Chairman of S/A LLORENTE & CUENCA. Journalist (Cásper Libero, where he was also a lecturer) and lawyer (Universidad de São Paulo-USP-), with postgraduate studies in Organisational Communication (USP), he is specialised in economic, legal and governmental matters. He has extensive experience in the creation and implementation of communication plans for the Brazilian government and multinational companies. He was the Communication Director of the Telefónica Group in Brazil and managed the editorial staff of Bandeirantes Radio and TV. He was a reporter and editor of the business magazine Exame and he also acted as a special reporter for Globo TV. [email protected]

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