Field Report Fishing Grounds and Supply Lines in Indonesia Fishery Management Areas 573, 713, and 714 Part 2: Lombok April 9, 2012 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Chemonics International ( and People & Nature Consulting International ( Version 0.1 Authors: Dr. J.S. Pet1, Dr. Peter J. Mous2, Chairul Sasongko3, and M. Ziaulhaq4 1People & Nature Consulting International, Bali, Indonesia,
[email protected] 2Chemonics International, IMACS office, Jakarta, Indonesia,
[email protected] 3Chemonics International, IMACS office, Jakarta, Indonesia,
[email protected] 4Chemonics International, IMACS office, Jakarta,
[email protected] TNC contributed to these surveys and reports in the context of its fisheries program through financial contributions from its Indonesia and California programs. This document is optimized for double-sided printing Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1Surveyperiod,spatialcoverage,andtargetfisheries...... 1 1.2 Objective of this survey ..................... 2 1.3Studyarea............................. 2 2 Materials and methods 5 3 Results 9 3.1 Description of fisheries by landing site ............. 9 3.1.1 Seriwe........................... 9 3.1.2 AwangandEkasvillageatEkasBay.......... 13 3.1.3 Gerupuk .......................... 20 3.1.4 Kuta............................ 22 3.1.5 SelongBelanakandPengatap.............. 28 3.1.6 SepiandBlongas..................... 28 3.1.7 Bangko Bangko and the Lombok Strait tongkol fishery withoutriggercanoes................... 34 3.1.8 The beach from Lembar and Cemara up to Endo, Ker- anjiandAmpenan.................... 41 3.1.9 Ampenan......................... 46 3.1.10NorthwestLombok.................... 50 3.1.11Tampas.......................... 52 3.1.12TheNortheastcoastofLombok............. 57 3.1.13LabuanLombok...................... 61 3.1.14LabuanHaji........................ 78 3.1.15TanjungLuar......................