
GENERAL PROBLEMS OF THE FIBRE AND TEXTILE INDUSTRIES 12 ul. Skłodowskiej-Curie19/27,90-570Łódź,Poland Institute ofBiopolymersandChemicalFibers, E-mail: [email protected] Jacek Wesołowski, Karolina Płachta DOI: , films. Key words: aromatic-, long-chain-,andbio-polyamidesare alsohighlighted. herein isconcernedwithclassicalpolyamidesi.e.PA6 andPA66, yetotherpolyamideslike eration between R&D centers, industry andconsumers.Mostofthe information contained in thearticleofmodernsolutionsandproducts putonthemarketasaresult ofclosecoop electronic appliances, civil engineering, packaging, and manyothers.Examplesare given the consumption ofPA resins inmanyindustrybranches:the car industry, electrical and of polyamideresins. Impressive changesbothinquality and quantity are takingplacein sector the in growth dynamic the to given is attention much fibres, polyamide classical of characterising the marketare quoted.While stability is observedinthe production segment mand for polyamide resins from various segments of industry is enumerated. Various figures merce are indicated. The share ofpolyamidesiscompared withotherpolymers,andthe de productionand Demand figures are production in thebiggestplayers and shown com and (PA). Attention is given to thevariousfactorswhichbrought aboutthechanges. This article presents changes that have occurred in recent years onthe market for poly Abstract ing demandfortheiruseintheresinsec in the 50-ties, there was anever increas beginning However fibres. of production century, the in solely used first were they debut throughoutthefortiesof last the market. Fromtime of theirmarket a dominant roleinproductionandon day, thesetwopolyamides have played rolactam to polymerise [1]. Until to invention concerning theability of cap Farbenindustrie following P. Schlack’s developed by the German company IG emerged underthe name of Perlon;it was in Europe, one other polyamide PA6 fibre DuPont deNemours. At thesametime, of theirproductioninthelaboratories of W.H Carothers who invented the process appeared on themarket in 1938.Itwas , called of PA66, made fibres ide polyam first The products. polyamide commercialized first the PA66were and for nearly80years.FibresmadeofPA6 Polyamides havebeenonthemarket n classical havefailed. opening waystoentirely new useswhere cal ones insomeapplications but arealso amides not onlyarereplacing the classi their originalproperties,thenew poly aromatic and bio-polyamides. Thanks to groups ofpolyamides,likelong-chain, are inmanywaysbeingreplaced by new tions. ClassicalPA6and PA66 ments in a broadening span of applica require specific to adapted easily be can rates, which is because polyamide resin resin segment is witnessing ever higher amides is still processed as fibres, but the tor. Presently the largest amount of poly The PolyamideMarket Introduction 10.5604/12303666.1215537

polyamides, market, polyamide fibres, polyamide resin, polyamide engineering

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe Eastern in TEXTILES & FIBRES ------mand forpolyamides of over7.4million many intheirreportsforecastedade PCI Research GmbH, Oberursel, Ger n Royal DSM NV, Solvay SA, Shenma In Radici Group,Rhodia Nylstar SA, Limited, Li Peng EnterpriseCo.Ltd., Li Heng Chemical Fibre tries Inc., Lealea Group, LANXESS AG, national Inc., InvistaS.àrl,KochIndus Huntsman Corporation, Azoty SA, Honeywell International Inc., mosa Chemicals & Fibre (FCFC), Grupa Du PontdeNemoursandCompany, For formance Materials LLC, BASF SE,EI Per Ascend S.A., Corporation, Arkema key players onthe market: concerns andchemical companies as for polyamides mention the following Companies which analyse the market of 2015-2020. an annual increase of5.4%intheperiod of 43.77billion US dollars in 2020, with Bio-Based & Specialty, amarketvalue forecast for polyamide type PA6, PA66, research companyMarketsandMarkets in 2022 [4].Intheir report [5] the market reach the value of 31.2 billion US dollars predicted an annual increase of 3.1%to amount of 24.4billion US dollars and 2014 ofPA6 and PA66 polyamides in the telligence Consulting reported sales in respectively [2, 3].CeresanaMarketIn by 2.3%and2.7%forPA6 andPA66, tons for2016and2020anincrease

Volume ofproduction of application Manufacturers anddomains

2016; 24,6(120): Wesołowski J,PłachtaK. The PolyamideMarket. 12-18. DOI: HoneywellInter 10.5604/12303666.1215537 Technologies Asahi Kasei

SA SA ------5500 5500 5000 5000 PA 6 PA 66 4500 4500 4000 4000 3500 3500 3000 3000 2500 2500 2000 2000 1000 tons/year 1500 1000 tons/year 1500 1000 1000 500 500 0 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Fibres Engineering plastics Film Fibres Engineering plastics

Figure 1. Consumption of polyamides PA6 and PA66 in 1990 - 2015 in the areas of fibres, engineering plastics and films [8].

2500 2500

PA 66 PA 6 2000 2000

1500 1500

1000 1000 1000 tons/year 1000 tons/year

500 500

0 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

Europe Americas China Rest of Asia Europe Americas China Rest of Asia

Figure 2. Consumption of polyamides PA6 and PA66 in 1990-2015 by regions [8]. dustrial Co. Ltd, Ltd. etc. 2015 in the areas of fibres, engineering by increasing consumption of the mate- [4 - 7]. plastics and films. rial in the domain of engineering plastics.

The main areas of application of polyam- Figure 2 presents the regional break- The graphs also reveal the regress which ides are: down of PA6 and PA66 polyamide con- polyamides suffered in the world-wide fi- nancial crisis which began in 2007, with n the production of polyamide fibres, sumption in 1990 - 2015. various repercussions in the consecutive which still consumes the largest num- years. The polyamide market slackened ber of polyamides globally, The consumption of PA6 in fibres, -en and demand for both types of polyamides n processing associated with polyamide gineering plastics and film distinctly was down, necessitating a reshuffle in engineering , outstripped that of PA66, used main- their production. The European scene of n processing polyamides designated for ly in fibres and engineering plastics. polyamides is a good example of the on- films. The very important sector of polyam- going turmoil. Demand for polyamides ide fibres showed much slower -expan resins in 2007 in Europe was at the level of 850 000 tons, but it dropped by about n sion than engineering plastics and film. Consumption of polyamides The tendency is particularly strong for 6% in the next year. Restructuring steps were taken in consequence to improve Various tendencies on the polyamide fibre-grade PA66, whose consumption competiveness, mainly by establishing market at the turn of the century can be is, from the middle of the last decade, on some production facilities in Europe, for seen from the graphs. the decrease. The American market has example BASF and Rhodia [9]. undoubtedly contributed to this develop- Presented in Figure 1 is the consumption ment. On the other hand, the decrease of The big players started to invest in for- of polyamides PA6 and PA66 in 1990 - PA66 in the fibre sector is accompanied eign markets, like BASF, which entered

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 6(120) 13 in Romania and Hungary. The polyamide business in Western Europe did not re- spond to the demands by increasing pro- polyolefins 8% duction capacity, being rather concerned with cost reduction [16] acrylics 3% 80% other 2% n Polyamide fibres

polyamide 7% In 2014 polyamide fibres represented a share of 7% of the total amount of synthetic fibres produced world-wide. Polyester fibres dominate the scene with Figure 3. World market for synthetic fibres 2014 by fibre type [17]. a 80% share. Polyamide fibres are -fac ing strong competition from China and Korea with their production. the high domestic production, China is in many application areas. Polyesters are DuPont‘s strategy was to expand their still a major importer of . a universal fibre which penetrates all seg- presence in Asia; Lanxess invested in In recent years, imports have begun to ments of the textile market, and moreo- the USA, India and China, and Rho- stabilise at a similar level, but in 2011 ver they are cheaper to produce than pol- dia - in China, South Korea, India and they only increased by 0.2% to 633 thou- yamides. Nonetheless polyamide fibres, Brasil. The American company Invista sand tons. The main supplying countries with their outstanding quality, still play Sarl, based in Wichita, started business were Russia (141 thousand tons), Japan an important role in many demanding ap- in Asia and both Americas. BASF nearly (102 thousand tons), USA (64 thou- plications. Figure 3 illustrates the world doubled their compounding capacities in sand tons), Mexico (59 thousand tons), production of synthetic fibres by type. Pudong. close to Shanghai, and in Yesan, Belorus (55 thousand tons) and Poland Korea from 130 000 to 225 000 tons (32 thousand tons) [15]. Polyamides are processed into textile a year. BASF, responding to increasing filament (NTF), industrial filament (NIF) demand for polyamides in the Chinese A number of polyamides production cent- and carpet filament (PA BCF). The list of market, constructed and commissioned ers are located in Asia, mainly in China. consumers is quite long, with the main in 2015 in the Shanghai Chemical In- In the last 25 years many new produc- ones being producers of: underwear, dustry Park, a polymerisation plant for tion sites have been erected related with decorative fabrics, fabrics for apparel, their Ultramid® (PA6 and PA66), with a polyamides used in a variety of manu- technical textiles, upholstery, floor cover- yearly capacity of 100 000 tons. Lanxess facturing. The falling imports of poly- ing, carpets, hoses, tire cord, safety belts has launched a new production of PA6 amides from Europe are being replaced and airbags, sewing threads, ropes, nets, and PA66 and other compounds, with with the growing production of domes- sleeping bags, tarpaulins, tents etc. a capacity of 20 000 t/y, in Porto Feliz, tic companies in China, satisfying the Brasil [10 - 13]. increasing demand. Chinese exports of Recent years have seen an increase the materials are focused mainly on the in the production of polyamide fibres In the background of the poor situation Asian market, while exports to Europe after the financial crisis in 2007 - 2008. in other regions of the world, China, rep- face difficulties due to higher quality -de In 2014, world production amounted to resenting the Far East region, emerges mands. It is Asia, in contrast to Europe, 4.55 million tons, an increase of 4,6%. as the unquestioned leader. The Far East where new technical and R&D centers In China alone the production rose by presently dominates the market for poly- are being opened concerned with various 215 thousand tons. The country is the big- and related products. PA6 distinct- segments of the market, like electronics. gest producer, with a 51% share of world ly prevails there over PA66. The develop- Besides domestic companies, virtually production, comprising 2.24 million tons ment is well illustrated with the graphs in all big players on the polyamide scene (up by 11%). Far behind were the next Figure 2. are intensifying their activity in China. biggest producing countries (regions): Lanxess is busy in Hongkong and Wuxi, USA 571 thousand tons (up by 1%), Tai- The production of caprolactam is surging while BASF, DSM, DuPont and Solvay wan 358 thousand tons (down by 5%) in the Far East as a consequence of the have started activities in Shanghai. Close and Western Europe 252 thousand tons unprecedented increase in the demand cooperation with Chinese customers is (down by 1%). The final use of -poly for polyamides, dominated by PA6. As the goal to better adjust production to amide fibres differs in the region: use per GBI Research, New York, the global the requirements of the local market [10, textile and industrial yarns dominate in demand for caprolactam is rising stead- 11, 16] Asia, while BCF carpet yarns and tech- ily. It was 3.5 and 4.15 million tons nical textile are the prime applications in 2000 and 2011, respectively, while At the beginning of the century, a distinct in USA and Europe. After some time of 6 million tons are forecasted for 2020. increase in the demand for polyamide stability, a downswing appeared again The share of the Far East in global cap- materials for the production of automo- in the production of polyamide fi- rolactam consumption shall reach nearly tive parts could be noted in the region of bres, dropping to only 152 thousand tons. 70% in 2020. China has become the main Eastern Europe. Many car producers lo- China with 73 thousand tons, USA with world centre of caprolactam production cated their production lines in the region 33 000 tons and Western Europe with due to the low cost of raw materials and due to lower costs. The branch of elec- 30 thousand tons represent nearly 90% large own demand for PA6 [14]. Despite tronics industry also surged then mainly of global polyamide staple fibre produc-

14 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 6(120) tion. In 2014 the utilisation of production years of this century. Nowadays PA BCF The Netherlands and presently produced capacities for polyamide continuous yarn finds uses rather in special products. It is by the Japanese company Tejin, - increased on a global scale from 81% to steadily being displaced from the com- conex and produced by Teijin, 83%, varying from region to region: 87% modity market by polyester BCF in the Arwen by Toray in Korea, New Star by in China, 85% in USA and 78% in West- Americas and by BCF Yantai Tayho, X-Fiper by SRO Group ern Europe and Taiwan. At the same time, in Europe. PA BCF production reached in China, and Kermel by Kermel SAS global capacity utilization of polyamide 0.765 million tons in 2010 and was down in France. are characterized by staple fibre was as low as 56%. [18] to 0,694 million tons in 2015. A modest high mechanical strength, low shrinkage increase up to the level of 0.733 million at elevated temperature and low creep. The production of nylon textile filament tons is envisaged for 2020. At the dawn fibres are resistant to high tem- (NTF) has remained stable over quite of the century, when production of both perature, organic solvents, abrasion and a long time. Even after the recession of types of PA BCF was about 1mln tons, X-rays. The ability of self-extinguishing 2008/2009 it soon returned to the pre- the share of PA and PA66 was about 50% when in flames is quite important. The te- crisis level, which was about 1.5 mil- each. It has since changed to a percentage nacity of the fibres practically does not lion tons. The sector adapted itself well of 77% PA6 and 23% PA66. The upward depend upon extension. It is very impor- to the changing demands of the market trend of PA6 is expected to continue till tant if a rapid load occurs for example in and proved competitive against aggres- 2020 [19]. parachutes. The fibres show dimensional sive polyesters. Since 2010 there has stability at a humidity in the range of been an increasing demand for thinner fi- Polyamide PA 11 is one other aliphatic 15 - 95%. The change in length at such bres for apparel, primarily for underwear. fibre-grade polyamide put on the- mar conditions does not exceed 1.5%. Prod- The trend is particularly manifested in ket in much lower quantities than PA6 ucts made of aramid fibres are distin- China, where the demand has surged for and PA66 fibres. It has been produced guished by good integrity at elevated ladies underwear and anoraks produced for nearly half a century under the trade temperature, good dynamic fatigue and with NTF yarns. The company PCI Ny- name of Rilsan by the French company dielectric properties. With all these ex- lon forecasts a further increase in nylon Arkema. It is worth mentioning that pol- ceptional properties, the fibres are expen- textile filament (NTF) in such uses to yamide is made of renewable resources; sive to manufacture. Priced much higher about 2.075 million tons in 2020. Nowa- its manufacture is based on plant-derived than classical polyamides, aramids are days about 86% of fibres in the apparel castor oil. The oil-yielding castor plant is not popular in commodities; their prime sector are PA6 compared with a mod- much easier to cultivate than . In use is in special materials. Aramid fibres est 14% of PA66. This proportion might 2009 at the Techtextil Fair in Frankfurt, in a variety of assortments are used in be liable to change till 2020 depending the Japanese company Unitika Fibre and composites, ballistics, aerospace, auto- upon changeable prices of raw materi- Techcak Centre Arkema, Kioto, present- motive, substitute, telecommu- als. What concerns polyamide fibres for ed the results of their joint R&D works: nications, and sport appliances. Braids industrial filament (NIF) was the long- a new PA11 fibre. Unitika, which manu- are made of aramids to shield conduc- lasting downward trend expected after factures the fibre, claims it is light, soft, tors designed for high temperature duty. 2000 mainly in the use of tire cord. New bacteria-resistant and abrasion- resistant. Protective clothing against heat and other emerging technologies and the pressure It was first put to use in car mats; appli- hazards is also one of the application of polyester fibres in this specific area cation is planned in shoes and bags [20]. areas. DuPont has prepared the produc- aroused concerns whether polyamide tion of a very strong thermal resistant could resist the competition. However, Another group of polyamides which are paper for electrical insulation; it is made two tendencies bolstered polyamide fi- used in the textile industry are aromatic of milled sintered short fibres bres: Firstly the demand for trucks and polyamides called aramides. They are with some other material. The paper is buses went up in developing countries; a very important group of industrial pol- designed for use in electrical engineer- in heavy duty vehicles PA6 cord has ymers. Special ones among other poly- ing, the construction of transformers and proved to be better than the competitive amides are and Nomex, because loudspeakers etc.[21, 22]. polyester. Secondly an increase occurred of their possible various practical usage. in specialised product niches like cords, Research on receiving and processing airbags, sewing threats etc. Such ten- began in the laboratories of the research n Polyamide resins dencies brought about a global increase company Du Pont in the USA already in NIF fibre production from 1,172 mil- in the forties of the previous century. The share of polyamides in the global lion tons in 2010 to 1.349 million tons in The outcome of the investigations was in market of engineering plastics is esti- 2015. A further increase to 1.426 million 1961 with the commissioning of a fibre mated at almost one third, as is shown in tons is expected for 2020. The share of based on poly(m-phenyleneisophtala- Figure 4 (see page 16). PA6 and PA66 fibres in the production of mide) (Pm-FIFA). The name Nomex was NIF is about 60% and 40%, respectively. given to the fibre. Some time later, Kev- The percentages in the Figure 4 rep- PCI Nylon is predicted to see a slight in- lar [poly(p-benzamide)] was put into pro- resent the market in the second half of crease in the share of PA66 used by the duction. Other aramides which remained the last decade. Even in 2014, a share of end of the decade. Less favorable is the in production over many years and were 30% of polyamides in global consump- situation of polyamide fibres in the sec- modified are as follows: PRD-49 by Du tion was confirmed in a report prepared tor of carpet filament (PA BCF). There Pont, Fenilon, which was started in So- by the Yano Research Institute Ltd, Tokio has been a definite decline in the produc- viet Union, MZR Duret and X-500T [23]. Based on data provided by manu- tion of these fibres compared to the end by Monsanto Co., AF-402 by Chem- facturers, the Institute forecasted a glob- of the nineties of the previous and early strand, prepared by AKZO in al production of engineering plastics

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 6(120) 15 ing the thickness of their walls. Conse- quently the expensive construction of others 16% polyamides 30% prototypes may be avoided and a chance exists to predict the behaviour of mate- polyacetals 10% rials in unfavorable conditions like high temperature or the presence of chemicals HT plastics 2% [16, 26]. 33% poly(butylene The increasing consumption of resins terephtalates 33% which replace other construction mate- rials is closely related with the general trend to reduce the weight of construction Figure 4. Global market for engineering plastics. Breakdown by type of resin.[16]. elements with maintained or improved mechanical parameters. A good example is the manufacture of lighter automobiles 25% electrical, aimed at reduced petrol consumption. In 12% others electronic recent years many of the metal parts in cars have been replaced with polymers and light metals like aluminum. To bet- 8% construction ter illustrate the possible replacement, for example, 15 kg of polyamide is ca- 14% packaging pable of replacing 30 kg of steel. Many of the polyamide elements inside a car increase stiffness at critical points. Pro- 41% automative duced from Ultramid B3WG6 CR bump- ers have a construction which relieves the effects of a pedestrian/car collision. Figure 5. Use of polyamide resins in various industry branches [16]. Cars are lighter and road safety is im- proved. Considerable amounts of poly- of 8.6 million and 9 million tons for ing segment, being used as a component amides are used in car parts like throt- 2016 and 2017, respectively, surpass- of multi-layer packaging materials. tling valves, the housing of the motor chamber, and suction manifolds. The ele- ing 10 million tons in 2020 [23]. As per ments reveal high stability and crack re- the Markets and Markets’ report, the to- Polyamides are hard, tough and rigid materials. Having high impact abrasion sistance. Some of the elements are quite tal value of the market for engineering and wear resistance, they are great for massive, reaching up to 7 kg, like the plastics in 2017 shall reach a value of application in the manufacture of many twin modules in the motors for the BMW 76 billion US dollars [24], and according construction elements. The big players M5 sports version. Housings for air bags are made of a PA6 Ultramid B contain- to another report of the company, it will of the polyamide scene like BASF SE, ing 40% of glass fibres. One other type of achieve 97 billion US dollars in 2020 at EMS-Chemie AG and DuPont focus their PA66 with a 50% content of glass fibres growth rate of 7.6% [25] . activities in a specific field not only, as is used to make adapters for coolers. Pol- before, on large-tonnage customers. They yamides are resistant to chemicals like pay great attention to preparing new as- The demand for polyamide resins, pri- crude oil products, which has triggered sortments for smaller enterprises which marily PA6 and PA66, in the manufac- attempts to prepare oil sumps, as well as need highly specialised products that ture of engineering plastics sector is also petrol-, brakes- and AC- pipes with their were previously not accessible to them. expected to grow. The biggest suppliers use [16]. Such companies were earlier served by of PA6 resin are: BASF SE, DSM En- smaller polyamide suppliers. The manu- gineering Plastics BV and Lanxess AG. The chance of harnessing polyamides to facture and modification of polyamides meet high quality demands is the driv- PA66 resin is provided mainly by Du- for specific applications does not bring ing force of the branch. The mechani- Pont, Solvay (the former Rhodia SA) and success on the market, as high quality cal properties of polyamide composites BASF SE [11]. products must be accompanied by broad with glass and carbon fibres or other extensive technical support given to cus- polyamides often match those of met- Figure 5 illustrates the estimated de- tomers by the producer. A good exam- als. Epic Polymers Ltd, Kaiserslautern. mand for polyamide resin in various ap- ple of this has been seen recently using Germany has presented the material Stra- plications. As can be seen in Figure 5, a computer-simulated selection of poly- tor XC, composed of PA66 and polyph- amide components. The new numerical the automotive sector is the largest con- talamid (PPA) reinforced with carbon models take into consideration not only fibre, whose stiffness is comparable with sumer, with grow rates of polyamides the non- linear viscosity and plasticity of magnesium and its tenacity with steel. higher than for other resins. The electri- the compounds but also the anisotropic High stiffness is also featured by another cal/electronic branch is the second larg- behaviour of short glass fibres used to composite - Technyl Star AFX made by est. The use of polyamide film dominates reinforce resin; thus easing Solvay from PA66 with up to 60% of in the consumption pattern of the packag- the construction of parts by e.g. optimiz- glass fibre. Marketed by BASF, Ultramid

16 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 6(120) D3EG12 HMG, a semi-aromatic poly- replace the prone-to-damage cabling Ultramid A3EG6FC, which has been ap- amide with a 60% content of glass fibres systems, and ease the assembly. For that proved for contact with food [10]. is designed to compete with zinc and alu- sort of application BASF has prepared minum. A very high module of elasticity the semi-crystalline, semi-aromatic tem- Most of the examples of polyamide distinguishes the material. It has found perature-resistant Ultramid T 4381 LDS materials above point at physically or application in the construction of back- with a laser-formed structure [10, 11, chemically modified PA6 and PA66. rests in the BMW i3 car. Thanks to its 16, 26]. Other polyamides also come into play. excellent mechanical characteristics, low Semi-aromatic polyamides based on water absorbance and good dimensional In the packaging business polyamides poly(phtalamide) made by DuPont de Ne- stability, Ultramid is replacing zinc in are primarily used in the form of film. mours, Solvay and Ems-Chemie AG are specific parts. A solution has been devel- Single polyamide film is rarely used, used in the automotive industry. Long- oped by the Japanese company Somic but a common application is in multi- chain polyamides like PA12 produced by Ishikawa Inc., Hamamatsu, which was layer, transparent foil combined with Evonik Industries AG and EMS-Chemie able to reduce the weight of backrests by other polymeric film of , AG [11] are replacing PA 6 and PA66 about 50% in comparison to the metal polypropylene or poly(vinyl alcohol). In in products in which durability and di- version. The automotive industry is not such films for the packing of perishable mensional stability in varying weather the sole branch where metals are being alimentary products like cheese, meat conditions are the challenge. They are replaced with polyamide resins. Hous- etc, the polyamide layer provides a good used mainly in situations requiring very ings for water meters are mostly made of barrier that prevents oxygen penetration specific characteristics and in situations bronze. BASF has elaborated a polyam- as well as loss of humidity and aroma. where their characteristics and wide area ide called Ultramid D3EG1O Aqua ap- The polyamide component adds stabil- of usage is more important than the price. proved for uses in contact with potable ity to the multilayer structure. The pre- The same is true of another group called water to replace bronze and other metals sent trend in households of using small bio-polyamides, which are based on nat- in water supply systems. Semi-aromatic packaging units for ready-made food is ural renewable resources. The dominat- polyamide has low water absorption and expected to bolster the demand for poly- ing is the long-chain polyamide high stiffness, and is resistant to hydroly- amides in film manufacture in the com- PA11. The largest producer of the mate- sis [11]. ing years [16]. rial is Arkema SA, which derives it from castor oil. Other representatives in the Polyamide resins applied in the electri- Polyamide resins also find use in build- group are polyamides PA 6,10, PA 6,12, cal/electronic field must satisfy high de- ing. Simple stuff like door handles, pins PA10,10 and PA10,12, supplied primar- mands for safety and flammability. -Re and handrails are often made of PA, yet ily by DuPont, Evonik Industries AG, quired is good insulation, high resistance more advanced products are also an out- EMS-Grivory, Suzhou Hipro and BASF to heat as well as chemical and good me- let, like special long-life, UV-resistant, SE. The polymers are an interesting chanical properties. Works are on-going weatherproof fastening elements. Pho- complement to the classical crude-oil- to prepare new polyamide resins for this tovoltaics have opened a new avenue of derived polyamides. In some specific ap- branch. A better process ability is also application for polyamides. Several new plications they compete with the classical one of the goals. Improved melt flow be- grades of polyamides have recently been ones, while in other niche uses they target haviour provided the possibility of pro- approved for use in the construction of high quality demands, surpassing PA6 ducing housings with thinner walls, thus photovoltaic modules, for example Ul- and PA66. Worth mentioning is the envi- saving material. The need to confer anti- tramid A3X2G7, Ultramid A3XZG5 and ronmental aspect of the use of bio-poly- flame properties emerges in the -prepa Ultramid B High Speed [10, 16]. amides. Both the material and production ration of various elements and parts for technologies are environment-friendly. industrial installations, civil engineering The list of other possible applications for Prices higher in comparison to crude-oil- constructions and households. Additives polyamides is quite long, with the fol- derived polymers presently pose a barrier used for this purpose in polyamides are lowing being a few examples of estab- for wider use, which may change in the compounds based on halides, antimony, lished, common uses: gear wheels, ma- future with the rising prices of the clas- phosphorus, nitrogen or hydroxides of chinery parts, pressure pipes, wheels for metals. Examples of polyamide resins prams, fishing lines, monofilaments for sical materials and tax relief, privileging with reduced flammability are Ultramids brushes, strings for tennis rockets, aero- natural materials. Their increasing use made by BASF and selected Durethans sol containers, blood bags, syringe cath- will certainly depend upon interesting by Lanxess. Ultramid A3X is a PA66 eters and many more. Extensive research properties and new possible application polymer with the addition of red phos- is devoted to finding new material com- areas. The emerging possibility of blend- phorus, which effectively reduces -flam binations and new fields of use, which ing nature-derived polymers with fossil- mability. An admixture of long glass fi- demonstrates the great versatility of these derived ones may bring such a chance. bres to the polymer adds high strength at materials, whose properties can be very The blending may also lead to favorable even a low temperature, and low creep- successfully adapted to specific require- price/ output/ quality proportions [27]. ing at high temperature. DuPont makes ments in other areas. An example might another halide-free PA66 named ® be the interest shown in polyamides by n FR95G25V0NH, which shows high age- the furniture designers Bouroullec broth- Summary ing resistance at elevated temperature. ers, who designed the so-called “Chairs The polyamide market is a mature mar- Innovative in the branch of electrical/ plant”. Another example is the design ket and well developed. We can observe electronics are polymeric elements with of the design studio ding3000 so-called growth tendencies in terms of its global integrated circuits on their surface which “Joined cutlery”, based on polyamide size as well as predicted production

FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 6(120) 17 growth in future years. In spite of the fact 6. Global Industry Analysts Inc., Report Ny- 100% vegetable origin produced from that polyamides can be used in classi- lon – A global strategic business repor”, Rilsan® PA11. cal applications such as the production 7. http://www.prweb.com/releases/nylon_ 22. Hałasa E E, Heneczkowski M. Aromatic market/nylon_6_market/prweb3832954. of chemical fibres, for many years there Polyamides Part 1 (in Polish) Polimery htm have been noticed big growth tendencies 1998; 144. 8. PR Newswire Report, Bio-Polyamide, 23. Hałasa F E, Heneczkowski M. Aromatic concerning the demand for polyamide Specialty Polyamide & Precursors Mar- Polyamides Part 2 (in Polish) Polimery ket by Type (PA 6, PA 66, PA 10, PA 11, resins. The polyamide resin sector will 1998, 209. PA 12 & Others), by Precursor (CPL, be much bigger not only in terms of its 24. Yano Research Institute Ltd., Report ADA & HDMA), by Material ( & Plas- size, but also its quality. In the coming Global Engineering Plastics Market: Key tics) & Application (Textile, Automotive, years, more and more polyamide resins E&E & Others) - Global Trends & Fore- Research Findings 2014. based on various polyamides will form casts to 2019, http://www.marketsand- 25. Markets and Markets, Report Global an integrated part of various, individual markets.com/ Market-Reports/polyam- Engineering Plastics Market Worth technical and technological solutions. ide-precursors-market-29328940.html $76,823.4 Million by 2017, http://www. 9. Chemical Fiber International 2015; 1: 28 prnewswire.com/news-releases/mar- 10. AWJ Consulting, Report The Polyamide ketsandmarkets-global-engineering- Market in Europe, September 2010. plastics-market-worth-768234-million- References 11. Bluhm R at al., Polyamides (PA), Dy- by-2017-160490825.html namic Development. Kunststoffe Inter- 26. MarketsandMarkets, Report Engineer- 1. Albrecht W, Chrzczonowicz S, Cztern- national 2011; 10: 27-32. ing Plastics Market by Type (PC, ABS, astek W, Włodarczyk M and Ziabicki A. 12. Scheibitz M, Cremer J, Polyamides PET & PBT, POM, Fluoropolymers Poliamidy, WNT Warszawa, 1964. (PA), Problem Solver for Lightweight 2. Chemical Fiber International 2015; 3: 129. and Others), Application (Automotive Construction and Numerous Highly- & Transport, Industrial & Machinery, 3. PCI Research GmbH, “Yellow Book” Specialized Cases. Kunststoffe Interna- Packaging, Consumer Appliances, World PA6 & PA66 Supply/Demand Re- tional 2014; 10: 34-39. and Others) - Global Forecast to 2020, port, 2016 13. Chemical Fiber International 2013; 3: 148. http://www.marketsandmarkets.com/ 4. Ceresana Market Intelligence. Consult- 14. https://www.basf.com/en/com- ing, Report Market Study: Polyamide – pany/news-and-media/news- Market-Reports/engineering -plastics- PA6 & PA66. releases/2015/05/p-15-222.html, market-687.html 5. Markets and Markets, Report Polyam- 15. Chemical Fiber International 2013, 1: 24. 27. Papers from Du Pont Fakuma Fair 2014: ide Market by Type (PA 6, PA 66, Bio- 16. Chemical Fiber International 2012, 2: 74. Werkstoffentwicklungen und anwend- Based & Specialty), by Application (Au- 17. Rosenau B, Polyamides (PA), Growth ungstechnische Zusammenarbeit als tomotive, Films & Coatings, Industrial/ in PA Compounds. Kunststoffe Interna- Antrieb für Innovationen. Machineries, Consumer Goods & Appli- tional 2007; 10: 66-70. 28. Kabasci S. Bio-Based Plastics Material ances, & Textiles, and Others), by 18. Man-Made Fiber Year Book 2015; 24. and Applications, 275-293, Wiley 2014. Process, and by Region-Global Trends 19. Man-Made Fiber Year Book 2015; 25. and Forecast to 2020, http://www.mar- 20. Man-Made Fiber Year Book 2015; 27. ketsandmarkets.com /PressReleases/ 21. Advert materials of Arkema Co ,New global-nylon.asp high performance synthetic fiber of Received 29.07.2015 Reviewed 02.11.2016


The team conducts R&D in melt spinning of synthetic fibres Main research Fields: n processing of thermoplatic polymers to fibres: n classic LOY spinning: n fibres of round and profiled cross-section and hollow fibres, n special fibres including bioactive and biodegradable fibres n technical fibres, eg. hollow fibres for gas separation, filling fibres for concrete n bicomponent fibres: n side-to-side (s/s) type self-crimping and self-splitting, n core/sheath (c/s) type n processing of thermoplastic polymers to nonwovens, monofilaments, bands and other fibrous materials directly spun from the polymer melt, n assessment of fibre-forming properties of thermoplastic polymers including testing of filterability Equipment: Pilot-scale equipment for conducting investigations in melt spinning of fibres : n spinning frames for: n continuous fibresof 15-250 dtex, n bicomponent continuous fibres of 20 – 200 dtex) n drawing frames for continuous filament of 15 – 2000 dtex n laboratory stand for spun bonded nonwoven 30 cm width n laboratory stand for investigations in the field of staple fibres (crimping, cutting line) n laboratory injection molding machine with a maximum injection volume of 128 cm3 n testing devices (Dynisco LMI 4003 plastometer, Brabender Plasticorder PLE 330 with laboratory film extrusion device), n monofilament line for monofilaments of 0.3 – 1 mm diameter

Implemented technologies (since 2000): n texturized polyamide fibres modified with amber for preparation of special antirheumatic products, n polyolefin hollow fibres for gas separation n bioactive polypropylene POY fibres, n modified polypropylene yarns, n polyolefin fibres manufactured from PP/PE wastes

Contact: Team Leader: Krystyna Twarowska-Schmidt, Ph.D., Eng. tel: +48 42 638 03 24, e-mail: [email protected]

18 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016, Vol. 24, 6(120)