ANNEX 4: KHIEU SAMPHAN CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]
00948464 E295/6/1.4 ANNEX 4: KHIEU SAMPHAN CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources] Date Fact Source 27 July 1931 Khieu Samphan was born at Commune of Rom (1) E3/557, Khieu Samphan OCIJ Statement, 19 November 2007, at ENG 00153266, KHM 00153228, FRE 00153296; Chek, District of Rom Duol, Srok Rumduol, Svay (2) E1!21.1, Transcript, 13 December 2012, Khieu Samphan, 13.58.25; Rieng Province to his parents Khieu Long and Ly (3) E3/110, Sasha Sher, The Biography 0/ Khieu Samphan, at ENG 00280537, KHM Kong. 00702682, FRE 00087511; (4) E3/27, Khieu Samphan OCIJ Statement, 13 December 2007, at ENG 00156741. 1944 -1947 Khieu Samphan attended Preah Sihanouk College (1) E3/9, Philip Short, Pol Pot: The History 0/ a Nightmare, at ENG 00396223-26, FRE 00639487-91; in Kampong Cham one year behind Saloth Sar. (2) E3/713, Khieu Samphan Interview, January 2004, at ENG 00177979, KHM Khieu Samphan and Saloth Sar alias Pol Pot 00792436-37, FRE 00812131; organized for a theatre troupe to tour the provinces to (3) El!189.1, Transcript, 6 May 2013, Philip Short 09.24.24 to 09.26.54; (4) E1!21.1, Transcript, 13 December 2012, Khieu Samphan,14.03.34 to 14.05.20; raise money for them to visit the temples of Angkor (5) E3/2357R, Video Entitled "Pol Pot: The Journey to the Killing Fields," 2005, 06:04 to Wat. 06: II. 1946 Khieu Samphan, since 1946, had been actively E3/111, Ieng Sary Interview, 31 January 1972, at ENG 00762419, KHM 00711435-36, FRE 00738627.
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